Volume 1
FRANCE, APRIL 17, 1919
No. 11
This Paper Will Do All It Can To Check Up On Old Positions
"Job Boomerangs" To Be Prlnted For Use of Men Desiring Positions - Publicity Will Help Soldiers Looking for Work With New Firms
It's job seeking time for the Seventy Ninth.
The Lorraine~Cross herewith opens a campaign to help men in the division it check up on their old find if in they still are open.and to get new jobs. The job checking campaign is id going to be easier than the campaig Id to get new places. We'll check up u be your job thru Job Boomerangs.^1itt^l i6^0 application blanks.which You wil me fiill out and mail. In the new jo] taco crusade, we'll pound your argument ai^4 home, for thobene~t of the Cousin the t States, thru publicity. We can do ad little more than that. to Why? The jobs are in the States. We're a in France t Complete plans by which we car help outin the job campaign are, at t yet, unmade. What schemes we have int thought over haven't been approved officially yet. However, we can let the men of the division in on some of our ideas.ideas which, we believe, t will establish liaison between The Mao 7^0 Who Needs a Jub.who is still Over al Here.and The Man Who Emplu~ at glen.who is Over There. ^O Firstly, we regard printed applica lion forms.we'd call them Job Boom absolutely essential There fore, as soon as our plan is approved, I we'11 print the blanks. They'll either I be printed by themselves or appear in lath the pages of the Lorraine Cross: That tie remains to be seen. These Job Boom ~e erangs.they go from You to the Em ,^0 player, then back to You.will be fill , ed out by the men who need jobs. The blanks, briefly, will inform th fir employer that Private So and So, of Ha Such and Such an Organization, who no worked, say, as a clerk, in his organi iri zation, wants to know if his place will sac be open for hint when he gets home TO The employer will Snd space in the blankly fur his answerer, "Yes" or~'No," l with space, also, Car any remarks he Insight care to make. We are against the Returning Sieve bromide and we are going to sell our selves as business and professional as sets. What we can do mterests the Fiji employer. If we have talent and l I war record Alan fine Rnt cur'_. ~
The following letter of commendaton;
. dated A,pril 10, has been received by the Division Commander frem MajorGeneral Charles P. Summerall, then commander of the Ninth Corps:
"1. Upontherelief of the79thDivision n from the 'ninth Army Corps, in compli
ance with orders of higher authority, the Corps Commonder desires to communi cate to the officers and soldiers of the Division~his appreciation and commen dation of the services rendered by the Division during its period of duty with the Ninth Army Corps d "2. The Dinsion WAS assigned to the
I Ninth Arrny Corps on December 31st, 1918, and since that time it has been continually occupied in the training area.
h The officers and soldiers have at all times rendered the most loyal response to every demand that has been made upon them. The training, morale and discipline of the Division are of a very Y high order and reflect credit upon the
leadership and the elements of com9 mand in all grades. The good wishes and the abiding interest of the Corps f Commander will accompany the memv hers of the Division in their future
President's Daughter Gives Pro gram Mulishly Plea^f~in5^1 To Men 01 Seventy Ninth.
Crowded houses and thegreatest enthusiasm greeted Miss Margaret Wilson, daughter of the President, everywhere she sang for the Seventy Ninth Division.
Carrying out her idea of giving the men what they like, Miss Wilson used popular songs for the most part. Such favorites as "Smiles," "Carry Me Back To Old Virginny," and "Dixie Land," made up the bulk of her program, and
ot one of them failed to "ge
ver." Mr. and Mrs. Ross Dav^ld, who assisted Miss Wilson in her performance, also confined themselves to well-liked selections, and he result was entertainment the Seventy Ninth v ill remember for a long time.
Probably, the most interesting concert of all was that given at Rimaucourt Sunday night in the Red Cross Auditorium. General Kuhn, the Division Commander, was in the audience, and after the performance congratulated Miss Wilson. He then made a littl speech to the men of the division telling them how proud he was a the record they had made fo themselves, not only in thefightina but afterwards, and particularly iZ1 the review which had been hall ;he day previous before the Com I. ~~^v~ ^0~^o~9 woo. MU to gob ^Inander-in-Chief. He expresser to offer tkte Nan Wbo SpsndO the Cas the hope that the division wouk more than ~ War Record. The appli- continue to maintain its high Stan
~O~U~uod on Page ~ dard.
Commander-in- Chief Pinds Division In First Class Shape D espite The Rain.Turnout Was Inspiring Ant Showed Keen Interest Of Officers And Men . Al Units Were Up To Full Requirements Award Cere monies Proved Interesting.
General Pershing:
"I cannot refrain fiom giving you my thanks and expressing my appreciation for the splendid services rendered to the A. E. F. by the Seventy Ninth Division; neither can I rcfrazn from expressing to you my warm admiration at seeing and finding the division in SUCH splendid morale. I am very pleased with the determined attitude of both officers and men, and the condition in which I find equipment." lilajor-General Euhn:
"The Division Commander feels justly proud of the division and desires to thank every member thereof for the loyal efforts which have resulted in such well-merited praise."
Amid the most impressive ceremonies in which the division as ever participated, General John J. Pershihg, Commander-inChief of the American Expeditionary Forces, reviewed and inpected the Seventy Ninth last Saturday. He conferred the Distinu^Ished Service Cross on those in the division entitled to receive t.
