Log Cabin Memorial - Veterans 314th Infantry Regiment A.E.F.

Seventy-ninth [79th] Division, Headquarters Troop: A Record

CAIN, JAMES M. & GILBERT MALCOLM 1919. Privately Printed. First Edition of James M. Cain Rare First Book.
A history of Cain's army unit in World War I, printed in a tiny quantity exclusively for the members of his unit.
Hardbound in full blue cloth with gilt-stamping.
Second Half: Pages 21 through 36

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Seventy-ninth [79th] Division, Headquarters Troop: A Record

Seventy-ninth [79th] Division, Headquarters Troop: A Record Book - page 20
Seventy-ninth [79th] Division, Headquarters Troop: A Record Book - page 21
Seventy-ninth [79th] Division, Headquarters Troop: A Record Book - page 22
Seventy-ninth [79th] Division, Headquarters Troop: A Record Book - page 23
Seventy-ninth [79th] Division, Headquarters Troop: A Record Book - page 24
Seventy-ninth [79th] Division, Headquarters Troop: A Record Book - page 25
Seventy-ninth [79th] Division, Headquarters Troop: A Record Book - page 26
Seventy-ninth [79th] Division, Headquarters Troop: A Record Book - page 27
Seventy-ninth [79th] Division, Headquarters Troop: A Record Book - page 28
Seventy-ninth [79th] Division, Headquarters Troop: A Record Book - page 29
Seventy-ninth [79th] Division, Headquarters Troop: A Record Book - page 30
Seventy-ninth [79th] Division, Headquarters Troop: A Record Book - page 31
Seventy-ninth [79th] Division, Headquarters Troop: A Record Book - page 32
Seventy-ninth [79th] Division, Headquarters Troop: A Record Book - page 33
Seventy-ninth [79th] Division, Headquarters Troop: A Record Book - page 34
Seventy-ninth [79th] Division, Headquarters Troop: A Record Book - page 35
Seventy-ninth [79th] Division, Headquarters Troop: A Record Book - page 36
"Finie la Guerre!" The next thing wasp "When are we going home?"

From the day of the armistice until the early part of February, the Troop had its full share of the rumors that were current in the A. E. F. as to the day of departure for home. We would be in France a year; we were going home next month; we were the nineteenth division on the list; we had been shoved up nine, or put back seven. It got so that nobody would believe anything at all. Finally, the official announcement informed us that we would be in France until June. It later turned out that we were to get home in May, but we knew, at any rate, that we would have several months to spend in France, and the Troop set about spending them in the best way possible.

Shortly after the announcement of the sailing dates of the various combat divisions, G. H. Q. instituted a program for the welfare of the soldiers while they were in France. Athletics were encouraged everywhere. Arrangements were made whereby a large number of soldiers could attend various European universities, and the A. E. F. University at Beaune, Cote d'Or. Entertainment companies were encouraged, and it was made possible for all soldiers to obtain passes to the recreation centers in a score or more of the better French, British, and Italian cities.

The Troop not only took advantage of this program, but helped carry it out through the division. Needless to say, there was a regular quota from the Troop every time a leave train was made up. Many went to the European universities. Several men volunteered to act as teachers at the division educational center.

The division entertainment program was helped very largely by members of the Troop, who personally directed the decorating of the large theatre at Souilly, where Division Headquarters was located for three months, and where a thousand troops were billetted. Troopers arranged for the procuring of plays and motion pictures. "Slim" Kellam and his three colleagues who made up the Kellam Four formed probably the best-known small troupe in the American Army, having toured all over the A. E. F., both in France and Germany. The athletic program was aided considerably by a trooper, who was appointed division boxing instructor, and who trained many fighters who became famous in the A. E. F. Two other troopers were the editors of the division newspaper, "The Lorraine Cross."

In all, during the war and after, Headquarters Troop did its duty with high credit to itself and to the division. It never had time to drill -- but when it came to getting something done, all a trooper needed was the order, and the thing was done.


Private John S. Watson

Enlisted January 2, 1918. Transferred to Headquarters Troop from 301h Company, 154th Depot Brigade, January 28, 1918. Died of pneumonia at Base Hospital, Camp Meade, Md., April 18, 1918.

