[[ Mirrored from archive.org, with more info at http://www.314th.org/times-history-of-the-war/times-history-of-the-war.html ]] The Times HISTORY OF THE WAR Vol. XXII (GENERAL INDEX.) PRINTING HOUSE SQUARE. PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY "THE TIMES" PRINTING HOUSE SQUARE, LONDON. 1921 VOLUME XXII. This volume, which concludes The Times History of the War, is a General Index to the preceding 21 volumes. To facilitate reference to the Chapters of the History a Classified Table of Subjects has also been prepared. CLASSIFIED TABLE OF SUBJECTS. AERIAL NAVIGATION. Air Arm : Last War Years. . Early East Coast Raids First German Air Raids on England German Air Raids : February to May, 1916 German Air Raids : May to November, 1916 Military Aeronautics and the British Air Service Use of Aircraft VOL. PAGE XIX 253 II 357 VII 1 VIII *74 X 181 II 173 XIII 109 ARABS. Arab Uprising. . XVII ARMENIA. Extermination of the Armenians Russian Campaign of 1915-16 in Armenia THE ARMISTICE AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. 1917-18, Austria's Last Offensive . . . . Austria-Hungary : July, 1914-NovEMBER, 1916 Austria-Hungary : Last Years Austrian Offensive of May, 1916, in the Trentino : Italian Politics Austro-Hungarian Problem Invasions of Serbia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II BELGIUM. See also Western Front. Army and the Fortresses of Belgium Belgian Refugees Belgium under German Rule : September, 1914-OcTOBER, 1916 Belgium under German Rule : The Deportations . . Belgium under the German Yoke : The Food Problem Defence and Fall of Antwerp Evidence of German Atrocities German Advance to Brussels German Invasion of Luxemburg and Belgium German Vandalism in Belgium Story of Liege VIII X XX 353 241 433 Dardanelles and the Balkans : First Rent in German Alliance BULGARIA. Intervention of Bulgaria : Surrender of Bulgaria . . . XIX I . XIX 217 XX 2I 7 IX 81 II 197 291; III 361 I 103 IV 457 XI 1 XII 453 IV 441 II 81 I 431 I 361 I 3" I 401 I 321 VII 221 XX 1 CAMEROON AND TOGOLAND Conquest of CANADA. Work of the Canadian Contingent VIII V, 201 ; XVI 273 252 Invasion of Chaldea Intervention of China CHALDEA. CHINA. Ill XIV 81 109 VI THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR, DARDANELLES. Dardanelles and the Balkans : Intervention of Bulgaria Dardanelles Campaign (I) Dardanelles Campaign : The Great Landing Dardanelles Campaign : Two Months' Land Fighting in Gallipoli Dardanelles Campaign (IV) : Sari Bair and Suvla Bay Dardanelles Campaign (V) : Evacuation of Gallipoli DOMINIONS. Armies of the Dominions . Response of the Dominions VOL. PAGE . , VII 221 V 361 V 441 VI • 81 . , VII 161 • • VII 201 I 141 II 237 EQUATORIAL AFRICA. Equatorial Africa during the War EASTERN EUROPE. Settlement in Eastern Europe XVI XXI 433 397 EASTERN FRONT. See also Galicia, Poland, and Russia. Autumn and Winter of 1915 on the Eastern Front . . EGYPT. Campaign in Eastern Egypt, 1915-16 First " Invasion of Egypt " Problem of Egypt : A New Regime Senussi and Western Egypt FINANCE. British and Allied War Finance : 1 916-18 British War Finance, 1914-15 German Finance . . . . . . War and Finance VII 81 X 365 IV 321 III 281 IX 281 XVIII 145 VII 237 I 196 I 168 FRANCE. See also Western Front. 1914-16 Armies of France : 1914-17 Army France and the Peace Conference Paris under the German Menace . . French Theory of War Work of the French Navy. . GALICIA. See also Eastern Front. Austro-German Victory on the Dunajec Reconquest of Przemysl and Lemberg Russian Conquest of Russian Offensive in the Carpathians . . XIV 217 XX 181 1 81 XXI 361 II 437 I 263 XII 4^ V 93 V 121 III 241 IV 401 GERMAN EAST AFRICA. Campaign in German East Africa . . X, 121 ; XII, 77 ; XII, 397 ; XIX GERMAN SOUTH-WEST AFRICA. Conquest of German South- West Africa . . . . . . . . . . VIII GERMANY. Air Raids, see Aerial Navigation Army, 1870-1914 I Army in the Field I 37 233 201 224 THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. vu GERMANY— continued. Army and German Strategy August, iqi6-February, 1918 Collapse of Germany Finance.. Germany at War New German Regime Peace Campaign of December, Second Year of War Theory of War 1916 GREAT BRITAIN. Administration in War Time Adoption of Compulsory Military Service Army . . . . . . . . Auxiliary Patrols Care of Disabled British Soldiers Churches and the Armies Commerce, Shipping, and War Finance Decline and Fall of the Coalition Government, June, 1915-DECEMBER 1916 Early East Coast Raids . . Feeding of the Army and Navy Fishermen and the War .. .. .. .. . . VII, 449 ; XI, 177 Food Control and Rations. . First German Air Raids on England German Air Raids : February to May, 1916 German Air Raids : May to November, 1916 King's New Armies and the Derby Recruiting Scheme Mercantile Marine . . . . . . . . . . VII, 429 ; XI, 157 Military Aeronautics and the Brtish Air Service Missions in America . . . . Navy and its Work Navy's Work in the Outer Seas Navy's Work in 1915. . Navy's Work in 1916. . Navy's Work in 1917. . Navy's Work in 1918. . Navy's Work Completed People at War Political Changes at Home : A Coalition Government Politics : 1917-18 Propaganda in Enemy Countries Royal Family and the War Share in the Peace Conference Shipping Problem : August, 1914, to February, 1917 Shipping Problem (II) Special Constables Theory of War War Finance, 1914-15 . . . . . . War Government of the British Peoples War and National Education War Volunteers Women's Work in the War. . Women's Work (III) : War Services GREECE Abdication of King Constantine . , Greece and the War, 1914-16 vol. PAGE I 27 XV 289 XXI 253 I 196 V 161 XXI 289 XI 473 IX 361 I 241 VIII 41 VIII 117 I 121 XXI 31 XIII 343 VIII 313 I 182 X 325 II 357 IV 281 XXI 25 XV 253 VII 1 VIII 174 X 181 VI 281 XXI 109 II 173 XXI 73 I 41 II 25 VII 121 X 41 XIV 145 XVIII 325 XXI 1 XII 417 V 281 XIX 361 XXI 325 XVIII 109 XXI 145 XI 77 XV 433 XX 377 I 275 VII 237 XII 269 XIV 253 XX 361 IV 241, 481 XVII 433 XIII 325 XIII 289 Vlll THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. Dutch Neutrality : 1914-17 India during the War Indian Army in France Indian Army in the Trenches Native Indian Army Irish Rebellion of April, 1916 HOLLAND. INDIA. IRELAND ITALY. 1917-18 : Austria's Last Offensive Army and its Task Austrian Offensive of May, 1916, in the Trentino : Italian Politics Caporetto : Italy's Disaster and Recovery End of Italian Campaign Intervention of Italy Offensive in 1915 Offensive in the Carso, August-December, 1916 : War with Germany Offensive of May-June, 191 7 Offensive of July-September, 1917 Work of the Italian Navy vol. page XIII 181 XV 109 II 3i7 II 333 I 153 VIII 393. 433 XIX 1 V 3i IX 81 CVIII 1 XX 289 V 1 VII 4 1 XI 237 XIV 433 XV 397 XII 305 Japan's Part in the War JAPAN. II 397 MEDICAL. Army Medical Service and the New Medicine Medical Science and the Pests of War Medical Service of the Royal Navy Medical Work in the Field and at Home Mental Factor in Modern War : Shell-shock and Nervous Injuries Science and the Health of Armies VI, 41 MESOPOTAMIA. Advance towards Baghdad Capture of Baghdad Invasion of Chaldea Redemption of Mesopotamia Siege and Fall of Kut, January-April, 1917 MISCELLANEOUS. Allies in the Mediterranean Ammunition : Supply and Manufacture Armies of Occupation Artillery : Construction and Use Blockades, 1915-17 : British and German Methods . . Boy Scouts British Island Colonies and the War Evolution of Naval Engineering Execution of Miss Cavell Sir John French Fuels of War Inland Transport Lord Kitchener Law and Enemy Trading Mechanical Transport in War XIV 3 2 5 . . XVII 217 IX 241 IV 41 VII 313 1; XI 41 X 201 . . XIII 253 III 81 . . XVII 253 XII 381 .. XVIII 433 V 401 .. XXI 217 VII 465 . . XIII 37 . . XVII 145 .. XVI 73 XII 193 VI 429 IV 121 . . XVII 109 XXI 129 I 281 IX 441 X 281 THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. IX MISCELLANEOUS— continued Munitions of War, 1916 Political Antecedents to the War Prisoners of War Prize of War Railways and the War Sea Power and Neutrality Spirit of Anzac Trench Work and Trench Weapons War Atlas, Statistics, List of Place Names Work of the Y.M.C.A. VI, 241 VOL. PAGE X 321 I I XII 229 X 303 VI 161 VII 389 VI I2T IV 36J VI IX 179 NAVAL. See also under Great Britain. Anti-Submarine War, 1915-18 Battle of Jutland Bank First Three Months of Naval War German, French, Russian and Austrian Naval Transport and Convoy Russian Navy, 191 4-1 8 Second Three Months of Naval War Submarine and its Work Work of the French Navy Navies CVII 289 IX 121 II I I 55 XVI 145 XVI 289 III I2r IV 81 XII 41 Newfoundland and the War NEWFOUNDLAND . XIV i8r New Zealand and the War NEW ZEALAND. XIII 145 PALESTINE AND SYRIA. Capture of Jerusalem Conquest of Syria First Battle of Gaza From Jerusalem to Damascus Jews in Palestine PEACE CONFERENCE. British Share in the Peace Conference France and the Peace Conference XV 145 XIX 181 XIV 289 XVIII 253 XIV 307 XXI 145 XXI 36r POLAND. See also Eastern Front. Fall of Warsaw German Failure in Poland . . Germans in Russian Poland Intervention of Portugal Portugal at War : 1916-17 PORTUGAL. RUMANIA. Campaign of 1916 : (I) Transylvania Campaign of 1916 : (II) To Fall of Bukarest Campaign of 1916 : (III) The Last Phases Conquest of Rumania Intervention of Rumania " Peace " of Bukarest V 32T III ' 321 . VIII 153 IX 321 . XVII 325 XI 197 XI 433 XII 117 . . . XVII 19 IX 401 . XVII 37 THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. RUSSIA. See also Eastern Front. Abdication of the Tsar Advance from Warsaw : Last Stages of the Summer Campaign Army at the Outbreak of War August-November, 1917 : Kerensky and Lenin Campaign of 1915-16 in Armenia Campaign against the Baltic Provinces Conquest of Galicia Disorganisation of Russia : March-July, 1917 End of Nbar East Campaigns Expeditions.. First Invasion of East Prussia History of the Russian Army Last Phases of the Russian Winter Campaign Navy, 1914-18 Offensive in the Carpathians Offensive of 19x6 : First Phase , Offensive of 1916 : Second Phase Offensive of 1916 : Last Phase Offensive and Retreat, July, 1917 Operations North of the Pripet Marshes : Summer, 1916 Outbreak of War and the Campaign in the Caucasus Russian " Peace " . . Russia's Problem Russia at War vol. PAGE Salonika Expedition SALONIKA. October, 1915-NovEMBER, 1916 SERBIA. Army Austrian Invasion : Battle of the Jadar Second and Third Austrian Invasions of Serbia : Fall and Recapture of Belgrade . . Tragedy of Serbia South African Rebellion . . 1914-17 Swiss Neutrality : 1914-17 SOUTH AFRICA. SOUTH AMERICA. SWITZERLAND. TURKEY. Army . . Break-Up of Turkey End of Near East Campaigns Intervention of Turkey Outbreak of War and the Campaign in the Caucasus UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Army in Europe Campaign, 1918 End of American Neutrality First Year at War Opinion and the First Year of War Shipbuilding Crusade United States at War United States at War : End XIII 73 V 481 I 503 XIV 361 X 241 V 81 III 241 XIII 433 XX 73 XX 145 III 223 I 481 IV 161 XVI 289 IV 401 IX 1 IX 201 X 161 XIV 1 IX 391 III 67 XVI 1 III 201 VIII 193 XII II 277 II 291 III 361 VII 349 III XV XIII 481 217 III 55 XXI 433 XX 73 III 41 III 67 XX 37 XXI 37 XI 357 XVI 325 V 241 .. XVI11 253 . . XIII 1 . . XXI 181 TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. XI Victoria Crosses of the War VICTORIA CROSS. X, i ; XII, 153 ; XIII, 361 ; XV, 217 XVII, 397 ; XVIII, 361 WESTERN FRONT. Aisne Battles : Craonne, April-May, 1917 Aisne Battles : Moronvillers, April-May, 1917 Allied Advance : August-September, 1918 Allied Advance Continued : September, 1918. . Allied Advance Continued : October, 1918 Allied Command in 1918 : Marshal Foch Battles of Amiens and Bapaume : August, 1918 Battles of Aubers and Festubert Autumn and Winter Campaign in Eastern France British Army in France, August, 1914-DECEMBER, 191 7 British Army in the West, December, 1917-NovEMBER, 1918 Battle of Cambrai : First Phase.. Battle of Cambrai : Second Phase End of Western Front Campaigns From the Fall of Antwerp to the Battle of the Yser First French Offensive in Alsace French Campaign in 1918 French Offensive from the Aisne to Ypres French Offensive in Champagne French Offensive-Defensive, November, 1914-ApRiL, 1915 . . German Advance on Paris : Battles of Namur, Charleroi, Mons German Counter-Offensive and the Belgian Battle of the Yser German Offensive of 1918 German Retreat from the Marne : July-August, 1918 Hill 60 and Second Battle of Ypres " Hindenburg " Retreat in the West : January to April, 1917 Battle of Loos Fighting round Loos, September 28-October 13, 1915 Malmaison : October, 191 7. . Retreat to the Marne Battles of the Marne Second Battle of the Marne : July, 1918 From the Battle of Messines to the Third Battle of Ypres Neuve Chapelle Operations on the Western Front : April-September, 1915 Second Winter on the Western Front Battle of the Somme . . . . . . . . IX, 477 ; Battle of Verdun Fighting round Verdun : August-November, 1917 Relief of Verdun Western Offensives of 1917 : Arras-Vimy Western Offensives of 191 7 : Bullecourt Western Offensives of 191 7 : Messines . Western Front during the Battle of Verdun Western Front in May and June, 191 6 Winter on the Western Front Winter of 1917-18 in the West : Eve of German Offensive Advance on Ypres Battle of Ypres (First Phase) Battle of Ypres (Second Phase) Third Battle of Ypres Franco-Belgian Battle of the Yser vol. page ; XVI 361 ; XIX 325 XIV 37 XIV 73 XIX 289 XIX 433 XX 109 XVII 181 XIX 145 V 223 III 401 XIX 397 XX 397 XVI 397 XVII 73 XX 253 III 1 I 387 XX 325 II 477 VI 321 VI 1 • I 441 III 161 XVIII 37, 73, 217, 289, 397 XIX 109 V 41 XII 345 VI 361 VI 401 XVI 217 I 469 II 41 XIX 73 XV 181 IV 379 VI 201 VII 273 X, 81, 405 ; XI, 117, 227. 397 VIII, 1, 77; IX 41 XVI 181 X 445 XIV 397 XV 37 XV 73 VIII 473 IX 161 IV 201 XVII 361 III 15 III 441 IV 1 XV, 325, 361 ; XVI 37, 109 III 465 GENERAL INDEX. Al, sunk March 18, 1904, IV, 94. A. B. Johnson, American schooner, sunk by the Seeadler, XIV, 176. A . Delcommune : Belgian steamer, on Lake Tanganyika, X, 79. Disablement of, X, 149. AE1, loss of, September 14, 1914, II, 39; XXI, 5. AEi, loss of, in Dardanelles, April 30, 1915, VI, 96 ; VII, 158; XII, 53. A. .V. Hansen, Danish ship, searched by German submarine, 1915, VII, 417. Aaland Islands : Fortification of, by Russians, XVI, 302. Germans land at, XVI, 21. Naval harbour at, XVI, 311. von Aalst, M. C. J. K.: Appointed President of the Committee of Netherlands Trade, 1914, XIII, 185. Portrait, XIII, 186. Aardenburg, see under Holland. Aaronsohn, Alexander, career of, XIV, 311-12. Abadan Island, see under Persia. Abaid, see under Sudan. Abana river, see under Palestine and Syria. Abbas, Egyptian ship, see Prince Abbas. Abbas II (Abbas Hilmi), Khedive of Egypt: III, 281-82, 291, 309, 314. Alliance with Turks on outbreak of war and intrigues in Egypt, III, 289, 291. Assistance of the Patriotic Party, III, 291. Attempt on life of, at Constantinople, July, 1914, III, 289. Deposition, 1914, III, 307, 310, 312. Dislike of England, but friendship for British Agent, III, 289. Intrigue against Great Britain, III, 288-89. Portrait, III, 314. Railway and road in Egypt built by, IX, 298. Relations with British Government. Ill, 283. Abbas, Shah of Persia, XI, 323, 325, 326. Abbaside Caliphate, XXI, 455.' Abbeville, see under France. Abbe Wood, see under France. Abdallah ibn Rashid, founder of Hail dynasty, XVII, 285 note. Abdiel, H.M.S., IX, 136. In action in Heligoland Bight, March 28, 1918, XVIII, 352. Abdu Khan, Subadar of B kanir Camel Corps, killed in action on east of Suez Canal, November 20, 1914, II, 332 ; III, 319. Abdul Aziz ibn Saud, Emir 01 Nei^, XVII, 255. and Arab Reform movement, XVII, 287-88. Relat ons with British, XVII, 285-88. Abdul Aziz Shawish, sheikh: Flight to Constantinople, III, 291-92, 293, 294. Holy War preached in Syria, IV, 332. Leader of Egyptian Patriotic Party, III, 291. Member of Committee of Union and Progress . and Counsellor to Talaat and Enver, III, 292. Portrait, III, 291. Abdul Halim Effendi, Chelebi of Konia, support of " Nationalist " movement by, XXI, 434. Abdul Hamid, Sultan (1876-1909): III, 42, 43, 55, 57, 60, 62, 66, 88, 90, 307 ; VIII, 572 ; IX, 285 ; XI, 495 ; XII, 11 ; XV, 117 ; XXI, 436. and the Armenians, VIII, 356, 358, 359, 362, 381. Deposition, 1909, III, 63. Kaiser's visit to, 1898, I, 13 ; III, 92. Organisation of Pan-Islamism, HI, 293-94. Ottoman power in Western Arabia increased by, XVII, 2. IND. A Abdul Kassim, Nasir-Ul-Mulk, portrait, XI, 341. Abdul Kha.ik Sarwat Pasha, Minister of Justice, Egypt, III, 314. Portrait, III, 297. Abdul Mejid Effendi, heir to Turkish Throne : Portrait, XXI, 434. Support of Committee of Union and Progress, XXI, 434. Abdul Moneim, Egyptian gunboat, sunk in Bay of Solium, 1915, VII, 157. Abdul Qayyum, Nawab Sir, Indian Political Assistant to Commissioner of North-West Fron- tier, XV, 144. Abdulla, Emir, son of Sherif of Mecca, XXI, 445. Interview with envoy of Enver, XVII, 287. Operations against Turks, XVII, 4, 5, 6-7, 12, 15, 288 ; XVIII, 247 note. Portrait, XXI, 447. Proclaimed King of Irak, March, 1920, XXI, 446. Surrender of Medina, January io, 1919, XIX, 216. Abdulla Pasha, Turkish Commander-in-Chief, 191 2, failure against the Bulgars, III, 66. Abdurrahman, Ameer of Afghanistan, death, 1901, XV, 141. Abel, Sir Frederick, inventor of cordite, about 1890, V, 435, 437. Abell, Prof. W. S. (Chief Surveyor to Lloyd's Register of Shipping) : Appointment to Committee to assist Shipping Controller, XI, 102 ; XV, 447. Portraits, XV, 440, 442. Abeokuta, Alake of, portrait, XVI, 438. Abercorn, see under Rhodesia. Abercrombie (1801), IV, 321. Aberdeen, see under Great Britain and United States of America. Aberdeen : Marchioness of, work of, IV, 250. Marquess of, G.C.M.G., G.C.V.O., K.T., Viceroy of Ireland, VIII, 396, 410. Aberdeen, s.s., triple expansion engine, 1881, XII, 199. Aberystwyth, see under Great Britain. Ablain, see under France. Ablaincourt, sec under France. Ablainzeville, sec under France. Abo, see under Finland. Aboukir, H.M.S. : Crew, clothing of, in Holland, illustration, XIII, 195. 197- Illustration, II, 16. Loss of, September 22, 1914, II, XJ-17; HI. 133- Abraham, Rt. Hon. W., M.P., second Military Service Bill opposed by, VIII, 151. Abruleyard, see under France. Abruzzi, H.R.H. the Duke of, Commander-in- Chief of Italian Navy : Adriatic Sea in charge of, 1916, VII, 160 ; X, 64. Career, XII, 314. Portraits, V, 18; X, 64. Retirement, 1917, XII, 314. War with Turkey, V, 9. Abu Hamra, see under Sinai Peninsula. Abu Irgeig, see under Palestine and Syria. Abu Klea, see under Egypt. Abu Musa Island, see under Persian Gulf. Abu Shusheh, see under Palestine and Syria. Abu Tellul, see under Palestine and Syria. Abu Zenaima, see under Sinai Peninsula. AbydOS, see under Turkcy-in-Asia. THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. Abyssinians, recruits from, in . King's African Rifles, X, 133. Acantha, Grimsby trawler, sunk by submarine and crew fired on in boats, VI, 246-47. Acasta, H.M.S., destroyer, IX, 136. German claim to have sunk, May 31, 1916, IX, 132, 151. Acheson, Lieut.-Commander, H.M.S. Inflexible, gallantry of, and award of D.S.O., V, 398-99. Achi Baba, see under Gallipoli. Achiet-le-Grand, see under France. Achiet-le-Petit, see under France Achiiles, H.M.S., IX, 136. Armament, VII, 473. Sinking of the Leopard by, XXI, 9. Achmed. Egyptian Captain, brutal behaviour to British prisoners, IX, 311-12. Acid Drop Copse, see under France. Ackman, Thomson, house given for hospital, XIII, 356. Ackroyd : Mrs. H., portraits, XV, 222, 234. Temp. Captain H., M.C., M.D., late R.A.M.C., award of V.C. to, XIX, 356. Acland : Mrs. Francis, Hon. Secretary to Belgian Repatria- tion Fund, IV, 489-99. Right Hon. Francis Dyke, P.C., M.P. : IV, 493. Appointment to Food Supply Committee, June, 1915, X, 331. Parliamentary Secretary, Board of Agriculture, June, 1915, V, 315. Acre, see under Palestine and Syria. Acremont, M„ Arras, II, 494. Acton : Admiral Alfredo : in Command of Italian battle fleet, 1918, XVIII, 437. Portrait, XVIII, 439. Private A., 2nd Bn. Border Regiment, award of V.C, X, 36. Acy, see under France. Adalia, see under Turkey-in-Asia. Adam, George, on effect of fighting up to December, 1914, VI, 22. Adamastor, Portuguese gunboat, operations in German East Africa, 1916, X, 78 ; XVII, 343, 345- Adamello Range, see under Italy. Adams : Lieut.-Commander B. F., R.N., in attack on Zeebrugge, April 23, 1918, XVIII, 347. the Rev. Y. W., V.C, VIII, 326. Adamson : Captain J. E., gallantry of, September 25, 1915, and award of D.S.O., VI, 384-85. \\., M.P. : Chairman of Labour Paity in Parliament, XIX, 375- more Publicity re Peace Conference desired, XXI, 166. Portrait, XIX, 375 Adana, see under Turkey in Asia. Adapazar, see under Turkey. Addison : Captain A. P., R.N. : Actions in the Adriatic, May, 1917, XII, 336; XIV, 178, 179; XVIII, 453. Award of C M.G., XIV, 179. Taking over of German submarines by, November, 1918, XXI, 18. Eight Hon. C. M.D., M.P. : Minister of Munitions, December, 1916, X, 359. Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Muni- tions, June, 1915, V, 315. President of Local Government Board, Janu- ary, 1919, XIX, 396. Temporary Chaplain W. R. F. : Award of V.C, XII, 165, 190 ; XIV, 350. Portrait, XII, 164. Adelaide, see under Australia Aden Protectorate : Aden : Guarding of, by Empress of Aden and Empress of Russia, 1914, XXI, 125. Importance of town, X, 400. Market, illustration, XIX, 215. Prize Court, British constitution of, October 8, 1914. X, 311. Situation, X, 402. Street in, illustration, X, 401. British prestige weakened in, July, 1915. X, 4°3- Description of, X, 400-01. Fighting in, 1915 and 1916, X, 402-04; XVII, 2-3- Imad, fighting at, March 16, 1916, X, 404. Lahej : Fighting at, 1915, X, 367, 403. 404. History of, X, 402 Map, X, 402. Sheikh Othman, fighting at, 1915, X, 403-04. Subar, fighting at, January, 1916, X, 404. Territorials sent on active service to, 1914, to release regular battalions for service in France, XX, 364-65. Turks in, 1914-1917, X, 367. Waht, fighting at, September 25, 1915, X, 404. Aden-wen, s.s., sinking of, by V29, March 11, 1915, VII, 143. Ader, C, experiments with flying machines, 11, 176. Adige Valley, see under Austria-Hungary. Adjutant, British s.s., destroyed, February, 1915, X, 144. Adjutant, German ship, burnt on Lake Tanganyika, 1916, XIII, 405. Adlam, Temporary Second-Lieutenant T. E., V.C, Award of V.C, XII, 175, 190 ; XIX, 356. Portrait, XII, 177. Adler : Dr. Friedrich, shoots Count Stiirgkh, October 21, 1916, XIX, 251. The Rev. Dr. Michael : Portrait, VIII, 351. Thanks to Y.M.C.A. for attitude re religious teaching, IX, 181. Work of, as Jewish Chaplain in Franci', VIII. 352. Dr. Victor (Viktor), German Austrian socialist, XIX, 251. on Acceptance of peace with Russia, November, 1917, XX, 237. Delegate to Stockholm Conference, 191 7, XX, 227, 234. Portrait, XIX, 251. Adli Yeghen Pasha : Minister of Agriculture, Egypt, III, 313. Portrait, III, 297. Admirable, British drifter, sunk in the Adriatic, May 15, 1917. XII, 336; XVIII, 453. Admiral Aube, French armoured cruiser, in the Channel, August, 1914, XII, 42. Admiral Makaroff, Russian armoured cruiser, encounter with submarine, II, 24. Admiral Spaun, Austrian cruiser, speed, I, 75. Admiralty, see under Great Britain. Adolf, German s.s., see Polkerris. Ador, Gustave, President of the Internationa! Committee of the Red Cross : Portrait, XIII, 237. Successor to Herr Hoffmann on Swiss Federal Council, 1917, XIII, 235. Adowa, Italian defeat, 1896, V, 40. Adramyti, Gulf, of, see under Turkey-in-Asia. Adrianople, see under Turkey. Adriatic Sea : Allied barrage at exit from, XVIII, 436, 459-60. British and Italian warships in, illustration, XII, 335- British Navy in, XIV, 178-80; XXI, 11, 13. Coastline and harbours, XII, 305-7. THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. Adriatic Sea : — cont. Italian possession of territory at armistice, and desire to retain, XXI, 427-28. Liberation and defence against future enemy, resolution of Congress of Hapsburg re, April 8-10, 191 8, XXI, 336. Maps, I, 69 ; XII, 306. " Military Area," XII, 330. Mine exploding, illustration, XII, 333. Operations in, VII, 158-60; X, 70-72; Xll, 315-17 ; XVIII, 440-46. Problem of, work of Peace Conference re, XXI, 427-28. Settlement of territories, differences of opinion between Allies, XXI, 397, 413. Work of the French fleet in, XII, 44-47. Adventure, H.M.S., on Lake Nyasa, X, 149. Advokat, gunboat, off Murman Coast, XVIII, 358. Adye : Lieut. -Colonel D. R., in command of Lake Detachment, Hast Africa, 1916, XIII, 402, 404. Major-General J., C.B. : Commander of force for protection of southern provinces of Egypt, IX, 314-15. Mentioned in despatches, XV, 148 note. iEgean Coasts : Allied blockade, VII, 376. Provisional government proclaimed by M. Veni- zelos, September, 1916, XII, 30. Provisions of Peace Treaty re, XXI, 459-60. iEgean Sea : Allied naval bases, XII, 20. Submarine bases. Allied search for, XII, 65. Transports torpedoed, VI, 136-37 ; XVI, 169. .'Egir, German battleship, armament and speed, I. 73- JEgusa, British armed yacht, mined April, 1916, X, 66. Aehrenthal, Count : Austrian Foreign Secretary, III, 307 ; IV, 199; V, 7, 8. Death, 1912, II, 213. Policy of, II, 210-11, 213-14. Portrait, II, 200. Representative of Austria-Hungary in Rumania, IX, 416. and Turko-Italian war, V, 9, 10. Aeltre, see under Belgium. Aerial Navigation : Aeroplanes : Bombs dropping from, II, 196. Comparative values of Zeppelin and, X, 181-82. Evolution of, II, 175-78. Individual fights between, XIII, 125-28. for Specialised work, XIII, 124. Types used during war, XIII, 116-22. Airships, evolution of, II, 173, 175. Allied, 1914-1918 : Development of air reconnaissance and effects, XX, 273-74 ; 276-82. in Russia, 1918, XX, 159. American : Aerodrome and flying schools, XX, 50. Aeroplanes, number of, in Meuse-Argonne Battle, XX, 49, 68. Aeroplane frames, sitka spruce on way to mills for conversion into, illustration, XXI, 189. Air mechanics in Allied aerodromes, XX, 50. Airmen, in French and British Air Services, XX, 49-50. Air Service : Organisation and achievements, XX, 49-50. Personnel, numbers and training, XX, 50. Work of, in final Allied advance, XX, 50. Balloons used by Federals during Civil War, II. 183. Curtiss aeroplane factory, illustrations, XXI, 190, 191. First squadron crossed German lines August 7, 1918, XX, 49. Aerial Navigation : — cont. American : — cont. in Fighting of August-November, 1918, XIX, 177. 3»8, 320, 323, 463 ; XX, 278-83. High-speed scout, illustration, XIII, 113. Lafayette Squadron, service with French Arniv, XX, 49. Liberty aeroplanes : first Arrival in France, May, 1918, XX, 49. Illustration, XX. 49. in Mediterranean, XVIII, 459, 461. Observation balloon about to be launched from warship, illustration, XX, 43. Raids : Baroncourt railway yard, August and September, 1918, XIX, 177, 320. Conflans railway yard, August and Septem- ber, 1918, XIX, 177, 320. Dommary railway yard, August and Sep- tember, 1918, XIX, 177, 320. Longuyon railway yard, August and Septem- ber, 1918, XIX, 177. Training of aviators, XIII, 33. Wright biplane " Baby," illustration, II, 179 Anti-aircraft guns : VII, 496 ; XIII, 123. Ineffectiveness of, V, 44-45. Superseded by aeroplanes, XIII, 126. Work of, VIII, 503. Austria-Hungary : Armistice conditions re, November 4, 1918, XX, 321. Fighting and defeat in Italy, June 1918, XVI, 36; XIX, 36. Loss of seaplanes L136 and L137, May 23, 1917, XII, 339. Naval aircraft, armistice terms re, November, 1918, XX, 438. Naval and military air forces prohibited by Peace Treaty, XXI, 419. Position at outbreak of war, II, 233. Raids : El Kutrani, March 19, 191 8, XVII, 17. Italian open towns, July 27, 1916, XII, 322. Jesi, May 24, 191 5, XII, 328. Kraguievatz, VII, 364. Venice, arsenal, May 24, 1915, XII, 328. Seaplane, illustration, XV, 430. Avis monoplane, illustration, II, 182. Balkan war, use of aeroplanes in, II, 181-82. Balloons, work of, before 1914, II, 183. Belgian: Aeroplanes : Indiscriminate shooting at, I, 367. for Reconnoitring purposes at first, I, 367. Anti-aircraft machine guns on the Dunes, illustration, XV, 326. in East Africa, XIII, 405. during Fighting on Western Front, October, 1918, XX, 142. Position before war, XIII, 115. " Pusher " machine fitted with Lewis gun, illustration, XIII, 117. Raids : Berchem - Sainte - Agathe, Zeppelin hangar, March 27, 1915, V, 42. Cortemarck, March 31, 1915. V, 43. Chistelles aviation field, March 27, 1915, V, 42. Hand^aeme aviation field, March 31, 1915, V, 42-43. Lichtervelde, August, 191 7, XV, 364. near Zarren, May, 1918, XVIII, 425. during Third Battle of Ypres, August, 191 7, XV. 364-65, 384. 385- Bleriot monoplane, illustration, II, 311. Bombing : increased Accuracy, XIII, 123. Problems, XIII, i3'-33- Bombs, early use of, XIII, 131. THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. Aerial Navigation : — cont. British : Advisory Committee for aeronautics appointed April, 1909, II, 184. Aeroplanes : Allotted only to the Army, January I, 1914. II, 190, 192. Construction : Illustrations, XIII, 114, 123. Increased on outbreak of war, XIII, 113-15, 121. Women on, XIII, 115. at the Base in Flanders, illustration, II, 505. in Desert, illustration, XII, 412. Distribution of leaflets, XVI, 331, 347, 348 ; XXI, 340 ; illustration, XXI, 337. Engines ready for dispatch, illustration, XIII, 122. Illustrations, IV, 354 ; VII, 26 ; XI, 131 ; XIII, no; XVIII, 206,223. Methods of directing, at night, XIX, 283. Pre-war average performance, XIII, 112. Pre-war designs, XIII, 109-10, n 2-13. Pre-war number of, XIII, 112. Air Battalion of Royal Engineers, formed 191 1, II, 184-85. Airmen, bringing in reports, illustration, XVIII, 205. Airships : Illustrations, II, 188; VIII, 176. Manufacture of, and purchase from abroad, position in 1914, II, 193-94. Patrol work of, XIII, 137. Air squadron at Lake Tanganyika, XIII, 405. Anti-aircraft gunners, good work of, VI, 369 Anti-aircraft guns, illustrations, V, 45 ; VII, 174, 485 ; VIII, 180 ; X, 91, 284, 422 ; XIII, 125 ; XVIII, 425 ; XIX, 176, 275. Anti-submarine work, XIII,. 137 ; XIV, 169 ; XVIII, 460. Armoury of night-bombing squadron, illus- tration, XX, 280. Army aircraft factory at Farnborough, II, 185. Army airships transferred to Navy, January 1, 1914, II, 190, 192. Astra-Torres airship leaving shed, illustration, XIII, 142. Aviator, illustration, V, 44. Balloon apron, illustration, XIX, 281. Balloon shed, illustration, X, before 325. Balloons : Captive, off Belgian coast. III, 189. for Distribution of leaflets : Description, XXI, 344-47. Illustrations, XXI, 348, 349, 355. Kite balloons, see that title below. Observation, illustrations, III, 173 ; XIII, 140 ; XVII, 321. Use of, early 1918, XXI, 331, 344. Battle-plane pursuing a German in clouds, illustration, XX, 142. " B.E." machine, II, 195-96. " Blimps " : Illustration, XIII, 137. Use of, XIII, 136-37. Bomb for Berlin, illustration XX, 284. Bombing hostile trenches, illustration, XVIII, 37°- Bombing machine comes to grief, illustration, XIII, 124. Bombing machines and fighting scout, illustra- tions, XIII, 378; XVIII, 209; XIX, 194. Flight-Commander Brandon's Aeroplane, illus- tration, X, 200. Bursting smoke bomb, illustration, XX, 143. " Camel " (Sop with biplane), chasing an enemy, illustration, XV, 104. Coast-patrol airship, illustration, XIII, 136. Convoy system, aircraft co-operation in, XVI, 150. »79- Co-operation with patrols, XXI, 36. Aerial Navigation : — cont. British : — cont. in. Dardanelles, V, 382, 387 ; XIII, 135-36. Destroying of enemy balloons on May 22, 1916, during assault on Douaumont, IX, 53. Early work during war, II, 65-66, 182 83; XIII, 122. East Africa, XII, 96. Illustration, XIII, 430. Effect on German morale, as described by German prisoner, XI, 120. in Egypt, 1915-16, IX, 299, 315, 317, 319. Equipment at beginning of war and comparison with Germany, II, 192-95. Erecting portable canvas hangars in the desert, illustration, XIII, in. Explosive darts against air raiders, XIX, 283-84. Giant bombing plane, illustration, XVIII, 311. Guns on aeroplanes in air raid, XIX, 284. Handley Page machine, illustration, XIX, 285. Hoisting naval aeroplanes on board H.M.S. Hibemia, illustration, III, 144. Home defence, arrangements for, February, 1916, X, 345-47. Hydroplanes in Red Sea, IV, 344. Independent Force R.A.F., work of, XIX, XIX, 286-88. Initial letters and numbers of aeroplanes, explanation, XIII, in note, in Italy, 1918, XIX, 26. Kite balloons : Anti-submarine work, XVII, 321. Illustration, XIX, 178. in Mediterranean, XVIII, 459, 460. Testing telephone before ascending, illus- tration, X, 434. Work in Mesopotamia, XIII, 266. Landing an aeroplane in France from a British transport, illustration, II, 195. Lebaudy airship purchased for British Army, 1910, II, 184. MercOdes, 180 h.p. engine, illustration, XIX, 284. in Mesopotamia, X, 222-23 ; XII, 413 ; XIII, 130, 138, 266. Illustration, XIII, 129. Mileage made by airmen since beginning of the war, September 21, 1914, II, 149. Military ballo rning development, II, 183-84. Military and naval aviation development, II, 183. at Modiuga Island, August 1, 1918, XX, 152. Money prizes offered by Daily Mail, II, 178. Napier Lion 450 h.p. engine, illustration, XIX, 284. Naval airman in Greece, XII, 22. Naval air stations in 1914, II, 191. Night bomber, return of, illustration, XIX, 321. Night scene at an aviation station, illustration, XV, 375. Organisation of Services, questions of, 1916, X, 347- in Palestine and Syria and Sinai Peninsula, IV, 347. 357. 358; X, 373, 376, 381, 385, 386-87, 393, 396, 397; XVII, 13, 16; XVIII, 223, 225, 227, 247, 250; XIX, 187, 188, 194, 196, 206, 207. Illustration, XVIII, 223. Patrol of Straits of Dover, XVI, 156. Photography, illustrations, XVII, 366 ; XXI, 116. Pilots' claims, proofs required, XIII, 142-43. Preparing for a bombing expedition, illustration, XVII, 375. Raids : Aix-la-Chapelle, September 16, 1918, XIX, 458. Armentieres, 1918, XVIII, 310-12 ; XIX, '31- THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. Aerial Navigation:— con:. British : — cont. Raids : — cont. Ars aerodrome, September 26, 1918, XIX, 462. Aubigny-au-Bac, August 22, 1918, XIX, 171. Audun-le-Romans, XIX, 462 ; XX, 277-78. Baalon, July 25-26, 1918, XIX, 131. Baden, XIX, 132 ; XX, 279. Baghdad, January 20, 1917, XIII, 270. Bapaume, XI, 401 ; XVIII, 203, 205, 206, 424, 428, 429. Bazoches, July, 1918, XIX, 106, 107. Belgian Coast, March 30, 1915, V, 42. Bernsdorf railway sidings, January 16-17, 1918, XVII, 372. Bir Hassana, February 20, 1916, X, 375-76 Bonn, October 31, 191 8, XX, 279. Boulay aerodrome, September, 191 8, XIX, 320, 459. Bruges, XIV, 153-54; XVIII, 206; XIX, 131. 132, 178, 458. Bruges-Ostend-Zeebrugge district, February 12-16, 1916, VII, 132. Brussels, German air sheds, VI, 203 ; VII, 19 ; X, 436. Buhl, XIX, 319-20, 320, 461 ; XX, 279-80, 281. Bulgarians bombed, August, 1916, X, 69. Burbach works, July-October, 1918, XIX, 106, 319, 320, 459 ; XX, 143, 276, 279. Busigny, March, 191 8, XVII, 393. Caix, May 2-3, 1918, XVIII, 424. Cambrai, XI, 401 ; XVI, 109, 427 ; XVIII, 206; XIX, 176, 178. Carlshutte, May 2-3, 191 8, XVIII, 424. Cattaro, June, 191 8, XVIII, 460-61. Charleroi, XIX, 286; XX, 281, 282. Chaulnes, XVIII, 206, 424, 428. Coblentz, XVII, 394; XVIII, 431; XIX, 132, 179, 286, 287 ; XX, 276. Cologne, II, 3; XIII, 128; XVIII, 431; XIX, 179, 286, 288. Comines, May 3, 1918, XVIII, 424. Conflans, XVII, 367 ; XIX, 179, 318. Constantinople, XIV, 178 ; XIX, 285. Coolkerke aerodrome, January 29, 1918, XVII, 377. Cortemarck, September, 1917, XVI, 64. Coucy, July 16-17, 1918, XIX, 106. Courcelles station, XVII, 367 ; XIX, 323. Courtrai, IV, 395 ; V, 70 ; X, 436 ; XVI, 64, 109, 120; XVII, 364, 377; XVIII, 428; XIX, 107, 131, 176. Cuxhaven, III, 153-54 ; XIII, 128. Illustration, III, 146. Dakhla, 1916, IX, 315. Denain, January 4, 1918, XVII, 366. Don station, March 12, 1915, IV, 395. Dormans bridge, July 16-17, 1918, XIX, 106. Douai, IV, 395 ; XVI, 430 ; XVII, 377 ; XVIII, 206, 426, 428 ; XIX, 178. Diiren, August 1, 1918, XIX, 133. Dusseldorf, II, 3, 479 ; XIII, 128. Ecouviez, October 29, 191 8, XX, 278. Ehrang, September, 1918, XIX, 319-20, 322. El Kutrani, March 19, 1918, XVII, 17. Engel, XV, 376; XVII, 370; XIX, 178. Esch, September 3-4, 1918, XIX, 320. Estaires, May 3, 1918, XVIII, 424. Fere-en-Tardenois, July, 1918, XIX, 107. Fismes, July, 1918, XIX, 107. Fives station, August 3-4, 1918, XIX, 133. Frankfurt, XIX, 176-77, 179, 288, 458, 462. Frascaty, XIX, 459, 462 ; XX, 143, 277, 278, 279-80, 281. Freiburg, XIV, 166 ; XVII, 394. Friedrichshafen, 1914, XIII, 128, 221. on Germany, XIX, 285-288. Ghent, near, XIV, 154"; XVI, 64 ; XVII, 377. Aerial Navigation: — cont. British : — cont. Raids : — cont. Ghistelles aerodrome, XV, 354, 376; XVII, 3<>7- Gontrode aerodrome, XIX, 286 ; XVII, 366. Guillemont, July 20, 1916, X, 115, 11 7-1 8. Guise, March, 1918, XVII, 393. Hagenau, XIX, 132, 177, 179, 458; XX, 279, 280. Hagendingen, July 16-17, 1918, XIX, 106. Ham station, August 9-10, 1918, XIX, 176. Haubourdin, August 16-17, r 9 l8 . XIX, 180. Heidelberg, July 18-19, 1918, XIX, 106. Hisson, October 28, 191 8, XX, 277-78. Hoboken, V, 42 ; VI, 202 ; VII, 133 ; XIII, 129-30. Hombleux station, August 9-10, 1918 ; XIX, 176. Houttave aerodrome, X, 57-58 ; XII, 70. Ingelmiinster, XVII, 364, 393. Jametz, October 29, 1918, XX, 278, 280. Juniville junction. May 2-3, 3-4, 1918 ; XVIII, 424. Kaiserslautern, XVII, 394 ; XIX, 288, 462 • XX. 143. Karlsruhe, XVII, 371 ; XIX, 176, 288, 324 ; XX, 279. Knocke, March 16, 1915, V, 42 ; VI, 203. Kreusewald station, May 24, 191 8, XVIII, 432- La Bassee, May 3, 1918, XVIII, 424. Lahr, July 30, 1918, XIX, 132. Laon, July 1918, XIX, 107. Laudau, May 20, 1918, XVIII, 431. Ledeghem, XVI, 45 ; XVII, 393. Les Etapes, July 16-17, 1918, XIX, 106. Lichtervelde, XV, 364 ; XVI, 64. Liege, XIX, 286 ; XX, 281. Lille, IX, 500 ; XIX, 107. Lillingen, November, 1918, XX, 281. Loffres, train near, September, 1915, VI, 392. Lomme, August 16 and 17, 1918, XIX, 180. Longuyon, March 16, 1918, XIX, 159; XX, 278. Louvain, November 9-10, 1918, XX, 281, 282. Lunes railway sidings, July 21-22, 1918, XIX, 107. Ma'an, from August, 1917, XVII, 1. Mainz, XVII, 393 ; XIX, 286, 287, 324, 458. Station near, October, 1918, XX, 276. Maison Bleue station, July 16-17, 1918, XIX, 106. Maizieres-les-Metz, January 4-5, 1918, XVII, 3°7- Mannheim, XVII, 377; XVIII, 431 ; XIX, 106, 107, 179, 286, 287, 288, 322, 458, 459 ; XX, 276, 278, 279. Marcelcave, May 3, 1918, XVIII, 424. Marcoing, May 8, 1918, XVIII, 426. Marie, October, 1918, XX, 277-78. Mars-la-Tours, October, 1918, XX, 278. Melin, May 3rd, 1918, XVIII, 424. Menin, IV, 395 ; XVI, 46, 64 ; XVII, 366, 3°9. 377. 393 : XVIII, 428. Metz, and near, XVII, 367, 372, 393 ; XVIII, 431 ; XIX, 176. Metz-Sablons, XVIII, 432 ; XIX, 323, 458, 462 ; XX, 143, 276. Mezieres, September-October, 1918, XIX, 462 ; XX, 143. Middelkerke, XV, 379 ; XVIII, 424. Mons station, X, 436 ; XX, 143. Mons-Valenciennes railway, July 18-19, 1918, XIX, 107. Montcornet, October, 1918, XX, 276, 277, 278. Morhanges, XIX, 320, 459 ; XX, 143, 278, 280, 281. THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. Aerial Navigation : — cont. British : — cont. Raids : — cont. Namur, X, 436 ; XIX, 286 ; XX, 282. Nieuwmunster, June 6, 1917, XV, 70. Oberbillig, January 25-26, 1918, XVII, 377. Oberndorf, July 18-19, 1918, XIX, 106. Offenburg, XIX, 106, 131, 132, 178; XX, 279. Ostend, V, 42; XIV, 153-54; XV, 37 6 '. XVII, 393. German submarine off, August 26, 1915, VI, 203. Oulchy-le-Chateau, July 1918, XIX, 107. Peronne district. May 16, 1918, XVIII, 429. station, August, 1918, XIX, 176, 178. Pforzheim, July 25-26, 1918, XIX, 131. Pirmasens, October 5, 1918, XX, 143. Pr6visy, October, 1918, XX, 278. Queant, October 10, 1916, XI, 401. Ramegnies-Chin aerodrome, January 5-6, 1918, XVII, 367. Rastatt, XIX, 132, 458. Remilly junction, July 30-31, 1918, XIX, 132- Roisel, August 14, 1918, XJX, 178. Rombach, August 8, 1918, XIX, 133. Rosieres district, XVIII, 206, 429. Rottweil, July 22, 1918, XIX, 107, 131. Roulers, XVI, 45, 64 ; XVII, 366, 369, 377, 3 3 Saaruriicken, XVII, 377; XVIII, 428; XIX, 132, 287-88, 319; XX, 276, 278. Saarburg, July, 191 8, XIX, 106. St. Amand, train near, September, 1915. VI. 392. St. Denis-Westrem aerodrome, September, 1916, XIX, 286. St. Gobert, October 28, 191 8, XX, 277-78. St. Quentin, X, 89-90 ; XVII, 393, 394- Seclin railway, July, 1918, XIX, 107, 131. Shumran, Turks at, XIII, 265-66. Steenwerck, August 3-4, 1918, XIX, 133. Solingen, July 29-30, 1918, XIX, 132. Somme-Py region, September, 1918, XIX, 462, 463. Souain, November 27, 1917, XVI, 430. Staden, V, 70 ; XVI, 120. Stuttgart, XVII, 393-94 1 XIX, 132, 286, 287, 458. Tergnier station, August 9-10, 1918, XIX, 176. ThionviUe, XVII, 371-72, 377: XVIII. 431; XIX, 106, 177, 179, 318, 462; XX, 143, 278, 279. Thourout, XV, 354, 376, 378 ; XVI, 64 ; XVIII. 206. Tondern, X, 58 ; XVIII, 328, 353 i XIX, 258. Tournai, XVII, 377 ; XVIII, 424, 428. Treves, XVII. 377. 383. 392 ; XIX, 133, 179. 485 ; XX, 278, 279-80. Uytkerke (harmless), August 16, 1917, XV, 376. Valenciennes, VI, 392 ; XIX, 131 ; XX, 143, 276. Vaulx-Vraucourt, November9, 1916, XI, 420. Vervins, October 28, 1918, XX, 277-78. Vouziers, July, 1918, XIX, 107. Wadgassen, July, 1918, XIX, 106. Wervicq, September, 1917, XVI, 64. Wilhelmshaven, 1914, XIII, 128. Worms, October 29-30, 1918, XX, 279. Zeebrugge, V, 42 ; VI, 202, 203 ; VII, 132 ; XII. 70 ; XIV. 153-54 : XV, 70 ; XVIII, 424, 428 ; XX, 142. on Zeppelin sheds, 1916, X, 345. Zuidwege, August 9, 1917, XV, 354. Zweibrilcken, XVII, 394 ; XIX, 107. during Retreat of German Army, November, 19 1 8, XX, 270. Aerial Navigation : — cont. British : — cont. Return of a battle-scarred bomber, illustra- tion, XIX, 133- Rolls-Royce Eagle 360 h.p. engine, illustration, XIX, 284. Royal Flying Corps : see also under British Expeditionary Force. Foreign engines in, XIII, 112-13. Formation and organisation of, in 1912, II, 185-90. Royal Naval Air Service : Attacks on German raiders, XIX, 260, 262. Formed, July, 1914, XIII, no. Organisation of, II, 190-94. in the Trenches, illustration, VI, 406. Rumania, September, 191 6, help afforded by, XI, 236. Seaplane-carrying ships used, XIII, 138-39. Seaplanes : Bomb Turkish transports, XIII, T37-38. Development of, II, 191-92, 194. Early use of, XIII, 134-36. Illustrations, VII, 155; VIII, 176; XIII, 138, 139, 143- Pre-war, XIII, no. Sopwith " Camel," illustration, XIX, 283. Spotting work, XIII, 136, 142. Starting to work with the artillery, illustration. XIX, 179. Statement in House of Commons, February, 1914, by Colonel Seely as to aircraft possessed, II, 195. on Suez Canal, X, 371. Supplying the front line with ammunition, illustration, XIX, 318. Testing aeroplane engine with propeller, illus- tration, XIII, 123. Turkish transport, sunk by, VII, 211. Two against twenty, illustration, XVIII, 425. Waterplane off Westminster, illustration, II. 183. on Western Front, early 1917, XII, 350. Work of, June-July, 1918, XIX, 78. Bulgaria, Treaty terms re, XXI, 430. Camouflage, growth of, XIII, 133-34- Captive balloons, multiplication of, VIII, 5°3- Champagne activity, July-September, 1915, VI, 323-24, 331. Climbing power, II, 195-96. " Contact " aeroplanes, use of, XIII, 140. Dardanelles, scouting at, illustration, V, 447. Darts, use of, XIII, 129. Direction of artillery fire by aircraft, VII, 491. Dunne Stability biplane, illustration, II, 182. Fighting scouts, illustration, XIII, 116. Football dropped over Lille aerodrome by Allied airmen, April 1, 1915, V, 42. Formation flying, importance of, XIII, 129, 143-44- French : Aeroplanes : Attacking a German Taube, illustration, II, 193- on a Bombing expedition, illustration, X, 91. Double-engined, with mitrailleuse, illustra- tion, VIII, 498. Landed in British lines, illustration, IV, 222. Repaired on the field, illustration, II, 54 Types used during war, XIII, 120-21. Airman about to start off, illustration, VI, 12. Airmen : Bombarding a German factory, illustration, XVIII, 321. at Toul and Nancy, good work of, III, 404. Anti-aircraft gun, illustration, VI, 207, 328 ; X, 30 r. Astra Company, Paris, peculiarity of airships made by, II, 193. Attack on Ull, VII, 159. THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. Aerial Navigation : — cont. French : — cont. Balloons : Captive : First used for military purposes at battle of Flerus, 18th century. III, 34 note. Illustrations, III, 422 ; V, 63 ; VI, 12, 219; VIII, 19; XVI, 192. Used in Revolutionary War, 1794, II, 183. Inflation station, illustration, VIII, 497. Observation, illustrations, IX, 64 ; XIII, 141 ; XV, 327 ; XIX, 462. Used during Siege of Paris, 1870-71, II, 183, illustration, II, 176. at Valmy, illustration, III, 423. Bleriot aeroplanes XIII, 120. Bombs dropped on Porrentruy (Switzerland), April 24, 1917, XIII, 222. Caudron aeroplanes, XIII, 120. Command of the air in Verdun region, XVI, 188. Convoy system, aircraft cooperation in, XVI, 150-51. 1-iring at a Taube, illustration, IV, zzi. German officer on, II, 142. Hawks, VI, 323. Hydroplanes : on Cicilian Coast, IV, 343. Illustration, IV, 343. on Southern Coast of Syria, IV, 343. Machine-gun used against hostile aircraft, illustration, XIII, 127. Military aviation, development, II, 179-80. Morane-Saulnier aeroplanes, XIII, 120. Nieuport aeroplanes, XIII, 120-21. Parachute, leaving balloon by, illustration, IX, 55. Photographing expedition near Col de Pom- merieux, and result of, XV, 185. Pioneer in military aeronautics, II, 178, 179, 180. Position before war, XIII, 115. Raids : Agincourt station, August 31-September 1, 1918, XIX, 319. Aire valley, April 26, 1916, VIII, 499. Amagne, September 26, 1918, XIX, 462. Anizy, March 22, 1915, VI, 39. Arnaville station, VIII, 498, 503 ; XVII, 366. Ars-sur-Meurthe, April 15-16, 1916, VIII, 498. Athies, September, 1916, XI, 131, 141. Attigny, VII, 294 ; XX, 144. Audun-le-Romans station, VIII, 499, 502 ; XI, 131. Avricourt, February, 1916, VIII, 498. Azannes, April, 1916, VIII, 408, 499. Bazancourt, October 13, 1915, VII, 294. Bazancourt-Apremont railway, October 10-13, 1915, VII, 294. Belgian coast, March 30, 1915, V, 42. Bensdorf, VIII, 498, 503. Bois des Vaux, October 9, 1916, XI, 405. Brieulles, March-April 1916, VIII, 498. Bruges, VI, 203 ; XII, 70. Bulgaria, 1916, XII, 26. Buzancourt station, September 20-21, 1918, XIX, 459. Cambrai, August 17-18, 1917, XV, 378. Challerange, VII, 294 ; VIII, 499 ; XV, 396. Chambley, VIII, 498 ; XV, 396. Chauny, VT, 39 ; XI, 146, 414. Coblenz, July 6-7, 1917, XV, 194. Colmar, VI, 27 ; XV, 396. Conflans, VIII, 498, 499 ; XI, 131 ; XVII, 366, 377. Cortemarck, August, 1917, XV, 355, 366, 378. Coucy-le-Chateau, March 22, 191 5, VI, 39. Dieuze, March 17, 1916, VIII, 498. Dondrien, December 25, 1914, XIII, 129. Dun, near, April 23-24, 1916, VIII, 499. Aerial Navigation :—cont. French : — cont. Raids : — cont. Dun-sur-Meuse, August, 1917, XV, 396. 1, XI, 296; XV, 194-95. Ktain station, VIII, 498, 503 ; XIX, 459. Flaville-Martel station, May 6, 1918, XVIII, Frankfurt, October 1-2, 1917, XIX, 177. Frascati, VI, 39 ; XV, 396. Freiburg, VI, 39, 203 ; XIV, 166. Freiburg-im-Breisgau, August, 191 7, XV, 396. Friedrichshafen, April 28, 1915, VI, .-03. Gercourt, December 25, 1914, XIII, 128-29. Ghevgeli (Serbia), January 23-April, 1916, XII, 20. Gits, August 20, 1 91 7, XV, 379. Givet, October 29, 1918, XX, 278. Grand Pr<5, August, 1917, XV, 396. Station, April 27-28, 1916, VIII, 499, Guignicourt, August 13-14, 1918, XIX, 178. Guiscard, XI, 131, 409 ; XVIII, 425. Habsheim, VI, 27 ; VIII, 498; XV, 396. Ham, IX, 146, 506 ; X, 423 ; XI, 131, 414 ; XVIII, 425 ; XIX, 178. Hayange factory, April 28-29, 1916, VIII, 499- Hirson, October, 1918, XX, 144, 278. on Hospitals, German allegations, January, 1918, XVII, 377. Houthulst Forest, near, XV, 378 ; XV I , 122. Houttave, March, 1916, XII, 70. Jainville station, September 20-21, 1918, XIX, 459. Karlsruhe, July, 1916, IX, 388. La Fdre, March 22, 1915, VI, 39. Lamarche station, April 27, 1916, VIII, 499- Laon, September 26, 1918, XIX, 462. Region, VII, 294 ; XX, 144. Le Chatelet, September 26, 1918, XIX, 462. Ledeghem station, January 3, 1918, XVII, 366. Leopoldshohe, April 28, 1915, VI, 203. Lichterwelde, August 1917, XV, 355, 378. Longuyon, VIII, 498 ; XV, 296 ; XIX, 462 ; XX, 144. Ludwigshafen, VI, 203 ; XV, 194. Luxembourg, October 3, 1915, VII, 294. Maison Bleu, August-September, 1918, XIX, 178, 319- Maizi^res-les-Metz station, XI, 131 ! XVII, 366. Mannheim, April, 1915, VI, 203. Marie (Maries), XIX, 319: XX, 276. Mars-la-Tour, August 22, 1918, XIX, 179. Marrille aerodrome, September 20-21, 1918, XIX, 459. Matigny, October 20, 1916, XI, 414. Mennessis, Mav 6, iqi8, XVIII, 425. Metz, VI, 39 ;' VII, 294 : XIII, 128. Metz-Sablons station, VIII, 497, 498 ; XI, 131 ; XVII, 3&6- in Meuse region, August, 1917, XVI, 195. MeziSres-Charleville, April 14, 1915, VI, 203. Moislains, October 9, 1916, XI, 405. Monastir, January 23, 1916, XII, 20. Monchy-Lagache, September 2, 1916, XI, 131 Montfaucon region, April 23-24, 1916, VIII, 499. Montmedy, August, 1917, XV, 396. Mulhausen, March 18, 1916, VIII, 498. Miilheim, April, 1915, VI, 202, 203. Nampoel, December 25, 1914, XIII, 129. Nantillois, April, 1916, VIII, 498, 499- Nesle, XI, 131, 414 ; XIX, 178. Neuenburg station, April 2, 1915. VI, 202. Novon, X, 423 ; XI, 414 ; XVIII. 425 : XIX, 178. THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. Aerial Navigation: — cont. French : — cont. Raids : — cont. Ognolles, bivouacks, August 13-14, 1918, XIX, 178. Orne valley, April 26, 1916, VIII, 499. Ostend, XII, 70; XV, 378. Pagny-sur-Moselle, March-April, 1916, VIII, 498. near Peronne. VII, 294 ; XI, 409. Pierrepont, August 191 7, XV, 396. Porquericourt Wood, October 10, 1916, XI, 409. Provisy (Previsv), October, 1918, XX, 276, 278. Rombach, VIII, 498; XVII, 366. Roulers, August 20, 1917, XV, 379. St. Juvin, August, 1917, XV, 396. St. Privat, January, 1918, XVII, 366, 377. St. Quentin, XI, 409 ; XIX, 178. Sedan station, September 2, 1916, XI, 131. near Seraincourt, October, 1918, XX, 277. Slez, October 20, 1916, XI, 414. Sofia, April 20-21, 1916, XII, 20. near Spincourt, April 27-28, 1916, VIII, 499. Spincourt forest, VIII, 498 ; XV, 396. Staden, August 20, 191 7, XV, 379 ; XVI, 120. Stenay, VIII, 498 ; XIX, 459. Strassburg, March-April, 1915, VI, 39, 203. Strumnitza, April, 1916, XII, 20. Stuttgart, September, 1916, XIX, 286. Tergnier, VI, 39 ; XI, 409 ; XIX, 178. Thillot, April, 1916, VIII, 408. Thionville station, VIII, 499 ; XVI, 203. Thourout, August, 1917, XV, 378, 379. Treves, July 6-7, 1917, XV, 194. Valenciennes, VI, 203 ; XIX, 460. Verdun, July-August, 1917, XV, 187-88, 396. Vermand, May 6, 1918, XVIII, 425. Vervins, October, 1918, XX, 276, 278. Vieville, April, 1916, VIII, 498. Villecourt, September 6-7, 1916, XI, 141. Villers-Franqueux, August 31 -September 1, 1918, XIX, 319. Vouziers, VII, 294; XX, 143, 144. Voyerres station, July 6, 1916, IX, 506. Vyfwege station, April 23-24, 1916, VIII, 498. Warmeriville, October 13, 1915, VII, 294. Wassigny, October, 1918, XX, 276. Woippy, XVI, 203 ; XVII, 366. W'urtemberg, Duke of, headquarters, May 3, 1-9^5, VI, 203. Ypres, environs, April 23-24, 1916, VIII, 498. Zeebrugge, March, 1916, XII, 70. in Rumania, September, 1916, help afforded by, XI, 236. a SearchUght station, illustration, VI, 206. in Serbia, VII, 356. alleged Violation of Belgian and German territory before outbreak of war, I, 388 note ; II, 447- Voisin biplanes, XIII, 121. German : Aeroplanes : Activity near Ypres, April 13, 1915, V, 45. Captured by Allies at Nkongsamba, VIII, 293- Destroyed, April, 1915, V, 53. Illustrations, II, 191 ; VI, 306 ; VII, 20 ; VIII, 96 ; XIII, 112, 128, 201 ; XV, 350 ; XVI, 205, 423. Low-flying, in attack of March 21, 1918, XVIII, 57. Raids, see that title below. Types used during war, XIII, 118-20. Airmen : in Co-operation with artillery, II, 165. Land in Holland, illustration, XIII, 197. Aerial Navigation: — cont. German : — cont. Airships : see also Zeppelins below. Bomb-dropping apparatus, X, 187-88. Bomb-dropping, illustration, VII, 25. Burnt at Aeltre, April 12, 1915, VI, 203. in Course of construction, illustration, II, 177. Gondola illustrations, VII, 6, 7. Lost in North Sea, January 31, 191 6, VII, 456. Number and capacity at outbreak of war, VII, 1. Raid over Allied lines, April 12, 1915, V, 45. Shot down at Libau, XVI, 292. Albatross aeroplane, XIII, 118; XIV, 408. illustration, XIII, 118. Anti-aircraft guns, illustrations, VI, 328 ; XIX, 297. Armistice terms re, XX, 453. Armoured Taube aeroplanes in Belgium, I, 367. Attacks on merchant ships and fishing vessels, V, 274 ; VII, 141, 143, 416-17, 458 ; XI, 174 ; XII, 200. Aviatik aeroplane, XIII, 119; XIV, 408. Aviator brought down at Poperinghe, March 31, 1915. V, 42. Aviators preparing for an ascent, ilustration, II, 482. Biplane, giant twin-propelled, illustration, VII, 21. Development of air service and kite sausages, IX, 52. Dirigibles employed in military manoeuvres in 1910, II, 184. Explosive bomb, type of, V, 427. " Flying Circus," XIII, 126. Fokker aeroplanes, VII, 312; XIII, 118-19 illustration, XIII, 120. in Gallipoli campaign, 1915, IX, 274. Gotha aeroplanes, XIII, 119; illustrations, XIV, 408 ; XVII, 396 ; XIX, 273. Halberstadt aeroplanes, XIII, 119 ; XIV, 408. Hansa aeroplanes, XIII, 119. Incendiary bombs : Illustration, V, 429. Type of, V, 427, 429. Lighting systems for night flying, XIII, 116. Losses : 1914-1917, XIII, 142. March-May, 1918, XVIII, 427. Zeppelins, see under Zeppelins below. Luft Verkehrs Gesellschaft aeroplanes, X11I, 119; XIV, 408. Machine-gun, illustration, XIII, 126. Observation balloons : Illustrations, XVIII, 203, 383. over Lille, V, 42. Otto aeroplane, XIV, 408.. in Palestine, 1918, XIX, 187. Parseval airship, II, 189. Peace terms, XXI, 161. Pilots, success of, XIII, 1 15-16. Position on outbreak of war, XIII, 116 17. Proclamations dropped : during Antwerp siege, II, 90-91. on East Prussian frontier, III, 275. on Ghent, III, 6. " Raids : American opinion, V, 269-70. Amiens, March, 1918, XIX, 157. Antwerp, I, 428-29 ; II, 90. Arensburg, September, 191 7, XVI, 321 Bialystok, early 1915, IV, 437. Black Deep, snipping in, XXI, 36. Bukarest, XII, 145, 235-36. Calais, V, 41-2 ; XVIII, 429. Chaulnes, March, 1918, XVIII, 77. Chaux-de-Fonds (Switzerland), October 17, 1915, XIII, 221-22. THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. Aerial Navigation : — cont. German : — cont. Raids : — cont. Deynze, I, 428 ; II, 82. Dunkirk, March 27, 1915, V, 42. Estaires, March, 1915, V, 421. Etaples, May 18, 1918, XVIII, 429-30, 431. on Great Britain, II, 357-96 ; VII, 1-40 ; VIII, 174-92; X, .181-200; XIX, 253-73. 285-88. see also under Great Britain. December, 1914, East Coast, VII, 2 ; XIX, 274. December 25, 1914, Thames, VII, 2-3 ; XIX, 274. January 9, IO,IJ, Norfolk, VI, 3-4; XIX. 259 ; illustrations, VII, 3, 5. February 21, 1915, Essex, VII, 7 ; XIX, 274. March 19, 1915, Straits of Dover, V, 42. April 4, 1915, Tyncside, VII, 8; XIX, 259. April 16, 1915, East Anglia, VII, 8 ; XIX, 259, 274 ; illustration, VII, 15. April 30, 1915, East Coast (Ipswich, Bury St. Edmunds, etc.), VII, 8 ;■ XIX, 259. Illustration, VII, 14. May 3, 1915, Dover, VII, 8. May 10, 1915. Southend, Leigh ami Roch- ford, VII," 8-10 ; XIX, 259 ; illustra- tions, VII, 10, 11, 13. May 17, 1915, Kent Coast towns, VII, 10-12 ; XIX, 259. May 26, 1915, Southend, Leigh and Westcliff, VII, 12 ; XIX, 259. May 31, 1915, London, VII, 12-15, 259 ; XIX, 277. June 4, 1915, East Coast, VII, iC ; XIX, 259- June 6-7, 1915, Hull, etc., XIX, 259. June 15, 1915, North-East Coast, VII, 19 ; XIX, 259. July 3, 1915, attempt on Harwich, VII, 19 ; XIX, 274. August 9, 1915, North-East Coast, VII, 19; XIX, 259. August 12, 1915, East Coast, VII, 19-23 ; XIX, 259. August 17, 1915, Eastern Counties, VII, 23 ; XIX, 259. Stptember 7, 1915, Eastern Counties and London, VII, 26. September 8, 1915, London, X, 181 ; XIX, 259 ; illustration, VII, 27. September 9, 1915, London, VII, 26—30 , XIX, 259. September 11, 191 5, East Coast, VII, 31 ; XIX, 259. September 12, 1 915, East Coast, VII, 31 ; XIX, 259- September 13, 1915, East Coast. XIX, 2.59- September 13, 191 5, East Coast and Kent, VII, '31 ; XIX, 259. October 13, 1915. London, VII, 31-34; XIX, 259 ; illustrations, VII, 29, 30, 31. January 23, 1916, Dover, VII, 35 ; XIX, 274. January 24, 1916, Dover, VII, 35. January 31, 1916, East (oast and Midlands, VII, 35-40, 456; VIII, 174; X, 181 ; XIX, 259 ; illustrations, VII, 35. 3». 37- February-October, 1916, VIII, 174-92 ; XIX, 274. March 1, 1916, Kent, VIII, 177. March 5, 1916, Eastern Counties, VIII, 177-79; XIX, 259. March 19, 1916, East Kent, VIII, 179-80. March 3r-Aril 1. East Coast. VIII, 1S1-84- XIX, J5<). Aerial Navigation : — cont. German : — cont. Raids : — cont. on Great Britain : — cont. April 1, 1916, North-East Coast, VIII, 184-85 ; XIX, 259. April 2, 1916, Eastern Counties, North- East Coast and East Coast of Scotland, VIII, 185-89; XIX, 259. April 5-4, 1916, Norfolk, XIX, 259. April 5, 1916, Norfolk, VIII, 189; XIX, 259- April 24-27, 1916, VIII, 191 ; XIX, 200, 259, 408-9. May, 1916, South-East Coast, VIII, 192 X, 184. May 2, 1916, East Coast of England and Scotland, VIII, 191 92 ; XIX, 259. November 28, 1916, London, XIX, 200, 258, 274. March-April, 191 7, Kent, XIX, 274, 258. June 9-10, 1916, Isle of Thanet and Kent, X, 184. July 9-10, 1916, Norfolk, Lincolnshire and Yorkshire, X, 184 ; XIX, 259. July 31, 1916, Thames Estuary, Kent, Lincoln, Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridge, Essex and Huntingdon, X, 184-85 ; XIX, 259. August and September, 1916, Dover, X, 186-87, I 9 2 - August 3, 1916, Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex, X, 185-86; XIX, 259. August 9, 1916, South-East of Scotland and North-East and East Coasts of England, X, 186 ; XIX, 259. August 24, 1916, East and South Coasts, X, 187-88 ; XIX, 259. September 2-3, 1916, Midlands and London, and illustrations, X, r88-92, 196; XIX, 259. September 23-24, 1916. London and East and South-East Coasts, X, 192-96 ; XI, 297; XIX, 259. September 25, 1916, Northern Midlands, X, 196 ; XIX, 259. October 1, 1916, London, etc., X, 197-98 ; XIX. 259. November 27, 1916, over North-East Coast and Midlands, X, 198-200 ; XIX, 259. March 16-17, 1917, Kent and Sussex, XIX, 253, 259. May 6-7, 1917, London, XIX.258, 274. May 23-24, 191 7, Norfolk Suffolk, and Essex, XIX, 253, 259. May 25, 1917, Kent, XIX, 258-60, 274. June, 1917, XX, 372. June 5, 1917, Essex, XIX, 260, 274. June 13, 1917, Essex and London, XIX, 260-61, 274. June 17, 1917, Harwich, Suffolk and Kent, XIX, 253-54, 259 ; illustration, XIX, 254- July 4, 1917, Harwich, XIX, 261, 274. July 7, 1917, Margate and London, XIX, 261-63, 274. July 22, 1917, Felixstowe and Harwich, XIX, 263-64, 274. August 12, 191 7, Essex, XIX, 264, 274. August 21, 1917, Yorkshire, XIX, 254, 259 August 22, 191 7, Kent, XIX, 264, 274 Illustration, XIX, 266. September 2, 191 7, Dover and Chatham XIX, 265, 274. September 4, 191 7, London, XIX, 265, 274 September 24-25, 191 7, XIX, 254, 259 266, 274. September 28, 191 7, Attempt on London, XIX, 266, 274. September 29, mi 7, Kent and London XIX, 266, 274. 10 THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. Aerial Navigation :—cont. German : — cont. Raids : — cont. on Great Britain : — cont. September 30, 1917, Kent, Essex and London, XIX, 266, 274. October 1, 1917, Kent, Essex and London, XIX, 266-67, 274. Octol er 10-20,1917, Norfolk and Lincoln- shire, XIX, 254-57. 259. October 29, 19 17, Essex, XIX, 267, 274. October 31, 1917, Kent and London, XIX, 267, 274-78. December 6, 1917, Kent, Essex and London, XIX, 268-69, 274, 277. December 18, 1917, Kent, Essex and London, XIX, 269, 274. December 22, 191 7, Kent, XIX, 269. January 28-29, 1918, London, Essex and Kent, XIX, 269-70, 274. February 16, 1918, Kent, Essex and London, XIX, 271, 274. February 17, 1918, Kent, Essex and London, XIX, 271, 274. February 18, 1918, Kent, Essex and London, XIX, 274. March 7, 191 8, Kent, Essex, Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire, London, XIX, 271-72, 274. March 12-13, x 9i8, Yorkshire, XIX, 257. 259- March 13-14, 1918, Yorkshire, XIX, 257. 2 59- April 12-13, 1918, Lincolnshire, Warwick- shire and Lancashire, XIX, 257, 259. May 18, 1918, London, XVIII, 431. May 19-20, 1918, London, Kent and Essex, XIX, 272, 274 ; illustration, XIX, 272. June, 1918, Kent, XIX, 274. August 5, 1918, Norfolk, XIX, 257-58. Area of, map, VII, 22. Effect of, X, 182-83, 34547- German versions, VIII, 189-91. Preparing for, illustration, XV, 319. Six airships destroyed, September, 1916, X, 347- Guillemont, X, 115, 117-18; XVI, 191. Havre, July 31, 1918, XIX, 132. Hazebrouck, March 28, 1915, V, 42. on Hospitals, XVI, 195. I 97. *°3 ! XVII, 377-78 ; XVIII, 429-30, 431. Lille, bomb dropped by Taube on October 10, 1914, III, 28. Lomza, early 1915, IV, 437. Luneville, before declaration of war, I, 394. Malines, September 27, 1914, II, 86. Nancv, 1915, VI, 203. Noblette Valley, April, 1916, VIII, 499- Noyon, March, 1918, XVIII, 77. Ostend, II, 82-83 ; HI. 9- Padua, December, 1917, XIX, 26. Paris, II, 49-50, 459, 460, 462, 466 ; VI, 203; XIX, 178, 271 ; illustrations, VIII, 182, 183. Porrentruv (Switzerland), March 31, 191 6, XIII, 222. Reims Cathedral, March 30, 191 5, VI, 39- Reval, September, 1917, XVI, 321. Revigny, early 1916, VIII, 7. Rosnay, March 31, 1916, VIII, 503. Rouen, July 31, 1919, XIX, 132. Roye station, March, 1918, XVIII, 77. on Russian ships, June, 1915, XVI, 293. Sailly, March 27, 1915, V, 42. St. Denis, May 11, 1915, VI, 203. St. Die, April 3rd, 1915, VI, 203. St. Menehould, April, 1916, VIII, 499. St. Omer, III, 32 J V, 42. Salonika, X, 65 ; XII, 13, 20-21 ; XX, 19-20. Taubes brought down near Paris, II, 464. Thielt, I, 428. Aerial Navigation :—cont. German : — cont. Raids : — cont. Troyes, German prisoners' camp near, July, 1918, XIX, 106. Tserel, September, 191 7, XVI, 321. Venice, 1918, XIX, 26. round Verdun, early 1916, VIII, 7. Warsaw, III, 330. Reconnaissance difficulties, October, 1914, III, 12. " Roland " bomb-dropping apparatus, illustra- tion, VII, 18. in Rumania, 1916, XI, 462. Rumpler tractor biplanes, XIII, 119- Schiitte-Lanz airship, description of, X, 183-84. Scout aeroplanes, illustrations, XVII, 365 ; XVIII, 204 ; XIX, 186. Seaplanes : in Battle of Jutland, XIII, 138. Bombardment of Libau, April, 1915, IV, 440. Destruction by Flight Commander Bone, March 29, 1916, VIII, 179- Imaginary raid on Harwich, June 10, 1916, X, 184. Raids on Great Britain : February 9, 1916, Ramsgate and Broad- stairs, VIII, 176. February 20, 1916, Lowestoft and Walmer, VIII, 176-77. March 1, 1916, Kent, VIII, 177. March 19, 1916, East Kent, VIII, 179-80. May ioi6, South-East Coast, VIII, 192 ; X, 184. June 9-10, Isle of Thanet and Kent, X, 184. August and September, 1916, Dover, X, 186-87, x 92. Seditious literature dropped to Indian troops, II, 337-38. in South- West Africa, VIII, 251. Superiority, XIII, 124. Taube aeroplanes, XIII. 118. over Dunkirk, October 16, 1914, III, 183, 185. over Hazebrouck, October 27 and 28, 1914, IV, 10. Illustration, III, 473. Travelling circuses, XVIII, 431. at Tsing-Tau, II, 422. Violation of Dutch territory XIII, 198-90- Zeppelins : 1917 type, XIII, 120. over Bailleul, March 31, 1915, V, 42. in Battle of Jutland, XIII, 138. brought down near Brabant le Roi , earl y 1 o 16 , VIII, 7. Cat-walk, illustration, X, 184. Diagrams, VII, 7 ; X, 183. Description of, X, 183. Engine gondola, illustration, VII, 24. Failure of in British raid on Cuxhaven, III, 153-54. Illustrations, II, 87, 174 ; VII, 2 ; VIII, 181 : X, 182. Guiding home, lighthouse signalling, illustra- tion, VII, 39. L33, illustrations, X, 184, 199, 200. L3, illustration, VIII, 178. L15. March 31, 1916, VII, 4^, 458 ; VIII, 182, 192 ; illustrations, VIII, 184. 186. 1.19, VII, 456. L20, illustration, VIII, 175, 192. L2S, May 14, 1917, XIV, 171. L43, June, 1917, XIV, 171 ; XIX, 253. L44, October 20, 191 7, XIX, 255. L45, October 20, 1917, XIX, 257. L48, June 17, 191 7, XIX, 253-54. L40, XIX, 257. THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. 11 Aerial Navigation : — conl. German : — cont. Zeppelins: — cont. Losses: — cont. L50, October 20, 1917, XIX, 257. L70, August 5, 1918, XIX, 258. L77, illustration, VIII, 188. in the North Sea, November 28, 1916, X, 198-200. on Return from raids on England, VII, 16, 19 : X, 347. at Revigny, February, 1916, VIII, 24, 34. near Salonika, May 7, 1916, illustration, VIII, 190-92. Observation car found in Fast Anglia, illus- tration, X, 194. Pilot in forward gondola of, illustration, VII, 9. Propeller, illustration, X, 183. Raids, see that title above. Speed and power of, in 191 4, II, 175. Typical examples of the work of, illus- tration, X, 185. Wreckage, illustration, X, 197, 198, 199. Gnome, illustration, II, 192. Henry Farman biplane, illustrations, Ii, i8r, 184. High flying, advantages of, XIII, 123. Italian : Adriatic operations, XII, 321-23. Aeroplane service, V, 40. Aeroplanes used during war, XIII, 121. Aeroplanes used in Tripoli during war with Turkey. September, 191 1, II, 180-81. Airship gondola stocked with bombs, illustra- tion, XII, 331. Airships, types, V, 40. Ammunition and supplies by aeroplane, illustration, XX, 306, Anti-aircraft battery on Italian armoured train, illustration, XII, 326. during Fighting at Monte Ortigara, June, 1917, XV, 400. in France, March 21, -April 6, 1918, XVIII, 204 ; XIX, 26. Losses : Citta di Ferrara, June 8, 1915, XII, 321. Citta di Jesi, August 5, 1915, XII, 322. Naval airship about to ascend, illustration, XII, 323. Observation balloon-tender, illustration, XII, 34i- during Offensive on Piave, October, 1018, XX, 307. Raids: Cattaro harbour, XVIII, 453. Divaca, June, 1915, XII, 321. Durazzo, September 28, 1916, XII, 323. Fasana Canal, XII, 322. Fiume, XII, 321, 322. Kerka River mouth, May 27, 1915, XII, 321. Pola, XII, 321, 322, 323'; XVIII, 462-63. Prosecco, January n, 1917, XII, 323. Trieste, XII, 322, 323. Vienna, August 9, 191 8, XVIII, 462. Seaplane, illustration, XVIII, 453. Japant ss : Flying Corps, II, 411-12. Hydroplane, illustration, II, 416. Seaplanes and aeroplanes over Tsing-Tau, II, 412, 415, 418. Kite balloons, invention of new type of bomb for destroying, introduced during French attack on Douaumont, and its success, IX, 52. London-Manchester flights, 1910, II, 178, 179. Low-flying, advantages of, XIII, 124. Maurice Farman biplane, illustration, II, 186. in Mediterranean, XVIII, 438, 439. Mesopotamia, illustrations, XIII, 130, 267, 268. Mexican, first aeroplane used in war at Ciudad Juarez, February, 191 1, II, 180. Morane-Saulnier monoplane, illustration, XIII, 121. Aerial Navigation : — cont. Night-flying, lighting systems for, XIII, 116. Observation balloon, illustration, XVI, 113. Photography, methods used, XIII, 133. Previous to the war, review of, II, 173-196. Rumanian : in Defence of country from Germans, 1916, XI, 462. Weakness of, and results during aerial raids by Germany, 1916, XI, 235-36. Russian : Aeroplanes used in the Army, illustrations, I, 509; II, 187. ■ Attacks on German gunboat, XVI, 295. Aviators at work on the field, illustration, V, 356. Development, I, 515. Raids : Adrianople, XVI, 310-n. Constantinople, XVI, 307, 308, 310-n. Derkos, March 27, 1917, XVI, 311. Soldau station, April 20, 1915, IV, 437. Sikoiskv aeroplane, illustration, I, 509. Work in Black Sea, XVI, 308, 310-n. Sopwith Scout, speed 114 miles per hour, illus- tration, II, 185. Spotting work, XIII, 122-23, J 39-4 . 142. anti-Submarine work, XVII, 299-300, 320-21. Synchronizing mechanism, diagram, XIII, 120. Trick work, growth and use, of, XIII, 127-28. Turkish : Activity, July-August, 1916, X, 386-87, 393, 398. Aeroplane about to fly from St. Stefano to Constantinople, illustration, III, 57. Hydroplane, illustration, III, 320. Organized by Germans, X, 386. Raid on Cairo, November, 1916, X, 397. Use of aircraft, XIII, 109-44. V-Forniation of a raiding squadron, illustration, XIII, 144. Valkyrie monoplane, illustration, II, 179. War experience before 1914, II, 180-82. on Western Front : August-September, 1914, II, 65-66, 145, 182-83. Summer and September of 1915, VI, 366-67, 3°9- February-April, 1916, VIII, 497-503. July-October, 1916, IX, 415, 422, 423, 478-80, 500, 506, 510; X, 419-20, 421-22, 436; XI, 119, 130-31, 146, 291, 295, 296, 297, 298, 401, 404-05, 409, 412, 414, 420, 424-26, 478-80. April, 191 7, XIV, 408; XV, 43-45. May, 191 7, XV, 66, 68. June, 1917, XV, 86, 102-04. July- August, 191 7, XV, 325-26, 349-50, 353-54. 355. 356, 364-65, 374-76, 378-79, 384- September, 1917, XV, 86, 102-04 '• XVI, 44. Oc ober, 1917, XVI, 109. November-December, 1917, XVI, 409, 420, 429, 430 ; XVII, 100-02. January-April, 1918, XVII, 363-74, 375, 377-7 8 . 393-94 ; XVIII, 202-07. May, 1918, XVIII, 424-32. June-July, 1918, XIX, 78, 115, 133. August-November, 1918, XIX, 170, 171, 174-8°. 317. 32i, 323, 324. 457-«4 ; XX. 113, 137, 142-44, 254-56, 276-82. Aerschot, see under Belgium. Afghanistan : • Amir of, portrait, XI, 351. German intrigues, 1915, XIV, 139. Germans and Turks in, summer of I9!5. XV, 141, 143- Herat : Capture by Persians in 1856, and re-united to Persian dominions, XI, 333. Siege by Persia, 1833, 1837, XI, 331. 12 THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. Afghanistan :—cont. Khyber: Offers of help and appeals for enrolment to Imperial Government, II, 319. Tribe, I, 166. Loyalty of, XV, 143. Letters sent by Indian renegades to the Tsar and the Governor of Russian Turkestan, proposing overthrow of British in India, 1916, XX, 96-97. Neutrality of, II, 329 ; XY, 141-43. Northern border defined by agreement between England and Russia, 1886, XI, 343. Turco-German mission enters, 1915, and leaves, 1 9 1 6, XX, 96. Afghans in Cilicia, XXI, 450. Afiun Kara Hissar, see under Turkey-in-Asia. Afric, sinking of, XXI, 124. Africa, H.M.S., XXI, 8. Sailing of troops on board to reinforce garrison of Mossamedes, October 1, 1914, IX, 345. Africa, Equatorial, and the War, XVI, 433-64. Afridi tribe, loyalty of, XV, 144. Aga Khan, His Highness the, Indian Mohamedan leader, XI, 355. Message to adherents urging loyalty to British Crown, II, 331. Portraits, II, 321 ; XII, 278. Speech in London, II, 331. Aga Mahomel, XI, 324. Aga Petros, Jelu chief, XX, 91. Agadir, see under Morocco. Agadir, s.s., commissioned as hospital ship, XXI, 128. Agagia, see under Egypt. Agamemnon, H.M.S. : Armament, I, 54. Armistice with Turks signed on, October 30, 1918, XXI, 14. in the Black Sea, November, 1918, XXI, 15. off Constantinople, November, 1918, XX, 105. Dardanelles operations, V, 382, 387-88, 388. 394-96; VII, 153 ; IX, 270 ; XII, 49, 50, 53. Illustration, XXI, 8. Agas, see under Rumania. Agawam, U.S.S.S. : Illustrations, XVIII, 268, 271. Launched at Newark, May 30, 1918, XVIII, 269. Aghyl Dere, see under Gallipoli. Agincourt, H.M.S., XXI, 18. dell'Agnella, Passo, see under Austria-Hungary. Agnew, P. D„ managing director. Central Prisoners of War Committee, XII, 255. Ago Mah, see under Greece. da Agostino, Major, commanding Italian Contingent with Egyptian Expeditionary Force, XIV, 296. Agram, see under Austria-Hungary. Aguila, s.s., s nking of, V, 274 ; XVII, 293. d'Aguilon, Due (1759), III, 154. Ahmad-bin-Fadthl, K.C.I.E., Sultan of Lahej, killed, July 5, 1915, X, 403. Ahmed, Sultan, portraits, XI, 322, 342, 346. Ahmed, of Persia, son of Mohamed AH, placed on throne by National Assembly, 1909, XI, 341. Ahmed Bey, Turkish Commander in Mesopotamia, capture of, at Ramadie, September, 1917, XVII, 262. Ahmed-el-Sherif Sidi (Seyid Ahmed), Grand Senussi, III, 293 ; IX, 292-95, 298, 308, 312, 317. Attitude towards Egyptian authorities, IX, 282, 293. 297- Defeat and flight, February, 191 7, XVII, 9 note. Embassy to, from Young Turks, IX, 287. Invasion of Western Egypt, IX, 281-82. Italian negotiations with, 1916, IX, 317. Opposition against French, IX, 286. Refusal of Senussi el Mahdi to have dealings with. IX, 285. Ahmed Faud, Sultan of Egypt, October, 1917, XVII, 273 note. Ahmed Fevzi Pasha, Commander at Erzerum, X, 248. Portrait, X, 249. Ahmed Fuad, Dr., Egyptian Nationalist, appointed to Turkish Intelligence Department, III, 292. Ahmed Hilmi Pasha, Minister of Education, Egypt, HI, 313. Portrait, III, 297. Ahmed Tewfik Pasha : Armistice negotiations, XX, 103. Attempt to form Turkish Cabinet, October, 1918 XX, 102. Ministry formed after Armistice, xx, 108. Portrait, XXI, 441. Ahwaz, see under Persia. Aidin, see under Turkey-in-Asia. Aigrettes, French submarines, IV, 101. Ailette, see under France. Ailles, see under France. Ailly, Bois de, see under France. Ailsa, s.s., X, 314. Ain Galakka (Borku), see under North Africa. Ain Ibl, see under Palestine and Syria. Ain Musa, see under Sinai Peninsula. Ainsworth, Colonel J., supervises Carrier Corps in East Africa, 191 7, XIX, 43. Aintab, see under Turkey-in-Asia. Aire River, see under France. Aisne River, see under France. Aitken, Sir Max, V, 63, 209. Aitkin, Major-General A. E., attack on Tanga, November, 1914, X, 139-141. Aitos, see under Greece. Aivali, see under Turkey-in-Asia. Aix-la-Chapelle, see under Germany. Aizy, see under France. Ajab Khan, Subadar-Major, mentioned in des- patches, X, 215. Ajaccio, see under Corsica Island. Ajax, H.M.S., XII, 199 ; XXI, 18. Illustration, XXI, 456. Ajit Singh : Attached to Indian Bureau, Berlin, XV, 133. Revolutionary propaganda in India, XV, 135. Akaba, see under Arabia. Akabo, s.s., offers to transport troops from Sierra Leone, 1914, XVI, 159. Akhlet, see under Turkey-in-Asia. Akhmet Bey Pulaski (Lithuanian Tartar), leader of Polish revolutionists during time of Crimean War XI, 220, note. Aki, Japanese battleship, II, 410-11. Akif Pasha, Provisional Government set up in Elbasan, XII, 22. Akir, see Ekron under Palestine and Syria. Akiyama, Admiral, Chief of the Japanese Mission to Europe, statement on Russian Fleet, X, 46. Akka, see Acre under Palestine and Syria. Akmolinsk Province, proclamation re treatment of prisoners, VI, 276-77. Akoulis, see under Turkey-in-Asia. Ala, see under Austria-Hungary. Ala-ud-Din, II, 327. Aladyin, Labour Deputy of the First Duma, XIV, 384- Aladyn, M., portrait, VIII, 231. Alano, see under Italy. Alarmash, see under Palestine and Syria. Alashgird, see under Turkey-in-Asia. Alaunlia, s.s., sinking of, 1916, XXI, 123. Albania : Argirokastron (Ergeri) : Deputies admitted to Greek Chamber, Febru- ary, 1916, XII, 21. Illustration, XV, 403. Occupied by Italians, October 2, 1916, XI, 274, XII, 35. Austrian and Bulgarian invasion, 1916, XII, 21-22. Austro-Hungarian and Bulgarian agreement re, April, 1916, XII, 22. Austro-Italian agreement, V, 7, 13. THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. 18 Albania:- com. Avlona : Greek occupation, November, 11)14, XII, 21. Italian expeditionary force in, XII, 21. Ayji Saranda (or Santi Quaranta) occupied by Italians, October 2, 1916, XI, 274 ; XII, 35. Illustration, XII, 332. Berat, occupied by Italians, 1918, XX, 294. Blockade by Italy, XII, 330. Durazzo, XII, 307, 308. Air raids on, XII, 323 ; XVIII, 459-60. Allied naval raid on, October 6, 1918, XVIII, 445. 447-49- Austrian capture of, February 27th, 1916, X, 70 ; XII, 22, 335. Austrian naval attack, December 28, 1915, XII, 333-34- Austrian submarine off, February 7th, 1916, X, 70. Embarkation of Serbian Armies, VII, 387. Guns in the old fortifications, illustration, XII, 337- Investment by Serbians, June, 1915, VII, 365. Italian capture of, October 14, 1918, XVIII, 445- Italian naval bombardment, February, 1916, XII, 335- Elbasan : Evacuation by Bulgarians, April 19, 19 16, XII, 22. Occupied by Bulgarians, XII, 21. Fieri, occupied by Italians, 1918, XX, 294. Franco-Italian attack in, 1918, and effect on Austrians, XX, 294-95. Greek cooperation against, June, 1915, VII, 365. Independence declared, June, 1917, XIII, 336. Italian expedition, XII, 21-22, 35, 47, 331-32. Map, XII, 20. Kahrew, fighting at, VII, 365. Kavaia, occupied by Serbians, June, 1915, VII, 3°5- Khimara, occupied by Italians, 1916, XI, 274 ; XII, 35- Koritsa (Goritza) : Deputies admitted to Greek Chamber, Febru- ary, 1916, XII, 35. Greek garrison ejected by Bulgarians, August 18, 1916, XII, 35. Proclaimed capital of new Albanian State, XX, 6. Volunteers exercising, illustration, XX, 7. Mandate for, demanded by Italy, 1919, XXI, 428. Montenegrin demonstration on north, June, 1915, VII, 365. Mountains, Serbian retreat across, VII, 385-86. Palermo, Port, occupied by Italians, August, 191 6, XI, 274. Recruits, illustration, III, 394. Republic, restoration of, under Essad Pasha, XX, 6. Revolutions, III, 64, 66 ; XX, 6. San Giovanni di Medua, XII, 307, 308. Air raids, VII, 387. Allies at, evacuation, January 21, 1916, VII, 386-87. Austrian naval raid on, December 5, 1915, XII, 325- Serbian invasion, 1915, VII, 364-65. Serbian troops, transport from, X, 65, 66 ; XVI, 148 ; XVIII, 433. 437-38. Skutari (Shkroda) : Arrival of British contingent, etc., VII, 383. Fall of, January 13, 1916, XII, 21. Retreat of Serbian armies to, VII, 385-86. Tirano, occupied by Serbians, June, 1915, VII, 365. Unity and independence under protection of Italy guaranteed by Baron Sonnino, June, 1917, and effect in Italy, XV, 402-3. Albania : — cont. Valona, XII, 307. Bay of, Italian warships anchored in, illustra- tion, XVIII, 456. Coastal defence works, etc., erected at, by men from Richborough, XXI, 137. Despatch of Italian Expeditionary Force to VII, 159-60 ; X, 64-65, 70 ; XVI, 165. Illustrations, XI, 274, 275 ; XII, 342 ; XVII 1, 456 ; XIX, 16. Italian occupation, XII, 331 ; XVIII, 445, 450. Withdrawal of Serbian, Montenegrin, Albanian and Italian troops, February, 1916, XII, 335. Yanina, occupation of, by Italians, June, 1917, protested against by Greeks, XX, 6. Albany, see under Australia. Albany, Duchess of, visit to London School of Medicine lor Women, IV, 251. Albarda, M., portrait, XV, 312. Albatross, German minelayer : Illustration, XVI, 294. Refloated and interned at Faro Sound, July 24, 1915, XVI, 294-95. Runs ashore and crew interned in Sweden, July 2, 1915, XVI, 294-95. Alberich Line, see under France. Alberon of Namur, Bishop of Liege, I, 323. Albert, see under France. Albert, King of the Belgians, I, 352 ; III, 161, 166, 172 ; IV, 27 ; XIX, 166. Address to Belgian Parliament on .outbreak of war, I, 315-16. Anglo- Belgian force under, September, 1918. XIX, 440, 445-46. Appeal to King George, I, 25 ; V, 288. Ascendancy of, over hearts of his people, II, 116. on Boy Scout movement, XVII, 177. at Dixmude, October 18, 1914, III, 185. on East African campaign, XIII, 410. Emergency law passed by, August 4, 1914, for protection of Belgium in case of invasion, XI, 2. Entry into Liege with Queen, November 30, 19 18 XXI, 232. under Fire in the trenches at siege of Antwerp, and soldierly qualities of, II, 1 16-17. Investment with Order of the Garter, December, 1914, IV, 213-16. Letter from General Leman, after capture, I. 354-55- Meetings with King George V, IV, 213-14 ; X, 429 ; XVIII, 123 ; XIX, 155. Message from M. Poincare, August 7, 1914, I, 343- Operations on Western Front, 1918, XX, 128, 135, 137, 138, 261, 359. Order of the Day, September 28, 1918, XIX, 445- Popularity of, on outbreak of war, I, 363. Portraits, I, 18, 105; III, 455; IV, 441, 442; XV, 102, 334 ; XVI, 212, 213 ; XX, 129, 262, 288 ; XXI, 225, 366, 383. Proclamation to troops, October 28, 1914. III. 478. Re-entry into Antwerp with Queen, November. 1918, XXI, 223, 225-26. Rejection of German overtures to. before sie.ee of Antwerp, II, 84-85. Reviews of troops, I, 356 ; III, 190. Sortie from Antwerp, II, 68, 84. Speech in Chamber of Deputies, November, 1918, XXI, 226. Telegram from the Tsar, I, 356. Thanks to M. Poincare for hospitality to Govern- ment, III, 7. Visit of Mr. John Redmond to. November, 191s, VII, 283. Visit toOstend, October. 1918, XX, 255. Visit to Verdun battlefield, September, iq'7. XVI, 212. 14 THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. Albert, Dr. Heinrich : Chief Financial Agent (in U.S.A.) ol German Government, V, 253-54. German Government documents lost by, V, 252, 264. Albert, Prime Consort, XVIII, 112. and Army reforms and Volunteer movement, XVIII, no. Albert, H.R.H. Prince : Entry into Brussels with King and Queen of Belgians, November, 1918, XXI, 225-26. Participation in Thames pageant, August 4, 1919, XXI, 122. Portraits, I, 74 ; XVIII, 139. in R.A.F., XVIII, 139- Alberta, see under Canada. Alberta Farm, see under Belgium. Alberts, Colonel, III, 509. Action at Pforte, March 20, 1915, VIII, 267. Albion, H.M.S. : Dardanelles operations, V, 382, 384, 387, 388, 395. 456, 4°9, 47« : VI, 86. Illustration, VI, 87. Stranding of, off Anzac, May 23, 1915, VI, 1 13-14. Albrecht, Archduke (of Custozza fame), IX, 12. Albrecht : Commander Konrad, naval raid on Kentish coast, February 25, 1917, XIV, 152. Kurt, German submarine commander, XVII, 291. Werner, German submarine commander, XVII, 291. Albricoi, General : in Command of Italian 2nd Army Corps in France, 1918, XIX, 27. Italian front proposals at Paris Conference, July 25, 1917, XV, 406. Policy re delay of Italian offensive, discussions^, July, 1917, XV, 406. Portrait. XXI, 372. Albuera, IV, 26. Alcantara, H.M.S. : Action with the Greif, February 29, 1916, VII, 447-48; X, 64; XIV, 186; XXI, 8-9, 128. Illustrations, VII, 446; XXI, 127. Sinking ot, February 29, 1916, XXI, 8, 9, 128. " A I caster " destroyer, see A casta. A Ida. German steamer, interned at Valparaiso, X, 76. Aldebert, General, battle of Moronvillers, May, 1Q17, xiv, 98, rot. Aldershot, see under Great Britain. Alderson, General E. A. H., C.B. : Advice to troops before entering trenches, V, 216-17, 219. Battle of Festubert, May, 191 5, V, 238. Battle of Ypres, April, 1915, V, 65. in Command of Canadian Contingent : in France, V, 202 ; XVI, 257. on Salisbury Plain, II, 252, 253. Portraits, II, 238 ; V, 203. Relations with men, V, 216. Aletto, H.M.S., paddle wheel steamer, XII, 195. Alegre, Porto, see under Bnazil. Aleppo, see under Palestine and Syria. Alessandri, Zouaves, battle of Moronvillers, May 20, 1917, XIV, 99. Alessandria, see under' Italy. Alexander the Great, II, 277, 317, 327 ; III, 94 ; ,r , 374 ; IX, 285 ; XI, 321, 322, 355. Alexander 1 (Prince Cuza), accession to Rumanian throne, and work of, 1859-66, IX, 411 ; XII, 152- Alexander in. Pope, I, 323. Alexander, King 0! Greece, XXI, 459. Portraits, XIII, 326, 328, 337 ; XXI, 459. Succession to throne and character of, 1917, XIII, 336-37 ; XX, 8. Alexander, Prince, of Oldenburg : Head of the Russian Sanitary Department of War, VIII, 230. Portrait, VIII, 222. Alexander I, Tsar, V, 358. Alleged discussion of invasion of India, Xi, 328-29. Alexander II, Tsar, policy towards Jews, XIV, 309. Alexander, King of Serbia, II, 279. murdered at Belgrade in 1903, II, 209. Alexander, Crown Prince of Serbia, II, 287 ; XII, 38. Order lor mobilisation of Serbian Army, July 25, 1914, II, 292. Portraits, I, 78 ; II, 282 ; III, 364, 387 ; VII, 363. Return to Belgrade, December 15, 1914, III. 391. Retreat, VII, 385. at Salonika, 1916, XII, 26. Alexander, Bishop of Lie?e, deposed n 34, I, 323. Alexander : Canon, Treasurer of St. Paul's, XX, 396. Organization of " Watch " to be on duty during air raids, XX, 395-96. Lieut. D.C., R.A.M.C., gallantry in Battle of Loos, September 25, 1915, VI, 384. Lieut.-Colonel E. W, R.F.A., award of V.C., X, 36. Lance-Corporal T. X., B.W.I. R., M.M. awarded to, XVI, 89. Alexander Mikhailovitch. Grand Duke : Development of Russian military aviation, I, 515. Warnings given to the Tsar, XIII, 84. Alexander-Sinclair, Commodore E. S., M.V.O. : Battle of Jutland, IX, 140. Portrait. IX, 153. Alexandra Feodorovna, Empress : Allegations against, in Duma, November, 1915 XIII, 74. Alleged pro-German feeling of, XIII, 85. Arrest of, XIII, 437. Character of, XII, 84. Influence on Tsar, XIII, 82-84. Portraits, V, 122; VII, 318; VIII, 198; XIII, 84. Rasputin's influence over, XIII, 86. Treatment of, in imprisonment, XIII, 459-60. Unpopularity of, XIII, 84-86. Work for soldiers' families, VIII, 228. Alexandra, H.M. Queen : at Edith Cavell memorial service, VI, 439. Donation on behalf of Y.M.C.A., IX, 179. Interest in wounded, IV, 501. Message to Mrs. Cavell, VI, 439. Message to France, on July 14, 1916, X, 105. Opening of Y.M.C.A. Hostel in Grosvenor Gardens, IX, 190. Participation in Thames pageant, August 4, 1919, XXI, 122. Portrait, XVII, 146. President of British Red Cross Society, IV, 246. Appeal for funds, IV, 247. President of Territorial Force Nursing Services Advisory Council, IV, 245. Relief Fund for War Nurses, IV, 250. Sympathy with camp concert movement, IV, 496. Visit to Portugal, IX, 323. Alexandra, H.M.S., in the Dardanelles, 1878, V, 376. Alexandra Palace, see under Great Britain. Alexaudretta, see under Syria. Alexandria, see under Egypt. Alexandrine Irene, Princess, portrait, IX, 366. Alexandropol, see under Caucasus and Trans- Caucasia. Alexandropoulos, M., Greek Minister at Belgrade, telegrams with Minister for Foreign Affairs, May, 1913, XIII, 305. Alexandrovsk, see under Russia. Alexeieff, General, XIV, 384. Chief of Staff to Tsar, September 5, 1915, X, 245. Commander-in-Chief, XIII, 107, 438. Comments on first stage of General Sakharoff's offensive south-west of Lutsk, 1916, IX, 222-23. Congratulations to General Balfourier and XXth Army Corps on fighting at Douaumont, VIII, 03-94- Direction of armies in field left to, IX, 7. THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. 15 Alexeieff, General : — cont. Evacuation of Eastern Poland, August 15, V, 356. on Fighting at Baranovitche, July 22, 1916, IX, 294. in Galicia, V, 114. at Moscow Conference, August, 1917, XIV, 361, 363, 376. Portraits, I, 492 ; XIV, 2, 6. Report on shortage of German armies, June, 1916, IX, 27, 20. Speech to Union of Officers, 191 7, XIII, 448. Succeeds General Kornilofi, September, 1917, xiv, 304, 387. Alexinsky : M., Labour member of first Duma, at Moscow Conference, August, 1917, XIV, 373. Mr., Russia and the Great War quoted, V, 88, note. Alexis, Grand Duke, Cesarevitch, XIII, 85. Abdication of claim to throne, XIII, 102-4. Cross and Medal of St. George conferred on, VIII, 201. Portraits, VII, 82 ; VIII, 197, 200 ; XIII, 78. Treatment of, in imprisonment, XIII, 459. Alfieri, General, Italian Minister of War, XIX, 5. Portrait, XIX, 6. at Rapallo Conference, November, 1917, XVTII, 18. Alfred Noble, Prize Court case, July-August, 1915, x, 315-17- Alger, see under France. Algeciras, see under Spain. Algeria : Algiers : French naval base, I, 71. Pasteur Institute, illustrations, XI, 63, 64, 65. Surrender to Germany one condition of ptace according to Count Bernstorff, III, 16. Bona, bombardment by Goeben and Breslau, August 4, 1914. XII, 42. Failure of German agents in, IX, 292. French troops, II, 19 ; transport, XII, 43. German attempt to stir up disaffection in, against France, XXI, 327. Oran, French naval base, I, 71. Philippeville, bombardment by Goeben and Breslau, August 4, 1914, XII, 42. Algiers, see under Algeria. Alhucemas, see under Morocco. Algie, Lieut. W. L., V.C. awarded to, XIX, 345, 347. 354- AH, Emir, son of Sherif of Mecca, XVII, 4, 12, 15, 288. Operations against Turks, iqi8, XVIII, 247, note. Ali Bey Wahabi : in Command of Turkish troops in Syria, 1918, XIX, 200. Surrender, September 29, 1918, XIX, 200. Ali Dinar, Sultan of Darfur : Biography, IX, 318. Defeat and death, November 6, 1916, X, 399 ; XVII, 9, note. Escape from El Fasher, May, 1916, X, 399. Expedition against, March, 1916, IX, 318-20. Ali el Gherb, see under Mesopotamia. Ali Faud Pasha, XV, 171, 172. in Command of Turkish 25th Division for attack on Egypt, IV, 345. Commander of Turkish Force in Jerusalem district, XV, 169. Portrait, XXI, 437. Ali Haidar Pasha, nomination as Emir of Mecca, Julv 2, 1916 XVII, 7. Ali Mohammed, XV, 129. Ali Muntar, see under Palestine and Syria. Ali Pasha, El Lewa El Sayed, C.M.G., commanding Egyptian Forces in the Hedjaz, portrait, XVII, 14. Ali Riza Pasha, Grand Vizier, 1919-20, portrait, XXI, 44 t. Ali Riza Pasha el Rikabi, Chief Administrator, Damascus, XXI, 439. Ali Said Pasha : Operations in Aden Protectorate, X, 402-4 ; XIX, 215-16. Turkish Commander in Yemen, XVII, 2, 3 XIX, 214-15. Ali Sayed, head of Morghani Sect, created K.C.M.C IX, 292, note. Ali Verbi Pasha, commander at Ma'an, 1918, XV11I, 248. Alice H., Dutch ship, mined, I., 188. Aligne, Second Lieut., at fighting at Flensburg Trench, June, 191 7, XV, 191-94. Aliotis, General, presenting colours to Colonel Pangalos at Athens, portrait, XX, 9. Alisch, see under France. Allan: A., M.P., Belgian refugee work, IV, 464. Lieut.