Full text of "The official history of the 315th Infantry U. S. A.; being a true record of its organization and training, of its operations in the World War, and of its activities following the signing of the armistice. 1917-1919" Copyright 1920 by Tlie Historical Board of the 315th Infantry Philadelphia. Pennsylvania THE OFFICIAL HISTORY OF THE 315TH INFANTRY U. S. A. Being a True Record of its Organization and Training, of its Operations in the World War, and of its Activities Following the Signing of the Armistice. 1917-1919 COMPILED AND PUBLISHED BY THE HISTORICAL BOARD OF THE 315Th INFANTRY MCMXX 0)CI,A601685 NOV -9 IS20 1^ TO THOSE OF OUR COMRADES WHO LAID DOWN THEIR LIVES THAT AMERICA MIGHT STAND TRIUMPHANT IN THE CAUSE OF JUSTICE AND HUMANITY THIS VOLUME IS REVERENTLY DEDICATED BY ITS MAKERS FOREWORD K^^y N inihlishing this liistory, it has Ijeen the aim of BjIi^ the authors to preserve in permanent form for J&Ml^i the members of the 31Sth Infantry a record of the Regiment from the day of its initial organization to the day upon which it finally passed out of existence as an active military organization. The 31Sth Infantry, as a combat unit of the American Expeditionary Forces in France, was privileged to play a glorious part in the great world struggle for humanity; and this volume deals largely with the achievements of the Regiment in tliat great struggle. The record of the 3I5th Infantry, set down in tlie pages which follow, stands clear-cut for all who may care to read. The information presented has been pains- takingly gathered bit by bit from the individual mem- bers of the Regiment itself. Each statement made has been carefully weighed and tested, and, although certain facts and figures may not agree in minor details with those of other official records, it is believed that the rec- ord here presented is as complete and accurate as it is now possible for human efTort to make it. The compilation and publication of this official history of the 315th Infantry has involved many months of thought and eti'ort on the part of its authors, but the task has at last been completed, and if, in addition to serving as an historical record, this volume shall aid the mem- bers of the Regiment in recalling the precious days of their brotherhood in arms and in knitting more firmly those ties of friendship born of a common duty in a noble cause, its purpose will have been accomplished. TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION THE REGIMENT BATTALION AND COMPANY ATHLETICS WELFARE FLARES AND DUDS I Page Eight - DIVISION AND BRIGADE COMMANDERS of the 79th Division and the 158th hifantry Brigade 1 79tii DIVISION 1 Major General Joseph E. Kiihii - - August 25, 1917. to Deccuilicr 1. 1917 Hrigailier General William J. Xicholson Dcoeniher 2, 1917, to l'"cbruary 1,^, 191S Major General Joseph E. Kuhn - - l-'cliruary 14, 1918, to January 19, 1919 Brigadier General Evan M. Johnson - January 20, 1919. to h'ehruary 2, 1919 Brigadier General John S. Winn - February 2. 1919, to February .3. 1919 Brigadier General Andrew Hero, Jr. - l'"ebruary 3, 1919, to h'ebruary 9. 1919 Brigadier Gencal Evan M. Johnson - h"el>ruary 9, 1919, to h'ebruary 2S, 1919 xMajor General Joseph E. Kuhn - - March 1. 1919. to Mareh 14. 1919 Brigadier General Evan M. Johnson - March 15. 1919. to March 31. 1919 Major General Joseph E. Kuhn - ■ April 1, 1919. to (U-niol)ilization Xote — During the period from January 20. 1919, to b'ebruary 28. 1919. .Major Gen- era! Joseph E. Kuhn served as Connnanding General of tlie Xinth U. S. .Army Corps. 158th INFANTRY BRIGADE 1 Bri.gadier General Evcrard E. Hatch - - .August 25, 1917. to June 25. 1918 ■ Brigadier General Otho B. Rosenbaum - - June 26, 1918. to July S. 1918 Colonel Oscar J. Charles - - - - July 8. 1918. to August 13. 1918 Brigadier General Robert H. Xoble - .August 14. 1918, to September 26, 1918 Colonel Alden C. Knowles ------ .Sc-iUemlier 27, 1918 Cob.ncI William 11. Oury - - September 27. 1918, to October 12, 1918 Colonel Alden C. Knowles - - - October 12, 1918, to October 22, 1918 Colonel George Williams - - October 23, 1918, to October 29, 1918 ^ y Brigailier General l-Aan M. Jolmson October 30. 1918, to Xoveml)cr 19. 1918 1 Colonel Garrison McCaskey - - Xovember 20. 1918, to Xovember 2^. 1918 1 Brigadier General Evan M. Johnson - Xovember 24, 1918, to January 19. 1919 I Colonel Garrison McCaskey - - January 2(1. 1919. to February 28, 1919 | 1 Brigadier General Evan M. Johnson - - March 1. 1919, to March 14, 1919 i 1 Colonel Garriscm McCaskey - - - Marcli 15. 1919. to May 9. 1919 Brigadier General Evan M. Johnson - - .May 10. 1919. to demobilization Page Nine IL. iHE 515 th Inkant^ry I I II I II Page Ten The 515 th Iiv T^RV B TO THE MEMBERS OK THE 315TH INFANTRY. From the organization of tlie 315tli Infantry in Augnst, 1917, until its return to the United States in May, 1919, the rolls of the Regiment show the names of approximately ten thousand officers and men. Na- turally all these were not fortunate enough to be with it in action, but practically all got the Regimental spirit and now take a just pride in its organization, training, marching, fighting and splendid efficiency. The officers assigned to the Regiinent at the time of its organization came mostly from civil life, after having completed the training camp course. A more loyal, willing, ambitious and high grade class of men would have been difficult to find. Each w-ent about his duties cheerfully, eagerly and harmoniously, and early became so imbued w-ith the im- portance of team work that the Regiment was soon noted for its a<l- vancement and esprit de corps. To the men of the Regiment, also, is due full measure of cre<lit for the development of the 315th Infantry into an efficient military organi- zation. Ever striving manfully and willingly to adapt themselves to their new life and new responsibilities, they made splendid progress and co- operated whole heartedly in the upbuilding of the Regiment. Until just before sailing for France, the men assigned to the 315th Infantry came from Philadelphia, and, as many of the officers were also from that city, the Regiment soon became known as "Philadelphia's Own." This fact filled the Regiment with pride and acted as a great in- centive to its members. It produced in them a determination to excel, and now they can justly glory in their past deeds. The regret of all is that many of our finest members, officers and men, paid the supreme sacrifice. May their dear ones take some com- fort in knowing that, to tlic living, they are the real heroes of the Regiment. This history of the 315th Infantry lias been prepared under the di- rection of a regularly appointed board, and I am sure that every mem- ber of the Regiment will appreciate with thanks this praiseworthy work, which will be treasured more and more as time passes. The events re- corded are the plain unvarnished facts, which will bring renewed satis- faction with each reading and telling. In conclusion, let me voice the earnest hope that tlie records here presented and the traditions connected therewith will be instrumental in keeping alive that spirit of comradeship, sentiment of patriotism, and devotion to duty which burned so brightly wlu-n we were all serving in our magnificent Regiment. ^^^^':^7r-. <^-c:k— Colonel. U. S. .\rmy. II II Page Eleven ^ * The 315 th IisfFATsnrRV II II Page Twelve The 515 th Infant^ry 1 — 1 I HEADQUARTERS, 315th INFANTRY. Camp l)ix. Xcw Jersey, June 0, 1010. To THE Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers AND Men of the SISth Infantry: The succeeding pages present to yon the history of your Regiment, giving you something that you can treasure as one of your clioicest possessions. No words of mine can convey to you tlie mingled emotions that overcome me as I attempt these parting words. My thoughts revert hack to the time I came to yon shortly after the arrival of the Regiment in I'rance. I fully appreciated the great privilege that had heen con- ferred upon me, I reahzed tlic great responsibility that was attached to this privilege, 1 had some conception of tlie mighty task that faced us, I realized also that the game we were to prepare for called for human lives in the winning ; and that unquestioned obedience, loyally, strong l)odies, alert minds, initiative and courage were indispensable factors in the game — a game in which every officer and man must liecomc a mem- ber of, and work for the Team, his Team, his Regiment, so that it niiglu in turn play its part creditably, successfully and honorably. With these thoughts in mind, the standard of the Regiment was placed higli — a standard that had for its ultimate end a regiment without a blemish on the pages of its history, a regiment that each and every one of us would refer to with pride, and one the knowledge of whose exploits would remain with us forever, a cherished memory. Now that our task is done, 1 can freely acknowledge the pride that wells up in my heart whenever I think of you. You have by your devotion to duty, in all that that phrase implies, made for your Regiment an unblemished history. You have been privileged to share a mighty task in behalf of civilization, humanity and right, and you have done it faithfully, modestly, and well. You, who scan these pages may well be proud of the loved one whose name ap- pears in this volume. Proud that you had him to give, and that you had the strength to do it bravely. You have in no small measure suffered the anxiety and sacrifices that weigh so heavily upon those who remain behind, you have often times, even though your own burden was great, helped to make his lighter with cheering news. In these things you also have played your part. For you who have lost your all, 1 feel the most profound sympathy and respect. Never a word of hopeless grief, utter despair, or desolation, but a spirit reflecting ac- ceptance of the inevitable, in a way that could only spring from the heart of one who, although broken with grief, can yet find comfort and consolation in the knowledge that he died in a cause that called for the best blood and manhood of our country, and that his blood sanctifies the soil in which he was laid to rest, his courage and his example, an inspiration to his comrades who bring back to you the story of his valor. Whenever I think of the 315th Infantry, it will always be with the warmest aflfec- tion for those Officers, those Non-Commissioned Officers and Men who contributed to its splendid achievements and success. Faithfullv. i Colonel 31-")tli Infantrv. Fl Page Thirteen J J I The 515 th Infanttry II ii i! I II II R I Pnyr Kniiilfen i The 515th Infanttry MILITARY BIOGRAPHIES @ COLONEL OTHO B. ROSENBAUM Horn in Virslniu, Auk. 2B. 1871. GriHhiutod from West I'oiiit and commissioiiLMl 2ti(l Lieut.. Inr.. June 12. 1S94. rn.miit.'d 1st Lieut., "tli Inf.. .\pril 2«. 1S9S. Served in Cuba during Spanisla-Ameriran War. Santiago CalnpaiBn. .Inne 23. 18118, to Aug. 20. 1808. Tromotcd Caplaiu 2<;tb Inf., Feb. 2. 1001. Served in Pliillppine Campaign against insurgents. April 18. 1001. to July 20. 1903. rrofessor Mililarv Science nnd Tactics, West Texas Militar.v Academ.v. April 23. inO<!. to June 30. 1000. Regimental Adjutant. June 11, 1010, to Oct. 1. 1012. Ileginiculai Quartermaster, Ma.v 12. 1014. to Nov. 1,">. 1015. rnuuoted Major. 2nd Inf.. Jul.v 1. 1010. Detailed Inspector General's Dept.. Ma.v 10. 1017. to Aug. 2.-.. 1017. rromoled Colnnel. Xati<uial .\rmy. Aug. 0. 1017. .\ssigneil lo 31.-jlli Inf.. N. A.. Aug. 2."i, 1017. rrouiole.l Itrigadicr General, Nafl Armj-.June 20.1918. Commanded I.'.slli Infantry lirigadc, June 20, 1018, to July 8, lOlS. Commamled 173rd Infantry Itrigado, July l.'i. 1918. to .\ug. 24. 1018. at wliich time embarked witli brigade for France. Served in Franco as Commanding General. 173rd In- fantry BriKa<le and 1.55tli Infantry Brigade. Sept. 8, lOlS. Ut Mav 20. 1010. COLONEL ALDEN C. KNOWLES Horn in New York. N. Y.. Feb. 0. 1873. Served in Cuba with 13th Inf. during Spanisli-American War. Wounrled in Santiago Camjiaign. 1808. Served as 2ud Lieut., 13th Inf., April 5. 189!). to Feb. 2. 1001. Promoted 1st Lieut.. 2Stb Inf., Feb. 2. 1901. Assigned to 13th Inf.. Dec. 3. 1901. G^ailnate. Infantry and Cavalry School. lOOG. Graduate. Armv Signal School. 1007. Promoted Captain. 30th Inf., Oct. 1. 1907. Assigned to Signal Corps. June 12. 1909. Assigned to 14th Inf.. April 2. 1012. Assigned to Kith Inf.. May 13. 1912. Assigned to 2ml Int.. Sept. 20. 1014. rroinote«i Major. Infantry. May In. 1017. .■\ssigne<l to t;2tui Inf.. June 21i. 1017. rromoled Lieut. Col.. Natiiuial .Vrmy. Aug. .'i, 1017. Assigned to SlOth Inf.. National Army. .\ug. 2,"i, 1017. Assigm'd as Conmianding Officer, 315tli Inf., National Army. July 27. 1018. I'nunoted Colonel. Sl.ith Inf.. Nnt'l Army. July 30, 1018. Commamled 3ir)th Inf.. throughout Ihe entire period of its operations in France ami luitil its (inal demo. luli:!ation at Camp Pix. N. J.. June 0. IIHO. Cited i>y Major General Joseph K. Kuhu. 70tli Division. r. S. A,, for the Distinguisiieil Service Medal and recommended for proinotiuu to the rank of Itrigadicr general for services rendered in the tielii. LIEUTENANT COLONEL CHARLES E. MORTON Itom in Sidney Barracks. Nebraska. Mar. 14. 1S74. Served with 19th Inf. in Porto Kico during the Span- i8h-,\merican War. Served as 2nd Lieut.. 22nd Inf.. Oct, 10, 1898. to Feb, 2. 1900. during which period served with regiment in Pllilippine Campaign against insurgents. Promoted 1st Lieut., loth Inf.. Feb. 2. 1000. Promoted Captain, loth Inf.. May 2n. lOOi;. Detailed Pay Dept.. Jan. 27. 1008. to Jan. 27. 1012. Assigned lo lltli Inf.. Jan. 27, 1012. Assigned to Sth Inf. Detailed Major. Philippine Scouts, commanding 10th Patl.alion aTul Post of Iloilo. Panay. Feb. 13, 191.'), to Jan. 31. 1010. Assigned to lOtb Inf.. Jan. 31. 1010. Promoted Major. Infantry. May lii. 1017. Assigned to 01st Inf., July 20, 1017. Promoted Lieut. Col., National .\rmy, .\ug. Assigned to 31.')th Inf.. X. A.. Aug. 2.-.. 1017. Detailed General Staff Corps. June 11. 1018. Pronuited Colonel, General Staff, July 30. 1018. Served as Ccd(Miel. General Staff. July 30. 1018. Sept. 2. 1010. 1017 LIEUTENANT COLONEL NOBLE J. WILEY Born in Montgomery. Alabama. Aug. 1. 1878. Graduate Alabama I'olytechnie Institute. Class of 1807. Graduate. Law School. University of Alal>ama. Class of 1809, Appointed 2ml Lieut., Infantry. Feb. 19. 1002. Served with 5tb Inf.. in Philippine Campaign against insurgents. May 20. 1902, to July 4, 1903. Ser^'ed with Army of Cuban Pacitication, Oct. 25. 1900. to Feb. 28. 1009. Promoted 1st Lieut., oth Inf.. Mar. 2. 1907. Professor Military Science and Tactics. T'niversity of Arkansas, July 21, 1912. to Aug. 2. 1914. Served In I*anama Canal Zone, Nov. 28, 1914. to Aug. 30. 1917. Promoted Captain. Sth Inf.. July 1. 1010. Promoted Maior. National Army. Aug. 1. 1917. Assi;;ned to 31Sth Inf.. N. A.. Aug. 30. 1917. Di-tailed Commandant of Third and Fourth Otticers' Training Schools. Camp Meade. Md.. Jan. 1. 1918. to June 1.5. 1018. Detailed conimami --Vdvance School Detachment. 7!ith Division, and embarked with Detatdimcnt for France. June .30. 1018. Attended Annv General Staff College. I.angres. Haute Marne. France. July 23, 1018, to Nov. 22. 1918. Promoted Lieut. Col.. National Army. Aug. 1. 1918, Served with Fmbarkation Service. Base Section No. 1. France. Nov, 24, lOlS, to Feb. 2,8, 1919. Returned to Cniled States Mar. 24. 1919. and assigru' 1 to duty with General Staff. LIEUTENANT COLONEL FRANKLIN T. BURT BcU'n in Kansas. .Tan. 3. 1881. Served with 1st Artillery iOth Co.. Coast .\rtillery) and 118th Co., Coast Artillery. May 18, 1899, to Oct. 17. 1902. Served as 2nd Lieut.. 24th Int., Oct. 17, 1902. to Sept. Hi. 1008. Pronudcd 1st Lieut. 24tb Inf.. Sept. 10. 1908. Assigned to 27th Inf.. March 24. lOlii. .■\ssigned to 23rd Inf.. Sept. 1. 191.'i. Promoted Captain. 34th Inf., July 1. 1910. Prolunlcd Maj«»r. National Arm.v, Aug. .'». 1017. Assigned to Servii'c of Supply, American Expeditionary Forces, France, 1917. Detailed Quarlermaster Corps, July 2ri, 1918. Promoted Lieut. Col., National Army, July 30. 1918. Assigned to 31.-|tli Inf.. O.-t. 30. 1018. - - rr.. Dec. 1.-., 1018, .Tan. 1.1. 1010. on Service. Base Section No. ft. .■Assigned lo .'104111 .\ni. Assigned to SLIth Inf. Assigned to Endiarkali April 2.';. 1010. LIEUTENANT COLONEL JOHN A. McKENNA, M. C. Horn in rhiladelphia, Tn., Juno. lS7r>. Gradiiatp in niodieine, Medicn-Chirurgical Collocc. Pliil- adolpliia. Pa.. Class of 1S97. Served as acting assistant surgeon. U. S. Army, during Spanish-American War. Appointed 1st Lieut., M. C, Officers* Reserve Corps. Ma.v. 1010. Ordered t<i active dutv at Fnrt Oglethorpe. Ga., Ma.v, 1917. Assigned as Regimental Surgeon. 312th Field Artillery. National Army, Aug. 27, 1917. I'rnmnt.Ml Caiitain. M. C. October, 1917. Prnnioted Major. M. C. February, lOlS. Detailed Advance School r>et:ichment. 7iH h Division. nnd embarlied for KrMiH-e. .Tune 30, lOlS. Assigned to 3ir.th Field Hospital. Aug. 2,5. 1!H8. rouiinandcd Triage Hospital. 70th Division. Sept. ir». VMS. to Nov. 12. IIIIS. Assigned to Reg'I Surgeon. Sl-'ith Inf.. Nov. 12, 1918. Pnunotrd Lieut. Col.. M. C. February. 1919. Retired from active dutv upc»n demobilization of SlTith Inf.. .Tune 9. 1919. II II Pa pre Fifteen The 315 th Inkant^ry l!f!^Fp ■ THE HISTORICAL BOARD OF THE 315th INFANTRY On March 10th, 1910, a hoard of officers was appointed hy Colonel Alden C. Knowles, commanding officer of the 31Sth Infantry, to prepare an official history of the Regiment. The officers designated as members of the hoard were Lientenant Colonel John A. McKenna, M. C, Captain Alfred G. Harlow and Captain George L. Wright. Captain David E. Wil- liams, Jr., later joined the board as an ex-officio member. This board of officers, officially known as the Historical Board of the :!15th Infantry, at once set abont the preparation of a Regimental History, and, after several weeks of care- ful study, the plans which have resulted in the publication of this volume, were submitted to the Commanding Officer of the Regiment and approved by him. In order to facilitate the compilation of the Regimental History, the Historical Board divided the work involved among various members of the Regiment. An editorial and busi- ness staff was formed and each member of that staff was made responsible for the preparation of a definite part of the History. The photograph of the editorial and business staff appears at the top of this page and the personnel of the staff follows . Editorial and Business Staff Editor-in-Chief Managing Editor Assistant Editors Athletic Editor - IVclfarc Editor Photographic Editor Assistant Photograpliic Editor Art Editors - ' - Business Manager Lii:i'TEN.\NT Colonel John A. McKenna C--\PT.\iN George L. Wright ( Captain Alfred G. Harlow ( Captain Ledlie I. Laughlin Captain Fred H. McClintock Chaplain Richard V. Lancaster Captain Carl W. Wentzel Pvt. 1st Class James L. Brown ( I'vr. 1st Class A. Stanley Roberts t Private Hvman Pinkovitz Captain David E. Williams, Jr. Page Sixteen The 515 th Inf The Regiment PART I Organization and Training I 5 -I — I Page Beventeen iH^ <JilU TVFANT^RY Roster of Officers of the 315th Infantry Colonel Otho B. Rosenbaum LiEUT.-CoL. Charles E. Morton Capt. Samuel W. Fleming, Jr. (September 21, 1917) Commanding Regiment Lieutenant-Colonel of Regiment Regimental Adjutant FIRST BATTALION Major Noble J. Wiley - First Lieut. John W. Stauffer - company a company b Capt. F. W. McL. Patterson Capt. John V. Bostwick 1st Lt. James H. Carpenter 1st Lt. Fred H. McClintock 1st. Dt. Benj. H. Pollock 1st Lt. Arthur L. Bagans 2nd Lt. Logan B. Gill 2ud Lt. John J. Conahan 2nd Lt. Charles S. Tiers 2nd Lt. Russell M. Willard 2ad Lt. Lester C. Shearer Commanding Battalion Adjutant COMPANY C Capt. Charles H. Tilghman 1st Lt. Charles J. H.vde, Jr 2nd Lt. Ross B. Stickle 2nd Lt. Francis A. Chidsey 2nd Lt. N. S. Barratt. Jr. 2ad Lt. George S. Barker COMPANY D Capt. John H. Ricketson. Jr 1st Lt. Seth C. Hetherington 2nd Lt. Lawson G. Bash 2nd Lt. Frank A. Van Horn 2nd Lt. Conrad F. Nagel, Jr 2nd Lt. William R. Mease SECOND BATTALION Major Norman E. Borden - - - First. Lieut. Coleman P. Brown COMPANY E Capt. Lut'iiis A. Miller 1st Lt. John V. Murray 2nd Lt. Earl H. Gish 2nd Lt. Walter Hibbard 2nd Lt. Edgar J. Eyler COMPANY F COMPANY G Capt. John B. Mustin Capt. Earle C. Offinger 1st Lt. William H. Sutphin 1st Lt. Joseph D. Noonan 1st It Walter Gallagher 2nd Lt. J. Ferguson Mohr oad Lt Thos. L. Ashbridge 2nd Lt. Herman D. Partsch 2nd Lt. George B. Althouse 2nd Lt.' John J. Borbidge 2nd Lt. John 0. Snyder 2nd Lt. James S. McKeon Commanding Battalion Adjutant COMPANY H Capt. D. B. Williams, Jr. 1st Lt. Walter F. Hayes 2nd Lt. B. Morrow Sheppard Zl lI; ^^ce K^nLkett ^d L. Z:;; a" W:r ^^d Lt. John N. McBowell 2nd Lt. Ralph J. Miller THIRD BATTALION Major Francis V. Lloyd First Lieut. Benjamin Bullock, 3rd COMPANY I Capt. Albert Friedlander 1st Lt. Orsen J. Graham 2nd Lt. Harry D. Furey COMPANY L ..... ('apt. Ward W. Pierson Is't' Lt. Cha^s. Arbuthnot. 3rd 1st Lt. George L. Wright 2nd Lt. Milton B. Goodyear 2nd Lt. Theodore Rosen COMPANY K Capt. George P. Schole ;nd Lt George H. Trundle 2nd Lt. David M. Wallace 2nd Lt. George b. Freeman 2nd Lt. Ira B. Kellberg 2nd Lt. Raymond T. Turn 2nd Lt. Stanley A. Welsh 2nd Lt. Charles F. Baer Coinnianding Battalion Adjutant COMPANY M Capt. Wm. W. Van Baman 1st Lt. J. W. Darley 1st Lt. Carl W. Wentzel u„ ^i. U.--.B 2"d Lt. James Woods ;nd Lt. Floyd S. Strosnider 2nd Lt. Carl W. Andrews 2nd Lt. Henry D. Fansler |l SPECIAL UNITS HEADaUASTERS MACHINE GUN COMPANY COMPANY Capt. Francis A. Awl Capt. Joseph G. Duncan, Jr. 1st Lt. Robert H. Lafean 1st Lt. Frank S. Crawford 1st Lt. Ledlie I. Laughlin 1st Lt. Fred H. Lucas 2nd Lt. Joseph G. Bingman 2nd Lt. Edward B. Maguire 2nd Lt. Ray C. Lehman 2nd Lt. Robert P. Meily 2nd Lt. Alfred G. Harlow 2nd Lt. Ernest V. Becker SUPPLY COMPANY Capt. Victor H. Moreau 1st Lt. J. Lambert Smith MEDICAL DETACHMENT Capt. Bertram Duckwald Ist Lt. Wallace Bnlford 1st Lt. L. L. Blackburn 1st Lt. Samuel J. Marks The following officers joined the Regiment and were assigned to the companies indicated, October 1, 1917 1st Lt. Alfred L. Quintard to Company A 1st Lt. William A. Sheehan to Company F 1st Lt. Edwin L. Journeay to Company B 1st Lt. Wilton M. Snowden to Company M Page Eighteen ^'15th Inf T 1^1 Camp Meauk in the Making INTRODUCTION I X Aiiril (), 1917, the ( ioxcrnmcnl of the United States declared I war against the Im];)erial (iovernment of Germany and with I that declaration set in movement forces which ultimately resulted in the establishment of the most powerful military force in the history of our people — the National Army of I the United States. ( )f that Army was the 79th Division, and WM of that Division was the 315th Regiment of Infantry. SB The 315th Infantry, N. A., to give the Regiment its first official designation, had its birth-place in .Vnne Arundel Coun- ty, Maryland, where the Government, immediately following the declaration of war, had rented a tract of land comprising some fifteen sc|uare miles which the War Department purposed making into a national army cantonment to receive recruits from eastern Pennsylvania, Maryland and the District of Columbia. This cantonment was called Camp Meade, in honor of Major General George G. Meade, who in 1864 received the thanks of Congress for his services at Gettysburg, July 1-3. 1863. Camp Meade was selected as the place for the organization and train- ing of the 79th Division. THE FOUNDATION The order creating the various units of the 79th Division issued from the War Department on August 3, 1917. This was followed on the 11th by Special Carder No. 186, which designated the officers assigned to the different organiza- tions of the Division. The 315th Infantry was organized provisionally on August 26. 1917, ])ursuant to General ( Jrder \o. 2, Headquarters Camp Meade, Mary- land, assigning certain officers to the Regiment, and permanently organized Sep- tember 21. 1917. ]nirsuant to (ieneral Order No. 9. IIead(|uarters 79th Division. This latter order was issued in accordance with General Order No. 109, War Department, 1917. Such in l)rief were the orders ujjon which the Regiment was founded. I I II ll 6 Page Nineteen n The 515th iNFANnr^RY li s The Regiment Gets Its First Recruits The officers assigned to the 315th Infantry came in the main from the Second and Sixth Companies of the Fourth Provisional Training Regiment, U. S. T. C, the members of which had undergone a three months course of intensive military training at Fort Niagara, New York, in what has popularly come to be known as the "First Officers' Training Camp." This course of training, which was de- signed to fit men for officers' commissions in the new National Army, was com- pleted on August 15, 1917. Perhaps it was the practice of the War Department to seek to keep together men who had received a common training and in forming units to place them by groups taken from the same training camp. But whether policy or accident nothing could have been more fortunate for the speedy upbuilding of a regimental esprit de corps. It meant that the officers assigned to the Regiment had come to know one another and were able to bring into the field of their larger responsi- bilities all the qualities of friendship and respect, together with a just and sympa- thetic appreciation of one another's work. At this point it may not be out of place to make mention of two of the men most often spoken of as the days of the training camp began to take their place in the field of reminiscence. These men were Captain Wait C. Johnson and Cap- tain Archibald F. Comiskey, who commanded the Second and Sixth Companies, respectively, at Fort Niagara. Both were men of vigorous enterprise, clean sports- manship, efficiency and fitness. Their influence, in the beginning, moulded the thoughts and actions of the majority of the officers of the Regiment and was responsible in no small measure for the final development of the 315th Infantry into a fighting organization. Page Twenty The 515 th Infantry 7 ll Amid the disconsolate intermingling of sandy fields, broom sedge, unkempt orchards and woods of old field pine that was to develop later into the modern army cantonment of Camp Meade, those who had journeyed from the training camp on the shores of Lake Ontario found their first home down at the south- western edge of the reservation in Jjarracks A-35. In this building, at that time one of the few completed buildings in camp, were ([uartered also the officers of the 316th Infantry. Here it was that the members of both organizations learned that the 315th and 316th Regiments of Infantry were to compose the 158th Infantry Brigade, under the command of Brigadier Genera! Everard K. Hatch. Here it was, also, that the officers of the 315th Infantry were welcomed as they reported for duty by Colonel Otho B. Rosenbaum. No one who was associated with the RegimeiU at that time will forget the masterly way in wliich all the aftairs of the organization were handled by Colonel Rosenbaum. His influence and personality welded the Regiment into a unified machine, while his spirit domi- nated every asjjiration for improvement and efficiency. A graduate of West Point, at the beginning of the war he was a major in the Inspector General's Department. His j)romotion to the rank of colonel came as a recognition of his ability, l)0th in the field and in the technique of war. CAMP MEADE IN THE MAKING ()f those whose fortune it was to l)e associated with the Regiment in the late August and early September days of 1917, there are few who will forget the sight of Camp Meade in the making. At that time it resembled, perhaps, nothing so much as a w-estern mining camp in full blast ; workmen here, there and everywhere, with the whole world resounding to the buzz of saws and the clang of hammers as barracks after barracks sprang into being. In the evenings. I II 11 I ■|\liiilsll r-" Page Twenty-one The 515th IisfFANT:^RY II |i 1^ I AitN UK THE 31.JTH 1mAMK\ I'liJ.lM, liKli>Ai k> when the laborers gathered together at the contractors' canteens, it was no uncommon sight to see on one corner of the street a hundred or more worshippers at the shrine of Chance engaged in what to all intents and purposes was a very prosperous crap game, while not fifty yards away a few of the more religiously inclined were assembled before a soap box pulpit, listening to a rough-and-ready lay preacher in blue overalls. The idea of the western mining camp lost nothing by the fact that the crap game seemed invariably to be the victor over the pulpit. For the officers who at that time formed the nucleus of the Regiment the days of early September proved busy enough, and long hours were spent acquir- ing the niceties of close order drill and in sketching interminable miles of country roads, while between times strenuous efforts were put forth to secure a bowing acquaintance with army paper work under the tutelage of Lieutenant Colonel Morton. With the week-ends came dusty tramps to Admiral or Disney, at which points were located stations of the Washington, Baltimore and Annapolis Rail- way. Throughout the entire stay of the Regiment at Camp Meade, the "W. B. & A." remained a much reviled, albeit very necessary institution. Its sins were great, but whatever its shortcomings, it offered — with its friends, the jitneys — the only escape into the outer world. On September 15th, the Regiment moved from A-35 to buildings in Block R, which was destined to be its permanent home in Camp Meade. These build- ings were on the opposite side of the reservation from A-35, and, in accordance with good old army tradition, the move was heralded with no uncertain amount of griunl)ling. In the end, however, it proved to be a blessing in disguise, for ere the 315th Infantry had shaken the dust of Camp Meade from its shoes forever. Block R had seen grow up around it the Divisional Post-Office, the Camp Meade Terminal of the W. B. & A., the Y. M. C. A. Auditorium, the Liberty Theatre, the Y. W. C. A. Hostess House and the Camp Fire Department. Under the original cantonment plans. Block R was designed to hold a regiment of 55 officers and 1,900 enlisted men. In the early fall, however, new Page Twenty-two The 515t tables of organization were jjuljlishcd. and in these the strength of an infantry regiment was set at 103 officers and 3,652 enlisted men. To take care of this increase in strength, half of Block S was tnrncd over on October 23rd for the use of the 315th Infantry. In the two blocks combined, the buildings as- signed to the Regiment consisted of twenty large two-story buildings for the men and five smaller barracks for the officers. In addition to these, there was a separate building for regimental headquarters, one for the guard-house, an infirmary, three warehouses and six stables. East of the regimental area there was adeqtiate space for athletic fields, and during the stay of the Regiment at Camp Meade every effort was made, consistent with the full daily drill schedule, to encourage out-door sports. In this connection a word ought to be said con- cerning the Y. M. C. A. plant in Block S, which was open to the men of the Regiment at all times. Its service of films, stationery, education and recreation was keenly appreciated by the men of the 315th Infantry, and for the officers it aflorded a place of assembly upon the occasion of lectures given by officers of higher commands. I THE FIRST RECRUITS After repeated delays, the vanguard of the men who were to make up the Regiment arrived on the morning of September 21, 1917. Several days jirior to that date there had been assigned to the Regiment 37 men from the Regular Army to serve as a nucleus around which to build up the personnel of non- commissioned officers. However, as the organizations of the Regular Army had already supplied a great many of their best men for the new Regular regi- ments, fewer than half of these men assigned to the Regiment proved satis- factory, and the others were returned to their former organizations. The 361 recruits who arrived on the morning of September 21st all came from the city of Philadelphia, and with them came the news that the 315th Infantry was to be composed exclusively of men from the Quaker City. This circum- Cleaning Rifles Is Page Twenty-three ^NT^RY •',' i Mix iif the 315th Infantry Band (The First Band in Camp Meade) stance gave rise to the title by wliich the Regiment has always been identified — "Philadelphia's Own" — and to the pride with which the 315th Infantry has ever borne itself as the representative of one of America's largest cities. On Sep- tember 22nd, the Regiment received from Philadelphia its second increment of men and found itself doubled in size. Day by day the recruits came in until, by October 15th, the 315th Infantry had a total strength of 2,731 men. One of the incidents of these early days from which the Regiment has always taken a great amount of satisfaction is the fact that the 315th was the first regi- ment in Camp Meade to have a band. Through the efforts of Colonel Rosenbaum and Captain Awl, ten musicians arrived on the 24th of September, and on the following day the National Anthem was played at retreat. This was the first music that was heard in camp, and, from all statistics available, it seems as though the Regiment had the first organized band in the entire National Army. The band leader was Mr. Joseph Painter, and the nine men who came with him were: — George W. Moyer, Harry A. Shoop, Edgar F. Hand, Harry Schoenman, Jerry McClay, Ralph Sieberling, William S. Lieberman, Harry Ammon and Charles F. Fanstermacher. These men all enlisted at Pottsville, Pa., for the express purpose of creating a band for the 315th Infantry. It is interesting to note the various occupations of the men before their enlistment, as it throws light on the cosmopolitan character and capabilities of the National Army's personnel. Two were miners, one a painter, one a printer, two were machinists and one other was a boilermaker. The same diversity would have been found in any other group of men who went to make up America's new army. Another note-worthy feature of the Regiment's early activities was its es- tablishment of the first canteen in the Division. This event was brought about largely by the energy of Major Noble J. Wiley, who came from the Regular l! Page Twenty -four The 515 th In fa Arniv to command tlie First Battalion. Through Major Wiley's efforts, a tent was put up by men of the Regiment in the middle of Block R, a stock of supplies secured and all necessary arrangements made to open a regular army canteen, or "reginienial exchange." The exchange was opened on the afternoon of .September 25th and at once did a land-office business. On Septem- ber 26th, Second Lieutenant Russell M. Willard, of "B" Company, was placed on special duty as Regimental Exchange Officer, and from then on the regimental exchange became an established institution. Shortly after its opening, the ex- change was moved to building R-44, where it remained during the entire slay of the Regiment at Camp .Meade and added increased profits month by month to the various company funds. Of the incidents which went to make up the life of the recruits during their first days in the army but little neetl now be said, as they are common knowledge to all. Each man in turn was lined up, interrogated and his comjjlete history tnially tabulated in the army's cross-index system. To each, with absolute im- partiality, the doctors awarded a "shot in the arm," and each experienced the rigors of the army's physical examination. In this latter connection it may be of interest to note that among the men of the 315th Infantry examined during the month of September, 1917, one recruit, thirsting for the blood of Germans, was found to possess a wooden leg and another a glass eye. Of the physical changes wrought by the army in men fresh from the city streets but passing mention need also be made. How the pallor of indoor life gave way to the bronze of life in the open, how the stoop gradually worked itself out of drooping shoulders, how, little by little, bulges at the waist-line became less pronounced and how slouchiness gave way to snap and vigor is a more or less familiar story to all who have witnessed the transforming power of military life and disci])line. And with the changes in the men themselves came also changes in their environment. ( )nly a few of the buildings w-ere completed when the troops began m i WW ] nil'' 1 I E'-K rf I iii; lU i.i.i, CuKi'j LjLi.- -\.\ E.VKLV Staut fur Rf.vkii.i.e Page Twent.v-flve -TRY Troups Returning From a Division Ceremony to arrive, but, before many weeks had passed, trees and brush had been cleared away, corn fields and sweet potato patches levelled, and in a section where there had not been any more than half a dozen isolated grey farm houses, there sprang into being a city, well ordered and symmetrically planned, capable of holding nearly fifty thousand men. SECOND LIBERTY LOAN CAMPAIGN The first big event in the early life of the Regiment was its participation in the Second Liberty Loan Campaign conducted by the Division from October 2nd to October 25th. 1917. The Regiment was out to make a "killin'," and in the homely vernacular it "brought home the bacon." The total amount sub- scribed in the Division was $1,607,800.00 and, of all the units in Major General Kuhn's organization, the 315th Infantry stood first on the list with total subscrip- tions of $233,700.00. This amount was not only the largest subscribed in the Division, but, with one or two exceptions, was the largest subscribed by any simi- lar organization in the entire American Army. In connection with the Liberty Loan Campaign, Senator J. Hamilton Lewis,, of Illinois, on October 13th, addressed the assembled Division on Liberty Field, which lay just north of the Divisional Post Office. This aiTorded the first opportunity for the Regiment to meet en masse its neighbors in the Division and full advantage was taken of the opportunity, with benefit to all concerned. As summer waned and fall wore on, the 315th Infantry gradually rounded into shape as a military organization. The men of ability began to stand out above their fellows, and many were the special orders issued from Regimental Headquarters "making" non-commissioned officers. During the fall and early winter months, numerous calls were made upon the Regiment to help fill up the Regular Army divisions then training in southern camps. Men were sent to the 3rd, 4th and 5th Regular Army Divisions, the 82nd National Army Division and to a host of smaller specialized units in various sections of the Page Twenty-sis The 515 th Inf/ United States. The largest single transfer was made on October 17th, when 1,000 men of the Regiment were transferred to Camp Gordon, Georgia, together with all necessary papers and equipment. This task was brought to successful completion with less than 48 hours notice. Thanksgiving arrived and was celebrated in true .\nierican style at every compan\- mess. After Thanksgiving the days followed one another with in- creasing swiftness as the Christmas holidays approached. On December 17th, and the first few days immediately following, nearly a hundred officers with brand new commissions from the second series of Officers' Training Camps were attached to the Regiment for training and experience. With the deijletions made among the rank and tile of the Regiment through transfers to other organizations, it seemed for a time as though the 315th Infantry were to possess the distinction of being a fifty percent mixture of officers and men. Of these new officers, five were ultimately assigned j)ermanently to the Regiment. The men in question were First Lieutenants William M. Carroll, Jr., John T. Ford, jr., William H. Murrell, Walter M. Collins and Second Lieutenant James F. Delaney. The great majority of the newcomers, however, remained with the Regiment only until spring, when orilers from the War Department called them one by one to new fields of endeavor. Ne\ertheless in their comparatively short stay at Camp Meade they left their mark on the .^13th Infantry and their works hold a permanent place in its memory. Just at the opening of the Christmas holidays, on December 21st to be exact, a Christmas entertainment was given l)y the Regiment in the Y. M. C. A. Auditorium. The building was crowded to capacity, and the entertainment, which consisted of music and \au(le\ille numbers by the home talent of the IR ! T in Winter B.wonf.t Pr.\ctice Page TwiMily si'vi'ii J The 515 th Inkant^ry Regiment, proved to be a decided success. Through the generosity of friends of the 315th Infantry in Philadelphia, Christmas packages were provided for every member of the Regiment and these were distributed after the entertain- ment. In this connection, it is only proper that a word of appreciation be spoken concerning the interest taken by the people of Philadelphia in the Regiment and the unqualified assistance and support which they gave it at all times. Mrs. M. S. Taylor, representative and co-worker of a patriotic committee of ladies of Philadelphia, endeared herself to the Regiment through her substantial con- tributions and her devotion to the welfare of those left behind. Others promi- nent among those who devoted their time and resources to the welfare of the 315th Infantry were Mayor Thomas B. Smith, Judge and Mrs. Norris S. Barratt, Mr. Frank H. Moss, Mrs. J. F. Reynold Landis, and Mr. William F. Cochran. These and hundreds of others did much to provide for the recreation and com- fort of the men of the 315th Infantrv and to them the Regiment owes an eternal debt of gratitude. SECRETARY OF WAR BAKER REVIEWS TROOPS On December 22nd, the Division was assembled in its entirety for the sec- ond time in its history. The occasion was a review of the Camp Meade troops liy the Honorable Newton D. Baker, Secretary of War. The review, which was held on Liberty Field, provided a beautiful picture of life and movement, and, as rank after rank swept past the reviewing stand, one sensed fully the growing strength of America's new army. Immediately following the review, one-half the Regiment indulged in a wild dash for the first available exit from camp. This half comprised those who had been fortunate enough to secure passes home for the Christmas holidays, much to the envy of their less fortunate fellows. The unfortunate ones, however, were not overlooked, and in all the companies Christmas was celebrated by a sumptuous dinner with plenty of "seconds" for everybody, so although there were many who perforce had to spend the holiday away from home, there was no one who did not feel that it is an ill wind which blows no one some good. The men who did not get away on Christmas were given passes home to celebrate the New Year's holidays. In the succeeding months the weather was severe. Seldom had there been seen in that part of Maryland such continuous cold. The ground stayed covered with snow almost contiimously until the middle of March. During this period, the greater part of the time was devoted to indoor instruction within the bar- racks, and the "push and pull' exercise, together with the sand table, reigned supreme. There was, however, a goodly amount of work in the open, and most can readily call to mind maneuvers and skirmishes through snow, often times knee deep, that involved stealthy attacks on Jackson's Grove and other inoiifen- sive hamlets of southeastern Maryland. Throughout the winter months and early spring, also, numerous officers and men were sent to Fort Sill, Oklahoma, and to schools located within the Division itself for instruction in the specialized weapons of modern warfare. With the coming of spring, however, indoor work lessened and work in the open became more and more the rule. As the month of March drew to a close, there grew within each man a determination, grimmer than ever, to fit himself for the part he was to play as a member of the United States Army. This determination grew from the momentous bits Page Twenty-eight The 515th Infanttry A "Pup Tent" Camp of news that tilteretl in from the battle-fields of Europe. The threat s])rin.tj oiifensive of the German Army had started and even then was threatening to engulf the Allied armies before America could get her forces in the field. THE FIRST CAMP The Regiment had its initial camp experience during the night of March 20-21, 191S, when a shelter tent camp was pitched down at the southern edge of the reservation about two miles south of Admiral and close to the tracks of the Philadelphia, Baltimore & Washington railroad. The night was exceed- ingly cold, and as yet there has been no one discovered w-ith the temerity to admit that his first night in a "])Up-tent" is a thing of joyful remembrance, but the experience more than made u]) for the discomforts. Next morning camp was broken in the midst of a miniature cloudburst. Even this failed to dampen the ardor of men who were making the first ste])s toward becoming old cam- ])aigners, and the return march was made to the accompaniment of "The Old (jrev Mare" and kindred soldier melodies. I THE BALITMORE PARADE The next event to loom large upon the horizon was the review of the 79th Division by President W'ilson at Baltimore on April 6th. 1918, in celebration of the first anniversary of the United States' entrance into the war. To par- ticijiate in the review, the Regiment left Canij) Meade at 8:40 .\. M. on the morning of April 4th, and camped that night at l:!altimore Highlands, a suburb on the western outskirts of Baltimore. The night of April 4th-5th seemed, somehow or other, to have been one of those nights that missed its place in the calendar and arrived several months late, for morning found the entire S Page Twenty-nine The 515 th Iistfan T^ camp covered with a hen\y coatiiii:; of frost, and stiff joints were nnicli in evidence. On -April 5th. the Regiment entered Baltimore, which was already gaily bedecked with flags and bunting. The streets were crowded with spectators, and from the windows of the tall buildings along the line of march, bright-eyed maidens of the city showered smiles and candy ini])artially ujion the troops below. It was a gala occasion, and on that day at least, the doughboy stood forth in undisputed glory. The camping place selected for the 315th Infantry during its stay in Baltimore — Patterson Park — was reached about noon-time, and here the Regiment pitched cam]) until the morning of the 7th. The review of the Division on the 6th was a solemn and stately spectacle. As the men from Camp Meade, with bayonets fixed, advanced in seemingly endless procession through the historic streets of Baltimore, there was not one among them who did not hold himself a littfc straighter and lift his chin a little higher than ever before. Nor was there one who did not feel within him a spirit of pride in his Regiment, his Division and the great army of which both formed a part. It was in this spirit that the 315th Infantry — "Philadeljihia's (Jwn" — swung past the reviewing stand and rendered its salute to the President of the United .Slates. The return to t'ani]i .Meade started before day-break on the morning of .\pril 7tli. and all that day the concrete highway between Baltimore and Camj) Meade resoimded with the tramp of marching men. It has always been a matter of pride to the members who at that time made up the 315th Infantry that, when the Regiment finally entered camp after its march of 22 miles, there was not a man missing from the ranks of those who had originally started. ON THE t.\rc;et R.VNGE Scarcely had the Regiment settled down after its return from Baltimore, when it started oft' on another trip : this time to the target range on the southern edge of the reservation. Here the I'hiladelphia contingent remained in shelter tent camp from April 15th to 19th, inclusive, during which time the hills and valleys round about re-echoed to the sharp crackling of rifles and the Regiment got its first real smell of powder. Throughout those hot .\pril days, all eyes were strained across the shimmer- ing sands of the range for glimpses of the elusive white disc by which each might gauge his prowess with the "Model 17." In the evening the scores of the day were again shot over at the gatherings on the pine-covered knoll behind the camp, where the ever-present "canteen" dispensed its wares to long lines of the faithful. When the last scores had been turned in and the final results tabulated, it was found that the Headquarters Company had acquired the right to championship honors in rifle shooting, with "11" Company a close second. With target practice completed, work was begun on the construction of a bayonet assault coiu'se just east of the Regimental area. Much time was also devoted to the game of oi)en war. Up to that time the tendency of most of the training had been toward the methods of trench warfare, inasmuch as that sort of action seemed to predominate in I^Vance. But toward the beginning of sum- mer, the feeling was entertained on the part of higher commanders that, after all. the war would be decided by the tactics of open warfare, and detailed I i Pago Thirty-one V^ A X—' JL I JL ANTTRY II Troops of the ;^15th Infantry on the Target Range attention was given to this method of training- Frequent maneuvers were out- Hned, and one heard much of "The enemy having landed in Baltimore" and that "Enemy patrols were last night reported in Severn." REGIMENT TRAINS 10,000 RECRUITS As the month of May passed and reports of developments on the Western Front came in, the Regiment became more and more impatient to meet the final test upon the battle-fields of Europe. This impatience was augmented by the knowledge that units of the National Army were beginning to ])lay their parts in the world struggle. The 77th Division had already landed in France, the 78th. SOth, 82nd, 89th and 90th Divisions were getting under way. But day after day passed and still the 79th remained in Camp Meade, lying apparently forgotten in the back eddy, while past it swirled the great current of world events. Recruits came to the Regiment, were given a period of intensive training, and then transferred to swell the ranks of organizations who had secured the coveted places on the "priority list." By May 31st this condition had existed for nine months, and during that time the 315th Infantry had received and passed through the transition stage between civil and military life some 10,000 mem- bers of the National Army. With the coming of June, howex'er, life took on a brighter aspect. The American Army had finally taken the offensive in Europe, the gallant First Division having taken Cantigny, and troops were being rushefl to France in P.Tge Thirty-two The 515 th Inf 1 increasing numbers. The Regiment received a large increment of new recruits and all had the feeling that iniportaiU events were pending. With so much in the air, runmrs liegan to Hy thick and fast. ( )ne said this morning that "he had it on good authorilv that this regiment would he sent to Russia." Another solenmly avowed that lie had it as "straigiit dope this after- noon that we would be sent to Mexico." « *ne day we would be going to France "next week" ; the next "it was evident now that thi.s regiment and division would be retained at Cam]) Meade as a training unit." Nothing more clearly reveals the ceaseless activity of the soldier's mind or his sense of humor than the con- stant production of rumors. On June 11, 191S, the Regiment sustained a sharp blow in the loss of Lieutenant Colonel Morton, who was called to Washington to become a member of the General Staff, llis Ixuowledge of military affairs and his engaging jiersonality had won him the respect and admiration of both oflicers and men, and it was with real regret that the Regiment bade him tiod-speed as he departed to take up his new duties. As the June days lengthened, the future began to take definite form. The Division finally secured its jilace on the priority list, and ])re])arations for de- jiarture overseas went on with increasing activity. During the latter half of the month, the entire Regiment went on a rampage of inspections, and in([uiries as to Private Jones' missing shoestrings and the whereabouts of i'rivate Smith's collar ornaments became quite the most important topics of the day. On June 27th, after nearly ten months of training for the battle-front, the first members of the Regiment started for France. These comprised an ad- vance detachment of 11 officers and 12 men wlio were sent ahead for a month's .'.^vi '• A Mo.ment's Re.st at a Regimental Inspection F^ Page Thirty-three The 515 th Infanttry ■-.liniWMiMiiiii.lilllMff#iifff^ "Ken" Clark, Divisional Song Leader, Leading Regimental Singing @ course of schooling at the First Army Corps School in France with the idea of securing for the Regiment information as to the most recent methods of warfare. LOSS OF COLONEL ROSENBAUM Coincident with the departure of this advance detail came news confirming what had heretofore been merely rumor, namely, the promotion of Colonel Rosenbaum to the rank of Brigadier-General. This news was received with mingled feelings of joy and sadness; joy in the fact that the War Depart- ment had so fittingly recognized the merit and ability of a leader who had forever enshrined himself in the hearts of his men, sadness, because the Regi- ment must enter the field of battle without the services of him who had con- trolled its destinies from the beginning. With the definite assurance that Colonel Rosenbaum would be unable to accompany the Regiment overseas, command of the organization devolved upon Major Lloyd, commanding officer of the Third Battalion, as both Major Wiley and Major Borden, commanding the First and Second Battalions, respectively, were members of the advance school detachment. The 4th of July, 1918, was a notable occasion, because at that time it be- came evident that within the next few days the 315th Infantry would be under way. The day was celebrated by an athletic meet and the production of a musical farce comedy, "The Widow's Mite," at the Liberty Theatre by a troupe from the Regiment. Page Thirty-four The 315th Infant^ry On Sunday, the 7th of July, the tuial orders for movement at last arrived. One after another of the companies marched from the barracks in "R" block to Disney, where trains of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad were waitinj^ to receive them. The first contingents left at 2 P. M., and by 5 o'clock that afternoon the entire Regiment was on its way to New York with the farewell greetings of Colonel Rosenbaum ringing in its ears. That night was spent in the yards at Jersey Citv. Early next morning the various units of the Regiment detrained and proceeded by ferry to L'nitetl Stales lunbarkalion Pier No. 3 at 1 loboken. The ship assigned to the ,il5th Infantry was the former Ilamljurg-American liner Aiiicrika, renamed the .linrrica. and at that time the third largest transjjort flying the American flag. @ OFF .\T L.\ST! The night of July f^lh was spent aboard shij). Late in the afterncjon of the 9th, the America, in a gray mist, steamed down the Hudson, passed the towered spear-head of Manhattan, the Statue of Liberty, and sailed out into the Atlantic. The ship was one of a convoy of five steamers which carried a total of nearly 22,000 troops, at that time one of the largest, if not the largest, single shij)meiu of troops ever made. The America carried abroad nearly 6,000 troops, a fact which resulted in great over-crowding. Even standing room on deck was at a premium, and the Regiment was divided into three shifts for sleeping. On the night of July 14th, at 11:50 P. M., the America rammed and sank a J>ritish freight steamer, the I ndcslntcto. The ill-fated steamer The U. S. S. Leviath.\n, One of the Tr.\nsports Used by the T9th Division @ Pag« Thlrty-flve I II I ♦ I' ii I II The 515 th Infan-try 1\K(.1ME,\ lAL P. C Ai E^MlMS was struck amidships, cut practically in two, and kicked off about tifty yards to the starboard, where it sank stern down in seven minutes. The night was very dark and bodi steamers were running without lights. The captain of the America ordered a brief stop, had life-boats lowered and succeeded in rescuing eleven of the fortv-two who had composed the crew of the Indcstnicto. The remainder of the voyage, which, in all, lasted nine days, passed with- out incident, and on Thursday, July 18th, the America dropped anchor in E'lrest harbor. At seven o'clock that evening a lone lighter appeared in some miraculous fashion, and the First and Third Battalions, some 2.000 strong, crowded aljoard and were ferried to the docks along the harbor front. "BREST" Perhaps it was coincidence, or perhaps it was fate, but as the khaki-clad boys from the City of Brotherly Love swung up from the docks through the narrow, winding streets of Brest, the first sound to greet their ears was the familiar refrain "Hail, Hail, the Gang's All Here," chanted shrilly by swarms of French youngsters who thronged the route of march. Intermingled with Philadelphia's good old rallying cry were to be heard piteous appeals for pennies, cigarettes and chewing gum, all of which seemed to be desired for "papa." The advance guard of the Regiment, after many twistings and turnings, finally reached its camping ground at midnight and pitched shelter tents in a driving downpour of rain. The following day the Second Battalion, Headquarters Company, Ma- chine Gun Company and Supply Comj^any came ashore and followed in the footsteps of their brethren. Page Thirty-six The 515th iNFANnrnY As long as memory holds, Brest, in the minds of the men of the 315th Infantry, will stand as a synonym for rain, mud and general discomfort. Dur- ing the three days which the Regiment spent in the fields outside the city, it ranied almost continuously. Food, water and wood had to be carried on men"s backs for a distance of two miles over roads that were ankle deep with mud. At all hours of the day and night, soldiers were to be seen strung out along the road staggering under loads of firewood, canned tomatoes, slabs of bacon, bread, and other articles deemed necessary by the Government to maintain the life and fighting s])irits of the doughboy. During the journey from the Commissary to the cami), these articles, iiarticularly the l)read, acquired a generous coating of mud, the thickness of which varied in direct ratio to the number of stops made by the bearer. As a rest camj), Ilrcst was not a howling success. As one home- sick doughboy disconsolately init il. ".Vbout the only thing you rest here is your stomach." However, all things base an end and so it was with Brest. ( )n July 21st, the morale thermometer registered a jump that nearly blew the mercury through the top of the tube. The first movement toward the fighting line had started. At noon on that date, the First Battalion and Headquarters Company gleefully struck tents, and waded through the mud to a railroad siding near the dock, where a train was waiting to bear them, once for all, from the environs of Brittany's ancient city. Were tears shed at parting? Yes, gentle reader, but only by those who stayed behind. For those who went, no cloud could dim the future, not even when it was learned that the trip was to be made in box cars, wjiicli some misguided native of I'rance had at one lime or oilier in IJic dim 1 I I I t*.-- , -■■■rS^it^Jir^y.. The Village Square in Ciiatoillenot Page Tblrty-seven !0 The 515 th IrsfFANT^RY @ The Church in Leucuev past decided capable of holding forty men or eight horses. The "Hommes 40 — Chevaux 8" idea sounds good on paper but nowhere else. If you don't believe it, ask any member of the A. E. F. The Second Battalion and Machine Gun Company followed in wake of the First Battalion on the morning of the 22nd, and the same afternoon wit- nessed the dejiarture of the Third Battalion and Supply Company. THE MOVEMENT INLAND Three days and three nights were spent on the trains traveling iidand, dur- ing which tiiue the Regiment passed through the cities of Rennes, St. Brieue, La\al, Le Mans, Tours, Bourges, Nevers, Dijon and Is-sur-Tille. The trip was a novel and refreshing experience for both officers and men and afforded the first insight into the lives and customs of a people with whom the Regiment was destined to spend the better part of a year. On July 24th, the first section arrived at the detraining jjoint, Vaux, which was also the Divisional railhead. The following day, the third section arrived, and these units were billeted in the surrounding towns as follows : Headquarters Company and Company "D," together with Regimental Headquarters, at Esnoms ; Companies "A," "B" and "C," with First Battalion Headquarters, at Courcelles ; Comijanies "I," "K" and "L," and Third Battalion Headquarters at Chalancey ; Company "M" at Vesvres ; Supply Company at Chatoillenot. The second section, carrying the Second Battalion and Machine ( nm Com- pany, became more or less confused on route and did not arrive at its detraining point, Vivey-Chalmessin, until July 26th. The night of the 26th was spent de- training, and on the following day the companies marched to their billeting areas Page Thirty-eight The 515th Infanttry as follows: C()ni]);iiiies "E" and "V" at Aujeurres; Companies "G" and "II," and Second I'.attalion Headquarters, at Lcuchey ; Machine (km Company at ( liatdillenot. RI'.CIMI-.X'!' TkAlXS IX 'ri-.X'!'!! .\RR.\ The foretjoinij towns, allotted to the i\et,nnienl. were ])art of the Tenth Training Area, in which the Division was to spend the final ])erio(l of training hefore going to tiie I'Vont. This area lay some fifty kilometers south of Chau- mont, the (leneral Headquarters (G. H. Q. ) of the American T-xpeditionary i'"orces, and hut twentv-li\e kilometers from I.angres, the great school center of the American Army. I hi July 27th. just as the last of the Second llaltaliim was estahlishing itself in the nt-w area. Lieutenant Colonel ^Mden C. Knuwles was attached to the Regiment 1)\ order of the Division and at once assumed command. The new commander was well-known to most of the officers and men of the .515th Infan- trv. having served as lieutenant colonel of the ,^16lh Infantry during the entire stay of that regiment at Camp Meade. This circumstance smoothed away what- ever difficulties of adjustment might otherwise have existed. Colonel Knowles brought to the Regiment a strong will, a mind well versed in military strategy and a fund of wide and varied experience gained during his years of service in the Regular .\rmv. < )n .\ugust 1st, his promotion to the rank of colonel was announced, and on the same date the order was issued from Division perma- nently assigning him as commanding officer of the ,51.Sth InfaiUry. .\ month and a half were spent in the Tenth Training Area in final prej)- aration for the serious work to come. During this period, great stress was laid Second B.\ttai.ion P. C. at Aujeurkes Page Thirt.v-nine r The 515 th iNFATsnr^RY Third Battalion Group at Chalancev With Chateau in Background ^ I ^- A Street Scene in Chalancey Page Forty The 515 th Infantry upon maneuvers, and e\eryone from general to private was drilled incessantly in all the \vh\s and wherefores of his job. During this period, also, the Regi- ment becanii.- more or less familiar with the habits and customs of rural France. One learned, for instance, that next to '■Com])rce" the word "Fini" was the one most frc([uently used in the French language, and again that it is entirely pos- sible, when one has become acctistomed to it, to share one's habitation in perfect amity and understanding with the occupants of the Ijarnyards. It"s all in what you are used to, and everyone ra])idly became conversant with continental ideas. I*"inally, after six weeks' training, the powers-that-were decided the Regiment was ready to take its place at the front, and on the 8th of September the .515th Infantry started on the journey that was to end at the edge of No Man's Fand. The first stage of the journey was made by rail from V'au.x to Revigny. The tri]) was made in four sections, the first section arri\-ing at Revigny at midnight. .September Sth. and the second and third sections during the morning and afternoon of September 9th. Upon detraining, the First Battalion marched to Bazincourt. followed by the 1 leadcjuarters Company and the Machine Gun Coni])any to Lisle-en-Rigault and Haironville respectively. The .Second Bat- talion in turn proceeded to its billets at Brillon. The fourth section, carrying the Third Battalion, was the last to reach Revigny, and the Battalion upon de- training marched most of the night in a heavy rainstorm, not reaching its billets at Haironville until four o'clock on the afternoon of September 10th. The Regiment rested for two days in this area and on the night of the 12th embussed for the front on a French camion train. The trip lasted all night, the \arious units arriving at Rampont early on the morning of the 13th. The day was spent in camps in the general vicinity of Dombasle. and that night the 315th Infantry set out on the last stage of the journey to the trenches. I I .A. Street Scene in Vesvres Page Forty-one The 315th Infantry Roster of Officers of the 315 Infantry (September 1, li»18) Colonel Alden C. Knowles Lt.-Col. Noble J. Wiley Captain Samuel W. Fleming. Jk. Captain Coleman P. Bkown Captain Alfred G. Harlow Coininanding Regiment Lieiileinnil-Cdtiiiiel of Regiment (On D. S.) Regimental Adjutant Regimental Personnel OfHeer Res.imenlal Inlelligenee Officer FIRST BATTALION Major Fred. W. McL. Patterson First Lieut. Walter Gallagher Commanding Batlaliiin Adjutant COMPANY A COMPANY B COMPANY C COMPANY D Ciipt. Josciib n. Nnolian Capt. John V. Hostwlck Ciipt. Cliarli-s H. Til^'Iuimn Ciipt. Julm II. ItickfLsim. Jr. 1st Lt. James H. Carpenter Ist I.t. Artluir L. Bagans 1st Lt. Robert P. Meilj- 1st Lt. .Setli C. Hetlierington 1st Lt. Alfred L. Quintard 1st Lt. Edward h. Journeay 1st Lt. Conrad F. Nagel. Jr. 1st Lt. Lawson G. Bash 2nd Lt. N. S. liarratt, Jr. 1st Lt. Ben.1. H. Pollock 1st Lt. Stanley A. Welsh 1st Lt. Frank A. Van Horn 2nd Lt. Logan B. Gill 2nd Lt. John J. Conahan 2iid Lt. George S. Barker 2i]d Lt. William R. Mease 2nd Lt. Lester C. Shearer 2nd Lt. Austin E. P.esancon 2nd Lt. Shepard F. Williams SECOND BATTALION Major Norman E. Borden . - - First Lieut. W.\llace E. Hackett First Lieut. Richard V. Lancaster company e COMPANY G Commanding Battalion Adjutant Chaplain COMPANY H COMPANY r Capt. Lucius A. Miller Capt. Fred H. McCliutock Capt. Earle C. Offlnger Capt. David B. Williams. Jr. 1st Lt. Frank S. Crawford 1st Lt. William A. Sheehan 1st Lt. J. Ferguson Mohr 1st Lt. Walter F. Hayes 1st Lt. John V. Murray 1st Lt. William M. Murrell 1st Lt. John C. Snyder 1st Lt. George N. Altliouse 1st Lt. Edgar J. Eyler 1st Lt. Ralph J. Miller 2iid Lt. Herman D. Partsc-h 1st I.t. James S. McKeon 2nd Lt. Walter Hihbard 2nd Lt. Thos. L. Ashbridge 2nd Lt. Chester G. Stewart 2ml Lt. B. Morrow Sheppard 2nd Lt. John J. Borbidge 2nd Lt. llavid A. Wiley 2iid I.t. Charles S. Tiers THIRD BATTALION Major Francis V. Lloyd . . - First Lieut. Benjamin Bullock, 3rd First Lieut. George M. Bailey COMPANY K Capt. George P. Scholes COMPANY I Capt. Albert Friedlander 1st Lt. Orson J, Graham 1st Lt. Raymond T. Turn 1st Lt. George IL Trundle 2iul Lt. William B. Dodson 2Tid Lt. Ernest \'. Becker COMPANY L Capt. Francis A. Awl 1st Lt. Chas. Arbnthnot. 3d 1st Lt. George L. Wright 1st Lt. Wm. M. Carroll. Jr. 1st Lt. Walter M. Collins 1st I.t. John T. Ford 1st Lt. Theodore Rose Commanding Battalion Adjutant Cliaflain COMPANY M (':irit. Wm. W. Van llaniau 1st Lt. Wilton Snowden. Jr. 1st Lt. Carl W. Weutzel 1st Lt. Henry P. Fansler 2ud Lt. Ira B. Kellberg 2nd Lt. Louis U. Labine 2tnl Lt. (Jeiu'ge S. Freeman 2nd Lt. Harry 1). Fnrey 2ud Lt. Floyd S. Strosnider 2nd Lt. Carl W. Andrews SPECIAL I'MTS HEADQUARTERS COMPANY MACHINE GUN COMPANY Capt. Ward W. I'icrsou 1st Lt. Ledlie 1. Laughlin 1st Lt. John W. Stauffer 1st Lt. Edward B. Mugnire 2ud Lt. Francis A. Chidsey 2nd Lt. Joseph R. Bingman 2nd Lt. James F 2ud Lt. Russell M. Willard 2nd Lt. Joseph C. Painter Capt. Jos. G. Human. Jr. 1st Lt. Fred H. Lucas 1st Lt. David M. Wallace 2nd Lt. John N. McDowell 2nd Lt. Charles F. Baer Delaney SUPPLY COMPANY Capt. Victor H. Morcaii 1st Lt. J. Lambert Smith Isl Lt. Chas. J. Hyde. Jr. L'lid Lt. Ilc.ss E. Stickid MEDICAL DETACHMENT .\l:ij. Robert B. Shackelford Caj.t. Wallace Bulford 1st Lt. William F. Craig 1st I.t. Ivor D. Fcuton 1st Lt. Ralph A. Claridge 1st Lt. Robert C. Van Buren 1st Lt. Marvin B. Campbell 1st Lt. Samuel Friedlander 1st Lt. Norman B. Gardiner 1st Lt. George L. Drach Page The 515 th Infanttrv The Regiment PART II On the Western Front H. . 5 Page l"(irty-tliree The 515 th Itstfant^ry The 515th Infant^ry -^ — 1 I I The I.MlKKKli RkM.N ANIS OF THE BniS l)E Malanxoikt I INTO THE LINE HE sector assigned to the 315th Infantry for its initial ex- perience at the battle-front comprised the right half of the Division's sector — "Sector 304." The half taken over by the Regiment was known as the haxry sub-sector, and, at the time of being taken over, was held by the 333rd French Infantry Regiment. The sector lay about 15 kilometers northwest of the great French fortress, V'erdini. and during the s]jring and summer of 1916 had witnessed the bitterest and bloodiest struggles of the war. when the legions of the Crown Prince had attemjited to smash the French line at the .grim fortress on the Meuse. ( )n the right of the Regimental sector, during the night of .September 13th- 14th, Company "E" entjred the front line trenches on "Hill 304," where human skulls and bones still lay in mute evidence of the titanic struggles of the ])ast. Eight hundred meters further back, Companies "(i" and "H" took over the line of resistance with the latter company on the right. These companies lay at the head of "Death X'alley," the graveyard of tliousands of French and I ierman dead. Beyond the mouth of this ravine was j)lainly visible "Dead Man's Hill" ( Le Mort Homme), the scene of numerous attacks and counter-attacks during the great German drive of 1916. Half a mile behind the line of resistance was located the Battalion P. C. — P. C. Cannebiere, and here "F" Company was stationed in reserve. The left half of the Regimental sector was taken over by the First Battalion. "C" Company occupied the line of observation with the tattere<l remnants of I y| Page Forty-five The 515 th iNFAN-rR-y @ ^tm^i^;^ Regimental P. C. (P. C. Caesar) on Hill 309 the Bois de Malancourt in its immediate front and behind it Companies "A" and "B" on the line of resistance. "D" Company occupied the reserve position at BattaHon Headquarters — P. C. Copinard. Behind the headquarters of the front hue battahons was located the Regi- mental P. C. on "Hill 309," at which point were stationed also Company "I," of the Third Battalion, and the Pioneer platoon of Headquarters Company. A thousand meters behind the Regimental P. C, "K," "L" and "M" Companies, of the Third Battalion, took up position as the Regimental Reserve in Normandv Woods, in conjimction with the Supply Company. Headquarters Company es- tablished itself in Camp Civile. The Machine Gun Company joined and support- ed the First Battalion on the left of the Regimental sector, while Company "A," of the 312th Machine Gun Battalion, supported the Second Battalion on the right. So much for the disposition of the Regiment on its first entry into the line. While the 315th Infantry occupied its sector on the Allied line, it gained the knowledge that opposite it lay one of the most formidable positions on the entire Western front. Five hundred meters beyond the most advanced posts of the outpost line, across the waste of rusted wire and shell-torn ground that marked No Man's Land, ran the German front line. Here the Boche had lain for nearly four years, and here apparently he intended to remain. Just within his lines, in the sector opposite the Regiment, lay the nearly obliterated villages of Haucourt and Malancourt. Behind these the country rolled to the north in hills and valleys dotted with small clumps of woods and underbrush, and traversed by band after band of barbed wire entanglements. Behind all, far back on the northern horizon, rose the dominating heights of Montfaucon from which the Crown Prince had directed the assaults of his army two years before. This great citadel had been christened "The Little Gibraltar" by the German High Page Forty-six The 315th Infanttrv -<' — I Conimaiid. and the hoasl liad been made that it woidd iic\er l)e taken by the AlHes. Strcinji^ as the (iernian position was by nature, it had been rendered still more formidable by artificial means. Durinji; the four years of their occujiancy of the French soil north and west of \'erdun, the in\aders, at an immense cost of time and labor, had constructed and organized four successive lines of defense. The tirst of these was the prolongation of the famous Hindenburg Line, which at this ])oint lay three kilometers south of Montfaucon. Then in tjrder came the Hagen Stellung, the \'olker Stellung and finally the last great line, the Kriem- hilde Stellung. .\t the point opposite "Sector 304," the distance between the first and last of these lines of defense was less than eighteen kilometers. Such were the positions opposite the 315th Infantry. The l-'aNTy Sub-sector was what the French would term a "ires bon" sector. The days and nights were quiet and, except for the whistle of an occasional shell, there was little to indicate that here lay the forces of two great nations engaged in war. THE FIRST CASUALTY ( )n the night of September l.^ih, the Regiment suti'ered its first casualty in the death of Corporal Thomas L. Landenberger, of Company "1," who was fatally wounded at the Regimental P. C. (P. C. Caesar), by the e.xplosion of an aerial bomb dropped from a German plane and intended for the Headquar- ters building. At the same time, two other members of the same company were wounded slightly. A switch was made in the positions of the various comjianies on the night of September LSth. Company "A" relieved Company "B" on the line of ob- P. C. Cannebiere Near Esnes 5 Page Forty-seven f II The 515 th IisrFANnrRY \30 t\i\^f.H\ h j>A 1 I i'. C IN THE FnRET DE llh>M-_ servation, Company "B" having relieved Company "C" two nights before. The Third BattaHon moved up from its reserve position and reheved the Second BattaHon. which took over the place vacated by the Third. The Third Battalion established itself as follows: Company "K" on the line of observation. Com- panies "L" and "M" on the line of resistance, Company "I" in reserve. Com- pany "E" took over the place of Company "T" on Hill 309. During the time the Regiment occupied the sector, it had on its right the 129th Infantry of the 33rd Division, and on its left the 313th Infantry of the 79th Division. It was just at the time that the changes mentioned in the foregoing paragraph occurred, that the Regiment first became aware of unusual activity in its sector. Duc-.-OuTS IN THE FOKET DE HeSSE Page Forty-eight The 515 th Infant^ry J'. C. COPINARD The first intimation came in the form of a group of French marines, who licsjan the construction of large gun emplacements along the Doml)asle-Monlze\illc Road. A (lay or two later, hatteries of heavy howitzers took u]) position one hy one in the vicinity of Msnes, a ruined village on the right edge of the Kegi- mental sector. Still later, hatteries of French 75's made their appearance just hehind the line of resistance, and then it was settled heyond all question of douht that an attack on a large scale was impending. With this fact assured, specula- tion hccame rife as to whether or not the 315tli Infantry was to he included in the assaulting forces. (Jld-timers in the ranks scoffed at the idea of green l^EATH V.^LLEV WITH De.M) M.VN's HiI.1. ( Le MoRT HoMME) IN THE H.VCKCROIXI). I'hE E.\ST Slope of Htu. *i4 C.\n Be Seen ,\t the Left H.\xd Side of the Pictcre Page Forty-nine p' 515 TH IlSTFANnrRY ■ Vi ll" tft Nv u r—*"*' _ - • **^ 5^^S^y>^ '^^t-l 1 i^ «> ^^i5(^ \ /^^=- (/,?)/' z/-Jn< J/ ■<°ff \\ ^^\r ^ 1 "^^^tVJ.^ .—••*• • ^^* ' T V t ■"rVTT?i "^"^^T^^ w L_-^^^ i r •^ — 5 /;■ ) / V . %, \ rF N i r^ — ^ % 1 r "b X >n O O P J JI rage Fifty troops being sent against positions such as those lying opposite tlie Regiment, and the majority of the Regiment was of the opinion that the initial attack, at least, would be made by some of the more tried and seasoned divisions. Finally the question was settled. ()n the 23rd, orders were received that the attack would be made on .September 26th, and that the 79th Division would form i)art of the attacking line as a shock division. The 31.^th and 314th Infantries, under the command of Brigadier General Nicholson, were to iniii.ilc the attack in the Divisional sector, which was to be narrowed to half its original width. The 315th and 316th Infantries, under the command of Brigadier ( leneral Xoble, were to act as a support, the 315th Infantry following the 314lh, and the 316lh Infantry following the 313th. For the attack, the front of the Regimental sector was to be diminished to include onl_\- tliat held by the batt.alion on the ri!,dit, at that time the Third Battalion. On the evening of September 24th, the sub-sector held by the i'"irst ilattalion was taken over by troops of the 316th Infantry, the First Baltidion taking U]) position in the F"oret de Hesse. The following evening, the 314th Infantry passed through the Regiment from the rear and look over the front line trenches from the 129th Infantry, which had outposted two entire divisional fronts during the preceding 48 hours, in order that a series of Boche raids along the line might not disclose the fact that different divisions were being massed for an attack. The plan of action, as outlined in P)riga(le orflers. jirovided that the 3 1 5th Infantry should supjiort the attack of the 314th Infantry at a distance of 1,000 meters, ad\ancing with two battalions in line and one in sn])port, the latter to serve as a Brigade reserve. To carry out this plan, the First Battalion, during the night of September 25th, was brought over from the Foret de Hesse, and placed on the left of the Third Battalion in the Regimental attack sector, .\fler the necessary changes of position had been acconi])]ished, the Regiment was dis- posed in support of the 314th Infantry as follows: The First Battalion, under Major Patterson (who had succeeded Major Wiley when the latter was ordered to the (jeneral Staff College at Langres), occupied the front line on the left half of the Regimental sector; Company "C" in trench Delacroix, Companies "D." ".V" and "B" along the Boyau Tournehere. The Third Battalion, under Major Lloyd, was posted on the front line on the right half of the Regimental sector; Company "I" in trench Cant, Comixuiies "K" and "L" in Boyau de la Cannebiere and Boyau des Zouaves, Com])any "^I" in trench Raoul Duval. The last-named company was detailed as Regimental reserve. The .Second liat- talion, under Major Borden, bad come u]) from Normandy Woods and taken position, with Companies "K." "I!" and "(1" just south of the road ojijiosite P. C. Cannebiere, and Company "V" immediately behind the center of the First and Third Battalions to act as "nioppers-uii." TIIF BOMB.VRDMFXT At ele\en o'clock on tlie night of .September 25th, a deep boom far behind the .\merican lines heralded the beginning of the si.\-hour .Mlied barrage. It was the most terrific bombardment ever delivered upon a front of similar extent. Massed between the Meuse and the western edge of the -\rgonne, were three thousand pieces of artillery gathered from all i)arts of the Western front. Many @ Page Flft.v-one The 515 th Itstfanttry @ "Over the Top" of the pieces were still hot from action in the St. Mihiel salient, while others had seen service with the British in Flanders and with the French in the Champagne. There was an average of one gun for every eight meters of front, and, at certain points in the line where stifi' opposition was expected, the average interval was much less. Opposite Montfaucon, in the sector occupied by the 315th Infantrv, the artillery was literally lined up hub to hub. None, whose privilege it was to witness it, will ever forget the indescribable grandeur of the artillery barrage which preceded the great Meuse-Argonne ()f- fensive. The somber hills guarding Verdun and the country to the west seemed rimmed with flame. The air was filled with the whistling of passing shells, and above all rose the thunder of the guns. Close at hand could be heard the sharp, staccato bark of the French 75's, farther back mounted the throaty roar of the six and nine-inch howitzers, while, in the distant rear, hills and \alleys re\erberated to the deep boom of the huge naval guns along the Dombasle road. Two hours after midnight the fire of the artillery seemed to double in inten- sity, and the metallic whiz of shells ox'erhead merged into a continuous scream. The batteries had changed to drum-fire. It was the final Ijarrage Ijcfore the attack, and for three hours a deluge of steel and flame was let down upon the lierman positions ahead. Page Fifty-two The 515th Infanttrv ()\Kk 'lll['. TOP At 5 :.i() A. M. cm \\\v ninrniu',' of St'ptLMiihcr 26tli, tlic first \va\es of in- fantry s\vc])l forward, and the American Army, witli nine divisions on a 25-mile front, heijan tlie mighty offensixe which ended only with tin- Armistice. The 79\\\ |)i\isi(in ,id\anctd as the right flank division of the .Mh Corps, which had heen gi\en the ])ost of honor in the center of the attacking line. ( )n the right of the Camp Meade division was the 4th Regular ,\rmy Division, and on the left, the 37th Xaticjnal (iuard Division. In accordance with the jilans laid down, the 315th Infantry started its advance across No .Man's l,an<l wlu-n the last elements of the 314th Infantry had jiassed a thousand meters heyond the jum])ing-off point. On its right was the 4th Division, on its left the .?13th and 3I6th Infantries, the 313tli Infantry on the front line. i he 315th Infantry .Machine ( lun Com])any suppt)rted the l-'irst Battalion, and Conqiany "A," of the 312th .Machine < inn li.attalion, sup- ]iorted the Third Battalion. Scarcely had the leading units of the Regiment cleared their own wire, when they ])lunged into a dense smoke l)arra';e which the I'irst (ias and Flame Regiment h;id put o\ er just pricjr tn the advance of the front line. This smoke, comljined with the mist which lay in the valley, made it extremely difticult for com])anies and platoons to keep touch with one another. .\hout eight o'clock, the "]iut-put-put" of ( lerman machine .guns could he heard in the mist ahead, as the 3I4th Infantry gained contact with the P)Oche machine gun nests in and around .M.alancourt. .shortly .afterwards tiie lirst grou])s (jf ( icrman prisoners hei^an to hie hy, hands held hi.gh above their heads. Ivich group proceeded under the escort of a grinning doughhoy, whose h.xed bayonet served as an effective -^pur to lagging footsteiw. Although the firing ahead had liecn in ])rogress for quite a time, the advance went on rajjidly. The Regiment did not ronie under direct fire until "1" Coni- I I ^:t::3^- ^- . \ .\ VclMKIIh l.l-KMA-N ril.l.-l'iOX Xk.VR H.\CC0L"RT @ Page Fifty-tUrec rRY Some of the First German Prisoners Captured by Troops of the 79th Division pany, the leading company of the Third BattaHon, reached the Forges Brook at the southern edge of Haucourt and the dismal swamp of the Bois de Malancourt. Here the men of the Third Battalion were subjected to the fire of German snipers who had taken up positions in the ruins of Malancourt. LIEUTENANT TURN KILLED It was at this point that the first battle casualty in the Regiment was re- ported. First Lieutenant Raymond T. Turn, commanding the first platoon of "I" Company, was killed instantly just as he was about to lead his platoon across the Forges Brook. It is believed that his death was causei which exploded in his pocket after being struck by a German sniper's bullet < )n the left side of the Regimental sector, the First Battalion went forward without resistance until it had crossed the Forges Brook, when its advance was held up by a rain of bullets from machine guns and snipers in the Hinden- burg trench, one and one-half kilometers north of Malancourt. At 12:30 P. M., an "S. O. S." call for assistance was received at Regimental Headquarters from Colonel Oury, commanding officer of the 314th Infantry, who requested reinforcements for his front line. Major Lloyd, of the Third Battalion, was at once directed to send forward two companies. Following the bv a hand grenade Page Fifty-four The 515 th Ir issuance of this order, lio\\e\er, word was reccixed from Division that no aid would be jjivcn the leaihnj; regiment at this time, and, in conse<iuenee, the orders for two companies to reinforce the ,^14th Infantry were immediately revoked. By three o'clock in tiie afternoon, tlie Tjiird Battalion, despite the continuous fire of snipers from the front and tlanks. had "moi^ped u])" Malancourt and advanced a half kilometer beyond. But here its advance was held up by a storm of machine gvm Ijidlets, one-pounder shells, minenwerfcrs and the fire of a 77-nim. wun, a sacrifice piece, which was tiring o\er the sights at the advancing troops. This tire swept in a southeasterly direction down tiirough the clr;iw leading into Malancourt. and came, in the main, from wiial were afterwards found to be S])eciall\- jjrepared positions in the llindenburg trench system. In the middle of the afternoon, the Third Battalion suffered another casualty in the death of Second Lieutenant Floyd S. Strosnider. of "L" Company, who was killed by a machine gun bullet while leading his platoon through the dense underbrush northwest of Malancourt. .\t .almost the same time, the death of First Lieutenant William F. Craig, of the Medical Corps, was reported. Lieu- tenant Craig, who at the time of his death was attached to the Second Battalion, was killed instantly I)y the explosion of a Ccrman shell at the cross-roads in Malancourt. At three o'clock, the advance of both the First and Third Battalions had been halted by the overwhelming fire from the German trenches ahead. The i A Truck Lo.\d of Wounded Americans on iiit \\ s'l to the Rear 10 Page Fifty-five The 515 th IrsfFANT^RV @ Amilrican Artillery Horses Caught in a German Trap Near Montfaucon .— — .- Page Fifty-six The 515 th Infanttry -I — ( 5 TuAiiu Jammku L r Hkhimj tui; Aii\'ancing I Kuurs i.\ rii:; Vn.i.Aiiii ui- Esnes front line companies, liowever, held grimly to their task, and rL-])eated attempts were made to advance, tiradually the line edged forward, and hv six o'clock that evening the fir.st wave of llie .?15th Infantry had crawled U]) the hill slopes and into the llindenhurg trench, iiere the Regiment took up positions for the night: Companies "I" and "K" of the Third Battalion, east of the Malancourt- Montfaucon road ; Companies "L" and "M" and the First llattalion. west of the road; the Second Battalion in a system of trenches ahout 4(X) nietcrs south of the Third Battalirjn : and Regimental Tlead(|Uarters one kiliim;'ler southeast of Malancourt. During the da}-, the Regiment had lost 3 officers and 9 men killed and 31 men wounded. .\ total of 61 (ierman prisoners had been captured, 42 of these having heen taken at one time hy the men of "C" and "B" Companies in the woods one kilometer northwest of .Malancourt. Owing to the stifl' resistance encountered by both the 3L5th and 3-14th Infantry, the front line of the Division at the end of the first day was considerably behind the line established liy the 4th Division on the right and the Vi/th Division on the left. THE ADWXXCh: ( )F Sia'TI-.MBl'.R 271"ll Shortly after six o'clock on the morning of .September 27th, Brigadier (ieneral Noble was relieved by the Division commander. Major Cjeneral Kuhn, who reorganized the Division into two ]jrovisional brigades, one consisting of Page Fifty-seven The ^■''^th Infant^ry The Rl'ins of Muntfaucon Former Headquarters of the German Crown Prince in Montfaucon Page Fifty-eight The 515th Infanhtrv I The Shell Shattered CiirncH in MoxTFArcciN the 313th and 316th Infantries; the other of the 314th and 315th Infantries. Colonel Knowles was placed in command of the provisional brigade consisting of the 314th and 315th Infantries until sucli time as he could gain contact with his senior, Colonel < )ury, the commanding officer of the 314th Infantry. < )rders were given for the Brigade to push forward willi all possible speed, the regi- ments maintaining the same relative positions as on the preceding day. Re])orts had come into Regimental liead([uarters, early that morning, that conditions on the right of the Malancourt-Montfaucon road were such as to make it impossible for troops to move forward without being subjected to heavy machine gun fire from the direction of Cuisy. For this reason orders were issued to the Second Battalion to take uji position immediately behind the Third Battalion on the west side of the Malancourt-Montfaucon road and there await orders. In the meantime. Colonel Knowles, accompanied by his .\djutant. Cap- tain Fleming, made a personal reconnaissance of the front line positions. This reconnaissance showed that an advance on the right of the road would not be so seriously held up as reported, and, in consequence, the Second and Third Battalions were at once ordered to reform on the right of the road and to push forward until contact was gained with the rear elements of the 314th Infantry. To Colonel Knowles fell the task of establishing lines of communication, plan- ning and co-ordinating the work of artillery and tanks in support of tiie attack and, in short, the general reorganization of the Brigade. na])])ily this was ac- complished without much loss of time and without his relinf|uishing command of the Reeiment. *1 I Page Fifty-nine The 515 th Infanttry @ u '^l ■ i !;. I i . fl • '^V . . I) ■ f: ^ -^f^ J z le Page Sixty The 515 th Infantt^rv -y — 1 5 German Aviator Hans Meinrkh Marwere, Etats Meaessinger Unter Officer, Who RRofcHT Down Bau.oon Shown on Oi'piisite Page, anu Who in Turn Was Brought Down a I'"ew Minutes Later nv Anti-Airiraft Guns. The Wreck of Aviator Marwere's Aeroplane Page Sixty-one ANT^RY The Village of Nantillois Under Shell Fire At 8:30 A. M., contact was gained with Colonel < )ury and, hy \irtue of seniority, command of the provisional hrigade automatically passed to the com- manding officer of the 314th Infantry. Both regiments had now started to push ahead, but the advancing troops were already beginning to get beyond the range of their light calibre supporting artillery, and the enemy was resisting with in- creasing vigor. At this juncture, the forward observation officer of the 147th Field Artillery reported to Colonel Knowles for instructions with regard to the placing of his batteries. The 147th h'ield Artillery, which had been designated as accompanying artillery for the front line regiments by Division order, was a light artillery regiment of 75's and at that time formed part of the 57th Artillery Brigade. This brigade, under the command of Brigadier General G. LeRoy Irwin, supported the advance of the 79th Division and was composed in the main of artillery units from the 32nd Division. The artillery officer was directed by Colonel Knowles to place one battery of his 75's near the road-fork, 2j.^ kilometers south of Montfaucon, and two batteries immediately north of Malancourt, for the purpose of supporting the advance by fire on Cuisy and a large patch of woods, the Bois de Tuilerie, due east of Montfaucon. Preparations were made by the artillery to carry out these instructions, but the movement was greatly hampered by the deplorable condi- tions existing on the road over which the artillery had to pass. From the outset, on the morning of September 26th, there had been but one road available for the use of both the 4th and 79th Divisions. This was the Esnes-Malancotirt-Montfaucon Road. At the beginning of the action, on the morning of the 26th, from the head of Death Vallev near Esnes to the outskirts Page Sixty-two The 515 th Infanttry of Malancourt. there was notliiiitj but a shcll-pocked waste of earth and stone. the original road having been blotted out of existence by the explosion of thou- sands of French and tiernian shells during the tighting about Verdun in 1916. During the first day of the American drive, the Engineers had worked wonders, but man could not achieve the impossible, and a single day was not sufficient to build a road capable of satisfying the transjjortation needs of two entire divisions. Uniler these circumstances, the morning of the 27th found the Esnes- Malancouri-Mont faucon Road buried under a hopeless jam of ambulances, artillery, supply trucks, and vehicles of all descri])tions. The forward move- ment of artillery became well-nigh impossible, and, as the day wore on, the advancing troops were forced to rely more and more on the momentum of their own attack. THE TANKS ARRIVE During the afternoon of the 26th, word had come to Reginu-nial Head- quarters that a number of French tanks were to be assigned to the 315th In- fantry as soon as it became possible to bring them u]). These tanks hnallv arrived on the morning of the 27th, and comprised ten light tanks, of liu- Renault type, and two heavy tanks, each of the latter armed with a 7.5-mm. gim. .\t 11 o'clock. Colonel Knowles directed the tank commander to move his tanks to the edge of a small woods a kilometer southwest of Cuisy and there await orders for a farther ad\ance. At this time. Regimental 1'. C. was estalilished east of the Malancourt-Moiit faucon Road just north of Malancourt. I yi.-v The C.\kc.\sses of Horses Killed by Shell Fire .Alont. thk Roadside Just South of X.\ntillois F^ Page Sixty-three I '^ II II I The 515 th Infant^ry :%?'>r^r^^.^%*w-:.>. A Lari;e Tank VVrecked in the Attack on Madeleine Farm. Graves OF Crew Shown in the Foreground A French Renault Tank Wrecked in the Attack on Madeleine Farm. The Tank is Resting Directly on Tor of a German Machine Gun Nest, Which it Succeeded in Destroying. Page Sixty-four The 515th Infant^ p { Meanwhile, the Division front liad been pushed well forward. By eleven o'clock, the leading element.^ of the 313th Infantry were filtering through the Ijattered ruins of Montfaucon, and the 314th Infantry had gained the southern edge of the Bois de Tuilerie. Here, however, the latter regiment was halted by heavy sniping and machine gun tire. As the First and Third Battalions of the 315th Infantry closed up on the line of the regiment ahead, they were ordered by Colonel (Jury to hold their positions and await further orders. The front line of the 315th Infantry then ran east and west across the Malancourt-Mont- faucon Road, less than half a kilometer south of Fayel Farm, with the Third Battalion lying east of the road, the First Battalion west of the road, and the Second Battalion halted in rear of the Third. During the afternoon of the 27th, the 315th Infantry held itself in readiness, close up l)ehind the leading regiment, awaiting orders to move, while the trooj)S ahead slowly worked their way through the Bois de Tuilerie and the valley to the east. Finally at 7:00 P. AI., the order directing the forward movement arrived, and, preceded by the light tanks, the Regiment advanced toward its next objective — Xantillois. Division orders provided that as soon as the 314l!i Infantry had taken Nantillois, the 315th lnf;uUry would pass through and relieve it in the front line, tiie 314th falling back in support. It had been hoped that Nantillois would be taken before dark, but the strong resistance encountered by the front line troops during the day had so delayed the advance that the occupation of the town before night set in became impossible. Nevertheless, the troops drove ahead long after darkness fell, and by ten o'clock that evening the Regimental front line had been carried to a point nearly a kilometer beyond the Montfaucon-Septsarges Road. .\t that time, word was sent to the troops to dig in. This was done by the front line battalions, the First and Third, on the line just mentioned, while the Second Battalion took up position 200 meters in rear of the front line battalions. Regimental Head- (juarters was established in the Bois de Tuilerie, east of Montfaucon. The advance of September 27th had cost the Regiment the loss of 9 men killed and of 4 officers and 76 men wounded, the majority of these casualties having been sustained bv the First Battalion during the earlv hours of the morning. Between 10 P. AI. and midnight, the enemy let down a heavy harassing artillery fire on the small plateau lying northwest of Septsarges. This fire fell in the area occupied by the right half of the Regimental front line and caused the Third Battalion to change its i)osition to a system of trenches just north of the Septsarges-Montfaucon road. .\t one o'clock on the morning of .'September 2.'~!th. the Regiment received word from Brigade Headquarters that the 4th Division, on the right, had estab- lished its left flank just one kilometer east of Nantillois. With this word, also, came the order that the attack would be resumed on the morning of the 28th, following the termination of the artillery preparation at 6:15 .\. M., and that the 315th Infantry would relieve the 314th Infantry on the front line. This relief was effected during the night, and the Regiment, waril\- on the alert, made ready to close with the enemy. The ad\ance of the d;iy before had ])ushed the front line far beyond the range of its supporting artillery, with the exception of the few batteries which Page SIxt.v-five The 515 th Infant^ry I — ,y- Forward Slope of "Suicide Hill.'' Bois des Ogons in the BACKCROUt S Reverse Slope of "Suicide Hill" Showing Fox Holes Dug by Men of the 315th Infantry Page Sixty-six The 515th Inkanttry The AIadf.i.kixe Farm as Seen From the GRorxD Which Marked the High Water Mark of the 31-')TH Infantry Advance had reported to Colonel Kiiowles. and the artillery pre]iaration on the morning of the 28th was jjitifully weak — so weak, in tact, that the advance of the front line battalions was delayed until 7:30 A. M., in the l)elicf that the i)rei)aralory barrage had not yet started. l-"inally. howe\er, as the irregular, intermittent fire of the ,'irtillcry grew fainter and fainter, and it became evident that the infantry must "go it alone," the troops mo\ed forward. The Regiment maintained the same formation as on the two jjreceding days, namely, the First and Third Battalions on the line and the Second Battalion in support, following the center of the attacking bat- talions. Company "E" and one platoon of the machine gun company attached to the Second Battalion were detailed as a combat liaison group on the right flank to keep contact with the 4th Division. The advance of both leading bat- talions was to be directed against Nantillois, the First Battalion enveloping the town from the west and south, and the Third Battalion attacking directly from the south. Such artillery as was still available was to fire on the Bois de Beuge, southwest of Xantillois, and on the town itself. THE CAPTURE OF NANTILLOIS For the lirst few hundred meters the front line companies, "L" Company on the right and "D" Company on the left, advanced with little or no opposition, but as the first troops reached the crest of the ridge south of Nantillois, a terrific barrage was laid down by the German batteries on the slope leading down into Nantillois and on the ridge itself. Meanwhile, snipers and machine gunners in the Bois de Beuge and the Bois de Septsarges raked the ground lying south of the village and poured a withering fire into the advancing waves from the flanks. Page Sixty-seven i! T The 515th Infantry HI I! o U < u a H Page Sixty-eight The 515th Infanttry 1 I EvACfATiNG American WnuNHEn Xear Nantii.i.ois on the Nantii.i.dis-.Montfaucon Road Despite the overwhelniiiig cnciii)- lire, the hue struggled desperately ahead, and hy 1 1 o'clock the leading battalions had forced their way into Nantillois, the Third Battalion ha\ing captured a ("lernian battery of six 77-mm. guns at the outskirts of the village on tlic Nantillois- IlrieuUes Road. Nantillois had been taken, but at a hea\y cost. The fmm line companies had each lost a third of their men killed or wounded, anti the other companies of the advanced battalions had sttstained losses almost as heavy. The "mopping up" of the town was accomplished under heavy shelling of high explosives and gas. and the advance again taken up. The front line was l)ushed ahead to Hill 274, about one kilometer north of Nantillois, where the leading battalions halted and reorganized their tattered ranks. I^'ive hundred meters beyond the crest of Hill 274 rose the grim outline of the Bois des Ogons, and behind the western edge of this natund bulwark lay the Madeleine Farm. This woods and farm had been organized as one of the outlving strong points of the Krienihildc .^tcllung line, the last of the great German defensive lines. By 4:00 V. M.. the P'irsl ;ui(l Tliird ISallalions had been reformed. I'he Iniie battery which now remained to the Regiment as its sole supporting arlillerv was directed to fire on the Bois des Ogons and the Madeleine Farm until 4:30 P. M. At that hdur, the tanks, which during tlu' morning had followed behind the at- tacking wave, were brought up, and the Regim?nt launched itself .against the woods ahead. The advance had barely gotten under way when a deluge of bullets from machine gun emplacements in the Bois des Ogons struck the advanc- ing line, and, at the same time. German batteries massed in the woods behind the Madeleine Farm opened up. .\ few minutes later, heavy calibre guns on the heights east of the Meuse joined in the .action and enfiladed the entire south- ern edge of the woods with a storm of high ex])losive shells. The two heavy tanks were put out of action by direct hits almost before they had started. Two of the smaller tanks met a similar fate at the hands of the German one-pounders grouped in the neighborhood of the Madeleine Farm. II Page Slxty-niue The 315th Infantry s II American Cemetery Just South of Xantillois, Where Many of the 315th Infantry Dead Were Buried @ A German Cemetery Near Nantillois Piige Seventy The 515th Infanttrv In defiance of the storm hiirstiiii,' around them, tlic troo])s, jjreceded bv the remaining tanks, ])liuiged forward and linally ])enetr;ited t!ie southern edge of the Bois des (Jgons. No sooner had they entered the hushes at tlie outskirts of the wood-hne, however, than the ( ierman machine guns, esciiekjned along the entire front, o]X'ned up a murderous lire and let loose a criss-cross hail of Hying steel in front of the ad\ancing lines. The combined tire of the enrm\- artillery and machine guns was too powerful to overcome unaided, and the troops with- drew to the crest of Hill 274 to await the coming of reinforcements. ]!y this time the Second P.attalion had arrived on the hill, .and the artillery was again directed to pound the liois des ( )gons in an eflorl to thin out the machine guns lying within its de])ths. .\t the same time, the one-pounders of the Headquarters Company, which up to this tiiue h;ul accompanied the Third Battalion, were ordered to direct their fire against what appeared to he a specially l)repared strong-point at the southeastern edge of the woods. The artillery prep- aration on the woods ahead was so light as to he almost negligil)le, but at 6:00 P. M.. without waiting for further su])])ort, the infantry made a second attempt to contiuer the ( ierman stronghold. The second attack proved onl\- to be a re])etition of the first, and for the second time the battalions withdrew to Hill 274, where they were reorganized and ordered to dig in for the night. By this time. Regimental Headquarters had been moved up to the (ierman dugouts 600 meters south of Nanlillois. During the night, the Regiment clung doggedly to the southern slojie of Hill 274, while the German guns ahead and on the flanks rained on it a continuous stream of shells, which, with the ])assing hours, took their loll of dead and wounded. It was during this night that I lill 274 came to be called ".Suicide Hill" by the men of the 315th Infantry. The advance of the day had been costly. First Lieutenant .Seth C. Hetherington, of "D" Company, was killed instantly by a high explosive shell in the attack of Nantillois, while First Lieutenant .\lfred L. Quintard. of "A" Company, was mortally wounded .at almost the same time. In the attack on the Bois des ( )gons. First Lieutenant (ieorge N. Althouse. lead- ing the first platoon of "H" Company, received a wound from a (ierman machine gun bullet which later resulted in his death at the evacuation hospital. When the last hour of .Sej)tember 2Sth had been rounded out, the losses of the day showed a total of 3 officers and 74 men killed, and 12 officers and 319 men wounded. A total of 23 (jerman jirisoners had been ca|)tured in Nantillois and in the subsequent attacks on the woods to the north. With them had been taken 5 machine guns. Shortly after midnight orders arrived at Regimental 1 lead(|uarters from Division, directing another attack on the following morning. These orders contained the information that the 4th Division, on the right, hacl advanced its front line one kilometer beyond that of the 7ytii Division, thus alTording security for the right flank of the 3L5th Infantry in its attack on the Bois des Ogons. The Division was requested to |)ro\idi' .artillery su])iiort for the attack, but word came back that little assistance could be rendered and that the 315th Infantry would have to depend on its own sui)])orting artillery. By that lime the artillery supporting the Regiment was all but inc.qi.ible of action. Pnge Seventy-one The 515 th Infant^ry j,^H ,X. \ \ 9^'m!\^T^: '^ ^ ,.,„-.-t\-\ -•'\\ 1^ :^^ JL.: t- ,4^ •i '^ lit J ■^ ) ^^ ^ rJ *^^"""n(' Map Showing Daily Advances of the 31.5th Infantry in the Montfaucon Drive Page Seventy-two E 515 th iNFAisnrRY 1 THE LAST AT'lACK OX MADiajCIXK FARM At 7 o'clock on the iiKirning of September 29th, the three battalions of the 315th Infantry moved forward in their third attack upon the Bois des Ogons and the Madeleine Farm. WMth them went the four remaining tanks. That final attack will ever remain a bright jjage in the annals of the Regiment. Going forward to almost certain death, there was not one among the advancing ranks who faltered in face of the task set before him. Hxhausled by lack of food and water, and strained almost to the breaking point by three days of continuous fighting, the troops gathered themselves together and with a cheer rushed upon the woods ahead. For the third time they gained the edge of the Bois des Ogons, and for the third time machine guns deep in the woods. sup()orted bv increased artillery farther back, let lose their annihilating fire, while shells from the heavy German guns east of the Meuse churned up the entire southern edge of the wood-line. It was discovered at this juncture that the reported position of the 4th Division's front line was entirely incorrect, and the right flank of the Regi- ment was exposed to a withering fire from the Bois de Septsarges. The hail of steel was too much for infantry to overcome alone, and, with its dead lying thick in the underbrush and bushes before the Madeleine Farm and along the southern edge of the Bois des CJgons, the 315th Infantry withdrew to its position of the night before, to await the coming of the artillery. B.ut the artillery never came, and in the late afternoon the tierman guns along the Kriemhilde Stellung line to the north and on the heights to the east turned the full fury <}f their storm on Hill 274, and the troops sullenly withdrew to the road s<julh of the hill. ( )n the fields between the road and the southern edge of the Bois de Ogons extended a sea of fresh shell holes, and in their midst lay the wrecked rt-mains of eight P'rench tanks. On the trail leading from Xantillois to the Bois des Ogons. Comjjany "E" still remained, functioning as a combat liaison group with the 4th Division, the front line of which was likewise lu-ld imnio\able before the furliidding positions ahead. The attack of the 29th of ."September had taken a heavy toll in dead and wounded. In the final assault on the Madeleine l-"arm. First Lieutenant William A. Sheehan was killed by a machine gun bullet while leading his men through the Bois des Ogons. First Lieutenant Edgar J. Eyler and Second Lieutenant Herman D. Partsch were both mortally wounded in the same attack. Late in the afternoon. Captain Joseph (i. Duncan. Jr., and First Lieutenant Benjamin Bullock, 3d, were killed instantly by a vagrant German '77 shell on the roadway just north of Nantillois. At the same time. Second Lieutenant James F. Delaney received wounds which later resulted in his death. In all. the regiment lost 6 officers and 69 men killed, and 9 officers and 238 men wounded. During the fighting in and about the Madeleine Farm, 19 prisoners and 26 machine guns wore taken. I'arly on the morning of Scjitember 30th. the 314th Infantry, under orders tnmi Brigade, took over the front line and consolidated the jjositions along the roadside south of Hill 274. while the 315th Infantry established itself as the support regiment on a line running east and west through the southern edge of Nantillois. The First and Second Battalions occu])ied ground to the east of the ^ I Page Seventy-thii' The 515 th Infantt^ry 1 — .