Private Harry I. Newkumet

Enlisted February 6, 1918. Transferred to Headquarters Troop from 26th Company, 154th Depot Brigade, April 15, 1918. Served with distinction as motorcycle courier during First Phase of Meuse-Argonne Offensive, September 26-30, 1918. Died of influenza at Evacuation Hospital, Souilly, Meuse, France, October 24, 1918.

Private First-Class Clifford W. Sylvester

Enlisted February 23, 1918. Transferred to Headquarters Troop from 6th Company, 154th Depot Brigade, March 18, 1918. Served with distinction as headquarters orderly during First Phase of Meuse-Argonne Offensive, September 26-30, 1918, and during Third Phase of the same Offensive, October 30 - November 11, 1918. Gassed in action November 4, 1918, at Vachereauville, Meuse, France. Died of influenza at Base Hospital, Glorieux, Meuse, France, December 3O, 1918.



  • Eugene S. Pleasonton, August 29, 1917 - May 30, 1918
  • Edward W. Madeira May 31, 1918 - June 5, 1919

First Lieutenants

  • Edward W. Madeira, August 29, 1917 - May 30, 1918
  • Russell A. Freas, May 31, 1918 - June 5, 1919

Second Lieutenants

  • Russell A. Freas, August 29, 1917 - May 30, 1918
  • Charles R. Ace, June 12, 1918 - May 3, 1919
  • Walter J. Judson, May 4, 1919 - June 5, 1919

First Sergeants

  • Thomas E. McClelland, September 8, 1917 - December 27, 1917
  • William W. Frazier, 3d, December 28, 1917 - February 1, 1918
  • John Barry, February 2, 191 - July 23, 1918
  • Joseph F. Elverson, July 24, 1918 - June 5, 1919

Supply Sergeants

  • John Barry, September 8, 1917 - February 1, 1918
  • Edwin J. Carr, March 12, 1918 - March 29, 1918
  • Daniel L. Harmon, April 12, 1918 - June 5, 1919

Mess Sergeants

  • Frank A. Daly, September 28, 1917 - November 17, 1917
  • David O'Brien, December 5, 1917 - July 23, 1918
  • Emile Roman, NIay 23, 1918 - June 5, 1919
  • Charles S. Moore, August 20, 1918 - May 10, 1919
  • Elvin L. Boekenkamp, May 11, 1919 - June 5, 1919

Stable Sergeants
  • William Bontz, September 8, 1917 - October 3, 1917
  • George O. Smith, November 14, 1917 - November 19, 1917
  • Lucius K. Ryan, December 5, 1917 - June 5, 1919


  • Charlie Elmore, September 6, 1917 - January 12, 1919
  • Joseph F. Elverson, September 8, 1917 - July 23, 1918
  • Floyd Robinson, September 8, 1917 - October 3, 1917
  • William W. Frazier, 3d, December 21, 1917 - Decemher 28, 1917
  • John N. Comfort, December 21, 1917 - September 20, 1918
  • Edwin C. Wilson, December 21, 1917 - April 19, 1918
  • Thomas E. McClelland, December 28, 1917 - July 6, 1918
  • Joseph S. Hebden, May 21, 1918 - June 5, 1919
  • Wilmer E. Grier, May 21, 1918 - June 5, 1919
  • John Barry, July 24, 1918 - August 18, 1918
  • David O'Brien, July 24, 1918 - August 14, 1918
  • William J. Johnston, August 2, 1918 - June 5, 1919
  • Frank E. Horn, August 19, 1918 - April 29, 1919
  • Luther R. Druckenmiller, September 24, 1918 - May 10, 1919
  • John W. Horne, January 14-19, 1919 February 28, 1919 - June 5, 1919
  • Raymond B. Whiite, May 1, 1919 - June 5, 1919
  • Charles S. Moore, May 11, 1919 - June 5, 1919