It was regular Seventy Ninth weather; a drizzling rain fell durng the day. Instead of spoiling things, however, this seemed to enhance the effect as the division went past the reviewing stand In the mist, the long columns seemed to extend for an inlermin able distance; all helmets were glistening with water, and the gloomy day added to the grim efficiency the division showed a every point.
After the march past the review-' l' ' ing stand had been completed, al] the officers of the division were assembled in front of the Commanderin-Chief, who addressed them in part as follows:
"I find that my voice will not permit too much talking, but I cannot refrain from giving you, and, through you, the men o^l the division, my thanks, and expressing my apprec~at~or, for the splendid services rendered the A. E. F. by the Seventy Ninth Division; neither can I reErain from expressing to you nay very warm admiration at seeing and aniline the Seventy Ninth Dinsion in such splendid morale. I am very pleased with the determined attitude of both officers, and men, an the condition in which I find th equipment.
"To have been a member of th A. E. F. is an honor of which yo^l may well be proud. The part tha it has played in the winning of the war is familiar to all of you. I an sure that if it were called upon Spin to go to the front end fight;, i
. Dlvl~lon Is War^l^led Paper Worlt locust Be In Good Shape For Sallying
Would no so w^ltnout faltering ant with as much credit to itsel~as i^l has earned heretofore. Let no one ever detract from the magnitude oi its achievements.
"The time is now drawing near for the men in France to return to the United States. I am sure you are going home with broader views and with greater strength of character. I am sure you are going home with higher ideals and a firm determination to live up to the record you have made in France."
General Pershing arrived on the parade ground near Orquevaux promptly at 10 o'clock Saturday morning. With him were Major
General Andre Brewster, lnspectorGeneral of the A. E. F.; Major-General Charles P. Summerall, Commanding the Ninth Corps; Bri~adier-General W. K. Naylor, Curie
All Sorts 0I Guesses As To Date We Start For Home.No One
Can Tell For Certain.Divisioos
Have Gained Unexpected Prior
ity For Ships Thru leaving
Records Ready.
The Seventy Ninth Division, with the exception of the artillery, will move to Nantes Sunday. Movement will be by rail. The artillery will leave Saturday for St. Nazaire.
Orders had been issued for the Seventy Ninth to go to Le Bans but a last minute order , changed our destination. It ; was reported the change came because Le Mans is in quarantine.
Shipment of the Seventy Ninth troops on What will' prove the next to the last lap home, will take about three days.
Railheads for the move will be Andelot and l~imaucourf.
Nantes is a city of 170,500 popu-. lation and is about sixty kilometres east of St. Nazaire, which is a port of departure for the United States. It would not be amiss to say, in this connection that Nantes is to St. Nazaire what Camp Merritt is to Hoboken.
Definite date for the actual sail~ngof the Seventy Ninth for the United States has not been announced. Just what day we board ships depends on many things. among the most important of these .s the condition of paper work in . . . he division.
t of Staff, Ninth Corps, and a lard Orders No. 135, Seventy Ninth , number of other officers from G. HI. Division, issued Aprill2, points' out Q. and Corps. hat the condition of records and
Upon the arrival of the Comman property may determine the time t ~~onUou~d ox P^M^Ia ~ Of sailing.
}''ago a
.~ . .
Published every Thursday by the enlisted men of the 79th Division.
JAMIiS M. CAIN, Private, Editor GILBERT MALCOLM, Privates Sporting Editor DONALD CRONIN, Pvt., Circulatio^l^l Manager.
· Collot Press, Bar-le-Duc.
Subscription rate; Two francs fur two months. No subscriptions will be accepted far more than two months.
_ . . ^.
When this division sails away from France, certain men who have served with it will beleft behind. Most of them will stay because they are needed to help in the mass of work the United States Army still has to finish over here. A very small proportion of those we leave behh^ld will be thus abandoned because of any physical condition due to misconduct.
Play square with the Seventy Niners who, thru the w orkings of Fate, will have to swallow the lumps in their throats and watch us pull out. Give every man who stays the benefit of the doubt. There have been many who have gone home spreadi~ pretty rotten tales about certain of their fellows who didn't go over with them. They weren't exactly rotten tales, but they were rotten insinuations based on nothing.
If one of your fellows isn't with you when you land in the States, remember the chances he was left behind because of a shameful physical condition are a great deal less than that he probably stayed tc help out.
Any man who will allow anyone at home to believe one wrongful thing about Seventy Niners left over here just because they were left over here is a rotter.
And, we're not particularly worried as to i whom this might hit.
We will not say, in common with the Dopester in Politics, "I told you so." But anyone who has watched the Seventy Nintk Division, is not surprised that our Com mander-in-Chief was pleased with the showing we made in the review It was but the natural result of the spirit and ef fiiciency which have marked this divisior from the beginning.
We are proud of our Commander-inChief.
We are proud of our Division ~:ommander.
And proud, too, of our Brigade Commanders and the Commanding Qffieers and the other officers in all the Seventy Ninth units. .
Lastly, but, by no means, leastly, we are proud of ourselves. ~
~oyaltyto theSeventyNinth, firsts last and always; is our creed.
So be it.
A French officer, stationed in Bar~le-Duc~ made us feel mighty proud of the division the other day. He told us, with great warmth, that he had noticed men wearing the Lorraine Cross on their shoulders were very punctilious in the matter of' saluting, French officers.
"It is excellent spirit" he said. "Your division is to be complimented.''