-Col. T. S., work re trench fever, XVII, 239. Allan Line, XI, 14. Allanson, Major C. G. L., 6th Gurkhas, attack on Sari Bair, August, 1915, VII, 184. Allard, Jesse, on Executive Committee, Comit6 National de Secours et d'Alimentation, IV, 443. Allbutt, Sir Clifford, consulting physician, Hamp- stead Military Hospital, VII, 337. Allcroft, Miss, and Queen Mary's Needlework Guild IV, 267. AHemant, see under France. Allen: Col. Sir James, K.C.B., New Zealand Minister of Defence in Coalition Cabinet, 1915, VI, 156 ; XII, 145, 276, 291. Characteristics, VI, 127. and Conscription, VI, 155 ; XIII, 154. Portraits, I, 146; XIII, 150. Captain John D., H.M.S. Kent, sinking of Dresdt 1 , X, 76. Capt. W. B. A., V.C, M.C., R.A.M.C : Award of V.C, Xll, 170, 176, 190 ; XIX, 356. Portraits, XII, 171, 176. Allen-Warner, VII, 303. Description of fighting, etc., VII, 286, 295, 297 ; VIII, 24-25, 99-100 ; IX, 71-73 ; XX, 354. Allen-Williams, Brig.-Geceral A. J., C.M.G.: Commandant of Richborough and work of, XXI, 138. Portrait, XXI, 141. Allenby, Viscount, K.C.B., G.C.M.G., I, 450,464, 480; II, 506; III, 16; XVII, 12, J4, 16, 17, 263, 280, 288 ; XVIII, 217 ; XX, icg ; XXI, 271, 45°- Administration, Palestine, XXI, 439. Aleppo, entry into, December 10, 1918, XIX, 210. Appreciation of Gen. Bulfin, XV, 160. Assistance afforded to, by Inland Water Trans- port, XXI, 129. Award of G.C.M.G., XV, 174. Battle of Arras-Vimy, April, 1917, XIV, 4C9, 416-18, 421, 422, 423, 425. in Belgium, October, 1914, III, 5, 18, 23, 27. 33-34. 37- 462. Biography, XV, 207-08. at Braine, September, 1914, II, 125. .takes Command of Egyptian Expeditionary Force, June 28, 1917, XIV, 289, 306; XV, 146, 207 ; XVIII, 217. Despatches quoted, XV, 149, 150, 151. 154, 159, 160, 161, 162, 165, 166, 169-70, 171, 173-74; XVIII, 239, 243, 246; XIX, 186, 187, 190, 191, 196, 197-98. in France, April, 1917, XIV, 38, 42-43, 107 ; XV, 38, 39. Fresnoy-Bullecourt battle, May, 1917, X\ , 55, 57> 59- Investiture at Jerusalem with insignia of G.C.M (.. and Knight of Grace of the Order of St. J<hn, March 19, 1918, XVI II, 243. in Jerusalem, December n, 191 7, XV, 146, 175-77- Illustrations, XV, 175, 176, 178, 179; X\ III, 223. 16 THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAB. Allenby, Viscount : —cont. Marue, Battle of the, 1914, XX, 195. Money grant, August, 1919, XXI, 179. Palestine and Syria, operations, XV, 145-77 ; XVII, 253 ; XIX, 181-216 ; XX, 92, 4x2, 434. 435- Portraits, I, 126 ; XIV, 419 ; XV, 147, 175, 179 ; XVIII, 221, 223; XIX, 213. Presentation by Zionist Commission, illustration, XVIII, 244. and Retreat from Mous, I, 469-70, 471. Telegram of congratulation on British West Indies Regiment, XVI, 88. Thanks Australian Engineers in Palestine, XV, 156. Third Army under, extension of wing, June, 1917, XV. 208. Viscounty conferred on August, 1919, XXI, 179. Visits Cairo, January, 1918, XVIII, 226. Allenstein, see under Germany. Alleyne, Lieut. Sir John M., Bart., D.S.C., R.N., Ostend operations, XVII, 417, 418 ; XVIII, 35° • Allied Cooperation : Council for direction of strategy instituted, VII, 278. Marshal Foch placed in supreme command, March 26, 1918, XVIII, 96. Ineffectiveness of, XVII, 181-82. Inter-Allied Council on War Purchases and Finance, XXI, 85. Inter- Allied General Staff, creation of, XIV, 227. Inter-Allied Meat and Fats Executive, London, XXI. 91. Paris Conference, see under Paris. Hesitations, XIV, 226. Supreme War Council : Allied agreements, XVII, 182. Creation of, and representatives sent to, Novem- ber, I9 I7. XVIII, 323-34; XIX, 377-78; XX, 401-2. Doullens Conference, March, 1918, XVII, 100, 193-94- Urged on M. Briand, 191 5, XIV, 225. Versailles, XVII, 184-91. Unity of Command, 1918, XVII, 181-216 ; Parliamentary criticism, XIX, 377. Allied Naval Council, formation, XVIII, 435. Allied Rhineland Commission, formation of, in Germany, XXI, 252. Alhstone, Lieut. Baron W., German reprisals on, VI, 248. Allochet, Monte, see under Austria-Hungary. Allonge, Bois, see und r France. Allsup, Lieut. C. F„ R.N., H.M.S. Legion, engage- ment off Dutch Coast, October 17, 1914, II, 17. Almazora, s.s., commisioned as armed cruiser, XXI, 128. Amagne, see under France, d' Almeida, Dr. Antonio Jose, XVII, 357, 358. Chief of Evolutionists in Portugal, IX, 337, 339 ; XVII, 333. and Mozambique expedition, 1916, XVII, 344. Portraits, IX, 326, 356; XVII, 336. Prime Minister and Minister for the Colonies, 1916-17, IX, 327, 359 ; XVII, 335, 336, 348. Refusal to attend meeting at Belem, January, 1916, but letter sent bv, IX, 353. Almeric Paget Corps of Masseurs, work of, XIII, 3.5'- Almeyreda, editor of the Bonnel-Roupe, XXT, 364. Alnwick Castle, Union-Castle Liner : Illustrations, XIII, 56, 57. Torpedoed by Germans, March 19, 191 7, XIII, .57-58. Alost, see under Belgium. Alphonso, King of Spain, XIV, 166 ; XVII, 357. Letter from Kaiser to, sent by U.35, June 21, 1916, X, 62. Alpoim, Senhor Jose Maria, leader of Dissidents in Portugal, IX, 326, 327. Alsace-Lorraine : Administration, transferring of, to French officials, difficulties experienced, XXI, 231. Allied march through, November, 19 18, XXI, 228. Altkirch : Fighting round, winter of 1914-15, III, 438, 440 ; VI, 25, 27. French capture and occupation, August 7, 1914, I, 387, 393, 394, 396. Receipt of news in Paris, II, 451-52. Removal of mourning from statue of Stras- bourg in Paris after, I, 398. Illustration, I, 389. Amertzwiller : French advance near, February, 1915, VI, 27. French success at, February 16, 1917, XII, 356. German attack near, March, 1917, XII, 367. Anspach, lighting near, January3, 1918, XVII, 366. Aspach, fighting in, winter 1915, III, 440! Aspach-le-Bas, captured by French, December 2. 1914, VI, 25. Aspach-le-Haut, captured by French, December 2, 1914. VI, 35. Austrian troops in, I, 397. Autonomy demanded in German Socialist mani- festo, September, 1918, XXI, 273. Avricourt : Capture by French, I, 398 ; II, 148. French air raid, February, 1916, VIII, 498. Ballon d'Alsace, captured by French, I, 398 Barenkopf, fighting at, October, 1915, and. February, 191 7, VII, 302 ; XII, 358. Belschweiller, German attack on, May 28, 1916, IX, 168. Bensdorf station : British air raid, January 16-17, I 9 I 8, XVII, 372. French air raids, February, 1916, VIII, 498 ; April, 1916, VIII, 503. Bonhomme, Col du : Capture by French, I, 398. Fighting near, February, 1915, VI, 27. Braunkopf, summit stormed by French, June 15-16, 1915, VI, 246. Breche-au-Mont, flight of Germans at, I, 396. Bruche Valley, French in, I, 398. Burnauf railway station, illustration, III, 403. Burnhaupt, fighting near, March 16, 1916, VIII, 496-97. Burnhaupt-le-Haut, captured by French and re- captured by Germans, January 7-8, 1915, VI, 25. Bussang, Col de, captured by French, I, 398. Carspach, fighting at, March, 1916, VIII, 496. Cernay : Captured by Allies, September 27, 1918, XIX, 444- Fighting near, August, 1914, and December, 1914-January, 1915, I, 394; III, 25, 439, 440 ; October, 1918, XX, 121. Germans held at, May 29, 1918, XVIII, 417. Chateau Salins : Entry of French into, and reception, November, 1918, XXI, 218. French in, August 19, 1914, III, 406. Chazellcs, fighting near, May, 1916, IX, 167. Children of, at French Army Centre School, illustration, XXI, 221. Civilians, fighting by, I, 399. Colmar : Entry of French into, under General de Castelnau, November. 1918, XXI, 227. Illustrations, XXI, 228, 290, 456. French air raids, March, 1915, and August, 1917, VI, 27 ; XV, 396. Delme, French in, August 19, 1914, III, 406. Dieuze : Aerial bombardment of aerodrome, March, 1916, and November, 1918, VIII, 498 ; XX, 281. French in, August 19, 1914, III, 406. THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. 17 Alsace-Lorraine : — cunt. Discussion at Peace Conference, XXI, 373. Donon Pass : Capture by French, I, 398. Evacuation, August 23, 191 4, I, 399. Dornach, righting at, August, 1914, III, 405. Fecht Valley, fighting in, VI, 239-46. Foodstuffs, provision by France, problem, XXI, 231. French claims to, acknowledged by Emperor Charles of Austria, 191 7, XX, 233. French mistakes in, III, 405. French recovery of, XXI, 373-75. German activity in. May 28, 1916, IX, 168. German artillery demonstration, 1916, IX, 63. Germans in : Atrocities, I, 398. Conduct of, III, 438. Use of burning liquids, V, 46. German and French raids, early 1918, XVII, 389. German proposals to France, 191 7, XXI, 362-63. Rule, XXI, 278, 283. Gravelotte, 1870, II, 503. Habsheim, French air raids, VI, 27 ; VIII, 498 ; XV, 396. Hagendingen, British air raid, July 16-17, J 9 lS . XIX, 106. Hartmannsweilerkopf : Artillery duel, February 27, 1916, VIII, 496. Fighting on, III, 439 ; VI, 23, 27, 29, 239 ; VII, 302, 303 ; XVI, 397 ; XX, 202, 203-4. German aerial railway in, illustration, XX, 205. Visited by King of Ttaly, XVI, 212. Hayange factory, French air raid, April 28-29, 1916, VIII, 499. Hirzbach. forest, fighting in, winter of 191 5, III, 440. Hirzenstein, fighting at, III, 439. Hohneck Pass, captured by French, I, 398. Inhabitants, more French than German, I. 391. Kaysersberg, Alsatian costume as worn at, illustration, XXI, 373. Kreusewald, British air raid, May 24, 1918, XVIII, 432. Largitzen, German attack near, April 29, 191b, VIII, 497- the Great Largus, fighting on, March 3, 1916, VIII, 496. Lauch Valley, fighting in, March 2, 1916, VIII, 496. Lingenkopf, capture by French, and subsequent fighting, July-October, 1915, VI, 240 ; VII, 302. Maizieres-les-Metz, allied air raids, August, 1916 XI, 131 ; January, 1918, XVII, 366, 367. Maps, VI, War Atlas, pp. 8-9 ; VII, 305. Metz, I, 389 ; II, 480, 481. Attack planned by Allies frustrated by Armis- tice, November n, 1918, XX, 360. Attempted poisoning of wells near, by French, German allegation, I, 388 note. Belgian civilians sent to work at, XII, 467. British air raids, XVII, 367, 372, 393 ; XVIII, 431 ; XIX, 176. Entry of French under Marshal Petain, November 19, 1918, XXI, 221-23. French air raids, I, 477 ; VI, 39 ; VII, 294 ; XI, 131 ; XIII, 128. Germans in : Behaviour, III, 438. Occupation and its effects, XXI, 228. Traders thrust out, and results, November, 1018, XXI, 231-^2. Illustrations. I, 23 ; III. 419 ; XV, 455 ; XVII, 196 ; XX, 455 : XXI, 220, 222, 372, 374. Paper currency, illustration, XXI, 248. Place d'Armes, review of French troops by Marshal Petain, November, 1918, ' XXI, 221. IND. — B Alsace Lorraine : — cont. Metz : — cont. Railway to Strassburg cut by French 15th Corps, August 16, 1914, II, 4: Shelled by French long-range guns, September, 1918, XIX, 459. Surrendered to Allied occupation, XXI, 291. Visit of French President, December 8, 1918, XXI, 374- Metz region, Belgian deportees sent to construct railways, XII, 476. Metz-Sablon : Allied air raids, XX, 143, 276, 280. ■ British air raids, May-September, 1918, XVIII, 432 ; XIX, 323, 4 _ 58, 462 ; XX, 143 ,276. French air raids, VIII, 497. 498 ; XI, 131 ; XVII, 366. Metzeral, capture by French, June, 1915, VI, 240. Molkcnrein, mountain held by French, III, 439. Morhanges : Allied air raids, 1918, XIX, 320, 459 ; XX, 143, 278, 280, 281. Fi inch defeat at, 1914, IIT, 403 ; XX, 182, 188, 190. French in, August 19, 1914, III, 406. Mulhouse (Miilhausen), II, 481. Brutality of Germans in, III, 438. Description, population, etc., I, 394. Entry of French into, and reception, November, 1918, XXI, 218. French attacks towards, January, 1915, III, 440. French capture and occupations, August, 19 14, and retirement, I, 387, 394-95, 396, 399 ; III, 405, 437. Goods station, French air raid, March 18, 1916, VII, 498. Illustrations, I, 388 ; XXI, 376. Surrendered to Allied occupation, XXI, 291. Operations in : 1914. I. 374. 387-400. 447. 462 ; II, 42-44, 149, 481 ; III, 403-8 ; XX, 187, 188, 197. Map, I, 386. ■ Winter 1914-15, III, 437-40; VI, 23-25, 26-29. April-August, 1915, VI, 238-40. Winter 1915-16, VII, 302-04. February-April, 1916, VIII, 497-99. Early 1917, XII, 355, 356, 365. September, 1918, and result, XX, 352-53. Opinion in, re erection of separate state, parties for and against, XXI, 231. Plaine Valley, German attack, February 26, 1916, VIII, 496. Position in : End of August, 1914, III, 408. End of February, 1915, III, 440. Referendum, German attitude, XXI, 307. Refugees from, hardships endured by, XXI, 210- 20. Reichaker, fighting at, November, 191 7, XVI, 397- Returned to France under term of Armistice, November, 1918, XX, 455-56 ; XXI, 302, 428. Riedisheim, fighting at, I, 395. de Saales, Col, capture by French, and evacua- tion, August 23, 1914, I, 397. 398, 399- Saarburg : French at, August 16, 1914, and capture of, August 18, 1914, I, 399 ; II, 42. French defeated at, 191 4, XX, 190. St. Marie-aux-Mines, fighting near, November 9, 1914, VI, 25. St. Marie-aux-Mines. Col, captured by French, I, 398. Sc hlucht Pass, captured by French, I, 398. Schratzmannele, capture by French, August. 1915, VI, 240. Steinbach : Capture by French, January 3-4, 191?:. 'V, 229. Illustration, III, 404. 18 THE TIMES HISTOUY OF THE WAR. Alsace Lorraine : — coni. Steinbach : — cont. Important position near, taken by French, HI, 438. Stormed by French, December 30, 1914, VI, 25. Stossweier (Stosswihr), fighting at, March, 1916, VUI, 490. French success at, February 22, 1915, VI, 27. Strasbourg : Allied march through, November, 1918, XXI, 228. Alsatian women awaiting arrival of General Petain, illustration, XXI, 229. Entered by French, November, 1918, XXI, 228-30, 373-74. French airraids, March-April, 1915, VI, 39, 203. German behaviour in, III, 438. German occupation and its effects, XXI, 228, 230. Illustrations, XXI, 230, 375, 385. " Manoeuvres " at, July 30, 1914, I, 27-29. Proclamation posted at time of entry of French into, November, 1918, XXI, 230-31. Railway to Metz cut by French 15th Corps, August 16, 1914, II, 42. Surrendered to Allied occupation, XXI, 291. Visit of French President, December 9, 19 18, XXI. 374- Sultzeren, French success, March 2, 1915, VI, 27. Thann : Capture by French, August 7, 1914, I, 394. Description, industries, etc., I, 394. German bombardment, November, 1915, VII, 3°3- Visited by King of Italy, 1917, XVI, 212. Thiaville, fighting at, March, 1916, VIII, 497. Thionville, II, 42, 480, 481. Air raids on, VIII, 499 ; XVI, 203 ; XVII, 37I-7 2 . 377 ." XVIII, 431 ; XIX, 106, 177, 179, 318, 462 ; XX, 143, 278-79, 280. ThurValley, artillery work, March, 1916, VIII, 496. d'Urbeis, Col, capture by French, I, 398. Village church after bombardment, illustration, VI. 35- Wadgassen, British air raid, July 1918, XIX, 106. Wattwiller, fighting near, February 20, 1917, XII, 358. W'oippy railway, French air raids : September 5, 191 7, XVI, 203. January 3, 1918, XVII, 366. Zabern (Saverne) : Deliverance of, and decoration in celebration, and illustration, XXI, .231, 232. Incident, I, 216, 391-92; II, 43. Return of Colonel von Reuter's regiment to, illustration, I, 393. Alsace, French airship, raids by, October 1, 1915, VII, 294. Alsatian, armed merchant cruiser, VII, 147. War services of, XXI, 125. Altengrabow, see under Germany. Alt Iringa, see under German East Africa? Alt Langenburg, see under German East Africa. Altdam, see under Germany. Alten-Grabow, see under Germany. Altissimo, Monte, see under Austria-Hungary. Altkirch, see under Alsace-Lorraine. Alton, see under Great Britain. Altschanz, see Predeal under Rumania. Altschuller, Austrian, formerly Consul in Kieff, XIII, 455-. Altun Keupri, see under Mesopotamia. Altvater, Admiral W. M., Russian representative at Peace Conference at Brest-I.itovsk, Decem- ber, 1917, XVI, 11. Portrait, XVI, 9. Aluta River and Valley, see under Rumania. Alva, Duke of, I, 325. Ypres pillaged by soldiers of, 16th century, IV, 206. Alvensleben, Constantin, German Corps leader (1870), I, 202, 269-70. Alvonia, wooden s.s.. launched in U.S.A., July 4. 1918, XVIII, 285. Alynt, see under Russia. d'Amade, General, I, 47 1 - 474- Appointed to command French Expeditionary Force at the Dardanelles, March, 1915, V, 391, 392-93- in Egypt, V, 446. Gallipoli operations, XII, 59- General Order to troops before embarking for Gallipoli, April 15, 1915, V, 447. Krithia, second battle of. May 1915, VI, 105, 107. Letter of farewell from Sir Ian Hamilton, VI, no. Portrait, I, 243. Presentation of colours to troops at Ramleh, April 5, 1915, V, 446-47- Succeeded in command by General Gouraud, May 14, 1915, VI, no. Amadia, see under Mesopotamia Amadio, Prince, portrait, IX, 92. Amalli, Italian cruiser, sunk in the Adriatic, July 7, 1915, VII, 159; XII, 316. Amanoe, see under France. Amani, see under German East Africa. Amanus, see under Turkey-in-Asia. Amara, see under Mesopotamia. d'Amaral, Ferreira, Portuguese Prime Minister, IX, 327, 334. Amasia, see under Turkey-in-Asia. Amazon, H.M.S. : Operations off Belgian Coast, III, 480. Sinking of, XXI, 128. Ambaca, s.s., XVII, 342. Sailing of Portuguese troops on board, December 3, 1914, en route for Angola, IX, 346. Amberger : Gustav, German submarine commander, XVII, 291. Wilhelm, German submarine commander, XVII, 291. Ambleny, see under France. d'Ambly, General, French 77th Division, operations, March 29. 1918, XVIII, 184, 185. Ambrose, St., XII, 11. Ameglio, General : Governor of Cyrenaica, 1913, IX, 288. Governor of Tripoli, 1915, while retaining post of Governor of Cyrenaica, work done by, IX, 292. Negotiations with Sidi Ahmed, 1916, IX, 3'7- Amelia, Dona, Queen of Portugal : Interest in sanatoria for treatment of tuberculosis. IX, 327-28. Portrait, IV, 79. Religious views of, IX, 332. Work at Devonshire House, IV, 250. Amendola, Signor, on Committee for Entente between nationalities subject to Austria-Hungary, February, iqi8, XIX, 18. America, Dutch ship, capture, 1783, X, 304. America, see United States of America. American Dupont Powder Company, German nitrate stocks in Chili bought by, XV, i'>. American Expeditionary Force : Air Service, see under Aerial Navigation. Allies' impatience at slow arrival of, March, 1018, XX, 41-42. Army of Occupation, see that title. in Austria-Hungary, XX, 71. in Europe. XX, 37-7 2 - Illustrations, XVI, 335, 336. 345. 355, 3&o; XVIII, 193 ; XIX, 120, 314 ; XX, 54 ; XXI, 46, 47, 53. 61, 63, 70, 202, 203. in Italy, XX, 71. on Murman Coast, XX, 71. in Russia, 1018, XVIII, 358 ! XX, 159. Transport, XVI, T70-80. 327; XVII, 324, 379 1 XVIII, 330-31 ; XX, 42, 44, 355 ; XXI, 109- 10, 200, 219, 260. THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. iy American Expeditionary Force : — cant. Transport back to America, 1919, XXI, 114. Victory march in Brussels, November 191 8, XXI, 225-26. on Western Front, XIII, 24-25. Arrivals, XV, 184 ; XX, 41, 332 ; illustration, X11I, 24. Artillery : Battery, illustration, XXI, 46. French guns used, XX, 49. Bases, XVII, 379-80. Burial of first dead at Bathlcmont, November, 1917. XX, 53. Bread made at Is-sur-Tille, XX, 46. Character as fighters, XX, 58. Coal, British, used to save tonnage, XX, 46. Cold storage plant, XX, 46. Drafting of battalions in British brigades, XVI, , Jl-53. 353-54; XX, 42- Engineers in action, March 30, 1918, XVIII, 19a. Forage, sources of supply and difficulty of ob- taining, XX, 48. Forty-two divisions sent over, XX, 40. General Staff, organisation of, XX, 48-49. Horses, numbers of, sources of supply, and difficulty in obtaining, XX, 47-48. Increase in numbers shown on propaganda literature, XXI, 348. Insufficient to help Allies. March-April, 1918, XVIII, 398. Luxembourg, entrv into, November 21, 1918, XXI. 223-24. Motor Transport Corps, numbers of cars and quantities of materials used, XX, 48. Negro stevedores employed, XX, 45. Numbers of troops in 1917 and 1918, XX, 41-42. Officers with British consulting a map, illustra- tion, XX, 410. Operations, XIX, 310, 312-14,320; XX, 63, 109, 116-17, 119-20, 123, 124, 127, 12S, •34-35. 1-3*. l8 <>. 236, 258, 269, 334, 339, 34°-43. 352-55. 359-to, 415, 417, 433-34, 463 ; XXI, 37-72. 111 Action without authority, in borrowed uniforms, July, 1918, XX, 57-58. Advance, July, 1918, XX, 63 ; XXI, 49. Advance with Belgian Army, by 37th and 91st Divisions, October-November, 1918, and commendation by Belgian Com- mander, XX, 59-60. Argonne-Meuse offensive, September-Novem- ber, 1918, XX, 66-71 ; XXI, 56-72. Map, XXI, 54-55. Barricourt captured, November, 191 8, XX, 70. Bathlcmont first casualties at, November, 1917, XX, 53. Beaufort captured, November, 1918, XX, 70. in Belgium, XXI, 72. Bois rle Pelican, June6-25, 1918, XXI, 40, 41. Illustration, XXI, 42. near Binarville, October, 1918, XXI, 65-66. Bouresches captured, Jiine.iQiS, XX, 56-57 ; XXI, 40. Bulson raptured, November, 1918, XX, 71. Buzancy occupied, November, 1918, XX, 70. in the Champagne, September-October. 1918, XIV, 430-41 ; XVII, 388; XXI, 68-60. at Cantiirny, May, 1918, XVIII, 423 ; XXI. 37-39. . Illustrations, XVIII, 424 ; XX, 55 ; XXI, 30. Casualties, XX, 71-72. Chateau-Thierrv, May-July, 1918, XVIII, 419 ; XIX, 75, 88, 98 ; XX, 55-56, 63 ; XXI, 39-to. Chatillon Hill, storming of, October, 1918, XX, 69. • Chemin des Dames, 1918, XX, 53j" American Expeditionary Force: — c«ut. on Western Front : — cont. Operations : -cont. Epieds captured, July 23, 1918, XIX, 103. Fismes occupied, and lighting near, July August, 1918, XIX, 123, 289 ; XX, 03. Graudpre, October, 1918, XX, 69. Hamel and Vaivre Wood captured, July 4, iijiS, XXI, 41, 43. Hill 288 captured, October, 1918, XX, 69. Juvigny captured, August, 191S, XIX, 301. Kriemhilde line penetrated October, 1918, and fighting in, XX, 6y. on the Marne, 1918, XVI, 320 ; XIX, 97, in, 116-17, 119; XX, 62-03; XXI, 39-49- near Montfaucon, September, 1918, XIX, 443-44- Montsec, machine gunners going forward to, illustration, XX, 66. Murvaux captured, November, 1918, XX, 71. in Xovon region, April, 1918, XV11I, 402. near Perthes, 1918, XX, 62. Komagne captured, October, 1918, XX, 69. St. Etienne captured, October, 1918, XX, 59 St. Hilier captured, November 10th, 101S XXI, 72. St. Mihiel offensive, September, 1918, XX 65-66 ; XXI, 53. St. Quentin, fighting and casualties, Sep tember-October, 1918, XX, 50, 69. in Somme region, July, 1918, XIX, 76, 144 Stenav occupied, November, 1918, XX, 71. at Toul, April, 1918, XVI, 354 ; XVIII. 309 Yarquois captured, September 26, 1018 XIV, 443. \ arennes captured, September 26th, 1918 XIV, 443- Vaux captured, June, 1918, XXI, 40-41 July, 1918, XX, 57. Vigneulles captured, September, igi8,XX,66. Ordnance shortage, XVI, 344. Organisation of, XX, 40. Petrol supply, XX, 46.- Placed at disposal of Marshal Foch, and units split up, March, 1918, XX, 54-55. Plan of campaign, 1918, XX, 60. Ports : Creation and increase of facilities, XX, 44. Southern ports of France only could be used, XX, 40-41. Storage yards built at St. Suplice and docks improved at Bordeaux, XX, 45. Position of, on battle front, XX, 41. Printing works set up at Nantes, XX, 46. Prisoners taken by, at Cantignv, illustration, XX, 56. Quartermaster's Department, expenditure on supplies in Europe, XX. 46. Railway gun in Argonne, illustration, XX, 119. Railways : Lack of rolling stock, XX, 47. Locomotives and wagons, importation from America and building and repair in France, XX, 46. Plant erected at La Rochellc and Kbcnville. XX, 46. Routes used, XX, 46. Scattering of units along Allied front at first but concentration for St. Mihiel and Meuse- Argonne attacks, XX, 65. Situation at Armistice, XXl, 72. Supplies : Cooperation with French, XX, 46. Depots, system of, XX, 46-47. Foods manufactured in France, XX, 46. Purchase in Europe, to save tonnage, XX, 46. Service of Supply, XX, 46. Stocks for 45 days kept, XX, 45. Transport of, plans prepared for four million men, XX, 44. 20 THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. American Expeditionary Force : — cont. on Western Front : — cont. Tanks, see that title. Training : Completed in France by French and British Armies, XX, 51-53. Importance of rifle fire insisted on, XX, 52-53- Schools established in American zone round Langres, XX, 51. W.A.A.C. Pal's Battalion, XVII, 436, 452. Wood cut in French forests, XX, 46. American Express Company, sending of parcels to prisoners in Germany through, VI, 280. American Mission : Urmia, work for Nestorian refugees, VIII, 375-76. Van, work of, VIII, 378. American Red Cross work : in Palestine, XXI, 442. in Serbia, XI, 392. American Standard Oil Company, war with Germany for control of petroleum industry, IX, 406. American War of Independence, 1812 : Underwater boats used, IV, 86, 88. Use of railways, VI, 167. American Women (in London) War Relief Fund, IV. 502. Americans in Europe : Dispatch of cruiser Tennessee for relief of, I, 195. Illustrations, I, 191, 192, 193. Ameriha, German ship, detention at New York, I, 190. Amertzwiller, see under Alsace-Lorraine. Amerval, see under France. f Amery, Colonel L. S., M.P.: at Belgrade (1915), XXI, r3. Portraits, XII, 280 ; XIX, 377. Ames Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Company, U.S.A., XVIII, 283, 284, 287-88. Amet, Vice-Admiral : Arrival at Constantinople as French High Com- missioner, XX, 106. Commanding French fleet in the Mediterranean and at Dardanelles, XVIII, 438 ; XXI, 14. Amethyst. H.M.S., I, 54. Dardanelles operations, March, 1915, V, 389, 457, 459- at Smyrna, 1915, IX, 272. Turbine-driven cruiser, 1902, XII, 209. Amey, Lance-Corporal W., V.C. : Award of V.C, XIX, 332, 354. Portrait, XIX, 332. Amiens, see under France. Amigny, see under France. Amiral Charnier, French cruiser, torpedoed Feb- ruary 8, 1916, X, 66; XII, 65. Illustration, XII, 44. Amiral Gauteaume, VI, 195 ; XII, 70. Attack by submarines, October 26, 1914, VII, 138-39. Amman, see under Palestine and Syria. Ammunition, see under Munitions. Amnas, see under Palestine and Syria. de Amorim. Massano, commanding Mozambique expedition, 1914, IX, 345 ; XVII, 336, 340. Amoy, see under China. Amphion, H.M.S., I, 45 ; II, 18. Loss of, August 6, 1914, II, 7. Illustration, II, 7. Sinking of the Kdnigin Luise by, August 5, 1914, II, 6-7; XII, 215. Amphitrite, H.M.S. cruiser, escorts transports, 1914, XVI, 167. Amphitrite, trawler, sunk by German submarine, November 28, 1916, XI, 180. d'Ampola, Val, see under Austria-Hungary. Ampthill, Lady : and Queen Mary's Needlework Guild, IV, 267. Work of, IV, 250. Amsterdam, see under Holland. Amsterdam, packet-boat, Belgian Government and legations of Allied Powers transferred from Antwerp to Ostend by, October 7, 1914, II, 97. Amundsen, Captain Roald, return of German decora- tions by, October, 1917, XIV, 172. Amur, see under Siberia. Amzacea, see under Rumania. Ana, see under Mesopotamia. Anabasis, Colonel, Commander of Rumanian Orsova Group, resistance against enemy shown on Danube, November, 1916, XI, 459. Anafarta, see under Gallipoli. Anankovo, see under Russia. Anastasia, Grand Duchess, portraits, VIII, 198 ; XIII, 78. Anastasiu, Colonel, appointed to command of First Division at Orsova, 1916, XI, 451 note. Anastasoff, Dr., Bulgarian representative at Peace Conference at Brest-Litovsk, December, 191 7, XVI, 10. Anatoli-Eavak, see under Turkey-in-Asia. Anatolia, see under Turkey-in-Asia. Ancelin, General, death of, October 24, 1916, X, 462. Anchin, see under France. Anchor Line (Henderson Bros., Ltd.), fusion of interests with Donaldson Line, Ltd., and results, XI, 113-14. Ancona, see under Italy. Ancona, Italian liner, sunk by submarine flying Austro-Hungarian flag, November 7, 1915, VII, 157 ; XI, 359 ; XII, 340-41 ; XVII, 292. Ancona, Signor, Italian Under-Secretary for Trans- ports, XII, 313. Ancre, see under France. Andechy, see under France. Andenne, see under Belgium. Anderlu, see under France. Andersen, Captain, of Norwegian steamer Hallbjorg on spirits of merchant seamen, XI, 176. Anderson : Sir Alan Garrett, K.B.E., XV, 457. Appointed member of Shipping Controller's Committee, XV, 437. Career, XV, 445. Confidence shown in, by shipbuilders, XV, 454- Navy Controller, July, 1917-July, 1918, XV, 445 ; XVIII, 328. Portrait, XV, 437. Miss A. M., principal lady inspector of factories, XVII, 459- Pte. G., gallantry of, May, 1915, V, 227. Sir Kenneth, K.C.M.G., appointed member of Shipping Control Committee, December 4, 1916, XI, 91. Louisa Garrett, IV, 251. Endell Street Hospital under, XVII, 451. Major M. H., mentioned in despatches, X, 204. Corpl. W., award of V.C, X, 36. W. C, M.P. , on Military Service Bill, VIII, 130. Temp. Major (Acting Lieut.-Col.) W. H., V.C. : Award of V.C, XVI, 385-86, 395 ; XIX, 356. Portrait, XVI, 385. Captain, s.s. Storstad, XIII, 65. Andes, H.M.S. : Commissioned as armed cruiser, XXI, 128. German cruiser Gm/sunk by, February 29, 1916, VII, 448 ; X, 64 ; XXI, 8, 9. Andigny, see under France. Andigny-les-Fermes, see under France. Andlauer, General, fighting at Vaux, October- November, 1916, X, 471, de Andrade : Anselmo, XVII, 349. Opposition to Portuguese military intervention, XVII, 331- Freire, Portuguese Foreign Minister : Attitude, XVII, 333, 334. Career, IX, 349. Opinion re Portugal's intervention in war, IX, 348. THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. 21 Andrassy, Count Julius, II, 200, 206 ; XX, 236. House broken into during Bolshevist revolution in Budapest, 1919, XXI, 424. Lecture, May 16, 1916, XIX, 222. Policy advocated by, re cession of Galicia to new kingdom of Poland, XX, 230. on Polish question, XIX, 248. Portrait, XIX, 247. Andre : Captain, French Administrator at Marash, XXI, 451- Captain, of Leon Gambetta, XII, 46. Andrea Doria, Italian dreadnought, XII, 310. Andrew, Bishop, of Ufa (Prince Ukhtomsky), XIII, 461. .Andrew, Prince, of Greece, XII, 13. Andrew : Corporal (Sergeant) Leslie W., V.C. : Award of V.C, XV, 224, 250 ; XIX, 356. Portrait, XV, 224. Pte., rescue of, bv Pte. F. Potts, X, 13-15. Andronikoff, Prince, XIII, 86. Anecho, see Little Popo under Togoland. Angelo Bassani, Italian torpedo boat, in the Black Sea, November, 1918, XXI, 15. Angerburg, see under East Prussia. De Angetis (sailor), in raid on Pola Harbour, XVIII, 441. Anghelihi, Greek ship, torpedoed by Germans, October 29, 1916, XIII, 320. Anghista, see under Greece. Angle, see under France. Angio, Monte, see under Italy. Anglia, British hospital ship, XVIII, 121. Sinking of, illustration, VII, 149. Anglo-Egyptian, touches Colombo breakwater, XVI, 162. Anglo-Newfoundland Development Company, XIV, 184-85. Anglo-Persian Oil Company, III, 108, 109 ; XII, 223, note. Angola : Bunja station, attacked by Germans, 1914, XVII, 339- Cuangar, German attack, October 30, 1914, XVII, 338. Durico station, destroyed by Germans, 1914, XVII, 339. Fighting on southern frontier, October 20, 1914, IX. 345. Mossamedes, Portuguese troops sent to, IX, 343. Mukosto station, taken and destroyed bv Germans, 1914. XVII, 339- Naulila : Fighting at, between Portuguese and Germans, December 18, 1914, IX, 351-53 ; XVII, 339, 359- German attack, October 19, 1914, XVII, 338. Portuguese expeditions : IX, 345-46 ; XVII, 336, 337-39. 340-41, 342, 347- Quiteve, fighting at, July 10, 1915, XVII, 342. Sambio station, burnt by Germans, 1914, XVII, 339- Angora, see under Turkey in Asia. Angouleme, see under France. Angra Pequena, Bay of, see under German South- West Africa. Angre, see under France. Angreau, see under France. Angres, see under France. Angst, Sir Henry, Britsih Consul-General at Zurich, distributes propaganda in Switzerland, XIII, 225. Anguru, native tribe in Nyasaland, rebellion of, January, 1915, X, 154. Angus : Skipper C, R.N.R., award of D.S.C., X, 51. Lance-Corporal W, : Award of V.C, X, 36. Portrait, X, 39. Anhovo, see under Austria-Hungary. Anis, Lieut., F.gyptian officer, " action against Beduins, and death, November, 1914, III, 319. Anizy, see under France. Anley, Lieut. -Colonel, and recapture of Le Ghier, October 21, 191 4, III, 458. Anneux, see under France. D'Annunzio, Gabriele, V, 27, 28. Aerial work of, XVIII, 461-63. Portraits, V, 28 ; XXI, 429. Proclamation, XXI, 429. Quoted, V, 30. Raid on Fiume, and occupation of, September 1919, XXI, 428-29. Ansairieh sect, in Cilicia, XXI, 450. Ansaiio, Italian munitions firm, work of, XVI11 . 27- Anson, Commander, interest taken in work of combating diseases in R.N., IX, 247-48. Ansonia, sinking of, 1918, XXI, 123. Anspach, see under Alsace-Lorraine. Antheuil, see under France. Anthoine, General, XIV, 63, 68; XV, 19^; XVI, 37, 43, 181, 245. Biography, XIV, 79-81. First Army under, in Belgium, June, 1917, XV, 76, 105, 209. Battle of Moronvillers, April-May, 1917, XIV, 40, 45, 46, 59, 63. 73, 74 ; XVI, 247. Portraits, XIV, 65, 81. Resignation of command of Fourth French Army on Moronvillers Heights, June 9th, 191 7, XV, 189. at Battle of Somme, October, 1916, XI, 420. Third Battle of Ypres, 1917, XV, 353, 354, 356, 358, 361, 365, 366, 367, 369, 373 ; XVI, 113, 120, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132. Anthony, Father, portrait, VIII, 329. Antigua, see under West Indies. Antioch, see under Palestine and Syria. Antioche, see under France. Antivari, see under Montenegro. Antoing, see under Belgium. Antonescu, M. : Rumanian Minister of Finance, December, 1916, XII, 148. Portrait, IX, 431. Antonorl, M„ portrait, XVI, 5. Antoval, see under France. Antwerp, see under Belgium. Anzac, see under Jan poli. Anzac : Origin of wor XIII, 161-62. the Spirit of, VI, 121-60. Anzac Redoubt, see under Belgium. Aonzo, Lieutenant G. : Portrait, XVIII, 443. Takes part in sinking of Szent Istr&n, June, 1918, XVIII, 443-44. Aosta, Duke of, Commander of Italian Army : 1915-18, VII, 41 ; XI, 240; XVIII, 10, 11; XIX, 28. Operations on Italian front, October, 1918, XX, 308. Portraits, IX, 92 ; XI, 240. Successes of army under, and prisoners taken by, August, 1916, XI, 251. Apcar, Lieut. T. S., Indian Lancers, imprisoned by Senussi, IX, 312. Apfelbaum, see Zinovyeff. Apia, see tinder Samoa Islands. Apolo Kagwa, Sir, K.C.M.G., Prime Ministei of Buganda, X, 147. Appam, British merchant ship, VIII, 288. Captured by German raider, VII, 426, 445, 447 ; X, 64. Case of, VII, 426. Illustration, VII, 422. Appily, see under France. Appleton, see under Great Britain. Apple Villa, see under Belgium. THE TIMES HISTORY Of THE WAR. Apponvi. Count : Portrait, XIX, 251. School law of 1907, IX, 408. Speech in Hungarian Parliament, June 14, 1916, XIX, 222. Apremont, see under France. Apsley, Captain Lord, M.C., quoted, XV, 151. Aptaat, see under Rumania. Aquitania : at the Dardanelles, VII, 444. History of, 1914-18, XXI, 123. Illustration, XXI, 119. Transport work, XVI, 163 ; XX, 44. Arabia, P. & O. Liner : Illustration, XI, 171. Sunk without warning in Mediterranean, Novem- ber 6, 1916, XI, 172-7? 193 ; XIV, 177. Survivors from, illustratio XI, 172. Arabia : Akaba, IV, 328. Bombardment by H.M.S nerva, and recon- naisance by landing pa: .November, 191 4, III, 146; XXI, 12, 318. Bombardment by British ships, 1916, X, 397. Capture by Arabs, July 6-7, 1917, and Turkish attempt to recapture, XVII, 12, 13. Dispute, III, 294. Illustrations, XVII, 12, 15; XIX, 208, 209, 210. Landing party near, from French cruiser Desaix, February, 1915, IV, 344. Operations of British ships off, III, 318. Akaba, Gulf of : Indian marine vessels in, IV, 344. rumoured Mining of, III, 146. Allies relation to, XIX, 211. Asir, Turkish garrisons surrender under terms of Armistice, XIX, 214, 216. Bir Saleh, fighting at, July 30, 1918, XIX, 215. British interests in, XVII, 285. Coast, British and French blockade, XVII, 6, 8. Damgha, capture by Arabs, 1916, XVII, 6. Eastern, Turks driven out by Ibn Saud, 1913, III, 101. EI Hasa, III, 86. Capture by Turks, 19th century, III, 88. Claimed by Turks, III, 83. Turks driven out by Ibn Saud, III, 101. El Hofuf, Turkish garrison, III, 88. El Katar peninsula, III, 83, 86. Turkish agreement to evacuate. III, 99. Turkish claim to, 19th century, III, 88. El Katif, Turkish garrison, III, 88. El Wigh, capture by Arabs, 1916, XVII, 6. Elphinstone Inlet: Description, III, 82. Illustrations, III, 96, 97. Evacuating Turkish wounded, illustration, XVII, 9- Gerrha, dead city of, III, 83. Hedjaz : Arabs of : Allegiance to Sherif of Mecca, 1916, X, 404. Illustration, XIX, 199. Operations, XVII, 288. Rebellion against Turks, X, 388. Description of country, XVII, 5. The Flag, illustration, XVII, 3. King of : see also Husein ibn Ali. Assumption of title by Husein ibn Ali and recognition by Allies, November, 191 6, XVII, 1, 10; XIX, 211. Operations in, and Arab rising, June, 1916- April, 1918, XVII, 1-3, 12. Provisions of Peace Treaty re, XXI, 458. Railway : XVII, 2. Arab raids, XV, 168 ; XVII, 1, 14, 15 ; XVIII, 240, 241, 243, 247, 248, 288 ; XIX, 187. Arabia : — cont. Hedjaz : — cont. Railway : — cont. British raids on, XVII, 288; XVIII, 217. Illustration, XVII, 17. Reorganisation of administration, XVII, 9. Turkish garrisons, surrender under terms of Armistice, XIX, 214, 216. Turkish, German and Austrian troops sent to, 1916, XVII, 7. recent History, XVIII, 285, 287. Hodiedah, surrender by Turks to French Consul, XII, 67. Holy Places : British, French and Russian assurance of immunity of, XVII, 8. British non-interference, announcement, XV, 140. Turkish violation of, XVII, 5-6. Jabir : British attack on, December, 1916, XIX, 215. Capture by British, November 22, 191 7, XIX, 215- Jauf ed- Derwish, capture by Arabs, January, 1918, XVII, 16; XVIII, 235. Jiddah : British Consulate, illustration, XVII, 5. Capture by Arabs with British assistance, June, 1916, XVII, 6. Part of crew of Emden arrive at, 1916, X, 404. Captured by Emir Faisal, XVII, 15-18 ; XVIII, 240. Illustration, XVII, 16. Koweit, III, 88. Attack on. by Ibn Rashid, 1901, III, 92. Bay of, III, 83. Bazaar at, illustration, III, 88. British cruisers at, about 1904, III, 86. Discussion between King Edward and the Kaiser, III, 93. German attempts to obtain land for Baghdad Railway at, III, 92-93. Sheikhs : British relations with, XVII, 285. Independence, III, 86. Turkish cruelties at, 1901, III, 92. Turkish suzerainty, British agreement to recog- nise, III, 99. Kunfida, capture by Arabs, July 10, 191 6, XVII, 6. Leban, Turks surrender at, September 29, 1918, XIX, 200. Ma'an : British air raids from August, 1917, XVII, 1, 13, 16. Evacuated by Turks, September 23, 1918, XIX, 200. Failure of Arabs to capture, XVII, 12-13. Fighting round, 1917-1918, XVII, 15-16; XVIII, 241. Importance of, XVII, 12. Malcolm Inlet, III, 82 ; illustration, III, 9ft Maps, XVII, 2 ; XIX, 214. Matra, illustration. III, 91. Mecca : Capture of : by Arabs, June, 1916, XVII, 5-6 ; effect on Turkish prestige, XVII, 1, 7. by Wahabis, early 19th century, III, 85. Enver Pasha's visit to, January, 1916, XVII, 3. Grand Sherif : see also Husein ibn Ali. Assumption of title of King of the Hedjaz, XV, 296 ; XVII, 288. Independence, proclamation of, June, 1916, X, 404; XVII, J, 3-4, 5. Pilgrimages to : 1914, non-arrival, XVII, 9. Resumption of, XVII, 9-10. Medawara, seizure by Arabs, August, 1918, XVIII, 247, note. THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. 28 Arabia : — cont. Medina : Capture by Wahabis early 19th century HI, 85. Fighting near, June, 1916, XVII, 7. Illustration, XVII, 4. Importance of, to Turks, XVII, 7-8. Investment by Arabs, 1916, XVII, 1. Surrender to Arabs, January 10, 1919, XIX, 181, 216. Turkish force sent to relief of, July, 1916, X, 388. Turkish occupation, XVII, 288. Mudwera, attack on, by Arabs and Imperial Camel Corps, August, 1918, XVII, 288. Muscat : Abandonment of Turkish pretensions to, III, 99- Expulsion of Portuguese, 17th century, III, 103. Fighting at, January, 1915, III, 120. Harbour, III, 82. Illustration, III, 100. Musendam Peninsula, III, 82. Muwela, capture by Arabs, 1916, XVII, 6. Ojeir, Turkish garrison, III, 88. Petra, " rose red " city of, XVIII, 235. Pirate Coast, III, 86. Ras Kathama, German failure to buy land at, for Baghdad Railway, III, 91-92. Ras Musendam, III, 82. Ras-ul-Kheima, British expeditions against, early 19th century, III, 103. Riadh, Emirs of, hereditary war with Emirs of Jebel Shammar (or Hail), XVII, 285. Rising, British support, XVII, 8-10. Ruwalla, Sheikhs, Emir Faisal joined by, XVIII, 248. Saliff : Capture of fort by British, June 12, 191 7, XVII, 6 note. Gun practice at, by Empress of Aden, 1914, XXI, 125. Senna taken by Arabs, April 13, 1918, XVIII, 240-41. Shargah : Description, III, 83. Lagoon at, illustration, III, 82. Piratical craft destroyed by British, early 19th century, III, 103. Sheikh of, concession by, to work deposits on Abu Musa, and stoppage of, III, 96-97. Sheikh's castle at, illustration, III, 92. Sheikh Said : British destruction of Turkish fortifications at, November 10, III, 145-46, 318 ; X, 401-2. Illustration, X, 403. Turks at, November, 1914, X, 367. Shinas, victory over Wahabis, early 19th century, III, 103. Taif, Turkish headquarters, surrender, Septem- ber, 1916, XVII, 1, 6-7. Tell-esh-Shahim, Arab bombardment, January, 1918, XVII, 16. Turbah, Fort, destruction of, November 10, 1914, X, 402. Wahabi movement, III, 85-86, 103. Yambu, capture by Arabs, July, 1916, XVII, 6. Yemen : Activity of Turks in, X, 400-404. Jewish boys and children of, illustrations, XIV, 314, 317. Situation in, 1916, X, 404. Turkish garrisons, surrender under terms of Armistice, XIX, 214, 216. Arabic, White Star liner, VII, 420. Illustration, V, 279. Sinking of, by German submarine without warning, 1915, V, 264, 280 ; IX, 367, 368 ; XI, 358-59; XXI, 124. Arabis, mine-sweeping sloop, sunk, February io-, 1916, off Dogger Bank, X, 52 ; XVI, 303. Arabs : see also under Hedjaz uiu/ry Arabia. Advance on Damascus and entry into, October 3, 1918, XVIII, 248-52 ; XIX, 200-2. in Action in Syria, September-October, 1918, XIX, 183, 199, 200. Attitude of, in Sinai Peninsula and Syria, July, 1916, X, 388. British cooperation with, XVII, 272, 288. British relations with tribes in Central Arabia and Syrian Desert, XVII, 284-85. Campaign, 1915-1918, XIX, 214-216. in Cilicia, XXI, 450. Council on the beach at Henjam Island, illustra- tion, III, 86. under Emir Faisal, XVIII, 233-235. Fighting at Marjareni, B.E.A., X, 136. Infantry division, illustration, III, 76. Loyalty to British in East Africa, X, 132. Operations, summer 1918, XVIII, 247 note. Raids : on the Hedjaz Railway, XV, 168 ; XVII, 1, 14, 15 ; XVIII, 240, 241, 243, 247, 248, 288. XIX, 187. Palestine and Syria, 1920, XXI, 449. Recruited in East Africa by Lieut. Wavell, X, !33-34- Review of the Sherifan troops, a Band, illustra- tion, XVII, 8. Risings, XVII, 1-18 ; XXI, 446-47. Scouting on the banks of the Tigris, illustration, X, 214. Turks' relations with, XVII, 285, 287-88. Arad, see under Austria-Hungary. Aragon, Lieut., Portugese Dragoons, capture of, during fighting in Africa, December, 1914, and subsequent release by British under General Botha, IX, 351-53. Aragon, transport : Illustrations, XVI, 174, 175. Torpedoed, December 30, 1917, XVI, 174. Araguaya commissioned as hospital ship, XXI, 128. Arahura, training ship at Wellington, XIII, 180. Arak el Menshiye, see under Palestine and Syria. Aram the Dashnakist, appointed Civil Governor of Van, May. 1915, VIII, 378. Arangelovatz, see under Serbia. Ararat, Republic Of, proclamation by Armenians, May, 1918, and recognition by Turkey. XX, 82. Arauf, see under Palestine and Syria. Arbuthnot, Rear-Admiral Sir R., Bart. M.V.O. : Battle of Jutland, 1916, IX, 148. »»» 275. Portrait, IX, 153. Arbutus, mine-sweeping sloop, sunk by Germans, XVIII, 334. d'Arc, Jeanne, II, 52, 488. Arcadian, transport, torpedoed, April 15, 1917, XVI, 173. Archangel, see under Russia. Archdeacon, M., experiments with flying machines, II, 177. d'Arche, Colonel : in Command of troops in France, 1914, XX, 190. Defence of Longwy, I, 475 ; III, 430. Archibald : . Sapper Adam, RE. : Award of V.C., XIX, 328, 354. Portrait, XIX, 328. J.F.J.: Documents re German plots in U.S.A. found on, V, 262. Letter to, and re, from Count Bernstorff, V, 250, note. Propaganda work in America, V, 251. Sir William F. A., Chairman Royal National Mission to Deep Sea Fishermen, XXI, 31. Archimedes, H.M.S., screw steamer (1838), XII, 194-95- Arcona, German cruiser, in Persian Gulf,i899,III,9i. 24 THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. Arcy, see under France. Ardahan, see under Caucasus and Trans-Caucasia. Ardasa, see under Turkey-in-Asia. von Ardenne. General Baron : Article by, October, 1914, III, 167. on Battle of Arras-Vimy, April, 191 7, XIV, 430-31 on Battle of Cambrai, XVI, 410. on Fighting : October, 191 7, XVI, 243-44. August, 1918, XIX, 314-15. September, 1918, XIX, 456. on German offensive, March and April, 1918, XVIII, 208-312. on German retreat, August 6, 1918, XIX, 138-39, 163-64. on Second Battle of the Marne, July, 1918, XIX, 94. i°5- Ardennes, see under Belgium and France. Ardent, H.M.S., loss of, in Battle of Jutland, May 31, 1916, IX, 129, 151, 158. Ardre River, see under France. Ardrecesti, see under Rumania. Arduino, Captain, operations in Cadore Mountains, 191 7-18, XVIII, 18. Arensburg, sec under Russia. Arethusa, H.M.S., II, 18. in Action off Heligoland, II, 8-12, 14. and Cuxhaven raid, December, 1914, III, 150. Mined, February, 1916, X, 48 ; XVI, 303. North Sea action, January 24, 1915, III, 155. Speed and armament, II, 11. Argenteau, see under Belgium. Argentine Republic : Army, German influence, XV, 25. Attitude re war, XV, 3. Buenos Aires : Anti-German riots, etc., September, 1917, XV, 21, 27, 28. German propaganda, XV, 16. Gifts sent to Queen Mary's Needlework Guild, IV, 268. Illustrations, XV, 5, 6, 7, 20, 23, 29. Economic conditions, XV, 10-13. Finance : Effect of the war, XV, 10. Loan to Great Britain and France, XVIII, 165. War advances, XVIII, 165. German propaganda and intrigue, XV, 16-17, 18-23. Gifts sent to Queen Mary's Needlework Guild, IV, 268. La Plata, illustration, XV, 10. Mule team carrying wine from San Rafael, illustration, XV, 32. Neutrality, XV, 23, 25-29. Parana River, illustration, XV, 24. Railway strike, 1917, XV, 19. Shipping losses : Monte Protegido, XV, 26, 28. Oriana, torpedoed, July, 1917, XV, 28. Toro, torpedoed, July, 1917, XV, 28. Trade with, proclamation, 1916, VII, 428. Transporting wool in, illustration, XV, 11. Argesh River, see under Rumania. Argetoianu, M., Rumanian Signatory to preliminary declaration of peace with Central Powers, March, 1918, XVII, 39. Arghostolion, see under Kepallinia. Argirokastron, see under Albania. Argonne, see under France. Argostoli, see under Greece. Argyll, Duchess of, portraits of, VIII, 70 ; IX, 180. Argyll, H.M.S., loss of, October 28, 1915, VII, 132. Arhangel, Mt., see under Serbia. Aria, Signor, on Committee of Entente between Nationalities subject to Austria-Hungary, Feb- ruary, 1918, XIX, 18. Ariadne, H.M.S., Prize Court case, 1805, X, 309. Ariadne, German cruiser, sunk in action off Heligo- land, II, 12. Ariel, H.M.S. : in Action in Heligoland Bight, March 28, 1918, XVIII, 352 Illustration, IV, 103. UJ2 rammed and sunk by, March 10, 1915. IV, m ; XVII, 294. Arion, M., Rumanian Foreign Minister : at Hukarest Conference, 1918, XVII, 43. Telegrams from and to M. Marghiloman re union with Bessarabia, XVII, 58. Arir Pasha, Turkish Admiral, on the Goeben, XXI, 15- Aris, Lieut. C. J., award of D.S.O., III, 33. Arizona, U.S.S., illustration, XI, 363. Arkansas, U.S.S., XXI, 18. Cooperating with British Navy, 1918, XVIII, 329- Ark Royal, mother-ship for naval aircraft, XIII, 138. in the Dardanelles, V, 382, 474. Arkwright : Miss Vera, portrait, IV, 62. Dr., on Trench Fever Committee, and work of, XVII, 239, 245. Arlanza, s.s., commissioned as armed cruiser, XXI, 128. Arleux, see under France. Arleux-en-Gohelle, see under France. Arlon, see under Belgium. Arlotta, Signor, member of new Italian Cabinet, June, 1916, IX, 120. Armacha, see under Turkey. Armadale Castle, requisitioned as armed cruiser, XXI, 128. Armageddon : see also under Palestine and Syria. Prophecies as to location on plain of Chalons, II, 54- Armagh Wood, sec under France. Armed merchant ships, position of, and German attitude, II, 30-31 ; VII, 438. Armenia : Abandonment by Russia, proclamation re, by Trotsky, XX, 76. Armed resistance to terms of Brest-Litovsk Treaty proposed, XX, 77. Army, officers resting on the march, illustration, X, 247. British troops, withdrawal, 1919, XXI, 435. Campaign in, 1915-1916, X, 241-280, 365, 372, 373 : xx . 75- Caravan, spot where 37 families were murdered, illustration, VIII, 385. Independence of : Proclaimed by Lenin, and Russian troops withdrawn, XX, 78-79. Recognized by Peace Treaty, XXI, 458. Mandate for : League of Nations' refusal to accept, XXI, 452-53- U.S.A. refusal to accept, XXI, 453. Map, XXI, 461. Massacres ordered by Turkey, February, 1918, XX, 79. Provisions of Peace Treaty, XXI, 460-61. Russians awaiting the order to advance, illus- tration, X, 254. Situation in, February, 1916, X, 260-61. Armenians : American sacrifices for, VIII, 375, 376. Atrocities: III, 57; VIII, 358. Character, VIII, 355-56. Deportations, VIII, 353, 368-73, 387. Disarmament of, VIII, 362-64. in the Dobrudja, XI, 221. Extermination of, VIII, 353-92. History and distribution of, VIII, 354-56. Illustrations, VIII, 386; XX, 81. Massacres, X, 244, 258, 263-65 ; XX, 108 ; XXI, 436, 438, 450, 451, .452, 455. Mobilization of, VIII, 361. THE TIMES HISTOHY OF THE WAR. 25 Armenians :- ronl. Pan-Turanian idea, VIII, 367. Pro-Russian, III, 58. Refugees, illustrations, VIII, 354, 355, 358, 359, 365. 366, 379. 383, 380. 389, 390.' Rescue by Arabs, XVII, 18. Relations with the Turks, VIII, 353. Russian, volunteers, VIII, 362. Traders, Erzerum, illustration, VIII, 370. Young Turks' policy towards, VIII, 358-59, 361-62. Armes, George W., president of Moore Shipbuilding Company, XVIII, 281. Armies of Occupation in Germany, XXI, 217-52. Allied : Administration, policies adopted and differ- ences, XXI, 250-52. Billets for, XXI, 247-48. Civil administration in occupied area, XXI, 249-52. Crossing of Rhine, December 12, 1918, and final occupation of bridgeheads, XXI, 243. Differences of opinion re attitude to German people, XXI, 238, 244, 250. German demand for withdrawal of, after signing of Peace Treaty, XXI, 317. Orders issued to, re conduct among enemy people, XXI, 234. Preparations for advance, XXI, 321. Provisioning of, by Inland Water Transport, XXI, 134. Survey of, and effects, XXI, 291-92. Towns surrendered to, XXI, 291. Treatment of, XXI, 247-49. American : Advance to Rhine, November 17, 1918, XXI, 218, 226, 228, 234-44. Armistice terms re, XX, 449-50. in Coblenz, and hospitality shown to, XX, 72 ; XXI, 241-43. Crossing of Rhine at Coblenz, December, 1918, XXI, 244. Infantry marching through Luxembourg to Rhine, illustration, XXI, 224. March through Moselle Valley, November, 1918, XXI, 239. Occupied area, administration in, policy adopted and results, XXI, 251-52. Organization of, after armistice, XX, 72. Positions of, XXI, 291. in Treves, November, 191 8, XXI, 234, 236-37, 247. at Wirges, illustration, XX, 71. Belgian : Advance : to outskirts of Dusseldorf, December, 1918, XXI, 247. to Rhine, November 17, 1918, XXI, 218, 226, 228, 234-44. Occupation of Aix-la-Chapelle, November, 191 8, XXI, 232, 234, 235-36. Positions of, XXI, 291. Troops crossing frontier into German territory, illustration, XXI, 237. British : Advance to Rhine, November 17, 1918, XXI, 218, 226, 228, 234-44. Armistice terms re, XX, 449-50. Armoured car entering Cologne ahead of occupying force, illustration, XXI, 239. Border Regiment, crossing of Rhine, December 13, 1918, XVI, 243. Camerons, crossing of Rhine, December, 1918, XXI, 243. Canadians, crossing of Rhine, December, 1918, XXI, 243 ; illustration, XXI, 240. Cavalry : Crossing German frontier, illustration, XX, 451- Crossing Hohenzollern Bridge, Cologne, illustration, XXI, 291 Armies of Occupation in Germany :— cont. British — cont. Changing guard at Bonn on Rhine, illustration, XXI, 292. in Cologne, December 7, 1918, XXI, 240. Dragoon Guards, crossing of Rhine, December 12, 1918, XXI, 243. ICxamining pass on Dusseldorf road, illustra tion, XXI, 243. Hampshires, crossing of Rhine, December 13 1918, XXI, 243. Highland Regiment, crossing of Rhine, Decern ber, 1918, XXI, 243. Hussars, crossing of Rhine, December 12, 1918 XXI, 243. Lancers, crossing of Rhine, December 12, 1918 XXI, 243. Leinsters, crossing of Rhine, December 13 1918, XXI, 243. Machine gunners holding bridge at Cologne illustration, XX, 457. at Malmedy, November, 1918, XXI, 234. Monmouthshires, crossing of Rhine, December 13, 1918, XXI, 243. Occupied area, administration policv adopted, XXI, 252. Positions of, XXI, 291. Rhine bridges occupied, December, 191 8, XXI, 240-41. Royal Fusiliers (29th Division), crossing of Rhine, December 13, 1918, XXI, 243. Royal Horse Artillery, crossing of Rhine, December 12, 1918, XXI, 243. Royal Scottish Fusiliers, crossing of Rhine, December, 1918, XXI, 243. Royal Scots, crossing of Rhine, December, 19 18, XXI, 243. Scottish Borderers, crossing of Rhine, December 13, 1918, XXI, 243. Seaforths, crossing of Rhine, December, 191 8, XXI, 243. South Wales Borderers, crossing of Rhine, December 13, 1918, XXI, 243. Transport passing through Malmedy to zone of occupation, illustration, XXI, 377. Worcestershires, crossing of Rhine, December 13, 1918, XXI, 243. French : Advance to Rhine, November 17, 1918, XXI, 218, 226, 228, 234-44. Armistice terms re, XX, 449-50. entering Colmar, November 21, 1918, illus- trations, XXI, 228, 290, 456. Discipline in ranks, XXI, 235. at Ems, December, 1918, XVI, 244. in Front of Aix-la-Chapelle, with Belgians, December, 1918, XXI, 247. in Kaiserlautern, November, 1918, XXI, 239. Marching through Brussels on way to Zone of Occupation, illustration, XXI, 238. Mayence, entry into, December 14, 1918, de- scription, XXI, 243, 245-46. Occupied area, division into 30 administrative circles, and results, XXI, 250-51. Positions of, XXI, 291. at Saarbriicken, November, 1918, XXI, 234. at Saarlouis, November, 1918, XXI, 234. in Speyer, December, 1918, XXI, 247. in Wiesbaden, December, 1918, XXI, 247. in Worms, December, 1918, XXI, 247. Armentera Ridge, see under Austria-Hungary. Armentieres, see under France. von Armin, General Sixt, 4th Army Corps, I, 218; XV, 59 ; XVI, 37, 40, 245. Advance, April, 1918, XVIII, 296, 298, 300. Interview with, October, 1917, XVI, 129-130. Messines, battle of, June, 1917, XV, 81-108. Operations on Western Front, October, 1918, XX, in, 128, 135, 136-42. Portraits, I, 383 ; XV, 83. Proclamation to people of Brussels, I, 383. 26 THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. von Aimin, General Sixt : — cont. Retreat, August-September, 1918, XIX, 166-67, 445- in Somme Battle, XI, 409. Ypres, third battle of, 1917, XV, 353, 354, 355, 356, 361, 365, 369. 370, 37i. 37 2 . 376, 377. 38°- XVI, 43, 44, 45, 47-70, 113, 117, 118, 131, 126, 127, 131, 136, 142. Armistice : XX, 433-64. Austrian, November 3, 1918, XX, 434, 436-37, 443- Acceptance of terms, XX, 314-15. Terms, XX, 319-21, 438. Bulgarian, September 29, 1918, XX, 26, 28-29, 443 ; XXI, 272. German, XXI, 17. Appeal to President Wilson for, October, iqi8, XX, 284-85, 434. Cessation of hostilities, November n, 191 8, X, 460; XXI, 217-18. 34 Clauses of, described, XX, 448-58. Commission appointed re, XX, 443-44. Dictation of terms and signing of, November 11, 1918, XXI, 286-87. Duration period, XX, 453. Effect on German Army, XXI, 397-98. Effects of, on Germany, XXI, 287-91. Events leading up to, July-November, 1918, summary, XX, 433~35- German officers under white flag, illustration, XX, 448. German request for, November, 1918, and grant of, XX, 359-60. Negotiations, environment portrayed by Ger- man delegate, XX, 453-54. Permanent International Armistice Commis- sion, duties of, XX, 448, 453. Pleas for mitigation of terms addressed to America, XX, 453-54. Proposal for, October 4, 191 8, XX, 297. Reception in England, November, 1918, XX, 460-61. Renewal monthly, and modifications made till end of June, 1919, XX, 464. Signing of, at 5 o'clock, Monday morning, November n, 1918, and signatures attached to, XX, 359-60, 444-45- Terms of, and effect of, XX, 272, 454-55, 464 ; XXI, 287-91. Turkish, October 30, 1918, XIX, 210 ; XX, 73, 102-4, 434, 435. 443 : XXIi T 4- Armitage, Captain C. L., Battle of Festubert, May, 1915, V, 232. Armstrong : Captain C. H., Chief Commissioner of the Northern Territories, VIII, 279. Captain R. R., medical work, XI, 56, 63. Sir William, Governor of Jamaica, XVI, 85. Armstrong, Sir W. 0., Whitworth and Co. : Battleship building by, for Turkey, taken over by H.M. Government, III, 43-44, 44, 47, 49-50, 50. Construction of airships, II, 193. Construction of submarines, IV, 101. Guns, VII, 476. Army Medical Service and the new medicine, XIV, 325-60 ; see Medical Work, von Arnanid de la Periere, Captain, I ■'*; : at Cartagena, June 21, 1916, X, 62. Portrait, IX, 386. Arnaville, see under France. Arndt of Bonn, quoted, XXI, 291. Arnes, see under France. Arnold : Alfred, German submarine commander, XVII, 291. Matthew, I, 402. Arnot, Midshipman E. G., H.M.S. Onslaught, in action at Battle of Jutland, IX, 158. Arques, see under France. Arras, see under France. d'Arriaga, Dr. Manuel, President of Portugal, IX, 327, 341 ; XVII, 330, 334, 336, 342. Author of " Na Primeira Presidencia da Repub- lica Portuguesa," IX, 339, 342, 353. Policy of, IX, 341-42. President of Congress, elected in 191 1, IX, 337. Portrait, XVII, 332. Resignation, January 23, 1915, IX, 355. Arrow Head Copse, see under France. Ars, see under France. Ars-sur-Meurthe, see under France. Arsenovitche, see under Russia. Arshad-ud-Dowleh, adherent of Mahomed Ali, advance on Persian capital, capture by Nationalist troops, and execution, XI, 348-49, Arsuf, see under Palestine and Syria. Arsuri, sec under Rumania. Artamanoff. General, Russian Governor of Przemysl: Defence of Przemysl, May, 1915, V, 149. Portrait, V, 155. Artemis, Dutch tank steamer, attempted sinking of, by German torpedo boats, February 2, 1916, X, 52-53- Artemps, see under France. Artillery : see also under particular countries. Aircraft, direction of fire by, VII, 491. Anti-aircraft guns, VII, 496. Anti-torpedo craft, armament, VII, 475. Armstrong, VII, 476. " Assembling," big gun in France, illustration, XVIII, 194. Big gun in the making, illustrations, VII , 480, 48 1 . Coast defence and permanent fortification, Vll, 470-72. Concealment, VII, 489-91. Construction and use, VII, 465-96. Curtain (barrier) fire, VII, 493-94. Field guns, VII, 466. German, VII, 484, 486. Fire, effectiveness of, IV, 368. Forts and fortification tactics, VII, 488. Gun construction, VII, 477-83. Gun steel, VII, 476, 477. Gun tube, expanding in hydraulic press, illus- tration, VII, 483. Howitzers : Field, VII, 469. Light, VII, 467, 469. Importance of part played by, VII, 483-84. Methods of use by contending armies, VII, 489-95. Mountain guns, VII, 465, 466. Naval Barbettes, VII, 475. Naval Guns, VII, 465, 472-75. " All big guns," VII, 472. Armament, VII, 473. Projectiles, VII, 484. Quick-firing, V, 416 ; VII, 466-67, 483. Range, VII, 492-93. Shells, VII, 484. Shields, VII, 487. Shrapnel, VII, 484. Siege guns, VII, 469. increased Size, IV, 372-73. Trench mortars, VII, 495-96. Artist, s.s., torpedoed by German submarine, 'January 27, igr7, and description of sufferings of crew, XI, 165 ; XIII, 56. Artois, see tender France. Arusha, see under German East Africa. Arz von Straussenberg, General : Commander, 6th Austrian Army Corps, III, 326, note ; V, 101, 109, in, 121, 148, 495, 498. Commanding First Austro-Hungarian Army on Moldavia border, November, 1916, XI, 434-35, 44547 i xn . "7- on German offensive, March, 1918, XVIII, 202. Operations in Rumania, 1916, XI, 208, 466. Portraits, V, in ; XII, 110. in Transylvania, September, 1916, XI, 230-1. THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. •27 Ascalon, see under Palestine and Syria. Ascania, sinking of, 1918, XXI, 123. Ascension Island, Admiralty Station at, XVI, 101. Aschenbach, Dr., of Wittenberg Camp, XII, 231. Aschhoop, see under Belgium. Asencheff, Colonel, Correspondent with the Russian Army, portrait, III, 213. Ascencion Farm, see under France. Ascot, see under Great Britain. Asfeld, see under France. Asghar Ali, Prime Minister of Persia or Sadr Azem : Called back to Teheran by Mohamed Ali, and murder of, by Nationalist, XI, 341. Head of Administration, and work done by, after murder of Xadir-ud-din, XI 337, 339. Ashanja, see under Austria-Hungary. Ashanti : Administration, XVI, 444. Campiagn, 1895-6, IV, 290. Chiefs and peoples, assistance of Allies against Germans, VIII, 279. Gifts to Great Britain, XVI, 444, 445. Kumasi, Chief and followers at, illustration, XVI, 447 . Loyalty of natives, XVI, 444. Native carrier recruits, XVI, 444. Trade, increase during war, XVI, 444-45. Ashbourne, see under Ireland. Ashby, Sergeant H., 7th Canadian Infantry Battalion surprise attack, November 16-17, I 9 I 5. VII, 310. Ashdod, see under Palestine and Syria. Ashtord, see under Great Britain. Ashkala, see under Turkey-in-Asia. Ashley, Sir William, portrait, XV, 279. Ashmead-Bartlett, Ellis : VII, 124, on Dardanelles and Gallipoli operations, VI, 1 13 ; VII, 153, 153-54, 154. 203, 206. on Battle of Gully Ravine, VI, 120. on Loss of H.M.S. Majestic, VI, 115. Ashmore, Major-General E. B., C.B. : in Command of London Air Defence Area, 1917, XIX, 280. Portrait, XIX, 282. Ashton, Councillor Margaret, proposal re milk supply, IV, 491-92. Ashwell, Miss Lena : Concert parties in France, IV, 496 ; IX, 186. Portrait, IV, 498. and Women's Emergency Corps, IV, 494. Asi Yozgad, Armenian massacre and atrociti«6, VIII, 382-83, 385-86. Asia, only ship saved out of Spanish squadron used by Pizarro in attempted voyage round world, IX, 248. Asiago, see under Italy. Asinara, Island of, Austrian prisoners with cholera sent to, XVIII, 446. Asir, see under Arabia. Askew, Corporal W. J., bravery of, at Zonnebeke, III, 464. Askhabad, see under Russia. Ashold, Russian cruiser (renamed Glory IV), IV, 344 ; XII, 344 ; XVIII. 464. in the Dardanelles, V, 384, 479 ; XII, 57. Escorts transports from China, 1914, XVI, 166. Illustration, XX, 158. at Murmansk Harbour, 1918, XX, 158. Operations on coast of Syria, IV, 343. Askwith : Sir George on Committee on Production, V, 403. Lady, C.B.E. : XVII, 463. in Charge of Y.M.C.A. London Dock Centres, IX, 196. on Committees of Queen's Work for Women Fund, IV, 256, 266. Portraits, IV, 256; IX, 190. on Y.M.C.A. Munition Workers' Auxiliary Committee, IV, 507. Asian, General : Bulgarian frontier guarded by, 1916, XI, 205. Commander of Rumanian army corps, IX, 435-36. Asian, General : — cont. Replaced in command in Dobrudja by General Averescu, September, 1910. IX, 436; XI, 218 Asma Dere Ravine, see under Gallipoli. Asolone, Monte, see under Italy. Aspach, see under Alsace-Lorraine. Asphyxiating and Poison Gas : Allied use of, September, 1915, V, 440. American, XXI, 69. Austrian use of, during Italian offensive, August- September, 1916, XI, 240, 243 1 4. British : . Comparison with German, VI, 377. German anxiety re, June, 1917, XV, 82. Use of, VI, 378 ; XI, 401, 405, 407, 412, 418. Chlorine gas, German use of, IX, 1631 Effects, IV, 65-66 ; V, 69, 72 ; VI, 79-80 ; VII, 34i- First rumours of, April, 1915, V, 46. French Army School of, illustration, VI, 75. French use of, German report, April 14, 1915, V, 46. German Press on, V, 55-56. German use of, V, 52-59, 60, 63, 64-65, 66, 67, 6 9, 72-73. 74, 77, 79. 86, 44° ; VI, 204, 207-8; VII, 297, 309; VIII, 16, no, 488-89, 496; IX, 162-63 ; X, 112, 117, 118, 119 ; XV, 187 ; XVII, 390-91 ; XVIII, 51, 319 ; XX, 135-36 ; 137, 260, 326. Illustrations, V, 57, 437 ; VI, 69 ; VII, 93 ; X, 411. Method of using, V, 440. Nature of, V, 56, 440 ; VI, 78-79 ; VII, 339. Respirators, VI, 80 ; VII, 341. Smoke shells, Allied use of, in France and Belgium, 1914-1918, XX, 273. Stink gas, ingredients of, and results, IX, 163-65. Aspinall : J. A. F„ L. & Y. R., portrait, VI, 164. Lieut. -Col., at Suvla Bay, VII, 195. Aspland, Dr., hospital under, at Kraguievatz, VII, 354- Asquith : Miss Elizabeth, portrait, IV, 497. Rt. Hon. H. H., M.P., I, 174, 281 ; V, 314, 315 ; VI, 284 ; XII, 275, 292, 437 ; XIV, 434 ; XVIII, 49, 143 I XXI, 145. Abstains from voting in debate on Air Ministry, XIX, 385. on Alsace-Lorraine, at Leeds, 191 7, XX, 455-56. Appeal to Welsh miners, 1916, X, 336. Appointment of Sir K. Anderson as member of Shipping Control Committee, XI, 91. on Attitude of Greece, VII, 236. on Blockade of Germany, X11I, 42. Challenges Government over Gen. Maurice's letter, XIX, 386-88. Coalition Government, crisis causing fall of, December, 1916, X, 354-58. on Committee re Military Service Act, VIII, 145- 146, 147. J 5°. 152- and Compulsory service, VI, 290 ; VIII, E28 ; X, 339-41 ; XIX, 382. Criticism of Allied War Council, XIX, 377, 378. on Dardanelles and Gallipoli operations, VII, 213, 220. Deputations to : of City men to urge importance of greater thrift, etc., July 12, 1915. VII, 253. by National Union of Attested Married Men, April 12, 1916, VIII, 144-45. at Dublin, September 25, 1914, I, 358, 360. Failure of Government to deal with shipping problem during war, XI, 78. on Food supplies and prices, February n, 1915, VII, 247. Formation of Coalition Ministry, V, 223, 312, 314-16. Formation of " War Committee," November 1915. X, 338. 28 THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. Asquith : — ami. Rt. Hon. H. H, MP. :— cont. and French proposal of military conversations, 1906, XIX. 398. i>n Captain Fryatt's murder, X, 55. on German proposal re British neutrality, I, 24. on Government of Ireland, July, 1916, VIII. 47-- at Guildhall, II, 473 ; X, 329. Illness of, December, 1916, X, 360. Introduction of Military Service Hills, VIII, 122-23, 125-26, 148, 149; X, 350. on Irish rebellion, VIII, 464. Joint President of National War Aims Com- mittee, XIX, 375. Letter from Mr. Bonar Law, August 2, 1914, V, 285-86. at Meeting in Ireland after outbreak of war, VIII, 401. on Mesopotamian Campaign, November 2, I9I& X, 77, 2},2-ii. on Mesopotamia Commission Report, XIX, 371. Moves resolution on reform of franchise, XIX, 364- . on Munitions supply, V, 309-10. at National Conference of coal-mining industry representatives, October, 1916, XVlI, 112. on National Service, September 14, 1915, VI, 3°4- on Need of economy, June 29, 1915, VII, 252-53- Pledge to married men, VIII, 118, 122. Policy in years before war, XIX, 398-99. and Political truce, V, 285. Portraits, I, 30 ; V, 286, 300, 319 ; VII, 258 ; VIII, 465, 466 ; IX, 116 ; XIX, 357. Position at General Election, 1918, XIX, 391. on Position of married men, VI, 312, 313, 316. on Recruiting, V, 295; VI, 291, 294, 299, 300, 3°4- at Reform Club, December 8, 1916, X, 353, 354. Relinquishment of post of Secretary of State for War, V, 291. Reply to Dardanelles Commission criticism of Liberal Government, XIX, 369. Reply to Miners' Federation, August, 1916, X, 334- Resignation, December 5, 1916, X, 357 ; XIX, 418. on Result of Derby Scheme, VI, 316. not Returned to Parliament in Election of 1918, XIX, 394. Secretary of State for War after Curragh incident, 1914, V, 281. Special Register Bill, introduced by, August 15, 1916, X, 343. Speeches : July 30, 1914, announcing postponement of Amending Bill, V, 285. in House of Commons, June 15, 1915, X, 326-29. Succeeded by Mr. Lloyd George, 1916, X, 325. and Supreme War Council, XVII, 185, 186; XX, 402. Tribute to the King, November 18, 19 18, XVIII, 144. Tributes to Belgian nation, 1914, I, 357, 358. Unfitness as War Premier and downfall of Coalition Ministry, XX, 398. Visits : to the Front, 1915, VI, 208. to Ireland, May, 1916, VIII, 470-71. to Lisbon, IX, 323-24. to Rome, IX, 115. to Somme area, September, 1916, XI, 141. on Vote of Credit, VII, 242, 249, 250, 254, 259, 263. Mrs. : on Collecting Committee, Queen's Work for Women Fund, IV, 266. and Queen Mary's Needlework Guild, IV, 267. Assa, Val d', see under Italy. Assainvillers, see under France. Assche, see under Belgium. Assevillers, see under France. Assmann. Captain, bombardment of Dunkirk b> torpedo boats under, April 24, 191 7, XIV, 156. Assuan, see under Egypt. Assyrian refugees at Harunabad, illustrations, XX, 89, 92. Astico Valley, see under Italy. Aston, Sir George, on Battle of Jutland, XXI, 10. Astor, Major Waldorf, Duke of Connaught's Cana- dian Red Cross Hospital at place of, at Clivedon, IV, 72-73- Astore, Italian torpedo boat, XII, 312. Astra-Torres, British Airships, II, 193. Illustration, II, 188. Astraa, H.M.S. : Attack on Dar-es-Salaam, August 8, 1914, X, 134. Bombardment of German East African ports, January and February, 1915, X, 144. South African expedition to Luderitzbricht escorted by, VIII, 247. Transports troops, 1914, XVI, 158. Astrakhan, see under Russia. Astrum Spei, British drifter, sunk July 9, 1916, X, 72 ; XII, 335- Aslurias, hospital ship: Illustration. XIV, 161. Torpedoed March 20-21, 1917, XIII, 252 ; XIV, 161, 165 ; XXI, 128. Asuncion, see under Paraguay. Atamonoff, Colonel, Russian Military Attache^ attached to Serbian Staff, portrait, III, 366. Atawina, see under Palestine and Syria. Ath, see under Belgium. Athenry, see under Ireland. Athens, see under Greece. Athies, see under France. Atholl, Duke of, Newfoundland Forestry Corps' work on plantations of, XIV, 212-4. Atina, see under Turkey-in-Asia. Atkin, Mr. Justice : Sir R. Casement's case before, VIII, 467. Chairman of inquiry into industrial employment of women, 1918, XVII, 462. Portrait, IX, 467. Atkins, Brigadier-General A. R. Crofton, CMC, : Director of Supplies and Transport, March, 1916, X, 285. Portrait, IV, 296. Work of, IV, 296. Atkinson : Captain T., S.S. Oceola, conduct of, VII, 440. Lord, in Court of Appeal, re Daimler case, IX, 409. Atlantic Ocean : German cruisers in, and search for, I, 190 ; II, 35 ; VII, 426 ; XVI, 148-9 ; XVIII, 354. Shipping, convoy system, XVI, 176. Atlantic Transport Company, XXI, 124-25. Atlit, see under Palestine and Syria. Atrebates, the, II, 490. Attentive, H.M.S., off Murman coast, XVIII, 358. Attigny, see under France. Attila, King, I, 401 ; II, 52, 54. Attilly, see under France. Attolico, Professor B., Italian representative on Inter-Ally Council on War Purchases and Finance, XXI, 85. Aubencheul-au-Bac, see under France. AubencheuI-aux-Bois, see under France. Aubercourt, see under France. Auberive, see under France. Aubers, see under France. Aubigny, see under France. Aubigny-au-Bac, see under France. d'Aubiguy, M., portrait, X, 346. Aubvillers, see under France. Auchencrag, S.S., sunk by German submarine January 12, 1917, and captain taken prisoner, XI, THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. ■i:\ Auchincloss, Mr., at conference at Versailles, portrait, XX, 442. Auchonvillers, see under France. Auchy, see under France. Auckland, see under New Zealand. And, German gunrunner, sent to Ireland and sunk, VIII, 409, 414, 446. Auda abu Tayi, Sheik, joins Emir Faisal, XVIII, 233, »35- Audacious, H.M.S , mined off Ireland, XXI, 123, 124. Audegem, see under Belgium. Audenarde, see under Belgium. Audignicouit, see under France. Audja, see El Audja under Palestine and Syria. Audun le Romans, see under France. Auerstedt, see under Germany. von Auffenberg, General, in command of 2nd Austrian Army, II, 124 ; III, 242, 243, 246-47, 248, 272. Failure in Polish campaign, III, 326. Operations in Galicia, 111, 249, 250, 251, 253. 257, »6l, 262, 270, 321, 343-44- Portrait, II, 214. Augagneur, M., XII, 73. Appointed French Minister of Marine, August, 1914, II, 455 ; XII, 41. on Dardanelles expedition, XII, 49. Tribute to French Navy, XII, 76. Augereau, at Eylau, I, 484. Augsburg, German cruiser : Escape from Russian fleet, July 2, 1915, XVI, 293-94- Libau shelled by, XVI, 289. August Wilhelm, Princess, portrait, V, 194. Augusts Conseil, French S.S., sinking of, by U29, March, 1916, VII, 143. Augustowo, see under Poland. Augustus II, see Frederick Augustus. Augustus III., King of Poland, 1 733-63, III, 334 note. Auja, Wadi and Nahr el, see under Palestine and Syria. Aulnoye, see under France. Aunelle River, see under France. d'Aunay, Comte, portrait, X, 346. Aurania, sinking of, 1918, XXI, 123. Aure, see under France. Aurora, H.M.S., XXI, 18. North Sea action, January 24, 1915, III, 155. A urora, Russian cruiser : Illustrations, XIV, 365 ; XVI, 323. off the Winter Palace, November, 1917, XIV. 394 ; XVI, 324. Aus, see under German South -West Africa. Austerlitz, see under Austria-Hungary. Austin, Major, commander of New Zealand regi- ments in Egypt, IX, 303. Australia : Absence from Imperial War Cabinet, 1917, XII, 295-96. 3°2. Adelaide, prize courts, British constitution of, October 8, 1914, X, 310. Albany : Prize courts, British constitution of, October 8, 1914, X, 310. Transports sail from, 1914, XVI, 166. Army : Citizen, II, 237, organization of, I, 142-44 II, 258. Commonwealth House, illustration, I, 143. Equipment and clothing supply, VI, 152, 154. Expeditionary Force, see Australian Imperial Force. Medical Corps, work of, VI, 149-50. Occupation of German New Guinea, XXI, 5. System and strength at outbreak of war, I, M5-47- Assistance of other Dominions, VI, 128. Attitude of, I, 358 ; II, 256-57 ; VI, 122-23. Boy Scouts as stretcher bearers, illustration, XVII, 164. Australia: — cont. Brisbane, prize courts, British constitution of, October 8, 191 4, X, 310. British steamships trading with, requisitioning of insulated space, VIII, 53 J XI, 85-80. Mutter export, reduction, VI. 157. Cost of living, increase, VI, 125. Curzo, German Lutheran congregation, resolution of loyalty, II, 259. and Disposal of German colonies, XXI, 151-55. Doctors, work of, VI, 149-50. Drought, VI, 156. Duntroon, officers' training college at, XIII, [47. Illustration, XII, 295. Economic conditions during first years of war, VI, 156-7. Finance : Loans and taxation, VI, 157-59. War advances, XVIII, 170-71. War Loan — " Sunset " poster of Australian Sixth War Loan, illustration, XVIII, ii><>. Food supplies for Great Britain, 1. 152. Gallipoli evacuation approved, VII, J 16. German Colonies, VI, 123. Germans in : Attitude of, II, 259; VI, 123 25. Internment camps, VI, 124. Legislation re, VI, 124-25. Gifts to Great Britain, II, 260, 271 72 ; IV, 268. Grants to Belgian Relief Fund II, 200, 271-72. Harvest, 1915-16, VI, 157. Hospital at Wimereux, iV, 66. Meat in cold storage, illustration, XI, 91. Melbourne, II, 266 ; VI, 310. Embarkation at, illustration-, II, 203, 200. Enrolling at the Victoria Barracks, illustration, II, 262. Illustrations, XII, 277, 284. Prize Courts, British constitution of, October 8, 1914, X, 310. Speech by Lord Kitchener, January 11, 1910, X, 427-28. Transports sail from, November 1, 1914, XVI, . 165. Messages from the King, I, 161, 162. Military position on outbreak of war, VI. 121. Minister of Defence, see Milieu, the Hon. E. D. Munitions, production and supply, Y, 416; VI, 152, 159- National Defence, attitude of working classes toward, II, 257-58. Naval policy, II, 237. Navy : I, 14T. Composition at outbreak of war, II, 30. Losses : A.E.1, II, 39; XXI, 5. A.E.2. in Dardanelles, April 30, 1915, VI, 96, 158; XII, 53- Operations in the Pacific, II, 39. 267-69 ; VI, 121, 269-70. I 'laced under control of Admiralty, I, 151 ; II, 238. Position on outbreak of war, VI, 121. as Protection to New Zealand Expeditionary Force for capture of Samoa, II, 266-67. Troop ship, illustration, IV, 329. Work in regard to Germany's wireless stations, II, 40. Xew Ministry. September, 1914, II, 357. Xew South Wales : Boy Scouts, XVII, 174. First contingent, A. I.E., II, 260. Gifts sent to Great Britain, II, 260, 271-72; IV, 268. Recruiting, VI, 126. Xurses from, IV, 249. Offer to accept women for domestic work, IV, 265-66. Policy re enemy trading, IX, 464-65. Political conditions and elections, VI, 126-27 XII, 292-96. 80 THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. Australia : — cout. Political parties, truce on declaration of war, II. 257- Prisoners, see that title. Queensland : First contingent, A.I.F., II, 260. Gifts sent to Great Britain, II, 271 ; IV, 268. Grant to Belgian Relief Fund, II, 260. Recruiting campaign, 1915, VI, 154-56. Relations with British Government, VI, 151-52, 160. Rella, German Lutheran congregation, resolution of ioyalty, II, 259. Representation at Peace Conference, XXI, 147-48. Response on outbreak of war, II, 238. Rifle clubs, VI, 126. Roseberg, German Lutheran congregation, reso- lution of loyalty, II, 259. South, first Contingent, A.I.F., II, 260. Sydney : . Armistice Day in, illustration, XX, 458. Colonial Secretary's offices, illustration, XII, 283. Prize Courts, British constitution of, October 8, 1914, X, 310. Tank Week in. Sir W. Davidson opening cam- paign in, illustration, XVIII, 169. Tasmania : First Contingent, A.I.F., II, 260. Gifts to Queen Mary's Needlework Guild, IV, 268. Hobart : Illustration, II, 274. Prize Courts, British constitution of, X, 310. Trade and commerce, effect of declaration of war, II, 259. Trade unions, attitude of, VI, 125. Unemployment, measures to prevent, VI, 125. Universal Service League, VI, 155. Victoria : Camp of First Mordiallac Troop of Boy Scouts, illustration, XVII, 175. First Contingent, A.E.F., II, 260. Illustrations, II, 264, 267. Gifts to Great Britain, II, 271, 272 ; IV, 268. War contracts, prevention of excess profits, VI, \\ ar Funds, II, 260 ; VI, 122. War legislation, VI, 124-25. War news, difficulty of obtaining, VI, 151-52. War work, VI, 125-26. West : Boy Scouts, XVII, 174. First Contingent, A.I.F., II, 260. Ministers' contribution of 10 per cent, of their salaries to National Relief Fund, II, 260. Wheat : Government control, VI, 125. Large crops in, 1915, X, 331. Loading of, illustration, XI, 82. Transport of, and difficulties to be faced, XI, iio-ii ; illustrations, X, 330, 331. Wool Export : Pressing wool for, illustration, XI, 106. Prohibition for a time, VI, 156-57. Australia, H.M.A.S. XVI, 99 ; XXI, 18. in Admiral Beatty's Squadron, VI 121-22. Illustration, II, 29. Operations in the Pacific, II, 37, 267. Australian Imperial Force : Attempted attack by the Etnden off Keeling Cocos Islands, II, 261-62. Burial service on Australian transport, illustra- tion, XVI, 164. on H.M.S. Canopus, illustration, VI, 154. Characteristics of soldiers, VI, 139, 142. Comforts for, IV, 502. Composition and organization, etc., II, 260-61 ; VI, 127-30. Departure for Gallipoli. VI, 130. Departure fri m Australia, secrecv with regard to, II, 261. Australian Imperial Force : — cont. Departure from United Kingdom, July, 1919. XXI, 114. Detained in Egypt, II, 262. Discipline of, at torpedoing of the Southland VI, 136-37- Drill in camp of Victoria contingent near Melbourne, illustration, II, 265. Egypt : See also Egyptian Expeditionary Force, in Cairo, illustration, X, 377. Health of, IV, 335. Expeditionary Force disembarking. III, 292. Horses, good condition, IV, 335. Illustrations, III, 283, 305, 311, 313 ; IV, 347, 389 ; VI, 131, 133, 134, 135 ; IX, 292 ; XIII, 147, 156. Training, VI, 130. Flying Corps sent to Mesopotamia, VI, 128. Growth of, IV, 155 ; VI, 154. Gallipoli, V, 448, 449. 1st Battle of Anzac, May, 1915, VI, 108. Army Medical Corps, work of, VI, 150. Attack on Baby Seven Hundred, VI, 147. Capacity for endurance, VI, 134-35. Capture of Hill 60, August, 1915, VII, 209-10. Clothing, VI, 154. Despatch rider, illustration, VI, 152. Enthusiasm, VI, 136. Illustrations, V, 376, 454, 457, 478 ; VI, 104, 109, 136-37, 144, 145, 152, 154, 156 ; VII, 207. 2nd Battle of Krithia, May, 1915, VI, 106, 107. Landing and attack north of Gaba Tepe, April 25, 1915, V, 474-79, 4 8 °- Landing, Battle of, April 25, 1915, V, 441. Light Horse, charge of, VI, 137-39. Lone Pine attack, August 6, 1915, VII, 174-76. Operations, April 27, 1915, VI, 83, 89-90. Raiajik Aghala, attack on, August 21-22, 1915, VII, 208-09. Sari Bair, attack on, August, 1915, VII, 167, 169, 174, 176-88. Storming of Northern Turkish Despair Trench or Tasman, Post, July, 1915, VI, 137. Work of, VI, 132-49. Wounded on war vessel at Lemnos, illustra- tion, VI, 158. Illustrations, II, 261, 270; IV, 338; VI, J24, 125; VIII, 317; IX, 173; X, 82, 118, 337, 372,376.391,399; XV, 79, 94; XVI, 67, 127, 129, 141; XVIII, 236, 316, 317; XIX, 78, 168, 177, 303, 323, 437. Leaders, VI, 130-31. 4th Light Horse, work as infantry, VI, 143-44. Offer, I, 151 ; II, 238. Officers of, VI, 142-47. in Palestine and Syria, see Egyptian Expedi- tionary Force. Pay, II, 261 ; VI, 147. Raising of, VI, 152. Recruiting, enthusiasm for, IL 258-59. Reservists disembarking at' Plymouth, illustra- tion, II, 269. at Rifle practice on the desert sands, illustration, III, 288. Self-reliance and initiative of, VI, 133-34. Siege Brigade, VI, 152. Social classes in, VI, 147. Transport arrangements, 1914, XVI, 165-66. Victoria Crosses : Awards, XII, 159-60, 163, 164, 165, 187 ; XIII, 361, 372, 374 ; XVI, 393 ; XVII, 398, 401, 402, 411, 412, 424, 426, 429, 430-31 ; XVIII, 368, 385 ; XIX, 338-44, 354. 355. 356, 357. 358, 359. 360. Life passes to theatres, etc., to recipients of, XVII, 412. Volunteers, II, 259. .Medical test, VI, 152. Organizations, VI, 126. THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. 81 Australian Imperial Force : — cont. on Western Front : Chaplains in the firing line, VIII, 319, 342. Heavy mortars, VII, 469. Illustrations, XV, 103 ; XVIII, 106, 107 ; XIX 439; XX, 285, 422. Operations : October, 1917, XVI, 113, 115, 117, 123. 1918, successes of, XV, 114, 1 18-19, 422-25. March, 1918, XVIII, 95, 192. April, 1918, XVIII, 193, 291, 399, 401. May, 1918, XVIII, 403, 408. June 28, 1918, XIX, 73. July, 1918, XIX, 76, 79, 80, 81, 129. August, 1918, XIX, 152, 171, 172, 173, 291, 292, 300-1. Armentieres, July 19, 1916, X, 112. Arras-Vimy, battle of, April, 1917, XIV, 420, 429-30. Bullecourt, battle of, May, 1917, XV, 59-66. at Hamel and Vaivre Wood captured, July 4, 1918, XXI, 41, 43. First encounter with Germans, May 6, 1916, and results, IX, 165. Headquarters visited by George V, August, 1916, X, 431. Mcssines, battle of, June, 191 7, XV, 91, 92, 99-100, 105. Mont de Merris, capture of, June 3, 1918, XVIII, 423. Moreuil, capture of, April 2, 1917, XII, 378. round Pozieres, July and August, 1916, X, 405-6, 426-28, 433-44. Raiding operations, June 28-29, 1916, IX, 177- the Somme, battle of, 1916, X, 92, 118-20; XI, 132-33 ; XVI, 266. Third Battleof Vpres, 1917 XV, 349 ; XVI, .56-57. 65, 67. Villers-Bretonneux, counter-attack, illustra- tion, XVIII, 314. Work of Major-General W. T. Bridges for, VI, 128-29. Wounded in Great Britain, VI, 60. Austria-Hungary : See also Carpathians and Galicia. Adige Valley : Conditions in, September, 1915, VII, 64-65. Italian advance. May, 1915, VII, 44, 73. Aerial navigation, see that title. dell'Agnella, !'a-^<>, fighting in, June, 1917, XV, 307. 400. Agram : Army corps district, II, 228. Serbo-Croat trial, T909, II, 212. Ala, occupied by Italians, May 27, 1915, VII, 43- Allied armies in, neutral zone formed between Magyar Army and, XXI, 424, 426. Allied relief for, 1919-20, XXI, 422. Allochet, Monte, positions occupied by Italians, 1916, XI, 269-71. Altissimo, Monte, seized by Italians, Mav 26, 1915, VII, 43. Ambassador in Great Britain, jwMensdorff, Count. Ambitions of, in 1906, II, 210- 11. American Ambassador, protest to, re sale of munitions to Allies, and reply from Mr. Lansing, V, 257-59. American declaration of war, XVI, 333 _ 34- American delay in declaring war on, XVI 332-33. d'Ampola, Val, Italian occupation, May, 1915. VII. 44- Anhovo, Austrian bombardment near, August, 1917, XV, 411. Arad, ill-treatment of Bosnians in prison at, XIX, 226. Armaments and war material, terms of Treaty re, XXI, 419. Armentera Ridge, evacuated by Italians, May 20, 1916, IX, 91. Austria-Hungary : — cont. Armistice : Proposed to Italy, October 29, and granted November 3, 1918, XX, 310. 314-15. 434, 436-37. 443 ; XXI, 16. Terms, XX, 319-21, 438. Army: II, 221-36. Administration, II, 226. Allocation to various branches by lot, II, 227. Armoured train, illustration, V, 484. Anns and Ammunition, II, 231, 232. Army Corps Districts, table ol, II, 228. Army Order issued by Kmperor Francis Joseph, 1903, II, 225. Army Orders issued by Austrian Command to Troops in Trentino, June, 1916, IX, 97, 102. Artillery : Constitution and equipment of, II, 232. Heavy, mobility of, V, m-12. Heavy guns in Belgium, II, 232-33. 3C5 cm. Howitzers, V; 109. Illustrations, II, 229, 233, 234; III, 2^5 258, 330, 358. 359 ; IV, 181, 190 ; V, 98. 106-7, 434 I VII, 56 ; IX, 104 ; XI, 450 ; XIX, 246. Mountain, special equipment of, II, 232. Automobile service, organization, II, 234. Bills for increase, crisis owing to, 1902-06, II. 201. Bureaucratic administration, results of, II, 222, 224, 225. Camp between Brenta and the Piave, illustra- tion, XVIII, 25. Casualties during invasion of Serbia, August, 1914. II, 316. Cavalry, constitution and equipment of, II, 231-32. Chasseurs in the Carpathians, illustration, IV, 186. Chief of Staff, illustrations. III, 259 ; IV, 192. Commanders : . Conceit of, IX, 15. Description, and their positions in Russia, IX, 12-15. Commands, re-organization, summer of 1916, X, 162-63. Communication troops, constitution and equip- ment of, II, 233-34 Conscription, referendum campaign, XII, 293-94- Czech regiment's mutiny and surrender, XIX, 229-30. Demobilization of forces and evacuation of territories demanded by Armistice, November 4. 1918, XX, 319, 438. Desertions during offensive against Italy, XXI, 338-39. Disarmament, terms of Treaty re, XXI, 419. Disposition of, in preparation for invasion of Serbia, II, 295. Dragoons, illustrations, II, 213 ; III. 278. Engineers : Constitution and equipment of, II. 233. Illustrations, III, 253, 360; XII, 119. F.rsatz Reserve, constitution and training ot, II, 227-28. Genera] Staff, strategy at outbreak of war, II. 293-94. German control, III, 326-27 ; X, 163-68. German language lor command, use o(, 11, 224, zz S- German officers' behaviour, etc., Ill, 326-27 : V, 120 ; X, 163-68. Illustrations, miscellaneous, II, 213, 224, 227, z6f, 309; III, 252, 278, 280, 332, 344, 351, 352 ; IV, 182, 186, 194, 439 ; V, 123, 129, 151. 435. 484. 494; VII, 55, 9S. 102: IX, 115, 2V2: XI, 251, 44} ; XII, 151; XV, 424; XVI. I-, 29; XIX, 14,228; X.V;i-. 32 THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. Austria-Hungary : — com. Army : — cont. Infantry : Constitution and equipment of, II, 229. 23 1. Illustration, II, 227. Intelligence Department officer interrogating Russian soldiers, illustration, V, 483. Landsturm, II, 226, 226-27. Landwehr, II, 226, 226-27 : illustration, III, 252. Length of service, II, 226. Limitation imposed on, by Armistice, Novem- ber, 1918, XX, 438. Maintenance of joint armies of Austria and Hungary, II, 226-27. Mechanical transport, IV, 301. Mobilization, I, 27 ; II, 234-36. Mountain Brigades, constitution and equip- ment of, II, 236. Numbers, II, 228. Officers : Character of, II, 221-22. Efficiency of, II, 221-22. Illustrations, III, 256, 275 : IV, 438, 439. and Reform of Macedonian gendarmerie, 1003, III, 59. Operations on frontier before declaration ol war, III, 247. Orders issued August 6, 1916, XI, 247. Organization. II, 228-36. Since March, 1915, and German control by summer of 1916, X, 163-66. Personal allegiance to the Emperor and House of Hapsburg, II, 221, 225. Poles in, surrenders. III, 340. Position on October 24, 1917, XVIII, 6-8. Position of Slavs at front in Russia, IX, 14-15. Production of food and arrangements for comfort at the front, IX, 15-18. Racial composition of, II, 221, 224. Racial feeling in, II, 224-25. Recruits, number in 1912, II, 228. Red Cross, compartment in train, illustration, II, 228. Reinforcements and re-organization, summer of 1916, X, 173-74. Reservists, illustrations, II, 226 ; III, 251 IV, 200. Rifle bullet, form, V, 419. Southern Slav regiments, effect of movement for union with Serbia on, XXI, 335. Spiked clubs used to kill wounded and gassed, XI, 244. Superiority in number to that of Italy, 1918, XX, 295. in Syria, September-November, 1918, XIX, 181-216. Telegraph Corps, illustration, III, 267. Topographical knowledge of Serbia, II, 300. Train organization, II, 234. Transport, illustrations, IV, 178, 405 ; V, 503. Travelling kitchens, II, 234. Trench mortar, illustration, XI, 251. Trenches, illustrations, III, 263, 264 ; IV, 423 ; V. 500 ; IX, 15, 19, 228. in Trentino, break up of, November, 1918, XX, 312-14. Troops : in Alsace, I, 397. Reinforcing Turks in Armenia, June, 1916, X, 272. 1'niform and equipment, II, 231, 232. Universal service, II, 226-27. Wounded, illustrations, IX, 208, 209, 236. Ashanja, capture by Serbians, III, 367. Attitude, I, 8. Ausgleich of 1867, XIX, 249-50. Ausgleich Treaty negotiations, XX, 217-24. Austerlitz, I, 484. Austrian-Polish refugees in Galicia, returning home after the Austrian successes, illustration, XIX, 250. Austria-Hungary : — cont. Avscek Valley : Description of country near, and strategic importance of, XV, 412. Fighting in, August, 191 7, and results, XV, 412, 418-19. Bainsizza Plateau : Description of country near, and strategic importance of, XI, 253 ; XV, 416-17. Fighting, 1917, XV, 416, 427, 430; XVIII, 7. Italian advance on, August, 1917, XXI, 414-19. Italian retreat from, October, 1917, XVIII, 8, Strengthened by Italians, summer, 191 7, XVIII, 3-4. 