Log Cabin Memorial - Veterans 314th Infantry Regiment A.E.F.

Mother's Day 1919

Sunday May 11, 1919

Soldier's Mother's Day Card from France - 1919 - May 11, 1919 - front of postcard
Soldier's Mother's Day Card from France - 1919 - May 11, 1919 - back of postcard
Although not directly 314th's related, this Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History - Mothers Day 1919 web page is really interesting, you can sense the emotion.
Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History - Lawrence Hopkins - Mothers Day 1919 - Letter Home from France
Forwarding Camp, Le Mans, France

May 7, 1919

Dear Mother:

It is my fond hope that this will be my last letter written in France. 

Next Sunday is mother's Day, they tell me, but I'm writing my mother's letter today 
because I hope that by Sunday I shall be so far advanced in the journey home 
that mailing letters will be out of the question

As matters stand now, we expect to leave here May 9th for Brest. 

We are hoping that there will be little or no delay in Brest in getting up that coveted gang-plank. 

At any rate, I think I.m safe in saying that I ought to be clear home not later than Decoration Day. 

We may be disappointed, but I think not.

As was the case when I wrote you last week, we have nothing of import on our minds except 
our chances of getting out of here, so you mustn't expect this to be much of a letter.

However, I guess I can concentrate for a sufficient time to write you my best Mother's Day wishes. 

I send a goodly supply of same, and if you have any left over, just tum 'em over to Father!

And may you never get another letter from France as long as you live!


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