^ Montfaucon-Nantillois road, and the Third Battalion took up its position west of the road. Here the troops receive<I from the Supply Company, which had held its position in and about Nantillois under heavy shell fire for two days, their first meal since the beginning of the action. To the Supply Company of the 315th Infantry must be given everlasting credit for the way in which ammunition, food and water were forwarded to the men of the Regiment, despite almost insur- mountable obstacles. In the face of enemy gas and shells, officers and men of the company toiled day and night over roads hopelessly choked with the traffic of two divisions, and to them belongs no small share of the success attained by the Regiment as a whole. Credit must also be given to the officers and men of the Medical Corps who were attached to the 315th Infantry during the opening days of the Meuse- Argonne offensive. Without necessary supplies and equipment, oftentimes with- out amljulances, they nevertheless did a monumental work in the care and e\'acu- ation of the wounded. Much of their work was done under the direct fire of German snipers, machine gunners and artillery, but regardless of this they stuck to their tasks until the last of the wounded had been transported from their ad- vanced dressing stations to the hospitals in the rear. Their unflinching (le\otion to duty and utter disregard of personal danger afforded an inspiring example to the entire Regiment. S 3RD DIVISION RELIEVES THE 79TH It vv^as wliile h'ing grimly on their lines around Nantillois that the men of the 79th Division, worn to the point of exhaustion by five days and four nights of the bitterest fighting troops have ever been called upon to endure, were relieved by the 3rd Division. At the same time, also, the 37th Division, which, with the 79th, had been given the task of smashing the center of the German line in the American sector, was relieved by fresh troops from the 32nd Division. At one o'clock in the afternoon of September 30th, the first units of the 315th Infantry were relie\ed on the support line by the 4th Infantry of the 3rd Division. An hour later, the shell-torn and shell-raked fields along the road leading back to Montfaucon were covered with thin columns of exhausted men stumbling along on their way to the rear. That night the Regiment bivouacked just north of Malancourt, where the men, too tired to move, too tired to eat, too tired to care about anything in the whole world, lay on the open hillside and slept. During- tlTe ]jeriod from September 13th to September 30th, these green troops in their first big fight had made for themselves a record of which the most seasoned veterans might well be proud. The 315th Infantrv, going into action for the first time, had battered its way through three of the great German defensive lines, and had badly shaken the fourth. It had driven through German territory to a depth of ten kilometers, and in so doing had lost nearly 30 per cent, of its strength as casualties. In all, it had lost 188 officers and men killed. 11 missing, 3 captured and 740 wounded. It had captured, or assisted in the capture, of four villages, and had taken a total of 103 prisoners from four dift'erent German divi- sions. These divisions were the XVth, XXXVIIth, Vth Bavarian, and CXVIIth Landsturni. In addition, the Regiment had captured six 77-mm. field pieces (and Pnge Seventy-four The 515 th Inkant^ry The Chate.m- at Thillumhois ( Reci mental P. C. ix Trovon Sector) assisted in the cajHiire of four others), 3S machine g^uns. 1 minenwerfer. 2.000 hand g'renades. and thousands of rounds of small arms ammunition. On the morning of the day following the relief of the Division, the units of the Regiment marched to the original positions held bv them on Septemhcr 2.^th. and two davs later. October 3nl. were assemliled in Kormandv Woods. OFF AG.MN At 9:00 P. M. on the evening of ( )ctober .kd, the 315th Infantry again got in motion, and then began two days and two nights of the most gruelling march- ing. The 79th Division was being hurried over to relie\e the 26th Division in the Troyon Sector, east of the Meuse. The men were ]nished to the limit of their endurance, for fresh troops were being f^ung daily into the maelstrom on the American Front, and the roads Ijchinrl the line had to be kept clear at all costs. The first night's march ended at three o'clock on the morning of October 4th, in the Foret de Souilly, one kilometer east of Senoncourt, the Regiment having jx'issed through the towns of Dombasle, Rampont, Lenimes, and Senoncourt. By the evening of the following day, the troops had passed through Souilly and reached Kecourl, and, on the evening of October 5th, had finally established them- selves in villages along the w-estern bank of the Meuse, behind the Troyon Sector. The various units were billeted as follows : Headquarters Company and Ma- chine (iun Company at Lahavmeix, First Battalion at Bois Marcaulieu, Second Battalion at Cam]) Gibraltar, Com])anies "I" and "M" of the Third Battalion at P. C. Pierre, '"K" Company at Dompcevrin. "T." Company at Les Paroches, Sitpply Company at Camp Gibraltar. .\t this time, the exposure and exhaustion, s Page Sevent.v-flve p 1^ ^ I The 315 th Infant^ry The Village of Thillot and the Plain of the Woevre ■■:n @ ^^^^^^H^^E i^_^^!»-- ..-i^^B 1 Trenches Occupied by Company "L," 315th Infantry, Support Line on the Troyon Front IN the Page Seventy six ^^H^UH The 515 th Infant^ry 1 sustained during the dri\e and the march lo llie new area, made itself teU in an aftermath of sickness, which daily necessitated the evacuation of a large number of men to the hospital. During the first two weeks of October, several com- panies lost as high as fifteen percent of their total strength from sickness. On the night of October 10th, tlie l'"irst Battalion and Headquarters Company moved to Thillombois, while the Third Battalion was assembled at Boquemont. On the night of the 11th. "I." Company, of the Third Battalion, and the Machine (jun Coiupany took up jjosition in Woimbey. and the .Sujjjily Comjiany moved to Boquemont. The Regiment maintained tiie dispositions as they then existed until the 15th of October, when "C" C(inip;in\- mo\-ed to Lavigneville to lalior on ;in .immunition dump. COLONEL KNOWLI'.S CoMMA.XD.s BKIC.VDE On October 12th. Colonel Knowles was ])laced in command of the l.^Sth Infantry Brigade, which then included its original units, the ,?15th and 316th Regiments of Infantry. Command of the Regiment was ])laced in the hands of Major Lloyd, commanding officer of the Third Battalion. During the afternoon of October 15th, word was received that the Divisional sector had been widened, and that one battalion of the 315th Infantry was to take over half of the front then occupied by the Second French Cavalry Division, which held the line on the right of the 79th. .\t this time, the Divisional sector was di\ided into two parts, the 157th P)rigadc holding the left half (sub-sector Connecticut) and the 158th Brigade the right half (sub-sector Massachusetts). In the 158th Brigade sub-sector, the 316th Infantry had been holding the front lines since October 10th, during which time the 315th Infantry had occupied the reserve position on the west bank of the Meusc. The task of taking over the new front assigned to the l)i\isioii fell to the Third Battalion, to which Captain Lucius A. Miller. 315lli Inf.mlry. had been temporarily attached as commanding officer. At 11 o'clock on the morn- ing of October 17th. the Third Pjattalion set out on its second trip to the lines. The four companies crossed the Meuse at Woimbey and proceeded through the towns of Lacroix, Seuzy and Dompierre to the Bois de Raquatet, wdiere they bivouacked for the night. At 7:00 A. M. on the morning of October 18th. the Third Battalion relieved the 13th French Curassiers a I'ieds on the main line of resistance in the Thillot sub-sector, which com])rised the range of hills over- looking the plain of the Woevre between the villages of Thillot and St. Maurice. To cover the sector assigned to it. the Third Battalion was disposed with all four companies on the line of resistance. "I" Company on the left held the heights above Thillot: on the right of "1" Company, "K" and "L" Com])anies in succession held the hill-crests: on the extreme right, "M" Com]jan\- was posted, with its line just west of the village of St. Maurice, jiarlly on the bills and partly in the valley. The ground held bv the 313th infantry in the 'Troyon ."-Sector had been wrested from the Germans but little over a month before in the St. Mihiel offen- sive. Already, however, the sector had been stabilized, and at that time pre- sented one of the most picturesque fronts on the .\Ilied line. Perched high on the precipitous bluffs buttressing the right bank of the Meuse. the .American line overlooked the broad, flat plain of the Woevre, which stretched as far as 10 Page Seventy-seven The 515 th Infant^ry ' — "- \ -' '-^^^^ \ - \ \ z ^« Page Seventy-eight The 515th Infanttry -I — ( the eye could rerich to a distant line of hills marking;; the main ( Icrnian line of defense. Thirty kilometers east of those hills lay Metz and its immense fortifi- cations. Far out on the \\'oe\ re, a good h\e kilometers from the protecting hills hehind. the front line ran in and out between the tiny villages dotting the plain. \\'ithin the .Mlied lines lay the villages of I""resnes-en-\\'oe\Te, Champion. Saulx- en-\\'oevre, W'adonville. Doncourt-aux-Templiers, Avillers, and Woel ; within the Cierman lines, St. Hilaire, Butgneville, Marville, and Moulette. By day. the low-lying expanse of the Woevre lay in solemn stilln-ss, no life or movement visible on its broad surface, but at night came a miraculous change. The hills to the east became lit with the H;ish o\ .\ustrian guns, star shells rose and threw their weird light ci\er the plain below, while oxerhead the ( lerman planes droned ceaselessly throughout the night. These were the surroundings under which the Third Battalion held the line fn)m October ISth until the morn- ing of October 25th. During that period e\erylhing reniiuned quiet except for a threatened enemy raid on the night of October 2!st. To meet this, the First Battalion, Head- quarters Company and Machine Cun Company were ordered to take the alert position at 7 .00 P. AI. along the Troyon-Lacroi.x Road below Troyon, while the Second Battalion took position in Woinibey. The Third Battalion on the line of resistance was ordered to "stand-to" all night in its trenches. The raid failed to materialize, and the units were returned to their former positions the follow- ing morning. < )n the morning of ( )ctober 23rd, the various units of tlie Regiment, with the exception of the Third Battalion and "C" Company, assembled at I'hillombois, and from there marched to the vicinity of Recourt. The First Battalion estab- lished its headquarters at I'ontoux Farm, while the Second Battalion, Head- quarters Comjjany. Machine Gun ComiKui)-, and ."Supply Company camped for the night in the woods one kilometer south of Recourt. ( )n the morning of the 24th, Headquarters Company, Machine Ciun Company anil .Supply Company mo\ed to Camp Tamaris. one kilometer northwest of Recourt. During the afternoon of (October 24th. news was received at Regimental Headquarters that the 33rd Division was to relieve the 79th in the Troyon Sector. The news could mean but one thing — the Cani]) Meade troops were again to take the olTensive on an active front. The advance guard of the 33rd Division reached the Troyon Sector on the evening of October 24th. On the morning of the 2.5th. the four companies of the 315th Infantry were relieved in the Thillot sub-sector by the lirsl battalion of the 131sl Infantry. The relief was eti'ected at 7:00 A. M.. and by one o'clock that afternoon the Third Battalion had reached the outskirts of Troyon on its way to rejoin the Regiment. Here it was joined bv "C" Company, and the five companies were billeted in and about that town over night. The following morning, October 26lh, the Third ISatlalion marched from Troyon to Camp Montbairons, two kilometers northwest of Recourt. arriving there at one o'clock in the afternoon. "C" Comj^any joined the First Battalion at Pontoux Farm. At noon. Colonel Knowles assumed command of the Regi- ment. Colonel George Williams. 316th Infantry, having taken command of the 158th Brigade. During the day, 439 re])lacements were assigned to the Regiment to help fill up the depleted ranks. These men were assigned to the several com- panies in proportion to their strength. It was expected that a stop of several @ Page Seventy-nine The 515 th Infant^ ry - ...M'Mi A TviiLAL lutxcu Scene North of Vekdux. iI'th Divismx P. C. at Vacherauville days would lie made at Recourt, and i)!ans were laid accordingly. But in war the best-laid plans "gang aft a'glee," and by 6:00 P. M. the Regiment was again on the move, headed for the front. I THIRD BATTALION MAK1':S RECORD MARCH .\11 that night the Regiment marched northward, and morning found it dis- Iriljuted in the woodlands about the town of Fromereville. The dispositions were as follows : — First Battalion, in the woods two kilometers northeast of Fromereville ; Second Battalion, in the Bois de Bourrus ; Third Battalion, in the woods two kilometers northwest of Fromereville; Headquarters Company, Ma- chine Gun Company and Supjdy Company at Choisel. It was during the march to Fromereville that the Third Battalion established what will probably stand for all time as the regimental record for long-distance marching. Starting from Troyon at 7:00 A. M., October 26th, it had marched six hours and arrived at Camp Monthairons at 1 :00 P. M. At 6:00 P. M., after a rest of but five hours. it had gotten under way again and marched continuously until 7:00 A. Af. on the morning of the 27th. .\t that hour, it had marched, with full field eciuip- ment. nineteen hours out of the ])ast twenty-four, and had covered, in all. 40 kilometers. At S :00 P. M. on C)ctober 2Sth, the Regiment marched from the vicinity of Fromereville, through Germonville, Chattancourt and Cumieres, to the desolate Bois de Forges, on the west bank of the Meuse, one kilometer northwest of the crumbling heap of ruins that remained as the sole evidence of the town of Forges. Here the Regiment remained for the night. Page Eighty The 515th Infant On the morning of October 29th, the coiiimanding officers of the First, Second and Third Battahons, Headquarters Conii)any. Machine (iun Company and Supply Comi)any crossed to the east hank of the Meuse near Brabant, and thence proceeded on a reconnaissance of the new sector about to lie taken over bv the 315th Infantry. EAST Ul- MJCUSE At ibis time, the First American Army was engaged in a powerful oft'ensive against the German positions east of tiie Meuse, in conjunction with its drive farther west. In the sector lying north and northeast of Verdun, the ofi'ensive was being carried on by the 17th I'rench .Army Corps, under the direction of the First .American Army. Here the enemy bad a maze of powerfully intrenched lines, partly survi\ing from the jjeriod of intense lighting known as the Battle of A'erdun, in 1916, and partly of more recent construction, but amounting in effect to a close weaving together of all the defensive zones which, farther west- ward, were spread at wider intervals across the country. Directly north of Verdun and east of Consenvoye these defensive zones appeared to have con- sisted of at least si.x main lines within a dci)th of ten kilometers, the front line being called the Brabanter Stellung, which bad behind it successively, the liagen Stellung, The Volker Stellung, the Etzel Stellung, the disellier Stclbmg ( unfm- isbed), and the Kricmbilde Stellung. i\ \ii KiiAD <irx \\ mill llAi KKii L r Till'; .\i>\anii m :in: T9th Division East of the Meuse '•5 Piigp Eiglit.v-one iHE 315th iNFANnrRY ll Shells Fiklu 1!V Gun Shown cin Pkeceuing Page ^g** German Prtsoners Captured by the iHth Division East of the Meuse Getting Their First Meal in Captivity Page Eigrlity-two The 515th iNFAisnrR "7 — 1 1 iMMtfHlP^'^"^ I A 1o5mm. Howitzer of Batteky B. IOGth F. A., Om. m ini. Auiiij-i.k\ L'nii.> \\'iiu,u Supported the Advance of the 31")TH Infantry ix the Gran'de Montagne Sector ICarly in ( )clol)cr. the 3onl. 2()th and 2'y'lli l'. S. l)i\ isioiis ha\c l)ccn placed under General Claiulel, commanding ofllccr of llu- 17th French Army Corps. On ( )cl((her Sth, the 17th Corps he.ijan its offensiNC. and 1)\- ( icloher 25th had Iiroken through the first three of the ( iernian defensi\e lines. Din-ing that ])eriod. the 29lh Division, in a series of furious attacks, had worked ahead through the Jjois Plat Chene, to positions in tlie Rois de l.i (irande .Montague and along the ridge in the Rois d'luraye north of Molle\ille l'"arni. It was this sector which the 79tli Division was ahout to t.nke over. MOLLEVILLI': F.VRM The sector which was to l)e l.ikeii o\cr liy tlie .?15th Infantry was known as the suh-sector ( iray. and was held hy the I14th Infantry of the 29lh Di\-ision (The lUue and (iray Division). This regiment had suffered terrific losses in the liea\y lighting ahout Molle\ille I'arm. and at llu- time it was re- lieved many of its companies contained less than 50 men. M 5:00 ]'. M. on the evening of Octoher 29th, the Regiment moved out from the Bois de I*"orges to take its place again on the battle-line. In later days, the Regiment has always recalled with pride the fact that the 79th Division was one of the seven divisions that twice entered the line in the ]\Ieuse-.\rgonne Offensive. The crossing of the Meuse was made single file o\er a narrow foot bridge just south of Brabant. The way then led through Brabant, where the Supply Com])any established itself, on to the northeast over a narrow winding road, bordered on each side l)y numerous artillery emplacements. On the night Page Eighty-three s I T The 315 th Iivfanttry s Front Line Held by the 315th Infantry in the Grande Montagne Sector A 31.JTU Infantry Front Line Battalion P. L. ix the i.rande Montagne Sector Page Eighty-four The 515 th Infant^rv -HI 1 The RriNS of Molleville Farm II of the 29th, this road was choked with a moving; mass of Hght artillery, and. because of this congestion, it was nearly midnight before the troops reached the Bois dc Consenvoye and began the relief of the 114th Infantry. In making the relief, the First and Second Battalions took over the front line, while the Third Battalion took its position in snpjiort, at the southern edge of the Bois ile Consenvoye. In the advanced positions, the First Battalion occuj)ied the right of the Regimental sector, with Companies "C" and "D" in the front line, and Companies ".\" and "]'»" in support. The Second Battalion held the left of the regimental sector, with Companies "F" and "F" in the front line, and Companies "G" and "H" in sup[)ort. The Machine Gun Company supjjorted the First Battalion, and Compan\- "B" of the 312th Machine Gun Battalion. su]-)])orted the Second. Regimental I leadquarters was established on the Ktraye- Brabant Road, just west of Molleville Farm. llea(l(|uarters Company took up position in the vicinity of Regimental P. C. .\t this time, the First Battalion was commanded by Major Ward W. TiiTson and the Second Battalion by Major Samuel W. l-'leining, Jr., both of whom had recently been ])romoted from the rank of captain. The Third Battalion remained under the command of Major Francis \'. Lloyd. The Molleville Farm Sector was supposed to be in the process of stabiliza- tion, but. for all that, the German batteries continued to rain high explosive shelN on the entire Regimental area, and the enemy machine guns rattled unceas- inglv in the woods and underl)rush along the front lines. I'ndcr the Boche strat'ting the casualty list lengthened day by day. During the period between October 29th and November 3rd. the Regiment griml\- consolidated its positions under the flood of enem\- fire, while Page Eiglit.v-flve The 315 th Infant^ry I fii Page Eighty-six The 515th Infantry its patrols felt luit the >lrcnsjth of the ( ieniian ])ositioiis ahead. At this time, the Divisional front was held 1>\ all four infantry regiments on the line. < )n the left was the 316th Infantry, on the right of that the v?15th Infantry, and then the 314th and 313th Infantry in order. Tlie 26th I'. S. Division held the sector on the right, while on the left the 15th French Colonial Division occupied the line. The 79th Di\ision was sui)])orted hy the 52nd Meld .\rtillery Brigade, under command of Brigadier-General (/eorge A. Wingate. This l)ri- gade was made uj) of artillery units from the 27th Di\ision. On October 30lh, Lieutenant Colonel Franklin T. Burt, formerly on duly at the IIead(|uarters of the Motor Transport Corps of the F'irst American Army, was assigned to the Regiment and reported for duty on the day following. (Jn the same date Brigadier Cleneral ICvan .\1. Johnson was assigned to and assumed command of the 15Sth Infantry Brigade. During tlie night of November 2nd-3rd, the Second ilattalion was taken out of the front line, and the entire Regimental sector outposted hy the h'irst Battalion. In the new disposition, the front lines were held by Com])anies "B," "A" and "D" in order from left to right, with Com])any "C" in support behind the centre of the battalion. The Second Battalion took up ])osition on the line of resistance in the middle of the Bois de Consenvoye. Up to this time, the Third Battalion had acted as Regimental reserve and supplied ration and ammunition carrying details for the front line battalions. On the 2nd of .November, the Third Battalion became part of the Divisional reserve, but retained its ])osition at the southern edge of the Bois dc Consenvoye. f^n November 3rd, .\llied reconnaissance planes reported that the roads be- hind the enemy's line in front of the Divisional sector were covered with ( icrman troops and transjjort moving north. The contimu)Us battering by .\merican troops east and west of the Meuse was beginning to have its effect, and the German line was beginning to crack under the jiressure. \\ ith the evidence of enemy withdrawal at hand, orders were issued from Division during the night of the 3rd, directing an advance of the entire Regimental front line at 6:30 .\. M. the following morning. Till'". .\TT\CK ()!• NOXT'.MBRR 4TII Promptly at 6:30 A. M. on the morning of November 4th, following a pre- paratory machine gun barrage, the F'irst Batt;dion jiunped olT, with Company ■"D" on the right, then in order to the left: Company "'.V," one platuon of Com- pany "B," su])ported by three jilatoons of C'om]«uiv ■'11." Company "C." and finally three ])latoons of Company "B" on the extreme left. ( )wing to the great number of machine gun nests, reported by patrols in the woods ahead, the ad- vance was begun bv the infdtration of small conib.it groups advancing from shell- hole to shell-hcile. For the lirst few minutes all went well, but no sooner had the enemy learned the extent and character of the movement than an avalanclie of machine gun bullets, rifle grenades and trench-mortar shells struck the ranks of the advancing troops. In vain the 315th Machine Gun Company and the Stokes ]Mortar platoon of the Head([uartcrs Company, which were supijorling the advance. atteni])tcd to quell the enemy storm. Lying deep within the thick underbrush, concealed in shell-holes, massed on ligiiting-tops in towering trees, (ierman machine gunners P.age Eiglit.v-spvi'ii The 315 th Infanttry lu^ @ D o Z O K w Z w K U Cl, c pa w z < D < 1 •^- Page Blghty-elght The 515th Inkanttry -,1 — I 5 poured forth their deadly fire, while under the direction of a low flying aero- plane, German batteries hidden in ravines and gullies to the east enfiladed the American line witli a hail of high explosive shells. Further progress was im- possible without ruinous losses. The attack had cost the Regiment a total of 96 casualties. 36 men killed and 6() men and officers wounded. The losses had been particularly hea\y on the flanks. Company "B" having lost all its officers wounded. During the night of November 4th-5th. the Second Battalion moved up from the support position and relieved the badly battered First Battalion on the line. The First Battalion look position in reserve, while the Third Battalion moved up to the position in support vacated by the Second Battalion. At 3 :30 A. M. on the morning of November 5th, "K" Company was at- tached to the 316th Infantry. In front of the latter regiment rose l!ie heights of the Borne-du-Cornouiller (Hill 378), the westernmost spur of the Grande Mon- tague. This eminence commanded all the country to the west and was des- perately held by the enemy to cover their line of retreat. On the two preceding days, November 3d and 4th, the 316th Infantry had flung its lines again and again against this stronghold, only to be beaten back each time with staggering losses. Now, spent and broken, the 316th Infantry was to be re-enforced by "K" Company, of the 315th Infantry, and the fight for Hill 378 continued. .Vt 8 o'clock on the morning of the 5th, "K" Company, of the 315th Infantry, together with the remnants of the Third Battalion. 316th Infantry, composed in the main of men from "L" Company, the combined forces under the command of Major Manning, 316th Infantry, launched a fresh assault against the Borne-du- Cornouiller. Fighting their way forward inch by inch, the advancing troops succeeded in pushing their lines within 50 yards of the crest of Hill 378. Here, however, the fury of the German defense mowed down the oncoming lines before further advance could be made. With nearly half their number, among them Major Manning, lying dead on its southern slopes, the troops withdrew to the base of Hill 37S and there dug in as best they could. It was this attack which cost the life of Second Lieutenant John T. Owen, of "K" Company, 315th In- fantry. Another day had passed, and still the Borne-du-Cornouiller remained untaken. Its capture was the greatest problem facing the Division, and, as the next step in solving it, a provisional regiment, composed of the Third Battalion, 315th Infantry, and .Second Battalion, 313th Infantry, was formed under the com- mand of Lieutenant Colonel Ilaedicke, 316th Infantry. This regiment was ordered to renew the attack on Hill 37S on the morning of the 6th. Early the following morning, the morning of the 6th, the Third Battalion, 315th Infantry, worked its way through the Bois Plat Chene to support the Second Battalion, 313th Infantry, in the attack on Hill 378. In the support battalion, "L" Company held the right flank, "M" Company the left, and "I" Company followed in rear of the two leading companies. Company "B." 312lh Machine Gun Battalion, su]i]X)rted the advance. The units of the advanced bat- talion, however, became more or less disorganized in the thick underbrush of the Bois Plat Chene, and the attack was postponed until the following morning, the troops at the base of Hill 37S being relieved by units of the 313th Infantry late in the afternoon. Meanwhile, in the sector of the 315th Infantry, the First Battalion took over the support position vacated by the Third Battalion, and on its relief from the 5 Page Eigbty-nlne iHE '^TH ItSTFANT^RY FiRbT AUJ SlATKJN UK IHE ol.JTH InI-ANIKV IN THE -CuIS DE CuNSENVOVE I'iRST Lieut. Nash, M. C, Caring for Wounded Men of the 31.5th Infantry IN THE First Aid Station Shown Above l':\'^:' XillPty The 515 th Infant^ry Ambulances and Men of the TOth Division on Road Leading Down Into the Etkaye Vai.i.ey line "K" C(jni]ian\' niDvcd into tin- same ])()silion, ha\iii<,'' lieeii attaclieil lo the First P)attalion. Throusjliout llie day the sector was subjected ti) a heavy bom- bardment of j);as and high ex])losive shells. 1 )urintj the afternoon of tlie 6th, the 2nd I'Vench Army Corps replaced the 17th, and thereafter the Division operated under the orders of the first named corps. THE CAI'll-RI-: ( )!• ILL 37ii Early on the iiujrning of \o\eniber 7lh, the artiller_\- began to ])ound the Borne-du-Cornouiller. .At 8:30 .\. M., in the dull gray mist of the morning, the Second Battalion, 313th Infantry, supported by the Third Raltalion. 315lh In- fantry, moved forward in the final attack on Mill 37X. During the night of Xovember 6tli-7th, command of the j^rovisional regiment had passed from Lieu- tenant Colonel llaedicke to Lieutenant Colonel Burt. 3l5th Infantry. The ad- vance was covered b\- a hea\v machine gun barrage, laid down by the 310th Machine Cun Battalion. Pushing forward, determined to beat down the Cicrman resistance once for all, the troops swejjt past the base of I lill ^7X. on up its slopes and finally over the crest. The stronghold which liad cost so many .\merican lives had at last been taken. With the Borne-du-Cornoiiiller at their backs, the men of the 313th and 315th Infantries pushed ahead toward the hill crests lying still further to the north, and after an all day struggle finally broke through the Clairs Chenes- I I Page Ninety-one 1~1| The 515 th IrvKANn^RY Effect of Shell Fire in "Death Valley" Near the Molleville Farm trenches, near Sillon-Fontaine Farm, at 7 o'clock in the evening. That night the outpost line of the provisional regiment was held by "I" Company, 315th Infantry, the first company to break through the enemy defenses about the Sillon- Fontaine Farm. The line along the right flank, which had been greatly length- ened during the advance, was held by "L" Company, 315th Infantry, small de- tachments of the latter organization having been dropped oft in the Bois de la Grande Montague as the troops progressed. ^ .rf)'i^-« '*"n^^.^^ Jfei^ Dead Americans Along Railroad Track in "Death Valley" Page Ninety-two The 515 th Inkant^rv "7 1 AmKRILAN Slll.DlF.K KlI.l.Kl) AT EnTKAN'CE TO (JEKMAN Nest in Cikaxdk Montagxe Sector Mac: ^'E Gun During the ojjerations of llie Uivision in the ( tranilt- Monlngnc Sector, the divisions of the First American Army further west had broken through the Kriemhilde Stelhing line west of the Meuse and by November 7th had changed direction to the east, after having seized the heiglits on the east bank of tlie Meuse as far north as Dun. I'nder these circumstances the 79th Division, on the night of November 7th, was ordered to divert its offcnsixe on the morning of the Sth to a direction ahnost (hie east, with the idea of conquering tlie spurs of the ])hiteau running out into the W'oevrc Plain. REGIMENT PUSHES EAST During the night of No\ember 7th, the l'"irst Inittalion of the .il4th lnf;uitry relieved the Second Battalion, ,^15th Infantry, on the front line of sub-sector (irav, in order that the latter organization might move to the western edge of the Bois de la Grande Montagne, wlu-rt' it was to su])i)ort the ;id\ance of tiie First Battalion of the 313th Infantry. At different intervals throughout tin- morning and afternoon of Xovember 8th, the various units of the 315th Inf.intry started to drive eastward. Little or no resistance was met, and by nightfall the front line of the Regiment had been pushed to the western edge of the valley of the Thinte River. At 7 P. M. that evening, thn Third Battalion had seized the heights just south of the town of Ecurey ; the Second Ijattalion had established itself on the slopes southeast of Reville ; while the First Battalion had taken up position on the hillside south- west of Etrave. During the dav the Regiment had mad? an average advance of three kilometers. Page Ninet.v-three 5 -i J The 515 th Infanttry I w w Paye Ninety-four TfiE 5I5th Infant^r^ I Page Ninety-five The 515 th Infant^rv @ Dead of the 79th Division Ready for Burial Near Molleville Farm Burying i!ith Ijivision Ueaii at the Southern Edge di- ihi. Buis ut Lonsenvuve Page Ninety-sis The 515 th Infanttry ' )n Xoveniher 9th. at (S A. M., the Re.ijinicntal P. C. was moved from ihc point west of Molle\ille Farm to a point just southwest of F.traye. alo.i'^ th.- Etraye-Brabaiit Roatl. ( )r(iers were at once issued for a further advance. The First Battalion, sujiported by the Second Rattalion, took position 200 meters north of Ftraye and at 9 o'clock ])ushe(l forward toward the elaborately fortified and rui,'^,^ed line of heights east of the Thinte Ri\er. These heights comprised the Cote du Chateau, Cote d' ( )rne, and the Cote de Morimont. They had been organized as part of the great Kriemhilde Stellung Line and represented the hist of the enemy's lines of defense. I h? advance of the First Battalion at once de\ eloped hea\y enemy resist- anc-e. mainly in the form of artillery tire. By 11 o'clock in tlic morning, the enemy barrage had liecome so intense that the troops could no longer make headway, and the two battalions dug in on the ground they then occu])ie<l. At that hour, the front line extend/d along the railroad just east of the 1 )am\illers- Azannes Road between \\'a\rille and the road-fork .500 meters soiUh of Dam- villers. It was during this enemy bombardment that Major I'ierson, ccjmmanil- ing officer of the First Battalion, was killed by the explosion of a 77mm. shell. ( )n Major I'ierson's death. Captain Lucius .\. Miller. ,M.^th Infantry, was ])laced in command of the First Battalion. During the day, the Third Battalion swung to the right, side-stepped four kilometers, and took up ])osition as Brigade Reserve on the hill southwest of Ftraye. The First and Second Battalions clung to their positions under a continuous shell fire throughout the remainder of the dav and the night of NovemlKT 9th-10lh. I@ THE ATIWCK ( )X C( )': !)■ ORNF .\t 7 o'clock on the morning of Xo\ember lOtli, the advance was resinned, following an artillery preparation by the 105th Field .Artillery. With the First Battalion in the line, and the Second Battalion in support, the Regiment ])ressed the attack against the towering height of the Cole d' < )rne. Under a galling machine gun fire and artillery fire which combed the entire valley of the Thinte, the front lines battled their way across the stream and up to the lower slo])es of the Cote d' ( )rne. At this point, however, the lire became so hot that the troops were forced to drop back to the shelter of the east bank of the Thinte River. A second attempt was made to storm the hill an hour later. Imt this, too, was ri])ulsed liy the desperate resistance of the enemy who were lighting with their backs against the wall to save their last line of retreat. Xight fell with tlic I'irst and .Second Battalions holding their lines on the east bank of the Thinte. wliik- the Third Battalion had moved up in reserxe along the D.mu ilkrs-.\zainijs Road, near the roadfork 300 meters south of Damvillers. W ith the failure to take Cote d' ( )riie by direct assault. Colonel Knowles decidetl to reduce the position by an attack on the right flank and |jlans were drawn up accordingly. The machine gun comjiany of the 316th Infantry was withdrawn from the front line, having suffered severe losses, and its place was taken by the machine gun com|)any of the 315th Infantry. This move placed the 315th Infantry in its entirety on the front line. Early on the morning of Xovember 11th, while the mist still lay liea\y in the Thinte X'alley, the three battalions of the 315th Infantry (|uietly moved southward, proceeded through I i^iiffe Ninety -seven The 515 th Infanttry This Picture, With the One on the Opposite Page, Gives a Panoramic View of the Ground Over Which the Front Line of the 315th Infantry Was Advancing at 11 A. M., November 11, 1018. The Hii.i. in the Background is Cote d'Orne. the ruined town of (iibercy, and took up position on the western slope of Hill 328. This change of jjosition withdrew all troops from the enemy's immediate front, but the gap was closed by the 316th Infantry in reserxe. The Regimental I'. C of the 315th Infantry was moved to a point on Hill 317, southeast of Etraye. ( )n Hill 328 the Regiment was disposed with the First Battalion on the front line, the Second Battalion in support and the Third Battalion in reserve. A heavy artillery and machine gun barrage was laid down on Cote d" Orne and Cote de Morimont, and at 8 o'clock Company "D," of the First Battalion, moved forward against the northwestern slope of the Cote de Morimont with orders to develop the enemy's position. A thick mist covered the hillsides, and the advance, which proceeded slowly, was imdetected by the Cjermans, who were appar- cnth' unaware of the flank movement during the night. Meanwhile, however, the enemy artillery, suspecting an attack from some quarter because of the Ameri- can artillery and machine gun preparation on Cote d' Orne and Cote de Morimont, let loose a terrific barrage on the northwest slope of Hill 328. Luckily this fell inostlv in the unoccupied area between the First and Second Battalions and caused little ilamage. 1 'ushing ahead up the draw between Cote d' Orne and Cote de Mori- mont, the front line company overran a German field-]Mece on the roadside north of Gibercy. This field-piece, captured as it was a few minutes before the close Page Ninety-eight The 515 th Infanttry ^ For ExPLAiNATiox of This ruTLKi: See Title of Futi're ox Oi-posite Page. IIlLL IN the P>ACKGK0UND IS CoTE HE MoRIMOXT The of hostilities, is prohalily the last hostile trophy of the war. It can now he seen in the City of l'hiia(iel])hia. a gift from the Regiment to the city that calls the 315th Infantry — "Its Own." With the German cannon .safely enveloped, the thin line of khaki-clad doughhoys moved warily ahead and had ])rogressed half way up the slope of Cote de Morimont when halted hy a message from the rear. It was 11 o'clock and with the hour came the .\rmistice. TIIK .\RMTSTICE The coming of 11 A. M. marks an iinforgetable event in the memorv of those who stood on the front lines on November 11. 191S. In ])lace of cheering crowds, maddened with joy, excitement and hilarity, one saw a motley array of nnrecognizahle men arising from the mud, slime and lilth of the battle field, cautiously creeping from their shell holes and ditches, silently and wonderingly, without cheering or acclaim, but rather in the manner of men who had by some unlooked for act of Providence been delivered from inevitable death. The sudden cessation of the noise and turmoil of battle seemed to leave them stunned and uncertain, loath to belie\e in its realty, but wMth an exjjression of hope that it was not a dream from which they would soon be rudely awakened. The reaction from the lerrilile strain and nerve-racking ordeal was a])parenl ; the ten- dency to brt-ak down was e\ident. Nor is such a tendency to be wondered at in men gaunt and haggard w ith unbelievable hunger, thirst and exhaustion. Page Ninety-uiue The 515 th IrsfFAN-rRY 1^ II im;^] ^ 'Y t E ' 1 " , \ 1 1 t.;-- _ ^J>^\^. c s»: < Oiii- 1 hiinlrcit The 515th Infant^rv ^1 — ( When the news of the armistice was received at Regimental I leadquarters, Colonel Knowles, who to use his own words "was struck numh with surprise and joy," at once dispatched runners in all directions to carry the news to the difYerent units of the Regiment, and these runners proved that they belonged on the list of true heroes. Knowing that in a few minutes the tiring would cease, not one hesitated in carrying out the important and dangerous mission to which he had liecn assigned. The courage which it took to traverse that shell-swept battlefield during the last remaining moments of the war was a courage born of brave men. With the armistice there came to the Regiment, as it watch fullv main- tained its ]iosition on the last American battle line, an opportunity to review the closing tlays of the Meuse-Argonne ofl'ensive. From the 29th of October, the date on which the Regiment had taken over the lines from the 29th Division in the (irande Montague sector, until the end of hostilities on November 1 1th, the ,?15th Infantry had suffered the following casualties : 154 officers and men killed, 4 missing, 9 captured and M6 womided. It had ])ierced the eneniv lines to a de])th of 9^'j kilometers and in so doing had captured or assisted in the capture of three French villages, namely: Etraye, I\e\ille and Dannillers. In the sector opposite the RegimeiU there had been identified units of four different Ceriuan divisions, the CCXXVIIIth, CXCIlnd, XXth and 1st Landwehr Divisions. .Ml told, the 315th Infantry during this period had cap- tured 11 jjrisoners, most of whom came from the 245th, 192nd and 183rd Regi- ments of the ("XCIInd Division. In addition to the prisoners taken, the Regi- ment had ca])tured one 120mm. field piece, 15 machine guns, 2 trench mortars, 1 luinenwerfer. 1 anti-tank gun, thousands of rounds of artillery and small arms ammunition of all calibres, and great stores of engineering materials. In the ])eriod between September Lith. the date of the first entrance into the lines, imtil November 11th, the 315th InfaiUry had been transformed from a group of green, inexjierienced men into a veteran lighting organization capable of upholding the best traditions of the .\merican Army. In this transformation its casualties had been 342 officers and men killed, 15 missing, 12 captured and 1,076 wounded. It had made a total advance of 19^' kilometers against troops of eight ditierent German divisions: the XVth, XXth. XXXVIIth. CXCIlnd. CCXXVIIIth, 1st Landwehr, Vth Bavarian, and CXVIIth Landsturm. It had captured the villages of Nantillois and Etraye, and had assisted in the capture of Montfaucon, llaucourt, Malancourt, Damvillers and Reville. In addition, the Regiment had cajitured one 120mm. field piece, six 77mm. field pieces. 53 machine guns, 2 trench mortars, 2 minenwerfers, 1 anti-tank gun, 20,000 hand grenades, thousands of rounds of artillery and small anus aiumunition. and engineering material to the value of more than a million dollars. Such, in brief, were the tangible results of the operations of the 315th Infantry on the Western Front. Page One Iliiiiilri'il One The 515 th Infantry 5 ^ Page One Hundred Two The 515th Infant^rv -, — , 5 The Regiment PART III After the Armistice s 1 Page One Hundred Tlirce The 515th Infanttry I — "- Men of the 31"ith Infantry Assembled at the Company Kitchens in Gibercy ^ I ON THE ALERT M MEDIATELY after the armistice had gone into effect, steps were taken to dispose the Regiment in such formation as to take up quickly either assault or approach formations in the event of an advance. The line of observation consisted of one company formed into cossack posts with active pa- trolling between these posts during the night, and in foggy weather, during tiie day. One company took up position in support and two companies position in reserve. The companies mentioned comprised the four companies of the First Battalion. The remainder of the Regiment was disposed in depth in rear of the First Battalion, with two companies of each battalion in the front line and two companies in the second line. The troops of the Regiment occupying the reserve positions were protected from hostile fire from the east by the natural cover of Hill 328. The dispositions outlined in the foregoing paragraph were completed be- fore noon on November 11th. Meanwhile the various company kitchens had been established in the ruins of Gibercy by the Supply Company, and at high noon on "Armistice Day," the men of the 315th Infantry received en masse their first hot meal in many days. During the day, numerous attempts were made by German officers and men to extend the glad hand to the khaki-clad dough- boys on the front line, but with the keen remembrance of its dead constantly in Page One Iliniilred I'Vuir The 515 th Infantry niinil, ihtTe was Utile disposition on tlie part of the ReiiinieiU to rcoeivL- over- tures ol any kind, and orders a,i;ainsl fraternization were obeyed to the letter. That night the German troops staged a celeljration of their own defeat with a monster display of ])yrotcchnics along the entire front. .\s far as the eye could see in each direction along the lines, the sky blazed with (lerman rockets, star- shells, and signal lights. Many o\ these were sent up in combinations of red. while and green, the nearest color combination the forces of the Kaiser could manage, apparently, in an effort to provide a red, white and blue display for their conquerors. The German troops continued to occupy their barracks on Cote d' Orne, Cote de Morimont and Cote du Chateau during the day and night of the 12th, but early on the morning of the 13th they gathered together their arms and equipment and silently set out on their return to the l-"atherland. At noon on November 13th, the cossack posts of the 3l5th Infantry were withdrawn, and the Regiment moved from the vicinity of Gibercy. with ilie ex- ception of an outpost line established between Gibercy and Feu\-illers. This out- post line was held by "E" Company. The remaining companies of the -Second Battalion, together with Headquarters Company and Regimental I leadtjuarters. established themselves in the town of Damvillers. The First Battalion. Third Battalion, Machine Gun Company, and Su])ply Company took over billets in Etraye. Just before the move was made into these new quarters. Major John ,\. McKenna, M. C, joined the Regiment, having been assigned as Regimental Sur- geon. With him came Major Jesse R. Langley. who had formerly commanded •the Third Battalion of the 313th Infantrv ;ind who had been wounded while The 1'20mm. Gun Cxttured bv the Men of Company "D," :!I.">th Infantrv, IN THE Closing Minutes of the War I'nge One HuiulreU Five The 515th Infant^ry #*^' ,1 A SiKtET Scene in Etkaye The Entrance to Damvillers Showing Concrete Posts Put Up BY THE Germans as Tank Obstacles L mm rage One Ilunilred Six T?iE 515 th Infanttrv -,. — . leading his baltalidii in the attack on Monlfancim. Major I.angley was assigned to the First Baltahon. (Jn the 14tli of the month, the outpost hne held liy the ,il3th Infantry was extended to the left, relieving that portion of the line whieh had up until this time been held hy the 316th Infantry. This mo\e brought the Regimental line into liaison with the right of the 32nd Dixision. When the Army of ( )eeui)ation was formed, and tiie 32nd Division was preparing to move from its i)osition on the left of the Regimental sector, the Regiment was called upon to furnish numer- ous officers to fill vacancies in the different organizations ot that division. Most of the officers transferred were new arri\als from the Officers' Training School at Langres who had joined the i\egiment shortly after the armistice went into effect. Included in the transfer list, howe\er, were several officers who had served with the Regiment ever since its organization, and in their case the jjarting came as a decided blow, both to them and to the Regiment. In addition to fur- nishing officers, the 315th Infantry was also called upon to hel]) solve the trans- portation problems of the neighboring division, and more than a hundred draft and riding horses were turned over for the use of the Middle West division on its march to tlie Rhine. KI-.(,1ME.\T .\IDS REFUGEES FRo.M (.I'.RM.W I'RlSoX CAMPS In the period between November 13lh and December 1st, large numbers of refugees from (jerman prison camps passed through the Regnnental lines. These refugees were of all nationalities, and Americans, FVench, English, Belgians, Ital- ians, Portuguese, and even some Chinese were given food and shelter by the Regiment as they made their way to the larger French towns in the rear. On some days, as many as two or three hundred of these liberated jirisoners would pass through the towns of Damvillers and Etraye on their way to X'erdun or some similar railroad centre. It was at this time that the collection of "soux enirs" became an important factor in the life of each memlx-r of the Regiment. Many of these souvenirs were obtained from the ])assing refugees, others were picked np in the abandoned Cer- man shacks and billets on Cote d' ( )rne and in the woods to the east, but for the most i)art they were gathered up b\- salvaging parties in the area over which the Regiment had fought. In this latter connection, the Third Battalion fur- nished details for the thorough salvaging of the area through which the Division had jiassed from October 29th to November 11th. This work was accomplished within two weeks and the amount of material i)icked up was sufficient to fill three large dumps. The outpost line was held by the Second Battalion until the 22nd of Novem- ber, when the posts were withdrawn. During this time the companies of the P>attalion had alternated in these jiositions, reliefs being made from time to time. The line had been extended to the right of Gibercy to include Chaumont- devant-Damvillers, and "H" Company had been sent to Gibercy to furnish the three outposts on the extreme right of the line. At the same time. "E" Company had been sent to Chaumont-de\ant-Damvillers in order to furnish daily patrols, covering an extensive i)atrolling area. These patrols were charged with the duty of picking up any stragglers from divisions passing through to the Army of Occu- Page One Hundred Seven The 515 th Inkant^ry General Kuhn Addressing Men of the 315th Infantry in Damvili.ers ON Thanksgiving Day. November ^Sth, 1918 pation and of bringing back any American prisoners released by tbe ( lernr.ms as they withdrew from the front. Companies "E" and "H" were withdrawn from these duties on the same date that the outpost hne was discontinued, and the whole Second Battalion was quartered in Danivillers. The Regiment remained in this area until December 26th, spending much time in drilling, hiking, and in weekly brigade and division maneuvers. @ THANKSGIVING IN DAMVILLERS The Village square in Dam\'i!lers was the scene of an interesting spectacle on Thanksgiving morning, November 2Sth, when the whole Regmient was assembled for Thanksgiving exercises arotmd the historic old monument. Here the officers and men of the Regiment were addressed by General Kuhn, (General Johnson, Colonel Knowles, Chaplain Lancaster and Chaplain Willis. Following the ad- dresses, the Second Battalion and Headquarters Company furnish?d a Victory T\irade, so screamingly funny, so cleverly executed that it kept the spectators laughing constantly as the men passed by. Somewhere in one of his lectures the late William James had something to sav about the "untapped level of energy in man," This unique celebration of I'hiladelphia's own regiment brought to light in a gratifying and surprising way the "untapped levels" of humor in soldiers, which neither the grim experiences of the battle-field nor separation from home and loved ones is able to extinguish or even permanently suppress. Horses, I'ane Oiif lliinilriMl Kij.'ht The 515 th Infan'try -^. — < wagons and water carts decorated with large (lerman beer signs, Boche machine gun carts, wheel-barrows and all available forms of transportation were put into use, and the X'ictory Parade ])assed around the old monument between columns of laughing and cheering doughboys. linniediatfl)' following the ])arade, several tableaux were ])resentc(l by the men of tlie I iea(l(|uarlers Company, depicting the more im]i()rtanl events of the war. These were staged upon what had at one time been a monument to Marshal Gerard, one of the heroes of France, who ])layed a conspicuous part in the libera- tion of Belgium in 1S31. but, owing either to the contemptible rapacity of ih? Germans or their scarcity of metal, the bronze figure of (ierard had disa])])eared, all that remained being the stone foiuulation and ilvj iron fence which sur- rounded it. During December, the Regiment recei\e<l a saKo of \isits from Di\ision, Corps and Army inspectors, 'ibis circumstance gave rise to the rL])ort that the 79th Division, which at that time formed a part of the Second Army, was to move u]) into the rear eschelon of the Third Army, the Army of ( )ccupation ; bm the month drew to a close without any visible sign of movement, although at one time the Regiment did receive tentative orders for a move to the Stenay area, near the Luxembourg border. These, however, were countermanded almost as soon as issued, and finally it was learned that the Division was to move south into the Souilly area, with division head(|uarters at Souilly. This village had been the headquarters of General Pershing and the First American Army during the Meuse-Argonne ofifensive. The area itself lay immediavelv north of the citv of Bar-le-Duc. Early in December, Sergeant John 11. (ireen, of "F" Company, was formallv elected "Mayor of Damvillers." Two political parties had been formed by the men billeted in the village, "The Jambons" and "The Pommes." The delegates from each of these parties had held meetings at which the platform of the party was duly ex])lained. At the elexeiUh hour, a dark horse party, "Th? Woof- Woofs," entered the race, and its camlidatc ])ro\ed to be the winner on election day. .\boiU the time of the mayoralty election, a theatre, formerly used bv tiie Germans, was j)Ut in such shajje that it afforded an excellent hall for the a]>- pearance of several good shows which were jnit on by the V. M. C. A. and dif- fereiU tmits of the Division. The decorations and stage settings were carried out in an artistic fashion by the use of Roche artillery camouflage. On Christmas Eve. the officers of the Regiment assembled in this hall to usher in the Yuletide at the festive board. This was the first occasion at which all the officers bad been together since the arrival of the 315th Infantry in F'rance. Major McKenna proved himself a most capable toastmaster, and during the evening toasts were responded to by Colonel Knowles. I.ieutenant Colonel Burt, and S"veral other offi- cers of the Retjiment. 5 Till-: .\l.\RCIi •|( t Till-. S( )III.I.V ARF.\ Christmas Day was sjjent liy all the companies in packing up for the move south into the Souilly area. \'ery early on the morning of the 26th. the Regi- ment started out on the first lap of a three-day march. With a light covering of snow on the ground, the luen marched all day, reaching Thierville at 5 P. M., Pago One Hundred Nine 5 -I — , ' ' The 515 th Infant^ry Regimental P. C. at Chaumont-sur-Aire 5 where the Keginient was quartered in the Jar(hn de P^jntaine barracks, which had been constructed as part of a French mihtary post just northwest of Verdun. The following morning the hike was resumed with Souilly as a destination, and there the niglit of the 27th was spent in the Triage Hospital buildings, one kilo- meter outside the town. After a short march in a downpour of rain on the 28th, the troops arrived in the new Regimental billeting area at noon and were quar- tered as follows : Regimental Headquarters, Headquarters Company, Machine Gun Company, "C" Company and "D" Company at Chaumont-sur-Aire; First Battalion Headquarters, "A" Company and "B" Company at Erize-la-Petite ; Second Battalion at Neuville ; Third Battalion and Supply Company at Courouvre. In this area, training was resumed upon an extensive scale. The schedules consisted of drilling, hiking, terrain exercises and maneuvers. Great stress also was laid upon school work in specialized subjects, and both officers and men of the Regiment were given frequent courses of training at divisional and corps schools. After the armistice, the 315th Infantry had been shifted from the 2nd French Army Corps to the Ninth Corps of the Second American Army. It was under the Ninth Corps that the Regiment trained during the entire period of its stay in the Souilly area. Early in January much emphasis was laid ujion target work. Ranges were built by each battalion, and at Chaumont-sur-.\ire a large range was completed in three weeks. A competitive Divisional match was held upon this soon after its construction, for the purijose of selectnig a team to repre- sent the Division in the Ninth Corps rifle matches. Beginning in February, a series of competitive horse shows were held by regiments, brigades, division and corps. The first competition for the Regiment was the Regimental show' held at Courouvre, at which the best animals were chosen to be entered in the dit^'erent classes at the 15Sth Brio-ade show. r.nge One Ten The 515th Infant^ry -1 — , 13STI1 IIRICADI'. IK iRSI'. SHOW On February 23rd, the horse show of the 15Sth P>rij,'a(le was held on the a\iation tield near Issoncourt, in which conijiitition the ol.ith Infantry carried otT a total of fourteen prizes. The Supply CDnipany, Machine (iun Company and ,i7nim. platoon of the Headquarters Company furnished the entries from the Ret{iment. To those who saw this show, it became very evident, from the ex- cellent condition of its animals and equi|)ment. that the 315th Infantry would be a serious contender for honors in the coming dixision show. The fol- lowing is a list of ])rize winners from the .il.^ili Infantrv Stipph- ('onipanv: First prize in Four Line Teams (mules). Six Line Chariol-de-1'arc (mules), and One Line Carts ( water carts ) ; second prize in Two Line Carts. Four Line Teams (horses). Four Line Teams (mules). Six Line Chariot-de-Parc and One T ine Carts ( water carts ) ; third prize in Two Line Teams ( four wheeled vehicles) . In the competition f(jr machine gun squads, the prizes were awarded to the entries having the best drilled squads, best animals and best equipment. ( )f the ten squads participating in this contest, the 316th Infantry Machine Cun Company's entry took hrst place, and second, third and fourth places were won by the 315th Infantry. In the class for 37mm. guns, the Headquarters Company, of the 315th Infantry, entered two guns and won first and second places in that class. DI\'1S1()X.\L HORSE SIK >\\' The Horse show of the 79lh Division was held at Pierretitte. I*"ebruarv 27th, and the 315th lnf;intr\ again carried ;i\\av highest honors, receiving, in 5 TiiK Main Street in the Vili..\ge of Cocrovvre Vase One Eleven @ @ The 315th Infantry I ^ -i^ I Saint Anne Chapei.le al'.. four first ])rizes, two seconds and two thirds. The Supply Company entries won the following places : First prize in Four Line Teams ( horses ) , Four Line Teams ( mules ) . and One Line Carts (water carts) ; second prize in One Line Carts (water carts) ; third prize in Six Line Chariot-de-Parc (mules). '1 he entries in the machine gun competition, consisted of one squad from the 315th Infantry, one squad from the 316th Infantry, and two squads from the 314th Infantry. The field was ankle deep in mud, and fast work was difficult. How- ever, the men of the 315th Machine Gun Company finished the contest in \ery good time, considering the conditions under which they were working, taking the first prize, with the 316th Infantr\' Machine Gun Company a close second. In the class for i7 mm. guns, the entry of the 3I5th Infantry came into the ring with perfect equipment and the men keen for competition with the rival Brigade. ,\t the start of the competition both of the gun crews showed their training in their quick get-a-ways, and all through the action everything pointed to the 315th Infantry as a sure winner, the only question being which of the two crews would be given first place. Number 1 crew under the leadership of Sergeant McLaughlin finished first, with the crew of Sergeant Czarnecki finish- ing second. After a discussion by the judges, first prize was awarded to the gun crew of the 314th Infantry, the No. 1 crew of the 315th Infantry being awarded the second prize. Acknowledging defeat, the men left the field with the vow that the Ninth Corps Show would see them winners for first place. Pitse Oil'* Twt'Ive The 515 th Inkanttrv NINTH COUI'S IIOKSI.-. SIloW At Lerouville, France, on the 21st of .Marcli. tlrj Ninth Corps licld a horse show for the championship of the Corps. In this show, as in tlie others, the 315th Infantry l\c»inient continued to add to its laurels by winning three first prizes and one lliird. The Sn])ply Coni])any took the following jjlaces : First ])rize in ( )ne Line Carts (water carts) and third ])rize in Foin- i.inc Teams ( mules). Ihe same contest as that iield at the ISiSth Brigade show was carried out bv the Machine Gun entries. In this class werj two squads from the .^.^Oth Infantry Machine Gun Company of the 88th Division, one squad from the 316th Infantry Machine Gun Com])any, and one squad from the 315th Infantry. The contest proved very close, antl the result remained in doulit until the judges had made a thorough inspection. .At the end of this inspection, lirst i-rize was awarded to the 315th Infantry, and the second prize to the entry from the 8Sth Division. .After the show, the senior judge made a statement that the entr\ from tite 315th Infantry showed the best mule and e(|uipment that he had ever seen in ;i machine gun organization. In the i7 mm. class, the competitors of tlie 315tli Infantry consisted of en- tries from the other units of the 79th Division, 88th Division, and Ninth Cor])s Headquarters. The same contest was carried out, and the same method of judging, ;is had been in force at the other siiows. A great deal of fricndl\- rivalry was shown between the 315th Infantry entr\ and that of the 314th In- fantry, which had won out in the 79th Division show. .\t the tinish, the juilges, .A Street Sce.ne in Erize-i..\-Petite P.nge One Thirteen ■ f The 315 th Infant^ry without any hesitancy, awarded first prize to the crew of the 315th Infantry, and second prize to the entry of the 314th Infantry. Owing to the move of the 79th Division from the Souilly area to Riniauconrt, during the first week in April, it was impossihle to enter the Second Army Show, scheduled to lie held at Toul on April 5th. This was very disappointing to the Regiment, for it were most confident of winning other blue ribbons at the Second Army Show, and perhaps, later on, championships of the A. E. F. REGIMENT PRODUCES SUCCESSFUL PLAY During the stay in the Souilly area, nearly every unit of the 79th Division turned its attention to home talent theatricals as a means of relieving the monotony of F"rench village life. Many very successful shows were produced as a result, and a Divisional show circuit was established under the supervision of a Divi- sional entertainment officer. Each regimental and battalion show produced played its round on this circuit, which included all the larger organizations of the Divi- sion. By this arrangement each of the units within the Division was enabled to enjoy the entertainment produced by the Division at large. The 315th Infantry show, "Salvage and Souvenir," written and produced by Chaplain R. V. Lancaster, gn\e its jiremier performance on the night of Marcii 7th. Ujjon this occasion the officers of the Regiment entertained ( ieneral Kulin and his staff as their guests at an informal dinner. The performances given by the Regimental show within the Division proved so successful that there was a popular demand for the show to tour the Second Armv circuit. .\ month was sj)ent on the road, the trip end- ing with two performances in Paris before enthusiastic audiences. It was during the months of January, February and March, 1919, that the officers and men of the Regiment had their first real opportunity to see France. Through a system of leaves and furloughs, members of the Regiment were enabled to visit Nice, Aix-les-Bains, Valse-les-Bains, Monte Carlo, Menton, and various other popular resorts in Southern France. Leaves and furloughs were also granted to Paris and various cities in England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Although traxeling conditions were anything but comfortable, the change of scene and environment more than made up for the discomforts of travel, and tliere were few in the Regiment who did not enjoy their "Armee Americaine Pcrmissionaire — Quart de Tarif" to the limit. While in the Souilly area, a great deal of attention \\-as given to various kinds of athletics. Under Mr. George Burford, Y. M. C. A. athletic instructor of the Regiment, the 315th Infantry made an excellent showing in the athletic com- petitions which were held within the Division. This was especially true with regard to boxing. Under the management and tutelage of Mr. Burford, the 315th Infantry boxers made such good showings in their preliminary matches ithat six of them were taken to Souilly for training, in order that they might represent the Division in the competitive matches held each week in Paris. THE MOVE TO RIMAUCOURT ( )n the 28th of March, exactly three months after its arrival in the Souilly area, the Regiment moved out on what pro\'ed to be the longest march in which it had e\er partici])ated, the destination Ijeing Rimaucourt, 25 kilometers north- I'age One Foiirtcrn The 515th Infajvttry The Third B \TTAIJ,i.\ ,,x ,UE AlAkl K Rim AiiorkT east ot Lhaumont where the General Headquarters of the American Expedi- fonary Forces had been established. 1-ne days were spent on the march ' br- .ng whK-h a total of 98 kilometers was covered. The first day's march wasM'ot and the troops were staged for the ni^ht as follows: First battalion. Headquar- ters Company, ^lachme ( ,un Company at Seigneulles : Second Battalion an<l kegmiental Hea.lquarters at Rosnes ; Third Battalion and Supply Companv Sj^^if"" " /•"'"^""^'^^'>-' ^'- — ' ^1=^>- '"•- -as anotLer short ^S a oal ed to tr't 't '"r"""''''^ '" '' ™'''- ''■"""'"" ''^"- '''-'^•"'S ^' ^1-- bi"cts dieted °i\ ^'^^?""-tal Headquarters and the First Battalion were nam b Culv ( ^,^>-°"?. ^'-^"^''O" '" ''--V: Third Battalion and Supply Com- pan> ,n Culey Machme Cun Company and Headquarters Company in Erize-St iooJl ''-iJr ?■ "'"'^ ^-""'"^"^rf e^>-ly i" the morning of the 3dth. and. with good, clear weather, the troops arrived in the third staging area shortly after kmch. wuh Reg,mental Headquarters. First Battalion. Secmid Battaho He-xT 'nd''S,i:7"-'' '^^^^'-!V^"'l ^'?'"^^">- '" Ligny-en-Barrois; tS Bat^^. and .Supply Compau}- m \ illers-le-Sec. The fourth day-s hike made up for the short ones of the three previous days for on th.s day a chstance of 35 kilometers was covered before the roops arrted tny u "i ''■'''"" '"'• '" ""' ''■'' R^.?""ental Headquarters. Third Battahon. Headquarters Company. .Machine Gun Company and Supply Company were quartered ,n Xoncourt; the First Battalion in .Saillv ; Second Batt li n Headquarters w.th Companies '^G" and '11" in Pancey ; Companies "E'' am 'f" .n Amgotdaincourt. The hfth a,id last day's march was another long one cov- enng 2. kdonxeters. Notwithstanding the distance they had marched n tie past tour days, the troops arrived at Rimaucourt on the afternoon of Anril 1st in the hnest knul of con<lition. Xot a straggler was in evide e "s the cdmn s^^ir^rsh:;;;;'"'' ''- ^----^ --'-• '- >=- •^-' «^ '- ^-^^^y Page One Fifteen The 315th Infantry OPtl^^AIIONS MAP 79"DIV..A.E.F LEGEND —'—■*■ Sector or Are* Lim Front Line 7 Patrol Are* Lim.ls WS^^ Captured Territory (] p.v.sion landed at BPEST U July 12-20. 19ia 2157th Bnqade arnved CHATILLON APfA Jul^ 21 £3 I9IB '"' Divis.on re«chpd PtJAuTHOY /lee A July 24 29, lOlB 4Sta^inq are* around COBECT- ESPAGNE Sept 8 9,i9ia MONTFAUtOM OS 304 SECTOR Sfpl (6-30 1916 TPOYON jEcron Ckt'6 26l9.6 7 0CAMDE MONTAONE SECTOft Ocl 30-No. II. I9i6. Area DAWVii LEBS toFRESNES OTWw.reuiIil Dec Z7.19I& MONTMEDi' ABEA Dec |3 1918 Feb 4 1919 ifcwj/v '-' Arlon O ^>^Canqnan^^ ^)2.G11L]?^ Raucourt Buzancy .,% Virton # n 7 Dun-5ur N*o! ' O Lonquyon I I Audun-iePon ^ -. t. i ^ v4ff.^ \ oSpmcourt .,^ V ^l '■ Monlfaiicon,0\ l V .< 1 „„„: '' M .7.- ,, /3vofi3ur/\ 1 . t r . Pr.nfed 6/ Moh'/c Topognph.cal Unit 29lh e.ny.neara.iSIS I'lij^e Oue Sixteen The 515 th Infant^ry While the Regiment was en ronte between Souilly and Riniaucourt, Colonel Knowles and General Johnson, commanding general of the 158th Infantry Brigade, were called away temporarily to attend the Third Army school at Treves. With the (lepartnre of Colonel Knowles, command of the 315th Infantry devoKed upon Lieutenant Colonel Burl. Colonel AlcCaskey, of the 316lh Infantry, as- sumed command of the 158th Brigade in the absence of General Johnson. The Rimaucourt area was officially known as the Fourth Divisional ( .\n- delot) Area, with Rimaucourt serving as the di\isional railhead. When the 79th Division took over the area. Di\ision headcjuarters was established at Reynel and the 158th Infantry Brigade headquarters at Orquevaux. The 315th Infan- try was billeted in Rimaucourt in buildings which had formerly been used by Base Hospitals Xos. 58 and 238. This was the first time since reaching France that the entire Regiment had been billeted in one place, and the large, airy barracks in w liich the officers and men lived suggested the former days at Camp Meade. Circumstances were such at Rimaucourt that it became possible to approxi- mate the conditions of cantonment life once more. A large parade ground in the middle of the hos])ital area furnished excellent facilities for close order drill and military ceremonies, so that battalion parades and formal guard mounts again came into their own. Tiie establishments maintained by the Red Cross and the Y. M. C. .\. both at'forded wonderful service in the matter of welfare work, particularly in the case of the former organization, whose auditorium was the finest of its kind seen bv the Regiment abroad. GENERAL PERSHING RbA lEWS DIVLSICJN It was during its stay in the Fourth Divisional Area that the 79th Division was reviewed by the Commander-in-Chief of the American Expeditionary Forces, General John J. I'ershing. The review, which was held on Saturday, .April 12th, on a ])lateau in the hills northeast of Orquevaux, was probably the most impres- sive ceremony in which the Regiment ever participated. The day was cold and gray and drizzly, as French days so often are, but, in the eyes of the twenty thousand Americans drawn up before their commander-in-chief, the grayne-s of the air and the misty French hills in the background served only to intensify tlic dignity and solemnity of the occasion. Each unit of the Division had been turned out in full tield equipment and with all axailable transportation, and each imit in turn was personally inspected by the leader of the .\merican E.xpeditionary Forces. Following his inspectio': of the troo])S and equipment, and just prior to the re\iew of the Di\ision, Gen- eral Pershing decorated the various regimental colors and awarded the Distin- guished Service Cross, in the name of the President, to forty-three members of the Division. (Jf these forty-three, fifteen were members of the 315th Infantry. The re\iew itself provided a wonderful picture of militarv power, a j)icture born of war-time conditions and impossible to reproduce at other times and in otlur settings. .\s the oncoming troops slowly emerged from the mist ahead, ])assed and then vanished into the mist once more, one received the impression of a moving flood of steel and with that an impression of irresistible force and power. None who saw it can ever forget the thrill of pride aroused by that picture of America's massed fighting men. g Page One Seventeen _*, . -J @ The 315 th IisfFANT^RV General Pershing Inspects the i!Ith Division I 11 IN Several days after the review, the following letter was received by General Kuhii ; "American Expeditionary Forces, Office of the Commander-in-Chief, _ ., , ,. France, April 13th, 1919. Major General Joseph Kuhn, Commanding 79th Division, American E. F. Mv dear Genearl Kupin : It afforded me great satisfaction to inspect the 79th Division on April 12th, and (in that occasion to decorate the standards of your regiments and, for gal- lantry in action, to confer medals upon certain officers and men. Your trans- portation and artillery were in splendid shape, and the general apjiearance of the division was well up to the standard of the American Expeditionary Forces. Throughout the inspection and review the excellent morals of the men and their pride in the record of their organization was evident. In the Meuse-Argonne offensive the division had its full share of hard fight- ing Entering the line for the first time on September 26th as the right of the center corps, it took part in the beginning of the great Meuse-Argonne offen- si\e. By September 27th it had captured the strong position of Montfaucon, and in spite of hea\y artillery reaction, the Bois de Beuge and Nantillois were occupied. On Septemljer 30th it was relieved, having advanced ten kilometers. It again entered the battle on October 29th. relieving, as part of the 17th French Corps, the 29th Division in the Grande Montague sector to the east of the Meuse River. From that time until the armistice went into effect, it was almost con- stantly in action. ( )n November 9th, Crepion, Wavrille and Gibercy were taken, and in conjunction with elements on the right and left, Etraye and Moirey were invested. (Jn November 10th. Chaumont-devant-Damvilliers was occupied and on No\ember 11th, \'ille-devant-Chaumont was taken — a total of 9'S kilometers. P.ige One Eighteen The 515th iNFANnrRY ^1 — I Tliis is a line record fur aiu (Ii\isii)ii anil I want tlie ufficers and men to know lliis and to realize lunv niueh they ha\e contributed to the success of our arms. TIu-n may return home justly ])roud of themselves and of the ])art they ha\e plaved in the American l''.x])editionary Forces. Sincerel}- yours, John J. I'icksiiixg." ( hi ilic Monday followini,' the re\iew 1)\ ( ieneral Pershing, the Regiment was called to L'haumont to he rcxiewed by the llonoraljle Josephus iJaniels. Secretary of the Navy. For this review, the Transportation Division of (i. 11. O. pro\ ided the 315th Infantry with a train of 140 motor trucks, many of which had been brought from jjoints as far distant as the .\lsace-Lorraine and Swiss borders. This truck train transported the RegimeiU. with room to s])are, to a!id from Chaumont. It so hajipened that ."secretary Daniels, by reason of ;i delayed train, was unable to be present at the ceremony, and in his stead the troo])s of the ,?l.Mh InfaiUry were reviewed by Lieutenant (Ieneral llunlcr Liggett and a number of the higher ofiticers of the Na\y. The third ceremony for llie Regiment w ithin a we.-k was held on the parade ground at Rimaucourl on .\])ril U)th, at which time (i.'neral Kuhn decorated the men of the Division to whom the Croix de (luerre had been awarded bv the French (io\ermnent. The Second Battalion acted ;is the parading battalion on this occasion and the ceremony was carried through most successfully. During the week, beginning April 13th, the various organizations of the Divi- sion were entertained liy Miss Margaret Wilson, the daughter of the 1 'resident of the United .States. Miss Wilson made lier head(|uarters in Rim.aucourt dur- ing her tour of the Di\isional .area and ga\e her entertainment for the men of the 31.^th Infantry in the l\ed Cross .auditorium on the evening of .\pril 13th. General Pekshtng .Aw.vrding the Distinguished Service Cross to Capt.mn Earle C. Offixcer^ 315th Infantry @ Page One Nineteen irr The 315 th Infantry General Kuhn Awarding the Croix de Guerre to Officers and Men of the 70th Division at Rimaucol'rt, France, April 10, inifi II On Friday, April 18th, Miss Wilson and her party, together with Gen-r:il Knhn and his staff, were entertained at a luncheon in the Regimental Y. M. C. A. huild- ing hy the officers of the Regiment. However, the stay at Rimaucourt was not ont- uncliluted round of military ceremonies and social functions. Much tinv was spent in drilling, athletics and the cleaning and reno\'ation of equipm'jiit. Work was commenced on the build- ing of a rifle range, under the d'rcction of Lieutenant Carter, Regimental Mus- ketry (Jfficer. but ; ftcr only two days' progress, orders were received to cease all constrn t'on work and commence a thorough policing of the camp, as a move into another area was only a matter of two or three weeks off. The first warn- ing orders were to the eft'ect that the Division would lie sent to the LeMans area, Ijut a few days before the date sp-jcified for the (k-i)artiire of the troops the plans were changed, and the Di\ision was ordered to proceed to the vicinity of Nantes. On the 10th of April, the Dixision passed from the Second Army to the com- mand of the Commanding General of the S. O. S. Ow April 13th, the day after the review by General Pershing, all horses and mules belonging to the Regiment were loaded on trains, whence they departed to parts unknown. At the same time all extra equijiment was gathered together and turned into the Regimental Su]iply Officer for final disposition. IN THE VERTOU AREA Finally the date of departure from the Fourth Divisional Area arrived, and at .S :00 A. M., April 21st, the first train pulled out of Rimaucourt, carrying the First Battalion, Headquarters Company and Supply Company. At the same hour on the 23rd, the second section moved out with the Second and Third Battalions. The Machine ( nin Company remained behind until the 25th, when it entrained with the 304tli Sanitary Train. The long trip was made in approximately 40 hours. Page One Tn-ent.v The 515 th Infant^ry ^1 — , Enroute the trains passed through Chauniont, Dijon, Paray, MouHns, Bourges, Tours, Angiers, and Nantes, many of these towns bringing back rcineniljrances of the trip inland from Brest, some nine months before. Ihe sc\eral trains brought the different units to Vertou, the headquarters of the Regimental area and situated on the Se\re l\i\er about ten kiU>nieters southeast of Xantes. By Sunday afternoon, April 27th, the last unit of the Regnnent had arrived, the various units being billeted in an area of small \illages, each one within a radius of four kilometers from Regimental Headquarters at Vertou. When all had been billeted, the disposition of the Regiment was as follows: Regimental lleadt|uar- ters, Third Battalion and Headquarters Company at \'ertou ; I-lrst Battalion Headquarters, with Companies "C" and "D" at Le Chene ; Companies "A" and "B" at Barbinierre and t'orlillon, respectively; Second Battalion, complete, at Beautour ; Supjjly Company at Mandon and Machine dun Company at La Gramoire. Just prior to the mo\e to X'ertou, Lieutenant Colonel Burl, in view of the impending return of the 79th Division to the United States, was transferred from the Regiment, in order that he might be reassigned to duty that would coininue his service in France. \\ ith his de])arture, command of the Regiment passed to Major Lloyd, of the Third Battalion. The area in and about X'ertou was untloubtedly the most attractive area in which the Regiment was stationed during its stay in France. The sunny skies, ])rosperous country-side and clean, well kept villages formed a decided contrast to the conditions under which the Regiment had been accustomed to live. The French people li\ing in the area were more than cordial in their welcome to both A Scene in V'ertou Showing Church .\nd Regiment.\l P. C. Paire One Tivent.v-one The 315th Infant^ry @ @ o X m I'nge One Twenty-two The 315th Infant^ry -H, 1 officers and men, and the feeling grew that life in France had. perhaps, its at- tractive features after all. Xantes, a charming old city on the banks of the Loire River, lay only a few kilometers northwest of the Regimental area and was easily accessible to the members of the 315th Infantry, with the result that lluTc was a large demand for week-end passes "to town." During the three week's stay in the N'ertou area, the records and eciuipnicnt of the various companies were carefully gone over, and everything was made read)' for the inspections by the officials of the b.ise ])ort. .\t this time those officers wiio desired to continue in the ser\icc were transferred, one by one, to organizations which were destined to remain in Fr;ince after the 79th Division had sailed. Each, as he left, carried with him a warm farewell greeting from the Regiment and its best wishes for the future. During the tirst week in May, the Regiment went through a round of inspections very similar to that endured prior to leaving the United States the \ear before. These inspections were all passed with flying colors, and everyone wailed expectantly for the move to the ])ort of embarkation. On May 8th, Colonel Knowles rejoined the Regiment .ind once more took over the direction of its affairs. Finally the long awaited orders arrived, and on Monday, Mav 12th. the 315th Infantry boarded trains for Saint Nazaire and began its last trip on French soil. The troop trains reached -Saint Nazaire the same evening, and the Regi- ment at once marched to Casual Cam]) No. 2, where the night was spent. ( )n the morning of the following day, the 13th, the Regiment ])assed through a series of physical ex.aminations and then proceeded to Casual Camp No. 1, where it was initiated into the mysteries of the port of embarkation's delousing jilant. The Regiment, having been put in immaculate sanitary condition, then estab- lished itself in the Isolation Cam]), where it settled down to await the arrival of a transj)ort. Conditions at Saint Nazaire were infinitelv better than those ex- perienced by the troops at Brest the jjreceding July. Instead of living in "pup tent" camps scattered at random through muddy fields, the Regiment was quar- tered in clean, well constructed barracks that afforded all ])ossible comfort and convenience. Messing arrangements were excellent, and both officers and men were unanimous in their praise of Saint Nazaire as an embarkation center. Dur- ing the stay at the Isolation Cam]), the Personnel l)e])artment ])ut the finishing touches on all records and papers, and the entire Regiment was |)ul in order for a quick tri]i to the ".States." IK i.\l i:\VARD liOCND The honor of being the lirsl units to board shi]) for home and countrv fell to the lot of "L" and "M" Companies of the Third I'attalion. These two com- panies, with light and eager tread, marched out from the Isolation Cam]) at one o'clock in the afternoon on ]\lay 15th and ])roceeded to the docks along the harbor front, where they boarded the U. S. S. Dakotaii. a cargo vessel which had been converted into an army transport. During the afternoon,' orders were received from the embarkation camj) ])lacing Major Lloyd, commanding officer of the Third Battalion, in command of all troo])s aboard the Dakotan. and he. ac- comi)anied by his adjutant. Lieutenant .\ndrews, went aboard at 6:30 P. .M. that evening. In addition to Companies "L" ,ind ".M", Ca])tain Morris and twelve Page One Twenty-three The 315 th Infanttry Companies "L" and M," 3I0TH Infantry, Arriving in Philadelphia ON THE U. S. S. Dakotan 1 I ^- men, coiiijjrising the Third Battalion Sanitary Detachment, also found quarters on the Dakotan. In all, a total of 25 officers rnd 1,631 men went aboard ship. In addition to the troops of the 315th Infantry, the Dakotan carried several small specialized units of the 79tli l)i\ision, two l)asc hospitals and a number of casuals. The remaining officers and men of the Regiment did not receive their em- barkation orders until the following day. May 16th. Early in the evening on that date, all of the members of the Regiment who had not been assigned to the Dakotan wended their way from the Isolation Camp to the harbor front and went aboard the U. S. S. Santa Rosa, which, like the Dakotan, was a con- verted cargo vessel. The Santa Rosa carried a total of 46 officers and 2,145 men, all of whom were members of the 315th Infantry with the exception of 1 officer and 26 men who comprised the 14th Photo Section of the Signal Corps. Owing to the lack of state-room facilities on the Dakotan and Santa Rosa. it was possible for only 51 officers of the Regiment to make the trip with the troops. These officers were selected from among those who had serxed with the Regiment since its organization. The remaining officers were organized into a casual detachment, which later proceeded to Brest and embarked on the Graf IValdcrscc, a former German liner. It was expected that the casual officers would rejoin the Regiment in the United States, but the expected never came to pass, ■■o that Saint Nazaire witnessed the first big step in the parting of the ways for the members of the 315th Infantry. Page One Twenty-four The 515th Infantry* Thf Dakotan weitjhcd anchor shortly after noon on May U)lh and steamed slowly out of the harbor on its 3,200 mile trip to America. Tiie Santa Rosa followed at five o'clock in the morning on May 17th, and with its departure the 315th Infantry bade a final farewell to France and the American Expeditionary Forces. The trip across the .Atlantic was uneventful save for three days of ex- tremely roujjh weather in the Ray of Biscay at the bej^inninfj of the voyage. It was, indeed, the unevent fulness of the return trip which made it seem so different from the trip across during the preceding July, when it was a nip and tuck race be- tween American transjrorts and (icrman sulimarines. One missed the boatswain's nightly cry of ".all hands darken ship," and missing also were the daily "abandon ship" drills of former times. Mow-ever, the news sh?et. ])ublished each day by the ship's wireless operators, helped relicxe the tedium of tiij voyage, and, in this way the Dakotan and Santa Rosa were .able to keej) in touch with the outside world and with each other. It was not until the last two days of the voyage that the Regiment learned where it was to land. Then the news was received that both the Dakotan and the Santa Rosa would dock at Philadelphia, the city which the 313th Infantry has always called its home. The Dakotan. with its early start, was the first to reach port, arriving at the City of Brotherly Love on the afternoon of May 2Xth. .\s the transport steamed slowly up the Delaware toward its jjier at the foot of .Snyder Avenue, the men who crowded its decks recei\ed a wel- come unparalleled in all their forni/r experiences. With the ringing of I)ells @ Irooi's on the W.w to C.\mi' Dix .\N'1) Demoi5iliz.\tion' Pngp One Twenty-five The 515 th Infant^ry , — i^ @ and the shrieking of whistles, with clieers and laughter and tears, the city wel- comed home its own in a spontaneous tribute that will ever linger in the memory of those who witnessed it. Two days later, on the morning of Memorial Day, the Santa Rosa arrived and received a welcome as spontaneous and as fervid as that accorded the Dakotaii. CAMP DIX AND DEMOBILIZATION Immediately upon the arri\al of tlu- transports at the dock, the \arious units of the M5th Infantry disembarked antl boarded trains which carried them direct to Camp Dix, where the Regiment was to be demobilized. At Camp Dix, Regi- mental Headciuarters was established in building 302, while the Regiment estab- lishes itself in the 300, 400 and 500 Blocks, between New York and New Jersey Avenues. Companies "L" and "M", together with Third Battalion Headquarters, were quartered in the 4000 Block, on the other side of Camp. It was at Camp Dix that the Regiment held its tinal ceremony. This oc- curred on the morning of June 2nd, when (General Kuhn decorated some thirty officers and men of the Division with the Croix de Guerre, in the name of the French Government. The Second Battalion, as at Rimaucourt, was called upon to act as the parading battalion. That occasion marked the last ajipearance of the troops of the 315th Infantry as an organized unit. Before the final steps toward demobilization were taken, the Regiment was, for several days, held in readiness to participate in a "welcome home" parade in the city of Philadelphia. The people of the city were very anxious to have the 315th Infantry and other units of the 79th Division close their military his- t(iry with a parade similar to that given by the 28th Division the month before. ( )n this subject, however, the members of the Regiment held far different feel- ings. Tiie 315th Infantry had played its part whole-heartedly in the great struggle for civilization, its work had been accomplished, and, with its record clear cut in the annals of the nation, the Regiment was willing to rest content. In the end, the final decision in the matter was left to the troops themselves, and, in a vote taken throughout the Regiment, the parade was voted down by an over- whelming majority. With the moot question of a parade settled, demobilization proceeded at a rapid rate. Members of the Regiment who were to be discharged at camps nearer to their homes than Camp Dix one after the other joined special traveling detachments and passed out of the life of the E-^eginient amid the hearty fare- wells of their comrades. Those of the Regiment who remained at Camp Dix were passed through the discharge center there in raj^id succession. On Jime 9th, the last members of the Regiment recei\-ed their discharge papers, and the 315th Infantry passed out of existence as an active military organization. I»age One Twenty-six * * Thb 515 th iNFANTrnv -" — I Page One Twenty-seven s HE 315 th Infant^ ry | @ Killed in Action Field and Staff Officers Major Ward W. Pierson First Lieut. Benjamin Bdli.ock, :iRi) 1 1 Company A ! First Lieut. Alfred L. Quintard Pvt. Bryant M. Dolbow Pvt. Ernest Livingston CoRi>. Vincent J. Byrne Pvt. Patrick Egan Pvt. Elmer Ogden Corp. Esterino A. Crudei.le Pvt. Nicholas Forlinni Pvt. Elwood G. Paul PvT. 1st cl. Reuben H. Duffel Pvt. James Gaffney Pvt. Frank C. Richter PvT. Anthony Barbozcvricz Pvt. Herman R. Hertzberg Pvt. Salvatore Schimmenti j PvT. Carmine Capelluppo Pvt. John Ischi Pvt. Nathan C. Shute i PvT. Enrice Cicconni Pvt. Emmett G. Laub Pvt. Edward F. Smith PvT. Nicola Crispi Pvt. Joseph J. Lenahan Company B Corp. Henry E. P. Pritchard Pvt. Samuel Doris Pvt. George Moss Bugler Henry J. Jacoby Pvt. Jacob Ehrlich Pvt. Ralph Sauter PvT. IsTCL. Frederick Buckwald Pvt. Harry Eichenberger Pvt. Carlo Scaglio PvT. 1st cl. John J. NociTO Pvt. William Hawk Pvt. Raffaele Spiotta PvT. 1st cl. Albert F. Pflieger Pvt. Grover C. Kook Pvt. Ceslaw Stepulkowski PvT. John G. Boss Pvt. Louis Lohmui.ler Company C Pvt. James Sword Sgt. Louis Oerlemans Pvt. John K. Bishop Pvt. William M. Paynter Sgt. John J. Read Pvt. Theodore C. Brown Pvt. Leo Raczkowski Corp. David P. Anderson Pvt. Fred J. Fudala Pvt. Frank Santisiri Corp. George Da nig I'vT. Ale.xander Gilchrist Pvt. Nick Serago Corp. Harry Friel Pvt. Leo Hart Pvt. Harry A. Shivelv Corp. George Horn Pvt. Edward T. Kane Pvt. Paul J. Smith Corp. Edwin R. Souders Pvt. Erakle Kozman Pvt. Louis Stein Mech. Edward Fleisch Pvt. James S. Mailus Pvt. Leo J. Swartz PvT. 1st cl. Chas. E. Wrigley Pvt. Giovanni Paduano Pvt. Stephen Terzitta 1 PvT. Victor Antim.sry Company D 1 1st Lt. Seth C. Hetherington Pvt. 1st cl. Charles Diehl Pvt. Frank Lewis I Sgt. William Cunningham Pvt. 1st cl. Stephen Esterly Pvt. Alexander McClean 1 Sgt. Elmer R. Fox Pvt. Lst cl. Luigi Gagliaridi Pvt. John A. Murray M Sgt. Clarence Pancoast Pvt. 1st cl. Michael Kenny Pvt. Walter Mi'ssack P Corp. Fred Baumeister Pvt. 1st cl. James Kiileen Pvt. Morris Nachitgal 'f'' Corp. Isaac Cohen Pvt. 1st cl. John McNamara Pvt. Samuel Novick Corp. Peter Kerr Pvt. 1st i l. R. .\. Sullivan Fvt. Hulen W. Phelps Corp. Stormonth Pollock Pvt. James Bain Pvt. John J. Quinn Corp. Edward Poyntz Pvt. Francis F. Carton Pvt. Charles Schnell Corp. Abram Street Pvt. Lee N. Ccok Fvt. Benjamin Traffican Mec. Thomas Moore Pvt. David Diamond Pvt. Frank Trebino Mec. William J. Moore Pvt. George R. Hill Pvt. Leonard Vecchione PvT. 1.ST cl. Henry Cantavespie Pvt. James P. Kei i.y Pvt. Birchard White PvT. IsTCL. Ormill S. Cummings FvT. Martin E. Kelly Pvt. Joseph 0. Yehle Pvt. IsTcL. John J. Curran Fvt. Morris Kriterman . Company E Sgt. Apau Kau Pvt. The'.'DOre Borowski Pvt. Pietro Merola Corp. Raymond F. Kuhl Pvt. Harry F. Diamond Pvt. Richard J. Rorke Corp. David Saukerblatt Pvt. George J. Dieteri.e Pvt. Elwood E. Schlarb Corp. Spencer H. Sauer Pvt. Michael D. Goonan Pvt. Walter O. Skinner Corp. Richard G. Weise Pvt. Charles J. Kelly Pvt. Clinton E. Smith Pvt. 1st cl. James P. Fahey Pvt. James J. Kinser Pvt. Wm. T. Steinhauer ^ Pvt. Clarence J. Anderson Pvt. Stephen Mashk ^ . fSIHHI^^I^H Pnge Oiiy Twenty-eight Ihe 315 th Infant in V "1 ]wrm]M KILLED IX .\CTION » Company F First Lieut. Wm. A. Sheehan Pvt. Charles O. Dozois Pvt. Irving S. Roffis Sgt. Leo Brazek Pvt. Joseph Fox Pvt. Jesse F. Schaal Sgt. Nelson N. Herron Pvt. Wilbur A. Guthrie Pvt. David Sciii.ossberg Corp. Pius J. Nau Pvt. Robert King Pvt. Theodore G. Scholler 1 PvT. Chaki.es Coyle Pvt. George B. Kolp Pvt. John F. Stewart 1 PVT. BeNJAiMIN F. Dietz 1 Company G 1 PvT. IsTCL. .AmericoDi Pasquale Pvt. GuisEPPE De Cellis Pvt. Wm. Hetherington ' 1 PvT. IsTCL. George M. Donahue Pvt. John Greenwood Company H ...c......™ Corp. James L. Gallagher Pvt. Morris Lipkin Pvt. Michele Phi iolle Pvt. Walter .'\t\v(X)d Pvt. Frederick Lippert Pvt. Clifford Pickerin<; PvT. John Carson Pvt. William J. McDonnell Pvt. Robert Ritchie Pvt. James S. Galloway Pvt. Fr.\nk Pahls Pvt. Benjamin Schwartz Pvt. IIenkv R. Klenck Company I First Lieut. Raymond T. Turn Corp . Thomas Landenberger Pvt. John A. Barron Sgt. Frank Hill CoRf . Frank Merriam Pvt. George Gastenweld Sgt. Samuel Trotta Company K •2nd Lieut John T. Owens Pvt. 1st cl. William H. Duke Pvt. Charles M. Keeno Sgt. Harry L. Green\v(K)d Pvt. 1st cl. Edward F. Mc.Aleer Pvt. James M. Kinney Sgt. Andrew C. Shagren Pvt. 1st cl. Robert R. Morris Pvt. John L. Lynch I Sgt. William A. Sievers Pvt. 1st cl. John J. Quinn P\'T. WiLLi.\M P. Mann Sgt. Louis C. Symington Pvt. IsTCL. T. W.Rauschenberger Pvt. Horace J. O'Donnell Corp. John Ayre, Jr. Pvt. IsT.cL. Eugene G. W.'VTKins Pvt. Henry L. Rodes Corp. Pasquale D'Amato Pvt. Giovanni Angelillo Pvt. Anthony Samkowitz Corp. Stephen G. Fritz Pvt. Bernard Aspell Pvt. John J. Sartory Corp. David Gould Pvt. George D. Blaney Pvt. John V. Scudero , _ Corp. Lorenzo Lobaccaro P\T. Albert Com maker Pvt. Clarence W. South I Pvt. Lst cl. Thos. W. Astbury Pvt. Charles J. Covle Pvt. Joe Waters 1 Pvt. Lst cl. Bernard j . Casey Pvt. George Gonaff Pvt. Peter Zack 1 Pvt. 1st cl. Russell T. Delker Pvt. Clyde Jacobs Company L ■2nd Lieut. Floyd S. Strosnider Pvt. 1st cl. William Schwind Pvt. William Reid 1 Sgt. Reed Barnitz Pvt. Harry T. Boyle Pvt. Wm. F. Scheideman I Sgt. Harry Polinsky Pvt. Thomas J. Cullen Pvt. Wm. R. Scheulen I Corp. Louis R. Berkowitz Pvt. .'\nthonv M. Forsthoffer Pvt. Wm. H. Stanley 1 Corp. Harry Hahn Pvt. Joseph T. Girmscheid Pvt. Milton Stern 1 Corp. Hugh Moy Pvt. W'alter J. Henderson Pvt. Michele N'etrono I Pvt. Lst cl. George L. Kelly Pvt. Jonathan E. Morgan Pvt. Jesse Wooton I Pvt. 1st cl. W. R. Schoultz Pvt. William A. Nash Company M Corp. John H. Ca.stor Pvt. 1st cl, Giacomo Moscariello Pvt. Harry Hirsch 1 Mec. William A. I-rey Pvt. 1st cl. Samufj, K. Steev'er Pvt. Henry Klew e 1 Pvt. 1st cl. Michael J. Joyce Pvt. Ray G. Gilbert Pvt. Bernard McGarry 1 Pvt. 1st cl. Adolph Kurmin Pvt. Otto E. Grigull Pvt. Daniel F. Toolan 1 Headquarters Company Sgt. W1U.1AM H. Carroll Pvt. 1st cl. John A. Eisele Pvt. Joseph Haines Sgt. Paul B. Jenkins Pvt. M 1st cl. Charles A. Ke.\ting ichine Gun Company Pvt. Walter J. West Cai'T. Joseph G. Duncan Jr. Sgt. Ja.mes W. McCartney P\T. Elton N. Reid Sgt. Robert P. Black Pvt. Clerk Maurer Pvt. John Q. Robb Sgt. Howard Hoesle Pvt. Harry W. Mitchell Page One Twenty-nine [S The 315th Infanttry | @ KILLED IN ACTION Supply Company Wag. Theodore Carro Wag. William P. Cotter Medical Detachment Wag. Jesse W. Soby First. Lieut. William F. Craic Died of Wounds Company A Pvt. Richard Owen PvT. 1st cl. Chas. J. Dougherty Pvt. John Heineman Pvt. William Welker Company B First Sgt. Philip G. Melick Corp. Howard C. Bainbridge Corp. Leroy B. Hinton Corp. Ronald H. McCaughey Pvt. Lloyd C. Baughmann Pvt. Arthur M. Brion Pvt. Walter Durieu Pvt. David Gollmer Pvt. William W. Herrman Pvt. Thomas Ianuzzi Pvt. Harrison Lever Pvt. Sam Silvestri Pvt. Blaine Barshinger Company C Bugler Edward L. Archer Pvt. Joseph Cherry Pvt. Robert D. Cook Pvt. Frank W. Corbett Pvt. Guiseppe Di Benedetto Pvt. Joseph Lewis Company D None Company E Pvt. Clifton W. Tibbels Pvt. Theodore Tiedeken 1 First Lieut. Edgar J. Eyler Corp. William B. Hughes Pvt. John J. Coen Pvt. James M. Gibson Pvt. Edward Huss Pvt. Ira B. Righter Company F Pvt. Frank Scheid Pvt. Harry Schmalenbercer Corp. Mitchell Sargen Mec. James S. Ross Pvt. Carl J. .Albrecht Pvt. Tho.mas T. Bray Company G Pvt. John \\'. Manning Pvt. Pail G. Schneider ■ 2nd Lieut. Herman D. Partsch Pvt. 1st cl. Peter J. Conway Pvt. Gioachinno Spagnuola ■ Sgt. William J. Lyshon Pvt. Panteleone Cramsta Pvt. Max A. Trumpa ■ Corp. William M. Smith Pvt. Kenneth A. MacKenziePvt. Richard B. Ward ■ Company H First Lieut. George N. Althouse Corp. Charles McCauley 11 Company I ■ I 1 Pvt. Raymond Bolte Pvt. Stephen Michalski Pvt. Harry Sandrow Pvt. Herman P. Saylor Company K Pvt. James White I . f Sgt. John M. Ross 1 ' Pvt. 1st cl. Joseph A. Coyle Company L Pvt. William A. Nichols PvT. Charles Frank PvT. JoHX Halbig Pvt. Maury Liederman Pvt. Charles H. Reichert Pvt. Michael A. Stieflein Company M Corp. Joseph "M. Heelings Corp. Charles C. Hugan Pvt. 1st cl. Alexander Friedel Page One Thirty The 515 th Infant^ry DIED OF WOUNDS Headquarters Company Corp. Earnest Stead Pvt. Wiliur Hoeltzel Pvt. Thomas Malloy PvT. 1st cl. Walter E. Lambs Pvt. Norris B. Mentz .Machine (Jun Company 2nd Lieut. James F. Dei.aney Pvt. 1st cl. John A. .Millard Pvt. 1st cl. Frank IT. Parker Supply Company None Medical Detachment None Died of Accident or Disease Company A Mec. John Herrman Pvt. Edward J. Cantz Pvt. Frank Kister Pvt. 1st CL. John J. Crone Pvt. Frank Fo.\ Pvt. .Vrthur T. IMcCrory Pvt. 1st CL. DavidJ. Douuherty Pvt. Joseph A. Hughes Pvt. Charles G. Murphy Company B Pvt. Samuel George Pvt. Jonathan Kra.mer Pvt. Charles H. Shide Company C First Sgt. Hugh H. MacUonald Pvt. La whence I-". Callahan Pvt. Daniel Lee Corp. Edward V. Maher Pvt. .Angelo Consorte Pvt. Pasquale Schiavo Corp. George A. Wolfe Pvt. Elmer W. Fickeis.sen Pvt. Edward A. Smith Pvt. John J. Burke Company D Corp. Paul M. Hermann Pvt. Lst cl. Eari.e G. Hilton Pvt. Michael G. Schoenhoi.z Corp. Howard C. Keiper Pvt. Walter F. Scheible Pvt. Edwin D. Spare Corp. Joseph L. McKee Company E None Company F Pvt. James McCutcheon Company G Pvt. Howard R. Duncan Pvt. Ciias. H. Herchenruier Pvt. George B. Rath Company H None Company I Pvt. 1st cl. .-Vniirew W. Mayer Pvt. I'kederic Rosenblath Pvt. Pietro Cerune P\ t. W'ilijam '1". White Company K Sgt. Christopher W. Kelly Pvt. 1st cl. Einar S.Hanssen Pvt. 1st cl. Paiior Livingston Company L Corp. Harry Murphy Company M Pvt. John H. Lynch @ Page One Thirty-one ^5 The 315th Inkant^ry @ DIED OF ACCIDENT OR DISEASE Headquarters Company ]\Iusc. 1st cl. John VV. Stahl Pvt. He.nkv Kkick Pvt. Nicholas Larkixs PvT. Frederick Knott Pvt. Fred Wivel Machine Gun Company Pvt. 1st cl. Edward Hitner Pvt. George R. Lockhart Pvt. Harry Herter Pvt. Edwin G. Powell Supply Company First Lieut. Charles Hyde, Jr. Medical Detachment Pvt. John T. Thompson Missing in Action Company A Pvt. Joseph Gorski P\'t. Anthony Koinski Pvt. Joseph C. Rice Company B Pvt. John J. Dalton Company C None Company D None Company E None Company F Pvt. Jan Citko Pvt. Frank Mauceri Pvt. Harry Smith Company G Pvt. Carl Ginther Company H Pvt. Ja.mes Connery Pvt. Earnest A. Stout Pvt. Charles Staehle, Jr. Pvt. Stiney Werzebeke Company I None Company K Pvt. Bernard Z. Sedlmeyer Company L Pvt. Charles F. Randall Company M Pvt. 1st cl. George F. Reedy Headquarters Company None Machine Gun Company None Supply Company None Medical Detachment None Page One Thirty-two 1 ^■■1 The 515th Infanttrv Captured 6 Company C PvT. John Fetcho Company F PvT. Morris E. Glass Pvt. William E. McClain Pvt. Roman A. Wo.tczvnski 1 1 Company H 1 Pvt. Joseph J. Hipp ll Company I 1 Corp. Roland B. Cassels 1 Company K 1 Pvt. l.sT cL. John P. Holden Pvt. 1st cl. Frank Tumasz P\ T. Henry W. Switzer Company L *FiRST Lieut. Theodore Rosen *Pvt. James B. O'Donnell Pvt. .\ i;raii\m Supperstone Note : Asterisk before name indicates— wownded when captured. Wounded in Action Field and Staff Officers Major Samuel W. Fleming, Jr. Captain Ledi IE I. Laughlin Major Fred W. M.vcL. Patterson First Lieut. Robert P. Meily Company A 1st Lieut. James H. Carpenter P\t. Howard M. Christman Pvt. Hubert S. Krieger 2nd Lieut. Edward J. Schrier P%'T. Harry Dankelman Pvt. William Lytle Sgt. Thomas V. Houlihan Pvt. James J. Di.xson Pvt. Enoch McClosky Sgt. Edward K. Ketcham Pvt. Benjamin R. Dolan Pvt. Morris J. Mahoney Corp. William P. Cheatly Pvt. William E. Dwver Pvt. William Martoski Corp. John J. Dillon P\t. Frederick Eichel Pvt. Giovanni Mazzocchetti Corp. John N. Horning Pvt. William C. Eichler P\'T. Percy R. Medlicott Corp. Robert Marks Pvt. Antonio Frorenza Pvt. William A. Mehler Corp. George H. Mowrer Pvt. William C. Galloway Pvt. Daniei. a. Merrigan Corp. Edward S. Murphy Pvt. Hagop Gar.\bedian Pvt. John Mink Corp. John F. McCann Pvt. Joseph M. Grohol Pvt. Charles V. Mount [ Corp. William Schneider Pvt. Walter Halonski Pvt. Abraham Neuren l Corp. Charles J. Walde Pvt. Chester A. Harbach Pvt. Albert D. Oliver Corp. Benjamin Wentzell Pvt. Edward Hepp Pvt. BOLESLAW OlZEWSKI Mec. William P. Sorrer Pvt. Isidore Horen Pvt. Joseph Ormsby Meg. George J. Toomey Pvt. John A. Janshock Pvt. Nester Robochock Mec. Joseph Weiss Pvt. Albert J. Jemison Pvt. M. A. RuczKi Bugler William P. Bahrenburg Pvt. Harold M. Jordahn Pvt. George Schollenber(^er Pvt. 1st cl. Frank H. Acker Pvt. Louis J. Kane Pvt. Elmer E. Scheckler Pvt. 1st cl. John J. Duffy P\t. Harry P. Keneskv Pvt. John H. Shultz P\T-. 1st cl. Albert J. Winkle Pvt. Frank Kessler Pvt. Charles R. Snyder Pvt. Walter Adamceski Pvt. Bernard Kidzon Pvt. William L. Wieder Pvt. William J. Albert Pvt. Charles J. Ki.otzuucher Pvt. Elmer F. Zerbe Pvt. Oscar J. Bachert Pvt. George Knox Pvt. Joseph Zitomer Pvt. Walter L. Biegeman Company B 1 Captain John V. Bostwick First Lieut. John J. Conahan Sgt. Edward A. Davies i | FiR.sT Lieut. Arthur L. Raiians l'nd Lieut. .Austin E. Besancon Sgt. Thomas Dickson First Lieut. Ed. L. Journeay Sgt. George E. Brown Sgt. Joseph Fitzgerald First Lieut. Benj. H. Pollock Sgt. Eugene M. Buckley Sgt. Charles H. Lynn First Lieut. Lester C. Shearer Sgt. William J. Clair Sgt. Charles Reinhardt @ Page One Thirty-three '1'he 515th Inkant^ry | ^ - ■ ■ WOUNDED IN ACTION ^^ Sgt. Edward Welsh Pvt. 1st cl. John Veight Pvt. James C. Lonabaugh Corp. Arthur E. Alker Pvt. Joseph Bagdasarian Pvt. Allen J. Loomis Corp. Alexander Bailey Pvt. Howard Bergmann Pvt. James J. McClay Corp. Benjamin Blair Pvt. Jacob Birnbaum Pvt. Vincenty Markarewicz Corp. Frank Bohrer Pvt. George J. Censky Pvt. Leroy Morrison Corp. Norman Bowers Pvt. Antonio Del Sordo Pvt. Harvey Nobles Corp. William E. Devine Pvt. Fred J. Dorfus Pvt. MvER Padolsky Corp. James Drum cool, Jr. Pvt. Peter F. Draugel Pvt. Emil Pandolfini Corp. Joseph Edgar Pvt. Sarkis Dividian Pvt. Harry C. Preine Corp. William J. Killian Pvt. Charles T. Feyhl Pvt. Harry J. Quinn Corp. Theodore S. Lauer Pvt. Samuel Garmisa Pvt. Frank Richardson Corp. John Mayer Pvt. Raffaele Genitempo Pvt. Sidney D. Richmond Corp. Francis C. Nolan Pvt. Harry F. Ford Pvt. JOSPH F. RoONEY Corp. George Parkin Pvt. Charles H. Harley Pvt. John B. Simonton Corp. Frederick Paul Pvt. Grover C. Harrison Pvt. Graham Stevenson Corp. James P. Quinn Pvt. Floyd Y. Hawthorne Pvt. Norman J. Stevenson Corp. David I. Scanlon Pvt. Adam Hoffmayer Pvt. Roy S. Stidham Corp. Louis C. Ziegert Pvt. Harry Hurst Pvt. RosARio Valeric Mec. Thomas F. Cassedy Pvt. Warren M. Leeser Pvt. John M. Wallace Mec. Harry W. Tibbins Pvt. Jacob Levindefski Pvt. Marshall Willingham Pvt. 1st cl. Chas. J. Batzel Pvt. Clarence A. Littlefield Pvt. John Wittko Pvt. 1st cl. Edward Johnson Company C Captain Chas. M. Tilghman Pvt. Alun W. Davies Pvt. Herman Ott First Sgt. Joseph A. Conway Pvt. Germ a no De Meo Pvt. PlETRO PiZZUTI Sgt. George J. Ambacher Pvt. Charles Donaghue Pvt. William H. Ralph Sgt. Francis S. Carey Pvt. Victor J. Donohue Pvt. Charles V. Reardon Sgt. George R. Thompson Pvt. Ralph D. Dundore Pvt. William W. Ridenour [ Sgt. Cornelius C. Walter Pvt. John F. Flail Pvt. Edward P. Schimpf ! Corp. Philip Corrado Pvt. Joseph Fogel Pvt. Henry F. Schroeder Corp. William Frey Pvt. Hyman Gell Pvt. Chester F. Schwall i Corp. Clayton W. Groff Pvt. Enrico Giaquinto Pvt. DOMINICK O. SciALLA Corp. Lelon E. Lednum Pvt. Hugh J. Glennon Pvt. Godfrey Siegrist 1 Corp. Samuel N. Lowey Pvt. Alfred A. Gordon Pvt. Harry F. Simon Corp. Edwin R. McQuay Pvt. William C. Grauer Pvt. Frank P. Sirvault Corp. Joseph H. Rieger Pvt. James C. Hartman Pvt. John C. Spencer Corp. James C. Spurry Pvt. Harry A. Herbst Pvt. Frederick Steffens Corp. Joseph H. Tinney Pvt. Howard J. Hoffman Pvt. Frank B. Steiner Corp. Harry J. Walsh Pvt. Martin Jessee Pvt. Andrew Stonage Pvt. 1st cl. Frank H. Buck Pvt. William F. Keck Pvt. Joseph F. Tracy Pvt. 1st cl. John McKay Pvt. Michael J. Lawler Pvt. Charles J. Turner Pvt. 1st cl. Edward E. O'Neil Pvt. Frank A. Leinincer Pvt. Boleslay Uminski Pvt. Antonio Alteri Pvt. Harry J. Lentz Pvt. John L'rbanowicz Pvt. Charles J. Bauer Pvt. Jacob S. Levine Pvt. Perry Vassailiades Pvt. John Blouchogk Pvt. Edward J. MacKenzie Pvt. Michael D. Vicchia Pvt. Charles W. Brey Pvt. Ray H. Malick Pvt. Chris Vogel Pvt. Carlino Calogero Pvt. Harry C. Mandell Pvt. Henry Wennmacher Pvt. Cesare Capone Pvt. Walter Manning Pvt. Walter A. Wickstrom Pvt. Francesco Ceromi Pvt. Cesare Michel Pvt. Albert F. Wiedmann Pvt. Stanley Chesko Pvt. William A. Millheim Pvt. Theodore H. Wirbatz Pvt. Harry D. Cotner Pvt. Donato Orlando Company D Pvt. Antonus J. Zukauskas First Lieut. Lawson G. Bash Corp. Richard C. Larson Pvt. 1st cl. Elwood L. Clark First Lieut. F. A. Van Horn Corp. Pasquale Panichelli Pvt. 1st cl. Chas. H. Clifton 2nd Lieut William R. Mease Corp. Edward Retn Pvt. 1st cl. Chris. J. Hartman 2nd Lieut. S. F. Williams Corp. Joseph F. Smith Pvt. 1st cl. Oral R. McCleery Sgt. Robert F. Dawson Corp. Louis L. Warren Pvt. 1st cl. Alfred A. Nagler Sgt. Robert H. Gallien Corp. James Young Pvt. 1st cl. Warren L. Stroud Sgt. Jerome B. Levi Cixik Charles P. Macaltley Pvt. 1st cl. William Talarico Sgt. Domenico Pescrilli Mec. Samuel McKown (2) Pvt. Willie C. Adams Sgt. Everett W. Wanner Pvt. 1st cl. W. I. Beringer Pvt. Joseph Adelman IP Corp. Ellwood L. Kerkeslagee Pvt. 1st cl. Joseph J. Bulkes Pvt. Marshall S. Agnew Page One Thirty -four 1 Ihe 515 th Infan try 1 \\()L'XDi:D IN .\CTI()X PVT. KllliKEN ASI.ANAIAM Pvt. .Alva L. Gorrei.l Pvt. M.VRio Ricci PvT. George W. Haumert 1 vt. \'V I Li.i A .M Han sofs k y I'VT. Robert C. Richards PvT. William Bradley Pvt. Frank Hartman PvT. Henry H. Robbins PvT. Walter E. Rreese Pvt. Henry G. Hoffman Pvt. Harry Rubenstein 1 PvT. Willie Birch Pvt. Samuel F. Kastner Pvt. Albert Ryan PvT. William R. Butler P\T. John J. Keirnan Pvt. Sa.muel J. Savlor PvT. Samlel Calloway Pvt. Edward Kroll Pvt. Louis Sinacore PvT. Patrick Comer Pvt. ^L\IK Kruk Pvt. Walter T. Smith PvT. Frank H. C(X)I'er Pvt. Charles Lake Pvt. Dethridge Snead PvT. JOSEI'H CoRSENETI Pvt. Ignatz Lochrofski Pvt. Albert E. Stevens PvT. Frank Counterman Pvt. Joseph Loiterstein Pvt. Charles Taylor PvT. Demetry Dacek Pvt. John ^L\URo Pvt. Robert B. Thompson , PvT. Antonio Di Placiimi Pvt. Edward J. Moran Pvt. JoH.V TOPOLESKI i PVT. Irvine Eversole Pvt. Carl M. Muhlschi.egel Pvt. Earl Van Why ' ' PvT. Morris Fei.dman Pvt. Walter H. Nieber Pvt. Richard H. Watts PvT. Frank A. Fitzceraiu Pvt. Dennis O'Connor Pvt. Samuel Weiseman PvT. Thomas I*. Fitzgerald Pvt. Oscar .A. Olson Pvt. Herbert R. Wiu.iams PvT. Cash W. Forbus Pvt. David Polakof Pvt. William Zink PvT. Rhea B. French Pvt. Dayton Preeley Pvt. Nicholas Zywno 1 PvT. Merwin C. Fuss Pvt. Morris Rabinowitz 1 Company E Sot. James A. Granahan Pvt. Charles A. Chamberlain Pvt. Peter J. ^Lviuire Corp. Oscar G. Callem Pvt. Charles .A. Dougherty Pvt. Oliver Mills Corp. Benedict Conroy' Pvt. Leroy Dubbs Pvt. Thomas A. O'Brien Corp. Thomas J. Dawson Pvt. Thomas J. Esbensen Pvt. William R. O'Hea Corp. Roisert Epstein Pvt. Joseph M. Fairo Pvt. Thomas C. O'Neil Corp. .Alexander Kun Pvt. Willi.