F.S. Miller My brass check no. is 3108035
Miss Sylvia Klair
Mrs. Maris T. Miller Rifle Number 586650 Pistol Number 338282 The dates of the entries start in the year of 1918 upon deployment to France. Sept. 11- At Fane (Fains?) all day went to billets in town turned in a lot of stuff Sept. 12- Still loafing around same place - got my hair cut with clippers. Lots of aeroplanes here. Quite a village. Sept. 13- Packed up to leave in the morning. Got aboard truck at 6P.M. Chauffers were Japs. Traveled all night. Truck went in ditch twice. Went through Bar Le Duc - a pretty place but damaged by shells. Sat. Sept. 14- We are in 3rd line trenches now and are near the Aurgerment Riccicourt Woods. Sept. 15- Not so much doing today although air raids are frequent. This is like a big woods camp- every place here has been shelled. Sept. 16- At camp all day. Weather very nice and moonlight in eve. Orders to pack. All packed when we were raided with air bombs. Went to dugouts. McShane lost gas mask. HA. Sept. 17- Arrived in a new camp early this morning- had a shower but is clear this afternoon with air raids in eve. Recicourt Sept. 18- Still in camp weather fine we are getting used to the raids but it's an awful thing to sit still and listen for those devils. Sept. 19- Rained most all day. Nothing much doing. Sept. 20- Did some drilling. Struck tents and moved a few mile nearer. Full moon, very pretty night. Sat. Sept. 21- At new camp- raids are more frequent and some gas. Mail came in 10 letters- they have made me a little homesick. Sept. 22- Went on guard at 7:30 last night and off at 3:30 today- at intervals of 2 hours on and 4 off. Was expecting an attack this morning but nothing happened - there is 20 Div. in this sec. with 600 cannons. Sept. 23- Weather very wet. Nothing doing. Have not changed or had my clothes off for more than two weeks. Water very scarce here. Sept. 24- Went on detail to mind roads up to the front- were right near front line trench- weather cold at night. Sept. 25- Air fight right over our heads this morning. Left camp for front. We are to start a drive in morning on Verdun front. Sept. 25 Started for front about 8 PM at Mid W were under heavy fire from our own and enemy guns and sure was red from guns and bursting of shells night of Sept 25 - At Argone Forrest 79 Div relieves 26 (Division) Sept. 26 Slept shell hole over top of trench with heavy shell fire Sept. 27th - Sept. 30th There are no entries in Frank's diary. The 314th Infantry was heavily involved in combat, partaking in the Meuse Argonne Offensive and capturing the town of Montfaucon, France. Oct. 1- Hiked all day from front back to camp with nothing to eat. Hope I can forget about this last few day as it has been worse than hell. We advanced about 13 mile. The 3rd Div. relieved us. (We captured Montfaucon) Oct. 2- In camp all day cleaning some of the mud off us- have been sick and almost all in today. Oct. 3- Not feeling any better today- find that several of my comrades have not returned and never will. Oct. 4- Broke camp last night at 6 o'clock. Hiked until 3 A.M.(?) - slept in a woods until 8 A.M. Laid around until 4P.M. Started on the go again. Oct. 5- Hiked until 9P.M. last night- stopped near a village over the night. Nothing much to eat. Lots of fellows dropped out. Oct. 6- Started on hike at 8 A.M. without any breakfast. Stopped at 7 P.M. at our billets or shacks in woods- only one meal of coffee, bread, and salmon - we are all in. Oct. 7- Are fixed pretty comfortable here but we are about all done for. Have shaved and cleaned up a little. Band concert in eve.- word that Germans want peace. Oct. 8- Are checking up on men and equipment- find a lot short- weather wet and cold Oct. 9- Loafed around camp all day. Not feeling very well. Drew rations for another move. I received 10 letters - they made me a little homesick Oct.10- Lots of rumors today of peace but don't take much stock in it. We got orders to pack and be ready to move at 5 P.M. Turned our time one hour back today. Orders now will not leave until 12:30 A.M. Oct. 11- Hiked from 12:30 until 6 A.M. - camped in a woods. Packed up to start again at 12:30 Sat. Oct. 12- Hiked until about 5 A.M. Arrived at Rauzieries- went in billets- town pretty well shelled Oct. 13- Went on detail in kitchen all day- am glad to get in kitchen once in awhile. We had a