  • William J. Johnston, October 16, 1917 - August 1, 1918
  • William W. Frazier, 3d, October 16 1917 - Decembet 20, 1917
  • Edwin C. Wilson, October 23, 1917 - December 20, 1917
  • Frank E. Horn, November 11, 1917 - August 18, 1918
  • David L. Harmon, January 8, 1918 - Apri~ 10, 1918
  • Luther R. Druckenmiller, January 8, l918 - September 23, 1918
  • Howard B. Connelly, January 8, 1918 - September 20, 1918
  • James A. Friebel, April 11, 1918 - April 30, 1919
  • Raymond B. White, April 11, 1918 - April 30, 1919
  • Arthur T. Lukens, April 11, 1918 - April 29, l919
  • William L. Jeffrey, May 21, 1918 - July 2, 1918
  • Frederick VV. Robinson, July 30, 1918 - April 29, 1918
  • Norman H. Clegg, August 2, 1918 - June 5, 1919
  • Raynerd G. Schmoll, August 19, l918 - June 5, 1919
  • Thomas 3. Cranston, October 16, 1918 - June 5, 1919
  • Elvin L Boekenkamp, October 16, 1918 - May 10 1919
  • Samuel T. Riebel, May 1, 1919 - June 5, 1919
  • Leonard T. Kelly, May 1, 1919 - June 5, 1919
  • Maurice Lensky, May 1, 1919 - June 5, 1919
  • Edward R. Ervien, May 1, 1919 - June 5, 1919
  • Harvey A. Sadler, May 11, 1919 - June 5, 1919


The following men, sometime members of Headquarters Troop, 79th Division, were during the course of the war appointed officers:

  • William W. Frazier, 3d
  • Edwin C. Wilson
  • Ervin F. Bickley
  • John M. Crosman
  • John A. Hisey
  • Edred J. Pennell
  • George L. Richardson, Jr.
  • Robert C. Glenn
  • Paul J. McGahan
  • George O. Smith
  • Robert W. Peterson, 3d
  • Roger S. Kopp


Headquarters, 79th Division, A. E. F. France, May 8, 1919



Par. 7. For gallantry in action and meritorious services, the following citations are published for the information of the command:


Captain Edward W. Madeira, Cavalry, commanding Headquarters Troop, 79th Division, during the

training in the United States and operations in France. Captain Madeira has been untiring in his attention to duty and has very efficiently accomplished not only his ordinary duties but the numerous incidental calls upon his attention which have constantly arisen. However difficult were the conditions, Captain Madeira has always been cheerful, tactful and energetic.

First Lieutenant~ Russell A. Freas, Caualry, Headquarters Troop, 79th Division; for his energy and resourcefulness in performing the various duties assigned to him under all sorts of conditions.

Sergeant Wilmer E. Grier, Headquarters Troop, 79th Division, as Sergeant in Charge of Motor Transportation at Division Headquarters, has served conspicuously and faithfully. During the days when the division was in action, by his untiring efforts, he succeeded in keeping the automobiles and motorcycles at maximum efficiency. He has at all times displayed willingness to accept responsibility and energy in carrying out his duties.

  • Horseshoer Ross Stepler, Headquarters Troop, 791:h Division.
  • Horseshoer John F. Bradley, Headquarters Troop, 79th Division.
  • Private William M. Lawler, Headquarters Troop 79th Division.

The above mentioned men, near Montfaucon, between the 26th and 30th September, 1918, as mounted orderlies, acted as couriers between Division Headquarters and the Headquarters of the Infantry Brigades.

Over congested roads and in spite of hostile shell fire they never failed to deliver their messages.

Private Clifford W. Sylvester (deceased), Headquarters Troop, 79th Division, who as an orderly, performed his duties faithfully and well at all times. During bombardments by gas shells at Vachereauville, between October 29, 1918, and November 10, 1918, this soldier delivered messages throughout the bombardments and subsequently through gas concentration, not only for himself, but for other orderlies at Division Headquarters. He did his duty cheerfully and well until evacuated to the hospital seriously gassed. Private Sylvester has since died; his death being due indirectly to having been gassed.