\m F'ierick Pvt. Domenico Petrisino Corp. John F. Lynch Pvt. Morris Goldstein Pvt. Joseph Pines I Corp. Walter C. Meyers Pvt. Jacob P. Goshorn Pvt. Charles Placido 1 Corp. Herbert J. O'Connor Pvt. Charles J. GuiE Pvt. John J. Powers 1 Corp. William J. Scott Pvt. William C. Hanna Pvt. Elmer L. Ritchie 1 Corp. Frederick G. Wilue Pvt. John Herron Pvt. Samuel A. Robb 1 Mech. Thomas J. Powers Pvt. Hugh F. Jones Pvt. William Rowen | | Bugler Joseph A. Nichols Pvt. Charles J. Kane Pvt. Edward A. Smith PvT. 1st. cl. Harry P. Wev.% ANN Pvt. Edward B. Kary Pvt. Isidore Smith PvT. 1st cl. Ernest P. Wid.m AiER Pvt. Charles J. Knoeffle Pvt. John F. Sweeney PvT. Clarence J. Anderson Pvt. Peter Lazowski Pvt. Michael Varley PvT. Raffaele -Avato Pvt. John Lopiepero Pvt. Michael Weigand PvT. William H. Broighton Pvt. John W. McGahie Pvt. Patrick Wynne PvT. William J. Birke Company F Sct. Lloyd L. Klein Pvt. Charles F. Deeney Pvt. James Pagliaro Sgt. Reuben Master Pvt. Albert T. Dick Pvt. Ben W. Powers Sct. Onello Raimo Pvt. Thomas S. Donahue Pvt. John R.wva Corp. George A. Harbau(;ii Pvt. RoscoE D. Ealy Pvt. Carroll Roshon Corp. George .\. Harrini^ton Pvt. Julius Goldberg Pvt. Mike Rutkofski Corp. Harry E. Keefrider Pvt. Thomas J. Grogan Pvt. Edgar Scott Corp. Charles W. Palardy Pvt. HrENT llliVSEIMAN Pvt. Wii.LiA.M Shields Corp. Zygmunt Slusarczyk Pvt. Philip -\. Jacobv Pvt. Frank J. Smith Corp. Harry A. Walsh Pvt. Edward V. Kelly Pvt. Peter Sopagee Corp. Philip B. White Pvt. Frederick L. Krauss Pvt. Charles Stohrer Bugler Francis Graff Pvt. Patru K L. Le.miy Pvt. Ernest A. Steudle PvT. John .Adolph Pvt. William Lumpp Pvt. Joseph Thomas PVT. WlLI.IA.M BiLLINGTON Pvt. Thomas H. McCool Pvt. Gaetano Tommaso PvT. Leo C. Bi.ickley Pvt. William J. McMahon Pvt. Thomas F. Treacy PvT. Leopold Bodaich Pvt. Vincent Martines Pvt. SoTiRios Verras PvT. Thiofoi.os B<k;ianges Pvt. George Max Pvt. Gustavo Virgini PvT. Edward J. Bullock Pvt. E.MANUEL B. N'eWMAN Pvt. Burton Watters PvT. Bortolo Coletti Pvt. Henry F. Ney Page One Tliirty-flve "1 ^■■i The 515 TH Infant 1 RY | V WOUNDED IN ACTION Company R Captain Earle C. Offinger Pvt. 1st cl. George Lucas Pvt. James McHale First Sgt. Lamar D. Rice Pvt. 1st cl. Salvatore PerciaPvt. Nathan Minders || Sgt. John E. Fallon Pvt. 1st cl. LeRoY p. SHARADI^ Pvt. James Murphy Sgt. Patrick J. Lynn Pvt. 1st cl. H. W. Thomas Pvt. William C. Murray Sgt. Peter McHtgh Pvt. John L. Ackley Pvt. James L. O'Donnell Sgt. Carl E. Olson Pvt. William Allen Pvt. Ray E. Parker Sgt. Charles F. Wahl Pvt. James F. Clancy Pvt. James Pinto Corp. Theodosis Demetris Pvt. Stiney' Daniel Pvt. Timothy A. Reardon Corp. Mellor Dunkerly Pvt. William DeFebba Pvt. John Rosso Corp. John C. Evans Pvt. Capriele Di Michele Pvt. Thomas Rowe Corp. Roger A. Foley Pvt. Walter Fox Pvt. Martin ,A. Sadlier Corp. William J. Frasch Pvt. Samuel Gabralovich Pvt. Edward H. Schroeder Corp. Eugene Griffin Pvt. William Gallaun Pvt. Joseph Sempeto Corp. Howard M. Jacobs Pvt. Harry C. Glattle Pvt. Didore Shuster Corp. George McCool Pvt. Christopher Hannon Pvt. Harry R. Smith Corp. James Moucheck Pvt. ViRGiE Head Pvt. Benjamin Sutter Corp. Oscar M. Nelson Pvt. Kitt C. Hughes Pvt. Santo Trolio Corp. Myer Pressman Pvt. Angelo Ioannucci Pvt. Chas. R. Van Iderstine Corp. James Redmond Pvt. Albinus N. Jesperson Pvt. Cicero Waites Corp. Loris L Rosen Pvt. Leonard L. Joseph Pvt. Lloyd C. Ward Corp. Charles J. Soderlund Pvt. Herbert E. Ken worthy Pvt. William J. Weiland Mec. William Jaeger Pvt. John J. Leahy Pvt. Frank E. Witt PvT. 1st cl. Nicholas Di Stefano Pvt. Oscar Levine Pvt. Otto Zeibig PvT. 1st cl. William B. Hughes Company H First Lieut. James S. McKeon Pvt. John J. Berrigan Pvt. Sam Miller Sgt. Michael Connolly' Pvt. Oscar F. Boehner Pvt. William Monter Sgt. David Kolinsky Pvt. Hugo F. Bruder Pvt. Elmer E. Most Sgt. Carl C. Lenz Pvt. William Buchter Pvt. Francesco Natuzzi Sgt. Joseph W. Orbell Pvt. Benjamin F. Childs Pvt. Harry Nefsky Corp. Robert E. Blessing Pvt. Henry Faller Pvt. William O'Connell Corp. Earl W. Bradley Pvt. George W. Franc k Pvt. Virgil Overton Corp. William J. Henry Pvt. William E. Gee Pvt. Maciej Paluh Corp. Walter V. McConeghy Pvt. Meyer Goodfriend Pvt. Peter W. Poda Corp. John J. McGuinness Pvt. John R. Gregerson Pvt. George E. Rambo Corp. John J. McLaughlin Pvt. Joseph F. Grimaldi Pvt. Joseph Rietz (2) Corp. Harry S. Podolnick Pvt. Joseph J. Hipp Pvt. Morris Rosenblum Corp. Henry Sunderman Pvt. Gabe Hughes Pvt. Joseph Sanzone Corp. Walter J. Tyson Pvt. Jack Indenbaum Pvt. Pietro Scarpinato PvT. 1st cl. Harry E. Case Pvt. Benjamin Isaacson Pvt. Barney Scirica Pvt. 1st cl. John J. Deeney Pvt. Clark V. Jacobs Pvt. John F. Schebler PvT. 1st cl. Niel Gallagher Pvt. Christ F. Kiefer Pvt. John Skachilish Pvt. 1st cl. Adolph C, Grimmer Pvt. Joseph F. Kohlman Pvt. Morris L. Sperling Pvt. Lst cl. Thomas J. Jones Pvt. William F. Koster Pvt. Albert Steinhauser Pvt. 1st cl. William Lentine Pvt. Walter Kowalski Pvt. George J. Storz Pvt. 1st cl. Samuel D. Lindeman Pvt. George V. Krombach Pvt. Elwood Stremmel Pvt. 1st cl. Thomas J. McCarthy Pvt. Frank A. Kuntz Pvt. Wm. H. Sundermann Pvt. 1st cl, Vincenzo Mammucari Pvt. Harry Labold Pvt. Boleslaw Swickla Pvt. 1st cl. Edward C. Moran Pvt. Gustave J. Langen Pvt. Samuel T. Truss Pvt. 1st cl. William W. Williams Pvt. Antonio Lai'danski Pvt. John A. LIlrich Pvt. 1st cl. Thomas S. Wylegala Pvt. Samuel Lichtenstein Pvt. Flori Valento Pvt. James A. Abruzzi PVt. Frank A. Maguire Pvt. Charles Waiting Pvt. Oscar F. Alben Pvt. Nickolas Maicher Pvt. Frank Walker Pvt. Charles F. Bates PV.T Michael Mala Pvt. John I. Westerberg Pvt. Niel K. Bech Pvt. William Michalkiewicz Pvt. Peter Yager | | Pvt. Abe Berman Company I First Lieut. Orson J. Graham Sgt. Arthur J. Curning Sgt. Charles H. Peck First Lieut. William B. Dodson Sgt. Peter J. McFarland Sgt. Elmer J. Smith 2nd Lieut. Ira N. Kellberg Sgt. Harry J. McGeoghegan Sgt. Herbert H. Williams @ Sgt. Raymond A. Block Sgt. Henry A. Miller Sgt. Theron M. Woolson Page One Thirty-six ^^ ^^ Ihe 515 th Infantry WULXDICD 1\ ACIIUN CoRi\ William E. Cassedy PvT. 1st cl. Charles Farrells Pvt. Carmine I.mperiale Corp. Clarence S. Cecil P\'T. 1st cl. John F. Gu.mbman Pvt. Guy E. Kaufmann Corp. George V. Cummincs PvT. 1st cl. Jacob Haun Pvt. Adam Knecum Corp. James Doyle Pvt. 1st cl. Charles Schuon Pvt. Frank Kossakowski Corp. James H. Farrell PvT. 1st cl. Leo N. Staskel Pvt. Frank Kwasneski Corp. Frederic R. Gillen PvT. 1st cl. James C. Suloff Pvt. John Lebitske Corp. .\uclst J. Heusser PvT. 1st cl. Pasquale Tomeo Pvt. Peter McBride Corp. Rcssell Kern PvT. 1st cl. Rudolph Trinkwai.dPvt. Francis McGahan Corp. Charles Kloth PvT. 1st cl. Joseph J. Witsch Pvt. Joseph P. Marro Corp. Henry F. Krai'se Pvt. 1st cl. Daniel Woods Pvt. Morris Meaca Corp. Hamilton H. McCleery Pyt. John M. Bevan Pvt. Aaron Miselson Corp. Ravmonii .-X. Miller Pvt. Edward Burguess P\'T. Herbert H. Ochs Corp. William F. Mullen Pvt. John Carroll Pvt. Harry F. Ogden Corp. Thomas F. Patterson Pvt. Vertal Caton Pvt. Thomas H. Reese Corp. James J. Reid Pvt. David Crawford Pvt. John J. Robbins Corp. J.iimes W. Rogers Pvt. Robert Crompie Pvt. Luciano Salemi Corp. James Sloan Pvt. Michele D'.Aulerio Pvt. Carl Schneeweis Corp. Walter Snyder Pvt. Herman F. Dahlgren Pvt. Frederic Schmitt Corp. Loiis Trapp Pvt. Edward S. Deemer Pvt. Walter Sherw(X)d Mec. Robert .Anderson Pvt. Walter C. Domhoff PVt. Laurits C. Sorenson Mec. Ja.mes G. Coon Pvt. Marvin English Pvt. Sylve P. Siravo Mec. Harry F. Dwyer Pvt. O.scar Erickson Pvt. Walter Staniszewski Mec. John S. McIntyre Pvt. Emil J. Ehrle Pvt. Samuel D. Strain Mec. Xii.es .A. Pearson Pvt. .Arthur Fletcher Pvt. -Alfonso Tedischi Mec. Edward R. Trout Pvt. Charles Gruhn Pvt. James A. L'lrich PVT. ISTCL. AnDRE.\S CaGOULIDES Pvt. Joseph H inkle Pvt. John A. West PvT. 1st cl. Salvatore Checchia Pvt. Charles Hock Company K Captain George P. Scholes Corp. William J. Vondran Pvt. Sam Fuhrman 2nd Lieut. Ernest V. Becker Mec. Marion G. Blizzard Pvt. Joseph Gabriel 1st Sgt. Joseph F. Kilroy Mec. Robert J. McKenna (2) Pvt. Richard B. Gillis Sgt. George G. Bewley Mec. Nathan M. Pollack Pvt. Maurice F. Ging Sgt. Thomas F. Clvnes Pvt. 1st cl. Waclaw Balerowski Pvt. Fred J. Gramsey Sgt. Joseph F. Cumiskey Pvt. 1st cl. William S. Birnie Pvt. .Alexander Halgas Sgt. James M. Garrish Pvt. 1st cl. Harry J. Bernstein Pvt. Douglass Heller ' Sgt. William L. Jenkins Pvt. 1st cl. Hugh Blair Pvt. Edward C. Hoover Sgt. Louis Knudsen Pvt. 1st cl. Clifford S. BuckleyPvt. John H. Horn Sgt. Francis .A. McCloskey Pvt. 1st cl. James A. Clark Pvt. John Kiesling, Jr. Sgt. Maxwell McMichael Pvt. 1st cl. William Clothier Pvt. George A. Leetch Sgt. .Arthur W. Olanson P\T. 1st cl. Eugene Deelev Pvt. Harry S. Lennox Sgt. Joseph D. O'Toole Pvt. 1st cl. Stanley Dia.mond Pvt. James P. Leonard Sgt. Louis A. Seese Pvt. 1st cl. Mahlon T. Foust Pvt. Paul Lerke Sgt. Matthew Sydlowski Pvt. 1st cl. W'illiam T. GregoryPvt. James McGinnis Sgt. Clifford T. Weihman Pvt. 1st cl. George E. Hile Pvt. John P. McHuch Corp. Francis E. Duffy Pvt. 1st cl. H. A. Hollings Pvt. William McLehose Corp. William P. Flynn Pvt. 1st cl. Wm. P. Kennedy Pvt. John J. Maresca i Corp. Ben W. Hoi.ub Pvt. 1st cl. Frederick P. Kuhn Pvt. John M. Mariner Corp. Fred Huenerfauth Pvt. 1st cl. C. T. Kuykendall Pvt. Joseph Marino Corp. Joseph B. Hursh, Jr. Pvt. Isi CL. }L\rry H. Losee Pvt. Joseph Marino ' Corp. William Klais, Jr. Pvt. 1st cl. Harry J. Lynd Pvt. Giovanni Marr.\ Corp. .Augustus P. Lord, Jr. Pvt. 1st cl. Walter Mc.Arthir Pvt. John E. O'Neil Corp. Harry Marshall Pi-T. 1st cl. p. H. McGeever Pvt. William Richards Corp. Louis Milligan Pvt. 1st cl. Romer B. Markle Pvt. Bronislaw Rotnowicz Corp. John O'Donnell Pvt. 1st cl. Antonio Moscufo Pvt. Fred Rufrano Corp. Oscar M. Oliker Pvt. 1st cl. John H. Rice P^■T. Eugene H. Shaw Corp. N.\than Salvin Pvt. 1st cl. John M. Steger Pvt. Francis Urbanis Corp. Chester C. Schuyler Pvt. Frank Czarnecki Pvt. Harry W'allace Corp. Jacob Snyder Pvt. Russell Diehl Pvt. Harry C. Wilkins Corp. Theodore Sweriduk Pvt. Ignacy Dvbalski Page One Thirty-seven I II II r The 315th Infant^ry I — •^- WOUNDED IN ACTION Captain Francis A. Awl Buc First Lieut. John T. Ford Pvt. First Lieut. George S. Freeman Pvt. First Sgt. Charles E. Weir Pvt. Supply Sgt. Carl A. Oesterle Pvt. Supply Sgt. George W. Weaver P\'t. Sgt. Emil F. Beck. Jr. Pvt. Sgt. Ellvvood Carmean Pvt. Sgt. Patrick Dolan Pvt. Sgt. Arthur G. Jones Pvt. Sgt. David Levine Pvt. Sgt. James V. McGarr Pvt. Sgt. jAcon C. Radel Pvt. Sgt. Joseph M. Tinsman Pvt. Corp Nicola Bionti Pvt. Corp. John A. Brannelly Pvt. Corp. Cornelius Breslin P\t. Corp. Rembert T. Eds all Pvt. Corp. Abraham Frankel Pvt. Corp. William J. Huttner Pvt. Corp. Richard L. LeFevre Pvt. Corp. Henry W. Loveless Pvt. Corp. Hugh H. McCormick Pvt. Corp. John J. McMonagle Pvt. Corp. John P. Murray Pvt. Corp. James S. O'Donnell Pvt. Corp. Otto F. Stegmaier Pvt. Corp. Mataus I^nchis Pvt. Corp. Charles F. West Pvt. Corp. George Zeumer Pvt. Mec. James H. Cowan Pvt. Mec. Edmund H. Schneider Pvt. Mec. George A. Spahn Pvt. Bugler Leonardo Massetti Pvt. P\T. Pvt. Pvt. Pvt. Pvt. Pvt. Pvt. Pvt. Pvt. Company L LER Charles S. Pleasants Pvt. 1st cl. Frank J. Beck Pvt. 1st cl. Aloysius J. Duffy Pvt. 1st cl. Carl F. Ehmann Pvt. 1st cl. James A. HaldemanPvt. 1st cl. Edmund C. Heyne Pvt. 1st cl. Charles W. Hckx. 1st cl. Tony Kardas 1st cl. Jos. L. Kleinhans 1st cl. Wm. J. O'TtXlLE 1st cl. Natan Ptashkan IsTCL. Sarafin Pucalowski 1st cl. Robert M. Reed 1st cl. Charles P. Ripa 1st cl. George Ruderick 1st cl. Julian H. Salomon P\t. 1st cl. Chas. E. Stewart Pvt. Pvt. P\T. Pvt. Pvt. Pvt. Pvt. Pvt. Pvt. Pvt. Pvt. Pvt. Pvt. Pvt. Pvt. Pvt. Pvt. Pvt. R(3CC0 Alba NO William F. Ale Natale Ardissono John A. Bosnick (2) William J. Bradley George C. Brothers Eduardo Carrulo Frank Castiglione Walter F. Cavanaugh Francis R. Coyne John Engei. Louis Esterhai Elmer J. Evans Stefano Franceshini John J. Gill Hugh P. Gormley William J. Gregory Alphons H. Helmig Fred R. Hensling Jacob Kees Samuel Kivitz Charles F. Lieb Michael A. Liebovvitz VlNCENZO LiPORACE Hugh J. McFadden William T, Murphy Harry L. Newton William Nickles GEOR(iE H. Noll John J. Oestrich William Paslev ' Michael Popp Bernhardt Rausch Stiney J. Savakus Gedialla Scheinfeld Harry Schill Peter C. Schindler Louis C. Schnitzler John H. Schulden Samuel Sczerbicky Louis H. See Samuel C. Segal Charles E. Siggins O.scar W. Spear Edward J. Springer George E. Stein Bernard Stern Ed. M. Stephenson Joseph Szahewicz James C. Yesuras Fred Youst I .^ Captain Wilton Snowden. Jr. Pvt. First Lieut. Cari. W. Andrews Pvt. First Lieut. Henry D. Fansler Pvt. First Lieut. Harry D. Furey Pvt. First Lieut. Lloyd B. Palmer Pvt. Mess Sgt. Edward P. Hill Pvt. Sgt. Edward Gallagher Pvt. Sgt. Frederick G. Silber Pvt. Sgt. Joseph A. Vanarsdale Pvt. Corp. John Barrett Pvt. Corp. Clayton E. Bordner Pvt. Corp. Thomas C. Catanach Pvt. Corp. John J. Collins Pvt. Corp. Henry A. Cotter Pvt. Corp. John A. Doody Pvt. Corp. Felix Flegel Pvt. Corp. Thomas A. Kelley Pvt. Corp. Patrick M. McKearney Pvt. Corp. McKeever J. Phillips Pvt. Corp. Cecil A. Potts Pvt. Corp. Daniel F. Wookey Pvt. Cook Alfred D. Carson Pvt. Mec. Vivian Rutherford Pvt. Pvt. 1st cl. Trofim Drega Pvt. Pvt. 1st cl. John Gaiiris Pvt. Pvt. 1st cl. H allie H. Hartman Pvt. Pvt. 1st cl. John King Company M 1st cl. Albert W. Lord Pvt. 1st cl. Cristofaro Masciole Pvt. 1st cl. Donato Masciole Pvt. 1st cl. Giuseppe Militti Pvt. 1st cl. Achilles V. Scache Pvt. 1st cl. Wm. E. Shubert Pvt. 1st cl. Alex. Skulimosky Pvt. Joseph H. Barton Pvt. Isaac L. Bedwell Pvt. Harry M. Berlin Pvt. David J. Bowman Pvt. Charles F. Brownstein Pvt. John S. Bueeeis Pvt. James Burns Pvt. Joseph P. Byrne Pvt. Nugino Crechio Pvt. Francis P. Donnelly Pvt. Dennis J. Gilmore Pvt. Floyd H. Green Pvt. Vincent S. Hanna Pvt. Harry Hauptfuhrer Pvt. William Hayes Pvt. Charles F. Hevener Pvt. Edward F. Hocan Pvt. Frank Holmes Pvt. Frank Johnson Pvt. .^NTONI KaZMIRSKI Julian Krasnicki James B. Logan Raymond E. Louden John F. McGlynn Robert Martinek Joseph Meskiunas Louis J. Miller MiKOLAI OgONOWSKI Do.MENICO Pagliarone Harry Place Robert A. Reith Mitchell L. Robertson Otto W. Salo Harry W. Senderling Louis J. Seybold Frank Sinardi Albert A. Smith George Staigele Lawrence F. Stewart Harry B. Thrush Ezra Tolchinsky Harry S. Tomlin.son Samuel Weiss William J. Whalen Henry T. Williamson Page One Thirty-eight ' The 515th Infant^rv woumji:d ix action @ Headquarters Company First Lieut. Edward B. Macuire Pvt. 1st cl. John F. Kremutes Pvt. .Andrea Innaurato First Lieut. Ritssell ^L\VlI.LARD Pvt. 1st cl. John Leamey Pvt. Samuel Kosmin Bn. Sct. Mjk. .•\nthony Davitt Pvt. 1st cl. George .^. Mulvey Pvt. George Kraemer Sct. Bernard F. Sweeney Pvt. 1st cl. Ralph Peters Pvt. Valentine A. Laufer Corp. Charles J. Keller Pvt. 1st cl. Edward M. Reese Pvt. William McGlynn Corp. John F. McCann Pvt. 1st cl. Alvin Rutter Pvt. Frank L. McGrath Corp. Harry G. C. Williams Pvt. Harry T. Althofer Pvt. Frederick P. Morgan Wag. John B. Dempsev Pvt. Horace Bumm Pvt. .•\lbert H. Pfafk Pvt. 1st cl. Harry H. Boi.and Pvt. Anthony Clapper Pvt. John A. Quinn PvT. IsT CL. Robert H. Davis Pvt. Todd A. Crofford Pvt. Herbert Smith Pvt. 1st cl. Edwin M. Donohoe Pvt. Charles G. Dewees Pvt. Louis J. Trueter Pvt. 1st cl. Chester A. Fasick Pvt. John Friel Pvt. William Wagner Pvt. 1st cl. Joseph J. Friday Pvt. Clyde Hahn Pvt. Thomas Walker Pvt. 1st cl. John Garraty P\'T. Roland K. Hamilton Pvt. Charles J. Wicker Pvt. 1st cl. Patrick R. Griffin Pvt. Adolph E. Horan Pvt. William R. Wilson Pvt. 1st cl. John C. Groome Pvt. William Hunt Machine Gun Company Pvt. George Wood First Lieut. David M. Wallace Pvt. 1st cl. Joseph Curran Pvt. Charles H. Leib Sgt. Michael J. Dugan Pvt. 1st cl. Jacob L. Freedman Pvt. .iKNTHONY R. Maurer Sgt. Clarence H. Grotefend Pvt. 1st cl. Ralph A. Gray Pvt. Russell H. Mousley Sgt. Ludwig J. Nachtman Pvt. 1st cl. C. J. McBride Pvt. David J. O'Connell Corp. James H. Alcorn Pvt. 1st cl. Lonie P. Murrell Pvt. Henry E. Ricketts Corp. Oscar Corson Pvt. 1st cl. Thomas O'Neill Pvt. Jacob Rubinstein Corp William O. Gruber Pvt. 1st cl. Thos. B. Whittle Pvt. Joseph Schukalski Corp. Leon J. Kolamkiewicz Pvt. George F. Biederwolf Pvt. Joseph P. Smith Corp. Howard A. Miller F\-T. George Eckert Pvt, O-cx Ur a OOrt i-H OCOOr-f •»r CO -HO •9 0000 9k in t r an St a sScS B <r. c OrH 00 .— ( oocg eg 0^00 ^ 0000 ^ .— 13« 3 ?? 03 lOlM t-C- ^^ f-H as to t- K) to 30 rH eg r- 00 CO -H eg IS O '2 f-H .— 1 r-H I— ( to eg ■^ eg CO « N CO ws -^ in r-Oicg -"ji CV] CO u5 10 eg ira OiOOrt m N t- toe- 05 = CO "S" to t- eg t- c- t- eg eg CO -^ ^H f»i ■* E- i-H CO 0> T3 "^ C « toc-to t- to CO CM Tt< (7i to eg 10 00 _,^ to 0^ 00 CO 10 -^ 10 to OJ CO CO lO to I^ tOtOC-LO to eg CO t» o c ^ eg M CO ,01 t. t: 50 ^ § 2i 0000 0000 rH ocg CO 0000 m •;l 'J in 0) c •43 T; coo 00 ^5 CO .-H eg to O^rt eg 0000 I-H 15S 3 i 1-N rt 05 a>r- to t- CO CT) 00 r- to CO C- CO 3J CO 00 eg eg in 00 00 5 co rt egrt U5 f— 1 ■ c ■ ■ ■ - c - ■ . . c ■ ■ Cfi *J c StI 3 "rt n E ■M ■4-> ctJ G C3 u be « ca etl c c t OJ '3 c M <:oaoQ m WfaOK ^ ««J§f° 05 13 -0 - >>>!>)>. -g c c c c i; ca CO ca M "^ >>>.>. >i "p t-i ^ n c c c c ^ c c c c i; c^">"'g'^ t2 « c c^ n] pj cd M (fl cs ca " O.Q.Q.& — 0.0. B. a — aa.o.& — 2^ =^ ^ ^~> e SEE i5 S S E E iS E E EE 2 rt 00000 c c ki c L, C U H c !_ L. U H c; (_ u H XSmS H H Page One Forty The 515 th Infantry c 3 u o ■?« 1 1 1 00 2l \D tD e>?N Oi'- U5 35 O lO -X o TT 04U5O — 1 OS »-i ^ CO -rj* -n oo jooc-i O ^ COOl XI ■» .— 4 »-l r-( f— t ■* *-H TT *"* c O X t- O IC N ^ t^ 05 -n IC C^ ~ ^ CO IN OS 00 :£> 0* OO 03CC 00 X X o .o O coco 3-. X X -^ ^ ^ ■^ ■^ ro T O 3 H m b. •x> CO t-^ U3 ro -H rt N<N ■s> T)>C0 1C lO 1— 1 (N CON ^ ^ (O C tc T3 o — IN P5 10 ,_^ U5 CO OS O r^ OiO OS -^ N •X --c O I' X C-C- »00 lO lO -.c ov :o X0S05 t- ^' CO IM CO '"' C 3 O ■Ji •^ (Mr--- 'J' ■^ OOrt rt M CON COU5 CO N.-I-H CO [^- ^ ^- .-1 •* O Im c o t-us t- o <ri O* X X OS N :o t™^ t^ ID ^ CON ■^ <e 4) mm-vio ■£> MCg^^ .-n .-H •» CO.-1 1—1 '«-^ -^ 1—1 V Sl5 ,^ f2o u IN ■>* •^ r-l .-■ M O •^ O N ^ ^ <e it '^ C o OOrt o ^_, O CO O rH ■^ rt COIN O x OOOO _. *^ V f'. •^ b* 3 a o oo o o O OOOO o O Ort o *"- OOOO " t^ 1- o co^ o o -a- OCO-H -^T 00 O-HrHrt CO oooo in bD <*. 1^ c CO L. s o oooo o oooo o oooo o OOOO c o c Ci cc o c- m O^ M O T ■^ CO ^ ^ ITS in rr o — O' M J? in T3 0^ 0) ■I. Q gQ 4> o oooo o oooo o oooo ^ o o .- o „ _ < c o lO^ --D « U5 t^-H -!■ -^ to --0 t-iO CO rt OSCO-H ^ 00 N CO CO-" 01 O-g •O-O 3 P^ eg CO CO -^ CO IM04^ ^ c- rt Tf M^ OS N tu <u o §5^ a. (M rt o o -^ OJ ^ ^ ^ ^ -T ^ ^ ^ o CO ONO-- CO * ^ o •^ ■ c ■ • ■ c c • ■ - ■ M JJ o o o c ft! 11 "id "« q >.Cj3 13 4-> -«j ■«-> D3 c le u ci! OS nj cd 0.3 am ■= c o-c ■" .2 c c 5 a) 5 c S S = c c N rt a! tU M "^ c c c c Jt3 cs c3 rt ca -^ OS S a c c c - ;2 »i >^'g "^ M C ccac.— E E E £ 2 a.aa.E.— EEEE i3 Ie EE 2 o o o o o O o o o o o o o o o fe c c_ L. O H ^ !_ !_ O H "w !- !_ U H KSmS H H H, , @ Page One Forty-one ' ■- The 515th Infant^ry Awards and Decorations The following are awards made to members of the 315th Infantry for gallantry in action: Distinguished Service Cross MAJ. \VAHIl W. I'lERSON. 1ST BN. (APT. CHARLES H. TILGHMAN, CO. C CAPT. GEOEGB L. WRIGHT. CO. L 1ST LIErT. BENJAMIN BULLOCK. 3RD. 3RD BN, 2X1) LIEUT. JOHN T. OWENS. CO. K 1ST SGT. JOSEPH E. KILROT, CO. K SOT. JACOB RBCTENWALD. CO. C SGT. HARRY L. GREENWOOD, CO. K SGT. ARTHUR W. OLANSON. CO. K CORP. ERANK H. FLEGEL, CO. L PVT. 1ST CL. GIACOMO MASCIARELLI. CO. L rVT. CHARLES W. PALARDY. CO. F PVT. WILLIAM BRYSON. CO. I PVT. GUISEI'PE SPADAFORA. HQ. CO. MAJ. SAMUEL W. FLEMING. JR.. 2ND BN. CAPT. EARLE C. OFFINGER. CO. G CAPT. WILLIAM M. CARROLL, JR., CO. K 1ST LIEUT. THEODORE ROSEN, CO. L 2ND LIEUT. BRYAN BECKWITH, CO. B SGT. JOSEPH A. KEENAN. CO. L SGT. PAUL B. JENKINS, HQ. CO. SGT. BERNARD F. SWEENEY. HQ. CO. SGT. LDDWIG J. NACHTMAN. M. G. CO. PVT. 1ST CL. FRANK LOMONOCO. CO. K PVT. WALTER O. GOODMAN. CO. E PVT. AMERICO DI PASQUALE. CO. G PVT. EUGENE C. WATKINS, CO. K PVT. WILLIAM H. SWEARINGEN. MED. DETACH. Medal of the Legion of Honor (Chevalier) MAJ. SA.MUKl. W. FLEMING, JR.. 2ND BN. CAPT. GEORGE L. WRIGHT. CO. L CAl'T. WILLIAM M. CARROLL, JR.. CO. K Croix De Guerre (With Palm) MAJ. SAMUEL W. FLEMING. JR.. 2ND BN. CAPT. GEORGE L. WRIGHT, CO. L CAI'T. WILLIAM M. CARROLL, JR., CO. K Croix De Guerre (With Gold Star) MAJ. WARD W. PIERSON. 1ST BN. SGT. JACOB RECKTENWALD. CO. C SGT. JOSEPH A. KEENAN. CO. L CAPT. EARLE C. OFFINGER, CO. G SGT. ARTHUR W. OLANSON, CO. K CORP. FRANK H. FLEGEL. CO. L P\'T. 1ST CL. GIACOMO MASCIARELLI, CO. L Croix De Guerre (With Silver Star) MAJ. SAMUEL W. FLEMING. JR., 2ND BN. CORP. BENJAMIN A. EVANS, CO. I 1ST SGT. JOSEPH E. KILROY, CO. K PVT. 1ST CL. HARRY TIGNOR, HQ. CO. Croix De Guerre (With Bronze Star) 1ST. LIEUT. WALTER HIBBARD, CO. E SGT. BERNARD P. SWEENEY, HQ. CO. SGT. PAUL G. KOCII. SUP. CO. CORP. FRANK J. HOLLAND, SUP. CO. PVT. WILLIAM BRY'SON, CO. I PVT. GUISEPI'E SPADAFORA, HQ. CO. SGT. CLARENCE G. WEISE. CO. I SGT. LUDWIG J. NACHTMAN, M. G. CO. CORP. LEROY HAU6E. CO. D PVT. 1ST CL. PRANK LOMONOCO. CO. K PVT. WAITER O. GOODMAN. CO. E PVT. WILLIAM H. SWEARINGEN. MED. DETACH. Italian War Cross 1ST SGT. JOSEPH E. KILROY, CO. K 5 G. H. Q. Citations CAPT. GEORGE H. TRUNDLE, CO. H SGT. PAUL G. KOCH. SUP. CO. CORP. FRANK J. HOLLAND. SUP. CO. Page One Forty-two The 515 th Infanttry Divisional Citations The following nienibfrs lantry in action : ot the Ml."itli Infantry wort,- cilc-d in Division orders for gal- Field and Staff Ofliiers COI.O.NKI, AMIKN C. KNOWI.KS I.li:i IKNANT CllLOXEr, FRAXKI.IX T. BIKT MAJOU lliAMIS V. I.LOYll I Al'TAl.N DAVID K. WILLIAMS. JK. IHArl.AlX ItlCIlAKU V. LAN'CASTEU Company A SERGKANT SAMrHI, /. I'OLE SBRCEANT JOHN .1. DAVtS SERGEANT tl.ARENC K GI.KNN SERGEANT JOHN I'. FILLER SERGEANT WILLIAM J. LARMOIH SERGEANT GEOKCiE U. Sl'lELllERGER rORI'ORAL FRANK I'. URAllI.EY COUroRAL MICHAEL F. Dt'FFY CORI'IIRAL JOHN F. M,('ANN CORPORAL FRANK MiLAlGHLIN C'ORl'ORAL MAfRlTZ W. NORDSTItOM CORI'OUAL GARRETT W. JOHNSON CORroRAL (iEOUGE J. TOOMEV PRIVATE FIRST CLASS AMEDEO SPINOSI PRIVATE JOHN F. ARMSTRONG I'RIVATE MICHAEL HE VIETRO PRIVATE EDWIN F. LAMHERT PRIVATE ELMER F. OGDKN PRIVATE NATHAN C. SHITE Company B FIRST LIEITENANT JOHN J. CONAHAN FIRST LIEI'TENANT LESTER C, SHEARER FIRST SERGEANT ALliERT M. VOING SERCiEANT PHILH' G. MELICK Company C SERGEANT JOHN T. CAMlilUN SERGEANT ECGENE M. FAGAN SERGEANT JOSEPH J. FEBLEY SERGEANT JOHN J. READ SERGEANT CORNELIUS C. WALTERS CORPORAL FRANK J. D.VAIX PRIVATE FIRST CLASS VICTOR J DONOHCE PRIVATE FEODOR KOSHOWlr/. I'RIXAl'E JOHN M.KAY Company D FIRS SERC SERC SERIi SERC SERIi PRIV ruiv CAPT FIRS FIRS SERll SER<; com CORI roRi PRIV PRIV PRIV PRIV r LIEUTENANT GEORGE S. BARKER EANT ELMKR R. FOX EAXr JOHN T. HOLT EANT JOHN LEACH EANT CLARENCE PAXCOAST EAXT THOMAS F. PRICE ATE ilAKKY HEYER ATE EDWAUD T. RAYER Company E AIN LUCIUS A. MILLER r LIEUTENANT JOHN J. IlOHl'.IDGB r SBRC.EAN-I- AI.P.EItr COURCIEK EANT JOHN P. O'DONXEI.I. EAXr HAROLD S. PARIS 'ORAL I'.ERIRAND L. HBY'BRLE 'ORAL MAURICE J. CORSOX ■ORAL P.RUCK LORD ATE FIRS-r CLASS lUSSELL H. ADAIR ATE FIRST CLASS NOUMAX T. P.OEHM ATE FIRST CLASS <HARLES .MERCER \TE JOIIX SUUDI Company F CAPTAIX WILLIAM M. MURRBI.L SECOND LIEUTENANT ELTON R. McGOWAX Company G FIRST LIEUTENANT J. FERGUSON MOIIR SERGEANT PETER McIIUGH SERGEAXr ROBERT P. 5IASOX Company H SERGEAXr MORRIS C ROSSMAN roRPORAI, HENRY J. SCHAEFER PRIVAIE FIRST CLASS ALEXAXDER KAELLIS PRIVATE FIRST <T.ASS WILLIAM I.EXTINE PRIVATE FIRST CLASS JAMES A. MORRIS PRIVATE ERNEST A. GOEUNS Company I CAPTAIN CARL W WENTZEL FIRST LIEUTENANT RAYMOND T. TURN FIRST LIEUTENANT WILLIAM It. DODSON SECOND LIEUTENANT IRA N. KELI.BERG FIRST SERGEANT ELMER J. SMITH HILL MILLER TROTTA l; WEISB RRZO/.OWSKI SER(;EANT FRANK E. SERGKANT HENRY A. SERGIOAN'l- SAMUEL J. SERGKANl' CLARENCE CORPORAL WALTER F, CORPORAL JOSEPH I., IIENRV CoKI'ORAL RUSSELL KERN I oIll'oIiAL CHARLES KLOTH CoI!1'OI:AL IHoMAS I.AXDENHERGER CORPORAL i:iiWAKD LASH corporai. frank MLRKIAM I'RIX'ArE FIRSI' CLASS MICHAEL FERRICK PRIVATE FIRST CLASS JAMES WHITE PRIVATE THOMAS FOLEY PRIVATE FRANK GRAMMICH PRIVATE JOSEPH M.DOWELI. PRIVATE THOMAS PIETRASKO Company K SECOND LIEUTENANT ERNEST V BECKER SERGEANT GEORGE G. BBWI.EY SER(;eanT THOMAS F. CLYNES SERGi:ANr DONALD N. MiicKUliBIX SEKGEANI- HARRY W. STORCK SEK(;EANT MATTHEW SYDLOWSKI SERGEANT LOUIS C. SYMIXGTOX SEliGEAN-J' CLIFFORD T. WBIHMAX SEIiGEANT FRANCIS A, Mi-CLOSKEY CORPORAL FRANK \' COWENS CORPORAL CIIRISTOI'IIER DWIS CORI'ORAL OSCAR M OLIKER PRIVATE FIRST CLASS WILLIAM II. DUKE Company L FIRST LIEUTENANT JOHN T, FORD first lieutenant george s frebm \\ first lieutenant theodore rosen " first sergeant karl g. ley sergeant patrick doi.an sergeant frank j. kirk sergkant adolph j. kunze sergkant carl a. oesterle ser(;kaxt harry polinsky cori'oral louis a. berkowitz cori'oral patrick maloney cori'oi.'ai. mataus unciiis private first class joseph szalkoski Company M CAPTAIN WILTON SNOWDEN. JR. FIRST SERGEANT JOHN F. O'DEA MESS SERGEANT EDWARD P. HILL SKRGE.\NT ELVIN R. BAKER CORPORAI. JOHN B.MtRE'TT CORPORAL THOMAS C. CA'TAN.VCK CORPORAL JOSEPH M IIELLINGS BUGLER STANLEY ZALKCKV PRIV.VTE FIRST CLASS IIAILIE II HARTMAX PRIVATE FIRST CLASS HERMAN ZIEGLER Headquarters Company PRIV.VTE FIRST CLASS WILLIAM A, LEWIS PRIVATE R. B. SPRINGER Machine Gun Company SERGEANT MICHAEL J. DUGAN CORPOR.VL <;EoRGK H, AIU'HIBLE CORPORAL JAMES E BROWN PRIVATE FIRST CLASS WILLIAM M. K. VIVEN Medical Detachment {■APTAIN IVOR l> FENTON SERGEANT (;E0R(!E N. ( HURCHILL Page One Forty-three I •>- The 515 th Infanttrv HEADQUARTERS 79th DIVISION AM E. F . FRANCE A. P. O. 771 17th April. 1910. Colonel A. C. Knovvles, Commanding 315th Infantry, My dear Colonel: I am very glad to comply witli your reqnest for an autograph letter to form part of the Regimental History. At the end of the first day of tlie Montfaucon drive a group of German prisoners was brought to the division P. C. near Esnes. I questioned one of the two privates forming the escort as to his organization. His reply was: "Company L, 315th In- fantry, the best company in the Regiment." Small as the incident may appear it speaks volumes for the esprit and pride of your regiment. When a simple private is proud of his company and claims it as the best it speaks well for his entire organization, and I know that the 315th Infantry has tried to be the best Regiment in the Division. I will only add that the loyalty and faitliful service of the Regiment at all times and all places have been noted by me and that I wish you and every man in the Regiment all possible success for the future. Very sincere! JEK-ep Major General U. S. HEADQUARTERS 158th INFANTRY BRIGADE ISSONCOURT. FRANCE March 23, 1019. Colonel A. C. Knowles, U. S. Army. Commanding 315th Regiment Infantry, Chaumont, France. My dear Colonel: You are kind enough to say that you desire an autograph letter from me for your regimental history. I take this occasion to repeat what I have made of official record, my appreciation of the gallant conduct of you, your officers and men during the diffi- cult fighting north of Verdun from November 2nd to 11th, 1918. It is a record of which you all may be proud. Very sincerely. EMJ-ep Brigadier General, U. S. A., Commanding. Page One Forty-four The 515th Infanttrv REGIMENTAL HEADQUARTERS P.ife'e One Korty five @ The 515 th Infanttry I — .- '^-^ ^ @ Page One Forty-six The 515 th Infantry >'*-^.- »r ■»» Coi.ONKI, RoSENMlAr.M AND StAFF, CaMP MkAIH-. M \m 11 -II. I!M8 Regimental Headquarters 'I"1k- follci\vin;4 is ;i lirift outline of the iiersonncl of Regimental 1 Icadqnai'ters during the different periods of its history: Commanding Officer Colonel Otiio H. RosKNitAtM Major Fkaxcis V. Li.ovn (Aetin.n) Colonel Aluen C. Knowles Major I^raxc is Y. Llovii (Acting) Colonel Alden C. Knowles 1-T. Col. Franklin T. IUrt (Acting) Colonel Alden C. Knowles Lt. Col. Franklin T. Hirt ( .\cting) Colonel .Aluen C. Knowles Lt. Col. Fra.nklin T. lifRT (Acting) Major Im<ancis V. Llovd (Acting) ■"roin Organization to July i Julv 7. 1!I1S, to July' ■-'(!, July 27. 1!U8, to October 11 October 12, liUH, to October 2"> October 2ll. 1!'18. to December 1 December 2. IIMS. to December 7 December 8, lil|8, to January 1" - January 11. li'lf), to January 2! Tanuarv 2.1, 10]!), to March :il April 1. l!H!i. to April 21 April 22, 1!M!I, to May 7 May 8, liHK, to Demobilization lills I'lls 1!)1,^ v.ns llMs 11)111 l!U!i l!)l!i liUll li)l!» Colonel Aluen C. Knowles Lioiitenant Colonel l.T. Col. Charles E. Morton - _ . I'rom Organization to June 11, 1!)18 Lt. Col. Noule J. Wiley — August IS. 11118, to September 8, l!li8. On D. S. during this period. Lt. Col. Franklin T. Bi-rt — October 31. Ilil8, to Deeember l."i. 1!>18. .\lso from lanuary 8. 1!)1!), to April 21, 1019. Regimental .Adjutant Captain SaiMiel \V. Im.eminc;. Jr. - - I'vom Organization to October 2!', 1018 Captain DAyiii R. Williams, Jr. - - - October :W. 1018, to h'ebruary :l, liMli Captain Gf.orce L. Wrkiht (.Xcting) - - February 4, i;'10, to I'Vbruary 17, liHii Capt.vin D.syiii F. Wii.i.i.\MS, Jr. . - - February 18. HU!), to Demobilization Regimental Intelligence Officer First Lieut. Robert H. Lafean . . - From Organization to July (i, 1018 Captain Alfred G. IIarlow — .\s First Lieut.. July 7. 1!)18. to August o, 1018. As Captain. .■\ugust (i. 1!I18, to DemobiliziiliiHi. Regimental Operations Otiicor Captain Georc;e L. Wuk.im . . - - January 2--i, li'lO. to Demobilization ■>- ■ ' Page One Fort.y-seyen I — f The 515 th Infant^ry Colonel Knowles and Staff, Camp Dix, June 1, 1919 @ Regimental Personnel Officer Captain Coleman P. Brown - - From Creation of Office to October '23, 1918 Captain Ledlie I. Laughlin _ _ _ - Octo1>er 2-t. 1918, to Demobilization Regimental Gas OfBcer First Lieut. Theodore Rosen - - l'>om Creation of Office to November 4, 1918 I'^iRST Lieut. E. Morrow Sheppard - - November ■"). 1918, to January 25, 1919 Second Lieut. Quincy O. Lyerlv - - January 26, 1919, to May IT, 1919 Regimental Munitions Officer Captain Ward W. Pierson - - - - August 25, 1918, to October 24, 1918 Captain Joseph D. Noonan - - - Octolier 25, 1918, to November 30, 1918 Regimental Musketry Officer FiR.sT Lieut. Earl P. Carter - - - - January 20, 1919, to May 1", 1919 Regimental Athletic Officer First. Lieut. Orson J. Graham - - Vvmu Organization to September 27. 1918 F'lRST Lieut. Lawson G. Bash . . . January 25. 1919, to March 1, 1919 F'iRST Lieut. Russell M. Willard . . . March 2, 1919 to Demobilization Regimental Surgeon Captain Wallace Bulford, M.C. - . - Fmni Organization to June 25, 1918 Major Charles M. Williams, M.C. - - - June 2(1, 1918, to August 5, 1918 Major Robert B. Shackelford, M.C. - - August 6, 1918, to November 9, 1918 Captain Wallace Bulford, M.C. - November 10. 1918, to November 12, 1918 Lieut. Col. John A. McKenna, M.C— As Major, November 13. 1918. to March 2ii, 1919. As Lieut. Col., March 21, 1919, to Demobilization. Regimental Chaplain First Lieut. Richard V. Lancaster - - From January 15, 1918, to Demobilization Liaison Officers (French) Captain Alfred Du Conte - - . August 1. 1918, to November 20, 1918 First Lieut. Stephen Knocker - - - August 1, 1918, to September 8, 1918 Second Lieut. Edouard Cauchois - - October 2(1, 1!U8 to December 15, 1918 Non-Commissioned Staff (Regimental Sergeant Major) Sergeant Raymond Vanderbroek (Acting) - From Organization to September 30, 1917 Color Sergeant Seymour Stern - - . October 1. 1917, to October 28, 1917 Regimental Sergeant Major Norman E. Humphreys — As Sergeant, October 29, 1917. to December 10, 1917. As Regimental Sergeant Major, December 11, 1917, to May 31, 1918. As Personnel Sergeant Major, June 1. 1918, to Demobilization. Regimental Sergeant Major Samuel Ft. Adams - - Jime 1, 1918, to Demobilization Page One Fort.v-eight FIRST BATTALION Company A Company B Company C Company D Page One Forty-nine @ ■ The 515 th Infantry I'IkST F.ATTAl.lliN OFIICEHS AT Le ChENE, LoIRE IXFERIEURE. I'KAXCE First Battalion Headquarters The following is a brief outline of the personnel of First Battalion Headquarters (hiring the different periods of its history. Battalion Commander Major Niiuee J. Wii.ev _ - _ _ From Organization to January 15, 1918 JNIAJOR Joseph R. Holmes (Acting) - - - January 16, 1018, to April 30, 1918 Major Fred W. McL. Patterson— As Captain, May 1, 191,*, to August 12, 1918. As Major, August 13, 1018, to September 28, 1918. Captain Joseph D. Noonan (Acting) - September 2l», 1918 to September 3(i, 1918 Major Noule J. Wiley Major Fredericic \V. McL. 1'.\tterson Page One Fifty ^ The 515 th iNKANnrRY ' I .\l.\.:nK W \Kli W. I'ltKSDN' Ma.iiik Jesse k. I.am^lf.v Major Ward W. Pierson— As Captain, Oclnlicr 1. IIMS to Octnbcr iM, 1!US. As Major. Oc- to1)cr io. 11)18, to November !), 1918. Captain Ll-cil-s A. Millkr ( .Xcting) - Novemlier !l, 1!MS, to Noveniljer lo, IHIS Major Jesse R. LA.\(iEEV . . - - Xovemlier UK 1!)18, to March I'li. lltlH C.\PTA1N John II. Ricket.son. Jr. (Actiii.s?) - - March L'l. ll'lll. i.i .\i)rirjn, Ifil!) Major Jesse R. I.a.nct.ev . . . . .-\pril .'1. lUlH. to I )ciiioliili/aiioii Battalion .\d.jutant FiR.sT LiEL'T. John W. Stauffer First Lieit. Walter Gali.aciier First Lieut. Rodert P. Meilv First Lif.ut. John J. Horiudce (.Acting) First Liei't. Henkv I). 1'"a\siek From Oranization to August 12, |fll8 Au.giist 13, 1!)18, to October iM, 1918 October ■_'•">, IdlS, to November '■>. V-'IH November in, l!llf<, to November l"i, IIMS November hi, III18, to Demobilization Hattalion Intelligence Officer First Lieit. GEoiuiE S. Uarker From Creation of Othce to Demoljilizatii Battalion Gas Officer I'irst LiEi 1. Lawson G. Bash First Lieut. Austin F. Besanoin l-'roni Creation of Office to Suptemb-.-r L'8. 1!U8 September 29, 1918, to November !l, 1018 Medical Officers Owing to the constant shifting of medical officers wliich occurred within the Regiment, it is impossible to state definitely the exact assignment of such officers. However, the fol- lowing served in the main with the l-'irst Battalion : Captain Ivor 1). I-"e.\to.\, M. C. First Lieut. Marvin B. Campmeii,, M. C. N'on-Comniis-siiincd St;;ff (Uattalion Sergeant Major) I'.N'. Sct. Ma.1. Russei.i. M. M.Maiiii.n - - December |(\ Ilil7. to October 8, 11118 Bx. Sc;t. Maj. .\niiri:\v Woi.i.ersiieim - - - October !', 11118, to Demobilization l@ I'age One riftyone The 515 th Infant:"RY" ■1 — .^ W::'^j:4[% OMPANY A Upon the arrival of some fifty stalwart sons of Uncle Sam at Camp Meade, Mary- land, on September 21. 1917, we find the birth of Company "A," 31Sth Infantry, according to those same noble sons. The real birth of the Company, however, occurred four days before, on September 17th, when Captain Frederick W. McL. Patterson. First Lieu- tenants James H. Carpenter and Benjamin H. Pollock, and Second Lieutenants Logan B. Gill and Charles S. Tiers were assigned as the officer personnel of "A" Company by Colonel Otho B. Rosenbaum. commanding officer of the 315th Infantry. On Sunday, September 23. 1917, the contingent of men mentioned in the opening sentence of this history was augmented l)y tlie arrival of additional recruits represent- ing nearly every nook and corner in the city of Philadelphia, for it was from Philadel- phia that the .M5th Infantry drew its recruits during the earlier periods of its history. Among these first arrivals we have Sergeants Carroll. Harrison, and Parr, all of whom displayed si much stuff in the military game with "A" Company that Captain Patterson slated them for the Officers Training School, where they had little difficulty in winning commissions. Closely following in the footsteps of these first few, we have such old- timers as Eddie Ketcham (Corn-fed Ed), the man with the pair of gray pants which he found so much difficulty in shaking, and Ser.geant Glatfelter, the old war-horse who cannot be hitched wrong, with a notable career in the army from "Top-kicker" to "Kid" Barnum. the showman of the 315th. He finally realized his highest ambitions when he landed his theatrical troupe in Paris. Then there were Daniel H. Erickson. better known as "Frog" Erickson. the man who could and did parley-vous his way into many a home in France, and Sergeant Spiel- berger, the Company's famous prohibitionist, who gave numerous interesting lectures on booze and why it should be downed. Among others in the contingent were "Heavy- hair Bill" Larmour; "Skin" Evans, the Kensington ragman; "Bill" Groark, the ex-Baby Snatcher; John J. Murphy, alias "Mary Stoop and Take It"; Jack Davis, later an Irish Frog; and Jack Fields, better known as "Old Eagle Beak" and "Banana Nose." For a good time we had Bugler McLaughlin, otherwise known as "Schaeffer," and Bill Sorber. big-hearted and liberal, the man who created a sensation in Monte Carlo by spending five francs. Others prominent among the old-timers were "Hughie" Robinson, the hod-carrier: "Spaghetti Jack" ;\ccetta. one of Lieutenant Stauflfer's Forty Thieves; "Old Phosgene" Kelly, the fruit man; "Bicycle Legs" Gettings, our old gardener; "Bad Bill" Burns, the man who failed in his first attempt ; "Boozo" Devlin, ex-laundry man and detective, whose duty it was "To try to find tilings out"; and "Swede" Nordstrom, the ^linnesota railroad magnate. The next few days found us being placed here and there, and to us it seemed like bunk, but we afterward learned that it was the making of the solid foundation upon ir^ Page One Fifty-two The 515th Infantry <i — I COM TAN Y A which "A" Company later stood. Right here we would like to say we were very for- tunate in securing one of the best and most capable organizers in the 79th Division. CaiUain V. W . Macl,. Patterson. His leadcrsliip. ably assisted by Lieutenants Pollock. (Juintard. Tiers and Gill, made the I""irst Company in the First Hattalion the pride of the Regiment. l'"or the ne.xt few days we tried in vain to tramp down all the rough spots in tlie camp that afterward became nationally known as Camj) Meade, for our real drills were now on in earnest and hard at it w-e went. Hikes were numerous and while on one we were e(|uipped with something we all liked so well. i. e., our never-to- be-forgotten rifles. However, what we returned from the hike with was not the kind with which we made the Hoclie run. They were nothing but limbs of trees cut in the distant woods, and later termed blunder-busses by our old Captain. These we carried for a week or so, when we were fortunate enough to procure our lirst "labor producers." and we believe any doughboy will say we have named them correctly. We come now to the birth in our Company of one who is known wherever she may roam as "Philly." Carried to the Camj) in the pocket of one of the first lucky members to go on pass, "Old Johnny" Kvans. the toothless wonder who later becaiue a shii>yard worker, she is still with us. and we all say she has gotten enough "gas" to send her to the (ireat Beyond long before her time. The days were now a steady routine and we were fast rounding into the shape that was to carry us through the big days in h'rance. F.ach month, and in fact each week, would bring some new faces, but, owing to the many transfers in tlie Company, it was a hard matter to know each man thoroughl)'. On November 7, 1917, we received our second increment of men, among whom the most notable were "Little Jimmy" Ferguson with his rosy cheeks, later a lieutenant with the 4th Division in Germany: "Salt Water Larry" Snyder, who claims to have wrung more salt water out of his socks than any man in the Company ever saw during his experi- ence; "Condiment Can" Moyd Fett, who found out all about the leaky tent ropes: "Slats" Glenn, nearer to heaven alive than dead: "Jack" Filler, Kensington's blonde bricklayer; "Jack" .\nderson. the strong man from Richmond: "Sock-em-into-You" \\'eise. the human ))honograph; "Duke" IVadley. the Douglas Fairbanks of the .-X. E. F.; "Long Tom" Donnelly, the Caruso of ".\" Company; and last, but not least. "Night- mare Lou" Eckert, who had them prettj' often and who lost his voice fighting them off. With such a grand array of talent, we turned our eyes toward Volley Ball. Yes, we were quite proficient and were successful in beating any company team that dared show itself. In tliis connection we would like to mention the men who so gallantly tri- umphed: Samuel Z. Cole. George R. Siiielberger, Thomas Houlihan. Robert Evans. John I'^iller. Larry Snyder. John .Anderson, Jack Davis, I'rancis McLaughlin. Clarence Glenn and Dip Devlin. It was now- nearing our first big holiday and a time at which some few would find themselves absent from home for the first time on Thanks.giving. It was on Thanks- .giving Day that the papers published the news of the arrival in France of two of Com- pany ".-X's" former members; namely. "Jimmie" Graham and John McLaughlin, and that fact made us more than ever resolved to get across. The day after Thanksgiving found those who had received passes returning to Camp, but of course a few kept up their good work and decided to have an aunt pass away. Everything at this time was pro- gressing rapidly, and each week would find us showing our ability as soldiers before someone of note. These little affairs ever served to relieve the monotony of our long stay at Meade. Que bleak December day we were called outside by the shrill blast of our First Sergeant's whistle and were told that five-day passes over Christmas would be granted to certain members of the Company. To say the boys went wild is putting it mildly, and in a great demonstration they clearly showed their feelings. The lucky ones were soon notified, and it did not take them long to be on their way home to occupy the vacant chair. .As at Thanksgiving time, those who had to stay in Camp were not for- gotten, but ate their fill of the best that money could buy. Like all passes, those that were issued at Christmas had an end. and the boys were soon on their way back to Camp laden with bundles and boxes of sweets. Upon arrival at the barracks, however, they were told the sad news that two members of the Company had been taken ill with spinal meningitis, and as a result the Companj- was quarantined for seventeen days and a.gain had to receive three innoculations, more commonly known as "shots." The afilicted ones, Thomas Monaghan and Charles Preston, made a game battle against very heavy odds, and were finally victorious in their fight against death. Page One Fifty-three I ^- The 515 th Infant^ ry COMPANY A CiiMPANY "A'' AT Camp Meade At this time of the year, the weather man poured down an overdose of snow, and due to that fact we were put at skull practice under the ahle eyes of "Hoover" Gill. "Douljletime Benny" Pollock, "Charlie" Tiers (Do it or don't). "Keep-closed-up-and- covered-in-tile A'" Quintard. and "Squint" Barratt, who had just previously joined the Company, having heen transferred from Company "C." Last of all came "Full- of-pep-and-ginger" Pat, the old skipper himself, like the good shepherd guarding his flock. It was at this period of the year that Camp Meade experienced its coldest weather, and to Company "A" goes the credit for standing guard on the coldest day and night. The official temperature was eleven degrees below. Of course the frigid weather could not keep up forever, and when it hroke we found the lure of the basket- ball court very strong. It was not the best place in the world, but it was suitable enough for Company "A" to administer a few beatings to its rivals. For purposes of instruction, we now began work on a small rifle range and it did not take us long to have it completed. Its good was very clearly shown later on at the regular target range. The guns we used were of .22 caliber, and the pea shooters devel- oped some great sliots, although sad to say some very poor ones were also unearthed. With the good weather that we were now having came continued hikes and also our first experience in what we thought was modern warfare, i. e., capturing "Dougherty's Knoll." Soon baseliall came into its own. Our rooters were staunch and true and to our manager. Jack Filler, goes a heap of the credit. Opening the season in a blaze of glory, we triumphed over Company "C" by the score of 9-1. and that was tlie beginning of a long string of victories. "Slats" Evans was on the mound and he was ably bandied by the Inmian talking machine. "Butcli" Hermann. It was not long after this game that the non-commissioned officers were challenged by the "bucks." The game was played and the "bucks" triumphed by the score of 7-2. On the Company team, we had Sergeant Cole. Sergeant Glenn. Sergeant Houlilian. Sergeant Evans, Sergeant Spielberger, Cor- poral Devlin, Corporal Cheatley, Private Mowrer, Bugler McLaughlin, Private Hebling, Private Adair and Cook Herrmann. On the morning of April 4. 1918. our Company started out on that never-to-be-forgotten hike to Baltimore, a distance of 22 miles, with full field equipment. The same evening found us camping just 7 miles outside of the Monumental City at what is known as Camp Shipley. The night was very cold and sleep imposssible. The following morning at 5:00 .\. M. we were on our way again. It was but a few hours later that we entered the city, and the greeting the Regiment received will live forever in tlie memory of us all. We arrived and pitched tents at Pat- terson Park at noon, .\pril ,S. 1918. where we stayed until our departure on .-Xpril 7, 1918. On the afternoon of .April 6. 1918. we bad the honor of being reviewed by Presi- I I — Page One Fift.v-four The 515th Infantrv COMPANY A ilcnl Wilson and our Division Commander, General Kuhn. It was here that our masi-oi. "I'hilly." made a decided liit witli e\eryonc as she sailed along with Captain I'atterson. riie I'liilailelpliia boys seemed to be i|uite a novelty to the Baltimore girls, judging from the numlier that put in their appearance at the camp to look the boys over. We left Patterson I'ark on Sunday morning, April 7, 1918, at daybreak, for Camp Meade, where we arrived at 2:3(1 P. M. the same day, covering the distance without losing a man. .\t the time of the Haltimorc parade our Company was not very large, due to the fact that transfers had sent most of the men to Southern camps, but on the 29th day of May. I')18, we received our final allotment of new men. bringing us up to our over- seas strength. The work of turning these men into sf)Idiers in the small lengtli of time alloted to us was very hard but nevertheless accomplished, .\niong those of this con- tingent who went big with the Company were "Plug-hat" Duffy, tlie old diplomat, drug- gist and liack driver; (h Vernon Dahl, the Company's Padcrewski, who could eat more chocolate tlian any man in the company barring ".Skin" livans; "Speed" Malcolm Xederrey, better known as "Satchelback"; "l?ustleton Mule Skinner" Charles (irimes, of great note in his own locality: "Kid" Knnis. the Silent One; "Joe" .Armstrong, the wild Irishman: "Cigarette" Kent, or "I've done my bit in the .\. E. I'"."; "Funny" Shidtz; "lla])py" Cunningham and "Barney" llogan, who had a great following and ])osed as tlie "Seven \\ isc Men." .\mong the others were "Windows" Xeher, "Jingle" Johnson. "Worry-em" Warrington, "Sea-lawyer" Grohol, Supply Ser.geant "Hairy" lleffron, "hair Xose" Terry O'Xeill la twin to McCannI, "Rube" .\cker. from up state. "Ilandy" llauss, of leaky roof fame, "Pinochle" Weiss, "Monkey" llebling. tlie Golddust twins. Goldstein and Morganstcin. and our Camp Mea<lc .Supply Sergeant. "Candy Legs" Mc Henry. It was but a short time after the arrival of these men tliat we were given our final inspection preparatory to leaving, .^t this time we lost Lieutenant Pollock, our ranking hirst Lieutenant, to "B" Company, along with Lieutenant Tiers, who went to Company "11." To express our thanks to the departing officers a party was arran,ged which e\ery one attended. Lieutenant Pollock was presented with a handsomely engraved cigarette case as was Lieutenant Tiers, and to Captain Patterson went a silver sabre. It was a tarewel! party i)ure and simple in which e'.erytbing went. The morning of July 7lh, 1918, found us all set waiting for the linal word. Everything was packed and in readiness, for this was the day that we had all looked forward to. We were now really starting to make history, and at two o'clock on that afternoon we started off for Disney with full field equipment. It was liere we left our old home for the last time. W'c went aboard the B. & O. troop train, and at 4:,30- P. M. we were moving towards Jersey City, at which place we arrived at two o'clock the next morning. We slept in the cars until daybreak and at 5 .\. M. we were i)ut on a ferry, and from there went to the pier, where we boarded the transport Aiiicricd. On July 9th. at 6:().i P. M., we pulled out from llolioken, soldiers aboard. On July 17th, we were met by 5 destroyers Brest, at which port we landed on July 18th at 7:(X) P. M. tcHik place from the dock to a camp just outsifle of the city quite hilly, it made the going very hard. However, we tinally with something like (i.OdO that escorted us safely to Our hrst hike in hrance and, as the country was arrived at our destination and pitched tents at 1 :.30 .\. M. It was at noon on July 21, 1918. that we started uiion our trip inland. Marching down to Brest, we embarked on those long-to-be-remem- bered boxcars, 40 men to a car, including equipment and rations. Incidentally, while on this trip, "Philly." our mascot, gave birth to her first offsi)ring. but the hVench rail- way system was too much for the pup and he lasted but a few moments. The afternoon of July 24. 1918. found us in \'aux. where we detrained. Here we started our first hike at night, a distance of 6 kilometers, to our training area aiul billets. It was 12:,50 P. M. when we were halted in the open held just outside the village of Courcelles, and there we slept until morning. The following morning we were gi\ en a little to eat, and little it was. were again assembled ami inarched into Courcelles. where in the course of a few minutes we found ourselves occupying the billets which every- one had heard so much about. They were everything that we had pictured, only the rat.s were even larger than we had imagined. Our lirst day there found us doin.g very little work, but thereafter we were face to face with a very long drill schedule. We were u|) in the morning at 5 A. M. and to bed again at 9 P. M.. for it was now a case of learning the real modern warfare. During the month of .\ugust we had i)lenty of manoeuvers, in which we captured all the hills nearby and also some distant ones. On September 6, 1918. we were i)aid for the first time in I'Vancc and. incidentally, in French money. The boys were all of the same opinion, i. e.. that the I'"rencli pai)er money was the best looking wall paper they had ever seen and they valued it accord- ingly. That day and the next were full of rumors of a move, and on Saturday night, < s Page One Fifty-five The 515th Infatstt^ry COMPANY A ■'i^tt^ ^ A VYiNTF-R Police Detail September 7, 191cS, just immediately after crawling in for the night, we received the news that we had all been looking for. We were iiotitied to make up our packs, draw our necessary reserve rations, and be prepared to move out some time in the early morning. Needless to say, we were all in readiness. .\t daybreak, we fell in and a few minutes later started on our way to Vaux, under command of Captain Noonan, who had recently been assigned as our company commander, the vacancy being caused by the promotion of our Captain, F. W. McL. Patterson, to Major. We had as our new first sergeant, Eugene Glatfelter, who stepped into the breach made by the resignation of our First Sergeant and friend, Samuel Z. Cole. Having reached Vaux, we had to wait an hour or more for the box cars to be made ready for the trip. l)ut. unlike the other trip in bo.x cars, we were not in them for any length of time, and that same evening, about 10 P. M.. we were given the happy news that we had come to our destination and would detrain immediately. .After picking out a very necessary detail to look after our baggage, etc., we started on what was sup- posed to be a 10 kilometer hike, in the face of a blowing rain. The hike was all the 10 kilometers called for. and about 20 more added, but at 4:30 P. M., September 9, 1918, the whole Company was at the entrance of Bazincourt waiting to be billeted. For the Company to have every man at the finish of such a hike is indeed a record of which to be proud. This town held us until Thursday. September 12. 1918. when, at 5 P. M., we were assembled and started on an eight kilometer hike. When we finally arrived at our destination, we found a French camion train awaiting us, and in this we were destined to make the last lap of our trip to the front. We rode all that night, and at si.x o'clock the next morning we found ourselves within hearing and seeing distance of the guns. Leaving the camions and their Indo-Chinese drivers, we established our- selves in Camp Domliasle near the town of the same name. At this place rations were very scarce, and most of our time was spent in trying to get a bunch of darkey troops, who were also stationed in this camp, to part with some of theirs. On September 14, 1918. at 7 P. M., we started for the front line trenches in Sector 304, made famous in 1916 by the French in their gallant stand against overwhelming odds. We were held up for some time by the non-arrival of French guides, as it was Page One Fifty-six The 515th Infantry" COMPANY A a French division tliat our Division was to relieve. They finally arrived, however, and we were escorted into the trenches, with the result that dayhreak saw us ready for any emergency. ThinRS were very quiet the first tew days, but on Wednesday evening. September IS. 191iS. we all received our first real taste of war. A Boche ])lane came over, and. when directiy over us. dropped a few bombs. Needless to say we all knew a "Jerry" plane thereafter, .\ftcr a few days in these positions, the First and Second Platoons were sent in on the extreme front line, with the b'irst on the right and the Second on the left. The two platoons stayed on the front line for a period of four days and nights before being relieved by the 129th Infantry of the 33rd Division, and were forced to "stand to" jiractically the whole of each night because of snipers and raiding parties. On Sunday, September 22, 1918, the (|uietude of the past few days was broken by "Jerry" when he sent over a violent barrage, which lasted for one and one-lialf hours, and, at the termination of which, he pulled oflf a raid on our left. Sliortl}' thereafter we were relieved, and we then hiked liack to Camp Civile, where we utilized our time in cleaning up. Our stay was short there, and we were again moved, tliis time to Camp Xorniandy. On the night of September 25. 1918, we started for the front in prepara- tion for our big offensive on the following morning. We arrived, were assigned a place behind the lines, and told to rest until morning, but at 11;,30 P. M. the .\mcrican and French artillerj' cut loose and sent over one of the greatest barrages in the history of the war and at 6:00 A. M. on the morning of September 26, 1918, ".V" Coin])any went over the top under the command of Captain Xoonan. There was little resistance the first day, but on the second dai' the Boche resist- ance started to stiffen, and towards the evening we found ourselves in the front line in tlie midst of severe enemy shelling. It was here our casualties started and the first man of "A" Company to i)ay the price was Reuben Duffel. Our advance was stopped as night was coming on, and we were ordered to dig in until morning. The following morning, "Jerry" gave us a severe shelling, but nothing could stop our ad- vance, although our casualties had started to pile up. It was during this advance that we lost l.ientenant Quintard and a number of our heroic men. As we advanced, the shelling liecame more and more severe, luit despite this we pushed through Nantillois to the hill beyond. Here we reorganized and under the leadership of Major Patterson made an attack on the woods directly in front, the greatest strcjiighold and the best fortified position we had yet met. During this attack ".\" Company showed the stuff that was in it. bacing the severest kind of machine gun fire, the Company held to its advance until nearly decimated and finally ordered to retire to the hill behind. It was at this point that we lost Major Patterson, who was badly wounded in tlie leg. Once back on the hill, we were reorganized again and made our second attack, but during our absence the Boche had become stronger and in this attack we were not able to make any material advance. That night we dug in on Hill 274. and, as the rain poured down on us, so did the shells of tlie Boche. The night of September 28, 1918, can never be erased from the minds of the men who were there; words can never describe it, nor is the mind imagi- native enough to conceive it. On September 29, 1918, at daybreak we attacked the woods for the third time but met with no better success, as nothing living could face the Ger- man macliine gun fire or Iiide from the German artillery. On the morning of Septem- ber .?0, 1918. we were relieved by the 3rd U. S. Division along the railroad at Xantillois. and as we left "Jerry" gave us everything he ever possessed. That evening was spent trying to sleep out on a hill near Malancourt. On the following morning we returned to Camp Civile, wdiere we stayed for two days in dugouts trying to clean up and satisfy our appetites. From there we left on October 3. 1918. for Normandy Woods, where we received some long-looked for mail and canteen supplies. We left there under the cover of darkness the same evening and hiked until 4 .\ M. the ne.xt morning to Senon- court woods, wdiere we slept until noon the following day. Next we hiked to a field near Recourt. put in a night there and from there to Marcaulieu Woods, where we stayed for five days. On October 11, 1918, at 8 P. M., we moved to Thillombois. Here most of the time was spent in reorganizing the Company and familiarizing the men with their new positions. Our next move came on October 23. 1918, to Pontoux F'arm. a 10-hour hike. Here we stayed for three days and received 23 replacements, including "Pat" Turner. "Kid" Hofecker. "Hiram" Tompkins. "Rube" Miller from way down home. "Silent" Ingle and "Spike" Eike. On the night of October 26. 1918. at 6 P. M.. we started for the front once more, and at dayl)reak the following morning we were billeted in the woods near Verdun. .\t dusk that evening, we started for Forges Woods, where we arrived at 1 -\. M. on the morning of October 29. 1918. That evening we were once more on our way, this time crossing what had once been No Man's Land. @ Page One Fifty-seven I ,^ The 315 th Infanttry COMPANY A *m^ I'nMl'AXV "A" (i(lKS l:\ IX I 'i A I 11 \1( IKE @ We were now moving into one nf the most difficult sectors on the western front. As we neared the front, tlie slielling and the gas became more severe and once more our casualties started. We were met l)y Sergeant Cole and Sergeant Spielherger, who escorted us across Death Valley (little we knew then of what a death trap it would prove to be later), and then up into the dense woods opposite Molleville Farm, wdiere we took over a sector held by the 114th Infantry of the 29th U. S. Division. "C" Company took over the front line and "A" Company was posted directly behind, in support. On the morning of November 1, 1918, we moved into the front line, relieving "C" Company, with the First Platoon on the right and the Second on the left. From this point we were under direct observation of the Boche and all our movements were made at night. \\ e received occcasional shellings there but our casualties from shell fire were few. On the night of November ,3, 1918, the First Platoon sector was taken over by "D" Company, and the First Platoon was jjlaced to the left of the Second Platoon in a sector held by "F"' Company. The relief was made at night in a driving rainstorm, the only light being the flares of the Pioche. At this point the distance lietween our lines and those of the Boche did not, at the fartherest point, exceed 75 yards. On the morning of Novemlier 4, 1918, the word came that we were to straighten out our lines and that there was to be a forty-five minute standing barrage and a fifteen minute ma- chine gun barrage placed for us by our own guns. At 7 A. M. we were to go over the top. The barrage never came, but Lieutenant Carpenter's orders were to make an ad- vance, so the advance was tried. The second Platoon was to hold the pivot, until the First Platoon had advanced about 50 yards, before moving from its po- sition. The left of the First Platoon succeeded in moving out about 75 yards under the leadership of Sergeant Spielherger. The center moved out successfully on a line with the left through the good judgment of Sergeant Davis in moving the men out from shell hole to shell hole in rushes. The right of the First Platoon under Corporal Snyder, had moved out only a few yards when it was deemed necessary to hold up the advance, as it proved useless to attempt to push through the mass of underbrush without an artillery barrage. The whole left flank was thus left exposed, the First Platoon being in a position where it could neither advance nor retreat. The Second Platoon on the right was also subjected to very heavy machine gun fire. Despite the flood of enemj' fire, however, the ground won was clung to until the final relief of the Company. On the night of November 4th-5th. we were relieved by "F" Company under the fire of the Boche machine guns. We moved down and across Death Valley to the Brabant-Etraye road, and were placed in dug-outs about 500 meters south of the Regi- mental P. C. Our stay in the dug-outs was a short one. however, for on the following day we were moved up into the line of support. Here we lived in the open with noth- ing but the sky above us. The men got verj- little rest, as they worked day and night Page One Fifty-eight The 315th Infant^ry -,. — < (■(lAirAXV A carrying rations up to the front lines, while "Jerry" kept up a continuous shower of shell and gas. On the morniUK of Xoveniher 8th. 1*M.S, we moved out at 2 .A. M. to support the advance of Company "A." 313th Infantry, down the Ktraye Valley. We arrived at our jumpiug-otf place at daybreak after i)assing a road strewn with dead. .-\ niachine gun liarrage was placed for us. and at iS .\. M. we went over the top. This time our advance was not helil up. as we found that the Boche had vacated the woods. During tlie day we advanced three kilometers without firing a shot, and night found us in an old trench at the eastern edge of the liois d'F.traye. The next morning we started out into the open, passing through the village of l-ltraye. W'c had gone hut a short distance beyond this village when the German artillery opened up on us. Lieutenant Shira was in command of the Company at this time, having taken it over when Lieutenant Car- penter was wounded in the attack of Xoveniher 4th. The only other otTicer with the Company was Lieutenant Schrier. W'e passed through the curtain of German artillery lire with hnt one casualty. Lieutenant Schrier. who was badly wounded in the shoulder, hut as we advanced the shelling became heavier and heavier, and we were finally forced to take cover along tlic Iiank rif an old railr<iad. where we stayed until tlie following morning. The morning of Xoveniher lOth found us 'ioing over the top in a dense fog in support of Company "C." We finally came to a creek some ten feet wide and live feet deep, wliich everyone was forced to jump into in order to cross, and. not being able to locate those in front of us, we found ourselves again in the front line instead of in support. W'e were finally ordered to move back to the railroad, where we stay-ed, soaked to the skin, mitil 3 P. >L that afternoon, when the order came to advance again, and back through the swamp and creek we w'enl for the third time, directly under tlie gaze of Hoclie and a target for his fire, .After dusk had set in we were moved out 75 yards to establish a line and, as there were no entrenching tools, we were forced to di.g in with our bayonets. On the following morning, Xoveniher 11, 1918. we moved out before daybreak, and started an advance from another angle. We had gone but a short distance wdien the shells started to fall furiously, and once again our bayonets were made to act as shovels. We dug on, trying to bury ourselves, when suddenly the firing ceased and Al.l. rkl.Mtll loK .\ Kk<.IMK.\ 1 Al. L\.M'l-.l_l luN Pagre One Pifty-nlne * -■ The 315th Infant^ry S COMPANY A Retreat at Erize-i.a-Fetite ' L A_ tile \\<.iril came around that the war was over. That niglit was spent in singing and rejoicing, in the glow of the hrst hres we had had in months. On the following day blankets were issued to the Company and we moved a few hundred yards hack and dug in on the side of a hill, where we remained until November 13th. On that date we moved to Etraye, a village about 2 kilometers from the original front line. We immediately started to clean up, and it was only in a day or so before we experienced the pleasure of receiving our first bath in many days. We were gradually issued all tlie clotlies that were necessary, even though "Fair-wear-and-tear" Heffron tliought we looked good enough as we were. Drills continued day in and day out and soon we fmnul the biggest hnliday of all, Christmas Day, approaching. Being denied the opportunity and pleasure of being at home, the next best thing to do was to make things as cheerful as possible where we were. This was done and Christmas Day witnessed Company "'.\" having a day second to none. On the following mornin.g. December 26, 1918, we started on a hike of about 55 kilometers and this distance we covered in three days. We finished our third day's march sliortly after noon on December 2>^. I'M.S, and discovered that we had landed in our new home, the small village of Erize-la-Petite. We were now untler command of Lieutenant Carpenter, but he did not see his way clear to stay with Company "A," and was soon transferred to the Military Police. We were then given Captain Craw- ford, but his stay was also very short, as he was lucky enough to get away and lead a casual company to the "States." Lieutenant P>ash was next in command, and during his reign we all had a smile that could not be wiped ofif. It seemed as thou,gh "A" Company could not hold its skipper. l)ut finally we were lucky enough to secure our present Cajitain. John H. Ricketson. Jr. The weather now was very cold, but that did not prevent us from building a divi- sional rifle range, on which Corporal Kern was successful in being placed one of the first thirty-two of the Divisional Team. On Friday evening. March 21, 1919. the Com- pany decided to run a dinner and dance, and through the untiring efforts of Sergeants Davis and Glenn secured the pleasant company of seventeen Y. M. C. A. girls for the evening. We were, by this time, very much fed up on Erize-la-Petite, but on Friday morning. March 28. 1919. we finally started on a five day hike which eventually landed us at Rimacourt. April 1, 1919. Our stay at this place was not very long, but while there, we all formed the opinion that it was the best place that we had struck in I'Vance. for moving pictures and shows were mnnerous. All things have to have their end, however, and on Monday, April 21, 1919, we entrained for the vicinity of Nantes. It was one of the last big moves before our final move to the boat, and it consumed two more days of our time. We were fortunate this time, for instead of the well known French box cars, we were pleasantly surprised to find real American box cars awaiting us. We arrived at our destination about 1 A. M. and slept in the cars until 6 A. M. At Page One Sixty The 515th Infanttrv COMPANY A that liiur we ilctraincd. and. vvitli our household on our backs, we started on a hike of 3 kilometers to the town of Harhiniere. where w'c were royally received. At this time the duties of I'irst Sergeant were under the able guidance of Sergeant George R. Spielberger, and things went along merrily. It was in this town that our paternal government conceived the idea of fattening us up, so, for the I'lrst time in !■ ranee, we .got a good rest and |)Ienty to eat. ."Mthough tliere was very little drill, baseball received a lot of attention, and, by the time we were ready to pull out of I'arbiniere, we had beaten "H" Company by the score of i-2 through the masterly pitching of Sam Cole. Incidentally, we were the winners of 4,(XX) francs and "B" Company was very, very flat. Immediately after the ball game Captain Rickctson showed his kindly feelings towards the little tots of the village by giving them the treat of tlieir lives in the form of a banipiet and party. They ate their till of steak, together with all that went with it, and beaucoup candy. To show their appreciation they pre- sented Captani Ricketson with a beautiful bouquet. The winner of the Company ".\" — Company "li" fracas was challenged liy Company "C." and on the following day the tilt for the championship of the First Battalitni was staged. In the end, we captured not only the game by an 8-0 score, but also .365 francs of Company "C's" liard earned money. To the victors belong the spoils, and Captain Ricketson, to show his appreciation of the Company's athletic prowess, took the entire Company on a boat ride up the Sevre River. .At the outset the weather conditions were not at all favorable, and we had not been long on our way when the rain began to fall. However, that little circum- stance by no means spoiled our pleasure, and we continued to ride until we reached the Chateau Thibeaud, where we disembarked and partook of our lunch. The return trip was made in a steady rain, which was aided considerably in its dampness producing effect by Sam Cole and Bill llebling, who handed us darnpness by the bucketful through the open windows of the cabin. .After the boat trip, it was a matter of only a few days until we were once more on our way, this time headed for the port of Saint Nazaire. We made our get-away from Barbiniere on Monday inorning, ^Iay 12, 1919. Captain Ricketson, before he left, was jiresented a huge bouquet by one of the fair maidens of the village. We arrived at Saint Xazaire the same afternoon, and at once marched through the city and out into Embarkation Camp No. 2, where we were passed through a physical inspection. Hav- ing hnislied with this, we were shown how three or four regiments could be fed in the same building witliin an hour. The next day. May 13th, we marched over to Camp Xo. 1 and were there given our lirst real delousing, although there were some of the boys who could exhibit more cooties, or at least felt more iiopular with them, after leaving the delouser than before they had entered. May 14th was spent in supplying the S. O. S. with fatigue details and in being informed that if we did not walk the straight and narrow path, we would be associating with the S. O. S. long after the 31.Sth Infantry transports had dejiarted. On the following day we went through another physical inspection — it just seemed as tliough the doctors could not see enough of us. However, on the afternoon of May 16th we finally indled stakes and started off for the boat. It was about eight o'clock that evening when old King Cole ascended the gang- plank of the Sdnlii h'osii, the lirst man of "A" Company to go aboard. The following morning. May 17th, at 5 A, M., the good ship slipped from her moorings and we bade a final adieu to b'rance. It was soon learned that we were not riding on a transport like the Anirricd. For the first few days out, every man in the outfit took an awful beating as a result of the bad weather and rou.gh seas. The more it was talked over, the more cre<lit was given to that man Columbus. To kill the monotony of the voyage, we were given fretiuent baud concerts and impromptu entertainments. On the after- noon of May 26th there were some lively bo.xing bouts, in <me of wdiich our own Johnso Murphy uphelil all the traditions of his forefathers by defeating one of the Navy's best. The evening of the day on which the boxing bouts were held found a big issue at stake. The future home of our little mascot had to be decided upon. The Company was divided in its opinion as to who should get "Philly"; some members favored Ser- .geant Spielberger and others favored "Butch" Hermann. .An election was declared, and at the eleventh hour Corporal Snyder declared that his hat was in the ring, with the result that he was run as the dark horse. F.very man in the Company voted, and when the smoke had cleared away, it was found that Hermann was victorious, having Iiidled 53 votes to 38 for Spielberger and 26 for "Dark Horse" Snyder, b'rom that time on, the history of the Company is familiar to all. Philadelphia. Camp Di.x and demobilization all ftdlowed in rapid succession, and on June 9th, 1919, the last page w'as written in the historj- of the best group of officers and men ever gathered together. 1 1 @l @ Page One Sixty-one 1^ The 315th Infant^ry fc o m < a; < S o U Page One Sixty-two Tt iE 315th Infanttry Roster of Company A @ September I, 1918 CAPTAIN Joseph U. Noonan FIRST LIKI'TKNANTS SKPOND LIKl'TEXANTS Jiinics II. Carpenter Norris S. Barratt. Jr. Alfred L Quiutard Logan B. G ill FIRST SERGKAXT MKSS SERGEANT SUPPLY SERGEANT Eugene Glatfi-ller William A. NefT SERGEANTS Edward A. Brown Sniuuel Z. Cole James 11. Ferguson Thomas V. Houlihan Maurice J. Devlin Jacob Fields Kdward K. Ketcham Daniel H. Erickson John P. Filler Mauritz W Nordstrom Robert A. Evans Clarence Glenn George R. Spielberger CORPORALS John P. Aecetta Thomas A. Donnelly P'rarik J. Kelly. Jr. William Schneider John Anderson Anthony J. Esposito William J. Larmour Lawrence R. Snyder Vincent Byrne Kloyd W. Fett George H. Mowrer Herbert A. Steiner William P. Clieatly Paul P. Gettiiigs Edward S. Murphy I^eon F. VanNote Ksterino A Crudelle William H. Hebling Jnhn F. MH'ariu Charles J. Walde Otto V. Dahl J..hti N. Horning Hugh F. Rnbinson Harry J. Weise John J. Davis Charles J. Kane, Jr. Michael J. Rosen Benjamin Wentzell COOKS MECHANICS BUGLERS "Walter Christopher Jnhn G. Herrmau William P. Bahrenburg Charles J. Herrmann William P. Soriier Frank McLaughlin Thomas M. Horaii George J. Toomey Michael Thompson Joseph Weiss PRIVATES, FIRST CLASS Frank H. Acker Mi.-hael F. Duffy John O'Neill Antonio Roffo Otto Cotngno Lnuis W. Kfki'rt Frank Petrilli John Shullz John J. Crone William II. H^-ffron Letmard Petrilli Amedeo Spinosi Charles J. Dougherty Juhn J. Murphy John Raschcr Albert J. Winkle Reuben 11. Duffel PRIVATES Walter Adamceski Henry G. Fortmeyer Frank Kister Timothy O'Learv William J. Albert Frank Fox Earl Klink Albert D. Oliver Patsy Amelia Antduid Frorenza Charles J. Ktolzbucher Joseph C. Oliver Nicola Angelini William C. Galloway George Knox Boleslaw Olzewski John F. Arnistroiig Hagi'p Garahedian George J. Kochnevage Jiisvph Ornisby Anthony BarlKizcvri.-z Jai-oh (iltddstein Anthony Koinski Joseph Passarelli Walter L. Iiiej.'<'man Aaruii tJoudhaum Joseph A. Krajewski Elw.x.d Paul <;c.irire W. liower Edwani GiHimin Hubert S. Krieger Edward E. Price Flank P. Bradley Joseph Gurski Joseph P, Kullick Frank S. Pugliessi William J. Burns James Gn-em-r Edward F. Lambert Anthony J. Rasgis Kilwurd J. Cantz Cliarlt's W, Crimes Jnsfpb Langewicz Frederick G. Reader Ciiniiirio Capelluppo William F. tWuark Kuimctt G. Laub Joseph C. Rice Arthur W. Carlson J..s.|.li .M, Gn.hnl Jnscph Lelashes Frank C. Richter Marry B. Casey Feiilinajid Gugliidnielli Joseph J. Lenahan Harry H. Riebter l.awrt-iice Cempe Fred C. Ilafele (Jrover C. Lentz Nester Rolmcbock Howard M. Christman I.onis J. Hafele Ernest Livingston Raymond C. Ruddy Kuril e Ciconni Walter Ilalonski Albert T. Luke M. A. Ruzeki Antonio Ciesco Lrnnard Ilauss Thomas McAfee William J. Ryau Arthur T. Coffin I..-..nard M. Healy Euoeh McCloskey Louis Samuels Nicola Crisp! Walbiie Heavener Arthur T. McCmry Feliz Sauk Anthony G. Cunningham Juhn F. Heineman Michael P. McKenna Salvatore S.-hiutmentl Karl A. Dahl Edward Hcpp Mnrris J. Mahnn<-y George S( iiolb-riberger Harry Dankelman HfMinan R. Hertzberg Gabrit'lle Marino Elmer E. Slu-.kler Frank Deck Pfti-r L. Heslin Rnlu-rt Marks John H. Sbultz Mifliael DeVietro Ailolf HiHlskowski William Martoski Nathan C. Shute J..hn J. Dillon James F. Hogan Anthony Massenzio Stephen SmiegOcki I atri.-k DiPhllUpps I.en P. Holh.witz Jami's Ma/.zafro PMward F. Smith Jamt-s J. Dixon Tlmnins M. H'lran Giovanni Mazzoecht'tti Charles R. Snyder Il.'ujamin It. Dolan Ni.Inr.' Ht>rfM Percy R. Medlicotl Charles J. Stank Bryant M. Dollmw Ji'Sf[ib A. Hughes William A. Mehler Janifs L. Stevenson Robert Dondoro JdIui Ischl Daniel A. Merrigan Frank Stockdale David J. DnughiTty Jnhn A. Janschoek Alfred Miele Henry P. Turner Oliver G. Drumheller Alfred J. Jemison John Mink Josei)h A. Usezolovicz J<din J. Duffy Frank W. Jolin^^'tn Thomas C. Moore William C. VanOsten William K. Dwyer Garrett W. Jntinsnn .Tnhn Morgenstern Raffale Venezia Patrick J. Egan Harold M. Jurdalin Charles V. Mount Paul Vezarri rn'.i.'i-ick Eichel Louis J. Kane Jamb Mnzdyniewicz Uuss.-ll Wagner William C. Kichler Louis A. Kntz Charb^s G. Murpliv Beiiiamin A. Warrington H.Miry A. Ellison Harry T. Kelly Nic.da Xap.ditann William Welker William S. Elsasser Harrv P. Kenesky Mab-olni G. B. Nt-derrey William L. Wieder Mose R. Funis Walter Ki*nt Wesley II. N.-her Harry Williams <Iabriele Evangelisla Charles K. Kern Abraham Nt-un-n Fr.-d L. Yocher WilUam J. Finn Frank Kessler Giovanni Nicoletti Elmer F. Zerbe Richard D. Fish Bernard Kidzon Walter S. Nunnamaker Joseph Zitomer , Nicholas Forlini Charles Kirshatein Elmer Ogden Joined as Replacements — October 26, 1918 PRIVATES Oscar J. Bachert James Gaffney Elihue H. Ingle William F. Miller Thomas Brciirian Benjamin Gingery Dent A. Johnson Solomon Spicker Ezokiel Bu<-k Vilas B. Gray Lee Justus Mllford Tompkins Curtis G. Barr Gywn Hale Wilborn C. Kilby Patrick J. Turner Robert Davis Chester A. Harbach William Lytle Edward Wolfe ^^■i Albert Eike William Hofecker Clyde D. Zimmerman @ Page One Sixty-three The 515 th Infant^ry @ COMPANY B ( )n August 15th, 1917, cuiiimissions were granted to all successful candidates of the 4th Provisional Training Regiment of the (_)f¥icers' Training Camp at Fort Niagara, New York, with orders to report at Camp Meade, Maryland, on the 29th of August. These officers, reporting on that date, formed the nucleus of the 79th Division ; and the officers, who had l>een the candidates in the 2nd Comi)any of the 4th Provisional Training Regiment, together with a few from the 6th Company, made up the quota of officers for the 315th Infantry. The Regiment's enlisted personnel, composed of men chosen hy tlie selective draft, was expected to arrive early in September, so these officers were tem- porarily assigned to companies in order to make proper preparations for the organization of the various companies. Under this temporary assignment the officers of "B" Company were: Captain John V. Bostwick, First Lieutenant Fred 11. McClintock, First Lieutenant Arthur A. Bagans, Second Lieutenant John j. Conahan, Second Lieutenant Russell M. Willard, Second Lieutenant Lester C. Shearer. This temporary assignment of officers became permanent, pursuant to G. ( ). 9, Hqrs. 79th Div., 1917, and S. O. 1, Hqrs. 315th Inf., dated Se]itember 17th, 1917. On the same date, however. Captain Bostwick was ordered on detached service to the School of Musketry at Fort Sill, (Oklahoma. This left Lieutenant McClintock in command of the Company until Captain Bostwick's return to duty on October 25th, 1917. During the period of training at Camp Meade, from September, 1917. to July, 1918, there were numerous changes in the officer personnel of the Com- pany. On ( )ctober 1st, 1917, First Lieutenant Edward L. Journeay was assigned to the Company and remained with it continuously until September 28th, 1918. Lieutenant Willard was practically never on duty with the Company, having been placed on special duty on September 26th, 1917, as manager of the Regimental Exchange, and, when relieved of that position, having been assigned to Headquarters Company. On May 15th, 1918, Second Lieutenant Austin E. Besancon was assigned to the Company. He was later transferred to "C" Com- pany, and again reassigned to "B" Company just before our departure for France. First Lieutenant Benjamin H. Pollock was transferred from "A" to "B" Company on June 15th, 1918. On the same date Lieutenant McClintock, having received his captaincy, was transferred to take command of "F" Com- Page One Sixty-four The 515th Infanttry j)an_\-. CuMi'AXY B During this period, also, the following officers were attached for diity with the Company at various times : Captain Max Patterson, First Lieutenants W. Burnside, L. Morris, and Second Lieutenants R. M. McCreary, E. L. King, T. R. MacFarlane, Roger Sherman, Stanley J. Wohl and Vincent F. Mee. Before the arrival of any troops at camp. Sergeants Henry Wechsler and Montgomen,- 11. Skinner, of the Regular .\rmy, were assigned to the Company. On September 19th, Wechsler was made First Sergeant and Skinner was put in charge of the mess as temporary Mess Sergeant. However, they were not to be with us long, for Wechsler. a man of excellent qualifications, was trans- ferred to an important position in the Ouartermaster Department, while Skinnrr went .\. W. O. L.. and was soon dropped from the rolls as a deserter. The first recruits, numbering nineteen, were assigned to Company "H" on -September 21st. 1917. The next day seventy-six more arrived, and from that time on they steadily Bowed in and almost as steadily flowed out, for orders transferring men to various stations throughout the United States came in almost daily. In all, over seven hundred recruits received their initial training in "B" Company. It was necessary to have non-commissioned officers immediately, and, as a result, men were picked out of the ranks to act as such. These men were chosen because of their general appearance and bearing, for extremely few of them had ever had any previous military training. The first appointment of non-commissioned officers was made on October 26th, and it is a noteworthy fact that they were appointed from the grade of "recruit," as it was not until November 2nd that any of the men were carried as "privates" on the morning report. These "non-coms" were Sergeants E. R. Gehring, Charles H. Reinhardt, Edward V. Lemone and Norman S. White. Then by Company Order of the same date Sergeant Gehring was appointed First Sergeant. From this time on non-commissioned officers were made as ra])idly as the need for them arose. On January 6th, 1918, First Sergeant E. R. (iehring and Sergeants Phillip J. Blankensee, Norman S. White and Jacob J. Mann were sent to the Officers Training School at Camp Meade as candidates for commissions. Of these, Blankensee, White and Gehring were successful, finishing first, fifth and eleventh respectively in a school of about seven hundred candidates. In turn Sergeants David I. .Scanlon, Howard G. Bainbridge, Charles H. Lynn and John .\. I-'ox acted as temporary First Sergeant to fill the vacancy occasioned by the separation of First Sergeant (Jehring from the Company. On April 23rd, Sergeant John .\. Fox was aiipointed l-'irst Sergeant, but he also went to the Officers Training School on May 22n(l, 1918, together with Corporal Simon A. Rhoades. Corporal Rhoades had been acting as company clerk, since the dis- charge, for physical reasons, of Sergeant Harry A. McCabe, the first company clerk of the Company. Both candidates were successful. Sergeant Jesse B. Hudson was then api)ointcd l""irst Sergeant, and was acting in that cajiacity when we sailed for France. The i)eriod spent at Camp Mc.ulc was given over entirely to the customary routine of training for the modern soldier, as the recruits were few who had had previous military experience, and non-commissioned officers of the Company were picked from time to time from the ranks as they demonstrated their fitness in the work. The outstanding features of the period were the Baltimore hike and parade ; the week spent on the rifle range, where the men got their first ^ Page One Sixty-five The 315 th Infantry COMPANY B Company "B" at Camp Meade taste of firing ; and the night and day manoeiivers, which made warfare a little more realistic to the men than the daily routine at the barracks. About the 25th of June we received word that we would be leaving for overseas within the near future, so from that time on everything was "hustle and bustle" in getting equipped and in making all final preparations. We en- trained on the afternoon of July 7th for Hoboken, and the following morning found us in Jersey City. There we were crowded on ferry boats and taken to Hoboken, where we filed up the gang-plank of the U. S. S. America. On the afternoon of July 9th we slowly pulled out of the harbor, and, to the strains of "Good bye Broadway, Hello France" by the band, we bid farewell to the good old U. S. A. On the way over all of us, instinctively, kept our eyes glued on the waters looking for the much dreaded submarines, but finally on July 18th we arrived without mishap in the beautiful harbor of Brest. We disembarked that evening and were told that we were to go to a rest-camp for a few days. After a long hike we arrived after dark at our rest camp. (Who said "rest- camp"?). On July 21st we left Brest, and, after a three day ride across France in the famous "side-door Pullman"^ — you know — "40 Hommes-8 Chevaux," we arrived at Vaux, Haute Marne. We then hiked to the village of Courcelles, a distance of six kilometers, where we were "billeted," at that time a new ex- perience for us, but one which we well understand now. Oh ! how could we ever have complained of the conditions at Camp Meade? They were as Para- dise compared to the barns of France. But that was then, later the time was to come when any kind of a shelter would be welcome. Upon our arrival in France we thought that we were already soldiers, but there were those who thought otherwise ; and, in consequence, we were put through a most strenuous and intensive course of training. What with drilling, hiking, manoeuvers, trench digging, scouting and patrolling, musketry, and so forth, we soon realized how little we really knew when we left the "States." Page One Sixty-six The 515 th Infanttry COMPANY B Finally. h(}\vc'\er, we were ready for the fray, after having had ahout six weeks of this work, and on Sei)tenil)er Stli we started our weary journey to the front, the personnel of the Coni])anv l)ein<^ the same as when we had left Camp Meade, with the exception that Lii'nteiiant P)esanct)n had been transferred to "C" Com- pany. Hiking to \'aux, we entrained llnre that morning, and just before midnight of the same day we readied Revigny, the point at which we were to detrain. It was pouring rain hut there was nothing to do hiU pile out of our comfortable little "Pullmans" and hit llic road. We marched through the rain until daylight, when we made a five hour h;dl to rest and eat. Then we were up and oil again. At about five o'clock on the afternoon of September 9th we entered the village of Bazincourt, where we were billeted in small buildings and Ijarns. P>ut we were not destined to stay there long. On the evening of the 12th we marcheil to Hairon\ille. where we were loaded on French camions and transported to a camp in the woods about two kilometers northeast of Dombasle. On the eve- ning of the 14th we hiked to our position in the reserve trenches of our Battalion sector, known as the Copinard trenches, and lying northwest of Verdun, hroni this date until September 24th we held various ])ositions in the front line of resistance anil reser\e. Little of importance marked the stay of the Company in this sector, enemy activities being confined to intermittent artillery fire, nor did the Coni]jany sufifer any casualties in this sector. Early in the morning of the 24th, we were relieved by Company "B," 316th Infantry, and, while moving out for Camj) Normandy, were subjected to very heavy enemy artillery fire. F"ortunately, however, we reached the camp without any casualties. The night of the 24th w-as .spent at this camp, but on the evening of the 25th w-e moved out of the woods, then through a long communicating trench to an indicated position, where we awaited the hour to go "Over the Top" and take our part in the great Aleuse Argonne offensive. F.arly on the morning of the 26th we moved forward in our first attack as the snp])ort company of the First Battalion. Down we weiU over Mill .^04, through the 1 laticourt valley, which had been filled with smoke to cover our advance and thence on up to the crest of the next rise, where we first met stiff machine-gun resistance. It was quickly overcome, however, and the advance continued against an ever increasing stubbornness on the jjart of the Boche. That night found us just east of a patch of woods about a kilometer and a half south of Montfaucon, having advanced a distance of about three kilometers. The next day the First Piattalion acted as an assaulting battalion, and the Comjiany formed part of the assaulting wave. -Some difficulty was experienced in the formation of the Battalion, so that the attack did not start until about nine o'clock. Thereafter, however, the advance continued steadily. By one o'clock we had helped in the capture of .Montfaucon. having passed through the eastern edge of that village, with the 313th Infantry on our immediate left. Immediately after passing the town we were subjected to heavy artillery fire, which coiuinued throughout the remainder of the afternoon with e\er increasing intensity. It was at this time that our casualties began to run into the double figures. By nightfall we had advanced to a ]josition about midway between Montfaucon and Nantillois, a total advance for the dav of about two and a half kilometers. We Page One Sixt.v-seven @ The 515 th Infant^ry COMPANY B @ L Ox GfAKD Duty were now two officers short, Lieutenant I^oUock having Ijeen hit in the leg by a sniper, and Lieutenant Journeay having Ijcen shell-shocked. The Boche opened up the morning of the 28th with a terrific bombardment of high-explosive shells. Nevertheless, the advance upon Nantillois commenced and that village was entered and taken about noon that day. The Company was reorganized upon the hill north of the town and then the advance continued on into the woods ahead, the Bois des Ogons, where we were met liy the stififest opjjosition that we had yet encountered, and our casualties again mounted tip in large numbers. In the advance upon Nantillois Cajitain Bostwick was shot in the arm, and Lieutenant Bagans assumed command of the Company. The attack upon the Bois des (_)gons was repulsed, as were also the two succeeding attacks; one later that afternoon and the other on the morning of the 29th. The heaviest casualties of all were suffered on the latter day, both from machine- gun and artillery tire. When we were relieved bv the 3rd Division on the after- noon of the 30th. our casualties totaled three officers and sixty-three enlisted men. The next fi\e days were consumed in sleL.'ping throughout the cku'-time and in hiking at night. Finally, on October 5th, we arrived at a camp in Marcaulieu Woods, where we stayed for five days. From there we went to the town of Thillombois, where we were billeted. At this time the ,il3th Infantry occupied the reserve position of the Troyon .Sector, the 316th Infantry having relieved the 26th Division in the front line of that sector on Octo])er Sth. ' )n October 23rd we left Thilloniliois and marched to the woods above Rccourt where three days were spent and where we received 2(S new men as replacements. We left this camp about 5 P. M. on the evening of the 26th, marched all night, and, early on the morning of the 27th, were quartered in a large dugout in the woods west of Fromereville. The evening of the 2Sth found the Company moving forward to relieve the 114th Infantry of the 29th Division, and at 1 A. M. on the 29th we arrived in the woods 2 kilometers east of Forges. After spending the early morning and greater part of the day in the Bois de Page One Sixty-eight The 515th Infanttry COMl'AXN' P. Forges, we mmed forward and relieved pari of the 114th Infantry, of the 29th Di\isio!i, tinder hea\ y artillery lire. This relief cost us seven casualties. From October 30th until Xoveniher 2nd we held a jjosition in and about a (juarry on the slope of a hill east of Consenvoye, acting as the Battalion reser\e. At 6 I'. .M. November 2nd, we moved from the reserve to the front lines, taking over the sectors held by "E" Company and one platoon of "!•"" Company. On the morning of November 4th, after sending out small reconnoitering patrols, the Second Platoon, co\ering the left of our sector and the right of the 316th Infantry, proceeded to advance but were met by such heavy IJoche machine gun tire that it suttered twenty-three casualties in advancing its lines about 75 luetres. Early on the morning of the 5th the entire Company, led by Lieutenant Arthur L. Bagans. commenced a surprise attack on the same front as the previous day, but the enemy again held us in check and we were unable to advance. The end of this day's battle found the Company without officers, Lieutenants Bagans and Shearer both having been wounded, and the Com])any having been com- manded during the greater part of the day by First Sergeant i'hilii) ( i. Melick and Sergeant Albert ^L Young. Late in the evening o( this date Lieutenant Besancon was assigned to the Comjjany and assumed command. November 6th and 7th were spent in reorganizing for a general attack. < )n the 7th, First Lieutenant John W. Snyder was assigned as company commander, and Sergeants Melick and Young were recommended for promotion to second lieutenants for gallantry in action by the battalion commander. ( )n the after- noon of No\ember 8th, we moved forward, capturing and entering the town of Etraye about 6 P. M. < )utposts were placed for the night, and on the morning of the 9th we continued our advance to the south of Damvillers. where we were met with a stiff enemy machine gun resistance from the large hills which loomed up before us. From these strongly fortified positions, the Germans inflicted hea\y losses on the Company, when it endeavored to advance on the morning and afternoon of the 10th, Lieutenant Besancon and First Serjeant Melick both 5 A Kitchen in the Field Page One Sixty-nine The 515 th lNKANTrR"v ■ — ■- ;#^^^iP5H**^^ Tuoors OF THE First Battalion Returning I'rum the Front Line After the Armistice being wounded. Despite this resistance, however, considerable advance was made during the day. On the morning of November 11th, 1918, 11 A. M. brought with it the armistice, and we dug in at the position we were then holding in accordance with Regimental orders. We spent the 12th and part of the 13th in these positions and late on the latter date moved back and were billeted in the shell torn village of Etraye. The casualties during this last offensive had amounted to three officers and forty-two men, and when we reached Etraye only 85 of the men who came over with the Company remained. On the 13th. Lieutenant Bryan Beckwith was assigned to the Company and the next day Lieutenant Snyder was transferred to the 32nd Division. Lieutenant Shepard F. Williams joined us on the 17th and on the 23rd Captain Fred H. McClintock rejoined and took command. The period at this station was devoted in the main to cleaning up and re-equipping the men, most of the equipment needed being salvaged from the territory over which the last advance of the 79th Division had been made. Drills and manoeuvers again came to the fore, and considerable time was spent in removing the battle field debris of the last great drive of the war. It was at Etraye, too, that the greatest treat which had been handed the men since coming to France was granted. This treat took the shape of furloughs, the first ones being issued on the 27th of November. We remained at Etraye until December 26th, and on that date started a hike which took us 55 kilos and landed us in the town of Erize-la-Petite after three days march. "Petite" was the proper name for that village, but it looked mighty good to us when we first saw it on December 28th, inasmuch as the last part of the hike had been accomplished in a driving rain storm and we were all soaked to the skin. With the arrival of the month of January many of our SL- I Page One Seventy The 515 th Infanttrv CO.Ml'.WY B men who had recoxered from their wounds and sickness began to rejoin the Company. Nearly every day saw one or more new arrivals, and at the end of the month 51 of our men had come hack to the organization. The military training schedule at this station was reduced considerably, the major portion of the time being given over to athletics, and furloughs became more frequent, with the rcsiUt that a large portion of the men were away at all times. On the 20th of January, First Lieutenant (lay Anderson joined the Com])any. About this time courses at French and British universities were offered to the men of the A. E. F., and First Lieutenant Shepard 1'. Williams left us to attend a university in England. Educational classes w'ere opened by the Y. M. C. .\., and shows and entertainments increased in number, all of which went to make our stay at "Erize" pass quickly, despite the fact it turned out to be (_)ur longest stay at any one station in France. Three months to the day after we arri\ed in Erize-la-Petite we started on a five day hike of 98 kilometers, arriving on April 1st at Rimaucourt. Here, billeted in wooden barracks together with the other units of the Regiment, we enjoyed a stay of three weeks in a way that was the nearest approach to old Camp Meade life that we had experienced since we left America. This stay culmi- nated in a way that made our hearts lea]) with joy when we were told that we would lea\e Rimaucourt on the 21st of April for an embarkation area. Accord- ingly at ,? A. M. on the date mentioned we entrained at Rimaucourt and two hours later pulled out on our way to the Nantes area. We arrived at Vertou and detrained at 5 i\. M. on the 2.3r(l, and, after a hike of about 4 kilometers, were billeted in the small village of I'ortillon. This area was the most beautiful and coinfortable that we had ever occupied while a part of the A. E. F., and the time there was given over entirely to the preparations necessary for embarka- tion for the United States. During our stay at Portillon, First Lieutenant Harvey (irifiith and Second Lieutenant Theodore E. Templeton were assigned to the Comjjany and First Lieutenant Clay Anderson was transferred to the 2nd Di- vision. In addition. Second Lieutenants John J. Conahan and Bryan Beckwith were promoted to First Lieutenants, and the latter received his D. S. C. for gallantry in action while a member of the ,^Oth Di\ision. ( )n May 12th, all preparations having been completed, we left Vertou by train at 10 A. M. for St. Nazaire and arrived there at 2 P. M. Once there we were marched to the embarkation camp, given the final cleaning-up, had our papers looked over and checked u]), and on the evening of the 16th, at 8:45 P. M., we filed up the old gang-plank again, this time to board the U. S. S. Santa Kosa. Early the next morning we sailed from the shores of France en route for the good old U. S. A. and home. On May 30th, we landed at Philadelphia, entrained at the dock for Camp Dix and arrived there about 3 P. M. the same day. Demoliilization proceeded ra])idlv, and, on June 9th, Company "R"' closed its career as a military organization. SOCIAL EVENTS The first social event of the Company was a Hallowe'en party, which was given Octoher 31st. 1917. at our barracks in Camp Meade. Being tlie lirst affair of this na- ture tliey had enjoyed since leaving civil life, tlic men went to it with a zest that spelled success from the start. The barracks were decorated fittingly for the occasion, and the party was attended by both officers and men, everything being informal and all the Page One Sevent.v-one The 315 th Infanttrv I — .►- @ COMPANY B entertainment purelj- impromptu. The outstanding feature was the mimicry of "Cook}'" as a Captain, and who will forget the laughter he provoked when he put his squad through the school of a soldier? Altogether it was a most enjoyable evening and the refreshments at the end were not the least feature of the occasion. On December 15th, 1917. a dance was given by the men of the company in the barracks. The building had been beautifully decorated and the music for the evening was furnished by a number of the boys who banded together for the occasion. Their work was of the liighest order and. as is always the case in such affairs, much of the success of the dance was due to their efforts. The orchestra included Blankensee, Hardy, Fox. Mann, and several others. All the officers of the Company attended as well as the battalion commander, and the dance was made a complete success by the attendance of the mothers, wives, sweethearts and friends of the men, a treat rarely offered in camp life. On June 28th. 1918, a farewell party was given in the mess hall at Camp Meade. This was attended by all the members of the Company, including the officers. The dinner was sumptuous, the culinary department having really outdone itself, and tlie boys went to it with a vengeance. Following the dinner, a silver cigarette case was presented to Captain Fred H. McClintock, who was the guest of honor and at that time in command of "F" Company, by the members of the Company in remembrance and appreciation of their associations with him. The gift was presented by Captain John v. Bostwick and after Captain McClintock had made a short speech of acceptance the evening was given over to informal entertainment. Corporal Edward A. Davies, the well known Philadelphia singer and then a memlier of the Company, aided the entertain- ment with several selections. This was our last social affair in the United States. After our arrival in France, more serious business was on hand, and no social ac- tivities of any sort took place until we arrived at Rrize-la-Petite. Here, on March 21st, 1919, in conjunction with Company "A," which was billeted with us at this station, a dinner and dance were given. The decorations were most beautifully arranged by the men and were commented upon by all the guests as they arrived at the building. The dinner was the best that we had had since leaving the "States" and was enjoyed by both men and guests, the latter comprising practically all the Y. M. C. A. girls of the Division. The Colonel and other officers of the Regiment were present, and after the dinner the Colonel congratulated us on the splendid work of the Company in action and also on the success of the dinner. Dancing came next, and the success of this was due almost entirely to the music furnished by the band of the 316th Infantry, which kindly offered its services for the occasion, inasmuch as our Regimental band happened to be engaged elsewhere. The dancing lasted until midnight and it was the con- census of opinion in the Company that the most enjoyable evening of our stay in France had been completed. ATHLETICS From its very origin. "B" Company took an active part in all athletics. Tlie first sport which claimed our attention was football, and a team was quickly organized which turned out to lie one of the best in the Regiment. "L" and "D" Companies also claimed to have the top-notch teams, and of these, "D" Company beat us 14 to 0. and we won from "L" Company, 6 to 0. It is a lamentable fact that "L" and "D" did not meet on the gridiron, for, as can readily be seen, that game would have determined to whom the football honors should have fallen. When the Regimental football team was formed this company was represented thereon by Corporal .Albert M. Young and Private Joseph Jacobs, who played the center and fullback positions, respectively. At the close of the football season, and even before it had come to a close, basket- ball had come into prominence, and it was in this latter sport that the Company es- pecially excelled, lioasting of the liest team in the Regiment. In all of our inter-com- pany games we were never defeated. "C" Company for a time held the same record, but when they met us they went down to defeat by a 14 to 10 score. The personnel of the Company "B" team follows: First Lieutenant Fred H. McClintock Corporal Albert M. Young Bugler Henry Jacoljy Second Lieutenant Russell M. Willard Corporal Simon A. Rhoades Sulistitntes — Corporal Philip Blankensee. When the Regimental teams were organized, the Company had a total of six rep- resentatives on them. Lieutenants McClintock and \\'illard played the two forward Right Forward Left Forward Center Right Guard Left Guard Private Benjamin ISIarsball Page One Seventy-twe The 515 th Infant^ry COM i 'AW P. A Group OF Company "B" Men in Erize-la-Petite positions on the 315th Infantry officers' team, which, after winning in its own league, was hcaten out for the Divisional chamjiionslii]) in the Final game of the season by the 311th Field Artillery. _ The champion 315th Infantry enlisted men's team was captained by CorjMiral Al- bert M. Young, of "R" Company, while Corporal Simon A. Rhodes playeil the right guard position and Bugler Henry Jacoljy substituted in several contests. Private Ollie .•\ckroyd also played a prominent part in the success of this team mitil disabled by a badly wrenched knee. The final game of the season made this team the undisputed 1917-18 champions of the Division, when it administered a severe trouncing to the 311th Field Artillery enlisted men's team. The games of the basketball season of 1918-19 were played in France. The Re.gi- niental team, composed of both officers and enlisted men. contained two representatives from "B" Company. Captain Fred H. McClintock played the left forward position and P'irst Sergeant .Albert M. Young alternated between forward and guard position. This team again won the Divisional championship and represented the Division in the 9th Corps championship contests played in Gondreconrt and Toul. Both of the above players were awarded the Divisional Chamiiionship medal for the prominent part played in liringing the championship to the 315th Infantry Regimental team. The spring of 1918 ushered in the great national sport at Camp Meade. By the middle of .-Xjiril every ccmi)any in the Regiment had a baseball team, and the inter- company series had started for the championship of the Regiment. Our career was more than successful throughout the season, and, in the end. "B" Company became runner-up for the Regimental championship, losing the linal game of the league season to "I." Comiiany by the score of 8 to 1. The following is the line-up of the Company "B" team: Ser,geant Frank J. O'Neill, First Base. Corporal Clifford Xolan, Second Base. Corporal Herbert B. Brown. Third Base. Corporal James Pierce. Shortstoj). Corporal .\le.\ander Bailie. Left Field. Bugler Henry Jacoby, Center Field. Corporal James Drum.goll, Right Field. Corjjoral Geor.ge Parkin. Catcher. Corporal .Albert M. Young. Pitcher. Corporal lohn .Mayer, Pitcher. Substitutes — Corporals James Quinn. Jesse Hudson, John Carson. On the 315th Regimental team, which was later organized. Corporal .\lbert M. Young was the only representative from the Company, occupying the right field position. While bo.xing was in vogue at Camp Meade, ([uitc a numlier of the men in the Company took a try at their skill in the ring, including "Eddie" Cavanaugh. "Jerry" McGarry. "Bill" Reim. and "Bill" Benz. r)f these. Cavanaugh was the unly one who did any boxing while in the -\. F. F.. and while there he made a life-lon.g reputation for himself. He made the Divisional boxing team, and in his bouts on that team never lost a decision. Likewise, his reputation remained the same throughout his many battles in Paris a.gainst clever Italian and French fighters. S I I s Page One Seventy-three The 515th Infant:^ry @ U Z; < U-i « D u 3 w (^ o o H OS o Pi H <: m >< Is < Oh o U Page One Seventy-four 1 fHE 515th Infant try ^1 Roster of Company B September 1, 1918 CAPTAIN John v. Bostwiek @ FIRST LlEt TENANTS SECOND LIEUTENANTS Arthur '.. Bagans John J. Cona lan Edward L. Journeay Lester C. Sh LMirer Kenjuuiiu 11. rolhu-b FIHST SERGEANT MESS SEKGKANT SUPPLY SERGEANT Jesse B. Hudson Frank J. (J'Neill SEUGEANTS Louis M. Baumann llnward L. Baiiibridge Joseph Fitzgerald Jacob J. Mann Herbert B. Brown Harry V. Leinone John J . Murphy EiiKeiie M. Buckley <'harles H. Lynn Charles Ki-inliardi Williara J. Clair Thomas McCreery David COUFOItALS I. Sciind'iii Alexander Biiiley James Dnimgool, Jr. .lolm G. Monrose James P. Quinn iCeitjiimiii Blair Leroy B. Hinton Harry W. Mott Ellwood Spicer Niiriiian Bowers Itonald n. MeCanghey Francis C. Nolan Edward Welsh CforKf- E. Brown Harry J. MctJarry George I'arkiu Albert M. Young Edward A. Davii'S Jolin Maver James F. I'ien-e Louis C. Zeigert Tli'inias Idoksoii Philip g'. Mi-lick Henry E. V . Irilchard COOKS .