We agreed with him. We do not know how others may feel about it, but there is rough to be said in favor of the rendering of the courtesy to the French officers. Its a sign of friendship, if nothing more.
And, its Seventy Ninth stuff.
T HI E L O R R ~ I ~ ~ R O IFS, T11U}~DA~, REPEL 1?, 19111
^· ^· ^! i ~ ~ at' 'I; ' ~ Hi, LO , ~ ~
Ever Rarer, dear Le Mans We Amend our Earlier 'Guess.
Make it, at the latest, June 5 When do the icebergs leave th~ir~9Qu~s? Is the Sea rough in late May or early June?
We know a Whole Lot about Oboe. It ain't wbat it used to be.
We're doin' some tall thinking about this paper these days. ~ ~
If it is humanly possible, we'll put it ~utri~ht up to the last.
Suggestion has been made to this paper that it would be a fine idea for us to wear, on our overseas caps, miniatures of the division emblems which we wear on our sleeves. The idea is a good one and we're for it. But.
At present no man is authorized to wear anything on his cap except a duplicate of the button which he wears on the left hand side of the collar of his service blouse. Regulations point out, very clearly, that, until the prescribed buttons are issued, nothing can be worn on the caps.
We have seen all sorts of funny things on overseas caps. One man we saw was wearing a monogram.probably those' of his best girl.on his overseaser. Many of us are wearing the Lorraine Cross. There's no excuse for the monogram and, under present conditions, for the Cross.
Let's leave all insignia, except the authorized, off our caps. It looks bad to have some men going, around decorated like Christmas trees while others wear just what they are told.
l It may not have occurred to you before, l but there really is a meaning to the word uniform.
LOVE SICK To The Editor:
- 1 am despritly in love with a Freneh girl and she is de^gperutly in love with me. But, she is married. that, what, what shall I do? Loving Pluck 30^gth Engrs. Shoot yourself in the backyard.Ed.) I,
HOME STUFF To The Editor:
,Wben I get home, they're going to We a Fatted Cslt for me. Win I be expected to e~t,~e whole call? Sergeant Major Italy (What do you mean Fatted Gale? Ed,)
HUH I I To Tbe Editor:
Aaa member of the h. E:. F., but not Of the Seventy Ninth, ler me congratulate you on tbe show you pat up at the review. It was 4ne.
(We didn't put up no show at the, review..Ed.)
. YE G(~D51 To The Editor:
Who won the war? Anxious Soldat 318th Infantry The Stat looeys, assisted by the rest of the army, the IgseGs and the II. P's..Ed.~
Our Boost for This Week goes to the personnel, commissioned and otherwise, of the Division Educational Center. They have a mighty^iob and they are making good at it. The teaching of men is a noble work and men actually are being taught useful and valuable knowledge at the Center.
There are those attending classes at the Center who will return home fitted for better things professionally and com.~ereiall^Y than they were when they left the States. The curriculum of the Center resembles that of a great unit varsity, teaching thousands thru its extension courses.
Going to School is popular in the Seventy Ninth just now. And there are many in the division who need schooling. It would be a blot upon our fine record if one man of this division arrived in the United States with "illiter~te" checked against his name.
We wish every success to the Edu ca~ior~;~l Center. ' ' ~
A cold, grey rain is.falling And an icy wind, in gasps, Cuts thru the cracks and crannies And tears at the window clasps.
Yet, in my little lean-to, Is a cheerful rosy glow. And, flick'ring o'er the littered flour The shadows come and go.
For, in my faithful iron stove, A cheery coal-bed beams. And in it there are pictures That my fleeting fancy dreams.
I see another Preside And two before it sit. One is a Woman, Mother mine, Your heart with love is lit.
The other a Man, my Father. I see what you can't hide. That you'd give your good right arm To be here by my side.
The embers change. A rosy hue Tinges one glowing coal. And, framed therein, I see her face Thou Sweetheart of my 8gul.
And, so tliruout the lonely night, I have a treasure trove. Dream pictures ofthe ones I love W^l1hin my Iron Stove.
Lorraine Cross Ballad.
Now the day is drawing near,
For us to sail the ocean blue, To see the faces, Oh so dearl
And a world of smiles for me and you.
So polish up, if you are glad,
You're going to see dear mother, If you like the love of your dad,
Your sweetheart, wife, or brother.
We must press our suits of tan^7
Our caps and "spirals",too, Shine our shoes the best we can,
And make them all look new,
Be proud, hold high your head,
Make yours a heart of gold, Into e^Yi^l ways do net be led,
But be the Captain of your soul.
We fought until the fight was WOD,
Now dress up clean and neat Its in you all, you sons-of-guns,
Forwe're going home 'TOOT SWEET".
When Gabriel blows taps, I pray,
While St. Peter makes a decision, At inspection on Judgment Dav,
He'll say, "Come, MY OWN DIVISION." I. Wm. Horne, Sgt., Hdq. Troop, 79th Division
The following verse was sent to THE LORRAI^RE CROSS ~ Hildy, the Poetic Buck, of Company E, 316th Infanhy:
Where, oh where, is Company E
Of the 31ffth Infantry?.
Who did their bit so gallantly?
In the terrible baUle
Of the Argonne.
They made it safe For you and me,
By doing their share
For democracy.
Now I think it is only fair To send them home for doing
Theii 8bare.