  • Private Herbert Lorenzi, Headquarters Troop, 79th Division.
  • Private Luther R. Chaney, Headquarters Troop, 79th Division.
  • Private Fred H. Cushing, Headquarters Troops 79th Division.
  • Private Joseph L. Selden Headquarters Troop, 79th Division.
  • Prizrate Stanley F. Chapin, Headquarters Troop, 79th Division.
The above mentioned men, as motorcycle couriers during the operations engaged in by this division between October 8 and November 11, 1918, performed their duties faithfully and well. Driving motorcycles mostly by night, and alone under most adverse conditions, they overcame innumerable difficulties. Working on dark, wet, slippery, congested roads, often under
shell fire and through gas, they unfailingly accomplished every one of their missions.

Par. 18. For gallantry in action and meritorious services, the following citations are published for the information of the command:

  • Wagoner Harry F. Behm, Headquarters Troop, 79th Division.
  • Wagoner Leroy R. Andrews, Headquarters Troop, 79~h Division.
Near Montfaucon, between the 26th and 30th of September, 1918, both of these men acted as motorcycle couriers between Division Headquarters and the headquarters of the infantry brigades and of the regimentsi. Over congested roads, both by day and night, and through continuous hostile shell fire, these men continually exhibited the utmost coolness and indifference to their personal danger in delivering messages. Both of these men at all times executed their duties in an exceptionally thorough and efficient manner, and with the most conspicuous cheerfulness and willingness.

Wagoner Andrews also performed the same duties during the operations of the division east of the Meuse, between October 29th and November 11th, in the same manner which characterized his previous work at Montfaucon.