>h:chanics BUGLER Joseph F. Lombnrdu Andrew Itcver Henry J. Jacoby Edward V. Neville Harry W. Til.bens William Reim Louis Welde PRIVATES. FIRST CLASS Frank Bolirer Joseph Edgar I'hilip A. McManns Joseph IT. Smith Joseph H. Bovd William T. Forrestall John H. Martin Charles I>. Stinson Frederiek Buckwald Thomas A. Green Fn-tierick Paul Howard G. Tansley John Carson Michael J. Jozwiak Albert E. Ptlieger Jiilin Veight Thomas F. Cassedy William J. Killian iHIo J. Rummler Raymond M. Walker Mieha.'l M. Colinski Tlieodore S. Lauer George W. Ku1h*dge George W. Weber William .1. Davis Walter M. Leggett Henry J. Scbrader Frederick P. Wellein Sarkis IHvidiaii PRIVATES Joseph F. Weney Anthony Acrnsa Harry Eichenberger Lucian Kuleszewicz Albert Raickle Arthur E. Alker Harry Ketterman Morris Langer Samuel Ualsfoti Kaiiich- Aiitltoniasi Charles T. Feyhl James Larmotir Byron A. Rath Joseph Ba^'dasarian Angelo Filippi John .1. Lawlor Joseph T. Reill 1 ■ I.awrenre F. liarrett Harry A, Firstenbcrg J<)hn W. Lawrence Frank Ricliardson | ■ Blaiiu* Barshiii;;fr William V. Foley Warren M. Leeser Sid[i4-v D. Richmond Cliarles J. Batzcl Harry F. Ford Harrison Lever Walter N. Riley Moyil C. Baut;liniann Joames 1". Friel Daniel Lichtenstein Albert Robertson Howard BerKoiann Giovanni Giiliiietti John A. Lippi Joseph F. Rooney Emanuel Bernheimer Samuel Garmisa Clarence A. Littlefield William Roza Jacob Bernstein Peter Garofalo Louis LohmuUer Ralph Santer Oeorce E. Beueliler Raffaele Genitempo James C. Lonabaugh <"arlo Scaglio William L. Biehn Frank Gentile Allen J. Loomis Earl W. Schappell Jacob Birnbauni Samuel George James J. McClay Fred H. Scliiech John G. Boss Robert F. Giere William McLauglilin William II. Schubert Frank W. Bowers George J. Gillespie Samuel L. McMichael WMlliam J. Scott I'atriek D. Boyle Hyman Goldstein James W. McNamee Sanii Serve Harry A. Braun David GoUmer Joseph M. M«-Namee Louis J. Shea John A. Brennan John E. Hampton Sylvester Ma-nire Charles H, Shide Frank P. Bn*[inaii Harry Hantman \inietily >Lirkarewie7, John B. Simonton Arthur AL Brion Joames Harding Antonin Manginelli Albert I. Simon Miehael E. Campbell Charles H. Harley William Mark Bert Smith Edward J. Cavanangh Joseph W. B. Harris Victor Markusky Alexander Sokolove Geort'e J. C.-nsky Grover C. Harrison Joseph A. Meyers William Somieborn Georpe E. Cliambers Joseph Harsch Leo J. Michael Raffaele Spiotta Martin Chudzik George A. Harvey William P. Milter Harry Spoerl William T. Crawford William L. Hascher E<iward A. Moran Ceslnw Stepulkowski James Crehan "William W. Hermann Leroy Morrison Graham Stevenson Harry R. Dahl Arlam Hoffmayer George Moss Fred. Tick E. Tanzer Ciriaco D'Aupelo Andrew Hovanak John V. Neville Harrv L. Thomulka Oscar P. Davis Harry Hurst John J. Norito Joseph Tinnins Joseph DeDomeniei Thomas Linnuzzi Francis J. O'Connor Rosario Valerio Antonio Del Sordo Frank lavagnilio Joseph E. O'Longhlin Martin Vandlne William E. Devine Edward Johnson Alferd Olsen Julius Vasaris John Doettlinp James A. Kelly Meyer Padolsky John M. Wallace Fred J. Dorfus Arthur Klein Harry Paiskowitz Thorvald C. Wandet Samuel Doris Hermann T. Knufman Emil Pandolfini Michael Was I'eter F. Draugel Grover C. Kook Jolm Posavage Edward Weidman James A. Duff Stanley S. Kopistecki Harry C. Preine Thomas A. Welsh ■Walter Durieu Jonathan Kramer Stanley pncis John Wittkn Fred A. Eberle Oscar A. Kunle Harry J. Qninn Frank K. Worthington Jacob Ehrlich Joined as RepIacements^October 26, 1918 PRIVATES John Zack John W. Baker John J. Dalton John Mullins Sam Silvestrl Harry N. Rartsch Vincento Deraspo Mi.-hels Netti Norman J. Stevenson Edward Bortzenhart Virgil G. Ferguson Harvey Nobles Roy E. Stidham Georjie W. Brensinger William Hawk Wade H. Powers James Sword Giovanni Caddncci Floyd r. Hawthorne Samuel S. Reed Anthony J. Wiesen Franeesco Ceraolo Ole n. Kreger Creed M. Robinett Marshall Willingham Sebastiano Cosentino Jacob Levindefski George W. Roupp Fred Yost [ I'ajre Oue Seventy-five . . -i The 515 th Inkant^ry 1 — i^ @ COMPANY C Conipaii)' "C," of the vMSth Infantry, was organized September 17, 1917, with the following officers in charge : Captain Charles H. Tilghman, First Lieutenant Charles Hyde, Jr., and Second Lieutenants Ross E. Stickle, Francis A. Chidsey, Norris S. Barratt, Jr., and George S. Barker. The first assignment of recruits ar- rived on September 21, 1917, and thereafter many others were initiated into army life as members of Company "C." By the end of September the Company was well organized and acting non-commissioned officers were appointed to assist in carry- ing out the training schedule. We drilled, hiked, dug trenches, performed guard duty, spent several days on the rifle range, listened to innumerable lectures and studied our L D. R., along with the other companies of the Regiment. This rou- tine work continued throughout the winter and the following spring. During the foregoing period. Lieutenants Hyde, Chidsey and Barratt were transferred to other companies, and we received in their places First Lieutenants Robert P. Meily, Conrad F. Nagel, Jr., and Edward Maguire. The latter, however, served with Company "C" but a few weeks and was then assigned to Headquarters Com- pany. But training alone did not occupy all our time. Many a sociable gathering was held in our recreation hall in Barracks S-23, and it was not an uncommon thing for the relatives and friends of members of the Company to spend Sunday afternoons there, enjoying dancing and refreshments with the boys. Month after month passed in training with no indications of a change, and officers and men became restive as the idea began to prevail that the 79th Division would not see foreign service. In June, 191H, however, things changed for the better and everything pointed to an early departure for Europe. With the knowl- edge that there were but a few more days to be spent at Camp Meade, we arranged for a farewell dinner, which was held on the evening of July 4th, 1918, and was attended by the wives, mothers, sweethearts and friends of the men. The dinner was a decided success and became a thing of precious memorv during tlie dark days in France. How we left Camp Meade on July 7th, 1918, embarked at Hoboken, arrived at Brest and finally reached our training area in France is an experience common to all companies of the 315th Infantry and is described in the Regimental History. Page One Seventy-six The 515 th Infantry COMPANY C III iIk- traiiiint; area, "C" Company, l()<;ether with Companies "A" and "Ij." was billeted in the little villajje of Coureelles. Ue])artnient of llaute Marne. Our intensive training then began, and from early morning until late afternoon, we drilled, hiked, manoeuvered, and engaged in rifle practice, bayonet work and gas instruction in ])reparation for our work at the front. This we soon expected to see, but ne\ertheless it was a surprise when, after taps had been sounded on Sejiteniber 7th. the orders were received to prepare for an early departure the following morning. \\"e left Coureelles at 6:30 A. M., September Sth. marched to \'aux. where we entr.iincd, and reached i\evigny late that night. It was about midnight when we detrained, and with a heavy rain pouring down upon us we started on a grueling march to Piazincourt. our destination. The march was a successful test of the stamina and grit of ilu' nu-n. for we hiked all lli.it night and continued until 5 P. M. the following day, with only a brief rest at Tremont where coffee and hard lack were served by our kitchen. Needless to sa\-. "C" Com])any passed th:- test with flving colors. While the Company remained at P'azincourt. our advance jiartv went for- ward to reconnoiter the sector o\ trenches we were to occu])v. On .^e]ilemhrr 12lli we left Bazintourt and, after a short march, entrained in a French camion train for the front. Some time after daybreak we reached the \icinitv of Dom- basle where we left the trucks and footed it to Camp Pierre. For two davs we lingered there and on the night of SejUember 14-1. \ we quietly marched to. and took over the Coijinard trenches in Sector 304. The unit we relieved was ])arl of the 333rd French infantrw We felt it quite an honor that we were the first com])any in our Battalion to occu])y a front line position. These trenches we held for lliree days, daring which ]nriod there was little acti\'itv. I lowe\er, false gas alarms were plentifid and none of us probably will ever forget the sensation of that first gas alarm. L'|) to this tim- our cooks had not arrived, and a volunteer force, consisting of Corporals Lerch and I.edninn and Private KautTman. siip])lied the hungry boys with chow. After "stand-to" on the night of the 18th, we were interrupted in the prep- arations for relief by an annoying and persistent eneniv aviator who, after drop- ping a few bombs in our midst, most ungraciously refused to de])art. lie kejit us in nervous tension Ijy flying over us for what seemed like an eternitv. I b>w- evcr, even an air raid could not last forever, and dawn found us settled in the reserve ])ositions at Bois de Hesse. On September 20th, at 9 P. M.. we forsook these positions, in order to act in sujiport of ".\" Company, which held the out- posts. This movement was successfully accomplished in spite of a harrassing enemy artillery fire. ( >n Sunday, the 22nd, at 5 A. M.. the enemv threw over a sweeping barrage of high e\iilosi\e and gas shells, encircling our positions, and it looked as though an attack were imjjending. Every man waited in ex])ectancy, anxious to come to grips witii the Boche. It so turned out that the enemv raid occurretl to the left of our ])osition, but the manner in which the Companv stood the test elicited very favorable comment from Major Patterson, battalion com- mander, and confirmed the faith the officers and men had in each other. At 3 .\. M., September 24th. the Company was relieved from treiicii duty, and. although subjected to an intense artillery fire, succeeded through th? skillful guidance of Captain Tilghman in reaching Normandv Woods without casualties. \\ bile there we were e([uipped for an offensive, and large wire cutters, grenades Iq Page One Sevpiity-seven r The 515 th iNFAisnrRY COMPANY C Ln.MPANV L AT LAMP MeADF. and additional ammunition were issued to the Company. About 8 P. M., Sep- tember 25th, we left these woods, and, after a tiresome and strenuous march through trenches, reached the point from which we were to go over the top. Throughout the night a furious y\llied artillery fire was kept up on the Cerman lines, and at 2:30 A. M. every gun went into action. At 6:30 A. M. the order came, and we scrambled "over the top" as part of a supporting wave to the 314th Infantry. We formed a line of combat groups; the First Platoon, under com- mand of Lieutenant Nagel, on the right ; the Second Platoon led by Sergeant Cox, on the left, the former supported by the Third Platoon, under Lieutenant Besan- con, and the latter by the Fourth, under Lieutenant Welsh. We passed through a smoke screen and reached the top of a hill, from where we could see the net- work of German trenches. The enemy was it: full retreat, although keeping up a strong rear guard action with machine guns and snipers. It was here that we met the first opposition, and our advance was momentarily held up by the 314th Infantry which had stopped ahead of us. When the advance was resumed, we crossed the valley until we reached another line of trenches where we were again met by heavy machine-gun fire. The First Platoon began mopping up, and the Second Platoon succeeded in locating a troublesome nest. Here we sufi^ered our first casualty, when Sergeant Ambacher was wounded in the shoulder. By this time the Company was in the front of the fighting. The First and Third Platoons continued on through the trenches, meeting severe resistance which could not be overcome by a frontal attack. The Second and Fourth Platoons moved on towards the left, thereby flanking the enemy positions. Two squads from the Second were sent into the woods to clean out snipers and ma- chine gunners who were harrassing us from the left flank. The fighting became bitter, but when the First Platoon employed rifle grenades and the Second T^latoon German hand grenades, which had been captured, we made it too hot for the Germans to hokl out any longer. As a consequence we saw a white flag being ii l*age One Seveiity-eij^lit The 515th Infanttry COMPANY C waved, and 42 (if the enemy came out of tlie trenches and surrendered to the Second Platoon. In the meantime, the two squads sent to clean u]) the woods were busy locating a battery of 77's, one gun of which was still in action. They opened up a heavy rifle fire, and, aided by the rest of the Company, captured the battery, killing some of the crew and putting to flight the remainder. It was here that Corporal Corrado captured a German runner who had valuable maps and papers in his possession, but was himself wounded while searching the prisoner. It was now getting on towards dusk, and orders were received to establish a de- fensive line for the night. Meanwhile the First Platoon had advanced a con- siderable distance ahead of the rest of the Battalion, mopping up trenches as it went along. This good work was interrupted, when it was ordered to rejoin the Companv in a system of German trenches about a kilometer and a half north of Malancourt. The next d;i\- the advance was continued with but little resistance being offered by "Jerry." Late in the afternoon our forward movement was abruptly halted when the cry arose, "(Germans advancing on the left." The Company was quickly ])laced in position in a field east of Montfaucon. but no ( lermans came, and again we dug in for the night. We started off early the next morning with the Lierman artillery doing its utmost to locate our advancing line. ( )\er hill and through valley we went until we were stopped by a vigorous rearguard action at the cross-roads near Nantillois. A strong coiubat patrol was sent out from the Fourth Platoon, which quieted those ever troublesome machine guns. We passed on the left of Nantillois and advanced rapidly until we came face to face with the forbidding Bois des Ogons. With the assistance of French tanks we attempted to force our way through the German stronghold, but this time we encoinitered unexpected difliculties which hindered the execution of our plans. The tanks were compelled to leave undone the task they had assumed, and soon we found that we were in a veritable inferno. Machine gim bullets whizzed jiast us in countless numbers and a savage artillery @ CoMTANY "C" Passes in the riAi.TiMdKK Parade Page Ont' Scvenly-nino @ The 515th Infanttry COMPANY C A Company "C" Dame fire fell on us from both flanks, threatening to annihilate the entire Company. So intense was this fire that it was erroneously believed that our own guns were firing on us, and the signal was given to our artillery that their fire was falling short. In the meantime the Company was withdrawn for a few hundred yards to a hill nearby. Again our efforts to capture the woods were repeated and a strong jiatrol from the First and Second Platoons was ordered to move forward, and, if possible, locate and silence the machine-gun nests which barred our way. The patrol stiffered heavily without being able to accomplish its mission, and oncoming night prevented a re])etition of the attempt. -Vs night fell, the Company was ordered to establish a line of defense against a threatened counter-attack. We dtig in for the night, but had hardly established iiur lines when a deluge of shells fell on the hill which we held. It began to rain, and with the moaning of the wounded, the crash of shells, the alarm of gas, and the heart-rending cries for first aid, the men passed a ne\er to be forgotten night. In the morning we learned that in addition to manv other casualties our Captain, Charles H. Tilghman, had been seriously wounded. Under the comni.ind of Lieutenant Nagel, the Comjjany was assembled at day-break and advanced over the hill, where, in conjunction with other com- panies, it established a new line and awaited orders. We were next ordered to retire to the reserve, and there we remained until the following morning. It was in this reserve position near Nantillois that our kitchens were able to supply us with food for the first time since the beginning of the battle. "Jerrv" did not jiermit them to remain near the front very long, however, and we had hardlv finished our first meal when a fusilade of shells drove the kitchens to the rear. Late that afternoon, the 3rd Di\ision relieved the 79th, anrl we joined the assembled Regi- Pago One Eighty The 515 th Infanttry ^1 — I C( ).MI'AXY C iiK'iit near Malaiicdiirt. where we rested until tlie next nl(lrnin!,^ < )etolier 1. 191S. With the risiiij^ of the sun we resumed our march and ])roceeded to our old reserve line in Sector 304. Forty-eight hours later our weary limbs were again called into action, and we began the most trying hike of our army career. It lasted three days, and we passed through Normandy Woods, ."-^enoncourt and Recourt, until, late in the afternoon of the 5th, we halted at Marcaulieu Woods. The camjj was hardly ideal, and ti\e days later we moved to Tliillombois. It was here that a large number of men w-ere evacuated to the hospital, amongst whom was our First Sergeant, Hugh MacDonald, w-ho shortly afterw-ard succumbed to his illness. On October 20th, we moved to Levigneville, a reserve position in the Troyon Sector. It was the most comfortable spot that we had, until that time, been billeted in, and had been but recently vacated by the Germans. We were relieved on October 23lh, with orders to rejoin the Regiment at Pontoux Farm, where Sergeants Fagan and W'inkler. who had previously left to secure replacements, rejoined us with 32 new men. ( )n ( )ctober 27th and 28th, we rested in woods near Fromere\ille from which ])osition we marched to the Bois de Forges, arriv- ing there at 1 .\. M., (October 29th. The next night under heavy shelling we crossed the Meuse River, passed Brabant and relieved some of the depleted companies of the 114th Infantry, 29th Division, in the Grande Montague Sector. Here the German and American lines w-ere at some places not 50 yards apart, and it was necessary that every man be on the alert. Under the circumstances the r.itioning of the men was one of the most difficult problems the Company had to contend with, as it was only during the night that food could be gotten to the shell-holes which constituted our lines. We held these outpost jiositions until the evening of November 1st, when w'e moved about 200 yards to the rear and acted in support of "A" Company on the hill above Molleville Farm. On Novem- ber 3rd, we went into reserve and daily details had be be sent about one-half mile to the rear to procure rations, a task which was a most dif^cult and trying one. On November 4th, orders were received to prepare for an attack, and Com- pany "C took its designated position, which was 300 yards abo\e Molleville Farm. The line of advance was to the northeast. .An exjiected barrage by ar- tillery, machine gtms, and trench mortars did not materialize, but nevertheless the attack was made. It had not progressed very far when it was evident that our left flank was exposed to unmerciful enemy machine gun fire, and the battle developed into real Indian warfare. Part of the Company, under the leadership of Sergeants Recktenwald and Turner, maintained the position held, while the major portion of the Company, under command of Lieutenant Welsh, sought to establish communication with "'B" Company. When communication had been established with "B" Company, and later with "A" Company, Lieutenant Welsh attempted to press forward, but the resistance oiTered was of such a fierce nature that with the few men available the plan was impossible of execution. ".\" and "C" Companies were then reorganized as one unit and two more costly eft'orts were made to push the line forward, b'inally, when it was seen that the German positions were too strong to be overcome un;iided, word was received to dig in and hold the positions from which attack had first been made. That night the Com- pany, with the exce])tion of the Platoon led by Sergeants Turner and Reckten- wald, was relieved bv a company of the Second Battalion and returned to the II @ ■H- ■ Pajje One Eighty-one The 315 th iNFANnrnY COMPANY C A View of "Death Valley" Showing Molleville Farm at the Lekt and Regimental P. C. AT THE Upper Right Hand Corner of the Picture. Note Shell Pocked Ground Be- tween Molleville Farm and Regimental P. C. reserve position. Through lack of communication, the aforementioned platoon did not receive the order to retire, and for 27 hours battled desperately with the foe. who had almost surrounded them. At last the men of the "lost platoon" succeeded in extricating themselves from their perilous jiosition and rejoined the Company in reserve at Consenvoye Woods. The next morning we moved into the support jiosition, and there again, numerous casualties resulted when the Germans sent over a barrage of high explosive and gas shells. On November 8th, the Company joined in the regimental advance on Etraye in which no opposi- tion was met. At nightfall we dug in on one of the hills near the village, and established outposts. No chance was given the enemy to rest, and, on November 9th. Company "C," with other units of the Regiment, surged forward, passed the Damvillers and Wavrille road, overcame all resistance and established a new line at a railroad embankment running [larallel with the German positions on Cote du Chateau, Cote d'Orne and Cote de Morimont. Here, however, the German resistance stiffened and no further ground was taken that da_\'. < )n November 10th. a tre- mendous efifort was made to capture the enemy positions on the hills. The tide of battle went to and fro: twice the stream was crossed, men wading through water up to their shoulders, and both limes thev were forced to retire. At two o'clock in the afternoon the direction of our attack was changed, and we moved by the right flank, once more crossed the river and beat our way to the base of Hill 366, where we dug in and held fast. Pjiffe One Eigbtj'-two- The 515 th I TV^ COMPANY C Before dawn, however, the ^\5^h Infaiilrv was on the move again and "C" Comj)any marched to (iiherey, some tliree kilometers to tiie southeast. At seven o'clock in the morning, the Regiment once more went into action, and it fell to "C" Company's lot to take up position at the base of Hill 323. We reached there only to find that another company had taken over the sector assigned to us. It then became necessary to get to the right of the hill, and to accomplish this we were forced to double time across an open field in full view and range of the ( lerman machine-gunners. J'iinnors of an armistice now began to spread through the lines, hut, judging b\' the amount of shells being exchanged, it seemed unbe- lie\al)le. Imagine then what joy was felt when at eleven o'clock firing ceased and white flags were waved all along the Cierman lines — the "Armistice" had come and with it victory and peace for the Allied forces ! ( )n Xo\ember 13th. the Company was ordered to Etra\e to take up its resi- dence in the ruins of l->ench houses and wooden German shacks. Here Captain Frank S. Crawford became our commanding officer and Second Lieutenant John W. (iraham was also assigned to duty with us. Every one began to think of going home and, while so doing, spent both Thanksgiving and Christmas in this village. Neither of these holidays will be forgotten ; the former for the excellent entertainment provided by the Second Battalion, and the latter for the best dinner provided for us since our arrival in France. Finally, on December 26th, we began our march to the sea, and the hikes we made, the difflculties we overcame, led us to believe that it compared favor- ably with Sherman's famous march. From luraye we went to Chaumont-Sur- Aire, where we arrived on December 28th. At Chaumont-Sur-Aire. Captain Tilghman rejoined the Com])any as commanding officer, and Lieutenant Shira was assignetl for duty and remained with us for two months. It was here that the idea of perpetuating our friendship took root. Plans were formed for some sort of organization, and. at the suggestion of Lieutenant Welsh, the Company began work on a record book, which would keej) fresh in our minds the wonderful experiences and the part we ])layed in the World War. Time ]jassed slowly, and it appeared as if we would never reach that sea. On March 2Sth, we resinned our wanderings through France, and the roads we took brought us to Rimaucourt. Here we enjoyed the hosj^itality of the Red Cross and the Y. M. C. A., both of which helped greatly in making life less monotonous. Spring arrived, and if we ever had the moving fever, we had it then. A great sigh of relief was breathed, when, on the 21st of April, we entrained for LeChene. a (|uaint and pretty village which we entered on the 23rd. Our French friends proved \ery hospitable, and. in order to forget the lioring inspections. "D" and '"C" Companies comljined their efforts in an excursion to Nantes down the .Sevre Ri\er. The last leg of our journey to the ocean was completed on May 12th. when a four hour trip by railroad brought us to Saint Nazaire. the i)ort of embarkation. ^\'e boarded the good shi]) Santa Rosa on the night of the 16th, and cleared port at 5 o'clock the next morning. After thirteen long da\s. most of which were stormy, we reached Philadelphia, had a short talk with our loved ones at the pier, and immediately entrained for Camp Dix. < )nce there demobilization proceeded rajiidly, and on June 9, 1919, the last member of "C" Company was mustered out of the service. Page One EigUt.v-tliree iJ The 515 th Infant:^ry 2 o X u hJ u o u Page One Eighty-four ' I ■* X1/^ T ,_-i _ T 1 1] KE OlOTH InfVVN I'R^ r n Roster of Company C @ September 1, 1918 CAPTAIN- Cliarles H. TilKliiiiun KIUST LIErTKXAXTS " SKCOM) I. IK CTKNANTS U..h.Tf I . Mt?ily George S. Barker (•(.11 rati I ". NaKel .\ustiii E. Besancon Slnnley E. Welsh FIRST SKHGEAXT srrrr-T seugraxt MESS SERGKANI* James Cox Maximiliiin W. A. HoU SEKGEAXTS William R. Thomas George J. Ainh:u-her .■■isi-pli A. Conway lluj-li I>. Mcnonulil George R. Thoinpsfm Jesse J. Euok Knbcrl <;iin)ti«-i' Kuuis ()erlcin:in» John R. Trumbauer Francis S. Carey ^aiiiiH'l If. I.oveiistfin John J. HfiKl coiirORAi-s William J. Turner David P. Atidersdii William Fr<-.v Robert 1>. I.erih Charles W. Rifhardsoii Josi'ph P. H(>rj;maier Harry Friel Samuel Lowey John E. Scott Jcilin T. rainbiirn Clayton W. Groff John J. M.'Knroe Charles W. Settle Philip Corrado Andrew W. Ilauli.rt Edwin K. iMiQuny James C. Spurry (foorgp Dnnig Harry Herbst Edward F. Maher Joseph H. Tintiey Joseph R. Davidson Geor^je Horn Charles A. Morrissey Cornelius C .Walter Ku^e[ie N. Fagiin Walter C. Hunn Josei)h II. .Mnlvey Ralph C. Williams Joseph J. Feele.v I.elon E. I.ediiuni Franiis 1>. O'.Mullin Emil P. Winkler COOKS MECHANICS PIGLER Charles P. Pn It Edward Fleisch Isaac Ivevitch Edward J. I>iain<md John II. FreiliiiK George I.ipjilnr itt William J. FreilinK rtavid H. Uirki r S.donion C. Wraight rUIVATES. FIRST CLASS Marry J. Kn.k John H. (ialu|i Edward E. O'Neill <;eorge A. Wolfe Frank II. lUak John C. Ganit I.ouis A. Reilieke rmVATES Charles E. Wrigley Harry Almes \'ii-t'>r J. Itonohiie Edward J. Ma<-kenzie William M. Sellman Antonio AUeri Ual|ili I). IMuidore 1 asipiale Maeeoni John Sicura Kdward L. Archer Ad.dpli C. llnnkel Ray H. Mali.k Godfrey Siegrist Frank J. Arick Steve Dzeniak James S. Mallns Harry F. Simon Uichard Arlliur Thomas Eei-les Harry C. Mamlell Charh's H. Sixtus St.-phfii C. Pair William L. Elis'-n Joel Manheinier Edward A. Smith that the war had at last ended. Lieutenant Gallagher was at this time recom- mended for promotion, and received his captaincy on December Sib. .^hortlv thereafter. Lieutenant Barker was assigned to "D" Companv. We dro])])ed back to Etraye after two da\s of outpost dutv, and there we made ourselves coniparatively comfortable in "made in Crermanv" barracks. -\t Etraye we celebratetl Thanksgi\ing and Christmas and finally left on l)eceml)er 26th. Thence we marched to Chaumont-sur-Aire, where we remained for three months. While we were in this latter area, many of the men took ad\antage of the seven day leave, and to the less fortunate ones Bar-le-Uuc was a scene of the week-end pass. .Athletics occupied our spare moments here — Sergeant Evans (Danny) represented the Company on the Divisional basketball team and Cor- ])oral Dicky Watts wore the numerals "79" on his football togs, (iold bricking was brought to a fine science at this ])lace, and many of our N. C. O.'s blushed when they accepted their beaucoup francs on pay day. .A five day hike, starting IVLirch 28th, 1919, brought us to Rimaucourt on -April 1st, and this trip marked the real beginning of our homeward journey. From there we moved to the village of Le Chene, near Nantes, on April 21st. Three brief but happy weeks were spent in the valley of the Loire, and on May 12th the Company was once more on the move, this time to the embarkation center at Saint Nazaire. Then followed in rapid succession the boarding of the U. S. transport Santa Rosa on May 16th. the arrival in Philadelphia on May 30tli, and the final demobilization of the Companv on June 9th, 1919. 5 Page Oue Nincty-ono The 315 th iNFANnrRY Conipany "D" in France Billets — rii|) 'i\-ms — and SiiclMioles. Station Arrived Brest July IS. 1918 Camp rontanezen July IS, 1918 F.snoms July 24, 1918 Bazincourt .'^cptcuiher 9, 1918 C'ani]) Brocourt Scptcniher 13. 1918 Trenches Sector 304 September 15, 191S \ormandy Woods .Sejitember 24. 1918 Over the Top — Montfaucon September 26, 1918 Bizerte Woods October 1. 1918 Xorniandy Woods October ,\ 1918 Foret dc Souilly October 4, 1918 Recourt October 4, 1918 Marcaulicu Woods October 5, 1918 Thillonibois (Jctobcr 11, 1918 Troyon October 21, 1918 Thillombois (Jctober 22, 1918 I'DUtoux l''arni October 23, 1918 l-'romereville Woods October 27, 1918 Forges Woods October 29, 1918 In Action North of Molleville b'arm. . ( ktober 30, 1918 Reg. Reserve, Bois de Consenvoye. .. Xm ember 5,1918 Reg. Support, Bois de Consenvoye ... November 6,1918 -Mopped Up Bois de Etraye November 8, 1918 Occupied Etraye November 8, 1918 In Action Against Hill 356 .Xovember 9, 1918 Out-Post Duty Northeast of (iibercy. .November 11. 1918 Etraye November 13, 1918 Chaumout-Sur-Aire December 28, 1918 l\iniaucourt \pril 1, 1919 La Chene Ajiril 2.^. 1919 St. Nazaire Mav 12, 1919 Left July 18, 1918 July 21, 1918 SeiJtember 8, 1918 Sei)tember 12, 1918 Sei)tember 14, 1918 September 24. 1918 September 25, 1918 September 30, 1918 October 3, 1918 ( )ct()ber 3, 1918 October 4, 1918 October 5, 1918 October 10, 1918 October 21, 1918 October 22, 1918 October 23, 1918 October 26, 1918 October 28, 1918 October 29. 1918 November 5, 1918 November (>. 1918 November 7, 1918 November 8, 1918 November 9, 1918 November II, 1918 November 13, 1918 December 26, 1918 .March 28, 1919 April 21. 1919 May 12. 1919 ALav 17, 1919 Page One Ninet.v-tbree The 515 th Infantt 'RY Roster of Company D _^^_ September 1, 1918 CAPTAIN FIRST T-IKUTEXANTS jnlm H. Ri<-k.'tson. Jr. SECOND LIEUTENANTS LiUvsnit G. Bnsli W^illiam R. Mease Seth C. HetlieriuK ton Shepard F. Williams I-'rank A. \'an Hnri FIRST SERGEAXT MESS SERGEANT SUPPLY SERGEANT H.,M-bert C ark Charles Reilly SEUGEANTS Frank Ramho ■William Cviniiinp:li!im Clifford French John I. Murphy Domenico Pescrilli Robert F. Djiwsoii Jerome B. Levi Vincent M. Naddy Charles H. Reiclielderfcr I'HuI A. Dovliii CORPORALS Arthur I. Beliriiiann Robert H. Gallieu Charles A. Kraus Daniel J. Patton Earl B. Shaffer Gen. \V. DiMibcrt, Jr. Paul M. Hermann John J. Leach Ktormonth Pollock Everett W. Wanner Djuiii-l Evans John T. Holt Joseph L. McKee David Rosen James Young | | Elmci' U. Fux Elwood Kerkeslager Clarence Pancoast Phillip L. Sellers COOKS MECHANICS BUGLERS Anthouy Baldaushas Frank Di Renzo Ottamr W. Epple Antboiiy Gallagher Thomas Moore Roger W. Morgan tMiarles P. Macauley William J. Moore Job 11 J. Monahan I RIVATES. FIRST CLASS jDsi'pli Adclman John J. Cnrran William D. Hutchison Israel C. Segal Ivlii.rcii fl. Aslaiiian Antlionv J. lit- Paul Frank A. Kaithern Waller R. Simon Eilwani M. Hailey Charles Difhl Mblia.-I Knnny Joseph F. Smith M'alter I. Iteriii;,^fr Philip J. Dutty John McNamara Warren L. Stroud Harry Itfyfr William Fleming Ji-scjih Okromechko Richard A. Sullivan Joseph J. linlkfs Lui^^i Gasliardi Edwanl Poyntz W^illiam Talarico <'barb^s H. Clifton William (roMborn Thomas F. Price Harry M. Volkman ' Iiisbop I'. Coruiany Christopher J. Ilartman Edward Rein Furman S. Wilde Ormill S. Cuiumitit,'S PRIVATES Richard H. Wireman ilarshall Affcew Samuel F. Kastner Cosimo PizzuUi Albert E. Stevens Christian Aletter James E. Kelley James J. Powers Richard L. Stierheim Murray R. Baile James P. Kelly Joseph Puglisi Allyn W. Stillman Gc.ir;;*:* W. Bauillfrt Martin E. Kelly Domcnirk S. Puleio Abram Street I.oryii W. Beuion Peter Kerr Morris Rabinowitz Herbert M. Sullivan William Bernst<Mii John J. Kiernau Donato Rafiu Benjamin Surgoft Alb.-rt B. Blair Henry Koplin Edwart T. Rayer Charles Taylnr Ainzie Biiskirk Evan T. Krieder Louis Rebalsky Peter A. Thonianu Louis Caci'hiu Morris Kridermau Mario Ricci Benjamin Thomas Samuel Galloway Gurney E. Kroh Harry H. Robbins Robert B. Thompson EUvood I,. Clark Edward KroU Andrt-w E. Rodgers George W. Toner Isaac Cohen Maik Krnk Joscpli Rodgers John Topoleski Myer Comroe Richard C. Larson Samuel J. Rosenfeld Victor Torsilli Frank H. Cooper Andrew J. Leopold Salvatore Rotolo David Tosky Joseph Corsenoti Jacob Libertow Harry Uiih.-iistein Benjamin Traflican Frank Counterman Ignatz Lochsofski Nathan Ixudnitsky Frank M. Trubiano Demetry Dacek Josejtb Loiterstein Albert F. Ryan Vincento Trotta Thomas M. Davey Frederick A. Lnlirnian Samuel J. Saylor Toney Trebino David Diamond Arthur D. Lynn Walter F. Scheible Benj. Tucker Antonio Di Plaoido Alexander McClean Charles Schnell Edmund Van Ingen Dennis F PriseoU SanuiHl L. McKown Mi.ha.-l G. Sclioenbolz Earl Van Why } ■ Morris Feldman Gal>riele Mangiuo Joscpli W. Schramm Leonard \ecchioiie Frank A. Fitz^'erald John Mauro Ignatius Seeger Antonio Vitello Thomas F. Fitz^erabi Edward J. Moran Guiseppe Sergi Russel Walker Rliea B. French Carl M. Mublseblegel Herbert E. Shaffer James T. Walsh Lloyd G. Friend John A. Murray Samuel Shapiro Louis L. Warren Merwyn C. Fuss John J. Murray James L. Sharwood Richard H. Watts Frederick J. Gerngross Morris Nachtigal Frank Sblamkowitz Bennie T. Webster Alva L. Correll Alfred A. Nagler Edwin F. Short Charles H. W'einz r^ J«ts. Gramsky Walter H. Nieber Jack Siben Samuel Weiseman Grefforio Grandes Samuel Xovick Hyman Silverstein John Weltowsts Harry Gurell Dennis A. O'Connor Arthur Simonetti Herbert R. Williams ti Edward A. Hanlin Arcangelo Pallettc Louis Sinacore Samuel Wilson m William F. Hansofsky Pasquale Panichelli Nathan Sirlin Albert Woerner P Mark Harrison Charles Patterson Walter T. Smith Julius Wolfson (..;; 1 Frank ITartman Morris I. Perlstein Nick S|.adca Joseph O. Veble Saniue! J. Harvey Anthony F. Peropapt Edwin D. Spare Pliilip Zal>Iii(loff William 1". HastiiiKs Morris Pestcoe A<l.dph Stccn Lni;-'i Zarrilli 1 (Jeorge R. Hill Antonio Pettinato Albert H. Stern William Zink Henry G. Hoffman Nicholas Zywno ffi Joined as Replacements — October 26, 1918 '■4 PRIVATES t Willie C. Adams Lee N. Cook Walter W. KoUmar John Ruiz George P. Antoiiacopoulos Patrick Daly Charles Lake Clarence E. Seidel Unsnrio Avcnia Stephen Esterly Frank J. Leve John Smith Hfib.-rl B. Ayres Irvine Eversole Oral R. McCleery Dethridge Snead Jani.s Bain Joe 0. Ezell Angelo Mercuri John J. Sobkowiak Willi:ini Baltodozzie Guiseppe Falcone Ervin E. Miller Same Sotfile Hurl L. Barnard John Farragamo Ray 0. Moser Nazzarreno Sorace Fri'd Banmeisier Henry M. Fletcher Walter Mussack Isrcal Sru|der WM Cliarles F. Bennett Cash Forbus Patrick O'Sullivan Powell Sutherland Walter Breese Ales Goleimbiweski Oscar Olson Nick A. Thorman Wilbert G. Brumley Francis P. Goss Lucius Parks Patrick Timony Willie E. Burch Ora H. Grizzel Samuel E. Perry Clarence J. Von Neida William R. Butler LeRoy Hauge Hulen W. Phelps Charles L. Warrington Ilenrv Cantavespie Earl G. Hilton Dayton Presley Ales Watlack Nicholas Cariofilies Amos Johnson John J. Quinn Alfred M. Wayland Francis F. Carton Howard C. Keiper Robert C. Richards Louis Werdann mi Earl Cline James Killeen Harry Rosenwald Birchard White n3 Patrick Comer Harold Knight Robert H. Roy Fred B. Wivell u Edward M. Coraery i]! ' Page One Ninety-four M^ ^ The 515 th IisfFANTRY 5^ ^ SECOND BATTALION Company E Company F Company G Company H @ Page One Ninety-five The 515 th Infant-try 1 — ,^ I ■\. L_i. I'age Oue Ninety-sis .— — . r.cAi' iiii i(, Second Battnlion Hcadqu.irtcrs Tlic follnwlnif 1m |i(<rlii(lN of ItN hiMfory : lirli-r oiilllrri' MAJOR NOriMAN K. I'.riKllKN CAI'TAf.N DAVIll K. Wf I.I.r A.VIM. Jll. (A.IIi.ki MA.KIK NOI1.VIA.V K. IS<llll>K.V TAI-r'AIN KAVII) K WII.I.IAMH. Jll. (A<i1iiki MA.IOIl HAMI Kl, \V. KI.K.VIINfl, Jit, CAI'IAIN KAItl.K (■ DKKlMlKIt (AcllriK) MAJOK MAMIKI, W. KI.K.VII.VH, Jlc, I" Uiil I ;i lion f fiiMiii;! iidcr ►•IIIMT MKIT. <'(ll,KMAN I KIIIHT LIBIT. WAM.ACK K KIIIHT I.IKI T KIKHT Mi;i r KIIIHT I.IKI. r. lial I iiliftn I'.IIOWN IIACKKTI rllKMIKIl (i MIKWAICr (Acl)li(C) KIIANK H I IIAWKOIIK (Ailliiif) J. KKIIIil MO.V MOIIIl \fl iutiiril llctifl'irifirtiTN (ItirldK llii- 'lirr«-rciir Vrtiiit OrKiMit/nllr>fi t/. Jntu- :i7. IIiIH Julri- W. MllH. Ill AilKiia> ^<>. IIIIK Aiiviiat 21. HUM, In (liliitii'r ». ItilH Olliiliir I, IlllH. Ill (>i liiliiT all, IIIIH Oiliiliir ;«), IllIK, l(, Kiliniiirx l.'i, llllll K.liiuiiry Hi, IllKl, In .Miinli ITi, llllll .Vliinfi |i;. mill. III lli'iiiiililllziillnii Krniii rir»niil>:iilliiii In Mil)' HI, IIIIH Juiii' 1, IIIIH, In Oi'lnliir a. IIIIH (>i IiiIht I, KilH, III Oi'liiliir V). KlIH lliliiliir 21, IIHH. Ill III IiiIht 211, HUH Oi'IiiImt 27, IIHH, III lli'iiiiilillliia llllll KnMiillon Inli-lllKi'Mf-i* flfhrcr KIKHT I,IKI,T, rilKHTK.II d. HTKVVAIll Kn.ri. i:r<<llllr>n of Offl.c Ki N'livoiiilii-r Vt, KlIH HKCOMI MK.I.'T. WII.MAM I!. .MATTIIKW: .NuvcnilM-r 21. IIHH, to Mnrili VI, llllll liatlalion I. an rilllrcr KIKHT MKIT KIXiAK J KVI.KK Kroio Cn-nlliin of Olllci- to Hi-lil<-liili«T 211, IIHH KIIIM'I' l,IKI I ,|illl.V .1 I'.OIll'.llilIK Ki'lili'liiliir IKl, IIHH, to Jiiiiiinrr I, llllll HKlliMi MKIT i;l IM V n I.YMll.V J,iiiiiJir> :■, Mil!i h. \h,, 17 l:il!i ■MAJ .SdK.MAN K. l-.OIIIiK.V Mrdlrjij (llfir.rH iirtiiijf III llii- I iiiinKiiii ■hiriinif <,1 nii-ilii'Dl III lli'iTN wlili'li iii'i'iirri-il wlllilii llii- Ki'frliiii-iil, It In liii|iiiii«llili' til Mliili- i|i-lliilli-l>' Mil- i-xiii't iiNNlKOlni'iit of iiii'li iillli'i'TM. llnwi'ViT, Ilii- fiilliiwlliK nfrvf't III llii' iiiiilti Willi till' Hi'i'iifiil tin I la I Ion: lAI'TAIN WAM.AIK llll.KOKIl, M, C. KIKHT I.IK.IT. WII.MA.M K. <UAI»(, M. V KIKHT MKIT. IIIA Nlil.KK .M. HCflTT. .M. ' liattalion Chaplain KIKHT MKIT. KirilAKIl V. I.A.STAHTKK H.-|iliiiiliir I. IIHH, to Ili-ii-iiiliiT 2H. IIHH KIKHT MKIT. JOII.N II. WIIIDIIT Jiiiiiiiirr I. lliKl, III Alirll III, llllll KIKHT MKIT. KH'IIAIIIl V. I.A.VCAHTKK April 2.', llllll. Ill lli-ioiililll/.nlliin .N'on-f'ominiHHioned .Staff 'Buttiillon HirtrAAfit M&Jori l!N. HOT. .\IAJ. II \ VMOMi K .Mar 2.-1. IIHH, lim.l.KMIAl II to lli-iiiiililll7fiilon MAJ HA.M'I KI.K.MI,S<J. Jll. Page One Nlnetjr-MTcn I :>- The 315th Inkant^ry COMPANY E S On September 22, 1917, Local Board No. 29, of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, sent to Camp Meade six men who were honored by being made charter members of Company E, 315th Infantry. Included in this lot were "Pat" Kelly, "Dick" Rorke and "Duck" Kun. These men were met by a reception committee, con- sisting of Lieutenants Hibbard and Gish, at the partially completed barracks R-16, which "E" Company at that time was sharing with Company "G" and "Doc" Bulford's hospital crew. That afternoon, another bunch was added, in- cluding Apau ("Sam") Kau, who hailed from Honolulu, "Louie" Miller, and "Mike" Keyes, a native of the Emerald Isle. The next morning two more lots blew into the Company fold, among them being "Berny" Sweeney, Peltz, Severin, Saks, Kade, Meyers, Sauer, Hughes, Conroy, Weise, Graupner, Freeley, and Widmaier. On the following Saturday, the 31st Training Battalion sent from R-40 "Rody" Rodenbaugh, "Hap" Walters, "Mop" Fealty, "Fritz" Gross, "Eddie" Joy, "Pop" Hackney, "Bull-dog" Granahan, and several others. Captain "Old Man" Miller, whom the boys soon learned to know was a diamond in the rough, now began in earnest the task of organizing this motley crew. The Company wa's "All Philadelphian" ; the "bloody" Fifth Ward fur- nished a jjart, to which South Philadelphia's "Ramcat" and "Devil's Pocket" added some more, and then Germantown's elite finished out the cjuota. Truly in this "melting pot" there was much melting to be done. In getting the Company started, Lieutenant Hibbard was given the job of fitting ( ? ) the men with clothing, and Lieutenant Gish was ])ut in charge of the mess. Lieutenant Eyler and Lieutenant Hackett were at this time on special duty with the Training Battalion and Lieutenant Murray was helping the Supply Company. The Com- pany did not want for officers, however, for late in the fall assistance came in the form of attached ofiicers. These included Captain Armstrong, who reminded us that the army gave us the best job we ever had, and Lieutenant "Cowboy" Boltz, who brought cold sweat to the brow of many a rookie. Later, Lieutenant Roth was added, and from him we learned the terrors of "setting-up exercises." Page One Ninety-eight The 515 th Inkantt^ry COMPANY E Noii-coniniissioiH'd officers were next considere(l. and "Rody" Rodeiihaui,'li was made "Top." Allen P. (Czar Ethan) Hetrick was made Supply Serjjcani and Sergeant Severin was made Mess Sergeant. Sergeant IIum])hreys for a lime held down the job of comjjany clerk, but was later sent to Regimental Head- quarters and a]jpointed Sergeant Major. Pager then moved into the orderly room. Early in November. "Charlie" Bloom, wlio knew the I. 1). R. from front to back, "Sam" Kau. "Al" t'ourcier, and "b'.d" .Sheridan were made sergeants. At the same time, "Achniral [•"letcher" Wilde, "Walt" Meyers, "Spence" Sauer, "Ed" Joy, "W.ilt" Wrighi. "Kay" I'ierce. ( )scar Callen, "Billy" Hughes, and "Hank" Boswell were made corporals, while "Ed" Kelly, "Dick" Rorke, "Tom" Powers and John Sweeney were made mechanics. On the transfer of Kelly, "Piggy" Freeley was given the crossed hammer che\ rons. This qu.artette of mechanics soon gained quite a rejnitation as "rustlers." or, in the p.irlance of the A. E. F., "saKage hounds." On Hallowe'en, with tlie assistance of friends of Bonnem and Rodner, the Company pulled off a \i-ry successful feed. In as nuich as the friends of Bcjunem were feminine friends, a large detail — ])ri\ates, "non-coms," and officers — volun- teered to help without the aid of a duty roster. Colonel Rosenbaum, Major Borden, and all of the Company officers were present, and, for the first time, the boys met Lieutenant Murray. Movies, speeches and singing by the l\odenl)augh- -Sauer-Kade-Huniphreys quartette rounded out an enjoyable evening. On November 4, 1917, the Company received about a hundred men from Philadeliihia, including "Detail jack" O'Donnell, Clasen, "Reds" O'Hea, Parkhill, Corson. Sauerblatt, and a "conscientious objector" who was later shipped to the Depot Brigade. What appeared to be a new officer turned out to be Paris in the uniform (leather ])ultees included) that he had worn on the border. Endless transfers and assigmnents during our Cam]) Meade davs made frequent changes among the N. C. O.'s. Martin, "Joe" Mctiosern, I'eltz and I'.iris received ser- geant's warrants on .April S, 1918, and on the first day of July, Saks. Kade, (iranahan and "Bill" Buckley, who migrated to us from the Supply Company, were authorized to wear three strijjes. More corporals were also made. During December, 1917. "Mike" Keyes : in Eebraury, 1918, Clasen, Scott. I'arkiiill, Neilson : and on Jul\ 1, 1918, "Duck" Kun, "Joe" Bailey, "Jack" ( )'Donnell, "Dutch" Grau])ner, "Dave" Sauerblatt, "Ray" Kuhl, Stinson, "Kid" Lynch, "Fritz" tiross, 'T^ig Ben" Conroy, "Ed" Gaiuion, "Dick" Waise, "Tom" Dawson, Earl Walker, formerly of Company "C," "Admiral" ."^adow, "Eppv " Epstein and Robb acquireil the two stripe chevron. John Kurz ("Mouth Organ") was made cook just before leaving Camp Meade. The original buglers were Nicholas and Neilson. Later "Sam" Taschner replaced Neilson. In the course of time, "Spence" Sauer was made su])i)ly corporal, and "Ha])" W'alters took over the supply sergeant job when "Czar" TIetrick was discharged. Cor])oral Clasen assisted in the orderly room. To Czarmecki goes the honor of being the first private t'lrst class — any man who shines the hob-nails on the soles of his shoes for Saturday morning insjjection should be made first class. s Page One Ninety-nine The 315 th Itnjfanft^R'Y' COMPANY E Company "E" at Cami- Meah Busy as the boys were most of the time, athletics were never forgotten. "Big Ben" Conroy, "Ray" Pierce, "Bill" Scott, "Louie" Miller and others fur- nished many a good bout. Many good games of baseball and football were played with other companies. Conroy and Kau made the Regimental Baseball Team and, on Decoration Day, Parkhill won first place in the Regimental Equip- ment Race. Thoughts of a grudge bout between Bach, the company tailor, and "A'Tonk" Zarzation, the company barber, still bring up a laugh among the boys. Schools took up quite a lot of the boys' time. Lieutenant Noonan, instructing the Battalion in bayonet training, had Maurice Saks go "over the top" of the bayonet course fifteen times one afternoon. Saks claims that the worst part of war is not always the drives. Kau, McGovern, Sheridan and Woodcock went to (Jfficers' Training .School, l)ut Woodcock was the only one of the quartette who was unfortunate enough to be made a second lieutenant. Many changes were made in the officers. "Kitchen" Hackett, who suc- ceeded in teaching the rookies that they were "Uncle Sam's soldiers and should be proud of it," was made Battalion Adjut;int. "Cowboy" Boltz was trans- ferred, "Fuzzy" Gurd also left us. Lieutenant Carroll was sent to "K" Company and later made captain. Lieutenants Boer, Jenkins and Titlebaum stopped with us a while and left for other parts. Captain Edmund T. Smith lived with us for a time, but finally left for an Embarkation Camp. Then Company "F" donated Lieutenant "Minnie" Borbidge, who made himself heard on all hikes. Lieutenant Borbidge holds all world's records as a cadence detective. Towards the close of June, when it became apparent that we were to join the A. E. P., there was a wild rush for a last trip home. Many of the men were fortunate enough to get passes, and some who were not so fortunate went anyhow. The men who still remained in that part of the 11th Training Battalion Page Two Hundred The 515 th Infant^ry^ COMPANY E wliicli w as attached to Coni])aiiy "E" were assigned to the C oiiipany. < )n Sun- day. |nl\ 7lh. tlie 3 officers and 23S men comprising "E" Company, entrained at Disney Station for Jersey City. A lialf-hour stop at Philadelphia enabled many to kiss their best girls and wives again before lea\ing. even if some other coni])any diil manage to refresh itself with the ct)ffee that had l)een reser\ed for us. ( )n boarding the Aincvicu. we learned that we were to be M. P.'s on the tnj). The duty of the ship .M. P. was to discover all places to stand or ])erch on the upper deck and then allow none of the enlisted personnel of the kh.iki kin(l to stand or sleep there. "V." Company liecame very popular. .\fter landing in France and pitching tents in the P)rest mud, the bovs started to sit up and take notice — to get ac(|uainted with l-'rance. < »n tlie trip (i\er Stracquadinio was taken sick, and, at Brest. Daub followed suit. Poth were evacuated to hospitals. Soon we were introduced to the joys of riding in {•"rencJt "side-door" Pullmans, which were usually labeled "40 Hommes — 8 Chevaux." This was soon parajihrased by "Tnm" Thring, "40 Hommcys too manv, S Shove- out." ( )in- train finally dropped us at X'ivey-Chalmessin on Jidv 23th, 191S, ,ind the ne.\t day we set out with full packs for Aujeurres. There we were billeted in barns and stables, but it was not long before most of the boys were adopted by the hospitable natives of the village, and it became no uncommon sight to see a \illage belle being assisted by a doughboy of the Company in driving her cows down the village street. Shortly after arriving at Aujeurres, Wcymann, Dubbs, Cibson, .Swartz, Lord and Zoeller joined that portion of the "( iold Bricks" known as the Intelligence Department. Private Jones came to tlie (.'onipany troni .M.ichiiie Gun Company and Shields left the Company ami was assigned to .Machine (km. While at .\ujeurres, Martin, wdio had come overseas ahead of the Division, joined the Company and commenced teaching it the use of the bayonet according to the style being used that particular week. About the same time Lieutenant Crawford was transferred to the Companv. In the latter ])art of .August, Mower was promoted to mechanic and .Sergeant Keyes (then cor- ]K)ral ) was made Battalion (las .\. C. (J. Sergeant Granahan and ".Snu-11 anything Joe" Bailey were made Comjiany Gas N. C. O.'s and had little difficult\- in kee])ing tlie four gas alarms in the town in perfect working order. While at Cam|) .Meaile. Lieutenant Eyler had been made Battalion Gas Officer. .\t .\ujeurres much time was spent in ritle ])ractice, throwing grenades and per- fecting the organization of the Com])anv. < hi l'"rida\'. the thirteenth of September, we got our tirst taste of a "(|uiel sector" of trenches and i)ecame familiar with dugouts, rats of every size and kind, mud and wire entanglements, .\fter a couple of days, we finally got some definite idea of where "Fritzie" was supposed to be, but it was hard to realize that there were any Boche within miles, for the sector was so quiet that the boys unrolled their packs on the top of the trenches. We rotated from the front line to Cainiebiere ( Can-of-Beer) trenches in support and then to P. C. Caesar in reserve. While in the front line. Sergeant Peltz was sent to the Officers' Training School and later commissioned ; Lieutenants Crawford and Borbidge and Sergeant 7 1 s Page Two Hundred One 5 The 515 th Infan'try COMPANY E ■■( )n I'KnX I AMI I-'kN I Kk" @ Parkhill returned from 2nd Corps School, at Chatillion-sur-Seine ; and Cor- poral Clasen. Corporal Lynch, Godshalk and Muench were sent to Aeroplane School tor three days to learn signals between aeroplanes and the ground. Just before the drive. Private Sleninier was detached for duty with the Burial Detail ; Fox and Kairys were put on special duty with the Divisional Disbursing Ofificer ; Private Long was transferred to Brigade Headquarters ; and O'Leary, Gerlach, Novia, McCarthy and Evans were evacuated to hospitals. What the 79th Division did at Montfaucon ( Meuse-x\rgonne OfYensive) from September 26-30, 1918, is now a matter of history. It goes without saying that Company "E" did all of its share from the time it entered the battle as brigade reserve on September 26th until September 30th, 1918, when, in the front line position, it was fighting for a foothold in the woods north of Nantillois. Follow- ing the drive, came the long hike which landed us in Camp Gibraltar where we were all treated to a bath. It was a rare treat for this was October 5th and we had had otir last bath just prior to leaving Aujetirres on September 7th. Naturally by this time cooties had become our bosom friends. Many of the men were taken sick from the lack of food and water and exposure to rain and cold during the drive, and, while at Camp Gibraltar, were evacuated to the hospital. Privates Carney, Kupka, Marcelli, Marcuccio and Yeakel were sent to Supply Company. Gallagher and Metzler were made corporals. "Hap" Walters, "Charlie" Bloom, Martin and Lyman Lord were sent to the r)fficers' Training School. Parkhill was made sergeant and then supply sergeant to fill the vacancy caused Page Two Hundred Two The 515th Infant^ry COM TAN Y E l)y Walters being sent to school. Lieutenant Borbidge was transferred and made Second Battalion Gas Officer. .MkhU the middle of ( )ctober, Lieutenant .Murray and "Bill" Buckley were sent to Third Corps School. Captain Miller was sent to command the Third Battalion, temporarily, and Lieutenant Crawford returned to command the Company. Private Lynch was made bugler and Hoffman a mechanic on October 21st, and the next day's morning report siiowed Keyes ■■.\])pt. Sgt. fr. Corporal." .\t this juncture our first replacements arrived: Anderson. Brandon, Buch, Buchanon, Broughton, Bulgerin and .\hrens. Mintz and Silverthorne were sent on special duty with the Division ivail-head Detail. On the 25th, Lieutenant Ilibbard's much overdue promotion to b'irst Lieutenant arrived. ( )n the return of Captain Miller at the end of the month. Lieutenant Crawford went to "G" Company. By October the 28th, we had reached our position in the Grande Montague Sector, where we were kept constantly "on the hop" tmtil. on the morning of November 11th, 191S, Lieutenant Hibbard brought to the Company the best order it had ever recei\ ed. "Firing ceases at eleven o'clock." Prom])tly at eleven o'clock the firing ceased and the fog began to lift. Every one started to gather wood and build fires, and soon "E" Company's quartette was going strong. Seventy-one men of the Company were on the firing line this eleventh hour of the eleventh day of November. Ca])tain Miller at this time was commanding the First Battalion and Lieutenant llibbaril commanded the Company. The period from November 11th to December 26th. 1918, was marked by poor eats, falling buildings, issues of new clothing, including the "beloved" English shoes (Supply Officers are still trying to convince limping doughboys that these are "comfortable" shoes), the Thanksgiving parade and Christmas. Immediately after the armistice. Lieutenants Rice and Lyerly joined the Company, but Lieu- 5 t,. I'M I'A -N ^ i'." t-cKMi.P IMK iN.-rinimN 5 Page Two Hunilred Three The 515 th Infanttry @ COMPANY E A .MiiTciRizEi) Kitchen Being Demonstrated at Company "E" Barracks tenant Rice was soon transferred to a regular Army Division, (iradually some of the evacuated boys drifted back to the Company, and, before we left Damvillers, Weymann, Wilde, Epstein, O'Hea, Segletes, Joy, Slater, Marks, Fairo, Metzler, Hamilton, Meyers, Korn and Varley again lined up with the old bunch. Wigmore Smith, Stadelman, Duffy, Wright, Kelly, Renter and V'on Wysock were evac- uated sick to have their frost bitten feet attended to. Just before Thanksgiving, Earl Walker was made Sergeant and Corson a cor- poral. About the middle of November, Captain Miller returned to the Company, but on the thirtieth he was transferred to Headquarters Company and Captain Joseph D. Noonan took command. Captain Noonan was far from being a stranger to the older men of the Company, most of whom had received bayonet instruction under him at Camp Meade. Leaves were now in order. Ten men left for Aix- les-Bains and returned with tales of beds with white sheets, meals from china plates, bath-tubs and — madamoiselles. At Damvillers, the boys broke all records for letter writing, and the new mail orderly, "Sam" Taschner, tried to requisition some transportation for the helmets which were being sent to the folks at home. Making rings from silver franc pieces became the indoor sport of the Company. This became such a habit that even the Company Commander fell for it. Ask any man in "E" Company 'AVhat did you eat for Thanksgiving Dinner?" and tiie answer will come tout de suite, "Corn Willie." But we try to think only of the glorious time we had at the Burlesque Parade arranged by the "king of Chaplains," Richard V. Lancaster. About the middle of December, Bailey, Gannon, Campbell, Stockert and Wcidner jumped to Headquarters Company and Buckley returned from Third Corps School. Friel, Buch and Varley went to Machine Gun Company, but Varley returned. Then came the appointment of the "Armistice" Corporals, Page Two Hundred Four The 515th Infanttry -,1 — I COMPANY E including Pierce. Narducci, I'^ealty, Lord. Reverie, Miiench and l-"o\vler. Christ- mas Uay arrived and with it the Government issue of corned beef and canned potatoes, but Captain Noonan had already jjroved himself to he an "I'ser-Keady Check Writer," and Chaplain Lancaster made a trij) to Nancy, st) that nothini,'- was missing that day. That Christmas dinner will long be remembered as one of the bright s])ots in the history of the Company. The three days hike, starting the day after Christmas, landed us in Neuville- en-\'erdunois. The only thing pretty about this town was the name. The boys "existed" in this burg for thirteen weeks. During these weeks the following changes took [)lace : Kane. Kenijier. Nelson. Merron. Kun, Short. J. J. Smith. \'on Wysock. .Sillers. McCarthy. (Iranahan, Widni.iier, Reiley, Renter. Rowen. Schlecht. Meluskey. Iliggins. I'etrosinio. ( I'I'.rieii. Dawson. ;nid W'eigand came back to the Comjiany during January. Lieutenants I Milliard and Kade followed Lieutenants Lyerly and I'aris to Tliird Corjis School, .■iiid Dudley joined the Com- pany from Comjiany "L." Lieutenant Richmond was assigned to the Company late in January. The month of l'"ebruary saw Lieutenant De Paul joining the Comjianv. gi\- ing us once again a full cjuota of ofilicers. (iranahan made the Regimental and Divisional Rifle Teams. Hilton, Korn. Cunning, and Sheehan were evacuated sick to hospitals. Johnson, aide-de-camp to ( )'Hea, left for the M. P.'s ; Sergeant Saks and Lieutenant DePaul started off for Third Corps .School; "Rob" Mamilton was transferred to the O. M.. where he was soon made sergeant, and Slater rejoined the Company The s;inu- month saw Harry Prager shift to Hea(k|uarters Company. Then in .March. Ca])tain Noonan left to take charge of one of the Divisional Schools. ( )T)onnell was tinallv allowed to sew on the three stripe chevrons he had been carrying in his pocket for two months and was also given a coveted whistle and authority to blow same. Robinson. Marks, .Swartz, Hackney, Gross and Kane were promoted to corporals, and "Tony" Spano was transferred to the .5U4th Ammunition Train, Next, the educational fe\er caught the Company, and Muench, .\hirks. Lord. Meluskey, Nelson and Adair became .\rmy students. Batches of men were always on leave and it was reported that at the leave areas "E" Compau}' men .ilw.iys managed to "co])" the fairest niadamoiselles. Billets were being built outside the town, a rifle range was being built, every- thing was getting comfortable, when the long expected hap|)ened. Five days hard hiking brought us to Rimaucourt on .\])ril Fool's Day. and we stayed there until April 23rd. 1919. During our stay. Howard, Gentile and "Hap" Walters returned to the Company and " .W" Courcier was made "Top." L'rank ( irittin. leader of the famous "comb and tissue paper" band, was discharged, and if Frank went to see all the folks home whose addresses the boys ga\e him, he must be still going. "Mouth Organ" Kurtz and Kairys soon followed Griffin to the good old L'. S. .\. "Sam" Taschner was made corporal and imnieiliately put chevrons on his clothing from overcoat to R. \'. D.'s. .\t the last rejjort he was arranging to have two stripes tattooed on his arm. < )rlando got a pass to Italy, and. when he returned. Lombardo wanted to know if he had :>.'alkrd back. All details to Divisional Schools were returned to participate in the review @ Page Two Hundred Five The 515 th lTsrFANT:^RY COMPANY E Fox Holes Dug Along Railroad Track bv Troops of the Second Battalion in the Attack on Cote d'Orne of the Division by General Pershing on April 12, 1919. What happened to the dinner of sandwiches and eggs, which the "cuisine" had prepared for the boys that day, has never been explained. Two days later the Regiment was reviewed by Secretary Daniels' party and what is even more wonderful — the whole Regiment was actually hauled in trucks to and from the reviewing field. As in the past, numerous improvements were made in the barracks, and a rifle range was nearing completion when we were loaded on American box cars and were soon "flying" towards the Nantes area. Beautour was the next town honored with our presence, the people of which proved to be the most hospitable we had met in our travels. We were now in the S. O. S., and inspections and M. P.'s became a regular nightmare. At the suggestion of Chaplain Lancaster, the Battalion had a monster burlesque parade. All of the costumes were borrowed from the French of the village, further proof of the good feeling between the natives of this town and our boys. "E" Company had the largest turn-out and made a big hit all along the line. W'hile at Beautour, "Tom" Thring returned from a long trip with the Regi- mental Show and was made a corporal. Andrae was made cook. Then came word that Lieutenant Murray had Ijeen transferred to the Second Division and was to proceed to the Army of Occupation. A letter, signed by the sergeants in the name of the Company, was written and beautifully engrossed by "Russ" Adair. On Sunday morning, the Company was formed in honor of the Lieutenant and the First Sergeant read the farewell message. Lieutenant Murray made a touch- Page Two Hundred Six The 515 th Infanttry COMPANY E ins s])ecch, bidding' oocid-liye to the Company and thanking- tlicni for their good will. We were more than sorry to lose him. Inn we feel thai he understands something of the love and respect that all our men have for him. Just before leav- ing Beaulour, Lieutenant Spencer came to the Company from the Third Division. The last journey on French soil began May 12, 1919. on which date tin- Coni])any left Beautour and entrained for Saint Xazaire. Many of the inhabi- tants of the village walked two kilometers to bid the boys good-bye at the station, and the Company in turn was more than sorry at parting with the best friends it had made in France. We were held at Saint Nazaire from May 12tli to May 16th, and it didn't seem like more than a month. Late on the afternoon of May lOdi, the L'omi)any tiled up the gang-])lank of the U. S. S. Santa k'usa and settled itself for a two weeks ocean voyage. The eats coming over on the Santa Kosa (nicknamed the Santa Roller) were so horrible that many of the doughboys invited the commissary steward to walk up as far as Arch street with them when the boat docked. Had he done so, it is doubtful if he would ha\e e\er returned under his own power. However, e\en the shortcomings of the commissary department were for- gotten when the Company finally landed in the old I'. S. A. .\ (|uick dash to Camp Di.x, a day or so's agitation concerning a parade in I'liiladclphia (parade finally squelched), a few days wandering between the barracks and the discharge center, and the long awaited day arrived. On June 9th, 1919, the last member of "E" Company was handed his discharge papers, and the Company formally passed out of existence. ' ' 5 Page Two Hundred Seven The 315 th Infant^ry t'ii h ■■m Page Two Hundred Eight The 515 th llVFAN i'RY Roster of Company E @ September I, 1918 rwr.MS I.uriiis A. Mill.r FIRST LIEl'TENAXTS SK<0.\1> I .lEITKNANTS Friink S. Cnnvfurd J.ilni J. I!..rl.iili;e Edpar J. Eylor \V;iltiT Ilibbard Juhii V. Murray FIRST SER(iEAXT MKSS SERGEANT Sl'PPI.Y SERGEANT ClnrtMice I). Rndenbaugh Iliirry L. Severin George L. Walter SIM J :ea\ts Cliiirh's E. Ulooin .Inines \V. FiiRor Apjin Kiiu Harold S Paris William P. lUicklcy Jaiiifs A. Cranahan \ ini-eiit Miirtin Henry Pcltz Alh.Tt Coiin-iHr (;eiirK>' Kailo .lust-pli F. .MriJdvcni Maurice Saks inl: ■dUALS Jdst'pli A. Haik'.v Fretl E. (JraupiuT WiiltiT C. Me.vers Havid Sanbcrblatt Charles J. Huswt'U John Gross Jiiscph H. Xi-ilscin Spencer H. Saner Osi-ar G. Ciilli'ii William H. Huglios Herbert J. O'Cotuior William J. Scott Hiiwanl T. Clast-n Edward J. Joy Juhii 1'. 0-I)uiinell Edwani Stinsnn ItviUMlii-t Coiirny Midia.d J. Kcyes Willanl II. I'urkliill Earl Walker 'I'honias J. Hawsou Uayinuiid A. Kuhl liii.viii..ii.l A. I'ierce Kicliard G. Weise Knln'rt F. Epstein Alexander Kun SiiTiiui-1 A. Rubli Fre.leriik G. Wilde Edward A. Gannon John F. Lynch Siiinupl Sndow Walter W. Wriflil COOKS ME( HANK'S BIGI.ERS Jiisapnls Griglis Jnsepli ( . Frt'fley Joseph A. Nii'holas ISoleslaw Groehowski Thiinias J. Towers Samuel Taschner Ah'ksander Jekuia Richard J. Uorke John J. Kurz John F. Sweeney TRIVATES. FIRST CLASS 1 Maurice J. Corson Harrison Godshatk Elliclt M. Kobinson John J. Sillers 1 Leroy Dulilis Thomas I', llowanl Clmrles Huberts Harry P. Weymann 1 James I'. Fahey Ernest P. Witlmaicr I'RIVATES Russell H. Adair Charles J. Guie Michael Mareucoio Ira B. Ri|.-hlcr Harvey G. Alspach William S. Gnnninp Paul H. Marks Elmer C. Ritchie Harry Andrae Geor^ie P. Hackney Giovanni Mauri2zi William Kowen Raffaele Avato Robert S. Hamilton Kilward C. McCarthy Casumino Uusao Andrew H. Bauer Anthon Hanns James II. McChlskey Chester H. Sanders Harry J. Bernhardt William C. Hanna John W. MeGahie Frank Scbeid William H. RertoUet iMiarles J. Hartmann Alliin A. Meluskey Elwood E. Sdilarb Rertrand L. Reyerle John F. Hediger Charles Mercer Daniel R. S.hlecbt Norman T. Roehm John Herron IMetro Merola Harry ScbmalenberKer Thomas S. Hoone Walter S. Ilififfins Howard A. Messick William Schuler ThiMidore Rorowski Grimsliaw J. Hilton Frederick S. Metzler Adolpll Scclctes otto I'.ossert Fred Hoffman Albert B. Miller William Seller William J. Rnrke Robert R. Hoffman Frederick N. Miller Tliomas Slieidiau Iluuli CamplH'U Samuel J. Hubbell John C. Miller Thomas J. sliort James J. Carney Edward Huss Oliver Mills Charles II. Sllverlhorne William A. Carr William J. Johnson Xicola Minotti Walter O. Skinner Charles H. Chamberlain Hugh F. Jones Joseph Mintz Erwin A. Skrohanek John J. Ctien Walter I>. Kairys Orazio Mirabillio Oliver T. Slater William V. Derriek Charles J. Kane John F. Monaghan i'harles W. Slenliner Harry F. Diamond Edward R. Kary I-onis E. Mower Clinton E. Smith (JeorRe J. Dieterly Charles J. Kelly Itiissell E. Muencb Edward A Smith Charles A. Itougherty Patrick Kellv Mii-hael Nardncci Isidore Smilli Neil J. Duffy John S. Kemp.-r Itenjaniin Nelson John J. Sniitli Thonnis J. Esbensen Thomas Ki-nnt-y Cliarles Newbonrg Tony Spauo William M. Evans Janifs T. Kiiisrr Itioiiinol Novia .biscpli stadelnian Joseph M. Fain. Fran. is I'. Kh's.hi.k Tliunias A. O'Brien William T. Stoinhauer Salvatore Fanelli Charles V. Kriu.-ltl.- I'.al.lnssare Oddo .Micliael Stock Charles F. Fealty Earl W, Korn William H. O'llea Isidore J. stockert William Fierick Arthur J. Kunz M;niriic E. O'Leary Fretlerick C. Stnmm I.fo A, Fb'ming Felix Knpka Tli..ma8 C. O'Neil John Surdi William M. Fowler J(»hn Kurtmas 'I'eodure Orlando Willard A. Swartz Joseph J. Fox Fred Kyros 'I'bomas Pasiiual Thomas V. TbriuK James M. Fiiy I.eonanl Lanp Doincnico Petrisino Micliael V. Varley Patrick J. Friel Peter Lazowski Josep Pines Jolin V. VoiiWysock Maurice I,. Gallagher Joseph Lombnrdo Charles Placido Tliomas A. Walls Joseph Gentile Robert R. Ixng John J. Powers Michael Wciu'and Andrew P. Gerlac John I.opiptTo Harry P. Praper John W. Weldner Charles P. Gettz Rrure L. Lord Harry II. Preston Harrv J. Wljriuore James M. Gibson I.ymnn C. I.ord (ieor;re Kamntao William J. Wilson Morris Goldstein Joseph A. T.yui-b James A. Rejran Patrh-k Wynne Walter O. Goodman Peter J. Mctiuire Thomas J. Ueilly Andrew J. Yeakid Michael J. Goonan Stejihen Mashk Harry W. Uiinoehl I'eter S. Yost Jacob P. Goshorn Tito Marcelli John Keuter Frank ZoeUer 1 Frank (Jriffln loined as Replacements — October 26, 1918 PRIVATES. FIRST CLASS PRIVATES William H. RroughtiMi Albert Al reus Ross H. Buch Charles J Anderson Julius Rnlgerin Fred Brandon Floyd C. Bucbanon 5 Page Two HundroiJ Nine i L_ The 515 th Infantry COMPANY F 5 Company "F," of the 315th Infantry, was organized on Septeniher 17, 1917, with Captain John B. Mustin in direct command. He was assisted by First Lieutenants Walter Gallagher and William A. Sheehan and Second Lieutenants Thomas A. Ashbridge, David A. Wiley and John J. Borbidge. On the afternoon of September 23, 1917, the Company received an assignment of 97 men from Local Board No. 4, of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, all of whom were members of the first selective service contingent to reach Camp Meade. Immediately upon their arrival, these men were marched to Barracks R-24, which was to be the home of Company "F" for the time being. Bed-sacks were filled, the "rookies" put away their first mess of army beans with the aid of the regulation mess-kit, and "F" Company started its military career in real earnest. The organization strength was augmented on September 29th by additions from the 21st Training Battalion and on October 5th by additions from numerous local boards in Philadelphia. Meanwhile, the Company went through the inocula- tions, physical examinations and preliminary introduction to discipline which constituted the early period of its training, .\cting non-commissoned officers were selected from the ranks, and a tem[)orarv organization was eftected with Guy W. Smith as First Sergeant. As fall wore on, training was taken up on a more extensive plan. Various schools were estaljlished throughout the Division in gas instruction, bayonet work, field fortifications, sniping and scouting, and small detachments of men were sent from time to time to these schools. Throughout this period, there were repeated consignments of men for the Companv and also numerous trans- fers. Nevertheless, the temporary organization had become practically a perma- nent one. The men began to show proficiency in the manual of arms, close order drill and extended order work, and the excellence of the formal guard mounts put on by "F" Company is a matter of Camp Meade historv. Christmas was coming on, and every one was looking forward to going home for the holiday. Suddenly an order came through revoking all passes, and a protest parade, led l)y Corporal Boardman, with a stirring slogan and song was organized. In the end, howe\'er, five day passes were given out, but there rage Two Ten naj, oMj, aSuj ajaij} ;nq 'jno usaiS 3J3a\ sassnd A'np sAy -jaAaA^oq 'pua aip iij -psziuESjo sl'a\ Suos piiB ueSo[S Suuaqs e qjiAV 'uHiupjKoa [Kjodjoj Xq paj 'apujed jsajojd b puB 'sassBd qe Siii>[0A3j qSnoaq} auiHO japjo ub Aiusppnc; -Xupqcq sq} joj auioq SlUOS 01 pjEA\JOJ gui>[001 SBA\ 3U0 a'j3A3 puB 'UO JglllUIOD SBA\ SBUIJSIjq-) •Ajojsiq 3pB3j,\[ duiB3 JO aaijBLu b si A'uBdiuo3 __j£,, Aq no nid siuuoui pjBnS iBuuoj aq; jo a.-iuaqanxa aqj piiB '>ijoa\ jap jo papus^xa puB [[up japjo aso[D 'suuK jo [biiubui aq; ui Aauaiayojd A\oqs oj iiBSaq uaui aq [^ -auo juau -BLiuad B ^[[BaipBjd auioaaq [)Bq uoubzuibSjo A'jBjodiiiaj aqj ■ssa[aqijaAa]\[ -saaj -suBj} snojauimi os[b puB AiiBdiuoj aqj joj uaiii jo sjuaiuuSisuoo [)a;Badaj ajaAv ajaqi 'pouad siqi jnoqSnojq l ■s[Ooqas asaq; o} auiij o; aiuu uiojj juas ajaA\ uaiu JO s;iiaiuqoBiap [[Bins [hib ■Suunoos puE Suidius 'suoqBoqqjoj p[ay ■>[joa\ jauoXBq 'uou.^iuisui sbS hi uoisiaiq aqj jnoqSnojq} paqsqqBisa ajaA\ s[ooqas snouB \ -laqd aAisuajxa ajoui b uo dn u3>[B} sbm Suiuibjj 'uo ajoM j[bj sy •juBaSjak; isjijj sb qijuig -yW AiU) qjiA\ j)apajja sba\ uoubzuiijSjo A'aBJodiua} b puB 's>[ubj aqj luojj paioa[as aaaAV sjaaiyo pauossuuiuoD-uou SuipY' Suuubji sji jo pouad Xjjua aqj pajnmsuoa qaiqM auqdpsip oi uoponpojnii AjBiiiiiiqajd pm; suouEiiuuBxa [BaisXqd 'siioij -B[nDOUi aqj qSnojq} iii3a\ XuBduio^ aq; ■a[iqA\iiBaj\[ ■Biqd[apB[iqj ui spjBoq [Bao[ snojaiunu uiojj suoijippB A'q qjij jaqo}a( ) uo puB uoqBUBg SuiuiBij^ jsj^ aqj luoaj suoijqjpB Xq qi52 aac[iiia}dav^ uo pajuauix'inB sba\ qjguajis uoqBziuBgjo aqj_ IsaujBa jBaj ui jaajBa AjBjqiiu sji paiJBjs XuBduio^ _ j„ [)ub 'ji>[-ssaui uonB[nSaj aqj jo piB aqj qjiAV suBaq Xuub jo ssaui ;sjy Jiaqj Aba\b jnd ,^sai>[00j„ aqj 'pa[[y aaaAv s>[aBs-pag ■Suiat[ aiuij aqi joj ^^j,, XuBdiuoj jo auioq aqj aq O} sba\ q.iiqAv 't-^-^ sqoBjjBg oj paqojBiu ajaA\ uaui asaq; '[Baujb jiaqj uodn XiaiBipauiiuj •apBaj-\[ duiB3 qoBaa oj juaSuquoo aaiAjas aAipaps isjy aqj jo sjaqiuaui ajaw uioqAV jo [[b 'BiuBAiXsuuaj 'Biqd[apB[iqj jo 'f -o^ pJEog jBDoq UIOJJ uaui /5 JO luauuiSissB ub paAiaoaj XuBduioj aqj '/^gj '£Z Jaqiuajdat; jo uooujajjB aqi u( > -aSpiqjoa -f uqof puB A'a[iyV\ -y Pl-'^^Q 'sSpuqqsy 'V *t'uioqj^ siUBuajnaiq puoaag puB uBqaaq^; -y uiBq[iyvV puB jaqSB[iBij jajjByW sjuBuajnaiq ;sji_tj Xq pajsissB sba\ ajj qjuBuiiuoo jaajip ui uusni\[ -g uqof uiBjdB_3 q^iAv 'ZI6I 'II J^quiajdav; uo pazun;gjo sba\ -ajuibjuj qic[f aqi jo ,/j„ XuBduioj A XMVdWOO S -11 — ( A.t[J^MVLiMI HX9|g SHJL The 515 th Infant^ry COMPANY F Company "F" at Camp Meade we felt we ever had to endure, at least until we started putting on gas masks for four hours after we got across and began training. On Thursday morning, July ISth, we sighted land and dropped anchor about 4 P. M. in the harbor of Brest. The following day, we were lightered ashore, marched through the town of Brest and pitched camp outside the famous Pontanezen Barracks. Our arrival in France introduced us to a rest camp of rain and mud. On Saturday afternoon, we received our first bath overseas, which consisted of one drop of cold water at a time, ajiplied in about four counts. After a brief stay of three days, we boarded French trains which gave us our first introduction to the now famous "40 Hommes 8 Chevaux." We traveled across the fields of France through beautiful country and finally detrained on the fourth day at Vivey-Chahnessin. For a while we lay, like a lost battalion, along the road aroimd the station not knowing where to go, until a modern Paul Revere on a motorcycle brought orders. We pitched tents there and remained over night until noon the next day, when we began a 22 kilometer hike to Aujeurres, in the Tenth Training Area. Yet even with the arduous task of whipping ourselves into shape, our time there was not without its sideplays. It was now that we really became acquainted with the Vin Sisters, and the A. E. F. battlecry "Finis La Bierre." We had a little club located at No. 79, and it had quite a membership until the night the guard was called out to quell an argument between Larry Kennedy and a French- man with a game leg. As a result of this fracas, our meeting place was declared "Out of bounds." Rumors were many. Each day brought us something "official," but it was not until September 8th, the week after our Labor Day hike, that we did actually start for the front. We hiked 15 kilometers to Vaux where we boarded our pull- mans for Revigny, an all-night ride. The following day, after "chow," we hiked 15 kilometers more to Mogneville. There we camped for the night and proceeded next morning in torrential rains to Brillon. where we arrived about five P. M., weary, drenched and hungry. Page Two Twelve The 515 th Infant^rv COM 1 'ANY F \Vc remained at Brillon for two days, while a party consisting of I'.alialion and Company Commanders went ahead to reconnoiter the positions we were to occupy. On the night of Thursday, September 12th, after a careful and thorough inspection, two bandoleers of ammunition were distributed to each man. W'e were then packed in systematic fashion into French auto trucks, dri\cn \>\- Indo- Chinese chauffeurs, and carried forward toward the trenches. We debussed at midnight near Blercourt and could hear distinctly the rumble of the guns on the line. We later made our way afoot to Dombasle, in the ruins of which we found shelter. After having hot chocolate the next lufirning, we hiked to Cam]) !•",. in the Forct de Hesse, and there remained until 9 o'clock that night. When darkness had set in, we moved forward a distance of 12 kilometers, reached and entered the Cannebiere system of trenches, and ex])erienced our first taste of shell fire, .\bout 11 ;50 P. M., we relieved the 333rd Infantry, of the 157th French Division, and established ourselves in the reserve line, holding this position for three days, during which time we supplied all ration details for the front line companies. We relieved "E" Company on the front line on September 17th. During our five days occupancy of the trenches, we suffered no casualties, despite the fact that we experienced several bombardments and two visitations of Boche airmen, who made successful raids upon our observation balloons. Companv "K" relieved us early in the morning of Thursday, .September 19th, and we re- turned to Camp E. On the way back, the Second Platoon received a shower of gas shells through which it emerged unscathed, although having to "double-time it" out of the shelled area. We s])ent several days in these woods, during which time prejiarations for the mammoth drive were going on all about us. Then, at 8:30 P. M., September 25th, we left again for the front, but this time actually to engage in battle. Dur- ing the heavy bombardment, which began at 11 :30 P. M. that night, the First and Third Platoons lay along the Esnes-Avocourt road, and the Second and Fourth Platoons in a communicating trench leading up to the front line. .\t 6:25 A. M.. on September 26th, "F" Company made its first trip over the top, the First and Third Platoons under the command of Captain McClintock, the Second and Fourth Platoons under the command of Lieutenant Sheehan. Our Comjjanv was given the task of "mopping up" for the front line companies: The First Platoon, under Lieutenant Murrell. for "C" Company; one half of the Third Platoon, under Sergeant Leuschner, for "A" Company; the other half of the Third Pla- toon, under Lieutenant Wiley, for "D" Company ; the Second Platoon, under Lieutenant .\shbridge, for "I" Company : the I-'ourth Platoon, under Sergeant Barr, for "K" Company. In these positions the Company moved forward under protection of a smoke screen, encountering little resistance. However, we were fortunate enough to aid in the capture of 42 prisoners in one batch, and later Corporal Treacy's squad bagged five more. The first day's engagement cost us slight casualties. .\l night- fall, we were scattered about the environs of Haucourt and Malancourt. Here W'e spent the night, in a drizzle of rain, in the Hindenburg trench system. The next morning, September 27th, the attack w-as renewed, but slight prog- ress was made because of the stern resistance encountered by the 313th Infantry Page Two Thirteen The 515th Infant^ry @ COMPANY F r.AVoNprr Practice W'iih Masks on the slopes of Moiitfaucon to our left. Not until after tiie successful storming of these heights could we continue the advance. By evening, we rested beyond Montfaucon in "Windmill Valley," having gained 7^/ kilometers in the two days' offensive. During the afternoon, we encountered our first concentrated artillery fire, which continued well into the night, making sleep impossible al- though we sufi^ered no casualties. With daybreak, we slung packs and formed for the attack, the platoons supporting the same companies as before, with the exception of the Second, which changed from "I" Company to "L" Company. Our Regiment was the advance regiment. The ridge north of Montfaucon was attacked in the face of machine gun and direct artillery fire, and the advance swept on through Nantillois, passing through a terrific barrage in the vicinity of the railroad about a kilometer north of the ridge. With Nantillois behind us, we moved on in the face of severe artillery fire, crossed "Suicide Hill" and entered the Bois des Ogons. The Regiment, being unable to hold the Bois des Ogons, owing to severe artillery and machine gun fire, dug in on "Suicide Hill," where the troops estab- lished a firing line on the woods just evacuated. After thirty minutes of prep- aration by a machine gun barrage, assisted by five tanks, several units succeeded in entering the woods, but were again forced to relinquish their gain after los- ing considerable men. We spent the night on "Suicide Hill" in a downpour of rain and a severe bombardment, which began about 2 A. M. the following morning. This merciless bombardment cost us heavily, but just before daylight the Battalion was formed at the foot of the hill for the attack. By this time the men were thoroughly exhausted from three days lack of food and exposure to the incessant rain, but, with wonderful morale, they again assaulted the Bois des Ogons. As in the preceding attacks, this advance was made without artillery support, and, as before, the woods were gained but were unable to be held. In abandoning the woods, we were forced to leave behind the bodies of our dead comrades, among them Lieutenant Sheehan. Page Two Fourteen The 515th Infant^ry COM I 'AX V F All (lur eft'orts had been una\ailing, as our own arlillery was slill tar in the rear, having been unable to keep up with the rapid advance of the infantry. ( )n the other liand. the enemy, aided by observation of one of his balloons in the north(.a^t and the reconnaissance of several low flying planes, had our position perfectly marked and continued to rain shell after shell upon us, making our position on the hill untenable. We changed position reluctantly to the N'antillois- Cunel road, lea\ing small outjiosts on "Suicide llill." and there awaited our relief, which was momentarily e.\j)ected. (^n the following day, Se]jtember viOlh, we were relieved and toward e\ening reached our first resting place, a hillside west of Malancourt. There we passed the night and, on the following morning, breakfasted and returned again to Normandy Woods, where we were served with hot coffee. After resting two days, we l)egan the memorable hike to ("librallar, S])ending successive nights near Senencourt and Recourt, and reaching Camp (iibraltar about one o'clock in the afternoon of the third day. .\t this time many of the men were suffering from severe cases of dysentary, and the "flu" necessitated the e\acuation of a great number, including Lieutenant Wiley on ( )ctober 9th and Ca]>tain McClintock on (October 18th. Lieutenant Murrell assmned command when Ca])tain McClintock was sent away to the hospital. At C.ini]) Gibraltar the regular program of drills was again inaugurated and maintained during our stay. The benefit obtained during this period of com- parative rest was further enhanced by the receipt of mail and the first newspajier we had seen for many days. A call for candidates to attend the ( )fhcers Training School was sent out through the A. E. F. and Sergeants Barr, Campbell, Leusch- Company "1 " Football Team 5 Page Two Fifteen The 315 th Infant^ry COMPANY F I I I S French Pill-Box at the Cross-Ruad in Dombasle Where Colonel Knowles Gave His Final Instrl'ctions to the Regiment Before Its Entrance Into the Trenches iier and Romer, whose services during the drive had proved invakiable to us, were sent to represent "F" Company. Although we enjoyed a spell of peace and quietitude, we were actually at this time occupying a reserve position, a fact which was not generally apparent to the boys until the night of Monday, October 21st. After almost the entire Company had retired this night, we were suddenly startled by an order to make up our packs with all possible speed. .\t 8 P. M., burdened with our usual equipment and, in addition, with as much extra ammunition as we could possibly manage to carry, we set out to reinforce troops on the St. Mihiel salient, on information that the Germans were about to launch a counter attack. We pro- ceeded as far as \\'oimbey, about six kilometers from our starting point, and the following morning returned. On Wednesday, October 23rd, we began another march that was to bring us again against the Boche. We spent three days in the woods near Recourt where we received our first replacements, 20 men. On October 26th, we began forced marches to our new sector. The first day brought us into the Bois de Bourrus near Germonville, where Second Lieu- tenant Elton B. McGowan was assigned for duty with us. On October 28th, we made a six hour journey to the Bois de Forges. From there we ]3roceeded the following night after dusk on the last lap of our journey to the Bois de Consemoye. We crossed to the east bank of the Meuse River and proceeded along the Brabant-Consenvoye Road, where we observed the activity of the 104th and 105th Field Artilleries as their guns flashed and thundered in their effort to conceal our movements. We reached the edge of the Consenvoye Woods and penetrated it to a depth of some two hundred or three hundred yards. The heavy odor of mustard gas, hanging about this sector, compelled us to don our gas masks, and we proceeded in this fashion for a short distance. In a storm of enemy H. E., which burst about us and caused casualties in the First Battalion immediately ahead, we hurried up into our position and relieved a com])anv of the 114th Infantry, 29th Division. Page Two Sixteen The 515th Infanttry H, 1 QJMI'.WV F III niakins,' this relief, \vc estalilished ourselves in a series of shell holes that skirted the edij;e of a clearinsj and stretched along the northern slope of a vallev which we later appropriately termed "Death \'alley-" We were within 50 yards of the enemy. On our left lay "E" Company, while on our right we held contact with Company "A." The assortment of machine gun bullets, whiz bangs, one-pounders and rifle grenades, that had been served us by the Germans on the night of our entry, varied little as to quantity or variet\- during the course of the eigiit days we held this line. The nature of our position made it extremely difficult at all times, and frequently impossible, to bring up food and water. It was not until the third day there that a detail from the Company braved the i)erils of Death X'alley and successfully brought back "slum," bootjack, and "Frog" bread in sufticient quantity to give every man a \ery little. Though the "slum" was sour, under any circumstances it would have been welcomely received. In the early evening of November .ir<l. we were relieved. Company ".\" moving over to the left to take up the position held by the Second I'latoon, while "B"' Company relieved one-half of the First Platoon. The other half of the latter platoon, however, was not relieved until the next afternoon, when it filtered back through the forest and across the valley only to learn, scarcely an hour later, that the Company had to return to the "holes." This time the Second Platoon repaired to its original position, but the First Platoon went o\er to the riglit of the Second, relieving Company "A." On November 7th, at dusk, a period of comparative cjuiet was suddenly broken by a terrific impouring of shot and shell. The valley just a bit to the rear was filled to its brim with deadly gas fumes. The ( ierman machine gunners directly in front of our men raked them with a sweejiing fire. At first, it was thought that the Germans were attempting a raid, but, after we retaliated by opening up every piece on the line, their fire subsided. Quiet was again restored and the customary une\entful night was passed, after we had done e\ervthing ])ossible to relieve those who fell wounded. Tlie advanre of November 8th started the following morning. The Company, nn- (Icr Lieutenant Murrell, moved out to the northwest a'ong the Etraye road, which was littered with bodies, victims of the night before. On tlie evening of this day we reached a line of trenches near Etraye, where we spent the night, while a jiatrol was sent out to secure information regarding the enemy's i)osition. .\t 6 A. M. the next morning. .\'ove!nl)er 9th, we advanced toward Etraye reaching it by 9 A. M.. and entering by a side street. There details were sent back to bring up rations. We had been in Etraye about a half hour when the Boche guns opened up again. Under tins terriinc t'lre, our Conii)any advanced through Etraye and to the north and east of the town in line of coinliat groui)s. With shells bursting all about, we pressed our way to a position along the Wavrille-Damvillers road. Mere a tcrrilic b'unbardment caused Lieutenant Murrell to give us by the right flank, a move which took us out of the area that was being so thoroughly combed by high explosives. Not bein.g able to secure the necessary artillery sujiport. we rested that afternoon and niglit in dugouts and "Elephant Ears" about .300 meters south of Damvillers, Considerable casualties were caused during the night by direct hits of high explosives on a few of these protections. .\t daybreak. November 10th. under jirolection of a machine gun barrage, and while a heavy fog lay upon the valley west of Cote d'Orne, the Company was formed for the assault. Some mi.xups occurred due to the density of the fog, and one of these nearly proved disastrous when a platoon of the Company came within a few yards of the German positions entirely out of its sector and unsupported by other troops. How- ever, it was successfully moved back to the rest of the assaulting units with very s'ight losses. The Rattalion was unable to make any material progress during the day and at nightfall dug in on the cast bank of the Thinte River. November 11th. the day of the armistice, we moved out of this position, marched along the railroad in our rear, over through Gibercy. and dug in on the protective re- Page Two Seventeen -' ■ The 515 th Inkanttry e C().MPAXY F SalL Shell Pocked Ground in the Etraye Valley verse slope of Hill 361. Preparations were made for a farther advance. The First Bat- talion was to act as the assault battalion, and "F" Company was to lead the Second Battalion, which was in support. Our connecting files had just started out, when the welcome news that hostilities were suspended halted the advance of our Company. Instead of a wild, hilarious demonstration, the occasion was marked by a solemn, prayerful e.xpression of thankfulness. We immediately built fires and cooked coffee. Our kitchens were brought up and served a warm meal, and cigarettes and cakes were distributed by Y. M. C. A. and Knights of Columbus workers. That night, the sky was lit up all along the front with multicolored flares. -After remaining on the front line for two days, we marched three kilometers to the town of Damvillers, where every building showed evidence of the recent bombardment to which its former German occupants had subjected it. In obedience to orders, the Battalion established outposts on the now famous "Line of November 11th." A steady stream of prisoners, Russian, Belgian, Italian, and French, wended their way back from German detention camps, seeking food and yield- ing their buttons, caps, coins and whatever else they could well afford to spare in ex- change for these necessities. After two days, a schedule of drills and manoeuvers was renewed Lieutenant .Ashbridge returned to us from Infantry School while we were there, and Lieutenant Borbidge was transferred back from "E" Company, but shortly after- ward was sent away again to the Supply Company. Lieutenant Murrell was promoted to Captain and assigned to us for duty. Lieutenant Ashbridge, in the meanwhile, had been promoted to First Lieutenant. Aiany interesting and enjoyable entertainments were put on in Damvillers. In addition, through the efforts of Chaplain R. V. Lancaster, one of the ruined buildings was converted into a soldiers' club, and a piano salvaged and placed in this for our amusement. In this building many ideas of interest were originated, and one of these was that memorable Thanksgiving parade in which the Battalion boldly burlesqued salient features of the war. The parade was given before General Kuhn, and many other notables, and turned out to be a wonderful success. Company "F" being awarded the first prize. The over- whelming success of the parade led to its repetition on Wednesday, December 4th, at Toul, the Headquarters of the Second .American Army. The garrison activities of our organization gave the battle-scarred old town all the aspect of a thriving community. To carry out civil necessities, the election of a mayor Page Two Eighteen The 515th Infanttry COMPANY F l)ccaiiH' imperative. Two parties, with entirely ojiposiiiK platforms, began campaign- ing lor the success of their candidates. Init were thrown into consternation when the "Woof-Woof" party, prompted l)y tlie shortcomings of the promises set fortli. sprang up and flung the hat of Sergeant John II. Green, one of tlie most popular men in the Regiment, into the ring. After an e.xciting campaign. .Sergeant (ireen was returned Mayor by a comfortalilc majority. Company "F" liad gained a reputation for being the best in everytliing. and once again it showed its spirit by returning a Company "I'"" man as the first citizen of the town of Damvillers. The next l)ig event, wdiicli will be recalled by the men for years to come, was the Christmas feast in which we were regaled with viands and lu.xuries. to which we had long l)een strangers. On December 26tli, we left for Xeuville-en-Verdunnis. a Frencli villa.ge in close pro.xiniity to Gibraltar Woods, our old rest catnp. Once there, drilling commenced immediately, and an inspection on January 4th marked the inception of the period of constant surveillance that was to continue from this time forward until the demobilization. Our casuals started to return, and, during tliis month of January, we were jdeased to note the return of almost all of those who had become separated at one time or another from the Company. .Among the familiar faces was that of Lieutenant Wiley, who it will be recalled had been taken from us in Gibraltar Woo<ls. suffering from a severe attack of influenza. Despite our continued attention to the military routine, plenty of time was devoted to recreation. The Y. M. C. A., K. of C. and the other welfare organizations displayed great activity, providing us with shows and the luxuries of which we had so long been deprived. A Regimental show was planned with a Relasco attention to detail and scenic effect, and in the cast of this, "F" Company was represented by Sergeant Jacob McEwen. The 79th Division football team and soccer eleven included Private Thomas McHugh and Sergeant James McKinley as representatives of "F" Company. On February 21st. a monumental event took place. It was nothing short of a general order, insignificantly entitled General Order .35, which specifically set our sail- ing date from France for the latter part of June. The complexion of events immedi- ately began to indicate that our departure for God's Country must soon take place. On March LSth, we received another needle, which we were informed was the last thing of the sort troops received before departure from France. The prospects of a five-day hike, which was ne.xt in order, were as nothin.g. and the exuberance with which the boj's commenced this trying ordeal was lessened not one whit at the time they completed it. arriving in Rimaucourt footsore and weary but ready to endure any hardship so long as it might be spelt in terms of home. We remained in the cleanly barracks of Rimaucourt for 2.3 days, during which time we enjoyed to the full the munificent hospitality of the Red Cross, Y. M. C. .\.. K. of C. and the J. W. B., and at the same time appreciated and took advantage of freedom from drill and other usual army restrictions. Rimaucourt was the scene of several notable events. One of these was the ex- cellence of a (juard Mount put on by Company "F" before General Kuhn. for which we were highly complimented. .Another was the hike to the .AUianville drill field, just outside of Orquevaux. and the review of the Division by General Pershing, Saturday, -April 12th, 1919. On the following Monday we were again called to parade, this time before Lieutenant-General Hunter Liggett at Chaumont. We left Rimaucourt. .April 23rd. at 5 A. I\L, in .American bo.x cars and arrived at Vertou, Friday, .April 2,Sth. from which place we hiked to P>eautour, and were there ensconsed in comfortable billets. To keep the men in good trim, a program of drills was again inau.gurated. On May 8th we were subjected to a critical and rigid inspec- tion at the hands of officers designated by the Inspector General of the S. O. S., and this we passed with flying colors. Xor were our appetites for recreative features as yet appeased. Pushball and baseball teams were organized in the Battalion and inter-company contests wa.ged, in which Company "!•"' played her usual successful part. Her pushball and baseball teams comprised of privates won their respective chatnpionships in the battalion field, while teams of "non-coms" representing her in the same games established their su- periority over all similar contingents in the matter of push ball and played a very close tie for the baseball honors. On May 12th, we entrained for our port of embarkation. Saint Xazaire. and arrived at our destination the same afternoon. Thereafter, our trip across the .Atlantic on the good ship. Sinitii Iiaxa, our debarkation at Philadcliihia. and our arrival at Camp Dix followed in rapid succession. On June 9th. the last member of "l-"' Company re- ceived his dischar.ge papers, travel certificate and sixty dollar bonus, and the round trip between civilian and military life had been completed. @ s Page Two Nineteen ■*- ^ The 515th IisfFAJsnrRY i — '- , 1^. Page Two Twenty The 515 th Infant^rv Roster of Company F September 1, 1918 -^- ' KillST LlEt'TENAXTS Kulph J. Miller AVilliam M. Murrell William A. Shcehan CAPTAIN Fred II. McCIintook SECOND LIEUTENANTS Thomas L. Aahbridge David A. Wiley FIRST SERGEANT Melville B. llorter Jolin P. Burr I-po Brazek Edward H. Campbell James S. Dougherty Carl C. Avery Joseph A. Boardman I'ark II. Cornelius SaiuufI E. Cummiiifjs I-nrny \V. Fry I'liilip Goodman George A. Ilarliaugh MESS SERGEANT Harry W. Gouldy SERGEANTS TTarry N. Faesenburg Lloyd L. Klein Nelson N. Herron Fnmk Leus.-hner Joseph C. Keiinani Fraiuis V. :\IcHugh CORPORALS George A. Harnngton Miehael Parmos Harry E. Keefrider Herman H. Rathjen Jolin F. Kelly Harry A. Roberts William J. K.-lly Howard W. Robijis Ja<oh J. MrEwcn Joseph Rosenbaum James A. MrKiiib-y Mitehell Sargen Pius J. Nau Zygmunt Slusarezyk COOKS James J. Itissinger William I>. DeFeo William R. Johnson Thomas J. Kelly MECHANICS Martin Lutsi^m Hartley J, Morris Tliomas A. Murphy James S. Ross SUPPLY SERGEANT John H. Green Reuben Master Onello Ruimo Heury Romer William O. States Ernest A. Steudle James M. Slowers Thomas V. Treacy Harry A. Walsh Philip It. White BT'GLERS Francis Graff James G. Laycoek John Adolph Carl J. AIbre<-ht John J. Arnold Elmer Bell William Berry William Billington Leo C. Bli.-kley Leopold Bodaich George W. Bogurt Thiofolos Bogianges Lawrence R. Bowden Thomas T. Bray Harry Briggemaun Clarence E. Brown James L. Brown Edward J. Bullock William C. Campbell James J. Carroll William F. Carroll Carroll C. Cassell Samuel W. Chestnut Jan Citko Bortolu Coletti William T. Collihan John Coulter Charles Coyle John J. Cunningham Charles F. Deeney Samuel B. Derbyshire Albert T. Dick Benjamin F. Dietz Thomas S. Donahue Edward J. Dougherty Charles 0. Dozois Milton E. Erb Ben Eswieb Edward Farrell Paul D. Fidler John W. Fields Edward V. Fisher Joseph Fox Joseph Friedman John J. Gallagher Antonio Giaeobbe Joseph Giaimo Albert Gleoekler Yosef Glineka Fred Goldberg John Costelln Petros Daiidulakos Charlie Dawkins A'ineenzo Depaoll Lonnie B. Dickinson [•RIVATES Julius Goldberg James G. Gurmley Samuel (Jovberg Charles C. Green Albert C. Grill Thomas J. Grogan Leon Guggenheimer John Hamilton Ernest J. Harrison William S. Hart Joseph M. Hartnett James J. Higgins August A. Ilirsch William F. H<»ar Frederi<-k J. Hnhmaii Hrent Unvsepian Frank J. Iloyb's William E. Hume Philip A. Jacoby Thomas F. Jennings Samuel Kanisli Nathan Kelberman Norman S. Keller Edward V. Kelly Lawrence Kennedy Leonard Kiesel Edmond F. Killian RoViert King William H. King Maxaniillian J, Kloss Clarence A. Koeh George B. Kolp Fred W. Kornahrens John Koro! Frederick Krauss Samuel Kusnetz John M. Lawyer Patrick I-. Leahy George Leuby Samuel Lewin Charles E. Lewis William E. Lindsey John Lisa Samuel Logan Joseph Loscbiavo Bonifacy Lulko William Lumpp William E. MeClain Thomas H. McCool James McCutcb.-on Thomas L. Mrllngh Edward J. McLaughlin William J. McMaboii Harry Miiekerell John W. Manning James T. Marks Vincent Martines Frank Mauceri George Max- Robert H. Maxwell Peter A. Meakin \'ineenzo Minerva Harry W. Minnich liyman II. Misliler Harry Mitclu-11 Thomas F. Monahan Raymond U. Montgomery George I. Morgan Leonard J. Mulheran Frank Muro James Neeson Emanuel B. Newman Henry F. Ney ^'incenzo Nunziato Timothy O'Donnell John T. O'Neill Franklin E. O'Reilly James Pagliaro Charles W. Palardv Otto F. Pfeffer Joseph J. Post Ben W. Powers Nicola Rabittini Victor F. Ramer John Rawa Harry L. Rein George A. Rice William H. Riess Reginald G. Roberts Irving S. Roffls Robert B. Rose J.Tcnb Ri'senberg Carroll Roshon Mike Rulknfski Joined as Replacements — October 26, 1918 PRIVATES ICdward F. Dieterich Bennie A. Dillbeck Joe Dobson Joe Dodson Roseo D. Ealy Oliver Edwards William E. Finlev Albert C. Fischer Willie Folsoine Arthur Frodday Frank J. Sabuskie Jesse E. Scbaal David Schlossherg Paul G. Srhneider TlH-o.lori' G. Scboller Francis A. Schramm Benjamin Schwartz Edgar Scott Elwood Seigle Harry Shafner Thomas J. Sliearer William Shields Charles W. Smith Frank J. Smith Harry Smith Raymond B. Smith Sidney G. Sneade John J. Sokolowski Peter Sopagee 'I'oney Spineo James L, Stapleton Henry Stern John F. Stewart William R. Stewart Charles Stohrer Charles Strobel Elmer Tees Joseph Thomas Frank J. Tlglie Gaetano Tommaso Nick J. Triantis Herbert Tryon Walter I'lmer William C. VaiiDyke Sotirios \'erras Gustavo Virgini Henry J. Vogel Charles Volk William J. W'allace Sterling W'att Burton Watters Joseph Weinstein <''Iiarles J. Welsh Alfred L. Wilson Christian P. Wittenberger Roman A. Wojczynski Charles B. Yerger Micliael Zagacki Morris E. Glass Frank Grecco William F. Grossman Wilbur A. Guthrie Toney Leo ^ Pnge Two Twenty-one 5 The 315th Itstfant^ry COMPANY G When we look back over our army experiences, we cannot help thinking of the day we arrived in Camp Meade — the first body of very new rookies to arrive in a very new camp and destined to be received and trained by very new officers. We had been selected by the local boards of the City of Brotherly Love and were sent from that place with many expressions of good will and esteem from the City in general and "the folks" in particular. When we were finally herded off the train and corralled on the desolate sands of southeastern Maryland, we re- sembled a herd of steers more than anything else. We did not know where we were going or how to get there, but for all that we finally reached the barracks to which we had been assigned and then began watching the red tape which made us part of the army being unravelled. While this was being done, we received our first impressions of the Company officers, especially Captain Earle C. Offinger. He was a man whose appearance alone instilled confidence in the mind of the greenest recruit, and he not only inspired confidence but taught confidence, that confidence in ourseh'es which later enabled "G" Company to finish any job that it started. In the work of building and organizing the Company, Captain (Jffinger was ably assisted by the earnest efiforts of First Lieutenant "Uncle Joe" Noonan and Second Lieutenants J- "Fergie" Mohr, John C. Snyder, John N. McDowell and Herman D. Partsch. In the beginning the Company was organized in tem- porary form, and, in addition to the officers mentioned, three non-commissioned officers were assigned from the Regular Army to help bring us up in the way we should go. The men in question were Sergeants Austin and Mullin and "The Grand Old Man of Company G," Sergeant Peter McHugh. The training re- ceived from Sergeant McHugh was many times evidenced in our army lives, and on long, hard hikes and in more bitter times his quiet, dogged perse\erance set a splendid example for the entire Company. During the first weeks in Camp, we received our first tastes of drill and discipline, and the hardest lesson most of us had to learn was that a soldier must learn to do as he is told without stopping to ask why. That little apple from the tree of knowledge cost manv of us much detail work and manv davs "K. P." Page Two Twenty-two The 515th Infant^ry ^1 — I CU.Ml'AXY G \^'e were jnil thniugh llie usual course of training, and to many of us it was a period of torture. Changing our habits of life and the amount and kind of our exercise made a change in our bodies which was as painful as it was evident. We were just beginning to look and feel like soldiers when a second increment of men arrived to be added to our ranks, but, of tliese, many were later trans- ferred to other camps. Life at C'ani[) Meade was sciniewhai monotonous, tlierc being few events of sufficient moment to remain long in our memories. One of these few events was the Baltimore hike and the parade in which we were reviewed by I'resident Wilson. Another outstanding event was the trip to the rifle range, where we learned for the first time that the army rifle has a kick at both ends. As time wore on, the numerous transfers of men depleted the ranks to an alarming ex- tent, but we were finally brought U]) to full war strength by the addition of men from rhiladel])hia, from the artillery units of the Dixision and from Camj) Upton. New York. Finally orders came to prepare for departure o\erseas, and, after many inspections, we rolled our packs, slung our rifles and started out. We entrained at Disney at 5:00 P. I\I., July 7, 1918, and left Camp Meade for good. Many of our friends and relatives were there to see us oft", and they gave us a send-off which was only equalled in sincerity by the greetings we gave them when we landed from overseas. The train arrived at the freight yards in Jersey City at 1 :,?0 A. M., July 8th. We detrained at 5 :30 A. M., and marched to the ferry where we took a boat for iloboken. While on board this, we passed a number of other ferry boats loaded with ci\ilians. who gave us an ovation whicli showed that the\' were backing us to the limit in the big job we were up against. We walked ui) the gang jilank of the America at 2 :30 P. M. and were assigned to quarters immediately. The man who assigned us to our quarters on the America had economy of space down to an exact science. We were not quartered, we were packed, but we knew there was a reason and not much kicking was done. Before we boarded the transport, we were given coffee and sandwiches by the Red Cross women, and, as we had had neither breakfast nor dinner, we have ever since had a warm spot in our heart for the Red Cross Workers. At 6:05 P. M., we pulled out of the harbor, to,gether with four other transports, and when darkness fell that evening we were out of sight of God's Country. The trip across was quiet and, excej)t for the collision which resulted in the sinking of a tramp-steamer on Sunday night. July 14tli, was really quite imeventful. It was saved from monotony, however. Ijy the abaniloii ship drills which we had ever\' day. We arrived at Brest on July ISth ;ind anchored in the harbor. ( )n the morning of Jnlv 19th. we were taken ashore on lighters and given our first '"close-up" of I'rance. The quaint white cai)s of the women and the wooden shoes were new things to us. and attracted the interest of the whole Company. We marched up through the town of Brest to a rest camp. At least they tokl us it was a rest camp, but if it was. we all decided we preferred a Labor Battalion. We ])itched i)U])-tents in a square field surrounded by a high, rank hedge, and the mud there had only one redeeming feature : it was slightly softer than the steel deck plates of the America when used as a bed. We remained there until July 22nd. and it rained consistently all the time. -^1 1 P.ige 'r\vo Tweiit.v-tliree p 1^ The 515 th Infant^ry COMPANY G K - 1 -L-ib^^ VS ^v A Cdiil'A.W In.