There are four more verses. We are leaving them out..Ed.) ~
(at (company E has moved, so far as we know..Ed
(b) Where do you get that "you and me" stuff, Hil ? The rest of the Seventy Ninth was there tOb. .E . ^,
(c) eve are absolutely sending your company home before the rest of the division, Hildy. If anybody ought to go home in advance, we think it is the hard-worked staff of TUE LORRAINE CROSS..Ed.
To those who fell at Montfaucon. No braver men were ever born. They went into the battle strifes That ended their precious and youthful lives.
Our country has suffer^ed,~a terrible loss, Much of her young manhood the war has cost, And she can't bring back a single one, 0£ the heroes who fell at Mont~aucon.
6^8 this weary way we trod, JIB prayed each day and trust in God, Teat when we've gone to the great beyond We'll meet those who fell at ~bntGaudon. Composed by: : :
Ser^Rt. Dorse^lr 11. Goad, i Co 161;, 813~ ~ i. Inf.
Write home for a job.
_ . . ^.
We have a lot of "w's" in our Shop now Its a great reUef. Turning "~B'~ upside down got our editorial goat.
_ .
An "no' is an "m". Your can't False no "w" out o'f no "m".
"M's" is "m's". "W's" i9 4~67'~r
Ain't it so?
Weather forecast: Floor day of move to Le Mans l~r For day of rave home. ~IN. For day of arrival home. Ruin.
And we thought we were going to Germany. _ r
Or Russia. Hi'' . . ...
Idiot o' Bolsheviki, we're here to state.
Our morale is very high these Ads.
Its going to mount higher
And higher. - ' . . .
Our Idea of the Very Quintessence of to Soul of Morale: Our Joy on Spotting MiF, Liberty in the Oflimg. ' ~
We'll be the Boys in Blue orossin~ th, sea. Blue denims for us untie we're a day out from Uncle Sam's shore.
~ ., We'll have barrack bags again,
Just like old times.
Loosen that Leash and the Carey hound Go!
Deep stuff? i
The post office folks'll get it all-right,
Speaking of the Postoffice; Use the Ma,il^s to get a Job.
Our Idea of a Swell Proposition for a Igrec: Stick Over Here and Open a Core bination Guide Bureau and Tea Room pea Verdun~
Paint the chairs Pink
The Walls Mauve ^.
And the Tables Yellow, with
, ~~
Purple Flowers.
l~nock the Tourists Dead, say win _ What is an Igrec, you Cay? '- ~
Use that Knob north of your Shouldered.
Wow we can't thinly of any morn ' I'
~.1.~. L, ' 1^1.
This Leek.
TEE L~kik~INE AWES, T~R~S~,~ SPRY lo, ~~
__ . , . ... ~ . ~
~ ,,~, _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - _ , - . ,
Slte In Roma^5^1ne Being blade Into National Burlal Place
Troops Busy I~ayin~ Out Park Which Will Hold At Least 25, 000 Graves.Request For Trans port 01 Bodies }tome Will . B
Seventy Ninth officers and men wh gave their lives in the Munfaucon fighting wih be laid to rest in a great Amer lean cemetery now being established i Romage-~ous-Montfaucon, which i close to the famous Boche stronghol which the Seventy Ninth captured Work of removing the bodies-of soldiers from the rough and treads graves gonad for them in the heat of the fighting i in progress.
Close to ^r,O 0 0 American servic troops are busy every day getting 'the new national cemetery in shape. At present, the site is unattractive and dismal, as every inch of the ground around Moutfaucon divas when wee were ^l^lassing thru. But, plans already made call for the laying out of the spot as a beautiful park with lawns, shrubbery and flowers. More than 25,000 graves will be accommodated in the cemetery.
The United States Government will transport back to the States those bodies of fallen heroes which relatives wish taken back home. But, this movement will not be undertaken until all of the dead to be taken back can Be transported at about the same time.
it is probable that Seventy Ninth officers and men also will rest, ultimately, in national cemeteries to be established in Beaumont, on the Sedan road, and in Thiaucourt, in the St Mihiel country.
Seventy Ninth Oliieers Present At Farewell Spread In Bar-le-Dua
Seventy Ninth officers were among the guests at a dinner given in theory" Officers' Club, l~ar-le-Duc, Sunday night by Dr. Arthur F. Austin, bliss Annie Sutherlaud and Robert E;. Wherry, the three of whom form the Y. M. A. A. operating staff of the club. The dinner was tendered, principally to the lonely officers who, for one reason or another, are confined, or otherwise present, in Bar.
The dinner was ill the nature of a farewell, it having been decided tu close the place April 25. Beaucoup speeches were the feature of the evening. Dr. Austin, known most generally as ~'Dad" around Bar, was the toastmas_ tar. And that is why his speech wasn't the shortest of the night by a heck of a sight.
Each 'officer present introduced himself to the mob in a short speech. After the introductions were over, it developed sixteen states were repreented. These states, for some strange eason, included I^l^ldiana. The fuocion wound up with massed noises ailed songs, by courtesy. After the udience had sung all of the old A E. 1i'.
vorites, the groupemcnt pattired.
good' time was had by all.
Meetings of Am 41 ga m a t cd Te'a
ounds''~ni^0n, Local No. 781, will b held reg;ularlyiu the Club until the 25^1h
We're dumb, we admit: our brain Is slow and sometimes blurs;
But we don't compreo an Athletic Of ficer Riding a motorcycle in spurs.
glen Of Thls Divisiou Attending Entrench University Form
Seventy Ninth men attending th Uuiversiiy of Toulouse, one of th French institutions opened to officer and men of the A. E. F., Save formed a club. Sergeant D. H. Erickson of the 315th Infantry is president of the club and Sergeaut D. E. Pike of the 311 Field Artillety is vice p^1esident.