Colonel, General Staff, Chief of Staff

Major, U. S. A., Division Adjutant

1917August2579th Division, National Army, organized at Camp Meade, Md.
1917August29Headquarters Troop, 79t~ Division, organized. Troop officers reported.
1917September6First enlisted man transferred to Troop.
1917September18Troop mess started.
1917October12Troop took over guard at Headquarters, 79th Division, Camp Meade.
1917December12 Captain Pleasonton departed for Army General Staff College, Langres, France.
1918April4-7Practice march to Baltimore and Parade before President Wilson.
1918May20Preparations for overseas duty begun.
1918July6 Began journey overseas.
Left barracks, 3 p. m. and marched to Admiral.
Entrained and departed from Admiral, 4.45 p. m.
Arrived Jersey City, 11.30 p.m.
1918July7Embarked on U. S. S. Leviathan, 11 a.m.
1918July8Sailed from Hoboken, 6 p. m.
1918July15Arrived Brest, France, 3 p.m.
1918July16Debarked, 9 a. m. and marched to Pontanezen Barracks.
1918July19Left Pontanezen Barracks, 6 p.m.,
and marched to Brest.
Entrained, 8 p. m.
Left Brest, 11.18 p.m.
1918July22Arrived Is-sur-Tille, 2 p.m. Spent night in Rest Camp.
1918July23Left Is-sur-Tille, 7.30 a.m. Arrived Mussy-sur-Seine, Cote d'Or, 2 p. m. Division Headquarters established.
1918July27Left Mussy-sur-Seine, 7 a. m. by truck. Arrived Prauthoy, Haute Marne, 3 p. m.
Division Headquarters established.
1918September8Left Prauthoy, 6 p. m. and marched to Vaux-sous-Aubigny. Entrained, 11 p. m.
1918September9Left Vaux-sous-Aubigny, 3 a.m.
Arrived Revigny, 4 p. m. and detrained.
Proceeded by motor truck to Robert-Espagne.
Division Headquarters established.
1918September12Left Robert-Espagne by motor truck, 6 p. m.
1918September13Arrived Blercourt, Meuse, 3 a. m. Division Headquarters established.
1918September15Left Blercourt, 8 p.m. by marching and arrived Jouy-en-Argonne, 10 p. m.
1918September16Division Headguarters established Jouy-en-Argonne, 8 a. m.
157th French Infantry Division relieved by 79th Division, U. S. A.
1918September25P. C. of Division with advance echelon of Division Headquarters established near Hill 309, west of Montzeville.
Fire of preparation for Meuse-Argonne Offensive begun 11.30 p. m.
1918September26Infantry advance begun, 5.30 a. m. Malancourt captured. Division P. C. established at P. C. Zouave on Hill 304, 3 p. m.
1918September27Division P. C. established at Haucourt, 10 a. m.
Montfaucon captured, 11.45 a. m.
Division P. C. established 1,500 meters southeast of Montfaucon, near fork of Malancourt-Montfaucon and Malancourt-Cuisy roads, 6 p. m.
1918September3079th Division relieved by 3d Division, U. S. A.
P. C. 1,500 meters southeast of Montfaun closed, 6 p. m.
1918October1Division Headquarters re-established at Jouy-en-Argonne.
1918October4Left Jouy-en-Argonne by motor truck, 9 a. m.
Arrived Thillambois, Meuse, 1 p. m.
Division Headquarters established.
1918October8Left Thillambois by motor truck, 7 a. m.
Arrived Troyon-sur-Meuse, 8 a. m.
Division Headquarters established.
1918October26Left Troyon-sur-Meuse by motor truck 7 a. m.
Arrived Dieue-sur-Meuse, 8 a. m.
Division Headquarters established.
1918October29Advance echelon of Division Headguarters established Division P. C. at Vachereauvil1e, Meuse, 7 a.m., relieving 29th Division, U. S. A. Rear echelon left Dieue by motor truck and arrived Dugny-sur-Meuse.
1918November6Division P. C. moved from Vachereauville and established at Molleville Farm.
1918November11Armistice in effect, 11 a. m.
1918November15,Division P. C. moved to Vachereauvilie.
1918December28Advance echelon moved by motor truck from Vachereauville to Souilly, Meuse.
Rear echelon moved by motor truck from Dugny to Souilly.
Division Headquarters established.
1919March28Moved by motor truck from Souilly to Reynel, Haute Marne.
1919April1Division Headquarters established at Reynel.
1919April12Division reviewed by Commander-in-Chief.
1919April22Left Reynel by motor truck, 2 p. m.
Arrived Rimaucourt and entrained, 4 p. m.
Left Rimaucourt, 5 p.m.
1919April24Arrived Nantes, Loire Inferieure, 5 p. m.
Moved by motor truck to Reze.
Division Headquarters established.
1919May9Troop inspected for release to United States.
1919May15Left Reze by marching, 9 a. m.
Arrived Nantes, 10 a. m.
Entrained and left Nantes, 11.30 a. m.
Arrived St. Nazaire, 4.30 p. m.
Marched to Embarkation Camp No. 2 for physical examination.
Arrived Camp No. 1, 7 p. m. Deloused.
1919May18Left Camp No. 1 by marching, 10.15 a. m.
Arrived St. Nazaire, 11 a. m.
Embarked on U. S. S. Kroonland, 12.00 m.
Sailed from St. Nazaire, 4.00 p. m.
1919May29Arrived Hoboken, N. J., 8.30 a. m.
Proceeded by ferry to Jersey City and entrained, 12.00 m.
Arrived Camp Dix, N. J., 3.30 p.m.
1919June5Troop demobilized at Camp Dix, N. J.
All enlisted men discharged.
1919June6All officers discharged.