-51'EC'IHiN At 7:00 A. M., July 22nd, we left the rest camp with its endless details and work and marched to the station at Brest, where we were loaded upon little things which reminded us of nothing so much as egg crates on toy wagons. We rode past many stations, all neat and well kept and some quite large. The names of the stations do not come to mind just now, but the memory of the coltee the well meaning "Poilus" served the cramped and cranky doughboys will ever re- main fresh. The Frenchman has always been awarded a premier position in matters culinary, but who but he would ever think as gun-oil as a substitute for Java? However, "C'est la guerre." At 9 :00 A. M. July 25th, we unloaded our cramped selves and our packs at the little station of Vivey-Chalmessin. The following morning we left for Leuchey, and that hike is still one full of painful memories. We had not had a chance to shake our sea legs and we were a sore, tired bunch when we finally were assigned to billets. W^e lost little time in this unattractive town but got right down to work. A drill ground was quickly located, and the strenuous business of bayonet practice, target shooting, gas drills and combat formations was gotten under way. We had never fully appreciated the full value of a letter until we had been in this town a couple of weeks, when our first mail arrived. Letters were no longer merely incidentals, they became one of the fundamental things of life. We were issued gas masks and "tin derbies," and Chaplain Lancaster has never had time enough to replace all the religion we lost because of these instruments of torture. We bade farewell to Leuchey on Sunday, September 8th, and hiked to Vaux, a distance of about seven miles, in a drenching rain. There we were loaded on the "40 Hommes" Pullmans and started for the front with all the usual number of quartets going strong and an occasional game of African golf in full swing. We rode to Revigny, and, when we got off at that station, a Red Cross train loaded with wounded had just pulled in. The sight of that bunch of bandaged doughboys, e\xry one of whom was cheerful and happy, was one of Page Two Twenty-four The 515 th Infanttry COMPAXY r, ihc bcsl tonics we ever had. We liikeil to Ilrilloii, 25 kilos distance, slo|)i)ing overniglit at Mogneville on the way. It was on tlie second lap of this hike that w'c were really initiated into the jnire eiissedness of the semi-liqviid I'Vench cli- mate, as it rained all day and the roads soon became merely a wallow of mud, of the consistency and staying power of good j)aint. We stayed in F>rillon two days, just long enough to dry out, w'hen we made packs, and, at 8 o'clock in the evening, boarded trucks and rode until 1 :,i() in the morning, when we debussed and hiked to Uombasle where we had a few hours sleep. We woke to view a scene of desolation such as we had scarcely dreamed of. W'e hiked to Normandy Woods, where we landed at 8:00 .\. M. Every one immediately turned into his dugout and fell asleep. At 4:00 P. M., we w'ere aroused, slung our packs and after a short talk by the Ca])lain were on our way to the Canne- biere trenches. ( )ur march fi'oni .\c)rniand\ Woods was in reality unite inie\ cut t'ul. hiu it (lid not strike us that way at all ;it tlie time. No one can ever convince us that ignorance is bliss, because the shells we heard might have ke])t our throats in permanent cramps, yet we never knew mitil later that they were landing se\en kilos away. We were \ery, \ery green, and moreo\er we were not yet accus- tomed to traxeling those rough, shell shocked roads at night, without even the solace of ;i smoke. We got to our particular sector after a painful trip through trenches that would gi\'e a snake rheumatism and were assigned to dug-outs. These dug-outs were typically I'Vench ; they were com])osed of such a large ])er- centage of moisture that there was a leak over every individual bunk. This water, which came so consistently down u])on us, ga\e us exercise for our Yankee originality. .\s soon as we had slejjt our till, we began looking around for means of stopping the constant drip. "Corned Bill" cans hung on wire, an old stove \npe cut lengthwise to form a gutter, emjny shell cases, butter cans and, in fact, anything which would hold water were jjressed into service, but at that we ne\er failed to co\er the main parts of our anatomy with our slickers. Our stay there was cpiiet, but the first few nights the autonuuic men who stood guard in the trenches had to keep their teeth tight to keep their hearts down, until they found that the raiding parties which kept rattling the barbed wire and tin cans were merely enormous rats that infested these old ditches. The gas alarm worked (nertime until we left the trenches, but in every case there was more alarm than gas. At 7:00 P. M. Sejitember 18th, we were ready to be relie\ed, ha\ ing recei\ed orders ;it six o'clock. We waited until three in the morning before our relief arrived. We started back toward Normandy Woods by way of Esnes, and Montzeville. We had to hike fast all the way to get there by daylight, and arrived just in time to escajie bombardment at Montze- ville. We stayed in the woods until we received orders to take our places in the trenches, preparatory to the Montfaucon drive on September 26th. Late in the evening of Se])tember 25th, 1918, we moved out of Normandy Woods after a very short and very convincing talk by the Captain. We had scarcelv gotten into the boyau when a mule fell in the trench, blocking it. There Jerry caught us, a shell striking the Fourth Platoon and wounding Privates Pantaleone Cramasta, Leonard Joseph, James Pinto, Edward Schroeder, Salva- tore Percia, William Defeblja and Santo Trolio. Cramasta later died from his wounds. These were our first casualties. We got back into the trench and pro- l@l @ Page Two Twenty-flve The 315 th Infant^ry @ COMPANY G Members of Comtanv "G" Receiving Instruction in Grenade Throwing ceeded to our position. Sergeant Mcllu^h was not with us at the time, and the next day he met Lieutenant Mohr. "I hear you were shelled last night." said the "Sarg." "Yes," Lieutenant Mohr replietl. "Lieutenant, there is one question I would like to ask," said the old "Sarg," "When the shell came over did you have any trouble making the boys take cover?" At midnight the barrage started, and Mars must have smiled at the tune those guns played. In the morning, we left our positions in line of sections. At 10:00 o'clock, we saw the first German prisoners coming back and also the first American wounded. We traveled pretty steadily all day, spent the night in the old German trenches, and took up the advance in the morning. The advance was slow but steady with no casualties until in the afternoon, when First Sergeant Henry Boylan, Sergeant Charles Wahl and Private Samuel Gabrolovitch were slightly gassed. That night, we dug in along a narrow gauge railroad, and in the morning advanced as far as Nantillois. We were moved to the right to relieve the 314th Infantry and then ad\anced to the top of the hill before the Bois des Ogons, where we deployed behind three large tanks and started toward the woods. Corporal Dougherty was placed on one of these tanks to give direc- tions from the rear, and he described the ride as a very rough aiTair : "That tank was a combination of a small boat in a rough sea, a scenic railway, and a bucking Ijroncho, and when they fired the '73' from her front I thought my end had come." As there was no artillery far enough advanced to give any aid or support ill the assault mi the Bois des Ogons, no further advance was made that day. In the attack on the morning of the following day, Lieutenant Herman D. Partsch was fatally wounded and Captain Earle C. Ofifinger was wounded in the arm. The Captain had his wound dressed temporarily bv one of the men, re- fused to go back, and continued to lead his men until finally forced to seek medical attention. For his gameness and gallantry he was awarded the D. S. C. ( )n Sunday, September 30th, we were relieved, and immediately afterward we experienced a great joy and a great sorrow. The rolling kitchens pulled up Page Two Twenty-six The 315th Infant^rv CU.Ml'AXY G anil \vc had tjrual anticipaliuns of a real niual, lull I'Vitz began shelling and thu kitchens pulled out "tout de suite" leaving a great and deep sorrow upon us. Thev left the food containers, however, so we got the meal in spite of the shells that whizzed o\er all the lime we were eating. Having returned to Xorniandv Woods after our Montfaucon offensive and rested for a day, we received orders to strike tents and prejiare for another move. W'e moved out the evening of October 3rd under cover of darkness, not knowing where we were headed, but wishing and ho])ing for a period of rest. The move proved to be a series of night marches from October 3rd to October 5th which we made in rain and mud, w'ith sore feet and aching shoulders, but the grim determination to go forward until we finally reached our destination. Gibraltar Woods. After being billetetl in shacks in Camp Gibraltar, the men prepared for a ])eriod of rest which they so much desired and deserved. Here the worst enemy of the army, sickness and disease, got in its work, most of the men suffering from dysentary and not a few from influenza. It was principally due to the fine exami)le and s])lendid handling of the Company by Lieutenant Mohr, that the outfit was able to ]m\\ itself together. While here Lieutenants Hibbard and Rorbitlge, formerly of Company "E," w^ere attached for duty, the recent action having left us but one ofificer. Lieutenant Mohr. Close order drill was for the most part our principal vocation while at Camp (iibraltar, and we had just enough to restore the shattered discipline and morale of the men as w^ell as to control the disease which had become a real menace, for the days were marked by the steady evacuation of our comrades to the hospital. A few days after our arrival, a reconnoitering party, consisting of Lieutenant Borbidge, Sergeants Mason and Garrison and Corporal Kockesberger was sent out to reconnoiter a sector on the front which the Comi)any was ex- l)ecting to take over. The new sector w-as never occupied by us, however, as there was more urgent need of us elsewhere. While in Camp Gibraltar, we @ H.-\pi'v, Even Though Living in "Pup Tents" ra Page Two Twenty-seven *■ I @ The 515 th IlSfFANTTRY COMPANY G AlUiN iZEVlLLE, THE \'lLLA(.,E WliEKE CuMl'A.NV "(j" SuFFEKF.U ItS I'lRST CasLALTIES @ heard the news of the Germans' acceptance of President Wilson's fourteen points for an armistice, but we later learned that there was quite a hard road ahead of us before the signing of the armistice. Having remained at Camp Gibraltar for nearly a month, we were now ready for our next offensive. Just before moving out. Privates Pfister and Hannon, two of our comrades wounded at Montfaucon, returned to the Company. Our depleted ranks were partially filled by the addition of 20 replacements, men who proved their worth in the Grande Montague Sector. Shortly before we left Recourt Woods to go up to the front, we were rejoined by Sergeant Peter McHugh and Corporals John E. Fallon and Oscar Nelson, all of whom had been wounded at Montfaucon. We left Recourt Woods at 5 :00 P. M., October 26th, and hiked all night until 7:30 A. M. the next morning, when we entered the Germonville Woods. Every one dropped wherever he happened to be and slept until noon, when Mess Sergeant Sheen roused us up to give us some "chow." That evening Lieutenant Mohr, the last of our old officers, was made Second Battalion yVdjutant, and Lieutenant Crawford, of "E" Company, and Lieutenant Muir, of the 28th Division, were assigned to us. Lieutenant Crawford taking command of the Company. From Germonville we hiked to the Bois de Forges,, and waited for darkness to complete our march to the front. During the time in which we participated in the final phase of the Meuse- Argonne offensive, we had numerous casualties, and, during the last four days of the offensive, our Second Platoon was in shell holes within a stone's throw of the Boche lines. It was while in these shell holes that Private "Pike" Francis Donahue says that he learned to pray. On November 10th. we attemjtted an Page Two Twenty -eight The 515 th IisrFA>JT:^RV . COMrANY G advance ajj^ainst Cote (!'( )nie in a dense fo,^, hut it was abandoned because tlie different combat groups could not keep contact with each other. While this attempt was beint;; made, the men actintj as connectint;' liles did very heroic work. Word came on the niorninj^ of November 11th that the lirinj; would cease at 11 A. M. Several of the men who were out as coimecting files had (juite a no\el experience, walking into the (ierman lines a few minutes after the Armistice was signed, but not knowing that it had been signed. They often refer to their last advance, and thank their stars that it did not occur a few minutes before 11:00 A. M. After the Armistice, we mo\ed into the town n\ 1 ),im\ illers. where we made the best of what comfort there was to be had in ,i ^hell-torn lnwii. There we were joinetl by Cai)tain ( )ffinger antl several of the men who hatl been wounded at Montfaucon. While in Damvillers, we had time to think of other things besides fighting, and on Thanksgiving a celebration and jjarade were held which have become famous. This parade w"is later rei)eated in Toul at the request of Lieutenant General Bullard. Lieutenant Ralph J. Miller was assigned to the Coiupany about this time. Christmas was spent in this town, and the dinner was one long to be remembered, largely because of the efforts of Chajjlain Lancaster, who journeyed all the way to Nancy to purchase supplies and delicacies with which to make the dinner a supreme success. On December 26th, we left Uamvillers with its endless problems and in- spections, and, after a three days' hike, arrived in Neuville-en-Verdunois. While there, many of the men who had been wounded returned, and the Company be- gan to look more like its old time self. Lieutenant Alfred J. Ludwig and Lieu- tenant Grady H. Forgy were assigned to the Company. "Doug" Rice returned from the 80tli Division, where he had been assigned, and was made First Sergeant. .'-'pring began to show itself, and the great national pastime, baseball, became the rage and the chief method of exercise in place of the usual army calisthenics, much to the delight of the men. A league was formed comjjosed of five teams: Company Headquarters, Sergeants, Corporals, First Platoon and Second Platoon, aiul the games were hotly contested throughout. The Corporals proved their ability by becoming champions of the league. At Neuville w-e received another "shot" in the arm similar to that awarded at Camp Meade, only much stronger, and, in consequence, there were many sore arms, but the fact that it was the first step toward home offset the soreness. Passes had been issued at various intervals, beginning at Damvillers, and most of us had a chance to take a tri]) to the more beautiful parts of France. On March 2Sth, w'e started on the first lap of the trij) which we had all been looking forward to, the trip to America. We left Neuville for Rimacourt, via "Ankle Express," in regular old 79th Division weather, hiked for 5 days, and finally arrived at our destination on April 1st. During our stay in Rimaucourt. the Division was review'ed by General Pershing on April 12, 1919. We left Rimaucourt on April 23rd for the Nantes area, where our Battalion was billeted at the town of Beautour. At this place we met the most hospitable jieople that we had encountered during our stay in France. On ALay 2d, Chap- lain Lancaster, who had rejoined the Second Battalion, got up an "Au revoir 5 @ Page Two Twenty-nine @ The 515 th Infant^ry C():\irANY G A View IF Damvii-lers From the Steeple of the Village Church, Showing the Effect of German Shell Fire on the Village S Fete," in which the French people co-operated with the doughboys in Ijeauty shows, baby shows, and shows for the youngest looking old people. While in this area, we also received our final inspections and an issue of new clothing. Captain Farle C. Offinger, who had organized and trained the Company in Camp Meade and led it into battle in France, was transferred to the F'irst Division (Regular y\rmy ) just before we left Beautour. r)n May 12th, we left Beautour and went by train to St. Nazaire, where, after delousing, physical e.xaminations, inspections of records and inspections of etiuipment, we embarked on the good ship Santa Rosa. .\t 5:30 A. M., on May 17th, we set .sail for the United States and thus after many months of waiting our dreams came true. Two days out from land, we encountered a storm at sea, and man}' of the men were not able to hold their own. We passed the Delaware Breakwater early on the morning of May 30th, and from there, until we docked at I'icr 7K, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, we were escorted up the river by boats of all kinds and given a hearty welcome home. After debarking, we were given ice cream and cake by the Red Cross Work- ers, a fact which convinced us that we were indeed in the United States. We entrained at the pier for Camp Dix, N. J., but before pulling out many of the men had a chance to see their relatives and friends. During our stay at Camp Dix, the records of the Company were turned in and Company "(i," 315th Infantry, ceased to exist after May 31st, 1919. However, we all stayed together until we were finally discharged and returned to our homes on June 9, 1919. So endeth the history of a company which stuck together through thick and thin, jilayed its jjart cheerfully and honestlv at all times, and throughout gave the best that it had to the army and the nation. P.ige Two Thirty ' The 515th Infant^rv Pni COMPANY G u Things That We Will Never Forget 1. Arrival nt rump .Mcmli', S4-|>li>iiiIii>r I'l'lnl, 1!>17. :M. Miirfli to lUns ilc> Votki-h. 2. KfcclvliiK Kiiiil|ilii<iil. 35. ItcUi-f of aitli nivlsliiii. 3. riljnliiil KxiiMiliiutldlm. 3(1. "l>cnlh Valley." •). Ilullciwi-'.n I'any. lAliiilc liulilihiK aiitl iili> cut- 37. Tin- .ViKht ••i-lku" lli.iinliii • l..-arn.-.l lo pray. liiK conlcsll. 3N. "Over llio Top." 5. Chrlstnjan Uliincr. 3!l. '•lorn Willie IJlll." IJ. PanMi'H. 40. ArmlKttee. 7. Ifalllnioro Illko ami Paraih'. 41. litiinvllltrH. H. Klflo lifliigc. 42. ThaiikKKivlTiK I'arailc. l>. Ni'W UcmklcH rrciiii Caitip Tptoii. 43. ChristiiiaN DiiiiuT. Id. ]'n-]>anill<>n for (Hits. ■us. 44. Mi.vi- to .Ni-uvlllf. 11. Kliiliarkatloii at Ilolioki'ii. 4.'>. lllKKini; Kllli' KaiiKO. 12. Collision with the- ••lioji'slici. to." 1(1. Flllliit; In Itlllc UaliKi-. 13. l.aiidlnt.' at Itn-st. Kranrc 47. Mano<Mlvt'rH. 14. ronfatio/.i'ii r.arrackH. 48. Qnaraiillnc. 1.^. Knlralnlntr for Lfncli(.'y. 4U. llasc Hall Loafnc. 11^ Tnitnluk' Area. .lO. .SoIiooIn al Soullly. 17. Mari-li to (*halancc.v. 51. March to Hiinanconrt. IS. KntralnhiK for llrlllon. 52. Hfvk'W li.v (JiMiiMal I'lTslilnK. 111. Itidc In TrlK-ks to Kaiii|)onl. 53. Hovk'w liv Licuti-nant (Ion •ral Llcuelt. :;(>. Arrival In Noniiand.v Woods. M. Hide to li.antonr. 21. First .NlKlit Marili to tin- Lines. 55. Ilonpitallt.v of French I'coi le. 22. Canncbli-rc Tri'iiclies. .'id. Parade In Hcantoiir. 23. Oas AlariDM. 57. Inapectloiis for Uctnrn to U. S. 24. Hals, .58. Move to St. Nazalre. 2.'.. "Over the Top." 5il. Delonser. 2C.. Hoche Machine <Smm and Artlller.v. «0. EmbnrkliiK for Home. 27. Nanllllols. (11. The "Santa UoNa." 2S. "Suicide mil." (12. Arrival in rhiladelphia. 21t. "Corned WIlUo" and no Water. ([3. Camp Ilix. 3(1. Tlie Hillef. 04. I'arade We 1)1.1 -Vot Have in Philadelphia. 31. Iletnrn to N()rmaml.v W*.mk!m. (i5. I>emohllization. 32. Nlcht Mar.-h.'K t.i Ciliraltar Woods. (10. Home. 33. .Moving into Support in Troyon Sector. Column of Squads ■•Pop" MiIliiKli "One T.nnK" T.iinK "II..111:" 1(1..- HaKwaKi- S.pia.l "Klliji" lliM-hi-r "Sister" (Jeljier "Caiiud" Tliiffti.'S "Hull" Murphy ".SL-ejiy" .M.-Crei'vey "(Vdonel" Itoseii "llnmp" Kramnics "SOUJI" ZtH-ile 1>1kkIiii; Sinia.i "Itunk" lliiiikerly "Clear" AmierHon "lloclor" Neofe "Hull" Ii.TliniM "Charlie" LilK "I'lt'eon" VeiliLsky "Kd" Kltzeerahl ".T.din" T'n.lerrlner riidertakcrs ".Ilrnmy" H.-.lmoild "Knockeni" Soclion "C..p" O'DnniicIl "I'.nslirnr' ParkiT ".lake" K<-iniuli-r "Kniil" Itoh.le "Ilnii" Welland "M.-ss lloK" llavld Tent Squad "Kd" Uanil "ll.ilch" ll..lildilss "SKt." Zinn "l(..mnl.k" Thlcl "I'at" Whelan "Haii|py J.ie" llnsii.-n ".Mike" SzuHzki-wicz "T.tny" Lung ".Jam" Hardens "Otto" Hover ".Mitmie" Walters Kitchen Sqlia.l "Hiit.li • Hnts.li.r ".liln" O'Neill "Peniaa" Perina "Herm" Vollralli "South-paw" .Ma. -Kay "Cy" W'ehh "Froj;" Para.llK "Steve" Fr.-diTlck Police S<|ua«l "CInirlle" Si>ai.]ln[; "'Charlie" M.-rtz "Farmer" .lon.-s "C.in" S.-.if.'s "Se.onds" Halmer "P.-lildc" ()'ll..nn.-ll "SliofTy" S.liofstall "Hal.ly" gul.k MopnerH Vp "LImer" Uuss.-ll "W.Kifwoof" N'ilka "lto«ji-l .-" Owens "Louie" San.lwlzth "All" Pla.diler "Pike" ILmahu.' "Hed" Uohaii "Hill" Esterly French Squad ".Mac'* McC.h.I "Ta.vi" I)i)herst.-in "spo.)f" Ilalstea.l "Mac" .McCauley "Yere cum" .Iaiiies..n "Louie" Conrad "Silent" S.-hiffer ".Mike" Kelly "Helly rohlier" Slieen "Kev.'ill.'" Olson "Intelllcence" Connor .Ml .Nations Si|ua.l "Shliian" S.hi|ianl "nulili" Mueller "Tony" T'r.'Stl "Xel" Xils.in "T.uiimy" (Iraharn "Cohhler" Noil "Lac.*" Lac.-y "Hunk" Wal.lmlller All American "(;oody" (lotslimin "Cab" (lahral.ivl.-h "I).-.Mike" IteMIchele "Ati" IJ.'miano "dreaav" XistL-o "San" Trolio "Whlt.-y" Il.ick "Vlv" VIvluno Street Cleanern "D.k" DouKherly "Hurgler" Wedfwoo.l "Hill" All.n "Little Jim" Pinto "Hair cut" Heller "Sli-epy" H.iner "Little Hill" O'Hrlen "Oua" Tohln Mndainolselle Squad "Ali.." Khrll.h "Silar" Jesperson "Hero" llild "Hhunly" HowerH "Hath House" Davi "Louie" Altoninre "Ed" Schroi'ih-r '"Frmile" Meyn "darry" (larrlsou "Corn Hrcad" MnHon "Hnndsome Jack" Fallon Cherokee Squad ".Margaret" .Violin "Frank" Gencarelll "Son" Schlauch "J.-rr" J.-ITerson "Hanki-r" Talli-r "VIn.e" DiVin.-enz.. "Slip" sllplks "I'.arlHT" Utilquizzo Can OpencrH "Dan.er" Wnlnwrik-ht "stiw" Alisaiizkos "Stu|dd" Mncha "Du.hly" Hr.>x "Cornliill" K.iiw.irthy "Hals" Shaw "Pete" WliliamB "(i.-neral" Coon "O.B." O'lirien "Moo Cow" Rowers "Patty" Lynn Hat Crnsliers "Tllch" Tilscher "Old Doctor" Miller "Silt" Sii-itfrled "Count" MacDermott "T.unmy" ll.inahue "Haii" Ward "ll.-l.-n" C'ttshalk "Hurt" Kn.Tr Mechnniial Squad "(iamhler" -N. Ison ".T..e" Slo.y ".V.Y. Cop" Uulilnian "Push-eln-uii" Jaeiter "llaillna.l" Vessa "Otto" Olaser "(irowl" .Nnnzlat.i "Chaplalti" Percia Skeleton Si|uad "Joe" C..e "Personnel" K.ar.lon ".SeaplK" ZelhlK "Private" Paul "Hart.n.l.T" H..y.e "Hal" 1..I- Musi.- Tea. hers "Pretzel" I'rentzel "Charlie" Soderlund "Tommy" .Mayers "Ma.-" .\mi.Ts.in "Pop" Clark "81«ter" Martin "Rumor" FanidnK "Chick" n.ihliiBon "Shauiokin" Kelaer 5 P.'iL-e Two Thlrty-oiie 1 1 1 The 515 th Infant^ry , — .,- ,^>i^^. Page Two Thirty-two *- ^ T 1 ■ T HE 515th Infan'1 r^ r El Roster of Company G y September I, 1918 CAPTAIN Earle C. OthnKer FIRST MECTEXANTS SECOND LIKI TENANTS J. FerK uson Mohr Herman D. Partsch John C. Snyder Chester G. Stewart FIUST SEIUIEAXT MESS SERGEANT SrPPLY SERGEANT Henry J. Boylan Roland E. Sheen SERGEANTS Edward P. O'Brien Karl U. ISow.Ts George Dt'i-n I'eter McHntih Albert M. Ryan Hanild G. iiojtT Charles J. Limg Carl E. Olson Charles F. Wahl J«)svpli I'. Cuiuuir William J. l.yshoii I.einar D. Kice CORPORALS George C. Will Jnhii II. HiinlRtis Alfred G. Garrison Patrick J. Lynn Myer Pressman ItiisscU L. Ilrown Arthur K. Gordon .lanics Mmlin James Redmond Viililor K. Clark Addison C. <;<>ttshalk Robert 1'. Mason Charles J. Robinson Tlieodosis Deiuetiis Eugene Gritlin Gforge W. McCool William M. Smith Jobii C. Evans Howard M. Jacobs James Moucheck Clmrles J. Soderlund John E. Fallon Claude Reiser Oscar M. Nelson George A. Wallers RoRpr A. Foley Piirton A. Ktierr Frank I'reni/.el. Jr. Frank A. War<l William J. Frasch r(tOK MECHANIC BUGLER Frank Alisaiizkoj John G. Gress PRIVATES. FIRST CLASS Israel Miller Harry E. AniliTsou William Doberstein Edward J. Keeinm LeRoy P. Sharadin Abt' AuRenhlirk George M. Donahue George Lucas (ieorge Thiel Elain Bufhcr Al>e Ehrlieh William K. MaeDennott Henry W. Th<mias I'l'ter J. Cunway William li. Hughes Frank Moliu. Jr. Charles Traber \'incenzo DiVinrciizo Albinus N. Jest»ers<»u Albert II. Saul Vincent Vilka Nicholas I>iStt'fanM PRIVATES John L. Arkley Carl Gintber Joseph Mueha Jesse Sheck William Allen Otto J. Glaser Oscar W. Mueller Johhn SehitTer Ixiiis Altnmare Harry C. Glattle James J. Murphy Antonio Schipani Malrolm M. Amh-rsun Russell H. Goodman William C. Murray Paul Schlaueh Cali-n W. Halnier Thomas Graham Simon J. Nagle Valentine Schnable Matthew Honsol John Greenwood Hilding Nelson Karl G. SehotTstall Clifster A. Hower George T. Grooni August N. Nies Edward H. Sehroeder Jnhii H. Howers John W. Halstead Pielro Nistico Coristantiire Seofes Manns Boyr*- Christopher ilannou Joseph P. Nohui Joseph Semi>t'l" August J. lirox Williiiui U. Heller Jacob A. Noll William C. Shaw Walter V. Iiuts.-h.*r Hubert S. Herbert Antonio NunzJato I'idore Shuster (Iniseppe Casenza Charles H. Ilerehenriiler William F. O'Brien llarrv B. Siegfried James F. Clancy William Hetherington Charles M. O'Donnell Benjamin Slipikas Joseph F. C(»e Charles Hihl James L. O'D.mnell Joseph C. Sloey Lonis J. C'onrail William H. Hock Joseph J. O'Donnell Harry R. Smith I'anteleone Craiiia'^ta Harold S. Hotchkiss Sterling V. (Hdi ILiward K. Smith Jerimiah F. Cnrran Joseph V. Hushen James J. O'Neill Alexander Soehou Stiney Daiiii-I Angelo Toanuueci Charles Z. Owens Gioaehimio Spagnu«do Carmim- Davi William Jaeger Earl E. Paul Charles H. Spalding Jost-ph P. I'avid Charles G. Jameson Salvatore l'er<-ia William Sirotberk William I)i-Fel>ba George W. Ji'tTerson Anthony J. I'erina Benjamin G. Sutter Gnisseppe DeCellis John Johnston Charles H. Plister Michael Sznszkewicz Anj.'elo Ih'inijino Leonard L. Joseph James Pinto Jacob Taller John K. I>frham Michael T. Kelly Adolph A. Plachter John 0. Titscher Capriele I>iMirh.-l.' Alfred Kemmler Antonio Presti Gustav Tohin vVinerleo Dil asipiah' Herbert E. Kenworlby I'liilip A. Quick Santo Tndio Francis A. Itonahnc Daniel A. Kochersi)erger Eilward C. Rand Max Triimpa Thiimas I., nnnahnt- Austin F. Krammes (iniseppe Rappazzo John I"nderriner Edward I. I>cni;;herty Charles R. Laeey George R. Rath Charles R. Vanhlerstine James F. Dntran Anthony Lang George L. Reardon Morris Veilnsky Howard R. Duncan John J. Laehy Timothy A. Reardon Kgidio Vessa Melior Dunkerly Isidore Levy Edmojid Reuther Herman R. Vollrath William C. Esterly James MacKay John Riggi John J. Wainwrigbt Milton T. Fanning; Kenneth A. MaeKenzie Charles Rohan Frederick Weber George T. Farley Louis Mannaro Knu\ (L Rolide Aaron Wedgwo»id Jtilins A. Fischer Thomas I. Mayers Louis I. Rosen William J. Weilaml Edward P, Fitzgerald James F. McCarthy John Rosso latriek J. Whelan Walter Fox James J. McCaulev Thomas Rowe Albert Williams Stephen A. Fredcriik Robert D. M<(;reevey George Ruhlnian Frank E. Witt Samnel Gabralovich James W. M<'Hale (ieorge Russel Morris Yankowitz William (!all:inii Charles R. Mertz Michael Sachs otto Zeibig Frfd K. Gi'iKtT Ernest Meyu Martin A. Sadlier Joseph Zinn Frank Geiicaridli William T). Morgan Irving J. Sehaefer Joined as Replacements— October 26, 1918 PRIVATES William T. Znelfe \Mrgie Head Charles W. Litz Henry Reed John L. Waldmiller Kitt C. HuBlies Nathan Minders Loved Sandwlzth l.lovd C. Ward Arthur C. j<mes Leigh X. Neefe Frank Viviano Richard B. Ward Halver II. Lee Fred Paradis William Wade (ieorge R. Webb ■^B Oscar Levine Ray E. Parker Cieero R. Waites (iiff^trd R. Whiteman S Page Two Thirty-three The 515th Infant^ry S COMPANY H We, as it aj^pears recorded time and again in these pages which tell briefly the history of our beloved Company, is used in no editorial sense. It a])plies to the entire body of men who are "H" Company of the .HSth Infantry. It represents those who ha\e joined its family, and remained, and those whom we ha\'e lost by transfer, sickness or death. It includes men from all the several walks of life; from many nations; men of \aried temperaments; large men and small, the rich ;ind the poor. The first men of the Comjjany arrived at Camp Meade on Septemljer 22nd, 1917, and began that famous series of mo\es from one unfinished barrack to an- other, until the desert began to assume the a])pearance of a camp, and our wander- ings began to settle down to daily shifts from R-35 to R-36, then back again, like the play of a hard jiressed king in a dodge corner of a checker board. It was well, too, that we began to settle down, for soon we had more than a clean pocket hand- kerchief and an iron bed to move. The lessened moving also gave more time for that delightful and time-honored custom of standing in line. We lined up to be shot full of anti-typhoid, anti-smallpox, anti-tetanus, and anti-what-not, until we felt like a minimum lethal-dose guinea pig in the Marine hospital or the human pin cushion at the circus. We lined up for "Physical torture," for signing many papers, for drills, for bed, for singing, and finally after many days, for meals. These consisted mostly of two kinds of ( ). D. water, soup and coffee, to which we later added sweet potatoes dug from under the barracks. Thus we grew and thrived and fattened and waxed strong on san<l and fresh air. At this time, our attention and interest was centered on our Company Com- mander, Captain David E. Williams, Jr. He made a very good imjjression on account of his kindness and interest in the welfare of all the men. His whole heart was bent on building a Company of which we would all be jiroud. This he did. We felt like one big family, and, when the time for transfers arrived, every one strived hard to be one of those to remain. First Lieutenant Walter F. Hays was one of the original officers who labored to whip the men into shape and condition foi^ the ordeal through which we were to pass. Lieutenant Hays was transferred to the 32nd Division November 15th, 1918, having been pro- moted to Captain November 12th, 1918. We shall never forget Lieutenant Page Two Thirty-four .'^ The 515 th Infanttry COMrAXV II Cleorge X. Ahhouse, hecaiisc of his nc\fr lirinj,' energy in the training of the Company. .Many times did we disctiss and talk about "Double time George," as he was commonly known among the men. llis spirit and willingness to help every one was felt by all. This history would be incomplete without mention of the officer who alwa\s kept up cheerfulness in the Company, Lieutenant James S. McKeon. Lieutenants Althouse and McKeon were both promoted from Sec- ond Lieutenants to First Lieutenants, January 15th, 1918. Lieutenant Ralph J. Miller was another officer connected with the Com])any at the time of its organ- ization and an officer of whom we were all proud. Lieutenant Miller was transferred to Com])an\- "ti" shortly before our departure for overseas. The officer who always had the men guessing was Lieutenant E. Morrow- Sheppard. lie was witli us during our long and tedious training, only to be finall\- trans- ferred to Kegimenlal ! Icad(|uarters before having the opportunity to see ;iction with the Company. Company "11" had a glorious celebration in a Hallowe'en party and nuich to be thankful for in the Thanksgiving turkey, but it is Christmas that brings us by far the happiest memories. In the true spirit of the day, Christmas brought gifts to all from the Red Cross and kind friends of the Company, including the Captain. Dav bv (lav the organization (le\eloped and was readv to cope with all of the situations that arose in respect to drill and manoeuvers. The non-commis- sioned officer personnel was selected ; recruits arrived at stated intervals and were developed into soldiers ; and many men were transferred to other divisions. \\'c worked hard ; we also played hard. Company athletics were organized and we pla\ed our games to reflect credit on the Com])any. There were frequent snowball fights, frequent entertainments, and wc were al)le to enjoy ourselves thoroughly in our army home. As the s])ring days came, we began the more serious side of our tniining and prejxired to ])lay our part in the World War. We took up the imjiortanl pun of the soldier's instruction — rifle W'ork, and felt proud of the score earned on the target range, the second highest in the Regiment. We learned tiie new formations for the proper disposition in the offense and on the defense. We learned to march : wc learned to parade. Among the numerous jiarades, we especially renicnilier the review of the Division by the Secretary of W'ar and by President Wilson. We were proud to ])arade. Xo company ever marched more proudly on occasions of re\iew than did Company "11" under the command of (.'a])t;iin \\'illiams. In the early days of .April, we cheerfully made the hike to Ualtiniore, were re\iewed l)y the President of the United States, demonstrated to the people of llaltinKire how we could li\e in tents, how the army is fed, and how quickly an organization can move and carrv its home with it. We made the return march to Camj) Meade without losing a man. During tlie months of .Ma\- and June, we busied ourselves with preparing for our journey overseas. Xew equijiment was issued, called in, and re-issued, l-'verything was in a "hubbub" and a bustle. But, along with this hustle, came many visitors to Camp Meade who wished to see the men of Company "H" before they left the United ."-^tates. Mothers, wives and sweethearts arrived in numbers each Sunday. ^ Page Two Thirty-five o The 315 th Infan-try COM PA XV H CcJMi'AN V "11" Ar Camp Meade On July 5th, we received orders for the movement overseas. With mingled emotions we bade farewell to our loved ones : we were sorry to leave the home- folks and the homeland, but we were proud to be off on such an important mission. On July 7th, we entrained for Holroken. and on the morning of the Xth filed slowly up the gang plank of the transport America. Before our departure from Camp Meade, our Battalion Commander, Major Borden, had been ordered to precede the Regiment to France, and Captain Williams was placed in com- mand of the Second Battalion. The command of the Company devolved ujion Lieutenant Hays, who was our leader until just prior to entering the lines. ( )n JuK- ISth, we arrived in the beautiful harbor of Brest and diseml)arked the following day. New and strange sights were to greet our eyes. The customs of the French, their wooden shoes, their railways, their methods of living and even their wine, all of these were to be part and parcel of our experiences in France. At Brest, we pitched a shelter-tent camp in a small field and were greeted with three days of drenching rain and none too much food. We proceeded from Brest to the 10th Training Area on the famous "40 f^ommes or 8 Chevaux," and made our first real acqtiaintance with "iron" rations. We were now learning the points of "field soldiering." After three days, we landed at our new home, Leuchey, which was a Cjuaint village situated in beautiful Haute-Marne. Here we stayed until the first of September, devoting much time to drill and intensive training for the great task ahead of us. We learned how to "take baths" from a barrel with holes punched in it. We learned how to accustom ourselves to living mid the horses and cows of France : we became acquainted with the French jjeople and their hospitality : and we also learned how the American Army could be street cleaners. At Leuchey, we were rounded into an excellent fighting machine and were now ready to take our stand beside those who were fighting on the front. On Septemljer 8th, we marched to Vaux under fidl equipment, boarded box cars, proceeded to Revigny, marched to Brillon and rested for two days from our journey. On the evening of September 12th, we were loaded into a train of Page Two Tlilrty-six The 515th Infant^ry ^. — , COMPANY II Frt-iu'li trucks, warned conccrnint; smoking or making any unnfi.-t-ssar\- noise llial might attract the Germans, antl then carried to the front. We were now getting into big things. On September I3lh. "11" C'omjjany took o\er its sector in the Cannebiere Trenches, Hoyeau 304. Mere we became acquainted witli dugouts, many rats, enemy planes and the trench system as used in warfare. Our period in tlie trenches is a landmark in our history as soldiers. But still greater things were ahead of us. On September 26tii. we went over the top under the command of Captain Williams. We moved out in line of combat groups toward Malancourt, every man searching the terrain eagerlv for Cermans to ca])ture. Near Malancourt we saw our first German prisoner, and on the hill just beyond the village we came under the first heavy enemy artillerv fire of our experience. We took co\er from this fire in a trench to the north of Malancourt and there spent the night. The following morning, we move<l for- ward in a direction slightly to the east of Montfaucon, in su]jport of the Third Battalion. During the day, we e.xperienced slight gas attacks and, occasionallv, light artillery tire from the enemy, and by night had reached the vicinity of the windmill (thai well remembered landmark) between Montfaucon and Nantillois. Here we spent the night. Rations were getting scarce and the water supply \er\ low, so low in fact that we tried to quench our tliirst with "gasolene water." The following morning we experiencetl a very heavy bomliardment and the Company suffered its first casualties. About noon we passed through Nantillois and on to the hill immediately north of the \ illage. At this point the Company entered the front line and prepared to strike a telling blow against the enemy. Forming in combat groups, and in two waves, we followed some of the small French tanks, guiding on the "Jean d' .Arc." As we reached the top of the hill (familiarly known as "Suicide Hill"), the enemy's machine gun and artillery fire was at its height, and, as w-e plugged forward, many of our comrades were wounded. Going down the opposite side of the hill and across the valley through intense machine gun fire, we reached the edge of the Bois des Ogons without the aid of our allotted tank, which was ])ut out of the game by a well directed shot from the Boche. Up to this time, the woods had been in possession of German snij^ers and machine gunners. The Company proceeded through the woods, making clearer the way for those that followed, and prepared to consolidate the newdy gained terrtiory. Hea\y artillerv fire. however, caused the Battalion to be withdrawn again to "Suicide Hill." ( »n the following morning, we again attacked the woods and were forced to withdraw because of the lack of suijjjorting artillery. (")n the ,50th, we were relieveil, having suffered a total of seventy-four casualties. We returned to our old "camping ground," Camp F., and from there made a very difficult hike, the hardest march of our military experience, to Senoncourt and thence to Camp Gibraltar, where we took our ])osition in sup])ort in the Troyon Sector. We hati suffered much physical exhaustion from our experience at the front, and influenza now attacked the Company and was the cause of manv of our comrades being evacuated. We were rested, re-equipped and quicklv shaped up for our second experience in the lines. On ( )ctober 23rd. we started our movement to the Grande Montague Sector, where we again experienced much action and hard fighting. Captain Williams was transferred from us as Regi- meiUal .Xdjutant, and Lieutenant Hays commanded the Company during this P.ige Two TUlrty-seven @ @ The 515 th Infant^ry COMPANY H **mm 4 Grenade Throwing From a Practice Trench action. ( )ur experience in this sector diifered from that of our former engage- ment in that we were here holding a position from hnes disposed along a series of shellholes. "H" Company supported Company "E" until November 2nd; then moved across "Death Valley" to the cover of the woods in a reserve posi- tion. On November 4th, the Company was ordered forward to support the First Battalion, with one platoon in support of Company "C" and three in sup- port of Company "B." In the advance, the Company was later in the front line. The advance covered but a few meters ; the position was then reorganized and the Companv maintained its position until November 8th, when it was relieved by Company "I" of the 314th Infantry. We were then moved to the left and placed in support of the First Battalion, ,il3th Infantry. Thus disposed, the Company advanced toward Etraye, and on the night of the 8th rested on the hill south of Reville. (Jn the morning of the 9th, we marched south to Etraye. The Company was then formed in line of combat groups and moved beyond the Damvillers-Gibercy road. Here we were subjected to artillery fire, supposed to l)e our own heavy artillery, and we fell back about 500 meters to some trenches, where we spent the night. (_)n the morning of the 10th, we moved forward under cover of heavy fog in an attempt to capture the heavily fortified hill to our front. The enemy fire caused us to change our direction and follow the narrow gauge railroad for some distance. We then crossed the Thinte River by means of a wooden bridge, which, however, was under a heavy enemy machine gun fire. Following our crossing, we took cover beyond the stream behind an embankment, and returned the enemy's fire. In this position we rested during the night and on the following morning moved south beyond the village of Gibercy. Here we prepared for an attack at 9:30 A. M. This attack was just getting under way when 11 o'clock brought the welcome news of the armistice. Page Two Thirty-eight The 515th Infanttry COMPANY H "H" Company had played its part in the war and was now ready to rest and re- cnperate. In this engagement we had suffered thirty-seven casualties, and seventy-two men were with the Company at the hour of the Armistice. We immediately huilt fires, fed ourselves, dried our clothing, and gathered around camptires for songs and dis- cussions of what we had jjassed through. We were soon reclothed and moved to Damvillers to make our homes in the houses of that village. Lieutenant Hays, who had heen promoted to Captain, was transferred to the 32nd Division. leavi?ig us in the command of Lieutenant llackett. He was assisted by Lieutenant Mitchell, who had joined us prior to entering the last drive. Later, Lieutenant Gledhill was assigned to the Company. Our comfortable homes in Damvillers had to be given up when "H" Company was ordered to Gibercy on outpost. We shall always remember the cold nights in the delapidated shell-shocked town of Gibercy. On November 22nd, we were relieved and ordered to return to Damvillers. Captain Trundle, who had been assigned to the Company, joined us on our return march and placed us in the old homes that we had occupied before going on outpost. We now busied ourselves rustling German material, namely stoves, wood, window panes, etc., to make ourselves comfortable. We underwent frequent inspections, partici- pated in many manoeuvers, and prepared ourselves for any emergency that might de- velop. We participated in the famous Thanksgiving parade, in the election of the Mayor of Damvillers, and enjoyed our Christmas dinner. On the morning of December 26th, "H" Company swung into column on the march to Neuville-en-Verdunois. We marched with high spirits because we felt we were mov- ing towards home. After three days, we arrived in Neuville, made our homes in F"rench billets and settled down again for a series of drills, target range work and occasional en- tertainments. Men were granted leaves, and the V. M. C. A. furnished shows from time to time to relieve the monotony of the hum-drum life in Xeuville. On .March 28th, we packed up and set out for our new home at Rimaucourt. which we reached after \\\e days march. Our various resting places are mentioned in the list of places in which "we have hung our hats," but words cannot describe the kilometers over which we hiked. Our new home w'as in barracks that brought back to us vivid memories of Camp Meade days. The Red Cross and the Y. M. C. .\. furnished us entertainments every evening, and life in general was "rosy." We busied ourselves in preparing for an in- spection by General Pershing, participated in ceremonies in which decorations were awarded for bravery and started our preparations for sailing for home by turning in much of the excess equipment which we had lugged all over France. -At Rimaucourt we were also forlunate enough to ha\e tables in a tidy messhall, and were able to eat with comfort. We seized the opi)ortunity of having a small banquet to which our former Company Commander, Captain Williams, and our Chaplain, Lieutenant Lancaster, were invited. Hoth honored us with their iiresence. the men of the Company put on an ex- ceptionally original program and we had a very enjoyable evening. .•\t 2 .X. .\1., .-Xpril 23rd, we boarded boxcars (.-Vmerican) and journeyed to Beautour. Here we underwent frequent inspections, were w-arned not to get drunk, and were cau- tioned concerning 101 different things that might prevent our going home. We cleaned @ Goi.NC. Over the Obst.\cle Course @ Page Two Thirty-nine I :^- The 315th Infant^ry COMPANY H The Kitchen of Company "H" in Operation on the Front Line Immediately After the Armistice @ rilles. we sliined shoes; then we re-cleaned rifles and re-shined shoes; we re-arranged om- identification tags; we pressed our clothes; we drew new clothing; we displayed our equipment and we rolled packs; but we didn't care because it was all in preparation for the homeward journey. On the 12th of May. we left Beautour for the Embarkation Camp at St. Nazaire. Here we were inspected, bathed, and deloused. ("H" Company was never known to harbor one single louse); we were issued denims to keep our uniforms neat and trim; we were paid; and we were fed on candy and cigarettes to augment the scarce meals served by the camp kitchens. In between times, we played baseball and defeated the teams of several of our sister companies in the Battalion. After four days, we received the order, for which we had waited since November 11th, to board the transport for America. At 5 o'clock on the morning of May 17th, our good ship, the Santa Rosa, slipped from the dock and started toward America. Our history need not contain a description of this vessel and our voyage. "Santa Rosa" will suggest the entire history of the trip. After fourteen days of bobbing up and down, rolling from side to side and listing about over the bounding deep we were landed safely in Philadelphia. The landing occurred on Memorial day, 1919, and we shall never forget the greeting that the old city of Broth- erly Love gave us after an absence of ten months. Thereafter, Camp Di.x and demo- bilization tell the remainder of the tale. "H" Company, since the date of organization, lias lived according to the highest of soldierly principles and has alwa3's kept its members cemented together by a ti,ght bond of comradeship. .Approximately eight hundred men passed through the organization during its history. To each of these belongs a place in this account of the Company. We have drilled well, we have paraded well, we have played well, but above all we have fought well. Some members of the Comijany are lying with the heroes in France, and their memory will ever remain the most sacred part of our history; some have been wounded and carry the scars received while fighting in the ranks; others have fought bravely and well without undergoing physical pain. All of these, together witli the men who have been transferred from the Company, have made Company "H," 315th Infantr}', what it is — an organization of which each member may feel justly proud. Happenings Which the Men of Company "H" "Will Always Remember 1. Week-end passes. 2. The first Saturday morning inspection. A company of men, new arrivals from civil life, where dirty clothes, cigar butts, and all refuse had been thrown on the floor for either mother, sister or the maid to pick up, were suddenly confronted with the task of placing everything in a uniform manner and having an army home spick and span for the eagle eye of an inspector. The first bunk to meet the inspector's eye was that of the acting First Sergeant. It was adorned by an empty whisky bottle, a collection of one week's rub- bish and scattered pieces of equipment. The barracks and bunks of the man showed the example of the First Sergeant's display. Let it suffice to say that our instructions on Page Two Forty T?iE 515 th IlSTFANnrRY -" ' CO.MrA.W II policing, t(illi)uing such a showing, was such as to make a model Company for all inspectors during the remainder of the history of Company "H." 3. Hallowe'en party. I!il7. 4. Thanksgiving party, HUT. and the pleasure incident to the four-day passes issued to 50 per cent, of the Company for the 'rhanksgiving holiday. •5. Camp Meade Laundry, with its comhined etTecl upon our clothes and upon our pockethook, through its monthly call of $1.40. (1. Presentation to the Company of various colored skull caps and knitted sweaters hy friends of the organization in Philadelphia. Company "H" was the first company in the Regiment to enjoy such lu.xurics. 7. Christmas party, 1!UT. The mmierous gifts, the Christmas passes to those who were fortunate enough to draw them. 8. Promised New Year passes. 9. Company quarantine for measles — January .'ilst to February 17th, 1!I18. 10. The mysterious club formed for the one i)nrpose of keeping warm during the cold winter nights. The assembly room of the club was in the latrine. 11. The .-Xeroplane Guard in an o|)en lield, 17 miles from Camp, where the machine had made a forced landing on its return trip froiu Camp Meade to Washington. 12. The first bivouac of the Regiment along the railroad to the southwest of ,\dmiral; the attack of the camp by the Second Battalion durin.g the night; and the heavy downiiour of rain in which we had to break camp the following morning. 13. The famous Baltimore hike ; the camp at Patterson Park, and the review of the- Division by President Wilson. ( Company "H ' boasts the fact of having the first wa.gon loaded when camp was broken at Patterson Park preparatory to the return march to Camp Meade.) 14. "H" Company won second place in the Regimental range work at Camp Meade and was awarded a cup for this achievement. 15. The epidemic of clipped hair which struck the Company when ordered overseas and which transformed the Company into a bare-headed organization. l(i. Tlic issue of overseas e(|uipment and frequent inspections preparatory to .sailing. 17. The mimerous ailments among the home folks recpiiring the immediate presence of members of the Company when passes were not issued. IS. \'.K 20. 21. 90 The movement overseas and the stay at Brest. Our first impression of billets with horses and cows in France. ( )uv baths in France. In Homines and S Chevaux. Our first experience at the front and especially the attack on the woods north of Xantillois in conjunction with the tank "Jeanne D'.-\rc." '23. The first night march from Camp "E" to Senencoiirt and thence to Camp Gibraltar, 24. The second experience on the front — The Grand Montagne Sector, 25. The eleventh month, eleventh day, eleventh hour, 11118. 26. The tour of outpost duty at Gibercy — .\ovember 14th to November 2'ind, 1P18. 27. Our part in the Thanks.giving parade given by the Second Battalion at Damvillers. 2S. Our frequent attacks on the high hills east of Damvillers, during the numerous manoeuvers in our early weeks of training after the .Armistice. 2!i. Our Christmas dinner, 11118, and the numerous Christmas boxes received from the folks back home. 30. The seven-day leaves and tlu- relief they brought from the routine of army work. 31. The winning of the Batl.ilion cliampionship in the soccer series during our stay at Neuville. 32. The five-day hike to Rimaticourt. Every man of the Company made this entire hike and finished with a great reserve of "pep" which brought special commendation from the Brigade and Regimental commanders. ■'!.'i. The farce parade and presentation of medals staged by members of the Company at Rimaucourt. .34. The inspection and review by General Pershing. 35. The supper and Company party at Rimaucourt. 30. The review of the Regiment by l.ieutenant-General Liggett in which "11" Company was especially commended by the General. 37. The numerous inspections preparatory to embarking for the United States. 38. The homeward bound trip on the "Santa Rosa." 39. .-Ml arrivals of mail wdiile in the A. E. F. 40. How the gold service strijie was earned. 41. .All ftay days in the army. 42. The good fellowship that has always characterized members of Company "11." II S Page Two Forty-one ^5th Infant:^ry "y'r-" '^- ■'i': Page Two Forty-two Ihe 515 th InFAN I'R"! 1 O )M 1 ^\^■^• n Places Where We Hung Our Hats Arrivhd I,l;i-T Camp Alcadc, Md. . . - . September 22, 1017 July 7. 11)18 Hoboken, N. J. - - July 8. 1018 July 0. 1018 En route U. S. S. Aincrka - July 0. 1!>1S July 18, 1018 Brest ( Finistiere ) ... - July 10, 1018 July 22. 1018 En route. "4ii llonimes or 8 Clicvaux" July 22. 1!>18 July 25. 1018 Vivey-Clialniessin (Ilaule Marne) - July 2.-;, I!n8 July 2li, 1018 Leuciiey 1 Haute Marue) July 2(>, 1!I18 September 1. 11)18 Cliauiplitte (Haute Marue) September 1, 1018 September 2. 1018 I.eucliey (Haute Marne) September 2. 1018 Scptcmljer 8. 1018 Vaux (Haute Marne) ... September 8. ll»18 September 1», 11)18 Rcvigny (Meuse) . . . _ September !t. 1!>18 Seplonber 1). IHIS Mogncville (Meuse) September 0. 1018 September |i). 11118 P.rillon (Meuse) . . _ September lu. 1018 Septouber 12. 11)18 Cani|) E (Meuse, l'"oret de Hesse) September 13, 1018 September 13, 1018 Boyau 304 (treuehes) .September 13. 1018 September li), 11)18 Camp E ( Meuse) September 1!». 11)18 September 25, 1018 Meuse-Argoune OflTeusive ( Mniufaucou ) - Sei)tember 2-5, 1018 September 30, 1!>18 Malancourt (Meuse) September 30, 1018 October 1, 1018 Camp E ( NTeuse) . . _ _ - October 1. lOIS October 3, 1018 Sennncdurt (Meuse) ... (October 1, 1!)18 October 4, 1018 Rccourt ( Meuse) .... - October 4, 11118 October 5, 1018 Camp (lihraltar (Meuse) ( Pierrelitte) October •".. 11)18 October 21, 1018 \Voiml)ey (Meuse) ... - October 21, 1018 October 22, 1018 Camp Gibraltar (Meuse) October 22, 1018 October 23, 1018 Beuoite Vaux (Meuse) - October 23, 1018 October 2(1, 1018 Bois La Claire. Germoinille (Meuse) October 27, 1018 October 28, 11)18 Bois de Forges (Meuse) - October 28, 1018 October 20. 1018 Meuse Arsonue Offensive ( (Irauile Moutaiiue S jctor) October 21), 11)18 November 11, 1018 Hill ■_':,'<. Gib-rcy (Meuse) November 11. 1018 November 13, 1018 I3am\illers ( Meuse) ... - November V.\. 11)18 November 14, 1018 Gibcrcy (Meuse) .. . _ Novonlier M, 11)18 November 22, 1018 Damvillers ( Meuse) ... Novemljer 22, 1018 December 3. 1018 Toul - - . - . December 3. 1018 December 4, 11)18 Damvillers ( Meuse ) - - December 5, 1018 December 2(i, 1018 Thierville (Meuse) December 26, 1018 December 27, 11118 Souilly (Meuse) .... December 27. 1018 December 28, 1018 Ncuville-en-Vcrduuois (Meuse) December 28, 1018 March 28, 1010 Rosnes (Meuse) - - - - Marcb 28, 1010 March 20, 1010 Gery (Meuse) . - - - March 21). llHO March .3i), mil) Ligny-en-P>arrois (Meuse) Maixb 31). 11)10 March 31, IDlD Paneey ( Meuse) - - - Mai-eb 31. 11)10 April 1. llilli Riniaucnurt ( Haute Marne) - Api-il 1. 11)10 April 2.3. 11)11) En route American B-ixears .April 23, 11)10 A|)ril 25. llllli Beautour (Loire Inf.'rieure) .A,nril 25. 1010 May 12. lOlU St. Nazaire (Loire Inferieure) May 12, 1010 May Ki. 1010 En route C S. S. .Vi;i;/i; Rosa !\Iav 17, 11)10 May 31), 11)10 Camp Dix, N. J. ... May 31), IDIO June 11. 11)10 Lest We Forget That "March Under Full Equi pmcnt" Miles To Baltimore and kelurn _ 45 To Leuciiey. from Vivey-Cbalmessin _ - 15 To Cbamplitte and return for Divisional manoeuver 30 To Front Line position from Leucbey area - - . - 35 Our First Drive, vicinity Montfaucon and Nantillois 20 F'rom Camp E to Camp Gilbraltar - - - - 30 Camp (Gibraltar to Front Line Position . 25 Tbe Grand Montague Sector - - 10 On way to Souilly .\rea ... 43 And tlien to Rimaucmirl, I 'i'liis includes marcbes of over ten miles) - 70 Total - - _ . - — - _ 323 5 Page Two Forty-three T The 515th Infant^ry @ Roster of Company H September 1,1918 CAPTAIX Davi.i E. Williams. Jr. FIRST LIEUTENANTS SECOND LIEUTENANTS | George N. Altliouse E. Morrow Sbeppiird Walter F. Hays Charles S. Tiers .Tames S. McKeun FlItST SERGEANT MESS SERGEANT SUPI'LY SERGEANT Edward J. Scbrier Hans Scbiess Horace R. McCormick, Jr. | SERGEANTS Mieliaid Ci.liiMiU.v Stanley h. Hern William R. Lepper Morris C. Roseman Walter II. U.ilde Daviii Kolinsky William J. MeClory Frank Scbweibinz Albert 11. E/.ell I'arl (_'. Lenz * Vernon T. Patterson CORPORALS Charles E. Spracklen Calitli AriiKindu William J. Henry John J. McDonough Guy K. Milh-n Robert E. Blessing Alht-rt E. Ilntehinson John J. McGuiness Joseph W. OrbcU Robert W. Hoyii, Jr. Pan! G. Ko.-li John J. McLaughlin Arthur C. Pabst Karl W. Bradley Cliarles McCanley Rush P. Marshall Harry S. Podolnick Alfred M. Careen Walter V. MeConeghy Joseph A. Mickey William J. Rcichelt .latnes L. Gallagher Walter J. Tyson COOKS MECHANICS BUGLERS Joseph Conti Aujrvist Koliver Robert J. McCh-llan Thomas S. H inter Herman A. Nitsche Charles H. Sharp Toiiey Jennies Raymonil Wolf Waeily Wiiio, lurofE PRIVATES. FIRST CLASS Harry E. Case Thomas J. Jones Thomas J. McCarthy Edward C. Moran Jnlm J. Deeney William Lentine Rernard McEUiutton Scstbincu Scraral)o Raymond N. Heintzeliiian Samuel D. Lindeman Vincenzo Mammucari PRIVATES Jack Tiakiiiias James A. Abruzzi Adolph C. Grimmer William J. McDonnell Pietro Scarpinato (Pscar F. Allien John Gryszkiewicz Rodger J. McElwee fn'..iy J. Scbaefer Charles II. Ahlerton John A. Haag Frank A. Maguire Ji.lin F. Scliebler I'i'ter AoKeloni Edward A. Harley Xickolas Miacher Edwanl Schociiplein Walter Atwood Benjamin Harniclin Charles J, Maier Morris Schullzcr Anthony Balinski George J. Hassh-r Michael Mala William E. S.hwartz Alfonzo Barrnlli George L. Hassun Francis A. Malloeh P.ariicy Scirica rhaiies II. Hates Dennis Head Elmer P. Markline Ra.viiioiid II. Seager Nicl K. liech Joseph J. Hipp Anthony Mayshock Scbast iaiio Seclii Alii- Heruiun Harry Hott'man Lonis Meditz Charles V. Seittt-r •luliii J. Herrigan Edward Hughes Fred C. Messemer David Shea ()s(:ir F. Hopliner Jack Indenbaum Morris Michael Steve Slicmella .I.iiiii Molinski George A. Irvine William Micblalkiewien Anions M. Shoup St:nil<'v W. liolinski P.eniamin Isaacson Sam Millnr John Skachilisb Xil.Iu n.izzini Clark V. Jacobs William Monter Felix Smitli Frank lirnwiiis Thomas K. James Edward Moody Francis Smith Ihi-u V. linnlpr Robert H. JctTerson James A. Morris Joseph SodtT William Iturhter Alexander Kat^llis Elmer E. Most Louis Sosonsky Juliii Cat'soti Joseph Karolak Callie Maddox Morris L. Sperling [1«-Mj:irniii F. Childs Peter Kaisas Giuseppe Nardecchia Cliarles Sfachle Waiti-i- K. rii-miewski Christ P. Kiefer Filippo Nardinoeehi William J. Starr .loliri J. Cuh'k Henry R. Klen<'k Francesco Natuzzi Albert Stcinhauscr Kn-cltTick W. Danz Joseph F. Kohlman Harry Nefsky George J. Storz .luliii M. Deiter William F. KosT^r Charles Nelson Elwood Stremmel AiHln-w A. DiDio Walter Kowalski Joseph Obzyncki Henr.v A. Sundermann .Inscpli l»iMezzo Frederick Kricher William O'Conneli William 11. Sundermann -laiiiHs liiiinicHy Henry Kri.k Fred F. Orli.li Mike Swariz \*iii<'»*nl Ilmlris George \'. Krombach Anthony ossniaiin T^ilc^baw Swiokla Iiviiij.' Kpst.'in Frank A. Knntz Virgil Overton Maurilio L. Taormina 4'harU's Kairlmrn Harry Labohl Frank Pahls Domenico Tortorelli \ l,awn'ii<-c J. Farro John H. Laclienmeior Maciej Pahih Arthur W^ Trainer James H. F.-rry Robert E. Lane AntoncUi Paolo Frank Travers Just'pli Filcnioiiowicz Thomas L. Lane Michele Piceiolle John A. Illrich (leoi-K*^ W. Franck Samuel H. Lang Clifford Pickering Flori Valento Henry Fallf-r Gustave J. Larigen Charles Pierce Frank A. Waile Eiiriro (Jncuvt'tti Roman Lapinski Peter W . Poda Charles Waiting Frank (Jallaylier John P. Lanlner George E. Rambo Frank Walker Nit'l (JallatilK-r Antonio I..aiidanski Josepli Reitz Stinev Werzebeke ' .Tallies S. Galloway Samuel Lichtenstein Robert Ritchie John I. Westerberg William E. Gee Morris Lipkin Morris Rosenblnm Alfred M. Wineman Harry F. Gerety Edward Linp^rt Frederick K. Rupp Joachim W<)rnela Nnt<)I(' Giar-liini Frederick Lippcrt Joseph Rupple Peter Yager Ernest A. 0<m'1iiis Francis Long Lawrence F. Sandaver Frank R. Yerkes MMyer Gnmlfrifinl Frank Louder Charles Sanfilippo Walter Zubris i Joseph F. Griniahii 1 Michael J. McCaim Joseph Sanzone Joined as Replacements — October 26, 1918 PRIVATES. FIRST CLASS John K, (in'Kerson Harrison Stedman Ernes' A. Stout rosier L Watts l£..h..it U<-im1 Ole Stensvik Fletiiie- G. Torkelson Williarn W. W'illiams Richard V. Simmons PRIVATES Tbfina> M. W\vlegala Berth' G. Asselstinc Gab,^ Hughes Eliu»r R. Stone Williimi B. TTpdegraff James Connerv George W^ Shupe Samrel T Truss Herman Weber William r. Fiester Milo Smith Ray E. Tyree W^illiam F. Wertz Edward J. Foster Page Two Forty-four The 515 th Infant^ry THIRD BATTALION Company I Company K Company L Company M Page Two Forty-flve I' The oiOTH Inkanttry pa I'aise Two Forty-six The 315th Infant Third Battalion Headquarters MaJciK l-KAXl. TIk- follnwintj is a brief outline (if the personnel of Tliirtl llattaliiin I kacli|iiarlers diirini; the ditterent periods of its history: liuttalion Commander Major h"KA.\tis V. l.uivii - l-'roni (Organization to July (i. HUM Cai't. Alisert FkiEiiLANLiF.R (Acting), Julv 7, 11118 to Julv L'ti. V^IH MAjoti Francis V. Llovd - Jnlv 27. VMH. to Oct' 11. 1!)18 Cai't. LtTifs A. MiiLEK (Actin.<r). Oct. V2. V.HX. to Oct. 2'>, U»18 Ma.Tor Francis V. Li.ovd - Oct. -Jli, 1!)18, to Nov. 8, 1!I18 Capt. W'n.TON Snowden. Jr. (.Acting) - - Xov. 8. 1918 -Mai. II. llARRi.soN S.MiTH (Acting), Xov. 8, 1!I18, to Xov. KH. 1!I18 .\1ai. Jesse K. Langlev (.Acting), Xov. 14, 11118, to Xov. l-"), 1018 M.\j. Francis V. Llovu - Xov. l(i, 11118. to April 21 IIMH Cai'-b. Coi.eman p. Brown ( .ALCting), April l'2.11U1I. to May 1M. llMli Maj. F'rancis V. Li.o>i) - Mav 1-1. llill>, lo Denioliilization Uattalioii .\d.jutant !■ ] RST F'iRST F'lRST First First F""lRST First LlECT. LlEt-T. LlECT. Lieut. Lieut. LlEfT. LlELT. Ben.iamin Hri.i.ncK, :iii - Wii.i.iAM 15. OonsoN (.Acting) Ren.iami.n Bri.i.ocK, 8i) - Geori;e S. I'ree.man Cari. W. Wentzee Li.ovii B. Paimer (.Acting) Cari. \\". .Andrews l-'roni Organization lo June 2i. 11118 June 28. 11118, to August 20, ini8 August 2:, 11)18, to September 21). 1918 .September 3i), 11)18, to FVbruary o, 11)11) Februarv (>, IDID, to March 24. IDID March 2."), IDID. to May 1, IDID May 1, 11)11), to Denioliilization Battalion Intelligence Officer F'lRST LiEt_'T. Georck S. F'reeman Second Lieut. Thomas W. VAur,ii.\N First Lieut. GKORiiE S. 1'"reeman ■rom Creation of Office to Xovember 1-J, 11)18 Xovember Di, 1D18, to February 5, 1D19 I'cliruarv li, IDID, to Demobilization First Lieut. Henry D. First Lieut. Harry D. Battalion Gas Officer F'ansi.er - - From Creation of Office to September 28, 1.018 F'UREY - - - September 2D, 11)18, to May L lOlD Medical Officers Owing to the constant shifting of nieilical officers tliat occurred within the Regiment, it is impossible to state definitely the exact assi.gnment of such officers. However, the follow- ing served in the main with the Third Battalion : Captain Kuhert C. Van Buren. M. C. Captain Kohert II. Morris M. C. First Lieut. Ralph C. Ci.ARincE. M. C. F'iRST Lieut. Francis C. Hendrick. M. C. F'irst Lieut. Gec^kce L. Drach. D. C. F'iRST Lieut. Charles L. Harhwick, D. C. First Lieut. Geor(,e M. B.mlev First Lieut. Wielia.m T. Willis First Lieut. Joseph E. Ca.merman Battalion Chaplain September 20. IDl-^. to October 2ii. 1D18 November 2D, 1018. to Januarv 2. lOlD January •"), IDID, to May 17. IDID Non-Commissioned Staff (Battalion Sergeant Major) Bn. Sct. Maj. Anthony P. Davitt Corp. Fred L. Stellwaoen (Acting) Bn. Sgt. ^L^J. .Anthony P. Davitt Corp. Fred L. Stellwac.en ( .Acting ) Bn. Sct. Ma.t. .Anthony P. Davitt Corp. Raymond .A. Gai.lacher (.Acting) Bn. Sct. Maj. Henry F. Erickson December ID. 1D17, to September 28, 1018 September 20, 11)18. to October 31, 1918 Xoveinber I, 1918, to Xovember rt, 1918 Xovember 7. 1918, to Xovember 2D, 1918 Xovember 21, 1918, to April 1, IDID - April 2, IDID, to .May 8. IDID May 9, 1919, to Demobilization n Page Two Forty-seven The 315 th Inkant^ry @ COMPANY I The 17th of September, 1917, was a blooming day of the autumn variety, an ideal day, in fact, for bringing an infant com])any into being, and the powers- that-were in the Army apparently recognized that fact, for on that date. Company "I," 315th Infantry, first saw the light of day. Company "I" began existence in barracks R-15 with the following officer personnel: Captain Albert Friedlander ("Mose"). First Lieutenant Orson J. (Iraham ("Shift-your-chew" and later, "Bayonet Face"). Second Lieutenant Harry D. Furey ("Old Man Uneasy"), Second Lieutenant George H. Trundle ("The Little ]\Ion"). Second Lieutenant Ira B. Kellberg ("Kelly"), and Second Lieutenant Raymond T. Turn ("Con- science"). (.)n the same date that witnessed the birth of Company "I." Sergeant Aloysius Rowan and Private Theron M. Woolson, both of the Regular Army, were assigned to the Company as the nucleus of the enlisted personnel. Sergeant Rowan was appointed acting first sergeant and Private Woolson acting duty sergeant immediately upon their assignment. The days following September 17th were fair and bright, a good omen for the future, and on the 22nd of September there came into the novel but some- what stark setting of Camp Meade "( )ur first 19 rookies." From now on, there was material out of which to form a front and rear rank, and upon these inno- cents fell the army mop and lingo, as well as the officers and "non-coms." On the 23rd of the month, 76 more recruits were gathered in and their history de- manded, the alleged joke of this latter group being one, "Snow Ball" Jenkins, who was sent to us by a Philadelphia local board. "Snow Ball" was verra brack, which fact alone put him in wrong, and the little matter of a useless trigger finger completed his unfitness. The Cooks and Bakers School drew the prize. (3n the 30th, we began a merry, changeful life when we dropped 14 men to the Supply Company and received 79 men from the 21st Training Battalion and two "non-coms" from the 23rd Training Battalion. The Regiment was now experiencing the days when long columns of lads in civies came up the dusty streets and were assigned by Chance and VORC to the various company barracks. During the first few days of "I" Company's history, it shared barracks R-15 with Company "L," the latter organization, however, being vdtimately assigned to barracks R-26. It was during these days, also, that one heard the Colonel invariably referred to as "that bloke" ; that a post was a "beat"; that "( )fficer O'Day" was the high guy and always missing; and that the Company drilled, half in civies and straw hats and half in uniforms that loudly I Page Two Forty -eight The 315th Infanttry -1 — I COMPANY I denounced tailorings as a tine art. However, things went with a rush on the tlrill field, and, on the 2iid of ( )ctol)cr, the Company profited hy the attachment of T,ieutcnants Wetzel, Cold and Rodgers. Shortly tliereafter. Private Leonard A. Dcl'aul was assigned from a Coast .Artillery unit. During the month of < )ctol)er, the Company moved into Ijarracks R-14, which had just been vacated hy Headquarters Company. This building was a lighter barracks than R-15 and faced not only on Central Avenue west, but also on the open space to the north which separated the 312th Field .\rtillery from us, said space being topped by a large, symmetrical cedar tree and a small orchard, both of which pro\ided line shade for rest periods on hot days. Toward the latter part of the month, part of the lower floor of R-15 was fi.xed U]j as a rustic glade with ])ine branches, pine needles and autumn leaves. On Hallowe'en, this place was the scene of Company I's first big smoker. The first part of the scene was laid in the mess hall of R-14. where Colonel Roseubaum, Lieutenant Colonel ]\Iorton, Captain Fleming, Major Lloyd, Lieutenant Bullock and the Company officers were guests of honor at a Company dinner, .\fter the dinner, the party was recoinened in the Pine Room of R-l.\ where a small stage hoisted into view the talent of the Company and a few neighboring uints. .Among the artists were Kirby and Quinu in their military dance. Winkle with his "Come Out of the Kitchen, Mary Ann," Billy McKee in "(live Me the .Moonlight," "Red" Mullen. and "Jim" Walker at the piano. The early drilling of the Company was done on the small field to the north of the officers quarters, the skirmish lines oftentimes extending down through the valley, where the W. B. & .\. shortly afterwards began work on the loop which was to save so many footsteps on pass days. Later on, the daily drills were con- ducted east of the Regimental area. Captain F'riedlander was so successful in whi|)])ing his command into shape by strict attention to the details of close order drill, that very shortly the Company stood with the best and, in the Captain's opinion, could go through the manual of arms — a hobby of his — with the best of the Regular .Army units. On October 22nd, we lost Lietitenants Rodgers, Gold and Wetzel, and on November 1st, Lieutenant Turn left on detached service for Fort Sill, { )klahoma, to study fortifications. During ( )ctober, Samuel Bell was made mess sergeant, Rubin Norwitz was made supply sergeant. Corporal Wil- liams and Private DePaul received appointments as sergeants, and Privates Peck, McKee, Irwin, Mc(!eoghegan, Downey, Hirst, Smith, McComl). ^'ahnell. Patter- son, Trotta and McLaughlin won their chevrons as corporals, all of which helped to put the Company on its feet as a smoothly running organization. It hasn't been mentioned heretofore that "Abe" Weintraub, the Camp pho- tographer, for the first few days ate our "chow." Later, he was rejected for physical disability, but that didn't keej) "Abe" away from the army, and in the end he managed to ]Mck uj) much kale on snapshots of Camp Meade life and acti\ities. Company "P' had the honor of standing the first guard in the ,il5th Infantry, and of having been on guard when the colors were first raised to the top of the white ])ole which was cut on the reservation and ])laced before Regimental Head- quarters. The formal guard mounts were terrors, held on the fall afternoons in the saucer to the east of the concrete roads, where the details were l)rought up to the sergeant major on the double. ( )n these occasions, "Diddy" Rowan was impressed as sergeant major, a position which he filled in a manner to capture the eye of the Major .and in kee])ing with all Regular .Army traditions. Then for a while. Regimental parades were held every afternoon in this basin, when, after the first circuit had been made at (juick time. Colonel Roseubaum would 5 il Page T>vo Porty-niue iH H Inkant^ry COMPANY I CoMTAXv "]" AT Camp jNIeade order us into double time, and the band would swing into "Pop Goes the Weazel" and "Coming Through the Rye." It was in r)ctober, before he left for Fort Sill, that Lieutenant Turn intro- duced the subject of insurance, and the fine work of Corporal Peck as solicitor swept aside many a scruple. Then in December, when Captain Foss became attached to the Company, he ])Ut his shoulder to the wheel and turned over the last prospects. What with Liberty bonds, allotments, "whether you live with your wife or not" insurance and the $1.40 which the camp laundry collected each month, there was little left for mischief. During December, First Lieutenants William A. Baker and William B. Ennis and Second Lieutenants F. W. Loundsbury and Harry Staley were attached to the organization. Lieutenant Staley, on taking charge of the regimental exchange, brought to it the air of a prosperous five and ten-cent store and drew patrons from all over the camp. In this month Corjiorals Peck and McKee received their warrants as sergeants, and Captain Friedlander picked Privates Weise, Mullen, Aliller, Block and Sherry for corporalships. Earlier in the season, football practice was in flower. Sergeant Van Riper lieing "1" Company's representative on the Regimental Team, but the 315th had more luck at baseball than football. At Christmas time the camp was cotton white with snow, and the raw pine barracks along the opposite ridge glowed like weather Ijeaten gold in the dark fir. During the months of 1917, the Company's officers and "non-coms" learned to work together, and, in spite of the enormous mnnljers of men who were only transients being transferred, as soon as broken in, to the several other divisions which were being prepared for movement over- seas at an early date, were able to keep the Company in a high state of excellence. Van Riper claimed that exclusive honor, the title of buck private, becatise of an incident caused by our gift piano and the celebration over it. After the incident of the piano, and the masqtierade snake walk through the Regiment New Year's night, the New Year started off with a rush. The Captain appointed Sergeant DePaul first sergeant. At this time. Sergeants Norwitz, Williams and Peck left for the Officers Training School, the school being in AA block at the north- west corner of the Camp. "Jim" Walker was appointed sergeant, and Second Lieutenant Matthews was attached. y Page Two Fifty The 51; COMPANY I The t'aptain's xoicc liad j,n\en him consiileraljk' trouhk- at drills duriiis^ tin; late fall and early winter niuntlis. with the result liiat he was com])elled to seek treatment at the Base Hospital. During his absence. Lieutenant (iraham took command of the Comi)any. Lieutenants Haker and I'.nnis were transferred about the middle of January, and Lieutenant I'urn was promoted to the rank of first lieutenant. In February, Corporals Sherry, McComb, Hirst ,ind .^niith were ap])ointed sergeants, and Privates Mcl'arland, h^vans, Brzozf)wski, I,ynn, lleini and .Mcl-'adden liecame corporals. We lost Lieutenant Furey to "\\" Coni])anv, and gained I'^irst LieiUenant .Alfred (1. llarlow. In the latter ])art of the niontli. Captain h'riedlander returned to duty much impro\ed in health. During March. Lieutenant Trundle, to the sorrow of the Company, was transferred to the .Supply Comijany, and we were also obliged to say good-bye to Ca])tain Foss, who was transferred to the .\nti-.\ircraft Machine (iun Bat- talion. Curiously enough, another officer, Captain Crockett, was attached to the Coni])any at aliuost the same time. Toward the end of the month. Colonel Kosenbaum took the Kegimenl oiU for its initial e.\i)erience in lixing in the field. This camping out was simply ])reliminary to a much l)ig,ger event — the trip to Baltimore. .April 4-7, 191S. ( )n this tri]j, "]" Company, together with the other com])anies of the Regiment, experienced the thrill of being reviewed by the President of the United States in the famous P>altimore parade on April 6th. During the absence of the ,115th Infantry from Camp Meade, Lieutenant Graham was left in command of the Regimental Area. It was on the Baltimore trip that Captain Crockett received notice of his transfer from the Company. With the coming of sjiring, our baseball team got under way. The lineu|i was as follows: Palmer in the box, "Yap" Lash behind the bat. Tra])p at first, Kitchenman at second. Anderson at third. White at shortstop, Trotta in right field, ()"Donnell in left field and Senski in center field. This w'as our formation in our first game with "L"' Company, which became our great rival in the Regiment. On April 14th, the Company set out for the rifle range and remained in camp there until the 19th. ( )n the range much good work was done bv the members of Com]iany "1," "Jim" Walker being the high man in the Company. In May, Lieutenants Loundsbury, Matthews and Staley were transferred to the 154lh Depot Brigade. Palmer, who had been made sergeant, took over the mess sergeant's job when Walker abdicated the kitchen, and McComb and Sherry were detailed to attend the fourth ( )fficers Training School. While at the school, the last named men were transferred to the 154th Depot Brigaile. During the month. Lieutenant \\'illiam B. Dodson was assigned to the Com])any. coming from Com])any "L," where he had been attached. .\s May gave way to June, the Com])any finally received its full c[Uota of men. the recruits coming from ( )hio. New A'ork, and the artillery units of the Di\ision. Toward the close of June, another four days were s])ent at the rifle range, getting the recruits into shape, and a night was put in in adding to the trench system in the woods northwest of the Camp proper. In July, seven corporals were a])i)ointed sergeants, viz., Irwin, McCkoghegan, lilock, AIcFarland, Aliller, Weise and Trotta. At the same time, 25 privates were appointed cor])orals, viz., Cassedy, Cassels, Cummings, Curning, Doyle, Ciillen, lleusser, Lash, McLaugh- lin, Trajjp, Mill, Merriam. Mitchell, Rodgers, .^chreck. Landenberger, Schwartz, Cecil, Snvder, Cloth. McCleery, Watts. Lloyd, Farrells and Rhodes. Sergeant Hirst was ajjpointed mess sergeant and Coon and Mclntyre mechanics. The last davs in Camp Meade were taken up with manoeuxers around Dougherty's Knoll in the new platoon and section formations and Regimental parades. Finally the day of our departure arrived, and on Sunday, the 7th of Julv, 191S. we set out on the big adventure. We boarded troo]) trains at Port- I I i Page Two Fifty-one The 515 th Infanttry ■ — I- COMPANY I VoTiNc: AT Camp Meade land yards, southwest of Camp, at 4:40 P. M., and pulled out of the familiar scenes in the colored twilight of a fine summer day. The trip to Jersey City, via Philadelphia, brimmed over with acclaim and God-speeds, the Company arriv- ing at Hoboken the following morning. We proceeded by ferry to U. S. Em- barkation Pier No. 3 and embarked on the U. S. S. America, one of the great German liners which the Government had impressed into transport service and overhauled. Space was at a premium, so Company "I" shared l)unk space with "M" Company in F-2. Four other ships made up the fleet, which set out on its trans-,\tlantic trip on the evening of July 9th. On the night of Sunday, the 14th, a night as dark as the pit. the America narrowly escaped disaster when it struck a British tanker, cutting it in two. No panic was a])parent despite the hour, and the situation was handled in a fine manner under the tn'ing circumstances. On the ninth day out, American destroyers escorted us into French waters, and on the bSth of July the sea was crossed at last, the buff bluffs of France lying high and naked in the distance. We made anchor aljout 4 P. M. in the harbor of Pirest. Lighters carried us to the dock at 7 :00 P. M and then followed the march to a rest camp up a hill past the quaint old domiciles to a small hedged-in pasture, where tents were pitched in the dark. The three days there introduced French weather but little rest. We entrained on the afternoon of the 22nd for a three day trij) inland, stopping at nights for coffee in large towns, and detrained on the 25th at Vaux, from which place we marched a distance of 13 kilometers to Chalancey, our training area. Chalancey was a souvenir of feudal times and was situated on a high hill, with its chateau commanding the steep approaches. "I" Company found billets in the ujjper end of the village. Then started the six weeks of intensive training through the chateau park and over the surrounding hills. Lieutenant IS Page Two Fifty-two The 515th Inkant^rv "~T 1 CO.MI'.WY 1 I'urn was in coniniaiul of the I'irst I'latoon, Sergeant Woolson his assistant. Lieutenant Kellbcrg had the Second, Sergeant Williams being his assistant. Lieutenant Dodson was in iharge of the Third, Sergeant Peck his assistant, and Lieutenant Trundcl. who had rejoined the Coni])any, had the I'^ourth. with Ser- geant Rowan as his assistant. Lieutenant draliani assisted Ca])tain I'Viedlander, the company commander. Later, .'>crgcant Woolson became first sergeant of the Battalion Intelligence section under Lieutenant Preeman, Sergeant Irwin tak- ing his place. On the night of .Vugust 31st, Major Lloyd, through the courtesy of the Baroness, gathered the Battalion together on the beautiful terrace of the chateau. The fine orchestral music, the drill play and songs, the candle-lit stage glowing in the deep dusk, the hostess charming and pi([uant, who inviteil the towns-peojile for the esening's enjoyment and who was delighted bv Major Lloyd's ex])lanati(ins of the jilay, the walk back through the old grove, its gnarled trunks ligiitcd dimly here and there by \agrant moonbeams, will all be remenibcrcd by the men of the Third Battalion. On September 1, 1918, Lieutenant Trundcl was transferred to the Supjjly Company, leaying Sergeant Rowan in charge of the Fourth Platoon. Privates Reid, Mullen and lawyer were a])pointed corporals. ( )n Sunday night, Sei)tem- ber <Sth, we left Chalancey with its little restaurant and its winding streets for good, hiking to Vaux in a heavy rain and entraining at dawn, Monday morning. We left at 9 .\. M., and journeyed to Revigny, where we detrained about 6 P. M. that evening. We lay in a field just outside Revigny through a wild, rainy night, resuming the march in the morning and covering a distance of about 2.7 kilo- meters to Haironville, a rambling old town, which we entered about 5 P. M. and which the Third Battalion occupied until the 12th. We took French trucks on the evening of the 12th for a ride which lasted into the next morning and finally ended near Dombasle. The First Platoon liecame sejiarated from the rest of the Company on the trij). but finally rejoined the outfit at noon on the 13th in the woods near Brocourt. We rested in French billets there until 6 P. M., when we marched through Dombasle and north to reserve positions in the lines. "I" Company occupied large dug-outs at P. C. Caesar on a hillside bare of trees and it was here, on the night of the 15th. that Corporal Landenberger. while posting the guard, was fatally wounded by an aerial bomb. It was our first disastrous e.x])erience with Hun planes and it sobered us all. .\t the same time, Corpor.al Reid recei\ed a slight fragment in the foot. ( )n the night of Wednesday the ISth, the Third Battalion left the reserve and took the roacl through Montze- \ ille and Fsnes, that little ghost of a town bleached in the moonlight, and marched single file up the hill into Boyau Cannebiere, w-ithout mishap, relieving the Second Battalion. The reserve dug-outs were shelled a few hours after we left them. "I" Company's P. C. was Raoul Duval, a name taken from the trench system to the left of Boyau Cannebiere. ( )n the night of the 24th, the field artillery su])])orting us ])ulled in and took position, and we knew that wc were going "over the to]>'" as shock troops. < )n the night of SeiHember 25th-26th. the ,?14th Infantry went up into the junii)ing oft' trenches. Company "E," of the 129th Infantry, which hatl been in out])ost pulled back and Third Battalion Headquarters moved up, occupying "M" Company's dug-outs. Our heavies opened u]) at 11 :30 P. M., the 75's join- ing in at 2:30 A. M., and at 5:30 A. M., along a 25-mile front, the .\merican in- fantry went o\er, the artillery executing a creeping barrage. The 26th was fair, hence the troojis were ])rotected by a smoke screen while descending into the valley. Lieutenant Turn, who had charge of the First Platoon, was killed in- stantly, presumably by a hand grenade, at about H:30 A. M. Sergeant Irwin then @ Page Two Fifty-three lU The 515 th IisiKANnrRV COMPANY I ic "Count Off" took cliarge of the jjlatoon. We passed units of the 314th Infantry al)out noon at Haucourt and were held up in the afternoon on the Malancourt line Ijv light artillery tire and well placed enemy machine guns. (Jur patrols, however, did good work in cleaning out enemy snipers and machine gun nests, and that night the Third Battalion slept in the Hindenburg trench system. "M" Company and our First Platoon ha\-ing gone to the west of the Battalion sector, rejoined the Battalion the morning of the 27th, after First Sergeant DePaul had located them and guided them to the sector. The line advanced to the foot of Alontfaucon without much opposition, reaching it at noon. That evening. Major Lloyd took the Third Battalion around the east end of Montfaucon to trenches about a kilometer north of the Montfaucon-Septsarges Road. There we spent the night. On the morning of the 2.Sth, the 315th Infantr_v took over the front line, an<l we went over at about 7 A. M., the enemy opening up with well placed H. E. in a warm action that continued all day. Captain Friedlander and Lieutenant Graham were evacuated, the former l)eing shell shocked and the latter gassed. The line advanced to "Suicide Hill" and rushed the woods in front, only to find the enemy artillery and machine gun fire too hot. Taking our position on "Suicide Hill" we spent the night there digging in. It rained continuouslv and we were under enemy artillery fire all that night. On the morning of the 29th, Major Lloyd and Lieutenant Bullock rallied the thinned ranks along the crest in checker-board formation and we started with a yell that carried above the scream of Boche machine-gun fire. The rise in front of the Bois des Ogons was made with no casualties, and then the charge continued into the woods, where enemy machine guns got in their wicked work from the riglit flank. Major Lloyd took the automatics into the brush but the fire was too hot. and the BattaHon was forced to re-establish itself on "Suicide Hill." Lieutenants Kellberg and Dodson were the ijnly officers left with the Company at the time of the charge, and in the woods Lieutenant Kelllierg was wounded in the side. The morning was very costly to all com- panies, the little Frencli Renault tanks not being able to clean out the German machine gun nests. That night the Regiment took up position along the railroad track near Page Two Fitty-four The 515th Infanttrv CDMPAXV I Xaiitillois. Oil tlie niorniiiK of tlit- MMh. at the railniail. the 3r(l Divisinii relieved us uiulev heavy artillerj' lire. The Regiment was re-organized at .Malancoiirt. where the kitcliens were assembled, and the Brigade Invouacked in the open. On Octoljer 1st, we marched back to P. C. Caniiebiere, where we cleaned up and pitched tents. Captain {■'riedlander, who had rejoined the Company, and Lieutenant Dodson were our only officers and Sergeants Irwin, Block, W'eise, Rowan and Smith and Corporals Curning. Hill, Doyle, Mcrriam. Watts, Brzozowski, Evans, Lynn, Patterson. Rhodes, Lloyd, Lash. McLaughlin. Mitchell, Schwartz and Kloth were the only non-commissioned officers left. The morn- ing of the .3rd, we marched back to Xorniandy Woods, where chocolate, writing paper, etc., was distributed by the Y. M. C. .\. and mail was received. .Kt 8 P. M. that eve- ning, we set out on an all night march, arriving at 4 .A. M. on the 4th at a woods near Senoncourt. .-Vt 10 .\. .M.. we received reserve rations and started out at 2 P. M. Five minutes before leaving, mess was about to be served, but it bad to be left untouched. We reached Recourt at dusk, and got the llrst good sleep since leaving Caniiebiere. .•\t 7 .A. M., on the Sth. we slung packs and marched to the old I'Vench camp, P. C. Pierre. There we were billeted in "Pneumonia"' woods anil there, on the Sth, Captain Frief'lander was evacuated on account of sickness. We left P. C. Pierre on the night of the lOtb. at 8 P. M., and about half an hour later witnessed an aerial battle, wliile resting outside of the ruined village of Domp- cevrin. The air was illuminated by searchlights and shrapnel bursting. Our planes finally succeeded in chasing off the enemy macliines, which were after the ammunition dump near P. C. Pierre. The march continued at a fast pace, and we arrived in P)OU- quemont at midnight, where we were quartered in shelled buildings. There Lieutenants Wentzel and Mitchell joined the Company, the former taking command. While at Boquemont, a little drilling was done and we were re-outfitted in clothes and equip- ment. We left on the afternoon of the 17th for the Troyon front, and at noon on the 18th relieved part of a French Division, taking up a defensive position on an extremely high range of hills overlooking 14 villages. There was heavy shelling in this vicinity, but theie were few near us and many were duds. It was here that the Boche dropped pro])aganda. We were relieved on the 2,^th by the 33rd Division, and we started for the rear in good spirits, arriving at Troyon at 4 P. .\l.. where we billeted in shacks outside of SiciiTixr, Drii.t, Page Two Fltt.v-five The 515 th Infant^ry COMPANY I German Ammunition Shelters East of Etraye Used by Company Billets After the Armistice @ the town. A show was staged that night, l)ut few preferred tliat to sleep, though cold and rats made little of the latter possihle. At 6 A. M., on the 26th, we took up the march again, and then it was that rumors got around to the effect that we were going to take over one of the hardest sectors on the right hank of the Meuse River. After marching all morning, we reached Camp Monthairons at 1 P. M. There we picked up 2Q replacement men. A meal of steaks was prepared, time permitting hut a few to he served, however, for at 6 P. M. that evening we started out on an all night march, arriv- ing in a woods near Germonville on the morning of the 27th and lying there all day, where we received our pay. At 5 P. M., October 28th, we left for the front, reaching the Bois de I-"orges at 11 P. M., the same night. On the night of the 29th we crossed the Meuse on a plank bridge with rope rails, in single tile, and reached the Third Battalion P. C. in the Bcis de Consenvoye at 1 A. M., October 30th, 1918. 'T" Company then proceeded down into "Death Valley," taking up position in old enemy dugouts. During the night of the 30th, the German artillery sent over a heavy concentration of gas, which, when the sun came out strong on the morning of the 31st, vaporized. .All the ground around the dugouts was sprinkled with chloride of lime under the supervision of Corporal Lynn, wlio was appointed sergeant here, and good gas discipline saved many casualties. At this time. Corporals Hill, Curning, Mitchell and McLaughlin were appointed sergeants and Privates I-'ischer, Baxter, Krause, McFadden, Sloan, Kern and Bugler Henry were appointed corporals. On the first of November, the Company took up position with Company "L" in the Bois de Consenvoye. Then on the night of the 4th, the Company moved up to posi- tions in rear of its first position and stayed there over the Sth. The morning of No- vember 6th ushered in the opening of another advance, this time against the famous Borne de Cornouiller (Hill 378). Hill 378 was captured by the Second Battalion of the 313th Infantry and the Third Battalion of the 31Sth Infantry on the morning of November 7th, and, in the evening of the same day, Company "I" took and occupied the Clairs Chenes trenches north of Hill 378. The evening of the Sth found the Company on the heights south of Ecurey. On the morning of the 9th, the Battalion moved to tlie vicinity of Etraye, and there Major General Kuhn and Brigadier General Johnson looked over the troops. The following evening, the Company advanced to a point east of the Damvillers-.4nzannes road and occupied shallow trenches and shell holes along a railroad track under light enemy artillery fire. That night the entire Company, under Lieutenant Wentzel, went on am- Page Two Fifty-six The 515th Inrantt^ry COMPANY 1 munition detail. During tlie drive of Xoveniber iSth, Lieutenant Dodson became sep- arated from the Company and was later evacuated. On the morning of November 11th. under cover of a heavy fog. \vc moved south. skirted the village of Gibercy in a flanking movement and linally dug in on the south western slope of Hill 328. .At 11 .\. M., hostilities ceased, as if by magic, and the Armistice went into full effect. That night the Company occupied an old liarn in the ruined village of Cjibercy, but on the f(dlowing day rejoined the remainder of the Third Hattaiion on the western slope of Hill .328. The Battalion moved back to Etraye on the afternoon of the 13th, and "I" Company was billeted in ammunition huts to the east of tlie village. Later the Company moved up into (ierman shacks nearer Etraye. While at Etraye, the first leave contingent, under Sergeant W'eise, left for .-\i.x-les- Bains. Eirst Sergeant DePaul received a second lieutenancy and Captain Eriedlander rejoined the Company, only to be relieved shortly thereafter. With the promotion of First Sergeant DePaul, Sergeant Smith was appointed first Sergeant, and at almost the same time Sergeant Block was appointed Mess Sergeant. Christmas dinner ])roved to be an enjoyable afifair, a vacant warehouse having been converted into a dining hall by the use of home-made benches and tables. Lieutenant Wentzcl spoke a few words at the conclusion of the dinner and inlormed us that we were soon to be moved back into the Souilly area. On tlie morning of December 26tli, tlic Third Battalion left Etraye. joined tlie re- mainder of the Regiment at the Wavrille-Damvillers road fork, and tlie march toward the Souilly area started. The inarch lasted three days in all. the Third Battalion reach- ing its destination, Conrouvre, shortly after noon on December 28th. "\" Conii)any found billets in old French Adrian barracks at the southwestern edge of the village, and immediately settled down for a stay whicli was destined to last three months — the longest period of time spent at any one place in [■"ranee. Shortly after the opening of the new year. Sergeant McLaughlin was apiiointed supply sergeant and Privates Hoffman and Capj) were made meclianics. On January 6. 1919, Lieutenant DePaul was transferred to "C" Company, and Sergeant Rowan, about the same time, led the second leave contingent to La Bourbole. Later in Jan- uary, Sergeant Lynn escorted the third group to go on leave to V'alse-les- Bains. On January 18th, Captain George V. Hayes was assigned to the Company and at once assumed command. On the same date. Lieutenants Cortis and Forgy were assigned to the Company, the latter, however, being transferred to "G" Company on January 31st. On February 1st, the officer personnel of "1" Company was increased by the assignment of Second Lieutenants Minor, Jalufka and Richmond. Captain Hayes was transferred to a prisoner of war detention cam)) in Germany on February 8th, and on February ISth. Captain Coleman P. Brown was assigned as the commanding officer of Company "I." On February 27th, the Company suffered a decided blow in the loss of Lieutenant Wentzel, who was promoted to the post of Third Battalion .Adjutant. Lieutenant Wentzel had proved his worth as a leader on the Meuse front, and the entire Company felt that it was losing a capable officer and a true friend. In the latter part of February, a vexed question was settled when an order came through to the effect that the 79th Division was scheduled to sail for home in June. On tlie night of the 5tli of March, "I" Company, with only two days preparation, put on one of the best shows ever produced in the Regiment. The leading characters of the show were Sergeant Peck, Bugler Paul and Private Brccser. A little more than three weeks later, on March 28th to be exact, the Company, together with the other units of the Regiment, once more turned its footsteps toward home. .\ march of live days brought us to Rimaucourt, a former American base hospital center, where we re- mained until .\pril 23rd. On the last named date, we entrained for the Nantes area and filially arrived at the pretty little village of Vertou on .'\pril 25th. The Company put in nearly three full weeks in this little village on the banks of the Sevre River and enjoyed the most pleasant days it had known in France. On May 12th, the Third Bat- talion moved by rail to Saint Nazaire, the port of embarkation, and. in the four days following, was initiated into the thousand and one inspections and examinations re- quired of all troops en route to the Llnited States. The rest of the story is soon told. On the evening of May 16th, "\" Company boarded the transport Sinitn I{n>i(i and the following morning said good-bye forever to I-a belle France. The trip across the .Atlantic lasted thirteen days in all. and on Fri- day morning. May 30th, Alemorial Day, the Company once more set foot on the shores of .America. The Sniilii A'o.vk docked at Pliiladclphia and we entrained for Camp Dix. Thereafter our military career moved swiftly to its close. Equi])ment was turned in, rec- ords were checked uj). examinations passed, and linally. on June 9, 1919, the last dis- charges were given r>ul and Company "1," 315tli Infantry, passed into the Great I'eyond. -H. ( Page Two Fifty-seven The 315th Infant^ry I — ^^ 5 S L Page Two Fifty-eight The 515th Infanttry Roster o( Company I September 1. 1918 FIRST LIEUTENANTS Orson J. GralKiiu George H. Tniiulle I!a.viiiond T. Turn CAPTAIN AllHTt FriiMihincl.- SKCONn LIErTKNAN'IS Wini;ini I*.. ILmIsmh Ii:i N. KfllhtTK KlUST SKUGEANT I,.-.,M:inl A. IK-Iaul .11(1 A. mofk a 111 W. Iru'iii .'ter J. Mi-Kjiiiaiul alter F. Hrzozowski illiain Cassedy tianil t'assels ari'iu-i* S. Cei-il •tiv^f V. Ciiininings tlnir .1. Cuming in.'s Dnyle s.'i'li A. iHv.ver MECHANICS UuhtTt Auilerson James G. Coon .lolin Melntyre Nils A. Pearson Itiissell Aueh iiswald S. Harnett .Michael Ilarito John A. P>ari-on Sanuifl S. I'artholoniew Waiter S. Baxter 1. laiil M. Bernard .luhu W. Heriier .I'lliii M. iteviin iia.vnioTui Bolte Chaiir.'.v Bradley Norman Breeser John J. Brt'iinan Joseph Bruchhausen Charles Brunner Kdward H. Burguess Thomas It. Bnrns Anilreas Cacoulides John Carndl \'ertal AV. Calon I'ietro Ct-rone (tsrar J. Clark Garrett A. Collins Jrdin J. Connors Thomas K. Corbldge David Crawford Ginsepjie Croee I{ol>ert Cronibie Kdward Curry Ilerniaii Bahlgren Edward S. I>eemer Mi.h.dt' I>*Aulerio IIuuli DtilTy Patrick Duffy Ilarrv K. Dwyer Emil J. Erhle Marvin G. Enfrlisti Henry K. Kriekson Gsear J. Erifkson Charifs I,. Farrell lN»ter FasiiUo Giovanni FerraioH Michatd Ferriek John Fischer James J. Fitzpatrick Joseph Flannagan Charles Anderson Secondo Bonglilio (*leniuel Bower Bert A. Boyd Irvinff Brown William Bryson Edwar.I Capp Antniiio Cologcri MESS SEUGEANT Edward A. Hirst SEUGEANTS Harry J. McGeoghegaii Ahivsius Henry A. Miller Elmer J. Charles II. Peck Samuel J CORPOUAI.S liowan Smith . Tn»tta Benjamin A. Evans James H. Farrells Fretierie Gilleii August J. Heusser Frank J. Hill Charles Kloth Thomas Landenher er Kdward I.ash Edward I,. Movd Howard Lynn John T. McLaughlin Hamilton H. MeClecr I'raiik Merriam George V. .AHtchell COOKS John U. Kitcht-nman Charles \V. Stewart Steven M. Violete Wallace Ziarko PKIVATES. FIRST CLASS Salvatore Checchia Vineenzo Leonardo PRIVATES Theodore II. Leeher John Lehr Morris Leon Morris Lesky Frank Liesta James B. Loftus Howard Losse Nicola Ludovieh liiilip E. Liipia Michael Lynch Joseph Marra F'ranceseo MarzilJano Edward Mayfoiiz Anthony MazzarfUa Nicholas H. MooraiUan William .Mori Peter H. .McBride Jo-iciOi O. McDowell John J. MeFadden Fran<is J, McGahan Walter C. Mailer Herman Madson Andrew W. Mavcr Morris .Mcc.a Stephen Michalski Raymond A. Miller Ray W. Miller Adam Morhard John G. Mnldoon William F. Mullen Harry .Munk Harry Mimzer .Vrtlnir Nayhir Harry F, Ogden Herbert F. Oelis Carmine Pallande Giuseppe Peloso Joseph A. Pfeifer Theodore II. Pfiind Thomas Pietrasko (Jeorge L. PUies Frank Prine Thomas H. Roese James J. Reid Charles Bobbins John J. Robbins John v\. Fleck Arthur E. Fletcher Thounis J. Foley Albert Forte Harry Fotinopulons James Frcm-h Charles Geisler Virginio Gemiari George Giainnuo Morris Glovitz August Gra<iiIona Harold J. Graft" Frank R. Grammieh Charles Grvilin John F. Gnmbman Edwani J. Hackelt William C. Hall Julian Harris Andrew F. Ilarzinski Jacob Hann Thomas .V. Heynes Joseph Hinkle Charles J. Hock AVilliam Hofmanii Peter J. Ilolden Frank Horozy Ernest L. Hotehkiss George Hiiber William M. Hunter Carmine Imperiale Robert J. .lohnson Herbert Jumper Leo L. Kane Guy E. Kanfmann John n. Keefe Rnssell Kern Charlie R. Kiser Adam Knecuni Frank Kossnkoski Henry F. Krause William F. Knnz Frank Kwasneski Frederic Lange James J. Lawlor Julius P. Layer John Lel>itske Joined as Replacements — October 26, 1918 PRIVATES Charles Correll Evan S. Evans Albert Corrock John S. Finnegan John Dardis John G. FriedlamI Arthur Davis George Gastenweld Walter Domhoflf Charles A. Majure Cyrus R. I>uki*.s William Maueli Henry C. East Joseph Mikalaiczak Sl'PPLY SERGEANT Rubin Norwitz Clarence Weise Herbert H. Williams Theron M. Woolson Thomas F. Petterson Gordon M, Rhodes James W. Rogers Joseph F. Si-breck Harrv P. Schwartz Walter Snyd.-r Lniiis Trai»p Matthew Watts BUGLERS Joseph L. Ilenrv Edwani Paul I'red Robinson Frederic Rosenhlath George F, Ross Leo E. Ryan Matthew D. Ryan Lnriano Salcnii Jaeob Sains Harry Sandrow I'altato Sant4)nio IL-rman P. Savior Herman W. SeldeitVr Harry C. S<-hmaiik Frederic Sehmitt Carl C. Sehmohl Carl F. Sehni'i'wots Walter I). Sherwood Charles C. Schiion Sylve P. Siravft James Sloan Josejdi W. Shmgli Walter S. Stahowskl W'alter Sianiszewski Leo N. Staskel William H. Stevenson James Stockman Fred W, Stone Samuel D. Strain Francis H. Stuerm James C. Suloff Alfonso Tedisehi Jann'S J. 'I'ighe Pasipiale Tonieo Charles J. Tourtual Henry It. Tranor George Trieneiis Rudolph Trinkwald Edward R. *J'roiit James A. I'lrich Nunzio \'aiana Frederic W. Wagner James W*hite William T. White Fred A. Witsch Joseph J. Witseh Daniel W-Mids Anron Miselson Clarence Peterson Thomas Redden liUeien A. Snep Lanrits C Sorenson Lynn J. Ward John A. West -" ■ Page Two Fifty-nine The 515 th Infant t^ry II I h COMPANY K (Jn September 22, 1917, the local boards of l'hiladel])hia sent their first quota of men to Camp Meade, Maryland. Immediately upon their arrival, "the flower of the land" were assigned to newly organized companies. Company "K," 315th Infantry, was officered by Captain George P. Scholes, commanding; First Lieutenant Charles Arbuthnot, 3rd; and Second Lieutenants David M. \\'al!ace, Milton B. Goodyear, Stanley A. Welsh and Charles F. Baer. The officers began to enforce discipline at once and to teach the fundamentals u])on which "this man's Army" is based. The men became accustomed to the new life and things moved rapidly. An order from Division Headquarters conveyed the glad tidings that a certain percentage of the men would be granted week-end passes. On Saturday mornings, our ))Iunder would actually shine for inspection, as the boys wanted nothing to hinder their chances for "a pass to Philly." The month of November found our forces increased by the arrival at camp of Philadelphia's second quota. The routine moved even more smoothly than the month before, as the first men helped to break in the newer rookies. Twenty-five per cent, of this grand military aggregation were permitted to eat their Thanksgiving dinner with the folks at home. Early in December, the weeding-out process began and many men were transferred to Camp Greene, North Carolina. The boys were reluctant at being transferred, as strong friendships had already developed, and conditions and life in general were such as to leave most of us contented. The stormy weather made it necessary for instruction to be carried on indoors. Sergeant Hawke was very capable in teaching the Manual of Small Arms firing, battles were fought on the sand table in a very interesting and positive manner by Corporal Seese ; and, as transfers had reduced the Company strength to less than one hundred, the men were enabled to spend considerable time at each class. A brigade hike of ten miles was staged and everybody finished strong. The Christmas holidays were drawing near, and much gloom was caused by the announcement that no passes would be granted. The ban on passes was lifted, however, and fifty per cent, of the men were granted three-day vacations. Those who remained in camp over Christmas were treated to a regular Bellevue- Stratford dinner which surpassed anything previously attempted by the truck drivers, hardware clerks and pickle salesmen who drew cook's pay. The Camp took on a true Christmas spirit when many mothers, wives and sweethearts arrived, and there was dancing and singing in the recreation room along with Page Two Sixt.v The 515th Infant t^rv COMPANY K ihe many good things to eat, brought from liomc by the fair sex. Those who did not get home for Christmas were permitted to spend New Year's celeljrating along Broad street. In January, First Sergeant Kilroy and Sergeants Weihnian, (Ireenwood, Nicliterlein and Fundinger were sent to the Officers Training .School at Camp Meade. In February, P'irst Lieutenants William M. Carroll, Jr., and Walter M. Collins joined the company. Winter was beginning to break and outdoor drilling was resumed. With the appearance of sjjring weatlier, late in March, baseball and other sports were started. The Company had a star array of ball tossers who made a very creditable showing. Sergeants Kilroy, Cireenwood and O'Toole, who had played with strong professional teams, being the main-stays of the team. The Regiment left camp on a hike, .\pril 4th. with P>altimore as its destination. Lea\ ing at S :40 .\. M., we reached Baltimore llighlands at 1 :15 P. M., a distance of thirteen miles, where camp was [litched. I'he march was resumed at 7:00 .\. M. on the 5th, and the ten miles to Patterson Park, ISaltimore, was completed by noon. The ne.xt day, April 6, 1918, was the tirst anniversary of America's entry into the war. Accordingly, the Regiment paraded through the streets of Baltimore and was reviewed by President Woodrow Wilson and Major (ieneral Joseph E. Kuhn. After the parade only the guard was left in c;im]). and all hands proceeded to celebrate in a manner not soon forgotten. < )n .\pril 7th, we broke camp and started hiking at 6:.^0 .\. M. The return trip was made in one haul, the arri\al at Camp Meade being staged at 2:00 P. M. The boys finished like veteran camjjaigners, not one man from "K" Coiupany falling out. We hiked to the rifle range in Camp Meade on April 15 and returned April 19th. We fired on the 100, 200 and 300 yard ranges with excellent results. The most rapid thing about our rapid firing was the rapid way in which we were rapjied through it : speed, and then some. Company "K's" exponents in the manly art of fisticuffs were making e\cry- bodv sit up and take notice. The paikled glo\e stars were Kilroy, ' )"roole, "T'iggie" Aloran and Dan Mullen. These boys cleaned things up in general, not once receiving a set-back. In May, Sergeants Hawke and ^Ioore were sent to the fourth Officers Training School in camp. Alemorial Day brought forth all the crack athletes in a big field meet. Of course ComjianN- "K" carried oti: first honors and proved its athletic superiority to the most ske])tical. i\bout the middle of June, during a i)rolonged spell of rain, we again hiked to the rifle range. Notwithstanding the adverse conditions, the shooting for the four days was far above the average. Just before starting back to camp, word was recei\ed that a large quota of luen from Camp Cjjton had come into the 79th Division. Company "K" was to get fifty-seven of these men, so Lieutenant Welsh and Sergeant Symington were sent on ahead to meet the new-comers at the detraining point. The men arrived about 1 :00 .\. ^L, June 14th, and immediately marched to the barracks, where Mess Sergeant Jenkins greeted them with a good su|)])er. The next afternoon the Company returned from the range, and the recruits were given the "up and down" by the old-timers, who seemed very glad to see them, even though they did come from New York. The Division w-as now making great i)reparations for shipment overseas and there was a new rumor afloat every few minutes stating exactly when, where and how it was going. Su])ply Sergeant Steinberg was as busy as a one-handed paper- hanger with the hives: he was confronted with the superhuman task of su])|)lying e\ervbody with e\erything. He worked day and night and frequently aroused all hands at about 1 :0d .