pretty bad hike and are tired out Oct. 14- We started to do some drilling today. Lots of reports about peace but I don't take much stock in it. We have a very nice billet with big fireplace in it Oct. 15- On detail all day crushing stone near kitchen. Weather very wet. Have to go on guard tonight. There is lots of rats around billets Oct. 16- Rained all day- nothing much doing. It certainly is good to go to bed without shoes and stockings- have not slept without our clothes on since about Sept. 10 Oct. 17- Was on detail all day but did not do much work. This place is quite a ways from the front Oct. 18- Drilled all day or about 4 hours. The sun was shining today- the first time for a long time. There was an air raid here today - that is an aeroplane fight. Sat. Oct. 19- Drilled in Morn.- one detail in afternoon and on guard at night. Rained all night Oct. 20- This has seemed more like Sunday than any day since Piericourt. Weather fair. Oct. 21- On detail in kitchen all day. Received word to pack up in a hurry Oct. 22- We left in a hurry for front. Hiked about 4 mile and were halted for rest of night. Received orders to return back to Ranzieres at 12 o'clock. We were to be in support of 313th Regiment as Huns made an attack but were held up by the Americans. Oct. 23- We went on Regiment guard at 5 o'clock last evening until 5 P.M. today. This has been the nicest day since I have been in France. Aeroplanes have been very active all night and all day. We actually saw a real woman today. Oct. 24- Orders to get ready to move. Rolled packs and left Ranzieres at 6 P.M. Hiked until 10 P.M. to Sommedieu Oct. 25- We woke up in a fair sized town and it must have been a very pretty place at one time as it sets between two mountains. There is a YMCA here- the first real YMCA we have come to. Our company is getting reorganized for action. I mailed 220 Frc.'s. or $40. home to Mother. Name of place is Sommedieu Sat. Oct. 26- Nothing much doing today. I wrote to Sylvia and sent her a 20 Fr. Note. We got paid this eve. Weather wet and cold. Oct. 27- We are having it very easy here. Expect to go up to the front again soon. Went to church in an old furniture factory and it was a very good sermon. The text was St. Matthew X1-28th verse. Saw a sort of show in afternoon with one American girl. Got orders to pack for a move Oct. 28- We left Sommedieu at 9 P.M. Hiked intil 3 A.M. camped all day in wood near Verdun road. Orders to get ready for another hike. Oct. 29- Hiked last night from 6 P.M. until about 11 P.M. Slept in a very big dugout near Gumonville. This is very pretty country here. This is a very nice day. We saw about 50 aeroplanes- one was shot down Oct. 30- Hiked from 6 P.M. last night until about 12:00- camped in wood all night- it's very near the front here. Weather is clear but pretty cold. Laid around woods all day Oct. 31- Stayed at same place all night. Got orders to be ready to move at noon. Pulled out at 5 P.M.- landed in front trenches at 1 A.M. Nov. 1- We certainly had a great Halloween last night- came through Death Valley and are situated on a big mountain - 6 were killed this morning- hill #319 Sat. Nov. 2- I was on detail most all night last night. Slept most of day that is when we were not shelled. Snipers and artillery are very active here. Nov. 3- On ration (?) detail most of last night- it was the worst night I ever put in I think as it rained most of time and am covered with mud. I got two letters last night- one from (spelling) and one from Sylvia. We get one meal a day here Nov. 4- Was sent out on listening post last night out on no mans land and I can say it was some trip- one I will never forget as we crawled on our hands and feet in the mud. Capt. sent me on another detail this morning to look for the C.O. We are all very near done for Nov. 5- Stayed in trench all day. Things are a little better but eats and water is very hard to get. This is part of Verdun sector Nov.6- Moved to new trench last night. The ones we have now are worse than other ones. There is not so much artillery fire this day. Nov. 7- Nothing much doing last night. Went on detail in afternoon. Weather is raining. We certainly are getting dirty. And awful glad I am not a ground hog Nov. 8- I did not get back from detail until about 12 o'clock last night on account of heavy shelling and gas. There was an ammunition