1 tanks in London, closing of, and subsequent continuance under Treasury supervision, I, 178. Bavterca, Italians pierce enemy lines at, August, 1917. XV, 415. Bezania, bombardment and evacuation, Novem- ber, 1914, III, 400. di Bocche. Cima, positions occupied by Italians, 1916, XI, 269-71. Bohemia : Autonomy of demanded by Russia as one term of Peace, Autumn, 1914, III, 327. Division into twelve districts, May 19, 191 8, XX, 244. History and position, II, 202-03. Revolution, XIX, 12-13. Separatist policy, 1918, XIX, 243. Borcola Pass : Italian attacks on, November 1918, XX, 313. Occupied by Austrians, May, 1916, IX, 92. Boschini, capture of fortified positions round, by Italians, August, 1916, XI, 247-48. Bosnia and Herzegovina : Annexation of, I, 13 ; II, 212-13. Italian attitude, V, 7. Serbian attitude, II, 279. Turkish attitude. III, 42. Austro-Hungarian deportations and massacres, XIX, 225-27. Military dictatorship established, 1914, XIX, 225. Occupation of, II, 208, 211. Persecution in, XIX, 225-27. Railways, II, 294. Rising against Turkish rule, II, 208. Surrender to Serbia and Montenegro demanded by Russia as one term of Peace, Autumn, 1914, III, 327. Bosut, strategic position of, II, 294. Brasso, illustration, IX, 434. Brestovica Valley, Italian advance and fighting in, September, 1917, XV, 424-J5. British propaganda in, and effects on offensive against Italy and on soldiers, XXI, 329, 334, 338-39. Britof, capture by Italians, August 18, 1917, XV, 411. Budapest : Army Corps District, II, 228. Bolshevist revolutions in 1919-20, and results, XXI, 424-26. Demonstration in favour of Republic, illustra- tion, XX, 245. Entente Missions, departure from, March 22, 1920, XXI, 424. Illustrations, XIX, 222, 223 ; XX, 239. Parliament House, Admiral von Horthy taking oath as Provisional Chief of the State, illustration, XXI, 426. Bulgarian collapse, effect in, XX, 30. di Buole, Passo, Austrian attack on, May 30, 1916, and result, IX, 94. Burgstall, occupied by Italians, VII, 76. Busa Alta, first peak of, captured by Italians, September, 1916, XI, 271. Busa Verle fort, Italian success against, VII, 64. 75- THE TIMES HISIOUY OF THE WAR. :i:> Austria-Hungary i—cont. , Buso Porto, Italian naval raid, May 24, 1915, XII, 317. 328. Cabinet : Abolition of Czech office by dissolving its Chancery, XX, 223. Changes, 1916, XX, 217-18, 221-23. Council, meeting of April jo, 1917, and decisions arrived at by, and results, XX, 228. Crisis, June, 1917, XX, 230-32. Calvario, Monte : After the battle, illustration, XI, 247. Storming of, byltalians, August 6, 1916, XI.245. Caporetto (Karfreit) : Austrian success at, October-November, 1917, XVIII, 1-36; XX, 399; XXI, 335, 1-7- Occupied by Italians, May 24, 1915, VII, 43, 62 Threatened by Austrians, October, 1917, XVIII, 6. Caporetto Basin and River Isonzo, illustrations, XVIII, 4, 5 . Cappuccio, Bosco del, Italian success, April 25, 1915, VII, 67. Carnia frontier : Conditions on, September, 1915, VII, 65. Operations on, May, 1915, VII, 45-47, 76-77. Carso : Austrian counter-attacks and results, Sep- tember, 1917, XV, 425-26. Austrian lines on, XIV, 452-53. Austrian resistance on, and breaking of, August 10, 1916, XI, 249. British artillery contingent on, XV, 406. Captured by Italians under General Cadorna, IX, 106. Climatic conditions and effect on artillery work, XV, 406. Description of country near, XI, 253-55. Fighting on : 1915, VII, 67, 79. August-December, 1916, XI, 237-76. Italian offensive, September-October, 1916, XI, 243, 255, 257-60, 262-C6. 1917, XIV, 449, 451-55. 464 ; XV, 397, 413, 424-26; XVIII, 10-11, 13; XXI, 411. Illustrations, XI, 255, 256, 257. 258, 260, 261. 262, 263, 264, 266 ; XIV, 452, 454, 456, 458, 459; XV, 427. Italian advance on, June, 1915, VII, 47, 49-53, 55- Xorthern part, Austrian resistance, August, 1917, XV, 414. Positions strengthened by Italians, IX, 82. Carso River, Battle of, July-August, 1915, VII, 67, 69. Castello Nuovo, occupied by Italians, June 27, 1915, VII, 55. Cauriol, captured by Italians, August 28, 1916, XI, 271. Cavallazza, occupied by Italians, July 22, 1916, XI, 269. di Cece, Cima, Italian gains near, 1916, ami importance of, XI, 271. Celebic, executions in, 1914, XIX, 226. Central Europe movement, IX, 363-C4 ; XIX, -40-45. 247. Cerna River, withdrawal of enemy to eastern bank of, September, 1916, XI, 213. Cervignano : Austrian bombardment, May 16, 191 7, XIV, 449- Occupied by Italians, May 24, 1915. VII, 43. Clviapovano Valley : Austrians driven back to, August, 191 7, XV, 4I7- Illustration, XV, 428. Chiese, Val, see Giudicaria below. Child mortality, increase in 1919, reasons for, XXI, 422. Christian Socialist party, XIX, 220. Ind.— c Austria-Hungary : — cont. Cismon, Val : Austrian plunders in, 1916, XI, 267. Conditions in, September, 1915, VII, 64-65. Coal export to, from new States, Treaty terms re, XXI, 423. Colbricon, Little, Austrian attack. May 21-22, 1917. XIV, 449-50. Colbricon, Monte, illustration, XIV, 449. ( olbricon Pass, captured by Italians, July 22, 1916, XI, 269. Collapse of, and effect on Germany, XX, 438-39. Commerce : Ruin of, II, 22. War on, by British Navy, I, 45. Concha di Gargaro : Austrians forced into, August, 1917, XV, 415. Italian advance in, August, 1917, XV, 420. Coni Zugna, height of : Austrian attacks at, 1916, IX, 93. Taken by Italians, May, 1915, VII, 43. Cormons, occupied by Italians, May 24, 1915, VII, 43- Cortina d'Ampezzo valley and mountains, occu- pied by Italians, May, 1915, VII, 44, 75. Cosmagnon, fighting at, October 9, 1916, XI, 271-72. Cristallo, Monte, seized by Alpini, VII, 75. Crni Hrib, occupied by Italians, August' 11, 1916, XI, 251. Croatia : Agram, Serbo-Croat trial, 1909, II, 212. Austrian policy towards, II, 215. Illustration, XIX, 17. Persecution in, XiX, 227-29. Territorial changes, Treaty terms re, 1915, XXI, 427. Croce Carnico (or Plocken), Monte, fighting at, May, 1915, VII, 45. Crozzon del Diavolo, XV, 401. Occupied by Italians, Spring 1916, IX, 84. Crozzon di Fargorida, capture by Italians, April, 1916, IX, 84. Danube river, see that title. Debeli Vhr : Austrian resistance on, August, 191 6, XI, 251. Captured by Italians, August 12, 1916, XI, 251 . Delegations (Committees of Austrian and Hungarian Parliaments for Joint Affairs), Assembling of, December, 1917, for first War Session, XX, 237-39. Demand for settlement of Polish problem, reason for, XX, 249. Descla, fighting near, and strategic importance of position, August, 191 7, XV, 412. Detch, capture by Serbians, September 9, 1914, III, 368. Dissolution of Austrian Empire, political necessity of, from Allies' point of view, XXI, 413. Divaco, Italian air raid, June, 1915, XII, 321. Divic, strategic position of, II, 294. Doblar, fighting near, August, 191 7, XV, 412. Dobranovtsi, Serbian capture of, September, 1914, III, 368. Dolomites, operations in, VII, 75. Doss del Sommo, seized by Italians, August, 1915, VII, 75. Dosson di Genova, stormed by Italians, April nth, 1916, IX, 84. Duino, from the Italian positions on Monte Hermada, illustration, XV, 425. Economic exchange system with Switzerland, XIII, 237, 239-40. Economic situation : 1917, XX, 233-34. 1919-20, XXI, 420-22. Trices, rise in, XVIII, 179. Economic treaty with Hungary, negotiations for, and official announcement of conclusion, February 24, 1917, XX, 224-25. Einsiedeln, photograph of food shortage, XX, 235. 84 THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. Austria-Hungary : Faiti (Fajti) Hrib : Austrian bombardment. May, June, 191 7, XIV, 449, 461. Captured by Italians, November 2, 1916, and importance of, XI, 263. Fighting at. May, June, August, 1917, XIV, 443-44. 46'-<>2 ! X y . 4'4- di Falxarego, Cima, occupied by Alpini, VII, 75- Fasana Straits : Austrian destroyers in Italian air raid, XII, 322. Italian torpedo boats in, November I, 1916, X, 70-71. Fassa Alps : Barbarous devices used by Austrians against Italians, 191O, XI, 267-68. Description of passes in, XI, 268. Italian advance upon, 1916, XI, 267 72. Map, XI. 268. Fiammes, seized by Alpini, VII, 75. Fiera di Primiero, occupied by Italians, May, 1915, VII, 44. Finance : Budget crisis as result of Brest-Litovsk Peace, 1917-18, XX, 241-42. Inflation, XVIII, 146. Kate of exchange, 1919, and effect of, on Viennese, XXI, 421-22. Fischamend, depot for dirigibles, II, 233. Fiume : II, 205 ; XII, 307. American battalion at, XX, 71. D'Annunzio addressing crowd at, illustration, XXI, 428. British torpedo boat welcomed at, during Armistice, illustration, XX, 439. Danubius shipbuilding yard, I, 79. Italian air raid, June 8, 1915, XII, 321. Question of, Italian stand for detachment of city, and result, XXI, 429. Kaid on, by D'Annunzio, September, 1919, and occupation, XXI, 428-29. Kiva del Lido, illustration, XII, 322. Seizure by Croatian rebels, October 25, 191 8, XXI, 15. Whitehead torpedo and submarine works, Italian air raid, August 8, 1916, XII, 322-23. Foca, executions in, 1914, XIX, 226. Food convoy in the Transylvanian Alps, illustra- tion, XI, 434. Foodstuffs from Holland, XIII, 208. Foreign policy of, XX, 248. Fortified positions and fortresses, II, 236 ; III, 215-16. Fratta Heights : Gained by Italians, August, 191 7, XV, 412. Summit reached by Italians, May, 1917, XIV, 445. Freikofel, occupation by Italians, June 9, 1915, and attacks by Austrians, VII, 76. French war. 1859, II, 198-9; XVIII, 112. Frontier changes. Treaty provisions re, XXI, 4 1 5"i7- Galician refugees expelled from, IV, 407. Garda, fighting west of, November, 1918, XX, 3 J 3- Cardinal, storming of peak by Italians, September 23, X916, XI, 271. German demands for reconstruction on German basis, and agreement by Emperor Charles, April, 1917. XX 228. German influence in, XIX, 219. German National Union : Programme for reconstruction, XIX, 237-38. on Summoning of Parliament without Galician members, XX, 219-20. German Austrian party's policy, XIX, 2x9-20, 221. pan-German programme drawn up, XIX, 237-38, 240, 241-45. Austria-Hungary: unit. German troops in, Armistice terms re, XX, 438. pan-Germanists' policy, XIX, 219-20. Germanization and centralization schemes, XIX, 220, '221, 237-45. and Germany : Agreement, negotiations between, 1918, XXI, 270. Alliance, 1879, II, 206. Attitude towards Austro-Italian relations, II, 214. Austrian reconstruction on German basis, demands for, and agreement by Emperor Charles, April, 1917, XX, 228. Kffect of Austrian collapse, XX, 438-39. Friction rumoured, Autumn of 1914, 111, 327- League, 1872-7, II, 206, 208. Maintenance of power recognized as a German interest, II, 197. Peace discussions, XXI, 271-72, 362-63. Relations, II, 197-98, 204, 206, 213, 214-15, 228; XXI, 267, 419. Treaty, 1891, XVI, 28. Union, desire for, and Treaty provisions to prevent, XXI, 418-19. War of 1866, II, 45-46, 198 ; III, 13. Giudicaria, Val (Val Chi se), conditions in, September, 1915, VII, 64-65. Italian advance, May, 1915, VII, 44. Italian success, VII, 70, 72. Globocak : Fighting at, October 26, 191 7, and capture of heights by Germans, XVIII, 6, 9. Retaken by Italians, October, 1917, XVIII, 6, 9. Gorizia : Austrian defences of, map, XI, 242. Austrians driven from, by Italians under' General Cadorna, IX, 106. Description of district round, VII, 55-56. Entered by Italians, August 8, 1916, and importance of, XI, 248, 251-52. Fighting at, and round, October, 1916, XI, 262 ; 1917, XV, 413, 425. Given to Italy by Treaty of April 26, 19 15, XXI, 427. Illustrations, XI, 250, 252, 253, 263. Italian bombardment, December, 1915, VII, 79- Plain, Italian activity, August, 1917, X\ . 414. Gorlitz, garrison of Kavala interned at, XII, 20. Government : Correspondence with U.S.A. re sinking of the Ancona, 1915, XII, 340-41. and Imperial Defence Committee, XII, 270. suggested Naval Conference, 1913, XII, 276-77. Peace offer directed by, to Russia, and results, April 14, 1917, XX, 227-28. Reciprocal arrangement with, re merchant ships, I, 189. Gradisca : Given to Italy by Treaty of April 26, 191 5, XXI, 427. Illustration, XI, 255. Graslitz, food conditions in, being examined- by Emperor Charles, illustration, XX, 228. Gratz, army corps district, II, 228. Gyongyos, refugees at, illustration, XX, 226. Hapsburg policy, XIX, 217-19. Hermada Ridge : Austrian defences on, 191 6, XI, 265-66. British naval bombardment, 191 7, XII, 331) ; XIV, 179; XV, 414. Fighting at, and around, 191 7, XIV, 454-55, 45H, 460, 462-63, 464 ; XV, 425, 426. Italian naval guns on a pontoon bombarding, illustration, XV, 415. Italian progress in region, August-September. 1917, XV, 413-14, 424. THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. 35 Austria- Hungary : Hill 77, fighting at, September 14, 1916, XI, 256. Hill 85, captured by Italians, August 6, 1916, and fighting at, XI, 240, 245. Hill 121 : Austrian resistance on, August, 1910, XI, 251. Captured by Italians, August 12, 1016, and fighting on, XI, 240, 251. Hill I44,captured by Italians after severe fighting, September, 1916, XI, 256, 258. Hill 208, fighting at, and prisoners captured, September, 1916, XI, 257. Hill 238, captured by Italians, and fighting at, October 29, 1916, XI, 261-62. Hill 291, occupied by Italians, November 3, 1916, number of prisoners taken, XI, 265. Hill 308, fighting at, November 2, 1916, XI, 262, -'63. Hill 309, captured by Italians, November, 191 6, XI, 266. Hill 343, occupied by Italians, August, 1917, XV, 419. Hill 383, Italian attack and success, June, 1915, VII, 59-60. Hill 399, capture by Italians, November, 1916, XI, 263. Hill 747, fighting at, August, 1917, XV, 415. History, II, 197-204. Holy Roman Empire, title of, in XIII century, II, 197. Horses of, III, 212. Hudi Log : Captured by Italians, Mav* 23, 191 7, XIV, 451- Fighting in, and Italian gains, October, 1916, XI, 259. Trench system at, XIV, 452. Hungary, history of, relations with, II, 199-202. Imperial Rescripton exclusion of Galicia, Novem- ber 5, 1916, XX, 218-19. Imports from America, tables showing decrease owing to war, XI, 391. Independence of, inalienability of, without consent of League of Nations, Treaty provisions re, XXI, 418. Innsbruck, army corps district, II, 228. Internal position of, after Brest-Litovsk Peace, XX, 241-48. Isonzo, River ; Austrian advance, October, 1917, XVIII, 5. Austrian defences, XIV, 439-40. Austrian footholds in, August 6, 1916, XI, 247. Battle of, August, 1917, XV, 411. Bombardment by Italian guns, IX, 82 ; XIV, 441-42. Bridges blown up by Austriaas, VII, 47, 49. Climatic conditions, and effect on artillerv work, IX, 81 ; XV, 406. Crossed by Italians, VII, 49, 50-60 ; XIV, 442, 444-5; XV, 411, 430. Description of, and of country near, and strategical importance of, VII, 47, 61 ; XI, -H2-43. 252-53. Difficulties of the attacking force, VII, 47-51. Fighting on, October 24, 1917, XVIII, 5. Flooding of country round, May, 1915, VII, 49- Illustrations, XI, 255; XIV, jj8, .14^; XV, 398, 412. Italian offensives, VII, 43, 78-80 ; IX, 89 ; XI, 240-57 ; XIV, 439-44- Lower : Fighting along, July, 1915, VII, 07. Naval bombardment of enemy communica- tions, etc., August, 1917, XiV, 179. Middle : Austrian attempt to stem onrush of Italians, and failure, August, 1917, XV, 414-15. Fighting on, 1917, XV, 397. Austria-Hungary : — cont. Isonzo, River : —cont. Movement of Italian troops to, June aj, XI, 240. Isonzo Valley, map, XIV, 450. Istria : Italian territory in, buffer State created be- tween and Jugo-Slavia, under control of League of Nations, XXI, 428. Partly given to Italy by Treaty of April 26, 1915. XXI, 427. Italian line in October, 1917, XVIII, 2-3. Italian line at opening of Austro-German offen- sive, map, XVIII, 2. Italian offensive, 1915, VII, 41-80. Italian proposal to, in event of war, and su quent refusal, IX, no-n. Italian repeat, October, 1917, XVIII, 7-18. Italians under Austrian rule, grievances of, II, 203. and Italy : Alliance, denunciation by Italy, May 3, 191 5, V, 23, 27. Blockade by Italy, XII, 330-31. Declaration of war by Italy, Mav 23, 191 ,, \ , 30; XII, 315. Frontier, description, V, 31. Negotiations with : 1882, V, 5. 1914-5, V, 14-23, 26-27 ; VII, 42. Relations between : German attitude towards, II, 214. History, V, 1, 5-14. Terms of Italian agreement offered to, 19 15, IX, in. Italy's attitude towards Allies' leniency to, 1918, XIX, 8-13. Jamiano, captured by Italians, 1916, XI, 261 ; XIV, 451, 464. Jamiano district, illustrations, XIV, 431, 453- Jarak : Fighting at, September 1914, III, 366. Serbian capture of, September, 1914, 368. Strategic position of, II, 294. Javorcek, Italian success, June, 1915. VII, 64. Jelenik : Austrian defensive system iu sector, and description of country near, XV, 4x1-12. Fall of, August, 1917, and fighting at and near, XV, 412, 414-15. Jugo-Slavs, policy towards, XIX, 225-29. Julian Alps, collapse of part of Italian Army in, November, 1917, and effect on Allies, XV, 182. Kal Plateau : Fighting at, October 24, 1917, XVIII, 6. Western part occupied by Italians, August, 1917. XV, 413. Kaschau, army corps district, II, 228. Klagenfurt, frontiers between Austria and Y u o'»- Slavia near : Difficulties of Peace Conference re, XXI, 417. Treaty terms re, XXI, 427. Klenak, strategic position of, II, 294. . Kolin, battle, 1757, XII, 360. Iv,niggratz, battle, 1866. II, 503. Kostanjevica-Korite Line, Austrian attacks on, September, 191 7, XV, 425-6. Kozliak, Italian attack and success, June, 1915, VII, 64. KreveVara, strategic position of, II, 194. Kuk: Captured by Italians, May, 1917, XIV, 446; XV, 418. Lighting at, 1917, XIV, 442, 444-49. 43 8 i XV, 414. Road built by Italians up western side of, June, 1917, and importance of, XV, 416. 36 THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. Austria-Hungary : — cont. Kupinovo, capture by Serbians, September, 1914, III, 36. Lagosta Island, XII, 316. \\x raid on, June 2, 1918, XVIII, 461. Annexation demanded by Italians, XXI 1 ■ 1 . 1 i bach (Lubiana) : Jugo-Slav demonstration in, illustration, XX, 323- Memorandum to Jugo-Slav authorite- it January, 1919, XIX, 229. di Lana, Col : Fightingfor, and seizure of summit by Italians, November 7, 1915, VII, 75-76 ; IX, 82-83. Importance of, VII, 76. Italian mine touched on April 17, 1916, and results, IX, 83. Lavarone-Luserno plateau, Italians on, VII, 75, I-edro Valley, fighting in, 1915, VII, 73. Leitmeritz, Army Corps district, II, 228. Lobbia Alta stormed by Italians, April 11, 1916, IX. 84. Lokvica : Fighting at, September-October, 191O, XI; 256, 259. Occupied by Italians, October 29, 1916, XI, 260. Ruins of, offensive of November, 1916, illustra- tion, XI, 265. Lom Plateau : Austrian concentration on, August, 19 17, XV, 418. Description ' of country round, and strategic importance of, XV, 412-13. Lucinico, Italian attack on, VII, 56. Luico : Fighting at, October 24, 1917, XVIII, 7. Illustration, XVIII, 9. Lukatic, captured by Italians, Mav 23, 191 7, ' XIV, 451. Luserna fort, Italian success against, VII, 64. Magyar Nationalists' policy, XIX, 221-23: Magyars, X, 163. Concessions to be made to, on non-assembling of Parliament, XIX, 249-50. Mutinies of, summer of 1916, X, 166. Peasant in national costume, illustration, XIX, 243- Position of, and policy, XIX, 222-23, 245-47. Malborghetto Forts, destruction by Italians, VII, 64, 7 6 - Malga Zugna, retreat of Italians to prepared positions. May, 1916, IX, 91. Maps: XIX, 218. Army Corps distribution, II, 230. Ethnographic, II, 216-17. Gorizia and the Carso, XI, 246. Italian campaign, XV, 410, 414 ; XVIII, 16, 22. Italian frontier, V, 20-21 ; VI, War Atlas, pp. 26-27 ; VII, 48, 68. Northern part. III, 220, 260. -Partition, XXI. 416. Serbian Frontier, II, 292 ; VI, War Atlas, pp. 3°. 32- Maronia, Monte, seized by Italians, August, 1915, VII. 75- Medeazza, Italian advance through, May 26, 1917, XIV, 454, 460. Melino, Monte, seized by Italians, October, 191 =,, VII, 73. di Mesole, Cima, occupied by Italians, May 20, 1916, IX, 92. Military convention between Hungary and Allies, November, 1918, XX, 438. Military School, terms of Treaty re, XXI, 419. Minefields, indication demanded by Armistice terms, November, 1918, XX, 438. Minister of Foreign Affairs, see Berchtold, Count. Ministries of Commerce and Finance, changes in XIX, 238, 239-40. Austria-Hungary : — cont. Mitrovitza : Serbian defeat at, September 6, 191 4, III, 365-67- Strategic position of, II, 294. Monfalcone : Fall of, June 10, 1915, XII, 338. Fighting near, August 6, 1916, XI, 245. Illustrations, XI, 241, 244, 248, 249, 251 ; XII, 339- Italian feint at, August 4, 1916, XI, 240. Naval bombardments, XII, 338. Occupied by Italians, June 7, 1915, VII, 49. Scottish colony, XII, 338-39. Montenegro, threatened invasion of, 1913, V, 13. Mostar, ill-treatment in prison at, XIX, 226-27. Mrzli, fighting at, October 24, 1917, XVIII, 6. Mrzli Vrk, Italians on, VII, 78. Muggia : Italian naval raid on, December, 1917, XVIII, 441-42. Map, XVIII, 442. Miirsteg, meeting of Emperors* of Austria and Russia, 1903, III, 59; V, 7. Nabresina, railway near, British naval bombard- ment, 1917, XII, 339; XIV, 179. Nad Logem : Fighting at, September 14, 1916, XI, 256. Italian footing on, August 10, 1916, XI, 251. Nail driving cult in, illustration, XIX, 244. Nationalities Law, 1868, IX, 408. Navy : Agreement with Great Britain of 1909, XII, 274. Composition, armament and speed, I, 73, 80 ; II, 22. Dreadnoughts in action, January 11, 1916, -X, 70. Guns and armour, Course, I, 80. Headquarters and stations, I, 80. Inactivity of, II, 19. Increase and development, I, 79. Losses : Battleship, in Pola Harbour, torpedoed. May 14, 1918, XVIII, 442. Battleship of Viribus Unitis class, May 14, 1918, XVIII, 442. Cruiser sunk, January 13, 1916, X, 70. Destroyer torpedoed, May 4, 1916, X, 70, XII, 47. Kaiserin Elizabeth, cruiser, off Tsing-tan, II, 419 ; III, 123. Lika, destroyer, December 28, 1915, XII, 334- in the Save, III, 374 ; VII, 356. Submarines, in the Adriatic, VII, 159. Szent Istvdn, June, 1918, XVIII, 443-44. Transport, May 28, 1916, X, 70. Triglav, destroyer, December 28, 1915, XII, 333, 333-34- U3, August, 1915. VII, 159; XII, 47, 317, 343. Ul, July 18, 1915, XII, 316, 343. U6, XII, 343. U12, torpedoed, August, 1915, VII, 159 ; XII, 320, 343. urn, xii, 343. UC12, March 16, 1916, XII, 325, 327, 343 Viribus Unitis, 1918, XVIII, 444-45; XX, 324 ; XXI, 15-16. Wren, December, 191 7, XVIII, 441-42. Zenta, light cruiser, August 16, 1914, VII, 158 ; XII, 44 ; XVIII, 437. Zrinyi, II, 22. in Mediterranean, XVIII, 435, 439-40. Policy, I, 79-80. Raids on Italian coast, XII, 323-24, 328, 330. Ships taken over by Italians, March 24, 1919. XXI, 16. Submarines, construction or acquisition for- bidden by Treaty, XXI, 419. THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. 87 Austria-Hungary : — cont. Navy : — cont. Strength of fleet before outbreak of war, IV, 106. Transfer to Yugo-SIavia, October, T918, XXI, 15, 16. Types, IV, 98. Terms imposed by Armistice, November 4, 1918, XX, 320-21, 438 ; XXI, 419. Visit to Malta, May, 1914, I, 80. Monte Nero Chain : Description, VII, 62. Operations on, VII, 62, 78; XV, 411, XVIII, 18. Nova Vas, fighting at, September, 1916, XI, 256, 258. Obrez, capture by Serbians, September 1914, III, 364-65, 367. Offensive of May, 191 6, in the Trentino, IX, 81-106. Offensive of June, 1918, failure of and effects, XX, 289-90. Offensive against Italy, 1918. XIX, 1-36. Opeina railway junction, British naval bombard- ment, 1917, XII, 339. Oppacchiasella, captured by Italians, August 12, 1916, XI, 251. Origins of, II, 197. Orsova : Evacuated by Rumanians, November 25, 191(1, XI, 459. Range of hills dominating, occupied by Allies, September 2, 1916, XI, 213. Rumanian attack against, August 28, 1916, and capture, XI, 213. Oscedrih, heights occupied by Italians, August, 1917, XV, 414. Oslavia : VII, 79. Italian attack on, August 6, 1916, XI, 244-45. Strategic importance of, during Italian offensive on Isonza, 1916, XI, 242-43. Ossoinca, heights occupied by Italians, August, 1917, XV, 414. Pal Grande, occupation by Italians, June 9, 191 5, and attacks by Austrians, VII, 76. Pal Piccolo, occupation by Italians, June 9, 1915, and attacks by Austrians, VII, 76. Palone, Cima, seized by Italians, October, 1915, VII, 73. Panarotta, mountain, fortification of, VII, 75. Panchevp, Austrian preparations at, VII, 367. Paneveggio, occupied by Italians, July 31, 1916, XI, 269. Parenzo, raids by Italian destrover, June-Julv, 1916, XII, 317-18. Pari, Monte, fighting in, November, 191 8, XX, 313- Parmesan, occupied by Italians, May 24, 1916, during counter attack, IX, 94. Partition of, map, XXI, 416. Pasubio, Monte : Fighting round, October, 1916, and Italian gains, IX, 93 ; XI, 271-72. Seized by Italians, May 24, 1915, VII, 43. Summit, illustration, XI, 273. Value of position to Italians during Austrian offensive, 1916, IX, 94-1)5. Pasubio Pass, Italian attacks on, November, 191 8, XX, 313. Peace : Discussions with Germany, XXI, 271 -72, 362-63. Efforts of ruling circles to establish, XX, 233-34. Negotiations in 191 7 for settlement and failure of, XXI, 413. Note of September, 1918, and failure of, XX, 252, 434 ; XXI, 15, 272, 276. with Rumania, see under Rumania. Treaty of, see that title. Unconditional appeal for, October, 191 S, XX, 434- Pichintsi, Serbian capture of, September 12, 1914, III, 368. Austria- Hungary : — cont. Pecinka, fighting at, and capture of, by Italians, October, November, 1916, XI, 260, 262, 263. Pevma, bridges still in hands of Austrians, August 6, 1916, XI 245, 247. Piana, Monte, fighting on, June, 1915, VII, 65. Pieve di Livinallongo hospital, Austrian bombard- ment, VIII, 69. Pilsen, Shodawerke establishment, I, 80 ; V, 109. Plava : Bridgehead : attempted Enlargement, October, 19 15, VII, 78. Occupied by Italians, VII, 57. Italian crossing of river at, June 8, 191 5, VII, 57. 59- Plezzo, fortifications above, destroyed by Italians, VII, 77. Plezzo valley, abandoned by Austrians, September, 1915, VII, 77. Podgora : Austrians driven off, July, 1915, VII, 67. Fortified by Austrians, VII, 56. Importance of, VII, 55. Italian attacks. May and October, 1915, VII, 56, 79- Italian capture of, August 6, 1916, and fighting near, XI, 240-42, 245, 251. Strategic importance of, during Italian offen- sive on Isonza, 1916, XI, 243, 251. Pola : XII. 308. Air raids on, XVIII, 459-60, 462-63. Alleged entry by Entente Fleet, November, 1918, XV, 316. Defences, Armistice terms, XX, 43S. Destruction of.the Viribus Unitis in, by Italians, October 31, 1918, XXI, 15-16. Entered by Italians, 1918, XX, 324. Harbour, map, XVIII, 442. Headquarters of Au'stro-Hungarian fleet, I, 80. Illustrations, I, 80 ; XII, 44, 309. Italian air raids, 1915, 1916, XII, 321, 322, 323- Italian naval raids on, XII, 319; XVIII, 441, 442-43, 445-46. Maritime fortress on the Adriatic, II, 236. Revolt of Austrian sailors at, 191 8, XX, 324. Seizure by Croatian rebels, October, 1918, XXI, 15. Poland, relations with, 1867-1914, XIX, 223-24. Poles, negotiations opened with, January 1, 1919, XX, 244. Poles in : Attitude of, and Austrian relations to, V, 357-58, 360. Position, XIV, 2. Policy in the Balkans, II, 215. Policy after the Franco-Prussian War, II, 206. Polish question, XIX, 247-249. Political conditions, etc. : See also Government above and Reichsrat I Change in internal policy and attempts at reform, XX, 247-48. Coalition Ministry : February, 1917, XII, 295. October, 1919, XXI, 420. General Election, May, 1917, XII, 296. Negotiations, secrecy of, XIX, 238. Truce on outbreak of war, XII, 288-89. Vniversal suffrage adopted in Hungary, 1906, II, 204. Polounik, fighting at.October 24,1917, XVI 1 1, 5, 6. Population, proportion available for military service, II, 227. Porto Rosega, capture of, 1915, XII, 338. Ports blockaded by French from Trieste to Pola, II, 22. Position at end of 1914, III, 359. Position in Germany undermined by Thirty Years War, II, 198. Position in Triple Alliance, II, 215. 38 THE TIMES HISTOEY OF THE WAB. Austria-Hungary : — cont. Pozzacchio, enemy resistance at, November, 1918, XX, 313- Pozzi Alti fort, destruction by Italian guu>, VII, 64, 70. Prague : Army Corps district, II, 228. Illustrations, XIX, 232, 234. Predil, Fort Hermann, destruction by Italian;., VII, 64. Pregasina, Italian occupation, October, 1915, VII, 72-73. Pressburg, Army Corps district, II, 228. Prices, rise in, XVIII, 179. Prisoners, see that title. Progar, captured by Serbians, September, 1914, III, 356, 3°7- Proseco : Aerial stations, etc., near, British naval attack. May 23 and 24, 191 7, XII, 339, XIV, 179. Italian air raid, January 11, 1917, XII, 323. Public opinion at outbreak of war, XIX, 220, 222, 23°-37- Races : Distribution of, II, 202-04. Opportunities provided for British propaganda, and use made of, XXI, 334. Racial problems, 11, 199, 202, 203, 205-06. Ragusa, Army Corps district, II, 228. Raibl, fortifications destroyed by Italians, VI 1, Railways, mileage, etc., at outbreak of war, VI, 109. Recognition of right of Allied Powers to try those accused of having committed acts of violence, XXI, 419. m Reconstitution into Federal States demanded by Russia as one term of peace, autumn 1914, III, 327- Red Cross officers leaving Przemsyl, illustration, IV, 193- Refugees from a village on the Lower Isonzo, XI, 267. Reichsrat : Conferences commenced with leaders by Count Clam-Martin, January, 1917, XX, 225. Discussion in, re Constitutional Reform and Adjournment, July 16, 1917, XX, 234-35. Movement in favour of re-assembling. Autumn, 1916, XIX. 249-51. Re-opening of : September 25, 1917, XX, 236. July 16, 1919, XX, 246. Sitting of, illustrations, XIX, 238 ; XX, 229. Slav deputies in majority over Austrian- Germans, 1906, II, 204. Summoned by Emperor Charles, May, 1917, and effects of, XX, 228-29. Reparation, terms of Treaty re, XXI, 419-20. Reply to President Wilson, January, 1918, XV, 309- Republic formed, October, 1919, XXI, 420. Responsibility of, American lawyer on, V, 246. Riva, Italian descent on, November, 1918, XX, 313. Rohot Valley, Italian advance in, August, 191 7, XV, 415- di Rolle, Passo, captured by Italians, July 22, 1916, XI, 269. Rombon, Monte, occupied by Italians, Septem- ber, 1915, VII, 77. Rosa, Col, seized by Alpini, VII, 75. Rovereto : Italian advance on, 1915, VII, 73, 75. Italian counter attacks at, May, 1916, IX, 91. Occupied by Alpini, November, 1918, XX, 313. and Rumania : Alleged offer to, June 9, 1915, IX, 418-19. Attitude of , towards, 1914, IX, 410-n. Commercial treaty, 1875, IX, 404. Negotiations and results, 1918, XX, 242. Austria-Hungary :—cont. and Rumania : — cont. Relations between, IX, 410-11. War declared by Koumania, August 27, 1916, IX, 205, 43°~33> 438. Rumanian population : Attitude of, XII, 150-51. Campaign against their denationalisation ami results, IX, 408. and Russia : Agreement, 1897, II, 207-8 ; IV, 199- Commercial treaty, 1906, XVI, 28. Declaration of war on Russia, August 6, 1914, I, 33, 5i6. Reason for delay, I, 516. League with Germany, 1872 — 7, II, 206, 208. Negotiations, 1917, and results, XX, 237-42. Negotiations re question of abandoned terri- tories, XX, 248-49. Peace offers to Russia, III, 327; XIII, 441, 442. Relations in regard to the Macedonian ques- tion, II, 209-10. Russian attitude re annexation of Bosnia- Herzegovina, II, 213. Russian party in Galicia, persecutions, XIX, 234-36. Rutarsce, Italians pierce enemy lines at, August, 1917, XV, 415- Sabotino, Monte : Description of country, XI, 252-53. Fighting at, and capture by Italians, VII, 56, 67, 79 ; XI, 240, 244, 247, 251. Fortified by Austrians, VII, 56, 57. Illustration, XI, 243. Strategic importance of, during Italian offensive of Isonzo, 1916, XI, 242-43, 251. Saccarana fort, destruction by Italian guns, VII, 70. Sadowa, battle of (1866), II, 54, 199. Saga, Austrian advance held up at, October, 1917, XVIII, 5- Sagrado : Austrian gas attack and use of spiked clubs, XI, 243-44. Bridgehead, attempted Austrian attack, July 21, 1915, VII, 67. Dam : Broken by Italians, VII, 52. Closure by Austrians, VII, 49. Italian crossing of the Isonzo at, June, 1915, VII, 50-55- Occupied by Italians, June, 1915, \II, 50, 53. Salsburg, peace demonstration at, by German Clericals, 191 7, XX, 237. Salubio, Monte, occupied by Italians, August, 1915, VII, 75. Samirovac, executions in, November, im 1 XIX, 226. San Gabriele, Monte : Description of country near, and importance of, XV, 420. Fighting on, 1917, XIV, 449; XV, 414, 419-27 ; XVIII, 3. San Giovanni di Duino : Lost by Italians, September, 191 7, XV, 426. Occupied by Italians, May 27, 191 7, XI V, 455- San Grado di Merna, reached by Italians and captured, September, 1916, XI, 256. San Marco : Fighting near, October 29, 1916, XI, 260. Italian gains at, September, 1917, XV, 425. San Martino del Carso, fighting at, 1916, XI, 243, 245- San Martino di Castrozza, Austrian destruction 1916, XI, 267. San Mauro, Italian positions established at, August 6, 1916, XI, 244. San Michele : Captured by Italians, July 1915, XI, 245, 263. THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE 11,1/.'. 89 Austria-Hungary :—cont. San Michele : — conl. Description of country, XI, ^52-53. Fighting on and near, 1915 and 1916, VII, 07, . 69, 79 ; XI, 240, 245. Illustration, XI, 345. San Valentino, Italian position established at, August 6, 1916, XI, 244. Santa Caterina: Italians at, August, 191 7, XV, 419. Illustration, XV, 421. Santa Lucia, fighting at, October, 191 7, XVIII, 5-6- Santa Lucia Hill, Italian attacks on, August- October, 1915, VII, 78. .. Santa Maria Hill, Italian attacks on. August- October, 1915, VII, 78. Santo, Monte : Austrians on, XIV, 464. Austrians captured on, illustration, XIV, 445- Convent, illustration, XV, 416. Description of country, XI, 252-53. Fall of, August 24, 1917, and fighting on, XV, 4i5-«6- Illustration, XIV, 440. Italian activity at and near, May and August, 191 7, XIV, 442-43 ; XV, 414. Italian failure at, May, 1917, XIV, 449. Sarajevo, see Serajevo. Sasso di Stria, part occupied by Alpini, VII, 75- Schluderbach, fighting near, VII, 75. Schonbrunn, Imperial Palace of, illustration, XIX, 235. Segeti, Italians gains east of, October, 1916, XI. 261. Sei Busi, Monte : Fighting for, VII, 67, 69. Importance of, VII, 67. Seikofl, occupied by Italians, VII, 76. Sella di Dol, reached by Italians, August 24, 1917, XV, 415. Sella Prevala, Italian occupaiton, Mav 26, 1915, VII, 64. Selo, capture by Italians, 1917, XV, 413, 424. Semarck Heights, gained by Italians, August, 1917, XV, 412. Semlin : British bombardment, February, 1915, VII, 357- Strategic position of, II, 294. Serajevo : Army Corps district, II, 228. , Illustrations, I, 13; XIX, 224. Murder of Archduke Francis Ferdinand, I, 22-23 ;H. 218-20. pan-Serb propaganda, II, 218 ; XX, 16. and Serbia : Commercial war, 1905 (" Pig War "), II, 209. Declaration of war, July 28, 1914, I, 23. Addressed to Serbian General Staff, July 28, 1914, II, 292. Financial effect, I, 170-71. Text of, II, 292. Relations, history of, II, 209, 278-80. Ultimatum : Kaiser's connexion with, XXI, 265. and Reply, I, 23. Serbian frontier : Austrian attempts to cross, July 29- August n, 1914, II, 294. Description of, II, 294. anti-Serbian policy due to German influence, II, 215. Serbian relations with, history of, II, 278-80. Serbo-Croat Coalition, murder of members planned bv Hapsburg authorities, 1914, XIX, 227. Setole, slopes held by Italians, VII, 75. Austria- Hungary :— - conl. Sette Comuni : Description of country near, and strategic importance of, XV, 397. Fighting at, IX, 101 ; XV, 397-99. Settsass Mountain, fighting for, November, 1915, VII, 76. Shashinshi, fighting at, September, 1914, III, 366. Shipping, losses incurred during war, statement, XXI, 118. Ships in Egypt, measures re. III, 300. Sief, Monte, occupied by Italians, November, 1915, VII, 76. Situation, 1914-1916, IX, 81 ; XIX, 217-52. Skoda Works, howitzers supplied to Turkey, III, 56. Slatna, fighting near, and Austrian losses, August, 1917, XV, 415. Slav problem, II, 197-220. Sober, fighting at, September and October, 1916, XI, 258-59. Socialists at outbreak of war, XIX, 220-21. Soviet Government set up under Bela Kun, 1919, methods and objects of, and results, XXI, 424-25- Spitz Verle, fort, Italian success against, VII, 64. 75- Statistics re, VI, War Atlas, 44. Stelvio, illustration, XX, 315. Stradone, Cima, occupied by Italians, July 23, 1916, XI, 269. Subject Nationalities, XIX, 219-36. Position of, 1914, XIX, 224-25. Rome Conference, April, 1918, XIX, 19-21. Subjects in Egypt, measures against, III, 300, 302, 304. Sugana, Val : Occupied by Italians, May, 1915, VII, 44. Illustration, XVIII, 24. Surcnin, fighting at, and capture by Serbians, September 9, 1914, III, 368. Surrender of, and importance to Allied Armit a, XX, 418. Syrmia : Population, welcome by, to Serbs and punish- ment by Hungarians, III, 369. Serbian evacuation, III, 368-69. Serbian invasion, September, 1914, III, 363-68. Map, III, 368. Tarvis, battle, 1797, VII, 77. Telephone shelter, bomb-proof, illustration, IX, 224. Temesvar, Army Corps District, II, 228. Territorial changes in, XXI, 412-17. Territories invaded by, evacuation demanded by Armistice, November 4th, 191 8, XX, 319-20. Terzo, occupied by Italians, May 24, 1915, VII, 43. Timavo River, crossed by Italians, May 27, 1917, XIV. 455- Tirol : Italian advance. May, 1915, VII, 44. Territorial changes, Treaty provisions re. XXI, 4*5- Tofana peaks : Illustration, IX, 119. Seized by Alpini, VII, 75. Tognola Ridge, occupied bv Italians, June, 1916, XI, 268. Tolmino : Austrian position at, summer, 1917, XVIII. 3. Description, VII, 61. Fighting at and ne'ar, August-October, 101 -, XV, 411 ; XVIII, 2, 3,5. German cavalry passing through, illustration, XVIII, 7. Invested by Italians, VII, 78. Italian attempt to cross the Isonzo at, VII, 60-62. Topeti Pass, capture by Italians, 1916, IX. 84. Trading with, prohibition, August 12, I9I4,VIII,55. Treason trial of Serbo-Croat leaders. Tl. 212. 40 THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. Austria-Hungary : — cont. Trebinje, executions in, 1914, XIX, 220. Trent, Papal Note, and impressions conveyed re promise of, for Italy, XV, 408. Trentino : Austrian bombardment commenced May 14, 1916. IX, 87. Austrian concentration in, 1915, IX, 86-87. Austrian offensive in, 1916, IX, 81-106; XI, 237-40- Map, IX, 86. Break-up of Austrian Army, November, 1918, XX, 312-14. Communications, VII, 70. Description, VII, 70, 72. Italian advance. May, 1915, VII, 44. Italian reinforcements, IX, 98-99. Italian unpreparedness, IX, 89-90. Italians in, homes destroyed by Germanic armies, IV, 407. Territorial changes. Treaty provisions re, XXI, 415. 427- Withdrawal of Italian troops. May 21, 1916, under General Cadorna, reasons and results, IX, 92-98. Trento : Illustration, XX, 321. Occupied by Italians, November, 19 18, and results, XX, 313-14. Trial by jury in political cases, suspension, July 25, 1914, XIX, 217. Trient, entrenched camp, II, 236. Trieste, XII, 307. Given to Italy by Treaty of April 26, 1915, XXI, 427. Gulf of : British naval operations in, 1917, XII, 339. Map, XII, 340. Harbour, entered by Italian torpedo boat, May 28, 1916, X, 70. Illustrations, XII, 307 ; XV, 425 ; XX, 318, 3'9- Italian air raids, XII, 322, 323. Italian landing at, November, 1918, description of, and preceding events, XX, 315-18. I'apal Note, and impressions conveyed re promise of, for Italy, XV, 408. Shelling of, August, 1917, XV, 414. Stabilimento Tecnico shipyard and arsenal, I. 79- Triple Alliance, see that title. and Turkey : Negotiations, Russian attitude towards, II, 2 1 1 . Relations from 1908, III, 41-42. degli Uccelli, Col, occupied by Italians, June, 1916, XI, 268. Ukrainians : Policy towards, XIX, 234-36. Treaty with, terms of, XVI, 23-27, 31, 32-35. Undid, Cima, Italian evacuation. May, 1916, IX, 94- Vallarsa, fighting in, November, 1918, XX, 313. Vallone, Italians cross, August 10, 1916, XI, 249-5I- Vazzola, fighting at, October 29, 1918, XVIII, 392. Velik Ridge of San Gabriele, Italian attack on Austrian lines at, September 28, 1917, and result, XV, 427. Veliki, occupied by Italians, October 29th, 1916, XI, 260. Veliki Hrib (Hill 526), Italians established at, and fighting, August, 191 7, XV, 420-21. Veliki Hribaoh, fighting at, November, 1916, XI, 262. Versa, occupied by Italians, May 24, 1915, VII, 43- Versic, Italian advance to, May 24, 1917, XIV, 453. Vertojbica stream, Italian success near, August, 1916, XI, 248-89, 258. Austria- Hungary : — cont. Vienna : Acclamation in, on outbreak of war, XXI, 413. . Air raid on, August 9, 1918, XVI11, 40^. Army Corps district, II, 228. Bund xur Befreiung der Ukraina, XIV, 6. Bureau for exchange of goods with Ukraine set up, XVI, 27. Church Synod, Pastoral Letter of, June 17, 1849, XIX, 219. Communique of July 7, 191 6, acknowledging help given to Bavarians and Polish Legions, IX, 213. Congress, XII, 481. Demonstrations in favour of war, July 29, 19 14, XIX, 220. Enthusiasm on outbreak of war, 111, 244. Exchange on London, July 25, 191 4, I, 169. Germans of, treatment of Galician refugees, IV, 407. Illustrations, II, 204, 207 ; III, 251, 254 ; XIX, 221, 237, 241, 242 ; XX, 238, 243, 244 ; XXI, 34«, 421, 423. Money market, I, 181-82. Peace demonstrations by German Democrats, 1917, XX, 237. Plight of, in years following Armistice, account by correspondent, XXI, 420—22. Press bureau, on invasion of Serbia, 11, 315-16. Propaganda leaflets descending from an aero- plane, illustration, XXI, 340. Treaty of, 1815, XIII, 221. Tuberculosis, increase of, during war, XX, 234. Turks at, 1683, IV, 3. Visit of Herr G. Michaelis to, August, 1917, XV, 302. Vienna-Neustadt Aviation School, II, 233. Vippacco (Wipbach) River : Austrian entrenchments near, and strength of, XI, 264. Description of country, XI, 253. Fighting on, VII, 79 ; XI, 256, 264-65. Vodici Monte : Capture by Italians, XIV, 446-47, 459 ; XV, . 418. Fighting on, 1917, XIV, 445-49 ; XV, 414. Vodil Vrh, fighting at, October 24, 191 7, XVIII, 6. Volkovnjak : Austrian attack, May 10, 1917, XIV, 440. Captured by Italians, November 3, 1916, and fighting at, XI, 264-65. Volnik, reached by Italians, August 27, 191 7, and fighting at and near, XV, 417-18. Vrata, Italian attack and success, June, inii, VII, 63-64. Wars with Prussia. XVII, 202. Withdrawal from war, October, 191 8, XX, 435-36- Wochein railway, VII, 60-61. Zagora : Illustration, XIV, 439. Isonzo crossed by Italians near May ). 1917, XIV, 442. Zellonkofel, occupied by Italians, VII, 45, Zubac, executions in, 1914, XIX, 226. Zugna Torta, evacuated by Italians. May iS, 1916, IX, 91. Austro-Hungarian Bank, increase in rate, July 25 and 31, 1914, I, 169, 171. Auten, Lieut. Harold, D.S.C., R.N.R. : Action with U-boat, July 30, 1918, and award of V.C., XVII, 425, 431 ■ XVIII, 355-S'', 376, }8l. Portraits, XVII, 426; XVIII, 381. Authuille, see under France. Autreches, see under France. Autreve, see under France. Autry, see under France. Avanza, Monte, see under Italy. d'Avarna, Duke, V, 14, 15, 16, 19, 23, 27, 36 ; VII, 42. Portrait, V, 16. THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE W II;. II Aveluy Wood, see under France. Avenlurier, French ship, action off Lombartzyde, XII, 69. Averescu, General, IX, 435-36 ; XII, 118, 122, 140 ; ' XVII, 62, 63, 66, 69. Career, XI, 203-05. Commanding 2nd Rumanian Army. 1916-17, XI . 433-34. 44 2 . 4 6 °: XVII, 21, 23, 24, 25, 31, 32. 33- Formation of Government, February, 1918, XVII, 39. Operations in Transylvania, and position of army, XI, 203-05, 209, 223-26. Peace negotiations, XVII, 40. Portraits, IX, 437 ; XI, 205 ; XVII, 25, 40, 43- Recalled to former post on Transylvanian front, October 9, 1916, XI, 233. Relinquishment of command of 2nd Rumanian Army in Transylvania to re-establish threatened position in Dobrudja, XI, 209. Resignation, March 12, 1918, XVII, 42, 63. Sent to Dobrudja to replace General Asian, September, 1916, and subsequent removals, XI, 218. Averoff (Averov), Greek armoured cruiser: Bought for U.S.A., XII, 64. Disarmament by Allies, XIII, 318. Avery, Adjutant William, Salvation Army, killed in Hartlepool raid, II, 369. Avesne, see under France. Avesues-les-Bapaume, see under France. d'Aviella, Count Goblet, Belgian Minister of State and Vice-President of the Senate, member of Commission of Inquiry into German atrocities, I. 43i- de Avila y Barnobeau, Manuel Alonso, on Executive Committee, Comite National de Secours et dAlimentation, IV, 443. Aviloff (Glcvofi), Commissioner for Posts and Telegraphs in Bolshevist Government, November, 1917, XIV, 396. Avion, see under France. Avksentiefi, M. : Minister of Agriculture in Kerensky's Coalition Ministry, October, 1917, XIV, 391. at Moscow Conference, August, 1917, XIV, 368. Avlona, see under Albania. Avocourt, see under France. ' (Avoca), commissioned as armed cruiser, XXI, 128. Avonmouth, see under Great Britain. Avondale, British drifter, sunk in the Adriatic, May 15, i 9I7 , XII, 336 ; XVIII, 453. Avory, Mr. Justice, trial of Sir R. Casement and Private Bailey, VIII, 466. Avre, see under France. Avricourt, see under Alsacc-Loiraine and France. Avscek, see under Austria-Hungary. Axford, Lance-Corporal, M.M., A.I.F. : Award of V.C., XVII, 424, 431 ; XIX, 356. Portrait, XVII, 425. Ayesha, III, 129. Ayette, see under France. Ayii Saranda, see under Albania. Aylesbury, see under Great Britain. Aylmer, Major-General F. J., V.C., K.C.B. Mesopotamia operations and attempts to relieve Kut, January-March, 1916, XII, 383-90, 394-403, 405-^6 ; XIII, 262. Portrait, XII, 383. Succeeded by General Gorringe, March 12, 191 6, XII, 403. Aymerick, General, operations in Cameroon, Nil, 273, 274, 285, 291, 293, 294, 295, 296, 302, 304-5. 306-1 1. Ayres, Sergeant, R.F.A., VI, 414. Ayres-Ritchie, Lieut., Battle of Loos, September 27, 1915. VI, 397. Ayrshire, see under Great Britain. Azannes, see under France. Azerbaijan, see under Persia. de Azevedo, Captain Pereira, lighting in German Fast Africa, 1916, XVII, de Azevedo Castello, Jose, Foreign .Mini.~i< ■>■ of new Regenerador-Dissident Block, schemes .if, fur marriage of King Manoel, IX, 334. de Azevedo Coutinho, Victor Hugo, head of Portu- guese Government, December, 1914, IX, 327, 351. Aziz Bey, command of operations in Cyrenaica taken over by, IX, 289. Aziz el Masri : Agreement with Prince Hatzfeldt, ion, 111, 293. Member of " Servants of the Kaaha," 1 1 i Plot against, III, 294, 318. Resistance of Turco-Arabs of Cyrenaica under. III, 294. Azizieh, see under Mesopotamia. Azores, islands, XVII, 355. Azuga, see under Rumania. />'.', reconnaissances in the Dardanelles, April, 191;, V, 400. />'.'<, raid into Dardanelles, December 14, 1914, V, 38r. Bll: \ wards to officers and crew, V, 381 . Illustration, III, 147. Raid under the Dardanelles and torpedoing of the Messudiyeh, December 13, 191 |. Ill, 148; IV, 118; V, 381 ; X, 23. Baalbek, see under Palestine and Syria. Baa Ion. see under France. Baarle-Nassau, see under Holland. Bab el Wad, see under Palestine and Syria. Baba Ludova, Mount, see undet Carpathians. Baba Mullah, Mohmand leader, XV, C44. Babadag, see under Rumania. Babcock, Corporal, surprise attack, November 16-17, I 9 I 5. VII, 310. Babcock and Wilcox, boilers, XII, 202, 203, 218. Babington, General Sir James Melville, K.C M.G., XV, 208. in Command of British XlVth Army Corps in Italy, October, 1918, XX, 300. Portrait, XX, 300. Babit Lake, see under Russia. Baboeuf, see under France. Babtie : Surgeon-General Sir William, V.C., K.C.B., etc., blamed by Royal Commission in connexion with medical breakdown in Mesopotamia, XII, 4I 6. 1 nmpany-Sergeant-Major, award of V.C., X. Babuna Pass, see under Serbia. Babylon, see under Mesopotamia. Bac St. Maur, see under France. Bacchante, H.M.S., V, 474, 475 ; XVIII, 134 Escorts transports, 1914, XVI, 161, 167. Baccarat, see under France. Bach, II, 207. Bachkioi, see under Rumania. Bachmann : Giinther, German submarine commander, XVII, 291. Admiral, retirement, IX, 127. Back, Captain E. P. C, H.M.S. Natal : Loss of, December 30, 1915, VII, 132. Portrait, VII, 130. yon Bacmeister, General, 79th Reserve Division of German Army, forecast of Vimy Kidge opera- tions, XVI, 269-70. Bacon : Admiral Sir Reginald H. S., K.C.B., D.S.O., K.C.V.O., VII, 124 ; XVII, 298. Appointments : Admiral commanding the Dover Patrol, April, 1915, VII, 133. Controller of the Munitions Invention Department, January, 1918, XVIII, 327, 337. on British and German Fleets, XXI, 23. Despatch of May 29, 1916, X, 57. 42 THE TIMES HISTOID OF THE WAR. Bacon : cont. Admiral Sir Reginald H. S. : — com*. on Difficulties of submarine work, IV, 116. Operations oS Belgian Coast, 1915, VI, 133, 362 Portraits, VI, 366 ; XIII, 51 ; XXI, 13. on Work of Dover Patrol, May 26, 1916, X, 55. on Work of fishermen in operations off Belgian Coast, VII, 461-62. Work of Siege Brigade under, XXI, 12. Robert, former U.S. Ambassador in Paris, on American neutrality, V, 265. Mrs., work of, IV, 250. Bacot, Mr., on Trench Fever Committee, and work of, XVII, 239, 240. Bacup. see under Great Britain. Baden, see undo Germany. Baden, German s.s., sunk by British, III, 142. Baden, German battleship, surrender, January 10. ioiq, XXI, 20. Baden, Grand Duke of, I, 217 ; XXI, 286. Baden, Max Prince of, see that title. Baden-Powell, Sir Robert, I, 331 ; XV, 84. Inspection of Belgian Boy Scouts, XVII, 177. Portrait, XVII, 146. Prophecy to Boy Scouts before the war, XVII, 147-48. Badenecche, Monte, sue under Italy Badeni. Count, II, 204. Badewitz, Lieut., Mowe, XIV, 176. Badger, H.M.S., destroyer, II, 3, IX, 136. German submarines destroyed by, IV, 92, m ; XVIII, 455. Illustration, II, 5. Badgley, Lieut. Jasper, M.C., bomb attack at Gommercourt, November, 1915, VII, 311. Badlu, Singh Ressa dar, I.A., award of V.C., XVIII, 385. 396. Badoglio, General, XIV, 441. Appointed Sub-Chief of Italian Staff, November, 1917, XVIII, 18-19. in Command of Italian operations, 1916-17, XI, 244 ; XV, 418. Conversation with enemy mission, November 2, 1918, XX, 314-15, 437. Portrait, XIV, 441. Badonviller, see under France. Badr, Sheikh, at Nasiriyah, 1919, XXI, 442. Baernreither, Dr.: Appointed as Minister without portfolio in Austrian Cabinet, 1916, XX, 223. Portrait, XX, 223. Resignation, 1917, XX, 228. Baeshe, Edward, General Surveyor of Victuals for the Seas, 1550, IV, 316. Bafile, Commander, Italian Marine Corps, gallantrv and death, 1918, XVIII, 456. Bagamayo, see under German East Africa. Bagatelle, see under France. Baghdad, see under Mesopotamia. Bagrationmoukhransky, General, portrait, XIV, 10. Bahadur, Second Lieut. R. J. J., gallantry, Septem- ber-October, 1915, and award of Military Cross, VI, 414. Bahama Islands, see under West Indies. Baharia Oasis, see under Egypt. Bahawalpur, see under India. Bahia, see under Brazil. Bahnsen, assistant to Messrs. Wonckhaus, Bahrein incident. III, 93-94. Bahr, Hermann, on public opinion in Austria, XIX, 237- Bahrein Islands, see under Persian Gulf. Baiburt, see under Turkey-in-Asia. Baikal, see under Siberia. Bailey, Private D. J. : Arrest, VIII, 416. Landing in Ireland, VIII, 414, 416. Member of Irish Brigade, VIII, 408. Portrait, VIII, 461. Trial, VIII, 465-66 Bailhache, Mr. Justice : Decision in case re enemy trading, IX, 466-67 ; XV, 438-39. Portrait, IX, 465. on Requisitioning of shipping, XV, 438-39. Bailiff's Wood, see under France. Baillescourt, see under France. Baiileul, see under France. Bailleul-sir-Berthoult, see undet France. Baillie, Second Lieut. H. J„ mentioned in despatches, X, 205. Bailloud, General, XII, 59. Command of French Corps at Gallipoli taken over by, June 30, 1915, VI, 119. Bailter, Sergeant W. E., award of V.C., XIX, 356. Bain, Captain, s.s. Framfield, assistance in saving s.s. Wayfarer, VII, 441-42. Bainbridge, Lieut., I. A. : Battle of Ypres, April, 1915, V, 19. Suffocated, April 26, 1915, V, 67. Bainsizza, see under Austria-Hungary. Bairas, General, Greek commander at Seres, August, 1916, XII, 28 ; XIII, 313. Baird : Brigadier-General A. W. F., C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O., attack on Maedelsteed Spur, December 14, 1914, IV, 217. Major John Lawrence, C.M.G., D.S.O., Parlia- mentary Secretary to the Air Board, December, 1916, X, 360. Baisieus, see under France. Baisley, C. E., Superintendent of Ecorse Yard of Great Lakes Engineering Works, XVIII 288. Baistrocchi, Major-General, saves Italian guns, October, 1917, XVIII, 13. Bakaert, M., owner of wire factory at Sweveghem, XI, 39- Baker : Colonel Granville : Despatched to Salonica in connexion with British propaganda, XXI, 339-40. Representative of Lord Northcliffe at Italian headquarters, XXI, 338. H. T., M.P., on Retrenchment Committee, VII, 253. Captain M. LI., fighting at Katia, April, 1916, and reported missing, X, 381-86. Newland D., U.S.A. Secretary for War ; XI, 380 ; XXI, 260. Letter on numbers of American troops in Europe, XVI, 327. Portraits, XI, 367, 384 ; XIII, 17. Sir Samuel (1892), I, 292. General Valentine (Baker Pasha), I, 287, 288, 294. in Turkish Army (1877-78), III, 58-59. Dr. William, hon. director Dr. Barnardo's Homes, XIV, 276. BakhireS, Vice-Admiral, in command of naval forces in action against Germans, October 18, 1917. XVI, 323. Bakovice, see under Galicia. Baku, see under Caucasus and Trans-Caucasia. Bakuba, see under Mesopotamia. Balabancia, see under Rumania. Balaceanu, see under Rumania. Balaclava, Battle of, V, 442. BalanUa (St. Margaret of Scotland), commissioned as hospital ship, XXI, 128. Baldo, Monte, see under Italy. Baldwin, Brigadier-General A. H. : Attack on Sari Bair, August, 1915, VII, 184, 186. Death, on Chunuk Bair, August, 1915, VII, 186, 187. Portrait, VII, 169. Baldwin, Count of Flanders, sack of Constantinople, 1204, XXI, 456. Bale, see under Switzerland. Baleshti, see under Rumania. THE TIMES HISTOHY OF THE WAR. l:l Balfour : Uight Hon. Arthur James, P.C., F.K.S , O \l : IX, 131; XIV, 15*; XIX, 12: XX, 11 : XXI, 170. on Admiralty Transport Department, Decern 1m -r 23, 1915. XI, 82-83. Air policy of. May, 1916, X, 347. Appointments : First Lord of the Admiralty, June, 1915, V, 3M. 3'5 ; VII. 123. Foreign Secretary, November, 1916, X, 353, 358, 359- Autograph, XXI, 158. on British and German methods of blockade, March 29, 1915, XIII, 42. on British submarines in Baltic, 1915, XVI, 297. on Convoy system, XVI, 176. Defence of British blockade policy, March 29, 1915, VII, 405, 409. 1 )efcnce of censorship on news re air raids, VII, 23-26. Deputation received by, from Great Yarmouth and Lowestoft, X, 56. Despatch to America re peace proposals, December, 1916, XI, 493-96. Education Act, 1902, XlV, 256. on German bombardment of East Coast towns, XIV, 146. on German raid on Channel transport, October 26, 1916 (November 9, 1916), XIV, 150. on German submarine methods, August, 1916, X, 62. on Government's Irish policy, V, 283. on Japanese naval work, XVIII, 458-59. on Battle of Jutland, IX, 128; X, 41. on Kite-balloons, March 7, 1916, XVII, 321. Letter to American correspondent on work of British Navy, VII, 125-26. Member of War Committee of Coalition Government, X, 354. Mission to U.S.A., spring, 1917, XIII, 23-24 ; XVI, 338, 356; XVIII, 256; XXI, 77-79, 103. Naval estimates speech, March 7, 1916, X, 46. on Lord Northcliffe's letter re propaganda, XXI, 344. on Number of German submarines lost, September 30, 1915, VII, 146. at Peace Conference, XXI, 147. Peace Treaty signed, June 28, 1919, XXI, 169. Pledge re Jews in Palestine, November 2, 191 7, XIV, 3*3-24 ; XV, 179 ; XXI, 445. Portraits, V, 300, 301, 312 ; VII, 258 ; XIII, 22 ; XXI, 78, 79, 149, 163, 420. Recruiting campaign, VI, 291. on Retention of Lord Hardinge in public service, XIX, 370. Review of naval work, August 4, 1916, X, 80. Speech at Glasgow, September, 1915, X, 45, 46. Summoned to Buckingham Palace, December 6, 1916, X, 357. Tribute to mine sweepers, VII, 458. on Work of Allied Fleets in Mediterranean, February 23, 1916, X, 64-65. Arthur, J.P. (of Sheffield), appointed to Man- Power Distribution Board, September, 191 6, x, 351-52- Captain F. C, M.C., local political officer at Nejef, 1918, XIX, 212. Balfour of Burleigh, Alexander Hugh Bruce, Baron, G.C.M.G., G.C.V.O., etc. : Chairman of War Office Advisory Committee, VIII, 332, 334. Portrait. VIII, 336. Balfourier, General : Congratulations from the Tsar on work at Douaumont, VIII, 93-94. Invested by George V. with G.C.M.G., August, 1916, X, 429. Portraits, IX, 507 ; XII, 76 Baliyaniyeh, see under Mesopotamia. Balkan Conferences : London, 1913, III, 63. Paris, Greece admitted to, 1917, XX, 8. Balkan Front, Propaganda Commission on, decision to establish, and results, XXI, 339-40. Balkan League, treachery of Bulgaria, XX, 31, 32. Balkan States, I. 393. Allies' policy in. III, 222. Austro-Italian relations re, V, 7. Austro-Russian agreement re, 1897, II, 207-8 ; IV, 199. Effects of the Dardanelles Campaign on position in, VII, 221. General offensive in September, 1918, XX, 21-20. Bulgarian retreat, XX, 25-26. Position of forces, XX, 21-26. Maps, VI, 30-31 ; VII, 223. Question, connexion of Dardanelles campaign with, V, 367. Railways, VI, 178-79, 181. Situation in : Discussions in Allied Conference, July 25, 1917, re, XV, 405-06. and Effect on Turkey, October, 191 2, IX, 28K. during First year of war, VII, 223-24. Transport problems, XX, 28. Balkan Wars, 1912-13, I, 112, 179, 227, 277; II, 215, 280-83, 33o; HI. 43. 55. 56. 63-^, 66 ; V, 13-14, 377 ; VII, 222 ; VIII, 350, 359 ; IX, 408, 410. Austrian policy, II, 215. Effect of : on Austria-Hungary and Germany, V, 12. on Frontiers of Rumania and Bulgaria, XI, 201. on Mahommedan feeling in India, XV, 115. and German world policy, I, 19, 22. Map, XII, 4. Motor units, X, 282. Use of aeroplanes during, II, 181-82. Ball, Captain Albert, V.C., M.C., D.S.O., XIII, 143 ; XVII, 422. Air fighting, May, 1^17, XV, 66. Award of V.C., XIII, 362-63, 377-78. 393 ; XIX, 356. Death, May 7, 1917, XV, 66. Portrait, XIII, 363. Ballagherrin, see under Ireland. Ballantyne, Commander E. 0., R.N. , Vicknor,\o^ of, January, 1915, VII, 127. Ballarat, transport : Illustrations, XVI, 171, 172, 173. Torpedoed April 25, 1917, XVI, 173. Ballard : Vice-Admiral George Alexander, C.B., VII, 450. British decorations presented to Japanese-, August 2, 1917, XVIII, 457. General, British Military Mission to Rumania, departure and thanks by King, March, 191 *. XVU, 63. Ballin, Herr, Hamburg-Amerika Line: III, 4, 98- Appeal for " truth " campaign, September, 191 4, V, 172. on Board of German-American Petroleum Com- pany, XVII, 55. on German shipping during war, V, 182. on Germany's policy re neutrals, XIII, 192. on Naval Base beyond the North Sea, V, 196-97- Opinion on war, June, 1916, IX, 387. Portrait, V, 174. Ballon d'Alsace, see under Alsace-Lorraine. Balmoral Castle, carrying troops for Europr, August 27, 1914, illustration, XXI, 112. Balogh, Hungarian Minister of Justice, XII, 151. Baltaretu, see under Rumania. Baltchik, see under Rumania. Baltic Provinces, see under Russia. Baltic Sea : Blockading of Bolshevist ports by British Xaw, 1919, XXI, 404. British naval expedition, consideration of , X X 1 , 1 o. 44 THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. Baltic Sea : — com/. British submarines in, VII, 148, 151 ; XIV, 176-77; XVI, 300; XVIII, 357 Destruction, April, 1918, XVIII, 337. Illustrations, VII, 140, 141. Closing of, as Russian trade route, effect, VIII, 211-12, 214. German warships fire on one another in error, II, 24. Maps, VI, 34 ; XVI, 290. .Mines laid by Germans at entrance to, XVI, 302. Naval operations in, 1915, VII, 148, 150-51 ; X, 72-74 ; XVI, 293, 305. Russian fleet in, II, 23-24. Mutiny, July, 191 7, XIV, 1, 35-36. at Outbreak of war, I, 78. Russian naval policy, 1912, I, 77, 78. Baltimore, see under United States of America. Balio, Norwegian steamer, sunk in Atlantic by U49, 1916, XI, 166. Baltzarek, Major (Austrian), massacres in Serbia by, and suicide before court martial, III, 394. Baluchistan : Kelat : Chieftains loyalty, XV, 143. Offers of help and appeals for enrolment to Imperial Government, II, 319. Las Bela, offers of help and appeals for enrolment to Imperial Government, II, 319. Map, Quetta to Batum, XX, 74. Mekran, description, III, 82. Offers of camels from, I, 100. Railway extended from Nushki toMirjawa, 1918, XX, 97- Baluyeft. General, leader of part of Russian forces in offensive in Lithuania, IX, 3. Bam, Sir Peter Stewart, portrait, VI, 290. Bamburg, see under Belgium. Bamendo, see under Cameroon. Bamfield, cable between British Columbia, Fanning Island and, cut by the Niirnberg, September, 1914, III, 134. Bamlord, Captain Edward, V.C., D.S.O., R.M.L.I. : in Attack on Zeebrugge, April 23, 1918, XVIII, 347- Award of V.C., XVII, 413, 431. Portrait, XVII, 413. Banbury, see under Great Britain. Banco Aleman Transatlantic!), Chile, XV, 19. Bancourt, see under France. Bancq, Philippe, architect of Brussels, condemned to death by Germans, and subsequent execution, VI, 432 ; XI, 19. Bandar Abbas, see Bunder Abbas undei Persia. Ban-de-Sapt, see undet France. Bandoeng, Dutch s.s., bombarded by Germans, June 29, 1916, XIII, 189. Banerjee, Surendranatb, XV, 114. Banffshire, cable layer, wounded taken from H.M.S. Pegasus by, after naval action off Zanzibar, September 20, 1914, IX, 266. Di Bango, Princess, portrait, V, 12. Bangor, see under Great Britain. Bania, see under Cameroon. Banias, see under Palestine and Syria. Bankes, Lord Justice Eldon, portrait, IX, 473. Bankfields, s.s., sunk by the Leipzig, III, 134. Banks : Captain I. A., killed, April 26, 1915, V, 67. Lieut. C. C, German raider brought down, January 28, 1918, XIX, 270. Major, hospital units under, in Serbia, VII, 354. Bannatyne, Captain, R.F.C., work in Egypt, 1916, in expedition against Ali Dinar, IX, 319. Banteux, see under France. Bantheville, Bois de, see under France. Bantu ny, see under France. Bantry Bay, see under Ireland. Banyo, see under Cameroon. Bapanme, see under France. Barakli, see under Greece. Baralle, see under France. Baralong, H.M.S., case of, August, 1915, IX, 366-6S Baranoff, Captain, portrait, IX, 6. Baranoff-Krusenstern, Count, operations in the Carpathians, June-September, 1916, X, 180. Baranovitche, see under Russia. Baranovsky, K. A., Ukrainian General Secretary of Finance, XIV, 8. Barastre, see under France. Baratier, General : Career, XVI, 251-52. Death, XVI, 251. Portrait, XVI, 251. Baratoff, General : Persian campaign, 1916-17, X, 248, 267-69, 279 ; XVII, 256-57, 263 ; XX, 75, 76. Portrait, X, 249. Barbados, see under West Indies. Barbados, H.M.S., North Sea action, May 1, 1915, VII, 129. Barbarle Bros., Messrs., U.S.A., XVIII, 286. Barbarossa, German ship, detention at New York, I, 190. Barber, Private E. : Award of V.C., X, 35, 36 ; XII, 155. Portrait, X, 2. Barbosa : Lieut.-Colonel E., on Angola and Mozambique expeditions, XVII, 340, 341-42, 347. Ruy. XV, 4. Barcey, see under Belgium. Barclay : Sir George : British Minister in Rumania, IX, 416 note. Portrait, IX. 403. Miss, portrait, IV, 259. Barcroft, Dr., work re gas poisoning, VII, 341. Barcy, see under Belgium. Bardai, see under North Africa. Bardai, see Port Sulieman under Cyrenak-a, Bardolff, General, portrait, X, 167. zu Barensfeld, Lieut.-General Rhemen, portrait, II 223. Baretto, Major, new organisation of Portuguese ' Army begun by, IX, 337. Bargash Seyyid, Sultan of Zanzibar, 1877, X, 127, 132. Barham, H.M.S., flagship of Admiral Hugh Evan Thomas, XXI, 18. Battle of Jutland, IX, 137. Bari, see under Italy. Baring, Sir Evelyn, see Cromer, Earl. Barisis, see under France. Barjasiya, see under Mesopotamia. Bark, M. : Appointment as Russian Minister of Finance, VII, 204. Conference at Paris, February, 1915, with Finance Ministers of England and France, VII, 242. Financial policy, VIII, 209, 211. Portraits, VII, 245, 250 ; VIII, 206. Warnings given to the Tsar, XIII, 84. Barker : Captain Lewis C, of H.M.S. Berwick, capture of enemy ships by, II, 35. Major W. G., V.C., D.S.6., D.F.C., M.C. : Aerial exploits of, XX, 280-81. Award of V.C., XVIII, 381-82, 394. Portraits, XVIII, 382 ; XX, 282. Captain, operations in Togoland, August, 1914, VIII, 276. Barking, see under Great Britain. Barkut Ullah, attached to Indian Bureau, Berlin, XV, 133. Barland, Adrian, I, 413- Bar-le-Duc, see under France. Barletta, see under Italy. Barleux, see under France. Barling, Sub-Lieut., R.N.R., Adriatic operations, killed. May 15, 191 7, XIV. 179 THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE »'.!/.'. 45 Barlow, Major J. E., D.S.O., murder of, by Arabs, June, 1920, XXI, 443. Barnaby, Sydney, XII, 207. Barnardiston, Brigadier-General : Operations against Tsing-Tau, II, 413-21. Order of the Rising Sun, 2nd Class, conferred on, II, 427. Portraits, II, 428, 433. WVlcome to, in Tokyo, II, 421, 426-27. Illustrations, II, 432, 434. Barnardo, Dr., Homes, recruits from, XIV, 270. Barnes : Skipper F. W., R.N.R., award of D.S.C., VII, 455. G. N., M.P., XV, 453. Appeal to working men, XV, 450. Appointment to Man-Power Distribution Board . September, 191 6, X, 351-52. on the International Labour Convention, July 21, 1919, XXI, 174. Joint President of National War Aims Com- mittee, XIX, 375. on Labour Legislation Commission at Paris Conference, XXI, 148, 167. Meeting at Central Hall, Westminster, Decem- ber, 16, 1918, XIX, 390. Member of War Cabinet, 1918, XIX, 373, 375, 396. Minister of Pensions, December, 1916, X, 358, 359; XIX, 373- at Peace Conference, XXI, 147, 368. Peace Treaty signed, June 28, 1919, XXI, 169. Portraits, VII, 249; X, 361; XXI, [63, 167. Re-elected to Parliament, December, 1918, XIX, 391, 395. on Select Committee on Pensions, VII, 249. Speech in House of Commons re output of ships in Great Britain, XV, 449. Major-General W. R., in command of 57th Divi- sion in France, advance September, 1918, XIX, 448. Barnett, Rev. A., Jewish Chaplain in France, VIII, 352- Barnewell, Commander George, Prize Court case, 1784, X, 308-09. Baroda, see under India. Baroncourt, see under France. Barot Mountains, see under Transylvania. Barrani, see under Egypt. Barratt, Private T., award of V.C., XIX, 356. Barrenkopf, see under Alsace-Lorraine. Barrdre, M., French Ambassador in Rome : at Allied Conference at Rome, January, 1917, XIV, 433. at Rapallo Conference, November, 191 7, XVIII, 18. Barrds, Maurice, on Canadian Expeditionary Force, V, 213. Barrett : General Sir Arthur, G.C.B., K.C.S.I., K.C.V O., etc. : Mesopotamia operations, 1914, X, 202-06 ; XII, 381 ; III, 110-16. Portrait, III, 104. Return to England on account of ill-health, April, 1915, X, 208. Lieut. J. C, V.C. : Award of V.C, XVIII, 387, 394. ■ Portrait, XVIII, 390. Mr., Director-General of the Pan-American Union, portrait, XV, 9. Barricourt, see under France. Barron, Corporal Colin, V.C. : Award of V.C, XVI, 366, 395 ; XIX, 356. Portrait, XVI, 366. Barrow, see under Great Britain. Barrow : Commander B. W., H.M.S. Maori, VII, 133. Colonel, 19th Hussars, Nile Expedition, 1884-85, IV, 131. Barrow : General Sir Edmund, G.C.B., G.C.S.I., Military Secretaiy of the India Office, responsibility for advance on Baghdad, report of Royal mission, XII, 413-16. Major-General Sir George de S., K.C.B., K.C.M.G., LA., in command of 4th Cavalry Division, Palestine, 1918, XIX, 186, 193. von Barry, Rear-Admiral Ricard Ritter, commai, Austrian reserve squadron, I, 80. Barten, Wilhelm, German submarine commander, XVII, 291. Barter, Sec.-Lieut. (Temp. Lieut.) F. : Award of V.C, V. 234 ; X, 36. Portrait, X, 32. Bartfeld, see under Carpathians. Barth, Herr : Appointed Minister of Social Party in German Cabinet, XXI, 294. Portrait, XXI, 267. Resignation from Council ot People's Com- missaries, XXI, 300. Bartheldy, Field-Marshal-Lieutenant, commanding 38th Hungarian ' Honvcd Division in Galicia. V, 103, 152. Barthou, M., portrait, XVIII, 19. Bartle, Mr., portrait, XV, 279. Bartlett, Captain R. W., MX. and bars, Newfound- land Regiment, career, XIV, 215 Barton : Sergeant C, defence of Lupembe, November, 1916, XIII, 418. Captain C. W., C.M.G., D.S.O. : Commanding British Force in Nyasaland. x. 151-53 ; XIX, 70. Wounded, September 9, 1914, X, 153. Captain M. H., R.A.M.C, gallantry in attack on Hohenzollern Redoubt, October 13, 1915, VI, 423. Bartsch, Captain R. H., criticism of German be- haviour in occupied districts, VIII, 156 note. Barttelot, Lieut.-Commander Nigel K. W„ killed in action in Heligoland Bight, II, 12. Baru Mare, see under Transylvania. Baruch, Bernard M. : Appointments : Chairman of War Industries Board, March, 1918, XVI, 345-46. on Commission for Allied purchases, XVI, 343 ; XXI, 84. Organiser of supplies of raw material, XIII, 32-33- Portraits, XIII, 17, 32. Barzilia, Signor : Appointment as Minister in Italy, and result, IX, 108. Career, IX, 108. on Committee for Entente between Nationalities subject to Austria- Hungary, February, 19 18, XIX, 18. at Congress of Oppressed Nationalities of Austria- Hungary, April, 1918, XIX, 19. Story of secret agreement contradicted by, February, 1916, IX, in. Basarabescu, General, Commander of Ninth Rumanian Division at Silistria, attempt to reach and relieve Tutrakan, and failure, XI, 215 Basel, see Bale under Switzerland. Bashkola, see under Turkey-in-Asia. Bashmakoff, M., portrait, VIII, 231. Basidu, see under Kishm Island under Persian < Basingstoke, see under Great Britain. Basly, M., Mayor of Lens, XV, 360. Basra, see under Mesopotamia. I< isra, s.s. : Captured bv British on Tigris, February, 1917, XIII, 277. Illustration, XIII, 280. Bassa Province, see under Nigeria. Basse-Boulogne, set under France. Bassens, tte \tndet France 46 THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. Bassenthwaite, see undet Great Britain. Basserman, Ernst, National Liberal Leader : Annexation of Belgium demanded by, V, 196. on " Central European Union," XIX, 241. Dispute with Herr von Bethmann-Hollweg, August, 1914, V, 197. Speeches by, IX, 368, 369. Bassett, Corporal Cyril Boyston Guyton, Y.C. : Award of V.C., VII, 181 ; X, 18-19, 36. Portraits, VI, 148 ; X, 37. Basso, General, in command of XVIlIth Corps on Piave, October, 1918, XX, 305-06. Bastable, Lieut., gallantry at Gallipoli, April 26, 1915, VI, 86, 88. Bastavi, see under Serbia. Basto, Lima : Portrait, XVII, 354. Portuguese Minister for Work, April, 1917, XVII, 358. Basuto, Griffith, paramount chief of, offer of Funds and services, II, 238, 273. Bataille, Major (Belgian), East African campaign, 1916, 1917, XIII, 402-03 ; XIX, 48, 56-57. Batavia, gifts sent to Oueen Mary's Needlework Guild, IV, 268. Bates : Second Lieut. B. A., gallantry in Battle of Loos, September 27, 1915, VI, 394. Lindon W., Director Belgian Relief Com- mission, IV, 443. Sir Percy, appointed to Ministry of Shipping, XV, 437. Bateson, Rev. J. H., portrait, VIII, 346. Batey, Private, XII, 163. Bath, see under Great hritain. Bath, Order of the, see under Great Britain. Bathin, leads naval deputation to Petrograd, May, 1917, XIII, 449. Bathlemont, see under France. Bathurst, see under Gambia. Bathurst : Captain Charles, XIV, 266. on Food Situation, March 23, 191 7, XIV, 158. Parliamentary Secretary to Food Control Department, December, 1916, X, 359, 360. Portrait, X, 363. Lady, and Cjueen Mary's Needlework Guild, IV, 267. von Batocki, Herr, German Food Controller : on Food distribution and rationing, XV, 285-86. Head of War Nutrition Office, work done by, IX, 381-83. Portrait, IX, 380. Retirement, August, 1917, XV, 302. Speech in Budget Committee of Reichstag, IX, 381-82. Battaglieri, Signor, Italian Under-Secretary of State for the Navy, XII, 314. Battavier 5 held up by U2S, illustration, IV, 84. Batten-Pooll, Lieut. A. H., award of V.C , XII, 157, 190 ; XIX, 356. Battenberg : Prince Alexander of, XX, 32. Prince Henry of, VIII, 315. Princess Henry of : Portrait, XIV, 197. Telegram of sympathy from President Poim arc on death of son, IV, 8. Admiral Prince Louis of : Grand Fleet sent by, into North Sea to fighting stations, and effect on German policy, IX, 125- Portrait, I, 48. Postponement of demobilisation of Fleet, V, 285. Resignation from post of First Sea Lord, Til, 121. Prince Maurice of : Death, IV, 8. Portrait, IV, 8. Battersea, see under Great Britain, Batteisea, Lady, Surrey house lent as headquarters of War Library for Hospitals, IV, 502. Batthyanyi, Count Theodor : Appointed to Cabinet in Hungary, August, 191 7, XX, 236. Portrait, XX, 236. Battle Abbey, Grimsby steam trawler, earnings of, XXI, 29-30. Battle Wood., see undzr Belgium. Battersby, Captain, and Irish rebellion, April, 1916, VIII, 453- Battleship Hill, see under Gallipoli. Batum, see under Caucasus and Trans-Caucasia. Baturi, see under Cameroon. Bauchops Hill, see uiuhr Gallipoli. Bauck, W., German submarine commander, XVII, 291. Baucq, Philip, trial in Brussels, October, 1915, VI, 432 ; XI, 19. Baudin, Pierre, I, 61. Development of French Navy under, as Minister of Marine, I, 67. Bauer : Casar, German submarine commander, XVII, 291 . Gustav : Appointed to Imperial Labour Office by Council of People's Commissaries, XXI, 295. in Flavour of signing Peace Treaty, XXI, 321-22. Formation of Ministry in Germany, June, 1919, and work of, XXI, 321. Minister for Labour in Prince Max of Baden's Government, XXI, 275, 304. Portraits, XXI, 276, 314. Representative of late Government of Ger- many, XXI, 294. Corporal William, submarines invented by, IV, 89-90. Baumann Hill, see under German East Africa. Baumgarten, see under Transylvania. Bavai, see under France. Bavaria, see under Germany. Bavterca, see under Austria-Hungary. Baxendale, Lieut.-Colonel, killed in East Africa, October, 1916, XIII, 416. Basilisk, H.M.S., paddle-wheel steamer, XII, 195. Baxter : Colonel, East African operations, 191 7, .XIII, 423-24- Sec-Lieut. E. F., V.C. : Award of V.C, XII, 166, 190 ; XIX, 356. Portrait, XII, 166. Ha van, Russian cruiser: in Action, II, 24 ; XVI, 293, 323. Illustration, XVI, 297. Bayuno, armed merchant cruiser, sunk by torpedo, March n, 1915, VII, 127. Bayard, II, 488. Bayazid, see under Turkey-iu-Asia. Bayern, German s.s., seizure by Italians, XII, 343. Bayford, Sub-Lieut. Stephen Augustus, gallantry in the Dardanelles, March, 1915, award of D.S.C., V, 390. Bayly, Vice- Admiral Sir Lewis, British Com- mander-in-Chief on coast of Ireland, XIV, 164. Bayonville, see under France. Bayonvillers, see under France. Bazaine (1870), I, 269. Bazancourt, see under France. Bazentin-le-Grand, see under France. Bazentin-le-Petit, see under France. Bazin, Rene, on German submarine losses, XVII, 293- Bazoches, see under France. Bazyan Pass, see under Southern under Kurdistan. Beachy Head, see under Great Britain. Beaconsfield, Lord, I, 153. Purchase of Suez Canal shares by, 1875, III, 281. Beagle, H.M.S., Dardanelles operations, V, 474. Beak, Temp.-Comdr. D. M. W.. Y.C., I). So., M.C. • Award of V.C , XVIII, 370-71, 391 I XIX, 356. Portrait, XVIII, 371. THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. Beal : Lieut. B. A., portrait, IV, 85. Temp. Sec-Lieut. Ernest Frederick : Award of V.C., XVII, 398, 399, 431 ; XIX, 350. Portrait, XVII, 398. Beale, Alfred, killed in raid on Scarborough, II, 381. Bean, Captain C. E. W., Official Press Correspondent with A.I.F. : on German treatment of Australian prisoners, XII, 249-50. on < harge of the Australian Light Horse, VI, 138- Description of Polygon Wood, September, 1917, XVI, 62. Quoted, XV, 59, 65 ; XVI, 115. on Battle of the Somme, X, 118. on Tanks and Battle of Messines, XV, 101-02. on Torpedoing of the Southland, VI, 137. Beasley, Major M., O.B.E.. R.E., on Headquarters Staff at Richborough, XXI, 138. Beatham, Private R. M., award of V.C., XIX. 34 1 . 354- Beaton, Surgeon, K.N.. on mental strain of naval n shell fire, observations published in Journal of R.N. Medical Service, IX, 243-46. Beatrice, mine-sweeper, Dardanelles operations, VII, 454- Beatty : Admiral of the Fleet Earl, O.M., G.C.B., G.C.V.O., etc., IV, 112; VI. 121; VII, 150; IX, 253 ; XII, 189 ; XXI, 18. and Action in Heligoland Bight, II, 3, 8, 10, 11, 12. Appeal to miners, XVII, 124. Appointment to command Grand Fleet, Nov- ember 29, 1916, X, 353 ; XIV, 150 ; XVII, 302, Boy Scouts commended, XVII, 180. Commander of Battle Cruiser Fleet, German endeavours frustrated by, IX, 135. Dogger Bank action, January 24, 1915, III, 155-59; VII, 137-38. Earldom conferred on, August, 1919, XXI, 179. Battle of Jutland, 1916, IX, 137, 140-46, 151. 154- Despatches quoted, IX, 133, 145. in Lord Kitchener's Egyptian campaign, 1, 300. Meeting with German naval officers, Novem- ber 15, 1918, XXI, 17-18. Money grant to, August, 1919, XXI, 179. in Peace Procession, London, July 19, 1919, XXI. 176. Portraits, II, 10 ; IX, 128, 159 ; XVII, 302 ; XVIII, 330; XXI, 19. Praise of John Travers Cornwell of H.MS, Chester, IX, 160. on Scuttling of German ships (Oxford, June 2=,, 1919), XXI, 21. Support given by, to work done for naval men by Y.M.C.A., IX, 192-93. Surrender of German Fleet to, XX, 463 ; XXI, 18. Telegram from Marshal Foch, XVIII, 325. on Work of Light Cruiser Squadron, in Battle of Jutland, 1916, IX, 148. Lady, yacht Sheila fitted as hospital -hip, IV, 242. Beau, M., French Ambassador in Switzerland, por- trait, XIII, 224. Beaucamp, see under France. Beauchamp : Sir Edward, M.P. : Member of War Risks Advisory Hoard, 1, 187 ; Portrait, I, 184. Resignation, V, 291. Colonel Sir Horace, operations at Kocb.uk Anafarta Ova, and loss, August, 1915, VII, 198. Beauchamp-Proctor, Captain A. W., V.C., D.S.O,, M.C., D.K.C. : Award of V.C., XVIII, 382, 383. 394. Portrait, XVIII, 382. Beaucourt, see under France. Beaucourt-sur-Ancre, see undei Fran Beaufort, see under France. Beaufort, Duchess of, work of, IV. 250. Beaulencourt, see under France. Beaulieu, Lord Montagu of, see Mont- de Beaulieu, General : Commanding German 14th Corps, \pril, 1917, XIV, 78. Resignation, XIV, 78. Beauman, Captain A. B., Battle of Festubert, May, 1915, V, 235. Beaumetz-les-Cambrai, see under France. Beaumont, see under France. Beaumont, Mr., British Chargj d' Affaires, Con- stantinople, III, 43. Beaumont Chaume Wood, see under France Beaumont-Hamel, see under France. Beaumont-sur-Vesle, see under France. Beaurains, see under France. Beauregard Dovecot, see under France. Beaurepaire, see under France. Beaurevoir, see under France. Beausejour, see under France. Beauvraignes, see under France. Beaver, H.M.S., in the Black Sea, November. 191 S, XXI. 15. Beaverbrook, Lord W. M. A. : XXI, 103. Member of Inter-AUied Committee at Crewe House, XXI, 332. Portrait, XXI, 329. Work re British propaganda in Allied and neutral countries and Turkey, XXI, 328. Becelaere, see under Belgium. Becher : Lieut.-Colonel H. C, portrait, V, 219. Miss, R.R.C., Matron-in-Chief, Q.A.I.M.N.S., IV, 243. Bechuanaland, gilt from European inhabitants to National Relief and Red Cross funds, II, 273. Beck, James M. : on Execution of Miss Cavell, VI, 439-40. Opinion re responsibility for war, V, 246. Sir Raymond : Member of War Risks Advisorv Board, I, 185, 187. Portrait, I, 184. Becke, Major J., Chief Constable of Shropshire, on maintenance of Auxiliary Force, XX, 393. Becker, quoted (1840), I, 393. Beckett, Lieut.-Colonel R. M., British Timber Con- troller in U.S.A., XXI, 82. Becourt, see under France. Becquincourt, see under France. Bedall, Colonel : Diary of, X, 81. Extracts re Battle of Somme, fulv 191". IX. 508. Bedford, see under Great Britain. Bedford, Adeline Duchess of : Chairman of Ladies' Committee of European War Fund, IV, 483. Poi trait, IV, 483. Bedlington, see under Great Britain. Bedouins : Arms and money distributed among. III, 304. Illustrations, III, 51, 59, 80. Raids : into Egypt, October-November, 1914, 111, 51--, 304, 318, 319-20. on Little Bitter Lake, May, 1915. X, 371. Wounded soldiers at Mersa Matruh, illustration, IX, 304. Beeger, Lieut.-Colonel, atrocities at Dinant, 1, p>8, de Beerenbrouck, Jhr. Cur. 3. M. Ruys : on Dutch Belgian RefugeeCommission, IV, (78, 480^ Portrait, IV, 480. 4s THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. von Beertelde, Captain Hans Georg, publication of Prince Lichnowsky's Memorandum by. XXI, 263-64. Beeroth, see Birch under Palestine and Syria. Beersheba, see under German South-West Africa and Palestine. Beerst, see under Belgium. Bees, German use of. in repulsing attack on Tanga, November, 1914, X, 140. Becsley, Private William, Rifle Brigade : Award of V.C., XVII. 404-5, 419, 431 ; XIX, 356. Portrait, XVII, 405. Beeton, Mayson : Organisation of Newfoundland Forestry Corps, XIV, 212. Portrait, XIV, 215. Beglok, CM under Serbia. Beha-ed-din Shakir, Committee of Union and Pro- gress, agreement with Bedouin Sheikh, III, 304. Behagnies, see under France. Beharrell, Sir George, D.S.O., on Work of Channel Ferry, 1918, XXI, 135-36. Behdjet Bey, in Command of Turkish 23rd Division for attack on Egypt, IV, 345. von Behnke, Vice-Admiral, Secretary of the German Navy, XXI, 260. Portrait, XXI, 261. Beho-Beho, see under East Africa. Beilby, Sir George : Director of Fuel Research, XVII, 134. Portrait, XVII, 134. Beira, sailing of troops on, for expedition against Angola, November 5, 1914, IX, 346. Beirao, Senhor, head of Portuguese Government, December, 1909, and success of, IX, 327, 334. Beirlegem, see under Belgium. Beirut, see under Palestine and Syria. Beisan, see under Palestine and Syria. Beit Aiessa, see under Mesopotamia. Beit Hanun, see under Palestine and Syria . Beit IkSa Spar, see under Palestine and Syria. Beit Lid, see under Palestine and Syria. Beit ur el Foka, see Beth Horon, Upper, under Palestine and Syria. Beit ur el Tahta, see Beth Horon, Lower, umh-t Palestine and Syria. Beitan, see under Palestine and Syria. Beitnnia, see under Palestine and Syria. Bela Kun : Arrest during Bolshevist revolution in Budapest, 1919, XXI, 424. Head of Bolshevist Government in Austria- Hungary, 1919, and fall of, July, 1920, XXI, 424, 426. Message to Soviet in Berlin re treatment of illegitimate children, XXI, 425. Policy in foreign affairs, XXI, 425. Portrait, XXI, 424. Trial and confinement in Sanatorium, 1920, XXI, 427. Belashitsa Range, see under Bulgaria. Belcher, Lance-Corporal D. W., V.C. : Award of V.C, X, 36 ; XVI, 375. Portrait, X, 2. Belding, wooden s.s., launched in U.S.A., July 4, 1918, XVIII, 285. Belem, see under Portugal. Belfast, see under Ireland. Belfield, Sir Henry : Governor of British East Africa, X, 133. North Lancashire Regiment praised by, X, 141. Belfort, see under France. Belgia, s.s., of Hamburg-Amerika line, taken into Newport, VI, 192. Belgian Campaign in East Africa, Map, XIII, 400. Belgian Congo : Belgian forces in, normal strength of, XIII, 399. Formerly Congo Free State, X, 128. German possession of, Baron von Bissine on, XII, 484. Belgian Congo: cant. Lukuga (Albertville), Lake Tanganyika, bom- bardment by German s.s. Hedwig von li'iss- mann, August 22, 1914, VIII, 285; X, 122, 132, 149 ; XIII, 399. Luvungi, fighting at, September 29, 1915, X, 150. Mfumbiro, Mount : Political differences over, X, 128. Volcanic character of, X, 150. Neutrality question, August, 1914, VIII, 2S5. Ngoma, fighting at, X, 150. Rusigi River, lighting on. X, 149-50. Belgian Prince, s.s., torpedoed by German-. July 31, 1917, XIII, 68-69. Belgian Relugees, III, 444 ; IV, 457-80. Children at Boitshoek, VII, 286-87. Deaths by the wayside, II, 108. Decree issued by General von Bissing re additional taxation to be levied on, unless returning before given date, XI, 13-14. Deported to Germany, XIII, 201. at Dublin, IV, 276. Garments from Queen Marv's Needlework Guild, IV, 276. Germany's anxiety to procure return of, reasons for and result, XI, 11-12. in Great Britain, IV, 457-74. Aldwych centre, IV, 462, 464, 465, 496. Allocation work, IV, 462, 464, 465. Arrival at Liverpool Street Station, September, 1914, VI, 194. at Cambridge, IV, 487. Child labelled " To be sent to Shrewsbury," illustration, IV, 467. Classes and condition of, IV, 457, 459. Clothing Department, IV, 465. at Dover Harbour, illustration, II, 103. Education, IV, 464, 469. Employment, IV, 465, 470-74. two Families living on a barge, illustration, IV, 461. German spies disguised as, October, 1914, VIII, 61. Health department, IV, 464. Hop picking in Kent, illustration, IV, 4(12. Hospitality, private, IV, 461, 462, 464, 466. Housing of : at Alexandra Palace, IV, 466 ; illustrations, IV, 468-71. Earl's Court Exhibition buildings, IV, 466. by Local Committees, IV, 466-69. Jewish, work of Union of Jewish Women for, IV, 500. Journey from Belgium, III, 8-9; IV, 457, 459. Lace makers, illustration, IV, 473. Middle classes, housing of, IV, 464-65. Mill in Kent converted into home for, illustra- tion, IV, 472. 'N.U.W.S.S. work re, IV, 273-74. Official offer of hospitality, IV, 463. at Oxford, IV. 485-86; XIV, 276. Receiving depots, IV, 462. Reception and housing, IV, 463. Registration, IV, 459. Repatriation Fund, IV, 498-99. S.E. and C.R. Co.'s work, VI, i94-<)> Statistics, IV, 459, 459-60. Success of women in dealing with, IV, 280. Transport, IV, 464. War Refugees Committee : Formation, IV, 459-60. Public appeal, August 24, 1914, and response, IV, 461. Women, making of clothing, household linen, etc., IV, 499. • Women's Emergency Corps work for, IV, 494. in Holland, IV, 474-80; XIII, 201. from Antwerp, IV, 475-76, 480. Concentration Camp, IV, 474. Difficulties, IV, 476-77. Disease among, IV, 476. THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. 49 Belgian Refugees : — cont. in Holland :— cont. Education, IV, 478. Employment, IV, 478. Illustrations, II, 118; XI, 13. Food from England, IV, 498. Gouda, IV, 475, 476, 477. Hospitality shown towards, II, 108-09. Housing, IV, 476-78. Official measures, IV, 478, 480. Private hospitality, IV, 477-78, 480. Statistics, IV, 477. Illustrations, I, 374, 376, 384, 388, 403, 408, 436, 438; II, 117; IV, 456, 460; XI, 3; XII, 474- in Italy, XIII, 245. at Ostend, IV, 459. m 1'aris, II, 458 ; illustration, II, 461. Treatment of, by Germans during occupation, XI, 13. Belgian Wood, see under Belgium. Belgium : Aeltre : French and British at, October 12, 1914, III, 170. German airship burnt at, April 12, 1915, VI, 203. Aerschot : Destruction, I, 436-37, 440. German atrocities, I, 422-23, 437-40. St. Sulpice I., 422, 437 ; illustration, I, 439. Serial Navigation, see that title. African troops in, illustration, XVIII, 398. Aire-Ghent-Zeebrugge-Calais Canal, III, 2. Alberta Farm, capture by British, July 31, 1917, XV, 341. Allied line in, June, 19 17, map, XV, 208. Allied offensive in : September, 1918, XIX, 445-46. October, 1918, XX, 136-42, 264. Allied reply to Enemy Powers, December 30, 1916, XI, 487-88. Alost : Capture by Germans, September 29-30, 1914, II, 489. Deportations, XII, 461, 468. Description, I, 426. German notice chalked on door, I, 432. Recapture by Belgians, II, 84. Wanton destruction, II, 426-27. \merican relief work, XI, 392 ; XXI, 389. Audenne, proclamation re shooting of civilians, illustration. XI, 8. Annexation demanded by Herr Bauerman, V, 196. Vntoing, captured by Allies, November 9, 1918, XX, 271. Antwerp: I, 112, 325. Air raids, I, 428-29 ; II, 90. Army Division, I, 114, note. Austrian vessels in, Dutch refusal to allow passage to, September, 1914, XIII, 183. Belgian Army withdrawn within fortified area of, II, 82. Belgian Garrison, illustration, II, 89 Belgian Relief Commission office in, IV, 443. Bombardment : by Dutch, October 27, 1830, II, 117. by Germans, 1914, II, 104-05, 109-10, 113. Request by German Commander for map showing situation of artistic and archi- tectural treasures, in order to avoid damaging them in bombardment, II, 101. Size of guns used, II. 89-90. British hospitals open till October 8, success in removing patients, II, 1 10. British Marine and Naval Brigades at and round, II, 93-95, 96. Illustration, II, 91, 92, 94. British Red Cross Nurses at, IV, 248. Tnd. — D Belgium:— cont. Antwerp : — wnt. Captured by French 1832, and handed over to Belgians, II, 117. Cathedral : Carillon of bells, II, 119. Description, II, 119. Rubens's Masterpiece removed, illustration, II, 86. Chiefs of Diplomatic Missions in, report on destruction of Malines, I, 422. Mr. Churchill's presence at, possible effect on . Germans, III, 12, 13. Civil Guards, illustration, I, no. Comite National de Secours et d'Alimentation office at, IV, 444. Defence, II, 98, 100 ; XIX, 406. Deportations, XII, 465. Illustration, XI, 12. Electrified barbed wire entanglement outside the city, illustration, II, 106. Evacuation, II, 92, 97-98, 100-4, I0 °. II2 . 113 ; III, 2, 5 ; IV, 475. Exchange, burnt in 1858, Fall of, October 9th, 1914, II, m-13 ; XI, 1. Effect on Germans, III, 4-5. Fires, October 8-9, 191 4, II, in. Fortifications and defences, I, 106, 107, 11 1, 116-18, 444; II, 81-82, 479. Plan, I. 115. German entrance into city by the Porte de Malines, October 9, 1914, II, 113. Government and Legations of Allied Powers, departure for Ostend, October 7, 1914, II, 97. 98. German occupation, XX, 199 ; XXI, 223, 227. German power and influence in civic and com- mercial life before the war, II, 118, 1 19. German prisoners passing through, illustration, II, 84. German requisitions during occupation of, 1914-16, XI, 35. German ships at : Dutch refusal to allow passage to, September, 1914, XIII, 183. Machinery destroyed, II, 98. German threat against, II, 479, 481. History of, II, 117-20. Illustrations, I, 120 ; II, 112. Lighters sunk in channel by Belgians, II, no. Maps, II, 102 ; VI, 6-7. Oil tanks, fire, II, 97, 110-11. Picture Gallery, II, 120. Pillage at, illustration, XI, 4. Prayers at, illustration, VIII, 339. Prosperity almost destroyed by Treaty of Munster, 1648, II, 120. Re-entry of King and Queen of Belgians, November, 1918, XXI, 223, 225-26. Refugees from, crowding the quay at Ostend, illustration, II, 105. Refugees from surrounding districts equal in numbers to departing residents, II, 100, 105-6. Return of Belgian refugees to, from Holland, subsequent deportation to Germany, and repatriation, XIII, 201. Ruined houses in, illustration, XL 13. Shipping held up in Scheldt, illustration, VII, 458. as Shipping port. I, 362 Siege : II, 86-117. British reinforcements, II, 9 I_ 9 2 . 