UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA LIBRARY THE GIFT OF EDWARD E. ROE WADE Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2015 SOURCE RECORDS OF THE GREAT WAR A COMPREHENSIVE AND READABLE SOURCE RECORD OF THE WORLD'S GREAT WAR, EMPHASIZING THE MORE IMPORTANT EVENTS, AND PRESENTING THESE AS COMPLETE NARRATIVES IN THE ACTUAL WORDS OF THE CHIEF OFFICIALS AND MOST EMINENT LEADERS NON-PARTISAN NON-SECTIONAL NON-SECTARIAN PRESENTING DOCUMENTS FROM GOVERNMENT ARCHIVES AND OTHER AUTHORITATIVE SOURCES, WITH OUTLINE NARRATIVES, INDICES, CHRONOLOGIES, AND COURSES OF READING ON SOCIO- LOGICAL MOVEMENTS AND INDIVIDUAL NATIONAL ACTIVITIES EDITOR-IN-CHIEF CHARLES F. HORNE, Ph.D. DIRECTING EDITOR WALTER F. AUSTIN, LL.M With a staff of specialists VOLUME IF Rational Alumni Copyright, 1923, National Alumni Printed in U. S. A. CONTENTS VOLUME IV— 1916 "They Shall Not Pass" PAGB An Outline of Verdun and the Black Year of Exhaustion . xiii CHARLES F. HORNE. 1 Belgium's Martyrdom (Oct. 1915-Nov. 1916) The Enslavement of Labor 1 BRAND WHITLOCK, U. S. Minister to Belgium. CARDINAL MERCIER, Roman Catholic Primate of Belgium. GENERAL VON BISSING, German Governor of Belgium. APPEAL OF THE BELGIAN WORKMEN. APPEAL OF THE BELGIAN WOMEN. II Little Montenegro' s Last Stand (Jan. 13) The Austrian's Capture its Capital, Cettinje . 18 EDGAR WALLACE, British historian. LAZARE MUSKOVITCH, Prime Minister of Montenegro. III Russia's Conquest of Armenia (Feb. 16) The Capture of Erzerum . . . .24 GENERAL YUDENITCH, Russian Chief of Staff in the East. MORGAN PRICE, British official witness in Asia Minor. IV The First Assault on Verdun (Feb. 21) The Mightiest Effort of Germany's Artillery . 38 COUNT DE SOUZA, noted French military authority. LORD NORTHCLIFFE, Britain's foremost newspaper director. GENERAL VON FALKENHAYN, German Chief of Staff. GENERAL VON LUDENDORFF, afterward German Chief of Staff. CROWN PRINCE FREDERICK WILLIAM, German com- mander at Verdun. V Armed Intervention in Mexico (March 15- June) The United States Volunteer Army Gathered and Trained ...... 61 JOHN PERSHING, Brigadier General U. S. A. in 1916. FREDERICK FUNSTON, Major General U. S. A. in 1916. VENUSTIANO CARRANZA, President of Mexico. ROBERT LANSING, U. S. Secretary of State. vii X O O JL