The first meeting of the club was heldApril I and committees were formed. Other of ricers of the organization are Corporal I. E. Post, 304th Engineers, secretary; Private Gilmore Wooler of the 304th Engineers, treasurer. The Committee on Constitution of the Seventy Ninth students' club includes CorporalDanielScanlon, 315th Infantry; Private (1st class) J. C. Wenrick, 3 ~ lath Machine Gun Battalivn, and PrivateJ. J. Milgram, 3 1 2th Machine Gun Battalion.
Membership of the entertainment committee includes Sergeant J. E. O'Loughlin and Private (1st class) R. R. Williams, both of 314th Infantry, and Private Wooler.
~ C.-IN-C. REVIEWS 79TH (Contlnued From Page Ones
der-in-C;hief, the division was called
, to attention by Major-General Kuhn,
. Commanding General of the division, and the Commander-in-Chief
. proceeded immediately with the inspeetion. Horses were brought, an
1 he first inspected the artillery o
I horseback, and the infantry next o foot.
The inspection went off without a hitch, the formalities going like clock. Many complimentary things were heard from the visiting officers on the appearance of the troops and the way in which they executed their commands. The bands of the ivision were massed on the right f the field, and played Luring the nspection. Crosses Conferred
The inspection completed, the recipients of the Distinguished Serice Cross were assembled. Th Commander-in-Chie~ p e rs o n a I I inned the decoration on each man Before doing so he addressed them riefly, as follows:
"To be a member of the A. E F. in itself is a great honor; bu o have distinguished onesself i such manner as to draw the atten ion of his comrade and the Govern ment of the United States is reaso for you Inen to be especiallyproud It gives me great pleasure to b here personally to decorate you i the name of the Government, and o the American people."
As he pinned the decoration o each man's blouse, the Co~nmanderin-Chief spoke a few words of con~ratulation to him, and then shoo his hand. Colors decorated
After the decoration of the His tinguished Service Cross recipients came the decoration of the colors 0 each of the combat units that ha been inaction. This finished, th
I. . ....~ . . - ............. C. R. BROWN
If You Are In Tha 79th Make The Fact Known At l~n r~a
80mebody wants to see C. P. Browner or Brown.
We don't know what he is wanted for but there's a call for him and he's being paged all over. This is shbwn in a letter received at division headquarters from Postal Express Service, A. P. Q. 784.
"All units of this division' says the letter, "will, immediately, send a report to the Superintendent, A. P. O. 784, giving name, rank, serial number and organization ot all men whose names correspond to 'C. R. Browne' or 'C. R. Brown', Information will also be given as to whether or not these men were ever mail orderlies and whether or not thev have, at an^Y time, called at the A. P. O. 784 at Toul for mail".
Come on, Browne, or Brown.
ommander-in-Chief took his post ion in the reviewing stand, and the renew started. The infantry out~. ~ . .1 .~ 1 ' _
Fief Of Staid, Ninlh Corps, Notes Good Discipline And Absence Of Stragglers
l~arch disipline of Seventy Ninth roops on, the recent hike from the ouilly area to the Fourth Training
rea is commended by Major General
. P. Summerall, commanding theNinth
orps, thru Brigadier General W. K.
aylor, Chief of Staff or the Corps, in a otter received at division headquarters.
The Seventy Ninth was a Ninth Corps unit at the time of the hike.
Commendation from the commanding general of Corps is based on reports made by officers of his staid who observed the march in changing station. Particular note is taken in the letter of the total absence of straggling among the Seventy Ninth men.,
The letter front Brig. Gen. Naylor, addressed to Major Gencral Joseph E. Kuhn, the division commander, reads
"1. Staff Officera of the ID Corps wh IIS came nrs^l, men ^lne macmue- ~ A .~ VIA ~ ~ .~ ~~.~ ~ un battalions, the horsed trails ~ ............................ ortation, and the artillery regi ments. The Seventy Ninth never marched better.
One thing in particular that im- . pressed everybody was the doubleiming out of the way after each realization had got past the stand. When each command had got about fty paces past the stand, the order or double time was given, and this eptup until the organization was well out of the way of the on-com- . ngunits. Thes nap with vnhch this was executed was subject to muffle omment. Artillery Cooled Good
The artillery regiments had their uns and horses in splendid shape.
ach horse looked as though it had eon freshly groomed, and each un looked as though it had been freshly varnished. This in spite of the fact that the v hole place was a sea of mud. The showing made . by the horsed transportation was equally as good. A detail of painters must have worked hard the night before, for on each vehicle the Lorraine Cross on the side . ookedas though it just had been ainted on,
Altar the review, the Commandr-in-Chief inspected the motor transportation, which was drawn up on the road -near the parade ground. This done, he and many of the officers with him went to . the chateau in Reynel, where they were entertained at luncheon. by
eneral Kuhn.
General Kuhn's Pralse
After the departure of the Com mander-in-Chief, General Kuhn ommended the division on the bowing it had made in General rder loo. ·23, as follows:
"The Division Commander takes real pride and pleasure in anouncing to the command his satsfaction'with the inspection and eview held this day by the Commander-in-Chief.
"in spite of the unfavorable ! weather the appearance of men, . nimals, wagons, and trucks was above criti¢^lsm, and the march-by well executed and impressive.