93- Lighting regulations, II, 105. Local press, attitude of, II, 101-2. Magazine exploded by German howitzer shells, illustration, II, 95- Proclamation from Von Biseler to Belgian soldiers dropped from a Taube, October 2, 1914, II, 90-91. attempted Relief, II, 499. 5° 8 - 50 THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. Belgium : — cont. Antwerp : — cont. Siege : — cont. Strategy of German Army, II, 85, 1 13-14. Zoological Gardens, destruction of dangerous animals, II, 103. Sorties from, II, 68, 84. Surrender : to Duke of Marlborough, 1706, II, 120. to Marshal Saxe, 1746, II, 120. Transfer of Government to, I, 376. Women's Imperial Service League hospital unit at, IV, 251. Anzac Redoubt, fighting at, September 20, 191 7, XVI, 56. Apple Villa, fighting at, July 31, 1917, XV, 343. Area left in Belgian possession when Germans advanced on Paris, II, 82. Ardennes : Arboriculture, I, 403. Failure of French offensive, I, 475. Railways, map, VI, 170. Argenteau, burning of, I, 405. Arlon, deportations, XII, 463-65. Army : Airmen, illustration, I, 378. Anti-aircraft machine guns on the Dunes, illustration, XV, 326. Armament, equipment and uniform, I, 1 15-16. Armoured cars III, 31. in Galicia, IX, 32 ; XIV, 28. Illustrations, X, 285 ; XI, 278, 279. Armoured train, illustration, III, n. Artillery, illustrations, I, 355, 466, 467. Bill of 1909, I, in. Bravery of, I, 369-70 ; II, 92. at Calais, typhoid outbreak, December, 1914, IV, 67. Cart drawn by dogs, illustration, I, 445. Cavalry, illustrations, II, 501 ; III, 167, 172, 462 ; XVII, 392. Condition in 1863 and 1899, I, 107, 109. Conditions of life during winter 1915-16, VII, 286-87. Dogs drawing a gun across the sands, illustra- tion, III, 466. Divisions, I, 114. East African campaign, see under East Africa. Expert shots on a fast automobile, illustration, I. 319. Firing line, illustration, III, 6. Force, 1863, I, 107. Guns, failure of Krupps to supply, though paid for, II, 480. Headquarters, visit of King George V. to, December, 1914, IV, 213-14. Infantry on the march, illustration, III, 186. Internment in Holland, II, 116 ; XIII, 197-98. Lancers, illustration, III, 466. Law of 1902, I, 109. Look-out, illustrations, I, 363 ; III, 30. Militiamen, periods of service with the colours, I, 115 note. Mobilisation scheme, I, 113, 114. Officers, a message by telephone, illustration, III, 448. Officers and men invested with British honours by George V., August, 1916, X, 429. Operations in Cameroon. VIII, 304-5. Organisation and order of battle, I, n 3-1 4. Placed under General Foch's orders, April 17. 1918, XVIII, 401 note. Policy, I, 106. Position on outbreak of war, I, 362-63. Post, illustration. IV, 212. Preparations, I, 364. Proclamation by King, October 28, 1914, III, 478. Reforms and development, I, 109, m-13. Retreat, I, 372 ; III, 2-1 1, 173. Belgian Staff's explanation of, I, 372-74. Belgium : — cont. Army : — cont. in Rhodesia, X, 155-58. Scheme of 1913, I, 112. Scouts, illustrations, I, 96 ; III, 466, 467. Shrapnel, V, 424. Soldiers, illustrations, I, no, 117, 118, 316, 356, 357. 359, 3 6 5. 360. 402 ; 11. 96 ; HI, 166, 199, 445. 449, 472 : IV, 226. Strength of, I, 313. Tributes to : Mr. Asquith, I, 357, 358. Lord Crewe, I, 358. Lord Lansdowne, I, 358. Mr. Bonar Law, I, 357. The Tsar, I, 356. Typhoid outbreak, VI, 64-65. Victory march in Brussels, November, 191 8, XXI, 226. Wounded in England, illustration, VI, 79. Army of Occupation in Germany, see that title. Aschhoop, fighting at, October 26, 1917, XVI, 132. Assche, I, 422. Ath, men of military age forced to perform fatigue duties at German barracks, XI, 17. Attitude of Great Britain and the Colonies, etc., I. 358-59. Attitude of people and wave of patriotism, I, 8, 363-65, 374-75. Audegem : Battle of, September 26-28, 1914, II, 85-86, 113. 488. Destruction, I, 428. Audenarde : Americans at, XXI, 72. Germans at, II, 84. Bamburg Farm, fighting at, October, 1914, III, 189, 454. Barcy, interior of church wrecked by the Germans, illustration, I, 463. " Battle of the Dunes," 1600, III, 179. Battle Wood, British in, June 7, 1917, XV, 95. Becelaere : Bombardment of, October, 1914, III, 455. Fighting at : October 18, 1914, III, 442. November 1, 1914, IV, 30. September 28, 1918, XIX, 445. Beerst : Captured by Germans and fighting at, October, 1914, and recapture, III, 186-87, 443-44. French marines at, III, 182. Held by Belgians, October 16, 1914, III, 176. Beirlegem, Germans at, II, 83. Belfries, I, 403. Belgian Wood, fighting at, September 20, 1417, XVI, 60. Bellewaarde Farm : Description, IX, 170. Fighting near, September 25th, 191 5, VI, 363, 3°4- Bellewaarde Lake : British at, June 16th, 1915, VI, 208. Fighting at, July 31, 1917, XV, 346. Berchem-Sainte Agathe, Zeppelin hangar, destrue tion, March 27, 1915, V, 42. Berendrecht, fort, I, 118 ; II, 81. Berlin Farm, captured by New Zealandcrs , October 4, 191 7, XVI, 115 Beveren, entered by French, October, 1918, XX, T3Q. Binche : British at, I, 464. Evacuation and German occupation, I, 465. British demonstration towards, I, 469. Bixschoote : British success near, III, 463-64. Capture by French : . October 30, 1914, IV, 19. July 31, 1917. XV, 339. THE TIMES HISTORY OE THE WAR, Belgium : — cunt. Bixschoote : — cont. Fighting at and near : 1914, III, 463 ; IV, 34, 35, 36, 37, 30 1917, XVI, 121. 1918, XVIII, 295. Black Watch Corner, fighting at, September 20, 1917, XVI, 57. Blankcnbcrghe : Bombardment by British ships, September, 1915, VI, 362. German wire and trenches on sea front, illustra- tion, XX, 265. Occupied by Allies, October 18, 1918, XX, 264. Bleugelhoek Hill, fighting at, April 23, 1918, XVIII, 302. " The Bluff," northern bank of Ypres-Comines Canal, fighting for, February-March -April, 1916, VIII, 481-2, 485. Boesinghe : Fighting near, winter 1915-16, VII, 305-06. German bombardment of trenches east of, February n, 1915, VII, 309. Illustrations, XV, 210, 211. Boitshoek, school for refugee children, VII, 286-87. Boneffe, Germans at, I, 370. B'ortmeerbeek, German atrocities in, I, 436. Borry Farm, fighting at, September 20, 191 7, XVI, 53 . Bouvines, destruction of, II, 157. Bovekerke, threatened by African troops, October 18, 1914, III, 441. Boy Scouts, work of, etc., XVII, 175-77, 179. Breendonck fort, attacked, September 20, 1914, II, 86. Bremen Redoubt, fighting at, September 28, 1917, XVI, 53- Brienne House, fighting at, and capture, August 16, 1917, XV, 366. British in, welcome in 1870, II, 1 17-18. British and French help, expectations of, I, 362. British Red Cross nurses in, IV, 248. Broenbeek : Crossed by French and British, October 9, 191 7, XVI, 121-22, 122. French advance to, and fighting on, August, 1917, XV, 366, 367, 369. Broodseinde : Battle of, October 4, 1917, XVI, 113, 115; XIX, 427. Illustration, XVI, 113. Fighting at, April 22, 1915, V, 63. Salient bombardment, April 25, 1915, V, 66. Broodseinde Ridge, illustration, XVI, 115. Brugeoise works, British air raid, August 19-20, 1917, XV, 379. Bruges : Belgian advance to, October, 1918, XX, 262. Belgian occupation of, October 19, 1918, XX, 264. Belgian Relief Commission office in, IV, 443. British air raids on, XIV, 153-54 ! XVIII, 206 ; XIX, 131, 132, 178, 458. Capture bv Allies, October 19, 1918, XX, 359, 434 ; XXI, 258. Comite National de Secours et d'Alimentation office at, IV, 444. Defence of, left to Civic Guards and Gen- darmerie, II, 82. Deportations, XII, 461. Dock and approaches from Ostend and Zee brugge, map, XVIII, 342. French air raids, VI, 203 ; XII, 70. German advance through, III, 2. German docks and aerodromes, XVIII, 339. German occupation, October, 1914, II, 116 ; III, 6-7, 29. King and Queen of Belgians in, illustration, XX, 263, 288. Murder of Captain Fryatt at, X, 53-55- Belgium ; — cont. Bruges: — conl. School of painters, I, 404. Shop signs and advertisements in French for- bidden by Germans, 1914-1916, XI, 24. Bruges-Ostend-Zeebrugge district, British air raids, February 12-16, 1916, VII, 132. Brussels : I, 325. Army Division, I, 114, note. Belgian Relief Commission ollice in, IV, 443. British air raid, August 12, 1916, X, 436. British cavalry patrols at, August 22-23, IO, 4. ■ I, 465- British Red Cross nurses in, IV, 248. Civilians, instructions to, I, 376. Clothing establishment of Relief Commission, IV, 456. Comite National de Secours et d'Alimentation head office at, IV, 444. Conditions in, during German advance, I, 375-82- Defence : Abandoned, I, 582 ; XXI, 224-25. Preparations, I, 375, 378, 379. Deportations, XII, 465, 468. Office for registering and forwarding appeals to Germany re, established by American and Spanish Ministers, XII, 473. Entry of Allied troops into, King and Queen of Belgians watching, illustration, XXI, 225. French staff officers in, I, 363. French troops cheered in, on way to zone of occupation, illustration, XXI, 238. German advance towards, I, 371—82 ; map, 1, 380-81. German airship sheds near, British air raid, June, 1915, VI, 203 ; VII, 19; X, 436. German entry, Aueuxt 20, 191. f, I, 383-85 ; XX, 190. German troops outside the Bourse, illustration, T, 382. Grande Place, German troops, illustrations, I, 377. 379- Government, transfer to Antwerp, I, 376. Hopes of English help, I, 374. Hotel de Ville, homage of city received at, by King Albert, XXI, 226. Indemnity of ^8,000,000 demanded, I, 385. Kits of German soldiers carried through, illustration, XXT, 227. Projected meeting at, between M. Venizelos and Prince Said Halim Pasha, July, 191 4, III, 41. Militarv Court, trial of Miss Cavell and others, October, 1915, VI, 432-35. Money market, closure, July if, I, 1S2-. Notices and proclamations : bv Count von Armin, I, 383. before German occupation, by M, Max, I, 383 ; illustration, XII, 462. Palais de Justice Commandeered bv Germans, August, 101 4, XT, a. Illustrations, I, 104 : XI, 3, 9- Place de la Nation, march of victory past King and Oueen of Belgians, November, 1918, XXI, 225-26. Political Department, XI, 23. Press censorship, I, 376. Refugees in, I, 375, 379 : illustration, I, 385. Refugees from, towards Ghent, T, 379. TCetrcat of German Army through, illustrations XXE'234. Suspected spv stopped by Germans outside, illustration, III, 8. War contribution of five million francs imposed on for an assault by Belgian policeman on a ('.c-man soldier, XI, 9. Wounded soldier in hospital in, illustration, IV, 78. Bueken, German atrocities in, I, 436. 52 THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. Belgium : — cont. Bulgar Wood, fighting at, September 20, 1017, XVI. 59. Burcht, deportations, XII, 465. Burket, fighting near, October, 1918, XX, 263. Cabour Hdpital, illustrations, XIV, 350, 357, 358, 359- Caeskerke, French Marines at, October, 1914, III. 183. Cameron House, fighting at, September, 1917, XVI. 62. 67. Campaign : 1917 plans for, XIV, 398. 1918, XX, 325-60. Carlisle Farm Redoubt, fighting at, September 20, 1917. XVI, 5, 7. Carlshiitte works, station and gasworks bombed by British. May 2-3, 1918, XVIII, 424. Champaubert Farm, fighting at, and capture, August 16, 1917, XV, 366. Charleroi : Battle of, August, 1914, I, 399, 463 ; II, 44 ; III. 19; XX, 182, 190. Belgium Relief Commission office in, IV, 443. Comtt£ National de secours et d'Alimentation office at, IV, 444. British air raids, XIX, 286 ; XX, 281, 282. Factories, I, 403. French at, I, 370. Industries, 1, 463. Chatelet, German attack, August 22, 1914, I, 4°3- Chatelet Wood, captured by French, July 22, 19x8, XIX, 103 ; July 24, 1918, XIX, 104. Churches, I, 403-4. Cinq Chemins Farm, fighting at, October 9, 191 7, XVI, 123. Ciply, deportations, XII, 465. Civic Guards, see Garde Civique. Civilians : Deportations, I, 434, 434-35 ; XI, 36 ; XII, 453-84. 474. 477- Conscription methods, XII, 461-65. Decree, October 3, 1916, XII, 454, 460-61. German contract, illustration, XII, 464. German postcard for use of, illustration, XII, 473- Illustrations. XII, 461, 462, 463. " Lawless " appeal to workmen to resist, illustration, XII, 464. Cardinal Merrier's letter to Baron von Bissing. XII, 472. Numbers, XII, 457, 465. Protests : Belgian, XII, 471-72. Neutral, XII, 472-73, 475. Repatriated, condition of, XII, 475-77. Slavery in Germany, XII, 465-71. Women, XII, 468. German warning, I, 365. Flight to England and France, III, 7-10. Instructions to, I, 365. Shooting of, II, 157. J. H. Whitehouse on miserable position of, I, 426. Coal from Germany, provisions of Peace Treaty, XXI, 384. Coast : Allied squadron off, April, 1916, VIII, 481. British and French air raid, March 30, 191 5, V, 42. British monitors off coast of, shelling right wing of General von Armin's armv, 191 8, XX, 138. Defences, illustrations, VII, 132, 133. Naval operations off, II, 24; III, 154, 189, 197-98, 442, 469, 476-78, 480 ; IV, 82, 216 ; V, 46; VI, 204; VII, 132-35, 304-5; X, 57; XII, 12, 69-70; XIV, 173-74 ; XIX, 440, 446. Illustrations, VII, 134, 135. Belgium: — cont. Cockroft redoubt, British capture of, August 19, 1017, XV, 380. Comite National de Secours et d'Alimentation : Constitution, IV, 442, 443-44. Work of, IV, 444. Conditions in, Baron von Bissing on, XII, 477-84. Contich, bombardment of, October 4, 1914, II, 98. Coolkerke aerodrome, British air raid, January 29, 1918, XVII, 377. Goolscamp, outskirts reached by French, Octo- ber 16, 1918, XX, 141. Corbeek Loo, Belgian retreat to, I, 372. Cortemarck : Belgian air raid, March 31, 1915, V, 43. British air raid, September, 1917, XVI, 64. Captured by Belgians, October, 1918, XX 1 39. French air raids, August, 1917, XV, 355, }66 ( 378. French cavalry in. October 18, 1914, III, 441. Cortenaeken, fighting at, I, 369. . Cortenberg, Belgian sortie to, II, 84. Couckelaere, woods of, threatened by African troops, October, 1914, III, 441, 442. Courtrai : Allied air raid, April 26, 191 5, V, 70. Battle of, 1302, IV, 205-6. British air raids, IV, 395 ; X, 4 36 ; XVI, 64, 109, 120; XVII, 364, 377; XVIII, .128; XIX, 107, 131, 176. German defences, VI, 211. German occupation of, 1918, and retreat from, XX, 254-55. Germans at, October, 1914, HI, 443. Hotel de Ville, illustration, XX, 141. Kaiser at, November 1, 1914, IV, 30. Outskirts entered by Belgians, October, 1918, XX, 140, 141, 254-55. Couvin, looting, etc., by Germans, II, 158. Crest Farm, fighting at, October, 1917, XVI, 136, 139, 282. Croix-du-Bac, reached by Germans, April 7, 1918, XVIII, 214. Cruybeke, fort, I, 118. Dad Trench, fighting at, October 26, 191 7, XVI, •280, 281. Dalhem, German occupation, 1, 316. Damm Strasse : Crossed by British, June 7, 1917, XV, 95. German defences, June, 1917, XV, 78-79. Defensive measures, I, 364, 365-66, 366-67. Delta Farm : British at, September 20, 191 7, XVI, 50. Fighting at, September 20, 1917, XVI, 48. Delva Farm, captured by British, September 20, 1917, XVI, 51. Dendermonde, see Termonde below. Deportations, see under Civilians above. Despagne Farm, British capture of, June 7, 191 7, XV, 99- Devastation by artillery fire in, illustration, III, 184. Deynze : Convent bombed by Germans, II, 82. German air bombardment, I, 427-2S. Diest, fighting at, I, 369-70. Dinant : Description, I, 406-7. Fighting at, 1914, XX, 190. French success at, August 15, 1914, ). 599, 462 ; III, 408. German atrocities, I, 407-8. Illustrations, I, 99, 406, 407 ; XI, 5 Legends connected with, 1, 406. Wanton destruction, I, 407. Dixmude : Allied successes north of, October, 191 8, XV, 359- Belgians occupying German trench near, illustration, XVIII, 401. Bombardment, III, 454, 456-57, 478 ; IV, 39. THE TIMES HISTORY (tl- THE WAR. 53 Belgium: — cont. Dixmude : — cont. Church of St. Jean, illustration, III, 184. Description of, and of country round, III, 176, 179- Description of, under bombardment. Ill, 193-94- Fighting at, and round, III, 182, 191 95, 198, 463, 467, 468 ; III, 473-76 ; IV, 4 ; V, 46 ; VI, 203-4 ; VII, 304 ; XX, 136-37, 186, 200. Flooding of district between Nieuport and, III, 469-71, 476-80 ; IV, 4, 30, 33, 39. 207, 228. Flour mill with concrete platform built by Germans before the war. III, 183, 471. French forces at, over-estimation by Germans, III, 12. French Marines at, III, 16, 172-74 ; XII, 71-76. Germans at, illustration, III, 458. Germans driven from, by French, November 5, 1914- IV, 34. Interior of church at, illustration. III, 177. Kuined condition, III, 468, 469. Withdrawal of French Marines to, III, 172-74. Zeppelin over, October 19-20, 1917, XIX, 257. Dochy Farm, fighting at, September 36, 191 7, XVI, 6 5 . Donve River : Canadian surprise attack across, November 16-17, I9'5. VII, 310. Crossing of, by Australians, June 7, 191 7. XV, 100. German attack, November 11, 1914, IV, 39. Draibank, fighting at, October, 1917, XVI, 120, 131- Drei Grachten : Bridgehead, French bombardment and capture, August, 191 7, XV, 365 ; XVI, 121 Defences, XV, 363-64. German attacks at, and capture, April, 1915, V, 46, 60 ; VI, 203. Maps and plans, XV, 362, 363, 364. Droogenbroodhoek, 3rd British Cavalry Division at, October 17, 1914, III, 441. Dunes, The : French artillery work, February 26, 191 7, XII, 362. Germans on watching Allied Fleets, illustration, III, 32. Eben, I, 338. Eeckeren, deportations, XII, 463. Eessen : Allied air raid, April 2, 1916, VIII, 498. Occupied by French Marines, October 18, 1914, HI, 441. Operations at, October, 1914, III, 182, 185. 180 Eghezee, fighting at, I, 370. F.lewyt, Belgian atrocities in, I, 436. Elverdinghe, British at, October 20, 1914, III, 433. Engel, British air raids, XV, 376; XVII, 370; XIX, 178. Eppeghem, German atrocities in, I, 436. Etterbeek, deportations, XII, 476. Fanny's Farm, capture by New Zealanders, June 7, 1917, XV, 99, 100. Feeding of, see Relief and Feeding of, below. Ferryman's House, fighting at, July 10, 191 5, vi, 204. Field Hospitals, medical women with, IV, 234. Finance : American loans to, XVI, 338 ; XVIII, 163, 164 ; XXI. 88. British loan to, August, 1914, I, 195. Fitzelarence Farm, fighting at, September 20, 1917, XVI, 57. Flanders : Battle of, 1914, general survey, XX, 199-200. Battlefield, scene on the, in April, 1918, illustra- tion, XVIII, 296. Spring in, letter from R.A. officer re, V. 43-44 Trench life, V, 43-44. Belgium : — cont. Flanders Ridge, taken by Belgians, September 30, 1918, XIX, 446. Flemish lace makers, illustration, XII, 480. " Flemish movement " in, XI, 21-27 ; XII, 480. Flemish school of painting, I, 404. Illustrations, I, 411, 412. Fleurus : Battle of. III, 34, note. French victory at, 1 794, work of captive balloon, II, 183. Fortification policy after 1870, I, 106-7. Fortifications, I, 106-7; HI. 116-20. Cupolas, illustrations, I, 347, 348. Fortuin, British driven from, April 26, 191 5, V, 66. Frnnc-iireur war, German allegation of, and Belgian denial, I, 431-32, 436. Franconchamps, German occupation, I, 316. French troops in, I, 370, 462. Frezenberg, fighting at : May 8, 191.5, V, 75. 1917, XV, 343, 345, 347 ; XVI, 41. Friesland Copse, fighting at, October 30, 191 7, XVI, 139. Frontiers : Discussion at Peace Conference and provisions of Treaty, XXI, 379-80. Escape of Belgians across, XI, 18. Securing of, by General von Bissing, XI, 17-18. Furnes : Arrival of relieved troops in, III, 196. Bombardment, October 28, III, 478. British Red Cross nurses at, IV, 248. 1 6th Chasseurs, review of, by King Albert and General Joffre, III, 190. Departure of Belgian staff and wounded, October 26, 1914, III, 472-73. Description, III, 179. French troops under General Grossetti at, October 23, 1914, III, 463. German prisoners at, illustration, III, 454. Hospitals, removal to Poperinghe, October 26, 1914, III, 473. Dr. Hector Munro's Field Hospital at, III, 189-92. Journey to Dixmude, III, 191-94. Passing of Belgian Army through, October, 1914, III, 10. Refugees at, on way to France, III, 10-ir. Senagalese troops in, illustration, III, 454. Withdrawal of staff to Poperinghe, iV, 4. Gallipoli Redoubt, captured by British, Sep- tember 20, 1917, XVI, 51. Garde Civique, I, 1 12-13. Assurances given to, by Germans, re security on return to Belgium, XI, 12. Deportations, XII, 46.5. Difficulties caused by anomalous position of, I, 318-19. Opposition to German advance, II, 82. Special restraints on, by Germans, XI, 15-16. Geite, captured by French, October, 1918, XX, 139. Geleide Creek, fighting near, August, 1917, XV, 392. Gembloux, I, 363. Gendarmerie, opposition to German advance, II, 82. German advance through, to coast and French frontier, III, 2-14. German ambitions in, I, 362. German attitude towards, I, 25, 353. German invasion, I, 25, 31, 39-40, 102, 360. American attitude, American opinion re, V, 265, 267. Attitude in Germany, V, 161. Attitude of Belgian people, I, 106. Belgian resistance, I, 314, 316-326, 338, 445-46. Conditions under which frontier crossed, I, 316. and German envelopment theory, I, 252-53. .-,1 THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. XII, 191c October, reply to. Belgium : — cont. German invasion : — cont. fiwilUB policy of, I, 44-. Imperial Chancellor on. V, 161. M. Poincare on, II, 446. Previous theories re, I, 103, 106. .Mr. Roosevelt on, V. 266. Strategical mistake o{. III, 216-17. Unexpectedness of, I, 313-14. German relations with, petition of German industrial and economic organisations. May, 1915, V, 198. under German rule, IV, 441-56 ," XI, 1-40 ; 453-84- German Socialist manifesto re, September, XXI, 273. German tactics, October, 1914, IV, 16, 17. German ultimatum and reply, I, 315 ; XX, 187. Germans in : Abuse of, and firing on, White and Red Cross flags, I, 334, 435. Administration, XI, 5-10. Agricultural produce returns demanded by General von der Goltz, November 1, 1914, XI, 32. Appliances for destruction of towns and villages, I, 426. Artillery, I, 372. Atrocities, XI, 1. See also under nanus of places. Commission of Inquiry : Appointment and constitution, I, 431. 1st report, I, 43'~33 2nd report, I, 433-35- 3rd report, I, 435-3°. 4th report, I, 436-39. 5th report, I, 439-40. Manifesto by German professors, 1914, V, 168. 170; American V, 242, 244-46. Banks, German control of, XI, 27-30. Belgians compelled to dig trenches, illustration, XII, 455. young Belgians reporting themselves to German authorities, illustration, XI, 18. General von Bissing inspecting barbed wire fence, Dutch frontier, illustration, XI, 17. "Bulletin of Laws and Decrees for the Occupied Belgian Territory," XI, 5. Burning of property, II, 157-58 : III, 165. Cavalry patrols and scouts, I. 366, 370. Censorship established by decree of October 13, 1914, XI, 19-21. Civilians : Roadmaking for, illustration, XI, 29. Shooting of, II, 157-58. Concrete stronghold left intact by the Germans, illustration, XV, 85. Conduct, effect on Italian public opinion, V, 26. Construction of " booby traps," descriptions of, XX, 274-76. Court-martial of Belgian civilians, illustration, XI, 7. Decrees issued, XI, 4, 6, 14, 19, 27, 29, 30, 35. 3°- Defensive measures, II, 478. Description by French artist, I, 456-57. Division of country into zones, 1914-15, 3-4- Economic exploitation, XII, 453, 457. Kffect of occupation, XI, 1-3, 36-40. Exports forbidden, September 30, 1914, XI, 31. Extract from letter, IV, I. Foraging party, XI, 27. " Frightfulness " and terrorism, deliberate policy of, I, 320, 370-71, 440 • III, 24. German press reports, XII, 454-8. German school class in, illustration, XI, 11. Horses, stealing of, and subsequent deportation to Germany, XI, 33. " Hymn 01 Hate " served out to, IV, 15. 31. XI, Belgium : — cont. Germans in :— cont. Import of salt forbidden by General von Bissing, December 10, 1914, from countries at war with Germany, XI, 31. Letter re Battle of Ypres, May, 1915, V, 78. Light railways, dismantling of, by Germans f< it use on Western Front, XI, 33. Men of military age, special restraints on, XI, 15-16. Military authorities in, pledges given by, in writing to Commander of Dutch Armies in Field, re treatment of returning Belgian refugees, XI, 12. Motor machine guns, I, 368. Munitions, difficulty of supply. III, 24. Murder of non-combatants, I, 332-34- Murder of prisoners. III, 475-76. Occupation of a Belgian chateau, illustration, XI, 26. Patrol, illustration, XI, 8. Peasants and children marched in front of attacking columns, II, 489. Pill-boxes, XV, 330-31. Pillaging, II, 157-58 ; III, 172 ; illustration, XI, 6. Police government, XI, 8-10. Press, German control, XI, 23-27. Priests, murder of, by Germans, 1914, and effect on unity of Church, XI, 2-3. Propaganda in, examples of, illustrations, XII, 482, 483. Raemaker's cartoons, XI, 20, 34, 40; XII, 459, 4°2. 463. 47 r ~79- Raw materials and machinery taken. 1914-16, V. 185 ; XI, 33-35- Repairing fracture in a cable, illustration, III, 453. Requisitions, 1914-16, I, 368, 385 ; III, 38, 172 ; XI, 27, 31, 32, 33, 35, 36, 457 ; illustra- tions, XI, 32, 33. Seizing of hostages, XI, 10, 11. Shooting canarv of a looted house, illustration, XI, 23. Soldier in his " hotel," illustration, III, 453. Soldiers collecting old metal for munition works, illustration, XI, 33. Special military tribunals, powers of, and results, XI, 7-10. Spies, I, 364-65 ; IT, 85 ; XI, 9. Stripping Belgium of her timber, illustration, XI, 37- Suppression of means of communications by telephones or carrier pigeons, XI, 14. Suppression of personal liberty by German decree issued on January 17, 1915, i" restriction of right of assembly, XI, 14. Teaching children German songs, illustration, XI, 10. Tilling land, illustration, XI, 30. Timber merchants, requisitions imposed on, 1914-16, XI, 32-33. Uhlans, reputation, I, 366. Use of Belgian and British uniforms, III, 465 ; V, 77- Use of civilians as shields to cover advance, I, 433. 434-35- Use of expanding bullets, I, 435. Vandalism, I, 401-30. War contribution of 40 million francs, to be paid in monthly instalments, imposed by General von Bissing, XI, 31. Women labourers at coal mines under German guards, illustration, VI, 29. Women sack-making for Germans, illustration, XI, 28. Gheel, German scouts at, I, 370. Gheluvelt : British at, and capture of : October, 1914, III, 445 ; IV, 8, 26. October, 1917, XVI, 120, 136. THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. Belgium : — cont. Gheluvelt : — cont. Captured by Germans, October 31, 1914, IV, 25, 158. Fighting at and near, October, 1914, III, 171, 462 ; IV, 1-2, 13, 19. Fired by shells, IV, 10. German attacks and bombardment, October 3 1 , 1914, IV, 23, 24. German raids against, February, 1918, XVII, 380. Gheluwe, captured by British, October, 191 8, XX, 140. Ghent : Army Division, I, 114, note. Belgian occupation, November, 1918, XX, 359- Belgian Relief Commission office in, IV, 443. British air raids, XIV, 154 ; XVII, 377. Burgomaster, visit to General von Boehn at Oordeghem, September 7, 1914, II, 83. Comit6 National de Secours et d'Alimentation office at, IV, 444. Defence of, left to Civic Guards and Gen- darmerie, II. 82. Demonstration against, by General von Boehn, September 6, 1914, II, 83. Deportations, XII, 461, 465, 468. Evacuation, October n-12, 1914, III, 170. " Flemish University " opened by Germans, October 21, 1916, and subsequent closing of in 1917, XI, 24-25. Flower gardens, I, 402-03. French Marines at, October, 191 4, XII, 73. German advance through, III, 2. German airship shed, air raid on, April 19, 1915, V, 53- German calling up orders, facsimile of, illus- tration, XII, 456. German occupation, October 12, 1914, II, 116 ; III, 6, 29 ; illustration, XI, 24. Hotel Flandria, hospital, illustration, IV, 247. Maison des Bateliers and other old houses on Quay, illustration, XX, 264. Operations near, October, 1914, III, 6. Proclamation dropped by Taube, III, 6. Refugees at, illustration. III, 444. Refusal of factories to work for German Army, XI, 37- St. Pierre Railway Station, illustration, III, 194. Surrender and Convention with Germans as to disarmament of Civic Guards and supplies for German troops, September 7, 1914, II, 83. Ghistelles : Aerodrome : Belgian air raids on, March 27, 1915, V, 42. British air raids : August, 1917, XV, 354, 376. January, 1918, XVII, 367. Destroyed, July 2, 1915, VI, 203. Occupied by Belgians, October, 191 8, XX, 262. Organisation and depots destroyed by Germans before retreat, 1918, XX, 261. Gifts for : from Australian Government, II, 272. from Dominica, II, 274. from Montserrat, II, 274. from New South Wales, II, 271-72. from New Zealand, XIII, 180. from Nova Scotia, II, 271. from Sydney, II, 272. Gits, French air raid, August 20, 191 7, XV, 379. Glencorse Wood (Schloss Wood) : Captured by British, September 30, 1917, XVI, 118. Fighting at and near, July-September, 1917, XV, 340, 354, 355, 356, 371-72, 380, 381, 384 ; XVI, 57. Importance of, to Germans, XV, 371-72. Goedterveste' Farm, fighting at, September 20, 1917, XVI, 47. Belgium: -cont. Gontrode aerodrome, British air raids, XVI 1 366 ; XIX, 286. Goudberg, fighting near, 1917, XVI, 141 ; XVII, 371- Government : Fortress guns ordered from Messrs. Krupp, delayed delivery, I, 344. German overtures to, before siege of Antwerp, II, 84-85. Proclamation, III, 9. Removal to Antwerp, I, 376. Transfer to Havre, October 13, 1914, III, 7. Grand Bois, British attack, June 7th, 191 7, XV, 97- Grande Dune, Allied assault, Januarv 28, 1915, IV, 238-39. Gravenstafel (Grafenstafel) : Attack on, April 26, 1915, V, 66. Bombardment with asphyxiating shells, April 25, 1915. V, 66.. Carried by New Zealanders, October 4, 1917, XVI, 113, "4-15, Fighting at, May 3, V, 73. Gravenstafel Spur : British attack, September, 191 7, XVI, 43, 46-51. Called " London Ridge," XVI, 64. Description, XVI, 48-49. Fighting at, September, 1917, XVI, 60, 64. " Pill boxes " on, XVI, 48. Grey Farm, stormed by Australians, June 7, 1917, XV, 100. Grivegn6e, Commune and hostages seizure by Germans, XI, 11. Gu6 d'Ossus, fired by Germans, II, 158. Gulleghem, captured by Belgians, October, 191 8, XX, 140. Guxenhoven, fighting, I, 368. Haanebeek Valley, fighting in, September 20, 1917, XVI, 50, 51. Haelen : Church, illustration, I, 370. Fighting at, I, 369-70. Handzaeme : Aviation field, Belgian airraid, March 31, 1915, V, 42-43- Captured by Belgians, October, 1918, XX, 139. Hannebeek, fighting on, July 31, 1917, XV, 345. Hasselt : Belgian Relief Commission office at, IV, 443. Comitd National de Secours et d'Alimentation office at, IV, 444. Fighting at, I, 368, 369. School at, teachers forbidden to use French, by Germans, XI, 24. Hell Farm, captured by British, and fighting in, June 7, 1917, XV, 99. Henle, captured by Belgians, October, 1918, XX, 140. Herenthage Chateau, fighting at and near, August-September, 1917, XV, 380, 381 ; XVI, 58. Count Hertling on, in reply to President Wilson, XV, 308. Hessian Wood, fighting at, September 20, 1917, XVI, 60. Het Kruipveld, Eastern borders occupied by Belgians, October, 1918, XX, 262. Het Sast : Canal crossed by Germans at, April 22, 1915, V, 61. Captured by Zouaves, May 15, 1915, V, 79. Fighting at, and near, VII, 306; XII, 362. French at, April 28, 1915, V, 70. Heyst : Air raid, June, 1915, VI, 203. Bombardment by British ships, September, 1915, VI, 362. Hibou Farm, fighting at, October 26, 1917, XVI, 131. 56 THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. Belgium : -eont. Hibou. Mt. du. Redoubt, British capture of, August, 1917, XV, 378, 380. Hill 35, attack on, and capture, September 20, 1917, XVI. 51, 53- Hill 37, fighting on. August 16, 1917, XV, 371. Hill 44, captured and lost by Germans, May 10, 1918, XVIII, 406. Hill 60 : British assault on, April, 1915, V, 49-52- British mining operations, XV, 89. Captured by British, June 7, 191 7, XV, 94. Fighting at, V, 51 ; VI, 208; IX, 171, 173 ; XVI, 235; XVIII, 215, XIX, 411. German defences, June, 1917 : Illustrations, V, 48, 49 ; XV, 78. Loss of. May 6, 1915, V, 74. Mine explosion, June 7, 1917, XV, 93. Hoboken : Allied bombardment of shipbuilding yards, 1910, XI, 131. British air raids, V, 42 ; VI, 202 ; VII, 133 ; XIII, 129-30. German destroyer at, illustration, XIII, 4. Hofstade : German atrocities in, I, 433, 436. Priest assisting wounded after battle of, illustration, I, 373. Hollebeke : Chateau de : Abandoned by British, IV, 17. Fighting at, October, 1914, IV, 2. Defence of trenches to Wytschaete, October 31, 1914, rv, 27. Fighting at, and near, IV, T7, 32 ; XV, 349 ; XVI, 41, 60; XVIII, 215. German bombardment and capture, August 4-5, 191 7. XV, 353. Recapture by British, August 5, 191 7, XV, 353. Hooge : Capture by British, July 31, 1917, XV, 346. Charge by Liverpool Scottish at, illustration, VI, 210. Chateau de : Fighting at. May 8, 1915, V, 77. Stables recaptured by British, May 31, 191 5, VI, 208. Clearing of Germans from woods near, October 31, 1914, IV, 26-27. Fighting near, June-September, 1915, VI, 208, 405. French, Sir John, at, October, 19 14, IV, 71, 158. German bombardment and fighting near : February 13, 1915, VII, 309-10. May and June, 19x6, and results, IX, 168, 170, 171, 173. Illustration, XV, 346. Hooglede : Captured by French, October, 1918, XX, 139. Hill of, German artillery on, III, 444. Hornu, deportations, XII, 463. Houthem, German atrocities in, I, 436. d'Houthoulst, Foret : Allied air raids, VI, 203 ; VIII, 498. British raid, February 19-20, 1918, XVII, 390. Cleared by Belgians, September 28, 1918, XIX, 445- lighting in, and round. III, 35, 37, 171, 176, 185, 441 ; XVI, 121-22, 128, 129, 399; XVII, 391-92; XX, 200. French advancing to, October 30-31, 1914, IV, 19, 22. French bombardment, August, 191 7, XV, 365. Germans in. III, 454. Hutments, French airraid, August 17-18. 1017 XV. 378. Houttave aerodrome, Allied air raid, March, 1916 X, 57-58; XII, 70. Hove, bombardment of, October 5, 1914, II, 98, Hutsveldc, fighting near; October, 191 8, XX, 262. Belgium : — cont. Huy : Burning of, I, 405. Fortifications, I, 444. Illustration, I, 92. Iberian Farm, taken by British, September 20, 1917. XVI, 51. In de Sterkie inn, fighting at, June 7, 1917, XV, 95. 97- Independance, fortieth anniversary celebrated in 1870, II, 117. Industries, I, 362, 403. " International Trench," destruction by Germans, February, 1915, VII, 310. Inverness Copse : Fighting at, 1917, XV, 340, 346, 361, 380, 381, 383, 384 ; XVI, 37. 43. 57- Importance of, to Germans, XV, 371-72. Iseghem : Captured by Belgians, October, 1918, XX, 139. Hospital, brutal treatment of prisoners in, by Germans, VI, 250, 257-58. Ivy leaves (national tree), wearing of, XI, 39. Jabbeke, captured by Allies, October, 19 18, XX, 262. Jamoigne, deportations, XII, 476. Jean Bart farm, fighting at, October 22, 1917, XVI, 128. Jesiutengoed Farm, fighting at, October 26, 1917, XVI, 132. Joist Farm, fighting at, October 4,1917, XVI, 117. Jorrock's Farm, fighting at, September 20, 191 7, XVI, 60. Judge Cottage and Copse, fighting at, October 9, 1917, XVI, 123. Keerselaarhoek, captured by British, October 9, 1917, XVI, 123. Kemmel : British at, October 14, 1914, III, 34, 171-74. Fighting at, and near, XVIII, 403, 405, 406, 407, 408 ; XX, 186. Kemmel Heights : Allied resistance at, March 25, 1918, XX, 409. Fighting at, April 17, 1918, XVIII, 29.5. Importance of, XVIII, 301-02. Occupied by British, September, 1918, XIX, 302. Kessel Fort, size of German guns used against, II, 89-90. Ketelberg, fighting at, October, 1918, XX, 262. Keyem : Allied air raid, April 2, 1916, VIII, 498. Allied retirement. III, 444. Capture of : by Belgians : 1914, III, 186. October 16, 1918, XX, 141. by Germans, October 18, 1914, III, 186, 189. German attack, October 19, 1914, III, 443. Held by Belgians, October 16, 1914, III, 176. Kippe : Belgian raids towards, April 29, 1918, XVIII, 401. Fighting near, 1917-1918, XVI, 132, 399 ; XVII, 392. Klein Zillebeke : British at, October 22, 1914, III, 462. Fighting at, and near : November 6, 1914, IV, 34-35. September, 1917, XVI, 41. Progress by Allies near, December, 1914, IV, 216. Kleine Vierstraat, German attack repulsed. May 12, 1918, XVIII, 407. Kloostermolen, fighting at, October 26, 1917, XVI, 132. Knocke : Air raids, V, 42 ; VI, 203. Bombardment by British ships : September, 1915. VI, 362. German advance to. III, 7. '////•; 77J7/<:,S HISTORY OF THE WAR. 57 Belgium : — cont. Koekuit, capture by Allies, October 9, 191 7, XVI, 122. Koningschoyckt fort, attack on and capture, September 28-October I, 1914, II, 86, 89-90. Koorselaere, British advance nea-, August 27, 19 1 7, xv, 384-85- Kortekeer Inn : Captured by French, July 31, 1917, XV, 339. Fighting at, August, 1917, XV, 351. Kortewilde, capture by British, September 28, 1918, XIX, 445. Kruiseek : British at, October, 1914, III, 445 ; IV, 6. Capture by British, September 28, 1918, XIX, 445- Hill at, recapture by British, October 29, 191 4, IV, 13. La Basse Ville : British capture of, July, 1917, XV, 326-27, 349- Fighting at, September 22, 1917, XVI, 61. La Libre Belgique, printed in defiance of German censor, XI, 21. La Panne : Belgian hospitals, XIV, 355-57. British Red Cross nurses at, IV, 248. La Potterie Farm, captured by Australians, June, 1917, XV, 105. Labour, thoroughness and skill in, I, 402-03. Lace industry, assistance by Relief Commission, IV, 455- Landen, capture of, 1, 368. Langemarck : British success near. III, 464. Fighting at, IV, 39 ; XV, 383 ; XVI, 41, 43 ; XVIII, 401. German armoured train shelled, April 26, 1915, V, 70. Storming of, August 16, 1917, XV, 367-69, 370. Lankhof Farm, capture by Germans, April 28, 1018, XVIII, 401. Le Bizet, capture by Germans, April 9, 1918, XVIII, 298. Le Coq, light battery at, firing on British des- troyers, October, 1918, XX, 255. Le Gheir : British occupation of, October 17, 1914, III, 441. Capture by Germans and recapture by British, October 21, 1914, III, 457-58. Fighting at, November 1, 1914, IV, 31. German assaults, 1914, III, 455, 459 ; IV, 14. Le Peuple, patriotism of, I, 364. Lebbekke, fighting at, August and September, 1914, I, 86, 113 ; II, 488. Ledeghem : British air raids, XVI, 45 ; XVII, 366, 393. British capture of : October 19, 1914, IIT, 39, 444, and with diawal, III, 445 October 2, 1918, XIX, 446. Fighting at, and storming of, by British, October, 1918, XVIII, 392 ; XX, 139. Leffinghe, occupied by Belgians, October, 1918, XX, 262. Leke, held by Belgians, October 16, 1914, HI, 176. Lekkerboterbeek River : Crossed by British, October, 1917, XVI, 117. Fighting on, September 20, 1917, XVI, 47, 50. Lendelwe, captured by Belgians, October, 191 8, XX, 140. L'F.nfer Hill, reached by Ulstermen, June 7, 1917. XV, 98. Leopold, Order of, X, 150; XIII, 410; XVII, 455. Les Lilas Fort, French attacks and capture, August, 1917, XV, 365-67. Lesse (Leppe ?) shooting of inhabitants, IT, 158. Leugenboom, German gun captured at, October, 1918. XX. 262. Belgium : — cont. Libremont : Belgian Relief Commission office in, IV, 443. Comite National de Secours et d'Alimentation Office at, IV, 444. Lichtervelde : Air raids, 1917. XV, 355. 364, 378; XVI, 64. Captured by French, October 16, 1918, XX, Mi- French threat to, October 19, 1914, III, 442. Liege : I, in, 112, 113 ; II, 43. Army division, I, 114 note. Belgian Relief Commission office in, IV, 443. Belgian successful counter attacks, I, 339, 342, Bombardment, I, 326, 343-45, 346, 357, 457, 458. British air raids, XIX, 286 ; XX, 281. Cockerill works, I, 362. Comite National de Secours et d' Alimentation. office at, IV, 444. Defence of, I, 312, 315, 317, 330, 336-37, 344, 356, 357. 445-40- Mr. Asquith on, I, 357, 358. .Mr. Bonar Law on, I. 357. Value of, I, 336, 352-53. 3 6 6. Deportations, XII, 476. Description, I, 321, 325-26, 405. wanton Destruction, I, 405. Entered by King and Queen of the Belgians, November 30, 1918, XXI, 232. Illustration, XX, 453. Fall of, August, 1914. I. 339, 345. 34° .' XI . '•■ Berlin rejoicings, I, 350-51. Opinion in England, I, 351. Fort Loncin, fall of, I, 354, 355. Fortifications, I, 107, 109, 116, 1 18-19, 33°, 351, 444, 457 ; VII, 488. Illustrations of after bombardment, I, 346, 35°. Plan, I, 109. German abuse of white flag, I, 335, 355. secret German agents in, I, 330-31. German attack,' I, 33, 345. German atrocities. Lord Crewe on, I, 358. German defensive measures, II, 478. German entrance, I, 331-32. German infantry attack, and Belgian defence, I, 326, 328-29, 335-36, 336-37. 345. 347. 348-49. Ground surrounding one of the forts, illustra- tion, I, 344. History of, I, 332. Illustrations, I, 107, 322, 323, 324, 332, 333, 334. 335. 336, 337. 338, 339. 35i. 352 i XX, 452 ; XXI, 233. Industries, I, 325. Legion of Honour conferred on, I, 343. Map of, and surrounding country, I, 340-41. Massacres, 1914, I, 332, 334 ; XI, 2-3. Prince-Bishops of, I, 322-23. Railwav to Cambrai, cutting of, by Belgians, H, 485. Lierre : Destruction of religious houses, I, 429. Fighting at, October 4-5, 1914, II, 96. Fort, I, 118 ; II, 81. Attack on, September 28, and fall on October 1, 1914, II, 86, 89-90. Illustrations, I, 430 ; II, 97, 104. Village partly burnt, October 1, 1914, II, 89. Liezel fort, attacked September 28, 1914, II, 86. Limburg, German occupation, I, 316. Linsmeau, German atrocities in, I, 432. Linth, bombardment of, October 5, 1914, II, 98. Lixhe ford : Fighting at, I, 435. German crossing of the Mouse at, I, 368. 68 THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. Belgium : — cont. Lizerne : French assault, April 26, 1915. V, 67. German attack, April 23, 1915. and capture, V, 63. 64. Retaken by French, April 28, 1915, V, 70. Locre: Captured and lost by French, April 26, 1918, XVIII, 3°4. 3°5. 4 QI - Fighting at, and near, XVIII, 401 ; XIX, 81, 167. Raiding activity near, July 28, 1918, XIX, 128. Locre- Voormezeele, German attack and Allied counter-attack. May 27-28, 1918, XVIII, 423. Lokeren : Germans penetrate as far as railway line, October 9, 1914, II, 114. Naval Brigade cut oS by Germans at, II, 114, i'5- Lombartzyde : British attacks near, August, 191 7. X V, 357. 392- Captured by British, December, 1914, IV, 216. Fighting near : November-December, 1915, VII, 304. July, 1917, XV, 181, 215-16. German attacks and evacuation by Allies, October, 1914, HI, 189, 443, 4 6 5~ 66 . 47° ; XX, 199-200. Held by Belgians, October 16, 1914, 111,176. Naval action off, XII, 69. Louvain : Belgian retreat through, I, 372. after Bombardment and destruction, illustra- tions, I, 404, 410, 413, 417, 418, 419. Bookshops of, I, 412-13. British air raid, November 9-10, 1918, XX, 281, 282. Church of St. Pierre, illustrations of before and after destruction, I, 414, 415. Churches, I, 409-10. Damage to, I, 416. Picture, illustration, I, 411. Civilians, deportation, I, 434. Cloth Hall, I. 416. Defence of, illustration, XIX, 406. Description, I, 408. Famous men connected with, I, 411-13. German atrocities, I, 415-16. Germans in, XIX, 407. Illustrations, I, 104, 369, 368. Library, I, 416. Illustration, I, 420. School of painters, I, 404. Town Hall, I, 410. University, I, 410-16. Wanton destruction, I, 413-14, 414-16, 436. Louveigne, wanton destruction of, I, 405. Lucannes Farm, fighting at, October 26, 191 7, XVI, 131. Luttre, refusal of men to work for German Army, XI, 36. Luxemburg: British air raid, April 10, 1918, XVIII, 310. Deportations, XII, 476. Luyghem : Fighting at, October 26, 1917, XVI, 132. French advance on. October 29, 1914, IV, 12. Scene near, illustration, XV, 362. Maedelsteed Spur, British attack on, December 14, 1914, IV, 217. Mackensen Farm, British capture of, XV, 339. Malines : Bombardments, I, 421-22 ; II, 86. Churches, I, 410-20. Deportations, XII, 465. Description, I, 418-21. German advance on, September 26, 1914, II «39 History of, I, 417. Illustrations, I, 421, 426. Belgium : — cont. Malines : — cont. Massacre of priests by Germans, 1914, XI, 2-3. Punishment inflicted on town by General von Bissing during 1914, XI, 36-37. Refugees from, I, 422 ; II, 100. Re'usal of men to work for German Army, XI, 36, 39- Reoccupation by Belgians, II, 84. St. Rombaut Cathedral : Destruction, I, 418-19, 421-22 Illustrations, I, 422, 423, 424, 425 ; XXI, 383. Pulpit, illustration, I, 422. Wanton destruction in chateau near, illustra- tion, I, 462. Mangelaere, captured by French, October 9, 191 7, XVI, 122. Mannekensvere : Captured by Germans, October 18, 1914, III, 1S6. Held by Belgians, October 16, 1914, III, 176. Maple Copse, fighting at, Battle of Ypres, June, 1916, IX, 171. Maps : Aisne to the North Sea, II, 487 Allied line, June, 1917, XV, 208. British position, V, 207. Calais to the Meuse, VI, War Atlas, p. 2-3. Dixmude to Rethel, XX, no. Operations in 1914-1915, III, 3. 20-21 ; IV, 219. Passchendaele and Menin Road, XVI, 42. Territory occupied by Germans, XI, 16 Ypres, II, 496-97 ; V, 62 ; XV, 332, 366. Marialoop, occupation of western edge by Bel- gians, October, 1918, XX, 262. Marialoopkauter, occupied by Belgians, October, 1918, XX, 262. / Marsage, wanton destruction, I, 436. Martjewaart, river fighting on, August, 191 7, XV, 365. Melle : Allied air raid, October, 1918, XX, 142. Battle of, October, 1914, III, 6, 182 German bombardment, October 9, 1914, III, 6. Illustration, I, 371. Meetcheele Spur, fighting at, October 30, 1917. XVI, 139. Memmling Farm, capture by British, October 26, 1917, XVI, 134. Menin : British advance on, and failure to take, October, 1914, III, 441, 442. British air raids, IV, 395 ; XVI, 46, 64 ; XVII, 366, 369, 377- 393 : XVIII, 428. Captured by Allies, October, 1918, XX, 140. Northern environs reached by British, and importance of, October, 1918, XX, 140. Operations round, October, 1914, HI, 34, 39, 40, 171. Menin Road, see Ypres-Menin Road below. Merckem Peninsula, map, XVI, 130. Merckem Ridge : Capture by French and Belgians, October, 1917, XVI, 130-32. Importance of, XVI, 126. Merckem : French advance on, October 29, 1914, IV, 12. Germans driven back on, April 6, 1915, V, 46. Merxem, fort, I, 118. Messines : Allied bombardment, November 5, 1914, IV, 34- Battle of, June 9, 1917, effect in Germany, XV, 184. Map, XV, 74. Bombardment of German trenches, February 20, 1917, XII, 358. British artillery work, March 6-7, 1917, XII, 366. THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. 59 Belgium : — cont. Messines : — cont. British capture of : October 14, III, 174. April 8, 1918, XVIII, 215. Fighting at, and near, III, 36 ; IV, 18, 32, 35 ; XVI, 43 ; XVIII, 298. German capture of : November 1, 1914, IV, 29. April 11, 1918, XVIII, 289. Germandefcnc.es, June, 1917, XV, 81. Illustrations, XV, 86, 92, 96, 108. New Zealanders in, June 7, 1917, XIII, 17*1 ; XV, 99-100. Roads made by Allies across morasses of battlefields of, XX, 138. Messines-Wytschaete Ridge : Battle of, June, 1917, XV, 70, 72, 73, 107 ; XVII, 108. Gorman comments, XV, 106. Illustrations, XV, 81, <)2. Map, XV, 74 British bombardment, June, 1917, XV, 86, 92, 93-94- British mining operations, X\ , 86 90. Fighting at, XIX, 422-23. Mine explosions, June 7, 1917, XV, 93 ; XVII, 108. Meuse River : Bridges : Blown up by Belgians, I, 316, 317. Illustration, I, 405. German crossing, I, 338, 366, 368, 475 ; II, 157. German sentries on the banks of, illustration, I. 353- Operations on, I, 475, 477. Michele Spur, fighting at, October 31, 1917, XVI, 282. Middelkirke : Bombardment by British ships, September, 1915. VI, 362. British air raids, XV, 379 ; XVIII, 424. Germans at, October 16, 1914, III, 183. Military policy, I, 361. Military position in, German defences and British plans, June, 1917, XV, 73-81. Minister in Great Britain, sec de Lalaing, Count. Molenaarelsthoek, captured by Australians, Octo. ber4, 1917, XVI, 113, 115. Moll, German scouts at, I, 370. Mondovi fort, French attacks and capture, August, 1917, XV, 365-67. Mons : Allied airraid, October, 1918, XX, 143. Allied capture of, November, 1918, XV, 271, 418, 461-63. I, 114 note. retreat from August, IQ14, II, 69 ; IX, 486 ; XIX, 404 ; I, 473-74- Army Division, Battle of, and I, 465-80; XX, 188. German General Staff Officer on, Illustration, VI, 52. Maps illustrating, I, 460-61, 470. R.A.M.C. work during, IV, 44-46. R.A.S.C. work during, IV, 281 , 304 1 1 Belgian Relief Commission office in, IV. 443. British air raid, August 12, 1916, X, 436. Canadians marching through, November 11, 1918, illustrations, XX, 275, 463. Comite National de Secours d 'Alimentation office at, IV, 444. Occupied by British, November, 1918, XV, 359 Mons district, deportations, XII, 461-62, 475 70 Moorseele, captured by British, October, 1918, XX, 139. Moorslede : British withdrawal through, III, 445 Fighting near : October, 1914, III, 39. 39-40. October, 1918, XX, 136-37. Belgium : — cont. Moray House, fighting at, October *6, 191 7, XVI, 134- Mortsel, destroyed by Belgian troops clearing the field of fire for guns of Antwerp, II, 98. Mosselmarkt, fighting at, November 6, 191 7, XVI, 141. Mouland, Germans leaving after looting and burning, illustration, I, 434. Namur : I, no, 112. Army Division, I, 114, note. Austrian guns at, II, 232 33. Belgian Relief Commission ottice in, IV, 443. Belgian retreat from, I, 462. British raids on, X, 436 ; XIX, 286 ; XX, 282. Comite National de Secours et d'Aliment office at, IV, 444. Defence, I, 462. Entered by British, November, 1918, XXI, 227. Evacuated by French, August 23, 1914, XX, 190. Fall of, August, 1914, I, 351, 408, 446. Fortification of, I, 107, 109, 116, 118-19, 351, 444, 457 ; VII, 488 ; plan, I, 119. German bombardment, 1, 329, 459. German defensive measures, II, 478. German " Kultur," performance of Goethe's " Iphigenie," illustration, XI, 25. Illustrations, I, 116, 362, 409. Loot left behind by Germans collected at, illustration, XXI, 316. Massacre of priests by Germans, 1914, XI, 2-3. National and dynastic ambitions in Africa not always commendable to Great Britain, II, 119. National Bank : Increase in rate, July 30, 1914, I, 170. Ix>an to Relief Commission, IV, 454. Transfer to England, XI, 1. Navy, mines, destruction by Germany, object of policy, XXI, 315. Neerhespen, German atrocities in, I, 432. Nethe River : Belgian troops withdrawn across, October 2, 1914, II, 90. Fighting on, October, 1914, IT, 96, 163. Neufchateau, repulse of French advancing on, I, 475 and Neutralisation of the Congo, VIII, 285. Neutrality : Herr von Bethmann-Hollweg on German position re, I, 24. British inquiry of French and German Govern- ments and reply, I, 25. Efforts to maintain, I, 314. as Political abstraction, I, 103, 106. alleged Violation by French airmen, II, 447. Violation by Germany, see German invasion above. Neuve Eglise : Captured and lost by Germans, April 12-13, 1918, XVIII, 292, 293, 300. Fighting at, and near. III, 34, 171 ; XIX, 202. Ruined church, illustration, XVIII, 293. Nieuport : Belgian raids near, March, 1918, XVII, 392. Belgian success near, April 29, 1918, XVIII, 401. British machine guns landed for defence of, II, 24. British sailors at, October, 1914, III, 45r. Cottages in a street at, illustration. III, 184. Convent of the Little Sisters of the Poor, illustration. III, 165. Defence by inundation, 1795, III, 469. Fighting at, and near, III, 197; IV, 216, 221; XV, 181, 215-16; XVIII, 402; XX, 199- 200. Flooding of district. III, 469-71, 476-80 ; IV. 4. 3", 33. 3<5. 207, 228. French in, III, 16. French troops leaving, illustration, XV, 216 CO THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR, Belaium : — com/. \u u]x>rt :— conl. German attacks, III, 189, 472, 478; IV. 4; XVII. 37 1 . German bombardment. III, 466, 468 ; I\ , 238 ; VI, 204 ; VII, 3°5- Map showing battlefields to La Bassee from, III. 180-81. .Minster at, illustration, III, 177. Naval bombardment, III, 154. Shell exploding near, illustration, XV. 393. Xieuport-Bains : Description, III, 179. German bombardment, December, 1914. IV, 228. Xieuwemolen : British cavalry at, and operations, October, 1914, III, 35, 171. Captured by British, October 9, 191 7. XVI, 123. Niouwkerken, capture of train by Germans, and surrender of British troops to save refugees, II, 115. Xieuwmunster, British air raid, June 6, 1917, XV, 70. Xivelles, deportations, XII, 465. Xon-combatants, German soldiers driving, illus- tration, I, 433. Xonne Bosch : British bombardment, August II, 1917. XV, 355-56. Fighting in, August-September, 1917, XV, 372-73 ; XVI, 57. German advance on, November II, 1914, I v , 39- Importance of to Germans, XV, 371. Xoordemdhoek, fighting at, and capture, October 4, 1917, XVI, 112, 117. Noordschoote, ruins of, illustration, XV, 365. Northampton Farm, fighting at, September 20, 1917. XVI. 57. Nosseghem, Belgian sortie to, II, 84 . Oordeghem, Germans at, II, 83. Oostcamp, captured by Belgians, October, 1918, XX, 262. Oostroosebeke, captured by Belgians, October, 1918, XX, 262. Oosttaverne : Capture by Welsh troops, June 7, 191 7, XV. 97. I01 " Line, description, XV, 78. Oosttaverne Spur, fighting on, .July 31, 1917, XIV. 34 „. Oostvleteren, bombardment, April, 1915, V, 46. Operations in, miscellaneous illustrations, V, 423 ; VI, 176, 417 ; VII, 288 ; XI, 19, 22 ; XV, 328, 329, 347, 348, 368, 372, 374, 375, 377, 388 ; XVI, 119, 132, 133 ; XVIII, 291, 295- Operations in, winter, 1915-16, VII, 304-10. Orphan Committee, IV, 456. Orsmael : Fighting at, I, 368. German atrocities in, I, 432. Ostend : Allied air raids on, V, 42 ; XVII, 393. Belgian troops landing at, illustration, III, 166. Blocking of harbour by British, XVIII, 341-45, 348-50. Bombardment by British ships. III, 197-98 ; . XIV, 157-58; XV, 70. British air raids, V, 42 ; XIV, 153-54 ; XV, 37 6 - British attacks, April-May, 1918, XVIII, 348 ; XXI, 12. 4 I'.ritish troops at, III, 10; illustration, XIX, 407. Captured by Allies, October 16, 1918, XX, 255, 261, 359 ; XXI, 258. Courtyard of hotel, booby trap placed in, bv Germans, illustration, XX, 276. Belgium 1— rout. Ostend : — cont. Defence of, left to Civic Guard and gendarmerie, II, 82. Effect on, of British attacks, XIV, 157- Evacuation : by Allies, October, 1914, XX, 199. by Germans, October 13, 1914, XX, 255. Flemish fishermen of, illustration, XII, 480. Fortification by Germans, XVIII, 340. French air raids, XII, 70 ; XV, 378. German advance through, III, 2. German air raids on, September-October, 1914. II, 82-83 ; III, 9. German camp outside, illustration, III, 35. German base, XIV, 157-58 ; XVIII, 339-14- German occupation, October 15, 1914, III, 9. 29, Plunder, XX, 256. German submarine off, bombed by British aviator, August 36, 1915, VI, 203. Harbour, map and plan, XIII, 132; XVIII, 349- Marine station, illustration, showing result of bombardment by British monitors, XX, 256. Occupied by Belgians, October, 191 8, XX, 262. Organisations and depots destroyed by Germans before retreat, 1918, XX, 261. Positions west of, bombardment by British ships, September, 1915, VI, 362. Refugees at, and flight to England and France, III, 7-10 ; IV, 439- Illustration, III, 444. Seafront, German big gun battery on, illustra- tion, XX, 257. Shop signs and advertisements in French for- bidden by Germans, 1914-16, XI, 24. Transfer of Government to Havre, October 1 3, 1914, III, 7. Proclamation, III, 9. Value of, to Germans, III, 14. Visit of King and Queen of the Belgians to, 1918, XX, 255. Ostend-Lille, captured by Allies, October 17,1918, XX, 434- * ,_ Otto Farm, captured by New Zealandcrs, October 4, 1917, XVI, 115- Oud-Stuyvekenskerke : French at, October 24, 1914, III, 467-68. Occupation by French marines, November 5, 1914. IV, 34- „ Oudenbourg, occupied by Belgians, October, 1918, XX, 262. Outtersteene hillock, lost by Germans, August 1 8, 1918, XIX, 167. Overmeire, fighting round, October 8-9, 1914, II. 114- Paanders, fighting at, October, 1918, XX, 262. Paddebcek, fighting on, October 26, 1917, XVI, 134- Panama Farm, fighting at, October 22, 1917, X\ I, 128. . Panne, refugees at, III, 10-1 1 . Papegoed Wood, fighting at, October 26, 191 7, XVI, 131. Papevyvere, eastern bordersoccupied by Belgians, October, 1918, XX, 262. Pappotje Farm, fighting at, September 20, 1917, XVI, 58-59. Passchendaele : Campaign for possession of, 1917, and effects, XIX, 423 ; XX, 398, 399- Capture of, by Canadians, November 6, 1917, XVI, 141-42 ; XVII, 108. Description of country round, XVI, m. Fighting at and near : October, 1914, III, 35, 40, 171, 176, 456. 1917-1918, XVI, 399 I XVII, 363, 365, 388. French advancing to, October 30, 1914, IV, 19. French at, October 19, III, 445. German raids near, February, 1918, XVII, 380, Illustrations, XVI, 137, 138, 142. Occupied by Germans, III, 196. THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. 01 Belgium : — cont. Passchendaelc Ridge : British withdrawal, April, 191 8, XVIII, 294, 301. Description, XVI, 109, III. Fighting for, XVI, 114-15, 117 26, 136, 278-84 ; XVII, 384. Illustrations, XVI, 46, 47, 1 12 ; XIX, 427. Map, XVI, 1 10. Passchendaelc sector, German raids, early 1918, XVII, 389. Peasants, formation of local guards, I, 364, 365. Peruwelz, captured by Allies, November 9, 1918, XX, 271. Pervyse : Fighting at, October, 1914, XX, 200. French Marines sent to, October 29, 1914, HI, 480. German advance on, and attack, October 25-26, 1914, III, 468, 472. Illustrations, III, 177, 184. Taube brought down, April 8, 1915, V, 45. Petit Bois : Fighting at, December 14, 1914, IV, 217. Mining of, June 7th, 1917, XV, 97. Pigs for Germany reared in, illustration, XI, 31. Pilkem : Battle scene, illustration, XV, 107. British capture of, July 31, 191 7, XV, 337, 339. French attack, April, 1915, V, 65, 67. German defences, XV, 337. Shelled by French, June, 191 5, VI, 209. Pioneer House, righting at September 20, 191 7, XVI, 60. Ploegsteert (Plug Street) : Anglo-Belgian advance to, September 28, 1918, XIX, 440. British raid near, February 18, 1917, XII, 357. Fighting at, October 21, 1914, III, 458. Ploegsteert, Bois de : III, 441, 448, 455, 457; IV, 2, 31-32, 36, 39 ; V, 46. Fighting at, and near, IV, 35 ; IX, 161 ; XVI, 117, 122. German assault, October 29, 1914, IV, 14. Germans driven from, September 30, 191 8, XIX, 446. Held by British, April 9, 1918, XVIII, 298. Plum Farm, fighting at, July 31, 1917, XV, 343. Poelberg, fighting near, October, 1918, XX, 262. Poelcapelle : Artillery activity, January 25, 1918, XVII, 374. British at, October 19, 1914, III, 445. British raid near, February 4, 1918, XVII, 380. Captured : by Belgians, September 28, 1918, XIX, 445. by Germans, April 9, 1918, XVIII, 298. French round, October, 1914, III, 454 ; IV, 22. German raids near, February, 19 18, XVII, 380. Occupied by Germans, III, 190. Operations at, October, 1914, HI, 40. Poelsele peninsula, fighting on, August, 1917, XV, 365. Polderhoek, fighting at, and near, 1917, XVI, 117, 118, 123, 136. Polygon Woods : British bombardment, August n, 191 7, XV, 355-5°- Fighting in, August-October, 1917, XV, 372- 73; XVI, 57, 61-63, 66-67, 69, 70, 117. Importance of, to Germans, XV, 371. Pommern Castle and Redoubt, fighting at, July 31, 1917, XV, 343, 345. Poperinghe : Flight from Ypres to, IV, 25, 33. German aviator brought down, March 31, 1915, V, 42. Operations round, October, 1914, II, 34. Removal of hospitals at Furnes to, October 26, 1914, HI, 473. Withdrawal of Belgian staff to, from Furnes, IV, 4. Belgium : com/. Ports, reconstruction of, by Inland Water Trans- port, XXI, 130. Position immediately following outbreak of war, I, 361. Potsdam Works, fighting at, and capture by British, September 20, 1917, XVI, 53. Priest assisting wounded after battle of Hofstade, illustration, I, 373. Priests and Red Cross Detachment, illustration, I. 437- Prince's House, fighting at, September 20, 1917, XVI, 60. Prisoners, see that title. Protection afforded to, by Hague Convention of 1907, concerning Laws and Customs of Wax on Land, XI, 2, 4. Purchases in U.S.A., arrangements, XXI, 84-85. Quaregnon, deportations, XII, 463. Quatrecht, Uhlans repulsed by Belgian cyclists, October 9, 1914, III, 6. Quebec Farm : British at, September 20, 1917, XVI, 50. Fighting at, September 20, 1917, XVI, 48. Railways : Guarding of, illustration, VI, 172. Mileage, etc., at outbreak of war, VI, 169. Work of engineers, XV, 77. Ramscappelle : Captured by Germans, October 29, 1914, III, 480 ; IV, 19. Fighting at, and capture by Allies, October 31, 1914,111,480; IV, 19, 22. German advance on, October 25, 1914, III, 408. Illustrations, III, 177, 184, 478. Ravine Wood, fighting for, June 7, 1917, XV, 95. 97- Raw materials, British offer of import under guarantee rejected, XII, 458-60. Reigershuit, German attack, March6, 1918, XVII, 392- Reitres Farm, capture of, by British, August 16, 1917, XV, 368. Relief and feeding of, IV, 441-56. Baby canteens, IV, 452. Canadian grants for relief of distress, II, 242. Distribution, IV, 449-53. Financial arrangements, IV, 450-52, 453-54. Grants from Australia and New Zealand, II, 260. Problem, IV, 441-42. Queue of impoverished Belgians, illustration, ' XI, 26. Slate and bricks manufacture started by Commission, IV, 455. Transportation, IV, 447-49. Understanding arrived at with belligerent Governments, IV, 442. Relief Commission : Benevolent department, IV, 455-56. Constitution of, IV, 442-43. Flag of immunity from attack at sea, IV, 446, 449- Shipload of wheat and rice, T\ , 443. Work of, and status, IV, 444. Relief Ships : Illustration, XIII, 67. Sinking of, by German submarines, VII, 140 ; XIII, 65-67. Religion, I, 404. Renaix, reached by Allies, and capture, of, November 9, 1918, XX, 271. Reply to President Wilson's Note of December, 1916, delivered to American Ambassador, XI, 492-93- Representative sent by, to Allied Khiiu-land Commission in Germany, XXI, 252. Retaliation Farm : Captured by Australians, October 4, 1917, XVI, 115- " Pill- Box " surrenders, illustration, XVI, no. 68 THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. Belgium : — coal. K t treat of Germans from coast, 1918, XX, 261, 263. Reutel, fighting at. October, 191 7. XVI, 117, 118, 123. Reutel Ridge, fighting on, October 26, 1914. IV, 4. Ridge Wood : British advance near, Julv 14. 1918, XIX, 80. Fighting at, 1918. XVIII. 4 OI > 4°° ; XIX, 80 Ringbeek, occupied by Germans, October, 191 8, XX, 263. Roethoek Farm, Allied captures of prisoners at, October, 1918, XX, 139. Rolleghemcappelle : British capture of : October, 1914, IH> 39- October, 1918, XX, 139. British withdrawal from, II, 445. Romarin, fighting at, April 11, 1918, XVIII, 299. Roodeport. German attack near, February 22, 1917, XII, 358. Rotselaer, German atrocities in, I, 436. Roulers : Allied air raids, V, 42. Ammunition column advancing towards, illus- tration, XIX, 464. Battle of, 1794, HI. 34 note - British advance on, October, 1914, III, 5, 170, 171. British air raids, XVI, 45, 64 ; XVII, 366, 369, 377. 393- Captured by French, October, 1918, XX, 139. Fighting at and round : October, 1914, III, 38 ; XX, 200. October, 1918, XX, 136-37- French air raid, August 20, 191 7, XV, 379. French in, October 18-19, 1914. HI. 44 1 . 44 2 - German attack on, October, 1914, and capture, III, 186, 444. Germans in, III, 38. Occupied by British, October, 1914, III, 34. Population, III, 34 note. after Recapture, illustration, XX. 139. Rubens Farm, capture by British, October 26, 1917, XVI, 134. Ruddervoorde : British cavalry at, October 10, 1914, III, 5. Destruction of bridges by Germans, October, 1918, XX, 262-63. Rumbeke, captured by Belgians, October, 191 8, XX, 139. Rupelmonde fort, I, 118 ; II, 81. St. Andre, reached by Allies, October, 1918, XX, 262. St. Denis- Westrem, aerodrome bombed bv British, September, 1916, XIX, 286. St. Eloi : Canadians at, V, 204-5 ; XVI, 260-61. Illustration, XVI, 262. Capture of : by British, March 14, 1915, V, 41. by Germans, April 25, 1918, XVIII, 303. Defence of, IV, 27. Fighting at, IV, 399, 400 ; VIII, 483-84 ; IX, 166; XVI, 260-61. Map, IV, 399. Progress by Allies near, December, 1914, IV, 216. Ruined buildings near, illustration, IV, 394. St. Eloi Wood, German attack on, repulsed by French, October 15, 1916, XI, 411. St. Georges :, Belgian retirement, October 24, 1914, III, 466. British capture of, December, 1914, IV, 216. Fighting at, October, 1918, XX, 136. French and Belgian capture of, December, 19 1 4 , IV, 228. only weak German rearguard at, November 4, 1914. IV, 33- Belgium : — cout. St. Jacques Cappelle, fighting at, October, 1914, III, 195- St. Janshoek, fighting near, September, 1917, XVI, 43. St. Jean, captured bv French, October 9, 1917, XVI, 122. St. Joseph, captured by French, October, 1918, XX, 139- St. Julien : Capture by British, July 31, 1917, but later abandoned, and recaptured August 3, 191 7, XV, 341-42. 349. 351- Capture by Germans, April 24, 1915, V, 65. Fighting at and near : April, 1915, V, 65-66, 66-67, °9- August-September, 1917, XV, 378, 380, 384 ; XVI, 43. St. J ulien, Wood of : Captured by Germans, April, 1915, V, 60. Fighting near, April, 1915, V, 63, 64, 65. Sainte-Marie, fort and coast battery, I, 118. St. Pieter, British at, October, 1914, III, 444. St. Trond, fighting at, I, 368. Salonne Farm, occupied by Germans, April 22, 1918, XVIII, 302. Sambre River : German crossing of, I, 472. Operations on, I, 462 . Sanctuary Wood : British advance to, and fighting in, July 31, 1917, XV, 348. Canadians in action at, June, 1917, XVI, 264-66. Fighting at, June, 1916, IX, 171 ; XVI, 264-66. Saventhem : Association with Van Dyck, I, 429. Destruction, I, 429. Schaapbaillie, captured by Belgians, September 28, 1918, XIX, 445. Scheldt River, see that title. Schoonaerde, fighting at, II, 113. Schoorbakke : Crossing of Yser at, by Belgians, October 16, 1918, XX, 141. Fighting at, III, 196 ; V, 46. German attack on, October 21, 1914, HI. 45°. only weak German rearguard at, November 4, 1914, IV, 33. Schoore : Captured by Germans, October, 1914, III, 189. Held by Belgians, October 16, 1914, III, 176. Schooten, fort, I, 118 ; II, 81. Schreyboom, fighting at, and attempt to carry, September 20, 191 7, XVI, 47-48. Schuler Farm, fighting at, September, 191 7. XVI, 51. 60-61. Sempst, German atrocities in, I, 433, 436. ' ' Shell trap " Farm, fighting at, May, 191 5. v . 79- Shipping, loss of the Trevier, April 4, 1917. XIII, °5 • Shrewsbury Forest, fighting in, July 31-Septem- ber, 1917, XV, 340-41 ; XVI, 59. Snaeskerke : Germans driven off by gendarmes, August 26, 1914, II, 82. Occupied by Belgians, October, 191 8, XX, 262. Organizations and depots destroyed by Germans before retreat, 1918, XX, 261. Social reform policy, I, 361-62. Socialists, patriotism of, I, 363. Societ6GeneraledeBelgique,ultimatum addressed to, by General von Bissing, XI, 28-29. Soignies, British cavalry patrols at, August 22-23, 1914, I, 465. Spa: Communications between German Government and Headquarters at, and results, XX, 440. Discussions at German Headquarters, re question of Armistice, XX, 463. THE TIMES HISTORY <>F THE, WAR. 08 Belgium : — coni. Spa : — cant. Headquarters of German Armistice Delegation November, 1918, XX, 444. Illustrations, XX, 446, 449, 450; XXI, 277, 281. Spanbroekmolen Mine, explosion of, June 7, 1917, XV, 90, 93, 98, 99. Spanish .Minister, efforts to save Miss Cavell, VI. 435- Spriet, lighting at, October 22, 191 7, XVI, 128. Stabroeck, fort destroyed by Belgians before leaving Antwerp, illustration, II, 115. Staden : Allied air raids, V, 70 ; XV, 379 ; XVI, 120. Withdrawal of British, October 16, 1914, III, 35. 171. 176. Statistics, re, VI, War Atlas, p. 44. Stavelot, German occupation, I, 316. Steenbeek : Bridged by French, October, 1917, XVI, 131, 13- Fighting on, 1917, XV, 98-99, 353, 354, 356, 365 66, 367, 369. Reached by British, July 31, 1917, XV, 337. Steenbrugge, fighting near, October, 1918, XX, 26a. Steenstraate : Bridge smashed by Belgian artillery, April 24, 1915. V, 65. Canal crossed by Germans at, April 22, 1915, V, 61. Capture by French : May 15, 1915, V, 79. July 31, 1917, XV, 337. Fighting at, February, 191 7, XII, 362. German attempts to cross canal near, February, 1916, VII, 306. Stirling Castle, British capture of, Julv 31, 191 7, XV, 346. Stroombeek, fighting on, September-October, 1917, XVI, 47-48, 50-51, 117. Styx Farm, British capture of, June 7, 1917, XV, 09. Su eveghem, refusal of workmen to make barbed wire for German trenches, and results, XI, 39. Templeuve, deportations, XII, 463. Terhand, fighting at, October 18, 1914, III, 442. Termonde (Dendermonde) : Bombardment and capture by Germans, I, 425. Burning of, II, 82. Demonstration against, September 26-27, 1 9 , 4> II, 85-86, 86. Description, I, 423-24. wanton Destruction, I, 425-26, 436. after Destruction, illustrations, I, 428, 429. Fighting round, Spetember-October, (914, II. 113- Germans at, September 16, 1914, II, 488. German crossing of the Scheldt at, October 6-7, 1914, II, 113. Notre Dame, I, 424-25. Destruction, I, 425-26. Railway Bridge, illustration, I, 427. School of painters, I, 404. Terrier Farm, fighting at, October 4, 1917, XVI, 117. Tervaete : Canal crossed by Germans at, October 22, 1 9 1 4 , III, 195, 196, 463, 467. only weak German rearguard at, November 4, 1914. IV, 33. Thielt : Allied air raid, April 26th, 1915, V, 70. French and British in, October 12, 1914, III, 170, 172. German air bombardment, I, 428. Thildonck, German atrocfties in, I, 436. Thourout : Advance on, October, 1914. Ill, 185. British air raids, J 91 7, XV, 354, 376, 378 ; XVI, 64. Belgium : — cont. Thourout : — coni. British cavalry at, October 10, 191 4, III, 5 ; 30. Captured by Allies, October 15, 1918, XX, 256. Enveloped by Belgians from west, October 10, 1918, XX, 141. French air raids, August, 1917, XV, 378, 379. French marines at, October 13, 1914, III, 170, 172. Thuin, German attack, August 22, 1914, I, 463. Tirlemont, fighting at, I, 368, 372. Tongres, Germans in, I, 368. Toronto Farm, fighting at, September 26, 19 17, XVI, 65. Tournai : Abandoned by Germans, November 7-8, 1918, XX, 271, 272. British air raids, January, 1918, XVII, 377 ; XVIII, 424, 428. British troops marching into, illustration, XX, 270. Captured by Allies, November 9, 1918, XX, 271. German entrenched camp, VI, 211. German hospitals, moved to, from Lille, March, 1915. IV, 397- Illustrations, XX, 271, 273. Massacre of priests by Germans, 1914, XI, 2-3. Municipal Council Resolution, October 20, 1916, and German reply, October 23, XII, 471-72. Punitive contribution imposed on, by Germans, XII, 472. Proclamation issued at, by Major-General Hopfer, and fine imposed on city, XI, 37-39. Tower Hamlets Redoubt, fighting at, September, 1917, XVI, 59, 61. Town Halls, I, 404. Trade guilds, I, 403. Tremeloo, German atrocities in, I, 436. Triangle Farm : British capture of, August 19, 191 7, XV, 378, 380. Fighting at, September 28, 1917, XVI, 50. Unemployment, XII, 455. Causes, XII, 457. Forced labour for, XII, 453. Ursel, fighting at, III, 6. Uytkerke, British airraid (harmless), August 16, 1917, XV, 376. Vampire Works, fighting at, September 20, 1917, XVI, 53- Van Isackere Farm, fighting at, September 26, 1917, XVI, 65. Van Meulen Fort, fighting at, October 4, 191 7, XVI, 115. Vancouver Farm, fighting at, September 20, 191 7, XVI, 50. Vanity Farm Redoubt, fighting at, November 5-6, 1917, XVI, 141. Varlet House, fighting at, and capture by Cana- dians, October 26, 1917, XVI, 134-35. Varssenaere, captured by Allies, October, 1018, XX, 262. Veldhoek : Captured by French, October 9, 1917, XVI, 122. Fighting at, September 20, 191 7, XVI, 57. Troops waiting to attack, illustration, XVI, 121 . Verbrandesmis, fighting at, October 26, 191 7, XVI, 132. Verlorenhoek road, fighting on, July 13, 1915, VI, 209. Vertryck, Belgian retreat to, I, 372. Verviers, German occupation, I, 316. Vicogne, Chateau de, German attacks at, April, I 9 I 5, V, 60 ; VI, 203-4. Victory Fete in, July, 1919, illustration, XXI 383- Vierstraat : British raid near, February 24, 1917, XII, 361. Fighting at, April 25, 1918, XVIII, 303. 64 THE TIMES HISTOBY OF THE WAR. Belgium : — cont. Vieux Dieu, bombardment of, October 5, 1914. I, 98. Villers-en-Pagne, fired by Germans and inhabi- tants shot, II, 158. Vine Cottage Redoubt, fighting at, November 5-6, 1917, XVI, 141. Virton : Deportations, XII, 465. French success, I, 477. Vis4 : Belgian resistance at, I, 3 J 7- 18 . 3 IQ - 2 °> Bridges blown up by Belgians, I, 317. Burning of, I, 405. Church : Chasse de St. Hadelin, I, 405. Destroyed, illustration, I, 329. Deportations, I, 435. Destruction of, I, 435-36. German crossing at, I, 366. German retreat from, illustration, XXI, 236. German troops resting after the fighting at, illustration, I, 375. Massacre at, I, 320. 377~7 8 - Shooting of a few inhabitants who assisted troops, I, 3»7-'9- Welcome given to returned soldiers, November, 1918, XXI, 232. Vladsloo : Burning of. III, 189. Germans turned out from, October, 1914. III, 187. VTamertinghe, operations round, October, 191 4. HI. 34. 35- Von Tirpitz Farm, fighting at, September 20, 1917, XVI, 50. Voormezeele : Fighting at, April 29, 1918, XVIII, 3°5, 4°' 2. Indian troops at, October 22, 1914, 111, 462 ; IV, 2. Shelling near, April 17, 1916, VIII, 484. Vyfwege station, French air raid, April 23-24, 1916, VIII, 498. Wackerzeele, German atrocities in, I, 436. Waelhem, German crossing of river at, October, 1914, II, 96. Waelhem fort, I, 118 ; II, 81. Attack on, September 28, 1914, and fall of October 1, II, 86, 87, 88, 89-90. Waesland district, cultivation, I, 402. Wallemolen Spur, fighting at, October 22, 1917, XVI, 128. Walloon milk girls, illustration, XII, 481. Wambeek Valley, German attack repulsed, June 7, 1917, XV, 101. Warneton : Attack by Australians near, February 10, 1918, XVII, 388. British capture of, October 16, 1914, III, 36, 37. British raids near, XV, 210 ; XVII, 391. Warneton road, British posts established on, June 24-25, 1917, XV, 211. Waterloo. I, 487 ; IV, 26 ; IX, 486 ; XV, 386." Waterloopen, fighting at, October, 1918, XX, 263. Waterways, utilization of, for keeping British troops supplied, XXI, 130. Wavre, wanton destruction, I, 436. Wavre Ste. Catherine fort, attack on, September, 1914, II, 86, 87, 88-89. Weerde, German atrocities in, I, 436. Wellington Farm, fighting at, October 4, 191 7, XVI, 117. Werchter : Expanding bullets left by Germans at, I, 435. German atrocities in, I, 436. Wervicq : British air raid, XVI, 64. Captured by Allies, October, i<)i8,XX, 140, 255. Operations round, October, 1914, 111, 34, 171. Wespelaer, German atrocities in, I, 436. Belgium : —cont. Westende : Bombardment : by British-ships, 111, 154 ; VI, 3, 362; V, 46; VII, 132, 304, 305. by French ship, XII, 69. French attacks on, October, 1914, III, 466, 468. Germans at, October 16, 1914, III, 183. Western, defeat of Germans at, and effect on spirit of troops, XX, 140. Westhoek : British advance to, July 31, 1917. XV, 34 6 ~47- British capture of, August 10, 1917, XV, 351, 354-55- Fighting at, July-August, 1917, X\ , 340, 353. 355- Observation post near, illustration, X\ I, 59. Westhoek Ridge, roadmaking on, illustration, XVI, 71. Westoutre : German brutalities, II, 505 ; III, 34. High ground round, secured by British cavalry, October 14, 1914, III, 33~34- Westroosebeke : 3rd British Cavalry Division at, October 17, 1914, III, 441. French at, October 19, 1914, HI. 445- Wetteren, German crossing of the Scheldt at, October 6-7, 1914, II, 113. Wevelghem, captured by British, October, 1918 XX, 255. White Chateau, attack and capture by British, June 7, 1917, XV, 78, 95. Wieltje, fighting at, 1915-1916, V, 75 ; VIII, 485. Willebroeck, Town Hall, destruction, 1, 429. Wilsele, German atrocities in, I, 436. Winchester Farm, righting at, October 4, 1917, XVI, 117. Windmill Cabaret, fighting at, September 26, 191 7, XVI, 66. Winkel St. Eloi, captured by Belgians, October, 1918, XX, 139. Wolf Copse, fighting at, October 26, 191 7, XVI, 280, 281. Woumen, Chateau de : French attack, November 3-4, 1914, IV, 33. French Marines at. III, 182. German fortress constructed before the war, HI. 47i- Wulverghem : Capture by Germans, April 15, 1918, XVIII, 300. German raids near, March 9, 1917, XII, 367. Fighting at, 1918, XVIII, 300; XIX, 301. Indian troops at, October, 1914, II, 333 ; HI, 462 ; IV, 2. Wurst Farm : Fighting at, September 20, 1917, XVI, 50, 51. Reached by British, July 31, 1917, XV, 345. Wydendreft, stormed by British, August, 1917, XV, 367, 369. Wynendaele, capture of wood and chateau by Belgians, October 16, 1918, XX, 141. Wytschaete : Allied bombardment, November 5, 1914, IV, 34- Bombardment of German trenches, January- February, 1917, XII, 349, 352, 358. British at, October 14, 1914, III, 35, 171, 174. British attacks, IV, 216-17, 397. British capture of, June 7, 1917, XV, 97, 08. Defence of trenches to Hollebeke, October 31, 1914, IV, 27. Fighting at and near : November, 1914, IV, 31, 32, 35, 203. September 1, 1917, XVI, 41. German attack on, November 1, 1914, and capture, IV, 27-28. German defences, June, 1917, XV, 80 THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. 65 Belgium : — cont. Wytschaete : emit. Germans driven from ridge, September 30, 1918, XIX, 446. Held and lost by Germans, April 16, 1918, XVIII, 294, 299, 301. Illustrations, XII, 349; XV, 102. Indian troops at, October 22, 1914, III, 462 ; IV, 2. Mine exploding on ridge, illustration, XV, 88. Yperlee Canal : . Crossed by French, IV, 12, 19. Fighting on : April— May, 1915, VI, 203, 211. March, 191 6, VIII, 483. German attempts to cross, February, 1916, VII, 306. German crossing of, April 22, 1915, V, 61. Ypres : Artillery activity, March, 191 7, XII, 364, 366, 368. Battles of : First: III, 161, 441-64; IV, 1-40, 201 ; XVII, 212-14; XIX, 404; XX, 183, 199-200, 402. Maps, III, 460 61 ; IV, 20-21. Second, V, 41-80. Map, V, 54. Work of R.A.M.C., April, 191 5, IV, 64-65. Third : IX, 169-75 ; XV, 325-96 ; XVI, 4 6 . 54-55. 112-13- German Army Order on new defence tactics, June 30, 1917, XV, 328. German defence system, XV, 327-31. German reports, XV, 373-74. German soldier's diary before, XV, 352-53- Illustrations, XV, 342, 343. Map, IX, 170. Minor actions during, XV, 356-57, 378-79 Bomb irdment, IV, 18, 33, 34, 203 ; V, 46, 52 59, 206 ; XVI, 282. British and French occupation, October, 1914 II, 165 ; III, 33, 51, 454. British march to, October 20, 1914, 111,453-54 British raids near, January and February 1917. XII, 349, 352, 355, 357. British success near, February 21, 1917, XII 358. Canadian troops at, V, 219. Illustrations, V, 76, 2r2, 218. Cloth Hall : Description, IV, 203 4. Illustration, IV, 28, 202. Conduct of Germans at, III, 172. Description of country, IX, 169 70. Enemy forced back from before, by Allies, September 28, 1918, XX, 417, 433. Evacuated by Germans, September, 1914, XX, 199. Extension of salient as result of campaign of, 1917. XX, 325. Fighting at. and round, II, 34 ; IV, 206, 239-40; V, 207, 209, 414, 417, 434; VI, 209; IX, 168, 169, 170-73; XII, 362; XIV, 2C5-8 ; XVII, 108, 214, 367 ; XVIII, 402. French air raid on environs of, April 23-24, 1916, VIII, 498. French reinforcements, IV, 12, 14, 32, 33. German aeroplane activity near, April 13, 1915- V- 45 German comments on fighting, October, 191 7, XVI, 123-24, 125-26, 136-37, 140, 142. German Dragoons at, October 3, 1914, II, 505. German occupation, October, 1914, III, 2, 172 ; XX, 199. German shell bursting in, illustration, XV, 89. German shelling near, July 18, 1918, XIX, 80. Highland pipers playing the Canadian Scottish, illustration, V, 233. Ind. — E Belgium : — cont. Ypres : — cont. History and description of, IV, 203-6. Incendiary shells used against, V, 77. Inhabitants leave, IV, 25, 33 ; V, 64. Operations in, miscellaneous illustrations, V, 52. 53. 237 ; XI, 2 ; XV, 103, 333 ; XVIII, 211 ; XIX, 430. Movement on. III, 30-33, 171. Raids repulsed south of, July 13, 1916, X, 92. Roads made by Allies across morasses of battle- fields of, XX, 138. Taube damaged near, April 8, 1915, V, 45. Use of poison gas at, V, 46, 53-59, 60, 63, 64-65, 69, 72-73, 74, 77 ; IX, 162-65. Zeppelin over, October 19-20, 1917, XIX, 257. Ypres Canal : Belgian attack, April, 1918, XVIII, 295. Belgian bridge over, illustration, V, 50. Crossing of the, by the French, illustration, XV, 338. Fighting on, and near, IV, 239-40 ; VI, 363— ' 64; XV, 209; XVI, 43; XVIII, 215. German attack north of, February 27, 1916, VIII, 481. Ypres-Langemarck Road, German attack on positions on, and subsequent fighting, April, 1916, VIII, 485, 487. Ypres-Menin Road : Fighting on, XV, 348-49, 370, 371, 377, 380-81, 383, 384; XVI, 57, 128; XVII, 363- German bombardment of trenches north of, June 11, 1916, IX, 173. Scenes at and jiear, illust.ations, XV, 69,379, 384, 385. Ypres sector : British artillery work, July, 1918, XIX, 128. British raids, early 1918, XVII, 389. German gas attacks, VI, 207-8 ; VII, 309. Relief of British troops by French, November 20, 1914, IV, 209. Ypres-Staden Railway ; German attacks against, December, 1917, XVII, 97. German and British raids near, February, 1918, XVII, 380, 389, 390. Yser district : big Attack expected, December 1, 1914, IV, 210. German prisoners captured in, illustration, IV, 369- Yser River and Canal : Allied line on, III, 446. Barges with British nnval machine-guns in, December, 1914, IV, 216. Battles of : III, 161-200, 465-80 ; XV, 362. Allied position at beginning of, III, 175, 176-83. Description of district, III, 175-82. Events immediately preceding, III, 168-76. Map, III, 188. Crossed by Belgians at Schoorbakke, October 16, 1918, XX, 141. Description of country near, and position of first sector of Allied front, XX, 184. Fighting on : 1914 : IV, 216 ; XX, 183, 199. April-May, 1915, VI, 204. Illustration, IV, 16. Flooding of district, III, 469-71, 476-80 ; IV, 30, 33, 39, 207, 228 ; VII, 304. Illustration, III, 474. Map, III, 470. French Naval Brigade at, XII, 71-76. French reinforcements, III, 463, 464, 465 ; IV, 7. German bridge of boats, destruction by Bel- gians, April 29, 1915, VI, 204. German repulse, IV, 33. Germans in a trench on the, illustration. III, 193- t;«; THE TIMES HlsToltY OF THE WAR. Belgium : — tout. Y.-er Rive* and Canal : — cont. Halt of portion of Belgian Army on, HI, 1 1. Operations on, and German success, July, 1917, XV, J 15-16, 327, 337- Map, XV, 215. Zandvoorde : Bombardment of trenches, IV, 17. British at, October 10, 1014, III, 445. Captured by British, September 28, 1918, XIX, 445- Fighting at and near : October, 1914. HI, 462 ; IV, 19. November 22, 1917, XVI, 426. Fired by shells, IV, 10. Zandvoorde Ridge : British advance, September, 191 7, XVI, 54-56. German counter-attack, XVI, 59. Zechk, I, 370. Zeebrugge : Air photograph, illustration, XIV, 180 Allied air raids, V, 42 ; VI, 202, 203 ; VII, 132; x, 57-58; xii, 70; xiv, 153-54: XV, 70 ; XVIII, 424, 428 ; XX, 142. Blocking of mole and harbour, by British, April 23, 1918, XVIII, 34 I -5°- Illustrations, XVIII, 346, 347. Map, XVIII, 344. Bombardment, bv Allied warships, VI, 362; vii. rja, 304; vill, 481. British attack, April, 1918, XXI, 12. British naval attack on German ships at, April 7, 1917, XIV, 154-55- Defence of, left to Civic Guards and gendar- merie, II, 82. Destroyer action off, illustration, XIV, 158-59. Evacuation by Allies, October, 1914, XX, 199. Fighting near, October, 1918, XX, 261. German base, IV, 120 ; V, 45, 52, 53, 55 ; XIV, 157-58; XVIII, 339-4'- German captive balloon, destruction, March 31, 1915, V, 42. Liberated by Allies, October, 1918, XX, 359. the Mole : Fighting on, illustration, XIX, 352. Illustrations, X, 48; XVII, 417. Naval bombardment, III, 154. Occupied by Belgians, October, 19, 1918, XX, 264. Refugees at, 111, 7. Value of, to Germans, III, 14. Zele, fighting at, October 8-9, 1914, II, 114. Zevenkote, entered by British, September 20, 1917, XVI, 53. Zillebeke : Fighting at, IV, 35 ; IX, 173-74. Scene near, illustrations, XV, 368 ; XVI, 39. Zonnebeke : British cavalry at, October 19, 1914,111,445. Capture of : by Belgians, September 28, 1918, XIX, 445. by British, September 26, 1917, XVI, 65-66, 118. Fighting at, III, 171, 457, 462 ; III, 464 ; IV, 19 ; XV, 371 ; XVI, 51, 53, 56, 69. French retreat to, III, 454. Illustrations, XV, 371 ; XVI, 48, 49, 52, 55. Kuined condition of, IV, 10. Zonnebeke, Polygone de, IV, 22, 30. Zuidwege, British air raid, August 9, 191 7, XV, 354- Zwyndrecht, fort, I, 118. Belgrade, see under Serbia. Belikamen, see under Serbia. Belin, General : Appointment as President of the Versailles Council, April, 1918, XVII, 191. Portrait -. HI, 410; XVII, 194; XX, 442, 443. Belize, see under British Honduras. Belknap, Captain R. R., in command of mine layers, U.S.A., XVIII, 35. Belkovitch. General : Commanding 7th Russian Army, July, 1917, XIV, 15. 17. Removal of, XIV, 16-17. Bell : Albert Edward, Constable, Isle ol Man Con- stabulary, award of medalfor heroism, XI, 190. Temporary Second Lieutenant D. S., V.C., award of V.C., XII, 163, 163-64, 190 ; XIX, 350. Portrait, XII, 163. Colonel E. H. Lynden, C.B., as A.D.M.S., Bou- logne, IV, 59, 65. Temporary Captain E. N. F., V.C. : Award of V.C, XII, 166, 192 ; XIX, 356. Portrait, XII, 168. Major-General G. : in Command of 33rd American Division in France, advance, August, 1918, XIX, 144. Portrait, XX, 58. Miss Gertrude Lowthian, work in Mesopotamia, XVII, 274. Captain John W., of s.s. Thordis : Portrait, VII, 147. Sinking of German submarine, February 28, 1915, and reward, VII, 144, 440. Rudolph (Duala family), hanged by Germans, August, 1914, VIII, 286. Sir Thomas, appointed Deputy Controller for Dockyards and Shipbuilding, May 27th, 1917, XV, 444. Dr., portrait, XXI, 314, 321. Lady, work of, IV, 250. Major, Canadian Medical Staff, portrait, V, 211. Bell iMbelii King, Cameroon, treaty with Germany, July 15, 1884, VIII, 280-81. Bell-Irving, Captain Malcolm McBean. R.F.A. : Combats with German aeroplanes, December, 1915, and award of D.S.O., VII, 309. Portrait, VII, 306. Bella, Monte di Val, see under Italy. Bellacourt, see under France. Bellas, German barque, Prize Court case, December 15, 1914, X, 311. Belle, Salomon, 13th century, IV, 204. de Belleau, Bois, see under France. Bellenglise, see under France. Bellerophon, H.M.S., XXI, 7, 18. de Belleville, Jeanne, of Montignies : Condemned to death by Germans, XI, 19. Trial in Brussels, October, 1915, VI, 432. Bellevue, see under France. Bellewaarde (Farm and Lake), see under Belgium. Bellicourt, see under France. Belloc : Hilaire, III, 209. M., on French invasion of Alsace, I, 387. Belloy, see under France. Belloy-en-Santerre, see under France. Belluno, see under Italy. Belmonte Hill, see under Italy. Belnoue, see under France. von Below, General Otto, XVI, 302 ; XVIII, 27 ; XIX, 102, 403, 452-53. Advance May 27, 1918, XVIII, 412, 413, 415. Attacks on Osowiec, February, 1915, IV, 193. Attempt against Reims, June 18, 1918, XVIII, 422. in Command of German Armies : in the East, July, 1915, V, 329, 330; XVI, 295- in the West, 1916 18, XI, 419; XVIII, 6, 46, 80 ; XIX, 16O. Deportation notice by, XII, 476. Operations : against the Dvina, August, 1915, V, 503. in Russia, Autumn, 1915, VII, 83, 95, 113. on Western Front, 1918, XX, 113, 115, 326, 333. Portraits, IV, 179; XVIII, 6. Belridge, torpedoed ship, towed to the Thames, 1915, illustration, VII, 416. THE TIMES HISTOID' OF THE WAR. 67 Belt, Commander, R.X.V.K., portrait, XIV, 16. Belton, Skipper T. B., drifter Retriever, mine- sweeping operations off East Coast, December, 1914, VII, 464. BelschweUer, see under Alsace-Lorraine. Belval, see under France. Belvedere, see under c.ivat Britain. Ben Bui, British frigate : in Adriatic, XII, 335. Damaged by Austrian cruiser Novara, July 9, 1916, X, 72. Ben l\'i)i>us, steam trawler, survivors from H.M.S. Hawke rescued by, II, 17. Benaegle, Flight-Lieutenant (Belgian), operations in East Africa. XI II, 405. Benares, set under India. Benay, see under France. Benay-Essigny, see under France. Benbow, H.M.S., XXI, 18. Armament, VII, 473. off Constantinople, illustration, XXI, 457. Benckendorff : Count, Russian Ambassador in London, portrait, I, 488. Countess : President of the Russian Prisoners of War Committee, XII, 26r. Portrait, XII, 262. Bender, Waldemar, German submarine commander, XVII, 291. Bendzin, see under Poland. Bene, Captain, German delegate at Bukarest Con- ference, 191 8, XVII, 43. Benedetto Brin, Italian battleship, illustration, XII. 313. Benedict XV, Pope : Attitude re British occupation of Jerusalem, XV, 180. Audience to British fishermen. January, 1917, XII, .,37. German appeal to, December, 1916, XI, 479-80. Peace Note, August, 1917, XV, 301, 318-21 ; XIX, 1, 5. Bavarian reply, XV, 324. German reply, XV, 302-3, 323-24, 406-11. U.S.A. reply, XV, 321-23. Portrait, XV, 408. Benedikt, Moritz, appointed to Upper House in Reichrat, 1917, XX, 229. Benes, M., Czecho-Slovak delegate at Congress of Oppressed .Nationalities of Austria-Hungary, April, 1918, XIX, 19. Bengal, Bay of, operations of the Emden in, II, 32 ; III, 124. Bengazi, see under Cyrenaica. Bengen-op-Zoom, see under Holland. Benham, U.S.S. : Meets US3, X, 63-64. Rescue of crew of Dutch vessel Bloomersdyk, sunk < )ctober 8, 1916, by German submarine, XI, 368. Beni Sakhr Sheikhs, XVIII, 241-42, 243. Benmohr, British ship, sunk by the Emden, III, 124. Benn : Commander Hamilton, M.P., R.N.V.R., in com- mand of motor vessels in attack on Zeebrugge, XVIII, 342. Wedgwood, M.P., at Alexandria, illustration, IV, 303- Bennet Burri, see under Palestine and Syria. Bennett : Driver Albert, R.F.A., killed in raid on Scar- borough, II, 380. Arnold, work in connection with Ministry of Information and British propaganda, XXI, 328. Temporary Lieutenant E. P., V.C. : Award of V.C, XII, 179, 190 ; XIX, 356. Portrait, XII, 180. Major G. W., portrait, V, 226. Corporal P. H. G., D.C.M., portrait, VI, 148. Bennett i—eont. R. D., M.l'. for Calgary, Canada, portrait, V, 214. Lance-Corporal W., award of D.C.M., for gallantry on October 12, 1916, XIV, 199. Benoit : Madame, shot by Germans, III, 416, 440. M., Mayor of Badonviller, facsimile of official vis ■ of, on passport of Times special Corre- spondent, illustration, III, 440. Bensdorf, see under Alsace Lorraine. Benson, Admiral : Chief of Bureau of Naval Operations, U.S.A., XVIII, 350. Portrait, XV11I, 352. Bent : Second-Lieutenant P. E., D.S.O., award of V.C, XVI, 361-62, 395 ; XIX, 356. Drummer Spencer John, V.C. : Award of V.C, IV, 31 ; X, 33, 36. Portraits, IV, 40 ; X, 2. Bentinck, Count, Kaiser's host at Amerongen, XXI, 286. Bentley, Captain, Canadian Medical Staff, portrait, V, 211. Benue River, see under Nigeria. Benyon, Mrs., work of, IV, 250. Benzecry, Lieutenant, gallantry and death in Battle of Cambrai, November 30, 1917, XVII, 88. Benzoma, wooden s.s., launched in U.S.A., July 4, 1918, XVIII, 285. Beon, Captain, capture of Zinga, August 7, 191 4, VIII, 302. Berat, see under Albania. Beraud, Louis, description of Douaumont Fort, after French capture of, October 26, I9r6, X, 466-67. Berbice, commissioned as hospital ship, XXI, 128. van Berchem, Victor, report on prison camps in England, VI, 275. Berchem-Sainte-Agathe, see under Belgium. Berchtold, Count, Austro-Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs : II, 292 ; XIX, 246. Dismissal, 1914, V, 16. Negotiations with Baron Sonnino, V, i5-r6. Portrait, I, 19. and Turko-Italian war, V, 10. Berckheim, Egewolf Freiherr von, German sub- marine commander, XVII, 291. Berdo Horodyshc.ie Mountains, see under Galicia. Berendrecht, see under Belgium. Berenini, Agostino : Italian Minister of Public Instruction, October, 1917, XIX, 5. Portraits, XVII, 183, XIX, 18. Beresiord : Admiral Lord Charles : I, 286. on Blockade of Germany, February 22, 1916, VII, 427. and Bombardment of Alexandria, 1882, I, 286. on Dardanelles operations, November 2, 1915, VII, 213. on Jack Cornwall Memorial Fund, XII, 189. on Loss of the Formidable, III, 152-53. Portraits, 1, 291 ; VII, 421. on Special decoration for Mercantile Marine, XI, 171. on auti-Submarine devices, XIV, 167-69. on Submarine warfare, November 15, 1916, XVII, 302. Tribute from Mercantile Marine, VH, 431. Commander J. A. H. : in Attack on wireless station at Herbertshohe, II, 268. Capture of Herbertshohe and wireless station at New Pommern, II, 39. Berestechko, see under Russia. Berezoff, see under Galieia. 