dump on fire in Death Valley- was dangerous to face- very wet and muddy- nothing much doing today Nov. 9- We started over the top at 4 o'clock last night. Stayed in woods all night and went forward at day break. Went about 5 K. before we encountered enemy on the top of a mountain. Very hard country to travel. Rained all day Nov. 10- Slept or laid out all night with our clothes wet. We are almost froze as it was very cold- the first ice this year. We have not advanced very far today. We are all about give out and nothing to eat. There is only about 12 in our platoon - rest have fallen back Nov.11- (Last day of the war)- We advanced about 2 K last eve. - over two mountains. (spelling) .were on post- things were pretty quiet. Very cold standing guard. Our rations are getting very short. This morning we started to advance and were halted at 11 o'clock to await peace terms. At present we can hear the Huns shouting and singing but can't see them on account of fog. We are all praying this is the finish. I am almost give out as have not washed or shaved for 12 days. 8 P.M. - The Huns are giving us a fine display of fireworks - a very pretty night but cold to sleep out..but we are dug in pretty well Nov. 12- We have laid around all day. There are a lot of Huns around here. It looks as if the war is about over. It certainly is nice to be able to walk around and do as we like, as we have not been able to talk above a whisper or stick our heads above the ground for two months. Nov. 13- It sure was cold last night. I have got cooties all over me. We went back to our former trenches after our packs. Were put in billets tonight. We saw a lot of dead on the battlefield. Weather very nice. This town is Chaumont. Nov. 14- Cup our billets and equipment. I shaved and took a bath to try and get rid of my friends. We are getting good eats now. Nov. 15- I slept with my clothes off last night- first time since Sept. 10th. We drilled a little today. Weather fine Sat. Nov. 16- Drilled about 2 hrs. today. Signed payroll this eve. Weather is clear but very cold Nov. 17- Nothing much to do today. We got one piece candy and box of cakes from YMCA and one pack cigarettes for 2 ½ Fr. Nov. 18- Drilled about an hour. Inspection of arms. Weather fine Nov. 19- Drilled about 2 hrs. I was put in charge of the 5th squad in Perries place. Weather very pleasant Nov. 20- We packed up and hiked about 4 K. to an old German camp located between two hills. We have a very small shack for 8 of us. Weather very pleasant Nov. 21- Did some policing up. Weather fine Nov. 22- Went to Wavrille to take a bath- the mornings are pretty cold Sat. Nov. 23- Had an inspection of all equipment. Weather cold but clear Nov. 24- Cleaned up billets. Went to church service in afternoon Nov. 25- Went before Major McGinnis for examination for corporal- don't think I passed. Rained most all day Nov. 26- We took a pleasure hike today of 10 mile through mud up to our shoe tops. Were about all in tonight. We are getting two meals now but they are very good. Weather fair Nov. 27- Cleaning up after our hike yesterday. Rained today Nov. 28- Thanksgiving day. I have a lot to be thankful for. Went to church today. We had corn willie for dinner- some dinner. Rained today. Had two letters- one from Emily and other from Sylvia Nov. 29- Went on detail to police up the battlefield. It was some job. Weather very nice Sat. Nov. 30- Packed up and moved about 8 miles to another German camp on side of a big mountain. A very pretty place Dec. 1- Cleaned up our billets and ourselves. As comfortable as possible. This is a pretty good place Dec.2- Drilled for about 4 hours. Walked to top of mountain- a very pretty view Dec.3- Went on hike to Mangiennes about 8 kilos away. Received letter from Rhronsic Dec. 4-5 Drill Dec. 6- Went on hike about 17 kilos. Went on guard as corporal. Sat. Dec. 7- Relieved off guard at 3 P.M. - inspection of all equipment Dec. 8- Went to church in morning - a very good sermon. Took bath in afternoon Dec. 9- Brigade inspection in the morning- took bath in afternoon. I am putting on airs to take two baths in one month Dec. 10- Went on hike beyond Damvillers - roads were fair Dec. 11- Drilled for 4 hrs. Rained most all day. Got 4 letters tonight Dec. 12- Rain and drill Dec 13- Drill and rain Sat. Dec.14- Inspection of arms and equipment Dec. 15- Went