\. M. to issue toothbrushes, razors or bacon cans. From June 28 to July 7th there were bunk and field inspections at least twice a day. -^1 1 5 Piige Two Sixty-one I "- The 315 th Infant:^ry COMPANY K A Saturday Morning Inspection @ On Sunday. July 7th, the final house cleaning was completed. .\t 4:00 F. M., the Piattalion formed and marclied to the station amid the cheers and tears of the thousands there to bid us God-speed. We entrained rapidly and soon the aromas of Hoboken were wafting towards us. (Hoboken is a part of New Jersey, about ninety miles from Pliiladelphia. ) Arriving there at 5:00 A. M., July 8th, we were hustled aboard ferry- l)oats for a little upstream manoeuvre to the large transport. Aboard the ferry-boat the boys mobbed a profiteer who charged French prices for chocolate, cigarettes, etc. At the piers we were met by many cliarming members of the American Red Cross who smilingly gave each man cofifee and rolls. The boys appreciated this act of kindness very much, as it was all the breakfast they had had. Very soon we were in our quar- ters on tlie U. S. S. Aiiirrica, each man having received a life preserver and a copy of the Naval I. D. R. All ammunition, flashlights and matches were turned in as it was a court-martial offense to strike a light on deck after dark when the ship was out at sea. The ship was quite crowded, and there was some confusion until we became accus- tomed to our new surroundings. The weather was ideal throughout the voyage and the ocean so calm as to cause little or no seasickness. Several times daily we responded to the "Abandon Ship Call," until we could march quickly and in orderly fashion to assigned stations. Close to midnight on .Sunday, July 14, 1918, our ship struck a British tanker amidships, and it sank in a few minutes. Sotne thought we liad been hit by a torpedo and Inickled the life preserver a notch tighter; but there wasn't the slightest sign of a panic and each man stood quietly at his bunk waiting for commands. The balance of the voyage was com- pleted without mishap. Land was sighted at 2:00 P. M., Thursday, July 18, 1918, and the ship shook from the roar sent up by the human cargo. The Anirrica anchored in the harbor at Brest at 5:00 P. M., and immediately after supper, troops began to go ashore. The Third Battalion piled on a little scow which ran back and forth from the dock. At 7:00 P. M., Company "K" got ashore without having a man pushed overboard, a circumstance which was due more to good luck than to good management by that scow outfit. A drizzling rain was falling as the Company started to hike four miles to a REST camp. It was after dark when it reached the camp; and, instead of being housed in barracks, the Battalion was shown a very muddy field and invited to pitch tents. The steady drizzle, the mud, the food — well, most of us swore off all wars for life. With the aid of manj' details, such as water carrying, wood chopping, etc., the boys were soon RKSTED and on Monday, July 22nd, the Company marched with the Battalion back to the big railroad yard in Brest to entrain for the 10th Training Area. The train was made up of compartment coaches, and a squad was supposed to fit in each compartment. (.\t that they're more comfortable, as we later found out, than those "Hommes 40, Chevaux 8" affairs one frequently spies in European travel.) Each Page Two Sixtv-two The 315 th Inkant^ry COMPANY K squad received three days' "iron rations'"; and unless the Corporal ruled witli an iri>n hand the squad was mighty hungry on the last day. The town of Vaux was reached at 11:30 A. M.. July 25th, and everybody was cramped and sore after the long ride in the crowded coaches. The railroad system was wonderful — an Erie freight could have made the journey in half the time. We hastily gathered our plunder and. re-arranging our packs, started for Chalanccy via the old reliable ankle route, not knowing the burg was ten miles away. The day was hot and stuffy, tlie packs heavy and tliat road did nothing hut run up and down numer- ous hills. .-Mong about four o'clock, the Hattalion was resting at the foot of a hill, the men w-ere tired and sore, and many were close to being "all in." .Major l.loyd called for Private "Dan" Doherty. and wlien the witty Irishman reported, the Major instructed him to go to the top of tlie hill and see if there were many more hills beyond. "Dan" saluted and went off on liis mission. He returned, a troubled expression on his face, and reported, "Sor, this is th' last hill: tli' next wan is a Mountin." The Battalion reached Chalancey about 5:00 P. M. Lieutenant Labine. who had joined the Company shortly before we left Camp Meade, spoke French very fluently, and he, of course, was delegated to billet the men. We lost no time in filling our bed- sacks with straw and all hands crawled in soon after supper. In the morning, everybody was stiff and sore, luit a session of close order drill eased the joints somewhat. Tlie following week, the Company received a training schedule that resemble<l an I. D. R. for thoroughness — one of those five minutes of extended order, seven minutes "Why is a grenade." eight minutes "Goiman in the rear of yuh." programs. It was hard work and plenty of it from 5:00 A. M. to 4:00 P. M. daily. In our spare time we in- dulged in a new form of physical exercise in Cow Alley know'u as "Eddy — the shovel." .About every other day there w'as a battalion or regimental manoeuvre which usually lasted long enough to prevent our return until after 4:00 P. M. Preparations for a Divisional manoeuvre at Champlitte made it necessar\' for us to roll out at 4:30 .A. M. on September 1st: we started hiking an hour later with full packs and expectations of being on a four days' party. The distance to Champlitte was thirty- five miles, but by 3:00 P. M. the first day we had covered twenty-one miles when camp was pitched. In the morning we broke camp at 6:30. and, for some reason unknown to us, we started liack to Chalancey. The manoeuvre had been cancelled for a thou- sand different reasons if one listened to the rumors flying up and down the column. The return hike was a tougli grind, but the hardest plugging of all was that bloomin' forty- five degree hill leading into Clialancey. However, the Company finished strong, with a melodious "Hail, Hail. The Gang's .All Here." On .Sunday. September 8tli. the much-looked-for order to move arrived and we im- mediately got busy cleaning up the town and billets. Squad rolls were made, we kissed good-bye to our barrack bags, and finally rolled our packs. We left at 8:00 P. M., and the villa.gers. who had become attached to us. shed many tears as we marched away singing. "It's a Long Way to Berlin, but We'll Get There." We hiked to Vaux in a heavy rain with our slickers fastened to our packs. We reached there about 12:30 .\. M. and flopped on the muddy road until Captain Scholes found some barns for us to rest in. We entrained early the ne.xt morning for Revigny. which was reached at 9:00 P. M. The rain kept us in the cars until we were forced to leave them at 12:30 .\. M.. when we marched a short distance and bivouacked for the night, after receiving hot coffee and cold "Willie" from the kitchen. For breakfast we had more "Willie" and coffee and then learned we were going to hike to Haironville. twenty-seven kibuncters away. The remarks that followed made General Sherman's statement appear very tame — the map showed tliat our train had passed very close to Haironville the day before. The march was the most trying thing we had so far encountered; we were wet to the skin and the packs were soaked; it seemed to rain harder the farther we went. It was a tired, hungry, wet and worn out bunch that trudged into Haironville at 5:30 that eve- ning, and were crowded into billets on the bill back of the town. On September 12. 1918. at 6:00 P. M.. we moved from Haironville and marched a short distance to the Bar-le-Duc road where we met a large fleet of motor trucks. We rode nearly all night and at day-lireak. after leaving tlie trucks, we marched to Brocourt Woods. We rested all day and in the evenin.g started for a camp in the Foret de Hesse, just north of Dombasle. .\fter wading through mud inches deep, we were quartered in our first dug-outs. We could hear the rumble of the big guns sounding like distant tliunder. We were speculating as to when we would get a view of "no-man's land." when one evening we marched (piietly and quickly to the first line trenches on battle scarred Hill 304. The sector at this time was extremely quiet, the only excitement afforded being the rats and the many false gas alarms — the rats were the lesser of the two evils. We were repeatedly warned about anticipated raids from the Huns, but we were always doomed rage Two Sixt.v-three The 515 th lTsrFATsn:^RY COMPANY K R to clisappoiiitnient. We were to be relieved tlie tliird night. Septemlier 2()tli. luit for some reason the relief was not accomplished. However, we were relieved early on the morning of the 22nd; but, as the coming of the dawn was close at hand, we had to step lively in order to reach the reserve positions unobserved. The Company was scattered about in dug-outs for two days and then went forward to a position from which we were to begin our advance in the biggest drive of the war. September 26th, shortly after midnight, the artillery began to prepare the way for us. Tlie h'rench 75's were hub to hub and strongly supported by every range of gun up to the monstrous sixteen inch Naval boys. The earth seemed to tremble from the roar of this terrific and effective barrage. At 8:15 A. M., the Company advanced through a Iieavj' smoke screen toward Haucourt, following the 314tli Infantry Regi- ment. After passing Malancourt, very stiff resistance was met in the form of machine .gun nests and minenwerfers. This resistance was finally overcome and the advance resumed. .A part of the Third and Fourth Platoons, commanded I)y I^ieutenant Becker and Sergeant Greenwood did excellent work, in conjunction with Company "L," in capturing eleven prisoners, one machine gun. and one minenwerfer cannon. We reached the main line of German trenches about 6:0<) P. M. and remained in them over night. Lieutenant Arbuthnot was gassed and went to the rear. The advance was resumed at 7:00 A. M. on the 27th, but we had practically nothing to do this day but follow the 314th Infantry. .An occasional H. E. shell was all that marred the manoeuvre. We halted about 10:,10 P. M. northeast of Montfaucon, where the 31Sth Infantry relieved the 314th Infantry of their assaulting task. .About 7:00 -A. M., Septemlier 28th, the advance was resumed with "L" company, 315th Infantry leading, and "K" company in support. The hills and fields that lay between us and Xantillois were very heavily shelled, and it was with e.xtreme difficulty that we succeeded in entering the town. Captain Scholes was gassed and shell-sliocked soon after the advance began. While in the town, we were informed that with the First Battalion, 315th Infantry, on our left, and aided by several French tanks, the ad- vance would continvie north of Nantillois. Heavy machine gun fire from the vicinity of Madeleine Farm seriously delayed our progress, however we finally penetrated the Bois des O.gons, where stiff resistance was encountered. Hie enemy artillery and machine gun fire from the Bois des Ogons was so heavy that a general withdrawal was ordered to the reverse slope of Hill 274, where we dug in for the night. The Company was re-organized on the morning of the 29th, when another attempt was made to capture Madeleine Farm. The resistance met was again very stiff: "Jerry" seemed reluctant to give up his position there and fought like "h — " to save it. -At about 5:00 P. M., the intensity and effectiveness of his artillery fire caused a change of position to the shelter of the road, southwest of Hill 274. It was on this afternoon that twenty Boche planes were over our sector at one time, and their observa- tions v.'ere, no doubt, accountable in a large measure for the accuracy of the artillery fire. Shortly after midnight, we were moved to a railroad cut in Nantillois and later Page Two Sixty-four The 515th Infanttry -H. ( CO-MI 'AX V K occupied tienches nearby. We were relieved by the 3rd Division at 2:01) P. M. on Sep- tenilier 30tli. Our total casualties for the dri\c were ten killed, thirty-eight severely wounded, twenty-seven slightly wounded. Three of the men severely wounded died in the hospital of their wounds. We were marched back to a i)oint north of Malancourt where Lieutenant .Vrbuth- not met us and took command of the Company. The next day. (K-tober 1st, we re- turned to our old trench system, wdiere we tasted real food and liad our hrst night's sleep in more than a week. On October .Vd. we hiked back to the I'Oret de Hesse. where we received a big bundle of mail, candy and smokes. That night, at 9:00 1'. .\1., we started a hike which tested the nerve of all. Our destination was Souilly woods, about thirty-two kilos away. We reached there at 4:(K) .\. .M.. completely all in. That same afternoon. October 4th. we started for Recourt. a distance of si.\teen kilos, arriv- ing tliere about 7:30 P. M. The next morning at 7:30 we again hit the turnpike, no one seeming to know our destination. .At 12:30 a halt for half an hour was called at Courouvre. The bunch were going along on pure grit alone, for a great many of them were sick boys. We linally reached the sliell-torn town of Donipcevrin at 5:30 P. M., where we crawled into any place at all and called it home. The next few days were spent in checking up and trying to snap liack into some semblance of a ligliting iniit. .\ great many answered sick call daily and before any one realized how sick he was. Private Einaar Hanssen took the long trip "West." We I)uried him with modest cere- mcjny in the village churchyard. On October Kith, we left Donipcevrin for the village of Bo(|uemont, ten kilos away. The billeting conditions there were excellent and the Battalion was together once more. On the 11th. the Company was again re-organized with Lieutenant Car- roll in command. .\ new officer was assigned to the company. Lieutenant John T. Owens, of Chateau Thierry fame, who iniickly won the respect and admiration of all with his pleasing personality and knowledge of the game. On October 17th. word was received to move somewhere, and inside of forty-five minutes we were doing that little thing. Our destination this time was a sector in the Thilldt Woods. We readied there late in tlie evening but did not relieve the h'rencli initil daybreak. The position was an ideal one and we thoroughly enjoj-ed it. On Oc- tober 25th we were relieved and started to hike back towards Troyon at 7:00 .\. M. Troyon was reached about noon, and the Battalion was billeted in shacks just outside the town. In the evening, a Y. M. C. -A., entertainment boosted our spirits still further. The march was resumed next morning, and wdiile en route our forces were increased by the addition of thirty replacements. We reached our billets in the Woods of Les Monthainms at I :(X) P. M.; but, just wdien we were about settled, we had to move on again. The march lasted all night, and, coming as it did directly on top of the hike just finished, it took all the stamina we had to kee]) going. To make matters worse, we missed connections with the billeting details that were sent on aliead and were forced to bivouack in the woods near hromereville. \\ hile here we received our pay for Sep- ¥t:v^ CoMP.\NY "K ' Gkotrp With Company Kitchen in the Background iE^ Pnge Two Sixt.v-five The 515th Infant^ry COMPANY K l-'ox Holes and Shelters of Companies "K" and "M" in the Bois de Consenvoye tember. On the night of October 28th, we hiked to the Bois de Forges, arriving with- ont mishap at 11:30 P. M. Next day Hun airmen dropped circulars containing peace propaganda. We also witnessed some thrilling air battles — one directly over us — the airmen fighting at a height not exceeding 400 feet. At 5:00 P. M.. Octolier 29th. we set out for a sure enough sector in the valley east of the Meuse. We passed through a great deal of gas on the way. but suffered no casualties. The Third Battalion was in reserve, while the First and Second Battalions were holding the advanced positions. The whole area was heavily shelled at least twenty-four hours every day. Ration carrying details were sent out daily, which is not the safest job in the world when "stabilizing the sector." On November 4th. the Battalion was moved slightly for- Vi'ard to a position east of the Brabant-Molleville Farm Road. .\t 3:00 A. M., Novem- ber 5th. Company "K" received orders to accompany the Third Battalion of the 316th Infantry, commanded by Major W. S. Manning, in an advance starting at 7:00 A. M. We hastily moved into our position and at 6:00 A. M. sent out three patrols to estab- lish connections with the 316th whom we were to follow in support. The patrols could not locate the organization, but nevertheless we moved forward at the appointed hour. After advancing about 500 yards, we came upon Company "L." of the 316th, commanded by Lieutenant Erickson. While passing through a ravine. Major ^Manning apjjeared and stated that the other companies of the Third Battalion, 316th Infantry, could not be located. The advance was continued with "L" company, 316th, on the right and "K" company, 315th, on the left front line. As we went forward several prisoners were captured. When the military crest of Hill 378 was reached, we were heavily fired upon from an enemy trench on the crest of the hill not more than twenty-five yards away. The fighting that followed was of the most desperate and bloody character. We made repeated efiforts to gain the trench, but the machine gun and rille fire were mur- derous. The losses all along the line were severe, the ground being literally covered with (lead and wounded. Many of the boys had crawled within ten yards of the trench, but most of these were killed or wounded in their attempts to reach the position. Major Manning was instantly killed by machine gun fire ri.ght in the thick of the fighting, whereupon Captain Carroll assumed command of the attacking troops. On our extreme left, the enemy was observed hastily forming for a counter-attack. This was quickly "busted up," our fire apparently inflicting heavy losses. Boche "Potato Mashers" were seriously interfering with our plans to command the position. The left of our line, which bore the brunt of the fighting, was now without an officer or sergeant. Lieu- tenant Owens, Sergeant Greenwood and Sergeant Symington being killed by machine gun fire at practically the same time. Realizing that it was impossible to hold the position with so few men, we withdrew about 150 yards, and the ground was quickly organized with every man watching keenly for the expected counter-attack. A check then showed us to have a total of fifty-two men on the line. The balance of that day and night were spent in maintaining a close vigil on the crest ahead of us. The re- P.nge Two Si.Nty-six The 515 th Infanttrv -n1 COMPANY K mains of what had been an attacking force were then ciimniandcil liy Captain Strong, 316th Infantry, wlio had come up in the afternoon. A lieavy fog hung about for several hours in the morning and once more we were anticipating an attack from the enemy; Init. as on the preceding day, nothing hap- pened. In the afternoon the enem\' became aware of troops coming through the val- ley and ijuickly sent over a lieavy barrage lasting more than two hours. We leceived our share of this little attention, but by some miracle suffered only a few casualties. At nightfall the barrage lifted, and the Second Battalion of the 313th Infantry relieved us. \Vc withdrew at 6:30 V. M. to a point 500 yards south of Molleville Farm. Our casualties on Mill 378 were twenty-live killed, twenty-si.x wounded, one missing and three prisoners. Tlie Company was then attached to our F'irst Battalion, commanded by Major Ward W. Pierson. During one of the many false alarms the Battalion received. Sergeant Weihnian was wounded in the leg by a stray machine gun bullet. The Company now had one officer, one sergeant and forty-eight men. The Company advanced with the First Battalion at 3:00 P. M., Xovembcr 8tli. through a valley running eastward towards Etraye, our objective. By nightfall we had covered the four kilos to the outskirts of Etraye without liring a shot. We dug in alongside the road and strongly outposted the position. The advance was resumed early the ne.\t morning, "B" and "C" Com- panies in the fiont line. "K" Company in support. We advanced directly east toward Cote d' Orne, which loomed U|> ahead nf us like a liglnhnuse in a fog. Crossing the Damvillers-Wavrille Road, we entered the swampy ground that lay between us and the base of the hill. We had not gone far when heavy machine gun fire from the hill was directed upon us. Some Dutclunan on top of that hill got to monkeying with a box of F'ourth of July fireworks and lit up the sky witli a few green rockets: and, as usual, in a very few seconds his friends dropped all manner of G. I. cans round about us. Major Pierson was killed by the shell-fire and Captain Miller assumed command of the Bat- talion. The men took wdiat cover the}' could lind and we remained in this position until 4:30 P. M., when we were scheduled to advance uj) the hill following a rolling barrage. Unfortunately our artillery had the wrong range, shells landing in our front lines. This disorganized the Battalion somewhat, but Company "K" intrenched for the night behind a line of trees 100 yards in the rear of our former jiosition. .A check showed that we had thirty-four men in the Company. During a heavy fog the next morning, the Company moved forward aliout 200 yards to the bank at the foot of the hill. Patrols were sent out to locate the other com- panies, but were unsuccessful. The Second Battalion then moved up to the same line with Major F'leming in command: and "K" company was tacked onto the .Second Bat- talion. We remained at the foot of the hill until the morning of the llth. when all troops were withdrawn to a railroad cut 400 yards in tlie rear of the lines. There we rejoined the Third Battalion, after having been separated from it for a week. The Regiment, the First Battaliim leadin.g. again started an attack on the hill from the southwest, the Third Battalion being in reserve, .\fter getting into position, we dug in for protection from artillery tire. .\ few minutes before 11:00 .A. M., news of the armistice reached us. It seemed incredible, I)ut when the shelling ceased at exactly eleven o'clock, we were convinced. We were informed we were to remain on the liillside for several davs and at once began to make ourselves comfortable. We remained on the hill until November 13th, when we moved into Etraye. several kilos behind the lines. There we made ourselves hai)py by believing persistent rumors of "Home by Christmas." The inevitable drill schedule was again jiroduced and manoeuvering became a jjopular jiastime. Com])any "K" was fortunate (?) enough to be privileged to search exclusively the surrounding country in quest of war souvenirs. This salvaging duty lasted a week: but it might have been worse. Many held and bunk inspections, practice hikes and the like kei)t us busy through December. On Christmas Day we held a joint celebration with Com- pany "I.." using the liattered village churcli for a dining-room. Much "dried fruit" was consumed and relished b}- all. the Comnany funds having effectively strijjped Bar-Ie-Duc of all its eatable and drinkable provisions. On Decenil)er 26th. the Battalion left b'traye for Thierville. arriving there at 6:00 P. M.. after a thirty kilo jaunt. We were billeted overnight in a French barracks out- side the town. Next dav's march fcnmd us in .Souilly. where we stayed over night in hospital buildings. On Decendier 2<Sth, after hiking in a driving rain, we attained our objective, Courouvre. at 1:30 P. M.. where we were billeted in a fair degree of comfort sans style. The first few minutes of the new year found us almost human, quite sober, dead broke and more than willing to believe any favorable rumor. In January many of our wounded comrades returned from various hospitals. I.ieu- tenant Baer returned from the .Army Corps School in time to attend the lirst week's P.ape Two Sixty-seven r The 315 th Infantry COMPANY K II Third Battamon "Casino" at Courouvre course at the Divisional Center of Instruction. Each week thereafter our quota of new- students were sent to the school to ahsorb some new military tactics. The drill schedule, as usual, called for many manoeuvres. Some of these "Terrain Exercises" seemed to be endless, oftimes the objective not being reached until late afternoon. The severity of the weather at this time, coupled with the muddy going, en- tailed many discomforts and Iiardships ui)iin all concerned. However, on several after- noons each week we were permittecl to indulge in soccer, football, baseball and other games. Many details were kept busy cliopping and fetching bre-wood and. in the eve- nings, while clustered around red-hot stoves, we gloriously refought our battles many, many times. About this time Lieutenant Pratt came into our midst, and, owing to liis affability and his knowledge and understanding of liuman nature, we soon unanimously learned to love and respect him. The first of March one of the Iioys was stricken with a conta,gious disease, necessi- tating his evacuation, and the Company was placed under quarantine. To ascertain whether any others were affected, we marched to Chaumont-sur-Aire, a distance of eleven kilos, to have throat cultures taken. Like a famous character in history "who marched right up the hill and marched right down again." we marched to Chauniont an<l right back again: but on a second attempt, made the following day. we succeeded in liearding the "all high chief pill-roller" in his lair and the examination took place. Some of the cultures later developed germs, necessitating the evacuation of six of tlie boys to the hospital at Commercy for observation. Xothing serious resulted from these cases, however; but unfortunately Private Pabor Livingston, who was tirst afflicted with the disease, passed into the Great Beyond. About this time. Lieutenant Bingman, who had joined us in January, returned from a session at the Army Corps School. On March 17th we were reminded of our rookie days by once again Ijeing subjected to the "needle" — this time getting the com- bined three doses in one. Word of the cracker-jack show put on by the boys of the Third Battalion having reached Colonel Knowles, he decided to witness a performance. A show was pre- sented at the new "Y Casino" on Sunday afternoon, March 23rd. Immediately after the show, Colonel Knowles made a short address praising the work of the troupe, and in conclusion he gladdened our hearts with the news that within ten days we would "hit the trail" for a spot nearer tlie coast and home. On the morning of jNlarcli 2Sth, we bid farewell to the village of Courouvre. The distance to be covered was approximately 100 kilos, and we were scheduled to complete the hike on the fifth day. A detail preceded the Battalion and arran.ged for the billeting of the troops in towns along the route. We started easily, covering about 22 kilos in the first t\yo days, but, from then on, the distance covered each day was increased. Weather conditions the first three davs were extremely unfavorable, as we encountered snow and rain in abundance. While '"Old Sol" was out in full glory the last two davs. the roads were in very poor condition. Despite this we reached our destination, Rimau- Page Two Sixty-eight The 515th Infanttry -,, — , COMPANY K court, at 5:(KI P. M. on the I'lltli day. As usual. "K" Company linislicd witli spirits higli and a song on its lips. The boys were unanimous in their praise of the systematic manner in v.liich the hike was conducted. Our three weeks' stay in Rimauconrt was one of the most pleasant epochs of our life in France. After having roughed it all these months in the A. E. !•"., the modern conveniences of our new home seemed almost too good to be true. Too much can- not be said in commendation of the courtesies extended us by the Red Cross. K. of C. and Y. M. C. A. Here we were joined by another fine oflFicer. First Lieutenant Charles S. Gilbert, who put Wausau, Wisconsin, on the map. He soon had "the boys" with him. Our time was mainly occupied in equipping, toning and polishing up for the impending inspec- tion by General J. J. Pershing. The big event took i)lace on Saturday. -April 12th. and, in accordance with the time lionored traditions of the 79tli, we were favored with the customary deluge by old Jupiter Pluvius. Despite the discomforts of the weather con- ditions and the 26 kilo jaunt, we felt amply rewarded when the Commander-in-Chief expressed his pleasure and appreciation of the appearance and conduct of the outfit. Our pride in the Comi)any was further increased by the presentation, on this occasion, of D. S. C.'s to Captain Carroll and Sergeants Kilroy and Olanson. The following week, the 315th Infantry paraded on the Aviation I'ield near Chau- mont. on which occasion we were reviewed by members of the stafif of Secretary Daniels, that gentleman being unable to review us in person. It was on this day that the fondest dreams of the doughboy were realized, as we were hauled to and from the field in motor trucks. We entrained at 3:(X) A. M., .April 23rd, after receiving a farewell barrage of hot chocolate and cakes from the "Y," and at 5:00 A. M. we were headed westward with the Nantes area as our destination. This trip was a decided improvement over our former experiences in "side-door pullnian" travel, as our chariots bore the initials U. S. A. and as our kitchens accompanied us serving hot meals en route. The sudden- ness of the movement evidently cau.ght "Old Jupiter" unawares, for we enjoyed perfect weather. \\'e arrived at our destination early PViday morning, detraining at 6:00 .A. M.. and after a short hike reached fiur new billets in the town of Vertou. Here the work of preparing for the homeward trip was be.gun in earnest. The day of the much awaited "show down inspection." wliich was to determine the length of our stay in France, came and went, leaving us happy in the knowledge that we had successfully passed the inspection by the much dreaded S. O. S. and were adjudged fit to go home. The only dark cloud on this otherwise bright day was the departure of Lieutenants Pratt and Vaughn for the Army of Occupation, for, during the period of their service with Com- pany "K," both of these officers had made themselves immensely popular, alike with their fellow officers and the men. At this time we were joined by two other fine offi- cers. Lieutenants Knajip and Dean. On May 12th. we boarded the "rattler" for the last time in France, detrained at St. Xazaire that same evening and marched to Camp No. 2. The following day we re- ceived a physical examination in five counts and moved to Camp No. 1. Tliere we were thoroughly and rapidly deloused. chemically scrubbed, hermetically sealed and laid away in the Isolation Camp for future reference. .-Xt 8:30 P. I\I. on May I6th. after an afternoon of breathless suspense, we joyously shouldered our packs and light-heartedly stepped out on our last hike on F'rench soil. Owing to the limited officers' quarters aboard the L^. S. S. .*«»?(; Ro-iii. the ship which was to carry us back to God's Country, we were reluctantly compelled to leave Lieu- tenants Gilbert. Knapp and Dean behind. We had no sooner set foot aboard ship tlian we learned that we had been selected as the company to keep law and order during the entire voyage. This "small" detail kept the entire Company busy, especially so at "chow" time. .At 5:00 A. M. the following day, we were on our way; and within forty- eight hours the good ship had justified its nickname of the "Santa Roller" and mal-de- mer had claimed us for its own. As we desire to adhere strictly to the principles of the family newspaper, we find it impossible to describe ade(|uately our impressions of the mess and tlie drinking w-ater. Comparisons are odious — but Oh! how our hearts yearned for the chicken fricasee and ice cream served in the "Gobs" mess on Sunday! However, what matter these trifles? — We were homeward b<nmd. The progress of our good ship was somewhat impeded by rough weather, but the monotony of the voya.ge was decidedly lessened by the efforts of the 315th Rand and the good work of our talented entertainers. Daily reports from the Navigator, showing the nunilier of miles decreasing between us and the good old U. S. -A., sent our spirits soaring. The fever pitch was reached when land was sighted on May 29th; but why attempt to describe our emotions. The greatest adventure of our lives was ended — Wr: ir/;/,'/.' IIOVi:. "llev I'.uddv! Where're yuh goin' ne,\' Sunday?" 5 Page Two Sixty-nine r . — ,^ The 515 th Itstfant^ry 1 I — ^►- Page Two Serenty ■ 'T~* '*' i /^ T il -IE olOTH Infant TRY Roster of Company K @ September 1, 1918 CAPTAIN Geor-re V. S^-holes FIRST l.IET'TEXANTS SECOND IJEUTENANTS Cliarles Arbnthnot, :ird Ernest V. Pecker William M. Carndl. Jr. I.ouis V. I -abine Walter M. Collins KIKST SERGEANT MESS SERGEANT SlPl'LV SKRGKANf .luscph K. Kilrny William L. Jenkins SKHGEANTS Morris F. Slciida-ru' lifurKf (J. llcwlcy flarry I,. Greenwood Maxw4dl MoMieliaet Louis A. Seese JdMi'pIl Cliniiske.v ChristoplH-r W. Kelly Joseph D. (I'i'oole Louis C. Synilns:ton James M. Garrisli Francis A. MrCloskey John M. Ross CDUI'ORAI.S Clitrurd T. Weibman John Ayr.'. Jr. Fred Hnenerfanth Harry Marshall Francis M. Smith Carl M. Chiiisi'i! Joseph R. Ilnrsh Harold I.. Martin \\ illiam 11. Staals I asqualc D'Amato I.ouis Knndsen I.uuis Millij.'an Harry W. Storck riirismiiliHi- Davis Walter H. Lindsey John O'Donm-ll Theoilore Svveridnk John Hohkis Lorenzo Lobaei-aro Arthur W. Olanson Matthew Sydlowski Eraiui-i K. Duffy AngusD's V. Lord. Jr. (Jsrar M. Olik.-r Charles E. Taylor William J. Higgins Donald X. MaeKubbin Ajidrew C. Slia-ren William J. Vondraii rooKS MECHANICS BCGLEKS Conslaiii l-'rt'drich William M. Clapp Fred Gemsenjncer Tln'imis L. l-attou Kiilicrt J. Mt-Kt-nmi Matliew Pcrhack Fi-aiik Sinclair Nathan INdla.-k l.niiis K. Ticdem in Nathan Salvia rUIVATES. FIRST CLASS IJi'orgr KatifMi Harry M. FeinsiuKer Rudolph Hofz William A. Nichols lU'rnanl J. Casey Meyer Fi-Idscher .iohn launantnoni John Nowak Jaiiii's A. Clark John Frisch John A. K.-Ily Fred A. Oeksenreider Thiunas F. ClyneS Steiihen G. Fritz Wil.iani Klais, Jr. Joseiih C. Rice Frank V. Cnwen Charh's E. Hcilher *"ar.-nre T. Kuykendall Ches'ter C. Srhnvlcr Eu^r^-n*' I>. IJoeley Emil C. Hirs.b Palrick H. Mi-Geever Jacob Snych'r Uussi-ll Kieli! William F. H«n-n Raymond li. Mnhler PRIVATES Frank Tum:is7, Jaioh Als.ifn.m Carlo Fanesi \\ i'liam G. Kin;: Robf.rt R. Morris (Ji.ivanni Aii^'dillo Alfred E. Fina Henry T. Klein Antonio Moseufo Iternar.l Asp.-ll Edmund Fiizmauriee Harry H. koidlner William Ni<-hols Thomas W. Astbury Harry Fliller Fre«bTick F. Kuhn Horace J. D'Dnnnell Wacla w I'.alrcmwski William I'. Flynn Kre.Ieri<-k 1'. Kuhn John A. O'Neill Harry J. KiTnsteiu IMward V. FosburKh Frank K. I.awh-ss Joseph a. Oivaney William Sr liiniie Mahlon T. Faust George A. Leeleh John I'atnllo lii'iro Misoone ^.a.idd Freeman iiarr.. h. Lennu.N: Harry G. I'falT llii».'h Klair ?am Fuhrman James 1'. Leonard Joseph I'ietrzak t;i'or;r«' I). JMauey J (sepb Gabriel Paul Lerke John J. Qnimi <;('or;;»' W. UU-asdale Raymond A. GallajrhiT R.-njamin F. Lesseij; Joserdi Radzewicz Marion (.;. Blizzard R R. Gillis I'ahor LiviuRston Thomas W. Rauscheiiberger Janifs W. Iloatwrislit Manrire F. Ginj; Fraid; Lomonarco John IL Rice Wilhur Drt'il Antonio Giac<uido Salvalore Lo I'rete Raymond A. Roberts ClilTonl S. lUK-kk-y Clnirles A. Glaubreeht Antonio I.osasso Rronislaw Rocliowicz \'ladsla\v lludkus Gi-oriL:t' <;(Uian' Harry H. Losee Ernest R. Rons<lorf Jnsi'ph 11. r.iittorwnrth Jost'ph Carlo Edwin (;oodman Ldward 1'. Lynch David Gonld John L. Lynch Fred Ruframi I'mile Rnsso Frank I'larkson Fred J. Gramscy Harrv J. Lvnd Domeuick San^ermano William Clothier William T. Grc:,'ory Edwanl A. McAlecr John Sartory John Connolly William Grilliths Wali.-r McArthnr Albert F. Schlnmi) William J. Cunroy Jiihn Gnarino William .McFarlane John V. Scndero Charles J. Coylf Czeslaw Gulkowski James McGinnis Eupene H. Shaw Joseph A. Coyle Ale.vander IlalRas John I*. McHuKh John Sink Charles T. Crossland Alexander Hamilton William McLehose James J. Smith Frank Czarnec-ki Einar S. Hrnissou James J. McMenamin John M. Stet;er Edward A. Delanev E<iward Harkins William A. Nb-Nally Edwin M. Stillinan Russoll T. Delker Dousrlass Hellor Patrick McNnlty Frank J. Tetkowwki Stanley THamond George E. Hile Ma\ Machnikowski Nicholas M. Tipht? Itjiniel Iiolierty John R. Hinkle Walter Ma.-kicwicz Joseph Tweedale John A. Dorety Touis Hirt Sianloy I. Marchant Nick riiano Henry J. I>ouf;herty George Hockaday John J. Mari-sca Frjincis I'rbanis Frank S. Dowiins John P. Iloldcn John M. Mariner William V . \'orhees Daniel A. Dnsan Rcn.iamin W. Hr.lub Joscjih Marim. Harry Wallace Enpeiie F. Dii^an Herman A. HnllinRS Joseph Marino Eugene G. Walklns James J. Dntran Frank Hyties Romer P.. Markle Harry C. Wilkins Joseph r. DiiRaa William P. Kennedy Giovanni Marra Samuel D. Worthinston. Jr. William 11. Dnke William J Kerr Angelo C. Melc Henry D. Vnuii^'ciuist U'nary ])yhalski Jidin Kicslinn Lawrence Melisi Peter Zack William F,lli..tt Joined as Replacetnents— October 26, 1918 PRIVATES Edward C. Hoover Edward McCallen Louis Phalau Bernard Sedlemeyer John H. Horn Roy E. MeCrorey En;;enio Pretii Theodore Simons Garnett L. Howard James R. McNeill Richard J. Pn.kett Clarence T. South Clyde Jacobs William Mann William Richards Jeremiah Sullivan Charles XI. Keeno Robert E. Meyer Henry T. Rhodes Henrv W. Switzer James L, Kinney Andrew Otto Anthony Schasny Joe Waters I'erey A. I.aekner Joseph Overland Anthony Samkowitz Emil Yerks ■■vi Albert C. Leap George Zinidikos Page Two Seventy-one 1 ,,- if The 315 th Infan-try I COMPANY L II @ Septeni1)er 17. 1917 — Company "L", 315th Infantry, was organizeil with the follow- ing officers: Captain Ward W. Pierson, First Lieutenant George L. Wright and Second Lieutenants Theodore Rosen, George S. Freeman and Floyd S. Strosnider. Septem1>er 22. 1917 — Local Boards Nos. 7, 11 and 21. of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, furnished Company "L" with its first recruits, a total of 21 men. September 23. 1917 — The Company received 63 additional recruits from Philadel- phia, Pennsylvania. Septemher 3(1, 1917 — The Company received 81 recruits from the 25th Training Piattalion, the majority of these coming from Local Board No. 26, of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. October 17, 1917 — Seventy-two members of the Company were transferred to the S2nd Division at Camp Gordon, Georgia. November 4, 1917 — The Company received another contingent of recruits from Local Boards Nos. 26 and 51, of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, bringing the total strength U]) to 214 men. November 28, 1917 — Twenty-five per cent, of the members of the Company were ,yiven passes over Thanksgiving Day. December 1, 1917 — Captain Edmund J. Maclvor and Second Lieutenant Edward L. Roach were attached to the Company. December 5, 1917 — The members of Company "L" gave an entertainment and smoker. Colonel Rosenbanm and Lieutenant Colonel Morton were present, together with a numlier of the other officers of the Regiment. The entertainment was furnished by entertainers from the 315th Infantry and a colored jazz band, which proved to he the feature of the evening. December 22, 1917 — Fifty per cent, of the mcml)ers of the Company were given five-day passes over Christmas. January 12, 1918 — An entertainment, dance and lianquet were given by Company "L" in R-26, all the officers and men being present with their wives and sweethearts. Mrs. Charles F. Stretch, wife of Sergeant Stretch, acted as chaperone. January 15, 1918 — First Sergeant Smith and Sergeants Geiger, Steinmeyer, Simend- inger and Dougherty were sent to tlie third Officers' Training School at Camp Meade, Maryland. Page Two Seveut.v-two /* The 515th Infant^ry COMPANY L February 5. 1918 — Thirty-six men were transfcrreil to Camp Greene, Xorth Carulina. l''el)riiary 7. 191iS — Second I.ienteTiant William 15. Dodson was attached to tlie Company. February 10, 1918 — First Lieutenant John T. i'drd. Jr.. was assigned to the Company. March 3, 1918 — Company "L" started its baseball season with Corporal Harry Sci- bold, formerly of the Philadelphia .-\thletics, as manager and captain. March 16, 191S — .\ 1ian<|uet and .St. Patrick's l)av dance were given liv tlic Cimipany in R-26. March 20, 1918 — Comjiany "1," had its first experience w-itli "pup" tents, when the Regiment hiked three miles and pitched tents near the railroad below Odenton, March 21, 1918 — Second Lieutenant Rosen ])romoted to hirst Lieutenant. March 30, 1918 — Company "L" was selected as the l)est drilled company in the 79th Division and sent to participate in tlie Third Lilierty Loan Campaign in an exhi- bition at the Pimlico race track, Paltimore, Maryland. April 4-7, 1918 — ^Company "I." participated in the march of the 79th Division to Baltimore, .April 4th-5th, the review of tlie Division by President Woodrow Wilson on .April 6th and the return to Camp Meade on .April 7th. The Company made the entire trip without the loss of a man. .April 8, 1918 — Company "L" won the baseball championship of tlie 315th Infantry by defeating Company "P.", which had tied with it for first place. April 15-19, 1918 — Tlie Comi>any marched to the riHe range on .April 15tli and camped there until April lyth. .April 20, 1918 — Captain Mac Ivor was detached from tlie Com]>any and transferred to Boston, Massachusetts. .April 21, 1918 — Company "L" defeated tlie champion company bascliall team of the 312th Macliine Gun Battalion by the score of 4-1. .\pril 23, 1918 — The Company played Company "V". 316th Infantry, for the base- liall championship of the 158th Brigade, Company "L ' winning liy tlie score of 2-1 after fourteen innings. May 1. 1918 — Company "L" defeated the champion company baseliall team of the 314th Infantry, thereby winning its way into the championship game for the Division title. On the same date the Company received 100 recruits from the state of Ohio. After three weeks training these men were all transferred to Camp Lee, Virginia. .May 4. 1918 — Company "L" played Battery "F". 311th I'"ield .Artillery, for the base- ball championshi]) of the 79th Division and lost its first game of the season by the score of 4-11. May 6. 1918 — Second Lieutenant Dodson was detached from Company and as- signed to "I" Company. May 8. 1918 — Second Lieutenant Roach was detached from Company and transferred to the University of Pittsburgh. May 10, 1918 — Comjiany "L" played the championship baseball team of the 154th Depot Brigade and was defeated 7-3. During the season the Company w-on 19 games and lost 2. Corjioral Seibold, Sergeant Barnitz, Sergeant Simendinger and Corporal AIcMimagle were the stars on the Company team and were also members of the Regi- mental team. May 15. 1918 — First .Sergeant liailey, Su|)ply .Sergeant .\brams and Sergeant Weir w-ere sent to the fourth Officers' Training School at Camp .Meade. On June 5th, Sergeant Weir returned to the Company, in order that he might accompany it overseas. May 22, 1918 — Company "L" was selected to represent the 315th Infantry in the War Chest Parade in Philadelphia, Pennsvlvania. The Company entrained at Odenton at 9:00 .A. M. and reached Phila<leliiliia at 1:00 P. M., where it'was met by Mr. E. T. Stotesbury. the well known financier of Pliiladelpliia. The members of the Company were entertained at luncheon in the Blue Room of the Bellevue-Stratford Hotel by II II !l Page Two Seventy three rnii The 515th IrsfFANT^RY COMPANY L 'he "Skipper" Looks After His Own I li 5 Mr. Stotesbury. Following the luncheon, the Company marched to the City Hall, where Captain Ward W. Pierson made a speech. The members of tlie Company were then loaded into trucks and conveyed to Broad Street and Girard .\venue. the starting point of the parade. The Company, in conjunction with a company of marines and a com- pany of sailors, paraded down Broad Street to South Street, where the parade disbanded. The members of the Company entrained at Pliiladelphia at 5;15 P. M. and arrived at Camp Meade at 8:30 P. M. the same evening. May 27. 1918 — The Company received 120 recruits from Local Boards Nos. 4. 10 and 50. of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. May ^0. 1918 — Company "L" took part in an athletic meet arran.ged liy the 315th Infantry and scored the second liighest number of points in the Regiment. The rifle team won the contest on the sub-target range and the semaj^hore and wig-wag teams finished first in their events. June 1, 1918 — Lieutenant F.rnest V. Becker was attached to the Company. June 12. 1918 — The Ci>nii)any marched to the target range and spent four days in lireaking in the rookies to the use of the "Model '17." June 14, 1918 — The Company received 35 men from Camp Upton. Xew York, to help liring it up to full war strength. June 26. 1918 — The Company received 26 recruits from tlie 311th Fiel<l Artillery. June 27. 1918 — Captain Pierson left for overseas witli the advance scliool detach- ment of the Regiment, command of the Company passing to First Lieutenant George L, Wright. July 4, 1918 — The Company baseball team was presented with two banners, one for the Regimental championship and one for the 158th Brigade championship. The rifle team received a silver loving cup, emlilematic of the chamiii'inship of the Regiment on the sub-calibre range. July 7, 1918 — Company "L" left Camp Meade with 5 officers and 2^9 men bound for Hoboken, New Jersey. Page Two Seveut.v-four The 515 th Infanttry ... — . COMF'ANY ]. July 8. 1918 — The Company boarded the United States transport Aiiiciicii, wliicii set sail for I'Vance on July 9. 1918. at 6:05 P. M. While on the Aiiiirirn the Company occupied the compartment G-3, in conjunction with men of "G" Company and the Machine Gun Company. July 14. 1918 — M 11:50 F. M. the Aiiicricti rammed and sank the British tanker IikIixIiiicIii. Eleven of the crew of forty-two were rescued. July 18, 1918 — The Aiiirricu drojjped anchor in the harhor of Brest. .At 7 P. M. that evening, the Company was lightered ashore with the other companies of the Third Battalion and proceeded to a rest camp in the vicinity of Pontanezen Barracks. July 22, 1918 — Company "L" entrained at Brest for the 10th Training .\rea. After a ride of three davs the Company arrived at Vaux and detrained at 11:.TO A. M., July 25, 1918. July 25, 1918 — The Company arrrived at Chalancey and made its initial acquaint- ance with French "billets." -August 20, 1918 — Lieutenant Becker was transferred to "K" Company. .115th In- fantry. August 21, 1918 — Captain Pierson rejoined the Company. August 25, 1918 — Captain Pierson was transferred to lleadciuarters Company. .315tli Infantry, and Captain Francis A. .\wl. the former commander of Headquarters Com- pany, was assigned to Company "L." September 1, 1918 — The Regiment started on what was scheduled to be a three-day hike to Champlitte. Plans were changed en route, however, and the entire Regiment returned to its billets the following day. Lieutenant Freeman was transferred from the Company to take charge of tlie Third Battalion Intelligence Section. September 8. 1918 — Company "L" with the other companies of the Third Battalion left Chalancey at 8:00 P. M. and marched to Vaux, where it entrained for Revigny at 8:00 .A. M. the following morning. September 9, 1918— The Third Battalion reached Revigny at 9:00 P. M., where it detrained, lay all night in a wet. muddy held and started out the following morning in a driving rain for Haironville, a 27-kilonieter hike. September 10. 1918 — The Company finally reached its billets in Haironville, all in but still game. September 12, 1918 — The Company boarded a I-'rencb camion train at 6:00 P. M.,rode all ni.ght and was linally deposited near Brocourt Woods at daylight the following morning, September 1.3. 1918 — The Third Battalion left Brocourt Woods at 6:00 P. M. and marched through the village of Dombasle to reserve dug-outs in the Foret de Hesse. September 16, 1918 — First Sergeant Simendinger was sent to the .\rniy Candidates' School, Sergeant Weir being appointed first sergeant in his place. September 19. 1918 — Company "L" relieved Com])any "H" on the main line of re- sistance in Sector 304. The Comi)any held positions near the head of Death Valley and its kitchen was located in dug-outs on the eastern slope of Hill .304. Montfaucon, the German stronghold, was plainly visible on the northern horizon. September 26, 1918 — The Company went "over the top" at 5:30 .\. M. as one of the attacking units in the great Meuse-Argonne offensive of the American .-\rmy. The Company advanced from Cannebiere trencli toward Ilaucourt. its first objec- tive, at 6:15 A. M. The order of advance in the Third Battalion was "1." "K," "L" and "M." The three battalions of the 314th Infantry i>receded the Third Battalion. 315th Infantry, in its sector of advance. In passing through the valley immediately south of Haucourt, the Company jjassed tlirough a heavy smoke screen. In the thick mist of this screen, it lost connection with the other three comi)anies of the Battalion, hut reached a point just southwest of Malancourt at 9:,30 .V. M. From this p<iint it was ordered to push on in advance of the remaining companies of the Battalion. This advance was carried out. .\fter passing Malancourt. very stiff resistance in the shajjc @ Page Two Seveiit.v-five The 515th Infantry @ COMPANY L A L'iMi'A-.W "L" IjKOL 1' IjATUEKEli Alu TllK I'lKEPLATE 1 .\ l\-_'l> of enemy machine gun nests and minenwerfers was encountered. This resistance was finally overcome. .-X part of our Third Platoon, assisted by troops of Company "K," 31Sth Infantry, captured eleven prisoners, one machine gun and one minen- werfer cannon. During tlie advance of the afternoon, Lieutenant Floyd S. Strosnider, leader of the Tliird Platoon, was killed by a machine gun bullet northwest of Malan- court. The Comjjany finally advanced to the Hindenburg trench, where it lialted for the night. September 27, 1918 — At 6:45 .'\. M. the Company again took up the advance. It advanced immediately behind the 314th Infantry, and in the course of the morning mopped up numerous machine gun nests and snipers left behind after the advance of the .314th. About noon the Company again gained connection with the Third Battalion, from which it had become separated on the afternoon of the 26th. The advance for the day terminated about 10:30 P. M. at a point some 1000 meters north of the Montfaucon-Septsarges road and immediately in the center of the Bat- talion sector of advance. .About 3 A. M. the Battalion was forced to change position to a trench about 400 meters nortli of the Mcmtfaucon-Septsarges Road by reason of heavy enemy shell fire. September 28, 1918 — .-\liout 7 .A. M., Company "L" was ordered to advance on Nantillois as the leading company of the Battalion. In tlie face of heavy macliine gun, sniping and artillery fire, the Company finally broke into the village about 11 A. M. During this advance it suffered heavy casualties. After the taking of Nantillois the advance was continued to a point some 200 meters north of the town. During this advance connection was lost with Companies "I" and "K," but retained with Company "M." At the point just named Company "L" gained connection with the First Bat- talion, 315th Infantry. With the First Battalion, 315th Infantry, on its left and Com- pany "M" in support, the Company continued its advance to Hill 274, about 600 meters north of Nantillois, where a halt was made because of the stifif enemy machine gun P.ige Two Sevent.v-six The 515th Infant^ry COMPANY L fire encountered. Aliout 4 P. ^[. tanks were brought up to re-enforce the line, llehiml tlie tanks the advance was again taken up against the woods just south of .Madeleine Farm. When the Company reached tlie woods, it was halted by heavy machine gun lire. Owing to tlie heavy enemy artillery and machine gun tire encountered around the Madeleine h'arm and the Hois des Ogons, the Comjiany was forced to fall back to Hill 274 (Suicide Hill), where, in connection with the remainder of the Regiment, it was ordered to entrench on the reverse slope. During the advance of the day. Lieutenant Ford was wounded in the attack on Xantillois. September 29. 1918 — Owing to the heavy casualties, the strength of the Company was reduced to two platoons. In the early morning it was re-organized, togetlier with the other companies of the Third Hattalion, on the reverse slope of "Suicide Hill." At 7:15 A. M. the Third Battalion, with the other two battalions of the Regiment, ad- vanced against the Bois des Ogons. The advance was again assisted by tanks. As on the iireceding aiternoon, the violent machine gun and artillery fire of the enemy halted the advance. .\t 5 P. M., a violent artillery bombardment forced the witlidrawal of all troops from "Suicide Hill" to the shelter of Xantillois-Cunel road west of the hill. On this day the enemj' shelled the Regimental first aid station and also the field hospital, killing many of the wounded soldiers. In the advance against the Bois des Ogons, Ca|)tain .\wl was wounded, and his evacuation left the Company with only one officer — Lieutenant Wright. September .30. 1918 — At .3:00 A. M. the Comjiany moved from tlie mad just men- tioned to a railroad cut just southwest of Xantillois. It remained there without casual- ties until 2:(K) P. .\1.. at which time it was relieved by troops of the 3rd Division. During this drive the Company lost 21 men killed, 75 wounded, 1 reported missing, and 2 captured. The Regiment was assembled near Malancourt on the afternoon of the 30th, and there the Regiment spent the night on an open hillside north of the village. October 1, 1918 — After having spent si.\teen days on the lines and in the offensive and still suffering from the lack of food and rest, the Company marched to P. C. Can- naliiere early mi the nioriiing of October 1st. The Kitchen Force Re.adv to Start Oper.\tions e Page Two Seveutj'-seven _j. J I I The 515 th Infant^ry COMPANY L I' The Village ok LE!^ Pakoches With the Meise Kivek in the ijACKGKouND October 3. 1918 — Company "L," witli the uther companies of the Third Battalion, assembled in Normandy Woods and at 9;(MI P. AI. started on a heartrending march to the Troyon sector. October 4, 1918 — The Company arrived at tlie Foret de Sonilly. near Senoncourt, at 4:00 A. M. Second Lieutenant Louis U. Labine was assigned to the Company. .At 2:45 P. M. tlie entire Regiment marched to Recourt. arriving at 7:30 P. M. There the Company bivouacked in an open held. October S, 1918 — The Company arrived at Les Paroches, near St. Mihiel. at 6:00 P. M., having covered more ground than any other unit in the Regiment. C)ctober 9, 1918 — Sergeant David R. Sperling was sent to the Army Candidates' School. Octo1)er 10, 1918 — The Company moved to Pjoquemont. where tlie Third I'attalion was assembled. October 11. 1918 — Company "L" moved to Woimliey, wliere it sliared tiie village with the Machine Gun Company. October 12, 1918 — Lieutenant Ernest V. Becker was assigned to tlie Company. October 17, 1918 — The Third Battalion marched to the Troyon front and took over part of the sector held by the 2nd Prench Cavalry Division. The relief was made at 7:00 A. M., October 18th. The Company held the support line on the blufifs above the village of St. Maurice and was billeted in the Bois de Thillot during the day. October 23, 1918 — First Lieutenant Wri.ght, acting Company Commander, was pro- moted to the rank of captain. October 25, 1918 — The Third Battalion was relieved by troops of the 33rd Division at 7:00 A. M. The Company was billeted that night in shacks on the outskirts of Troyon. October 26, 1918 — Company "L," with the other companies of the Third Battalion, arrived at Camp Monthairons at 1:00 P. M. There the Company received 48 men as replacements. At 6:00 P. M., the Company once more got under way and at 7:00 A. M. the following morning arrived at a patch of woods northwest of Fromereville. There the Company rested for two days. On the night of October 26th-27th, Lieutenant Becker was evacuated to the hospital, suffering from the effects of gas received in the Montfaucon drive. Page Two Seventy-eight The 515th Infant^ry COMPANY L October 28, 19IS — The Company set out at 5:00 P. M. ami niarclied to tlic Bois de Forges, arriving there at 11:30 P. M. October 29. 1918 — Leaving the Hois <le I-'orgcs at 5:t)0 P. M., the Company crossed to the east bank of the Meuse and proceeded to the Hois de Consenvoye. where, with the other companies of the Tliir<l Battalion, it took over the reserve position in the sector formerly held by troops of the 29th Division. Company "l," occupied the re- serve position for a week and during that time the Bois de Consenvoye was under the most violent enemy artillery tire. The shelling with high explosives and gas caused many casualties in the Company and Battalion. .Ammunition ami ration details were supplied daily by the Company to carry supidies to the front line battalions. These details were compelled to carry the supplies lor more than a mile, the route running over the shell-swept Etraye- Brabant road, thence through Death Valley past Molleville Farm and on up into the lines. During this period, the Comijauy also buried, as a sani- tary precaution, a nunilier of the 26th Division's horses which had been killed by enemy shell lire. Xovember 4, 1918 — Lieutenant Rosen, while on a reconnoitering mission for Regi- mental Headquarters, was wounded and captured by the (jermans. .At 8:00 P. M. the Comjjany moved up to the support position S(K) meters south of Alolleville Farm. Just prior to the move. Sergeant .-\dolph J. Kunze was sent to the .Army Candidates' School. Xovember 6. 1918 — .At 7 .A. M., the Third Battalion, under cover of a heavy fog, moved through the Bois Plat Chene in support of the Second Battalion, 31,3th Infantry, the two battalions having been formed into a provisional regiment for the attack on Hill 378. While moving up to the support position, the Company was subjected to extremely heavy enemy machine gun fire from Hill 378 and the Bois de la Grande Montague. Xovember 7. 1918 — .At 8:00 A. M., with "L" Company on the right, "M" Com))auy on the left and "I" Company in support, the Third Battalion advanced behind a rolling barrage. During this advance, the Company was caught between two fires, the German barrage and the .American barrage, which was falling short. The Companj- held fast to its ground, however, and advanced when the American barrage lifted. .As the ad- vance continued, small outpost groups were droppe<l off by the Company along the western edge of the Bois de la Grande Montague to protect the right flank of the Bat- talion. This dropping oflf of outpost groups continued until the Company held an out- post line over a mile long, running from the crest of Hill 378 to the Clairs Chenes trenches northeast of Sillon Fontaine Farm. .About 7:00 P. M., a German patrol, con- sisting of a sub-lieutenant and a private, was captured by one of the Company outposts. November 8, 1918 — .At 11 A. M.. the Company was relieved on the outpost line and rejoined the Battalion, which then drove due east. At nightfall, the Company had ad- vanced three kilometers, and a position for the night was taken on the heights south of Ecurey. Xovember 9, 1918 — During the day the Company sidestepped four kilometers to the south and took up position on the ridge southwest of Etraye. Xovember 10, 1918 — .At 6:00 P. M., the Company advanced to a series of German ammunition shelters along the Damvillers-W'avrille road and there spent the night as part of the Regimental reserve. The ni.ght was marked by light activity on the part of the enemy artillery. Xovember II, 1918 — .At daybreak. Company "L" and the other companies of the Third Battalion moved south through the ruined town of Gibercy and took up position on the southwestern slope of Hill 328 as the Regimental reserve in the attack against Cote d'Orne and Cote de Morimont. .At 10:50 .A. M., a runner in reckless haste brought the news of the armistice, and the glad tidings spread like wildfire through the Com- pany, every member of which experienced that inner feeling of sober rejoicing and thankfulness known only to those who had played their part in the World War on the front line. At 7:00 P. M. on the evening of the 11th, a series of cossack posts was established by the Company west of Cote d'Orne, these posts being kept iu front of the Boche until noon on Xovember 12th. During the operations east of the .Meuse, "I." Company lost 1 man killed, 27 wounded and 1 captured. Xovember 13. 1918 — The Company moved to Etraye and was billeted in the shell- torn ruins of that village. Page Two Seventy-nine E 315th Infa.nt:^rv COMPANY L II Men of Company "L" on OuT^'|^^ L'lw Xk.m; (.,ii:i kcv. November I'J, -Ji'L-^ I Novenilier IS, 1918 — Secoiiil Lieutenant George TI. Ricliiiiond was assigned to the Company. Xoveniher 17. 1918 — The Company participated in the memorial services held for the members of tlie Regiment who had died on the field of battle. November 21. 1918 — Second Lieutenant John H. Child was assigned to the Company. November 28, 1918 — Company "L" marched to Damvillers for the Regimental Thanksgiving Day celebration and victory i)arade. Deceml)er 1. 1918 — Lieutenant Richmond and ten members of the Company were detailed on special duty as the Military Police Detachment of the 158th Brigade. December 25, 1918 — Christmas was celebrated with an elaborate Company dinner. Major Lloyd was present with Captain Wright and Lieutenant Freeman. December 26, 1918 — Company "L," as part of the Third Battalion, moved out at 8:15 A. M. and marched to Thierville, where the niglit was spent in the Jardin de h'on- taine military barracks. December 27, 1918 — Tlie Company marched to Souilly and was billeted for the night in the Triage Hospital buildings. December 28, 1918 — The Company reached the village of Courouvre, its home in the Souilly area, at 2:00 P. M., and there settled down for a three months' stay. January 10, 1919 — First Lieutenant George C. Walker was assigned to the Company. January 25, 1919 — Captain George L. Wright was transferred to Regimental Head- quarters as Regimental Operations Officer and was succeeded by Captain Bertram GitTels, who was assigned to the Company on the same date. F'ebruary 26, 1919 — h'irst Lieutenant George S. Freeman was re-assigned to the Company. March 10, 1919 — Second Lieutenant Louis LI. Laljine was transferred to the 30th Division. Page Two Eighty The 515th Infant^ry COMPANY L March 28, 1919 — The Company started on a live-day hike toward the rear, anil evening found it hilleted in the village of Erize-la-Bridee. March 29, 1919 — The Company marched to Culey. March 30, 1919 — The Company marched to Villers le Sec. March .31. 1919 — The Company marched to X'oncourt. April 1, 1919 — The Company arrived at Rimaucourt and was billeted in barracks which had formerlj' been used as American hospital buildings. April 12, 1919 — The 79th Division was assembled northeast of Orquevaux and there reviewed by General John J. Pershing, commander-in-chief of the American Expedi- tionary Forces. April 14. 1919 — Company "L," with the other companies of the 31Sth Infantry, was transported by motor truck to the .-Vviation Field near Chaumont. where a Regimental parade was staged for Secretary of tlie Xavy Daniels. Secretary Daniels was unable to be present and the Regiment was reviewed by Lieutenant General Hunter Liggett. The Company was returned by motor truck to Rimaucourt after the review. April 23, 1919 — -The Company entrained at 2:30 .-\. M. ami left Rimaucourt at 5;00 .\. M. for the Nantes Area. April 25, 1919 — The Company arrived at Vertou at 6;00 A. M. and was billeted in that village. May .5, 1919- -Second Lieutenant Harry H. I'flugfelder was attaclied to Company "L." May 6. 1919 — First Lieutenant George C. Walker and Second Lieutenants John 11. Child and George H. Richmond were transferred from the Company. May 12. 1919 — Entraining at 10:00 A. M. at Vertou. the Company reached St. Nazaire the same evening and marched to Camp No. 2. May 13, 1919 — .-Xfter passing the army physical examination, tlie inend)ers of the Companj' marclied to Camp No. 1, where they were thoroughly and efficiently deloused. Following this operation, the Company was marched to the Isolation Camp and there held in readiness for sailing. May 15, 1919 — The Company marched from the Isolation Camp to tlie docks and boarded the United States transport lidl.dlnii, which set sail for .\merica early the fol- lowing morning. May 28, 1919 — The Diilcntiiii docked at Philadelphia and Company "L" was trans- ported forthwith to Camp Dix via the Pennsylvania Railroad. June 7, 1919 — The last member of the Company received his discharge papers, and Company "L." 315th Infantry, closed its career of active military service. e II Page Two EigUty-one The 515th Inkan'try I — ,- @ @ Page Two Eighty-two The 515th Infant^ry Roster of Company L September 1, 1918 FIRST LlErTENANTS .Inim T. Fonl. Jr. TJicodorn Ilospii George h. WriRlit FIRST SERGEANT CAPTAIN Francis A. Awl SECOND LIECTKNANTS GforKP S. Freeiiijiii Floyd S. Strosnider Theodore J. F. Simcndiuger MESS SERGEANT Michael S. Rndvansky Reed llarnitz Eiiiil F. Beck, Jr. Elwood ("arnieaii I.ouis K, Rerkowitz John A. Itrannelly Frank G. BnRKlln Fred C. Dalton I'atrlrk Duhiii RenihiTt T. Kdsall AliiJiliani Krjinki^l COOKS Louis Enz Frank Limina WaltiT Meyer ^\''ilIiam VoppI Frank J. Hock Nieohi Rionti Conu'lins Itreslin Wills A. Hnrrowes Fri'ih-riek C. Doellbor Aloysius J. Duffy Carl F. Ehiuann Ravnionil .T. Fitzpatriok Frank II. Flegel SERGEANTS William V. Dudley David Levine Arthur G. Jones James V. MeGurr Adoljdi J. Kunze Harry Polinsky CORPORALS Carl M. Grosner Hunh II. McCorniack Harry Hahn John J. McMonat;le Joseph A. Keenan Hugh Moy Frank J. Kirk Harry Mun>hy Richard I,. LeFcvre Jolni P. Murray Karl <;. Ley James S. O'Doiiriell Frank J. Lisirr Carl A. Oe.slerle MECHANICS James II. Cowan ('harles F. (Jrindle Edmniul H. Srlm.-ider George A. Spahn FIRST CLASS William J. O'TooIe Robert W. Patton Frederick P. Peters Natan Ptashkan Thcuoas C. I'riee Saralin Piicalowski Martin L. Rettig, Jr. Charles P. Ripa George Ruderiek PRIVATES, William Frick Salvatore Gianihri Edmund O. Heyue Charles W. Hoog William J. Iluttner George L. Kelley Joscpli L. Klfinhans Ilenr.v W. Loveless J..hn .1. Michel SUPPLY SERGEANT George W. Weaver. Jr. Jacob C. Radel Charles E. Weir Samuel D. Ross Thomas F. J. Sheridan David R. Sperling Charles W, Staud^-nnmyer Ji'sepli M. Tinsnian Platans I'nchis Charles F. West BUGLERS Leonardo Massetti Charles S. Pleasants Ellis Salknvitz Walter R. S.lxMilt/, Charles F. S<hw:ih Willianj Si-livviiid Fred Iv. Stellwageii <'harh's E. Stewart Elmer J. Sullivan Alfred F. Wilbert Roceo Alhano William F. Ale 1 la r vi'.v ] -. A ruibrecht Charles W. Auchey Samuel H. Bauer William E. Bell John A. Itosnick Harry T. Boyle William J. Bradley Joseph J. Brady George C. Brothers William Capparoni Basllia Cardamona Eduardo Carriilo Frank Castilgliono Walter F. Cavanaugh Clyde 11. Cotistantine Fram-is R. C(»yne 'I'lmnias J. Cnllen Stanley J. Dohry Frederick L. Drneding Herbert R. Ehner John Engel Louis Esterhai Elmer J. Evans Pi'ter J. Fadigan Reginald E. Farrell Luigi Fedeseo ,\n<lri'w Feege Edward F. Ferry Walter J. Adair BeiiKion Adler Natjile Ardissono Harice E. Bailes Roy E. Bell James L. Beh-her Lawrence R. Bennett Claude Bishop Arilinr J. Bonhiis Leo A. Bra<'cini Carl (I. Carlson Thonnis Cleek Richard J. Filhiri Edward J. Fillm.ver Frederick W. I'ilz Anthony M. Forsthoffcr Stephano Franceshini Charles Frank Samuel Frank Foma Garos John J. Gill Joseph T. tJirmseheid Harry Goodman Hugh P. (Jonnley William J. Gregory Frank Grillin Elwood G. HatTner John Haling James A. Ilahb-man John E. Harlman Howard P. Hefter AlphuMs H. Helmig Walter J. Ih'Tidersou Fred R. Hensling Louis S. Hess Ilyman HotTman Tony Kardas Jacob Kees Grover C. Kessler Jacob H. King Samuel Kivil/, Otto Kolh PRIVATES Rudidph L. Kovacs William Lamb Charles F. Lieb Maury Liehernian Michael A. LielMiwitz Vineenzo Liporaee Samuel J. Lubnhl John G. Mc<'n>ssen Hugh J. McFadden John J. MctJurr Slephan Mafera Patrick Maloney Giacfimo MasciarclU Paul J. Massing William J. May Harrv S. Meginnis Agostino Mella.c Lewis A. Miller Jonathan E. Morgan John F. Moser Frederick A. Muench Edward C. Muller Thomas P. Mulvntiev William T. Mnrphv William A. Nash Harrv L. Newton William Nicklcs George H. N.dl Emerson H. Nolte James B. O'Doniicll Joseph H. O'Malley Benjamin I'ark Edwardo Pasc|ualone Edmund C. I'echin Clmrles Peters Stern F. Picton MicluH'l I'ojip Charles F. Rjindal! Juseph F. Randazzo liernhardt Rausch Robert M. Reed Charles P. Reichert William Ri-id J<din D. Kosenbach Charles Rudy Julian H. Salomon Stinev J. Savakus William ii. Schaffter William F. Scheideman (iedallia Scheinfeld William R. Schulen Elmer Schield Harry Schill I'eier C. Schindler Henry Schmidt Louis C. Schnltzler J(din Schoenlein Edward Schreiner John II. Schulden William Schuster Samuel Sczerhicky Louis H. See Samuel C. Si-gel Charles E. Siggins Warren H. Smith Ibdger Sorcnsiui Emil H. Spink Edward J. Springer William H. Stanley Otto F. Siegmaier George Stein Bernard Stern Milfi-n Stern 4'harles A. Steif Michael Steilbdn .\ bra ham Supperstone Joseph Szahewic/, Joseph Szalknski Miehele \elronn Sidney H. Vogel (Iscar J. Wagner Jann-s J. Waters William C. Welsh Isaac Wcnitskl Arthur Wilmot Jesse Woot.m James C. Yesuras Fred Youst George Zeunier Henry J. Zienier Joined as Replacements -October 26, 1918 PRIVATES James T. Loft us AHchael Lowinski Samuel Marks Mark Miller Alfred C. Morlev <'lyde W. Neate Clarence L. Ncff Elisha (bile John J. Oestreieh Virgil <»wens \'irgil E. Parker William Paslcy John A. Donnelly Jay Fookes Eddie Givans William K. Grim Miley Haines James Harris Wesley C. Hcinen David R. Hon Lloyd \ James C Bailey H IlufTnia Ice Kc Charlie Kennedy Edward Prejean Clarence Rolu-rfs Wallace W. Sharp Charles H. Slusher Raymond E. Snow ()ri<ui W. Spear Edward M. Stephenson Clarence Sydeiislricker Charles Sweeney Frank F. Traccv David T. Wilkinson Charles M. Wolfgang Not on Company Roll September I, 1918. But Rejoined Company L, December 1, 1918 PRIVATE. FIRST CLASS William S. Nishan s Page Two Eighty-three The 515 th Infanttry COMPANY M li II S Septemljer 17, 1917 — Company "M," 315tli Infantry, was organized at Camp Meade. Maryland, with tlie following officers: Captain William W. VanBaman, First Lieu- tenant Carl W. Wentzel and Second Lieutenants Carl W. Andrews, Henry D. Fansler, and James Woods. September 22, 1917 — Local Boards No, 51 and No. 7, of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, sent Company "M" its hrst recruits. September 23. 1917 — Local Board No, ,34. of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, sent addi- tional recruits to Company. October 1, 1917 — P'irst Lieutenant Wilton Snowden. Jr.. assigned to Company. October, 1917 — During tliis month a number of men were transferred to the 82nd Division at Camp Gordon, Georgia. January, 1918 — During this montli Second Lieutenant Harry D. Furey assigned to Company "M" from Company "1." Sergeants Maddox, Jenness and Dickens sent to Officers' Training School. March 20, 1918 — Company had its first experience sleeping in shelter tents. .April 4, 1918 — Company started on the march to Baltimore. Marched 13 miles to I'laltimiire Highlands and camped there over night. .\pril 5, 1918 — Company reached Patterson Park, Baltimore, Maryland, at 11:00 .A.. M. April 6, 1918 — Company, as part of the 315th Infantry, 79th Division, paraded through the streets of Baltimore and was reviewed by President Wilson. .\pril 7, 1918 — Company broke camp at 5:00 A. M. and left Patterson Park for Camp Meade at 6:30 A. M. Camp Meade was reached at 2:00 P. M. .\pril 15, 1918 — Companv marched to the rifle range and camped there until April 19, 1918. May 1, 1918 — Received one hundred nien from the state of Ohio. .A.fter three weeks training these men were sent to Camp Lee, Virginia, to fill up the 80th Division. About this time the Company was beginning to think it would never see France and that Camp Meade was nothing more or less than a replacement camp. May 27, 1918 — Local Boards No. 31 and No. 36, of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, sent men to Camp Meade to refill the Company. June 14, 1918 — Received thirty men from Camp LTpton, New York, to help bring the Company up to the required war strength. Page Two Eigbty-four The 515 th Infant^r^ COMI'AXY .\I June 26, 1918 — Received twenty-five men from the 311th Field Artillery. Julj' 7. 1918 — Left Camp Meade with 238 men for Hoboken, Xevv Jersey. Left Camp at 4:00 P. M., marcheil to the I!. & O. Railroad; arrive<l at Jersey City at 2:00 A. j\l., Jidy 8, 1918. July 8, 1918 — Detrained at 7:00 A. M.; l)oarded ferry lioat for Hoboken; 1).>ardeil transport Aiii<ri(.-<i aliout noon. July 9, 1918 — Left the shores of the L'nited States at 6:05 P. M. with four other transports. July 14. 1918 — At niidniKht, struck and sank a liritish tanker in mid-ocean. Tlie Aiiiirii-ii lowered life boats and rescued eleven of the crew of forty-two men. July 17, 1918 — Eight U. S. destroyers joined us and convoyed us to port. July 18, 1918 — The Aincrh-n reached Brest at 5:00 P. M.. and by means of a ligliter the Company was landed. Marched to a rest camp near Pontanezen Barracks and pitched shelter tents in the dark. Had our first experience with the weatlicr of France — rain and mud. Camped here until July 22, 1918. July 22, 1918 — Company boarded train at 4:30 P. M. for tlie lUth Traininy; Area. After riding three days, reached tlic town of Vaux at 11:30 .\. \\. July 25, 1918 — Marched fourteen kilometers up hills to Vesvres. where the Com- pany was billeted. Here did our strenuous training for the Hun; in a few days started to police up the village. .August, 1918 — The month of .Kugust was devoted to hard training and maneuvers around Vesvres. September 1, 1918 — Started a three-day marcli witli full packs, but returned the next day. September 8, 1918 — Left Vesvres at 8:00 P. M., marched to Vaux, arriving at mid- night in a terrible rain storm. After waiting on the road for over an hour, were put in an old barn until 7:00 A. M. next morning. Septendser 9. 1918 — Boarded train at Vaux at 8:0(1 A. M.; arrived at Revigny a1)i>tit 9:00 P. M.; detrained and slept in a muddy field. It rained all night, and the men had to sleep out in the open without any shelter. e I Company "\\" .s\\im;s iiv in Bai.iimorf. rngf Two EiKlit.v-fivc I J The 515 th Itstfant^ry COMPANY M II II ti: All Set for a Meal in the Field September lU, 1918 — Company arrived at Haironville after a 27-kiloineter mareli. September 12, 1918 — Left Haironville at 6:00 P. M., marched about four kilometers and hoarded motor trucks. One of our trucks turned over in a ditch along the road at midnight. September I,^, 1918 — Arrived at Brocourt Woods about 8:00 A. M.; left again at 6:00 P. M.: marched to dug-outs on side of hill (Camp H) near Dombasle. Men saw their (irst aeroplane hght here. September 14, 1918 — Saw observation baHoon shot down by enemy aeroplane. September 17, 1918 — Company moved from Camp H to Normandy Woods, about four kilometers. Lieutenant Furey assigned to Brigade Headquarters. September 18, 1918 — Left Xormandy Woods at 8:00 P. M. for trenches: our guide lost his bearings and Company marched about ten miles out of the way, finally walking up to an outpost group of the 33d Division, who turned us back and said if we had kept on going for ten minutes more the Company iyonld liave walked into the German trenches; got on the right road at last and took ftp- our position on the main line of re- sistance at 4:30 A. M., September 19, 1920. September 22, 1918 — The first time the Company had been under fire. The Germans sent over a barrage at daybreak that lasted for two hours. September 25, 1918 — Company moved out of trenches at 8:45 P. M., and took up position in third line trenches. Septemljer 26, 1918 — ."^t 5:30 A. M., Company formed in combat groups. The 314th Infantry led ofT, followed by the Third Battalion, 315th Infantry, the formation being Companies "I," "K," "L" and "M" in its sector of advance. In passing through the valley south of Haucourt the Company passed through a heavy smoke screen and lost connnection with the other companies. The Company was held up by snipers and machine gun fire at Malancourt and had to crawl up the side of a hill to a line of German trenches. Here Captain Von Baman was taken sick and carried back by first- aid men. First Lieutenant W'ilton Snowden took over command of the Company. September 27, 1918 — Company advanced with little or no resistance to a trench system about 400 meters north of the Montfaucon-Septsarges road. Page Two Eighty-six ^ c 515th Inkanttry Co.Ml'AXV M Septcriiher 28. 1918 — Aihaiui-d to Bois des Ogons; formed a line on to]) of "Suicide Mill" and fought niacliiiie gunners and sniijers for three hours; advanced to edge of woods. Init were driven l)ack. our artillery falling short. Here the Conijianj- lost numerous men killed and wounded. Lieutenants Fansler and Andrews were wounded. -After advancing to the woods twice and liaving to withdraw on account of heavy lire, the Company was ordered to dig in for the nigjit on the hill. September 29, I9I8 — Advanced to I'.ois des Ogons again, and cliari^ed into the woods. Tanks were brought up, l)Ut were of no use, the woods being too tliick, and we were forced to withdraw again on account of heavy artillery lire. On this day the enemy shelled our tirst aid station and lield hospital, killing many of the w-ounded. The Company received orders to dig in on "Suicide Hill" and hold position in case of counter attack, hut at 5:00 P. M. was forced from hill by violent artillery bombard- ment. Lieutenant W'entzel w-as evacuated and Lieutenant Snowdcn was the only oHicer left with the Company. September 30, 1918 — .\linut .i:00 .\. M.. I'onipany moved to a line of (k-rman trenches near Xantillois, remaining here until reliexed at 2:00 P. M. by tlie .3rd Division. During this drive thirteen men w-ere killed, lifty-eight wounded and one reported missing. Tiie Com])any marched back to liill imrtli of Malancourt and camped there lor the night. October I, 1918 — Marclied tn 1'. C. Caesar and pitched shelter tents. October 3. 1918 — At 6:30 A. .\l.. marched to Xormandy Woods; moved that ninht at 9;1X) P. M. and marched until 4:11(1 A. .\1. to b'oret de Souilly. October 4, 1918 — At 2:45 P. .M.. marclied to Recourt. arriving at 7:30 P. M. Com- pany slept in a lield. Lieutenant I'urey returned to Company. October 5, 1918— Marched to P. C. Pierre. Octidier 9. 1918 — Sergeant Joliii Cashmaii sent to .Army Candidates' School. October 10. 1918 — Marched to I'.ouquemont, arriving at IO:,W P. .M. October 11. 1918 — Lieutenant Muir assigned to Company. (October 17, 1918 — Third Battalion mo\ed out by way of Woimbey, La Croix, Seuzy and Dompierre to the Bois de Ra(iuatet. about twenty kilometers. October 18, 1918 — Marched to Thillot, taking over line of resistance and relieving French troops at St. Maurice; billetcil in Cerniaii camp. I ■ 0.\ THE M.MiCH @ Pajre Twii Kitjhty-sevcn * -* I The 515 th Infant^ry E3 COMPANY M I I! I I p. C. Ziii-.wh AMI I iroi 11- rs L seh i\\ C(impany "M" in Sector 304 October 21, 1918— At 10:00 P. M., Company called "Ut and ordered to stand to until dayliglit. vvrjrd being received tliat the Germans were planning an attack. Attack never materialized. October 2.3. 1918 — I'irst Lieutenant Wilton Snovvden appointed Captain of "M" Company. First Lieutenant Palmer assigned to Company. October 25. 1918— Relieved by 33d Division at 7:00 A. M. Marched to Troyon, arriving at noon. October 26, 1918 — .\t 7:00 .■\. M.. started to march to Camp Montliairons. .Arrived at the camp about 1:00 P. M. Received thirty new men as replacements and moved out the same night at 6:00 P. M. Marched all night, arriving at the woods northwest of Fromereville at 7:00 A. M.. October 27. 1918. October 27, 1918 — Lieutenant Muir transferreil to "G" Company. October 28, 1918— .At 5:00 P. M. marched to Rois de Forges, arriving at 11:30 P. M. Company slept in the woods. Next morning there was a heavy frost. Stayed in the woods all day. About 4:00 P. M. a German aeroplane came over and was attacked by two of our aeroplanes. .After a snappy fight, the German plane was brought down. During the fight machine gun bullets were falling among the members of the Company. October 29, 1918 — Left Bois de Forges at 5:00 P. M. and arrived at midnight in reserve position in the Grande Montague Sector. October 30, 1918 — .At daybreak, the men, being hungry, went scouting along the road and found several ration dumps that had been shelled, the food lying all around — corned beef, pickles, tomatoes, bacon, sugar, coffee and bread. The bread had the appearance of having gas on it, but the men, having had nothing to eat, were glad to get it. The Company held this position until midnight, November 4-5, 1918, and was then ordered to pack up and take up a position in support of the Second Battalion in the Bois de Consenvoye. November 6, 1918 — .At daybreak the Company formed in combat groups and ad- vanced through the Bois Plat Chene in a heavy fog, up to the crest of Hill 370 and I Page Two Eiglit.v-eight The 515th IivFANnrRV CO^rPAXV M there (li:g in. Juft after leaving tlic wouds. tlie Germans i pened \i|) witli a heavy l)ar- rage. and all coninuinication was cut off from the rear, the roads heing sher!e<i so heavily. The Company stayed on this hill all night. Noveml)er 7. 1918 — Advanced at daybreak, our own artillery falling short, and were held up for about one hour until the barrage passed over us. The Com]iany ad- vanced to the vicinity of the Clairs Chenes trenches and dug in for the night. November 8, 1918 — Rations were brought up about l():(l(l .A. M. and more ammu- nition and hand grenades were issued to the men. Meanwhile our machine gun bat- talion threw a barrage into the woods on our right for one hour. The Company then took cover in the woods from observation, but had to leave the woods on account of an artillery barrage. Xine German aeroi)lanes came over, flying very low. firing their machine guns at the Company, and dro])])ing bombs. They succeeded in killing one of <iur men and wounding another, but linally our aeroplanes came up and routed tliem. The Comi)any pushed east and halted for the night on the heights south of licurey. November 9, 1918 — .Advanced to tlie hill south of Reville. Here we met a French Intelligence Officer. He said the war would be ended in eiglit days. We then advanced by squads through the valley to the hill south rf Etraye. Comiiany stayed here for the night. November 10, 1918 — .Advanced about five hundred yard;, and ordered to clean up rifles the best we could. .At 6:(10 P. -M. advance<l in combat groups for three kilometers to the Daiuvillers-Wavrille road, the Comi>any dig.gin.g in along the liank by the road for the night. November 11, 1918— Company moved out at 6:0(J A. M. to Hill 328 and du.g in under a heavy barrage from our artillery, the Germans keeping up a steady fire also. .At 11:00 .A. Al., everything stopped suddenly; we then received orders not to fire on any Germans, or to fire any lirearnis to celebrate tlie signing of the .Armistice. The men were permitted to have a tire to keep warm, and were told to improxe their fo.K I View Showing the Ci.airs Chenes Trenches, C.\ptured bv Troops of the Third B.\tt.\i.ion ON THE Evening of November 7th, 1!M8. The Fox Holes Used .■^s the Third B.\tt.m.ion P. C. Can Bk Seen Just to the Right of the Ro.\d and Near the Right Hand Side OF the Picture. Page Two Eighty-nine The 515 th Infanttry 1 :>- li ^ Page Two Ninety The 515 th Infanttry COMPANY M holes and to get whatever covering they could, lor we had to hohl the line for a few- days. Our kitchens came u]). and the Company received its first hot meal in six days. Lieutenant Child was assigned to the Company. During this drive two men w-ere killed and twenty-one wounded from Company "M." Xovemher 13. 1918 — .-Xt noon the Company moved hack from the hill tn ICtraye and billeted in what was left of the village. Every house had been hit. Captain Snow- den left the Company, going to the hospital to get treatment for mustard gas luirns. Lieutenant Palmer placed in command of the Company. Xovemher 14, 1918 — Lieutenant h'urey rejoined Company and assumed command. Xovemher IS, 1918 — Lieutenant .\ndrews rejoined Company from hospital. .Vovember 19, 1918 — Captain Victor IL Moreau assigned to "M" Company. Cap- tain Snowden transferred to "'11" Company. Xovemher 2L 1918 — Company started at 8;0() A. M. to salvage over the battle field. Lieutenant Child transferred to "L" Company. Xovemher 24, 1918 — Lieutenant .Andrews transferred to "K" Company. Xovemher 27, 1918 — Captain Moreau evacuated to hospital. Xovemher 28, 1918 — Thanksgiving services at Damvillers and Victory Parade. December 4. 1918 — Lieutenant .Andrews assigned to "M" Company. December 25, 1918 — Received presents from V. .M. C. .\.; cigarettes, cigars, cakes and chocolate. December 26, 1918 — Company moved at 8:15 A. Al. and marched to Thierville just outside of Verdun; slept in French army post. December 27, 1918 — Marched to Souilly; slept in hosi)ital barracks. December 28, 1918 — Marched to Courouvre. January 14, 1919 — Captain Van Baman rejoined Company from hospital. First Lieutenant Gilbert assigned to "M" Company. February 7, 1919 — Private John Lynch killed at school. i'ebruary 8, 1919 — Second Lieutenant Ryan assigned to "M" Company. bebruary 9. 1919 — Captain Van Raman transferred to 4th -Army Corps. March 28, 1919 — Moved from Courouvre at 8:00 .A. M.: marched to Erize-la-Brulee. March 29, 1919— Marched to Culey. .March 30. 1919— Marched to Villers-Ie-Sec. March 31. 1919 — Marcheil to Xoncourt. .April 1, 1919 — Marched to Rimaucourt. April 12, 1919 — Marched to ()r(|ucvau.x. Divisional review by General Pershing. .\l)ril 14. 1919 — Regimental review at Chauniont by Lieutenant General Hunter Liggett. .April 22, 1919 — Company entrained at 2:30 .\. M.; left Rimaucourt at 5:00 .A. M. for the Xantes area. .\pril 25, 1919 — -Arrived at N'crtciu. May 1, 1919 — Captain Carl \V. VVentzel assigned as Company Commander, l-'irst Lieutenant Carl W. -Andrews transferred and appointed Third Battalion .Adjutant. May 12, 1919 — F.ntraincd at Vertou for St. Xazaire: reached emliarkation center at .St. Xazaire the same evening. May 15. 1919— Boarded U. S. S. lUtl-ntiiii for the United States. May 28. 1919 — Arrived at Philadelphia. Pennsylvania, and proceeded from the dock to Camp Dix, New Jersey. June 7. 1919 — Company "M." 315th Infantry, comjjleted its history as a military unit with the demobilization of its last members. @ Page Two Ninety-one -I 1 r The 515 th Infant^ry I Roster of Company M September 1, 1918 CAPTAIN Williaiii \V. Vail Jr. FIRST LIEUTENAN Henry D. Fansler Wilton Snowden, r;irl W. Wfntzel FIRST SERGEANT Jost'ph A. Vaiiarsilalf .lohn A. Casey .Tolii] J. ('Mshnian Williiiiii J. Ja(.'kson WillinTii AUn-rt Jubu ISanett ('laytoii E. Bordiier John B. Royd Jtiliii H. Castdr .Tiilin J. Collins Henry A. ('otter Mninan SECOND LIEUTENANTS Carl W. Andrews Harry D. Fiirey MESS SERGEANT Edward I'. Hill SBHCiEANTS George Johlisnn Albert A, Kiiitriii Reuben C. I.iml.M Ji s.-ph E. I.undbeik II FiTd \\\ Maddc.x llari.lil Marshall COUrOHALS Juliii Doiliis John A. Doody Frederick Fiu'ley James M. Ferris Felix Flegel Daniel Giddberg <'Iiarles ('. Hngan William W. Holland Thomas A. Kelly Kobert Liebl Hugh L. Mi-Gee lalrick M. MeKearney SFPriA" SERGEANT Jciseidl W. MeDevitt Jidni F. Dca l.rediTi. k G. Sill)cr Thomas F Maher Anthony t . Neidiergcr Harold Niglitlinger McKeever J. I'hilliiJS Cecil A. I otts Vincent F Purfleld Daniel F. Wookey COOKS Alfred D. Carson John F. Dunbar James J. Montague Thomas M. Thompson PRIVATES. FIRST CLASS MECHANICS Elviji R. Baker William A. Frey Eujreiie F. Hallaeker Vivian Rvitherfurd Josejih J. Brimmer Frank E. Bm-kalew Washiii>;toii Bnckson Thomas C. Catanaeh (lenr^ie Dalstone 'Jrofinj Drega (iiamhattista Foseo Alexander Freidel Edward J. Gallagher .lithn <ianris Edward Gordon Jnseph H. Barton Isaac L. Bedwell Harry M. Berlin Ifavid J. Bowman Euiidio Brandimarte Charles F. Brownstein John S. Buebesi James Burns Joseph r. Byrne Sam 4'anipaciia Fred W- Cavin Unss.dl Clements Nil;.'in<. Creehio Ellwu.Kl Derricks Francis I', Donnelly Thomas H. Easton Ki.bert Eisele Martin M. Fay Kiihert Fitzgerald Charles V. Flynn Thomas Fox R<isario Frank Hay G. Gilbert DenTiis J. Gilmore FInvd (Jreen ott<. E. Grignll Charles A. Haliinan N'iiiccnt S. Ilanna Harrv A. Harris Genr;;e Hart ll;illie H, llarlman Cliaiies A. Hassen Harry Hanptfnhrer Francis H. Hawmann William A. Hayes William O. Haynie Elbert Braidiam Frank Dnianey Emil F. Dux Mitchell Oarabedian Willie R. Gillenwaters James Great house Inze (iump Brethard Hill William Headlcy Joseph M. Helhngs Wellingli.n Jny Michael J. Jn.vce John King Adolph Knrmin Anthony Laganella Ravmcnd Lantenbai Albert W. L.ird Cristofaro Masci«de Donate Masciole Cliflfard Henry Charles F. Heveiier Harrv Hirsch Edward F. Hogan \'alentine A. Jenning: Harlan o. Jester Frank Jnlmsnn John K. Kell.T J(.iin D. Knahel Henrv J. Knil Michael Kur^ha Simon I^apis James B. Logan Raymon E. Loudeu Arthur W. Lux Charles M. Lydfiu John H. Lvneh W'illiam Mc<'lellan John K. McElfatriek Bernard McGarry John F. MeGlynn James J. McKeon Edward MeQuillen Harry P. Magee Marco Maimone Robert Martinek Salvatore Matta TlHinias F. Meade Nichulas H. Meisler Joseph iMeskiunas Christian J. Miller James R. L. Miller Clarence W. Mitten H<-rb«*rt (J. M<.rris Alexjind.T H. Mnrris( James Murray Guiseppe Militti Giacomo Most ariello George E. Nasb John W. Nonnemaker <'onnin4' rascpieriella (;enrge F. Reedy Paul Uecs ler Achilles V. Scache Michael Shernuin Martin M. Shields William E. Shubert PRIVATES * arl H. Nelson William J Neumann John E. Nicklous J<ihn Niederi-iter Ernesi W. Norman Mikulai 0;:onowski Alfred nls.ni William J. Orfanakos J.ihn J. Oti Donienico I'agliarone Jnhii I'atkus ra<ipiale I'etrone William R. Patrick Carmino IVrrine Constantine letrouleas Antoni Pietzok Claren<-e W. I'ilkingtnn Primo Pirrodi Harrv Pla.e Zv-iiiant Plocenik William G. Plunkett Komeii Ponipei J..hn Proetnr Stefan Prokopenio Jnseph Randaz/.o Herman Rausch J..hn Rebhan Edwin P. Keep Charles Hehmann Fred A. Reisen <'harles G. Reim Robert A, Reitb Frank Ri-hards Jnhn J. Ritchie Carlton K. Hosentield (iavril Kussak Joined as Replacements — October 26, 1918 PRIVATES Charlie Landiert (tilisepi)e Lubue Kredic R. Lyon Joseph P. McGintv L'.uis J. Miller Harvey A. Peek Fred C Pyles Frank Holmes Jeff Justice Antoni Kazmii'ski Elbert i'. Kemp Henry Klewe Julian Krasnicki Ludvik Kuharisen Raymond E. Siebert Alexander Skulimosky Hcister Slal.-r Arthur E, Sb.wey William J. Snyder Harry M. Spates Samuel K. Steever Lawrence F. Stewart Daniel F. Toolan Stanley Zaiecky George P. Russell Salomon Sacks Otto W. Salo Gaetano Santamaria Alfred A. SautiT Lawrence Scanloii George S<'inving Paul Seltzer Harrv W. Sendcrling Samuel Sewell Lnuis J. Seyb.ild Alie Sherman Frank Siiiardi Albert A. Smith Harry Sopnian George Staigele John Sullivan Jnhn F, Sullivan Frederick W. Thies John Tlmmas Ezra Tnlchinsky Harry S, Tomlinson Eddy Turner Samuel Weiss AllH-rt A. Wcllcr William J. Whaleu Geor^'e E, Whitney Henry J. Williamsi.n Hartdd R. W^>rthingtnn John C. Wright Frank C. Wurstel Ernest W. Wyatt (Jabriel Yenney IlerTuati Ziegler Max Zuckernian Stanley Zuker Mitcli.U L. Robertson Walter B. Sandidge Stenty Sankosky Harry B. Thrush James J. Walsh Ralph E. Warfield Arthur Weaver Daniel Willis Page Two Ninety-two The 515th Infa nittr^ i I SPECIAL UNITS Headquarters Company Machine Gun Company Supply Company Medical Detachment I II I'asri" 'I'wo Nincty-tlirfc The 315th Inkant^ry < — '- 5 I HEADQUAI?TEPS COMPANY At the formation of the 315th Infantry in August. 1917. Captain Francis A. Awl, an ex-Regular Army officer, was selected by Colonel Rosenbaum to command Headquarters Company. The lieutenants assigned to the Company were as follows: First Lieutenants Robert H. Lafean. Ledlie I. Laughlin and Edward B. Maguire, and Second Lieutenants Joseph R. Bingman, Ray G. Lehman and Alfred G. Harlow. Early in .September, 1917, the Regiment received a number of men from the Regular .\rmv to act as provisional non-commissioned officers. (Jf this number, seven were assigned to Headquarters Company and Sergeant Raymond Vanderbrock was appointed First (Top) Sergeant. On September 21, 1917, the recruits began arriving, and on the following day Headquarters Company received its first quota, a portion of the first con- tingent from Local Board No. 36, of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Captain Awl and Captain Duncan, of tiie 315th Infantry Machine Gun Company, divided the contingent Ijetween their organizations, fifty to the former and forty-six to the latter. All the buildings had not yet been completed, and temporarily the two companies shared the upper floor of "R-14.'" After carefully dividing the two groups and marching them to the second floor, it was found that there were fifty-two men on Headquarter's side and forty-four on Machine Gim's side. From this it can be seen that even that early in the game were the recruits fighting to get into a good organization. Although, for months, the Company was to be drilled and trained exactly the same as the rifle companies, as soon as the new recruits commenced arriving men were selected from the rifle companies who had the qualifications of s])ecial- ists and experts required by a headquarters company ; namely, linemen, stenog- raphers, switchboard operators, engineers, mine foremen, horsemen, timber work- ers, signalmen, musicians, investigators, postal clerks, and French and German linguists. < )n Noxemlier 5, 1917, Headquarters Companv received another large incre- ment of recruits. The first allotment of men had proved to be such excellent material that, by request of the Comi)any officers, a second contingent from Local Board No. 36 was also turned over tcj this Company, as was a contingent from Local Board No. 24. These were the last recruits received direct by the Company. From then on it was always filled up by specialists drawn from the different rifle companies of the Regiment. P.ige Two Ninet.v four The 515 th Infanttr^ -,. — - HEADoLAkTI'.RS O )MP.\NY During the winter. Lieutenant Harlow was promoted ami transferred to Coni])any "l." and Lieutenant Lehman was transferred to the 17th Infantry. 'l"o till the vacancies caused by the de]>arture of these officers. Lieutenant Francis A. Ciiidsey and Lieutenant Russell M. \Villar<l were transferred to the Coni])anv fr(jni C'(ini])anies "C" and "H" respectively. In the s])ring. an f)])ii()rtunity was ]jresenled to show thi' results of the manv long hours s]ient in ])repar;ition for range work. Down on the target range. I leadc|Uarters Com])any hacl the satisfaction of nosing out Companv "11" for the silver cup offered to the company of the Regiment making the best average score during the target season. This victory was doubly sweet because Ilead- f|uartcrs C'onipany had beaten the rifle companies at their own game. • )n May .^. 191S, the various platoons were organized on a mor.- thorough basis, and training in the s])ecialties commenced in earnest. Selected non- commissioned officers were sent to attend schools of instruction in the use of trench mortars, telephones, one-])ounders, telegra])hy, gas defense and so forth. During the month of June, 191S, the entire company was extremely busy in making preparations for its departure overseas. Rumors came and rumors went, but still no official word arrived about sailing. On the evening of July 3rd, the Company gave a party to Captain Awl in which the friends and relatives of the members were inxited. The feast was of the kind that would do credit to the best of the country's leading hotels. The entertainment was provided by members of the Comjiany. and among the entertainers were such notaliles as I-"rank (Juinn, Richard Cana\an ( I'eezy-W'eezy ) , Musician L'hl, Corporal Sjiering and the Regimental Band. At the close of the jiarty, a beautiful silver sword was ])resented to Captain Awl from the meml>ers of the Company with this inscription — -"To our Captain, frcmi the members of Headquarters Com])any." Coincident with the part)' to Ca])tain .\wl there arrived the long expected orders to ])repare for embarkation. Just jirior to the movement o\erseas. Lieu- tenant Robert II. Lafean was a])pointed aide-de-camp to Brigadier ( ieneral Rosenbaum and was, therefore, transferred from the Comjiany. ( )n Siuiday, July 7, 191S. Headquarters Com])any at 2 1'. M. marched to Disney, Maryl.ind. with colors flying, band playing and amid the cheering throngs of visitors. It boarded the tram at 2:45 P. .M. and departed for its long hojjed for destination — France. The trip overseas was made on the C .">. .^. America, which sailed Jidy 9th and arrived at Brest, France, July IS. 191S. .\fter spending three days at Brest, the Company entrained with the balance of the Regiment for the tri]) to the training area. Regimental Headquarters and llead(|uarters Comjiany were assigned to the town of Esnoms in the new area. The Company detrained at \'aux and marched to Esnoms, a distance of about live kilometers. This town was reached about 11 P. M., and a shelter tent camj) was established until daylight arrived, at which time the men were assigned to billets. A \ery rigid drill schedule was drawn up with reveille at 5:30 .\. .M., as it was known thai ihe period of training in this area would lie short ere the Regiment moxed to the from. ( )n .\ugust 1, 1918, Lieutenant E. .Murniw Shei)])ard was transferred to Head(|uarters Com])any and assigned to the Signal I'latoon. He was later trans- ferred to the F.ombers and Sa])])ers Platoon, and early in January, 1919, was transferred to the I'irst Replacement Depot at Toul, France, to command a casual com])any returning to the L'nitcd States. Lieutenant John W. Stauffer was transferred to I lead(|uarters Comjjany on .August 13, 1918, and was assigned to the I lcad(|uariers Platcon. In Febrnarx, 1919, hv was sent on detached ^ P;i;rt' Two Nint'ty-five 515th Infant^ry HEADQUARTERS C( )M PAN Y Ikaihh akieks Company at Camp Meade service to the 2nd Corps School, A. E. E., and later was transferred to that school as an instructor. ( )n August 23. 1918, Captain Francis A. Awl was transferred to Company "L," and the same day Captain Ward W. Pierson, of Company "L," was transferred to Headquarters Company . The members of the Com])any realized that they had lost a real friend and a comrade, as all the men in the Company looked on Captain Awl as their "Pop," and often alTectionately referred to him as "Pop" Awl. Captain Pierson soon won the hearts of the men, and it was not long after he took command of the Company that he became very popular. Captain Pierson took uj) the training, initiated by Captain Awl, until, at 4 :00 A. ^I. on September Sth, orders were received to proceed to Revigny. The Companv ])ulled out of Msnoms. marched to Vaux and entrained there for Revigny, arri\ing at its destination about 5:00 A. M. on the morning of Septem- ber 9, 19 IS. The Company then hiked from Revigny to Lisle en Rigault, arriving about 4:00 P. M. that afternoon. The stay at this place was very short, and it was here that all extra clothing and knitted goods were salvaged. At about 10 :00 P. M. on the night of September 12th, busses were boarded, and, after riding all night, at that time to a destination unknown, the Company arrived next morning at the battle-scarred village of Dombasle. The Company was marched to a camp consisting of dugouts and few shanties in a woods nearby. The boys had not been located in the camp many hours before they heard reports of heavy French guns conveying to the Hun their nightly greeting of hatred — yes, and the whistle of a (lerman shell returning the compliment. The Company remained in these dugouts over night, living a gypsv life and cooking meals as best it could. The next morning, about nine o'clock, a French guide was furnished and the Company was taken in single column to Sector Favry ( Camp Civile ) where the Regiment took over the trenches. Selected men from each platoon were sent to function with the different battalions, and thus Headquarters Company operated until the signing of the Armistice, November 11th, 1918. (For operations: see history of platoons.) I'liji:!' Two Ninetj'- The 515th Infantrv iii:.\i)nrAirii:ks (( ).mi'.\>jy WIkmi I Icadquarters Coniijaiiy was rcliuwd at tlii- front, ( )ct()l«T 1, 191,S, and L'a])tain I'ierson was ordiTfd t<j take icminiand of tlic I'^irst iHittalion. •'"irsl ediii' I. Laiijjidin took command ol ilu- C'om])any from < )ctol)er Isl Lieutenant to ( )ctol)cr 2.Vd, when lie was a|)])ointcd actini; l\cf,dmeiital Personnel ( )fticer t )n Se])teml)er 30. 191S, while Xantillois was mider hea\ y sh.dl lir,-. Lieu- tenant Russell M. Willard was wotnuU'd hy II. L. and was e\aeualed to die hospital, lie did not rejoin the Company until Xovemher 14. 191S. ( »n .Septemher 29, 191N, Lieutenant I'jlward H. Maguire was severely wounded with II. K. and e\acu;ited to the hospital, where he S])ent many weeks, lie was later transferred to a liospii.il in the United States, and mustL-red out of ser\ice without ever rejoiniiifj the Company. Lieutenant I^'rancis A. Chidsey was placed on detached service on Octoh r IcS. 191S. and sent to the Cnited .States as an instructor in liaison work. Lieu- tenant Chidsey was one of the most popular olTicers of the Company, and his loss was greatly felt hy all. esjiecially hy the nr.-mhers of his jjlatooii. Lieutenant lose]ih R. I'ingman was transferred from I leadquarters Com- ]i.iiiy to Company "K" after the .\rmistice. and this transfer took awav from the Com])any the last of the original corps of officers. ( )ii ( )ctol)er 2,5. 191S. Ca])tain jose])li D. Noonan was transferred to llrad- (|uarters Com])aiiy from Company ".\." and remained in command of ihe Coni])any iMitil .\o\eml)er 29tli. when he was transferred to Coni]);uiv "!■".. " ( )n the same date, Ca]it:iin l.iuins .\. Miller tools coniiuand of 1 lead(|iiarters ConipaiiN-. Second Lieiili-nants I l,irr\- .\. Cr.awford and .\ugustus J. Beck were trans- ferred to I lead(|uarters Company from the ,50th Division on Novemher 12, 191S. Lieutenant Heck, who had had much e.\])erience as a signal officer in his former organization, was assigned to the Signal I'latooii, and Lieutenant Crawford, who had had ecjually as much e.xijerieiice with trench mortars, was assigned to the Trench Mortar Platoon. Both officers remained with the Com])anv until .M.irili 16, 1919. when they were transferred hack to their former division in ordjr to return to the United States with it. When the Company came out of the lines, it was assembled and hilleted at 1 ),Lni\ illers. this being the tirst time it had functioned as a com])any since the 14th day of .September. 191S. ( )n December 26th. after lixiiig in the ruins of this shell torn town for a month and a half, the Company hiked with the rest of the Regiment to the Souilly .\re.i. < >n S.iturday, December 2Xtli, the Coni|)aii\' reached its destination, the little town of Chaumont-sur-Aire in the department of Meuse. After a rest of a clay or two, drill, maneuvers and terrain exercises tilled each day, and there was beaucou]) squads east and west together with manv hikes and re\iews. On December ,50th. I-'irst 1-ieutenant W'all.ice I"., llackrtt was transferred to 1 lead(|uarters Comjianv from "11" Comjiany. ( )n .March 27. 1919. the Division received orders to proceed overland to the I'oiirili Training .\rea. 1 lead(|uarters Company started on this hike on the 2Sth at 9 .\. M. and arrived at Rimaucourt. its destination, at 4 1'. M. on .\])ril 1st. I he rle;m barracks, comfortable bunks and wide streets brought back the good old days of Cam]) Meade life, and athletics became \ery ])Oi)ular under the instruction of Lieutenant Russell M. Willard. Regimental .\thletic < )rticer. .At this st.ation I-'irst Lieutenant John J. I'orbidge w.as transferred to I leail(|'.i;irl,rs Company from Supply Com|)anv. The last week in .\])ril s.iw the Com])any ;igain on the nunc, this time "a-la- box-cars" towards the seajiort. The next stop was at N'crtou, a small bVencli village only five miles from Xantes. Tlie sl.av ;it tlii^ little vill.ige will always 9 S rairt* Twti Ninety -seven The 515th Itstfant^rv @ @ HEADQUARTERS COMPANY remain as a pleasant thought in the minds of the members of Headquarters Com- pany. The cleanHness of the village and the cordial relations with the French inhabitants made the short stay there one always to be remembered. It was at Vertou that Captain Lucius A. Miller was transferred to the 28th Infantry Captain Miller was a Regular Army officer of the old school, and his personal interest in every member of the Company had made him very popular during the period of his stay with the Headquarters outfit. First Lieutenant Wallace E. Hackett was now left in command of the Company, and so remained until it was mustered out The Regiment moved from \'ertou to St. Nazaire, by train, on the 12th of May. This was the last box-car ride the boys of Headquarters Company e\er took. After a stay of four days at the Isolation Camp at St. Nazaire, the Company boarded the transport Santa Rosa (better known to the boys as the "Santa Roller") boimd for the best land in the whole world — the good old U. S. A. THE REGLMENTAL HEADQUARTERS DETACHMENT On September 21, 1917, the first contingent of National Army men arrived in Block R to form the 315th Infantry. After these men had been assigned to the various organizations, an S. O. S. call was sent out to the companies for stenographers and clerks to make up the Regimental Headquarters personnel, and the following were placed on duty at the Headquarters building, R-12: Privates Samuel H. Adams, Joseph Furman, Raymond E. Hollenbach, Russell M. McA-Iahon and Seymour Stern. When these men reported to the sergeant major's office, they found Sergeant Raymond V'anderbrock, formerly a non-commissioned officer in the Regular Army, on duty there as acting regimental sergeant major. Shortly after the new arrivals had reported, however. Sergeant Vanderbrock was transferred to Headquarters Company and appointed first sergeant of that organization. Some time elapsed before the headquarters personnel was finally selected, but on October 1, 1917, Privates Joseph Furman and Seymour were appointed color sergeants, and at the same time Color Sergeant Stern was made acting regimental sergeant major. Private Samuel /Vdams was made corporal. Due to the increase in the size of the Regiment, which caused additional duties, it was necessary to increase the personnel of the office, and on October 10th, Privates John J. Campbell, Anthony P. Davitt, David E. Mordell and Andrew W'ollersheim were placed on duty. At the same time Privates John Friel and John .Schaft'er were selected as couriers. During the latter part of October, Acting Regimental .Sergeant Major Stern was discharged because of physical disal)ility, and on ( )ctol)er 29th Sergeant Norman E. Humphreys was transferred to Regimental Headquarters and ap- pointed acting regimental sergeant major. Between November 1st and 15th, the following promotions were announced : Sergeant Norman E. Humphreys and Corporal Samuel H. Adams to be battalion sergeant majors ; Private John J. Campbell to be color sergeant ; and Private Raymond E. Hollenbach to be corporal. The following transfers were also made during the period mentioned: Color Sergeant Furman made ordnance sergeant and transferred to Supjily Com- pany ; Private John Schaffer transferred to Headquarters Company and made corporal : Private Mordell made sergeant and transferred to Supply Company. Private, first class, Ernest Z. Stead and Private John L. Smith were placed on dutv as couriers. P.ige Two Ninct.v-f'iijht The 315 th Infanttrv -.1 — I 1 i HF.ADQUAK'II'IKS C( ).