68 THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. Here vcn : Chief of the Kaisers Civil Cabinet, 1918, XXI, 273- Portrait, XXI, 275. Lieutenant, Moewc, portrait, VII, 423. Berger, Gerhardt, German submarine commander, XVII. 291. Berglurn, Gutsen investigations into American aircraft production mismanagement, XVI, 349. Beringia, see under Sudan. Berkeley, Rowland, hon. treasurer, Prisoners of War Help Committee, VI, 279 ; XII, 255. Berkelstroom, Dutch ship, sunk by submarine, April 24, 1916, XIII, 191-92. Berk-i-Satvet, Turkish torpedo boat, torpedoed, August. 1915, VII, 165. Berlin, see under Germany. Berlin (Oitario), see under Canada. Berlin, attempt to break through North Sea guard, VII. 13a. Berlin, German fishing boat. Prize Court case, X, 3M-I5. Berlin Farm, see under Belgium. Bermeiicourt, see under France. Bermuda Islands : Boy Scouts, XVII, 174. Gifts to Great Britain, II. 275 ; IV, 268 ; XVI, 101. Hamilton, Prize Courts, British constitution of, October 8, 1914, X, 310. Imperial troops relieved by Canadians, II, 240-41. Militia Artillery, XVI, 102. Policy re enemy trading, IX, 466. Prize Court Case, November 20, 1914, X, 311. Recruits from, XVI, 101-2. Bernadette, torpedoed, XIII, 58. Bernafay, see under France. Bernard : Commander Montague, H.M.S. Nubian, in action, October 26, 1916, X, 55. Maurice, portrait, X, 346. Captain, decorated by the King, XVIII, 353. Bernatsky, M., Minister of Finance in Kerensky's Coalition Ministry, October, 1917, XIV, 391. Bernaud, Capitaine, 79th Res. Regiment, III, 172. Berne, see under Switzerland. Bemhard, Georg, XXI, 268. von Bernhardt, General Friedrich : I, 234, 257, 286, 392 ; II, 323, 344 ; III, 24 ; IV, 37. Advance, April, 1918, XVIII, 298, 299, 300. " Cavalry in Future Wars," IV, 134. on Colonial troops, 191 1, V, 60. in Command of German troops in France, 191 8, XVIII, 298, 299 ; XIX, 73. Commanding Bug Army, July, 1917, XIV, 17. in France, 1914-17, XX, 188. in Lille, O -tobor, 191 8, XX, 141. Portraits, X, 165 ; XVI11, 297. on Results of possible German defeat, II, 54. Trouble in Polish Legions under, October, 1916, X, 165. Bernis, Kurt, German submarine commander, XVII, 291. Bernouilli, French submarine, Austrian destroyer sunk by. May 4, X916, X, 70 ; XII, 47. Bernstein, Here Edward, XV, 310 ; XXI, 266. Appointed Under-Secretary to German Cabinet, XXI, 295. Support given by, to formation of Social Demo- cratic Labour Union, IX, 374. BernstorH, Count : III, 292 ; V, 276, 280 ; XIII, 230, 231. Attempt to mould Turkish . policy, October, 1918, unsuccessful, XX, 101-2. Communications with US 'i, at Newport, October 7, 1916, and effect of incident on Allies, XI, 367. on Conditions on which peace would be granted to France, III, 16. Bernstorff, Count : — cont. Departure from U.S.A., XI, 371-72 ; XIII, 5-6. as German Ambassador in U.S.A., XIII, 26. on possible German invasion of Canada, XV, 5. Instructions sen to, from Berlin for transmission to German Minister at Mexico, 1916, XI, 496-97. Letter from Mr. Bryan re sale of munitions to Allies, V, 257. Letter to Mr. Lansing, American Secretary of State, re sinking of Arabic, August, 1915, XI, 359. Portraits, V, 250 ; XI, 368 ; XXI, 212. Propaganda work in U.S.A., V, 248, 253, 254 ; XI, 373, 481 ; XXI, 100. on Submarine warfare, XI, 362 ; XIII, 71. Berny, see under France. Berny-en-Santerre, see under France. Berrange, Brigadier-General C. A. L, C.M.G. : East African campaign, XII, 94, 108. Invasion of German South-West Africa, VIII, 259, 260-62, 263, 266, 267. Portrait, XII, 96. Berretta, Col della, see under Italy. Berry : Private J., surprise attack, November 16-17, 1915, VII, 310. Dr. James, hospital in Serbia, IV, 254 ; VII, 354- Berry-au-Bac, see under France. Bersemiinde Farm, see under Russia. Berthelot : General, XVII, 63. Acceptance of Rumania to Peace of Bukarest, opposed by, XVII, 43. Arrival in Rumania of French military mission under, October, 1916, XI, 233-34. Assistance in reorganisation of Rumanian Army, 1916-17, XVII, 22. in Command of Allied troops on Western Front, 1918, XIX, 84, 92, 98, 101-2, 102, 103, in, 116, 121, 444 ; XX, 340-43, 349, 355. Portraits, XVII, 35, 41, 68 ; XIX, 103 ; XX, 335, 351- M., portrait, XXI, 446. Berthold, Lieutenant, success of, April 16, 1916, VIII, 5°2- Berthon, Lieutenant E. L., D.S.C., R.N., in attack on Zeebrugge, April 23, 1918, XVIII, 347. Bertie, Sir Francis Leveson, British Ambassador in Paris : and Sir J. French's visit to Paris, August, 1914, H, 453- Portrait, I, 22. Removal to Bordeaux, II, 469. Bertin, M., French naval architect, XII, 69. Bertincourt, see under France. Bertonelli, Commander, in command of motor boats at Durazzo, October 6, 1918, XVIII, 445. Bertotti, General, commanding Italian expeditionary force in Albania, XII, 22. Bertricourt, see under France. Bertua, see under Cameroon. Berwick, H.M.S.: Capture of vessels by, II, 35 ; X, 311. Illustration, II, 9. Berwindvale, sinking of, by German submarine, 1916, XI, 3&3- Berzy-le-Sec, see under France. Besancon, see under France. Besant, Mrs. Annie, activities in India, XV, \n, 124, 127-29. yon Beseler, General, II, 114. Attack upon Antwerp, II, 87, 104, 116. Dissolution of Citizens' Committees, Warsaw, by, VIII, 158. German Governor-General of Poland, VIII, 158 note, 165, 166, 171, 173. German Minister of Justice, retirement, August, 1917, XV, 301. Pledges given re treatment of returned Belgian refugees, XI, 12. THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. 69 von Beseler, General : — cont. Portraits, V, 190, 489, 493 ; VIII, 168. Proclamation to Belgian soldiers from, dropped from a Taube during siege of Antwerp, II, 90-91. Siege of Novo-Georgievsk, August, 1915, V, 488. Besika, see under Greece. Beskid Mountain and Pass, see under Carpathians. Besko, see under Galicia. Besonvaux, see under France. Bessarabia : Demanded by Russia, IX, 403. Frontier operations on, 1915-16, VII, 114. History of, XVII, 58-59. Proclaimed an independent " Moldavian Repub- lic," December 15, 191 7, XVII, 58. Rumanian troops sent to, XVII, 57. Rumanians in, XI, 408. Union with Rumania, April, 191 8, XVII, 37, 58. Bessborough, Lady, on Y.M.C.A. Ladies' Auxiliary Committee, IV, 507. Bessell. Second- Lieutenant John, in Battle of Loos, September 27, 1915, VI, 394. von Besser, General, V, 495. Commanding German Cavalry Division in Galicia, V, 101. Bessett, French officer, IX, 71. Best-Dunkley, Captain Bertram (Temporary Lieut. - Colonel), V.C. : Award of V.C, XV, 223, 251 ; XIX, 356. Portrait, XV, 222. Beta, British airship, II, 184, 193. Illustration, II, 188. Beth Horon, sec under Palestine and Syria. Bethany, see under German South-West Africa. Bethel, Lieutenant M. J., bravery of, at Battle of Jutland, XVI, 351. Bethell, Sir John, M.P., interest in movement for national memorial in memory of sailors who fell in Battle of Jutland, IX, 160. Bethell, Gwyn and Co., XI, 101. Bethencourt, see under France. Bethincourt, see under France. Betheny, see under France. Bethlehem, see under Palestine and Syria and United States of America. Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation, U.S.A., XVIII, 275, 278, 279. Bethlen, M , Hungarian deputy, on attitude of population of Transylvania, XII, 151. von Bethmann-Hollweg, Herr, Imperial Chancellor of Germany: I, 57, 210; III, 64; V, 30, 165, 170, 196, 254 ; XI, 474. Arrogant statement by, December 14, 1916, X, 47I-72- Attempt made to undermine position of, by Prince Bulow, IX, 378. Austrian Pan-German schemes submitted to, XIX, 238. Campaign against, IX, 364-66, 376-77. Fall of, July, 1917, XV, 184, 290, 291, 297, 298. Interview with Sir E. Goschen, August 4, 1914, II, I. on Invasion of Belgium and Luxemburg, I, 25 ; V, 161. Letter from the Kaiser on peace schemes, October 31, 1916, XI, 47 6 ~77- Letter from Marshal Hindenburg, September 27, 1916, XI, 475. Policy, XV, 298. on Polish question, XIX, 248. Portraits, I, 34 ; V, 188, 190 ; IX, 362 ; XI, 474, 479; XV, 291, 292. Quoted, I, 22; V, 199-200; IX, 361, 362, 371, " 37 2 - 374-76; XI, 479, 480; XV, 291-97. Relation? with Admiral von Tirpitz, V, 165, 197. on Submarine warfare, XI, 504 ; XIII, 72 ; XV, 291-92, 293. Telegram from Hindenburg, August 5, 191 7, XV, 353- and Zabern incident, I, 392. Bethnal Green, see under Great Britain. Bethune, Mi under France. Bethune, Sir Henry Lindsay, commander of Persian Army in West, successes gained by, XI, 331. Bettale, see under Italy. Beugnatre, see under France. Beugneux, see under France. Beugny, see under France. Beust, M, Foreign Minister of Austria, 1866, II, 199, 206. Beuxin, Lieutenant, portrait, XI, 62. Bever, Colonel, commanding Union Forces at Liideritzbucht, VII, 245, 247. Beveren, see under Belgium. Beves, Brigadier-General P. S. : East African operations, 1916-17, VIII, 270, 271 ; XII, 94, 101, 102, 104, in, 114 ; XIII, 426, 427, 428, 429, 430 ; XIX, 50, 52, 53, 60. Portrait, XII, 107. Bevione, Signor, IX, 114. Bevis, Dr., at Fumes, October, 1914, III, 189-90. Bewer, Max, on the Kaiser, XV, 317-18. Bex, Able-Seaman Albert E., H.M.S. Lord Nelson, gallantry of, at Gallipoli, and award of D.S.M., V, 470. Bexhill, see under Great Britain. " Bexhill " Redoubt, see under France. Bey Talaah, portrait, VIII, 388. Beybars Bundukdar, Mameluke leader, defeat of • Kit-Bugha, IV, 321. Beyens, Baron, Belgian Minister for Foreign Affairs : XI, 492. Portraits, XI, 488, 489. von Beyer, General (1870), I, 202. Beyerlinck, Canon, Louvain library founded by, I, 416. Beyers, General C. F., Commandant-General South African Citizen Force : I, 149 ; III, 484, 489, 495- in Boer War, III, 494. Character of, III, 494-95. Death, III, 512. Portrait, III, 486. Rebellion, III, 491, 492, 496, 498-512 ; IX, 345, 353' Resignation manifesto,' III, 501-2. Beyrut, see Beirut under Palestine and Syria. Bezania, see under Austria-Hungary. Bezimia in?, Mount, see under Galicia. Bezonvaux, see under France. Bezpapovtsi, in the Dobrudja, XI, 221. Bhan Singh, I. A., gallantry of, and award of I.D.S.M., V, 69. Bhopal, see under India. Biaches, see under France. Biala River, see under Galicia. Bialystok (Bielostok), see under Russia. Bianca, German s.s., sunk May 16, 1916, X, 72 ; XVI, 304. Bianchi : Leonardo (without portfolio), member of new Italian Cabinet, June, 1916, IX, 120. Commander, Italian destroyer Turbine, XII, 328. Bianci, Riccardo, appointed Italian Minister of Transport, October, 1917, XIX, 5. Biankini, Dr., Croat member of Austrian Parliament, XIX, 226. Biaramulo, see under German East Africa. Biard, Captain, Gaulois : Dardanelles operations, XII, 54, 55. Portrait, XII, 54. Biberovitch, and Ukrainian movement, XIV, 6. Bicester, see under Great Britain. Bicharakoff, Lieutenant- Colonel : as Commander-in-Chief of Red Army of Caucasus, takes command of Alynt, XX, 89. in Command of Russian rearguard post at Kazvin, XX, 86-88. Joins General Marshall at Enzeli, November, 1918, XX, 93- 70 THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. Bickford, Staff-Surgeon, bravery in Battle of Jut- land. IX 280. Bickerstaffe-Drew, Mgr. Right Rev., portrait, Y 1 1 1 us. Bidon. General, HI, 16, 168. Operations in France and Belgium, 1914, HI, 5. 35. 37. 190, 450, 457 ! xx . 2 °°- Bidou. M., VIII, 1 13-14. " 6 - on Battle of Verdun, VIII, 113-14- on German dispositions in Battle of Verdun, VIII, 78-79. Bidwell, Monsignor, VIII, 340. Ton Bieberstein : Baron Marschall : German Ambassador at Constantinople, 1908, III, 42. Representative of Germany in Rumania, IX, 416. Baroness, on Dutch Belgian Refugee Commission, IV. 478. Biefvillers, see under France. Biefvillers les Bapaume, see under France Bieliaeff, General, Russian Assistant Minister, work re Munitions supply, V, 414. Bielostok, see Bialystok under Russia. Bien-Hoa, transport work, XII, 43. Biermont, see under France. Biez, Bois du, see under France. Bigland, Alfred, M.P., adviser to Allied Provisions Export Commission, New York, XXI, 91-92. Bignol Dagh, see under Turkey-in-Asia. Bignon, M., French representative on Inter-Ally Council on War Purchases and Finance, XXI, 84. Bigiworth, Flight- Commander A. W. : Attack on Zeppelin, May 17, 1915, VII, 12. Destruction of German submarine by bomb from aeroplane, August 26, 1915, VII, 146; XIII, T37 ; XVII, 299. Portrait, VII, 147. Bihar, see under India. Bihrecourt, see under France. Bihucourt, see under France. Bikanir, see under India. Bikanir, Major-General Sir Genga Singh Bahadur, Maharajah of, Hon., K.C.B., G.C.S.I., etc. : I, 163. in Attendance on King in France, November, 1914, XVni, 118. on Lord Hardinge, XV, 118. at Imperial War Conference, 191 7, XV, 126. at Peace Conference, XXI, 147. Peace Treaty signed, June 28, 1919, XXI, 170. Portraits, II, 323 ; XII, 278, 279. 280, 292, 299, 303; XV, 117; XXI, 147. Volunteer for active service, II, 318, 327. Bilharziosis, see under Diseases. Bilhem, see under France. de Bilinski, M., President of Polish Club, in Viennese Parliament : Career, V, 360. K'signation, September, 1915, V, 360. Billericay, see under Great Britain. Billing, Pemberton, criticism of Air Services, X, 347- Billingsgate, see under Great Britain. Billy, see under France, de Billy, M., appointed French representative at Salonika, December, 1916, XIII, 329. Billyard-Leake, Lieutenant E. W., R.N , H.M.S, lphigenia, attack on Zeebrugge, April 23, 1918, XVIII, 342. Binarville, sec under France. Binche, see under Belgium. Bingen, see under Great Britain. Bingham : Brigadier-General the Hon. C. E., C.B., 4th Cavalry Brigade, I, 450. Commander the Hon. E. B. S., V.C., R.N. : Award of V.C., X, 26 ; XH, 184, 190. Portraits, IX, 154 ; X, 34 ; XI, 185. Bingley, Brigadier-General, A. H., CLE:: Chief of Staff, Suez (anal Defence Force, X, 370. Mesopotamia inquiry, XV, 123. Portrait, IV, 359. Bir el Abd, see under Sinai Peninsula. Bir el Bayud. see under Sinai Peninsula. Bir el Hakim Abbyat, see under Egypt. Bir el Mageibra, see under Sinai Peninsula. Bir el Magdhaba, see under Sinai Peninsula. Bir el Mazar, see under Sinai Peninsula. Bir el Nuss, see under Sinai Peninsula. Bir el Tawal, see under Sinai Peninsula. Bir Gifgaffa, see Gifgaffa under Sinai Peninsula. Bir Hamma, see tinder Sinai Peninsula. Bir Hassana, see under Sinai Peninsula. Bir Jamiel, see under Sinai Peninsula. Bir Mahadet, see under Sinai Peninsula. Bir Saleh, see under Arabia. Bir Salmana, see under Sinai Peninsula. Bir Shola, see under Egypt. Bir Warr, see under Cyrenaica. Birch, Second-Lieutenant, in command of supply tanks in operations on River Selle, October, 191 8, XX, 260. Birch Tree Wood, see under France. Bird, British frigate in Adriatic, XII, 335. Birdwood, General Sir William Riddell, G.C.M.G., K.C.B., etc.: V, 478; VI, 96, 113, 142; VII, 201 ; XIII, 178; XV, 62, 65. Action, August, 1915, VII, 208-10. Baronetcy conferred on, August, 1919, XXI, 179. in Brussels, November, 1918, XXI, 225-26. Battle of Bullecourt, May, 191 7, XV? 62, 65. Boy scouts commended, XVII, 180. Career, V, 448-49. Ceylon Contingent attached to, XVI, 103. Commanding : 1st Anzac Corps, Battle of the Somme, July, 1916, X, 92, 118. Australian and New Zealand Army Corps in the Dardanelles, II, 261 ; V, 448 ; VI, 130. 5th British Army, 1918, advance, XIX, 166. Leaves Egypt for France, March, 1916, X, 374. Money grant, August, 1919, XXI, 179. Operations : in France and Belgium, 1918, XX, 112, 116, 128, 138, 140, 141. in Gallipoli, VIII, 169, 171, 173-88, 198, 200 ; XIII, 172. in Peace procession, London, July 19, 1919, XXI, 176. Portraits, V, 449 ; VI, 88 ; VII, 208, 209 ; X, 92 ; XIII, 164, 165; XX, 134, 259; XXI, 225. in Supreme charge at the Dardanelles from December 22, 1915, VII, 218. in Temporary command of Dardanelles operations, October, 1915, VII, 213. Wounded, May 14, 1915, VI, no; VII, 218. Bireh, see under Palestine and Syria. Birijik, see under Turkey-in-Asia. Birkby, C. W., wireless operator Tara, portrait, IX, 315. Birkenhead, H.M.S., XXI, 18. Birkenhead, Lord, visit to America, XXI, 104. Birks, Second-Lieutenant Frederick, V.C.: Award of V.C., XV, 233, 251 ; XIX, 350. Portrait, XV, 233. Birmingham, see under Great Britain. Birmingham, H.M.S. : I, 45 ; XXI, 18. German claim to have sunk in Battle of Jutland, IX, 151. North Sea action, January 24, 1915, III, 155-59. Ul r > sunk by, August 10, 1914, II, 7 ; LV, 84, 112; XVII, 294. Birmingham, U.S.S. : Enters Mediterranean, 1917, XVIII, 1 y>. Illustration, XVIII, 447. Birrell, Right Hon. Augustine, VIII, 447. Answer to Mr. Ginnell in House of Commons, X, 13. Chief Secretary for Ireland, June, 1915, V, 315. THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAS. 71 Biriell, Right Hon. Augustine z—cont. Education (Provision of Meals)' Act, 1906, XIV, 257. Portraits, V, 301 ; VIII, 394. Resignation, VIII, 470. Responsibility in connection with Irish Rebellion, Royal Commission on, VIII, 469. and Sinn Fein movement, VIII, 396-97, 398. Birt, Potter and Hughes, Ltd., XI, rax. Biruta, Lithuanian heathen priestess, 15th century, IV, 439. Bischolisburg, set under East Prussia. Biscoe, Brigadier-General Tyndale, commander of Mounted Brigade in Egypt, 1915, IX, 298, 302, 305. 3°7- Bishop : Colonel B. F., M.C., killed September, 191 7, XX, 23- Lieutenant P. D., at Karonga, X, 152-53. Lieut.-Colonel W. A., V.C., D.S.O., M.C. : Award of D.F.C., XVII, 422. Award of V.C., XV, 221-22, 251 ; XIX, 356. Career of, XVI, 287. Portraits, XV, 221 ; XVI, 286. Major, Lanes. Fusiliers : Landing at Beach W., Gallipoli, April 25, 1915, V, 462-67. Portrait, V, 466. Bismarck Archipelago : Capture of, by Australian Squadron, September, 1914, II, 267-69. German Colony, II, 36. New Pommern : Capture of wireless station by Naval landing party under Commander J. A. H. Beresford, IL 38-39- Herbertshohe, centre of Government, capture of, by Australian force under Commander J. A. H. Beresford, II, 38-39. Surrender, II, 39. Peace Conference discussion, XXI, 152. Bismarck : Herbert, VIII, 234, 235. Prince: I, 55, 57, 202, 208, 243, 284, 285, 292, 294, 302 ; II, 199, 200 ; III, 13, 42, 411 ; IV, 8 ; V, 171 ; IX, 370 ; XX, 453, 458 ; XXI, 244, 289, 316, 322. Advice to Prince Charles of Rumania, IX, 403. Bid for British neutrality, I, 24. Campaign for commercial conquest of Italy, IX, 404. and Colonisation of South-West Africa, VIII, 233-34- on Contemptibility of British ^rmy, II, 57. Policy, I, 9, 207 ; V, 1, 2, 5, 7 ; IX, 404. Portraits, I, 24 ; II, 205. Reinsurance Treaty of 1884, II, 206-7. and Treaty of Skierniewice, 1884, V, 5. von Bismarck, Major, German Military Attach -, Switzerland, communications of Swiss officers with, XIII, 227-28. Bismarck, of Cameroon Coast, VIII, 281. Bismarckburg, see under German East Africa. Bissett : Lieutenant W. D., V.C. : Award of V.C, XIX, 336, 354. Portrait, XIX, 337. Mr., Postmaster at Abercorn, Rhodesia, X, 156. von Bissing : Baron (Great Britain), internment, VIII, 62. General Baron : XII, 468. Appointed German Governor-General in Bel- gium, December, 1914, administration and decrees issued by, IX, 15 ; XI, 6-7, 14, 16, 17-21, 27, 30, 31, 35, 36. J. M. Beck on, VI, 439. on Belgian deportations, XII, 457. on Belgian industries and British holding up of raw materials, XII, 458. and Miss Cavell's case, VI, 437. Death, April 18, 1917, XII, 477. von Bissing :— cont. General Baron : — cont. Funeral in Berlin, illustration, XII, 477. Inspecting barbed wire fence on Dutch frontier, illustration, XI, 17. Letter from Cardinal Mcrcier, November 10, 1916, XII, 472. Memorandum of 1915, on Belgium, XII, 477-84- at Opening of Flemish University at Ghent, XI, 25. - Policy, XII, 477. Portraits, VI, 433; VIII, 64; XI, 7, 17. Professor (son of Governor-General), on Political Department in Brussels, XI, 23. von Bissingen, Colonel Count : Attack on Russians near Zalo Zezyki, March, 191 5. IV, 433- in Command of Austrian Flying Column, Galicia, IV, 430. Bissolati, Signor : IX, 111, 114, 116, 118; XIV, 435; XIX, 3. Appointed Italian Minister of Civil Assistance and Pensions, October, 1917, XIX, 5. Member of new Italian Cabinet, June, 1916, IX, 120. Policy and criticism of, XV, 402. Portrait, XV, 404. and Question of home policy, XV, 403. Speech at opening of spring session, IX, 1 14-15. Bisson, French destroyer : in the Adriatic, XII, 316. Austrian submarine Uo sunk by, August 15, 1915, XII, 47. Bistritz, see under Transylvania. Bitam, see under Cameroon. Bitlis, see under Turkey-in-Asia. Bitter Lakes, see under Egypt. Bixschoote, see under Belgium. Bizenko, Mine., Russian representative at Peace Conference at Brest Litovsk, December, 1917, XVI, 10. Portrait, XVI, 9. Bizerta, see under Tunis. Bjomstjerne Bjdrnson, Prize Court case, July- August, 1915, X, 315-17. Black, Sir Frederick W., K.C.B. : Acting Chairman of British War Mission, XXI, 83. Director of Navy Contracts, IV, 314. Portrait, XXI, 84. Supervision of British purchases of oil in America, XXI, 82. Black Sea : Allied Fleet in, November, 1918, XX, 106 ; XXI, 15- Closing of, as Russian trade route, effect, VIII, 21T-212, 214. French sailors, Red Flag hoisted by, XXI, 385. German aims re, XVII, 60. German control, 1918, XVI, 324. German ships in, III, 51. Hostilities in, III, 76, 107, 147-48, 304 ; VII, 160, x, 74-75 : xvi, 306-n. alleged Russian initiation, III, 53. by Turkish torpedo boats, October 29, 1914, HI, 52- Importance of Russian command of, X, 269. Map, XVI, 306. Movement of Breslau and Goeben into, assurances against, III, 46. Ports evacuated and Russian ships given up by Germany under terms of Armistice, XX, 73. Russian naval policy, 1912, I, 77. Seaweed, iodine from, VIII, 229-30. Blackburn, see under Great Britain. Blackburn : Second-Lieutenant A. S., V.C. : Award of V.C, XII, 159-60, 190 ; XIX, 356. Portrait, Xll, 160. Flight Sub-Lieutenant Vivian Gaskell, raid on Cuxhaven, III, 153. 72 THE TIMES HISTOBY OF THE WAR. Blacken : Basil P. : Mission to ISA., October, 1914, XXI, 86. Portrait. VII, 261. Captain H ., H.M.S. Duke of Edinburgh, attack on Sheikh Said, November 10, 1914, X, 402. Blacklock, Major-General C. A.: in Command of 63rd Royal Naval Division in France, October, 1918, XIX, 306; XX, MI. Portrait. XIX, 305. Blackman. A. H., report on sinking of s.s. Alnwtck Castle, XIII, 57-58. Blackpool, see under Great Britain. Black Prince, H.M.S., IX, 136. Battle of Jutland, May 31, 191°. IX, 129, 148, 149. 275- Black Watch Corner, see under Belgium. Blaga Planina, see under Serbia. Blaikie, Captain James : Portrait, XI, 166. Taken prisoner by Germans after torpedoing of Caledonia, December 4, 1916, XI, 166. Blaine, Captain, representative of U.S.A. Shipping Board on the Pacific North-West, portrait, XVIII, 283. Blaise Wood, see under France. Blaksley, Lieutenant, in action in Egypt, February, 1916, IX, 309. Blarney, Colonel, A.E.F., VI, 142. Blamont, see under France. Blanc, Mont, see under France. Bland- Sutton Institute of Pathology, see under Middlesex Hospital under Great Britain. Blane, Commander Sir C. R., Bart., portrait, IX, 135. Blangy, see under France. Blankenberghe, see under Belgium. Blankenburg, see under Germany. Blasel, Dr. L. : Description of Predeal after town was entered by Germans and Magyars, published in Vienna Freie Presse, December 20, 191 6, XI, 439. Letter quoted, IV, 434. Blatchford, Mr., I. 281. Blenheim Palace, see under Great Britain. Blenheim, Battle of, VI, 401. Blecourt, see under France. Blerancourt, see under France. Bleriot, Louis, French aviator : I, 479. Channel trip, 1909, XVII, 299. Experiments with flying machines, II, 177. Winner of Daily Mail prize for first flight across the Channel, July 25, 1009, II, 178. Bleugelhoek Hill, see under Belgium. Bligny, see under France. Bliss: General Tasker H. : American representative at Versailles Council, XVII, 184, 191. at Peace Conference, XX, 443 ; XXI, 368. Portraits, XVII, 194 ; XX, 442. Colonel W. M. : Killed in Battle of Neuve Chapelle, March, 1915. IV. 386. Portrait, IV, 397. Blockade : See also under particular countries. British correspondence with U.S.A. on bringing ships into port for examination, XIII, 48-50. 1915-17, British and German methods, XIII, 37-72- Policy, VII. 389-428. Practice of, VII, 396-98, 413. Blogg, Major E. B., R.E., gallantry of, at Loos, September 25, 1915, and a ward of D.S.O., VI, 389. de Blois, Lieutenant, French Marines, wounded, III 187. Blomeheld, Major (acting Lieut.-Colonel) W., O.B.E., R.E., traffic superintendent at Rich- borough, and subsequent appointment to War Office, XXI. 139. Blond, Mont, see under France. Blonde and Nouvelle Trench, see under France. Blondel, M., French Minister in Rumania, IX, 416 note. Blonie. see under Poland. Blood, W. H., jun., speech by, XVIII, 266. Blootnersdyk, Dutch vessel, sinking of, by German submarine, October 8, 1916, X, 63-4 ; XI, 368 ; XIII, 192-93, 194. Bloomfield, Captain W. A., S.A. Mounted Brigade, award of V.C., XII, 179, 190 ; XIX, 356. Blosse Lynch, s.s.: Illustration, III, no. in the Shatt-el-Arab, III, 114. Bliicher, Prince, I, 4°. 201 . 2 7°. 4 8 5 ; H. 365 ;. HI. 462 ; IV, 233 note ; VI, 14 ; XIV, 146, 186, 407 ; XIX, 96. Bliicher, German cruiser : attempted Bombing of ships rescuing survivors, III, 158. Description, III, 157. Group of German sailors rescued from, illustra- tion, III, 158. Illustration , III, 152. North Sea action, January 24, 1915, HI, 155-59- Raid on Yarmouth, II, 358-62 ; III, 153. Sinking of, III, 158. Illustration, III, 150, 152. Bluck : J., Bermuda Prize Court case, November 20th, 1914, X, 311. Sergeant-Major Thomas, gallantry at Hulluch, September 25, 1915, VI, 386. _ Bludniki, see under Galicia. Bludoff, see under Russia. Bluebell, sloop, German gunrunner Aud stopped by, VIII, 414. " The Bluff," see under Belgium. Bluff Redoubt, see under France. Blum Pasha, German officer, fortifications of the Dardanelles under, 19th century, V, 377. Blume, Major (1870), I, 202. von Blumenthal, General, German Chief of Staff, 1870, I, 202, 205. Blyth, see under Great Britain. Blyth, Lord, Queen's Work for Women Fund, Collecting Committee at house of, IV, 266. Bobadil, Captain, XX, 282. Bobr (Bobff) River, see under Poland. Bobrinsky, General Count : Appointed Governor-General of Galicia, III, 256. Administration, III, 343. Portraits, III, 261 ; V, 94. Bobrowka, see under Galicia. de Bobrzynski, Dr Michael : Resignation from Cabinet, 1917, XX, 228. Representative of Poles in Austrian Cabinet, 1916, XX, 223. Portrait, XX, 224. Bocancea, Dr., Mayor of Czernovitz, IX, 40. di Bocche, Cima, see under Austria-Hungary. des Boches, Bois, see under France. . Bochnia, see under Galicia. Bochum, see under Germany. von Bock, battalion commander, killed at Kcndoa Irangi, May, 1916, XII, 101. Bocker, Miss Anna, rescued from the Elbe, 1895, VII, 457- von Bbckmann, in command of German forces in France, April, 1918, XVIII, 304. Bodart, Ada, of Brussels, trial and condemnation to fifteen years' hard labour by Germans, VI, 432 ; XI, 19. Bodkin, Sir Archibald, Recorder of Dover, portrait, XXI, 206. Boehm, Lieut.-Commander, V69, action, XIV, 151- von Boehm-Ermolli, General, V, 328, 347, 494, 506. Advance in Galicia, October, 1914, III, 343-44. on the Bug and Zlota Lipa line, July, 1915, V, 328. Capture of Lemberg, 1915, IX, 419. THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. 73 von Boehm-Ermolli, General: -cont. Commander of Second Austro-Hungarian Army : in Galicia, summer of 1916, V, 101 note, 103, 117, 122, 127, 134, 151, 154, 159, i&o, 313, 338; VII, 114; IX, 201 ; X, 164-1.5. in Kussia, position and strength, IX, 14, 19 ; XIV, 17. in Command of 3rd Austrian Army on Carpathian Front, IV, 406. Defeat of left wing under, July 21, 1916, IX, 224-25. Operations, 1916-17, IX, 221, 228, 230, 240; XV, 202-7, 393-94 Portrait, IV, 407. von Boehn, General, II, 83-84, 84 ; XIX, 1 13. Advance, April, 1918, XVIII, 307. Attack on Chemin-des-Dames, May 27, 1918, XVIII, 412, 416-18, 422. Demonstration against Ghent, September 6, 1914, II, 83. 2nd Battle of the Marne, July, 1918, XIX, 84, 97, 102. Operations on Western Front, 1918, XVIII, 46, 48; XX, 333, 339, 341, 433. Portraits, XI, 410 ; XVIII, 46. Retreat, August, 1918, XIX, 166. Battle of the Somme, October, 1916, XI, 409. Boelke, Lieutenant, German airman, VII, 312 ; VIII, 502. Portrait, IX, 177. Boerius, on law of nations, IX, 445. Boer War, see South African War. Boesinghe, see under Belgium. Bogaert, Abbe, of Pradelles, murder of, October, 1914, III, 32. Bogatcheff, invasion of Serbia, VII, 377. Bogatyr, Russian cruiser : in Action, July 2, 1915, XVI, 293. Illustration, XVI, 299. Bogdanoff, at Moscow Conference, XIV, 372. Boghos Nubai Pasha : Letter from General AUenby, XVIII, 244. Thanks to Arabs, XVII, 18. on Turkish occupation of Armenia, XX, 80—81. Bosskar Lighthouse, bombarded bv Germans, XVI, 289. Boguslawski, I, 242. Bohain, see under France. Bohemia, see under Austria-Hungary. Boherv, see under France. von Bohlen und Halbach, Krupp, portrait, I. 225. Bonny : Colonel Charles, portrait, XIII, 248. Mme., portrait, XIII, 248. Boiry-B-cquerelle, see under France. Boiry-Notre-Dame, see under France. Bois-en-Escalier, see under France. Boisleux, see under France. Boisragon, Colonel, V.C., Gurkhas under, at El Ferdan Gare, February, 1915, XIII, 163. de Boisschot. Ferdinand, Comte d'Erps, I, 429. Boitshoek, see under Belgium. Bojan (Boian), see under Galicia. von Bojna, General Borojevich : Army Order issued by, August 6, 1916, XI, 247. Commanding Austro-Hungarian troops : 3rd Army on Carpathian front, IV, 406 ; V, iot note, 121, 122, 127, 132, 136. in Italy, 1917-18, XV, 422-23 ; XVIII, 3 ; XIX, 30, 31, 34. Operations in Trentino, XX, 289. Portraits, IV, 406 ; XVIII, 3. Transferred to Isonzo, I, 151, 152 ; IX, 240. Bojovich, General, commanding Serbian troops, 1916, XII, 26, 33. Bok, Major, portrait, VIII, 265. Bokhara, see under Russian Turkestan. Bolante, see under France. Bblcke, Captain, commander of Pommern, death, IX. 154. Bolechow (BolechofI), see under Galicia. Bolimow, see under Poland. Bolivia, rupture with Germany, April 13, 1917, XV, 3°- Bollati, Signor, Italian Ambassador in Berlin, agreement between Italy and Germany signed by. May 2i, 1915, IX, in. Bologna, see under Italy. Bolonte, see under France. Bolo Pasha, activities of, April, 1918, and execution, XXI. 364. Bols. General Sir Louis Jean, K.C.B., K.C.M.G., D.S.O. : Award of K.C.M.G., XV, 174 note. .Chief Administrator in Palestine, 1918-19, XVIII, 219, 247 ; XIX, 183 ; XXI, 439. Decoration presented to, in Jerusalem, March, 1918, XVIII, 243. Palestine operations, XV, 148. Portraits, XV, 174 ; XXI, 439. Bolshevists, see under Russia. Bolshovtse, see under Galicia. Bolton, Sir Frederick, member of Ports Congestion Committee, 1915, XI, 87. Boma Yangombe, see under German Fast Africa. Bonibah, see under Cyrenaica. Bombay, see under India. Bompard, M., French Ambassador in Turkey, III, 52. Departure, III, 54. Interview with Grand Vizier, October 30, 1914, III, 52-53, 53-54. de Boa, Vice-Admiral F., portraits, XVII, 303 ; XVIII, 332. Bona, see under Algeria. Bonaberi, see under Cameroon. Bonavis, see under France. Boncourt, see under Switzerland. Bondfield, Miss Margaret : on Committee of Queen's Work for Women Fund, IV, 256. Portrait, IV, 260. Bone, Flight- Commander R. J., D.S.O.: Portrait, VIII, 179. Pursuit and destruction of German seaplane, March 29, 1916, and award of D.S.O, VIII, 179. Boneffe, see under Belgium. Bonhani, Captain T. P., Captain of Black Prince, in Battle of Jutland, 1916, IX, 149. Bonham Carter : Lieutenant S. S., in H.M.S. Intrepid, attack on Zeebrugge, April 23, 1918, XVIII, 342. Mr., portrait, VIII, 466. du Bonhomme Col, see under Alsace-Lorraine. Boniface of Montferrat, sack of Constantinople, 1204, XXI, 456. Bonifacio, see under Corsica Island. Bonn, see under Germany. Bonnal, General, I, 96, 269, 270. Portrait, I; 255. Bonnard, Domin que, portrait, III, 428. Bonneau, General, 7th French Army Corps, III, 4°3- Bonner ; Lieutenant Charles G., V.C., D.S.C., R.N.R.: Award of V.C., XV, 221, 251 ; XVIII, 355, 376, 379- Portrait, XV, 220. Captain Singleton, South Stan's Regiment, battle of Festubert, May, 1915, V, 235. del Bono, Vice-Admiral, Italian Minister of Marine, XIX, 5. Portrait, XIX, 8. Review of Italian navy's work during war, December 15, 1918, XVIII, 445-446. Bonomi, Signor, member of new Italian Cabinet, June, 1916, IX, 120. Bonviolle, Lieut.-Colonel, French 88th Regiment, Battle of Moronvillers, April, 1917, XIV, 88. Bony, see under France. Boonen, Jacques, and Louvain Library, I, 416. Boortmeerbeek, see under Belgium. 71 THE TIMES UISTOJIV OF T&E WAR. Booth; Sergeant F. C. B.S.A. Police : Award of V.C., XIII, 366-67, 395 ; XIX, 356. Portrait, XIII, 394. F. H., on formation of Coalition Government, May 12, 1915, V, 312. G. Ml, on War Office Committee re supply of munitions. V, 307, 405-6. General, Salvation Army rest houses and recrea- tion rooms, IV, 507. Lieutenant, East African operations, 191 7, XIII, Boothby, Lieutenant H., R.N.R. Oriando, gallantry of. and award of D.S.O., VII, 453. de Booy-Boissevain, Mrs., Belgian refugee work, IV, 47 8. Bopp, Franz, German Consul-General in San Francisco, indicted in January, 1917, for con- spiracy to destroy munition factories in America and Canada, XI, 376. Borah, Senator, appeal for organisation, June 3, 1917, XIII, 31-32. Borcola Pass, see under Austria-Hungary. Bordeaux, see under France. Bordeaux, General, XX, 53. Borden ; Sir Frederick, II, 248. Right Hon. Sir Robert L., G.C.M.G., P.C., K.G., Prime Minister of Canada, I, 162 ; II, 239, 240; XII, 272, 286; XXI, 104. at British Cabinet meetings, 1915, X, 341 ; XII, 297. on Canadian Defence Committee, August, 1914, XII, 277-79. Congratulations to Sir Julian Byng on Battle of Vimy Ridge, April, 191 7, XIV, 419. and Conscription in Canada, XVI, 255. on Constitutional relations of Dominions and Great Britain, XII, 297-98. on Imperial War Conference, 1917, VI, 160 ; XII, 298, 303-4. Organisation of second Canadian Contingent, II. 253-54. at Peace Conference, XXI, 147, 151. Portraits, I, 145 ; II, 239 ; V, 204, 214 ; IX, 464 ; XII, 272, 280, 287, 288, 289, 292 ; XXI, 151, 167. Presented with Freedom of the City of London, V, 222. Recruiting appeal, XII, 288. Speech at Canadian Club, Montreal, December, 1914. II. 255. Union Government formed under, 1917, XVI, .255- Visit to Europe, summer of 191 5, V, 222. Visit to London, 1912, suggestion re Imperial Defence Committee, XII, 275. Borel, Sergeant, in command of Pioneers in opera- tions at Flensburg Trench, June, 1917, XV, 190-94. Borella, Lieutenant Albert, V.C., M.M. : Award of V.C.. XVII, 426, 431 ; XIX, 356. Portrait, XVII, 427. Borely, see under France. Borgbjerg, M., Danish Socialist, negotiator between Russians and Germans, XV, 310. Borgerhoff, Commandant (Belgian), operations in East Africa, September, 1916, XIII, 410. Boriani, General, in command of Italian Division, 1917, XVIII, (., 22. Borii m, Tsar of Bulgaria, XX, 30. Portraits, VII, 228; XX, 30 ; XXI, 431. Succession to throne, October, 1918, and resig- nation, November, 1918, XX, 29, 434, 444. Borits, Spiridion, Transylvanian Human, trial and sentence to death, March, 1917, XIL Tgt. Borkowitz, see under Russia. Borku, see Ain Galakka under North Africa. Borkum, Island of, I, 61. American ship mined off, V, 274. Bormida, Italian transport, XII, 318. von Born-Fallois, Herr, head of German Civilian administration in Poland, VI 11, 158 note. Borneo (1825), III, 126. Borneo, Boy Scouts, 1918, illustration, XVII, 174. Borodino, see under Russia. Borodino, Russian battle cruiser, joined Baltic Fleet in 19 16, X, 46. Borrett, Rear Admiral G. H., in command of 7th Light Cruiser Squadron, XXI, 18. von Borries, General, in command of German forces in France, 1918, XIX, 159. Borry Farm, see under Belgium. Borthwick, Miss Jessie, portrait, IV, 54. Borton, Lieut.- Colonel A. D., V.C., D.S.O.: Award of V.C., XV, 248, 251 ; XIX, 356. Portrait, XV, 248. Borton Pasha, XV, 177. Appointed Military Governor of Jerusalem, December, 1918, XV, 175. Resignation, XVIII, 227. Boryslow (Borjsloff), see under Galicia. Borzymow, see under Poland. Bos, Charles, Editor of La Vie Maritime et Fluvialc, II, 22. Bos Dagh region, see under Turkey-in-Asia. Bosboom. Major-General, Dutch Minister for War, 1914, XIII, 181. Boscawen, Colonel Sir A. Griffith, Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Pensions, December, 1916, X, 360. Boschini, see under Austria-Hungary. Bose, Bhupendranath ; Appointment to India Council in London, XV, 128. on British and Indian unity, XV, 119. Boselli, Signor, Italian Premier, XV, 402. at Allied Conference at Rome, January, 1917, XIV, 4.«- Appointed to New Cabinet in Italy, June, 1916, IX, 1 18-20. Criticism against, XV, 404. Government, fall of, October, 191 7, XIX, 1-5. Portrait, IX.. 118. Support of National Ministry under, after resig- nation of Signor Salandra, IX, 118. Bosnia and Herzegovina, see under Austria-Hungary. Bosphorus : Defence troops, III, 67. German influence, III, 48. Operations in, XVI, 306-7. Provisions of Peace Treaty re, XX, 434 ; XXI, 463-64. Russian fleet off, March, 1915, V, 399-400. View of, III, 46. Bossche, Vanden, Belgian orderly, Liege, I, 354. Bossut, Commandant, French Tanks, killed April 16, 1917, XIV, 54. Bostall Heath, see under Great Britain. Boston, see under Great Britain and United States of America. Bosut, see under Austria-Hungary. Botchkareva, Mine., Colonel of Death Battalion, XIII, 464. Botha ; Miss Frances, portrait, III, 482. John, portrait, III, 482. Miss Katie, portrait, VI, 290. General Louis, I, 282 ; III, 484, 486, 487, 494, 495. 500 ; X, 159 ; XII, 253, 272 ; XV, 208. Agreement with Unionists, XII, 289-91. Assumption of command of Union troops in German South-West Africa, VIII, 257. on Attitude of South Africa, I, 162. in Command of British forces in Africa, 191 4, IX, 353- Command of South African forces, III, 503-4. Expedition against German South-West Africa, III, 496; IV, 149; VIII, 236, 239, 240. 241, 243, 244, 247, 254, 257-58, 265, 266-72, 268, 269 ; IX, 345. THE TIMES HISTOSS OF TEE W.I l;. 75 Botha : — cont. ( General Louis: i out. on Lord Kitchener, I, 303. Opinion re Imperial War Conference, VI, 160. at Peace Conference, XXI, 147, 153. Peace Treaty signed, June 28, 1919, XXI, 169. Portraits, III, 482, 493, 495, .50(1, 507 ; IV, 481 ; VIII, 234, 261, 263, 264, 2*5, 2(17, 271 ; XII, 109, 270, 278, 291 ; XXI, 151, 153, 163. first Prime Minister of South Africa, III, 488. Quarrel with General Hertzog, III, 484, 488-89, 490. " and Rebellion, III, 506-7, 509, 511-12. Speech at Bank, September 29, 1914, III, 504. Telegram received by, from British Imperial Government, in reply to oiler of troops, 1914, IX, 345. Tribute to British Navy, VII, 160. at Tschaukait Camp, February 8, 1915, VIII, 254- Visit to East Africa, XII, 107. Captain Louis : East African campaign, XII, 107. Portrait, XIII, 482. Brigadier-General Mamie, East African campaign, XII, 94, 108. Philip, portrait, III, 482. Mrs., portraits. III, 482, 495 ; VIII, 271. Botha, H.M.S., in action of Dunkirk, March 21, 1918. XVIII, 339. von Bothrner, General Count, V, 347, 352, 494 ; IX, 12 ; X, 161, 168, 169. Commander of part of Austrian Army, spring, 1916, VII, 114; IX, 14, 19, 40, 201, 203, 235-3"- Commanding in Galicia, 1915-1916, V, 103, 145. 152, 337. 5°°: 1X . 32, 201, 203, 204, 2 35. 238; X, 164, 217, 222, 230; XIV, 21. Commanding German Southern Army, July, 1917, XIV, 17. Leader of Prussian Army Corps containing Third Division of the Guard, 1914-1915, IX, 14. Operations : on the Strypa, autumn, 1915, VII, 109 ; retreat from, 1916, IX, 205. round Zlota Lipa, August, 1916.x, 170, 173,174. Bothnia, Gulf of, naval defences strengthened, 1915, XVI, 291. Botoshani, see under Rumania. Botszonce, see under Galicia. Bottom Wood, see tinder France. Bottomley ; H. W., M.P., on the Peace Treaty, July 21, 1919, XXI, 174. Major, West Surrey Regiment, mortally wounded in Battle of Festubert, May, 1915, V, 234. Botwood, see under Newfoundland. Bouchavesnes, see under France. Bouchez, Captain, 2nd Regiment Senegalese Tirail- leurs, operations in Togoland, VIII, 279. Bouchoir, see under France. Bouchot, see under France. Bouclier, French destroyer, in action off Dunkirk, March 21, 1918, XVIII, 339. Bouconville, see under France. Boudin, M., in Montevideo, XV, 3. Bouga, see under Cameroon. Boughey, Second-Lieutenant S. H. P., award of V.C., XVI, 371, 372, 395 ; XIX, 356. Bouillon, Franklin ; at Conference in Italy, November, 191 7, XVIII, 18. Portrait, X, 346. Bouilly, see under France. Bouin, French athlete, I, 479. Boulay, see under France. Bouleaux, see under France. Boulogne, see under France. Boulogne-la-Grasse, see under France. Boulter, Sergeant W. E., V.C. : Award of V.C, XII, 172-73, 190. Boulter, Sergeant W. E., V.< '. 1 Portrait, XII, 173. Bourbaki, I, 388. Bourbon, Sixte, Prince of : Letter to, from Kmperor diaries, ai knowl. French claims to Alsace-Lorraine, 1917, XX, ~ii, 243. S48. Portrait, XX, 232. Bourbonne-les-Bains, see under France. Bouresches, see under France. Boureuilles, see under France. Bourg, see under France. Bourgeois, Leon ; French Minister of Labour, 191 7, XIV, 238. French Minister of State, October, 1915, XIV, 222, 223. Portraits, XIV, 223 ; XXI, 420. Bourges, see under France. Bourgogne, see under France. Bourke, Lieut-Commander Ronald, V.C, D.S.O., M.L.27&: Award of V.C, XVII, 416, 417-18, 431. in Command of motor launch at Ostend, 1918, XVIII, 348, 350. Portrait, XVII, 419. Bourlon, see under Erance. Bourne : Cardinal, VIII, 339. Portrait, VIII, 337. Thanks given to Y.M.C.A., for attitude re religious teaching, IX, 181. Visit to British base at Taranto, February, 1917, XII, 337. Work of, VIII, 343. William, submarine boat invented by, 16th century, IV, 86-87. Bournemouth, see under Great Britain. Bourrus, see under France. Boursies, see under France. Bourtseff, Vladimir ; Arrest and trial, February, 1915, VIII, 199. Portrait, VIII, 199. Boussies, see under France. Bouts, Dierck, I, 404, 409, 410. Pictures, illustrations, I, 411, 412. Bouvei : Dardanelles operations, V, 382, 384, 388, 305 ; VII, 153 ; XII, 49, 50, 54-55. Illustrations, XII. 55, 57. Loss of, in the Dardanelles, March 18, 1915, V, 362, 396 ; VII, 154 ; X, 45 : XII, 55- Bouvines, see under Belgium. Bouwer ; Major, arrested by Maritz but sent back with ultimatum, III, 503. Colonel, invasion of German South-West Africa, VIII, 259, 260, 262, 264. Bouzencourt, see under France. Boveerig, General, III, 272. Bovekerke, see under Belgium. Bovent, see under France. Bovettes, see under France. Bovis Trench, see under France. Bowden-Smith, Captain W., R.N., ship sunk, April 26. 1916, X, 66. Boiues Castle, British s.s., sinking of, I, 188. Bowker, Corporal D. M. P., South African Mounted Brigade, XII, 180. Bowlby ; Sir A., IV, 63. Lieutenant, portrait, VII, 211. Bowles ; Rear-Admiral Francis T. : Assistant General Manager of Emergency Fleet Corporation, U.S.A., XVIII, 264. on Hog Island shipyard, XVIII, 266. Gibson, quoted, II, 28. Bowman, Thomas, account of sinking of Belgian Prince, XIII, 68-69. Bowyer-Smith, Captain, attack on Banyo and death, November, 1915, VIII, 308. 7(1 THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. B«xtr H.M.S., sunk in collision, February 8, 1918, Kvni. 335 , t „ Boxer, Colonel, shrapnel shell improved by, V, 422. Box Wood, see under France. Ton Boy-Ed, Captain, German Naval Attache, V, 248. Portrait. V, 273. Propaganda work, V, 249. Recall in December. 1915, XI, 374, 375, 37°- Boy Scouts, XVII, 145-80. Belgium, work, etc., XVII, 175-77. J 79- Borneo, illustration, XVII, 174. Canada, work of, etc., XVII, 170-72. Coles' Scouts, illustration, XVI, 460. Denmark, XVII, 175. Egypt, XVII, 173. France, work of, XVII, 178-79. Germany, XVII. 175. Gold Goast, XVII, 174. Great Britain : Administration. XVII, 149. Agricultural work, XVII, 165-66. Air raid duties, XVII, 169-70. Awards for service and gallantry, XVII, 155-56. Badge and motto, illustrations, XVII, 146, 157. Decorations, illustration, XVII, 156. Defence Corps, XVII, 162, 164. Enlistment, XVII, 163. Hospital work, XVII, 170. Huts and motor ambulances provided by, XVII, i68-6q. Illustrations, XIV. 282 ; XVII, 147, 149.. 152. '53. 158-63, 166, 167, 169, 171, 173, 180. Laws, XVII, 145-46, 154-55- under Local authorities, XVII, 149, 151. Mobilisation, August, 1914, XVII, 148-49, 150. Police, help to, XVII, 160-70. Tributes to, XVII, 145, 151, 153. 177. i 8 °- from the Armv, XVII, 162. Work, XIV, 265". for Americans, XVII, 153. in Military Camps, XVII, 166-67. in War Office, 164-65. Greece, work of, XVII, 179. Holland, XVII, 175. India, work of, XVII, 172-73. Italy, XVII, 179. Portugal, work of, XVII, 179. Rumania, XVII, 178. Russia, XVII, 178. Sea Scouts, work of, XVII, 157-61. Serbia, work of, during retreat, XVII, 177-78. South Africa, XVII, 173. South Australia, XVII, 174. Switzerland, work of, XVII, 175. Uganda, XVII, 174. Wolf Cub Pack, XVII, 155. U.S.A., work of, XVII, 179-80. Boyadzhiyeif, General XII, 9. Bulgarian invasion of Serbia under, October, 1915. XII, 3. Boyce, Brigadier-General, Director of Transport Overseas, IV, 312. Boyd, Major-General G. F., in command of 46th Division, advance, September, 1918, XIX, 451. Boyelles, see under France. Boyemia, see under Serbia. Boyen, see under East Prussia. Boyle ; Lieut.-Commander E. C, V.C. : Award of V.C, VI, 96 ; X, 24, 36. Portraits, IV, 95 ; VII, 148 ; X, 34. Sinking of Turkish ships, IV, 118. Miss Nina, founder of Women Police Volunteers, XVII, 455. Colonel Russel Lambert : Death, April, 1916, V, 61. Portrait, V, 64. Lieut.-Colonel, C.E.F., at Ypres, V, 219. Boyovitch, General, invasion of Syrmia, September, 1914, III, 367, 368. Boys, Lieut.-Colonel, RE., I, 449. Bozhykoli, see undei Galicia. Brabant, see under France. Brabant-le-Roi, see under France. Brace ; A. M., Press correspondent in Tsing-Tau, II, 422. W., M.P. : Portrait. X, 361. Under-Secretary for Home Affairs, V, 315; VIII, 127, 128; X, 358, 360. Withdrawal from Government, 1918, XIX, 391- Bradbury, Captain E. K., V.C: Award of V.C, X, 5-7, 36. Portrait, X, 2. Brade, Sir Reginald, on Chaplain-General's Advisory Council, VIII, 320. Bradford, see under Great Britain. Bradford ; Lieut.-Commander G. N., V.C. : Award of V.C, XIX, 350, 354. Killed April 23, 1918, XVIII, 347. Sir John Rose, IV, 63. Lieutenant R. B. (Temporary Lieut.-Colonel), V.C, M.C. : Award of V.C, XII, 174-75, 190; XIX, 356. Portraits, XII, 175, 176. Mrs., portrait, XIX, 354. Braemar Castle : Dardanelles operations, V, 457. Sunk, November, 1916, XIV, 166, 177; XXI, 128. Braga, see under Portugal. Braga : Dr. Alexander : Leader of the Majoritv, Portugal, XVII, 357. Portrait, XVII, 354. Portuguese Minister of Justice, XVII, 360. Dr. Theophilo : Leader of Presidential interregnum in Portugal, 1915, IX, 341. President of Portuguese Government, May, 1915, IX, 327. President of Revolutionary Provisional Govern- ment in Portugal, October, 1910, IX, 327. Temporary assumption of place of President Arriaga, IX, 359. Braila, see under Rumania. Braintree, see under Great Britain. Braisne, see under France. Braithwaite, Major-General W. P., C.B., VII, 194. Sir Ian Hamilton on, VI, 113. Negotiations with Turks, May 22, 1915, VI, 113. Portraits, V, 396 ; VI, 85. Bramley; Jennings, Sudan Civil Service, advanced depots in Egyptian desert established by, 1919, IX, 3L5- Mr., portrait, XV, 279. Bramshot, see under Great Britain. Brancourt, see under France. Brand : Hon. R. H., C.M.G., Deputy Vice-Chairman of British War Mission to U.S.A., XXI, 80. Portrait, XXI, 80. Colonel, A.E.F., VI, 142. van den Branden, J., on Belgian Relief Commission Executive Committee, IV, 443. Brandenburg, see under Germany. Brandenburg, Captain ; in Command of aeroplane squadron raiding England, XIX, 258, 260-61. Portrait, XIX, 260. Biandenstein, German ' Sous-Chief " of Staff (1870), I, 202. Brander, Colonel H. R., C.B., II, 351 note. Brandes, Lieut.- Captain, first officer of Wnlf, XVIII. 354- Brandl, manifesto re Belgian atrocities, October, 1914, signed by, V, 168. THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. 11 Brandon, Second-Lieutenant Alfred de Bath, D.S.O., R.F.C.: Award of D.S.O. for destruction ot Zeppelin X, 192. Attacks on Zeppelins, VIII, 184 ; XIX, 284. Career, X, 19^-94. Portraits, VIII, 189; X, 19S. Brandt, Commandant, Tabora, XIII, 407. Branscheid, Albert, German submarine commander, XVII, 291. Branting, M., Swedish Socialist leader, XIII, 23J, .475 ; XV, 310. Memorandum to, re Armistice terms, XXI, 288. Portrait, XV, 312. Branu, Mount, see under Transylvania, Brasso, see Krons-tadt under Transylvania. Bratianu : Ion C. : Attitude towards German propaganda, IX, 41S-19, 422. Leader of Liberal party in Rumania, 1910, called to power January, 1914, IX, 412-14. Policy, IX, 422-29. Portraits, IX, 428, 440 ; XVII, 66, 68. Vintila : on Attitude of Rumania, IX, 428. Impeachment question, XVII, 65, 66. and Jewish question, XVII, 69. Minister for Foreign Affairs, December, 1916, XII, 147-48. Minister of War in Rumania, IX, 436 ; XII, 145, 146. Prime Minister in Rumania, IX, 401, 402, 404. Resignation, early 1918, XVII, 39. Bratocea Pass, see under Rumania. Braun : Charles, German submarine Commander, XVII, 291. Mr., VI. 431, 432. Braunau, see under Germany. Braunkopf, see under Alsace-Lorraine. Braunschweig, German battleship, IX, 138. Sunk March 25, 1916, X 58. Bray, see under France. Bray, Mr. Justice, Sir R. Casement's case before, VIII, 467. Braye-en-Laonnois, see under France. Braz, Dr. Wenceslao, President of Brazil, XV, 35. Portrait, XV, 3. Brazil : Alegre, Porto : German town, XV, 32. anti-German riots, April, 1917, XV, 33. Bahia : German activities, XV, 19. Illustration, XV, 15. Coffee question, XV, 35. Economic conditions, 1913-1917, XV, 13-15. Finance : and Effect of war, XV, 13. Difficulties of, I, 179. German influence, XV, 31-32. German propaganda, XV, 16, 18. anti-German riots, April, 1917, XVI, 33. German settlements, XV, 31-32. German ships, seizure of, June 2, 191 7, XV, 35. Italian settlers, XV, 32. Navy : Arrival in European waters when Armistice signed, XVIII, 464. Cooperation with American warships, XV, 35- Monitors building for, in England, taken over, III, 154-189. Parana, German settlement, XV, 31. Pernambuco, Hyades supposed to have been sunk off, II, 32. Petropolis, German community, XV, 32. Rio Grande do Sul, German settlement, XV, 31, 32- Brazil : — cont. Rio de Janeiro : Gifts sent to pueen Mary's Needlework Guild, IV, 268. Illustrations, XV, 28, 34. Public opinion re war, XV, 3. Rupture with Germany, April n, 1917, XV, 27, 35- Santa Catharina, German settlement, XV, 31. Santos, loading coffee at, illustration, XV, 14. Sao Paolo State : Attitude re severing relations with Germany. XV, 33. anti-German riots, April, 191 7, XV. 33. Shipping losses : Macao, torpedoed, October 22, 191 7, XV, 36. Parani, s.s., April 4, 1917, XV, 33, 35. South, Germans, attitude at beginning of war XV, 1. increasing Sympathy with Allies, XV, 32. Trade with, proclamation, 1916, VII, 428. War declared on Germany, October 26, 191 7 XV, 36- Brazome, Monte, see under Italy. de Brazza, VIII, 283. Brecard, General, XVIII, 102 note. in Command of 1st French Cavalry Division, March, 1918, XVIII, 91. Breche-au-Mont, see under Alsace-Lorraine. Brecknockshire, captured and sunk, February 15, 1917, XXI, 128. Brecy, see under France. von Bredow, General : Commander of German division in Galicia, May, 1915, V, 137, 139. Commander of Landwehr Division, 1916, rein- forcements sent to, for fighting at Baranovitche, IX, 397. van Bree, F., Secretary of Executive Committee. Comite National de Secours et d'Alimentation, IV, 443- Breedt, Major, attack on, at Mons, and retirement. December, 1914, VIII, 260. Breendonck, see under Belgium. Bregalnitsa, see under Serbia. Bregy, see under France. Breithaupt, Lieutenant- Commander, LIU : Interview with, VIII, 182-83. Portrait, VIII, 185. Taken prisoner, VIII, 182. Bremen, see under Germany. Bremen, German light cruiser : in the Atlantic, II, 35. Sunk, December 17, 1915, VII, 151 ; XVI, 300. Bremen Redoubt, see under Belgium. Bremerhaven, see under Germany Bremner, Lieutenant, fighting in Rhodesia, May, 1915, X, 157. Bremond, Colonel, French administrator of Cilicia, XXI, 450. Bremont, see under France. Brenelle, see under France. Brenta, see under Italy. Brentano, M., manifesto re Belgian atrocities, October, 1914, signed by, V, 168. Brereton : Acting Corporal Alexander, V.C., C.E.F., award of V.C., XVII, 429, 430, 431 ; XIX, 356. Cloudesley, " Who is responsible ? " quoted, I, 401. Brescia, see under Italy. Breshko-Breshkovskaia, Mme. Katrina Konstan- tinova : Appeal against Bolshevism, XX, 146. Delegate on Peasant Congress, XIII, 451. at Moscow Conference, August, 1917, XIV, 376. Portrait, XIII. 452. Breslau, see under Germany. Breslau, German cruiser (Midillu), II, 24 ; III, 51 ; XXI, 6. in Black Sea, III, 51, 147 ; XVI, 306, 310. 78 ////. TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. Breslau : — eont. Bombardment of Bona and Philippeville, August 4. u>m. XII. 43-43. Crews, III, 44-45. 46. 47. 5°- Damaged by Russian Black Sea Fleet, January 6, 1915. Ill, 70. in the Dardanelles, August 10, 1914, III, 44. Escape of, from Messina, II, 22. Flight to Dardanelles, XII, 42-43. Illustration, III, 53. Movement into Black Sea or Mediterranean, assurances against, III, 46. Purchase by Turkish Government, II, 22 ; III, 44. 4°- Sortie from the Dardanelles, and sinking of, January 20, -191 8, XV1I1, 333, 358-50. 435- Turkish transports convoyed by, March, 1916, X, 262. Brest, see under France. Brest Litovsk, see under RttMM. Brestovica, see under Austria-Hungary. Bretagne, French ship, X, 46. Transport work, XII, 43. Brewer, Skipper William Henry, R.N.R., XVIII, 379- Breyer, Herbert, German submarine commander, XVII. 291. Breytenbach, Colonel, in command of 10th South African Horse in East Africa, 191 7, XIX, 48, 63. Breziak, see under Serbia. Brialmont, General, I, m ; VII, 488. Fortifications by, I, 106, 107, 116-17, 118, 351-52, 444; 11, 81 ; XII, 133; illustrations, 1, 114, 348. Briand, M., IX, 74 ; XXI, 392. at Allied Conference at Rome, January, 191 7, XIV, 433. Allies reply to President Wilson's Note handed to American Ambassador in Paris by, January 10, 1917. XI, 491-93- Cabinet of, October, 1915, VIII, 95, 97. Character, XIV, 234-35. Demand for secret sitting of House accepted by, IX, 44. on Enemy peace proposals, December, 191 6, XIV . 433. 435- Formation of Ministry, October, 1915, VIII, 95, 97- French Minister of Justice, I, 477-78. French Prime Minister, October, 1915. VII, 274. on German peace proposals, December 13, 191 6, XI, 480-81. Ministries of, XIV, 222-37. Opposition to, XIV, 233-35. Portraits, VII, 258 ; X, 340, 344 ; XI, 489 ; XIV, 222, 227. Resignation, March 17, 1917, XIII, 332 ; XIV, 236 ; XXI, 362. Review of situation, September, 1916, XIV, 232. and Salonika expedition, XIV, 222. Visit to Rome, and results, IX, 82, 114. Work of Government under re providing Rumania with munitions, IX, 428. Briastre, see under France. Briccola, General, Italian Army Corps Commander, portrait, V, 33. Bricot, see under France. Bridge, Admiral Sir Cyprian, G.C.B., member of potamian Royal Commission, XII, 415. Bridgeman : Commander the Hon. R. O. B., award of D.S.O., X. 78. William Clive, J.P. : Lord Commissioner of the Treasury, June, 1915. v . 315- Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Labour, December, 1916, X, 360. Bridgeport, see under United States of America. Bridges : Major-General Sir George T. M„ K.C.M.G., C.B.. D.S.O. : Mission to America, 191 7, XXI, 77. Portraits, XIII, 22 ; XXI, 78. Commander H. D., award of D.S.O., X, 78. Major-General Sir W. T., K.C.B., II, 260, 261 ; VI, 130, 142, 144. Commanding Australian Division at Galhpoli, VI, 96. Burial at Canberra, VI, 131. Death, May, 1915, VI, no, 131. Sir Ian Hamilton on, VI, no, 130. Portrait, VI, 00. Posthumously knighted, VI, 131. Work at Duntroon, XIII, 147. Work for First Australian Division, VI, 128-29. Bridgetown, see under Barbadoes, under West Indies, Bridgford, Major-General R. J., C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O., in command of 31st Division in France, March, 1918, XVIII, 67. Brie, see. under France. Brienne House, see under Belgium. Brienz, see under Switzerland. Brieulles, see under France. Briey, see under Bta&oe Briggs : Lieut.-General Sir C. J., KX.B., K.C.M.G. : 1st Cavalry Brigade, I, 450. Commanding troops entering Bulgaria, Septem- ber, 1918, XX, 26. Operations in Greece, 1916, XII, 31. Rev. J. H., C.M.S., in German East Africa, XII, 81. Wing-Commander W., concerned in construction of the " Tank," X, 298. Brighton, see under Great Britain. Brighton Queen, mine-sweeper, lost off Belgian coast, VII, 135, 461. Brillant, Lieutenant John, V.C., M.C. : Award of V.C., XVII, 427, 431 ; XIX, 356. Portrait, XVII, 429. Brilliant, H.M.S., attack on Ostend, April 23, 1918, XVIII, 342, 349. Brimont, Mont, see under France. Brinckmann, Major, German representative at Peace Conference at Brest-Litovsk, December, 1917, XVI, 10. Brindisi, iee under Italy. Brioche, see under France. Brisbane, see under Australia. Brisco, Second Lieutenant, gallantry of, November, 1915, VII, 307. Briscoe, Brigadier-General, portrait, III, 311. Brisieux, see under France. Brissaud-Desmaillet, General, Battle of Malmaison, October, 1917, XVI, 231, 231-32, 240-41. Brisset, Lieut. -Colonel : Operations in Cameroon, VIII, 273, 297, 299, 301, 307, 309, 310. Portrait, VIII, 295. Bristol, see under Great Britain and United States of America. Bristol, H.M.S. : Action off Falkland Islands, III, 135-43. Armament, I, 54. Operations in the Adriatic, May, 1917, XII, 336 ; XVIII, 453. in Pursuit of Dresden, X, 75-76. Britannia, torpedoed, December 8, 1916, XVII, 35°. Britannic, H.M.S., XI, 179; XVII, 157. Sunk in JBga&a Sea, November 21, 1916, while commissioned as hospital ship, XIII, 252 ; XIV, 166, 177 ; XXI, 124. British Columbia, tee under Canada. British East Africa ; Arabs, loyalty of, X, 132. Attitude towards war, XVI, 457-58. Carrier Corps formed, 1917, XIX, 43. THE TIMES HISTOID' OF THE W4R. 79 British East Africa : — cont. Compulsory Service Act, March, 1917, XIX, 42. East African Mounted Kirles, XI 1, in Action, August 26, 1914, X, 136-37. Regiment formed by settlers, X, 133-34. East African Regiment, formed by settlers, X, 133-34- Gazi : Germane defeated at, October 8, 1914, X, 136. Germans near, X, 159. Geraragua, German camp burnt by British, March 8, 1916, XII, 91. German invasion, August 15, 1914, X, 121-22. German retreat, March, 1916, XII, 87-91. Gifts to Great Britain, II, 27b. Jewish colon\ , British offer of facilities for, 1903, XIV, 317-19. Jubaland, King's African Rifles in, August, 1914, X, 133- Karunga, fighting at, September, 1914, X, 145-46. Kendu, British at, September 11, 1914, X, 146. Kisii, fighting at, September, 1014, X, 145-46. Kisumu : British embark at, X, 148. Troops embarked at, for Karunga, X, 145. Kitovo, battle, March 11, 1916, XII, 88-89. Latema Hill, British attack, March 11. 1916, XII, 88 89. Magadi : Attempted attack on railway near, September, 1914, X, 138. Base Camp at, X, 141. Majareni, fighting at, September and October, 1914, X, 135-36. Maktau : 1st East African Division at, X, 160. Railway built to, X, 158. Martial law proclaimed on outbreak of war, X, 133- Masai : Chiefs and warriors, illustrations, X, 135 ; XVI, 458. Gifts of meat to troops, XVI, 458. Maungu, German attempt to attack railway at, X, 136-37- Mbuyuni : British base at, XII, 96. Germans at, X, 146. Mombasa, X, 128. Arrival of 2nd and 3rd South African Infantry Brigades, February and March, 1916, X, 160. Arrival of reinforcements from India, Septem- ber, 1914, X. 136, 140. German proposed attack on, and failure, X, 121-22, 134, 135, 136. Mzima, German attack on post at, September 26, 1914. X, 138. Nairobi : Failure of German attack on, 1914, X, 122. German plan for raid on, X, 137-38. Illustration, X. inn. Native carriers from, XVI, 435. Native loyalty to Great Britain, X, 132. Police force, strength of, X, 133. Railway attacked by Germans, 1914, X, 122. Railway work, XII, 94, 96. Reconstruction and reorganisation in, X, 158-60. Recruiting in, XVI, 457-58. Salaita (El Oldorobo), German strengthening of position at, X, 146. Salaita Hill : British attacks, February 12, tqjo March, 1916 XI 1, 84, 87. German garrison, retreat, March, 1916, XII, 87-88. Situation in, on outbreak of war, X, 132-34, 135 ; XVI, 457, 458-59. Taveta, X, 128. Captured by Germans, August 15, 1914, X, British East Africa :- o>>it. 1 aveta : t •mi. Evacuation by Germans, March 9, 1916, XII, 87. Failure ol attack on Germans, November, 1914. X, 141. Fighting at, March 10, 1916, XII, 88. German strengthening of position at, X, 146. Occupied by Germans, August 15, 1914, X, 134- Trade during war. XVI, 458 59. T«avo River, fighting near, September, 1914, X, '37- Vanga : Captured by Germans, January, 1915, X, 135. M3 Germans in, X, 159. Vanga district, loyalty of natives in, XVI, 458. Voi-Miktau Railway, German attempts against, XVIII, 158. British East Africa Company, X, 128. British Empire : Area and population, December 13, 1913, VI, 11 ; War Atlas, 42. and " Commission of the Straits," XXI, 464. Constitutional system, XII, 269-72. Dominions and imperial policy, XII, 269-304. Estimated wealth and national income, VII, 272. British Expeditionary Force, East Africa, see under East Africa. British Expeditionary Force, Egypt, see Egyptian Expeditionary Force. British Expeditionary Force, France and Belgium : Achievements of, and praise given to, 1918, XX, 424-27. Advances : January-April, 1917, XII, 345-80. August 22 -September 18, 1918, XIX, 289-324 ; 454-57- Advanced line illustration, XVI, 49. Ammunition loading and carrying, illustrations, XI. 408; XV, 101,335; XVI, 1 VI ; XVII, 87 ; XX, .(O0>. Ammunition and supply dumps, illustrations, X, 417 ; XII, 380. Anatomy of the war down to December, 1917, XIX, 430-32. Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders : Battle of Cambrai, November, 1917, XVI, 429. Battle of Gavrelle-Fontaine-lez-Croisdles, April, 1917, XV, 47, 48. Operations, October 29, 19 14, IV, 14. Battles of Ypres, V, 73, 78 ; XVI, 63. 67. Armoured motor cars, III, 31. Illustration, XIX, 317. Armoured train with naval guns in action, illus- tration, II, 93. Army of occupation, sec that title. Artillery : Equipment, VII, 486-87. Special Order of the Day, tribute to work of. May, 1918, XVIII, 405-6. Work at Pozieres, July, 1916. X, 409. Work of. winter, 1915-1916, VII, 306-7. Artillery Brigades : Arrival in France, September 16, 1914, II, 136 note. Battle of the Aisne, II, 131-32. Artillerv and artillery work, illustrations, I, 135. 417. 45o. 45' : II. 62, 124, 126, 129, 151, 158, 165, 478; III, 13, 37. 453, 489; V, 240; VI, 173, 212, 411 ; VII, 300; IX, 166, 167, 482, 487 ; X, 85, 86, 407, 412 ; XI, 124, 296, 310, 311, 400, 412, 414, 415; XII, 352, 353 ; XIV, 426, 430 ; XV, 60, 6l, &2, 90, 94, 103; XVI, ijj, 143; XVII, 86, 94, 95 ; XVIII, 50, 53, 68, 76, 78, 83, 84, 91, 104, 105, 201, 301, 304, 406 ; XIX, 80, 8i, 155. I7L 174 : XX, 403, 411. Attaching leaflets to a balloon and dispatch of, illustrations, XXI, 351, 355. SO THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. British Expeditionary Force, France and Belgium :— con I. Attacking, illustrations, VI, 415 ; VIIT, 495 ; X hi ; XI. 307; XIV, 412: XVII, 98; XVIII, 66 ; XIX, 337. Bairnsfather cartoon, XII, 424. Barbed wire entanglements, illustrations. III, 470; XVIII, 418. Bargees on Flanders Canal, illustration, XVI. 45- Bedfordshire Regiment : Fighting in Belgium, October 18, 1914, III, 442. 455 near Camay, April 27, 1916, VIII, 491. Battles of Ypres,. IV, 1-2 ; XV, 354, 355. Behind the lines, illustrations, X, 83 ; XVI, 62. Billeting tickets being distributed in Paris, illus- tration, II, 476. Black Watch (Royal Highlanders) : Battle of Aubers, May, 1915, V, 228. Cooperation with Royal Scots Greys, I, 477. at Givenchy, January, 1915, IV, 236. Illustration, IX, 500. near La Bassde, January, 1915, IV, 235. Offensive at Moulin du Pietre, September 25, 1915. VI, 364. in Retreat from Mons, I, 477. Victory march in Brussels, November, 1918, XXI, 226. Blockhouses, attacks on, illustrations, XV, 226, 241. Blues, Battle of Ypres, IV, 35, 78. Bomb thrower, illustration, IV, 377. Bombing, illustrations, XIII, 386 ; XV, 47, 52. Booty, illustration, XII, 364. Border Regiment . Battle of Loos, September 25, 1915, VI, 384. Battles of Ypres, IV, 4 ; XVI, 112. Brewery vats as bathtubs, illustration, XVII, 234. ' Bridges and bridge building, illustrations, XIX, 376; XIV, 400; XV, 377; XX, 135, 136, 260, 261. Bridging a Mine Crater on a road, illustration, XV. 91. the Buffs, see East Kent Regiment above. "Bursting shells," illustrations, XV, 336; XX, 4>7- Cameron Highlanders : Battle of Aubers, May, 1915, V, 228. in Belgium, October, 1914, III, 462. Battle of Festubeit, May, 1915, V, 237. near La Bassce, January, 1915, JV, 235. Battle of Loos, September 25, 1915, VI, 386. Operations on Western Front, November, 1918. XX, 268. Victory march in Brussels, November, 1918, XXI, 226. Battles of Ypres. V, 77, 78 ; XV, 346. Camp in France, illustration, II, 154. Camp concerts, IV, 495-96. Canvas bags for wounded, voluntary supply, IV, 502. in a Captured village, illustration, XV, 375. Casualties during five weeks' fighting to Septem- ber 28, 1914, II, 161. Cavalry : Battle of Cambrai, November, 191 7, XVI, 416-17. Comment upon, in a letter found on dead German officer, II, 69. Illustrations, IV, 7, 157 ; IX, 308 ; XIV, 423; XV, 72; XVI, 413, 416; XIX, 141, 175; XX, 137.450; XXI, 281. Reconnaissances, I, 465. Success of, I, 480. Superiority over German, III, 18. Work in trenches, II, 347 ; III, 462. Battle of Ypres, V, 78. Battle of the Yser, III, 18.5. British Expeditionary Force, France and Belgium : — 1st Cavalry Biigade, action near Compi£gne, I, 479-80. 2nd Cavalry Brigade, battle of Ypres, IV, 18, 19. 3rd Cavalry Brigade : at Moreuil Wood, March 30, 1918, XVIII, 192. Battle of Ypres, IV, 17, 18. 5th Cavalry Brigade at Binche, I, 464. 6th Cavalry Brigade : in Action, March 24, 1918, XVIII, 83. in Loos, September 26, 1915, VI, 391. Operations in Belgium, October 1914, III, 34, 35. 4°, 170. 171. 444. 445. 45°, 462- Battle of Ypres, IV, 36, 30. 7th Cavalry Brigade : Operations in Belgium, October, 1914, III, 34, 35. 39-4°. 444. 445. 457. 4 62 . Recapture of Neuve Chapelle, October 28, 1 914, IV, 9, 13. Battle of Ypres, October, 1914, IV, 6, 17, 23, 3°. 32. 35- Battle of the Yser, October, 1914, III, 17(1. Cavalry Corps, near St. Pol and Bailleul-les- Pernes, VI, 375. Cavalry Division : in Action. March 31, 1918, XVIII, 209. Advance, August 8, 1918, XIX, 140-41. Operations round Ypres, October, 191 4, III, 5. 1st Cavalry Division : Battle of the Aisne, II, 133. on Line of the Aisne, September 11, 1914, II, 124. in Belgium, October, 1914, III, 170, 171, 176, 455.' 457- at Bourg, September 13, 1914, II, 127-28. Illustration, II, 169. Bouzencourt, March 27, 1918, XVIII, 97. at Braine, September 12, 1914, II, 124. Battle ot Cambrai, November, 1917, XVI, 421. 422. at Hervilly, March 22, 1918, XVIII, 62. on the Lvs, III, 33-34. at Montaubon, March, 1918, XVIII, 82. Retreat, March, 1918, XVIII, 98. 2nd Cavalry Division : Advance, 1918, XVIII, 193 ; XIX, 143-44, 168-69, 172, 291, 309, 449. in Belgium, October, 1914, III, 18-19, 31-32, 171. 455. 457- on Crozat Canal, March 22, 1918, XVIII, 61. Fighting, March, 1918, XVIII, 86. Battle of Neuve Chappelle, IV, 394. near Quessy, March 21, 1918, XVIII, 57. Retreat, March, 1918, XVIII, 83. Withdrawal from the Aisne to the North. II, 5°3- Battle of Ypres, IV, 17, 27, 30. 3rd Cavalry Division : Advance, 1918, XIX, 143-44. Arrival in Belgium, II, 305, 506. in Belgium, October, 1914, III, 34, 35, 441, 444. at Hooge, June and July, 1915, VI, 208, 209. in Loos, September 26, 1915, VI, 391. Battle of Loos, VI, 375. Retirement, March, 1918, XVIII, 63-64, 83. Battle of Ypres, IV, 2 7-8, 13, 23, 36, 40. Battle of the Yser, October, 1914, III, 190. 5th Cavalry Division, battle of Cambrai, Novem- ber, 1917, XVII, 83. 422. 7th Cavalry Division, operations in Belgium, October, 1914, III, 444. Central London Rangers, battle of the Somme, July, 1916, IX, 499-500. Chaplains : Heroism of, VIII, 326-28. Parade Service, description, VIII, 324-25. Tributes to work of, VIII, 322, 324. V.C.'s, XVII, 410. Work of, VIII, 326, 334. THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. 81 British Expeditionary Force, France and Belgium : — cont. Cheshire Regiment : in Action, March 24, 1918, XVIII, 82. Attack near Carnoy, December 6-7, 1915, VII, 311-12. Battle of Messines, June, 1917, XV, 91, 98-99, 99. Third Battle of Ypres, 1917, XV, 354 ; XVI, 128. Christmas Truce, 1914, IV, 221-28. Illustration, IV, 227. Church service in French casino, illustration, VIII, 314. Clean shirts for the soldiers, illustration, XVII, 233- Clearing hospital, illustration, IV, 6i. Clip of cartridges transfixed by German bullet, illustration, II, 492. Coldstream Guards : 4th Battalion in France, 1918, XX, 258-59. Battle of the Aisne, II, 139. Battle of Cambrai, November 27, 191 7, XVI, 430. near Cuinchy, Februaty 1, 1915, IV, 237. Decorations and casualties, XVI, 353. near I? Bassee, January, 1915, IV, 233, 235. near Loos, October 8, 1915, VI, 412. Battle of Loos, September 27-28, 1915, VI, 397- 398. Battle ol the Somme, September, 1916, XI, 287, 289. near Trovon, September 14, 1914, II, 132. Battle ol" Ypres, TV, 17. Comparative inaction, May-September, 1915, reasons for, VI, 201-02, 205-06. Comparison with German Army, II, 69, 168 note. Composition of, I, 448-50. Conditions and life during winter, 1915-16. VII, 278-83, 289-90. Connaught Rangers, IV, 219. Capture o' Hill 60, August, 1915, VII, 209-10. Illustration, VIII, 489. Battle of the Somme, September, 1916, XT, «45- on Western Front, October, 1918, XX, 123, 124. Battle of Ypres, April, 1915, V, 67, 69. Cooking and feeding operations, II, 66, 160 ; IV, 289, 294, 298, 299, 305, 306, :jo8 ; XI, 314, 428, 429 ; XII 361 ; XV, 67 ; XVI, 68 ; XVII, 107. Cornish troops : Battle of the Somme, September, 1916, XT, 145. Third Battle of Ypres, October, 1917, XVI, 112. II Corps, work of, IV, 9-10. III Corps : Tribute to, by Sir John French, IV, 10. Battle of the Yser, III, 185. V Corps, near Hooge, June 16, 1915, VT, 208-9. Cyclist Battalion, Battle of the Lys, April 7, 1918, XVIII, 213. Devonshire Regiment : in Action, March 27, 1918, XVIII, 98. Attack on Bullecourt, May 12, 1917, XV, 65. Battle of Neuve Chapelle, March, 1915, IV, 387. Battle of the Somme, September, 1017, XI, 145. Third Battle of Ypres, October, 1917, XVI, 112. Digging a drain, illustration, XVI, 40. Dispatch r. tiers, illustration, VI, 407. 1st Division : in Action, April, 1918, XVIII, 295. Advance, September-October, 1918, XIX, 309, 451, 452. Battle of Loos, September, 1915, VI, 376, 385, 386, 391. near Loos, October 8, 1915, VI, 412. Battle of Ypres, IV, 8, 25, 26. 2nd Division : Battle of Cambrai, November 30, 191 7, XVII, 88, 89. Battles of Ypres, IV, 8 ; XIV, 25. Ind .— f British Expeditionary Force, France and Belgium : — cont. 3rd Division : Advance September, 1918, XIX, 172, 437, 449- Battle of Cambrai, November, 191 7, XVI, 417, 418. Fighting, March-April, 1918, XVIII, 105, 291. on the Lys, October, 1914, III, 36. on the Sensee, March 21, 1918, XVIII, 58. 4th Division : in Action, March-April, 1918, XVI11, 105, 293, 295, 2 96. Advance, September, 1918, XIX, 306. 5th Division, advance, August-September, 1918, XIX. 168-69, 172, 173, 4}9. 6th Division : Advance, September, 1918, XIX, 309-10. Battle of Cambrai, November, 191 7, XVI, 410, 414, 422. on the Lys, October, 1914, III, 36. Operations, March 21, 1918, XVIII, 58. 7th Division : Advance towards Aubers, March 13, 191 5, IV, 394-95- Arrival in Belgium, II, 505. Battle of Bullecourt, May, 1917, XV, 61, 63. Composition of, III, 168-70. Battle of Loos, September 25, 195, VI, 376, 384, 385, 392. Operations of, October, 1914, III, 35, 39, 170, 441, 442, 444-45, 450, 455, 457, 462, 463. Roulers occupied, October, 1914, HI, 34. Battle of Ypres, IV, 4, 7, 8, 26, 27, 34, 40. Battle of the Yser, October, 1914, III, 190. 8th Division : Advance : April 1, 1918, XVIII, 193. September, 1918, XIX, 438. Retirement, March 18, XVIII, 82. at Rosieres, March 27, 1918, XVIII, 96. 9th Division : Advance, September, T918, XIX, 445, 446. at Chapel Hill, March 21, 1918, XVIII, 58 Fighting. March-April, 1918, XVIII, 59, 289, 303, 399- Battle of the Lys, April, 1918, XVIII, 215. Meteren, July," 1918, XIX, 81. Retirement, March 22, 1918, XVIII, 62, 82. nth Division, advance, September, 1918, XIX, 447. 449. 454- 12th Division : Advance, August-September, 191 8, XIX, 144, 1 7 1 . J 73. 309-10, 452. Battle ' of Cambrai, November, 1917, XVI, 409-10, 414, 423, 431. 14th Division, advance, September, 1918, XIX, 445. 446- 15th (Scottish) Division : Advance, July, 1918, XIX, 116, 122. Capture of Buzancy, July, 1918, XXI, 48. Battle ol Gavrelle-Fontaine-lez-Crois.lles, April, 1917, XV, 47, 48-49. Fighting, March, 1918, XVIII, 105. Battle of Loos, September 25, 1915, VI, 386. 16th (Irish) Division : Battle of Cambrai. November, 191 7, XVI, 417-18. Battle of Messines, June, 1917, XV, 91. 17th Division : Advance, August-September, 1918, XIX, 172, 297. Attack on Pelves. April 23, 191 7, XV, 47. at Hermis, March 22, 1918, XVIII, 63. 1 8th Division : Advance, August-September, 1918, XIX, 171, 172, 173, 296, 298, 301, 309-10, 452. Capture of Babceuf, March 25, 1918, XVIII, 88. on Crozat Canal, March 1918, XVIII, 6r, 67. Retirement, March 1918, XVIII, 90. THE TIMES 11 1 STORY OF THE WAR. British Expeditionary Force, France and Belgium : — cont. 19th Division : in Action, April, 1918, XVIII, 295, 399. in Ardre Valley, May, 1918, XVIII, 416. round Doignies, March 21, 1918, XVIII, 58-59. Battle of the Lys, April, 1918, XVIII, 215. Battle of Messines, June. 1917, XV, 91. 20th (Light) Division : Battle of Cambrai, November, 1917, XVI, 410, 414,423; XVII, 85. Fighting, March 30, 191 8, XVIII, 19a. Retirement, March, 1918, XVIII, 63, 64, 67, 82, 83, 84, 89, 98. 21st Division : Advance, August-September, 1918, XIX, 169, '7 2 . J 73, 3°9- at Epehy. March, 1918, XVIII, 58. Fighting, April, 1918, XVIII, 303, 304, 304-5, 399- Battle of Loos, September, 1915, VI, 376, 385, 389. 390, 39 1- Retirement, March 22, 1918, XVIII, 62, 82. 23rd Division, battle of Messines, June, 191 7, XV, 91 24th Division : Battle of Loos, September, 1915, VI, 376, 385, 39i- at Le Verguier, March, 1918, XVIII, 58. Battle of Messines, June, 1917, XV, gr. Retirement, March, 1918, XVIII, 98. 25th Division : in Action, April, 1918, XVIII, 291, 294, 303, 304-5, 399. Battle of the Lys, April 7, 1918, XVIII, 214, 215. Retirement, May 27, 1918, XVIII, 415. 25th (Ulster) Division, battle of Messines, June, 1917, XV, 91, 92, 98, 99. 28th Division, battle of Loos, September, 1915, VI. 37 6 . 385, 39i. 29th Division : in Action, April, 1918, XVIII, 291, 399. Advance, September 1918, XIX, 445, 446. Battle of Cambrai, November-December, 19 17, XVI, 414, 422 ; XVII, 90, 93. Capture of Mont de Merris, June 3, 191 8, XVIII, 4 2 3- 30th Division : in Action, April, 1918, XVIII, 304. Battle of Messines, June, 1917, XV, 91. Retirement, March 18, XVIII, 59, 65, 67, 94, 98. 31st Division : in Action, April, 1918, XVIII, 289. 291, 399- 401. Retirement, March, 1918, XVIII, 67. 32nd Division, advance August-September, 1918, XIX, 172, 451, 452, 454. 33rd Division, in Action, April, 1918, XVIII, 292, 293. 399-40I- 34th Division : in Action, April, 1918, XVIII, 289, 291, 292, 294. 295. 399-4°i- Advance, July, 1918, XIX, 116, 122. Fighting on Arras front, April 28-29, 1917, XV, 53-54. Battle of the Lys, April 7, 1918, XVIII, 214. Retirement, March 22, 1918, XVIII, 63. 35th Division : Advance, September, 1918, XIX, 445, 446. Retirement, March, 1918, XVIII, 82. 36th (Ulster) Division : Advance, September, 1918, XIX, 445. Battle of Cambrai, November, 1917, XVI, 412-13, 414, 418, 429. Retirement, March, 18, XVIII, 59, 65, 67, 83, 94. British Expeditionary Force, France and Belgium : — cont. 37th Division : Advance, August-September, 1918, XIX, 168-69, 172, 174, 309. on Arras Front, April 28-29, I9'7, XV, 33-34. Counter-attack, April 5, 1918, XVIII, 196. Fighting, September 18, 1918, XIX, 437. 38th (Welsh) Division, advance, August, 191 8, XIX, 171, t72, 173, 297. 39th Division : in Action, April, 1918, XVIII, 304. Retirement, March 22, 1918, XVIII, 64. 40th Division : Battle of Cambrai, November, 1917, XVI, 427, 429. Battle of the Lys, April 7, 1918, XVIII, 212-13, 214. 41st Division : Advance, September, 1918, XIX, 445. Retirement, March, 1918, XVIII, 67. 42nd Division : Advance, August-September. 1918, XIX, 168-69, 171. 172, 173, 449. Fighting, March, 1918, XVIII, 86, 96. 47th Division : Advance, August, 1918, XIX, 301. Battle of Cambrai, November 30, 191 7, XVII, 87, 88, 89-90. Battle of Festubert, May, 1915, V, 238. Battle of Messines, June, 1917, XV, 91. Retirement, March, 1918, XVIII, 68. 49th Division : in Action, April, 1918, XVIII, 201, 292, 295, 303, 304-5, 399-4 01 Advance, September, 1918, XIX, 438. 50th Division : Fighting, March 30, 1918, XVIII, 62, 63, 64, 192. Battle of the Lys, April 7, 1918, XVIII, 214, 215- Retirement, March, 1918, XVIII, 98. 51st (Highland) Division: March 21st, 1918, XVIII, 58. Advance, July-August, 1918, XIX, 98, 291. in Action in Belgium, May 8, 1918, XV1I1, 404. Battle of Cambrai, November, 1917, XVI, 411, 41a, 421, 427. Battle of the Lys, April 7, 1918, XVIII, 213, 214. Battle of Messines, June, 1917, XV, 91. Retreat, March, 1918, XVIII, 58. 52nd Division, advance, August-September, 1918, XIX, 172-74, 306. 55th Division : Battle of Cambrai, November 30, 1917, XVII, 89. Battle of the Lys, April 7, 1918, XVIII, 212-13, 214. 56th Division : Advance, August-September-Octoler, 1918, XIX, 172, 174, 298, 447, 454. Battle of Cambrai, November 30, 1917, XVI, 88, 429. Fighting, March, 1918, XVIII, 105. 57th Division, advance, August-September, 1918, XIX, 298, 306, 448, 449. 58th Division : Advance, August-September, 191 8, XIX 301, 316. Retreat, March, 1918, XVIII, 61. 61st Division : in Action, April, 1918, XVIII, 291, 295, 296. Withdrawal, March, 1918, XVIII, 63, 67, 98. 62nd Division : Advance, July-August-September, 1918, XIX 98, 291, 309. Battle of Cambrai, November, 1917, XVI, 411, 413, 414, 42r, 422, 431. 63rd Division, advance, August -September, 1918, XIX, 168-69, 3°°, 448, 449. THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE III/,'. >:J British Expeditionary Force, France and Belgium : — cont. 66th Division : Retirement. XYlll, 6s, 9ft at Koisel, Man* -, K)i8, XVIII, 6*. 67th Division, advance, September, 101H, XIX, 309. 74th Division, advance September, roi8, XIX, 309- Divisions transferred to j'.in French 6th Army, April and May, 1918, XVIII, 397, Doctors tribute to courage and endurance of, II, 141 note. Dorset Regiment, III. 25. Dragoon Guards : Advance, Atogrtst, 1918, XIX, 148. (barge of, Julv 14. IQI6, X, 98-102. Fighting at Givenchy, December, 1914, IV 219. at Nery, X, 6. in the Trenches, illustration, IV, 225. Work as Infantry, III, 455. Battle of Ypres, May, 1915, V, 78. Dressing Stations, IV, 60 ; illustration, XVIII, 94. Duckboard Bridge, illustrations, XV, 100 ; XVI, 410. Dug-outs, illustrations, II, 482 ; XVII, 362. Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry : in Action, March, 1918, XVIII, 82, 98. in Belgium, action, April 29, 1918, XVIII, 401. Fighting at St. Eloi, March 14, 1915, IV, 400. in the First line trenches, illustration, VI, 412. Third Battle of Ypres, August, 191 7, XV, 381, 383- 2nd Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment), assault on Hill 60, April 17-18, 1915, V, 49, 51. Dummy exposed from the trenches, illustration, HI, 459. Durham Light Infantry : Arrival in France, September 16, 1914, II, 136 note. Battle of Cambrai, November, 1917, XVI, 412. at Fontaine-lez-Croisilles, June, 1917, XV, 212. Battle of Ypres, April, 1915, V, 66. Early part played by, XIX, 401-4. East Kent Regiment (The Buffs) : Arrival in France, September 16, 1914, II, 136 note. Operations, January, 1917, XII, 353. Battles of Ypres, V, 61, 63, 64, 65, 67 ; XVI, 58. East Lancashire Regiment : in France, October, 1918, XX, 124. Operations in Belgium, October-November, 1914, m> 458 ; IV, 35. near Le Gheir, November 1, 1914, IV, 31. Marching through a village, illustration, XVII, 99- Battle of the Somme, July, 1916, IX, 498-99. Transported from South Africa, 1914, XVI, 162. Battles of Ypres, V, 79 ; XV, 354, 355 ; XVI, 123. East Surrey Regiment : Battle of Cambrai, November 25— 27, 1917, XVI, 429, 431. Battles of Ypres, V, 75 ; XVI, 58. East Yorks Regiment : Arrival in France, September 16, 1914, II, 136 note. Marching to trenches, illustration, IX, 480. Efforts of, 1918 and effect on end of war, XX, 420-21. Entry into Namur, November, 1918, XXI, 227. Essex Regiment : Battle of Cambrai, November 30, 1917, gallantry of, XVII, 90. Battles of Ypres, V, 75, 79 ; XVI, 128. Essex Yeomanry, battle of Ypres, May, 191 5, V, 79- Examining captured anti-tank gun, illustration, XX, 407. Extensions of line, VI, 208, 209, 361 ; VIII, 474 ; XVII, 374 • XVIII, 38, 40. British Expeditionary Force, France and Belgium : — cont. " Eye-Witness " reports, II, 64-66, 66-67, 141-42, 144 note, 148-49, 160 note, 164 note, 167-68 ; III, 26-27, 3 1 '• IV. 206-7. in Farmhouses, illustration, III, 452. Feeding of, IV, 281-82, 290. 92nd FieM Artillery Battery, battle of Cambrai, November 30, 1917, XVII, 81. Field and camp kitchens, illustrations, II, 354, 355 ; IV, 231, 297, 307, 398 ; VI, 196. Field telegraphs (Signal Service), work of, II, 501-2. Fifth Army under General Gough, defeat by Germans, and explanations of, 1918. XX, 408. " Fighting Fifth " returning to trenches, illus- tration, VIII, 488. First-aid post, illustration, XIX, 124. First regiments in, XVI, 156. Fixing scaling ladders in a deep trench, illustra- tion, XVII, 391. the " Flying Pig " on the Somme (trench mortars), illustration, X, 98. French interpreter, illustration, V, 78. " French's contemptible little Army," I, 455. Gas-mask parade, illustration, XVII, 82. General survey of, 1914-1917, XIX, 397-432. Germ destruction, uniforms and blankets placed in oven, illustration, VI, 59. German criticism, 1914, XIX, 403. German General Statf Officer on, I, 473-74. German prisoners told that no prisoners would be taken by, III, 462. Gloucester Regiment : Battle of the Aisne, II, 143. Battle of the Somme, September, 1916, XI, 145. Battles of Ypres, V, 77 ; XVI, 128. Gordon Highlanders : Attack on Bullecourt, May 7, 191 7, XV, 62. May 12, 1917, XV, 65. Attack on Maedelsteed Spur, December 14, 1914, IV, 217. Battle of Festubert, May, 1915, V, 235. at Haisnes, September 25, 1915, VI, 384-85. at Mons, I, 467. Battle of Neuve Chapelle, March, 1915, IV, 394. Operations, January, 191 7, XII, 353. Battle of Ypres, IV, 2, 4, 13, 30-31. " Granny," illustration, XVI, 404. Graves, care of, by Salvation Army women, IV, 508. Grenades, illustrations, IV, 371, 373. Grenadier Guards : Battle of Cambrai, November 27, 191 7, XVI, 430. Decorations and casualties, XVI, 353. Battle of Festubert, May, 1915, V, 235. near Loos, October 8, 1915, VI, 412-13. Battle of Loos, September 27, 1915, VI, 397. Battle of the Somme, September, 1916, XI, 287, 289. near Ypres, September 25, 1915, VI, 363-64. Battle of Ypres, October, 1914, IV, 4, 17. Guards : in Action, March-April, 1918, XVIII, 81, 96, 291-92. Advance, August-September, 1918, XIX, 168-69, i7 2 - r 74. 437. 449- Assist in saving a gun, illustration, XVII, 84. Battle of Cambrai, November-December, 191 7, XVII, 82-83, 90, 92. Battle of Loos, VI, 385. Third Battle of Ypres, July, 191 7, XV, 337. 1 st Guards Brigade : Battle of Loos, September 27, 1915, VI, 395. near La Bassee, January, 1915, IV, 235. 2nd Guards Brigade, battle of Loos, September 27, 1915, VI, 395. 3rd Guards Brigade, battle of Loos, September 27, 1915. VI, 395, 397. si THE TIMES HISTOBY OF THE WAB. British Expeditionary Force, France and Belgium : — cont. 4th Guards Brigade : Battle of the Aisne, II, 128, 132-33. J 35- Fighting at Villers-Cotterets, I, 480. Guards Division, battle of Loos, September, 1915, VI, 37°. 394. 395- Guards Machine Gun Corps, decorations and casualties, XVI, 353. Guernsey Militia Battalion, battle of Cambrai, November 30, 191 7, XVII, 85. a Gun position in the snow, illustration, XVII, 368. Hampshire Regiment, battle of Ypres, V, 79. Hand grenades being thrown from the trenches, illustration. III, 447. Heavy haul across country, illustration, XVII, 380. Hertfordshire troops, battles of Ypres, IV, 36 ; XV, 341, 345. High explosive shell, shortage of, report of Times Military Correspondent, May 14, 1915, V, 223. Higher command changes, VII, 274. Highland Light Infantry : in Action, September 19, 1918, XIX, 437-38. Battle of Fcstubert, Mary, 1915, V, 232. at Givenchy, December, 1914, IV, 217, 2IQ. Illustration, VI, 418. Gallantry at Mceuvres, September, 1918, XV1IT, 3°4 • Battle of Ypres, IV, 2. Highlanders : Battle of the Somme, X, 95-96. Christmas truce, 1914, IV, 223. Illustrations, V, 439 ; VI, 409 ; X, 96 ; XV, 4 8 . 344 ; XVI, 52, 55, 4i°- Battle of Loos, August- September, 1915, VI, 376, 386-88, 390-1. Roeux attacked, April 23, 1917, XV, 46. Third Battle of Ypres, XV, 345 ; XVI, 112,478. Honourable Artillery Company : at Hooge, June 16th, 1915, VI, 209. Battles of Ypres, IV, 36, 39 ; XVI, 123. Hospital trains, description, IV, 59. Hospitals, description, IV, 59, 62-63. Hospital ships, IV, 77 -78. Hussars : Advance, August, 1918, XIX, 148. Battle of Cambrai, November, 1917, XVI, 429. Capture of Meharicourt, August 9, 1918, XIX, 143- Retreat from Mons, I, 470. Battle of Ypres, IV, 17 ; V, 78, 79. Illustrations, miscellaneous, II, 43, 46, 48, 49, 52, 53, 122, 130, 138 ; IV, 6. 218, 224, 232 ; V, 239 ; VI, 362 ; VIII, 478-79, 492 ; X, 103, 428 ; XI, 303, 422 ; XIII, 371 ; XIV, 404. 418 ; XV, 46, 57, 95, 347 ; XVI, 44 ; XVII, 96, 386; XVIII, 47, 52, 60, 318, 416, 432; XIX, 122,334; XXI, 352. Infantry : Comment upon, in letter found on dead German officer, II, 69. Illustrations, III, 22, 169, 468 ; XVII, 376. Superiority of, I, 480. Inferiority in numbers as compared with German Army, XX, 426-27. Irish Brigade, XI, 139. Irish Guards : Battle of Cambrai, November 27, 1917, XVI, 430. at Cuinchy, February 1, 1915, IV, 237. Decorations and casualties, XVI, 353. Illustration, XV, 340. Battle of Loos, September 27-28, 1915, VI, 395, 397. 398. Battle of the Somme, September, 1916, XI, 287, 289. Battles of Ypres, IV, 4, 17, 30-31 ; XVI, 122. Iron rations, IV, 306. British Expeditionary Force, France and Belgium : — cont. Kent Regiment : Battle of Messines, June, 191 7, XV, 97. Battle of the Somme, September, T917, XI, 145. 