Madeira, Edward W., Captain, 321 Chestnut St., Phila., Pa.
Freas, Russell A., First Lieutenant, Norwood Station, Pa.
Judson, Walter J., Second Lieutenant, 1011 K St, Wash., D.
Andrews, Leroy R., Wagoner, Swarthmore, Pa.
Armbruster, George, Wagoner, 683 Woodward Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y.
Bannister, James, Private, Beach St., Manchester) N. H.
Barlow, Fred H., Wagoner, 309 Lockhart St., Sayre, Pa.
Barnes, Elmer C., Private, Enhaut, Pa.
Behm, Harry F., Wagoner, McClay St., Harrisburg Pa., R.F.D. No. 2, Box 98.
Bible, Homer F., Private, Flintstone, Md.
Blake, Patrick J., Private, 5459 Regent St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Boekenkamp, Elvin L., Mess Sergeant, Norwood, Pa.
Bovell, William H., Private, West Conshohocken, Pa.
Boyer, Bertram J., Private, 4723 Torresdale Ave., Phila., Pa,
Bradley, Frank, Private, First Class, Penllyn, Pa.
Bradley, John F., Horseshoer, 6537 Haverford Ave., Phila., Pa.
Buch, Clayton K., Private, Manheim, Pa.
Cain, James M., Private, First Class, Eden Terrace, Catonsville, Md.
Cannon, Thomas O., Private, 4129 N. 5th St., Phila., Pa.
Chancy, Luther R., Private, Ammondale, Md.
Chapin, Stanley F., Private, 73 Travers St., Athol, Mass.
Charters, Jerome E., Wagoner, Bowie, Md.
Clark, Patrick A., Private, 735 6th Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y.
Clegg, Norman H., Corporal, Cynwyd, Pa.
Cluck, Franklin B., Private, Fairfield, Pa.
Colfelt, Harry P., Private, 30 N. Mount St., Baltimore, Md.
Colfer, Robert, Private, 1527 Brighton Road, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Cook, Fred W., Cook, 441 River St., Honesdale, Pa.
Cranston, Thomas J., Corporal, 2810 N. 23d St., Phila., Pa.
Creighton, Robert L., Cook, Rock Hall, Md.
Cushing, Fred H., Private, 70 Lothrop St., Beverly, Mass.
Davidson, Raymond H., Private, R.F.D. No. 2, Wind Gap, Pa.
Dietz, John R., Private, 533 Richwood Ave., Govans, Md.
Doneker, George W., Bugler, First Class, 668 E. Wensley St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Elverson, Joseph F., First Sergeant, Catasauqua, Pa.
Ervien, Edward R. Corporal, Ogontz, Pa.
Gamache, Joseph, Private, 460 Willow St., Manchester, N. H.
Garrett, Robert P., Private, First Class, Lansdowne, Pa.
Gilladett, Clarence, Private, Moravia, N. Y.
Ginn, Earl W., Private, 1720 Linden Ave., Baltimore, Md.
Gottschall, Oscar C., Private, 20 W. Ridge St., Lansford, Pa.
Gough, Ray A., Private, Spencer, W. Va.
Graham, Henry, Private, 209 N. 2d St., Sunbury, Pa.
Grier, Wilmer E., Sergeant, Beltsville, Md.
Harmon, Daniel L., Supply Sergeant, Mosgrove, Pa.
Hartford, Warren W., Wagoner, 13 N. 54th St., Phila.,
Hebden, Joseph S., Sergeant, Norwood Station, Pa.
Heinzinger, John, Private, 883 E. 165th St., Bronx, York City.
Hewitt, John J., Private, Antoine, Ark.
Hine, John D., Private, First Class, 110 E. Hamilton Ave., Hamilton, Baltimore, Md.
Hoff, Morris L., Wagoner, Cynwyd, Pa.
Horde, John W., Sergeant, Herndon, Va.
Jacob, Joseph P., Private, 940 N. 66th St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Jacobsson, Joseph N., Cook, Ritz-Carlton Hotel, New York City.
Johnston, William J., Sergeant, 4311 Otter St., Phila., Pa.
Jones, Chester G., Wagoner, Narberth, Pa.
Jones, George W., Wagoner, Route No. 2, Conshohocken, Pa.
Jones, Raymond, Private, 333 Ridge Ave., Kingston, Pa
Kellarn, Frank, Private, First Class, 315 Land Title Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa.
Keller, Henry, Private, Eckley, Pa.
Kelly, Leonard T., Corporal, Overton, Pa.
Kornginitze, John, Private, Colton, W. Va.