\ir.\XY m)^- I llh lltAlllJI AKim> |)KIAl HMK.Nl llNCTIOX I)uriiig the nioiuli of I )cccinbcr the tdlluwiiis^ aii])(iintiiieiits were anncmnced: Battalion Serfjeaiit Major Hiimi)hreys to he refjinKMital sergeant major: l'ri\ates Anthony I'. Davitt and Russell M. McMahon to Ije haltalion sert^eant majors; Cor])oral Raymond E. Hollenbach to he color sergeant: and I'rivale Andrew W'ollersheini to he corporal. The personnel of the Headquarters Detachment was now established, each man being familiar with his particular duties, and the routine of the office was carried on without interruption throughout the winter and spring. The latter part of May and the first of June saw several changes in the office. A new (le])artment was created by the War Department, namelv tiie Personnel ( )ffice, which carried with it a rank of Regimental .'sergeant ^^ajor. Regimental Sergeant Major Humphreys was transferred to the new de]5artment ; Rattalion .Sergeant Major Samuel II. Adams succeetled him as regim.'ntal ser- geant major, and Color Sergeant Hollenbach was appointed battalion sergeant major. On June 1st the new department took over the administrative work of the Regiment, leaving the tactical end for Regimental Headquarters. Two other changes in the personnel of Regimental lleadc|uarters occurred during the month of June. Private William H. Bertolel was transferred to the office, and Pri\ate, first class. Ernest Z. .^tead was relie\ed and made cor])oral of llead(|uartcrs Company. The middle of June l)rougiu considerable excitement in the office, as the order reached us that we would lea\e Cam]) Meade for France on July 7th. Regimental Headtiuarters was closed about 2 1'. M. July 7th, when the sergeant major and staff joined Headquarters Company to march to the train. L'pon boarding the U. -S. .^. America. July 9th. Regimental Headquarters was established in a small room in the stern of the l)oat, but did not function normally until after the first three days, when we all recovered our sea legs. ( )n arri\al in France, July ISth, we were initiated into the term P. C. ( Post Command), this replacing the old term Regiment.nl Headc|uarters, and our first P. C. was established in a corner of the Commanding (Officer's tent amid the mud .and <wani]>s of th;it far-famed "Rest Camp" — Brest. I*a;r(' '^^^c) Niin'ty niiu' The 515 th Itstkant^ry I — ^- 5 HEADQUARTERS COMPANY After a three day train ride in the po])ular "40 and 8," we arrived in Esnoms, and the P. C. opened July 25th. (Jn July 27th. we met our new Commanding Officer, Lieutenant Colonel Aldeii C. Knowles, later Colonel, who assumed command of the Regiment. No further changes in the personnel of the office occurred with the exception of the addition of Private William H. Becker, who was shortly appointed corporal, and Private Rohert Simpson who was appointed color sergeant. The Regiment no longer was together as one unit, but was scattered over a large area, and the battalion sergeant majors joined their respective battalions: Battalion .Sergeant Major Russell M. McMahon to the First Battalion. Battalion Sergeant Major Raymond II. Hollenbach to the Second Battalion. Battalion Sergeant Major Anthony P. Davitt to the Third Battalion. The work in the office led us to believe that it would not be long, before we would take our place among the units on the front lines, and in this we were not disappointed. On September 8th, we pulled stakes and began a series of one-night stands until we reached P. C. Caesar (Hill 309) on September 14th. We no longer had our P. C. in a well constructed building with plenty of light and room to move around, but were in a little two by four shed, which only the night before our arrival had been pretty well demolished by "Jerry's" G. I. cans. It was here we received our first baptism of hre. when an enemy airplane dropped a few souvenirs alongside the P. C. On the night of September 25th, the P. C. was moved forward preparatory to the first attack. The ammunition of the office was carried by the office force and consisted of a field desk, typewriter and message books. The chief duties were to write messages, field orders, memoranda, and dodge G. I. cans. After advancing to Nantillois, where we had our last P. C, the Regiment was relie\-ed, and, after several days hiking, the next P. C. was established in one of the rooms of the Chateau at Thillombois, October 10, 1918. As a result of the first offensive, several changes were made in the office ; Battalion Sergeant Major McMahon was evacuated sick, and Corporal Woller- sheim succeeded him as battalion sergeant major; Private Raymond A. Gallagher w;is transferred to the office and made corporal. Regimental P. C. was established (October 29th, at Molleville Farm. The days lietween ( )ctober 29th and November 9th will never be forgotten by those in Regimental P. C. The constant and heavy shelling made communication with the battalions extremely difficult and the crowded condition at the P. C. made work in the sergeant major's office almost impossible. In addition to the regi- mental sergeant major and his stafY, the personnel office, orderly room of Head- quarters Company, message center, and intelligence group were all in a room hardlv large enough to accommodate the message center alone. The ne.xt move was to the side of a hill near Etraye. where the P. C. operated in a former (ierman dugout. This P. C. was even smaller than the last, and, in addition to the regular routine, it was frequently visited by the Brigade Com- mander, General Johnson, and the Division Commander, General Kuhn. The next move was to a series of Cierman shacks on Hill 317, southwest of Etraye. On November 13th, this P. C. was moved to Damvillers, and, although the building selected for Regimental P. C. was the largest and liest preserved in the town, the sergeant major was greeted by the sight of a French 155 dud on the floor of the room in which he was to make his office. It has never yet been determined just who moved this shell. While at Damvillers, one change was made in the personnel of the office. Private Friel being evacuated to the hospital and replaced by Private Clarence Brown. Page Three Hundred The 515 th Infa 1 ilCADgUARTERS CO-MTANY ( )n necf!iil)cr 26th, the Regiment commenced a three day march by way of \"er(kni and Souilly to the Souilly Area, the \\ C. being estabhshed at Chaumont- sur-Airc. The new year saw Regimental I'. C. operating somewhat on the order of the organization at Cam]) Meade; the Adjutant, Sergeant Major, Per- sonnel Ofifice. and Message Center each ha\ing their sej)arate rooms. ( )n January 3rd, I'rivate Henry F. ICrickson joined Regimental 1 lead(|uarters grou]) and was shortly thereafter made C()r])onil, Corpor.il ( iallagher was transferred to Com])any "L." 1 he longest period tiial the I'. C. remained at one location was at Chaumont-sur-Aire, where it stayed until March 2.Sth, when it was mo\ed to Rimaucourt. Mere, as at Chaumont, conditions were such that each depart- ment could o])erate separately. The entire Regiment was billeted in barracks, formerly usetl as a base hospital, and conditions were very similar to those at Camp Meade. It may be noted in passing, that, while it was a well known fact that Sergeant Major .\dams recei\ed more mail than any other man in the Regiment, all ])re\ious records were eclijised on his arrival at Rimaucourt when he received ,55 letters and M pa])ers. ( )ne fact which made army life more agreeable during the stay at Rimaucourt, was the "Barrage" that the Red Cross sent to the 1'. C. group each afternoon — ])roni])tly at 2 o'clock each afternoon Private Brown would stop at the Red Cross I hu for the tarts, ])ies, candy, etc., all of which were always mighty welcome. ( )n Ajjril 2,5rd, the I\ C. was moved to \'i-rt(iu. where it was established in an U])-to-date brick building after a slight discussion with the Medicil De- tachment. The chief occu])ation while in this town was receiving instructions from the S. (J. S. and Division 1 leackpLirters as to linal ins]3ections preparatory to leaving for the United States. .Although at limes it seemed as though instructions received were of a conflicting nature, in the end the Regiment was jiassed by all the insjiectors, and the move to .^t. Nazaire was tinallv accom])lished on May 12th. While at St. Nazaire, a P. C. was established in the Isolation Cam]), although the oiiK duties ])erformed consisted of dis])atching a number of large details ilaily to llie various sections of this Base Section Camp. Coqjoral Krickson was promoted to battalion sergeant major on May 9th. succeeding Battalion -Sergeant Major Davitt. who had been transferred to Bordeau.x I'niversity. This w^as the hnal change in the personnel of Regimental Head(]uarters. On May U)th, the P. C. was established on board the U. S. .S. Santa Rosa. This steamer was very a])])ro])riately nicknamed the ".'>anta Roller," and for the first three days it was imjjossible for the P. C. to function. The transport docked at Philadelphia on May ,50th, and the Regiment ])roceeded immediately to Cam]) Dix, where the final Regimental P. C. was established in barracks 302. Mere the 1 le.idquarters Detachment functioned until the demobilization of the Regi- nirnl on June Q, 1919. Till' [•:rs()X.\i-;i, i)i-.i'.\Rr.\ii:.v The Personnel Dejiartment of the 31.Mh Infantry was organized June 1. 1918, with Ca])tain Coleman P. Brown as Personnel ( )fiicer, and with an enlisted staff composed of Regimental Sergeant Major Norman 1-'. Humjjhreys, Sergeants Henry C. Scharles and James J. Furey and Cor])oral I'llmer Mooney. The force was small for the great mass of work re(|uired and the\- early learned that the Army knows no union hours. 10 1 Page Three HundriMl One The 515 th IrsfFANnrnY 1 — 1^- HEAD( )UAR'rERS COMPANY Fl' A Regimextal Heahouarters Group But if hours seemed long back at Camp Meade, the Personnelers were to realize, after they reached France, what a "life of Reilly" they had led there. At Esnoms, they first learned what it was to work in cramped quarters and to try to get reports in accurately and on time with the units of the Regiment scattered all over the surrounding country. When the time came to go to the front, no one knew what should be done with the Personnel Department. It was still demanded that reports should come in on time, lint no army manual tells how typewriters shall go over the top and function in an offensive. However, function they did and, in the second drive, under heavy and continuous shell fire. < )n the night of the 25th of September, Sergeant Major Humphreys and Sergeants Scharles and Furey were located in "the Personnel Office," a little shanty in Normandy Woods, when "Jerry" dropped a few "G. I. Cans" in their midst. This token of hatred succeeded in killing four French soldiers and wounding a number of our own Doughboys. It was only due to the speed of the "Personnelers" that they are still pushing the pencil to-day. After the return from the Montfaucon drive. Captain Brown left the Regi- ment to become an instructor at the Army Candidates School at La Valbonne, and his place was taken by Captain Ledlie I. Laughlin. Due to the increased jiapcr work caused by the many casualties, each of which had to be reported in detail, an S. O. S. call was sent out, and Corporal Frank G. Bugglin of Company "L" and Private, first class, (later Corporal) "Dick" Taussig, Headquarters Company, came to the rescue. In the drive east of the Meuse, the Persoimel Department was located in the Regimental P. C, an old German dugout near MoUeville Farm. This P. C. was at all times under direct enemy observation. Within, it was divided into three rooms. In the back room lived and functioned the Regimental Headquarters detachment, the Personnel Department, the runners and the staiif cooks. Brigade Headquarters advised sending the Personnel Department back to Verdun on November 1st as the other three infantry regiments had done, but it seemed .ndvisalile to stay in the lines in touch with the companies, and, as a result, the Personnel Department later had the satisfaction of being commended by the Page Three Hundred Two The 515th Infanttry TTEADQUARTERS COM PA XV Division Personnel Adjutant tor being the first to tjit in its complete casualty returns. ( )n Xo\enil)er 7th when the advance conin)enced. tlu' Personnel I)c])artnient and the coni])any clerks were ordered back to W'rdnn where work could be done in some degree of safety and comfort. There, in the ancient Citadel of X'erdun. came the news of the signing of the .Armistice, and on .Voveniber l.ith the Department rejoined the Regiment at Damvillers. The war was over, but work never let up and finally reached its IviL'ht in "the madhouse" at St. Kazaire. The entire force worked all night the night of May 12th, and finally, on the 16th of May, the Department got its clearance and boarded the V. S. .S. Santa Rosa, bound at last for the ".States" and home. @ TIIK RK(;iMI'..\TAT. INTELLIC.F.XCIC SECTION I'he Regimental Inlelligence Section of the 315th Inf.-uUry was organized at Camp Meade. Maryland, in June, 1918, and at the time of its organization had a personnel of one officer and eight enlisted men; namely. Lieutenant Robert TI. Lafean, Sergeants (ieorge Earnest and Charles Weiss, and Privates .\ll)ert Wilson. Rene (luillard, Artlinr S. Roberts. Julius Block. Henry W'hitcomb and John Miller. These men were schooled and trained as a section under Lieutenant Lafean until the time of their departure for France, when Lieutenant Lefean was transferred to the stafif of Brigadier General Rosenbaum. Upon arriving at the training area in the Department of Haute Marne, France, the section was put in charge of Lieutenant Harlow, who was afterward promoted to captain and appointed Regimental Intelligence Ofticer. While in the training area, the section attended the Di\isional Intelligence School at .St. Broingt le Bois for a period of ten days. Here it received instruc- tion in reconnaissance, jjanoramic sketching, map reading, orientation and every- thing that pertained to the intelligence work. At this time, Privates Strinck and Browcr were attached to the unit for instruction. At the close of the school they were retained as part of the Regimental Intelligence personnel. On the return of the section to the training area, the work learned at school was rehearsed tij) until the time of departure for the front. C]ion their arrival in the trenches, the members of the section were assigned their observation post (O. P.), one of the three in the Fa\ry .Sector. This O. P. had been christened Suzy and was situated about two kilometers in advance of I Till 309, where the Regimental P. C. was established. The members of the section experienced considerable difficulty in getting to ( ). P. .Snzy. as it was located in an old abandoned trench which was filled knee-dee]) with mud and w^ater. From this observation post a view of No Man"s Land was obtained that once seen could never be forgotten. It commanded an excellent view of Dead Man's Hill ( Le Mort Ilomme) and Hill 304. two historic spots in one of the greatest battles in history, the Battle of X'erdun. Directly in the foreground, on an eminence, was Montfaucon some nine kilometers away, a shell-shattered village, but still imposing and picturesiiue. Through the telescope could be observed the haughty enemy walking the mined streets of the village, and the five observers in the Regimental Intelligence Section were five of the few men who actually saw the arrogant (Icrmans passing their last days in the celebrated stronghold of Montfaucon. The Regimental Intelligence Section, as it functioned in actual warfare, was composed of observers, map men and linguists. The duty of the observers @ Page Tliree Hundred Three The 515th Infanttry II I I I HEADQUARTERS COMPANY was, as the name implies, observation. The map men were required to be able lo read by means of co-ordinates any location on the ma]) and to mark upon it .nil sectors held or to be taken by any jjarticular unit. It was also required that they mark on the map our emplacements and supposed enemy emplacements. The linguists had the duty of questioning prisoners to acquire information of enemy activities and order of Iwttle, and also of obtaining information from and co-o])erating with the Erench. The Intelligence Section functioned normally throughout the first dri\e and accompanied the Regiment into the Troyon sector, where it performed the usual duties that fell to its lot in stabilized warfare. In the first days of the second drive in the Grande Alontagne sector, the Section had an ( ). P. danger- ously near "Jerry," and its members had an exceptional view of his antics. Through their large telescope the Section observers had the pleasure of seeing the Germans nio\e liag and baggage out of the Etraye Valley to the hills east of Damvillers. The signing of the armistice found the Section on the top of "Corn Willie" Hill, and the morning of the 11th of November was celel)rated by eating "corn willie," followed by a pleasant walk through the valley, where, but a few minutes before, death and destruction had been the order of the day. After the armistice, the Section was located at Damvillers where it assisted returning refugees, who passed through the town on the way to ruined homes that had been in the hands of the (lermans for over four years. The remainder of the time spent in France fomid the members of the Section busy billeting for the Regiment, settling claims, drawing maps for the many maneuvers, and straightening out difficulties that arose from time to time with the civilians and French authorities. In concluding this brief history of the Intelligence Section, its members wish to express their appreciation of the eft'orts of Captain Alfred (j. Harlow, who ever shared their tribulations and who gloried in their successes. He proved a true friend at all times and will always have the sincere regard of the members of the Regimental Intelligence Section. THE BAND SECTION As has been mentioned in the first part of this history, both Colonel Rosen- liaum and Captain Awl were very anxious to have the first Regimental band in Camp Aleade. Not only did they desire to have the first but also the best Ixuid in the camp, and the best could not be organized without a capable leader. Captain Awl lost no time, but proceeded to Pottsville, Pennsylvania, on Septem- ber 18, 1917, and secured the services of Mr. Joseph C. Painter as bandleader of the 315th Infantry. Mr. Painter immediately undertook to organize a band, and before jjroceeding to Camp Meade he secured from Pottsville and the neigh- l>oring towns, by voluntary enlistment, the services of nine musicians. These nine "Coal Crackers," who arrived in Camp Meade on September 24, 1917, together with fourteen other musicians who were discovered the following day among the various recruit contingents that had already arrived in Camp, formed the nucleus of the 315th Infantry Band. The Band soon developed to a high state of efficiency and the Sunday concerts at Regimental Headquarters were enjoyed by thousands of visitors. The Baltimore newspapers highly complimented the Band at the time of its appearance in the Division Parade in that city, and its reputation was such that on several occasions it was called upon to play outside of line of duty, notal;)ly : three days at the Academy of Music in Philadelphia, four days at the armory in Baltimore in connection with "Over the Top" in the Third Liberty Loan Page Three Hundred Four The 515 th Infant^ry^ J ii ir,\nnr.\RTERS company Campaij,'!!, aiul also in the Kcil Cross parade in Baltimore in which it had the honor of leading the column. W'illiam J. Lupton was a])])ointed Sergeant l-'u<jler on (October 1, 1917. He gave the Band military training and drill so that it developed not only as a musical organization under .Mr. I'ainter hut also as a tactical unit. Knowing the value of a bugle corps playing in combination with the Band and the added effect, both in \ohnne and brilliancy, "Ha|)])y" Lupton lost no time in securing the necessary drums and bugles, so that the v?15th Infantry had the honor not only of having the first band but also the first bugle corps in Camp Meade. When the Regiment arrived at its training area in France, the Band was billeted with Regimental Headquarters at Esnoms. There, in addition to its work- as a musical organization, it was given drill and instruction in "first aid" and litter bearing. ])reparatory to going to the front. During the ])eriod at Esnoms, Bandleader I'ainter was ordered to proceed to Paris to take an examination for commission as Band Leader. The examina- tion was conducted by the world famous Walter Damrosch, and Mr. Painter was one of the few who passed successfully. He was commissioned Second Lieutenant. Band Leader, L^. S. Army, Augu.st 16, 1918. When the Regiment took over the trenches in Sector .^04, all instruments were salvaged, and the Band ceased to exist as a musical organization until after the armistice, exce])t for a short time while the Regiment was in the Troyon sector. Unlike the bands of other fighting units, it did not remain in the rear but was divided into two sections, f)ne under Assistant Bandleader \'an Tuyl and the other under -Sergeant Lupton. Its members furnished the Regiment in the front line trenches with rations and ammunition. When orders were received for the big oflfensive to begin on September 26, 191S, the Band was redivided into \arious sections. A burial detail was in charge of Chaplain Lancaster and Lieutenant Painter. The other members were on water and ration details, while some acted as litter bearers. The Band continued to ])erform duties similar to those just mentioned until after the signing of the armistice. Shortly after the cessation of hostilities it was again gathered together as a musical organization. II I Page Tlireo Iluiulrcil Ii\i The 515 th Infant^ry I HEADQUARTERS COMPANY ( )n November 16, 191cS. while stationed at Damvillers, the Band suffered a temporary loss when Lieutenant Painter was ordered to proceed to Chaumont- sur-Marne to officiate as an instructor at the school for bandleaders of the American Expeditionary Forces. This was a distinct honor for the Band and more so for Lieutenant Painter, who was selected because of his demonstrated aljility as an instructor and leader of military bands. Lieutenant Painter rejoined the Regiment February 2. 1919. During his absence, the Band was under the leadersJiip and direction of Sergeants Reynolds, L'hl and Schultz. The following promotions and ap])ointments of non-commissioned officers of the Band Section were made in France: Band Corporal Harry A. Shoop and Hugh y. Ward were promoted to band sergeants; Musician Lewis Levick was appointed band sergeant. Musicians Mateo Del Vecchio. Harry C. Cooper, Ralph R. Seiberling and John J. Telnak were appointed band corporals. @ Tllb: CANNON PLATOON The Cannon I'latoon took shape as a separate unit of Headquarters Com- pany on May 5, 1918, under the command of Lieutenant Ledlie I. Laughlin and Sergeants Evan J. Rosser, William H. Carroll, Jr., and Harry H. Pflugfelder. At first there was no equipment, but a complete gun and caisson were soon afterwards received from France, aiul great was the interest in the new toy. Under the instruction of Lieutenant Willard, who had returned from a course of instruction at Fort Sill, the Platoon learned to handle this accurate little weapon eiTiciently. Time passed. The Division sailed for France, and in the training area at Esnoms, the men of the Platoon learned to know and depend on each other and to know thoroughly each one's work. ( )n the night of the 2Sth of September, the Platoon was ordered to report to the C. O., Third Bat- talion, and to be prepared to go into action with the Trench Mortar Platoon, imder Lieutenant Maguire, attached as ammunition carriers for the Cannon Platoon. At daybreak on September 26, 19 IS, the Platoon went "over the top" in rear of Company "K," the support comjjany on the right of the Regimental sector. From the very start, mules, caissons and wheels had to be left behind and the guns and ammunition carried by hand through barbed wire, shell holes and marshes. Late that afternoon, when the Division had been held up by machine gun tire, the one-pounders on the extreme right of the Division sector found their first live target above Malancourt, and Sergeant Rosser's crew put a Boche machine gun out of action. This permitted a company of the ,i.Sth Infantry (4th Division) on our right to move forward and Iirought fortli thanks from a lieutenant of that company. On the 27th, the guns moved forward with the Third Battalion to the crest abo\e Septsarges without an opportunity to fire. On the 28th, when the Regi- ment went forward through a heavy artillery barrage into Nantillois, the Cannon Platoon was still with the su]jport company of the Third Battalion — "M" Com- pany now — with Sergeant Pflugfelder's crew leading, the other two in reserve. Here the Platoon received its first casualty, when Pri\ate Friday was badly gassed. ( )n the morning of the 29th, when a final attack was made on the enemy jiositions around Madeleine Farm, the forward gun supported the attack, firing at a building in the woods which was known to conceal a machine gun nest. Here the last of the ammunition was used up. After the 3rd Division had made the relief that afternoon, the long weary hike back to Camp Civile commenced. Page Three ITundred Six The 515 th Infant^rv HEADQUARTERS mMEANY A UK Caxxiin Platoon. Chamtiox Gun Ckew ok the Xintu Ak.\n CoRi's Shown at Left of Picture P>efore going l)ack again into the line, several changes occurred in tlie personnel of the Platoon. Lieutenant l.aughlin was promoted and made Regimental Personnel Officer, and Sergeants Pflugfelder and Rosser were sent to Officers Training Schools. leaving Sergeant Carroll in command of the Platoon, wdiich was filled again to strengtli hy new drafts. October .3()tli fciund the .guns in reserve near tlie Regimental P. C. at Molleville Farm. .\t 8:IX} P. M. that day. Major Pierson. commandin.g the First Battalion, called for the one-pounders. One gun was sent forward in conimand of Corporal Stead. The only way open was through Death Valley, which certainly lived u)) to its name that night. The shell lire was terrific and the night hlack as ink. Of the eleven who started forward, oidy three reached the front line uninjured. During the next few days the gun was used with effect in local operations. On Xovemher 7th. tlie gun was withdrawn and the Platoon ordered to support the 316th Infantry, which moved forward with little resistance to Etraye. Here the one-pounders again went into action and tlie Platoon lost a splendid soldier and capalile leader, when Ser.geant Carroll was killed Iiy an H. F. sliell a he was rei)orting to Major Pierson. commander of the First I'attalion. On Xovemher 11th. the little .guns and their crews were mancmcriiig for a posi- tion to cover the advance, when, at 11 o'clock, word was received that the armistice had heen signed and hostilities ceased. On Xovemher 14th. Lieutenant W'illard. returning from hospital, took conimand of the Platoon. In the Thanksgiving Day parade, the Platoon took first prize among the many competitors, with a ver}- artistic tableau arranged by Corporal Pietro Ciavarra. One other series of triumphs for the one-pounders must he mentioned in closing. The Platoon took ribbons in its class in P.rigadc, Division and Corps horse shows. Sergeant McLaughlin's crew taking the Blue Ribbon in the 9th Corps Show for ap- pearance and condition of personnel. ei|uipment and speed in .going into action. Tlie only re.gret is that there was no .\. E. 1". horseshovv to com[)ete in — Xo more worlds to con<|iter. TMF .\1()L'\TI-;D SFCTIOX The .Mounted .Section of Headquarters Compain- was organized in early October. 1917 It was composed originally of two sergeants: Sergeants Fdniund Miller, ex- U. S. cavalryman, and George ( VV'hoop-em-up ) Stevens, who was formerly a cow- puncher in the West. Later, the followdng men were added: Charles Riley, a familiar ligure to the patrons of the race tracks of United States and Canada. Tliomas Reeder. John West, Flmer Rabiger and IClmer Sullivan. Tlie Section was built up gradually @ Page Three Hundred Seven 515 th IlSTFANTr^RY ■ I HEADQUARTERS COMPANY I I I insi I The Mounted Section as tlie Regiment developed, and included men trcim many walks of life anil \arying nationalities. There were Tony Palmitesta, who had seen service in the Italian Cavalry, Tony Corosanite. another son of "Sunny" Italy, also an ex-cavalryman, William M. Smith, Joseph McNeills, Jacob Sholderer, Charles Wicker (an ex-"gob"), Julian Le- Fevre (ex-cowpuncher ), John Lear, William Stier, John S. Carney (Izzy, the Ranch- man), and John Quinn (ex-Philadelphia Mountetl "Cop"). These were the original men of the Mounted Section. The training of the Section was held up to a great degree owing to the fact that no saddles were issued during the first few months in camp. The horses and men, Iinwever. were kept in trim through long hours of "monkey-drilling." About this time the Baltimore Parade was being boomed. As the plans for the parade developed, it be- came evident that saddles were necessary if the Section was to take part. Hurry or- ders and requisitions were speedily filled, and all necessary equipment was issued April 1, 1918. April 4th saw the Mounted Section on the march to Baltimore where the parade was to be held. The Section was highly praised by the Commanding Officer for the splendid appearance and good horsemanship shown on both march and parade. On April 15th, 1918, Corporal Louis Heim was promoted to sergeant. Lieutenant Maguire was transferred to the Trench Mortar Platoon, leaving the Section without a commissioned officer, but under the command of Sergeant Heim, who made an able leader. The Section finally reached France and was located in the little village of Esnoms. Here it was supplied by the most discouraging lot of horses that a troop ever topped. There were ten big Belgium draft horses, weigliing about 1,400 pounds and built like freight cars, with two smaller ones which liad Iieen gassed in the French service. .Shortly after its arrival in France, the Mounted Section was broken up and its various members were attached to different liattalions, brigades, etc. The work of the Mounted Section continued along the line mentioned until after the signing of the .\rmistice. At Damvillers and Chaumont-sur-Aire new mounts were issued. On April 13, 1919. when the Division was transferred from the Ninth Army Corps to the S. O. S., all horses were turned in to the liig A. E. F. Remount Section at Nevers. This was a sad day for the Mounted Section, for, from this time on, all its riding was done on hobnails. It was quite a joke among the other members of the Comiiany. When they passed one of the Alounted Section they wovdd jokingly say "Shoulder a gun like tlie other Doughboys, for your goldbricking days are over." THE PIONEER PLATOON The organization of the Pioneer Platoon was completed on May 5, 1918, when Headquarters Company was reorganized into platoons of specialists. For the first few- Page Three Hundred Eight The 515th Infanttrv HEADQUARTERS C"( ).M1'A.\Y weeks, the training of the Pioneers was exactly the same as tliat for rifle companies, but later was clianged to include digging of trenches, building shelters, dugouts, stand- ings, drains, sumps, bridges, etc. While at Camp Meade, the I'latoim was called ujjon several times to put into practice the things it had studied in the way of construction. It built trenches, dug- outs, bayonet courses, also the corral that surrounded the 315th Infantry staldes. For the latter piece of work the Platoon was higlily commended l)y Colonel Rosenbaum. The Platoon reached France and finally Esnoms, its home in the Tenth Training Area. Lieutenant Hingman was in command most of the time while at Esnoms. "Uncle Bing" was well liked and the Platoon regretted his leaving just before going into ac- tion. He was succeeded b\' Lieutenant W illard lor whom the boys had the highest respect and re.garil. The training at l'!!snoms was continued along tlie same lines as started at Camp .Meade. When the Regiment took over Favry sub-sector (Sector 304). a S(iuad of the Pio- neers was sent to each of the three battalions: the remaining sepiads were left on duty at Regimental P. C. The details sent to the trenches were very busy during their entire stay there. The trenches were in a deploralile condition, having deteriorated during the four years of occupancy by tlie French. They had to be revetted, sumps dug and duck-walks built in order to make them habitable. When orders were received for the big offensive to begin on the 26th, the Platoon was assemliled for the purpose of cutting lanes through the masses of wire entanglements, so that the infantry would not be retarded in the attack. For two nights the Platoon, divided into six teams, cut their way through wire from the outposts to the advance P. C. at trench "Gabriel." On the morning of the attack, liehind a barrage of smoke bombs, the details continued their work of wire-cutting through "No Man's Land" up to the trenches occupied by the Germans. During this period the platoon was affectionately called the "Meat Hangers" by its platoon commander. During the attack, the Pioneers were called upon to per- form such various duties as preparing P. C.'s, constructing drains, carrying ammuni- tion, evacuating wounded and liringing rations to the front. On September 30tli, Sergeant Howard LeQuin was placed in command of the Platoon after Lieutenant Willard had been wounded and evacuated to a hospital. -At the second time the Regiment went into tlie lines, the Platoon was greatly depleted. The work was very similar to that of the first offensive. The members func- tioned mainly as runners, burying details, ammunition carriers, ration details and gas sentries. Upon the si.gning of the armistice and the withdrawal of the Re.giment from the lines, the Platoon was assend)led with the rest of Headquarters Company at Damvillers. Here it was kei)t busy constructing stables, billets, sheds, etc. In addition, it partici- pated in many maneuvers, terrain exercises, parades, review-s and close order drill. From then on until the final demobilization of the 315th Infantry at Camp Dix, the Pioneer Platoon functioned normally with Headquarters Compan\', putting forth at all times its best efforts to further the interests of the Regiment. THE SIGNAL PLATOON The Signal Platoon was organized May S, 1918, and consisted of experienced men, such as electrical, telephone and wireless workers under the command of Lieutenant Francis A. Chidsey. There were a few weeks of intensive training at Camp Meade before sailing for F'rance. on radio, telephone, buzzerphone, blinker lights, wire laying, and other means of communication, as well as on a general line of signal work. Upon arrival in the training area overseas, the Signal Platoon was billeted with the Company in F.snoms for about a week and was then sent to Isomes on July 29, 1918, for special training in signalling and all its various branches. This training at Isomes included liaison contests, in which the signal platoons of the four infantry regiments of the Division took part. The 315th Infantry si,gnalmen proved their su- ])eriority over the other signal platoons by winning all contests, wdiich were held un- der tlie supervision of officers of the 3()4th b'ield Signal Battalion. .-Xfter the comple- tion of this course at Isomes. the Platoon returned to the Company at Esnoms and started training for both defensive and offensive warfare. \\ hen the Company arrived at Camp Civile on September 13th, the Platoon was divideil into four sections with a sergeant in charge of each section. A small detach- S II ll I ll II Page Three Hundred Nine HEADQUARTERS CUMPANY Snai'I'km at Vektou I! II II meiit of men from tlie 304th Field Signal Battalion was also attached to each section. These sections were distrilmted throughout the Regiment, one to each battalion and one to Regimental lleadquarters. "Jerr3'" paid the Regiment a number of visits in his bombing planes during the stay in Sector 304, and on the thn-d day in the trenches the Signal Platoon suffered its first casualty when Private Harry P. Boland was hit in the leg by a shell fragment and later evacuated to the hospital. At last, after thirteen days of anxious waiting for zero hours, our troops finally went over the top, and the situation changed from trench to open warfare. Owing to the rapid advance of the infantry, it soon became evident that runners and teleplione would be the only means of liaison possible to use, and, as the telephone stations were open for only a brief period, it was necessary for members of the Signal Platoon to carry on their backs quantities of heavy equipment such as reels of wire, telephones, switchboards, storage batteries and so on. During the first two days of the drive, the members of the Platoon were kept on the jump, day and night, installing new lines and patrolling and repairing the lines already established. On the morning of the third day, September 28th, all the trench equipment tliat could not be used in open warfare was salvaged. Later that same day, the Regimental P. C. was advanced to Nantillois, and again the move required the lay- ing of a great many new lines. The lines suffered a great deal from enemy shell-fire and reciuired cinistant patrolling day and night to keep up the service. In this work the men were harrassed by the fire of enemy snipers, and searching parties made up of signalmen and men from other platoons were sent out to put the German sharpshoot- ers to rout. After combing the woods, they finally succeeded in stopping the fire and brought in three prisoners. On September 30th, the Regiment was relieved and the Platoon was ordered to rejoin Headquarters Company. After a five day hike, Thillombois was reached, where Regimental Headquarters was established during the stay of the 315th Infantry in the Troyon sector. While stationed at Thillomliois, the efficient leader of the Signal Platoon, Lieutenant Chidsey, was returned to the United States as an instructor in liaison work. He was succeeded by Sergeant Paul B. Jenkins, who had already been recommended for a commission. The Platoon again started for the front on October 25th, but this time greatly reduced in strength, there being only 33 men all told. Before going into the line, the Platoon was again divided into four sections and assigned to the various battalions and Regimental Headquarters. On this occasion, however, there were no men fur- Page Tlirne Ten The 515th Infant^ry iiEAi)yL"ARri-:RS a ).mi'.\xy iiislied li}- llif ,?04tli licld Signal Battalion. Thf Kcginicnt touk over its new scctur on the night of October 29th under very heavy shell lire, and at the same time the nienil)ers of the Signal Platoon took over the three telephones and erne switch-board which had already been established in the sector. In the Gran<le Montagne sector the front line llattalion V. C. was sitnaled a great distance from Regimental P. C a fact which necessitated Inies being strung directly through what was known as "Death Valley." This particular spot was under con- tinuous shell-lire, lioth gas and high explosive, and this Hoche "strafifing" made the valley very dangerous as well as being exceedingly destructive to the lines. Efforts W'ere made from time to time to run lines by different routes, one of which ran as far as a mile nut of the direct course, luit all to no avail. The enemy shell lire was too heavy. By stringing the wire on trees and poles, anil also by establishing relay stations. lines from the Kegmiental P. C. to the different battalions were maintained and ex- tended. These lines were being constantly broken by shell-lire. and. as the ni.ghts were intensely dark, linemen going out to patrol and repair the hues had to run every inch of wire through their hands until they found the break. Laying a raincoat on one end. they would star! out in search of tlie other end of the break, and this would usually be found about .TO or -4(1 leet away, (lltentimes this rejiair work had to he done during a gas attack. The Regimental 1'. C. advanced on Xcjvember 9th. following the retreat of the enemy, and was located on the side of a hill near Etraye. Xew lines were laid from this position to the various outposts and observation stations. The follow-ing days the lines were extended, and it was while directing one of these extensions on the morn- ing of November 11th that the Regiment lost one of its bravest members. Sergeant Paul B. Jenkins, who made the supreme sacrifice in the last lew minutes of hostilities. -After the armistice, the Platoon rejoined the Company at Damvillers and again upheld its rei)utation by establishing and maintaining a system of telephone commiuii- cation with the surrounding villages occupied by the units of the 79th Division. It was here that the Platoon was again filled to its original strength by drawing from tlie rifle companies. In a shtirt time tlie signalmen were liard at work constructing an electric light sjstem for the shell-wrecked town of Damvillers, motors, generators and other equipment being salvaged from a (jerman camp nearby. W hen the Regiment moved to Chaumont-sur-.-\ire. the Signal Platoon was .given the task of operating a commercial system of telephones. One hundred and fifty lines were run into a I'rench-American switch-board, thus making possible communication with all the principal cities in France. Radio communication w-as also used extensively and met with such success as to receive commendation from I'rigadier General Johnson. T)ip Signal Platoon continued its work in the manner outlined right up to the tinal demobilization of the Regiment at Camp Dix on June 9th. 1919. but let not the reader belie\e that running telephone lines, constructing electric li.gbt jiosts and maintaining all forms of communication w-as the only sort of w-ork that the Signal Platoon engaged in. Terrain exercises, maneuvers, inspections, parades and scpiads cast and west all fell to the lc)t of the 315th Infantrj- signalmen, just as they did to all other members in the great brotherhood of American Doughboj-s. THE TREXXH MORTAR Pl.ATOOX On May 5. 1918. ten men from each company in the Regnnent were transferred to Headquarters Company in order to bring that organization to full war strength, pre- parator)' to sailing for l^'rance. When these men arrived and the Company was at full strength, the (|ualification cards were gone over and the men organized into platoons. Thus the Trench Mortar Platoon came into e.xistence. The men were carefully selected and each was uttc or less of a specialist. The study of the trench mortar, or Stokes Mortar as it was called, was made un- der the able tutelage of Lieutenant Bingman. who admitted that "S(|uads east" and "squads west" would not win the war and that each man should train and become a specialist. The study of gun and range estimation was foimd to be a pleasant task and the Platoon developed rai)idly. In the middle of May, Lieutenant Maguire was assigned to the Trench Mortar Platoon. Lieutenant Bingman taking charge of the Pioneer Platoon. Finally came the movement overseas, and the training area. Esnonis. was reached. A hard schedule was drawn up, and for five weeks the "Bombers" went through the most rigid kind of training. On September 8th. about 4:(K1 .\. M.. orders were received at the different billets that all bedsacks should be emptied, packs made U]). an<l every- thing made ready for a cpiick move. There was great hustle and bustle, and in short -HI ( @ Pagp Three Eleven ;5th Itstkanttry" i< II Ph > u Page Three Twelre and n;LcirerS\v1er:^V^r'Bif &a?;el"";:;^rd" °' ^'" P'^r" "'^-"^ -'"'-' packs of amnunmjon an.l eighteen (18) one-pound sheHs. to k4e,7prce whh Je T„ "nt v "' boys^ co.Ud not dislod.e"d;e^ Tnen"/, X hld^r i^'rai' ^^si/i^on^'^^ '^^'^=^"^'-' •■°""-'^'^- a rest camp Tie Bon et^ff^^^^^^ ^"^''-^ ^"^"^ "'^''^'''^ '^^'^'^ *« three of which resulted In deaths ^ ^ casualt.es on the.r hrst visit to the front, vvher?: r^Tti,^g7eHo'fVa".t'e;t'd ^^''='^''"'='-'' '"'' ''""' "'"'^ '" Thillomhois. the linfc "^"""g period was given and things were put in shape for the next trin to ammunition thr"uol Death Vall^v w^l . of moving the guns and 1,500 rounds of work the Trench ^}j;^'V^?^l^ ^^ ^v^r'^Sl^^ ^;e ^\:;:^ri^-'^anlf-:;;j II Page Thrm- Tliirtepn J i I The 515 th Infan'try 1 — .^ HEADQUARTERS COMPANY detonated in a little wooden shack just above Molleville Farm, while enemy shells breaking all around rather spurred than retarded the work. By 5 o'clock on the morning of November 4th, the Trench Mortar Platoon had accomplished what seemed impossible, and on the minute of five the Stokes barrage was falling in the woods infested by the Boche. On the entire battalion front the Trench Mortar Platoon was brought into play. The rapid movement of the Platoon was greatly aided by carrying parties from the Third Battalion. The 314th Infantry took over the sector on November Sth, and the Trench Mortar Platoon was ordered to support the 316th Infantry, which was receiving terrihc losses from enemy machine gunners. Rumors were current that the Armistice would soon be in effect, but this in no way interfered with the Bombers, who were functioning as they never had before. They arrived on the scene, and, as the}' had everything in readiness, no time was lost and the shells were soon falling on the enemy's lines, the Boche grudgmgly giving up ground. After its work was accomplished, the Platoon reported back to the new Regimental P. C. which had been established below Etraye. At night the Supply Company brought up some much-needed trench mortar am- munition, and the men set to work cleaning their guns and detonating the shells. However, there was no necessity for throwing over another barrage, as the memorable day of Novendier 11th was on hand, and with it came the end of the great war. Following the Armistice the Platoon moved into the ruined town of Damvillers. There, all the famous engagements were fought over again in the form of battalion and regimental maneuvers. Thus was our time spent in and around the ruins of Damvillers. Christmas Day was not like one at home, but there was a certain spirit of good-will and cheer that helped to hll out the program. The next day all moved out and after a three day hike settled down in Chaumont- sur-Aire. There the Platoon was reorganized, close order drill and inspections again came into vogue, and we were once again in the .\rmy. There it was, also, that the Platoon received trench mortar carts and the added care of twelve (12) horses. This work relieved the Platoon of the necessity of the scjuad drill and the manual of arms, and all interest was diverted to the care of the carts and the animals. After a three months' stay at Chauniont, the company moved to Rimaucourt. where all horses, carts and eciuipment were turned in. Lieutenant Borbidge assumed charge of the Platoon there. From Rimaucourt. the move to Vertou was made and then to the U. S. S. Saiitii Hiixii at St. Nazaire. The trip across the Atlantic passed quickly enough, and on May 30th. the Platoon arrived once more in the old U. S. A. A quick journey to Camp Dix. a few days hustle and bustle about the discharge center, and at last the long awaited day arrived — on June 9, 1919. the last of the Bombers were discharged and tlie Trench Mortar Platoon passed to its final resting place in the files of the War Department. II S Roster of Headquarters Company September 1, 1918 FIRST l.i-<llii- I. I.auKhli?! LIETTRNANTS Edward J\. Masnire CAriATN War.) W. rii-is REGIMENTAL SERGEANT MA.IORS ,^aiiuiel II. AdauiK Norman E. Humphreys SECOND LIEUTENANTS .Tr.s4'|»h R. Ringman Joseph C. Painter Franiis A. Chidse.v Russell M. Willard BATTALION SERGEANT MA.TORS Authon.v I'. Pavitt Raymond E. HoUenbaeh Russell M. McMahou FIRST SERGEANl' Aathiiny S. T.vliski ASSISTANT BAND LEADER Ralph I. Van Tuyl COLOR SERGRA.VTS •Tfilni .1. Campbell Robert Simpson .Toseph R. BrtHiks George E. S. Earnest .James J, Furey Albert v.. Andrews Albert J. Barnes Carl F. Bauer Vietor P. Cook .Toliii P, Deneen John Dougherty Joseph C. Friekie srpri.Y SERGEANT Beniard F. Gallen SERGEANT BCGLER William J. Lnptou MESS SERtJEANT Ge<jrge H. Gennett SERGEANTS Edwaril P. Golden Howard Le Quinn T.fuiis S. Heim Paul B. Jenkins Elwood 3. McBride Evan J. Rosser CORl'ORALS Ralph Goblwater Joel W. Greentield Raymond O. Heist Charles J. Keller John Lipsett William McCartney Joseph V, MeNellis Carl R. Martin Elmer Mo v Earnest N. Mit<hell Charles B. Reilly Alban E, Samuel BAND SERGEANT Frank Reynolds STABLE SERGEANT Edmniul B. Miller Henry C. Srharles Charles J. Weiss John H. Schaffer Edward J. Sheridan Chance L. Spering Ra.ymond A, Wert Harry G. C. AVilliams Andrew WoUersheim Page Three Fourteen The 515 th Infant^ry HAND ((IRI'ORAI.S I-nzariis II. Hniwn William s. I.it'lxTina Hurry A. Slmop Hut-Ii J, Ward James A. lirci-n Harry C. (Viopcr KImcr W. t'ressinaii Roster of Headquarters Company-Contim; MUSICIANS. FIRST CLASS LniKi Sanlosold Ji.liii W. Slahl Ml'SICIANS. SECOND CLASS Matico Del Veci-hii. Jucoi) L'hl Walter E. Wood MrslCIANS. diaries Fensterniaeher Harry J. V. Freas BdKar F. Hand THIRD CLASS William 1). Tony S. Lneera Frank H. iMerz JIars Charles P. EUv(dI Earl Kirst Benjamin W. .Mille Harry W. Hell Julius T. Bloeh Harry n. Bolnnd Ceorf^e Bradley Norman Brower Charles Cafanaeli Jaeol) Cohen William J. Conran Antonio Corosanite Matthew It. Czarnecki John A. Eisele Earl F. Ford John F. Fo.\ Tluunas J. (.Jalligan John Garraty Manriio li. Ahrauis Harry T. Althofer Charles Balie Edward l!a<'kert William H. Heeker Walter F. Hehr John S. Bellerjeau James E. Beissel William II. Bertolet .\lhert H. liirkenniaier Raymond (i. Billerheck Wesley G. Boyd Terrente J. Bowden Thomas J. Brannigan <:lenn W. Brosius Frank llnckley Stanley Bndney Horaee Bnmm Clarenee W. Carnahau I'ietro Ciavarra Anthony F. Clapper Alexander D. Clark Joseph B. Clarke James C. Clineff John F. J. Conway Joseph F. Coyne Sanniel .\. Craig Todil A. Crofford I'eter Dane Frank Davis Robert II. Davis Frank H. DeLori John B. Dempsey Charles G. Dewees Edward M. Donnhoe James Dougherty William J. DouKherty Norman K. Esolf Sidney K. Egolf Riehard R. Elliott John V. Ensslen Jewel Fairbaiik Chester Fasiek Michael J. Fern William ("'. PMtzgerald Robert J. Ford lliirr.v Forkner William S. Burton Everett Griltith Earnest Krallis Frank Augustyn Frank B. Christensnn Frank I'. Fehr Ord Fletrher Page Three Fifteen Harry E. S<-hroeder Harrison M. .Snyder .Michael B. Trodden MECHANICS Harry H. Amnmn Howard K. Barnes Richard J. Canavnn I'RIVATES. FIRST CLASS .\iii:nst W, Crcl,,. John C. Grciomc- Charles F. Orueber Rene Guillard George A. Guthernian J<»hn Hagan Joseph E. Ileini John F. Hines Charles .\. Keating Walter H. Kellv WaltcT E. Latubs William .\. Lewis John C. Loeh Wilson .McCancnc'ss William A. .Mctilynn Charles A. .Mc-l.anghlin August .\. Marki-rt John H. Miller William J. Mooni^y George V. M(U-ris " John 1'. Nixon Elmer A. Norris Ralph Peters Frank Quinn John F. Qninn Edward M. Reese Arthur S. Roberts Elton S. Ruth .John F. Sc-hnltz Myer M. Sehwerin John A. Fox John L. Freas Joseph Friday Charles I. Friednnin John F. Friel John Gearv William T. Gilbert Charles W. Greentrc-e Patric-k Griffin Herbert H. Grob Arthur (inv Cluirles Ilafner Clyde IT. Hahn Floyd B. Hall Willian> A. Hall Rcdand R. Hamilton Charles F. Hardie William A. Hartranfl Fergus R, Hassard Walter E. Heine William J. HellcT Earl,- R. Ilit.hner William Ilober Wilbur R. Iloc-ltzid Samuel Hood Ad h K. Iloran Ahmze Hotz Leonard R. Howes Wiliain P. Hunt Edward Hunter Alulrea Innaurato Ro.v E. Johnson Joseph B. Jones Charles J. KamnuTer Charles Kappel Carl E. Karris John J. Keating Mark M. Kelly John J, Kenney Thomas F. Kennev Martin A. Kilpatriek Walter F. Klingenhafer Frederick G. Knott Charles A. Koenig Samuel Kosniin George E. Kraeiner PRIVATES Charles E. Kurzc-nknabe Paul R. Lansing Nicholas N. Larkins A alentine A. Laufer William J. Lawlcr Alvin Laws John P. I>eamev John A. P. Lear Charles L. Lefferts Louis Levick David Lindsay John B. .Mc-Caugbtrv Frank L. .\tcGralh Alfred G. Mctjuate James M. MaeChiy Charles H. Maier Thomas B. .Mallov Frank J. Marchctti Frank X. Martin Abraham Martwoy Morris B, Mcuitz Thomas Miecznic-k Fred P. Morgen David E. Mover Frank J. Miilc-uhy John .Mnlcahy George A. .Miilvey George W'. Mvers Clarence T. Nash Albert A. Neely Wilbour .M. Nilwuar Harry R. Noniiemaker Thomas F. O'Rourke Antonio Palmetista Albert II. I'fatT Wladyslius Pmkakski Thomas F. Purcell John A. Quinn Harry Rabinowitz Anthony J. Rafferlv Thomas A. Recdi-r Samuel S. Revel Lennie Romine .VIphons Rockelmnn .\lvin Rutter Frank W. Savacool Joined as Replacements— October 26, 1918 John F John M, Dc-rn PRIV.\TES. FIRST CLASS Kremutes Carl J. McMahon Clyde C. Tarpine PRIVATES August L. Sand Samuel J. Sander Cecil R. stone Peter Hansen .\nion Kalinowski Charles G. Pappas .\Ioysius P. Schmidt Ralph R. Seiberllng George W. Tholmis HORSESIIfJER Jacob Sholderer Charles W. C. Smilli John L. Smith Guiseppe Spadafora Earnest SteacI Louis Stefan Elnjer J. Sullivan William .M. Sullivan Harry E. Tigimr John W. Townlev W'illiam Wag.in'.r Josi.ph C. Walsh Henry W. Whitcouih Albert K. Wilson Harry R. Yarnall Fred C. Schenk Albert F. Schissler John J. Schramm William Schwalbe .\rtlnir J. ScTanfon Joseph A. Shea Samuel S. Shore Thonms J. siwecki Daniel T. Smeclcly George R. Sniilh Herbert J. Smith Jciseph F. Smith Theodore De K. Smith W'illiam M. Smitli Wiliam J. Smith Louis Snvder Raliih B. Sprhiger lanl P.. stabler M'illiam Slappi-n William Stier Charles W. Stout .Andrew Strang Robert Slrinc-ii Anthon.v J. Sweeney Bernard F. Sweene.v Thomas A. Sweeney Richard A. Taussig John J. Telnak John Thompson Louis J. Trueter Leo J. \"as Korlis Frank A. Walsh Edward T. Walton Edward L. Wegst Walter J. West Charles Wic-ker .\IexandcM- A. Wiiks Robert C. Widmver .\lfred M. Williams Howard L. Williams Wiliam Wilson Ralph II. Wire Otto G. Wolf George Wood Stanley H. Woodburn Ignas Yanulauge Fred Zilnmerinan Perley E. Taplev Thoiiuis Walker Herman W. Wachter William G. Wachter William F. Walsh -HI , I U TH InFAN'TRY II i\ MACHINE GUN COMPANY The Machine Gun Company, Ijetter known as the Suicide Club, was formed in the dark and stormy days of September, 1917, just like any other company in the Regiment, i. e., by marching a bunch of cheerful young nuts holding the lucky ( ?) numbers in Uncle Sam's lottery into a big, bare, pine barracks. After the usual inspections, the boys were each given a hat and shirt. Then each one was asked which branch of the service he preferred. If he were a mechanic, that was just exactly what the Machine Gun Company needed. The same thing applied to bartenders, hotel clerks, milk men and chauffeurs (on account of their knowledge of mules), etc. The Company trained for quite a while as a rifle company, using some old discarded blunderbusses which had been used by various National Guard outfits. Later it received the up to date Enfield Model Rifle. The Company became very proficient in the Manual of Arms, and it was a common sight to see the men in rifle companies hanging out of the windows in their barracks, watching our boys drill. .\fter a time we received Colt machine guns and wooden models of the \'ickers, and the Company had very strenuous drill in the art of quick mounting and dismounting of the gun, replacing casualties in the gun team, camouflaging gun positions, and so forth. Finally, these make shift guns were all turned in, and we received the Browning machine guns, which made an immediate hit, and which were the guns we eventually used against the Germans. The exciting time for the Company came when we received about thirty of the wildest mules that ever tried to kick their shoes off. There were onlv a few men in the Company who had any experience with animals, and every time the mules were gotten back safely into the stal)les after a hike or parade everybody felt very much relieved. The most serious mishap we had in the stables was during the preparations for the famous Baltimore hike, when one of the "quietest" mules we had leaped into the air, and on the return trip tried to jump down the throat of Lieutenant Lucas, who lost several teeth in the affair. Life at Camp Meade went on with the usual happenings that you have read a1)()ut in many stories, and in May, 1918, the Company was filled up to its full strength, 172 men. Then began the rush of getting everybody equipped and things in shape for the trip which we knew was coming soon. On July 7th. we entrained and started for Hoboken, recei^•ing a tremendous ovation all along the line, especially at Philadelphia, the home town of the II Page Three Sixteen The 515 th TVTRY* MACHINE GUN COMPANY Regiment. In view of the fact that our dejiarture was secret, it was remarkable how many relatives were at the ditTerent stations to bid the boys farewell. We arrived at Jersey City that niglit and the next morninsj went aboard the transport America. ( )n the morning of July li'~(th. land was sighted and we arrived at Mrest at 4 1'. M. that date. With the exception of a small detail, which went ashore immediately to handle the baggage, the Com])any did not disembark until the following morning, although some of the other companies in the Regiment landed immediately. We marched through the back streets of Brest and out into the country about six kilometers, where we were ushered into a nice wet field, and ordered to ])itch tents. This was called .i "rest cam])," but all we did was carry water and rations for about a mile or so, and hustle field ranges, baggage, etc., etc. We left this rest cam|) on July 22nd, bound for the 12th Training Area, but, like all other orders in the army, this was subject to change, and was changed, as we went to the 10th Area instead. .•\fter three wonderful d;iys and nights on the train, we were put off at a j)lace called \'i\ey-Chalmessin. Nobody knew where we were, or where we were going, so we pitched tents in a neighboring field, and it was here that we were introduced to Vin Rouge while waiting for somebody to give an order. The next morning we started for Chatoillenot, arri\ing after a hike of 18 kilometers, and there we were billeted. The ne.xt six weeks formed the must strenuous periotl in the history of the Com])any, and the drill was long and tough. < )ne day we received our horses and carts, and those poor nags would ha\e made a strong man weep. Every Sunday we buried a couple of them. They had all the diseases that a horse could have, and possibly some that horses never had before, but our efficient stable force, under the supervision of Sergeant McCartney, brought the suffering ani- mals around into ])retty fair shape liefore we started for the front with them. ( )n .^e])tember Sth, we received orders to get all equipment together, and then hiked to \ aux, where we entrained and rode ;dl night. We <letrained at Till-: D.M.ii.MnKL r.\i;.\iJ[: Page Thrpe Seventeen lU- The 315 th Infant:^ ry MACHINE GUN COMPANY Mac [iiXK Gin Ciimi'AX\ at Cami' Mkahe @ Revigny and hiked to Hairoinille. a distance of 27 kilos, under the most gruelling marching conditions. We left Haironville on the evening of September 12th, hiked a kilo, and boarded French auto trucks, driven by Chinese drivers. Morning found us near Rampont, from which place we hiked to Domt)asle. We remained in the vicinity of Dombasle for two days, spending the time in getting the guns and equipment in the best possible condition. C)n the evening of the second day we proceeded to the trenches, guidt'd by French soldiers. About midnight on the 14th we reached Sector 304, where we relieved the 33,Srd French Infantry, then occupying the sector. The First Platoon, under the command of Lieutenant Wallace, was on the extreme right of the sector held by the First Battalion, 315th Infantry ; the Second Platoon, under Lieutenant Delaney, was in the center, and the Third Platoon, under Lieutenant McDowell. was on the extreme left. The ne.xt ten days were rather quiet, and the boys got their first real idea of life in the trenches, of which they had heard so much. r)n the night of the 24th, we received orders to pack up and retire to P. C. Cannebiere, being relieved by the Machine Gun Company of the 316th Infantry. The next day we made final preparations for the big jnisb which everybody knew was coming off, and at 11 :30 F'. M. on the 25th the artillerv let loose the biggest barrage that ever had been put over on either side. The thunder of the guns lasted all night. At 5:30 A. M. the next morning, the fire had increased in intensity, until it seemed that the lieavens would split, and the boys started over the top. The weather was fine, and the advance was masked by a big smoke screen. The First Platoon was on the right of the First Battalion following Company "D," the Second Platoon on the left folloAving Company "B," and the Third Platoon was in the rear of the Battalion, in reserve. The advance was practically uninter- ru[)ted for the first day. and we sto])ped for the night just west of Malancourt. ha\ing advanced about 5 kilos. ( )n the 27th. we continued the advance, and Montfaucon was passed by noon. In the afternoon, while east of Montfaucon, word came that the Germans were counter attacking and the guns were mounted and everything put in readiness, but the Boche never came. It was here that we suffered our first casualties. During the afternoon. Lieutenant Wallace was seriously wounded in both legs, being hit by shell fragments. The advance P.Tge Three Eighteen The 515 th Infant^ry MAC IIINE r.UN COMPAiVY was continued until darkness and heav)' shell fire rendered t'urtlu'r ])roj4ress im- possible. We then dug in about a kilometer beyond Montfaucon, where we spent a terrible ni<rht, under a jninishing fire of gas, shrapnel and high explosives. rin- next day we again advanced, this time with the First Battalion acting as an assaulting unit, and assisted in the capture of Nantillois, the First an(l Second Platoons here getting their first real "target" — about a hundred of the enemy retiring on our right — and they "layed" on them with good results. We continued on to the Madeleine I'^arni, where we were met by a terrific concen- tration (if artillery tire, which no living thing could go through, and were forced to retire a short distance to hill 274, where the Infantry reorganized and pushed forward again under the support of our overhead fire, a fire as intense as we could make it. We dug in and spent the night of the 2Sth on hill 274, and on the 29th, with the intense artillery fire still coming o\er, we reorganized and took up outpost ])ositions along the road lieyond Nantillois. it was here that Captain Duncan was killed and Lieutenant Delaney mortally wounded l)y a high ex])losi\e shell, ('(jnimand of the com])any then passed to Lieutenant Lucas. The morning of the 30th brought the news that we were to be relie\ed by the 3rd Division. That afternoon we witlidrew, having been relieved by the 3rd Division, and we hiked until dark, spending the night in the open. ( )n the morning of ( )ctober 1st, we m.irched back to Sector 304, where we occupied the old trenches for two days, diuMng wliich time we got a few liot meals and remo\ed our week-old beards. ( )n ( )ctol)er 3rd, we mo\ed out ;ind hiked to Normandy woods, where we stayed until night-fall. We hikeil all that night, until 4 o'clock the next monnng, when we arrived at a woods just outside of Senoncourt. At 2 1'. M. we moved out again and hiked until 7:30 I*. ^L, when we pitched tents in an open field near Recourt. We left Recourt early in the morning of the 5th, and reached Lahaymeix about 3 V. \L I lere we had five days much needed rest, as the entire Company was exhaustetl and showed the effects of the strain under which it had been. ( )n the 10th, we set out again and marched to Woimbey, where we were held in reserve in the Troyon Sector. There we were \ery well fixed, as the billets were good, and the rations were the best we had h;i(l in bTance. Lieu- "Os TlIK Dill III. k' , Pase Three Nineteen I m IHE 515th Infanttry MACHINE GUN COMPANY 1 On the I'KuNT Line at the Time uk the Akmistile tenant Parker joined us at Woimbey, and it was while we were there that Lieutenant Lucas recei\e(I his commission as captain. ( )n tlie night of the 21st, we were called out hurriedly about S P. M., and marched to Troyon, arriving- there at 2 A. M., where we lay until morning. We were supposed to be bound for the advanced positions to aid in repelling an expected attack, but it proved that the movement of enemy troops which had been observed was merely some German divisions being relieved, so we turned around and hiked to \\'oimbey on the 22nd, getting back about noon. We remained there until the 24th, when we started out again for the front. That night we billeted in French barracks outside of Recourt. During our stay near Recourt. we received 41 men to fill up our depleted ranks. The Company was reorganized. Lieutenant McDowell commanding the First Platoon, Sergeant Borresen the Second, and Lieutenant Parker the Third. We left Recourt on October 26th, about 6 P. M., and marched until daylight, when we reached Fromereville. The evening of the 2Sth w-e again started out and hiked to the Forges Woods. About 5 P. M., October 29th, we set out on a heart-breaking march, which lasted until after day break on the 30th, at which time we arri\ed in the Grande Montague Sector, recently captured from the Boche. In that sector, we relieved the 29th Division on the site known as Death Valley, and we were to see the name justified very shortly. The carts were unloaded and sent back to Brabant. The First Platoon was on the right of our sector, the Second Platoon in the center, and the Third on the left. We remained there until the <Sth, simply holding on, while the enemy let us have everything he had in the way of shells and bullets. The great difficulty was in getting up rations, as everything had to be brought across Death Valley, and the Germans bombarded this place continuously and mercilesslv. .\11 this time it rained incessantlv, and tiie mud was terrible. 11 Vi\ge Three Tvventj The 515 th Inkant^ry nl MACIIIXE GUN COAIl'AXY At ,3 A. M.. Xiivcnihcr Stli, uc were relieved by tlu' .'lltli Machine Gun Battalion, as we were to m" forward with the attack planned for that day. The l-'irst Platoon and one section of the Third Platoon were to go forward in sui)i)ort of Companies "E" and "F." the balance of the Company remaining under tlie comnian<l of Sergeant Borresen. At 11 A. M.. the Infantry started forward, covered by a barrage delixered by the 312th Machine Gun Battalion, and advanced about 3 kilos to the Bois de Kcville, where the I'irst Platoon and the section of the Third above mentioned immediately mounted their guns, awaiting an expected counter attack, which did not materialize. The ne.Nt morning we moved out through the village of Etraye, which had been cap- tured by the 315tli Infantry. Just beyond litraye. we met strong opposition from the enemy artillery and machine guns on Cote d' Orne. and there we were held up all day. .\11 that night our guns maintained a harrassing tire into the German advance positions. for the benefit of their machine gunners. .At 6 .\. M.. November 10th, we laid down an overhead barrage to aid the infantry, wliicli again advanced slowly but surely all day. On the night of the lOth. the remainder of the Company, which had been under Sergeant Borresen, was brought forward, and at 5 .\. M., Xovember 11th, orders were received to move forward to the hill east of W'avrille. We moved on ahead of the in- fantry, took up positions, and iirepared to put over a barrage on the enemy positions on Cote de Morimont. Our movements were concealed by a heavy fog, and we got close to the enemy without being seen. At 9 A. M., we let go with all 12 guns. The Boche laid down a terrific barrage, attempting to blow us off the earth, but his aim was poor and we suffered no casualties. .-\t 10:45 -\. .M.. the guns were dismounted and taken into the dugouts, and at 11 A. M. the Captain informed us that the Armistice had been signed, an announcement which made everybody sore (?). On the afternoon of the 11th, Lieutenants Wintield, Speed and Huckabee reported to the Company for duty, the former two, however, being evacuated in December. We spent two days in these dugouts, and on the afternoon of the 13th moved back to Etraye. On December 8th. Sergeant Borresen received his commission as second lieutenant. We remained in Etraye until December 26th. beiiig quartered in what had once been a French town. We spent a Christmas there which will live in our memories for many days. It snowed and rained nearly every day, and. for some reason known only to the higher officers, we were dragged around through the slush and mud every day on maneuvers, so it was with a mighty glad feeling that we pulled out on the 26th. and started back toward Verdun, spending the night at Thicrville. The next day we hiked to Souilly, and then went on to Chaumont-sur-.\ire. wlicre we arrived on the 28th. We stayed at Chaumont-sur-Aire until -March 28th. We had pretty good billets and a rather decent time, with nothing but some drilling and guard duty to worry us for the three months. During this time a large number of the men went on leave. Our entries in the Division Horse show beat all the machine gun teams in the Division, and they later went to the 9th Corps Show, from which they also emerged victoriously. On March 11th, we blew in some of the Company Fund and had our "First .-Xunual Banquet" — a very enjoyable occasion, plenty of real eats, much music and numerous speeches. On March 28th, we began the live day hike to Rimaucourt. stop])ing at Seigneulles, Erize-St. Dizier, Ligny. and Xoncourt for the nights on the way, arriving on .\pril 1st. At Rimaucourt we enjoyed real barracks and a big Red Cross hut, with movies every night, and had the best time we had in France, On .April 28th, we left Rimaucourt for Vertou, billeting on our arrival at La Gramoire, where we stayed until May !2th, going through various inspections and getting ready for that wonderful trip HOME. On May 12th. we entrained for St. .X'azaire. and spent the time from the 12th to the 16th being deloused. inspected, and generally Ijossed around by a bunch of hard boiled cor- porals from the S. O. S. We loaded on the U. S. S. t<(iiitii llnsti about 7 P. M. on the 16th, and nearly got ofT again, as it seemed some one had smuggled a little I'rench boy aboard with the intention of taking him home for a souvenir, and the captain of the ship said we would have to get off if the boy was not foun<l and i)ut off. lie was found, so we stayed on. and set sail the next morning. May 17th, at 5 .-\. M. The trip home was uneventful. We arrived at Philadelphia on May 30th, proceeded at once to Camp Dix, and by June 9, 1919, the last member of Machine Gun Ccmipany, 31.^th Infantry, had been demobilized. I i Page Three Twenty-one The 515 th Infant^ry II »>*5 5( fc •;-. .t^J ^^r a ,» «;^?if> ''•-. ^ z; < S o U Z a O .* ^ Page Three Twenty-two Roster o( Machine Gun Company September 1, I^JIS FIRST LIEUTENANTS FrtHl H. Lurio David M. Wallace CAPTAIN Joseph G. Duncan. Jr. SECOND LIEUTENANTS Charles F. Baer James P. Delaney John N. McDowell FIRST SERGEANT Dennis H. Cannon MESS SERGEANT Clarence W. Stocks SUPPLY SERGEANT Clarence H, Grotefend STABLE SERGEANT James W. McCartney Robert P. Black M'illiani Y. Borreson li \\ ill Dauzeisen SERGEANTS William C. Elirlng Howard lloesle Nathaniel S. Little Frank X. Shive George Stoner CORPORALS Herbert F. Abrams Charles R. Biirk Oscar Corson Michael J. Dugau COOK Wiliam D. Hewitt Eniil Golderer William O. Ornber Albert L. Haas Howard A. Miller Fri-derick W. Negler Lmiis J. Quallet HORSESITOEU Hugh R. White Baron F. Keilly Robert S. Shepphard George F. Sprechtr Lewis II. Tilge MECHANIC Jusepli H. Dixon SADDLER Peter Alfano BUGLER Joseph A. McFadden John P. Byrnes Jacob L. Freedman JohTi A. Jehle PRIVATES. FIRST CLASS William A. Maguire Henry J. Myeres Benjamin Silver George W. Sntcliffe Rt)ss D. Thompsiin James PL Alcnrn George H. Arcible Courtland M. Baker George W. Baker Louis M. Barry Fred A. Bauer Oscar F. Becker Russell M. Begley Joseph H. Bennett Frank Berenato George F. Bciderwolf Walter S. Bh.om Walter Bowniiin James E. Brown William E. lirown Benjamin Brownlee Frank tJ. Byrne Thomas W. Cami'bell Henry L. Christian Charles P. Cliupein Harry C. Clark William F. ClilTord William N. Cline Caleb B. Cope John Crider Hamld Crowe Horace Crowe Joseph Curran Eugene Dear Anthony Deluca Frank A. Dingenary William N. Drain John Eckert PR IV, George Edelnian William A. Elibrlck William J. Fletcher Ross Forello \'incent A. Fox Frederick C. Gebick Maurice J. Gerber Ralph A. Gray John Haig Fred C. Hause tiirman Herb Harry Hertcr Joseph F. Hewitt Edward Hitn<T George A. Ho-'hii John F. Hoffniau JauH's F. Howard Harry F. Hubbard Walter T. .letinings Raymond Kamoe .Toscph Katie George L. Kelly Andrew E. K<'rr Joshua C. Knight Henry Koeltzer Leon J. Kolankiewicz George Kosier Hnrlev C, Landing Charles 11. Leib Edward Letniox Alfre.i R. Little George Lockhart Coriu'Iius J. McBride Fred C. M.-Connell Johti J. MdVak Iianiel MarCoiiachle John J. Maguire Harry Maliti Joseph Manfre George Manz George W. Mariner Claude D. Mason Atilbony R, Maurer William J. Merrigan Linw'«)d G. Merz Jolin A. Millard Harry W. .Mitchell Charles J. .Mononghan Edgar 11. .Morley Russell H. Mousely Arthur J. .Miillcr William J. Mundrich L<niie Murell Ludwig J. Nacbtmaii Adolpb C. Nelz W'illiam J. North David J. O'Connor Joseph P. (CConnell Thomas O'Neill Percy F. Ott Frank F. Parker Randolph A. Patterson John Potts Edwin G. Powell W'illiam Rankin William H. Rehrer Elkt<.n N. Heed William B. Reilly Warren R. Reminter Henry E. Ricketls Edward Rock Ja<-ob Riibensteiii John L. Schilling Hurry W. Schramm Fred S<liug Joseph Scliaulecki Anthony P. Shaii.-iban John F. Sharker' William L. Shields Joseph P. Smith William ,\. Spaulding Raymond J. Stabile Steiibeti J. Tassi Jacob Tischbein. Jr. James L. Trainer John W. Trost Samuel K. Trudell Raymotid O. Turner W'illiam McK. Viveii Russell T. Webster Thomiis n. Whittle I..inwood Williams Joseph Willmann Everett M. Wilson Soloman C. Wraight Lh.yd Yorgey Aihdpli Zeiii Jtdm T. Zerby Joined as Replacements — October 26, 1918 Louis C. AUgrim Victor Barnes Lucius C. Barton Henry A. Br()wn Archie P.ubrer Arthur F. Ducette John A. Dreher Fred A. Drewes Frank R. Fisher Henry A. Flanagan PRIVATES Robert W. Flentge Siilney Foster Charles R. Geiser William J. Hackler Antoiie P. Hames Walter Hartstein Frederick E. Hoffman William N. Holdner Joseph King Fred W. Laskmet I'arkes Lonney Harold S. Loughran Charles B. McLean John J. McSorley Clerk Maurer Harry B. Mason Clinton L. .Mattingly Michael J. O'Connor George L. Reynolds James M. Roberts John J. Rvan John Q. Kobt> R.il[di E. Sanford Frederick H. Wilson Percy H. Wilson Eldee T. Wood Norvil Whiteman Lou L. Webber John .M. Wills Isaac A. Williams i| Page Three Twenty-three The 515 th Infant-try II II I 1 SUPPED COAPANY From the inception of the Supply (,'ompany, 315th Infantry, at Camjj Meade, Maryland, on September 17, 1917, when Captain Victor H. Moreau was assigned as Supply Officer, until the final turning in of the property in the Nantes area, the organization was primarily a working outfit which actually worked, and, lest others forget, we set it down here that the Supply Company worked hard and worked well. Upon the assignment of Ca])tain Aloreau and the attachment of Lieutenants Smith and Murray, the duties of suiJjilying the Regiment were assumed, with prac- tically no enlisted personnel yet assigned to the Company. Some of the first recruits to become Supply Company men were "Tom" Ilaynes, "Bill" Curry, "Qiiif" Groves, "Joe" Harrison and "Al" Turner. Haynes. Curry and Groves became Regimental Supply Sergeants, but Groves was later transferred to the 28th Division. "Charlie" Haines succeeded him. Harrison became first sergeant, following Buckley's transfer, and later received his com- mission as a second lieutenant at the Officers' Training School. Turner, the first company rupply sergeant, was lost to the 2Sth Division. Following these earliest rookies came "Abe" Landow, who jumped rapidly from company clerk to the "top" sergeancy, "Tom" Neeley, Thomas Adams. Harry Crawford, "Paddy" Delargey, "Joe" Manion, "Rudy" Hofman, "Jim" Shotts, "Andy" Thompson and "Herb" Wheaton. Neeley, Manion and Delargey quickly won stable sergeants' chevrons, while Shotts and Thompson gained the grade of horse- shoer and the others became wagoners. Within a week after the arrival of the rookies who were to form the Regi- ment, the Supply Company succeeded in equipping them with clothing and all other property then available. This work was done so speedily that upon several occasions the men were completely outfitted at the dizzy rate of four per minute in a cram]ied warehouse. From the time the first assignment of men arri\ed the .Supjjly Company was kept btisy all day, every day, and upon one occasion, when more than a thousand men were transferred to the 3rd and 4th Divisions, all night. A.t Camp Meade, the Company was self-sufficient in transportation, hauling all the rations and all the property required by the Regiment. After the remount dejrot had issued mules, it was found that men who could handle and who cared to handle animals were scarce, and many men assigned to the Company were trans- ferred because of their inadaptation to the work. Within a month after the ani- Page Three Twent.v-four The 515th Infanttry SUr'PI,^' COMPANY' mals had Ijccii refcixed the wagoiKTS were well started on their education as "nuile- skinners" and were fixing ever)- promise of the good work ihey were to do later on. 'Ihe fnia! rush from Camp Meade kept every meni1)er of the organization working early and late. The e(|uipmenl (which never returned) was carefullv packed, marked and rushed to the trains with remark:d)le haste, considering the newness of the work. The paper work connected with all this was a tremendously important item and a heavy portion of the lahor was well horn hy a very small percentage of the Company, headed hy Sergeants Louis (iolden and Charles M. Haines. Upon arri\ing at Brest, after an exciting suhmarine dodging trip, the Com- pany was fortunate enough to stay aboard the .liiicrica o\er-night. Un the morn- ing of the 19th, a lighter transported the members of the Company to the shore, and it was real, if only temjxirary, relief to set foot on land. Carrying rations for miles, pup-tenting, going for baths that were not available and hiking, all in a constant rain or mist and in mud measured by the feet rather than inches, were some of the memorable hap])enings of the first three days in the A. E. F. .\t Chatoillenot, in the Tenth Training Area, the Company received its initial coaching in France, pre])aratory to active service at the front. Ways and means of feeding, clothing, ec|uipping and supplying fuel to .3,600 odd men who were scattered in se\en villages over an area of approximately twenty square kil- ometers, and of doing this solely with horse-drawn trans])ortation were learned quickly. All of these new conditions were met and solved with coniparatix ely no l)ri\ations or hardships resulting to the troops. The easy part of the first move tow-ard the front, that of loading the trains. was done by an outfit other than the Supply Company, but the Company came in for the unloading at Re\igny, an unforgetable e\ent remembered with horror. The ni()\ement fmni the Robert F.spag;ne .Area saw the field <and combat tr.ain on .Hi 1 2e£a^.Mt&2Bn .V Sl I'l'LY Cu.\ir.\NV liu.M.N'G BuUT @ Page Three T\ventj--five The 515th iNFANnrRY SUPPLY COMPANY A Typical Camp Meade Scene s the road tliat led to action for the first time. Three difficult night marches devel- oped veterans of green wagoners and the train reached Normandy Woods pretty much all in. but still going strong. In Normandy Woods the ration situation was the most serious problem, and, because of his knowledge of the situation and his manifest eagerness to do every- thing that was possible to feed the troops. Lieutenant Hyde was here taken from the Company and assigned to the 158th Infantry Brigade Staff for the sole inir- pose of personally supervising this important proposition. Having learned one system of supplying troops under billeted conditions, it now became necessary for the Company to solve the intricacies of rationing and munitioning the Regiment in the trenches. The comical but extremely valuable narrow gauge (sixty centimeter) French railroad, with its watch charm engines and two by twice cars, carrying details, and the wagons were now the main means of distribution. Li taking Company property to the First Battalion during this time, tive drivers and their assistants of the Supply Company received their bap- tismal experience in dodging aerial bombs, when a playful night prowling Boche avion endeavored to drop three mementoes into Major Patterson's Copinard P. C. LTpon the receipt of orders for the jump-ofif on September 26th, the entire animal-drawn transportation of the Division was mobilized in an open field on the side of a hill in rear of Normandy Woods, where it stayed during the opening bombardment. The following morning the Divisional trains, complete, moved for- ward past Copinard P. C. along the Avocourt-Malancourt-Montfaucon road. This road was in horrible shape and trafflc difficulties were very great On the evening of the 27th, about dusk, the train arrived at the cross roads south of Montfaucon, but could not establish liaison with Regimental Headquar- ters, and remained on the road that night, joining Regimental Headc|uarters on the morning of the 28th. At 10 o'clock that morning, the train started forward through Montfaucon, being delayed at two points until the engineers could clear the road. The 315th Infantry Supply Company train was the first transportation of any kind through Montfaucon with one exception. That exception was the car of the Division Commander, bearing General Kuhn, who passed the train in Montfaucon, Page Three Twenty-six The 515 th Infant^rv SUPPLY COMPANY as it wailed for ihc road tu be cleared. Sufficient engineer personal was not avail- al)le to do this, so the Company went to work and cleared the road without waitinjj for the engineers. About 2:30 P. M. that afternoon the water carts had arrivecl at the small sunken road above Nantillois where they were parked. The remainder of the train was |)arked on the railroad key below Xantillois, directh' in front of Regimental I'. C. Men of tlie 315tli know from tlieir observation of the Xantillois road and from their personal experience there, what the transportation was up asainst the afternoon and night of the 28th and the morning of the 29th. .\n attempt was made to send water and rations forward to the troops by carriers supplied by the I'ioneer Platoon of llead- (|uarters Company, using such containers as could be salvaged (which in this instance hapi)ened to be l-"rcnch gasolene cans). This effort was not very successful, as the men of the ,314th Infantry were between the rations and our Regiment and they, also, had had nothing to eat or drink. In order to prevent further unnecessary destruction of the train (a considerable number of animals, carts and wagons had been lost tluring the night of September 28th-29th). Colonel Knowles ordered its withdrawal toward Montfaucon on the morning of the 29th. This took place only after all the rations available had been sent forward to the troops as far as the sunken road above Xantillois, from which point they were carried by hand. Withdrawing to the former position near ^lontfaucon on September 29th, the kitchens again prepared potatoes and coffee, the only available rations at the time. These went forward the following morning and served a large part of the Regiment with the tirst hot food the men had had in the drive. .Artillery tire forced the kitchens and water carts off the railroad key again, and again they returned. coiUinuing to serve any soldiers who were near enough to reach them. At the same time the wagons were scouting toward Malancourt for additional rations, a large part of the train was evacuating wounded from the Regimental first aid station and from the field hospital at Moiufaucon. Upon the withdrawal of the Regiment from the lines the wag<m train, in several parts, which could not be gotten together because of road congestion, slowly made its way back to the original P. C. in Normandy Woods. Captain Moreau. who had been very sick during the drive, was evacuated with a very severe case of inlluenza. The hike from Xormandy Woods to Camp Gil)raltar gave the personnel and ani- mals of the Company a slight rest, and, after several days without much duty in the @ The B.\ltimore P,\R.\nE Page Three Twenty-seven itit^ ^i5th Infant^ry SUPPLY COiMPANY I II -f m- Srri'i.v CdMi'ANN P. C. in Nukmanuy Wouds new area, tlie Company was again alile tci stand witliont wobMing. The next move was to Boquemfnit. From tliere a portion of tlie Company accompanied the Third P.attalion into support in the Troyon Sector. Considerable equipment, mainly cloth- ing, was distributed while the troops were resting in this area. Enough animals were received to more than replace those lost, which liad been about 35 in all. in the first drive, and the Company was more mobile than ever liefore. When orders were re- ceived to concentrate near Recourt, little difficulty was experienced in hiking and get- ling into position at Brabant. The selection of a parking field at Brabant was quite fortunate, as the Boche never seemed able to land a shell in that particular location. The schedulin.g of ration convoys to Regimental P. C. near MoUeville Farm then became the important work. Again and again the Boche was outguessed. No trans- |)ortation was lost and only two men were wounded of the Supply personnel in all the operations from October 29th to Xovember 11th. Every day of that time saw at least twenty wagons and carts move up to the point of distribution. In every way the ration situation was more satisfactory in this engagement than in the first drive, the troops succeeded in getting more food and getting it fairly regularly, due largely to the admirable work of the ration carrying details who had to traverse dangerous "Death Valley" in order to supply food to their comrades. -^fter the troops advanced on November 8th, the usual avenues of approach were closed, as the road from MoUeville Farm to Etraye had lieen hopelessly blockaded to wheeled transportation. Determined, however, that there must be no delay in getting rations to the advancing troops, eighteen pack-mules were loaded to capacity by mem- bers of the Company', loaded so well that, when the last strap of the last aparahoes had been fastened, the little burrows were tottering along under sufficient rations for 1,50(1 men for one day. Lieutenant Trundle succeeded in getting this difficult convoy over and through the obstructions on the road, although it required five and a half hours to cover the short distance between MoUeville F'arni and Etraye. It was the first time the Company had been forced absolutely to use pack animals and it is something to be proud of that, without any previous experience whatsoever, they were used so suc- cessfully. The following day engineers opened the road to the wagon train. On the morning of November 9th, the Supply Company advanced to the Brabant- Consenvoye-Etraye cross-roads, and remained there, except for the transportation sent forward to the Gibercy road fork and Re.gimental P. C. with rations, until the final wdiistle blew on the 11th. I Page Three T\v<Mit\ -oi;;ht The 515 th Infantry" 6 SUIM'LY COMPANY I'roiii Giljcrcj'. the point to which the Company moved on Xovember lllh. to Etraye and from Etraye to Courouvre was a succession of easy moves, yet they re- (|uired cjuite a bit of work; and then there was a continual dread of inspectors, who were beginning to become lierce in the neighborhood following the silencing of the guns. It was at Courouvre that the great light against the epidemic of mange took place, and the Company is very proud of its record made in caring for its animals so suc- cessfully — most successfully, according to the Corps Veterinarian, of all the outfits in the Dixision, More time had been spent in Courouvre than in any other place when anntlu-r move to the rear was ordered. It was only natural that the company sliould be joyful wlien the news arrived that the Regiment was to start for Rimaucourt on the first leg of the journey home. On the march to Rimaucourt. the commissary detail worked in advance of the Regiment, keeping always a day ahead, so that rations were in place beforehand and. as the rolling kitchens arrived, meals were immediately started. The weather was anything but favorable during the whole hike; snow and rain with high winds and sometimes stinging hailsti)ncs made things very disagreeable, but the morale remained at 100 per cent, plus because of the one word that was in everybody's mind. ll-()-.\l-lC. The hike was made in live hitches, so separated that each day's march brought the Company to a village lor the night's rest. .\t Rimaucourt the drudgery, montonj' and worries of the various departments within the Company be.gan to lighten considerably, due to the turning in of the ani- mals. .V sincere sigh of relief went up when the last stubborn mule bad Ijeen roped into its bo.x car. but a day or two later the men felt lost and began to realize what the companionship of their animals had meant to them. Very soon thereafter the Supply Company accompanied the First Battalion on its journey toward the coast, and was liilleted in Mandon in the Xantes .Area. Tliere. many inspections and quite a bit of drilling enabled the Company to snap into such shape tliat it could not be distin- guislied from a rifle company. While in Mandon tlie men were well treated by the very hospitable people of that delightful village. It was the first really enjoyable area in brance of their ac(|naintance. On May 12th the Company left Mandon for St. Nazaire. arriving the same night. Leav- ing the train, the outfit hiked to Casual Camp No. 2. a distance of seven kilometers, and spent the night there. The following morning all men passed the physical ex- amination, and then hiked over to Camp No. 1, where equipment and men were de- loused. Being then absolutely pure, it was necessary to billet in the Isolation cam]) until a boat came in. On the night of the 16th of May. 1919. after being isolated for three days, the Company hiked to the docks of St. Nazaire and boarded the good ship t<iiiilii I'dxii. which, at five o'clock in the morning of the 17tli of May, steamed slowdj- out of tlie harbor — Homeward Bound! ASSIGNED OFFICER PERSONNEL OF COMPANY Victor II. Moreau. Captain. Sei)teniber 17. 1917. to October 1. 191S. i; 1917. to October 15. 1918. ti October lulv. 1918. •irst ]S. 1918. First Lieutenant. September. 1918. J. Lambert .Smith. First Lieutenant. -September Captain. October 16. 1918. to demobilization. Ross K. Stickel, Second Lieutenant. July 24. 1"18. Lieutenant. October 16, 1918. to demobilization. George II. Trundle. Second Lieutenant, .\pril. 191S, i, September 1918. to November, 1918. Charles Hj'de. Jr. (Deceased). First Lieutenant. Marcli. 1918. to John J. Borbidge. F'irst Lieutenant. January, 1919. to .April, 1919. James FI. Carpenter. First Lieutenant. October 4. 1918. to October 19. 1918. Louis Golden, Ordnance Sergeant. October. 1917. to Xovember. 1918. Second Lieutenant. November. 1918, to May, 1919. hirst Lieutenant. .May. 1919. to demobiliza- tion. James McGee. Second Lieutenant. Noxendjer. 1918. to M May. 1919. to demobilization. Charles i'. Baer. Second Lieutenant. I'ebruary. l')l''. t< tenant. May, 1919. to demobilization. John {;. W. Dean. Second Lieutenant. December. 1918. to F'eliruary. y, 1919. First Lieutenant. May. 1919. l-'irst Lien- 1919. ATTACHED OFFICER PERSONNEL OF COMPANY Frank G. Moreau. Captain, December, 1917. to .\])ril. 1918. John V. Murray. First Lieutenant. Septemlier. 1917. Charles .A. Henry, Second T,ieutenant. May. 1918. to July, 1918. -Amos V. IIaml)urger, Second Lieutenant. May, 1918. to July, 1918. Pnge Three Twenty-nine The 515 th Infant^ry I — ' Page Three Thirty The 515 th Infant^rV^ ]| mil Roster of Supply Company y September 1, 1918 CAPTAIN Victor II. Moreaii FIRST LIEITENAXTS SBCOXD LIKTTENA.NT Clinrlcs Hyrte. Jr. Itoss E. Stkkel J. LBiiiljirt Sniilli HKCI.ME.NTAI. sri'l'I.y SERGEANTS WilUaiii J. Curry Charles M. Haines Tlionias C. Hayiies FIRST SERGEANT STAI'.I.E SERGEANT MESS SERGEANT Abraham I.Hn<low .Idsi-ph T,. Manidii Benjamin Schwartz SERGEANTS CORI'OUAI.S COOKS IIORSESIIOERS Anllu»ny Cohen George BurlantI VVilliara F. Iteclser Josepli Claric Tatricli I>clargey Harry C. Carroll Martino Diantonio Joseph W. Knwanls Julius E<lelson Walter J. Donalnie Charles J. Dunn James H. Shotts Nathan Kalbs Morris Friel James E. Epright .Andrew M. Thompson David Murdell Rudolph I.. Hof William Greib Otto Von Ilofen Thomas H. Ni-eley Franciszek tlorlewski Henry O'Kane SAPDI.ERS .MECHANICS Leone Cattalieo .lohn F. Dobin Carl A. Metzradt John Deluise Niehobis Gallenn Vineenzo rerrazziiio Joseph T. Gavin WAGONERS i 1 1 Thomas J. .\dams Walter Duekentiehl Elmer Hart Mieha.l L. Rowan I'eler J. .\lles Harry I.. Kugan Frank J. Ih.llaiid Edward Saar Robert W. .Vrnold Charles Eherhard Harrv P. Johnson Th<mias Shields .\le.xander I). Hagley Christian J. Eckert Roy "Kamerzel Arthur I,. Sbuster James E. Holes Fred C. Essiek Robert J. Kane Joseph S. Sipiniek Claude H. Brewer Thomas .M. Evers Michael J. Kcnney Harry Smith James W. Brightbill Herman R. Fetch William E. Kenney Jesse Soby Stanley Britton John Finegnn John I.avin Frank J. Stuskevise William J. Bruce Alexander J, Flynn Thomas J. Logue Frank Tierney George S. Cannon Hugh I.. Foster Andrew Lndwig William T. Timlin Theodore Carro Francis Friel Louis A. McCann Nelscui Tyler Lawrence A. Connors Jttseph A. (iehan Frank Mclli.n;ild Cleas J. Wade Eugene A. Corviazier John Gettv James McGoguigaii William U. Weckinan William Cotter Thomas 11. Grihbin Harrv McKeevir Anthony Wegscheider Joseph A. Couglilin Benjamin Grindle Bernard Magce Harvey Weydemeyer Charles Cram John A. Gnekin Mario Maggi Herbert L. Wheaton Harry L. Crawford Ollie Gnyton Edward J. Moore Chester A. Wildman Frank M. Crosley Ge(»rge W. Haekert Chester Overlander Ernest Wirbatz Raymtind J. Crosson John .\. Hancock Harrv Patlden William F. Yeager Michael J. Cumniings Francis A. Harkins Peter Pahls Joseph M. Yurkunis Herbert Ilewees PRIVATES. FIRST CLASS Max Dickman Philip B. Oetzel Alfred Reihl Abraham Kehr Ilyman I'Inkovitz .\lfred S. Tees PRIVATES William .\shton Joseph Bnrgdortf William HofTman William J. Peck Luigi .\ngelini John Clendenning Leopohl S. Jesoloski Joseph Rush George E. .\ngney James J. Coyle Filipo Laurello Clinton W. S<'hrader Harry L. Bowers John J. Deacon Joseph P. Lonergan Louis Simoncelli Charles J. Brewer Rol)ert W. Dempster John Mace Leon W. Sleifer Patrick Brogan Frank Fisigale George E. Muffett Louis B. Staeble Frank J. Budnick William F. Graley John Nusbickel Frank S. Weik Joined as Replacements— October 9, 1918 PRIVATES Frank E. Davis John P. McDonald Neils A. Pearson George Szprygada .\ndrew Harry Montie Means Albert E. Prause Herman I. Vanderboff George J. Jorgenson Enlisted Ordance Corps Attached to Supply Company ORDNANCE SERGEANT ORDNANCE CORPORAL Louis Golden Ross 0. Shipe PRIVATES, FIRST CLASS PRIVATES Joseph H, Everett Francis J. Boyce Russell B. Robiiloux William E. Doyle Gustavo H. Grube John J. Meara ^ V Page Three Tbirty-one I II The 315th Infantry m I S MEDICAL DETACHMENT The Medical Detachment of the ,il5th Infantry dates from August 27. 1917. when Captain Bulford, who had heen designated as Regimental Surgeon, arri\-ed at Camp Meade, Maryland, with fourteen enlisted men from Camp Greenleaf, Fort (!)glethorpe, Georgia. On September 21. 1917. the first group of selected men arrived from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. From a medical standpoint luisi- ness immediately improved at the infirmary, which had been established in 1),ir- racks R-11. Time passed. Men came and went in the Regiment, and, all told, about ten thousand victims were examined, vaccinated, measured, embarrassed and injected with anti-typhoid serum during the ten months the 315th Infantry spent at Camp Meade. About two weeks before sailing for France, the personnel of the Detach- ment was increased to the authorized strength by increments from Camp Upton. New York, and transfers from the line companies. Major Charles ;\I. Williams was also placed in command of the Detachment at this time. Upon its arrival in France, the Medical Detachment was broken up into battalion detachments. Lieittenant Ivor D. Fenton commanded the First Battalion detachment and remained in that command as long as the detachment remained a separate unit. Lieutenant Marvin V. Campbell was also attached to the First Battalion detachment. Captain Wallace Bulford was placed in command of the Second Battalion detachment, a command which he held throughout the entire ])eriod that that battalion detachment existed as a separate unit. Lieutenant William F. Craig was likewise assigned to this unit. Lieutenant Robert C. Van Buren commanded the Third Battalion detachment and the Regimental Head- quarters detachment was placed in charge of Lieutenant Ralph A. Claridge. Lieutenants Samuel Friedlander, George L. Drach and Norman E. Gardner were assigned to the Regiment as dental surgeons. In August, 1918, Major Robert B. Shackelford succeeded Major Charles M. Williams as Regimental Surgeon, the latter having been transferred to Division Headciuarters. August merged into Septemljer, and the night of September 25th found the members of the Jtledical Detachment all set for the "big push" of the American Army. In the early morning hours of September 26, l9l8, the infan- try, each company provided with two members of the Medical Detachment, went over the top and the drive was on. .Almost at the outset, the Second Battalion aid station, which had been established at Malancourt, came under heavy enemy artillery fire, and, shortly after noon on the 26th, Lieutenant William F. Craig and Page Three Tliirt.v-two The 515 th Infant^ry .mi:l)ic.\l detachment r IT' 1.1 llER L'MI.I, Private Ricliard Dwen were killed by a hi^h explosive shell at the -Malancourt cross-roads. Hampered by the lack of ambulances and by the constant stratiins; of the Boche on all points where the wounded were concentrated, the medical personnel of the Regiment worked heroically to treat and evacuate the entllcss casualties. On the night of September 27th, the First and Second Battalion detachments established an aid station at the crossroads just south of Montfaucon, and the Headquarters and Third Battalion detachments established a station in the woods east of Montfaucon. Both were under heavy enemy fire. < 1 I! ^ •^'Wjfli 'I^W^^^^^^ Om the M.\kch e Page Three Thirty-three iHE DIDTH InFANT^RY II Page Three Thirty-four The 515th Infant^ry .Mi:i)lCAT. DKTACITMKXT I'^oUowiny; llu- rapid achance of the Regiment, an aid station was established at the southern edsjc of Nantillois on the afternoon of Septemljer 2Sth. At 10:00 A. M. on the 29th. a low-flyinsf (jerman plane drojjped several signal flares over the aid station, and almost immediately enemy shells began breaking within the area. The majority of the wounded who at that time occupied the aid station were killed by this tire. In the attempts to remove the wounded under the enemy fire, two medical officers and se\eral men who had been attached to the station were killed. The period between the Montfaucon drive and the drive east of the Meuse found the Medical Detachment fighting against influenza and enteric conditions which had suddenly broken out after the exhausting experiences in the trenches and in the drive. .Approximately three hundred evacuations were made during this period. ( )n ( )ctol)er 5. 191S, Lieutenant 1 larold E. Nash, U. C, was assigned to the Uelachment. ( )n (Jctober 29th, the Detachment again moved u|) tfi the lines with the Regiment, and received replacements on the way forward. .\s in the lirst drive, two medical men were attached to each infantry company, and to these, two squads of the comjiany were assigned as litter bearers. The F"irst and Second Battalion detachments established a first aid station near Alolleville Farm in MoUeville Ravine. This station soon became a target for continuous shelling by the Boche, because of the conspicuous streams of wounded ])assing across Death Valley. From this station, the woimded were carried to the Regimental aid station which was established on the Brabant-Molleville I^^arm road. The Third Battalion detachment established the reser\e aid station at the southern edge of the Bois de Consenvoye. ( )n November 8th, the Regiment advanced to new positions beyond Etraye, and a first aid station was established by the First, Second and Third Battalion medical detachments just outside of Etraye. On No\ember 9th, while on a tour of inspection to the ad\anced aid station. Major .Shackelford was gassed and evacuated. JMajor Williams assimied tem])orary command of the Detachment and was succeeded on No\ember 12th Iw Major John .\. McKenna. .At this time, Eieutenant Chandler M. Scott, M. C, and Lieutenant Leon E. Newman, D. C, were assigned to the Detachment, which also received a number of men as replacements. After the cessation of hostilities and the return from the front line, the Detachment was billeted in Damvillers and Etraye until such time as it should start on the homeward trail. On December 26th, the Medical Detachment, in conjunction with the rest of the Regiment, pulled stakes at Damvillers antl Etraye and December 28th found it billeted in its new home in the .*^ouilly area. While in this area Captains Asa Craves, M. C. and Robert H. Morris, M. C, were assigned to the Detachment, as were Captain Waterman Lyon, M. C, First Lieutenant Charles L. Hardwick, D. C, First Lieutenant Francis G. Hendricks, M. C, and Second Lieutenant Carl C. Keller, V. C. The end of February saw some well deserved promotions among the officers of the Detachment. Major McKenna was promoted to a lieutenant colonelcy, Ca])tain (iraves was promoted to the rank of major and Lieutenants Fenton and \'an Buren to the rank of captain. Lieutenant \'an Buren left for the L^iitefl States shortly after his promotion was announced. Lieutenant Claridge had been evacuated to the hospital some time prior to the departure of Cajjtain \'an Buren. Just before the move to Riniaucourt, Major (jraves was transferred to the 304th Engineers, Lieutenant Hendricks to the 7th Division, and Lieutenant Albion Nyquist, D. C, wdio had been assigned to the Detachment early in the year, to the ,il2th Machine (urn Battalion. id I m Page Three Thirty-five The 315 th Infantry MEDICAL DETACHMENT ( )n March 28th, the Medical Detachment started on the second lap of its homeward jonrney and arrived at Kimauconrt on April 1. 1919. Again time wore on, and the 23rd of April saw the Detachment once more on the move, this time headed for the Nantes area. In this area, which w-as reached two days Liter, the headquarters of the Detachment were established in \'ertou, the bat- talion detachments accompanying their respective battalions to the se\'eral billeting areas about Vertou. While at V'ertou, Lieutenant Hardwick was transferred to the Army of Occupation. On the 12th of May, the Medical Detachment once more boarded the familiar box cars with the port of St. Nazaire as a destination. Having arrived at St. Nazaire and completed all necessary preparations for homegoing, it was hoped that the Detachment would embark as a whole for the "States." On the 15th, however, orders were received that the Third Battalion detachment, under Captain Morris, would sail with Companies "L" and "M" on the U. S. S. Dakotan and that the other members of the Medical Detachment would accompany the re- mainder of the Regiment on the U. S. S. Santa Rosa. Just prior to sailing. Captain Lyon, First Lieutenant Scott and Second Lieutenant Keller were trans- ferred to the casual officers detachment, which embarked for the trans-Atlantic voyage at Brest. Following the embarkation at St. Nazaire, the history of the Medical Detach- ment drew quickly to a close. The Detachment landed, according to schedule, at the port of Philadelphia, proceeded to Camp Dix, and there took the tinai steps preparatory to demobilization. ( )fi June 9th, the last member of the detach- ment received his final marching orders and the Medical Detachment of the 315th Infantry formally passed out of existence. Roster of Medical Detachment September 1. 1^18 MAJOR. M.C. Robert B. Sbackelford FIRST LIEUTENANTS. Marvin V. Campbell Halph A. Clarhlge AA'illiani F. Craig Ivor Ii. Feiiton ICdbei-r C. \"an Buren Ot-firKe N. ClnirL-liill VvU'Y E. Cnrdier Stuart iJaniley diaries L. Rvud George W. Conners David Durst enf eld Herniau Fiiikelstein Francis V, Flanagan John J. Flvnn John J. Gullasher Walter F. Gebuian Otto Goodwin Mose Cohen Hollis H. Douglas M. Cleburn Fink Vertiette M. Gaskiiis .Tames Beattie John P. Bradley Arthur J. Dacey William D. Irvin Charles Judge FIRST LIEUTENANTS George L. Drach Samuel Friedlander Norman E. Gardner FRIVATES. FIRST CLASS Elmer Dem<ind Jacob E. Klein Alvab G. Jack Julian Levy Edward F, Kane Herman A. Morrill CAPTAIN, M.C. Wallace Bulford DC. Charles Hechreiter James L. Hunter Harold M. Jacobs Jack Jacobs A'iggo Jorgenson Casimer Jovais Alexander Kellrr Walter F. Kelly FRIVATES Charles E. Kleiu John F. Lech thaler William Lubelsky Bernard J. Ludwig Havdon O. Merrilll Wilfred Metty Fi-ank B. Morrell Henry Nassberg Joined as Replacements — October 26, 1918 PRIVATES Overton H. Hagan William H. Grotefeld Darnell Lyon Paul Nangle William J. Pbelan Powell P. Maxwell Joined as Replacements — November 12, 1918 PRIVATES J<din T. Gallagher Maurice Miller Joseph Kern Joseph B. Miller George Klnmpp Roswell Manser Roy Miller Isidore P. Morris SERGEANTS William M. Boyd Everett B. Clark Marvin M. Fain Chester J. Powell Albert Rebovicb Joseph B. Sexton Harry C. Treager Nils P. Nilson Richard C. Owen John W. Parrish Anthony Saccomanno Harry P. Schenck John J. Schneider Joseph H. Thomas Robert J. Vane Abraham Weiner John L. Robinson William H. Sweariiigon John T. Tlinnipson i'lark Williamson Edward Scbrader Ralph B. Smith Charles Trozzo Charles Walk Albert Weber Page Three Thirty-six The 515th Inkanttry a Volley Ball INTRODUCTION W'lien the United States declared war on ( ierniany on .\pril 6th, 1917. many enormous problems presented themselves, chief of which was to place in France the most number of men possible, in the shortest space of time possible, and in the best condition possible. In order to meet the last of these conditions, namely, to put the men in the best possible condition, it was realized that the exercise and training incident to a pure military training would not accomplish this pur- ])0se. Therefore, the schedule of training included the most strenuous kind of physical training and participation in all athletic games. The men who made up America's new National army came from every walk and station in life, and were of various nationalities. Some came from the col- leges and preparatory schools and had throughout the course of their li\es taken part to a greater or less extent in athletics. ( )thers left the fields, the factories and the offices to take up this entirely new life so different from all other occupations. Many, through necessity, had been forced early in life to earn their lixelihood antl had never had a chance to play. Therefore, simultaneously with the training in military science and tactics came the develo])ment of the minds and bodies of these new soldiers. In the first instance it took the simple form of what is commonly known as "setting-up exer- cises." These exercises de\eloped not only the muscles of the body, but also the sense of co-ordination, and, as these exercises were given by command, it led to quick thinking and ultimately to the accurate and speedy responsiveness of the body to will of the mind. Later came the athletic games and contests, which, without doubt, are the best means of bringing the human body to the highest point of physical fitness and efficiency. The pages which follow contain an accoimt of these games and contests in the \arious sports jiarticipated in by members of the 315th Infantry and, taken as a whole, constitute a brief athletic historv of the Regiment. 