3rd Battle of Ypres, October, 1917, XVI, 112. King Edward's Horse, battle of the Lys, April 7, 1918, XVIII, 213. King's Liverpool Regiment : Battle of Aubers, May, 1915, V, 227. Battle of Cambrai, November 30, 191 7, XVII, 81. Battle of Festubert, May, 1915, V, 232. Battle of Neuve Chapelle, March, 1915, IV, 387. Raiding operations, June 28-29, 1916, IX, 177. King's message to, August 9, 1914, XVIII, 115. King's Own Royal Lancashire Regt. : Operations in Belgium, October, 1914, III, 458. Battle of Cambrai, November 30, 1917, XVIi, 81. King's Own (Yorkshire Light Infantry) : Assault on Hill 60, April 17-18, 1915, V, 49-51. 3rd Battle of Ypres, August, 1917, XV, 369. King's Own Scottish Borderers : Assault on Hill 60, and fighting on, April 17-18, 1915, V, 49-51- Attack, July 12, 1915, VII, 163-64, 164. Battle of Festubert, May, 1915, V, 234. Operations, January, 191 7, XII, 353. Battle of Ypres, IV, 2. King's Royal Rifles : Battle of the Aisne, II, 139. Battle of Aubers, May, 1915, V, 227-28. in Belgium, October, 1914, III. 463-64. Battle of Cambrai, November 30, 1917, XVII, 89. Battle of Festubert, May, 1915, V, 232. First Fiji Contingent attached to, XVI, 98. near La Bass£e, January, 1915, IV, 235. at Troyon, September 14, II, 132. in action in and near Schreyboom, September 20, 1917, XVI, 47. at Ypres, 1915, V, 209 ; VI, 363. Battle of Ypres, May, 1915, V, 77. on the Yser, July, 1917, XV, 215-16. King's Shropshire Light Infantry, at and near Ypres, V, 209 ; VIII, 485. Labour Corps, battle of Cambrai, November 30, 1917, XVII, 83. Labour, shortage of, early 1918, XVIII, 51. Lancashire Fusiliers : Operations in Belgium, October, 1914, III, 458. July 1, 1916, illustration, IX, 481. Raiding operations, June 28-29, 1916, IX, 177. Vimy Ridge, May 15, 1916, IX, 166-67. Battles of Ypres, igr7, XV, 354. 355 ; XVI, 128. Lancashire Territorials, 3rd Battle of Ypres, July 31, igr7, XV, 342, 343, 345. Lancasters : in action in Belgium, April 29, 1918, XVIII, 401. Battle of the Somme, July, 1916, IX, 498-99. 9th Lancers, retreat from Mons, I, 470, 477. Leicestershire Regiment : Arrival in France, September, 1914, II, 136 note. at Bellenglise, XX, 425-26. Illustration, X, 440. at Moulin de Pictre, September 25, 1915, VI, 3°4- Battle of Neuve Chapelle, March, 1915, IV, 386, 391, 392. near Voormezeele, April 29th, 1918, XVIII, 401. at Wytschaete, November 1st, 1914, IV, 28. Battle of Ypres, IV, 4, 36. Leicestershire Territorials, attack on Hohen- zollern Redoubt, October 13, 1915, VI, 419, 420, 421. THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. 85 British Expeditionary Force, France and Belgium : — cont. I.einster Regiment : at St. Eloi, March 14, 1915, IV, 400. Operations, January, 1917, XII, 353. Battle of the Sorame, September, 1916, XI, M5- Lewis gun and gunners, illustrations, XV, 358 ; XVII, ior ; XVIII, 404. - Lice;, measures against, VI, 71. Life in the trenches on the Aisne, II, 152-56. Life Guards : at Wytschaete, November 1, 1914, IV, 28. Patrol, withdrawal from Staden, October 16, 1914. HI. 35, I7L 176- Battle of Ypres, IV, 35. Lighting fuses to Stokes bombs, illustration, XI, 430. Lincolnshire Regiment : on Arras front, April 28, 191 7, XV, 54. at Bellenglise, XX, 425-26. Bermuda Volunteer Rifle Corps attached to, XVI, 102. near Bois Grenier, September 25, 1915, VI, 364. Battle of Neuve Chapelle, March, 191 5, IV, 385. 3rd Battle of Ypres, October, 1917, XVI, 112. Lincolnshire Territorials, attack on Hohenzollern Redoubt, October 13, 1915, VI, 419-20, 420, 421. Linesman repairing broken wire, illustration, VI, 421. Liverpool Irish, reception of, at Lille, illustra- tion, XX, 254. Liverpool Regiment, see King's Liverpool. Liverpool Scottish, charge at Hooge, illustration, VI, 210. Loading duck-boards, illustration, XVI, 38. London Regiment : Battle of Cambrai, November 30, 1917, XVII, 88, 94-95- Battle of Messines, June, 1917, XV, 92, 94-95. Battles of Ypres, V, 70, 75 ; XV, 372-73 ; XVI, 61. London Rifle Brigade, illustration, X, 114. London Scottish : Battle of Cambrai, November 22-23, 191 7, XVI, 426. Illustrations, II, 340 ; IV, 36 • IX, 498 ; X, no; XVIII, 39. near La Bassee, January, 19 15, IV, 235. at Neuve Eglise, October, 1914, IV, 18. in Paris, II, 467. Battle of Ypres, IV, 29, 36. London Territorials : Battle of Arras-Vimy, April, 1917, XIV, 416. Capture of Gravenstafel Spur, September 26, 1917, XVI, 64. Battle of Loos, September, 1915, VI, 376, 389, 390, 394-95. 398. Battle of Neuve Chapelle, March, 1915, IV, 391. Battle of the Somme, September, 1916, XI, 291. Battles of Ypres, V, 79 ; XVI, 50, 51, 134, 130. Look-out posts, illustrations, III, 176; XI, 130. Losses and causes of heavy casualties, XX, 272. Losses in operations from Mons to the Marne, I, 480. Loyal North Lancashire Regiment : Battle of Aubers, May, 1915, V, 227. Marching into Cambrai, illustration, XX, 125. Hulluch, May, 1916, IX, 167. Operations in Belgium, October, 1914, III, 463-64. Operations, January, 191 7, XII, 353. near Troyon, September, 1914, II, 132. Vimy Ridge, May 15, 1916, IX, 166, 167. Machine gun sections, etc., I, 465 ; III, 19 • XI, 132 ; XVI, 406 ; XVII, 100, 102 ; XVIII, 54, 3<>3, 315. 365 ; XIX, 104. Manchester Regiment : at Ervillers, March 25, 1918, XVIII, 86. at Givenchy, December, 1914, IV, 219. British Expeditionary Force, France and Belgium : — cont. Manchester Regiment : — cont. Capture of Montauban, July 3, 1916, IX, 497, Operations, January, 1917, XII, 353. Battles of Ypres, 1917, XV, 346 ; XVI, 128. Material for entanglements, illustration, XV, 381. Maxim Section on the march, illustration, I, 464. Mine crater, working parties in, illustration, XIV, 401. Medical transport, IV, 76-78. Medical equipment of original force, XIV, 325-27- as " Mercenaries," German attitude, V, 174. Message from Lord Kitchener, I, 308-9. Middlesex Regiment : in Belgium, October 29, 1914, IV, 14. Battle of Cambrai, November 30, 1917, XVII, 85- Battle of Gavrelle-Fontaine-lcz-Croisilles, April, 191 7, XV, 47, 48. at Mons, I, 467, 468. Battle of Neuve Chapelle, March, 1915, IV, 386, 386-87. on Tyndareus, XVI, 174. Battles of Ypres, IV, 2 ; V, 75 ; XV, 349. Midland Division of Territorials, storming of Hohenzollern Redoubt, October 13-15, 1915, VI, 417, 419-24- Mining operations, VII, 307, 309. 2nd Monmouth Regiment, operations, January, 19.17, XII, 353. Monmouth Territorials, attack on Hohenzollern Redoubt, October 13, 1915, VI, 420, 421. Moral of, March 21-April 6, 1918, XVIII, 208. Motor ambulance wrecked by German fire, illus- tration, III, 39. Motor 'buses, illustrations, II, 159 ; VI, 368; XV, 378. Motor transport, illustrations. III, 34 ; VI, 184-85. Movements before 3rd Battle of Ypres, June, 191 7, XV, 208-9. Names given to parts of the trenches, illustration, IV, 366. New Year's Day, 1917, XII, 347, 349, illustration, XII, 351- Night raid by Scottish troops on the Western front, illustration, XV, 214. Norfolk Regiment, 3rd battle of Ypres, October 22, 1917, XVI, 128. North Midland Engineers, battle of Cambrai, November 30, 1917, XVII, 83. North Somerset Yeomanry, battle of Ypres, IV, 36 ; V, 78. North Staffs Regiment : Arrival in France, II, 136 note. Christmas truce, 1914, IV, 222-23. Guard of Honour to the King in France, August 8, 1916, X, 429. Operations on the Lys, October, 1914, III, 32, 37. 39. Withdrawal from the Aisne to the North, October, 1914, 503-4. at Wytschaete, November 1, 1914, IV, 28. . Northamptonshire Regiment : Battle of Aubers, May, 1915, V, 227-28. near Cuinchy, January, 1915, IV, 237. Misuse of signs of surrender by Germans against, II, I37~39- Operations in Belgium, October, 191 4, III, 463-64. Position held by company of, under continuous bombardment, September I4-I7th, 1914, u, 137-38. near Troyon, September 14, 1914, II, 132. Battles of Ypres, IV, 2 ; XV, 346, 347. on the Yser, July, 1917, XV, 216. on Western Front, November, 1918, XX, 268. 86 THE TIMES HISTORY OE THE WAR. British Expeditionary Force, Prance and Belgium : — cont. Northumberland Fusiliers : at St. Eloi, March-April, 1916, VIII, 483 ; XVI, 260. 3rd Battle of Ypres, October 12, 1917, XVI, 128. Northumberland Yeomanry : Fighting, September, 1917, XVI, 71. First Territorial Regiment in firing line, VI, 285. Battle of Ypres, IV, 36. Northumberlands (Northumbrians), battle of the Somme, September, 1916, XI, 291. Notts and Derby Regiment, see Sherwood Foresters below. < ibservation Post, illustration, V, 436. ( >tfensive in 191 7, methods of attack used, XX, Offensive of August-November, 191 8, and results, XX, 417. Officer, letter from, II, 145-46. Officers, illustrations, II, 170 ; IV, 130, 131, 132, 150, 214, 216 ; VI, 372 ; XI, 417 ; XVII, 382 ; XVIII, 405 ; XX, 410. Official photographer at work, illustration, X, 435- Orders to : September 6, 1914, II, 55. November 12, 1914, IV, 40. before Battle of the Marne, XIX, 402-3. December, 191 4, by King, after visit to the Front, IV, 214. August, 1916, of King George V, X, 431-32. April n, 1918, XVIII, 324. August 4, 1918, Field-Marshal Haig's Special Order of the Day, XIX, 126. at Ostend, illustration, III, 10. Outposts, illustrations, I, 449 ; XVIII, 299, 393, 431. Oxford Regiment, battle of Ypres, IV, 30-31. Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry: Battle of Festubert, May, 1915, V, 232. Raiding operations, June 28-29, 1916, IX, 177. near Ypres, September 25, 1915, VI, 363. Oxfordshire Yeomanry, battle of Ypres, IV, 36. Pack horses, cavalry, and motor machine-guns proceeding to rendezvous, illustration, XVI, 414. Pack mules, illustrations, XV, 376 ; XVII, 104 . in Paris Victory March, July, IQ19, illustration, XXI, 391. Patrol under fire, illustration, X, m. Periscopes, VIII, 492 ; X, 412. Plank road and its makers, illustration, XIV, 399. Position assigned to, on arrival, I, 454-55. Position north of the Sambre, August 22, 1914, I, 464-65. Power of endurance shown by, XX, 427. Princess Christian hospital train, IV, 77. I'umping out water from a trench, illustration, III, 198. Queen's Bavs, at Braine, September 12, 1914, II, 124. Queen's Regiment, battle of the Aisne, II, 139, 143- Queen's Own (1st Royal West Surrey Regiment) : Assault on Hill 60, and fighting on, April 17-18, 1915. V, 49-51. Battle of Festubert, May, 1915, V, 2^4. Battles of Ypres, IV, 25 ; XV, 354, "355. Queen's Westminsters : Battle of Somme, July, 1916, IX, 499-500. Battle of Ypres, IV, 36. Railway line laying on ground just captured, illustrations, XV, 84 ; XVI, 124. Railway transport officers, work of, VI, 188-89. in the Railways in France, illustration, VI, 163. nation party caught by enemy star shell, illus- tration, VIII, 478. Rations, IV, 290. British Expeditionary Force, France and Belgium : — cont. Red Crossmenand R.A.M.G. atwork, illustrations, II, 162 ; IV, 58 ; VI, 191 ; X, 102. Refreshments, illustration, II, 500. Regiment and pet goat going up the line, illustra- tion, XVIII, 56. Reinforcements arriving between Dorman and Reims, headed by pipers, illustration, XIX, 83. Relief party returning to the trenches through " Plug Street " wood, illustration, IV, 220. Repelling a strong counter-attack, illustration, XI, 416. Remounts for troops in France, illustration, VI, 195- Removing a German scouting machine brought down in our lines, illustration, XVII, 365. Repair depot, illustration, XX, 277. Repairing a lock, illustration, XV, 348. Respirators : Inspection of, illustration, VI, 74. Voluntary supply, IV, 502. Rest camps, VII, 320, 331-32, 333~34- Resting on road toLe Cateau, illustration, XX, 124 . Retreat from Mons, I, 465, 466, 469-80. Retreat of March, 1918 XVIII, 51-61, 65-79. German and neutral comments, XVIII, 73-81, 106-8, 197-202, 208, 312-15. Return of the first seven Divisions, illustrations, XIX, 402, 403. Returning for a rest after several days fighting in Flanders, illustration, XVII, 390. Rifle Brigade : 3rd, arrival in France, September 16, 1914, II, 136 note. Christmas truce, 1914, IV, 223-24. near Bois Grenier, September 25, 1915, VI, 364. Battle of Neuve Ch'apelle, March, 1015, IV, 386, 389. at St. Eloi, March 14, 1915, IV, 400. at and near Ypres, 1915, V, 209 ; VI, 363. Battles of Ypres, V, 77, 79 ; XV, 367, 369, 370 ; XVI, 47- Rifles captured bv County troops, illustration, XVI, 409. Road making, XV, 77, 374 ; XX, 269. Roadside scene, illustration, XVI, 425. Rockets for signalling to the guns, illustration, XVII, 83. Roll Call, illustration, IX, 491. Rolls-Royce armoured car, XI, 281. Royal Army Medical Corps : Battle of the Aisne, IV, 45. Ambulance cars, IV, 55. Dressing stations on railways, IV, 49. Field organisation, XIV, 528-32. Hospital bases : Boulogne, IV, 44. Havre, IV, 46, 49. Hospital at Versailles, IV, 52. Battle of Festubert, May, 1915, V, 240. Lengthening of line from the Aisne to the North Sea, IV, 55-56. Organisation, IV, 50-51. Removal of wounded soldiers from battlefield to base hospital, description, IV, 50, 59. Retreat from Mons, IV, 44-46. Work during battle of Ypres, April-May, 1915, IV, 64-65, 74. Royal Army Service Corps : Efficiency of, during operations on the Aisne, II, 151". Illustrations, II, 145 ; IV, 301, 302, 304, 310, 293- during Retreat from Mons, IV, 281, 304-8. Services rendered during German retreat to the Aisne, September 11-12, I9 J 4. II, 66. under Shell fire, IV, 306, 312. Transport work, IV, 303, 367. Various duties at the Front, IV, 30. Work of, IV, 296-99, 368. THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. British Expeditionary Force, France and Belgium : com/. Royal Army Veterinary Corps at work, illustra- tions, II, 485 ; IV, 45. Royal Berkshire Reeikneni : near Hois Grenier, September 25, 1915, VI, 364. Battle of Cambrai, November 30, 191 7, gal- lantry of, XVII, 88. Battle of Neuve Chapelle. March 1915, IV, 386. 3rd Battle of Ypres, October 22, 1917, XVI, 128. Royal Dublin Fusiliers : near Hulluch, April, 1916, VIII, 488-89. Battle of Ypres, May, 1915, V, 75. Royal Engineers : Battle of Festubert, May, 1915, V, 230, 232, 240. Field companies, XX, 258-59. Laying telephone cable, illustration. Ill, 171. Tunnelling companies of, work to destroy German booby traps, XX, 275-76. Vimy Ridge, May 15, 1916, IX, 166. Battle of Ypres, November, 1914, IV, 39-40. Work of : Winter, 1915-16, VII, 307, 309. During retreat, March, 1918, XVIII. 209. Royal Field Artillery : 34th and 44th (Howitzer) Brigades, Battle of the Aisne, II, 132. 36th Brigade, Battle of the Aisne, II, 132. 42nd Brigade, and recapture of Gheluvelt, October 31, 1914, IV, 26. Daring exploit by nine men, resulting in capture of fifty Germans and two Maxim guns, II, 80. Illustrations, XVII, 394 ; VI, 363 ; XX, 428. at' Mons.. I, 467. Royal Flying Corps : see also Aerial Navigation and under Great Britain. Illustrations, I. 443 : II, 194 ; XIX, 132. Thanks from General Joffre, II, 65, 182. Tribute to, by Sir John French, I, 474. Work of, and superiority, X, 80 90. Ro yal Fusiliers : Arrival in France, September 16, 1914, II, 136 note. Battle of Cambrai, November 30, 19 J 7, XVII, 88. Operations, January, 191 7, XII, 353. at Pozieres, July 16, 1916, X, 107. at St. Eloi, March-April, 1916, VIII, 483 ; XVI, 260. Royal Garrison Artillery : Bermuda Militia Artillery attached to, XVI, 102. Transported from Hong Kong and Ceylon, XVI, 166. Royal Horse Artillery : " C " Battery, operations at Ledeghem and Rolleghemcappelle, October, 1914, III, 39- " K " Battery, operations in Belgium, October, 1914, III, 39, 444. " L " Battery : Heroic stand of, at Mons, illustration, X, 5-7. Survivors silencing the German guns at Mons, illustration, IV, 152. at Nery, illustration, X, 8. Battle of Ypres, IV, 31. Royal Horse Guards, advance to Kruiseik, October 26, 1914, IV, 6. Royal Highlanders, see Black Watch above. Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers : Battle of Festubert, May, 1915, V, 232. Operations : January, 1917, XII, 353. March 21-22, 1918, XVIII, 62. in Belgium, October, 1914, III, 455. near Hulluch, April, 1916, VIII, 488-89. Royal Irish Fusiliers : in Action, July, 1916, IX, 497. at St. Eloi, March 14, 1915, IV, 400. 3rd Battle of Ypres, October, XX, 191. British Expeditionary Force, France and Belgium : — COilt. Royal Irish Regiment : at Le Pelly, October 20, 1914, III, 456. at Mons, I, 467, 468. Royal Irish Rifles : in Action, July, 1916, IX, 497. Battle of Neuve Chapelle, March, 19 15, IV, 386. Royal Munster Fusiliers : Battle of Aubers, May, 1915, V, 228. Feint attack, July 30, 1916, X, 417. near Givenchy, January, 1915, IV, 236. Battle of the Somme, September, [91O, XI, 145. Royal Naval Air Service, see under Aerial Naviga- tion, Royal Scots : Battle of Festubert, May, 1915, V, 240. Operations, January, 1917, X.II, 353. in Petit Bois, December 14, 1914, IV, 217. Battles of Ypres, V, 77, 78 ; XV, 346; XVI, 53. " 8 - Royal Scots Fusiliers : in Belgium, 1914, III, 455, 462. in Ridge Wood, April 29, 1918, XVIII, 401. Battle of Ypres, October, 1914, IV, 12, 25, 34. Royal Scots Greys : Cooperation with Black Watch, I, 477. in Ketreat from Mons, I, 477. Battle of Ypres, IV, 17. Royal Sussex Regiment : Battle of Aubers, May, 1915, V, 227-28. near Cumchy, January, 1915, IV, 236. near La Bass6e, IV, 235, January, 1915. on the Somme, stubborn resistance of, March 25, 1918, illustration, XX, 404. near Troyon, September 12, 1914, II, 132. Battle of the Somme, July 14, 1916, X, 95. Royal Warwickshire Regiment : Battle of Festubert, May, 1915, V, 235. at Hulluch, September 25, 1915, VI, 386. Illustration, IX, 501. near Lens, June 29, 1917, XV, 215. Battle of the Somme, September, 1917, XI. 1 15. Battles of Ypres, V, 75 ; XVI, 123. Royal Welsh Fusiliers : on the Aisne, X, 9. Battle of Festubert, May, 1915, V, 232-34. near Givenchy, June, 1916, IX, 175, 177. Battles of Ypres, IV, 19 ; XV, 337. Royal West Kent Regiment : Experiences of, October 26, 1914, IV, 6-7. Battle of Neuve Chapelle, March, 1915, IV, 395- Battle of the Somme, July 14, 1916, X, 95. Battles of Ypres, IV, 2 ; IX, 175-76. Royals, battle of Ypres, May, 1915, V, 78. Runners, illustrations, XIII, 393 ; XIX, 331. Salvation Army work among, IV, 507-8. Sandbagged boots as a safeguard against slipping, illustration, XVII, 97. Sandbags : Illustration, VIII, 478. Individual voluntary supply, IV, 502. Sappers, importance and value of work of, II, 349-5°- Saving ammunition from falling into hands of Germans, illustration, XVIII, 101. Saving the guns, illustration, XVI, 374. Scots Guards : Battle of Cambrai, November 27, 1917, XVI, 43°- Decorations and casualties, XVI, 353. Battle of Festubert, May, 1915, V, 233-34, 2 34- near La Bassee, January, 1915, IV, 233, 235. Battle of Loos, September 27, 191 5, VI, 395, 397- Battle of Ypres, October, 1914, IV, 4. Scottish Rifles (Cameronians) : in action in Belgium, April 29, 1918, XVIII, 401. Battle of Neuve Chapelle, March, 1915, IV, 38 > . ^ THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. British Expeditionary Force, France and Belgium : — cont. Scottish troops advancing to the attack, illustra- tion, XI, 424. Scots on the march, llustration, XIX, 123. Scout on the look-out from a wrecked farm house, illustration. III, 451. Seaforth Highlanders : in Action May 8, 1918, XVIII, 404. Extract from officer's letter, II, 134. at Givenchv, December, 1014, IV, 219, 221. Illustration's, XI, 284 ; XVII, 428. at Neuve Chapelle, II, 333. at Roclincourt, May, 1916, IX, 167. Victory march in Brussels, November, 191 8. XXI, 226. Battle of Ypres, April, 1915, V, 73. Sentries, illus rations, III, 442 ; IV, 214 ; XVII, 387- Service held to mark the commencement of the fourth year of war, illustration, XV, 352. Setting time fuses on shells, illustrations, XI, 289 ; XIV, 429. Shell crater, illustration", VIII, 477 ; XV, 373 ; XX, 412. Shelters, names given to, II, 164 note. Sherwood Foresters (Notts and Derby Regiment) : Arrival in France, September 16, 1914, II, 136 note. Attack on Hohenzollern Redoubt, October 13-14, 1915, VI, 421, 423-24- at Bellenglise, XX, 425-26. in France, October, 1918, XX, 124. Transport from India, September, 1914, XVI, 160-61. Battle of Ypres, July 31, 1917, XV, 346, 347. Shropshire Regiment : Arrival in France, September 16, 1914, II, 136 note. near Ypres, September 25, 1915, VI, 363. Signal exchange, interior of, during battle, illus- tration, X, 419. Signal Service testing wires, illustration, XX, 279. Small-arm ammunition, delivery by parachute, XIX, 317. Snipers : Exploits, II, 165. Illustrations, V, 43, 78. Soldiers in their bunks, illustration, IV, 221. Somerset Light Infantry: in Belgium, October, 1914, III, 458. near Ypres, September 25. 1915, VI, 363. Battle of Ypres, August, 1917, XV, 367, 369, 370, 381, 383. Sorting the mails, illustrations, XI, 315; XVII, 363. South Irish Division : Battle of Messines, June, 1917, XV, 91, 92, 97. 3rd Battle of Ypres, XV, 380. South Lancashire Regiment, battle of Cambrai, November, 1917, XVI, 418. South Midlands, near Lens, June, 1917, XV, 213. South Staffordshire Regiment : Battle of Festubert, May, 1915, V, 234-35. Operations, January, 1917, XII, 353. at Zilleb- ke, November 7, 1914, IV, 35. South Wales Borderers : at Givenchy, January, 1915, IV, 236. Operations, April, 1915, VI, 88, 89. Transported from Tsingtau, 1914, XVI, 166. Spirit of. VII, 290-91. Staff changes, January, 1918, XVII, 105. Staff car on the Western Front, illustration, VI, 2'3- Staff work, skill towards end of war praised, XX, 430-3 1. Staffordshire Regiment : at Bellenglise, XX, 425-26. 3rd Battle of Ypres, October, 1917, XVI, 112. Staffordshire Territorials, attack on Hohenzollern Redoubt, October 13, 1915, VI, 422-23. Statistical diagrams, 1914-1917, XIX, 414-15. British Expeditionary Force, France and Belgium : — cont. Steel helmets : Description, VIII, 482-83. Illustration. VIII, 474. Strategy, change in, April, 1917, reasons for, XV, 181-82. Strength, I, 139-40. Stretcher-bearers : Illustrations, IV, 60; X, 418; XIV, 328-29; XV, 238 ; XVI, 140. Regimental, XIV, 328-29. Stuck in mud, illustration, XVI, 54. Successful raid, illustration, XII, 366. Suffolk Regiment : at Fleurbaix, April 7, 1918. XVIII, 214. at Givenchy, December, 1914, IV, 219. Transport from Khartoum, August, 1914, XVI, 157. 158. Battles of Ypres, V, 75 ; XVI, 128. Superiority of troops over Germans, I, 480. Supplies for the British Army in France, illustra- tion, XI, 112. Surprise attacks, VII, 310-n. Surreys : Battle of the Somme, September, 1916, XI, 145. 3rd Battle of Ypres, October, 1917, XVI, 112. Tactics of offence abandoned, 1918, for those of defence, difficulties presented by change, XX, 4°5- Taking forward sandbags to fortify captured trenches, illustration, V, 55. Taking women into safety, illustration, XVIII, 302. Tank depot, petrol dump at, illustration, XVI, 399- Tanks, see that title. Telegraph lines, illustrations, X, 426 ; XVI, 125. Telephone exchange in front line, illustration, XVI, 64. Telephone wires, fitting up, illustration, XII, 350. Territorials : in Action near Pozieres, July, 1916, X, 119-20. on a Railway in France, illustration, VI, 190. V.C.'s in, X, 13, 14. Thirsty soldiers around a water cart, illustration, XV, 75. Toasting their country, illustration, II, 79. Tractor disabled by the roughness of the road, illustration, XV, 62. Traditions of, I, 455. Transfer from the Aisne to the North, October, 1914, II, 499, 503-4 ; XVII, 213. Transport, I, 49, 453 ; II, 2 ; VI, 184-85, 185 ; XVI, 145, r 47 , 152-56 ; XXI, 114. Transport difficulties, necessitating troops taking to ploughed fields, illustration, XVIII, 63. Transport and troops crossing the Marne, illustra- tions, XVIII, 428-29. Transport wagon in Belgium, illustration, IV, 308. Travelling filter, illustration, XVII, 224. Trench Council, two generals and their staffs at the front, illustration, XI, 127. Trench orderly room, illustration, XIV, 422. Trench warfare, illustration, XIX, 409. Trench running from cellar of ruined house to firing line, illustration, VII, 295. in the Trenches, illustrations, I, 455 ; II, 152 ; III. 463 ; IV. 215 ; VIII, 475 ; X, 97 ; XIV, 428 ; XVIIT, 92. Troops resting behind a sheltered bank, illustra- tion, XI, 432. Troops at the front (in French town), illustration, L 444- Ulster Division : in Action, July, 1916, IX, 497-98. Battle of Ypres, 191 7, XV, 370-73, 380. Ulster pioneers filling in a German trench, illus- tration, XVI, 422. Victoria Rifles (now 9th London Regiment) fighting on Hill 60, April 18, 1915, V, 51. THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. 89 British Expeditionary Force, France and Belgium : — cont. Visits to : Armagh, Archbishop of, January, 1916, VIII, 328. Asquith, Rt. Hon. H. H„ 1915, VI, 208. Bluejackets, December, 1915, VII, 283. Bourne, Cardinal, VIII, 343. Bury, Bishop, VIII, 328! Canterbury, Archbishop of, May, 1916, VIII, 328, 330. Crooks, Will, M.P., 1915, VI, 208. King George V., IV, 209, 210-14 '• V II> 283 ; X, 428-32; XV, 207; XVIII, 117-23, T25-26 ; XIX, t54-56. Kitchener, Lord, July, 1915, VT, 209. London, Bishop of, April, 1915, V, 47-48 ; VITI, 328, 334. Mary, Queen, July, 1917, XV, 207. M. Pichon, August, 1915, VI, 209. Redmond, John, November, 1915, VII, 283. Samuel, Herbert, M.P., 1915, VI, 208. Tillett, Ben, 1915, VI, 208. Warwickshire Regiment, see Royal Warwickshire Regiment. Washing in a canal, illustration, V, 51 Water carriers following the tape to the front line, illustration, XV, 379. Water depot, illustration, XV, 104. Water supply, IV, 311 ; XV, 77. Watering horses behind the battle front, illustra- tion, XI, 4r8. Welcome in France, I, 453. Welsh Fusiliers, see Royal Welsh Fusiliers. Welsh Guards : Decorations and casualties, XVI, 353. Battle of Loos, September 27, 1915, VI, 397. Welsh Pioneers, Vimy Ridge, May 15, 1916, IX, 166. Welsh Regiment : Advance, August, rgi8, XIX, 172, 173. at Assault of Benguy, March 23, 1918, XVIII, 67. in Gheluvelt, IV, 23. Withdrawal, IV, 25. at Givenchy, January, 1915, IV, 236. Battle of Messines, June, 1917, XV, 92, 97, 98, 101. West Lancashire Territorials, battles of Ypres, 1917, XV, 370; XVI, 51, 53, 61,' 133-34. West Riding Regiment, see 2nd Duke of Welling- ton's above. West Yorkshire Regiment : Arrival in France, September 16, 1914, II, 136 note. Battle of Cambrai, November 20, 1917, XVI, 414. Wiltshire Regiment : in Belgium, October, rgi4, III, 455, 462. Illustrations, XI, 121. near Thiepval, August 24, 1916, XI, 121-23. Attack near Wytschaete, March r2, 1915, IV, 3°7- Battle of Ypres, October, 1914, IV, 1-2, 2. Winter on the Ancre, illustration, XII, 356. in Winter garments, illustration, IV, 240. Winter sport near the lines, illustration, XVII, 369. Wiring parties, illustration, XVII, 75 ; XVIII, 55, 413- Wiremen on a " Duck Walk," illustration, XIT, 377- Wood, loading up, illustration, IV, 309. Worcester Regiment : in Action, April 13-14, 1918, XVIII, 293. Battle of Festubert, May, 1915, V, 232. Battle of Gavrelle-Fontaine-lez-Croisilles, April, 1917, XV, 48. Recapture of Gheluvelt, October 31, 1914, IV, 26, 158. Illustrations, XI, 122, 123. British Expeditionary Force, France and Belgium : — cont. Worcester Regiment : — cont. Battle of Neuve Chapelle, March, 1915, IV, 393. near Thiepval, August 24, 1916, XI, 121-23. near Wvtschaete, March 12, 1915, IV, 397. Work of, 1918, XX, 326-27. Work and life of, during Battle of Verdun, VII 1, 474. 475. 477-79. Working the pumps in flooded trenches, illus- tration, IV, 365. Working parties, illustrations, XII, 346 ; XV, 69, 380 ; XX, 278. Wounded : Conveyance, to England, IV, 67. Illustrations, I, 458, 4^9 ; HI, 31 ; IV, 61, 246 ; VIII, 485 ; IX, 511 ; X, 87, 113, 429 ; XI. 286 ; XIII, 395 ; XIV, 354 ; XVIII, 65, 95- Writing home, illustration, II, 507. Yeomanry Cavalry in action, March i8,XVIII, 83. Yorkshires : Advance, July 21, 1918, XIX, 98. near Houlthulst Forest, March, 1918, XVII, 392. Illustrations, XVI, 123 ; XVII, 362. Battle of the Somme, July, 1916, IX, 498-99. V.C.s awarded to, XIII, 361. Battles of Ypres, IV, 1-2, 13 ; XVI, 112. York and Lancaster Regiment : Arrival in France, September 16, 1914, II, 136 note. Raids on German positions, September 18, 1917, XVI, 43. Battle of Ypres, May, 1915, V, 75. British Expeditionary Force, Gallipoli : Argyll Mountain Battery, and attack along Kiretch Tepe Sirt Ridge, August 15, 1915, VII, 200. Armoured cars in action, illustration, VII, 172. Ayrshire Yeomanry, operations, November 15, 1915, VII, 215. Border Regiment : Battle of Gully Ravine, June 28, igrs, VI, 119-20. Operations, April 28, 1915, VI, 91. Attack on Scimitar Hill, August 21, 1915, VII, 205-6. 6th Battalion : Specially commended, VII, 197. Suvla Bay operations, August, 1915, VII, 193. 197- 29th Brigade of 10th (Irish) Division, attack on Sari Bair, August, 1915, VII, 187. 31st Brigade, Suvla Bay operations, August, 1915, VII, rgr, 193. 32nd Brigade : Attack, August 21, 1915, VII, 205, 206. Suvla Bay operations, August, 1915, VII, 190, 191, 195, 196- 33rd Brigade : Attack, August 21, 1915, VII, 205, 206. on Ismail Oglu Tepe, VII, 196. Suvla Bay operations, August, 1915, VII. 193, 196. 34th Brigade : Attack, August 21, 1915, VII, 205. Suvla Bay operations, August, 1915, VII, 190, 191, to6. 40th Brigade, attack on Sari Bair, August, 1915, VII, 176-87. 59th Brigade, R.F.A., Suvla Bay operations, August, 191 5, VII, 190. 86th Brigade :' Battle of Gully Ravine. June 28, 1915, VI, 126. Operations, April 28, 1915, VI, 92. 87th Brigade : Battle of Gully Ravine, June 28th, 1915. VI. 120. 2nd Battle of Krithia, May, 1915, VI, 106, 106-7. Operations, April 28, 1915, VI, 90-91. 90 THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. British Expeditionary Force, Qallipoli:— *ont. 88th Brigade : Battles of Krithia, 1915, VI, 104, 105, 106, 118. Operations, April 28, 1915, VI, 91. Reforming, VI, 97-98. 123th Brigade, attack, August 7, 1915, VII, 173. 119th Brigade, attack, August 7, 1915, VII, 156 Brigade of the Lowland Division, battle of Golly Ravine, June 28, 1915, VI, 119, 120. 159th Brigade, Suvla Bay operations, August, 1915, VII, 196. 162nd Brigade of 54th Division, attack along Kiretch Tepe Sirt Ridge, August 15, 1915, VII, 200. 163rd Brigade, operations round Kuchuk Anafarta Ova, August 12, 1915, VII, 198. Berks Yeomanry, attack on Ismail Oglu Tepe, August 21, 1915, VII, 207. Bucks Yeomanry, attack on Ismail Oglu Tepe, August 21, 1915, VII, 207. Composition of, V, 448-49. 10th (Irish) Division : Attack along Kiretch Tepe Sirt Ridge, August 15. 1015, VII. 200. Suvla Bay operations, August, 1915, VII, 191, 104. nth (Northern) Division: Attack on Anafarta heights, August, 1915, VII, 197, 198. Suvla Bay operations, August, 1915, VII, 189, 190, 193, J 94- 13th Division, attack on Sari Bair, August, 1915, VII, 174-87, 187. 29th Division : Arrival at Suvla Bay, August, 1915, VII, 203. Battle of Gully Ravine, June 28. 191 5, VI, 119. Attack on Ismail Oglu Tepe, August 21, 191 5, VII, 250. Battles of Krithia, VI, 103, 115, 1 17-18. Attack on Scimitar Hill, August 21, 1915, VII, 205, 208. 42nd (East Lanes.) Division : Arrival, May, 1915, VI, 108. Attack, August 6, 1915, VII, 173. 3rd Battle of Krithia, June 4. 1915, VT, 115, 117, 119. 52nd (Lowland) Division, attack, July 12-13, 1915, VII, 162-63, I( M- 53rd Division : Attack on Anafarta heights, August, 1915, VII, 197, 198. Suvla Bay operations, August, 1915, VII, 196. Dorset Yeomanry, attack on Ismail Oglu Tepe, August 21, 1915, VII, 207. 4th East Lancashire Regiment, fighting, August, 1915, VII, 173-87. 6th East Yorks Pioneer Battalion on Anafarta heights, August, 1915, VII, 196. Essex Regiment, 1st battle of Krithia, May 1, 1915- VI, 98. Feeding of, IV, 296, 312-13. 58th Field Battery, and attack along Kiretch Tepe Sirt Ridge, August 15, 1915, VII, 200. 72nd Field Company, and attack on Sari Bair, August, 1915, VII, 176-87. Gloucestershire Regiment, attack on Chunuk Bair, August 8, 1915, VII. 183. Hampshire Regiment : Attack on Chunuk Bair, August, 191 s, VII, 184, 186. Landing April 25-26, 1915, V, 469-73 ; VI, 86. 15th Heavy Battery, and attack along Kiretch Tepe Sirt Ridge, August 15, 1915, VII, 200. i/ist Herefordshire Territorials: Specially commended, VII, 197. Suvla Bay operations, VII, 197. Highland Light Infantry, attack, July 12-13, 1915. VII, 164. Illustration*, V, 470, 479 ; XX, 104, 435. British Expeditionary Force, Gallipoli : — cont. 29th Infantry Brigade : Arrival May 1, 1915, VI, 98. Capture of Kabak Kuyu well, August 21, 1915, VII, 208. 39th Infantry Brigade, and attack on Sari Bair, August, 1915, VII, 176-87. King's Own Scottish Borderers : Battle of Gully Ravine, June 28. 1915, VI, 120. 2nd Battle of 'Krithia, May, 1915, VI, 105. Landing, April 25, 1915, action.and re-embarka tion, April 26, V, 457-60. Lancashire Fusiliers, V, 461. Arrival May 5, 1915, VI, 99. 2nd Battle of Krithia, May, 1915, VI, 104,. 104-5, 105. Landing, April 25, 1915, V, 462-67 ; X, 15 u>. Operations, VI, 88 ; VII. 173-87. Selection of men for award of V.C., V, 466. Suvla Bay operations, August, 1915, VII, iqo. V.C.'s, XIII, 361. 6th Lincolnshire Regiment : Specially commended, VII, 197. Suvla Bay operations, VII, 193, 197. 2nd London Field Company, R.E., landing, April 25, 191 5, V, 456-57, 464-66. Losses up to and including May 5th, 1915, VI, 99. 6th Loyal North Lancashires, on Chunuk Bair, August, 1915, VII, 184, 186. Manchester Brigade, VI, 109. 3rd Battle of Krithia, June 4, 1915, VI, 117, 118. Manchester Regiment : Fighting, August, 191 5, VII, 173-87. Suvla Bay operations, August, 1915, VII, 190, Marine Brigade, V, 385. 2nd South Midland (Mounted) Brigade, attack en Ismail Oglu Tepe, August 21, 1915, VII, 207, 208. 2nd Mounted Division (Yeomanry) : Advance across Salt Lake, August 21, 1915, and against Ismail Oglu Tepe, VII, 206, 207 Brought from Egypt, August, 1915, VII, 203. i/5th Norfolk Regiment, advance at Kuchiik Anafarta Ova, and loss, August, 1915, VII, 198. Northumberland Fusiliers, Suvla Bay operations, August, 1015, VII, 190. Royal Army Service Corps, transport work, IV, 312. Royal Bucks Hussars, attack on Ismail Oglu Tepe, August 21, 1915, VII, 207. Royal Dublin Fusiliers : Battle of the Landing, April 26, 1915, VI, 86. Landing, April 25, 1915, V, 469-73. Capture of Kiretch Tepe Sirt Ridge, August, 1915, VII, 200. Operations, May 8-9, 1915, VI, 109. Suvla Bay operations, August, 1915, VII, 193. Royal Engineers, on Anafarta heights, August, 1915, VII, 196. Royal Field Artillery : 10th Battery, Battle of Gully Ravine, June 28, 1915, VI, 119. 59th Brigade, attack on Anafarta heights, August, 1915, VII, 197. Royal Fusiliers : Battle of Gully Ravine, June 28, 1915, VI, 120. 3rd Battle of Krithia, June 4, 1915, VI, 118. Landing, April 25, 1915, V, 460. Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers : Attack on Kiretch Tepe Sirt Ridge, August, I9 I 5, VII, 200. Attack on Scimitar Hill. August 21, 1915, VII, 205-6. Battle of Gully Ravine, June 28, 1915, VI, 120. 2nd Battle of Krithia, May, 1915, VI, 105. Operations, April 28, 1915, VI, 91. Suvla Bay operations, August, 1915, VII, 103. 6th Royal Irish Fusiliers, Suvla Bay operations , August, 1915, VII, 193. THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. 91 British Expeditionary Force, Oallipoli: -eont. Royal Minister Fusiliers : Battle of the Landing, April 26, 1915, ' VI, 86. Landing, April 25, 1915, V, 469-73. Operations, May 8-9, 1915, VI, 109. Suvla Bay operations, VII, 191. Royal Naval Air Service, machine gun detach- ment, and attack along Kiretch TepeSirt Ridge, August 15, 1915, VII, 200. Royal Naval Division, V, 385, 479. Anson Battalion : Landing, April 25, 1915, V, 461, 46.1 3rd Battle of Krithia, June 4th, 1015, VI, 117. attack, July 13, 1915, VII, 164. Hattles of Krithia, 1915, VI, 99, 115, 117, 118. Charge of, illustration, VI, n8. Chatham Battalion : Fighting, April 30 1915, VI, 96. Landing near Gaba Tepe, April 28, 1915, VI, 96. in " Monash Gully," May 2, 1915, VI, 108. Collingwood Battalion. 3rd battle of Krithia, June 4, 1915, VI, 115, 118. Drake Battalion, operations, April 28, 1915, VI, 90-91. Hood Battalion, 3rd battle of Krithia, June 4, io^S. VI, 117, 118. Howe Battalion, 3rd battle of Krithia, June 4, IOI 5, VI, 117, 118. Motor Maxim section, landing, April 29, 1915, VI, 96. Nelson Battalion, landing, April 29, 1915, VI. 96. Plymouth (Marine) Battalion, landing, April 25, 1915, action and re-embarkation, April 26, V, 457-60. Portsmouth Battalion : Landing near Gaba Tepe, April 28, 1015, VI, 96- in "Monash Gully," May 2, 1915, VI, 108. Royal Scots Fusiliers, attack, Julv 12-13, 1915, VII, 164. 4th and 7th Royal Scots of Lowland Division : Battle of Gully Ravine, June 28, 1915, VI, 120. Operations, November 15, 1915, VII, 215. 5th Royal Scots (T.F.). Battles of Krithia May, 1915, VI, 98, 10s. Reinforcements, July-August, 1915, VII, 165. 169, 170. Reorganisation after 1st Battle of Krithia, VI, 102-3. Return to Egypt owing to error in loading transports, V, 394. 7th and 8th Scottish Rifles, operations, November 15, 1915. VII, 215. South Lancashires, 6th Battalion, and attack on Sari Bair, August, 191.5, VII, 176-87. South Wales Borderers : Attack on Ismail Ogkj Tepe, August 21, 191 5, VII, 207. Attack on Sari Bair, August, 1915, VII, 176-87. Battle of Gully Ravine, June 28, 1915. VI, 120. 2nd Battle of Krithia, May, 1915, VI, 107. Landing. April 25, 1915, V, 457. Warwickshire Regiment, attack on Sari Bair August, 1915, VII, 187. Welsh Regiment (Pioneers'), 8th Battalion, and attack on Sari Bair, August, 1915, VII, 176-87. West Riding Field Company, Royal Engineers, landing, April 25, 1915, V, 469-73. West Riding Regiment, attack on Anafarta heights, August, 1915, VII, 198. 9th West Yorks Regiment, Suvla Bay operations, August, 1915, VII, 190. 5th Wiltshire Regiment : Attack on Sari Bair, August, 1915, VII, 1-6-87. on Chunuk Bair, August, 1915, VII, 184, 186. Worcester Regiment : Attack on Sari Bair, August, 1915, VII, 187. Attempt to reach Beach V across Cape Helles, April 25, 1915, V, 465. British Expeditionary Force, Gallipoli: — cont. Worcester Regiment : — cont. Capture of Hill 138, April 25. 1915, V, 464-65. Battles of Krithia, VI, 99, 118. Battle of the Landing, April 28, 1915, VI. 93. Operations, April, 1915, VI, 88. Special commendation in Brigade Orders V, 466-67. Yeomanry, attack on Ismail Oglu Tepe, August 21, 1915, VII, 200. 6th Yorks, Suvla Bay operations, VII, 190. 6th York and Lancaster Regiment, attack on Anafarta heights, August, 1915. VII, 108. British Expeditionary Force in Italy, XIV, 437 ; XIX, 428. in Action. June 15, 1918, XIX, 32. Artillerv contingent, additions to, XV, 406. Artillery work, XIX, 27. Eleven batteries withdrawn, reasons for, XV, 432. Gunners, splendid work done by, September, 1917, XV, 420. Honourable Artillery Company, 2nd/ist Batta- lion, operations on Piave front, October, 191 8, XX, 300. Illustrations, XIV, 437; XVIII, 35; XIX, 11, 12, 13, 25, 34, 35 ; XX, 298, 313, 314, 398. in Montello sector, December, 1917, XVIII, 27. on Monticano, October, 191 8, XX, 308. Operations on Piave, October 1918, XX, 300-4. Position, May, 1918, XIX, 28. British Expeditionary Force, Mesopotamia : Black Watch : Battle at Umm el Hanna, January 21, 1916, XII, 389. Charge Turks near Baghdad, March, 1017, XIII, 288. Buffs, attack on Dahra Bend, February, 1917, XIII, 271, 272. Cheshire Regiment : Attack on Hai salient, January-February, 1917, XIII, 270. in a Trench near Kut, illustration, XIII, 272. 1st Battalion Connaught Rangers, fighting at Beit Aiessa, April, 1916, XII, 411. Devon Regiment, attack on Hai salient, January- February, 1917, XIII, 270. Disposition of troops, April, 1915, X, 212. Dorsetshire Regiment : at Battle of Kut, September 26-28, X, 225. Illustration, X, 221. Operations, III, 107-8, 112, 113, 114; X, 209-n. East Lancashire Regiment : Fighting at Beit Aiessa, April, 1916, XII, 411. Diala crossed, March, 1917, XIII, 282-83. Grenadier Battalion, attack on Dahra Bend, February, 191 7, XIII, 271. Hussars : at Kut, November, 1915, X, 237. Lajj, Turks charged at, March, 1917, XIII, 281. Illustrations, X, 211, 2^7; XII, 391, 392, 404; XIII, 257, 288, 259, 277. King's Own, attack on Dahra Bend, February, 1917, XIII, 271. King's Own Royal Lancashire Regiment, attack, on Sanna-i-yat, April 8-9, 1916, XII, 408. Loyal North Lancashire Regiment : DahraBend, attacked February, 1917, XIII, 27 1. Diala, action at, March, 19 17, XIII, 283. Sanna-i-yat, attack on, April 8-9, 1916, XII, 408. Manchester Regiment : Attack on Khadairi Bend, January, 1917, XIII, 268. Operations, March-April, 1916, XII, 40I, 404. Norfolk Regiment : Cross Tigris, February, 1917, XIII, 275. at Kut, December, 1915, X, 239. Operations. November, 1914, III. no, 114, 117, 118; X, 209 -1 r, 217-18, 239. 92 THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. British Expeditionary Force, Mesopotamia :— < cm/. Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry, campaign, III, no ; X, 217, 239. Plan of campaign, 1916, XIII, 263-65. Position at beginning of winter of 1917-18, XVII. 263-64. Re-embarkation of British troops on the Tigris, illustration, X, 227. Reorganization and equipment, summer and autumn, 1916, XIII, 256-63. Rest during summer of, 1917, XVII, 260-61. R.F.A., 66th and 14th Batteries, fighting at Beit Aiessa, April, 1916, XII, 411. Royal Warwickshire Regiment : Attack Hai salient, January-February, 1917, XIII, 270. Capture of Falahiyah position, April, 1916, XII, 405. Royal Welsh Fusiliers : Attack on Dahra bend, February, 191 7, XIII, 272. Attack on Sanna-i-yat, April 8-9, 1916, XII, 408. Seaforth Highlanders, attack Sanna-i-yat, Feb- ruary, 1917, XIII, 274. South Lancashire Regiment, fighting at Beit Aiessa, April, 1916, XII, 411. South Wales Borderers, attack on Dahra Bend, February, 1917, XIII, 272. Staffordshire Regiment, capture of Mohammerad, 1857, III, 108. West Kent Regiment : Campaign, July, 1915, X, 219. Operations, February, 1916, XII, 403. Wiltshire Regiment : Fighting at Beit Aiessa, April, 1916, XII, 411. Diala crossed by, March, 1917, XIII, 283. Attack on Sanna-i-yat, April 8-9, 1916, XII 408. Worcestershire Regiment : Dahra Bend, attacked, February, 1917, XIII, 271. Capture ot Falahiyah position, April, igit-.XII, 405. British Expeditionary Force, Palestine, see Egyptian Expeditionary Force. British Expeditionary Force in Persia, illustrations, XX, 88, 91. British Expeditionary Force in Russia and Siberia, 1918, XX, 170-71. Armoured cars : Illustrations XIV, 8, 16, 33 ; XX, 75, 149. Work during retreat in Galicia, Julv, 191 7, XIV, 28-31. Contingent of Volunteer Force leaving Tilbury, May, 1919, illustration, XX, 163. Cost of upkeep, XXI, 404. Garrison kit for, illustration XX, 162. Illustrations, XIV, 18, 24, 329 ; XX, 156, 168. 2/ioth Royal Scots, 1918, XX, 161. Withdrawal of, September, 1919, XXI, 404. Illustration, XXI, 406. British Expeditionary Force, Salonika Front: Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders : Advance, September, 1916, XII, 31. Raid on Boyau Hill, autumn, 19T7, XX, 19 in Doiran Sector, XX, 5, 24. Armoured cars on way to Rumania, illustration, XII, 129. Army Ordnance Corps, good work of, XII, 31. Berkshire Regiment, on Doiran sector, April and May, 191 7, XX, 4, 5. Brigade drawn into reserve, XX, 19. British paper published, " The Balkan News," XII, 19. Cameron Highlanders, advance. September, 1016. XII. 3.. Casualties from air-raids, March, 1917, XX, 19-20. Cheshire Regiment : Fighting near Doiran, September, 1918, XX, 23. British Expeditionary Force, Salonika Front : — cont. Cheshire Regiment : — con!. Successful raids on Struma front, winter, 19T6- 17, XX, 2. Connaught Rangers, fighting in Serbia, December, 1915, XII. 7. Depletion by fever and influenza, September. 1918, XX, 22. Derbyshire Yeomanry, entry into Bulgaria, September, 1918, XX, 26. Devonshire Regiment : Attack on Doiran Sector, April, 1917, XX, 4. Attack on Petit Couronne Hill, and capture of prisoners, February, 1917, XX, 5. Dispositions in general offensive, September, 1918, XX, 21-26. 10th Division, Serbian campaign, 1915, XII, 5. 6, 7. _ 26th Division, entry into Bulgaria, September, 1918, XX, 26. . 27th Division, feint attack, September, 1917, on right bank of Vardar Valley, XX, 21. Dublins, advance September, 1916, XII, 31. Dublin Fusiliers : Capture of garrison at Prosenik, winter, 1916-17, XX. 2. Fighting in Serbia, December, 1915, XII, 7. Dysentery, fight against, 1917, XX, 10. Gloucestershire Regiment, advance, September, 1916, XII, 31. Ilustrations, VI, 188 ; VII, 233, 362, 364, 369 : X, 67: XII, 9, 15. 17. 18. 31, 33- 65th Infantry Brigade, attack on ' P" Ridge, near Doiran, September, 1918, XX, 23. 66th Infantry Brigade, attack on "P" ridge, near Doiran, September, 191 8, XX, 23. Inniskilling Fusiliers, fightingin Serbia, December, 1915. XII, 7. King's Liverpools, fighting, September, 1916, XII, 31-32- King's Shropshire Light Infantry, 8th Battalion, fighting near Doiran, Septem ber, 1918, XX, 523- Lancashire Fusiliers, fighting, September, 1916, XII, 31-32. Manchester Regiment, distinction in fighting on Doiran sector, April, 1917, XX, 5. Middlesex Yeomanry, reconnaissances on Struma front, 1916-17, XX, 2. Naval guns, illustration, VII, 365. Northumberland Fusiliers, advance, September, 1916, XII, 30. Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry, fighting in Doiran sector, May, 1917, XX, 5. "Political trenches," XX, 10. Reduction of, and transfer to France, XX, 20. Royal Air Force : Air supremacy in Balkans secured, XX, 25. Work of, during Bulgarian retreat, XX, 25-26, 27. Royal Army Medical Corps, good work of, XII, 31. Royal Engineers, XII, 31. Good bridge work at Barakli-Djuma, October, 1916, XX, 2. Roval Munster Fusiliers : Advance, September, 1916, XII, 31. Fighting in Serbia, December, 191 5, XII, 7. Royal Scots : Advance, September, 1916, XII, 31. 8th Battalion, in Doiran sector, September, 1918, XX, 24. General Sarrail invested with supr< me command of, January 16, 1916, XII, 14. Scottish Rifles, in Doiran sector, September, 1918, XX, 24. Services, description, VIII, 334, 336. South Lancashire Regiment, near Doiran, Sep- tember, iqi8, XX.23. South Wales Borderers : Distinction in attack on Belashitsa, September, 1918, XX, 26. THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. 98 British Expeditionary Force, Salonika Front : — cont. South Wales Borderers : — cont. Losses in Doiran-Vardar fighting, September, 1918, XX, 23. Strength of, October, 1915, VII, 376. Welsh Regiment, successful raids on Struma front, winter, 1916-17, XX, 2. Withdrawal to higher ground in summer, 1917, XX, 5. Work and life of, first four months of 191G, XII, 15-17- British Expeditionary Force at Tsing-Tau, II, 421, 422, 425. Illustration, II, 416. British Expeditionary Force, West Africa : Illustrations, VIII, 274, 276, 277, 282. Strength, VIII, 276-77. Royal Marine Light Infantry, VIII, 291. British Guiana : Boy scouts, XVII, 174. Contingent for overseas service, XVI, 85. Demerara, gifts to Queen Mary's Needlework Guild, IV, 268. Georgetown : Illustration, XVI, 85. Prize Courts, British constitution of, October 8, IQ14, X, 310. Gifts to Great Britain, II, 274 ; XVI; 79, 84. Policy re enemy trading, IX, 465. Position of, before war, XVI, 78-79. British Honduras : Belize, Prize Courts, British constitution ot, October 8, 1914, X, 310. Contingent for overseas service, XVI, 85. Gift of mahogany crops to Great Britain, XVI, 79. Inspection of scouts, illustration, Mav, 1918, XVII, 178. Position of, before war, XVI, 79. Recruits from, XVI, 79-80. British India Shipping Company, XI, 113. War services, 1914-18, XXI, 126-28. British North Borneo : Gifts sent to Queen Mary's Needlework Guild, IV, 268. and the War, XVI, 102. British (Overseas) Suffrage Union, work of, IV, 275. British West Africa, history of, XVI, 442-43. British West Indies, sec West Indies, British. British West Indies Regiment, XVI, 79-80. Badge of, illustration, XVI, 90. in Cameroon, VIII, 311 note. Casualties from cold on transport, XVI, 92, 93. in East Africa, XVI, 87. in Egypt and Palestine, XVI, 87-90 ; XIX, 197. Formation of, XVI, 85-86. in France, XVI, 87, 90-91. Illustrations, XVI, 86, 87, 90, 91-93. in Lord Mayor's procession, 1915, XVI, 85-86. in Mesopotamia, XVI, 87. Shield of honour presented to, on behalf of women and children of the British Isles, XVT, 93- Training, XVI, 87. Uniform, XVI, 84. British Women's Emigration Association, IV, 266. Britof, see under Austria-Hungary. Briton, carrying troops for Europe, August 27, 1914, illustration, XXI, 112. Brits, Maior-Genera! Coen : East African campaign, 1916, XII, 94, in ; XIII, 425, 426. Operations : in German South-West Africa, VIII, 268, 270, 271, 272. against Maritz, III, 502-3, 503. Portrait, III, 505. Surrender of de Wet to, III, 512. Brixham, see under Great Britain. Brixton, see under Great Britain. Briziela, Portuguese lugger, torpedoed December, 1916, XVII, 356. Brizon, M., XIV, 236. yon Brlog, General Puhallo : "1 Commander of Third Austro-Hungarian Army on Lower Styr, summer of 1916, IX, 201. Deprived of command, IX, 240. Broadstair.', see under Great Britain. Broadwood, Colonel, South African War, IV, 145,148. Brock : Lieut.-Colonel F. A., R.A.F., O.B.E.: Killed, April 23, 1918, XVIII, 347. Portrait, XVIII, 336. Work in connection with smoke screens, XVII, 305 ; XVIII, 336. Rear-Admiral Osmond de B.: Battle of Jutland, IX, 137. Portraits, III, 154 ; IX, 128. Brockdorff-Rantzau, Count : Appointed German Minister for Foreign Affairs, XXI, 304. Head of German delegation appointed to receive Peace Treaty, XXI, 308. Refignation, XXI, 322. Portraits, XXI, 308, 309, 314. Refusal to sign Peace Treaty, XXI, 319-20. Reply to M. Clemenceau at Peace Conference, May, 1919, XXI, 309-10. Return to France with three interim notes from Germany, XXI, 312. Brockenhurst Park, see under Great Britain. Brod, see under Serbia. Brodie : Dr. T. G., death, 1916, XIV, 275. Captain W. L., award of V.C., X, 36. Brody, see under Galicia. Broederlam, Melchior, of Ypres, IV, 204, Broenheek, see under Belgium. de Broqueville, Baron, Chief of the Belgian Cabinet, I, 313 ; III, 7, 191. Broke. H.M.S., XVII, 156. Action in Straits of Dover, April 20, 191 7, XIV, 155-56. 157- Illustration, XIV, 154, 155. Bromberg, see under Germany. Bromet, Flight-Lieutenant, Seaplane 772, in the Dardanelles, March, 1915, V, 387. Bromley, Captain (Temporary Major) Cuthbert, V.C., C.B. : Award of V.C., XII, 184-86, 190. Portrait, XII, 186. Bromoff, Colonel, appointed commander of Czerno- vitz after its occupation, June, 1916, IX, 40. Bronsart, German " Sous-Chef " of Staff (1870), I, 202, 242, 245. Bronstein, see Trotsky. Broodbank, J. G., member of Ports Congestion Committee, 1915, XI, 87. Broodseinde, see under Belgium. Brook, Lieut.-Colonel, killed in battle of Festubert, May, 1915, V, 240. Brooke : Lieut. -Commander Edward, R.N., action in North Sea, October 17, 1917, XIV, 171-72. Lieutenant J. A. O. : Award of V.C., IV, 13 ; X, 36. Death, IV, 13. Brooke-Webb, Lieutenant Arthur Cyril, gallantry of, in Dardanelles, and award of D.S.C., V, 400. Brooking, Major-General Sir H. T.: successful Attack on Ramadie, September, 191 7, XVII, 261-62. Success over Turks at Khan Baghdadie, March, 1918, XVII, 268-69. Brookings, R. S. : on Commission for Allied Purchases, XVI, 343 ; XXI. 84. Portrait, XVI, 344. Brooklyn, see under United States of America. Brooks : Company Sergeant-Major Edward : Award of V.C., XIII, 378, 388, 395 ; XIX. 356. Portraits, XIII, 375, 388. J. H., Director of Victualling, Navy, IV, 314. 94 THE TIMES HlsToltY OF THE WAR. Brooks : c\>nt. Lance-Sergeant Oliver : Gallantry of. near Loos, October 8, 1915, and award of V.C., VI. 412 ; X, 17, 36 i XVIII, 121. Portraits, X. 2 ; XVIII, 120. Brouchy, see under France. Broussais, Emile, portrait, X, 346. Brown: Captain A. J., R.A.M.C, at Gardelegen camp, XII, 233- Rear-Admiral Clifton, Greek Navy assisted by, XVIII, 464. Cyril, correspondent of the New York Times, X, 412. Brigadier-General C. H. J., D.S.O. : XV, 102. Killed at Messines, June, 1917, and funeral, XIII. 179. Portrait, XIII. 178. Private D., gallantry, October 12, 1916, XIV, 199- 1 Sergeant D. F., award of V.C., XIII, 379 395 ; XIX, 356. Private H., award of V.C., XIX, 356. James, C.B.E. : Portrait, XV, 443. on Shipbuilding Council, XV, 447. Acting Lieutenant Robert, Ell, award of D.S.M., VI, 96. Captain Walter Ernest, D.C.M., A.I.F., award of V.C., XVII, 424. 43t ; XIX, 356. Lieutenant, Observer, Seaplane 172, in the Dar- danelles, March, 1915, V, 387. Yeoman, in action in Egypt, February, 1916, IX 309. Browne : Lieutenant, B. S., R.A.M.C, gallantry of, near Vermelles, October 2-3, 1915. VI, 411. Miss Sidney, R.R.C., matron-in-chief, Territorial Force Nursing Service, IV, 243, 245. Colonel Spencer, A.I.F., VI, 143-44. Lieut. -Colonel Wogan, operations at head of Persian Gulf, November, 1914, III, III. Captain, of Marina, drowned after sinking of vessel by enemy submarine, October 28. 1916, XI, 173- Browning : Dr. C. H.: Discovery of " Flavine," and results, XI, 52. on Treatment of wounds and use of antiseptics, XI, 49-50. anti-Typhoid work, VI, 64. Work re trench fever, XVII, 245. Vice-Admiral Sir Montague, G.C.M.G., K.C.B., M.V.O.: on Allied Naval Commission re carrying out of Armistice by Germans, XXI, 19. in Command of 4th Battle Squadron, XXI, 18. Brownlow, Major, appointed Military Governor of Basra, November, 1914, III, 116. Brace: Captain A. C. A., fighting at Dueidar, and death, April 23, 1916, X, 384. Alexander, X, 128. Lieut.-C.olonel the Hon. C. G., 6th Gurkhas, taking of bluff on Gallipoli, May, 1915, VI, 109. Surgeon-General Sir David, K.C.B., F.R.S., XIV, 325. Chairman of Trench Fever Committee, XVII, 239. 252. Commandant of Royal Army Medical College, XI, 66. Portrait, XVII, 240. Work re tsetse-fly disease, XVII, 229, 251. Captain E. W., portrait, XXI, 117. Bruche valley, see under ALsace-Lorrainc. Bradermann, General, on the Bug and ZIota Lipa • line, August, 1914, V, 328. Bruen, Rear-Admiral E. F., in command of 2nd Cruiser Squadron, XXI, 18. Brugeoise Work*, see tinder Belgium.. Bragere, General, III, 1 ; XVII, 213 note. Operations between the Somme and the Oise, II, 483. Bruges, see under Belgium. Bruix, French cruiser, operations in Gulf of Guinea, October, 1914, III, 145 ; VIII, 288 ; XII, 68. Brula, General, and stari, portraits, VII, 203. Brulard, battle of Moronvillers, April, 1917, XIV, 97. Bruley, see under France. Brunei, naval engines, XII, 195. Bruninghaus, Captain, on British convoy system, XVI, 179. Branker, General, Sirhind Brigade, fighting at Givenchy, December, 1914, IV, 219. Brunner, Colonel, commandant of Gardelegen Camp, XII, 233. Brunner, Mond and Co., Messrs., work done by, for Y.M.C.A., IX, 198. Brunnhilde Line, see under France. Brunswick, Duke of, abdication, November, 1918, XXI, 286. Brunton, Sir W., anti-typhoid inoculation advocated by, VI, 60-61. Brunyate, W. E., C.M.G., Legal Adviser to Egyptian Government, III, 286. Brusati, General Roberto : Commanding 1st Italian Army on Northern Front, May, 1915, VII, 41. Deprived of command, May, 191 6, IX, 89-90. Portrait, VII, 50, Brusilofi, General A. A., IV, 406 ; V, 326 ; IX, 9 ; XIV, 32, 436 ; XV, 405 ; XVI, 303. Account of prisoners and tr< phies captured by, June 4-23, 1916, IX, 201. Advance south of Pripet Marshes, 1916, IX, 205-6, 391, 393. 4°°- Battle of the Styr, September -November, 191 5, VII. 102 j, 105. Biography, IX, 9-10. Commanding in Volbvnia and Galicia 1916, IX, 9; XII, 118. Failure to galvanise Russian army into action against Germans and Austro Hungarians, July, 191 7, XV, 182. Galician campaign, 1916-1917, III, 248-71 ; V, 105 ; XIV, 12, 21, 24, 25. Offensive, 1915 -1916 and summer of 1916, IX, 6, 22 ; X, 161-62. Order of St. George, 4th Class, conferred on, III, 256. Portraits, I, 490 ; IX, 5 ; X, 164 ; XVI, 333. Replaces General Alex.ieff, XIII, 448. Retreat from the Carpathians, May, 1915, V, 133- Successes on eastern frontier of Isonza, August, 1916, eflect on Hungarian troops, XI, 249. Brussels, see under Belgium. Brussels, Great Eastern Railway steamer : Captured by German destroyers, June 24, 1916, X, 53- Members of French and British colonies in Antwerp transferred to Ostend by, October 7, 1914, II, 97. Brutinel, Brigadier-General, in command of Cana- dian Cyclist Battalion, France, August, 1918, XIX, 139, 143. Bruyeres, sec under France. Bry, see tinder France. Bryan : Lance-Corporal T.: Award of V.C., XIII, 366, 395 ; XIX, 356. Portrait, XIII, 367. William, J., American Secretary of State: on Arming of merchant ships, September 19, 1914, XI, 361. Attitude of, re war, XIII, 9. German attitude towards, V, 255-56. Letter to Count Bernstorff re supply of muni- I inns to Allies, V, 257. Letter to Mr. Stone, defending U.S. neutrality, V. 255-57- THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. 95 Bryan : — cont. William J., American Secretary of State: — cont. Political influence of, in America, XI, 385. Portrait, V, 256. Resignation, V, 277-78 ; VII, 418. Bryant, Lieut-Colonel' F. C, CMC. : Commanding Allied Forces in Togoland, VII, 273, 276, 279 ; VIII, 276. Operations under, VIII, 277, 279. Promotion to Majorand award of C.M.G..VIII, 279. Senior officer Gold Coast station, VIII, 276. Bryce : Lady, on Collecting Committee, Queen's Work for Women Fund, IV, 266. James, Viscount, G.C.V.O., O.M., F.R.S.: on American attitude and German-Americans, V, 267. on Belgian deportations, XII, 453. Chairman of Conference on Reform of House of Lords, XIX, 365. Portraits, V, 272 ; XIX, 366. Quoted, XV, 7. Brzezany, see under Galicia. Brzeziny, see under Poland. Brzostek, see under Galicia. Bubian Island, see under Persian Gulf. Bublikoff, at Moscow Conference, August, 1917, XIV, 379- Bubnoff, ste under Russia. Bucb, Gustav, German submarine commander, XVII, 291. Buchan : John, VI, 327. Description of Loos battlefield, VI, 406-7. Portrait, XXI, 328. Work in connection with Ministry of Informa- tion and British propaganda, XXI, 328. Second-Lieutenant John C, V.C. : Award of V.C, XVI, 389-90, 395 ; XIX, 356. Portrait, XVI, 390. Captain J. I., Black Watch, attack on Moulin du Pietre, September 25, 1915, VI, 364-65. Buchanan : Lieutenant (Temporary Captain) A. B., V.C: Award of V.C, XII, 165-66, 190 ; XIX, 356. Portrait, XII, 166. Sir George C, K.C.I. E., XIII, 108. Appointed Director-General of port adminis- tration and river conservancy in Mesopo- tamia, and work of, XIII, 258 ; XXI, 141-42. on Dardanelles campaign, August, 191 5, V, 367. 368. Freedom of City of Moscow conferred on, VIII, 232. Popularity of, VIII, 197, 232. Portraits, VIII, 11)4, 195. Return to England from Russia, January, 191 8, XVI, 36. Speech at Petrograd, June, 1917, XIV, 10-n. Warnings given to the Tsar, XIII, 84. Lady Georgiana, hospital and relief work, VIII, 230. Miss Muriel : Hospital and relief work, VIII, 230. Portrait, IV, 165. Buck, Brigadier-General, XXI, 48. Buckingham, Private W. : Award of V.C, X, 36. Portrait, X, 2. Buckley : Private A. H., V.C, award of V.C, XIX, 341, 34 2 . 354- Lord Justice, see Wrenbury, Baron. Buckmaster, Baron : on Inter-Ally Council on War Purchases and Finance, XXI, 85. Lord Chancellor, June, 1915, V, 314, 3:5. Portrait, V, 301. Bucknill, Sir Thomas, enrolment as special con- stable, XX, 381. Bucoveticb, see under Rumania. Bucquoy, see under France. Bucy-le-Long, see under France. Buczacz, see Butchatch under Galicia, Budapest, see under Austria-Hungary. Budimirca, see under Serbia. Budka, see under Russia. Budrum, see under Turkey-in-Asia. Buea, see under Cameroon. Bueken, see under Belgium. Buenos Aires, see under Argentine Republic. Buenz, Dr. Karl, Prussian agent, trial and con- viction in New York for masquerading as director of Hamburg-Amerika line, XI, 375. Bug River, see under Galicia and Poland. Buganda, see tinder Uganda. Bugden, Privats P., award of V.C, XIX, 356. Bugeaud, Marshal, on English infantry, I, 455. Buhl, see under Germany. Buisson de Cresnes, see under France. Bukaczo.vce (Bukachovtse), see under Galicia. Bukarest, see under Rumania. Bukoba, see under German East Africa. Bukovina, see under Galicia. Bukri, see under Serbia. Bulair Isthmus : Bombardment, March 1, 191 5, V, 384, 390. Fort Napoleon, bombardment, V, 384. Fort Sultan, bombardment, March 2, 1915, V, 384. Fortified by British and French forces, 1854, V, 376. Bulfin, Brigadier-General Sir E. S., K.C.B., C.V.O., D.S.O., 2nd Infantry Brigade, I, 448. Battle of the Aisne, II, 131. Assault on Hill 60, April, 1915, V, 49. Award of K.C.B., XV, 174 note. Decoration presented to, at Jerusalem, March, 1918, XVIII, 243. Palestine operations, 1917-1918, XV, 148, 160, 170; XVIII, 219, 221, 230-32; XIX, 183, 188-89, 204. Portrait, III, 456. Wounded, November 2, 1914, IV, 32. Battle of Ypres, October, 1914, III, 463-64 ; IV, 25, 26, 27, 30. Bulgakoff, General, Russian, 20th Army Corps, retreat, February, 1915, IV, 189, 190. Bulgar Wood, see under Belgium. Bulgaria : Advance of £3,000,000 from German banks, January, 1915, XX, 34. Allies' advance against, leaflet showing, illustra- tion, XXI, 353. pro-Ally sentiments claimed, XX, 36. American policy towards, XVI, 332. Armistice : XX, 443. Approval of, by Sobranje, XX, 29. Asked for, September, 1918, XX, 26 ; XXI, 272. Effect of, XX, 29. Terms of, XX, 28-29. Army : Arms and ammunition, Treaty terms re, XXI, 43i- Artillery, illustration, VII, 232. Based on Prussian model, XX, 32. Character of soldiers, XX, 19, 31. Desertions from, in 1918, XX, 17-18. Disarmament and changes, Treaty terms re, XXI, 431. in the Dobrudja, XI, 221. General mobilisation, September 1915, XIII, 3°3- German superintendence, XX, 10, 19. Illustrations, miscellaneous, XI, 215 ; XX, 25, 29. Infantrymen, illustrations, VII, 225 ; XX, 31. Invasion of Greece, IX, 429; XII, 24-25, 27 21), 32-33, 35 ; XIII 313-14: XX, 2... Invasion of Serbia, IQ15, XII, 3-8. Moral, lowering of, June, 1918, XX, 20. 96 THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. Bulgaria :—coni. Army — cont. Retreat, 1918, XX, 25-26 ; XXI, 257. Troops reinforcing Turks in Armenia, June, 1916, X, 272. Atrocities to Serbs and Greeks, XX, 16. Attack on Allies, June 29, 1913, and effect on Rumania, IX, 408-10. Austrian policy, II, 215. Autonomous vassal of Austria after Russo- Turkish War, 1875, II, 208. Balkan Wars, II, 281-82 ; III,;43, 66 ; XX, 31. Belashitsa Range, capture of, by Allied forces, September, 1918, XX, 26. Blockade, XII, 343-44. Boundary changes, Treaty terms re, XXI, 430. British propaganda in, XXI, 329, 358-59. Capitulation to General Franchet d'Esperey, October 3, 1018, XX, 109. Cession of Macedonia to, consented to by Serbia, XIII, 303. Claim to Dobrudja, effect of Brest- Litovsk Treaty, XX, 17. Collapse of : Effect in Europe, XX, 30. Greek and Serbian factors in, XX, 31. and " Commission of the Straits," XXI, 464. proposed Concessions by the Allies, September, 1915, VII, 233, 235, 365-66. Conditions of life in 1918, described by deserters, XX, 18. Customs Union with Serbia, 1905, II, 209. Declaration of war against Rumania, September 1, 1916, XI, 213. Dedeagatch : Allied landing, October, 1918, XX, 103. Bombardments by Allied ships, VII, 376 ; XII, 20, 344. Cession to Allies, XXI, 459. Railway, cession of Turkish portion to Bulgaria, VII, 231, 235. Defences on Balkan front described, XX, 22-23. Demobilisation order, XX, 29. Disaffection in, 1917, XX, 5. Dobrudja question, XX, 13, 36. Effect of Allies' successes on Western front, XX, «7- Entente Powers policy towards, 1914-15, XX, 35. Entrance by Allies, September, 1918, XX, 26. Feeling re the war, 1917-1918, XX, 13, 16-17. Foodstuffs, smuggling of, XX, 11. Friendly relations with, conditions suggested, XXI, 358-59- probable Future of, XX, 36. German advances to, December - January, 1914-15, VII, 224. German assistance to civil population, XX, 11. German and Austrian negotiations with, VII, 232-33 ; XX, 34. large German credits enabled Government to help soldiers' families, XX, 11. pro-German policy, XIII, 295-96. anti-German sentiments, growth of, XX, 13-14. Germans cleared out of, XX, 29. Government : new Cabinet formed, May, 1918, XX, 15-16. Composition of Sobranje, May, 1918, XX, 15. Corruption of, exasperation caused by, XX, 13. Rise of Opposition, XX, 14. Visit to front to encourage army, XX, 34. and Greece : Greek Provisional Government's declaration of war, November 24, 1916, XIII, 320. Understanding between, July, 1915, XIII, 301. Greek frontier, neutral zone and Bulgarian viola- tion, XII, 14. Grivitsa, capture of redoubt by Rumanians, September 11, 1877, IX, 492. Gumuljina, cession to Allies, XXI, 459. Internal condition, 1917-18, XX, 10-15. Intervention of, VII, 221-36. Bulgaria : — cont. Invasion of, by Rumania, July, 1913, IX, 410. Invasion of, desired by Serbians, XX, 36. non-Invasion of Greece, XII, 8-9. Irregulars, raid into Serbian territory, VII, 229. Italian declaration of war on, IX, 1 10. Joining the Triple Alliance, Turkish demand for restoration of Western Thrace in event of, August 20, 1914, III, 47. Kosturino Pass, bombing of Bulgarian troops in, by Royal Air Force, September, 1918, XX, 26. Lagos, Porto, bombardment by Allied ships, January'19, 1916, X, 69; XII, 20. Lying and false prophecy, winter 1916-17, XX, 1. and Macedonian question, II, 278 ; XX, 10, 16. Maps : as Delimited by Peace Treaty, XXI, 430. Struma River to Doiran, XX, 24. Mobilisation of, September 23, 1915, VII, 235, 372 ; IX, 422 ; XX, 35. Monuments erected by Bulgars in memory of Russians who fell in War of Bulgarian Libera- tion, illustration, XI, 215. National propaganda society formed in Sofia, XX, 14. Negotiations : with Allies, VII, 372 ; XIII, 294-96, 301-2. with British Government, VII, 228-29. with Germany and Austria-Hungary, VII, 229. with Serbia, VII, 350-60,' 365-66. with Turkey, VII, 229. Note to Entente Powers, June 15, 1915, VII, 230 ; reply, August 4, 1915, VII, 231. Objective of, in attack against Dobrudja, Septem- ber, 1916, XI, 216-17, 221. general Offensive against, September, 1918, XX, 21-26. Peace with Rumania, see under Rumania. Peasants, prosperity of, owing to increase in food prices, XX, 10-11. Plevna : Battle, 1878, VI, 85 ; VII, 488. Capture of, bv Rumanian Army, and result, IX, 403. Fortifications, I, 445. Political parties in, XX, 15. Position under Millel-Europa scheme, XX, 14. Powerful empire in the tenth and thirteenth centuries, II, 208-9. Press, character of, XX, 15. Protection of minorities, Treaty terms re, XXI, 43°- Radoslavoff party, Ghenadieft's rupture with, 1915, XX, 14. Raids into Serbia, VII, 359-60. Railways, VI, 181 ; illustration, XX, 14. Reparation to Allies, fixing of amounts and times when payable, XXI, 431-32. Republic proclaimed, XX, 29-30. Rumanian attitude towards, 1916, IX, 439. Russian, French, and British Ministers passports requested, October, 1915, VII, 236. Russian ultimatum, October 3, 1915, VII, 235-36. 37 2 - Savings banks returns, 1916, XX, 11. Serbia, see under Serbia. Situation during early part of 1916, XII, 23. Slivnitsa, defeat of Serbian Army at, 1887, II 278. Sofia : British representatives enter, October, 1918 XX, 29. Court of, state under Ferdinand, XX, 32. Development during reign of Ferdinand, XX, 32- French air raid, April 20-21, 1916, XII, 20. German influences at, and effects, IX, 429. Illustrations, XX, 12, 32, 34. National propaganda society fcrmcd. XX, 14 Royal Palace, illustration, XX, 34. THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. 97 Bulgaria:— cont. Sofia : — cont. Visits: Austrian Emperor, and hostile demonstra- tion, XX, 20. Kaiser, October, 1917, XX, 14, 17. King of Bavaria, XX, 31. Stambulovist Austrophils, eviction from Sobranje, 19:6, XX, 14. Statistics, VI, War Atlas, 45. Struma valley, malaria outbreak, and measures re mosquitoes, XVII, 222, 224. Strumnitza : French air raids, April, 1916, XII, 20. French armoured machine-gun car surrounded and captured by Bulgarians near, illustra- tion, VII, 361. Illustrations, XX, 26, 27. Territorial changes, Treaty terms re, XXI, 430. Surrender of, September, 1918, XX, 101, 434, 435 ; XXI, 13, 339, 357. Treaty : Acceptance and signing of, November 27, 1919, XXI, 429-30. Draft, handed to delegates September 19, 1919, at Quai d'Orsay, XXI, 429. Provisions of, XXI, 459. Trial of war criminals, Treaty terms re, XXI, 430. Treaty with Serbia, 1912, VII, 222. and Turkey, see under Turkey. Varna : Allied ships at, November, 1918, XXI, 15. Bombardment by Russian fleet, October 27, 1915, VII, 160 ; XVI, 310. War: History, summary of, XX, 31-36. Policy, XX, 34. with Rumania, popularity of, XX, 10. with Serbia, 1887, II, 278. Bulgarian Loan, war clause, I, 181-82. Bulgarian National Bank, balance sheet, March, 191 7, XX, 11. Bulkeley : Commander Sir R. W., portrait, XVII, 443. Mrs. Rivers, portrait, XII, 259. Bullard : Lieut.-General Robert L., commanding American 2nd Army in France, XX, 63, 72, 117 ; XXI, 72- Portrait, XX, 62. Mr., British Consul, Basra, III, 107. Bulldog, H.M.S., Dardanelles operations, V, 474. Bullecourt, see under France. Buller: Colonel H. C: Killed, June 2, 1916, XVI, 264. Portrait, V, 209. Wounded, May 5, 1915, V, 206. General Sir Redvers, IV, 131, 134, 139, 282 ; XII, 383 ; XV, 334. Bullitt, M.: Alleged conversation with Mr. Lloyd George re question of Bolshevism, XXI, 400-1. Departure from Paris for Russia, February, 1919, on semi-official mission from American repre- sentatives, XXI, 400-01. at Peace Conference, January 16, 1919, XXI, 398. Report on general situation in Russia, and draft project of peace, XXI, 400. Bullock : Lieutenant George, R.N., work on the Danube, VII, 355. 37 2 - General, South African War, XV, 334. von Biilow : General Ulrich, 21st Army Corps : I, 202, 217, 218,480; 11,56; V, 330 note. Advance, I, 477. Operations in France, 1914, XX, 193, 195. Portraits, I, 214 ; V, 190. Ind. — G von Bulow : < >»/. Prince, II, 213; XIV, 67; XV, 117, 298; XVI, 29. Attempt to undermine position of Herr von Bethmann Hollweg, IX, 378. and Herr Dernburg, V, 248. German Ambassador in Rome, 1914, V, 16. German Imperial Chancellor, XVIII, 113. Negotiations with Baron Sonnino, V, 16- 17, 18-19, 27-28. . Phrase quoted, IX, 333. on the Polish question, III, 209. Portraits, I, 228 ; V, 23. Representative of Germany in Rumania, IX, 4 16. on Battle of Tannenberg, 1410, III, 205. , " Circus " of, XV, 66. Bulson, see under France. Bulteel, Lieutenant Edward W., Torpedoboat 10. loss of, June 10, 1915, VII, 129. Bulter, J., IX. 448. Bulles, see under France. Bulwark, H.M.S., I, 73. Loss of. III, 149, 151. Bumbeshti, see under Rumania. Bunder Abbas, see under Persia. Bundi, Chief of, contribution to Prince of Wales s Fund, I, 166. Bundy, Major-General Omar : in Command of 2nd American Division, XX, 54. Portrait, XX, 54. Report on Chateau-Thierry operations, XX, 56. Bunerwalis, attempted raids on British territory, XV, 144. Bunja, see under Angola. Bunker Hill, see under United States of America. Bunnemann, Captain Wilhelm, goes down in Prints Adalbert, XVI, 297. de Bunswyok, Ernst, Chef du Cabinet of the Minister of Justice, member of Commission of Inquiry into German atrocities, I, 431. Bum, German patrol boat, sunk, December 17, 191 7, XVI, 300. Buoohs, see under Switzerland. di Buole, Passo, see under Austria-Hungary. BuQuet, see under France. Bui'bach, see under Germany. Burchall, Lieut.-Colonel, 4th Canadian Battalion, Battle of Ypres, April, 1915, and death, V, 63. Burcht, see under Belgium. Burczyce, see under Galicia. Buresk, British ship, captured by the Emden, III, 124, 126, 128, 129. Burg, see under Germany. Burges, Lieut.-Colonel D., V.C., D.S.O.: Award of V.C., XVIII, 391, 394. Portrait, XVIII, 391. Burgess, Lieut.-Colonel C. R., East African opera- tions, July, 1916, XIII, 404. Burghele : Brigadier-General G., appointed Secretary-General to Rumanian Ministry of War, October 11, 1916, XI, 233. M., Rumanian Minister at Bukarest Conference, 1918, XVII, 43. Burgstall, see under Austria-Hungary. Biirian, Prince, V, 17, 27. Appointments : Austrian Foreign Minister, V, 16 ; XIX, 232, 246, 247-48; XX, 248. Joint Minister of Finance, 1916, XX, 224. Dismissed from post of Foreign Minister, 1916, XX, 224. on German compromise to Poland, August 19, 1918, XX, 251. German delegate at Bukarest Conference, 191 8, XVII, 43. Letter from Dr. Dumba, V, 262. Negotiations with Poles, V, 358. Peace discussions with Admiral von Hintze, September, 1918, XXI, 271-72. Portraits, V, 23 ; XVII, 46, 47 : XX, 224. !>> THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. Biirian, Prince : — cont. Sent on mission of enquiry by Emperor Charles, 1917, XX, 230. Speech to German Press, September, 191 8, quoted, XX, 252. Support to Baron von Hussarek in settling with Poles, XX, 247. Telegram from Prince Max of Baden, XXI, 275. Visit to Berlin, June 11, 1918, XX, 249. Visit to German headquarters, August 14, 1918, XX, 251. Burkah, see under Palestine and Syria. Burkanoff, see under Galicia. Bnrke : John, American, report on treatment of prisoners in Germany, VI, 258. Sergeant, Royal Irish Constabulary, and Irish Rebellion, April, 1916, VIII, 453. Burkel, see under Belgium. Burleigh, Lord Balfour of, see Balfour. Burleigh, Bennet, on Lord Kitchener, I, 288. Burlamaqui, opinion re enemy trading, IX, 445. Burleson, Albert S., portrait, XI, 384. Burlton, Lieutenant G. P., gallantry of, near Mametz, December, 1915, VII, 311. Burma, see under India. Burman: Sergeant William Francis, V.C.: Award of V.C., XV, 240-41, 251 ; XIX, 356. Portrait, XV, 242. Sergeant, battle of Festubert, May, 1915, V, 234. Burmester, Captain, R.N., sea stores brought to Barrini by, 1916, IX, 310. Burnauf, see under Alsace-Lorraine. Burney, Admiral Sir Cecil K.C.B., G.C.M.G.: Appointment to Board of Admiralty, November, 1916, XVII, 302. Battle of Jutland, IX, 137, 151. Portrait, IX, 147. Second Sea Lord, November 29, 1916, XIV, 151. Transfer of flag to H.M.S. Revenge when H.M.S. Marlborough partially disabled, 1916, IX, 137, 152. Burnhaupt, see under Alsace-Lorraine. Burning Liquid, see Liquid Fire. Burnley, see under Great Britain. Burns: Right Hon. John, President of the Board of Trade, resignation, August 4, 1914, V, 291. W., portrait, IV, 491. Burnu, sec under Turkey-in-Asia. Burrard, Captain G., R.F.A., gallantry of, in Battle of Loos, September 25, 1915, and award of D.S.O., VI, 384. Burrell, Messrs., Strath Line, ships bought from, by Prime Minister of Australia, for transport of wheat crop, XI, in. Burroughs, the Rev. E. A., foundation of " The League of the Spiritual War " by, VIII, 330-31. Burrows, Dr. R. M., phil-Hellene, XIII, 327 note. BurstaU, Major-General Sir Harry, K.C.B., in command of 2nd Canadian Division in France, XVI. 257. Fighting at Sanctuary Wood, June, 1916, XVI. 264-65. Portrait, XVI, 258. Burt, Corporal Alfred Alexander, V.C.: Award of V.C., X, 13, 36. Portrait, X, 2. Burtcbell, Sergeant, at Gallipoli, XII, 185. Burton : Corporal A. S., V.C. : Award of V.C, VI, 149 ; VII, 176 ; X, 18, 38. Portrait, X, 37. Sfr Richard F., exploration in East Africa, i8s8 X, 126. Captain William A., on Anglo-Russian Committee in U.S.A., XXI, 75. Burtsefi M., XIV. 390. Appeal for help to crush Bolshevism in Russia, X, 146-47. Bury : E. R., second officer Wayfarer, assistance in saving ship, and award of gold watch, VII, 442. Right Rev. H., Bishop for Northern and Central Europe, experiences of, VIII, 328. Engineer Lieut.-Commander W. A., R.N., Ostend operations. May 9, 191 8, XVIII, 349, 350. Bury St. Edmunds, see under Great Britain. Burzancy, see under France. Burzival, Czech deputy, internment, 1916, XIX, 233. Bus, see under France. Busa Alta, see under Austria-Hungary. Busa Verle, see under Austria-Hungary. Buscourt, see under France. BusheU, Captain C, V.C, D.S.O. : Award of V.C, XVI, 387, 395 ; XIX, 356. Portrait. XVI, 387. Bushire, see under Persia. Bushman, Lady, name ambulances scheme, IV, 502. Bushnell, David, submarine boat invented by, late eighteenth century, IV, 88. Busigny, see under France. de Busleiden Jerome, of Louvain, I, 411-12, 413, 421. Buso Porto, see under Austria-Hungary, de Bussang, Col, see under Alsace-Lorraine. von dem Bussche-Hadden-Hausen, Baron: appointed German Minister in Rumania, Septem- ber, 1914, IX, 416. Portrait, XI, 481. Bussell, P. Dale, assistance in designing of the "Tank," X, 298. Bussu, see under France. Bussy, see under France. Busteni, see under Rumania. Butakoff, Rear Admiral, killed by Russian revolu- tionaries, March 1917, XVI, 315. Butchatch, see under Galicia. Butcher : Major, R.F.A., South African War, IV, 143. Mr., on question of German banks in London, IX, 476. Bute, Lady, conversion of house into naval hospital, IX, 259. von Butlar, German airman, attempted flight to East Africa with supplies, November, 191 7, XIX, 66. Butler : Captain B.: Award of M.C, XIV, 194. Award of bar to M.C, XIV, 198. Operations under, June, 1916, XIV, 194. Sir Geoffrey, at head of British Bureau of Informa- tion in U.S.A., XXI, 80. Captain J. F., V.C: Award of V.C, VIII, 292. Portrait, VIII, 289. Lieut.-General Sir R. H. K., K.C.M.G., C.B., in command of forces in France, 1918, XVIII, 43 ; XIX, 139. Lieut.-Commander V. S., R.N., commended by Admiralty for saving men of H.M.S. Medusa, X, 58. Private W. B., V.C: Award of V.C, XV, 230-31, 251 ; XIX, 356. Portrait, XV, 231. Lieut. -Colonel, operations in Belgium, October, 1914, III, 458. President, Columbia University. XIV, 259. Sergeant, Welsh Fusiliers, Battle of Festubert, May, 1915, V, 233. Butros Pasha Ghali, Egyptian Premier, assassina- tion, III, 283, 291. Butterworth, Sir A. Kaye, North-Eastern Railway, portrait, VI, 165. des Buttes, Bois, see under France. von Buttlaer-Brandenfels, Captain Baron Preusch, in command of squadron of Zeppelins in air raid on England, October, 1917, XIX, 254. Butterfly, H.M.S., operations on the Tigris, February, 1917, XIII, 278-80. Buv, see under Serbia. THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. 9!) Buxton : Commander Bernard, R.N., on the Tigris, Feb- ruary, 1917, XIII, 279. Lieut. -Colonel R. V., D.S.O., in command of Imperial Camel Corps with Emir Faisal, XVIII, 233. 243- Lord, High Commissioner for South Africa on Native carrier system, 1916, XIII, 412. Buyuk Dere, see under Turkey-in-Asia. Buzancourt, see under France. Buzancy, see under France. Buzeu, see under Rumania. Byam, Major, Hampstead Military Hospital, work re trench fever, XVII, 238, 230, 245, 251. Byatt, Sir Horace, in control of northern part of German East Africa, 1917, XIX, 42. Bye, Sergeant Robert, V.C.: Award of V.C., XV, 223, 231 ; XIX, 356. Portraits, XV, 223, 234. Byles, Sir W., opposition to compulsory miltary service, VIII, 130. Byng, General, Baron Byng of Vimy, K.C.B , K.C.M.G., M.V.O., etc., XV, 376, 385 ; XVI, 217. Battle of Arras- Vimy, April, 191 7, XIV, 409, 413- Barony conferred on, August, 1919, XXI, 179. Battle of Cambrai, November, 191 7, XVI, 403, 423 ; XIX, 426-29. in Command of Canadian Army Corps in France, spring of 1916-17, XVI, 257 ; XVIII, 45, 87. Command of Third Army taken over, 191 7, XV, 207 ; XVIII, 45. Command of 9th Army Corps at Suvla Bay, taken over by, August 24, 1915, VII, 211. Congratulations from Sir R. Borden on Battle of Vimy Ridge, April, 1917. XIV, 419. Departure from Egypt, September, 1914, III, 299. Money grant, August, 1919, XXI, 179. Operations on the Lys and round Ypres, October, 1914, III, 2, 5, 34, 37, 39, 170-71, 174, 444, 454, 462. Operations on Western Front, 1918, XIX, 135, 166, 303, 309; XX, tic, 113, 114, 115, 118, 119, 120, 121, 126, 128, 129, 130, 134, 135, 141, 326, 344, 346, 357, 408. Portraits, III, 2 ; VII 218; X, 417 ; XIV, 413 ; XVI, 426; XX, 131. Promoted to General, XVI, 426. Battle of the Somme, September, 1916, XI, 290. Tribute to work of, during Cambrai operations by Sir Douglas Haig, XVII, 105. Visited at front by King George V, XIX, 155. Battle of Ypres, III, 451, 456, 457 ; IV, 2, 13, 17, 19, 23, 26, 36. Bynkershoek, opinion re enemy trading, IX, 445. Byrne, Second Lieutenant 0. 6., Newfoundland Regiment, gallantry of, and award of M.C., March, 1917, XIV, 200, 201. Byron: Colonel the Hon. J. H. J., C.M.G., in East African operations, XII, 89, 104 ; XIII, 420, 421. Lady, " The Nest " opened as rest home for nurses, IV, 502. Lord, V, 374 ; XIII, 289. Byshoff, see under Galicia. Bzhezhany, see BrzSzany under Galicia. Bzura River, see under Poland. C3, breaching of the viaduct connecting the mole at Zeebrugge with the land, illustration, XVII, 417. Cabo Verde, sailing of Portuguese troops on board, December 1, 1914, en route for Africa, IX, 346. Cabot, John, discovery of Newfoundland, 1497, XIV, 181. Cabour, Hopital, see under Belgium. Cabreil, Arras, II, 494. Cabrini, Signor, Italian Reformist Socialist, deser- tion from friends and voted against Government, IX, 115. de Cacqueray, Frigate- Captain, in command of French naval forces poUcing the Adriatic, XVIII, 437- Cadbury, Flight-Lieutenant Egbert : Award of D.S.C. for destruction of Zeppelin, X, 199. Destruction of Lit), August 5, 1918, and attack on LOS, XIX, 258. Cadiz, see under Spain. Cadman, Professor Sir John, K.C.M.G.: Director of Petroleum Executive, XVII, 140-41. Portrait, XVII, 141. Cadmus, H.M.S., action in Singapore mutiny, February, 1915, XV, 139. Cadogan, Lieut.- Colonel H. 0. S., Royal Welsh Fusiliers, battle of Ypres, IV, 19. Cadore, see under Italy. Cadorna, General Count Luigi, Chief of the Italian General Staff, VII, 41, 43 ; IX, 98 ; XI, 237 ; XII, 337 ; XV, 429 ; XVI, 126, 127. at Allied Conference at Rome, January, 1917, XIV, 433. Army Orders issued by, 1916, IX, 98. in Command of Italian forces, October, 1917, XVI, 37; XVIII, 8, 35. Counter-offensive, June, 1916, IX, 105 ; XV, 397. Fifth Army formed by, and assembled on Vene- tian Plain, 1916, IX, 98. Italian disaster of autumn, 1917, XVIII, 1-36. Italian representative at Versailles Military Council, November, 191 7, XVII, 184; XVIII, 18. and Italian offensives, IX, 99, 105 ; XI, 239-40, 266-74 ; XIV, 439-64 ; XV, 406, 416, 426-27, 430-32 ; XXI, 411. Letter to Italian Government re dangers of anti- war propaganda, and results, XV, 403-4. Orders given by, to draw up plans for formation of new army, Mav 21, 1916, IX, 93. Portraits, V, 7, 9 ;" XIV, 434, 436 ; XV, 422 ; XVII, 188. on Progress made by Italians in Fassa Alps, 1916, XI, 268. Reorganisation and equipment of Italian Army, 1914. V, 32, 34. Retirement from Italian command, XVIII, 36. Retreat, October, 1917, XVI, 248 ; XVIII, 14-15. Tactics, on Trentino front, and withdrawal, 1916, IX, 92-98 ; XI, 271-72. Transfer of quarters to First Army, IX. 90. Visit to Paris, and effect on position of Italian Government, IX, 115. von Caemmerer, quoted, II, 68. Caesar, II, 484. Caesar's Camp, see under France. Caeskerke, see under Belgium. Caetani, Captain, relief work in Europe after Armistice, XXI, 390. Caffrey, Private J., award of V.C., X, 38. Cagliari, see under Sardinia. Cagni, Admiral, XXI, 16. Cagnicourt, see under France. Cahill, Private J., gallantry and death, XIV, 194. Cabin, M., X, 346. Caillard, Admiral, I, 65. Caillaux : Joseph : Negotiations with Germany, 191 1, II, 437. Policy of, and arrest, 1918, XXI, 364. Politics of, II, 437. Visit to Italy, December, 1916, XIV, 433. Mme, murder of Gaston Calmette, and trial, IL 437-39. 449- Caillettes, see under France. Caineni, see under Rumania. Caio Duilio, Italian Dreadnought. XII, 310. Caird : Sir Andrew, Administrator British War Mission in U.S.A., XXI, 80. James (head of Turnbull, Martin and Co.), appointed Chairman of Standard Ship Building Company, 1916, XI, 101. , 100 THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. Cairns, Sergeant H., V.C., D.C.M.: Award ofV.C, XIX, 347. 348-49. 354- Portrait, XIX, 349. Cairo, see under Egypt. Cairoli, Benedetto, Italian Minister (1880), V, 2, 3. Caithness, s.s., torpedoed, April 19, 1917, XIII, 58, 59, 61. Caix, see under France. Caklamanos, M., portrait, XXI, 420. Calais, see under France. Calarashi, see under Rumania. Calcutta, see under India. Calderon : Garcia, on German settlements in Brazil, XV, 31. I., Bolivian Minister, portrait, XV, 9. Caldwell, Sergeant Thomas, V.C.: Award of V.C., XIX, 131-3-1, 354- Portrait, XIX, 332. Caledon, H.M.S., XXI. 18. Caledonia (Anchor Line) : Engine defects, 1915, XVI, 163. Sunk, December 4, 1916, XI, 166. Caledonian Canal, see under Great Britain. Calgarian, H.M.S.: Sunk, March 1, 1918, XVI, 177 ; XXI, 125. Illustration, XXI, 123. Calgary, see under Canada. California, see under United States of America. California (Anchor Line) : Illustrations, XI, 168. Survivors of, illustration, XI, 170. Torpedoed, February 7, 1917, XI, 172 ; XIII, 6. California (New Mexico), American battleship, electrical gearing, XII, 215-16. California Plateau, see under France. Callaghan, Admiral Sir George Astley, G.C.B., G.C.V.O., portrait, I, 70. Calliope, H.M.S. : IX, 136 ; XXI, 18. in Cyclone at Apia in 1889, II, 37. Calmette, Gaston, editor of the Figaro, murder by Mme Caillaux, and trial, 1914, I, 391 j II, 437-39. 449- Calonne, see under France. Calshot, see under Great Britain. Calthorpe, Vice-Admiral the Hon. Sir Somerset A. Gough, G.C.M.G., K.C.B., C.V.O., etc., see Gough-Calthorpe. Calthrop, Sir Guy : Appeal to miners, June, 1918, XVII, 123-24. Appointment as Controller of Coal Mines, XVII, "3- Portraits, VI, 164 ; XVII, 112. Calugareni, see under Rumania. Calvados, French transport, sunk, XII, 65. Calvario, Monte, see under Austria-Hungary. Calvary Hill, see under France. Calvert, Sergeant L., V.C., M.M. : Award of V.C., XVIII. 371, 372, 394 ; XIX, 356. Portrait, XVIII, 373. Calvin, connection with Noyon, II, 484. Calypso, H.M.S., XXI, 18. Training of naval reservists by, at Newfoundland, XIV, 186. Camacho, Dr. Brito, Portuguese Unionist leader, IX, 339, 340, 341 ; XVII, 333-34. 335. 359. 3°°- Election to remain outside Government of Portugal, IX, 321, 359. Policy, IX, 341, 348. Portraits. IX, 327 ; XVII, 332. Refusal to attend meeting at Belem, January, 1916, but letter sent by, IX, 353. Work done by and results, IX, 337, 339-40, 341-42- Camard Wood, see under France. Camberley, see under Great Britain. Camberwell, see under Great Britain. Cambon : Jules : Appointment as Secretary-General of French Foreign Office, October, 1915, VIII, 97 XIV, 222, 223-24. Cambon : — cont. Jules : — cont. at Peace Conference, XXI, 368. Portrait, I, 26. Paul, French Ambassador in Great Britain : Correspondence with Sir E. Grey, 191 2, I, 17-19. Interview with Sir E. Grey, July 29, 191 4, I, 24- Portrait, I, 9. Cambrai, see under France. Cambrenne, French barque, XIV, 176. Cambrian, H.M.S., XXI, 18. Cambridge, see under Great Britain. Cambridge, Duke of, as British Commander-in-Chief for forty years, XVIII, no. Cambronne see under France. Cambyses, son of King Cyrns, XI, 321. Camden, see under United States of America. Camden : Lord, Lord Lieutenant of County of Kent, inspec- tion of depot, etc., at Richborough, June 5. 