Kraut, Samuel, Private, 870 Hallett St., Bridgeport, Conn.
Lawler, William M., Private, 4828 N. 13th St., Phila., Pa.
Lehman, William S., Private, Espy, Pa.
LeLain, Emile, Private, 321 W. 44th St., New York City.
Lensky,. Maurice, Corporal, 63 Hinsdale St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
Lewis, Trevor M., Private, 114 Willow St., Plymouth, Pa.
Linning, Charles E., Private, 229 Spruce St., Phila., Pa.
Lorenzi, Herbert, Private, 130 Olive St., Charlestown, Mass.
Malcolm, Gilbert, Private, First Class, Highland Terrace, Boiling Springs, Pa.
Malloy, John C., Wagoner, 208 Chestnut Ave., Ardmore, Pa.
Matthews, Charles B., Private, 1908 Monument Ave., Philadelphia, Pa.
McKeon, James J., Private, 6318 Paschall Eve., Phila., Pa.
Miller, John H., Private, 650 E. Chestnut St., York, Pa.
Mitchell, Matthew E., Mechanic, 1104 Hanover St., Baltimore, Md.
Moll, Clarence E., Wagoner, 350 Church St., Catasauqua, Pa.
Moore, Charles S., Sergeant, 334 5th Ave., New York City.
Murphy, Joseph F., Private, 433 59th St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
Neely, Merrill, Mechanic, 1916 Mt. Vernon St., Phila., Pa.
Noss, Harry E., Saddler, York New Salem, Pa.
Oehmke, Henry W., Private, Luckey, Ohio.
Phelps, Landon L., Private, First Class, 6329 Eberhart Ave., Chicago, Ill.
Pinch, Frederick G., Private, First Class, Devon, Pa.
Plumadore, Lester J., Private, 1418 Walnut St., Toledo, Ohio.
Pyle, William A., Cook, 1450 N. 58th St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Rider, Ray B., Private, First Class, Benton, Pa.
Riebel, Samuel T., Corporal, 401 W. 63d St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Roberts, Nathan,iel J., Private, First Class, Quakertown, Pa.
Roman, Emile, Mess Sergeant, 2440 Columbia Ave., Philadelphia, Pa.
Rowland, Edgar H., Private, First Class, 150 W. Sharpnack St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Ryan, Lucius K, Stable Sergeant, 1352 Sanderson Ave., Scranton, Pa.
Sadler, Harvey A., Corporal, 627 Allyn St., Akron, Ohio.
Schmoll, Raynerd G., Corporal, R.D. No. 3, Wyoming, Pa.
Schober, Robert S., Private, 6649 Champlain Ave., Chicago, Ill.
Selden, Joseph L., Private, First Class, West Hartford, Conn.
Shaffer, Harold E., Wagoner, Espy, Pa.
Sheehan, Sildman, Private, Clifton, S. C.
Shepler, George W., Wagoner, Hershey, Pa., R.F.D. No 2.
Shepler, Ross, Horseshoer, Hershey, Pa., R.F.D. No. 2.
Shuker, George L., Cook, 717 11th Ave, Astoria, Long Island, N. Y.
Sloan, Russell A., Private, 6028 Walton Ave., Phila., Pa.
Smith, Charles H., Wagoner, Cape May, N. J.
Smith, Elmer D., Private, Luckey, Ohio.
Sneidman, Charles R., Private, Almedia, Pa.
Stewart, Hugh H., Wagoner, 6107 Vine St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Swann, James E., Private, First Class, 1256 22d St., N. W., Washington, D. C.
Swartz, Walter E., Private, Dunbrrige, Ohio.
Thomas, Irving, Private, First Class, 3212 Green St., Harrisburg, Pa.
Thomas, Ralph E., Private, First Class, State College, R.F.D. No. 1, Pa.
Thompson, Silas O., Private, 1716 St. Paul St., Baltimore, Md.
Tienarend, Fred E. J., Private, Lemoyne, Ohio.
Ward, Laird L., Wagoner, 2006 G St., N. W., Wash., D. C:.
Webb, William J., Wagoner, 5455 Cedar Ave., Phila. Pa.
Weiant, Harold E., Wagoner, Cynwyd, Pa.
White, Raymond B., Sergeant, 777 N. 38th St., Phila., Pa.
Wingfield, David R., Private, 207 Union St., Union Hill, N. J.
Wolf, Pierce E., Private, Myerstown, R.F.D. No. 1, Pa.
Yoder, Chester A., Wagoner, Belleville, Pa.
Zoccolo, Vito M., Private, 234 15th Ave., Long Island City, N. Y.

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