"'the appearance and behavior f Lie division elicited generous · ommendation, not only groin the . ommander-in-Chief in person, but ~
__ ^.
Bishop Brent And Chaplain Moody To Speak In - Rimaucourt
Special services for 'Easter will be old all over the division tomorrow, aturda;~, and Sunday. At Rin~auourt, (^Ihaplain Moody, of G. H^L Q., ill speak Sunday morning in the Red roes Auditorium, and Bishop Breut, enior Chaplain of the A. 13. F., will peak Sunday night.
Episcopal Communion services will e held at Resrnel at nine o'clock Sun~y morning, which all men of Christian aiths are invited to attend. The regar service will be held at half past ted.
ewish Soldlers Celebrate l~ebrew Feast For Three Days In Rims^l^l^lr~.nnrt
IDEA ~ ~~ ~ ~;7 ~ ~~ ~~ Via ~111~ ~ V ~~ 1~I V ~
ion during the recent change of static rom the SOURLY to the ANDELO rea, having reported that the mare iscipline was excellent in every re pect ;s The absence of straggling wa particularly noted, not a single cas aving been observed. I
"2. The Corps Commander directs m o convey to you his commendation o
e very fine showing made by th ivision."
om G. H. Q. and the Ninth Corps
"The Division Commander feel ustly proud of the division an desires to thank every membe thereof for the loyal efforts whic have resulted in such vvell-merite praise." Award Wlnners
Those who received the Distin uished Service (:ross are as fol
Major.Frank R. Wheelock, 313th Inf l Captains.Earl C. Offinger, 310tk~ Inf l enry M. Smith, 314tb Inf.; George L
right, 315th Inf.; William M. Carroll, Jr. l 15thInf.; Albert C. Rubel,Y04th Engrs. ee M. English, 314th Inf.; Samuel J. arks M (it. Atf^7~r.h^P~I 7^qth M P ret.
About 700 soldiers of the Jewish faith attended the Passover celebration whica was held Monday, Tuesday, and veserday in Rimaucourt. Rabbi Nathan E. Barasch, of the Jewish 11Velfare l oard, conducted the services. On Monday and Tuesday nights, the Passover Feast was provided. Food Has brought from Chaum~nt, and Rabbi l arasch went to great pains to have the whole thing conform as nearly as posaible to the ceremony to which the men are accustomed back home.
The division is going to have a swimming team which will compete in the A. E. F. meet to be held about May 10, at a place to be designated later on. Athletic officers are directed to send to Capt. Edwin W. Jordan, Division Athletic Officer, before May 1 the names, rank. organization and experience of men who should make good material for the team. Twe~ytwo men will represent the division, three in each event, and four in the relay race. Both officers and enlisted teen are eligible for selection.
Inasmuch as weather conditions and the character of this area will probably preclude any division competition, Bewilders who desire places on the
ist Sergeants.Raiph A. Capon, Go. A. Awn h^q~1 Harlan Lena ma ~ IDA
t-1th M. G. Bn.; Mike A. Hartmann, Co. I, 4th Inf.
Sergeants.Thomas U. Rivel, Hdq. Deach., 79th Division; Ernest W. Hitchens, o. K, 313th Inf.; Edward V. Monahan, o. E, 314th Inf.; Jacob I~ectenwald, Co. , 315th Inf.; Joseph A. freeman, Co. L 15th Inf.; Bernard -F. Sweeney, Hdq. Go., 15th Inf.; Arthur W. Olanson, Co. K, 15th Inf.; Joseyh F. Kilroy, Co. K, 315th of.; Harold P. Rumberger, Co. B. 316th of.; James R. Mansfield, San. Detach.; 11th M. G. Bn.; Donald L. Wagner, 14th Ambulance Co., 304th San. Tn.; Corporals.George L. Brown, Co: K, 13th Inf.; William J. Walsh, Co. H. 4th Int.; James A. Larson, Co. K, 314th Inf.; Guy M. Habecker, Co. I, 316th Inf.; John J. Poillon, Co. C, 311th M. G. Bn.; Joseph W. Klapetzky, 314th Ambulance Co., 304th San. ^rn.
Private tst class.A. J. McCain, Hdq Detach., 79th Division^j Clifford M. Seiders, M. G. Co., 314th Inf.; Nolan L. Jordan, Co. K, 314th Inf.; John Wilkius, M. G. Co., 316thinf.
-Privates.Arthur S. Roberts, Hdq. De tach., 79th Division; Jacob Bolen, Co. C, 314th Ini.; Walter O. Goodman, Co. E, 315th Inf.; William H. Swearingen, Med. Detach., 315th Inf.; Giacomo Masciarelli, Go. L. 315th Inf.; William Bry^Yon, Co. I. 315th Inf,; Guiseppe Spadafora, Hdq. Co., 31Sth Inf.; Clarence F. Frey, Eldq. Co., 316th Inf.; Herman G. Paustian, Co. D, 315th Ins.; Charles E. Simpson, Go. A, 310th 111. G. Bn.; John R. Bauernfiand, Co. B. 310th M. G. Bn.^$ Benjamin G. Stankunos, Co. B, 31Oth M. G. Bn.; Dwight I'VII1 all ~~S^lt~U~ ~~nb~r~1 u^l^l^lce^l E. Lemon, Co. B.310th M. G. Bn.
abut au coder lose no limo in communicating with their athletic officer.