1917, XXI, 138. Lord, Lord Commissioner in Prize Court Case, March 7, 1786, X, 309. Camelin, see under France. Camerana, General, portrait, V, 33. Cameron : Major-General G. H., in command of 5th American Corps, in France, XX, 65. Private H. T., C.E.F., gallantry of, Battle of Festubert, May, 1915, and award of D.C.M., V, 240. Major-General N. G. J., C.B., C.M.G., in com- mand of forces in 49th Division, in France, 1918, XVIII, 291 ; XX, 267. Cameron House, see under Belgium. Cameronia, transport, torpedoed April 15, 1917. XVI, I73 . Cameroon : II. 36- Anglo-French cooperation, VIII, 285. Bamendo, occupied by AlUes, October 22, 1915, VIII, 307. Bania, occupied by British, October, 1914, VIII, 3°4- Banyo : Attack by Allies and capture, November, 191 5. VIII, 308-9. Fort, illustration, VIII, 305. Baturi, evacuated by Germans, December 8, 1914, VIII, 304. Bertua : Fighting at, December 28, 1914, and evacua- tion by Germans, VIII, 304. Reoccupiedby British, July 22, 1915, VIII, 305. Bitam, captured by French, July 17, 1915. VIII, 306. Bonaberi, surrender, September, 1914, VIII, 288. Bouga, captured by French, August 6, 191 4, VIII, 302. British and French, welcome by inhabitants, VIII, 312. Buea, captured by British, November, 1914, III, 145 ; VIII, 273. Campaign, III; 145; VIII, 273-74, 311; XVI, 433, 448, 455 ; XXI, 5. Financial assistance from Nigeria, XVI, 439. Help of British Navy. VII, 160 ; X, 77. Carnot, occupied by British, October, 1914, VIII, 3°4- Coast: Blockade, 1914, XII, 68. Bombardment by French ships, 1914, XII, 68. Cocoa Beach (Ukoko) : Attack by French ship, August 24, 1914, XII, 68. Capture by French, September 21, 1914. VIII, 306. Compo, positions shelled by French ships October, 1914, XII, 68. THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAB. 101 Cameroon : — cont. Dchang : Fort destroyed by Allies, January 3, 1915, VIII, 293. Reoccupied by British, November 6, 1915, VIII, 308. Dchang Mangas, captured by British, December 17, 1915, VIII, 306. Dehane, Germans driven out of, December, 1914, X, 78. Description, VIII, 279-80, 290. Difficulties of country, VIII, 290 ; illustrations, VIII, 294, 307. Duala, VIII, 280. Bombardment, September 26, 1914, VIII, 287. Diary of German officer stationed at, VIII, 286, 287. Occupied by Anglo-French force, September, 1914, VIII, 273, 285. Surrender, February 27, 1914, VIII, 287, 288^89. Dualas, German treatment of, VIII. 312. Dumdum bullets used bv Germans, illustration, VIII, 281. Dume : Entered by British, July 25, 1915, VIII, 305. Fired by Germans in retreat, VIII, 305. Edea: German attack, January, 1915, and failure, VIII, 293. Occupation by Allied Forces, October 26, 1914. Ill, 145 ; VIII, 273-74, 291, 306. Senegalese troops, illustration, VIII, 298. Eseka, occupied by French troops, May 11, 1915, VIII, 294. French traders in, establishments looted in early months of war, VIII, 312. Fumban, seized by British, December 2, 19 15, VIII, 309. Garua : Attempted seizure by British, August, 1914, VIII, 273, 299. Illustrations, VIII, 296, 310. Investment of,- VIII, 301-2. Siege of and surrender, June 10, 191s, VIII, 302 ; X, 78. German acquisition of, VIII, 274, 280-81. German forces, strength of, VIII, 285. German missionaries, illustration, VIII, 286. German native troops, desertions to French, VIII, 3°5- Germans from, received in Spain, X, 62. Germans in, conduct of, VIII, 281. Harmaan's Farm, British attack, failure, March 4, 1915, VIII, 293-94. History of, VIII, 280-83. Jabassi, attacks on, and capture, October, 191 4, VIII, 291-92. Japoma, illustrations, VIII, 300, 307, 308. Koimaka, action at, January 8, 1916, VIII, 310. Kribili, positions shelled by French ships, October, 1914, XII, 68. Kusseri, attacks on, and capture of German post, September 21, 1914, VIII, 272, 285, 297. Lomie, captured by French, June 25, 1915, VIII, 3°5- Mandate, Mr. Lloyd George on, XXI, 172. Mangeles, captured bv French, December 21, 1915, VIII, 307. Maps, VI, War Atlas, p. 39 ; VIII, 292, 306. Marua, Allied attack on, and German evacua- tion, VIII, 299. Mbo fort, illustration, VIII, 301. Molundu, captured by French, December 21, 1914, VIII, 305. Moopa, attacked and captured by British, June, 1915, VIII, 305. Mora : Attacks on, August-September, 1915, VIII, 299. Fall of, February 18, 1916, VIII, 274, 310- 11 ; X, 77- Cameroon : — cont. Moslems in : German propaganda among, VIII, 289. Persecution by Germans, VIII, 289. Natives : German relations with, VIII, 281. German treatment of, VIII, 289, 311-12. Use of English language forbidden by Herr Ebermaier, VIII, 289. Neutrality, German proposals, August, 191 4, VIII, 283, 285. Ngaundere, captured by British, June 28, 1915, VIII, 273, 302. Ngung, captured by British, November, 191 5, VIII, 306. Nibo, seized by Allied force, VIII, 308. Nkongsamba, captured by Allied forces, Decem- ber 10, 1914, VIII, 292-93. Nlohe, illustrations, VI, 197 ; VIII, 302. Nola, captured by French, October 18, 19 14, VIII, 304. Nsanakang, British seizure of, August, 19 14, defeat at, September 6, 1914, and subsequent reoccupation, VIII, 300. N'Zimu, fighting at, and recapture by Allies October 29, 1914, VIII, 304. Ossidinge seized by British, VIII, 300. Oyem captured by French, VIII, 306. Peace Conference discussion re, XXI, 151, 153, 154-55- Sanaga River, operations on, VIII, 291. Sanga-Congo confluence, German post taken by French, August 7, 1914, VIII, 283. Stoebel's Farm, British attack, failure, March 4, 1915, VIII, 293-94. Sultan of, arriving for meeting with French Mission, illustration, XXI, 155. Tibati, occupied by Anglo-French force, Novem- ber 3, 1915, VIII, 307. Ubangi River, German post taken by French, August 7, 1914, VIII, 281. Victoria : Bombardment by warships, September, 191 4, VIII, 285-86, 286-87. British detachment landed at, September 3, 1914, but withdrawn, VIII, 286. Occupation by Royal Marines, November, 1914, III, 145. Wesso, operations at, VIII, 304. Wrecked wireless station, VIII, 297, illustration. Wum Biagas, battle at, Mav, 1915, VIII, 294. Wuri River, illustrations, VII, 151 ; VIII, 288. Yaunde : Anglo-French advance on, September, 1915, VIII, 294-95, 306-9. Description, VIII, 291. Failure of Allied advance on, March, 1915, VIII, 2 74- Fall of, and entry of Anglo-French forces, January 1, 1916, VIII, 274, 309-10. Illustrati ins, VIII, 287, 303, 304., Yoko: Illustration, VIII. 295. Seized by French, December 1, 1915, VIII, 309. Zinga, captured by French, August 7, 1914, VIII, 302. Camilla, Norwegian s.s.. torpedoed by Germans, XIII, 65. Camp des Romains, see under France. Campagne, see under France. Campbell : Major-General D. G. M., C.B., in command of 2nd Division in France, March, 19 18, XVIII, 54- Lieutenant F. W.: Award of V.C., X, 27-29, 38. Explo t with machine gun, illustration, V, 229. Gerald, Times correspondent, arrested on espion- age charge in Switzerland, January, 1916, XIII, 226-27. 102 THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR, Campbell : — cont. Commander Gordon. V.C., D.S.O., R.N.: Award of V.C., XII, 186. 190 ; XIII, 385 ; XVII, 422-23 ; XVIII, 355. 37°-79- Portraits, XII, 187 ; XVII, 424. Henry, London General Omnibus Company's Belgian refugee work, IV, 464. Lieutenant H. A., R.N., in command of H.M.S. Daffodil, XVIII, 342. Major-General J., in command of 31st Division in France, 1918, XIX, 73. J. H., proposed appointment as Lord Chancellor of Ireland, May, 1915, controversy as result, V, 316. Major and Brevet Lieut. -Colonel J. V., V.C., D.S.O.: Award of V.C , XII, 168, 190 ; XIX, 356. Portrait, XII, 168. Captain the Hon. Ronald, gallantry of, and death, 1879, XII, 169-70 note. Major-General Sir Walter : Decoration presented to, at Jerusalem, March, 1918. XVIII, 243. Mentioned in despatches, XV, 148 note. Operations at Beit Aiessa, April, 1916, XII. 411. CampbeU-Bannerman, Sir H., British Prime Minister at Imperial Conference, 1907, portrait, XII, 270. Campbell-Geddes, Brigadier-General A., help to Man-Power Distribution Board, X, 352. Campden, Viscount, portrait, V, 271. Campiglia, Sogli di, see under Italy. Campo Verde, Corno di, see under Italy. Campina, see under Rumania. Campion, C. A. B., London manager. Common- wealth Bank of Australia, portrait, XVIII, 168. Campolung, see under Rumania. Canada, H.M.S., XXI, 18. Canada, French s.s., transport work, XII, 43. Canada : Alberta : Naturalised American settlers, loyalty, II, 238. Offer and gift of oats to Imperial Government, August 7, 1914, II, 241, 270. Army (see also Canadian Expeditionary Force) : 13th Battalion Royal Highlanders of Canada, appreciation of work of Y.M.C.A. as ex- pressed by captain and adjutant, IX, 199. Bermuda garrisoned by troops, II, 240-41. Canadian Gordon Highlanders in New York, illustration, XVI, 342. Conscription, XII, 288 : XVI, 255, 288. Expeditionary Force, offers, I, 151 ; II, 238. Increase, V, 202. Militia regiments, volunteers for active service, II, 240. the Queen's Rifles, illustration, I, 141. Lord Strathcona's Corps, type of soldier, illustration, I, 151. System, etc., at outbreak of war, I, 144-45. Voluntary enlistments, number up to March, 1918-, XVI, 388. Attitude of, I, 161-62, 358 ; II, 240 ; V, 201-2, 222. Bank of England gold purchases system, August, 1914, I, 177. Berlin (Ontario) citizens' message to Lord Kitchener, II, 245-46. Boy scouts, XVII, 170-72. British Columbia : Bolivian mission to, XV, 30. Boy scouts, XVII, 174. Cable between Bamfield, Fanning Island, and, cut by the Niirnberg, September, 1914, HI, 134. Ghadr movement, XV, 134. Gifts to Great Britain, II, 242, 271 ; IV, 268. attempted Indian immigration, 1914, XV, 134. Calgary : Cattle dealers' offer of 50,000 dollars, II, 241. Industrial conditions, effect of outlweak of war, II, 244. Canada : —cont. Defence Committee, XII, 277 79. Defence : Measures on outbreak of war, II, 239-40. Position at outbreak of war, II, 237. Economic conditions in : Before and after outbreak of war, II, 242-44. Improvement in, December, 1914, II, 255-56. Edmonton, industrial conditions, effect of out- break of war, II, 244. Election of 1917, result, XVI, 288. Exchequer Court, case in Prize, December. 15, 1914. X, 311. Finance : Effect of outbreak of war and steps taken, II, 243-45. Loans from America, up to January, 191 7, XI, 391. Provision of credits for payment of munitions for War Office, VII, 272. War advances to, XVIII, 163, 168-70. Forestry Corps, work of, XVI, 285-86. Fort William, industrial conditions, effect of outbreak of war, II, 244. Franchise extended to soldiers and nurses in General Election. 1917, XVI, 287-88. French Canadians : Enlistment, II, 245. Illustration, II, 241. Loyalty, I, 152 ; II, 23S. Small number of recruits from, XVI, 254. German invasion and Monroe doctrine, XV, 5-6. German settlers in, attitude of, II, 245-46. Gifts to Great Britain, I, 152 ; II, 241-42, 243, 270-71 ; IV, 268, 276. Government : Action on outbreak of war, II, 239-41. Attitude of opposition, II, 255. Union of political parties on declaration of war, II, 245. Governor-General's Bodyguard, illustration, I. 144. Grants for relief of Belgian distress, II, 242. Halifax, gift from British West Indies Regiment, XVI, 93- and Imperial Defence Committee, XII, 275. Industries, effect of outbreak of war, and steps taken, II, 243-44. Irish-Canadians, attitude of, II, 246. Legion of Frontiersmen, offer, II, 241. Manitoba : Boy scouts, XVII, 174. Gifts of flour to Imperial Government, II, 242, 271. Manitoulin Island Indians, gift to British Govern- ment, II, 247. Messages from the King, I, 161, 162. Montreal : Bank of, interior, illustration, XVIII, 167. Building of cargo steamers at, XI, 107. Cost of equipment and maintenance of Princess Patricia's Light Infantry provided by millionaire, II, 241. Industry, effect of outbreak of war, II, 243. Irish-Canadian Regiment raised, II, 246. McGill Hospital Corps, inspection by the Duchess of Connaught, illustration, V, 205. Stock Exchange closure, July 28th, 1914, 1, 182. Subscriptions to Patriotic Relief Fund, II, 242. Moosejaw, frontiersmen from, II, 247. Munitions supply, V, 416. Naturalised American settlers, Alberta and Saskatchewan, loyalty of, II, 238. Naval reservists joining up, II, 240. Navy, I, 141-42. Assistance of Royal Navy, I, 151. Offers of cruisers Niobe and Rainbow to the Admiralty, II, 238. Submarines purchased for Pacific Coasts, I, 151- THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. 108 Canada : — cont. New Brunswick : Boy Scouts, XVII, 174. Gift of potatoes to Imperial Government, September 4, 1914, II, 271. Nova Scotia : Boy Scouts, XVII, 174. Cargo of food for Belgium, illustration, IV, 447. Gifts to Great Britain, II, 241, 271 ; IV, 268. Nurses from, JV, 249. < )ntario : Boy Scouts, XVII, 174. Gifts to Great Britain, II, 241, 271. Opposition, to support Government, II, 240. Ottawa : Houses of Parliament, illustration, XII, 273. Recruiting office, illustration, VI, 311. Patriotic Relief Fund, II, 242, 245. Policy re enemy trading, IX, 465-66. Political conditions, XII, 286-87. Political truce on outbreak of war, XII, 286. Port Arthur, industrial conditions, effect of out- break of war, II, 244. Port Rimonski, Bellas, German ship, captured at, August 5, 1914. x . 3i i- Prime Minister, see Borden, Sir Robert. Prince Rupert, industrial conditions, effect of out- break of war, II, 244. Prisoners, see that title. Privy Council, Mr. Hughes, Australian Prime Minister, sworn of, February, 1916, XIJ, 292. Quebec : First contingent at, before departure, II, 250. Gift of cheese to Imperial Government, August 24, 1914, II, 241, 270. Prize Courts, British constitution of, October 8, 1914, X, 310. Transports sail from, October a, 1914, XVI, 165. Railway troops from, XVI, 285. Recruiting mission in America, XVI, 357. Red Cross : Gift of field hospital and £10,000 to Imperial Government, II,' 242. Hospital at Clivedon, IV, 72-73. Red Indians : Gifts to Great Britain, II, 246-47. Volunteers for Expeditionary Force, II, 246. Regina, industrial conditions, effect of outbreak of war, II, 244. Representation at Peace Conference, XXI, 147- 48. Response on outbreak of war, II, 238. Royal North- West Mounted Police, I, 145. St. John's (New Brunswick), Prize Courts, British constitution of, Octobers, 1914, X, 310. Saskatchewan : Boy Scouts, XVII, 174. Offer and gift of horses to Imperial Govern- ment, September II, 1914, II, 242, 271. Naturalised American settlers, loyalty of, II, 238. Sault Ste Marie, industrial conditions, effect of outbreak of war, II, 244. Ship construction in, XT, 107. Shipping, loss of Calgariav, March 1, 19T8, XXI, 125. Tie with Great Britain, strengthening of, V, 201. Toronto : 2nd Canadian Contingent in training at, illus- tration, V. 206. Industrial conditions, effect of outbreak of war, IT, 243-44. Stock Exchange closure, July 28, 1914, I, r82. Subscriptions to Patriotic Relief Fund, II, 242. Volunteers enlisting, illustration, XVI, 255. Valcartier : American volunteers at, illustrations, XI, 394 ; XIII. 7. Camp, II, 249. Departure of 1st contingent from, IT, 249-50. Canada : — cont. Vancouver : Boy Scouts, illustration, XVII, 177. Building of cargo steamers at, XI, 107. Recruits drilling, illustration, VIII, 130. Victoria : Industrial conditions, effect of outbreak of war, II, 244. Prize Courts, British constitution of, October 8, 1914, X, 310. Welland Canal, German measures for destruction of, XI, 376. Wheat, large crops in, 1915, X, 331. Winnipeg, industrial conditions, effect of out- break of war, II, 244. Women of, hospital and hospital ship for British Navy, I, 1.52 ; II, 242, 270. Canadian Expeditionary Force : 1st Contingent : Arrival in France and journey to Flanders, February, 191.5, V, 210. Composition of, II, 248-49 ; V, 201, 213. Departure, II, 249-50. Secrecy as to, strictly observed, II, 249, 25°-5i- Enlistment, offers from 100,000 men, Ii, 240. Sir John French on, March 3, 1915, V, 214. Illustrations, II, 245, 246, 249. Organisation by Major-General Sam Hughes, II, 248. Pay and equipment, II, 248-49. Qualities of, V, 213 ; 214-15. Recruiting for, enthusiasm, II, 246, 247. Recruiting system, XVI, 253-54. Red Indian volunteers for, II, 246. Transport arrangements, 1914, XVI, 164-65. Transport from Salisbury Plain to France, February, 1915, V, 200-10. Transports, illustrations, II, 247, 268. Voyage and arrival in England, October 15, 1914, LI, 250-52. Welcome at Plymouth, 1914, IT, 251-52. 2nd Contingent raised, II, 253-54. in England : Canadian Highlanders in London, illustration, II, 252. at Canterbury, training, illustration, V, 214. Departure from, July, 1919, XXI, 114. Foresters at work, illustration, XVI, 287. Inspection by Sir R. Borden, illustrations, XII, 288, 299. Memorial service in St. Paul's Cathedral, V, 201. at St. Margaret's, Westminster, illustration, VIII, 331. Salisbury Plain : Address to soldiers by General Aldcrson, II, 253- Illustrations, II, 251, 254, 256, 257, 258 ; V, 216-17, 217. Princess Patricia's Light Infantry at, V, 202. Training camp on, H, 252-53. in France and Belgium : Advance of August, 1918, XIX, 291, 292, 297, 209. at Battle of Amiens, August, 1918, XIX, 148, 158. Arleux captured, April 28, 1917, X\ , 53. Arming of, with Ross rifle, V, 210. near Arras, fighting, July, 1918, XIX, 129. near Arras-Cambrai road, fighting, September, 1918, XIX, 302, 447. Arras- Vimy battle, April, 191 7. XIV, 425-26. Automobile machine gun battery, illustration, n, 253. near Avion, fighting, June, 1917, XV, 69. 10th Battalion at Ypres, V, 219 ; illustration, V, 213. Bermuda Regiment serving with, XVI, 274. "Bexhill" Redoubt captured, May, 1915, VI, 207. 104 THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. Canadian Expeditionary Force : — ecu*. in France and Belgium : — cont. i st Brigade : Ontario ist and 4th Battalions, Battle of Ypres, April, 1915, V, 61, 63. 3rd Battalion (Toronto Regiment), " Queen's Own, Battle of Ypres, April, 1915. V, 61. 2nd Brigade : Battle of Ypres, April, 1915, V, 61, 63, 65, 66 ; illustration, V, 63, 65. Western Canadians at Ypres, V, 219. 3rd Brigade, Battle of Ypres, April, 1915, V, 60-61, 63, 64, 65. British Columbia Regiment : near Cambrai, September, 1918, XIX, 439, 453- Casualties, V, 219. 3rd Battle of Ypres, October, 1917, XVI, 139. Cameron Highlanders, in action, October 26, 1917, Passchendaele Ridge, XVI, 279-80. Canadian Scottish : Charge at Ypres, recapture of guns, V, 219. Illustrations, II, 250 ; V, 213, 233 ; XVI, 265. Casualties in, XVI, 25S. Cavalry Brigade : in Action, March 20, 1918, XVIII, 88. Address by Sir John French, V, 222. near Cambrai, November, 1917, XVI, 284-85. at Festubert, V, 222. at Givenchy, V, 222. Placed under General Seely, V, 222. Training, illustration, XVI, 255. Chaplains, VIII, 341-42. Comforts for, IV, 502. Commissions, system, XVI, 258. Contribution to victory due to, and casualties sustained by, XV, 421-22. Distinguished Service Order, awards, XIII, 377 ; XVI, 287. 2nd Division, crossing of the Rhine, December, 1918, XXI, 243. 3rd Division at Cambrai, October 9, 1918, XX, 124. Eaton Machine Gun Brigade, V, 222. Feeding and rationing, system of, XVI, 287. at Festubert, May, 1915, V, 219, 230, 238, 240. in Flying Services, XVI, 287. Fort Garry Horse : near Cambrai, November 20, 1917, XVI, 285, 415- at Cattigny Wood, October 8, 1918, XX, 126. Fresnoy— Bullecourt, battle of, May,i9i7, XV, 55- German concrete gun pit used as Y.M.C.A. hut, illustration, XV, 391. at Givenchy, June, 1915, V, 208, 219. Governor-General's bodyguard, battle of Ypres, April, 1915, V, 61. 10th Grenadiers, battle of Ypres, April, 1915, V, 61. 48th Highlanders, battle of Ypres, April, 1915, V, 63. Illustrations, V, 76, 218; IX, 172; XI, 283, 288, 287, 309; XII, 368; XIV, 332 ; XV, 54, 390, 392, 393 ; XVI, 267, 268, 270, 280, 282, 283, 288 ; XIX, 290, 367, 422 ; XX, 275. 4*>3- 7th Infantry Battalion, surprise attack by, November 16-17, r9'5. VII, 310. 2nd King Edward's Horse, placed under General Seely, V, 222. King's Royal Rifles, in action, June 21, 1916, XVI, 264. La Guingue Rue captured, May 20, 191 5, VI, 207. Lens, battle of, 1917, XV, 358 59 ; XVI, 276-78 ; illustrations, XVI, 279. I-ight Horse : Going into action, illustration, XIV, 416. on Patrol work, April 13, 1917, XVI, 273. Canadian Expeditionary Force : — cont. in France and Belgium : — cont. Malmedy, occupation of, with 2nd British Army, November, 1918, XXI, 234. Military Cross awards, X\I, 287. near Moeuvres, September, 1918, XIX, 438. Monchy, near, waiting to go forward, illustra- tion, XIX, 290. in Mons, November n, 191 8, XX, 461-63 Mounted Rifles : Casualties, June 2, 1916, XVI, 266. at Neuve Chapelle, V, 219. New system of daylight raids by, XVI, 269. Passchendaele Ridge, October 26, 1917, XVI, 279, 280, 281. near Sanctuary Wood, June 2, 1916, XVI, 264-65. 3rd Battle of Ypres, June, 1916, IX, 170. Newfoundlanders : at Beaumont Hamel, July 1, 1916, IX, 490. Illustration, II, 241. Nominal strength of, XVI, 258. 85th Nova Scotia Battalion : Clergymen's platoon, VIII, 319. Numbers of, XVI, 256. Officers, relations with men, V, 215. Operations : January, 1917, XII, 353. June and July, 1917, XV, 213, 215, 385-92 September-October, 1917, XVI, 71, 72, 133- 36, 139, 141-42. 1918, XVI, 285; XX, 113, 115, 121-23, 124, 126, 128-29, 134, 267-69, 270-71. Opinions of British soldiers, V, 213-14. " Over the Top," illustration, XVI, 281. Passchendaele Ridge, battle of, XVI, 278-84. Poison gas used against, April, 1915, V, 57, 60, 63, 64-65. Prince of Wales with, 1918, XVIII, 139. Princess Patricia's Light Infantry, II, 24L Arrival at the Front and life in the trenches, V, 202, 204, 205-6. at St. Eloi, March, 1915, IV, 400 ; V, 204-5. near Sanctuary Wood, June 2, 1916, XVI, 264-65 ; illustrations, II, 248 ; V, 208. Battles of Ypres, V, 75, 206-7, 209 ; IX, 170-71 ; XVI, 264. Queen's Own Rifles, battle of Ypres, April, 1915, V, 61. Royal Canadian Dragoons placed under General Seely, V, 222. Royal Canadian Regiment, 3rd Battle of Ypres, June, 1916, IX, 170. Royal Grenadiers entraining at Montreal, illus- tration, II, 244. Royal Highlanders in action near Sanctuary Wood, June 13, 1917, XVI, 265. Royal Montreal Regiment, battle of Ypres, April, 1915, V, 63, 65. 63rd Roval Naval Division, in action, October, 1918, XX, 121. at St. Eloi, XVI, 260-3. Sanctuary Wood operations, June, 1916, XVI, 264-66. Somme, battle of the. August-September, 1916, XI, 289-90, 309-10, 397, 398, 402, 421 ; XVT, 266-68. Lord Strathcona's Horse, placed under General Seely, V, 222. Trench in Somme district, illustration, XII, 347- 29th (Vancouver) Battalion, St. Eloi, April, 1916, XVI, 261. Vimy Ridge, battle of, April, 1917, XIV, 413, 415 ; XVI, 268-76. West Highlanders in action near Sanctuary Wood, June 13, 1916, XVI, 265. 8th Battalion Winnipeg Rifles, in second Battle of Ypres, V, 219. 27th (Winnipeg) Battalion, St. Eloi, April, 1916, XVI, 261, 263. THE TIMES HISTOBY OF THE WAR. 105 Canadian Expeditionary Force : — cont. in France and Belgium : — cont. Work of, V, 201-22 ; XVJ, 253-38. at Ypres, V, 201, 219 ; illustration, V, 218. Battles of Ypres, V, 61-63 ! IX, 171-75 ; XV, 361 ; illustrations, V, 76 ; IX, 172. Palestine and Syria, see Egyptian Expeditionary Force, in Russia, 1918, XX, 160, 161-62. Victoria Cross awards, XII, 171-72 ; XIII, 361, 360; XVI, 274-76, 280-81, 285, 287, 364-66, 371-72 ; XVII, 380-82, 395. 409, 425-26, 427-30, 431 ; XVIII, 362, 366, 371, 374-75 ; XIX, 325-26, 334, 344-50, 356, 357, 358. 359, 360. Canadian Northern Company, XI, 114, Canadian-Pacific Ocean Service, XI, 114. H|War services of vessels, 1914-18, XXI, 125-26. Canaglia, Val, see under Italy. Canal de l'Escaut, see under France. Canal dn Nord, see under France. de Cande, Lieutenant Maussion, French Marine?, killed, III, 187. Candler, Edmund, quoted, XIII, 266, 268-69, 272-73 278; XVII, 19, 257 275, 277, 284; XXI, 144. de Candolle, General, in Rumania, XVII, 19. Caneva, General, VII, 41. Cannectancourt, see under France. Canning, H.M.S., balloon-ship, illustrations, VII, 437; XVI, 151. Canny-sur-Matz, see under France. Canon, Professor, XVII, 246. Canopus, H.M.S.: Absence from action off Coronel, III, 130. Action off Falkland Islands, III, 135-43. Armament, I, 54. Dardanelles operations, V, 384, 387; VI, 113; VII, 153. Description, III, 130 note. Illustrations, III, 139 ; VI, 154 ; IX, 270. Prize Court Case, December 22, 1916. X, 310. Cantacuzino, Mihai, Rumanian Minister of Justice, December, 1916, XII, 148. Cantacuzino-Pashcanu, A., at Council of War, August, 1916, IX, 430. Cantaing, see under France. Canterbury, see under Great Britain. Canterbury , H.M.S., at Sebastopol, November, 1918, XX, 107. Cantigny, see under France. Cap Trafalgar, armed German cruiser: X, 66. Fight with H.M.S. Carmania, and sinking of September 14, 1914. II, 33-34 ; VII, 433, 435-36 ; XXI, 123. Illustrations, II, 32 ; VII, 434 ; XXI, 120. Capdepont, General, in command of 22nd French Division, March, 1918, XVIII, 86. Cape Colony, see under South Africa. Cape Corps : East African operations, 1918, XIX, 40, 49, 63, 67, 68. Illustration, XIX, 41. Cape Corso, Prize Court Case, X, 319-20. Cape Province, Boy scouts, XVII, 174. Cape Town, see under South Africa Cape Verde Islands, XVII, 355. von Capelle, Admiral: Appointed Secretary for State for Imperial Navy, IX, 369. Portraits, IX, 370 ; XI, 479 ; XV, 305. on Submarine campaign, 1918, XXI, 259, 260. Supersession, XXI, 260. on Wilhelmshaven mutiny, XV, 304. Capello, General Luigi : in Command of Italian 2nd Army, 191 7, XIV, 441 ; XV, 418 ; XVIII, 8, 35. Portrait, XIV, 441. Retirement, XVIII, 36. Capiau, Hermann, Engineer of Wasmes : Condemned to fifteen years' hard labour by Germans, XI, 19. Trial in Brussels, October, 191 5, VI, 432. Capinghem, see under France. Capitaine Mehl, French ship, action off Lombart- zyde, XII, 69. Capitol, see under United States of America. Caporetto (Karfreit), see under Austria-Hungary. Capper : Brigadier-General J. E., C.B., former commandant Aldershot balloon school, II, 184. Major-General Sir Thompson, C.B., D.S.O., III, 40. Biography, VI, 409. Constitution of 7th Division under, III, 168-70. Death, September 27, 1915, VI, 392. Battle of Loos, September 25, 1915, VI, 384. Portraits, III, 163 ; VI, 367. Roulers occupied, October, 1914, III, 34. Battle of Ypres, IV, 22, 26. Operations round Ypres, October, 1914, III, 37. 172, 445- Cappuccio, Bosco del, see under Austria-Hungary. Cappy, see under France. Caprile, Col., see under Italy. Caprivi Finger, see under German South-West Africa. Caproni, Gianni, pioneer work of, XVIII, 461. Captain, H.M.S. (1869-70), XII, 194. Caracalu, see under Rumania. Caradoc, H.M.S., XXI, 18. Carbine Trench, see under France. Carbutt, Major, East African operations, 1916, XIII, 4I 8. Carcano, Signor, member of new Italian Cabinet, June, 1916, IX, 120. Carden : Lieut.-Colonel J., killed on Chunuk Bair, August, 1915, VII, 186. Vice-Admiral Sir Sackville H., K.C.M.G.: Commanding Allied Fleets at the Dardanelles, V, 382, 384 ; VII, 154 ; XII, 47-48, 5 o. Dardanelles despatches, XXI, 12. Portrait, V, 363. Relinquishment of command, March 16, 1915, V, 390. Cardiff, see under Great Britain. Cardiff, H.M.S., at Surrender of German High Seas Fleet, illustration, XX, 462. Cardigan, Lord, Balaclava, V, 442. Cardwell, Mr., pair system in army, I, 122. Carency, see under France. Carey : General G. G. Sandeman, C.B. : in Command of miscellaneous force in France during retirement, March, 1918, XVIII, 93. 97. 98. Portrait, XVIII, 93. Colonel, II, 80. Corporal, gallantry of, at Le Bridoux, September 25. 1915. VI, 364. Cari-Bogusze, see under Galicia. Caria, sinking of, 1915, XXI, 123. Carib, American s.s., mined in North Sea, V, 274. Caribbean Sea, French ships in, XII, 68. Caribou Hill, see under Gallipoli. Carintbia, Germans, treatment of, and protest, XIX, -'-■). Carissan, Battle of Moronvillers, April-May, 1917, XIV, 96. Carl, Emperor of Austria and King of Hungary, see Charles Francis Joseph. Carlepont, see under France. Carless, Ordinary Seaman John Henry, V.C.: Award of V.C., XVI, 394, 395. Portrait, XVI, 394. Carlile, Prebendary : Description of Church Army hut, VII, 280. Portrait, VIII, 331. Carlington, see under Great Britain. 10« THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. Carlisle, see under Great Britain. Carlisle Farm Redoubt, see under Belgium. Carlos, Dr. Antonio, Brazilian Minister of Finance, on effect of war on Brazil, September, 1917, XV, I3-M- Carlos. King ol Portugal, IX, 326, 330, 332, 334. Assassination, and effect on English relations, IX, 324, 328, 331-32. Visit to London, IX, 323. von Carlowitz, General, in command of German forces in France, 1918 : Advance, April, 1918, XVIII, 298-300. Retreat: August, October, 1918, XIX, 166; XX, 127, 128, 131, 132. Portrait, XVIII, 297. Carlshutte, see under Belgium. Carlsruhe, see under Germany. Carlyle : Sir Robert, XVII, 460. Thomas, X, 285, 307. Carmania, H.M.S., X, 66. Fight with, and sinking of, Cap Trafalgar, September 14, 1914, II, 33-34; VII, 433, 435-36 ; XXI, 123 Illustrations, II, 33 ; VII, 434 ; XXI, 120. Carmargue, French ship, at the Dardanelles, XII, 50. Carmel, Mount, see under Palestine and Syria. Carmichael : Hon. Campbell, ex-Minister of Education, N.S.W., VI, 126. Sergeant J., award of V.C., XIX, 356. Mr., portrait, XV, 279. Carnarvon, H.M.S.: Action off Falkland Islands, III, 135-43. Armament, I, 54. Search for Dresden, X, 75-76. van Carnbee, Jhr. A. L. J. Melvill, on Dutch-Belgian Refugee Commission, IV, 478. Carnegie, Sir Lancelot, British Minister in Lisbon, IX, 322. Portraits, IX, 331, 346. Work in connection with Portuguese Com- mercial Mission to Great Britain, IX, 345. Carnegie Commission, I, 436. Carnegie Medal, award of, X, 196. Carnegy, General, fighting at Givenchy, December, 1914, IV, 219. Carnetta, Norwegian ship, torpedoed by Germans, XIII, 65-67. Carnia Alps, see under Italy. Carnot, see under Cameroon. Carnot, M., I, 106 ; IV, 376-77 ; VI, 25. Carnoy, see under France. Carol, Prince of Rumania, portrait, XVII, 63, 68. Carolina, U.S.A. ship, I, 195. Caroline Islands : German colony, II, 36. Japanese occupation, October, 1914, II, 424, 435; XXI, 5. Peace Conference discussion, XXI, 152. Yap (or Uap) : Japanese occupation, October, 1914, II, 424. Wireless station destroyed, II, 39. Car on, General, French 165th Division : Decorated by King of the Belgians, September, 1917, XVI, 212. Operations in Verdun region, August, 191 7, XVI, 194, 201, 204 note. Caroni, sunk, XXI, 128. Carp, Peter : Attitude of, and opposition to war, XII, 148-49. Leader of " Young Conservatives " in Rumania, IX, 412, 414, 425, 430. New paper issued by, in Rumania, March 14, 1915. IX, 416. Opposition to intervention, XII, 144, 14s. Portrait, XII, 146. Work for conclusion of alliance of Rumania with Central Powers, IX, 404. Carpathia, sinking of, 1918, XXI, 123. Carpathians : see also Galicia. Artillery in, illustration, IV, 420 ; XII, 137. Austrian Red Cross in, illustration, IV, 434. Austrian troops in, illustration, IV, 408, 409, 412. Austro-German offensive, winter of 1915, IV, 172-73, 177-86, 401. Austro-German officer's observation post, ma- chine gun section, XI, 212. Baba Ludova, Mt., fighting round, September 1916, X, 180. Bartfeld : Centre of German settlement, IV, 412. Description of country round, IV, 408. Russian attack against, April, 1915, IV, 421. Russian cavalry at, December 4, 1914. Ill, 356. Beskid Mountains, Austrian position on, taken by Russians, March 25, 1915. IV, 422. Beskid Pass, Russian retreat from, 1915, IV, 180 ; V, 145. Cheremosh River, fighting on, September, 1916, X, 180. Cigielka, captured by Russians, April 2, 1915, IV, 419. Cimbroslava, Mt., fighting round, September, 1916, X, 180. Description, III, 213. Dorna Vatra : Fighting at, September, 1916, X, 180. Illustration, XI, 198. Dukla, Austro-German troops in, May 5, 1915, V. 132. Dukla Pass, IV, 413. Austro-German advance towards, May, 19 15, V, 116-17. Fighting at. III, 357 ; V, 133. Eastern, fighting in, May, 1915, V. 117-20. Fetching wood in, illustration, XI, 458. Geography of, IV, 408-17. Height 389, fighting at, March 26, 1915, IV, 419. Height 909, the Wysoki Gron, captured by Rus- sians, April 9, 1915, IV, 424, 425. Height 1002, fighting for, April, 1915, IV, 425. Hill 992, taken by Germans, April 9, 1915, IV, 426. Jacobeni, fighting round, January 18, 1915, IV, 183. Jasliska, strategic importance of, IV, 415. Kapul, Mt., fighting round, September, 1916, X. 180. Khoverla, Mt., fighting round, September, 1916, X. 180. Kirlibaba, fighting at, and near, IV, 183 ; X, 180. Kirlibaba Pass, occupation by Russians, January 16, 1915, IV, 183. Koman, Mt., Russian capture of, September 27, 1916, X, 180. Konieczuka, Russian success at, December 1, 1914. HI. 357- Koziowa : Battle of, February, 1915, IV, 172, 180. Fighting round, March 20-27, IQI 5. IV 426 ; V, 145- Kreta, Mt., fighting round, September, 1916, X, 180. Kukul, Mt., fighting round, September, 1916, X, 180. Lubnia Valley, fighting in, April, 1915, IV, 425. Luchina, fighting in, September, 1916, X, 180. Ludova, Mt., fighting round, September, 1916, X, 180. Lupkow Pass: IV, 415. Crossed by Russians, November, 1914, IIT, 357. Fighting at, January-February, 1915, IV, 179. Russian retreat, May, 19 15, V, 133. Lupkow region, fighting in, March, 1915, IV, 421-22. Magora of Malastow, Austrian capture of, May, 1915, V, 112. Magora Mountains, strategical importance of, V, 411-u. THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. KIT Carpathians : — cont. Makovka, Mt., captured by Russians, recaptured by Austrians, and by Russians, May 2-3, 1915, V, 120 Maps, IV, 181, 410 ; VI, War Atlas, 24-25 ; X, 179. Maramaros-Sziget, Russians at. III, 213. Mezo-Laborcz, Russian occupation, Novem- ber 25, 1914, IV, 357. Nagy Polena, captured by Russians, April, 1915, IV, 425- Ondava River, Russian successes, April, 1915, IV, 421. Operations in, III, 212-13, 357-58 ; IV, 165-66 ; X, 180 ; XII, 135-36. Orawczyk : Captured by Russians, March 16, 1915, IV, 180. Fighting for heights above, April, 1915, IV, 426-27, Orosz-Ruszka, Russians at, April, 1915, IV, 424. Osmolodo, fighting round, May 3, 1915, V, 120. Ostra Gora group, Austrian success, May, 1915, V, 112. Pantyr Pass : Fighting in, September, 1916, X, 180. Strategic importance of, IX, 233. Ploska, Mt., fighting round, September, 1916, X. 180. Pnieva, Mt., fighting round, September, 1916, X, 180. Poloniny Range, Austrian positions on. taken, March 31-April 1, 191 5, IV, 423. Position at fall of Przemysl, IV. 404-7 ; in April, 1915. IV, 423. Puczak, captured by Russians, April 6, 1915, IV, 421. Rafailova, captured by Russians, August 29, 1016, X, 180. Roads, system, IV, 408-16. Rozanka, fighting round, March 20-27, IOI 5. IV, 426. Rozstoki Gome, captured by Russians, April 4, 1919, IV, 424. Rozstoki Pass, fighting near, April 9, 191.5, IV, 424. Russian offensive, March 19, 1915, IV, 401-32. Retreat, IV, 402 ; V, 132-33. Russian troops, etc., illustrations, IV, 411, 419, 430 ; VI, 199. Smolnik, captured by Russians, March 11, 1915, IV, 179. Smotrets, Mt., Russian capture of, September 19, 1916, X, 180. Stepanski, Mt., fighting round, September, 1916, X, 180. Strategical importance of, III, 212. Sztropoko : Fighting north of, March 30, 1915, IV, 419. Russians at, April 4, 1915, IV, 421. Tartar Pass, see Yablonitsa Pass below. Tommatic Mountains, fighting in, September, 1916, X, 180. Toplya Valley, Russian progress in, April, 191 5, IV, 421. Transport of guns over, IV, 402 note. Tylava. Austro-German troops in, May 5, 1915, V, 132. Uzsok Pass, IV, 415. Battle for, April 9, 10-14, 1915, IV, 424-25. Description, IV, 179. Fighting at, November, 1914, III, 357. Fighting at and capture by Austrians, January I9I5,"IV, 178-80. Retreat of Austrians across, illustration, IV, 436. Russian evacuation. May. 1915, V, 145. Uzsokregion.fightingin, March, 1915, IV, 422-23. Vale Putna, battle at, January 22, 1915, IV, 183. Vereczke Pass, Russian retreat from, May, 1915, IV, 180: V, 145. Carpathians : — cont. Vipchina, Mt., fighting round, September, 1 X 180. Virava : Russian withdrawal, IV, 424. Russians at, April, 19 15, IV, 423. Virava Valley, Russian advance, April 9, 1915, IV, 424. Volosate, fighting near, April, 1915, IV, 425. Wola Michowska (Vola Michova) : Captured by Russians, April 1, 1915, IV, 423. Fighting round, winter of 1915, IV, 179. Wysocko Nizne, taken by Russians, April II, 1915, IV, 425. Wysoki Gron, see Height 909 above-. Wyszkow Pass, German advance checked, IV, 180. Yablonitsa Pass (Tartar Pass) : Fighting in, August, 1918, X, 180. Strategic importance of, IX, 233. Yacobeny, fighting at, September, 19 16, X, 180. Zamczysko Mountains : Fighting in, May, 1915, V, 111-12. Strategic importance of, V, 108. Zboro, IV, 412. Fired by Austrians before evacuation, March, 1915, IV, 419. Russians at, March, 1915, IV, 419. Zwinin Heights, German attack, April 8, 1915, IV, 426. Carpenter, Captain A. F. B., V.C., D.S.O.: Attack at Zeebrugge, April 23, 1918, XVIII, 342, 343-47- Award of V.C., XVII, 413, 431. Portrait, XVII, 413. Visit to America, XXI, 104. Carpentier, I, 479 ; II, 494. Carr, Commander H. C, Bayano, loss of, March n, '915. VII, 127. Carranza : General : German proposal to, for alliance with Mexico XI, 373- Portrait, XI, 373. Senor, Germanophile proclivities, XV, 19. Carrell, Dr. Alexis : Medical work on antiseptics, and results, VI, 56 ; XI, 46, 48; XIV, 330-31. Portrait, XI, 46. Carrigan, Second Lieutenant R. W., R.F.A., gal- lantry near Hulluch, September 25, 1915, VI, 386. Carrington, Sir Frederick, XV, 84. Carroll : Private B., gallantry, October 12, 1916, XIV, 199. Lieutenant Benjamin George, evidence re loss of H.M.S. Bulwark, III, 149, 151. Captain John, work re trench fever, XVII, 239, 246. Private J., V.C., A.I.F., award of V.C., XIII, 381, 382, 395 ; XIX, 356. Carruthers, Lieut.- Colonel R., O.B.E., R.E., in command of Marine Department at Richborough, 1917-19, XXI, 139. Carse, Henry R., President of Submarine Boat Corporation, XVIII, 270. Carso, see under Austria-Hungary. Carson, Right Hon. Sir Edward, XVIII, 341. on American navy, XIV, 164. Attorney-General, June, 1915, V, 314, 315. Buckingham Palace Conference, July, 1914, VIII, 47i- , . Chairman of Unionist War Committee, resolution passed by, October 17, 1918, IX, 475. and Dardanelles operations, VII, 213. Deputation to, from Thanet, April, 1917, XIV, 153- First Lord of the Admiralty, December, 1916, X, 358, 359 ; XIV, 151, 159. on German submarine mine laying, XVI, 149. 108 THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. Carson, Right Hon. Sir Edward :—cont. on Increase of armed merchant ships, February 21, 1917, XI, 169-70. Kim, Prize Court Case, July-August, 1915, X, 3»5-i7- Leader of Ulster Volunteers, VIII, 399- on Merchant Service, February 21, 1917. XI, 161. Negotiations re Home Rule, 1916, VIII, 472. Policy re publishing shipping losses, XlV, 161. Political truce proposed, V, 284. Portraits, V, 282, 301, 313 ; X, 314, 356 ; XII, 280. on Recruiting, VI, 305 ; VIII, 144. and Recruiting policy, VIII, 147-48. Resignation from Cabinet, October 18, i9'5» VII, 213; X, 338; XIX, 384. Resignation of office of First Lord of Admiralty, July 17, 1917, XV, 445. made Responsible for Department of Informatic n, XXI, 328. Returned to Parliament, December, 1918, XIX, 393- on Submarine campaign, XIV, 167 ; XVII, 306. anti-Submarine policy, XVII, 303, 307, 309. Support of Mr. Lloyd George, December, 1916, X, 354. 357-58. on Transport operations at sea, during speech on Navy estimates, February 21, 1917, XI, 159- Tribute to Jack Cornwell, XII, 189. on Work of Ministry of Shipping Controller, XI, 98. on Work of Navy Controller, XV, 444. Carspach. see under Alsace-Lorraine. Cartagena, see under Spain. Carter: Brigadier-General E. E. : Director of Supplies Overseas, IV, 312. Portrait, IV, 311. Sir George J., K.B.E., etc., President of Ship- building Employers' Federation : Appointment to Committee to assist Shipping Controller, XI, 102. Portraits, XV, 440, 441. on Shipbuilding Council, XV, 446. • . on Standardisation of ships, March, 1918, XV, 461-62. Company Sergeant-Major N. V., V.C.: Award of V.C., XII, 165, 190 ; XIX, 356. Portrait, XII, 165. Major R. Markham, I.M.S.: in Charge of designing of hospital craft for work on Tigris, and report on conditions there, XXI, 138. on Medical breakdown in Mesopotamia, XII, 394- Portrait, XII, 394. on River transport in Mesopotamia, XIII, 259. Walter, Secretary, War Risks Advisory Board, I. 187. Portrait, I, 184. Colonel, Battle of Neuve Chapelle, IV, 387. Carter-Campbell, Major-General G. T. C, D.S.O., in command of 51st Division in France, early 1918, XVIII, 58. Carthage, French Mail s.s. : Capture by Italians, 1912, V, 10. Illuitration, VII, 136. Sunk off Cape Helles, XII, 61. Transport work, XII, 43. Carton de Wiart, Brigadier-General A., V.C., C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O., I, 433. Award of V.C., XII, 159, 190 ; XIX, 356. Portrait, XII, 159. Cartwright : Lieut.-Commander Charles H. A., wounded on Tigris, February, 1917, XIII, 279. Private Geo., V.C., A.I.F.: Award of V.C., XIX, 342, 343-44, 354. Portrait, XIX, 344. de Carvalho, Mesquita, portrait, IX, 356. Oary, Lieutenant John Pitt, AE2. taken prisoner in Dardanelles, April 30, 1915, VI, 96. de Cary, General Langle. commanding 4th French Army. Ill, 409 ; VI, 7 ; XVII, 209. Appointed to Inspectorship in rear in early stages of Verdun fighting, IX, 52. Champagne operations, III, 434 ; VI, 16 18, 230-31, 327. on General Guillaumat, XVI, 184. the Meuse, defence of, VIII, 77-78. Operations in France, 1914-17. 11, 56 ; VI, 33 ; XX, 132, 191, 195. 204-5. Portraits, II, 47 ; XX, 192. Retreat, III, 430. Casabianca, French mine layer, sunk at entrance to the Aegean, June 3, 1915, XII, 63. Cascaes, ex-German ship, torpedoed, December 18, 1916, XVII, 356. Casemates, see under France. Casement, Sir Roger, VIII, 401-2. Arrest, VIII, 416. Attempt to form Irish Brigade, VI, 245 ; VIII, 407-8 ; XII, 240-41. Career, VIII, 402-9. Landing in Ireland, VIII, 414, 416. Letter to Joseph Plunkett, February 17, 1914, illustration, VIII, 430-31. Name erased from register of Order of St. Michael and St. George, VIII, 469. Portraits, VIII, 396, 397, 461. Trial, VIII, 407, 465-69. Casimcea, see under Rumania. Casimir the Great, Lemberg captured bv, 1 ^40, HI, 254- Casin Valley, see under Rumania. Caspian Sea : Boat on, illustration, XI, 328. British column at, summer of 1918, XVII, 254. British naval engagement with Bolshevist boats, December, 1918, XX, 94. Coastal defence works, etc., erected on shores, by men from Richborough, XXI, 137. Two points on eastern coast of, occupied by Russia in 1869, and strategic importance of, XI, 334-35- Casque, see under France. Casquets, U29 off, VII, 143. Cass, Colonel, A.I.F., VI, 142. Cassandra, H.M.S., XXI, 18. Cassel, see under France. Cassel, Lady Helen, President of St. Pancras branch of S.S.F.A., IV, 504. Cassel Niedzwehren, see under Germany. Brigadier-General R. A., C.B., D.S.O.: Action at Khan Baghdadie, March, 1918, XVII, 268. in Command of Cavalry Brigade in Mesopo- tamia, October, 1918, XX, 92. Suppression of outbreaks in Central Kurdistan, 1919, XXI, 443. Mr. Justice, Canadian Prize Court Case of the Bellas, December 15, 1914, X, 311. Cassidy, Second-Lieutenant Bernard Matthews, V.C.: Award of V.C., XVI, 385, 386, 395 ; XIX, 356. Portrait, XVI, 386. Casson, Lieut.- Colonel, in Gallipoli, April, 191 5, V, 456; VI, 92. Castaing, Captain, French Colonial Infantry, opera- tions in Togoland, VIII, 276. Castel, see under France. Castelgomberto, see under Italy. Castellani, Professor, paratyphoid inoculation, A I 65. de Castelli, General, 8th French Army Corps, 111,404 Castello Nuovo, see under Austria-Hangar] . Castellorizo Island : Occupied as French naval base, December 29, 1915, X, 66; XII, 12, 63. Turkish rights and sovereignty over, to be surrendered to Italy by Peace Treaty, XXI, 458, 459-6°- THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. 109 de Castelnau, General, II, 504 ; III 168-74, 4°6, 408, 427; VI, 5, 22, 213, 322, 361, 362, 401, 402 ; VII, 291-94 ; VIII, 28 ; XIV, 48, 80, 226 ; XVII, 212. Battle of the Aisne, II, 149, 150. Analysis of troops under, III, 403. Appointment to command French troops in France, VII, 274, 275. Biography, VII, 274-75. Champagne offensive, VI, 331, 349. in Command of army formed west of Compiegne, September, 1914, II, 482. in Command in Lorraine, 1914, XX, 188-89, I 9°- Decorated with Belgian Military Medal by King Albert, September, 1917, XVI, 212. Defence of Nancy, III, 402, 410-18, 423. Director of movements of armies at front, XI, 294. Entry into Colmar, November, 1918, XXI, 227. General von Heeringen on, II, 482 note. at March past of French in Strasbourg, November, 1918, XXI, 229-30. Offensive, October 29-30, 1914, III, 2 ; IV, 14, 19. Operations in France, 1914-17, II, 483-86, 489; VI, 9 ; XVII, 207-8 ; XX, 135, 198-99, 204-5. Portraits, I, 83, 245 ; VI, 225 ; VII, 277, 296 ; VIII, 322; XVI, 213; XX, 191. Position of army of, October 9, 1914, III, 1. at Quennevieres, June, 1915, VI, 228. Record and character of, II, 482-83. and Battle of Verdun, February, 1916, VIII, 27. Visits : to Salonika, December 20, 1915, XII, 12. to Strasbourg, November 27, 191 8, XXI, 231. to Verdun on special mission of enquiry, February, 1916, VIII, 77, 78 ; XX, 208. Castle Bcllingham, see under Great Britain. Castle Gregory, see under Ireland. Castleton, Sergeant C. C, V.C., A.I.F. : Award of V.C., XII, 165, 190 ; XIX, 356. Portrait, XII, 165. Castres, see under France. de Castro : Alvaro, Governor-General of Mozambique, XVII, 344. 347- Dr. Jose, head of Portuguese Government, May and June, 1915, IX, 327, 359 ; XVII, 348, 352. Luciano : Defeat of, March, 1906, and split up of party (the Progressist), IX, 326, 328-30. Head of Portuguese Government, October, 1904, IX, 327, 330. General Pimenta : Head of Portuguese Government, Januar) - , 1915, and work of, IX, 327, 355-59 ; XVII, 326. 334. 34 2 - Influence on Portugal's policy in war, neutrality favoured by, IX, 359. Portrait, IX, 327. Catania, s.s., Ill, 300. as Hospital ship, illustration, IV, 57. Catanzara, see under Italy. Catargi, Lascar, Leader of Conservatives in Rumania, IX, 404, 412. Cates, Second Lieutenant G. E., V.C.: Award of V.C., XII, 186, 190; XIII, 362 ; XIX, 356. Portrait, XII, 186. Cather, Temporary Lieutenant G. St. G. C, V.C.: Award of V.C., XII, 164, 190 ; XIX, 356. Portrait, XII, 164. Catherine II., Empress of Russia, V, 88 ; XI, 324. Caterpillar Wood, see under France. Catigny, see under France. Catillon, see under France. Cator : Major-General A. B. E., D.S.O.: in Command of 58th Division in France, 1918, XVIII, 61. Portrait, XVIII, 62. Cator : — cont. Sergeant H., V.C. XVII, 161. Award of V.C, XIII, 370, 378, 395 ; XIX, 356. Portrait, XIII, 373. J., Egyptian Prize Court Case, January 6, 1915, X, 311. Cattaro, see under Dalmatia. Cattaro-Ragusa, see under Dalmatia. Cattegat : British blockade, II, 22. British submarines reported passing through, March 19, 1916, X, 72. Cattigny, see under France. Catto, T. S., work in U.S.A. re purchases for Russia, XXI, 75. Caucasus and Trans- Caucasia : Alexandropol, occupied by Turks May, 1918, XX, 81. Alexandropol- Kars military road, illustration, XX, 80. Ardahan : Abandoned by Russia by Treaty of Brest- Litovsk, XX, 76. Captured by Turks. XX, 80. Russian evacuation andreoccupation, January, 1915, HI. 7L 73- Baku : Bolshevist Council deposed and " Centro- Caspian Dictatorship " set up, July, 1918, XX, 89. Capital of Tartar Republic of Azerbaijan. May, 1918, XX, 82. Captured by Turks, September, 1918, XX, 73. Defence of, against Turks, by Dunsterville Mission, August-September, 1918, and with- drawal of British, XX, 83-84, 89-90. Illustrations, XVII. 138; XX, 82, 93. Re-occupation of, by British forces under General Sir William Marshall, November, 1918, XX, 93. B.itum : Abandoned by Russia by Treaty of Brest- Litovsk, XX, 76. Allied ships at, November, 1918, XXI, 15. British Forces, withdrawal, June, 1920, XXI, 453- Captured by Turks, April, 1918, XX, 80. Goeben off. III, 148. Illustration, XX, 107. Taken over from the Turks, 1918, XX, 107. British troops, withdrawal, 1919, XXI, 435. Camp of British Armoured Car Division in, illus- tration, XX, 75. Campaigns, III, 67-80; X, 241-80; XX, 72. Clashing of German and Turkish interests in, 1918, XX, 78. Desertions of Russian soldiers in, and slaughter by Tartars, XX, 77. Difficulties of preserving order in, X, 243. Erivan ; Armenian Government, XXI, 43S. Armenian Republic of, XXI, 452. as Capital of Armenian Republic of Ararat, XX, 82-83. Russians repelled from, by Persians in 1804, XI, 328. Etchmiadzin, Armenian orphanage, VIII, 382. " Hamburg to Herat " railway scheme of Ger- mans, XX, 77-78. Kars : Abandoned by Russia by Treaty of Brest- Litovsk, XX, 77. Captured by Turks, April, 19 18. XX, 80. Defence of, by General F. Williams during Crimean War, III, 57-58. Fighting at, 1855 and 1915, X, 24 r, 243. Railway, III, 68-69. Maps, III, 72 ; VI, War Atlas, p. 38. Naval help. XVI, 308-9. Novorossisk, Allied ships at, November, 1918, XX, 107: XXI, 15. no THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. Caucasus and Trans-Caucasia : — coni. Population, diversity of, X, 243. Position in summer of 1915, X, 244. Poti: Allied ships at, November, 1918, XXI, 15. Arrival of Germans under Major-General von Lossow, and railway to Tiflis taken over. May, 1918, XX, 83. Taken over from Germans, 1918, XX, 107. Refugees prevented from returning to, by Turks, after armistice, XX, 108. Repatriation of Armenians and Russians, XX, 94. Russian cavalry in, illustration, X, 273. Sarikamish : Captured by Turks, April, 1918, XX, 80. Fighting at, December-January, 1914-15, 111, 71. 73- Machine guns captured at, illustration, X, 244. Russian defence, December 25-28, 1914, III, 73-74- Turkish defeat, January, 1915, IV, 71, 73-74, 320; X, 241. Turkish stragglers after defeat at, illustration, X, 242. Tiflis: III, 68. Armenian massacre centre, X, 277. German mission to, January, 1918, XX, 78. Government, negotiations opened with Turks at Trebizond, 1917, XX, 76. Headquarters of Caucasian Armv, X, 246. Illustrations, III, 78 ; XX, 78. ' Trans-Caucasian Council formed, 1917, XX, 76. " Trans-Caucasian Republic " proclaimed, Janu- ary, 1918, XX, 77. Dissolution of. May, 1918, XX, 82-83. Caudry, see under France. Caulaincourt, see under France. van Canlewaert, M., editor of the Vrij Belgie, on German Government's attempt to make use of the " Flemish Movement,." XI, 26. des Caures, Bois, see under France. Caurieres, see under France. Cauriol, see under Austria-Hungary. Cauroy, see under France. Cavallazza, see under Austria-Hungary. Cavalry Farm, see under France. Cavan, General the Earl of, G.C.M.G., K.C.B., M.V.O., K.P., IV, 160. in Command of British forces in Italy, 1917-18, XVIII, 27 ; XX, 297, 300-1, 304-5, 436. Despatches quoted, XIX, 32-33 ; XX, 299, 301, 305. 307. 3°8. Loos, battle of, September 27, 1915, VI, 376, 395. in Peace procession, London, July 19, 1919, XXI, 176. Portraits, VI, 14 ; X, 416 ; XVIII, 29 ; XX, 299. Ypres, battle of, IV, 17, 20, 27, 30-35. Cave: Sir George, M.P.: Chairman of War Cabinet Committee on Home Affairs, XIX, 363. Home Secretary, December, 1916, X, 359. Letter from Buckingham Palace to, expressing King's appreciation of service of Specials, XX, 38t. Portrait, XX, 381. Sir Thomas Sturney, Chairman of War Work Committee, Y.M.C.A., IX, 179. Lord Justice, portrait, XIX, 364. Ca veil : Miss Edith : Arrest, August 5, 1915, VI, 430. Assistance to British soldiers, VI, 430. Biography of, VI, 429. Efforts of Mr. Brand Whitlock and others to save, VI, 431-32, 435. Facsimile of letter from, illustration, VI, 439. Interview with the Rev. H. Stirling Gahan, VI, 436-37- Memorial service at St. Paul's Cathedral, VI, 439- Cavell :— cont. Miss Edith : — cont. Memorial Service : — cont. Illustration, VI, 428. Messages from King and Queen and Queen Alexandra to mother of, VI, 439. Portraits, VI, 430, 431. Trial and execution, VI, 432-35, 437 ; XI, 19. American feeling and comments, VI, 439-40. Effect in France, VI, 439. Proclamation announcing shooting of, XI, 19; illustration, XI, 18. Public feeling re, VI, 439. Work in Brussels during war, VI, 429-30. Rev. Frederick, portrait, VI, 436. Mrs., portrait, VI, 436. Cavenaugh, Captain, British West Indies Regiment, XVI, 86. Cavendish, Henry, production of nitric acid and nitrates from the air, eighteenth century, V, 439. Cavento, Corno di, see under Italy. Caviglia, General, in command of Italian VHIth Army, October, 1918, XX, 297, 298, 304-5, 322. di Cavour, Count, Italian statesman, IX, 107. Cawley, Sir F., Chancellor of the Duchy of Lanca- shire, December, 1916, X, 360. Cay, Captain A. L.: Captain of Invincible, lost in Battle of Jutland, IX, 149. Portrait, IX, 133. Cayeux-en-Santerre, see under France. Cayley : Colonel (Temporary Major-General) D. E., C.B., C.M.G.: in Command of 29th Division in France, June, 1918, XVIII, 423. Gallipoli campaign, V, 464 ; VII, 186. Portrait, XVIII, 423. Special commendation in Brigade Order, V, 467 . Tribute to Newfoundlanders at Galhpdli, XIV, 193-94- Sir George, work on the problem of flying machines, II, 176, 177. Cavalry, work of, Sir John French on, IV, 134. Cayman Islands, see under West Indies. Ceannt, Eamonn, see Kent. di Cece, Cima, see under Austria-Hungary. Cecil : Evelyn, M.P., on Retrenchment Committee, VII, 253- Lady Guendolen, gunboat called after, X, 151. Lord Hugh, M.P. : Belgian refugee work, IV, 466. Member of Mesopotamian Royal Commission, XII, 415. Lord Robert, VI, 12 ; XXI, 400. on the Blockade and Prize Court, December, 1916, XIII, 37, 51-52. on Japanese naval operations, May 24, 191 7, XVIII, 456. on the League of Nations, XIX, 148, 156, 165-66: XXI, 174. Minister for Blockade, 1916, VII, 428 ; X, 359. on Neutral Commissioners on hospital ships, XV, 166. Parliamentary Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs, June, 1915, V, 315. Portraits, VII, 427 ; XII, 280 ; XIII, 40 ; XXI, 157. Reply to Herr Solf, August, 1918, XXI, 270. and Rumanian Jewish question, XVII, 68. Weekly interviews with, in connection with British publicity work in U.S.A., XXI, 101-3. Cedric, commissioned as armed cruiser, 1914, and war services of, XXI, 123-24. Celebic, see under Austria-Hungary. Celles-sur-Aisnes, see under France. Cels, M., portrait, X, 346. Celse, Dr. Francq, editor of L'Avenir d'Arras, II, 494- THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. 1H Celtic, commissioned as armed cruiser, 1914, and war service of, XXI, 123-24. Cemetery Copse, see under France. Centauro, Italian torpedo boat, XII, 312. Central Africa, German aims, XVII, 336-37. Central America : German propaganda and intrigue, XV, 19. Trade with, proclamation, 1916, VII, 428. War map at end of 1917, XV, 2. Central Asia, German intrigues, XIV, 139-40. " Central Europe," by Herr Freidrich Naumann, book quoted, IX, 363, 364, 390. Centurion, H.M.S., XXI, 18. Ship of war used by Commodore Anson in voyage round world, IX, 248. Cephalonia Island, off, illustration, XII, 62. Cepy Farm, see under France. Cerebro-Spinal Fever (Spotted Fever), see under Diseases. Ceres, H.M.S., XXI, 18. Ceric, sinking of, XXI, 124. Cerigo Island, formation of autonomous republican administration, XIII, 333. Cerizy, see under France. Cerna, see under Rumania. Cerna River, see under Austria-Hungary. Cernavoda, see tinder Rumania. Cernay, see under Alsace Lorraine. Cernay-en-Dormois, see under France. Cerny, see under France. Cerny-en-Laonnais, see under France. Cervignano, see under Austria-Hungary. Cesari, Lieutenant, French aviator, Metz Zeppelin hangar bombed, I, 477. Cesen, Monte, see under Italy. de Cespedes, Dr. C. M., portrait, XV, 9. von Cetinger, General, in command of 9th German Army Corps in France, early 1918, XVIII, 48, Cettinje, see under Montenegro. Ceylan, French s.s., transport work, XII, 43. Ceylon : Boy scouts, XVII, 174. Colombo : Prize Courts, British constitution of, October 8, 1914, X, 310. Transport touches breakwater at, XVI, 162. Germans arrested in, internment in Australasia, VI, 124. Gifts to Great Britain, II, 273 ; IV, 268 ; XVI, 132. Policy re enemy trading, IX, 464. Recruits from, XVI, 102. Transport of troops from, XVI, 160, 166. Chadwick, Burton, of Liverpool, appointed to Licensing of Ships Committee, 1915, XI, 88-89. Chadwyck-Healey, Sir Charles E. H., Bart., hospital steamer equipped and maintained by, VII, 456 ; XXI, 31. Chaier, Private G. W., V.C.: Award of V.C., XII, 156-57, 190 ; XIX, 356. Portrait, XII, 156. Chagas, Joao, Portuguese Minister in Paris, XVII, 360. attempted Assassination of, IX, 359. in Favour of Portugal's intervention in war, in favour of Allies, IX, 350, 359. Head of Portuguese Government, September, 191 1, and May, 1915. IX, 327,337; XVII, 328. Portrait, XVII, 329. Chagos Archipelago : Diego Garcia, XVI, 105. Emden at, October 10, 1914, III, 124. Chaiaghizi, see under Greece. Chailah Dere Ravine, see under Gallipoli. Chaimite, Portuguese gunboat, operations on Rovuma River, 1916, XVII, 345. Chainat, Sergeant, seventh and eighth enemy aero- planes brought down, August 2, 1916, X, 422. Chairgnon, see under France. Chakraberty, arrest of, 1917, XIII, 20. Chalaua, see under Mozambique. Chaldea, British invasion of, III, 81-120. Chalfont St. Giles, see under Great Britain. Challenger , H.M.S., operations off Cameroon Coast, September, 1914, VIII, 287, 301. Challenger, s.s. launched, U.S.A., Julv 4, 1918, XVIII, 278. Challerange, see under France. Chalmers : Sir Mackenzie, K.C.B., C.S.I. : Member of Royal Commission on rebellion in Ireland, VIII, 469. Member of War Risks Advisory Board, I, 187. Portraits, I, 184 ; VIII, 469. Sir Robert, Chairman of American Dollar Securities Committee, XVIII, 160. de Chalmont, Butte, see under France. Chalons, see under France. Chalons-sur-Marne, see under France. Chamberlain : Arthur, and King's visit to Birmingham, July, 1915, XVIII, 127. Right Hon. Austen, M.P. : Chairman of Man-Power Distribution Board, September, 1916, X, 351-52. Chancellor of the Exchequer, January, 1919, XIX, 396. on Inter-All}' Council on War Purchases and Finance, XXI, 85. Member of War Cabinet, 1918, XIX, 371. Mesopotamia Commissioners' criticism of, XII, 416 ; XIX, 369. Portraits, I, 172; V, 300, 314; XII, 280; XIX, 370 ; XXI, 163. as Secretary of State for India, 1915 and 1916, V, 314. 315 : X, 359 ; XV, 124, 128. Resignation, XV, 128 ; XIX, 370. Speech on Indian cotton duties, March, 191 7, XIX, 371. Mrs. Austen : on Collecting Committee, Queen's Work for Women Fund, IV, 256, 266. Portrait, IV, 255. F. J., assistant secretary of War Work Committee, Y.M.C.A., IX, 1.79. Right Hon. Joseph, M.P., offer of facilities for establishment of Jewish home in British East Africa, proposed bv, 1903, XIV, 317. Col. Sir Neville, K.C.B., K.C.V.O., II, 351 ; VIII, 418 ; XVII, 458. Director-General of National Service.December, 1916, X, 364; resigns, August, 1917, XIX, 380. Inspector-General of the Royal Irish Constabu- lary, VIII, 410. better Methods of anti-aircraft defence, urged by, VIII, 174. Portraits, VIII, 470 ; X, 363. Mr., starts investigation into war administration in America, XVI, 344. Chambers : A. J., on Russian home industries, VIII, 215. Rear-Admiral B. M., VII, 129. Tribute to fishermen during the war, XXI, 26-27. Chambitoux Ridge, see under France. Chambley, see under France. Chambon, French ship, at the Dardanelles, XII, 50. Chambrettes Farm, see under France, de Chambrun, M., portrait, X, 346. Champ du Seigneur, see under France. Champagne, see under France. Champaubert, see under Belgium. Champenoux, Forest oi, see under France. Champigneulles, see under France. Champneuville, see under France. Champonnier, Lucas, XIII, 343. Champs, see under France. Champsel, battle of Moronvillers, May, 1917, XIV 97- Chanak, see under Turkey in Asia. 11-2 THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. Chandler, E. F., inventor of harbour defence system, XVII. 314. Chang Chih-tung, Chinese Viceroy, XIV, 133, 134, 135- Chang Hsiin, General, XIV, 123. Portrait, XIV, 124. Restores Manchn Dynasty, XIV, 123, 125, 12-, 129. Retirement, XIV, 127. Changis, see under France. Channel Isles : Defence measures under Queen Elizabeth, VIII, 43- Gifts sent to Queen Mary's Needlework Guild, IV, 268. Jersey, policy re enemy "trading, IX, 463. Channel Ports, German attempts to capture, 1914. XX, 406. Chanzy, General (1870), I, 284, 285. Chapel Hill, see under France. Chapelle St. Berthe, see under France. Chapitre Wood, see under France. Chaplin : H.. and suspension of race meetings, V, 311. Lord : on Meat shortage, XV, 274. Portrait, XV, 274. Chapman : Lieut.-Colonel E. H., killed on Lala Baba, August, 1915, VII, 190. Captain Paul, commanding " C " Squadron East African Mounted Rifles, 1914, X, 138. Char, see under Turkey in Asia. Charbon, see under France. Chard, Mr., portrait, XV, 279. Chardin Vert, see under France. Charlemagne, Emperor, II, 198, 484, 488. Charlemagne, French battleship : Dardanelles operations, V, 382, 388, 395 ; XII, 49. 50. 54-57- Escorts transports, 1914, XVI, 157. Charleroi, see under Belgium. Charles II, signature on vellum roll of Honourable Artillery Company, XX, 364. Charles V., I, 421 ; II, 197. Charles XII. of Sweden, V, 85. Lemberg captured by, 1704, III, 254. Polangen harbour ruined by, 1701, IV, 439. Charles, Archduke, VI, 11-12. Defeat at Tarvis, 1797, VII, 77. Charles the Bold of Burgundy (fifteenth century), I, 324, 407, 417 ; II, 485 ; III, 34 ; IX, 512. Charles, King of Rumania (Prince, of Hohenzollei n- Sigmaringen) (1880-1914), IX, 402-3. Arrival in Rumania, VII, 224 ; IX, 412. Death of, 1914, IX, 415. Proclaimed king, 1880, and work done by, IX, 4°3-4- Reign of and policy, IX, 412-15. Telegram to German Emperor, with thanks fcr loyal friendship, IX' 410. Work re organisation of Rumanian Army, IX, 434- Visited by Nicholas, Tsar of Russia, at Constantza, June 14, 1914, IX, 410. Charles, Captain, C.B., R^N.R., Mauretania, VII, 432. Charles, Crown Prince of Rumania (b. 1893), IX, 410. Portrait, IX, 412. Charles Francis Joseph, Emperor of Austria, XII, 117 ; XX, 236, 3'5-i6- Accession to throne, November, 1916, and reign of, X, 163 ; XX, 217, 230. Amnesty accorded to Slavs, July 6, 1917, XX, 232. Biography, IX, 240. in Favour of procedure demanded by Germans and Magyars, XX, 220-21. in Favour of restoring sovereignty of Belgium and Serbia, XX, 233. Headquarters of General Staff given to, August, 1916, X, 162. Charles Francis Joseph, Emperor of Austria : — coni. Letter to Prince Sixte of Bourbon acknowledging French claims to Alsace-Lorraine, 1917, XX, 233, 243. 248. Personal difficulties of, XX, 249. Portraits, I, 39 ; III, 243, 274, 339 ; XI, 498, 499 ; XX, 218, 220, 22i, 226, 228, 242, 249. Speech from throne, 1917, quoted, XX, 230, 238-39. Summoning of Reichsrat, May, 1917, and effects of, XX, 228-29. Visit to Budapest to arrange for appointment of new Foreign Minister, XX, 248. Visit to German Headquarters, May 12, 191 8, and result of, XX, 249. Charles Matthews, K.A. Rifles, native soldier, X, t 43- Charles Stephen, Archduke, of Austria : as King of Poland, proposals and rumours, V, 358 ; XX, 251. Portrait, XX, 251. Charleston, see under United States of America. Charlesworth, Mrs , Colonel, Women's Volunteer Reserve, IV, 494. Charlevaux Mill, see under France. Charleville, see under France. Charlottetown, see under Prince Edward Island. Charlton, Rear- Admiral E. F., C.B., operations off German East African coast, X, 78 ; XII, 105, 107. Charly, see under France. Charmes, Gap of, see under France. Charnwood, Lord, visit to America, XXI, 104. Charpentry, see under France. Charrue, French ship, at the Dardanelles, XII, 50. Charybdis, H.M.S., cruiser, escorts transports from Canada, 1914, XVI, 164. Chase Hill, men and women transferred to, from Kronprinz Wilhelm, February 22, 1915, VII, 438. Chasse, General (Dutch) : Bombardment of Antwerp, October 27, 1830, II, 117. Capitulation to French, 1832, II, 117. Chassins, see under France. Chateau d'Oex, see under Switzerland. Chateau-Salins, see under Alsace-Lorraine. Chateau- Thierry, see under France. Chateaurenault , French cruiser, torpedoed, Decem- ber, 1917, XVII, 322. Chatel-Chehery, see under France. Chatelet, see under Belgium. Chatfield, Captain A. S. M., H.M.S. Lion, portrait, HI, 153- Chatham, see under Great Britain. Chatham, H.M.S., XXI, 18. "Bottling up" the Konigsberg, illustration, IX, 244. de Chatillon, Bois, see under France. Chatillon-sur-Bar, see under France. Chatta Singh, Sepoy, I. A., award of V.C., X, 22, 40 ; XIX, 356. Chattancourt, see under France. Chattopadhya, attached to Indian Bureau, Berlin, XV, 133. Chaudun, see under France. Chauffour, see under France. Chaulnes, see under France. Chaume, see under France. Chauny, see under France. Chauvel, Lieut. -General Sir Henry G., G.C.M.G., K.C.B., VI, 145. Advance on Damascus, September, 1918, XIX, 200-2, 205. Appointed Commander of Desert Column, April, 1917, XIV, 306; XVIII, 242; XIX, 184. Commanding the Anzac Mounted Division, Palestine and Syria, and operations under, in Palestine and Sinai, X, 374, 394, 395-97 ; XIV, 290, 292-94, 298-301 ; XV, 148 ; XVIII, 219, 220, 250-51. Decoration presented to, at Jerusalem, March, 1918, XVIII. 243. THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAS. 118 Chauvel, Lieut.-General Sir Henry G. : — cont. at El Arish, December 21, 1916, X, 398. Portraits, XIV, 300 ; XVIII, 243. Chauvoncourt, see under France. Chaux-de-Fonds, see under Switzerland. Chavasse : the Rev. C. M., on the British troops, VIII, 325. Captain N. G., V.C., M.C., M.B., K.A.M.C. : Award of V.C., XII, 168-70, 190 ; XIX. 356. Bar to Victoria Cross awarded to, XIII, 394, 395 ; XVI, 362. Death of, XIII, 394. Portraits, XII, 170; XIII, 394. Second Lieutenant, Warwick Regiment, Battle of Festubert, May, 1915, V, 235. Chavigny, see under France. Charonne, see under France. Chaytor, Colonel (Temporary Major-General) Sir E. W. C, K.C.M.G. : in Command of forces in Palestine and Syria, XIV, 306; XV, 153; XIX, 184, 187, 197, 199, 200. in Command of New Zealand Forces in Egypt, XIII, 179. Magdhaba, battle at, December 23, 1916, XIV, 292-93. Chazelles, see under Alsace Lorraine. Cheetham, Sir Milne, British Representative at Cairo, III, 316. Negotiations with Prince Hussein Kamil, III, 3°8. 3°9- Portrait, III, 304. Chegel, see under Serbia. Chelembwe, John, rebellion in Nyasaland, X, 154- Chelle, see under France. Chclmer, H.M.S., Dardanelles operations, V, 474. Chelmsford, see under Great Britain. Chelmsford, Lord : Portrait, XV, 125. Vice-royalty of India, XV, 122—26. Chelnokoff, V., Mayor of Moscow, VII, 114. Chief delegate of Urban Union, VIII, 229. ■ Chelsea, see under Great Britain. Cheltenham, see under Great Britain. Chemin-des-Dames, see under France. Ch§ne-la-Reine, see under France. Chenevieres, see under France. Chenung, American s.s., attack on, by Gorman submarine, October, 1916, XI, 369. Cheppy, see under France. Chepstow, see under Great Britain. Cherbourg, see under France. Cheremosh River, see under Carpathians. Chferisy, see under France. Chernoff, M., Russian Minister for Agriculture, XIV, 367. 374. 382, 387. Cherry, Captain P. H., V.C., M.C., award of V.C., XIII, 362, 395 ; XIX, 356. Chesnaye, C. P., Magistrate and Commissioner of the Tanganyika District, XIII, 412. Chester, see under Great Britain and United States of America. Chester, H.M.S., XXI, 18. Chesterfield, see under Great Britain. Chetwode, Lieut.-General Sir Philip W., Bart., K.C.B., K.C.M.G., D.S.O., XV, 172. 5th Cavalry Brigade on Western Front, I, 450, 464-65. Award of K.C.B., XV, 174 note. Commanding Desert Column from December 7, 1916, XIV, 290. Operations, January, February, 1917, XIV, 293-94. 2 97- Commander of Egyptian Eastern Force, XIV, }o6 ; XV, 146, 147, 148; XVIII, 219, 224; XIX, 183. Decoration presented to, at Jerusalem, March. 1918, XVIII, 243. Gaza, battles of, March-April, 1917, XIV, 298, 300, 301, 305. Ind. — H Chetwode, Lieut.-General Sir Philip W. : 1 out. Letter of thanks to British West Indies Regiment, XVI, 90. Palestine operations, XV, 150, 154 ; XVIII, 230-31 ; XIX, 188-90. Portraits, I, 131 ; XIV, 300. and Retreat from Mons, I, 477, 480. Chevaliers, Bois des, see under France. Chevenet, General, portrait, I, 274. Chevillon, see under France. Ch6villy, see under France. Chevr6gny Spur, see under France. Chevreux, see under France. Chevrillon, M., quoted, II, 479. Cheylesmore, Major-General Lord, portrait, VIII, 463- Cheyne, Sir Watson, President of Committee set up to consider treatment of wounds, IX, 257. Chiadenis, Monte, see under Italy. Chiapovano Valley, see under Austria-Hungary. Chiasso, see under Switzerland. Chibnall, Nursing Sister Hilda F., account of work of Queen Alexandra's Nursing Service at Dardanelles IX, 273-74. Chicago, see under United States of America. du Chien, Bois, see under France. Chiesa, Eugenio, prominent member of Demo- cratic Alliance, motion presented to Government by, June 8, 1915, and subsequent withdrawal, IX, 116. Chiese, Val, see Giudicaria Val under Austria- Hungary. Chieti, see under Italy. Child, Lieutenant, in command of " marine con- tingent " raised in Nigeria, XVI, 439. Chile : Attitude re war, XV, 3-4. Coronel, action off, November 1, 1914,111, 129-33; XXI, 4, 126. Map, III, 128. Plan of, III, 131. Economic conditions, 1914-17, XV, 15-16. German influence and propaganda in, XV, 1,7, 18, 24. Germans, attitude at beginning of war, XV, 1. Neutrality, XV, 23, 24-25. Breaches of, XV, 19, 24. British violation and apology, XV, 25. German violation, X, 75-76. Nitrate supplies, V, 439; illustration, XV, 17. Santiago : German propaganda, XV, 16. Illustrations, XV, 18, 30. Mr. Roosevelt at, 1913. XV, 8. Submarines presented to, by Great Britain, XV, 15- Valparaiso : German- Consulate and Bank, attacks on, XV, 25- Harbour, illustration, III, 128. Interned steamers at, X, 76. Chile, German barque : Detention, I, 189. Prize Court Case, September, 1914, X, 304-5, 312-13. Chilean Women in London, gifts sent to Queen Mary's Needlework Guild, IV, 268. Chilkana, British ship, sunk by the Emden, III, 124. Chilly, see under France. Chilton, Commander F. G. G., H.M.S. Foresight, XXI, 14. China, H.M.S., hospital ship, conveyance of wounded French soldiers from Dunkirk to Cher- bourg, IX, 263. China : Amoy, German ships seized, March 14, 1917, XIV, 121. Boxer rising, 1900, XIV, 127, 131. British and Japanese officers, illustration, XIV, 142. 114 THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. China : — cont. British trading with the enemy regulations, IX, 460. Chang Hsfln's followers, illustrations, XIV, 126, 128. Chinese interested in pictures of European War, illustration, XIV, 141. Chinese policeman and armed police, illustration, XIV, 132. Corea, gifts sent to Queen Mary's Needlework Guild, IV, 268. Declaration of war on Germany, August 14, 1917, XIV, 128; allied concessions to, in recognition of, XIV, 127-28. Finance : Loan to, XIV, 129. Problems, XIV, 119, 120. Six Powers loan in, XI, 357. French campaigns, XIV, 79. German expeditionary force to, 1900, I, n. German influence and ambitions in, II, 429. German intrigues during 1917, XIV, 121, 129, 130, 137-43- German ships seized, March 14, 1917, XIV, 120-21. German trade during the war, XIV, 136-38 ; XXI, 424. Germany, relations with, severed, March 14, 1917, XIV, '120-21. Government, American Note to, June 6, 1917, XIV, 124. F131. Hankow, German concession at, illustration, XIV, Prince Henry of Prussia's visit to, 1898, II, 428, 43o. Hong Kong : Gifts to Great Britain, II, 273 ; IV, 268 ; XVI, 104. Indian garrison, attempted reduction of, XV, 134- Policy re enemy trading, IX, 464. Prize Court : British constitution of, October 8, 1914, X, 310. Case, December 16, 1914, X, 312. Recruits from, VI, 320; XVI, 104. Imperial troops, illustration, XIV, 135. Insurrection, December-January, 1915-16, XIV, 1 1 7-1 8. Intervention of, XIV, 109-44. Japan, relations with, 1915, XIV, 114-18. Kiangsi Province, insurrection, April, 1916, XIV, 118. Kiao-Chau : Attack on, by Japanese, assisted by British warships, II, 40. Future, question of, II, 430-31. Garrison awaiting deportation, illustration, XIV, 143. German espionage, II, 417. German seizure and occupation, I,- 11 ; II, 420-30 ; XIV, 130. German warlike preparations at, II, 397, 398. Japanese blockade, III, 121-22. Baron Kato on, December 8, 1914, II, 434-35. Railway station, Japanese capture of, Septem- ber 13, 1914, II, 412. Surrender, Japanese demand for, August 15, J9I4, II, 39, 399- Kuangtung province, insurrection, April, 1916, XIV, 118. Kueichou Province, insurrection, January, 1916, XIV, 118. Kwangsi Province, insurrection, January, 1916 XIV, 118. I.aoshan Bay : British landing at, September 23, 1914, II, 413. Japanese landing at, II, 415 ; III, 122. Illustration, II, 409. Mailed fist in, illustration, XIV, 133. Manchu Dynasty : Collapse of, 1912, XIV, 109. Restoration, XIV, 113, 117-18, 122,124-25,127. China : — cont. Manchuria caravan, illustration, XIV, 144. Navy, manifesto, July, 1917, XIV, 127. Officers studying with French Armv, illustration, XIV, 140. Peking : , Illustrations, XIV, 132, 136, 139. Press, German control, II, 419, 425. Politics, XIV, 122-25. Prince Heinrich Hill, Japanese capture of. II, 417-18. Regimental buglers and drummers, illustration, XIV, 138. Republic restored, XIV, 125, 127. Revolution, 1911, XIV, III, Salt Gabelle, XIV, 112, 120, 129. Shanghai : ' Boy Scouts, XVII, 174. German policy, XIV, 131-32. German ships seized, March 14, 1917, XIV, 121. Gifts sent to Queen Mary's Needlework Guild, IV, 268. Main street, illustration, XIV, 121. Shantung : Peninsula, map, II, 420. Railway, Tsinanfu to Weihsien, taken over by Japanese, October 3, 1914, II, 415-17. Sun Yat-Sen on way to sacrifice at Ming Emperor's tomb, illustration, XIV, no. Temple of Heaven, ceremony at, illustrations, XIV, 114, 115, 117. Tientsin : Boy Scuts, XVII, 174. Loot and refugees at, illustration, XIV, 122. Troops from : Drafted to India, XVI, 160. Transport of, 1914, XVI, 166. Tsinanfu, Japanese troops at, II, 416-17. TsingTau, If, 418; HI, 166. Barracks, destruction of, II, 417. Bismarck forts silenced, November, 1, 1914 II, 419. Illustration, II, 421. Blockade, II, 412. British at, special hatred by Germans, II, 422. Chungchiawo fort, capture of, II, 420. Evacuation of non-combatants, October 15, 1914, II, 418. Fall of, November, 1914, II, 40, 421 ; III, 122-23. Congratulatory messages on, II, 427, 436. Feeling in China, II, 436. German attitude and comments, II, 436. Importance of, II, 428-30. Rejoicings in Japan, II, 427, 436. Formal occupation, November 16, 1914, II, 421. German fort, inspection of, illustration, II, 422. German Imperial eagle cut in rocks on heights of, illustration, II, 407. as German naval base, III, 121. German soldiers on the walls of, illustration, II, 401. Germans from, treatment in Tokyo, II 427-28. Gun dismantled and destroyed, illustration, II, 425- Harbour, illustrations, II, 38-39, 406. litis tort, bombardment, II, 418-19. Indian troops at, II, 335. Japanese besieging force, strength and compo- sition of, II, 407-8. Japanese bombardment, III, 122-23. Kaiser fort, bombardment, II, 418. March past of Japanese Army on day of triumphal entry, illustration, II, 431. Oil tanks destroyed at, illustration, II, 414. Operations against, II, 412-23 ; XXI, 5. Shaotan Hill battery, capture of, II, 420. Siao Chau Shan, bombardment, II, 419- Tahtungchin, capture of battery, II, 420. THE TIMES HISTORY OF TEE WAR. 116 China: — con!. Tsing Tau : cont. Wire entanglements outside the walls of, illus- tration, II, 424. Wireless station destroyed at, illustration, II, 414. Wei-hai-Wei : Possession of, by British, II, 39-40. Recruits from, XVI, 108. Weihsien, Japanese troops at, II, 416. Yunnan Province, insurrection, December-Janu- ary, 1915-16, XIV, 117-18, 140-42. China Mutual Steam Navigation Company, case of, XV, 438. China Seas, French ships in, XII, 66. Chingford, see under Great Britain. Chior, Monte, see under Italy. Chipilly, see under France. du Chipotte, Col, see under France. Chippenham, see under Great Britain. Chipping, see under Great Britain. Chiiimba Hill, see under Mozambique. Chirol, Sir Valentine, III, 241. Chirsit, H.M.S., North Sea action, May 1, 1915, VII, 129. Chiry-Ourscamp, see under France. Chisholm : Cecil, IV, 133. Miss, of Dr. H.Munro's field hospital, III, 191. Chiswick, see under Great Britain. Chislehurst, see under Great Britain. Chitral, see under India. Chivilly, see under France. Chivre Plateau, see undet France. Chivres Brook, see under France. Chivy, see under France. Chiwata, see undet German East Africa. Chkheidze, M., Georgian Deputy, and Chairman cf Petrograd Soviet at Moscow Conference, August, 1917, XIV, 374. Chlivoir, see undo Serbia. Chmielow, see under Galicia. Choate, Joseph H., former American Ambassador in London : [77. and Mr. Balfour's visit to New York, 1917, XXI, Declaration of war urged by, early 1917, XIII, 12. on German violation of Belgium, etc., V, 267-68. Portraits, V, 272 ; XIII, 25. President of National Security League XX, 50. Choc, Czech deputy, internment, 1916, XIX, 233. Chocheprat, Vice-Admiral Charles, I, 69. in the Mediterranean, August, 1914, XII, 43. Chocimierz, see under Galicia. Chocnia, see under Galicia. Chocolate Hill, see under Gallipoli. Chodorow (Chodorofl), see under Galicia. Choisy-au-Bac, see under France. Chokeshina, see under Serbia. Cholak Kemal Pasha, arrest By Allies, March, 1920, XXI, 455. Cholera, see under Diseases. Cholm, see Kholm, under Russia. Chope, Captain, Bikanir Camel Corps, action against Bedouins, November 21, 1914, II, 331-32 ; III, 319-20. Chorok River, see under Turkey in Asia. Chouy, see under France. Chra, see under Togoland. Chrissoveloni, M. (banker), work for British Bureau ye flour output in Rumania available for export, IX, 425. Christchurch, see under Great Britain. Christescu, General : Appointed to command on Dobrudja front, October 9, 1916, XI, 233. Commanding First Rumanian Army, 191 7, XVII, 23. 24. Portrait, XI, 235. Staff appointment, August, 1917, XVII, 29. Christian, Princess : Hospital train organised by, IV, 77, 502. Portrait, IV, 75. Christian : Rear-Admiral A. II.: and Action in Heligoland Bight, II, 8. Portrait, II, 12. Private H. : Award of V.C., X, 38 ; XIX, 356. Portrait, X, 2. Christiania. see under Norway. Christians, in Mesopotamia, XXI, 442. Christiansen, Lieutenant, Maria I'lensburg: Exploits of, XIV, 176. Killed, November 2, 1917, XIV, 176. Christie, Lance- Corporal John A., V.C.: Award of V.C., XVI, 375, 370, 395 ; XIX, 356. Portrait, XVI, 376. Christina Craig, drifter, sunk by Germans, February 15, 1918, XVIII, 337. Chubb, Gunner John William Alexander, R.N. : Award of D.S.C., V, 390. Mine-sweeping in the Dardanelles, March, 1915, V, 390. Chuignes, see under France. Chuignolles, see under France. Chuke Heights, see under Serbia. Chukovsky, M., portrait, VIII, 231. Chung, Mr., portrait, XIV, 137. Chungchiawa Fort, see under China. Chunuk Bair, see under Gallipoli. Church : Sir Richard, XIII, 289. Samuel Harden, President Carnegie Institute, Pittsburg : Portrait, V, 244. Reply to manifesto of German professors, V, 242, 244-45. Church Army, see under Great Britain. Churches and the War, VIII, 313-52. Church of England, VIII, 313-32. Free Churches, VIII, 344-52. Jews, VIII, 350-52. Presbyterian, VIII, 332-37. Roman Catholics, VIII, 337-44. Wesleyan Methodists, VIII, 344-48. Churchill : Captain J. H., work re trench fever, XVII, 238. Lady Randolph, portrait, IV, 491. Mrs. Winston, on Y.M.C.A. Munition Workers' Auxiliary Committee, work of, IV, 507 ; IX, 195- Right Hon. Winston, I, 67, 297, 298, 358 ; II, 246 ; III, 109 ; VII, 124, 136 ; IX, 127 ; X, 41, 6t ; XX, 399. on Air-raids on England, VII, 1, 181 ; XIX, 278. and Antwerp expedition, II, 93, 94, 95 ; III, 12-13. Appointments : Chancellor of Duchy of Lancaster, May, 1915. V, 314, 315 ; VII, 123 ; X, 353. Secretary of State for War and Air, January, 1919, XIX, 396. and Aviation, II, 185. Baltic expedition considered, September, 1914, XXI, 10. on British Navy, IX, 157 ; XVIII, 326 ; X,\l, 0. Congratulations to Australian Navy on success- ful operations in the Pacific, II, 270. Controversy with Lord Fisher, VII, 123-24. on Dardanelles campaign, V, 366, 369, 452 ; vii, 150-53, 154. 213-14- Dardanelles campaign, connection with, and responsibility for, V, 364-06. on Dogger bank action, XII, 228. Elected M.P. for Dundee, 1918, XIX, 394. on Falkland Islands Battle, XII, 228. as First Lord of the Admiralty, V, 312, 313. on German bombardment of East Coast towns. XIV, 145-46- on German shipbuilding and submarine cam- paign, March 7, 1916, XVII, 300. on General Sir Ian Hamilton, V, 392. 116 THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. Churchill : — cont. Right Hon. Winston : — cont. Interview with First Sea Lord, criticism of, IX, HI. on anti- Jewish riots in Jerusalem, April, 1920, XXI, 449. Joined armv in France, November, 1915, VII, 283. on Battle of Jutland, IX, 131 ; X, 45. Letter to Mayor of Scarborough and reply, December, 1914, II, 39°- on Naval Armament, March, 1914, V, 421. on North Sea action, January 24, 1915, III, 159. on Oil fuel, Julv, 1913. XII, 222, 223. Portraits, I, 46; V, 300, 313; XIX, 370; XXI, 163. Postponement of demobilisation of fleet, V, 285 ; IX, 125. Recruiting campaign, VI, 291. Reply to Dardanelles Commissioners' criticism, XIX, 369. Resignation of Post as Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, November, 1915, VII, 214; X, 338. " River War " referred to, I, 290, 300. Service in Spanish army, I, 285. anti-Submarine policy.XVII, 293, 297; XXI, 6. on Transport undertakings, February 15, 1915, XVI, 147- Chutre, Professor, on treatment of wounds and use of antiseptics, XI, 47-48. Chv. Broberg, Danish ship, mined, I, 188. Chyrow (Chyroff), see under Galicia. Chystopady, see under Galicia. Cicogna, le Comte, on Executive Committee, Comite National de Secours ct d'Alimentation, IV, 443 ; IV, 444. Ciechanow (Tsiechanofi), see under Poland. Cieplice (Tsieplitse), see under Galicia. Cierges, see under France. Ciesow, see under Galicia. Ciezkovice (Tsiezkovitse), see under Galicia. Cigielka, see under Carpathians. Cignicourt, see under France. Cilicia, see under Turkey in Asia. Cimbroslava, Mount, see under Carpathians. Cimone, Monte, see under Italy. Cindxelul, Mount, see under Transylvania. Cinfelli, Signor, appointed Italian Minister for Commerce and Industry, October, 191 7, XIX, 5. Cinq Chemins, see under Belgium. Ciocanestie, see under Galicia. Ciove, Monte, see under Italy. Cipara, see under Transylvania. Ciply, see under Belgium. Circassians, in Cilicia, XXI, 450. Cirey, see under France. Cirzancourt, see under France. Cismon, Val, see under Austria-Hungary. Cisna (Tsisna), see under GaUcia. Cite Emile, see under France. Cit6 St. Auguste, see under France. Cite St. Pierre, see under France. Cilia di Ferrara, ItaUan airship, destruction of, June 8, 1915, XII, 321. Citta di Jesi, Italian airship, loss of, August 5, 1915, XII, 322. City of Athens, mined off Cape Town, August, 1917, XXI, 127. Citv of Birmingham, s.s., torpedoed November 27, 1916, XI, 162-24; XIII, 56, 58; XXI, 127. Illustration, XI, 165. City of Brussels, XIII, 71. City of Exeter, Ellerman liner : Illustration, XXI, 126. Mined in Indian Ocean, but vessel saved, XXI, 128. City of Glasgow, torpedoed off Tuskar, September, 1918, XXI, 127. City of Lucknow, torpedoed in Mediterranean, April, 1918, XXI, 127. City of Marseilles, s.s., encounter with submarine, VII, 438. City of Memphis, s.s., torpedoed by Germans, March 18, 191 7, XIII, 11. City of Paris, torpedoed in Mediterranean, April, 1917, XXI, 127. , City of Winchester, captured by Kdnigsberg and sunk, I, 188 ; XXI, 127. Claasby, Mr., Eliza and Kaly, Prize Court case, 1805, X, 309. Clabucetu range, see under Rumania. Clacton, British mine-sweeper, torpedoed, August 3, 1916, X, 66. Clam-Martinic, Count, XX, 228. Appointed to Austrian Premiership, December 20, 1916, XX, 217, 221, 222, 225. Budget speech, June 12, 1917, and effect on Slav parties, XX, 230-31. Condemnation of Czech national movement, December 8, 1916, XX, 222. at Conference in Austria, December 20, 1916, XX, 221-22. in Ministry of Agriculture, in Austria, 1916, XX, 218. Negotiations with Polish representatives, June, 1917, XX, 231, 236. Portrait, XX, 219. Resignation from Austrian Government and acceptance of Governorship of Montenegro, XX, 231. Clamp, Corporal William, V.C.: Award of V.C., XV, 247-48, 251 ; XIX, 356. Portrait, XV, 247. Clan Grant, British ship, sunk by thef£m<fen, I II, 124. Clan MacLeod, s.s., sunk by German submarine, December 1, 1915, XI, 171. Clan McNaughton, armed merchant cruiser, loss of, February, 1915, VII, 127. Clan Mactavish, s.s., encounter with the Movie, VII, 447; X, 64. Clan Matheson, British ship, sunk bv the Emden, III, 124. Clancy, John, M.P., VIII, 451, 452. Clara Isabella Eugenia, Archduchess, I, 403. Private G. W„ V.C., award of V.C., XVI, 366, 395 : XIX, 356. Regimental-Sergeant-Major W., fighting at Beau- mont Hamel, July 1, 1916, XIV, 194-95. Clare County, see under Ireland. Clarence River, see under France. Claridge, Dr. W. W., operations in Togoland, VIII, 279. Clark : Hon. Champ, portrait, XXI, 209. Major Colin, South African Engineers, XIII, 415 Captain C. B., killed at Ngominyi, October, 1916, XIII, 416. Dr. Hilda, work of, IV, 254. Clark-Kennedy, Lieut.-Colonel W. H., V.C., C.M.G., D.S.O. : Award of V.C., XIX, 325-26, 354. Portrait, XIX, 326. Clarke : General Sir Charles M., on Central Prisoners of War Committee, XII, 255. Sir George, see Sydenham, Lord. Grosvenor B., Secretary of U.S. Council of National Defence, portrait, XIII, 17. Brigadier-General G. V., D.S.O, in command of 14th Cavalry Brigade, Palestine, 1918, XIX, 186, 193. Sergeant (Acting / Company - Sergeant - Major James, award" of V.C., XIX, 335~3°. 354. 3°°- Private (Acting-Corporal) L., V.C. : Award of V.C, XII, 171-72, 192 ; XIX, 356. Portrait, XII, 171. M. E., Director of Motor Ambulance Department, British Red Cross, portrait, X, 294. Thomas J.: Condemned and shot, VIII, 462. THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. 117 • Clarke :—cont. Thomas J.: — cont. ^vTsSr" Signed 0n behalt ' " f ^e Pro- vwomI government of the Irish Republic, Lieut-General Travers, C.B., C.M.G appointed Quartermaster-General. January. igTxVll Clastres, see under France. 01 vn °°3 S " °- ° n Retrenchment Committee. xxi, 32s ' ' "' 2QI note - 20 -*> 2 °4 ; von Clausius, General, commanding German and ri.tofi n » tr x? ops - summcr of 'Ore! X 6, ClaveUle, M .,FrenchUnder-SecretaryforVran Sp ort. - Portrait, XIV, 234 "SWS dr xn i 3 35 Adriatlc ' loss of ' Wr * Clayton, Brigadkr-General Sir Gilbert F., K.B.E., Chfef Administrator in Palestine, 191 7-18, XXI, Portrait, XXI, 438. C azomene Peninsula, see under Turkey-in-Asia "Apr!. ^ST* S - -ereV—a-. ■afiRiSM^ <*Jft ^ R., D.S.O., von Cleinow, G. : ' 3 " Chief German censor at Lodz, VIII 166-6- Appeal to miners, XVII 1 > 4 F^fxx, £ 2 f i ,ting '^ ° f A,,stralians in Attempt to assassinate, February 19 i QIq an d SSi aSSaSSI "' ^ XI 3^%S ° n impo g s:d ia o n n: h x r xi in 4 l 2 ar ' "* ^ ° f T ^ an XX i ra 42° 9 miSe reCity0t Fh ' me ' JanUary ' I9 -'°' Criticism of M. Millerand, XIV 220 Defeated for French Presidency, XXI, 3 oa I oc h. interview with, 1907, XVII 207 French Premier, November 1917,'xXI ,64 on^ Help of British Fleet in winning war? XX, Interim notes from Germany on Peace Treatv received by, XXI 3I2 treaty M XvflI, t ° ol'- U °* d Ge '° rge ' March 28 ' ^ 8 - '' ^Conference, XXI, 309, 364-65, 368, President, XXI, 150 jK£ txi H % d ? 87 WlUon and Mr - Llo > d Portraits XVII, l84 , r« 5l 2x4 ; XVIII, 8 5 ; 162 Vfi« 7 U x * 335 ' 348 - «3 ; xxi, I4 6, 150, IO2, 168, 363, 372, 386. "» • 3". and Pnnkipo policy, XXI, 400. *S^sra^- letter to Prince e GeL4alo f n /i ra n Iati0nS ' reCeived from C °nseil- 1918. XX ^12 ^ ^^ ° f L ° ire ' ° Ct0ber 3. Signature to' Peace Treaty, XXI M2 House.lx,^* Clam ° Ur f ° r SeCret " sittin S in Touyhrough Alsace-Lorraine, December, ,918, at Trianon Palace, May, 1910. XXI, 310. Clemenceau, Georges l— cont. at Versailles Conference, XV, 44" \\T ,*„ at Versailles Council, XVII, 184. ' 59 ' Visit to London, December, 1918 XXI iaC Clement WU British steamer on V ctoria Nyan«a ClIm P eSt°M'.: X ' I45 -< C; »■-»*-. X ' ^ FrenchMinisterofCommerce,XIV,222 22} 218 ^^ss^xi^ ° n war *^sa P^. XTV? t 3 3 , r ,3ECOa0my ' XIV - a 33- Cleopatra, H.M.S., XXI 18 G Mivch%r"9io: tr x ye 5 r 8i a 9 meci ami sunk «* ^w"' (Austrian )' ^attie of Routers, 1794, rjl, 34 Clerget Colonel, Military Correspondent of Russkv in Rufsia 01 ^"^ ° f fai ' Ure °' G — -Sffi Clermont-en-Argonne, see M»<fer France Uermont-Ferraud, see «»<*«»- France Clery, see wwrfg,- France. Clery-sur-Somme, see under France Cleveland, see ««<fer Great Britain Cliffo d° d ' ^ Charles> Indian Clr> - xv . 133. Sir Hugh, K.C.M.G., Governor Gold Coast VIII 278. Portrait, XVI, 453 . _.. C , or P? r al. gallant action of, April 23, 19,6 X ,84 ^99 • ° eCi1, ■ Newf °™<Ua£d Regiment XIV,' ^srijs 1 ?.^ %hting ° n the *** Chmene Italian torpedo boat, XII, 312 Clio, H.M. sloop : ' 3 in r^ ti0 TV 0n SueZ Canal " J^nary-Febmary I9I5, IV, 347, 352 ; XIII, 163, 16, ^' Escorts transports, i 914 , XVI, 166 Cjive'- man Sh ' P ' Captured ' IQI 4. XII, 68. Major-General C - ?., organization of British administration in Germany and results, XXI Lord, II, 354. 355 . Cliveden, see under Great Britain Cloutman, Lieutenant B. M.. V C M C • Award of V.C.. XIX. 329-30, 'W " Portrait, XIX, 329 354 ' C tT8 B XvilI rift 3 e 3 r 7 SUnk b >' ° erma " s - F ^ary : 5 , C C &,Tee^^tYarB^n TranSy,Vania ^ C/yrfe, s.s., illustration, V, 460 Clyde : R tLlZ,^ 6 :¥it Advocate oi Scotland - n^-'m n *? a « daneIIes Commission, XIX, 360 Clyfford, Lieut.-Commander, £?rt, captured bv Turks, November, 191 s \'II o T - F Lurea Dy Clynes, J. R., M.P.: 3 ' ' 5 ' AP of Foo e d d f arliamentar y Secretary to Ministry of Food July, 1917, and work of XV, 260-61 on Compulsory rationing XV 28- ^ U °- DI - SSSSttL**' "■ I9I9 - XXI ' «M- President of Consumers' Council, XV 270 morePubhcity ^e Peace Conference desired, XXI, Withdraws from Government, 1918, XIX 301 Coal, importance of, XVII, ioo- IO 30 b : SjlvAv'" h6r0iSm ^ HoUebeke ' ° ctob " Cobbe^^eut.-General Sir A. S., V.C.. K.C.B.. Por^XI 8 ! !,^. 283 ' 28 ^ a88 ' XX - £ 7 ' 118 THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. Cobbam, Lady, on Y M.C.A. Munition Workers' Auxiliary Committee, IV, 507. Coblenz, see under Germany. Cobra, turbine-driven torpedo-boat destroyer, XII, 200. Cochin: Denys : French Minister of State, October, 1915, XIV, 222, 223. Portrait, X, 346. Visit to Greece, end of 1915, XII, 8. Lieutenant, French submarine Papin, mine destruction by, XII, 47. Cochran, Captain, I. A., death of, IV, 353. Cochrane : Captain Henry, of the Yarmouth, sinking of Markomania and capture of Greek coaling steamer, II, 35. Lord. XIII, 289. Cockburn. Lieutenant G. L., R.N., in command of motor boat at Ostend, May 9. 1918, XVIII, 349. Cocker, Rev. John, portrait, VIII, 329. Cockroft Redoubt, see under Belgium. Cocoa Beach (Ukoko), see under Cameroon. Cocos-Keeling Islands : Description, etc.. Ill, 126. Destruction of the Etnden at, November, 1914, II, 35, 270; III, 123, 127-29; X, 404; XIII, 137; XVI, 159; illustration. III, 125. F.mden's exploits off, II, 261-62 ; III, 126-27. Heroism shown by R.N. at, IX, 253. Codelli, Baron, designer of Kamina wireless station, taken prisoner, August 16, 1914, VIII, 274. Cosd-Ely, see under Breat Gritain. Caeuvres, see under France. Coffin: Major-General C, in command of 36th Division in Belgium, September, 1918, XIX, 445. Brigadier-General Clifford, V.C.: Award of V.C., XV, 224, 251 ; XIX, 356. Portrait, XV, 225. Howard : Appointed organiser of munitions, XIII, 33. Head of aircraft production machinery, America, XVI, 348. Portraits, XIII, 17,33. CoggleshaU, see under Great Britain. Cohn, Oskar : Appointed Under-Secretary to German Cabinet, XXI, 295. Financing of Spartacist literature with Russian funds, XXI, 293. Speechin Reichstag, October 25, 1918, XX, 439. Cohuritze, see under Serbia. Coincy, see under France. Coindreau, Sub-Lieutenant, Suffren, XII, 48-49. Cokayne, SirBrien, K.B.E., portrait, XVIII, 149. Coke, Lieut.