9 Page Three Thirty-scvon II The 515 th iTSfFANT^RY Football II I The enlisted personnel of the 315th Infantry began ponring into Camp Meade, Maryland, the latter part of September and the first part of October, 1917. At that time, the football season was in full sway throughout the entire United States, and naturally it was the first of the major sports which claimed their attention. Although there were no grassy fields, nevertheless after drill hours in the afternoon, in fact at any odd hours during the day, teams from [iracticallv every company in the Regiment could be seen hard at practice. Within a couple of weeks many inter-company games were scheduled and played. It is a lamentable fact that no regular Regimental series was played, so it is impossible to name here the championship team. Howexer, it is safe to state that Companies "A," "B," "D," "G," "L," and "M" put up the best exhibitions of football, and of these it might be said that Company "D" had the best team; for "L" Company defeated Companies "A," "(I" and "M," but lost to "B" ; and "B" lost to "D." Had "D" played "L" and won, it would have been the undisputed champion : had it lost, the honors would have gone to "B" Com- pany. The following are the scores of the games between the above mentioned teams : "L" Company "L" Company "L" Company "L" Company "H" Company "D" Company About the middle of < )ctober, the "(_i" Company - - - - 6 "G" Company _ _ - - 12 "M" Company - - - 6 21 "A" Company - - - - 6 "L" Company - - - - 13 "B" Company - - - - came for a Regimental football team to fight for the championship of the Division and of the cantonment. The entire schetlule had to be played off by a certain date, and our first game with the 316th Infantry came so soon as to allow us only about a week for organization and practice. However, the call for candidates went out and they were subjected to daily strenuous work-outs. Under the able coaching of Lieutenant A. G. Harlow, formerly of Princeton, and Lieutenant Lawson G. Bash, formerly of Allegheny, an excellent team was whip[)ed into shape. Page Three Thirty-eiKlit The 515 th Infantry Late in t Jctoher came the game witli tlic M6i\\ Infantry. It was a l)L-autit'ul game to watch — a well fought game from the kick-off until the final whistle. Early in the (nrst quarter, the 316th e.xecuted a successful forward ])ass, carrying the ball on this play from the center of the held to the fifteen-yard line. Their attack became sudden and strong, and our defense was unable to stop the onrush. Three plays gave them first down with the ball on the three-yard line, and the next two carried it over for a touchdown. They failed to kick the goal. In the second quarter, the 316th again scored by a cleverly executed drop-kick from the twenty-five-yard line. Our men took the tield at the beginning of the second half determinetl to overcome the lead, but succeeded only in keeping the 316th from further scoring. The final score of the game was 9 to 0. The 315th Infantry team was composed of the following men of the Regiment : Right F.nd Right Tackle Right ("luard Center Left ( iuanl Left Tackle Left End Quarterback — Sergeant Julius Tucker . . . . M. G. Company Cook John McCauley . - - - "D" Company I'rivate George Dicttrich - - - . "G" Company — Private Michael Mattioni - - - - M. G. Company Private Edwin G. Powell - - - - ;m. G. Company — Sergeant .\])au Kau ----- "E" Company — Cor])oral .Mberl M. Young - - - - "B" Company Private William C. Ehring - - - M.G. Company — Private Charles Lotus - - - - ;M.G. Company — Pri\ate Harry Burch - _ - - Hqs. Company Corporal George Ambacher - - - - "C" Company — Cook Alfred D. Carson - - - - "M" Company T'ri\ate Harry C. Treager - - - Med. Detachment Pri\ate Josejih Jacobs - . - - "B"Com])any — First Sergeant Joseph Kilroy _ - - "K" Comjjany Private William Reeves - - - - "G" Company Right Halfback — Private Walter Keating - . - - Hqs. Company Left Halfl)ack — Sergeant Harry Greenwood - - - "K" Company Fullback — -First Sergeant Theodore Simendinger - - "L" Company Sergeant Julius Cashman - - - - '■^^' Company Later in the season one jiractice game was played against "L" Company, resulting in a victory for the Regimental team by the score of 10 to 0. To wind up the season, a game was scheduled to be played in Philadelphia between picked teams from Camp Meade and Camp Dix, New^ Jersey. On December 1st, a large contingent from Camp Meade journeyed to Philadeliihia to see the contest, which was played the following day, and which resulted in a defeat for Camp Meade by the score of 14 to 0. The representatives on this team from the 313th Infantrv were Lieutenants Lawson G. Bash and Raymond Lehman. The game just mentioned practically ended the football career of the 315th Infantry, for during the football season in France we were too busy driving the Boche out of the Argonne forest and the Meuse valley to think of football. However, after the signing of the armistice, every Dixision in France put a representative team in the field to fight for the supremacy of the A. E. F. The 79th Division football squad included the following men from the 315th Infantry: Private Thomas McHugh, "F" Company: Corporal Hugh Robinson, "A" Com- pany ; Sergeant George Spielberger, "A" Company : Sergeant George Ambacher. "C" Comnaiiv. Page Three Thirty-nine ^ — I il The 515th Infanttrv a BASEBALL As might well be expected, the "great national game" was more enthusi- astically followed by a greater number of men than any other game. At least ninety per cent, of the male population of the United States have, at some time during their lives, participated in this most popular of all sports. Therefore, all were anxious to play, and throughout the months of October and November, 1917, many inter-company games were witnessed. But it was not until the spring of 1918 that the real baseball fever began; and then the game reached the high point of its popularity. The largest sporting goods houses were taxed to their utmost to provide a sufficient quantity of equipment, and, without a doubt, fi\'e times as many games were played in the year 1918 as ever before in the history of baseball. During the month of March the Regimental drill grounds were the scene of many games during the afternoon period devoted to athletics. And then came the announcement from Division Headquarters of the various schedules that were to be played out The most comprehensive one was the playing for the company, battery or similar unit championship of the Division and of the entire cantonment. In this, every company or similar unit in the camp was to, and did, put a team into the field. They competed for their regimental or unit chamjjionship, and then the winner took part in the final series for the champion- ship of the camp. The other schedule provided for teams being picked from each regiment or separate unit and competing, first, for the Divisional champion- ship; and second, for the championship of the cantonment. It can readily be seen that these schedules meant the playing of hundreds of games, even though the champions were picked by the process of elimination; that is, that a team once defeated was out of the running. Immediately, every com])any in the Regiment started practicing daily in order to put the winning team in the field, and the latter part of April the series started. Many of the companies were quickly eliminated, and finally the title rested between "B" and "L" Companies. In the play-ofl^, "L" Company easily won by the score of 8 to 1, the players of "B" Company being unable to cope with the speed and curves of Seibold, formerly of the Athletics. The winning of this game gave the Regimental championship to "L" Com- pany, and put it in the running for Divisional honors. In its first outside game it defeated the 312th Machine Gun Battalion. At the beginning of the ninth inning the score stood 1 to 1. The machine gunners took the field and stayed there for some time chasing the ball all over the field. When finally they came in Page Three Forty The 515 th Infanttry^ \ Co .MP \NV L Baseball Team, the 1 E\M Which Hkm) CHAM.O.SLUP AX. Was r.xxek-u; eo:.;.e d.',::;:,^:^^^^^^^.™^-,^ HE KeGI.MEXTAL AXU UuicAUE chal:^ 'r "°" ''°°' ' ^'^ '• ""' "' '^ '•^"'^""^d ^-Pi'^ ''-- valiant effort to "L" Company's second game, with "F" Company of the 316th Infantrv T his now made "L" Company the champion of the 158th Infantrv Pr,Vn,l. or he" 31 lu;"FiS tnrr'' ^'^""^"^- ^'^^ ^^"^>"^ ^-- wUh'Sten'^-T'' hi fdet-e. for til'-. rK °^;'r'''uP''°^'"^ *° "^^ 'ts Waterloo: for it re'sulted m a deteat for the doughboys" by the score of 4 to Private Thomas C. Price - _ . . Sergeant Theodore Simendinger Corporal Richard L. LeFevre Sergeant Reed Barnitz - _ . Private Walter R. Schoultz - . . Corporal Charles W. Staudeiiniayer Corporal John McMonagle - - . . Corporal Harry Hahn Corporal Harry Seibold r„ , IT •, r. „ SUBSTITUTES Corporal Ent.l F. Beck, Jr. Sergeant David Levine Corporal Charles Miller Before the company schedule had been finished, the regimental schedule ^vas well under way. A great deal of credit is due to Lieutenant Srlel Freld- First Base Second Base Third Base - Short Stop Left Field Center Field Right Field, Pitcher Catcher Pitcher, Right Field P.Tgo Throe Forty-one ^HE 515 th Infant^ry Short Stop - Left I-'ielil - Center I*'ielil- Catcher Pitcher '■L" Company "I" Company ••1" Company ■•D" Company ■•A' Company "L" Company ■■U" Company ••E- Company "K" Company "M" Company -B" Company ••M" Company ..[.. Company ••L" Company "L" Company M. G. Company "E" Company lander, Medical Detachment, 315th Infantry, for his untiring efforts in coaching the Regimental team. After about two weeks of try-outs he selected the fol- lowing men to represent the Regiment : First Base — Sergeant Theodore Simendinger - - - Corporal Louis Trappe - - - - Second Base — Private James White - - - - Third Base — Sergeant Robert Gallien . _ . . Sergeant Robert A. Evans . - - -Sergeant Reed Barnitz - - - - -lUigler Ottmar T. Eppel - _ - - Private Benjamin Conroy . _ _ -First Sergeant Joseph Kilroy - _ - Corporal James Ferris _ - - - Right I-'ield — Corporal Albert M. Young -Sergeant Julius Cashman _ _ _ . Corporal Edward Lash - - - - -Corporal Harry Seibold - - - Corporal John McMonagle - - - - Corporal Joseph Graham _ _ . Corporal Apau Kau ----- This series, also, was to be determined by the process of elimination, and therefore any team that lost a game was forever out of the running. The competing teams were divided into live separate leagues: the two Infantry Brigades, the Artillery Brigade, the Special Units of the Division, and tlie Special Units of the Camp outside of the Division. Our first game was with the 316th Infantry, after they had already defeated the 312th Machine Gun Battalion, and resulted in a victory for us by the score of 9 to 6. This gave us the championship of our separate league, the 158th Brigade. In the mean- time the following teams Iiad won their respective leagues: the 3(l4th Ammunition Train, the 313th Infantry, and the 311th Field Artillery. The 154th Depot Brigade had won the league composed of the units outside of the Division, and were waiting to play the team that should win the Divisional championship, in order to determine the champion- ship of the Camp. Our second game was with the 304th Ammunition Train, wdiile at the same time the 313th Infantry played the 311tli Field Artillery. Our game was easily won, the score sheet showing a score of 16 to 2 at the end of the game; and 313th Infantry were like- wise the victors. This left the Divisional championship to be determined by the game between these two winning teams, and the play-off resulted in a victory for us by the score of 4 to 2. It was a well-fought contest throughout, but Seibold's pitching was too much for our opponents. We were now Divisional champions, but we still had to play the 154tli Depot Bri- gade to determine the championship of the cantonment. The game took place on a Sat- urday afternoon under perfect weather conditions, and liefore the largest crowd that ever witnessed a ball game at Camp Meade. "Johnny" McMonagle started the game, and pitched a steady and heady game throughout the full nine innings. It was a fault- less game. Every run that was made was well earned and it was anybody's game up to the very last minute of play. However, sad to relate, the Regiment was doomed to lose this all-important game by the score of 6 to 4. This ended our baseball season in the States, as we were extremely busy preparing for our departure for France on July 9th, and the remainder of the summer in France, with our intensive training and hard fighting, left very little time for sports. Nor were we able to play much baseball in the spring of 1919, as at that time we were busy pre- paring for our departure from France on May 16th. However, many inter-company games were played while in the Rimaucourt and Nantes areas. The rivalry was excep- tionally intense in the First Battalion in the latter area. In this, the honors will have to lie given to "A" Company, which, in the ninth inning, nosed out a victory over "B" Company by a 3 to 2 score, and then defeated "C" Company, 9 to 1. .Also, while in the Nantes area, a Regimental team was hastily selected to play the cS()9th Pioneers (colored), who were stationed in Nantes. The colored boys romped liome with a 10 to 3 victory, and, in a second game which was scheduled, were again victorious by the score of 5 to 3. Further baseball was curtailed by our return to the United States and demobilization. Page Three Forty-two The 515 th Infanttrv yj rgASKETBALL -II — I Within two weeks after the arri\al oi the first units of the Regiment at Cam]) Aleade nearly every com])any in the Regiment had constructed oijen-air basketball courts on the parade grounds in front of their liarracks. Comjiany teams were organized and great rivalry existed between them. After numerous games had been played, "C" and "B" Companies remained the only teams that had not been defeated. A game was scheduled betwen the two latter teams and. after forty minutes of "rough and tumble" ])Iay. "B" Companv crawled off the field the victors by a 14 to 10 score. Then came the call for candidates for two Regimental teams — one com- posed of enlisted men and the other of officers. These teams were to re])resent the Regiment in the series for the Divisional and cantonment championshij). The candidates reported to the Regimental athletic officer. Lieutenant Orsen J. Gra- b.ini. a former star basketball player of .\lleghany College, lie coached both teams throughout the entire season, and at the same time acted as cajjtain of the officers' team, which had the following personnel : Right Forward — Lieutenant Russell ^L W'illard Left Forward — Captain Fred H. McClintock Center — Lieutenant Lawson G. Bash Right ( iuard — Lieutenant Samuel Friedlander Left (iuard — Lieutenant ( )rsen j. (iraham Substitute — Lieutenant I)a\i(l .M. Wallace "B" Company "B" Company "D" Com])any Medical Detachment "I" Company AL G. Company The following men represented the Regiment on the enlisted men's team : Right Forw'ard — Sergeant Robert A. Evans Left Forward — Corporal .Albert M. Young Center — Prixate Paul .\. Deegler Right Guard — Sergeant (ieorge .\mbacher Left Guard — Corporal Sinion A. Rhoades Substitutes — Corporal William Frey Private ( )llie .\ckroyd - Corporal John Fallon Corporal Harold C. Marshall Page Three Forty-three "A" Company "B" Company "C" Com])any "C" Company "B" Company "C" Company "B" Company "G" Company ",\r' Comjiany E Infant^ry Both teams started tlie season in whirlwind forni, and defeated every team that o])posed them. But the performance of similar teams from tlie 311th Field Artillerv was equally as good. Finally both championships rested between the .Sllth Field iVrtillery and the 315th Infantry. The teams we had played and defeated up to this time were as follows; Officers - 64 316th Infantry - - - - 18 34 304th Ammunition Train - - 21 - 36 154th Depot Brigade - - - 23 28 313th Infantry - - - - 16 315th Infantry 315th Infantry 3 1 5th Infantry 315th Infantry 315th Infantry 315th Infantry 315th Infantry 315th Infantry 315th Infantry Enlisted Men 67 313th Infantry 35 316th Infantry 56 304th Ammunition Train 84 312th Field Artillery - 48 324th Signal Battalion ■ 13 16 19 9 13 It was arranged to play both games oft' with the 311th Field Artillery on the same night in the main auditorium of the Y. M. C. A., where all the other games had been played. To a man the 315th Infantry turned out to support its teams, and the most enthusiastic rooter of all was Colonel Rosenbaum. The supporters of the Artillery were almost as numerous. The bands of both units were present. The enlisted men's teams started the evening's performance and, at the end of the hrst half, the "doughboys" led with a score of 11 to 7. Their defense had been perfect, the Artillery scoring all of their points by fouls. Then the officers played the first half of their game. But they were not so successful, the Artillery- men ha\ing a lead of eight points at the end of the half. Score 17 to 9. The enlisted men then took the floor to finish up their game, thoroughly refreshed after their long rest. The game remained fairly close until about the last five minutes of play, when the "doughboys," with a sudden and unexpected burst of speed, played their opponents otif their feet. The game ended with a score of 30 to 20, and of the 20 points scored against us only four were scored by field goals, the other sixteen being scored by Hughes, left forward, who had the habit of never missing a chance to shoot a foul goal. In fact, this same man scored the t\yo field goals, thereby scoring every point that was made by his team. In the second half, the officers made a valiant attempt to overcome the lead, and in the last few minutes of play it looked as though they were going to do so. But the time was not sufficient, for the whistle blew with the score 26 to 22 in favor of the 311th Field Artillery. However, this divided the honors, and all who wit- nessed the games were satisfied with the result. This was the finish of basketball at Camp Meade, but our teams played several post-season games. The officers played one game against the Catholic University of Washington, D. C. winning it in the last few seconds of play by Page Tbree Forty-tour The 51' r~ Tnfanttr^ a cle\er shot hy Lieutenant Willard from the center of the floor, the final score beins; 22 to 21. The enHstccI men tried their skill in three games; two with St. Columbia, the American League champions, of Philadelphia, and the other against Alt. St. Josejjh College of lunmitslnirgh, Marylaiul. All resulted in defeats for us, but they wen scores : 3L^lh IntaiUry - ,S15th Inl'antry 315lh Inlantrv - all close and hard- fought contests. The following were tht - 29 St. Columbia - - - - - Z}> 18 St. Columbia - - - - 25 - 29 Mt. St. Joseph College - - - 31 The basketball season of 191S-19 found us in the A. E. V . in I'rance. Shortly after we moved back from the devastated region aroun<l Danuillers to the Souilly area, the Division athletic officer announced that the \arious units would com])ete for the Division championship : that the winning team would represent the Division in the Corps series, and, if successful there, in the .\rm\' series, and so on up to the final championship of the A. E. ]■". .\s a result of this announcement, a call for candidates for the Regimental team was sent out, ;uid when they re])orted, it was sur])rising to note how nianv of the old-timers had departed from the Regiiuent. We had but three days of practice before the first game was played, and this practice was held on a court "B" Company had constructed in one of its billets, a huge barn. However, a team was formed which finished the league undefeated. Many of the miits in the Division did not organize teams, so it was only necessary for us to plav three games in order to win the Divisional championship. The first game was on ALarch 6th, 1919, and by March 11th we had carried away the honors. The following were the teams jjlayed and the scores : 315th Infantrv - - - 41 316th Infantrv - - . . S 315th Infantry - - 12 312th Field Artillery - - - 5 315th Infantry - - - 32 304th Ammunition Train - - 16 On the morning of March 12th, we left by motor-truck for (londrecourt, where we played the 88th Division that afternoon, in the first game of the 9th Corps series. Then and there we realized that our chances of winning this cham- pionship were small, for we learned that all the other teams in the league were composed of star players picked from the entire divisions. Nevertheless, we intended to see it through, and our opponents always knew that they had been playing basketball before the game was over, even though some of the .scores made against us were rather large. In the game with the 88th Division, the score stood 26 to 5 at the end of the first half. However, we came back with a rush in the second half, scoring 21 points to their 12, making the final score of the game 38-26. The following day we journeyed to Foul, where we played the 35th and 28th Divisions before returning to our own area. The scores were as follows: 315th Infantry, 79th Division - - 22 35th Division - - - 36 315th Infantrv, 79th Division - 11 28th Division - - 47 Page Tbree Forty-fiye The 515th Infanttry On March 22nd, we again returned to Toul via motor-truck to play all the remaining games on the schedule, as we had no suitable place in which to play in our area. We were there until the 27th, and during that time we played the following games : 315th Infantry, 79th Division - - 20 .S8th Division - - - 59 315th Infantry, 79th Division - 28 35th Division - - 32 315th Infantry, 79th Division - - 20 2Sth Division - - - 39 315th Infantry, 79th Division - 39 9th Corps - - - 13 315th Infantry, 79th Division - - 2 9th Corps (Forfeit) In this last game with the 35th Division, winners of the Corps championship, they had attempted to start the game with three substitute players : but inside of ten minutes they had all their regular players in the game, for by that time we had a substantial lead of fourteen points. As it was, they just barely had time enough to recover and win the game. In the game with the 9th Corps, it was decided that the losing team should forfeit the other game which had been postponed. By defeating them we kept out of last place in the league. Upon our return we found that the Division was moving to the Rimaucourt area. We remained in this latter area only a short time, but while there we played one game against the Hosjjital Center team, picked from the units of Base Hospitals Nos. 58, 59 and 64, which were still stationed there. It was an easy victory for us by a 48 to 10 score. We also played one game in our next area around Nantes, and this proved to be our last one in the A. E. F. It was against the 13th Marines, who were stationed in Nantes, and resulted in a victory for us by the score of 21 to 6. The following men represented the 315th Infantry in basketball while in the A. E. F. : Right Forward — Private Frederick Riesen - - _ - "M" Company Lieutenant Russell M. Willard - - - Hqs. Company Private Robert H. Davis _ _ - _ Hqs. Company Left Forward — Captain Fred H. McClintock - - - "B" Company Sergeant Daniel Evans ----- "D" Company Center — Sergeant Robert A. Evans - _ _ "A" Company Young - - - "B" Company Sergeant Harold C. Marshall - - - "M" Company Private Michael Donahue - - - - Hqs. Company Left Guard — Corporal William Frey _ - - - "C" Company Right Guard — First Sergeant Albert M Page Three Forty-six The 515 th Infantt^ry BOXING- AND WRESTLING Boxing and wrestling were by far the most popular of all s])orts within the Regiment, as far as spectators were concerned. Interest was shown in these sports, esjiecially the former, immediately after the arrival of the first contingent of troops in the Regiment along the latter ]iart of the month of September, 1917. By the middle of ( )ctober, a platform had been erected in the center of the Regimental block of buildings, and matches could be seen as often as three or four nights a week. I'or the most part these bouts were between men of the Regiment, but upon numerous occasions other units accepted our challenge and sent over a string of fighters. The visitors always returned to their own outfits disap])ointed, for we never lost one of these dual meets. These exhibitions brought forth many illustrious fighters, such as "Young Johnny Dundee" (Saddler John DeLuise), "Joe" (iavin, "W'hitcv Baker" ( Cor- ])oral Walter F. Rrzozowski), "Stanley Hinkle" ( Private Roland Hamilton), and "Eddie" Cavanaugh ; also wrestlers Sergeant .Stanley L. Ilern and Private, first class, Vincent Mammacari. .Several weeks later Division Headc|uarters exhil)ited a great interest in these sports, particularly boxing, for it developed the quickness of the eye and muscles necessary to the proper handling of the rifle in bayonet work. So Division Headquarters issued schedules of many matches to be held throughout the Division. The best of these were held at the Liberty Theatre, and in all of them some of the above mentioned men represented oin* Regiment in a very creditable style. While en route for France on the U. S. .S. America, an interesting match was held between the Army and the Navy, which consistetl of four bouts. The first went to the Navy, the .sailor having handled his oi)])onent so roughly in the first round that the fight had to be stopped. The second was declared a draw, and the third a win for (Savin. In the final bout, six rounds, "Eddie" Cavanaugh, lis pounds, held his opponent, 1.^8 pounds, to a draw. The ])opularity of these s])orts nowise lessened in I'rance. Shortly after the signing of the armistice, the newspapers were filled with ever incre;ising accounts of bouts taking place throughout the entire .A. E. F. When the Regiment arri\ed at the Souillv area, a Regimental string of boxers and wrestlers was called together, but its ranks were sadly depleted when the call came for material for the Divisional team, leaving only five out of an original twelve. They were Corporal William McCartney, Headquarters Company ; Private, first class. Albert E. Riley, "C" Company: Private John I*". Monahan. "V." Com]jany ; Private Frank Viviano. "G" Company, and Corporal Ceorge W. McCool, "G" Company. Of these, McCartney would have made the Divisional team had he not sustained @ Page Three Forty-seven ^15th Infantry is; "SPf A !!.■;•»: -3 f^^: 'H-rit^ \-,v. A-^ '■ fM •^P Regimental Boxing at Camp Meade a fractured arm in one of tlie Regimental bouts, in which he secured a "knock- out" in the first round against a man from the 316th Infantry. From the 1st of February until our departure for the United States on May 17th, Lieutenant Russell M. Willard, Regimental athletic officer, arranged at least one boxing match a week within the Regiment for the entertainment of all. For the most part these matches consisted of bouts between men of the Regiment, but now and then a stranger would come over to try his skill. In meeting these outsiders McCartney added further to his laurels by getting a draw with Kenny, of the Is-sur-tille Bakery, and a decision in four rounds from Samson (colored), of the 308th Pioneer Infantry, who at one time had been sparring partner to the world-famous "Battling" Nelson. Also, Riley won in three rounds from an aspirant from the 312th Field Artillery, but lost the de- cision to a 311th Field Artilleryman, after fighting an extra round. However, he came back strong while in Rimaucourt by knocking out Corporal Valento, of the Is-sur-tille Bakery, in the first round. It would be impossible to follow the fighting careers of the 315th Infantry men on the Divisional team, otherwise than by the brief history of each, which follows : Private Roland Hamilton (Stanley Hinkle), 145 lbs. Headquarters Company Hinkle fought about twenty fights while at Camp Meade, Maryland, some of the principal ones being with Kane of the 311th Field Artillery, which he won by a knock-out in the first round; with Harry O'Donnell, 314th Infantry, won by a knock-out in the first round : with "Joe" O'Neil, draw, six rounds ; and with "Paddy" Sylvester, decision, six rounds. Page Three Forty-eiglit The 515 th Infantry' "I Tnf-n;m^''''l'T"'"'"''T^'''%''' '""-'" '-' ''>■='"■ "'^'i L't-utcnant Dean Mnh So ; • , r ■",■■'" ""' ^"' '"l^ "^^'^^ *h^ Divisional boxing team. Wh le a rl-,«^"A^r'"''''n"n"''''' "".'^ '°"'^ °^ ^'^'^ '^^^^ "^^'t ^^^"'^e has in the welterwcicrht ^n r.rl"' ,r' ^^'t^^y^I^l^t champion of the French Army, lost to H ,kle terent occasion;,. His last match in Pans was with Eustache ex-welterwei-ht chami„on of Prance, from whom he won on a decision. ^^eltcru eight CcKPOR.M, Walter F. Bkzozowski (Whitev Baker), 142 lbs. "F' Company Baker did not do any hghting while at Camp Meade, except a few exhibition pkce'o"'thr7Si,"D" """'r "'""-^^ ^'""'^ ™""^" "°— »- e^^il't 1 1 Cnrn f .1 ^^,''\ ^'y.'^'™ '^"^"'S tcam. While at Souilly he fought a-ainst i:67o:\ri s:'. !^i:'^'^'"- ^"^^'"- ^"^ ^-^^- -^ «™- -^ the^nd^:^:^n; in th^f^""'^ ?-\ 'f^'T''. J'"^ '"'" '" "^^ liospit'-il. and he did not again appear u r [•^,""'' ^'^^ ^'^■'^'"" ^^'i^^ i" 'lie Kimaucourt area where he f 5 1 Wilhe Ritchie" an exhibition bout " Saddler John DeLu.se (Young Johnny Dmulee), 128 lbs. XT T^ Supply Company \oung Dundee's record is a long and clean one. While at Camp Meade he fought at least thirty bouts, and never lost one. .Among his principal yktories were: a decision against '•Billy" Bevens in four rounds Ta draw uX " ol niw" Piazzi. ten romuls ; a win from ".Andy" Burns in six rounds : Tiul k loJk- t in the third round against "Patsy" DeLucco 4ir."\"^''V'T^'', ''^''^'"" °" *'''' Regimental team while at Chaumont-sur- Aire, where he fought two exhibition bouts against "\\illie Ritchie "He Z<, then taken to Souilly for the Dixisional team. ^U. fought but one tiHit for he Division against Morse of the 9th Corps, whom he stopped in four rounds IHs fir't'l \';,'.f' ""' °^ ''■'; ^,7' "^ '''' ^^'^' "'^i^'^" '^^"^ to show in pTrl : h. hrst bout there was with JIusson, the clever Frenchman. The bout ended o mee^Hn "" ""•''' '?-f^^"'1^ ^ '"^ ''''' ^^ --« ^-=i"ed the follow ngTeek o meet Hus.son again. Ihis battle was a win for Dundee. He fought fiv? other bouts in Pans against clever Frenchmen, and won them all: two aga st Markle one with Maickle. and two with Markcourt. "^ ^uarkie, Mecjiamc Joseph Gavin. 118 lbs. Supply Company nnri n,!,^ ^T'V^^'"''''^''' ^^''''' ^°°^ °" '"'^ °"^ ^''^'^ ^^■''>^^ anywhere near his weight sTth Tnf of the 315th nfantry, McArnold, 312th Field Artillery, Brady .313th Infantry, and "\oung Mayo" of the Base Hospital. All of these bouts were won by the knock-out route, except the one with Mayo, who went the wSo J distance but ended on the short end of the decision. On board the U ss Hirn'.v; ]^7!-' '"'^ ''' '''''°''-''^' ^''.^ "^'"^ °^ ^'"'^^' ^hom he beat in six rounds: mrt of aS '"fQiQ'°'i"'f'-°" '''''^' '^'-^ =^"">' ^""■^^'- ^^=1^^ ^t Souilly in the early part of March, 1919. Fighting as a member of the Divisional team, he met and defeated Meehan ot the 35th Division, and Gallagher of the 9th Corps P.nge Three Fort.v-nine The 515 th Infant^ry II His career in Paris in the squared circle was one of great success. There he met and defeated Glace, the cle\er French bantam, and secured two draws from Dolet, another Frenchman. His last appearance in the ring while in France was at Nantes, where he met "Young Hartman" of the 82nd Aero Squadron, who had made a great reputation around Nantes, winning from all his opponents. Gavin knocked him out in the third round of a scheduled six round liout. Gavin's ring career while in the army was a great success, for in all his fights he never came out on the losing end. Private Edw.xrd (Eddie) C.-wanaugh, 118 lbs. Company "B" Cavanaugh fought many battles while at Camp Meade. Among these he secured a draw with "Johnny Dundee," 315th Infantry. His biggest fight took jflace at the Liberty Theatre against "Joe" McGuirk of the 312th Field Artillery. It was a battle every minute throughout the entire six rounds and ended in a draw. (^)n the way over seas he met a sailor by the name of Britt, 138 lbs., and in a fast exhibition of boxing held him to a draw for six rounds. While fighting at Souilly on the Divisional team he met Corporal Smith, of the 9th Corps, and Harry Forbes of the 35th Division, both fights resulting in wins for him. His Paris record was on a par with the other boxers from the Divisional team. There he fought and beat Alec Pippo, an Italian, in a fast bout. And there also he took the decision from Faroe, LeFavre, and Ritz, all Frenchmen. His last fight in the A. E. F. was at Rimaucourt, where he beat Lyons of the 36th E\acuation Hospital in four rounds. Sergeant Stanley L. Hern, 125 lbs. Company "H" Hern did no wrestling while at Camp Meade. He commenced his army career as a wrestler when the Division was in the Souilly area, where he was a member of the Divisional team. His first bout was with DePino of the 35th Division, from whom he won in 1 minute and 35 seconds. At Commercy, he met Adams of the 9th Corps, from whom he got the decision after going the full period of time and an extra fi\e minutes. These victories qualified him to enter the 2nd .\rmy championships, which were held in Toul on March 17, 1919. There he met Nelson, of the 5th Division, and lost after a hard fought struggle lasting several minutes. Private, First Class, Vincent Mammacari, 162 lbs. Company "H" Mammacari started his career as a wrestler in Rome. Italy, and held his own among his countrymen. On coming into the army he decided to win laurels from his fellow soldiers. While at Camp Meade he met Ziegler, a former New York amateur champion, and stayed on the mat with him for six minutes. Pallnian, the heavyweight, however, was a stumbling block for him. Beating this big fellow once, he lost out to him at the second meeting for the championship of Camp Meade. While in France in the Souilly area, he was a successful competitor for the Division wrestling team. Representing the Division, he met Hanson of the 35th Division and was defeated by breaking a toe after about two minutes on the mat. He was unable to meet any one else until after we arrived at the Rimau- court area, where he met Olsen, of the Is-sur-tille Baker\', whom he defeated in six minutes of asjgressive wrestlinsf. It Page Three Fifty The 515th Infanttry Tlic game of soccer was perhaps played more Iiy llie various coinpaiiies in the Retfi- inent tliaii any other Ramc, princiiially liccause it is an excellent form of exercise and a great numher can take ])art in it; and also hecanse it can he played in almost any kind of weather and on almost any kind of grounds. Wliilc the Regiment was in the United States, it was played for the purpose of exer- cise only, hut in I'Vance its possihilities as a sport were developed to a greater or less extent. The full credit for this develojiment is due to Mr. George II. Burford. of the Y. ]\r. C. A., wdio was assigned to the Regiment ahout the first of Fehruary. 1919. In the States he had heen actively engaged in this sport, having coached three champion- ship teams in the New England states. Within a few weeks he had aroused a keen interest in the game. and. when he sent out a call for candidates for a Regimental team, some very i)ronHsing material reported for practice. We were in the Souilly area at this time, and I'or the ])urpose of training, the candidates were called t<i Chaumont- sur-.\ire and hilleted there. By the tirst of March a very crcditahle team had liecn whipped into shape. The series for the Divisional championship was scheduled to start in the very near future so. for the purpose of a work-out, a practice game was arranged with the 304th Sanitary Train. The residt of this game was very disappointing and showed that there was need of much hard work if we were to contend successfully for the Divisional honors. -As later results showed, however, our practice game liad lieen with the very hest team in the Division, for they won the championship without any great difficulty. A 9 to score in favor of the Sanitary Train was the result of this game. The second week in Marcli the Divisional scries started. In this series our team played four games, winning two and losing two. Tlie fidlowing were the results: ,315th Infantry. 2 — .^i6th Infantry, ,W4th Sanitarv Train, 4 — 315tli Tnfantry. 3I2th Field .\rtilery. 7— 315th Tnfantry. 315th Infantry. 2— 314th Infantry, -Mso. while in the Souilly area, inter-company games to decide the Regimental championship were arranged and ])layed. Before the championship could be decided. we moved from this area, and no chance for playing off the balance of the games pre- sented itself, as we were too busy preparing for an early return to the United States, LINE-Ur OF THE REGIMENT.\L TE.\M Private John Camp. M. G. Comi)any Private Horace Crawl, "Si. G. Company - Sergeant W. J. Devlin, "A" Company Sergeant Robert .\. Evans, "A" Company Corporal Jciseph Mulvey, "C" Company- Private John Hoffman, M. G. Company - 1st Sergeant Karl Ley. "L" Company Private l.inwood Mers. M. G. Company - Private Dennis Gilmore. "M" Comjiany Private Frank Stockdale, "A" Company - Private John Crawford. "M" Company Private John McLaughlin. "R" Company - Private Joseph Wolf, Hqs. Company - Sergeant Joseph Davidson, "C" Com])any Private hrank Schradcr, Med, Dct, - Goal Goal Right Fullback Left Fullback Right Halfback Center Halfback Left Halfback Left Halfback Center Forward Inside Right Inside Right Outside Right Inside Left Inside Left Outside Left Page Three Fift.v-one The 515th Infanttry II Field Events The first event of any importance in tlie line of field sports while at Camp Meade was in tlie nature of a field meet, and took place on Liherty Field on Liberty Day, a day devoted to various exercises in promotion of the Second Liberty Loan. Practically every unit in the Camp had entries in every event. When all the points scored by the various organizations were totaled up it was found that the 315th Infantry had won the pennant by a very substantial margin. Previous to the Liberty Day field meet there had been a two and a half mile cross- country run. In this event one hundred and twenty-six men from the various organi- zations started and one hundred and six finished. There were prizes for the first five men to finish, and also a team prize, which was won by the 316th Infantry. The 315th Infantry had several entries, but Thomas Patterson, of "I" Company, was tlie only one who came in for a prize, finishing fifth. On January 1st, 1918, a six and a half mile cross-country race was held in Phila- delphia, Pennsylvania, in which teams were entered from Camp Meade. Camp Dix, the Philadeljiliia Navy Yard, and the Ambulance Corps of Allentown, Pennsylvania. There Patterson further added to his laurels by winning the first military prize, for lie led the entire field at the finish. However, Camp Meade lost out for the team prize, as it had not entered a full team. The team prize went to Camp Dix. The 31Sth Infantry held a big field meet on Memorial Day, May 30, 1918. Some of the events were the sack race, the three-legged race, the equipment race, the obstacle race, the broad jump, the grenade throw, and the wig-wag and semaphore for accuracy and speed. The winner of each event got five dollars worth of trade at the Regimental Exchange, second place received three dollars' worth, and third place one dollar's worth. "K" Company won the meet, with "L" Company second and "I" Company third. In France, shortly after the signing of the armistice, plans were laid for the great Inter-Allied track and field meet to be held in Paris. In order to bring fortli all of the best talent in the A. E. F., track meets were held in each division, and the men winning- first place in any event qualified for the preliminary try-outs for the great event in Paris. In the 79th Division meet held at Souilly on \larch 26, 1919. Harry Rabinowitz, Headquarters Company. 315th Infantry, won the eight mile Marathon in 53 minutes, and Tliomas Patterson, "I" Company, finished third. Alfred Carson, Jr.. got second in the broad jump. However, Rabinowitz, who had qualified for the semi-finals at Paris was unable to compete, owing to the early departure of 79th Division for the L'nited States. For the purpose of developing the physical well-being of the entire Army. G. H. Q. issued orders that every man in the A, E. F. would take part in every event of a Pen- tathalon, which accompanied this order. So. while in the Rimaucourt area, every man in the Re.giment went through the record course. When the records of the companies were averaged, it was found that "G" Company was the winning company of the Regi- ment. It was planned that "G" Company should compete for the Brigade champion- ship, and. if successful, for the Divisional championship and soon up to the A. E. F. finals, but the return of the Regiment to the United States in May, 1919, prevented the carrying out of these plans. Page Three I'''itt.v-two The THE CHAPLAIN'S WORK I \\ ritteii liy the Kditors) In any history which deals with welfare work in the 315th Infantry, jironii- iKiit mention must be made of the work of the Chaplain, who ministered not only to till' spiritual needs of the Kesiiment hut to its ])hysieal needs as well. In this brief account of the Cha|)lain's work, the term Chaplain is used in a collective sense to denote all the cha])lains who jdanned and labored and fouj(ht in the interest of the ,il5th Infantry; it includes those who serxed with the i-iegiment tluring the days of training in the United States and h'rance, those who served during the period of active operations, and those who served during the months following the armistice. F.ach in turn gave his liest to the Regiment, and each has taken his place in the memory of its members. The position of the C"ha])lain in the Regiment was unlike that of anv of its other menibers. Mis posili(.in brought him iiUo close and frc(|uent contact wilii officers and men. and he came to know, as no other man possibly could, the thoughts and views of both groups, .\lthough commissioned as a first lieu- tenant, the Chaplain, in the performance of his duties, was brought into intimate association with the men of the Regiment, and they in turn felt a closer kinship to him than to any of the regular line officers. In the nature of things, conditions could not be otherwise. Thus the Chaplain c.une to act as an important connecting link between officers and men. enaljling both to gain a cle;irer con- ception and ;ippreciation of the other's thoughts and actions. The Chaplain's work was of the most diverse and intricate nature. To the mind of the average layman, the work of an army chaplain consists simplv in holding religious services for the living and burial services for the dead. Such a thought was not borne out in actual practice, for. as a matter of actual fact. such duties formed the smallest part of the Chaplain's work. In the .M.^th Infantry the Chaplain wielded a ]W)werfu! influence in the daily life of the mem- bers of the Regiment, lie became their confidant in matters which thev could not discuss with others : he undertook missions and responsibilities for them which they were not able to undert.nke themselves because of the restrictions of military training; he hel])ed them in an educational way: he ])rovided them with entertainment: through his efforts they were enabled to secure m.mv of the comforts and luxuries of life which otherwise thev would luive been forced to forego: he directed their activities and energy into channels which were con- ducive to their best health and interests; and last, but most im])ortant of .ill. he acted as their religious adviser and brought to them spiritual aid and comfort during the most trying ex])eriences of their lives. The work' of the Clia])l.iin needs no written ])raise or laudation, for the results of his untiring and imseltish devotion to the cause of the RegimeiU have been permanently engraved on its memory. Ills work has won for him a ])lace in the heart of every member of the ,il5lh Infantry, and his reward is to be found in the sense of duly well done and in the esteem and admiration which he has so worthily earned. I I P.igo Tlui'f IMI'l.v-tliri'e ll The 315 th Infant^ry I — ^h- @ > « X u >5 C U K Page Three Fifty-four The 515th Iivfanttry Memorial Service for the Dead of the 315th Infantry, November 17, 1918 An account written hy Cliaplain Richard V. Lancaster, 3I5th Infantry ( )n the first Sunday after the Kcsimi-nl had settled in the towns of Uamvillers and Etraye immediately following the armistice, as the Regimental Chaplain. I called the men together for a memorial service in honor of the men who had fallen. The Damvillers service was attended hy memhers of Second Battalion. In Etraye, Lieutenant Colonel Burt issued an order for the assem1)ling of the h'irst and Third Battalions in an open field just on the edge of town. F>riga- dier (ieneral Johnson, then in command of the Brigade, with his aides, was one of the attendants at the service and spoke hriefly near the close of tlie service in honor of the men. .My own memorial address was as follows: "We have come together to-day for a doulile purpose — to render homage and honor to those of our comrades who ha\e fallen on the field of battle, and to return our thanks to .Vlmight)- (iod for tlie \ictt>rious close of tlie most ghastly w^ar that ever cursed humanity with its (jresence. It is not a time for many words to be s])oken. It is rather such a time as makes one wish to draw aside to some quiet j)lace and bow his lu-ad on his breast, and in eager, l>ate<l breath say, "( ) God, 1 thank thee." It will always be a proud memory that we fought up to the minute of elex'en o'clock, that not one fibre of our muscle was relaxed by all the rumor of peace, but that with all our energy and might we gripped and clutched and fought in hope that our enemy's position would crack, and he be forced to retreat. It will always be a regretful memory that within the last day, nay even within the last hour of war, we were forced to see comrades fall on the field before us. Some of you have said over and over again what a j)ity that so and so fell in the very last moment. Yes, God knows a thousand pities, but their falling is a challenge to us. It is a voice that calls us to new duties and higher enter])rise. We shall soon be walking away from the field of battle: before many weeks, it may be, we shall be taking otir place again among the friends and associates in home and business. To what sort of life and purpose shall we go back? With what spirit shall we take up the tools that we ha\e not handled for many months? Men, let us go in the old fields again with a refined and new life. Let us plant in those fields the best that service and sacrifice here had to teach us. and. facing the future with grim yet humane determination, let us fill up the measure of the sacrifice of those who have given their life for their coimtry. their hope and their (iod. In these days and experiences through which we have passed we have gained and learned much. We have learned the awful waste of needless strife, we have seen the weakness of force when it is not in and for the right, we have learned the power of co-operation and comradeship, we have come to appreciate something of the brotherhood of man. We have experienced in a signal way the joy of \ictory and the finished task. More than this we have tried out the reality of ])rayer and ha\e come to trust in the goodness and mercy of (iod. More than once we have drawn oursehes together and pressed on to find that the limits of our endurance and strength were farther off than we thought they were. We have taken a new measure and appraisement of our manhood. Let us then go back into the life at home and invest these things which ex])erience has given us here in such a way that men may say of us as they did of (Cromwell's soldiers that they not only knew how to fight but how to live. Let us start going in the life of .-\merica new streams of clear living ideals and power, so that in the coming days America shall be ushered forth into the ])urest light and the noblest life that she has ever known. May (jod be with us through each day of what now lies before us here, watch over our loved ones on the other side, and bring us to our homes in peace." @ Thii'p I-'ift.v-flvp ^HE 515th Infantry 1 I gi There are few persons who, unless they have become acquainted through personal experience with army life and army conditions, can appreciate at its full value the work of those organizations which have to do with the welfare of troops in camp, in the field and in battle. As part of America's great National Army, the 315th Infantry was afforded an opportunity of witnessing at first hand the work of the Red Cross, the Young Men's Christian Association, the Knights of Columbus, the Salvation Army and the Jewish Welfare Board in the World War, and to those organizations the Regiment will ever accord a full measure of thanks and gratitude for the work done in providing for the comfort and welfare of its members, a work which jilayed an all-important part in main- taining and upbuilding the morale of the Regiment as a whole. Throughout the life of the 315th Infantry each of the organizations men- tioned played its part. There is not a man in the Regiment who will fail to recall the welfare work done by the Red Cross at railroad centers and embarkation centers in the United States and in France, the work done in hospital centers at home and abroad, and the work done among the troops on the line and in the billeting areas. Recalled also will be the comforts and recreation provided by the Y. M. C. A. and K. of C. in Camp Meade, in the training areas in France, in the lines, and finally in the billeting areas which the Regiment occupied for so many weary months following the armistice. In the same manner, also, the Salvation Army and the Jewish Welfare Board helped brighten life in the army by their contributions of supplies and service. (Jf all the organizations mentioned, however, the Y. M. C. A. was the only one to maintain representatives who were permanently and exclusively attached to the 315th Infantry, and, as a result, the work of the Y. M. C. A. representa- tives attached to the Regiment becomes a logical part of the history of the 315th Infantry. The history of the Y. M. C. A. work in the 315th Infantry which follows was written by Judge Eskil C. Carlson, who served with the Regiment from the time of its arrival in France until its final demobilization at Camp Dix, New Jersey. Under the circumstances no one is better qualified to tell of the welfare work in the 315th Infantry than is Judge Carlson. A BRIEF HISTORY ( )F Tllh: 315T11 INFANTRY Y. M. C. A. This histiiry shall only attempt to relate lery generally the work of the V. M. C. .\. in the 315th Infantry during the period which the Regiment spent in h'rance. The (irst secretaries assigned to the Regiment were assigned about .\ugust 1, 1918. and included the following: William R. Peoples, a minister from Georgia; William C. Mitchell, a professor in the Extension Department of Oherlin College; and Eskil C. Carlson, a mu- nicipal judge from Des Moines, Iowa. These three men did their best to bring to the 315th Infantry the greatest possible amount of canteen supplies and entertainment. During the Montfaucon drive and the drive east of the Meuse, they managed to get sup- plies of cholocate and cigarettes through to the men, thought not, of course, in the cpian- tity that they or the men desired. In addition to securing supplies, the Y. M. C. A. representatives took over the task of sending lumie money for the ofificers and men who desired to have it forwarded to the United States. Just ])rior to the occupancy of the Grande Montague sector )iy the 315th Infantry, Mr. Mitchell left the Regiment, having been assigned to another organization, .\fter the armistice, the service of the "Y" was rendered in the desolate villages of Etraye and Damvillers. Although more than 60 kilometers distant from the base of supplies, the "Y," through the co-operation of the army's motor transport corps, was still able to furnish canteen supplies to supplement the otherwise monotonous army ration. irr Page Three Fifty-six The """ RY 1 V. M. C. A. Skikf.takiks Attai hi:i> to the ^'I-Vih Ixfantkv Slmrtly alter its arrival in tlie Smiilly area, three new secretaries joined tlie F^e.ifi- iiieiit. These were Mr. George Burford, an atliletic coach from Fitts1)iirs";h. Pennsyl- vania; Miss Blanche Evans, a school teacher from Pittshnrgh, Pennsylvania: and Miss Syhil Richards, an interior decorator from West Chelmsford, Massacluisctts. In this area the athletic work progressed rapidly and fnll sniiplics of hasehall. foothall and basketball materials were fnrnislied and games condncted in co-operation vvitli the unit athletic oflicers. Especially notable was the record of the boxers trained and man- aged liy Mr. Mnrford. In tliis area. also, the ■■>'" was enabled to eidargc and extend its entertainment service, whicli had been maintained more or less intermittently since the days of the training area. The work of the women secretaries was snch as to give the men of the Regiment the wholesome intlnence of .American womanhood. Men with only men are a sad group. but the inHuence of .American girls on a grou]) of .American men brings with it an atmosphere of home and an environment that is ui)lifting. The work of the women secre- taries during their stay with the 315th Infantry received the highest praise and com- mendation from Colonel Knowles. the Regimental Commander. Taken as a whole, the work of the "\'. M. C. .\. in the .M5th Infantry was carried on under the most tryin.g circumstances. Transjiortation was always a prime necessity, but unfortunately was most scarce in the Regiment and the Division Xevertheless the work carried on is felt to have been worth while, and each secretary is more than proud of hi.s connection with the 315th Infantry. The work of the secretaries would have availed but little without the co-operation of the various unit commanders. The officers of the Regiment were at all times more than willing and generous in their co-operation, so that whatever success was obtained is due in a considerable measure to those officers who made it possible by their spirit, help and influence. In closing, I can do no more than quote from the official inspector's report on the V. M. C. -A. work in the 315th Infantry which says in part: "The work as a whole was one which can best be estimated by thinking of what would have been the conditions had there been no such organization. ***** fhe Y. M. C. .A. has fulfdled a mission for which every officer and man wlm thinks and who analyzes will be eternally grateful.'' I S Page Tl I'itiy-seven The 515th Infanttrv Colonel Knowles Addressing Reciment at Than'Ksgiving Day Exercises in Damvillers 5 THANKSGIVING DAY AT DAMVILLERS (Xovemher 2,S. 1918) One of the days in France which we shall never forget was our Thanksgiving Day in Damvillers. At eleven o'clock the Regiment was assembled in the Public Square for a service of Thanksgiving. A platform had been constructed over against the building which was marked "Kranken Sammelpunkt." On one side the United States flag flew from its standard and on the other side were the Regimental colors. From this stand the Thanksgi\ing Service was held. General Kubn and his staff were our hon- ored guests for the day, as well as Brigadier General Johnson and his aides. Chaplain Willis, wdio had just come to the Regiment a short time before, made the opening ad- dress and sounded the note of general thanksgiving. Chaplain Lancaster was the ne.xt speaker. Then in turn there followed brief addresses by our Comniandin.g Officer, Colonel Tvnowles, by General Johnson and by General Kuhn. This service is one that will long I)e remembered by all of our men, as with full hearts we joined in Thanks- giving to God for our deliverance from battle and the cessation of active hostilities. Immediately following the service the Second Battalion gave its memorable Victory Parade. We had something of everything in that parade, and it was a scream from beginning to end. Commanding officers and men alike laughed until the tears ran down their cheeks. If some enterprising stage manager in America could have repro- duced that parade at home with all of its spontaneity and originality it would have netted him a cool million. The following is the order and make-up of the parade: 1. A platoon of smart, picked soldiers to represent the conciuering American .\nny on its way to Berlin. 2. The Band. 3. Three squads of men carrying full e<|uipment and loaded with German sou- venirs to represent our return home to Philatlelphia. 4. A piano on a wagon, to play while the band rests, and a quartet of singers. 5. The Kaiser, seated on a machine ,gun cart bearing the sign, "All dressed up and no place to go." 6. Two squads of German prisoners in charge of two Doughboys with fixed bayonets. '>- Page Three Fift.v-eigUt The 515 th Infan-trv -. — . 7. Voii I limlcnliurg, on a beer cart. 8. Twi) .squads of men to represent tlie M. P.s. 9. .\ (log hearing a large placard. "'The Salvage llonnd." 10. Two men loaded down with (jernian trinkets which they have collected bearing a sign, "1 got lost from my outlit." 11. .X man callmg "I'irst .Aid," and being assisted by two other nu-n who are ing him from the battlclield, followed by. 12. "Iodine. 1.1 14. 15. 16. "wo men carrying a football each, one being marked "CC I'ills," the anil ead- ther I'Onr men bearing on a litter the Crown Prince. h'onr men bearing I'^ritz F.itel. .\ wagon carrying a bath tub in which is .Max von Baden. l-dur men with large sign. "Onr .Artillery is balling Short." 17. Two si|uads drawing a one-pomider. IS .\ Ration Detail. 24 men carrying every conceivable sort of box and bucket. 19. .\ Rolling Kitchen, not a real kitclien but some sort of stove rigged up on one of the little carts used by the Boche to carry their machine guns. 20. One man drawing an empty cart bearing a conspicuous sign, "Government Issue of Chocolate." 21. One man dressed to represent Von Ilindenburg riding astriile a water cart. 2Z. Two small men wearing the largest size underwear and uniform issued by the Government and bearing a sign, "Perfect Fits." 2i. .\ Can of Jam mounted on a wagon and .guardeil carefully by an armed escort. 24. huelli.gence Section, one man. 25. Three Buglers, as prisoners under armed guard 26. .\ man dressed to represent a can of "corned w'illie." n . l'"our men bearing a wooden man, who will be von Tirpitz pelril'ied. 28. Joan of Arc. 29. Statue of Liberty. ,Sl). .\ man going on furlough. .^1. A hilarious group of soldiers just reaching hmne. .So impressive was the spectacle that a few days later orders were received at Regimental i leadqnarters to send the Second Battalion by truck to Toul to give the e.xhibit before Lieutenant General Bullard and his Headquarters troops. The impres- sion made there seems to have been every bit as pleasing as it was in Damvillers. and the followin.g communication was subsequently received and published to the command by Colonel Knowles; liii I H.W'KsciviNc Service .\T I).\mvii.i.eks @ Page Three Fift.v-nine iHE 515th lNFANT:"riY I s Thi; Leaping Group in the Victory Parahe J/iS^Si^ . -'-H; -T^v-, Von Hindenburg Passes in the Victory Parafie I'lijje Tliroe Sixty The 51^ \NTrR^ HEADQUARTERS SECOND ARMY American Expeditionary Forces OFFICE OF CHIEF OF STAFF December 15, l'M8. l-'roni: Cliief of Staff, Second .\rniy. To: Commanding General, 79th Division. Subject: Parade in Toul, December 4, 1918. 1. Tbe .\rmy Commander desires to express liis tbanlcs to you ami the Sec- ond Battalion, 315th Rcsjimeut Infantry, fur the parade held here iu Toul on De- cember 4th. 2. Me particidarly desires to recognize the cnerj;}' of Chaplain Richard V. Lancaster and .Major Samuel \V. I'leniin.si. .^15th Infantry, in preparin.tt such an amusement which is of great beuelit to all the troops that take part or who see it. STU.VRT HEIXTZF.l.M.W", Brig, General. G. S. G.\\V-ep 1st Ind. liq. 79th Division. .\in. E. F.. France. 17th December, 1918 — To Commanding; Officer, 315th Infantry, through Commanding General 158th Inf. Bri.gade. The Division Commander appreciates the success of the undertakin.i; and com- pliments the 315th Infantry. G. .v. WTLDRICK, Lt. Col., General Staff. Actg. Chief of Staff. 2nd Ind. Hq. ISSih Infantry ISrigade. .\. F. F.. 17 December. 191S. To Commanding Officer. 315th Infantry. 1. I-"orwarded; invitin.g attention to fore.nning. It is suggested that this be publisliecl to the Command. Bv command of lirigadier General Johnson: I.EOX.XRD SULLTV.AlX, Captain U. S. .\.. .\djutant. 3rd. Ilq. 315th Infantry. .\. F. F.. 21. Dec. 1918— To the C. O. 2nd Bn: 315th Infantry. The Re,gimental Commander desires that the Officers and men of the 2nd Bn. be apprised of the comjilimentary remarks of higher commanders. He also wishes to acknowled.ge the pleasure it gives him to note the high spirit of the regiment as was in part evidenced by the unique and entertaining celebration furnishetl by the members of the 2nd Bn. This paper will be returned through Chaplain Lancaster, whose energy, sug- gestion and direction contributed much to the success of the Thanksgiving cele- liration and the parade on Decenilier 4th. D.VVID !•:. WILLI. VMS. JR.. Captain, 31Sth Infantry. Adjutant. 1 1 Page Three Sixty-one I ^H- 0! The 515th Infant^ry Shows S The Regimental Show — "Salvage and Souvenir" During the winter. (1918-1919). every encouragement was given Ijy the higher com- mand to entertainments and athletics of every kind in the A. E. F., and in our Division it was more or less "put up to" each of the units to produce a show of some sort. Few things could have Ijeen more congenial to the spirit of our Regiment at that time than this and one urging to put something on was sufficient; so in the latter part of January serious tliought was given to the making of a Regimental play. Suggestions were gath- ered from every source, even Colonel Knowles and Lieutenant Colonel McKenna en- tering with keenest interest into the discussions that took place around the staff mess as to what form the body of the play should take. The one on whom the task of gathering u]} the suggestions, and of finally making the book of the play fell, was Chaplain Lan- caster. He enlisted with him in the effort Sergeant Jack Fields and Sergeant Robert Trunibauer. For two days these three sat behind a locked door in the chaplain's little room in Chaumont-sur-Aire and planned and thought and chose. On the morning of the third day "Salvage and Souvenir." a farce comedy in three acts with music, appeared and was more or less officially adopted as the Regimental prodigy. We cannot .give here the play in full. As interesting as it might be, it would require too much space, but the following synopsis will serve, we trust, both to describe and recall. ACT 1. — Curtain rises. — Four girls are seen washing clothes at a French lavoir. For two or three moments nothing is heard except the swish of the water and the slapping of the clothes. At front stage a middle-aged Jew enters, reading out in a low voice tile purchases of junk and salvage that he has made during the day. Presently from the other side of the stage there enters another Jew of about the same age. The two meet and gaze at one another in silent amazement. After a while they recognize each other and it is discovered that one of them is Morris Salvage and the other is Jacol) Souvenir. They are both from New York and are now in France for the pur- pose of buying up war souvenirs and junk of all kinds. Having been in business once in New York together, they decide now again to become partners. They agree also to buy a horse which is seen standing near the lavoir, and which evidently belongs to one of tlie washer-girls. They try to make their wishes known in French but fail. An .American soldier entering at the moment offers to act as an interpreter for them, and the purchase of the horse is made. Pleasantry follows pleasantry in the free and genial atmosphere of the French girls' coquettish presence until all hands engage in a simple dance. Presently the Angelns sounds, and serves to call the girls to an attitude of re» erence in which they troop quietly off stage. The Jews follow in meek but ignor- ant silence. ACT II. — The scene is a barn in which -American soldiers are billeted. .As the cur- tain begins to rise, call to quarters is blown and a dozen soldiers are seen in charac- teristic attitudes of repose and preparation for repose. A runner enters and hands the sergeant in charge a message from the Commanding Officer. Reading first to him- self and then aloud, the sergeant announces to the group that the regiment must move to the Front that night at 11:15. The soldiers decide then to spend the intervening hours in music and merriment, so song follows song and dance, and the time is passing merrily when the two Jews enter, seekin.g a "flop" for the night. The sergeant gives them permission to occupy the billet. He then orders packs to be made and briefly and snappily tells his men what there is before them and what he expects of them. They fall in and march, singing, out into the night. ACT III. — A section of a trench. — .\ guard walks up and down in the traverse. Sol- diers are lying here and there. Presently the guard cries, "Halt, who is there." The two Jews answer. They have wandered, without knowing it into the front lines and are now very much frightened. They are put under guard and confined in a nearby dugout as 1)eing suspicious characters. Word comes over the telephone to the lieu- tenant in cliar.ge of the platoon that the Germans are advancing. All the soldiers leap to position on the firing step of the trench and a real skirmish ensues. The firing in- creases in volume until a real engagement is simulated. Then all is quiet for a moment. .\ runner enters bearing an important message, which states that the German Empire and the .-Mlied Governments have arranged an Armistice, and that firing will be sus- pended at 11 o'clock. Soldiers, hearing the message, cheer in instant realization that Page Three Sixt.v-lwo The 515th iNFANnrnv tlie war is over. There enters then Red (."rciss (iirls and Army iinrscs. One <il' the girls turns out to be the tiancee of the lieutenant. The wounded soldier who was lirouglit in during the action is recognized to be tlie nephew of one of the Jews, and the ])lay ends in liapjiy reunions and high hopes of a speedy return honic. Morris Salvage - Jacob Souvenir I'lanchissense Town Crier Xapoleon. Tlie Horse The Sergeant Soldiers - Red Cross Girls .\rni3' Nurses CAST OF CHARACTERS bv ft Oli The play was helped alnn received a warm welcome An Hawaiian Dance (Female Impersonation) A Race Track Scene - - - - William F.lliscu .Vndrew Rodgers William .McDerniott Joseph King Salvatorc I'ercia \ Oscar Wagner ^Joseph McFadden Thomas Thring Jack Fields Jacob Mel". wen Josejih I'insman Oscar Wagner l-'red Muench \ I'rank McLaughlin "I John Ruiz _ .\ William McOerniott / Joseph King \cts wliich before every audience always S I'Vank McLaughlin } John Ruiz George Gennette W illiam Conway Joseph King Claude Mason John Schilling Lrenzied Acrobatics Jewish Monologue - John Ruiz - jJf.cfj.l-'i'^lfls Andrew Rodgers / W illiam Elliscu ^ - \\illiam .Spalding - - - Joseph McFadden The orchestra that went with the show was everywhere acclaimed as being one of the best organizations for its size that had appeared with any regimental or even divi- sional show. It was composed as follows: Corpora! Otto Dahl, Director ...__._ Piano Sergeant J. Roliert Trumbauer. Leader _ . . . . N'icdin Sergeant Frank Reynolds --.....- Drum Sergeant I'rank R. Schultz ---...- Clarinet Corporal Frank Merz -------- Saxophone Private .Albert Hall ---._--_ Trombone Private Charles F. Hardie -------- Cornet Private David J. Lewis -------- Flute @ "S.\LV.\(iF." -\XD "SolVE.NIu' "N.-vpoleon/' the Horse 5 Page Three Sixty-three ^ -* ATSTT^RY 1 HE Ijili.et Scene in "Sai.vace axd Souvenir' @ An Account of the Trip Taken hy the Regimental Show "Salvage and Souvenir" By Lieutenant J. N. McDowell, 315th Infantry On March 9, 1919, Chaplain Richartl V. Lancaster desiring- a leave of absence. Lieu- tenant J. X, McDowell, of Machine Gun Company, was detailed in charge of the Regi- mental show. Performances were given throughout the week of March 11th to 13th. inclusive, for the various companies of the Regiment. The lirst move was made to Pierrelitte. where the .312th Field .\rtillery was billeted. .\ theatre was constructed in an old barn by Sergeant Gladfelder and Corporal Barnes. and six shows, including one matinee performance, were put on for the Artillery. After covering the .'312th Field Artillery, the Division entertainment ofificer desired that the Show should tour the Division. A thorough search was made in the towns occupied by the re.giments and otlier units of the Division, but no available places could be found in which to stage the Show. So. on Marcli 24th. the Show was turned over to Captain David Fleming, entertainment ofificer of the 2nd .A.rm\". at Toul. Captain Fleming billeted the troupe at Base Hospital No. 51 just outside tlie city of Toul. Here performances were given for the several Hospitals of the Justice Group. I'or the first time in France there were spring beds with clean sheets to sleep in, there were light lunches served after the evening performances, and most important of all, there were fair nurses to call on and dance with. With an absence of reveille and taps and passes good anywhere in the Second Army at any hour of the day or night, it con- stituted a "tres bon" sector. On March 28th. we went up to Camp Leonval near Menil la Tour to play for the 24th Engineers. Hidden away off in the woods we found one of the best appointed theatres of our trip. Arriving about noon, as we did, it was an easy matter to put on a matinee show for 2:30. The matinee was for the 24th Engineers and the evening show was exclusively for the 522nd (colored) Pioneers. Our Jewish humor seemed to go miles over the heads of our dark audience, so we played all the slapstick comedy possible and the show went in great style. Owing to the scarcity of billetin,g accommodations at the various Air Groups and camps around Toul it was necessary for us to make our headquarters at the Justice Hospital Group and play the one night stands from there by truck. So, on March 29th, P.Tge Three Sixty-four The we left by truck for Lay St. Remy to play for the 138th Aero .S<|ua(lron. Upon our arrival there we found to our surprise and satisfaction a large hangar which ha<l been converted into a very fine theatre and gyninasium. Prior to the performance the cast played the orchestra a spirited game of liaskethall in wdiich the honors went to the former on account of superior numbers. Then came the surprise of our Thespian lives — pie and ice cream. Needless to say the performance went over like a "whizz bang" that evening. .After the Show we were invited to have some hot drinks and eats, and altogether it was a very pleasurable trip to Lay St. Remy. -March ,3l)th being a cold, blustery and snowy day we found it inadvisable tci move our scenery for a show at Pont a Mousson, so the day was spent in reading and writ- ing, followed by a dance with the nurses. The 31st found us moving bag. baggage and scenery to the 25th Aero Squadron where we showed on April 1st and 2nd. At a championship liasketball game on the evening of March 31st, between the 28th Division and the 2nd .Army teams, some care- less aviator crushed our ever-faithful "Cheval" rather badly. We proceeded on .April 3rd to Ouresches. where the 168th -\ero S(iuadron was located. It was here that several of the actors developed "temperaments" which neces- sitated the trans])C)sition of several members of the cast and some slight disciplinar\' action on the i)art of the commanding officer. Everyone was in fine spirits when we left on .April .Stli for Colombey les llelles. the I'irst .Air Depot of the A. E. E. This camp seemed like a reincarnation of Cam)) Aleade, and it was the finest and largest we struck on the entire trip. Our playhouse accommodated some 2.0(10 men and was built on very modern lines. It might be of in- terest to note that this theatre was constructed by Bosche P. W'.'s. captured by the 315th Infantr)' at Montfaucon. The hospitality accorded us here was simply wonder- ful and all keenly regretted our departure. The Toul theatre was our next stop. Here we played for four niglits. Our au- diences comprised all branches of tlie service and everyone did his very best to i)ut tlie show across in good style. Pf)ssibly being paid, through the efforts of Cor])oral Dahl and Lieutenant .McDowell, had something to do with the stimulated morale. This fin- ished our tour of the 2nd .Army Circuit, so on April 11th we piled in trucks for the long trip to Base Hospital No. 91 at Commercy, where we met many a comrade from the good old Regiment. .After the first evening's performance, we were invited to a dance given by the nurses for the enlisted men. Needless to say "a good time was had by all." The next day being a rainy one, several of the "stars" varied the ennui by calling on the nurses. This being a privilege accorded only to officers, some ingenuity was recpiired, and it must be said that there was no orchestra rehearsal as scheduled that afternoon. Leaving Commercy, we went to Camp Girard near Lerouville, where we ])layed on .April 13th and 14th before leaving for Alars la Tour (.Alsace). Beans were served ' *' ' ' '' ■' ' "Pas Electrique" for three nights compelled us to except a "hoky poky" show the first evening at there thrice a day for three days, leave without putting on any show Conflans. We left on the 18th for Verdun, where we were accorded a great reception by the 274th M. P. Company, many of whom were ex-members of the 3lSth. Due to lack of electricity, our audience was kept waiting until nine o'clock before the show could be put on by candle li.ght. The second evening went even better than the first and the daytime was spent by all in taking in tlie Citadel and the other si.ghts of the famous devastated city. While at Verdun, word was received by Lieutenant .McDowell thai the 79th Divi sion was leisurely moving towards the lunbarkation Port of .St. Nazaire. -As no real show e\er t<uired the .A. E. E. without playing Paris, or at least seeing Paris, all efforts were immediately directed towards Paris as our I'irst objective. The troupe movement was successfully accomplished, and witliout casualties of players or losses of baggage or scenery we landed in Paris on .April 21st, without orders, permission or authority. The troupe was left at the Gare I' Est, under the watchful eyes of the M. P.'s, while the First and Second in Command went to 10 Rue St. Anee to exjjlain things to the A. P. M. It might be said in passing that the mend)ers of the troupe left at the station were permitted to go out for lunch without a guard, the first and only time such a jirivi- Ic.ge was granted to a detained body of troops. This spoke well for the conduct and soldierly appearance of the men. Explanations were so very satisfactory to the .A. P. M. that he gave us passes .good for 72 hours in Paris. Upon arranging with the V. M. C. .A. Entertainment Officer, Dis- trict of Paris, for two performances to he given on the 23rd and 24th, respectively, at the Palais de Glace, it was an easy matter to secure an extension of 48 hours more on our passes. During our \'\ve days in Paris all of us were billeted in a large Red Cross Camp at Champs les -Mars near the Eiffel Tower. The days were spent in sight seeing. Pas; Throe .'iixI.v-Fivc The 515 th Infant^ry for vvliich the tive days were all too short, and that time was the most delightful of our stay in France. Having gotten into Paris without orders, the authorities were inclined to let us get out by the same means, but this proved to be somewhat difficult. However, after much frenzied running around on the part of Lieutenant McDowell and First Sergeant Glad- felder, orders were obtained authorizing us to leave on the 25th of April for Xantes, near which city the 315th was now located. On April 26th we landed intact at Xantes and found our Regimental Headquarters at Vertou, from which place we reported back to our respective organizations. Though subject to the discomforts of travel during inclement weather at times, on the whole, the trip was most enjoyable for all concerned, with a live-day stay in Paris as a most fitting climax. Lieutenant McDowell, as officer in charge, wishes to express his appreciation of the earnest and whole-hearted efforts on the part of all the members of the troupe. Corporal Dahl was not only to be congratulated on the success of his orchestra but also on his cornposition of the music for "Little Girl Are You Just the Same" and "Good-Bye, Boys, Until We Meet in the Good Old U. S. A.," both of which pieces made decided hits. Many times, on account of lack of facilities, it would have been impossible to have played but for the untiring efforts and work of Sergeant Gladfelder, "A" Company, Corporal Barnes, Headquarters Company, and others of the stage force. The Third Battalion Show — "The Crooks' As a result of the impetus given to theatricals by the Regimental Show. "Salvage and Souvenir," the suggestion of Major Lloyd that the companies of the Third Bat- talion each give a one hour production was eagerly seized upon. Such was the success of these one-act performances that the idea of a battalion performance was a natural se(iuence. although much of the talent for the Regimental show had already been drawn from the Battalion. There still remained, however, a number of men of ability, and early in March a rough outline of the Battalion show was staged. Persistent rumors that the Division was on the point of leaving the Souilly area rendered it im- possible to write, learn and rehearse an absolutely new play so an effort was made to combine the one-act performances of the companies. It appears that early in March there was a large demand for more plays for Divisional and Corps circuits, and Major Monaghan and Lieutenant Scudder, of the Division entertainment office, hearing that the Third Battalion had staged a show, asked that a special performance be given that they might judge of its availability for an extended tour. At this performance, our Commanding Officer, Miss Richards, of the Y. M. C. A., (attached to Regimental Headquarters), Major Monaghan and Lieutenant Scudder were present. The men of the Third Battalion were also present in force, and local color was added by the pres- ence in large numbers of the natives of Courouvre to whom an invitation had been ex- tended en masse. Although Lieutenant Scudder, who made the critique of the per- formance, found many places where the Show could be improved, those interested in the play were deeply gratified at his assertion that just as it was the performance was better than nine-tenths of those alreadj' on the circuit. In other words the play was acceptable in its present form and the next day the entire east, with Lieutenant Bing- man in charge, left Courouvre to tour various towns in the Divisional area. On leav- ing Courouvre, Mr. Nash, an actor by profession and in charge of coaching shows in tlie area, took a strong personal interest in the performance and introduced a one-act playlet of a robbery in fashionable New York termed "The Crooks." This skit, based on a short story by Richard Harding Davis, was sufficiently prominent to suggest that title for the entire performance, and therefore "The Crooks by Lloyd's Boys" became the title by wdiich the performance was known. Before leaving the Souilly area the play was staged at Division Headquarters before a large representative and critical audience that had seen all of the best shows from both Corps and Divisions, and the manner in which the performance was received by all present bore eloquent testimony to the fact that it was considered a great success. In addition to coaching the players, Mr. Nash took a personal interest in staging the performance, and at considerable ex- pense much new scenery and many elaborate female costumes were procured. The members of the cast preceded the Regiment to the Rimaucourt area, and when the Regi- ment arrived at Rimaucourt it was an entirely different and much improved perform- ance that greeted their eyes. The performance, beginning as a local amateur hit, had developed into a clever, well balanced, amusing and varied vaudeville entertainment. The program of the play as finally staged follows: Page Three Sixty-Six The 515 th Inkanttrv -I — I 5 Captain - Cut-Off. Orderly Stupid, Company Clerk Corporal Kiiiiior Private Never IJress Top Kicker - Private Always Tired - Private Flitter Marie. Sister of Xever Uress Miss Pills, Red Cross Nurse Little Egypt ■L" ACT I— A COMrA.W OKDKIJLV KOO.M Sergeant Thomas !•". Sheridan, Company Private Ivlwood Hatner, Company Sergeant Joseph Keenan. Company "L" Corporal Earle R. Hitchner, Company "L" Private Charles Ripa. Comi>any "L" Corporal Murray. Company "L" Corporal William Mullen, - Private Harry Mittcr. Private .Agostino Mellace, Private Josepli Thomas, Med, Det. Sergeant Edward (iallagher. Company "M" lindustan,"' "Oh How 1 Hate to Get Up in c impany „[.. c mpany •K" Cc impany •■L" Songs: "Hello, General Pershing, the Morning." Olio: Quartette — Corporal Mullen, First Tenor; Cook I'redericks, Second Tenor; Private Flitter, l'"irst Bass, and Sergeant Storck, Second liass. Songs: "Kentucky Babe." "Medley of Popular Songs," Solo: "My Belgian Rose," hy Private Charles M. I.ydon. Comi>any "M." ACT II— THE CROOKS First Sergeant Jnhn Sergeant Thomas !•' Man Losner's Son a Second Story j;an': ^ Duf. Pal Mr. Losner Thomas, Mr. Billy Dugan. F'lapper Jack Policeman Jim the Dip - Place: Lihrary of Time: Two .\. .M. Olio: Moiudoguc Private Thomas. Songs: "Rose of No Man's Land, "M" ,., ,. "K" !■'. O'Day. Company Sheridan, Company Cook Constant h'redericks, Comi)any Corporal Earle K. Hitchner. Company "L" Sergeant Joseph .V. Keenan. Company "L" Sergeant Charles H. Peck, Company "T" Home. Fifth .\ve.. New York. Mr. Losner's hy Sergeant Charles H. Peck, Songs hy Corporal "1 -Xever Knew Aliout You. Dear Mull Professor Bone Buttons Snowball Sam Iky Cohen Tough Guy - Dunce Secretary Pupils Scene Painter Property Men - Stage Carpenter Musical Director Coach - ACT III— BONEHEAD UNIVERSITY First Sergeant John F. O'Day, Company Sergeant William Gallagher. Company Corporal Holland. Company "M" and Private Goodman. Company Corporal Thomas Maher. Company Bugler Edward Paul. Coiujiany ".\1" "M" "K" "M" I" Corporal Raymond, Company "M" Sergeant Joseph .A. Vanarsdale, Company "M" Sergeant Frank J, Lister. Company "L" \ Corporal William Mullen. Company "1" ') Private Charles Lydon, Company "M" - - - - Private Gabriel Yenny Sergeant Vanarsdale and Corporal Raymond - - - Sergeant Elvin M. Baker Corporal William I-". Mullen Mr. Nash While at Rimaucourt, the performance was staged the following organizations at the places enumerated: .April 7th at Rimaucourt - - - - .April Sth at Lififol la Petite - . - . April 9th at Chambroncourt - - - - April Kith at Pirechainville - - . . .April 11th at Liffol la Grande _ . - April 12th at Chalvraines - - - - April 14th at Rimaucourt - _ - - April 16th at Signeville on eight different occasions for - 315th Infantry - 26th Balloon Companv 3rd Bn., 316th Infantry Div. Centre of Instruction 3I0th M. G. Bn. & 88th Divi. - 2nd Bn., 314th Infantry 315th Inf„ and 304th San. Train 154th F". A, Brigade The success of the performance may be attributed to two factors: the personal in- terest and excellent coaching of Mr. Nash and the attitude of the players themselves. The feeling was ever present with tlie latter that they re|)resented the Third Battalion, 315th Infantry, and must do their utmost to represent it worthily, They were also keeidy desirous of proving to audiences wherever they went that, although they had but a Battalion to draw from, they were capable of staging a performance as amusing and entertaining as those given by casts representing much larger or.ganizations. That they succeeded in so doing is the universal opinion of persons who were afforded an opportunity to witness their performance. Page Three Sixty-seven -I 1 I .^ The 315 th Inkant^ry Deing a THE LORRAINE CROSS Brief Account of the Official Emblem of the Seventy-Ninth Division PS During the fall of 1918, ( ieiieral Headquarters of the American Expedition- ary Forces spent much time in studying the question of the identification of troops in battle and of assembling them during the heat of action with its at- tendant confusion and dispersal of units. Finally, as a solution of the question, the idea of selecting distinctive in- signia for each division was adopted, the insignia to be worn by each member of the division on the upper left arm near the shoulder. This idea was imme- diately acted upon, and the commanding generals of all combat divisions were instructed to select insignia for their divisions and to submit them for approval to (jeneral Headquarters. One by one the combat divisions adopted their insignia, following official approval, and the plan, once in operation, proved to be so suc- cessful and of such an aid in stimulating the morale of the troops that it was later extended to include all organizations in the American Expeditionary Forces. The official insignia for the Seventy-Ninth division was selected and approved shortly after the signing of the armistice, while the 315th Infantry still held its jjosition in the >hell-torn villages of Etraye and Damvillers northeast of X'erdun. The insignia adopted by Major General Joseph E. Kuhn and his stafl:" as best symbolizing the history and spirit of the Seventy-Ninth Dixision proved to be none other than the Lorraine Cross, that ancient emblem of victory which was ado])ted in the 15th century by the House of Anjou as a symbol of trium])h following the defeat of Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy, in the Battle of Nancy. For over five hundred years the double traverse Cross of Lorraine had served as an emblem of victory and freedom for the brave, liberty-loving ])eo]jle of Lorraine and certainly no other emblem could have better represented the historx' and traditions of the Seventy-Ninth Division. The historical background for the adoption of the Lorraine Cross as the official emblem of the Seventy-Ninth Dix'ision is to be found in, first, the fact that during its period of training in America the Seventy-Ninth Division was popularly known as the "Liberty Division" ; second, the fact that during all the period of its operations in the World War the Division faced the enemy in Lorraine, the province which the Lhiited States was pledged to win back in its entirety for France ; and third, the fact that victory finally crowned the efforts of the Seventy-Ninth Division in face of the most desperate opposition. The insignia of the Seventy-Ninth Division, as officially adopted, consists of a gray Lorraine Cross on a blue shield with a gray border. In the passing of time, a slight modification has been made in the insignia as worn by officers, with whom it has become customary to wear as the official insignia a silver Lorraine Crcjss on a blue shield with a silver border. In its hues of silver and gray and blue, the insignia of the Seventy-Ninth Division has become dear to the hearts of thousands of the best of America's manhood, and it is with a sense of high honor and pride that the members of the .il5th Infantry, as part of that larger organization, the Division, recognize as their military emblem the Lorraine Cross, an outward symbol wherein is centered a fervent and undying love for liberty, justice and freedom. Q P.ib'e Tlu-ee Sixty -eight The 515th Infant^ry Xd liistory of an American rcs,nnicnt would lie complete that did not include somewhere within its ])af;es a record of the wit anrl humor that ,<,'ocs with life in the army. War, at its best, is a hard, grinding;, melancholy task, but here and there the grev cloud of grim seriousness which envelops the military estab- lishment in tim? of war is shot with tiie gleam of soldier humor and soldier gaiety. This fact holds particularly true for the American soldier, who from time immemorial has possessed to a remarkable degree the faculty of seeing humor in the most serious situa- ticjus and untler the most trying circumstances. In the pages which follow, an attempt has been made to i)resent, by means of sketches and cartoons, the lighter side of army life as it e.xisted for the mem- bers of the .51 5th Infantry in field, in camp and in billet. Soldier humor is here presented e.xactlv as it existed. None of the rough edges ha\e been smoothed off, nor has any attemin l)een made to i)resent a mild and colorless substitute for the vibrant, rough-and- ready humor of the American "dou'dibov." I'aKP Three Sl.\t,v-iiiii<: 3 — c 515 th Infant^ry THE DAMVILLER'S ELECTION (A Soldier Mayor tor a French Town) It is reL'orded in the < )thcials Annals of the CSreat War that the Allied forces took the town of Damvillers. It is one thing to take a town — it is quite another to occupy and take complete possession of it. It should be added to the Official Annals of the War, that this is what the Second Battalion and Headquarters Company of the 315th Infantry did for the modest city of Damvillers. We had been in it only a few days when it was decided that we should elect a Mayor for this new American town, after the fashion of the political traditions of the noble old city of Philadelphia. To inaugurate this campaign the following bulletin was posted and the holding of caucuses and conventions was prepared for: PATRIOTS ATTENTION ! The time has now come when it is manifest to all and extremely necessary that there should be elected from the soldier population of Damvillers a Mayor to rule and go\ern the city. 1. The population of the city is rapidly increasing with the influx daily of new inhaliitants. 2. Women (both of them) are roaming our streets at will. 3. The Y. M. C. A. now has l)oth a piano and an organ, but no cakes or other edibles. 4. The saloons and other questionable houses are failing to obser\e the proper hours for closing so that without candles or other light the nights are made hideous with noise and disorder. 5. Lawlessness and discontent among the lal)oring classes ( the K. P.'s and the S. O. L. details) are daily increasing in our midst. 6. Ruthless enemy jirojiagandists are secretly covering the walls of our buildings with subtle ( lerman signs as, "Sammelpunkt, Entlausung Anstalt, ( )rtskommandantur, etc." Page Three Seventy J The 515 th Infanttry -^ — 1 I SOMETHING MUST BE DONE! THE ONLY SOLL'TIOX LIES IN ELECTING FROM THE SECOND BATTALION OR HEADQUARTERS COMPANY ONE TO BE THE MAYOR OF DAMX'ILLERS. A pulilif election must he held, and every a\ailahle citizen of the town must express at the ])olls his choice of a suitahle and responsible candidate for this hi,s;h office. In order to hrinq; out the best a\-ailable candidates two political parties must be organized, on the basis of \ital and pressing issues. The two parties that are now ready to declare themselves and to call upon the soldier population for their earnest support are: THE POMMES AND THE JAMBONS. The party of the Ponimes have declared themseKes unreservedlv in favor of the following well-defined issues, and proclaim them to you as the jjlatform on which their candidate will conduct his campaign for election: 1. Beans, when they are to be served for breakfast, should be ])Ut on at 2:00 A. M.. instead of 5:00 o'clock as is the usual case. 2. The .^l.Mh Infantry should not be taken lionie until we ha\e seen ( lermany. 3. The Y. M. C. .\. ought to issue free to each man daily one bar of chocolate and one package of cigarettes. 4. We arc in favor of keeping cows outside the city limits. 5. To a really good soldier it m.akes no difference whether his under- wear fits or not. 6. It is better not to ha\e any jam at all than to have onlv one can for a company. 7. J{\ery saloon in Dani\illers must be closed at 8:00 1'. M. 8. No mess sergeant has a right to keep a whole can of condensed milk for his own use when only two cans have been issued to the company. Page Three Seventy-one The 515th Infant^ry .——-►- Till'", JAAIBONS, who may be described as the party of the Liljerals, are opposed to these issues, and appeal to your support on the ground of their denial and negation. A caucus of the POMMES will be held on Friday night, Decem- ber L), at 7:00 o'clock in the Soldiers' Club for the purpose of naming a candidate for Mayor. Each company is expected to name three men to represent it in this caucus. The JAMBONS will hold their caucus in the same room and at the same hour on Saturday night, Decemlier 14, There will be seated as members of this caucus men from each unit as in the case of the POMMES. IT IS THE PATRKJTIC DUTY (JF EVERY MAN Tu TlliXK THROUGH THESE ISSUES AND DECIDE TO WHICH PARTY HE WILL ATTACH HIMSELF. THE CITY HAS NEED OF OUR BEST! In an office of such dignity and honor as the Mayoralty of the City of Dam\illers the thought or question of money remuneration does not, of course, enter. But it may be said that a prize bonus of 100 francs will be presented to the successsful candidate immediately upon his election. The two caucuses will decide upon the dates for the Nominating Conventions and the Elections. OFFICERS NOT ELIGIBLE Not satisfied with the platform of the Pommes and Jambons a third political party sprang into existence with the following jironouncement : "VOTE THE \\'OOF WOOF TICKET" THE TIME HAS COME WHEN IT IS MANIFEST TO ALL AND EXTREMELY NECESSARY THAT THERE SHOULD BE ELECTED FROM THE SOLDIER POPULATION OF DAMVILLERS A MAY'OR TO RULE AND GOVERN THE CITY. S "THE WOOF WOOF TICKET" HAS DECLARED ITSELF UNRESERVEDLY IN FAVOR OF THE FOL- LOWING WELL DEFINED ISSUES AND PROCLAIM THEM TO Y(JU AS THE PLATFORM ON WHICH OUR CANDIDATE WILL CONDUCT HIS CAMPAIGN FOR ELECTION: P.ige Three Seventy-two The 515 th Infanttry -(I — ^ 1. What \vc want is plenty to eat. For instance I lam and F.ggs for Breakfast, not beans wlietlier they l)e soft or not. 2. Tlie Y. M. C. A. has $200,000,000 to spend. But, it can't jrei ihe Trans])ortation. \\ hat we want is tlie transportation. Xot the ^'. M. ,^. ( hir I )pp(_inents sa\' the saloons should close at eight o'clock. \\ hat \\x' want are a few to o])en. 4. We want a better illuuiin.ated city. Three candles are not enough. 5. The Mess Sergeants must stop using Coal Oil for seasoning. W'li.at we want is the good old a la .\merican style. 6. We must offer some incenti\e to the fair maidens of France to settle here in Damvillers. 7. What we consider the most vital issue of all is to get oiU of this DAM-VILLAGE and go home. BE A "WOOF WOOF" AND BITE. ]"".\ery (jne talked politics and worked ])oIitics with enthusiasm. liosses sprang into existence over night, and if one ])roved inefficient in swinging his group another was promptly put in his place. The election passed off in the most apjiroved jiolitical style. When the ballots were finally counted it was ascertained that Sergeant John Green of Company "F"" had been elected ALayor of the city bv a large majority. This result was largely due to Sergeant Green's personal ]iopularit\- among all the men of the liatlalion, but jiart of the credit for the victory should go to his Company Commander, Captain "Bill" Murrell, who introduced into the campaign some characteristic features of Lynchburg (\'a.l politics. Immediately following the election a large convention was held in the I )am\ illers' theatre, ;it w hich .Sergeant ( ireen was publiclv inducted into office and given the reward of 100 francs Ijv Colonel .\lden C. Knowles. I I Page Three Seventy-three The 315th Infant^ry Vol.1. No. 3. THE PEEP SEA BUGLE. At sea Bomewhero near Wednesday May 21st 1919. Bestofall. ciPTfPTAT TTXTRA . WARUING bi'JiOiAL AAiKA „„„„„„ The supply Officer lias made Any doubts as to the success ., . i.v, i. Tit. -n of our attempts at journalism ^^^''T^^ that all Sam Bromie have teen entirely dispelled =«"« ^^ t"^"^^ ^" *= ^^^ "°t by recent developments. This lfj«^ ^}}^\^ P-™' *\^\n"^/^' morning we were approached by A^SO - To be ever watchful for our principal rival, the pro- ^^^ sight of land because a moter of the "Tripacross" with ^^"^''«,,*° have the Barracks a proposition to dispose of "^^p in the alert position would his entire interest, good will '^^ a breach of Army discipline and stock om hand.The promoter °" ^^il memorable occasion and has lost interest because his ^^^ offender would instantly be- ideas are exhausted. The trip °°"'^ subject to Court-Martial. is too long. His only previous experience was in coming across ad'V llLt''T^,V'ilL^trZl f!r ^nd Wear'paris Garters - No metal never paid ^ood money for good ^^ ^^^^^ will. We have plenty of both r,^^- ^ j.i, T.i:ii, and always expect to have. ^l^ °r'f!" °^ ^^^ ^"*^ "°f! It has been learned that an *^«? i" *^« ^^""^^ Z "f"''! ^^^ attempt to save the life of our number on board the Santa Rolla. rival was made by calling in Cap't. Brown to write editorials , . ^ „ . ^ for the paper. This heroic treat- Lieut. Painter sure did put one ment has failed for the promoter, across this afternoon - The band after looking over the copy, has played in great style before a refused to change his statement pleased audience for a full two that no ideas were available. ^°'^s and never did we hear such soul inspiring music. Keep it up - WEATHER FOR TODAY AND TOMORROW. ^* helps so much to wile away these P^j^P^ dreary hours and also keeps our 1 minds off our work. We are still on our course and making excellent time considering I* really did seem too good circumstances. So far today we ^° ^^ true. The Lieuts didn't have averaged 12 Knots an hour. have a thing to do and v*iile gloating over the fact a little Prom noon Tuesday until noon memo, came to them all giving them Wednesday 260 miles have bean something to do until the 28th. covered, making a grand total of Who'll be IT. after the 28th, Dave? 933 miles to date. — NOTICE. A stranger was seen on the upper ■, deck this morning. After much T'^^^ night's game turned out to questioning, however, it turned out °^ quite a Bucceas and there were to be our old friend George Freeman ^°''^ °f customers present to help in disguise. He has shaved off the make things look kind of glum for moustache in a vain effort to win the bankers. the girl's heart he left behind. Tonight's game may prove just a wee bit more exciting because By the way - Has anyone seen Geo. Cap't. Lucas thinks it such a Barker lately. He seems to have financial boost that he has given dropped completely out of eight. ^^ j.^^ consent to bank it.. Clicot Club Ginger Ale sold at the Officer's Canteen any time that it is open. So are those Chocolates. HAVE JUST RECEI-/ED WORD THAT THE "TRIPACROSS" IS IN THE HANDS OF THE 5?,SS^Y^?S5; WiAT ELSE COULD HAVE BEEN EXPECTED WHEN IT TRIED TO BUry SUCH A WELL KNOWN PAPER AS "THE DEEP SEABUGLE"? A Facsimile RErRODUCTiox of an Issue of the 31oth Infantrv Newspaper Published Aboard the U. S. S. "Santa Rosa." rage Three Sevcnt.v-four The 315 th Infanttry Cartoons "T 1 l@ XicuT Life in I^'kaxce. Three Stars Always Rate a Salute in the Army. Page Three Seventy-five iTT The 315 th Inkaistt^ry II Page Tliree SeTenty-six The 515th Infant^ry 5 "Sergeant, ha\e we an\- good artists in the company?" "Yes, sir, one graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts and anotiicr ciiap \\h won last year's gold medal." "(iood. lla\e 'em report to Sergeant Jazz to letter those water carts.'' Vaxk — "Sir, I'rixalc Smith, ,il5tli Infantry, reports as Angel." St. Pete — "Well, what did yon c\cr do to rate wings." Y.\NK — "Served a year ;nid nine months in the Armv .and never once cussed St. Pete — "Ontrav, sold.-a, ontrav toot sweet. Page Three Seventy seveu I .^ The 515th Infant^ry @ \\iMvv>''''..'..Vii)r.':i\ii//^l(iiNMiii;*iJA «SS!(«« Observation Officers Are Advised to Remove Spurs (G. O. 23). @ ' f'"«i Excited Rookie (first time up) — "There's that sniper. Shall I shoot "im?" Old Timer Sergeant — "No, vou damn fool, send 'im a valentine." k A_ Page Three Seventy-eight The 515 th Infanttry "Non, Alolionse, That is not le Diable but Alonsieur le Aniericain in his gas mask." ■ ■^PlSa^i^^SS i)er llii,'li Cunmiand ainiU ad all Ijleastnl. Lhcncral, niit der \a\- dose Amt-ri- li'her sochers ar« mil oin- front line." kani'-her sochers are fiding. Dey advance on holidays und May Ijariikle llel @ I'age Three Seventy-uine @ .1 ( The 315 th IisrFANnrRY 1 IH- 5 ##i* DELOUSED or Ihru Ike Mill al Saini IVazaire, 'France- X>^,/ We WAITSD AG€S UNDCR fl BMIUNG SUH "'SgJ }^ l\ND THEN CARI^ieO %L OUR CLOTHES TO '"" THe"BU(}-HOUSt''^ ^HfRf we MIXED £M UP WTH EVemODY ELSES ■ AN PUT EM IN TO BMC t SOFT ' I||l ///' IH£N Wf LATHEReO •RSeCVfS WITH SOFT SOAP 'VJavfl KenosiNE and mSHED THt miXTUKe OFF MITH 80ILI/VG AQUA iZW. ^FTER miCH RAH THE 6AUNTLET FOR ^f>L\JACepl/NFfl f\N HIKED THRU HfhLF OF TmNCF TO THE ISOLATION ONLY TO FWp ' '^^ ..^^^-^-i THFtJ WE^MAD MOFlF (^OOT/£S Tf/fl/V BeFORE Page Three Eighty The 515th Infanttry* 7 ACES o^ ^^^ DOVOHBOy ^^^.^. MUSTERED OUT I'MKi' Tl.ii.,. Kiglity- •!■ I'.iglcty-iMie 5 ^ -* r The 515th Infantt^ry ^jf ACKNOWLEDGMENTS In concluding this history of the 31Sth Infantry, U. S. A., its authors beg to ofifer grateful acknowledgment as hereinafter indicated to those who have so generously assisted them in its compilation and publication: Manuscript To Colonel Alden C. Knowles, 315th Infantry, the authors wish to express their sincere appreciation for his many helpful suggestions and his invaluable assistance in the preparation and final correction of the manuscript. To him also is accorded a large measure of thanks for articles contributed. To Major General Joseph E. Kuhn, 79th Division, Brigadier General Evan j\l. Johnson, ISSth Infantry Brigade, Colonel Otho B. Rosenbaum, 315th Infantry, Lieutenant Colonel Charles E. Morton, 315th Infantry, Lieutenant Colonel Noble J. Wiley, 315th Infantry, and Judge Eskil C. Carlson, formerly Y. M. C. A. Secretary attached to the 315th Infantry, the authors likewise wish to extend their thanks for manuscript submitted. Photogr.^phs For photographs showing scenes in action, the authors are deeply indebted to the Photographic Section, Signal Corps, United States Army, and for all Camp Meade scenes, with few exceptions, to Mr. Abe Weintraub. official photographer for the 315th Infantry during its stay at Camp Meade. The photographs showing Camp Meade in the making and the review of the Division by President Wilson at Baltimore were supplied by the James F. Hughes Company, of Baltimore, Md. To the Topographical Section, 304th Engineers, the authors extend their thanks for certain photographs showing Camp Meade scenes and scenes in France, notably those recording the decoration of members of the 79th Division by General Pershing at Orquevaux and by General Kuhn at Rimaucourt. To Regimental Supply Sergeant \\'illiam J. Curry, Supply Company, 31Sth Infantry, is extended thanks for photographs submitted showing scenes in France. The authors also wish to accord full measure of thanks to Bachracli, of Baltimore, Harris & Ewing, of Washington, Marceau, of New York, and Phillips, of Philadelphia, all of whom aided without reserve in supplying the individual photographs requested. Illustr.^tions To Private, First Class, Hyman Pinkovitz. Supply Company, 315th Infantry, the authors wish to extend special thanks for his whole-hearted assistance in illustrating this history. The cover design is his, as are all tlie drawings in color and the majority of the l)lack and white sketches. Much of his work was done following the demobiliza- tion of the Regiment, and upon all occasions his time and efforts were given without question and without reserve. To Private. First Class. Arthur S. Roberts, Headquar- ters Company, 315th Infantry, and to Private W. F. Kunz. Company I, 31Sth Infantry, the authors likewise extend their thanks for black and white sketches and cartoons. Maps For maps the authors are indebted to G-2 Section. 79th Division Headquarters, the Topographical Section, 304th Engineers, and the Intelligence Section, 315th Infantry. To Private W. F. Kunz, Company I, 315th Infantry, the authors desire to express their appreciation for his generous assistance, following the demobilization of the Regiment, in the preparation of various maps used in connection with the te.xt. References For certain of the information contained in the text, the authors beg to acknowl- edge their indebtedness to the following reports and publications: The Report of General John J. Pershing, LI. S. A., as cabled to the Secretary of War: the Official Operations Report of the 79th Division as submitted to General Head(|uarters imme- diately following the signing of the armistice; the Casualty Reports. Personnel De- partment. 315tli Infantry: the ".Army Gazette"; and the "Stars and Stripes," the official news organ of the American Expeditionary Forces. Printing and Binding Finally, to the Grit Publishing Company, of Williamsport, Pennsylvania, for its courteous service, painstaking efforts, and hearty co-operation in tlie printing and binding of this volume, the authors wish to express their last words of thanks and appreciation. Page Three Eighty-two The 515 th sTTTRY "T 1 1 INDEX A Page "A" Company History 152-163 Acknowledgments 382 "After tlie Armistice" 101-144 Athletics 337-352 Awartls 142 K Page "K" Company History 260-271 Knig^lits of Columbus 356 Kmnvles. Col. Alden C 12, 13, 14, 15 Kulin, Maj. Gen. Joseph E 8 "B" Company History 164-175 Basel)aII 340-342 Basketliall 343-346 Battalion and Company 145-336 Boxing 347-350 Burt, Lt. Col. Franklin T 14, 15 "C" Company History 176-185 Cartoons 375-381 Casualty Lists 128-139 Casualty Statistics 140-141 Chaplain's Work, The 353 Citations, Divisional 143 Citations. G. H. Q 142 Contents. Table of 7 "Crooks." The 366-367 "D" Coniiiany History 186-194 Dann iller's Election 370-373 Damviller's Parade 358-359 Decorations 142 Dedication 5 "Deep Sea Bugle." The 374 E "E" Company History 198-209 "L" Company History 272-283 Lorraine Cross, Historv of 368 M "M" Company History 284-292 McKenna, Lt. Col. John A. 14. IS Machine Gun Company History . .316-323 Medical Detachment History 332-3.36 M emorial Service 355 Morton. Lt. Col. Charles E 14, 15 N Nicholson, Brig. Gen. \\ illiam J. Noble, Brig. Gen. Robert H "On the Western Front" 43-100 Organization and Training of Regiment 17-42 P. Q Pershin.a;, General Jolm J. 118 Red Cross 356 Regiment, The 17-144 Regimental Headquarters 145-148 Rosenbaum, Col. Otho B....in. 11, 14. 15 "F" Company History 210-221 Field and Track 352 First Battalion History 149-194 Flares and Duds .369-380 Football 338-339 Foreword 6 "G" Company History 222-233 H "H" f ompany History 234-244 Hatch. Brig. Gen. Everard !•' 8 HeaiUiuarters Company History . .294-315 Historical Board 16 "I" Companv Historv 248-259 Index . ■ 383 In Memoriam 127 Jewish Welfare Board 356 Johnson, Brig. Gen. Evan M 8 "Salvage and Souvenir" 362-.36S Salvation .Army 356 Second Battalion History 195-244 Shows 362-367 Soccer 351 Special Unit Histories 293-336 Supply Company History 324-331 Table f)f Contents 7 Thanksgiving Day Celebration ... .358-361 Third Battalion History 245-292 U, V Victory Parade 358-361 W Welfare 353-368 Welfare Organizations 356-357 Wiley, Lt. Col. Noble J 14. 15 X, Y. Z V. M. C. A 356-357 @ Page Three Elglit.v-three The 515th Infant^ry X-262 "HIT- > \ ^^^- .,-*'■ ■>> i,=- 'V ^. .c5 -''... ^-.^■' .^'^ ■'•^. '%', .••* "f^ >* i'i<V, .■\- ,0o^ •->,^^ .0^ •X^^ % ■ ^ 'V ,' -"^^ ■&■ ,^■^ ■■/■,< .# >0 o. •5> ;,vv^' x^^ V^ ^^^' •x'^-^ ■^ "-f: .-4^ ,0o -?- ^^ V^^ '^... <^' i\' ■"^ <iO CO' ,0 o. >^ '^^ ^,_ ^? ,0 0^ A -&• .s:^^ "^ aV^^' "^/■■ 'A > v^' .•-».^ >/.. Ci>'