(Continued from Page Ono)
cation blanks will, in no sense give he impression Seventy Ninth men want jobs simply because they came to France. They'll remind the employer of the fact, but they'll offer him value for his money.
In the matter af our crusade in behalf of the men who want new Jobs, we-ll prioi the latest information about Seventy Ninth talent in this paper each week. We'll send the ^Dapea to Chambers of Commerce and boards of Trade and to the staunch, loyal home town papers, They'll help us get our propositions ^1° the employers.
Our campaign, as we figure it, will help along those already started in favor of the A. E. F. men. Our campaiga willhave the advantage that it will be aimed principally at the home places of Seventy Ninth men so that the market will know what Seventy Ninth talent is available.
We'll let you have the whole plan. and the Job soon as our plan iB approved. In the mean,time, on your own hook, get in touch with your employer. If you have~o employers think of firms in your ii~ Etch might need- you.
These firmd are u^lany.
Page ~
T .~ E TJ O R R ~ I N E GO O ad, TEIUI!L8D~, SPELL 17, Acid
| S. On S. STUFF _ ' BY "SHUS" |
IF WE WILL HAVE TO ~ Pub AD ADS. o ~ C u R ~ ^N^s^l6^n^l A
Art ^\F WE we LL CV
To Succeed Rapt. Jordan, Who
Return To 312th M. G. Battalion.
SPORTS TO 60 ON .. .
Alter Move Is Gompleted New Athlelic Oillcer WIII leash Aa- ti^Y^lties To Limit.Beaucoup
Supplies On Hand.
Lieut. E. E. Mylin, of the 314th Infantry, will succeed Capt. Edwin W. Jordan, of the ;112th Machine Grin Battalion, as Division Athletic Officer on Saturday.
The change comes as a result of Crept. Jordan's request to be allo~ed to rejoin his company. Everybody is expressing regret at his leaving the office except a selfish bunch of mule-skinners over in the 312th, who according to the latest reports, are getting drunk in squad to celebrate the return of thei captain.
Iciest. Mylin intends to push th Athletic end of the division's activi ties as strongly as has Capt. Jordan "~he move of the division," he sail yesterday, "will of course preclude any athletic activities for the nex few days. As soon as we are es tablished in the new area, however we are going to push every btanc] of athletics, particulars baseball We have received a large amoun 'of supplies, which we shall carp with us .and distribute after the division is again established."
Seventy Niners In Bar-lo-D Want To Go Home.
The 274th of. P. Company, which ha been Elittiog the High Bumps down a Bar-le-l)uc for the last three months is DOW cussing beeaus~ it thinks i won't go home with the Seveoly Ninth from which all its men are drawn THE LORRAINE CROSS is -ii receip of a wail from one member of the com pany ending up with 'SO Death, where IS thy sting?
Just ofl-han~, we should say Audi hasn't Rot any Bting that beats the this M.. P. Compan ~ is in.
P. 8. (Later) We hear them are g^oiD{ home with the division.
0~, IF WE MAY EY~CC'^r A JOE AS M.P. .~ 'Ad
312th F. A. Outlit Fives Exhibitlon Before French Ladies
. .
The privates of Supply Company, 31 2th Field Artillery, trimmed the wagoners on April ~ by a score of 12.2. The game looked as though it would be nearly even up to the fourth inning, when the privates landed on O'Daniel's curves and knocked them to all corners of the lot.
The features of the game were the hitting of Privates Doepker and Judy. Doepker got a three bagger and a two bagger, while Judy got a two base hit and two singles.
The dernoiselles turned out in all their glad rags and were entertained by ~ergeant Wainer, who had a rather difficult time giving them the dopb on the game.
(Editor's Note: We're printing this stuff as it comes in, and have no objection on that account. But the next time some ambitious scribe conve ts himself into a ^fiporting writer, we hope he, for the love of Pete, will mention where the game was played..Ed.)
Defeats Co. A At Baseball, 6. "60mewhere In France"
The First Battalion 314th Infantry opened its baseball season on £~unda,y, April o, with a well played game I
which Company A. went down to defeat under the blows from Company B'B willow sticks, by a score of 6 to 4.
Both teams contributed bits of clever playing. ~hortstopAtkins of Company
Holds Prlvate Celebratlon Al Last Rlte Belore Turning In EIorses
The 310th Field Artillery staged a big horse show last Friday at Orquevaux. The show had been planned for the ~3ouilly area, and silver cups had been purchased for prizes. The orders for the (corps add division shows intervened, however, and the regiment held its show until it could be in the nature of a private celebration, a part of its last ceremony as a mounted organization before the horseswere turned in. Every driver was on his toes byreason of the regiment's showing in the Corps horse show, where it took 49 points, the highest numberout of the division's 137 for aa~rsingle organization. Winners in the regimental show were: Class 1, Heavy Draft Horses:.
1st, Pvt. Tuey, Btry F; 2nd, Pvt. Holden, Btry E; 3rd, P^Yt. Branning. Btry A. Class 2, Wheel Mules:.
1st, Pvt. Whitbeck, Supply Co.; End, Pvt. Pickle, Btry F; 3rd^7 Pvt. lilatsnki, Supply Co. Class 3, Light DraR }{orses:.
1st, Pvt. Grams, Btry F; 2nd, Pvt. 3tarnes, Btry Fi 3rd, Pvt. Dowell, Btry F. Class 4, Enlisted Men's l~lounts:.