to church in morning. Had real fire for dinner. The sun shone today- first time in a long time Dec. 16- On detail all day. We got doughnuts for supper- some class. I received my Christmas box today and it was broke open and a lot was gone Dec. 17- On a problem in morning. Candy fine- found pictures in box from home Dec. 18- Went to Automatic school at Thierville near Verdun- went in trucks Dec.19- Learned about different parts. Went to Verdun in eve. Dec. 20- At the school all day. We sure get good eats here. Finished school Sat. Dec. 21- We left Thierville at 9:30 reaching camp at about 11:30 Dec. 22- Nothing to do today. Went on guard as 3 P.M. as corporal Dec. 23- On guard all day Dec. 24- Problem in morning. Rifle range in afternoon. Received word the Co. going to move (the) 26th. I got a pass Dec. 25- Nothing extra doing. Had a good dinner- macaroni, tomatoes, beef and doughnuts. Dec. 26- Got pass- left camp at 11 A.M. stayed at Verdun all night Dec. 27- Left Verdun at 1 (?) P.M. for Bar Le Duc arriving at 8. Left same at 11 P.M. Sat. Dec 28- Arrived Paris at 7 A.M. This is a great place. Left same at 9:05 P.M. Dec. 29- Arrived Lyon at 7:30 A.M. This is a very nice city. Left Lyon at 5:15 P.M. arrived at Aise Les Bains at 11:30 P.M. Dec. 30- Got up at 10 A.M. This is a fine place. Did not do much but look around Dec. 31- Went in hot water care (?) and museum. Had great time at YMCA in eve. Jan. 1- Went up on Mt. Renard by train and walked back, a fine trip. Lots of snow - was sledding fight Jan. 2- (spelling?) at trip to Mt. Chamfotte. Took dinner at Hotel. Very pretty view along lake. Walked back 12 mile Jan. 3- Took bath in morning. Very nice and warm. Went on boat ride in afternoon Sat. Jan. 4- Got up at 11:30- went to show at YMCA in afternoon Jan. 5- At .Y. most all day. At church in 'Y' in eve. - heard a very good sermon Jan. 6- Around 'Y' all day. Playing billiards and taking in show. We checked out today- expect to leave at 7:30 tomorrow Jan. 7- We left Aise Les Bains at 9 A.M. - arrived at Is Sur Till at 10 P.M. We are riding first class Jan. 8- Left Is Sur Till at 4 P.M. We went threw some very pretty country Jan. 9- Arrived at Soolie at 9A.M. Got on trucks and arrived at Co. at 12. Drilled in afternoon Jan. 10- Put in quarantine and was released at noon Jan. 11- In quarters all day- went to bed early Jan. 12- In quarters all day- went to church in eve. Jan. 13- On detail all day. Got 4 letters - two from Sylvia - got paid Jan. 14-17- Drill every day- there is nothing ever happening here Jan. 18- Inspection in morning. Major made us drill in afternoon. Received three letters- one from Mother saying Flora is very sick- wrote on Dec. 24th. Heard a very good speaker at Canteen - Mr.(?) Neuman Jan. 19- In bed till 11 o'clock. Went to church in eve. Jan. 20- Drilled all day. Received two letters- one from Mother saying Flora is better. Jan. 21- Drilled Jan. 22- Drilled Jan. 23- Problem Jan. 25- Inspection in morning- passed okay Jan. 26- Went to French church in morning and to own church in eve. Snowed in eve. Jan. 27- On rifle range most all morning. Went to dandy show in eve. Jan. 28- On problem all morning. Had teeth inspection in afternoon Jan. 29- In charge of quarters all day. Jan. 30- On detail all day. Weather cold Jan. 31- On guard all day. Snowing today Sat. Feb 1- At rifle range shooting all day- did fair. Most to cold to shoot Feb. 2- On detail at Div. range all day- almost a riot there as we did not have any dinner except one sandwich. Went to church in eve. A very good sermon Feb 3- Went to infirmary - maked quarters and not feeling very good Feb. 4-6 In quarters with lame back Feb. 7- On detail all day. Very cold Feb. 8- Inspection of billets. To cold for rifle inspection Feb. 9- Went on guard at 4 P.M. Feb. 10- On guard until 4 P.M. Very cold and slippery. I almost froze and fell down twice Feb. 11- On Ration detail all day. Am not feeling very well Feb. 12- Went to infirmary - was put on duty - drilled in morning Feb. 13- On problem most all day Feb. 14- On gas guard all day. There was a big Div. problem in town. Rumors of Germans taking up arms again Feb. 15- Inspection in morning. I took nap in afternoon and overslept myself and missed retreat Feb. 16- Reading most all day. Went to church in eve. Weather much warmer Feb. 17- Moved from Erize la Grande to Rosnes about 5 kilos Feb. 18- Drilled two hrs. Went to Soully in afternoon to see football game between 79th Div. and 28th Div. 28th beat 9-0 Feb. 19- Went to a Horse show at Erize- la- was fine but weather was wet Feb. 20- Went on guard last night until 4 P.M. today. Rained most all night Feb. 21- We went to Eize-la- Grande for a Brigade Review. I did not parade so came back to Rosnes Sat. Feb. 22- Nothing to do today Feb. 23- Went for walk in the woods- scared up a wild boar and some rabbits. Went to church in morning Feb. 24- Brigade Review in morning. Athletics in afternoon Feb. 25- On problem all day. Rained hard all the time Feb.26- On a problem- rained hard Feb.27- Nothing to do as it's a Division Holiday Feb. 28- Out to rifle range to keep score- rained Sat. Mar. 1- On gas guard all day. Weather very nice and clear Mar. 2- Went to Erize-la- Grande to write letters Mar. 3- On guard at 4 P.M. Mar.4- Finished guard at 4 P.M. Mar.5- On detail all day Mar. 6- Out to shoot in morning Mar. 7- On problem in morning. Played soccer ball in afternoon and I got a good kick Sat. Mar. 8- On detail all morning Mar. 9- Writing all day Mar. 10- Shooting in morning- was inoculated in afternoon Mar. 11- We are all in quarters on account of inoculation Mar. 12- On detail all day Mar. 13- On battalion problem all day Mar. 14- On latrine guard all day Sat. Mar. 15- Shooting in morning, nothing doing in afternoon Mar. 16- Went to church in morning, wrote letters in afternoon Mar.17- Shooting in morning, nothing much doing in afternoon Mar. 18- On road detail all day Mar.19- On Range detail Mar.20- On Range detail Mar.21- In charge of quarters Sat. Mar.22- Inspection in morning, nothing doing in afternoon Mar. 23- No church today as chaplain is away. Went on guard at 4 P.M. Weather fine Mar. 24- Came off guard at 4 P.M. Mar. 25- On detail all day - getting ready for a move. Turned in all extra clothes Mar. 26- On gas guard all day Mar. 27- On wood detail all day 5th Squad
F.S. Miller Mar. 28- Left Rosenes at 9:15 A.M. going through Ezizela Burrlck Rumont- Stopping in Erize St. Taizier staying all night arriving at 12 noon about 8 K Sat. Mar 29- Had a good nights sleep last night. Left St. Dizier at 8:30 A.M. and went through Gesy Loison, Leuily, Silmont, Guerpont, Pronville arriving at Velains at 12 noon going about 20 kilo. It sure did rain hard all the way- we were wet to the hide. Only made 2 stops to rest Mar. 30- Got up at 5:15 - had breakfast and started on our hike at 7:30- going through Ligney, Longeaus, Hevilliers,and Biencourt arriving at Bure at 1:30 P.M. We hiked about 25 Kilos and it sure was a hard hike as it snowed all day Mar. 31- We got up at 4:45 A.M. Very cold but clear. Left Bure at 7 A.M. going through Saudron, Gillaume, Echenay, Soulaincourt, Germay, Morronvillers- landing at Trampot at 1:15 going about 25 Kilos. I was about all in when getting here. And also bat. (battalion) is located near April 1- Got up at 6 A.M. .Left Tramflot at 9 A.M. going through Gillianville, Lafauche at about 11:30- going 9 Kilos. This is where we will stay for a while- am glad our hike is over- weather fine today April 2- This is quite a nice town. We did not do anything but rest and clean up. Weather fine April 3- On detail all day fixing walk. This near base hospital #117 (?) April 4- Nothing doing today but draw our outfits April 5- Inspection in morning. Nothing doing in afternoon
Mother French History- The 1st battle fought at Montfaucon in the year 840 by the Romans and the battle we fought was the 17th battle. We captured the town the 27th and 28th of Sept. 1918
Some of my Company friends:
Officers that Frank also listed include; The last several pages of Frank's first diary include notes about times and places- many of these towns, the spelling is very hard to discern if correct but have been duly logged as below:
First Drive;
Way back; I, Pvt. Frank S. Miller received from Sgt. Fitzgerald Oct. 18th - 8 ½ Franc's to keep for the 1st platoon of Co. C 314th Infantry Sgt. Fitzgerald drew 2 Fr. On Oct. 23 for cakes for each squad. Leaving 6 ½ Fr. Balance Boysenalloui- Nov. 1 to Crepien Moirey Nov. 9 - Chaumont, Gibercy, Damvilliers- Nov.10 German Camp Dec. 5- 25, we left German camp Dec. 26 on furlow - Co. hiked to Erize le Grande
Thompson (killed) 20 Fr. Erize la Brulei
End of first diary.
Frank S. Miller