1st, Sgt. Hill, Btry A; end, Sgt. Ste^Yens, Btrs~ E; 3rd, Pvt. Green, Hq. Co.
lass 5, Quarter Mile Race Enlisted went. 1st, Pvt. Maeacke, Btry A; 2nd, Sgt. Zin^llorf, Btry D; 3rd, Corp. Harp, Btry A. Class 6, Half Mile Race Officers:.
^Ist, Lt. J. W. Brown; 2nd, Capt. Mount; bird, Capt. Rees. Lass 7, Platoon Contest:.
~ ~II~IU^t5 UU ~ ~UU,UI~ 01 runs ^Dy a Ist, Battery F; 2nd, Battery E; 3rd, Batrunnir^jgonehanded catch of a short Y . r By back of third base, from the bat of Class 8, Carria e Contest.
orporal Ruser, B Company s crack ter^y A. hortstop and Captain.
Culp, playing centerfield for Co. B. aved the game for his team by l i~^lcult catch of a log for in the last no Ink, with two mea on base and wo out.
We haven't the faintest notion where hey played the game..Ed.)
A certain Top-l~ick in the Head Darters Troop has promised the edito f this paper three days latrine guar in the b tat going back as a reward fo uniting a Piece id the Paper about his ast week.
That's all right. But the editor ^0 his paper takes this means of an ouncing that he knows Something lee to put in if he hears any mor^l bout that Latrine Guard proposition
The Power of the Press.
glass 9, Enlisted Men's Single Mounts-. tst, Pvt. Clifton, Hq. Co.; End, Sgt. Hill, Btry A; 3rd, Stevens, Btry E.
Divlsion Will Be Represented In A. E. F. Contests
. ,.'
The division will be represented n the A. E. F. musketry contest which is to be held next month. Competitions were held yesterday It l~imaucourt between platoons epresenting the four infantry regi
. ents and the engineers to decide which platoon will represent the division. At the time of going to press the result of this contest was not known.
Entertainment Department Help in^S^l With Eoly Week 93ervlces
All division shows have been called in on account of the impending move of the division. This does not mean however, that they will be per^l^l^lanentl~ disbanded. When the division is em ablished in its new area, the Enter tainment Department will make every effort to get going again, and the present prospect is that the men will have as much, if not more amusement than they have had since they have beer I n l~'rance.
There will be no shows tonight, ton~orrow and Saturday nights, when al] I he resources of the Entertainment l epartmeut will be devoted to making l he Easter Services as good as possible.
imaucourt Closes Shop To Give Hens A Chunae
When the Elegant Birds who Mind he Stoves in Rimauc^Qurt went out to get their morning eggs and fried potatoes Wednesday, they ran into nothing ut closed doors all up and down the treet,
One place wag open, but had nothing to oat. Inquiry developed the fact that all the eggs had been eaten up. ~Feenee~h lee eeufs" was all the cook ladies could say about it. "Lee poul~ts.tree ta~iguee~," they would add Which mea^l^ls: Your wonderful America^D appetites have tired all the hens DU^t trying to keep up with the demand.
So nobody had any breakfast. Latest reports are that the egg famine will be over in another day or so, as soon as the hens pluck up enough spirit to resume production.
We understand that a certain busiaess meeting held in the 304th Ammunition Train was nearly broken up because two sergeants from Company C had an argument over their nationalit~r.
Just on general principles it would have been a good idea to lock both of them up and give them a day on K. P. These non-commissioned officers have Lo be disciplined a little now and then.
^'^rhere is a Ford car in the 304th Ensineers which has been trained to stop automatically in front of a Red Cross or Y. M. a. A. Hut.
This remarkable feat of flivver ~rainngha~ been accomplished by the chap our, Al Murray, better known :LS the Alcoa laid. ~
Athletes Wlll Be Called T< Dlvi~ion Headquarters May 10
Members of the Seventh Nintl track and field team will be called to division headquarters for furthe^l training May 10, it is announced ir a recent daily order from divisior headquarters. The call will be part of the policy of Captain Ludwig W. Jordan Division Athletic Offi^lcer, tc bend every effort to make his track men the best in the A. E F. Special interest attaches to the call for the training of the track and field ae~regation because of the A. E. if. hnalswhich will be heldinColombes Stadium, Paris, beginning May 21 next.
~ In line with his interest in the division track work, Captain Jordan has called, thru a division order, for lists of men in regiments and separate units who have participated in the following events, and who appear qualified to represent the division in them: 220 yards low hurdles; throwing the javelin; throwing the discus; throwing the hammer; pole vaulting and shot putting. The names must be in div~pi^r^O^1 headquarters on or before
I sat and watched the grazing sheep,
On a green hill over yonder.
I seemed to see my "Buddy" there
As I saw him last November.
I'bi8 hill the peaceful sheep now roam In peace and quiet standing, few months ago I seem to see
Boche airplanes there a landing.
There were no flocks or flowers there When we were there and fought,
Instead of them I seem to see
The Germans on the trot.
Now the foe has left Alsace And passed beyond the Rhine
Pleased I am I seem to see
That dear old Pal of mine.
Out there among the dead and apoil~And prance of grazing sheep,
I now can see and realize
My Pal in peaceful sleep.
I'll see him in my memories His smile I'll hon^lr remember,
I'll always see that Pal of mine
As I saw him last November.
Soon we'll embark for our dear ones Across the sea so far,
I wish my Pal, I could meet there,
den I have massed the but.
'C. L. 1~, Nit Di .