-Commander A. L. H. D., R.N., receives D.S.O. for gallantry in command of coastal motor boats off West Frisia, August 11, 1918, XVIII, 354- Colbert, Irish rebel, condemned and shot, VIII, 462. Colbricon, see under Austria-Hungary. Colby, Bainbridge, U.S.A., Shipping Board Com- missioner, XVIII, 263. Colchester, see under Great Britain. Colchester, s.s. : Attack by submarine, VI, 194. Captured by German destroyers, September 21, 1916, X, 55. Cole: Captain Barclay, in command of East African Scouts in East Africa, XII, 101. Commander John F. H, R.N., H.M.S. Lynx, loss of, August 9, 1915, VII, 130. Colebrook, Lady, munition work, IV, 481-82. Coleby, s.s., sunk by Kronprinz Wilhelm, March 28, 1915, VII, 438. Coleman, Corporal, battle of Festubert, May, 1915, V, 234. Colesberg, see under South Africa. Colgrave, Lance- Corporal J., heroism of, at Holle- beke, October 30, 1914, IV, 17. Colincamps, see under France. Collard : Major-General A. S., C.B., C.V.O.: Deputy-Controller for Auxiliary Shipbuilding, May 27, 1917, and criticism of appointment, XV, 444-45- Commandant of depot at Richborough, XXI, 138. Director of Inland Water Transport, XXI, 130, 144. Portrait, XV, 439. Commander (now Captain) B. St. G, and landing on Gallipoli, April 25, 1915, V, 464. Commandant, death of, at Liege, I, 354. von Collard, General, appointed German Governor of Galicia, V, 359. Coller : Chief Justice, St. Lucia Prize Court Case, October 30, 1914, X, 311. Mr., portrait, XV, 279. Colley, Private H. J., V.C., M.M.: Award of V.C., XVIII, 362, 363, 394 ; XIX, 356. Portrait, XVIII, 363. Collie, Sir John, work for neurasthenic soldiers, XIII, 359- Collignon, Flight-Lieutenant (Belgian), operations in East Africa, XIII, 405. Collin, Second Lieutenant Joseph Henry, V.C.: Award of V.C., XVII, 407, 431 ; XIX, 356. Portrait, XVII, 407. Collings-Wells, Captain J. S., V.C., D.S.O.: Award of V.C., XVI, 382, 395 ; XIX, 356. Portrait, XVI, 382. Collingwood, Admiral, interest taken in work of combatting diseases in R.N., IX, 247. Collins : Lieut. -Colonel C. B., railway construction in British East Africa, X, 158. Captain H. G., in Nyasaland, 1915, XVIII, 154. Acting Corporal John, V.C. : Award of V.C, XV, 249, 251 ; XIX, 356. Portrait, XV, 249. Captain Ralph, R.N., in command of motor vessels in attack on Zeebrugge, XVIII, 342. Captain, captHre of Sphinxhaven, May 30, 1915, X, 79-80. Colloredo, Count, Austro-Hungarian representative at Peace Conference at Brest-Litovsk, December, 1917, XVI, 10. Collyer, Brigadier-General J. J., C.M.G. : Chief of the General Staff, East Africa, XII, 94 ; XIX, 50. Portraits, VIII, 265 ; XII, 81, 96. Colmar, see under Alsace-Lorraine. Colne, H.M.S., Dardanelles operations, V, 474 ; VII, 178, 180. Cologne, see under Germany. Cologne Farm, see under France. Cologne Gazette, on Zeppelin raids on England, VII, 7. Colombia : Breaches of neutrality in favour of Germany, XV, 6. German activities, XV, 19. Colombo, see under Ceylon. Colonna, Prince, on British Fleet, XVIII, 325-26. Colosimo, Signor : Italian Minister for Colonies, October, 1917, XIX, 5. Member of new Italian Cabinet, June, 1916, IX, 120. Colossus, H.M.S., XXI, 18. Armament, VII, 473. Colquhoun, Lieutenant, Princess Patricia's Light Infantry, at St. Eloi, V, 204. Colstead, Mr., First Mate, Tara, portrait, IX, 315. Colston, Brigadier-General, in command of forces in Palestine, 191 8, XIX, 185. THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAB. 119 Coltman, Private W. H., V.C., D.C.M., MM.: Award of V.C., XIX. 335, 354. Portrait, XIX, 335. Columbia, H.M.S., North Sea action, May 1, 1915, and sinking of, VII, 129. Columbia, Dutch s.s., illustration, XIII, 190. Columbia River Shipbuilding Corporation, U.S.A., XVIII, 285. Columbian, American s.s., sunk in Atlantic by U49 in 1916, XI, 166. Columbine, Private H. G., V.C.: Award of V.C., XVI, 385, 386, 395 ; XIX. 356. Portrait, XVI, 386. Colun, sec under Transylvania. Colville : Major J. R., gallantry of. May, 1915, V, 226. Second Lieutenant N. R., reconnaissances by, August-September, 1915, VI, 367. Colvin, Second Lieutenant Hugh, V.C.: Award of V.C., XV, 233-34, 251 ; XIX, 356. Portrait, XV, 235. Colwill, Corporal, Yorks Regiment, XII, 163. Colyer-Fergusson, Second Lieutenant (Acting Cap- tain) Thos. R., V.C.: Award of V.C., XV, 223, 251 ; XIX, 356. Portrait, XV, 222. Comandini, Signor, member of new Italian Cabinet, June, 1916, IX, 12b. Combe : Brigade Major E. P., M.C., in command of troops in France, March, 1918, XVIII, 94. Lieutenant R. G., V.C.: Award 'of V.C., XIII, 387, 395; XVI, 275; XIX, 356. Portrait, XIII, 387. Combes, M., French Minister of State, October, 191 5, XIV, 222, 223. Combles, see under France. Comet, s.s. (1812), XII, 193. Comet, H.M.S. : Abandonment on Tigris, December, 1915, X, 77. 237. at Battle of Kut, September 28, 1915, X, 226. on Tigris, X, 218. Comines, see under France. Commercy, see under France. Commissie Drift, sec under South Africa. Commission Internationale de Revitaillement, V, 414. Commius, Gallic chieftain, II, 484. Compiegne, see under France. Compo, see under Cameroon. Comus, H.M.S., XXI, 18. Destruction of the Greif by, February 29, 1916, XXI, 9. Concha, Dr. Jose Vicente, President of Colombia, portrait, XV, 33. Concha di Gargaro, see under Austria-Hungary. Conchy-les-Pots, see under France. Conde, see under France. de Conde, Prince, victory over Spaniards, 1648, II, 488-89. Condi, French cruiser : Capture of enemy ships by, II, 35. in the Caribbean, XII, 68. Illustration, XII, 68. Conde-en-Brie, see under France. Conde-sur-Aisne, see under France. Conder, Lieutenant, I, 285. Condon, Major G., in charge of policing arrange- ments and recreation at Richborough, XXI, 140. Condouriotis, Admiral, Provisional Government, XII, 64. Conegliano, see under Italy. Confiance, French privateering vessel of last century, II, 32. Conflans, see under France. Congo, German ambitions, VIII, 282, 283, 285. Congo Conventional Basin, neutralisation, German proposals, August, 1914, VIII, 283, 285 ; X, 132. Congosto, Don Jose, on Belgian Relief Commission Executive Committee, IV, 443. Congreve : Brevet. Major William T.a Touche, V.C., D.S.O. : Award of V.C., XII, 168, 168-69, 192 ; XIX, 357- Portrait, XII, 170. Lieut.-General Sir W. X , V.C., K.C.B., XII, 169. in Command of Forces in France, IX, 490 ; XVIII, 43, 59- Portraits, IX, 490 ; X, 433 ; XVIII, 45. Battle of the Somme, 1916, IX, 489. Coni, see under Italy. Coni Zugua, see under Austria-Hungary. Connaught, Arthur, H.R.H. the Duke of. I, 451 ; ■II, 239, 240, 247. on Board steam vessel of Trinity House in Thames Pageant, August 4, 1919, XXI, 121-22. Portraits, II, 239 ; V, 202, 215 ; XV, 105 ; XVII, 172; XVIII, ri2. Powers wielded by, in Council in Canada, IX, 466. at Valcartier Camp, illustration, II, 239. Visits : to Palestine and investiture at Jerusalem, March, 1918, XVIII, 243-44. to Portugal with daughters, IX, 323. Connaught, Arthur, H.R.H. the Duchess of, inspect- ing the McGill Hospital Corps, illustration, V, 205. Connaught, Arthur, Princess 0! : at Motherhood meeting, Sunderland House, IV, 492. Portrait, IV, 488. as Red Cross Probationer, IV, 302. Visit to London School of Medicine for Women, IV, 25 1. Connaught, Patricia, Princess of, potrrait, II, 239. Conneau, General, III, 174, 441, 450, 464 ; XVII, 213 note. Cavalry Corps of, position, October n, 1914, III, 5, 15, 449. Invested by the King with Grand Cross of the Order of St. Michael and St. George, December, 1914, IV, 213. Operations in France and Belgium, 1914, II, 56 j III, 2, 16-25, 3°. -39. 56, 176, 459; IV, 30; XX, 195, 200. Connecticut, see under United States of America. Connett, Albert N., on Belgian Relief Commission Executive Committee, IV, 443. Connolly, James : Condemned and shot, VIII, 462. and Irish Rebellion, VIII, 459. Portrait, VIII, 459. Proclamations signed by, VIII, 423, 459-60. Surrender, VIII, 460. Connor, General Fox, on operations by American 2nd Division in France, Julv, 1918, XX, 62, Conqueror, H.M.S., XXI, 18. Boilers, XII, 218. Conrad : Marshal, Italian campaign, 1917, XIX, 24. Mr., German Political Department in Brussels, and Miss Cavell's case, VI, 435. Conran, Rev. M. T. W., M.C., portrait, VIII, 329. Consenvoye, see under France. Constance, H.M.S., XXI, 18. Consiantin, Russian destroyer, in action, October, 1917, XVI, 323- Constantine the Great, in Treves, XXI, 236. Constantine, King of Greece : I, 393 .* VII," 236 ; IX, 422 ; XII, 9, 28 ; XIV, 222, 232 ; XVIII, 433- Abdication, June 12, 1917, XIII, 325-42 ; XV, 184 ; XX, 8. Answer to Kaiser's invitation to join Central Powers, 1914, XIII, 293. and Allied troops in Greece, XII, 8. Appeal to Germany, June, 191 7, XX, 8. Attitude, VII, 225-28. Biography, XIII, 326. British consent to displace, spring, 1917, XX, 8. 120 THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. CDnstantine, King of Greece: — rout. Departure from Greece for Lugano, June 13, 1917, XIII, 337-38; XX, 8. Differences between M. Venizelos and, VII, 226 ; XIII, 304; XX, 6-7. Farewell message to M. Zalmis, XIII, 339. pro-German policy, XIII, 293. Germany and Bulgaria, understanding with, July, 1915, XIII, 301. Illness and recovery, VII, 228 ; XIII, 299. Intervention refused, XII, 29 ; XIII, 297. Interview with Admiral Dartige du Fournet, November 29, 1916, XIII, 321-22. Neutrality policy, V, 390. Permanent linking up with, by Central Powers, promise of, January, 1917, XX, 1. Popularity, XIII, 326. Portraits, VII, 222 ; XIII, 295, 326. Pretended sympathy with Entente, XIII, 294, 318. Refusal to bead national defence movement, XIII, 3M. 3 r 5- Review of sailors from requisitioned warships, October 18, 191.6, XIII, 318. Constantinescu, M., Rumanian Minister of the Interior, December, 1916, XII, 148. Constantinople, see under Turkey. Constanza, see under Rumania. Consuerge, see under France. von Conta, General : Advance, XVIII, 412, 415. in Command of 4th German Armv Corps in France, early 1918, XVIII, 48, 55/56, 80. Portrait, X, 167. Contalmaison, see under France. Conte di Cavour, Italian Dreadnought, XII, 310. Contescourt, see under France. Contich, see under Beglium. Continental Tyre and Rubber Co. (Great Britain), Ltd., 1 . Daimler Co., Ltd., IX, 467-68. Contoire, see under France. Contraband : Absolute and conditional, VII, 399. British memorandum, January, 1916, VII, 420— 23- British policy, VII, 398-400. Conditional list, VII, 402. " Continuous voyage " doctrine, VII, 395-96, 400. Copper shipments, British interference, VII, 403, 4°4. 4°5- Cotton as, VII, 391, 413. t Declaration of London lists, VII, 399. Foodstuffs, British policy, VII, 404. Foreign Office Committee, VII, 422. Law of, VII, 390, 393-96. Neutrals and, XIII, 183, 187-88, 191. U.S.A. and Great Britain, exchange of notes, VII, 400, 402, 403, 405—6, 410. Conway, Miss, M.B.E., XVII, 463. Conway Castle, British merchant ship, sunk by Dresden, March 9, 1916, X, 76. Conyngham Greene, Sir W., portrait, II, 400. Cooch Behar, see under India. Cook : Hennessy, Belgian refugee work, IV, 463. Sir Joseph (Australia), II, 256, 257 ; XII, 276, 294, 292. General election, May, 1917, XII, 296. Minister for the Navy, 1917, XII, 295. at Peace Conference, XXI, 147. Peace Treaty signed, June 28, igrg, XXI, 169. Portraits, II, 259; XII, 276; XXI, 163. on War Committee, VI, 127. Skipper, of the Maurice, encounter with sub- marine, and award of D.S.C., XXI, 28-^9. Cooka, see under Serbia. Cooke, Private, T., A.I.F., award of V.C., XII, 164, 192 ; XIX, 357. Cookson, Lieut.-Commander E. C.Y.C. D.S.O., R.N. Award of V.C., X, 26, 38, 77. Death, September 28, 1915, X, 226. Portraits, X, 34, 225. Coolkerke, see under Belgium. Coolscamp, see under Belgium. Coomber, Eng.-Lieut.-Commander, promoted after action in Dover Straits, April 20, 191 7, XI V, 155- Coonley, Howard, Vice-President of Emergency Fleet Corporation, XVIII, 258. Cooper : (Temporary) Brigadier-General A. S., C.B., C.M.G., appointed Director of Inland Water- ways and Docks, June, 1917, XXI, 138. Sergeant Edward, V.C. : Award of V.C, XV, 225-26, 251 ; XIX, 357. Portraits, XV, 226, 234. Miss Elizabeth, voluntary work on West Coast among fishermen, XI, 195. Brigadier-General R. J., C.B., fighting on Chunuk Bair, August, 1915, VII, 186. Petty-Officer, R.N., description of operations on Belgian coast, October, 1914, III, 189. Cooreman, M., Belgian Minister of State, President of Commission of Inquiry into German Atrocities, I, 431. Copadinn, see under Rumania. Copenhagen, see under Denmark. Copiza, see under Rumania. Coppens, Lieutenant, aerial victories of, October, 1918, XX, 142. Copper, for neutral countries, British policy re, VII, 403, 404, 405. Coppins, Corporal Frederick George, V.C, C.E.F. : Award of V.C, XVII, 429, 430, 431 ; XIX, 357. Portrait, XVII, 430. Coquette, British destroyer, mined, February, 1916, X, 48. Coral Haven, British drifter, sunk in the Adriatic, May 15, 1917, XII, 336 ; XVIII, 453. Corbeaux, see under France. Corbeek Loo, see under Belgium. Corbeny, see under France. Corbett : Mrs. Bertram, on Y.M.C.A. Ladies' Auxiliary Committee, IV, 507. Julian, article in Nineteenth Century for June, 1907, on Prize Money for Naval Officers, II, 31. Corbett-Smith, Major A., on Tigris operations, XXI, 13- Corcovado, wireless apparatus, III, 51. Corey, see under France. Cordelia, H.M.S., XXI, 18. Cordes : Lieut. -Colonel Sine], portrait, XVII, 334. Herr, XIV, 134. Cordner, Major A. A., killed April 23, 1918, XVIII. 347- Cordon Rouge, British tank, at fighting on the Somme, September, 1916, XI, 282. CDi'donnier, General, commanding French contin- gent in Greece, 1916, XII, 26. Portrait, XII, 26. Cordova, Dr. G. S., Minister of Ecuador, portrait, XX, 9. Corea, see under China. Corey, W. E., of Midvale Steel Co.. XXI, 89. Corfu Island : Allies' central naval authority at, XVIII, 436,437. American naval force at, XVIII, 446. Declaration of, July, 1917, XIX, 16. Reconciliation of claims of Italians and Slavs in Adriatic, XXI, 427. French landing, January n, 1916, X, 66; XII, 334. Giorene, French air station, XVIII, 459. Illustrations, X, 68; XII, 64 ; XVIII, 448, 4(14. Inland Water Transport, work of, XXI, 129. 137- Ipso, kite balloon station, XVIII, 459, 460. THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. 121 Corfu Island : — con!. Kaiser's villa : Illustration, XVIII, 464. Occupied by Allied forces, VII, 157. Serbian army at, XVI, 149-51 ; XVIII, 433, 437-38. Southern Slav Unitary Declaration, June 20, 1917, Movement for union with Serbia and results, XXI, 335- as anti-Submarine work base, XVIII, 446. Transport of Serbian armies to and from, VII, 387 ; X, 66 ; XII, 23-24, 63, 334 ; XIII, 310 ; XVI, 149-50 ; XVIII, 446. Corinth Canal, see under Greece. Cork, see under Ireland. Corkery, Mrs., message of condolence from King George, X, 30. Cormack, Brigadier-General J. D., C.M.G., at head of British Aeronautical Supplies Department in U.S.A., XXI, 82 Cormiehy, see under France. Cormons, see under Austria-Hungary. Cormoran, gunboat, loss of, off Tsing-tau, III, 123. Cornay, see under France. Cornells, Dutch ship, bombed by German airmen, May 12, 1915, XIII, 200. Cornelia, Monte, see under Italy. Cornelius Carroll, in Mediterranean, XVIII, 452. Corner, Mrs. on Board of Selection of Matrons, etc., IV, 248. • Cornet Malot, see under France. Cornillet, Mont, see under France. Corno di Campo Verde, see under Italy. Cornwall, H.M.S., VII, 435. Action off Falkland Islands, III, 135-43. Cornwallis, H.M.S.: Dardanelles operations, V, 382, 384, 387, 456, 457. 47 1 ; VII, 153 ; XII, 50. Loss of, January 9. 1917, XlV, 177. Corn well, John Travers, R.N., V.C. : Award of V.C., X, 26 ; XII, 153, 189, 192. Death of, Battle of Jutland, and praise of gallant conduct in action, IX, 160. Memorial, XII, 189. Portraits, IX, 158 ; X, 34 ; XII, 189, 191, 192. V.C. handed to mother, XII, 155. Corny, see under France. Coronel, see under Chile. Corps, Second Lieutenant E. L., gallantry and death, battle of Cambrai, November 30, 191 7, XVII, 90. Corry, Lieutenant A. V. L., gallantry of, at Rue du Bois, May, 1915, V, 238. Corsi, Vice-Admiral Camillo : at Allied Conference at Rome, January, 1917, XIV, 433. Congratulations to Sir John Jellicoe, on action off Cattaro, May 25, 191 7, XII, 336-37. Italian Minister of Marine, 1915, XII, 314. Member of new Italian Cabinet, June, 1196, IX, 120. Portrait, XII, 315. on Submarine warfare, XII, 341-42. Corsica : Ajaccio, French naval base at, I, 71. Bonifacio, French naval base at, I, 71. Corsican Prince, Prize Court case, February 1915, X, 305-6. Corsini Porto, see under Italy. Cortemarck, see under Belgium. Cortenaeken, see under Belgium. Cortenberg, see under Belgium. Cortina d'Ampezzo, see under Austria-Hungary. Corvisart, General, in command of French troops, operations in Verdun region, August, 1917, XVI, 199. Cory, Major -General, Chief of Staff of British Salonika Army, in command at Constantinople, XX, 105. Cosgrove, Corporal W., V.C: Award of V.C, X, 38. Portraits, VII, 179; X, 35. Cosmagnon, see under Austria-Hungary. Cosmeshti, see under Rumania. Cosmos, drifter, sunk by Germans, February, 15, 1918, XVIII, 337. Costa : Dr. Affonso, Portuguese Prime Minister: XVII, 33°. 349, 357. 358. 360. Accident to, XVII, 352. Administration, IX, 337-39; XVII, 325, 334-35- in Favour of militarv intervention, 1 9 1 5 , IX, 348; XVII, 331, 333, 334. Financial proposals, XVII, 358, 359. Head of Portuguese Government, January, 1913, and November, 1915, IX, 327, 336-37, 359-60. Minister of Finance, IX, 321 ; XVII, 335, 348. and Mozambique expedition, 1916, XVII, 344-45- Portraits, IX, 356, 357 ; XVII, 333, 354. Present at meeting held at Belem, January, 1916, and declaration by, IX, 353-54. Retirement, 1916, IX, 321, 340-41, 342. Visit to Spain and France, April, 1917, XVII, 357. 358. Captain Lieutenant Coriolanus da, commander of troops sailing on board Beira for expedition to Angola, November, 5, 1914, IX, 346. Captain Feliciano de, and Portuguese revolution, 1917, XVII, 360. Fernandes; Portuguese Minister of Fomento, 1916, XVII, 351. Costa Rica, German intrigues, XV, 19. Costalunga, see under Italy. Costeker, Captain : Killed, V, 471. Landing at Gallipoli, V, 471. Costieni, see under Rumania. Costigan, Captain Charles Telford, C.E.F., surprise attack, November 16-17, I 9 I 5> VII, 310. Costinescu, M., Member of Rumanian Coalition Government, December, 1916, XII, 148. C6te de Chatillon, see under France. Cdte de l'Oie, see under France. Cote du Poivre, see under France. Cotter, Lance-Corporal facting Corporal) W. R, V.C: Award of V.C, X, 35, 38 ; XIX, 357. Portrait, X, 3. Cottescu, General, commander of Rumanian Army Corps, IX, 435. Cottin, attempted assassination of M. Clemenceau, February 19, A919, XXI, 392. Cotton, Lieut.-Colonel, operations in Cameroon, VIII, 307-8, 309. Cotton trade, effect of war, I, 194. Cottrell, Mrs., portrait, XV, 279. Couckelaere, see under Belgium. Coucy, see under France. Coucy-le-Chateau, see under France. Coucy-la-Ville, see under France. Coudenhove, Count : Appointed Governor of Bohemia, April 1, 1915, XIX, 231, 239. Portrait, XIX, 230. Coulomb, French submarine, Dardanelles operations, XII, 51-53. Coulommiers, see under France. Counter, Private J. T., V.C : Award of V.C, XVI, 392-93. 395 ; XIX, 357. Portrait, XVI, 392. Cour de l'Avoue, see under France. Cour de Sapin, see under France Courageous, H.M.S. (" Hush " cruiser), XV1U, 329 ; XXI. 18. Illustration, XVIII, 359. Courbet, French ship, X, 46 ; XII, 43. Attacked bv submarine in the Adriatic, 1914, VII, 159.' Courcelette, see under France. Coureelles, see under France. 132 THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. Courchamps, see under France. Courcy, see under France. Conrland Province, see under Russia. Courmas, see under France. Courmont, see under France. Conrtes Chaussees, see under France. Courtecon. see under France. Courtenianche, see under France. Courthiezy, see under France. the Courtine, see under France. Courtney, Squadron Commander J. T., air raids in Belgium, February, 1915, VII, 132. Courton, see under France. Courtrai, see under Belgium. Coury, Second Lieutenant G. G., V.C.: Award of V.C., XII, 171, 192 ; XIX. 357. Portrait, XII, 173. Cousin, Louis, on Executive Committee, Comity National de Secours et d'Alimentation, IV, 443- Coutinho, Victor Hugo Azevedo : Expedition sent to Angola by Government of, 1915, XVII, 342. Fall of Ministry under, IX, 357. Portrait, IX, 356. Coutts, Mr., Adelphi Theatre, help given by, to Y.M.C.A., IX, 191. Couvin, see under Belgium. Coventry, see under Great Britain. Coventry, Lieut.- Colonel Hon. Charles C. : Captured by Turks, April, 1916, X, 384. Fighting round Katia, April, 1916, X, 381-86. Portrait, X, 383. Coverdale, Sergeant Harry, V.C.: Award of V.C., XV, 249, 251 ; XIX, 357. Portrait, XV, 250. Cowan : Rear-Admiral W. H., in command of 1st Light Cruiser Squadron, XV, 18. Mrs., organiser of week-end scheme at Vickers' factories, IV, 482. Cowans, General Sir John S.: British flag presented to town of Verdun by, 1917, XVI, 213. Portrait, IV, 300. Cowdray : Lady : House lent for exhibition of women's work on the land, IV, 482. Portrait, IV, 483. Lord : Chairman of the Air Board, December, 1916, X, 360. Portrait, X, 357. Cowen, Joseph, award of ^2,000 to Lieutenant W. L. Robinson, X, 191. Cowley, Lieut.- Commander C. H., R.X.V.R.: Attempt to take supplies to Kut, April, 1916, XII, 414. Award of V.C., XII, 181-82, 192. Cownie, Captain D. G., Wayfarer, saving of ship by, and award of gold watch, VII, 441-42. Cowper, Major-General M., CLE., head of Adminis- trative Staff at Basra, portrait, X, 238. Cox: Private C, V.C.; Award of V.C., XIII, 362, 378, 395 ; XIX, 357. Portrait, XIII, 362. Brigadier-General E. H., appointed to head of Intelligence Department, France, January, 1918, XVII, 105. Harold, on Retrenchment Committee, VII, 253. Major-General Sir H. V., K.C.M.G., C.B., C.S.I. : Attack on Sheikh Said, November 10, T914, X, 402. in Command of 1st A.L.H. Brigade in Pales- tine, 1918, XIX, 197 note. Commanding 4th Australian Division in Egypt, March 27, 1916, X, 374. Gallipoli operations, August, 1915, VII, 176, 177-87, 208-10. Cox : — cont. Major-General Sir H. V.: — cont. 29th Brigade sent to Gallipoli from Egypt, VI, 109 ; X, 367. on Suez Canal, February, 1915, IV, 352. Private J., award of M.M., XIV, 196. Major-General Sir Percy, K.C.S.I., G.C.I.E., X, 228. Administrative work in Mesopotamia, XVII, 254-55. 272-78, 280. at Basra, III, 116. British Minister in Teheran, XXI, 444. at Kurna, III, 119. Portraits, III, 108 ; XVII, 272. Visit to Kerbela and Nejef, XVII, 278-79. Work and characteristics, III, III. Coxon, Colonel, commanding Australian Siege Brigade, VI, 152. Cozens-Hardy, Lord : in Court of Appeal re Daimler case, IX, 468. Portrait, IX, 467. Cozeul River, see under France. Cozia, see under Rumania. . Crabbe, Lieutenant, Princess Patricia's Light Infantry, at St. Eloi, V, 204. Cracow, see under Galicia. Cradock, Rear-Admiral Sir Christopher: Action off Coronel, III, 129-33 ; XXI, 4, 126. Portrait, III, 129. Craig : Second Lieutenant J. M., V.C., XVII, 161. Award of V.C., XIII, 383, 395 ; XIX, 357. Portrait, XIII, 382. Colonel, negotiations re Home Rule, 1916, VIII, 472. Lieutenant, Australian Infantry, XII, 163. Craignevearn, see under Great Britain. Craignoon, British drifter, sunk in tne Adriatic, May 15, 1917, XII, 336; XVIII, 453. Craik, Sir Henry, on Unionist War Committee, IX, 475- von Crailsheim, Hauptmann, Commandant of Garua : Defence, VIII, 301-2. Surrender, June 10, 1015, VIII, 302. Crainicianu, General: IX, 416. Appointed to Supreme Command of all Rumanian Armies, 1916, XI, 434, 436. on Attitude of Rumania, IX, 428-29. in Command of Rumanian 2nd Army, 1916, XI, 223, 433-34- Portrait, IX, 437. Craiova, see under Rumania. Cramaille, see under France. Cramb, Professor, V, 267. Cramoiselle, see under France. Cramp, William, Shipbuilding Co., U.S.A., XVIII, Cran, Lieut. -Colonel, trains recruits from British Honduras, XVI, 80. Cranwell, see under Great Britain. Cranworth, Lord, East African campaign, XII, 105 note. Craonelle, see under France. Craonne, see under France. Crapeau, see under France. Crasna, see under Transylvania. Craufurd-Stuart, Major, D.S.O., assistant to British High Commissioner in U.S.A., XXI, 84. Cravath, Paul, advisory counsel, Inter-Ally Council on War Purchases and Finance, XXI, 85. Craughwell, see under Ireland. Crawford : Lady Gertrude : Commandant W.R.A.F., XVII, 445. Munition work, IV, 482. Sir Richard, portrait, XIII, 28. Lord: Chairman of Wheat Supply Commission, X, 332. Lord Privy Seal, December, 1916, X, 359. Lieutenant, wounded, April 23. 1916, X, 384. THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. 128 Crawl Keys. American s.s., XVIII, 285, 287. Illustration, XXI, 193. Launched, August 15, 1918, XVIII, 288. de Crayer, I, 410, 424. Creagh : Lieut.-Commander James V., R.N.: Portrait. IV, 103. U12 rammed, March 10, 1915, XVII, 294. General Sir O'Moore, V.C., presides at reception of National Indian Association to Gobind Singh, XVI, 362. Crease, Captain T. E., C.B., R.N.: on Anglo-Russian Committee in U.S.A., XXI, 75. Portrait, XVIII, 332. Crecy, see under France. Creed, Lieutenant C. J., RE., work in operations on River Selle, October, 191 8, XX, 260. Crefeld. see under Germany. Crefeld, German transport, XIII, 187. Creighton, Mrs.: Consideration of drinking among women by Com- mittee under, VIII, 71, 72. President of War Union of Women Workers, IV, 510. Creil, see under France. Cretne-de-Menthe, British tank, at fighting at Mouquet Farm,. September 15, 1916, XI, 282, 289-90. Cressy, H.M.S.: Crew, clothing of, in Holland, XIII, 197. Illustration, XIII, 195. Loss of, September 22, 1914, II, 15-17 ; III, 133. Crest Farm, see under Belgium. Creswell, Mr., South African Labour Party Leader, XII, 289. Crete : Allied centre for anti-submarine measures, X, 65. German submarine off, December, 1915, X, 61. Provisional Government proclaimed by M. Venizelos, September, 191 6, XII, 30. Revolution, September, 1916, XII, 30. Suda Bay, Allied naval base established at, April, 1916, X, 66. Venizelist demonstration in, illustration, XIII, 316. Crivecoeur, see under France. Crevecourt, see under France. Crevic, see under France. Crevigy Spur, see under France. Crewe, see under Great Britain. Crewe: Brigadier-General Hon. Sir Charles, C.B., K.C.M.G.: Appointed to command Lake Detachment in East Africa, 1916, XIII, 404-5. East African campaign, XII, 116; XIII, 402, 406, 408, 409. Portrait, XIII, 402. Marquess of : Acting for Mr. Runciman at Paris Economic Conference, June 14-18, 1916, X, 341-43. on Blockade of Germany, February 23, 19 16, VII, 428. on German atrocities, I, 358. Introduction of Home Rule Amending Bill, June 23, 1914, V, 282. Lord President of the Council, June, 1915, V, 3M. 315- Memorandum circulated by, 1900, re formation of Imperial General Staff, XII, 272-73. on Mesopotamian Campaign, X, 240. as Minister of Education, XIV, 284. on the Navy, February 16, 1916, VII, 125. at Paris Economic Conference, June, 1916, XIV, 230. Portraits, I, 165 ; V, 300 ; X, 340 ; XII, 278. Praise of help given to Fire Brigade by London Volunteer Rifles during air raids, XX, 37 2 -73. President of Cabinet Committee re military requirements in men, VI, 304. Crewe : — conl. Marquess of :— cont. Reply to criticism on Government waste, July 8, 1915, X, 329. as Secretary of State for India, I, 165 ; XV, 114. Speech in House of Lords re insurrection by AH Dinar, IX, 318. Tribute to Belgian nation, I, 358. Marchioness of : Chairman of Collecting Committee, Queen's Work for Women Fund, IV, 256, 266. Portrait, IV, 254. Crichton : Private James, V.C.: • AwardofV.C, XVIII, 371,375-76, 394; XIX, 357- Portrait, XVIII, 376. Major, battle of Ypres, May, 1915, V, 79. Cricovul River, see under Rumania. Crimean War, I, 125, 278, 308, 488-89 ; III, 57 ; V, 376 ; XIV, 256 ; XX, 80. Artillery work, VII, 487-88. British commissariat breakdown, IV, 288. Cost, XVIII, 145. Effect on relations between Persia and Great Britain, XI, 332-33. Soldier's heart during, VII, 334. Crise River, see under France. Crisolles, see under France. Crisp, Skipper Thomas, V.C., D.S.C.: Award of D.S.M., XV, 219-20. Award of V.C., XV, 219-20, 251 ; XVIII, 355, 376, 381 ; XXI, 27. Portrait, XV, 219. Crispi, V, 5. Cristallo, Monte, see under Austria-Hungary. Cristescu, General, Assistant Chief of Rumanian Army, IX, 435-36. Critchley : Brigadier-General, D.S.O., portrait, XIX, 286. Mr. , head of the Alexandria Branch of the Imperial Ottoman Bank, member of Cotton Commission, III, 296. Crkva, see under Serbia. Crni Hrib, see under Austria-Hungary. Croad, H. C, magistrate at Kasama, German sub- mission to, XIX, 72. Croak, Private John Bernard, C.E.F., award of V.C., XVII, 427, 427-28, 431 ; XIX. 357. Croatia, see under Austria-Hungary. Croce Carnico (Plocken), Monte, see under Austria- Hungary. Croft, Colonel Page, reply to question of, re honours and rewards, November 23, 1916, XII, 154. Croisilles, see under France. Croix-du-Bac, see under Belgium. Croix de Guerre, see under France. Croix Marechal, see under France. Croix Ricard, see under France. Croix Rouge Francaise, see under France. Croker, Major-General H. L., in command of 28th British Division on Balkan Front, 1918, XX, 22. Cromer, Earl of (formerly Sir Evelyn Baring), I, 282, 286, 292, 293, 294, 296 ; III, 294. " Abbas II," III, 288, 295. as British Agent and Consul-General at Cairo, III, 282, 291. Chairman of Dardanelles Commission, XIX, 369- on Egyptian Campaign, I, 294, 296, 302. on Lord Kitchener, I, 291-92. on Colonel Leiper's work re bilharziosis, VI, 77. on Loyal service rendered by Slatin Pasha to British Government, IX, 318. " Modern Egypt," III, 281. Portrait, I, 296. Cromie, Captain F. A. N., R.N.: Appointed Naval Attache at Petrograd, January, 1918, and killed by Bolshevists, August, 1918, XVIII, 357. 124 THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. Cromie, Captain F. A. N. : — cont. in Command of submarine flotilla in the Baltic, VII. 151 ; XVIII. 357. Decorated with St. George's Cross, XVI, 299-300. Portrait, VII, 146. Cromwell, Oliver. I, 121. 259, 452 ; IX, 337 ; XIV, 255; XX, 422. Cronje, General, I. 279, 303, 451. Engagement with rebels, November 8, 1914, III, Portrait, I, 307. South African War, IV, 144, 145, 148-49. Crooke, Captain H. R., appointed Director of Naval Ordnance, July, 191 8, XVIII, 328. Crooke-Lawless, Lady, at head of Red Cross Store, Netley field hospital, IV, 69. Crookenden, Major, operations in Cameroon, VIII, 307, 308. Crooks, Will, M.P., visit to the front, 1915, VI, 208. Crosby, Oscar T.: American representative on, and President of, Inter-Ally Council on War Purchases and Finance, XXI, 85. Director, Belgium Relief Commission, IV, 443. on Executive Committee, Comite National de Secours et d'Alimintation, IV. 443. Portrait, XIII, 28. Cross, Acting Lance- Corporal Arthur Henry, V.C , M.G.C: Award of V.C, XVII, 398, 400, 431 ; XIX, 357. Portrait, XVII, 400. Crossley, Lieutenant C. V., R.N.R., gallantry of, and award of D.S.C., VII, 453. Croucher, Captain P. E., R.E., appointed Chief Storekeeper at Richborough, 1919, XXI, 140. Crouy, see under France. Crowborough, see under Great Britain. Crowdy, Miss Edith, O.B.E.: Deputy Director, Women's Royal Naval Service, XVII, 441. Portrait, XVII, 442. Crowe : Sir Eyre, K.C.B., at Peace Conference, XXI, 148. Second Lieutenant John, V.C: Award of V.C, XVII, 406, 431 ; XIX, 357. Portrait, XVII, 406. Colonel (Brigadier-General) J. H. V., C.B.: Account of German blockade running at Sudi Bay, XIX, 41 note. in Command, East African operations, January, 1917, XIII, 428. Crown Prince Tunnel, see under France. Crows Wood, see under France. de Croy, Princess Maria, trial in Brussels, October, 1915, and condemned to fifteen years' hard labour by Germans, VI, 432 ; XI, 19. Crozat, see under France. Crozier, M., French Consul-General, plan for leaving Antwerp changed on news of British reinforce- ments, II, 91-92. Crozzon del Diavolo, see under Austria-Hungary. Crozzon di Fargorida, see under Austria-Hungary. Cruickshank, Private Robert Edward, V.C. Award of V.C, XVII, 161, 398, 403-4, 4^1 ; XIX, 357. Portrait, XVII, 403. Crusader, H.M.S., attempt to rescue Maori's crew, but fired on by German shore batteries, May 7, 1916, VII, 133. Crutchley, Lieutenant Victor Alexander Charles, V.C, D.S.C, R.N.: Award of V.C, XVII, 416, 418-19, 431. Ostend operations, May, 1918, XVIII, 350. Portrait, XVIII, 350.' Cruybeke, see under Belgium. Crystal Palace, see under Great Britain. Csaky, Count, Austro-Hungarian representative at Peace Conference at Brest-Litovsk, December, 1917, XVI, 10. Csaylyat, see under Rumania. Csepel, Austrian destroyer, sinking of Italian destroyer by, May 24, 1,915, XII, 328. von Csiscerics, Lieut-Field Marshal, Austro-Hun- garian representative at Brest-Litovsk Peace Conference, December, 1917, XVI, 10. Ctesiphon, see under Mesopotamia. Cuangar, see under Angola. Cuba, see under West In-lies. Cubitt, Maior-General T. A.: in Command of 38th Division, France, August, , 1918, XIX, 297. Portrait, XIX, 296. Cuffies, see under France. Cuffley, see under Great Britain. Cugnac, General, Commander of French troops at battle of the Somme, October, 1916, XI, 412-13. Cuinchy, see under France. Culcer, General, XI, 450-51. in Command of First Rumanian Army, 1916, XI, 434- Operations in Transylvania, 1916, and position of army, XI, 203-5, 209. Portrait, XI, 206. Replaced, October 24, 1916, XI, 233. Cullen and Wallace, Messrs., gift of port wine for hospitals, II, 271. Cullum, Leading Seaman Stanley E., H.M.S. Lord Nelson, gallantry of, at Gallipoli, and death, V, 470. Culme- Seymour, Rear-Admiral M., second in com- mand of British Mediterranean fleet, XXI, 14. Cumberland, H.M.S.: off Cameroon Coast, II, 35 ; VII, 286, 288. Illustration, II, n. Cumieres, see under France. Cunard Steamship Company, XI, 1 14 ; XXI, 122-23. Cunel, see under France. da Cunha, Senhor, portrait, XXI, 420. Cuniberti, Colonel, Chief Constructor of the Italian Navy, XII, 311. Cuningham, Dr., on Royal licences to trade, IX, 461. Cunliiie : Brigadier-General F. H. G„ C.B., C.M.G.: Appointed to command French and British troops in Northern Cameroon, and opera- tions, VIII, 273, 274, 293, 299, 301, 302, 306, 307-1 1. Commanding Nigerian Brigade in Fast African campaign, 1916-17, XIII, 398, 426, 428, 429, 430 ; XIX. 51, 60, 62. Portrait, XIX, 62. Lord : Portraits, XIII, 28 ; XVIII, 148. on Reparation Commission at Peace Con- ference, XXI, 148. Cunningham : Corporal J., V.C: Award of V.C, XIII, 368-69, 378, 393 ; XIX, 357- Portrait, XIII, 369. Private J., V.C: Award of V.C, XII, 180, 192 ; XIX, 357. Portraits, XII, 176, 180. Cunninghame, Major Boyd : Commanding North Rhodesian Rifles, X. 155-58. Fighting near Fife, Rhodesia, June, 1915, X, 157. Cupid, H.M.S., sunk September 20, 1914, X, 134. Cupra Marittima, see under Italy. Curie, French submarine, captured at Pola and renamed the Zenta, December 24, 1914, VII, 158 ; XII, 45- Curlu, see under France. Curragh, see under Ireland. Currey, Private W. M., A.I.F., award of V.C. XIX, 342, 343, 354. Currie : General Sir Arthur William, K.C.B., G.C.M.G.. XVIII, 139. Address to Canadian troops, March, 1918, XVI, 284. THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. 12.', Currie : — cont. General Sir Arthur William: — cunt. Billet in Germany, 1918, XXI, 247. Biography, XVI, 257. at Bonn, December, 1918, XXI, 243. in Command of Canadian troops in France and Belgium, 1917-18, XVI, 257, 277 ; XIX, 139; XX, 113, 421-22. round Lens, August, 1917, XV, 385-92. Message to Sir George Perley on Battle of Passchendaele Ridge, XVI, 283. Passchendaele Ridge, battle of, XVI, 278. Portraits, XV, 357 ; XVI, 66, 259. Reply to Sir D. Haig's congratulatory message on success at Lens, XVI, 278. near Sanctuary Wood, June 3, 1916, XVI, 265. the Somme, battle of, August, 1916, XVI, 266. Ypres, battle of, August, 1915, V, 63, 65, 66-67, 219. Captain P. J. R., gallantry at Hulluch, September 25, I 9 I 5. VI, 386. Curry, Corporal A. K., C.E.F., surprise attack, November 16-17, 1915, VII, 316. Curtea de Argesh, see under Rumania. Curtis : Captain Berwick, D.S.O., in command of des- troyers in Heligoland Bight action, March 28, 1918, XVIII, 352. E. D., Hon. Secretary Belgian Relief Commission, IV, 443- Captain Frederick, of Columbian : Account by, of sinking of vessel and rescue of crew, XI, 166. Capture by U49, XI, 166. Sergeant H. A., V.C.: Award of V.C., XIX, 333, 354. Portrait, XIX, 333. Leading-Seaman, gallant conduct and death of, X, 26. Curzo, see under Australia. Curzola Island, observation station, destroyed by Italian warships, June 1, 1915, XV, 315. Curzon, Earl, of Kedleston, K.G., G.C.S.I., G.C.I.E., etc., I, 304, 305 ; III, 91, 92 ; XI, 108 ; XV, 114, 437 ; XXI, 455. Chairman of Shipping Control Committee, XI, 91. on Government's shipbuilding efforts, speech in House of Lords, February 13, 1917, XI, 108. Indian Education Act, XV, 113, 123, 143. Lord Privy Seal, June, 1915, V, 314, 315. Member of War Cabinet, December, 1916, X, 358-59- Member of War Committee of Coalition Govern- ment, X, 354. on Mesopotamian revenue under British adminis- tration, XXI, 440. Portraits, V, 301 ; X, 356 ; XII, 280 ; XXI. 446. President of Air Board, May, 1916, X, 347. on Programme of Ministry of Shipping, May 10, 1917, XV, 442-43. on Requisitioning of Ships, February 13, 1917, XI, 82. on Shipping losses during war, February 13, 191 7, XI, 85. on anti-Submarine work, February 7, 191 7, XVII, 302, 303. and Suspension of race meetings, V, 311. Tribute to the King, November 18, 1918, XVIII, 144. as Viceroy of India, XI, 341. Visit to Persia in 1903, and importance of, XI, 341- on War Cabinet system, XIX, 363. Cusani-Visconti, Vice-Admiral : in Command of naval forces at Brindisi, 191 8, XVIII, 437. Portrait, XVIII, 438. dishing, American s.s., attacked by German aeroplane in North Sea, V, 274, 276 ; VII, 143. Cuthbert : Brigadier-General, C.B., I, 449. Captain, D.S.O., battle of Loos, September 27, 19*5, VI, 397. Cuthell, C. W., General Counsel of the Emergi Fleet Corporation, XVIII, 262. Cutinelli, Vice- Admiral, XII, 315. Portrait, XII, 316. Cutlack, Mr., on fighting spirit of Australians in France, XX, 422. Cutry, see under France. Cuts, see under France. van Cutsem, M., Hon. President of the Tribunal of First Instance at Antwerp, member of Commission of Inquiry into German Atrocities, I, 431. de Cuverville, Admiral, I, 65. Cuvillers, see under France. Cuxhaven, see under Germany. Cuza, Prince Alexander, see Alexander I, King of Rumania. Cyclops, American naval collier, XII, 215. Cymric, White Star Liner : Illustration, XI, 173. Sunk by enemy submarine, May 8, 1916, XI, 173 ; XIII, 58, 70; XXI, 124. Cynoscephalee, battle, second century B.C., XV, 386. Cyprus Island : I'm )V SCOUtS, XVII, I74. British acquisition of, by Anglo-Turkish agree- ment, V, 1. British offer of, to Greece, in return for military assistance, October, 1915, XIII, 307; XIV, 222. British sovereignty over, from November 5, 1914, to be recognised by Turkey by Peace Treaty, XXI, 458. Nicosia, Mosque of St. Sophia, illustration, XXI, 464. Prize Courts, British constitution of, September 30, 1914, X, 310. Recruits from, XVI, 103. Survey, etc., by Lord Kitchener, I, 282, 286. Transport of troops from, 191 4, XVI, 157. Cyra Island, French at, October 16, 1916, XII, 64. Cyrenaica : Attack on two British submarines, August 16, 1915, by Arabs, apology of Senussi for, IX, 295. Bengazi : Proportion of Turco-Senussi army sent to watch Italian garrison at, IX, 297. Seaport used by Senussi for supply of arms and munitions, and merchandise, IX, 287. Bir Warr : Description of country, and subsequent attack on, IX, 310. Withdrawal of Senussi to, after defeat at Agagia, 1916, IX, 310. Bombah, seaport held by Italians prior to Treaty of Lausanne, IX, 288. Coast, patrolling of, by Allied warships, and results, IX, 293. Derna : Proportion of Turco-Senussi army sent to watch Italian garrison at, IX, 297. Seaport held by Italians prior to Treaty of Lausanne, IX, 288. Seizure by Italians of documents dealing with German intrigues, July, 1915, and result, IX, 291. Used by Senussi for supply of arms and muni- tions and merchandise, IX, 287. Description of country and invasion of, by Italy, 191 1, IX, 287-89. Effect in, of Anglo-Italian agreement of July, 1916, IX, 317-18. German submarines off coast of, 1915, and effect on Senussi, IX, 295. Italian operations in, 1914-15, and result, IX, 288-93. Mersa Moraisa, occupied by Italians, May, 1916, IX, 317. 126 THE TIMES HISTOBY OF THE WAR, Cyrenaica : — cont. Msead : Description of country, and subsequent attack on, IX, 310. Withdrawal of Senussi to, after defeat at Agagia, 1916, IX, 310. Pasha of, visit to Jarabub on instructions from Abdul Hamid, and results, IX, 285. Port Sulieman (Bardia) : Occupied by Italians, May, 1916, IX, 317. Seaport held by Italians prior to Treaty of Lausanne, IX, 288. Survivors of H.M.S. Tara taken to, by U35, treatment of, by Senussi, IX, 310-13. Tobruk : Crew of Helensmuir rescued by armed Italian yacht, and taken to, 1915, IX, 310. Proportion of Turco-Senussi army sent to watch Italian garrison at, IX, 297. Seaport held by Italians prior to Treaty of Lausanne, IX, 288. Torpedoing of British horse transport off coast of, November 7, 1915, IX, 295-97. Turco-Arabs of, resistance. III, 294. Turco-German influence in, IX, 281-83. Turkey's renouncement of sovereignty of, in Treaty of Lausanne, 1912, IX, 288. Value of, to Senussi for maintenance of contact with Egypt, IX, 287-88. Cyril, Prince of Bulgaria, XII, 22. Portraits, VII, 228 ; XX, 35. Cyras, King, XI, 321. Cys (la-Commune), see under France. Czajkowski, Michael, leader of Polish revolutionists during time of Crimean War, XI, 220 note. Czartoryski, Prince Adam, V, 358. Czartoryski family, in Bzhezhany, X, 173. Czecho- Slovakia : American advances to, XXI, 88. Army : Desertions to Russians, XIX, 230. Recognition of, by British Government as an Allied and belligerent unit, June 3, 191 8, XX, 166. Refusal to fight, XXI, 398-99. Refusal to surrender Admiral Koltchak and subsequent submission, XXI, 402-3. Coal export to Austria, Treaty terms re, XXI, 4 2 3- Costumes, illustration, XX, 225. Dettva, peasant women of, illustration, XXI, 419. Formation of new state from Bohemia and Mora- via, and effect on Austria-Hungary, XXI, 397, 415-18, 428. Independence established, XXI, 15. Map, XXI, 416. Opposition to Admiral Koltchak, reasons for, and results, XX, 174-75. Territorial changes, Treaty provisions re, XXI, 4*3- Czecho-Slovaks : Attitude towards new constitution on basis of racial equality, 1917, XX, 234-35. in Austria, number, 1910, II, 202. anti-Austrian policy of, XX, 242. Austro-Hungarian poUcy towards, XIX, 229-34. Demand that Austria-Hungary should become Federal State of Free National States, 19 17, XX, 230. Effect of Russian peace proposals on, XX, 239-4°- Persecutions of, XIX, 231-34. Proposal to, from Poles, and refusal, XX, 247. in Russia, remonstrances of Berlin against per- mitting departure of, to fight with Allies on Western Front, XX, 151. in Siberia, 1918, opposition to Bolshevists, XX, 164-67. Czernin, Count Ottokar, XVIII, 42 ; XIX, 9, 10. Acceptance of Russia's invitation to open peace negotiations, December, 1917, XX, 238. Czernin, Count Ottokar : — cont. Appointed to joint Austro-Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, December 22, 1916, XX 217, 221, 224. Article by, published in Neue Freie Presse, September 8, 1918, quoted, XX, 251-52. Attempt to secure abdication of King Ferdinand of Rumania, XVII, 62-63. on Austria's willingness to negotiate with Russia, November 27, 191 7, XX, 237. at Conference in Austria, December 20, 191 6, XX, 221-22. Efforts to establish peace for Austria-Hungarv, XX, 232, 233, 234. General survey of events since last meeting of delegations, XX, 238-39. on Internal developments in Austria, 1917, XX, 228. Negotiations with Rumania, 1918, and results, XX, 242. at Peace conference at Brest-Litovsk, December, 1917, XVI, 10, 12-13, I 5, 20 , 3 2 9 ; XX, 240. Peace policy, XX, 237-39. Peace terms with the Ukraine, XVI, 18-19. Portraits, XI, 495 ; XVI, 23 ; XVII, 65. on Principle of self-determination, December 8, 191 7, XX, 239. Reply to President Wilson, January, 1918, XV, 309- Resignation, April 14, 1918, reason for, XX, 243. Rumanian Note sent to, re intention to declare war, text of, IX, 430-33. Secret memorandum to Emperor on situation in Austria-Hungary, April 12, 1917, XX, 227. Signatory to preliminary declaration of Peace with Rumania, March, 1918, XVII, 39, 41 Threats to M. Take Ionescue, and results, IX, 426. Work of : after Brest-Litovsk Peace, 191 7-18, and speeches by, effect on Austrian internal politics, XX, 240-43. for German cause in Bukarest, IX, 416. Czernowitz, see under Galicia. Czerny, Joseph, Chief of the Cadets of Lenin, portrait, XXI, 425. Czibulka, Field-Marshal-Lieutenant, commanding Hungarian Corps in Galicia, V, 105. Dl, submarine, illustration, I, 47. D4, submarine : Ophelia, German steamship, under observation by, X, 320. Quickfiring guns, illustration, IV, 109. D5, submarine, mined in North Sea, II, 361. Dll, submarine, loss of, III, 153. Da Costa : Brigadier-General, in command of forces in Palestine, 1918, XIX, 185. Dr., investigation of "soldier's heart," VII, 334-35- Dachnow, see under Galicia. Dacia, Hamburg-Amerika line, see Yser. Dad Trench, see under Belgium. Daffodil, H.M.S. , in attack on Zeebrugge, April 23, 1918, XVIII, 342-48. Dag, Swedish schooner, torpedoed by Germans, March 13, 1917, XIII, 62. Dagenham, see under Great Britain. Dagerort Island, see under Russia. Dagny, see under France. Dago Island, Serro, Germans land near, October, 1917, XVI, 322. Dague, French destroyer, mined off Antivari, February 24, 1915, XII, 45. Daimler Case, IX, 468-71, 474. Daisy, trawler : Survivors from H.M.S. Recruit saved by, VII, 129. Torpedoed by Germans, XIII, 64. Dakawa, see under German East Africa. Dakhia Oasis, see under Egypt. THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. 127 Dakhla, see under Egypt. Dakin, Dr. H. D., Leeds University : Antiseptic work of, VI, 56 ; XIV, 330-31. Introduction of Dakin's Solution as an antiseptic, results of, XI, 45-46, 48, 51. Dale: Brigadier-General G. A., C.M.G., in command of British forces in East Persia, XX, 97. Henry, contractor for match and powder under Queen Elizabeth, VIII, 43. Dr., rebuke administered to, IX, 180. Dalen Island, see under Russia. Dalhaize, Jules, I, 323. Dalhem, see under Belgium. Dallas, Major-General A. G., C.B., appointed to command in Egypt afterinvaliding of Lieutenant- General Mahon, IX, 317; XIV, 298, 300. Dallon, see under France. Dalmahoy, Captain J. F., LA., gallantry of, Battle of Ypres, April 26, 1915, and death, V, 69. Dalmata, Norwegian s.s., torpedoed by Germans, February 11, 1917, XIII, 61-62. Dalmatia : Administrative limits imposed on Austria- Hungary by Armistice, November 4, 1918, XX, 319-20. Cattaro, XII, 307, 309. Actions off, and attack on warships by Italian airmen, May, 1918, XII, 336-37 ; XVIII, 453, 454- Air raids on, XVIII, 459-61. American battalion at, XX, 71. Austrian destroyers escape to, X, 70. Bombardment, II, 22 ; XII, 44, 308. Defended harbour, II, 236. Illustration, XII, 45. Ships and forts at, shell Mount Lovtchen, January 11, 1916, X, 70. Cattaro-Ragusa railway, bombarded by Italian Navy, June, 1915, XII, 316. Fishermen, illustration, XIX, 15. Italian claims in, XIX, 13-15 ; XXI, 427. Italian withdrawal from, terms of agreement re, 1919, XXI, 428. Kerka River, mouth, Italian air raid, May 27, 1915, XII, 321. Naval advantages of coast, in comparison with that of Italy, X, 70. Provisions in agreement between Italy and Entente Powers, VII, 232. Sebenico : Naval station, I, 80 ; II, 236. Illustration, XII, 344. Territorial changes, Treaty terms re, 1915, XXI, 427. Zara : Italians land at, November, 1918, XX, 318-19. Self-government under League of Nations, 1919, XXI, 428. Dalmatian Archipelago : Cables to mainland cut by Italian warships, June 5, 1915, XII, 315. Lighthouses, etc., destroyed by Italian war- ships, June 5, 1915, XII, 316. Temporary seizure of some islands by Allies, XII, 308. Dall olio. General Aliredo : at Allied Conference at Rome, XIV, 433. Appointed Italian Minister of Arms and Muni- tions, October, 1917, XIX, 5. Portrait, XIX, 6. Dalton, Acting Assistant Commissary (1879), XVI, 388. Daly: Major-General A. C: in Command of 24 th Division on Western Front, November, 1918, XVIII, 54 ; XX, 268. Portrait, XX, 268. E.: Condemned and shot, VIII, 62. and Irish rebellion, April, 1916, VIII, 459. Dalziel, Driver Henry, A. IF., award of V.C., XVII, 424-25, 431 ; XIX, 357. Damad Ferid Pasha : Grand Vizier (1919), XXI, 433, 464. Portrait, XXI, 441. Resignation and return to office, July, 1919, XXI, 435- Damakjelik Bair, see under Gallipoli. Damanhur, see under Egypt. Damaraland, dealing with, by General Botha, January, 1915, IX, 353. Damascus, see under Palestine and Syria. Dambitsch, Lieutenant Alfred, description of Allies' tactics on the Somme, X, 91—92. Dambovitsa Valley, see under Rumania. Dam6ry, see under France. Damgha, see under Arabia. Damien, Father, statue at Louvain, I, 410. Damloup, see under France. Damm Strasse, see under Belgium. van Damme, Captain, killed October 24, 1917, XIX, 58. Damvillers, see under France. Danbir Thapa, Jemadar, LA., conversation with the King, II, 353. • Dance, Commodore, engagement with Admiral Linois, 1804, VII, 429. Dancox : Private F. G., V.C.: Award of V.C., XV, 237, 239-40, 251 ; XIX, 357- Portrait, XV, 240. Mrs., V.C. of husband given to, XVII, 419. Dandolo, Doge, sack of Constantinople, 1204, XXI, 456. Dane, Sir Richard, K.C.I.E., I.C.S.: Foreign Chief Inspector of Salt Revenue, China, XIV, 112, 120. Portrait, XIV, 112. Danefi, Dr., XX, 13. Appointment as Bulgarian Chancellor, November, 1918, XX, 30. Character, XX, 36. Russophil Progressive leader of Sobranje, and Bulgarian representative at London Con- ference, May 30, 1913, XX, 15. Danglis, General: Member of Greek Provisional Government, XII, 3°- Member of Triumvirate with Venizelos, October, 1916, XIII, 315. Portrait, XIII, 317. Daniel, Ruthenian Prince, Lemberg founded by, 1259, III, 254. Daniel, Major W., O.B.E., R.E., on Headquarters Staff at Richborough, XXI, 138. Daniels : Second-Lieutenant H., V.C, M.C.: Award of V.C, X, 38. Portrait, X, 3. Josephus, Secretary of American Navy: XI, 380 ; XVI, 340, 341. Portraits, XI, 367, 384 ; XIII, 17 ; XVI, 343. Dankl, General, III, 272. Commanding 1st Austrian Army : in Galicia, V, 100. Invasion of Poland and retreat, III, 242, 243, 245-47, 249, 257, 258, 271, 321, 338. Operations in Galicia, III, 249, 259, 267-68. Portrait, III, 254. Transfer to Italian front with part of First Austro-Hungarian Army, V, 151 ; IX, 12. Dannevaux, see under France. Dannreuther, Commander, of H.M.S. Invincible, praise of, during Battle of Jutland, IX, 158. Dante Alighieri, Italian Dreadnought, XII, 310. Danton, Georges Jacques, II, 5 2 ; V, 82. Danton, French battleship : Illustrations, I, 67 ; XII, 66. Sinking of, March 19, 1917, XII, 66; XIV, 177. 128 THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. Danube River: Austrian crossing of, October 6, 1915, VII, 369. British Contingent's work on, VII, 355-58, 372 ; XXI, 13. Delta: Bulgarian offensive, January, 1917, XII, 137-38. Description, XII, 125-26. Island, illustration, XII, 126. Map, XII, 124. Enemy traffic on, stopped by Bulgarian armistice, XX, 29. European Commission of, 1856, XVII, 55, 56. Fortifications or defence works, Allies empowered to occupy or dismantle, by Armistice, Novem- ber 4, 1918, XX, 321. German control, XVII, 55-57. German operations on, November, 1916, and results, XI, 462-65. Illustrations, II, 218, 235 ; XII, 144. " Iron Gate " of, illustration, VII, 380. Military activity on, August 6, 1914, II, 294. Afouths of the Danube Commission, XVII, 47, 55-56. Provisions of Peace *)f Bukarest, March, 1918, XVII, 47. Strategic importance of country near, XI, 462. Danzig, see under Germany. Darachow, see under Galicia. Dar-es- Salaam, see under German East Africa. Darby, Surgeon Leonard, R.A.N., account of medical work during action between H.M.S. Sydney and Emden, IX, 267-68. Darbyshire, Gunner H., R.H.A., award of Mcdaille Militaire, X, 5, 7. D'Arcy, W. K., concession to, to exploit oil areas in Persia, III, 109. Dardanelles: IV, 118; VII, 161-220. Queen Alexandra's Nursing Service, work of, 1915, IX, 273-74. Allied Fleets, proceeding through, November, 1918, XX, to 4 ; XXI, 14-15. Breslau and Goeben in. III, 44. British bluejackets landed at, illustration, VI, 84. British Fleet in : 1807, V, 374-76. 1854, V, 376. 1878, V, 376. Retention considered wise by Sir E. Grey, August 19, 1914, III, 46. British and French flagships in, illustration, XX, 102. British losses up to May 31, 1915, VI, 115. British merchant ships, saerching of. III, 51. British monitors and " blister ships," VII, 156. British ships steaming up, illustration, XV, 434- Campaign: {see also Gallipoli), V, 361 -400, 441-80; VI, 81-120; VII, 153, 156; XII, 47-61; XXI, 6, 12. Anxiety in England and public criticisms, VII, 211, 213. Mr. Asquith on, November 2, 1915, VII, 213. Australasian opinion, VI, 159-60. Mr. Churchill on,- VII, 153. Controversy between Lord Fisher and Mr. Churchill, VII, 123-24. Criticism, VII, 273. Effect : on British Coalition Ministry, X, 326. on Campaign in France, V, 452. on Position in the Balkans, VII, 221. on Shipping, XI, 81-82. Naval and political views on, V, 368-70. Policy and strategy of, V, 363-70, 379, 381, 451-52 ; XIX, 409-10. Position, end of June, 19 15, VI, 120. Responsibility for, V, 314, 443 ; VII, 213. Closing of, III, 51. Description, V, 371-73. E14, cruise in, January 27, 1918, XVIII, 360. Dardanelles : — cont. Early passages of, V, 374. successful Evacuation of, X, 65. Forts : Armament, V, 377, 379. Bombardment, III, 147; V, 361, 381, 382-85, 387-90 ; X, 69-70 ; XII, 48, 49, 50 ; XXI, 12. German guns in, V, 377. Germans in, III, 48. Illustrations, XX, 104 ; XXI, 463. Franco-British blockade on outbreak of war, V, 361. French fleet at, work of, XII, 47-61. French troops on the way to, illustration, V, 372. German influence. III, 48. German submarines at, VI, 113-14; VII, 155-56. Heroism of seamen and soldiers, VII, 123. History, V, 373. Hospitals, garments from Queen Mary's Needle- work Guild, IV, 270. Italian bombardment during Libyan War, XII, 3". 314- Joint naval and military attack commenced, V, 361-62. Map, V, front. Medical work in, during summer and autumn of 1915, IX, 270. Method of transporting the Allies' big guns, illustration, V, 391. Mine sweeping operations, V, 382, 384, 389-90, 397; VII, 454-55: XII, 50; XXI, 14. Mines, form of drifting, V, 396. Mining of, August, 1914, III, 45. Narrows : Attack, March 18, 1915, XII, 54-57. Attempt to force, V, 362, 394-400 ; VII, 154. Naval attack on, March, 1915, failure of, IX, 418. Opening of, Armistice terms re, XX, ^73, 434. Provisions of Peace Treaty re, XXI, 463-64. Removal of minefields, November, 1918, XX, 104. Royal Commission reports, XIX, 369, 371. Transport loading error, V, 362, 394. Troops transported to, 1915, XVI, 167 . Illustration, XVI, 168. Turkish destroyer turned back outside, by British, III, 51. Wounded from, in Egypt, IV, 360. Dardanus Fort, see under Turkey-in-Asia. Darfur, see under Sudan. Dari, Signor, appointed Italian Minister of Public Works, October, 1917, XIX, 5. Daring, torpedo destroyer, XII, 207. Darius, IV, 284 ; XI, 321, 355. Darkehmen, see under East Prussia. Darling, Mr. Justice, Sir R. Casement's case before, VIII, 467. Darlington, see under Great Britain. Darovo, see under Russia. Dartford, see under Great Britain. Dartmouth, see under Great Britain. Dartmouth, H.M.S., in the Adriatic, May, 1917, XII, 336-37; XIV, 178-79; XVIII, 453-54- Dartnell : Temporary Lieutenant W., V.C.: Award of V.C., X, 17, 38. Portrait, X, 3. Brigadier-General, South African War, XV, 334. Daru, Comte, I, 453- Daszynski, Ignace, Social Democratic Leader : Instructions to Polish members to vote against Budget, XX, 231. Portrait, XX, 233. Daucourt, Lieutenant, air raid on Essen, September 24, 1916, XI, 296. Daugand, General.on fightingof soldiers near Ailette, September, 191 8, XX, 351. Davenescourt, see under France. Daventry, see under Great Britain. THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. 129 Davey, Corporal Philip, V.C., M.M.: Award of V.C., XVII, 423-24, 423 ; XIX, 357. Portrait, XVII, 425. David: Professor Edgeworth, on Australian Universal Service League, VI, 155. Dr. Eduard : Appointed to German Ministry (without Portfolio), XXI, 304. Elected Presidentof GermanNational Assembly, XXI, 303. Leader of Majority Socialists in Germany, XXI, 303. Portraits, XXI, 276, 314. Representative of late Government of Ger- many, XXI, 294. Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs in Prince Max of Baden's Government, XXI, 275, 295. Fernand, French Minister of Agriculture, 1917, XIV, 238. Davids, American Southern States submersible boats, IV, 90. Davidson : Most Reverend Randall Thomas, D.D., Arch- bishop of Canterbury : on the Clergy and military service, VIII, 317, 3*9- Opposed to air raid reprisals, VIII, 175. Portrait, VIII, 320. Visit to the Front, May, 1916, VIII, 328, 330. Brigadier-General S. R., in command of forces in Palestine, 1918, XIX, 185. Stoker, First Class, Thomas, R.N., gallantry of, and award of D.S.C., V, 398-99. Sir Walter E., K.C.M.G.: Appointed Governor of New South Wales, autumn of, 1917, XIV, 212. Chairman of the Patriotic Association, XIV, 209. Letter from Brigadier-General Cayley paying tribute to Newfoundland soldiers, XIV, 193-94- on Newfoundland Royal Naval Reserve, XIV, 186. Portraits, XII, 189; XIV, 210. Captain, Secretary of Mechanical Transport Committee, IV, 300. Captain, R.N., portrait, VII, 218. Davies : Brigadier-General C. H., C.M.G., D.S.O.: in Command of forces in Palestine, 1918, XIX, 185. at Tripoli, October 18, 1918, XIX, 205 note. E., Third Officer Wayfarer, assistance in saving ship and award of gold watch, VII, 442. Major-General H. R., in command of nth Divisionin France, September, 1918, XIX, 449. Corporal J., award of V.C., XII, 192 ; XIX, 357. Corporal Jas. Llewellyn, V.C.: Award of V.C., XV, 223, 251 ; XIX, 357. Portrait, XV, 223. Corporal J. T., V.C.: Award of V.C., XVI, 391, 395 ; XIX, 357. Portrait, XVI, 390. Squadron-Commander R. B., V.C., D.S.O., R.N., award of V.C., X, 30-31, 38 ; XIII, 373. Brigadier-General R. H., C.B., 6th Infantry Brigade, I, 449. Captain, Medical work in Central Laboratory at Royal Army Medical College, XI, 56. Davignah, see under German South-West Africa. Davignon, and neutrality of Belgian Congo, VIII, 285. Davis : Squadron-Commander R. B., V.C., R.N.A.S., portrait, X, 31. Mr., research work re trench fever, XVII, 236-37. Davis-Trietsch, Dr., German-Jewish publicist, pam- phlet quoted, XIV, 321-22. Davison, Lieut.- Commander, R.N.R., navigating officer of Empress of Russia, 1914, XXI, 125. Ind. — 1 Davos, see under Switzerland. Davout, Marshal, XIV, 66. Davson, Messrs. S. and Co., Demerara, offer of sugar, rum, and molascuit, November 13, 1914, II, 275. Davy: Major P. C. T., R.A.M.C, at Gardelegen Camp, XII, 232-35. Miss : Chief Controller Overseas, Q.M.A.A.C, XVII, 436. Commandant of W.R.A.F., XVII, 436. Dawan Sing Negi, Naik, V.C., I. A.: Gallantry of, and award of V.C., II, 346, 352 ; X, 19, 22, 40. Winning the V.C., illustration, X, 26. Dawe, Private F., gallantry near Ypres, August 15, 1917, XIV, 206. Dawkins, Lady Bertha, and Queen Mary's Needle- work Guild, IV, 267. Dawnay : Brevet Lieut. -Colonel G. P., mentioned in despatches, XV, 148 note. Major the Hon. Hugh, D.S.O.: Killed, IV, 35. Portrait, IV, 8. Dawson : Sir Bertrand, IV, 63 ; XVIII, 121. Lady Elizabeth : and Queen Mary's Needlework Guild, IV, 267. on Y.M.C.A. Ladies' Auxiliary Committee, IV, 507- Lieut. -Colonel F. S., commander of 1st (Cape Province) Battalion in Egypt, IX, 308. Temporary Second Lieutenant J. L., R.E.: Gallantry in attack on Hohenzollern Redoubt, October 13, 1915, and award of V.C., VI, 4*3 : X, 5, 38. Portrait, X, 3. Miss M. Damer : Commandant of Women's Police Service, IV, 510 ; XVII, 455, 466, 467. Portrait, XVII, 456. Commander Sir Trevor : Portrait, IV, 83. . on Submarine work, IV, 84. Day, Corporal S. J., V.C.: Award of V.C., XV, 229, 230, 251 ; XIX, 357. Portrait, XV, 230. Daykins, Corporal J. B., V.C.: Award of V.C., XIX, 336, 354. Portrait, XIX, 338. Dayrell-Reed, Lieutenant A., D.S.O., R.N.R., in command of motor boat at Ostend, May 9, 1918, XVIII, 349. Dchang, see under Cameroon. Dchang Mangas, see under Cameroon. de Bange, Colonel, VII, 483. de Bartolom6, Commodore C. M., appointed to Board of Admiralty, June, 1918, XVIII, 328. de Beauchamps, Captain, aerial activity, etc., September, 1916, XI, 296-97. de Bon, Admiral F.: in Command of base at Salonika, XVIII, 438. Portrait, XVIII, 322. de Bunsen, Right Hon. Sir Maurice, G.C.M.G., G.C.V.O., I, 22. De Chair, Vice Admiral Sir D. R. S., K.C.B., M.V.O., VII, 147. Appointment as naval adviser to the Foreign Office on question of foreign trade and blockade, VII, 428. on British and German methods of blockade, XII, 43-44- Description of work of British ships blockading Germany, X, 59-60. Interview on type of ships used for blockade, XIII, 42-43. Mission to America, 1917, XXI, 77. Portraits, VII, 420 ; XIII, 22, 41 ; XXI, 78. on Ruses adopted by blockade runners, XIII, 55. 180 THE TIMES HISTOHY OF THE WAR. de Knoop, Major, death of, August 7, 1916, X, 395. de La Rey, General, III, 484, 495, 499-500 ; XV, at Burghers' meeting, Treurfontein, August 15, 1914. III. 409-500, 501. Death of, III, 501, 504. Funeral. Ill, 501, 505. South African war, IV, 141, 143, 149- De lisle, Frances, Lady, Vice-Chairman of Ware- house Committee, Order of St. John of Jersualem, IV, 483. De Lisle, Lieut.-General Sir B., K.C.B.. K.C.M.G., 2nd Cavalry Brigade, I, 450 ; VII, 201. Appointment to command of IXth Corps at Suvla Bay, VII, 200. Attack on Ismail Oglu Tepe and Scimitar Hill, August 21, 1915, VII, 205-08. Battle of Ypres, May, 1915, V, 78. Career, VII, 201. in Command of 13th Corps in France, 1918, XVIII, 105. and Retreat from Mons, I, 470. de Miranda, Captain Rob., killed at Quiteve, July 10, 1915- XVII, 342- De Pass, Lieutenant F., V.C.: Award of Y.C., X, 22, 38. Portrait, X, 37. de Ramsey, Lady, on Y.M.C.A. Ladies' Auxiliary Committee, IV, 507. de Robeck, Vice Admiral Sir John M., G.C.M.G. K.C.B.: Appointed to command in Dardanelles and pro- moted to Vice Admiral, March 16, 1915, V, 390; XXI, 18. Commanding Allied squadrons, Dardanelles cam- paign, V, 362, 394, 455, 456, 458, 476 ; VI, 96, 113; VII, 154; XII, 50. Baronetcy conferred on, August, 1919, XXI, 179. Money grant, August, 1919, XXI, 179. Portraits, V, 363 ; VII, 211 ; IX, 270 ; X, 59 ; XXI, 18. Second in command of Naval Force in the Dardanelles, V, 382. Tribute to, by Sir I. Hamilton, VII, 123. de Trafford, Lady, attendance at cookery class, IV, 511. De Valera, E. : on British propaganda in America, XXI, 101 note. Returned to Parliament, December, 1918, XIX, 395- de Villiers, Sir Henry, III, 487-88, 488. de Wet: General Christian, III, 4, 484, 489. Character of, III, 495. Commando, illustration, III, 510. Portraits, I, 306 ; III, 487, 508, 511. Rebellion, III, 491, 492-512. South African War, III, 446, 495 ; IV, 143, 149. Speech at Pretoria, III, 491. Speech at Vrede, October 29, 19 14, III, 509. Piet, portrait, III, 505. Dead Man's Ridge, see under Gallipoli. Dead Sea, see under Palestine and Syria. Deak, Francis, Hungarian statesman, II, 200. Deakin, A., Prime Minister, Australia, portrait, XII, 270. Deal, see under Great Britain. Dean: Lieutenant D. J..V.C: Award of V.C., XVIII, 392-93, 394. Portrait, XVIII, 394. Lieutenant Percy Thompson, R.N.V.R.: Award of V.C., XVII, 414, 415, 431 ; XVIII, 394 in Command of motor launch at Zeebrugge, XVIII, 348. Portrait, XVII, 416. Return to Parliament, 1918, XVIII, 394. Deane, Justice Bargrave, Judge in Probate, Divorce and Admiralty Division of High Court, 1917, XI, 88. Dease, Lieutenant M. J., award of V.C., X, 5, 38. Debeli Vhr, st$ under Austria-Hungary. Debeney, General, XVIII, 99. Advance on Western Front, 1918, XIX, 144, 154, 158, 166, 289, 294, 299; XX, 417. Attack, August, 1918, XIX, 139, 143. in Command of French First Army, 1918, XVIII, 185-86, 187-89 ; XX, 190, 192, 269. French First Army under, placed at Sir Douglas Haig's disposal, July, 1918, XIX, 137, 137-38. Operations in Belgium and France, 191 8, XX, in, 113, 115-16, n8, 119, 120, 121, 124, 128, 131, 132. 134. 135. 142. 258, 266, 267, 344, 346-47 348-49, 353, 357, 433. Order to troops, April 6, 1918, XVIII, 196. Portraits, XVIII, 100 ; XX, 345. Report on position of, April 2, 1918, XVIII, 193. Debenham, Captain, in command of forces in East Africa, XIX, 70. Deboer, Colonel, and fortification of Belgium, I, 107. Decoppet, Camille, President of the Swiss Republic, in 1916, portrait, XI, 484. Dedeagatch, see under Bulgaria. Dee, see under Great Britain. Deedes, Lieutenant, I. A., battle of Ypres, April, 1915, V, 69. Defence, H.M.S. armoured cruiser, IX, 136. Battle of Jutland, 1916, IX, 148, 149, 275. Sinking of, in battle of Jutland, May 31, 1916, IX, 129, 148, 149. Defender, H. M.S., in action off Heligoland, II, 12-13. Defiance, s.s., launched, U.S.A., July 4, 1.9 18, XV I II, 278, 279. Defrance, Albert, French Agent in Egypt, at review of French troops, April 5, 1915, V, 446. Degetau, Hans, German submarine commander, XVII, 291. Degoutte, General : Advance, July and August, 1918, XIX, in, 114, 121, 166, 303. Commanding 6th French Army, XXI, 41. Malmaison, battle of, XVI, 230-31, 232, 235-37, 238-39, 240, 241. Marne, second battle of the, July, 1918, XIX, 84, 92, 98, 101, 102, 103. Moronvillers, battle of, April, 1917, XIV, 93, 94. Opera tionsin France and Belgium, 1918, XX, 1 1 1, 128, 135, 137, 138, 140, 340-42. Portraits, XIX, 85; XX, 341. Deguise, General, II, 94- Portrait, II, 82. Refusal to surrender Antwerp on threat of bombardment, October 6, 1914, II, 100-1. Dehane, see under Cameroon. Dehorter, French destroyer, in the Black Sea, November, 1918, XXI, 15. von Deimling, General, I, 218. in Belgium, October, 1914, IV, 12, 23, 24. Commander of German troops at Battle of the Sommc, October, 1916, XI, 419. Deir ibn Obeid, see under Palestine and Syria. Deir Sineid, see under Palestine and Syria. Deir-ez-Zor, see under Mesopotamia. Dejardin, General, and fortification of Belgium, I, 107. Dejoinu, Lieut. -Colonel, operations in Jiu Valley, 1916, XI, 451. Delage, Commandant, French Marines, at Dixmude, October, 1914, III, 183. Delagrange, M., experiments with flying machines, II, 177. Delamain, Birgadier-General W. S.: Operations in Mesopotamia and the Persian Gulf, III, 107-8, no, 1 12-14 1 X, 201-2, 209, 225-26. Portrait, III, 107. Delamere, Lord, first settler in British East Africa, X, 134. Delarmoy, Commandant, III, 469. Delatour, General, in command of 5th French Division of Cavalry, March, 1918, XVIII, 187. Delatyn, see under Galicia. THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. 131 Delbeke, pictures by, at Ypres, IV, 204. Delbreil, Commandant, Battle of Moronvillers, April, 1917, XIV, 92, 93. von Delbriick, Dr., German Minister of Interior : on Conquests of Germany, 1913, XX, 456. on German peace note, February, 191 7, XI, 504. Imperial Minister of the Interior, V, 165. Portraits, V, 166; VIII, 163; XX, 457. Retirement of, IX, 381, 386. Submarine campaign advocated, 1917, XXI, 259. Visits to Warsaw, VIII, 1 56. Delcasse, M., I, 12, 61 ; XVIII, 113. Appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs, August, [914,1,478; [1,455; XVII, 221; resignation, October 13, 1915, VII, 274 ; XIV, 221-22. Development of Navy under, as Minister of Marine, I, 67. Portrait, I, 63. Speech on foreign policy, June, 1916, IX, 44. Delegue, Lieutenant, French submarines Coulomb and JaurJguiberry, Dardanelles operations, XII, 51-53. 59- Delemont, see under Switzerland. Delepine, Professor, investigation of trench-foot, VII, 33^-33- Delevingne, Sir Malcolm, K.C.B., on Labour Legislation Commission at Peace Conference, XXI, 148. Delhi, see under India. Deligny, General, battle of Malmaison, October, 191 7, XVI, 232, 240. Delizia, Ponte della, see under Italy. Delme, see under Alsace-Lorraine. von Delmensingen, General Krafft : Advance, November, 1916, XI, 446-50. Operations : in Rumania, 1916-17, XI, 462, 466; XII, 118, 127, 131, 136. in Transylvania, 1916, XI, 227, 437. in Wallachia, 1916, XI, 457. Portrait, XI, 437. Delobbe, General, at Spa, portrait, XX, 449. Delorme, Dr., Principal Medical Inspector of French Forces in the Field : Address to Academy of Science, September 28, 1914. IV, 53-54. on Gas gangrene, VI, 46. Delphic, sinking of, XXI, 124. Delphin, French submarine, illustration, IV, 102. Delta, British airship, II, 184, 193. Delta Farm, see under Belgium. Delva Farm, see under Belgium. Delville, see under France. Demaria, Sefior, Presidentof the Argentine Chamber, XV, 28. Dembica (Debitsa), see under Galicia. Demchenko, M. V. T., portrait, VIII, 214. Demerara, see under British Guiana. Demetz, General, in command of Infantry Division, 1918, XVIII, 186-87. Demicourt, see under France. Demidovka, see under Russia. Demir Kapu, see under Serbia. Demirhissar, see under Greece. Democratic, French warship at Sebastopol, Novem- ber, 1918, XX, 107. Demolin, Belgian private, bravery at Liege, I, 343. Demuin, see under France. Denain, see under France. Denbigh, Colonel the Earl ol, C.V.O. : Member of Enemy Propaganda Committee, XXI, 33*- Portraits, XIII, 365 ; XXI, 334. Dendermonde, see Termonde under Belgium. Deniecourt, see under France. Denikin, General : XXI, 398, 406. in Command of Volunteer Army in South Russia, 1918, XX, 155, 162. Defeat by Bolshevists, XXI, 403-4. Money received from Great Britain, XXI, 404. Offensive and retreat in Russia, 1919, XXI, 403. Denikin, General : -cont. Portraits, XX, 164 ; XXI, 399. Recognition of Koltchak Government, 1919, XX, 180. in South of Russia, in opposition to Bolshevists, 1919, XXI, 398. Victories in Southern Russia, July, 1919, XXI, 402. Visit to England, April, 1920, XXI, 404. Speech to Union of Officers, 1917, XIII, 448. Denizli, see under Turkey-in-Asia. Denman, Mr. : Chairman of United States Shipping Board, XIII, 34- Dismissed after quarrels with General Goethals, July, 1917, XVI, 347. Denmark : Boy Scouts, XVII, 175. Copenhagen, trade wtih Germany, X, 316. Frontier, provisions of Peace Treaty, XXI, 380. Gifts for Belgian refugees in Holland, IV, 478, 480. Imports, British policy, VII, 404, 423, 424, 428. Naval action off coast of, September 1, 1917, XIV, 171. Prussian attack on, 1864, III, 13. Rates of exchange with Germany, 1914-17, XV, 316. Shipping : Convoy system, XVI, 175-76. German submarine brutality to, X, 43. Losses : October 17, 1917, XIV, 172. Chr. Broberg, mined August 23, 1914, I, 188. Daisy, XIII, 64. Ena, mined August 27, 1914, I, 188. Gaea, mined August 27, 1914, I, 188. Gerda, December, 1916, XI, 168. Jason, burnt by the Meteor, August, 1915, VII, 130. Lars Kruse, s.s., February, 191 7, XIV, 161. Maryland, mined August 23, 1914, I, 188. Naesborg, s.s., torpedoed, XIII, 64. Omsk, torpedoed. January 12, 1917, XI, 167. Skati Fdgoti, mined August 27, 1914, I, 188. Statement, XXI, 118. Dennis, Captain M. F. B., gallantry in battle of Loos, September 25, 1915, and award of V.C., VI, 386. Dennistoun, Lieut.-Commander G. H., R.N., work on Lake Xyasa, X, 79-80. Denny, Major Maurice, on Shipbuilding Council, XV, 446. Dent: C. H., portrait, VI, 164. Captain Douglas L., H.M.S. Irresistible, VII, 154. F. H., portrait, VI, 164. D' Entrecasteux, French cruiser: Operations : on Cilician coast, April 29, 1915, IV, 343. on Suez Canal, 1915, IV, 347 ; XII, 62 ; XVII, 437- Depage, Dr., Belgian Surgeon, IV, 252. Portrait, VI, 431. on Treatment of wounds, and use of antiseptics, XI, 47. Work: in Brussels, VI, 429. at La Panne hospitals, XIV, 355. Depew, Chauncey, portrait, IV, 491. Depretis, Italian Minister (1876), V, 1, 2, 3. Deptford, see under Great Britain. Der-el-Zor, see under Mesopotamia. Der'aa, see under Palestine and Syria. Derbeau, Georges, trial in Brussels, October, 191 5, VI, 43^- Derby : Lady, on Collecting Committee Queen's Work for Women Fund, IV, 266. Earl of, K.G., G.C.V.O., XIV, 212. 182 THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. Derby : — cont. Earl of : — cont. Appointments : British Ambassador in Paris, 191 8, XVII, 190. Chairman of Joint Air Committee, 1916, X, 347- Chairman of Y.M.C.A. Munition Workers' Auxiliary Committee, IX, 195. Director of Recruiting, October 6, 19 15, VI, 306. to Preside over Committee on Construction of Aircraft, VIII, 141. Secretary of State for War, December, 191 6. X, 358-59- Characteristics, VI, 306. on the Clergy and military service, VIII, 319. on Compulsory Military Service, VIII, 152. Deputation to, by National Union of Attested Married Men, April 12, 1916, VIII, 144-45. Evidence to Select Committee on Medical Re-examination under Military Service Act, XIX, 380. proposed Increase of separation allowances, VI, 294. at Italian Headquarters, September 10, 1917, XV, 427-29. Letter to " unstarred " men, VI, 309-10. Manchester speech on the married men, VIII, 140. Portraits, VI, 285, 286 ; XII, 280 ; XVII, 189, 205 ; XIX, 380. onPositionof married men, VI, 313 ; VIII, 119, 121. Presentation of watches to captain and officers of the Wayfarer, VII, 442. Recruiting scheme, see under Army, under Great Britain. on Reserved occupations, VIII, 140, 143. Speech on recruiting, April 27, 1914, VI, 300, 306. and Supreme War Council, XVII, 190. Derbyshire, see under Great Britain. Derbyshire, Gunner, heroism of, illustration, IV, 152. Derfflinger, German battle cruiser : I, 59 ; II, 365 ; IX, 131. Description, III, 157. Illustration, XX, 462. North Sea action, January 24, 1915, III, 157-59. reported Sinking of, after battle of Jutland, IX, 153- Surrender of, illustration, XX, 462. Derfflinger, captured German liner used as trans- port, XIII, 169. Derkos, see under Russia. Derna, see under Cyrenaica. Dernancourt, see under France. Dernburg, Dr. : V, 259 ; XV, 5-6. Career, V, 248. Departure from U.S.A., V, 251. Development of German East Africa by, 1907, X, 129. Germans said to be short of munitions, V, 401. Portrait, V, 249. Press campaign in America, V, 248-51. Quoted, XV, 318. Submarine campaign advocated by, 191 7, XXI, 259- Derry, Private C, details of death of Captain M. Haggard given by, X, 9. Dersingham, see under Great Britain. Derveau, George, chemist of Paturages, condemned to fifteen years' hard labour by Germans, XI, 19. del Fours, Count N., condemnation of Czech National Movement, December 8, 1916, XX, 222. Desaix, French cruiser : Landing party near Akaba, February, 191 5, IV, 344- 1 Red Sea, XII, 67. Desart, Lady Ellen, President Children's Aid Com- mittee, IV, 505. Desborough, Lord, Taplow Court lent as nurses* hostel, IV, 502. Descartes, French light cruiser, in the Caribbean, XII, 68. Deschanel, M., President of Chamber of Deputies : Elected French President, XXI, 392. at Opening of Parliament, December 22, 1914, II, 473- Portraits, XVII, 183 ; XXI, 393. Speech, August 4, 1914, II, 445-46. Descla, see under Austria-Hungary. Desire Trench, see under France. Desmond, rebellion in Ireland, sixteenth century, VIII, 393- Despagne Farm, see under Belgium. Despard, Lieutenant M. C, R.N., award of D.S.C., XIV, 153. Desplas, M., French Minister of Public Works, 19 17, XIV, 238. Dessitch, see under Serbia. Destouches, Corporal Rene, interview with Crown Prince, VI, 233. Destree, Jules, Belgian Socialist Deputy, tour in Italy, V, 26. D' Estries, French light cruiser : I, 75. Operations : off Alexandretta, May, 1915, IV, 343. at Banias, IV, 343-44. at Haifa, IV, 344. off Sinai Coast, May, 1915, XII, 62. Destremeau, Lieutenant, gunboat ZeUe, at Tahiti, XII, 67. Destremont Farm, see under France. Desy, Zoltan : Attack on Russians near Zaleszezyki, March, 1915, and death, IV, 433. Career of, IV, 433 note. Detch, see under Austria-Hungary. Dettva, see under Czecho- Slovakia. Deuischland, German commercial submarine : Illustrations, IX, 387 ; XI, 364 ; XXI, 160. Visit to China, 1898, II, 430. Voyages across Atlantic, IX, 387 ; X, 62-63 ; XI, 366. Deutz, see under Germany. Devastation, H.M.S.: First Battleship without sails, XII, 194. Engines, illustrations, XII, 196, 197. Illustration, XII, 194. Deve Boyun, see under Turkey-in-Asia. van Deventer, General Sir Jacob, C.B., XIII, 397, 414, 418. Action against rebel forces and surrender of Kemp to, at Upington, VIII, 260. Commander-in-Chief, East Africa, from May, 1917- XIII, 431 ; XIX, 37, 43. made Companion of the Bath, XIII, 421. Despatch on East African campaign, January 21, 1918, XIX, 48, 49, 50, 53, 54, 56, 61, 62, 68, 70. East African campaign, XII, 84, 85-86, 89, 91-94, 98, 105, 108-9, 112, 113; XIII, 409, 415, 420-21 ; XVII, 347 ; XIX, 43, 56, 62, 65, 68, 69. Invasion of German South-West Africa, VIII, 259, 260, 262-64, 2 6°. 267. Portraits, XII, 89, 100 ; XIX, 50. Deverell, General C. J., C.B.: in Command of 3rd Division in France, early 1918, XVIII, 59. Advance, XIX, 168-69. Portrait, XIX, 169. Deville, General, operations in Verdun region, August, 1917, XVI, 194, 201, 204 note. Devlin, Mr.: on Irish settlement, July 21, 1919, XXI, 174-75. on National service in Ireland, XIX, 383. Negotiations re Home Rule, 1916, VIII, 472. Devonport, see under Great Britain. THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. 183 Devonport, Viscount : Appointment as Food Controller and work of. X, 359 ; XII, 439-42 ; XV, 255-57, 264. and Blockade of Germany, February 14, 1916, VII, 427. Portraits, VII, 413 ; X, 358. Devonshire, see under Great Britain. Devonshire, H.M.S., armament, I, 54. Devonshire : Duke of : Civil Lord, Board of Admiralty, VII, 124 ; V, 315- Portrait, XII, 278. Presentation of V.C. by, XII, 172 note. Duchess of : Portrait, IV, 250. Work of, IV, 250. Dewan, Leopold, Belgian, illtreated by Germans, portrait, I, 432. Dewar, Sir James, inventor of cordite about 1890, V, 435- Dewey : Thomas C, Chairman of the Prudential Assurance Co., on mobilisation of American securities, VII, 257, 259. Admiral, IX, 133. Dewlin, prisoner at Lemberg, shot for refusal to join Irish Brigade, XII, 241. Dewling, Private S., Newfoundland Regiment, award of M.M., XIV, 196. d Eyncourt, Tennyson, Director of Naval Con- struction, principal designer of the Tank, X, 298. Deynze, see under Belgium. Dhair Hissar, Turkish torpedo boat : on Asia Minor coast, April, 1915, V, 400. Attack on British transport, April 17, 1915, XVI, 170. Destroyed by British, XVI, 170. Dholpur, see under India. Diala River, see under Mesopotamia. Diana, H.M.S., escorts transports, 1914, XVI, 164, 166, 167. Diarbekr, see under Turkey in Asia. Diaz, General: XIX, 27, 28. Announcement of complete victory overy Austria- Hungary, November 3, 1918, XX, 436. Commander-in-Chief of Italian Army, November, 1917, XVIII, 18-19. Offensive on Italian front, October 24, 1918, and results, XX, 289, 322, 435-36. Policy of, July, 1918, XX, 290-92 ; 293-95. Portraits, XVIII, 20 ; XX, 290. Report on final battle in Italian offensive, pub- lished 1919, XX, 290, 293-94. Visit to Paris, September, 1918, and request for American force for Italy, XX, 293. Dibden, Second Lieutenant W. L., gallantry of, near Vermelles, September 25, 1915, and award of M.C., VI, 384. Dibis, see under Egypt. Dibitch (Zabalkanski), General, march through Dobrudja in 1828 against Adrianople, XI, 220. Dickebusch, see under France. Dickinson : Lieutenant C. C, R.N., in command of landing party at Zeebrugge, April 23, 1918, XVIII, 34 2 . 347- W. H., M.P.: Belgian refugee work, IV, 464. Portrait, IV, 466. Dickman, General Joseph T.: Advance to Rhine in command of American Army, November, 1918, XXI, 218. in Command of 4th American Corps, in France, XX, 65. in Command of American Army of Occupation : 1918, XX, 72 ; XXI, 234, 244. Portraits, XX, 62 ; XXI, 244. Dickson : Captain, R.A.F., II, 184. Decorated by the King, XVIII, 353. Mr., Sub-Governor of the Alexandria Branch of the National Bank of Egypt, member of Cotton Commission, III, 296. Private, Lincolnshire Regiment, ill-treatment in German hospital, VI, 258. Diderot, French battleship, XII, 43 ; XXI, 14. in the Adriatic, 1914, XII, 44. Diebold, General, in command of 125th French Division, March, 1918, XVIII, 84. Dieckmann : Victor, German submarine Commander, XVII, 291. Major, demand for hostages from Belgians during German occupation, XI, 11. Diego Garcia, see under Chagos Archipelago. Diesel, Dr., oil engines, IV, 114. Diest, see under Belgium. von Dietrich, General : in Command of German Division in France, 191 7, XVI, 182. Operations in Verdun region, August, 1917, XVI, 192. Dietrichs, Herr, appointed Vice-President of German National Assembly, XXI, 303. Dietrichsen, Captain, killed in Dublin fighting, April, 1916, VIII, 439. Dieulet, see under France. Dieuze, see under Alsace-Lorraine. Digges La Touche, Dr., Litt.D., enlistment and death, VIII, 319. Diggle, Commander N. W., and landing at Gallipoli, V, 473- Dijon, see under France. Dilke, Sir Charles, on Commissariat during Crimean War, IV, 288. Dill, Captain R. F., 129th Duke of Connaught's Own Baluchis, IV, 18. von Diller, Baron, Governor of Russian Poland under Austrian occupation, V, 359. Dilman, see under Persia. Dillon, John : Leader of Irish Nationalist Party, XIX, 382. On National service in Ireland, XIX, 383. Portrait, XIX, 382. not Returned to Parliament, December, 191 8, XIX, 395. Dilwara : Fire on, XVI, 163. Transport work, 191 4, XVI, 160, 163. Dimitrakopoulos, M., unable to form Government, September, 1916, XIII, 314-15. Dimitry, General : Commanding 6th French Corps, March, 19 18, XVIII, 186. Portrait, XVIII, 187. Dimmer, Lieut.-Colonel J. H. S., V.C, M.C.: Award of V.C, X, 7, 8, 38. Career, XVI, 379-80. Death, XVI, 379-80. Portraits, IV, 35 ; X, 3. Dimond, Captain, work re trench fever, XVII, 238. Dinant, see under Beigium. Dineien, Private T., V.C: Award of V.C, XVIII, 366, 394 ; XIX, 357. Portrait, XVIII, 366. Dinnen, Captain C. H., killed in Cameroon, March 4, 1915, VIII, 294. Diomed, sinking of, illustration, XI, 100. Diplomat, British ship, sunk by the Emden, III, 124. Director (Harrison Line s.s.), escape from German submarine, January 25, 1916, XI, 170. Dirsohau. see under Germany. Diseases : " After stiffness " and treatment, IV, 78. Bilharziosis : in Egypt, successful mission under Lieut.- Colonel Leiper to ascertain cause, XI, 41. 184 THE^TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. Diseases: — cont. Bilharziosis : — cont. Nature of, etc., and measures against, ¥1,71-77. in South African war, VI, 71. Cerebro-Spinal Fever (Spotted Fever) : Dangers of, till beginning of 1914, IX, 248. Outbreaks of, and results, IX, 250 ; XI, 63. Research work on, XI, 52-67. Cholera : Danger and vaccination against, VI, 66. in Omsk, 1918, XX, 177. Schneidemiihl camp, XII, 236. Dysentery : Fight against, by British Salonika force, XX, 10. at Gallipoli, VI, 135. Research work on, and success of, XI, 67-71. on Suez Canal, March, 1915, X, 370. Treatment, VI, 67. Entomological work in connection with, import- ance of, XVII, 251. Epidemic jaundice (Weil's disease), discovery of cause, 1915, XI, 73. " Frost-bite," IV, 78 ; VI, 78. Gangrene, prevention, VI, 56. Gas gangrene : Danger and nature of, VI, 46. in Gallipoli campaign, 1915, IX, 273. Gas poisoning, VII, 339, 341-43. Heart disease, new ideas and methods of dealing with, XIV, 338, 351-52. Intestinal disease, prevalent in Natisone and Judrio valleys, 1917, among Italian soldiers, XV, 430. Itch (Scabies), measures re, XVII, 247-48. Jaundice, among Italian soldiers, 1917, XV, 430. Kidney disease, new ideas and methods of dealing with, XIV, 338, 352-53- Malaria : Digging trenches to prevent, illustration, XX, 11. a Drainage problem, XVII, 251. Human carriers of, XVII, 223-24. Malarial survey of England, XVII, 224. Mosquito carriers, XVII, 219-21. Palestine, successful campaign against, XVlII, 245- on Salonika front, 1916, XVII, 222, 224. Treatment in England, XVII, 224. Measles, on Dover Castle, transport from South Africa, October, 1914, XVI, 162. N«rvous, new methods of dealing with, XIV, 353. Plague, bubonic, rat-flea carriers of, and pre- ventive measures, XVII, 225-29. Poliomigelitis, XIII, 344. Preventive measures, importance of, XIV, 327-28 ; XVII, 248-50. Sanitary measures, importance of, XVII, 251. Scurvy, ravages of, and discovery of its origin by Naval Surgeon Lind, IX, 248. Shell shock : After history of cases, VII, 328. first Appearance of, VII, 314-16. Blindness from, VII, 319-20, 325. Deafness from, VII, 320, 325. Dumbness from, VII, 319, 320, 325. Effect on the brain, VII, 320-23, 325. Liability to, factors connected with, VII, 3I5-I7- Loss of memory from, VII, 317, 319. Treatment of, VII; 321, 327-28. Small pox, in R.N., vaccination as safeguard against, IX, 249. " Soldier's heart," VII, 334-39 ; XVII, 238. Medical Research Committee's report, XIV, 351-52. Spotted typhoid, Rumania, 1917, XVII, 66-67. Tetanus (Lockjaw) : Danger of, and use of serum against, VI, 42-46. anti-Tetanic serum, XIV, 331. "Three-days' fever," Gallipoli, VII, 211. Diseases : — cont. Trench fever: XVII, 231-47. Anglo-American Committee in France, XVII, 239, 242-44. Causes, XVII, 233, 237. Committee appointed by War Office, XVII, 239- Infection of volunteers, XVII, 235-36, 240-44. Research work, XVII, 233, 235-47. Symptoms and course of, XVII, 233, 235. Thryoid gland treatment, XVII, 246. Volunteers for experimental infection, illus- tration, XVII, 241. Trench-foot, VI, 78 ; VII, 332, 333. Treatment of, illustration, VII, 348. Tsetse-fly, and research work re, XVII, 229-31. Tuberculosis, in Vienna, increase during war, XX, 234- Typhoid fever : in Belgian army, VI, 64-65. B.E.F. in France, IV, 67. Freedom from, VI, 63-64. Calais, among Belgian soldiers, December, 1914, IV, 67. Carriers, VI, 62. Dangers of, till beginning of Great War, 1914, and steps taken to combat, IX, 248, 249-50. 251. French, IV, 67. Inoculation against, VI, 58-62. Paratyphoid, VI, 65. Preventive measures, VI, 62-64. Research work on, and results, XI, 71-76. new Test for, discovered by Captain Marris, XVII, 232. Typhus : Carrying of, by lice, XVII, 248. Cassel-Niedzwehren camp, XII, 235-36. Gardelegen camp, XII, 232-34. Langensalza camp, XII, 235. Omsk, 1918, XX, 177. Rumania, 1916-17, XVII, 20, 22. Schneidemiihl camp, XII, 236. in Serbia, and measures against, VI, 67-71 ; VII, 350-52 ; IX, 274 ; XI, 73 ; XVII, 218, 223, 237, 248, 452-53- Stendal camp, XII, 235. Urmia, VIII, 376. Wittenberg Camp, XII, 230-32. Vardar Fever, XX, 10, 22. Venereal, dangers of, till beginning of 1914, IX, 248. Distinguished Service Cross, see under Great Britain. Distinguished Service Medal, see under Great Britain. Distinguished Service Order, see under Great Britain. Diterichs, General : Appointed Director of Military Operations in Galician campaign of 1914-15, XX, 166. in Command of Czecho- Slovak troops, 1918, XX, 166. Operations in Siberia, 1918, XX, 169. von Ditfurth : Benno, German submarine commander, XVII, 291. General : Army Order, 1915, VI, 353, 355. on Destruction of French Cathedrals, etc., II, 484. Dittmann, Herr, XV, 304. Against elections, XXI, 296. Appointed Minister of Demobilisation in German Cabinet, XXI, 294. Resignation from Council of People's Commis- saries, XXI, 300. Support given to National Assembly in Germany, XXI, 299. Divaco, see under Austria-Hungary. Divette River, see under France. Divic, see under Austria-Hungary. Divona, French s.s., transport work, XII, 43. Diwaniyeh, see under Mesopotamia. THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. 135 Dix, Commander C. C, and landing at Gallipoli, V, 476. Dixmude, see under Belgium. Dixon : Midshipman Hugh, bravery in the Dardanelles, March, 1915, and award of D.S.C., V, 397. Major, wounded in battle of Festubert, May, 19 15 V 2 32. Dizful, see under Persia. Djavid Bey, Turkish Minister of Finance : XII, 18. Desire for neutrality, III, 49, 53. Member of Turkish " Peace Ministry," October, 1918, XX, 102. Portrait, III, 68. Representative of the Donme on the Committee of Union and Progress, XIV, 308. and Young Turks Committee, III, 63. Djebel Murr, see under Sinai Peninsula. Djelal Pasha of Djakova, death of son of, near Bir Mahader, April, 1915, IV, 357. Djemal Pasha: IV, 328, 334, 343, 356 ; VIII, 361 ; XV, 169, 178 ; XVII, 14, 288 ; XVIII, 230. Arrestand execution of Arab notables, 191 6, XVII, 3. 7- Attack on Suez Canal, February, 191.5, and failure, IV, 355 ; X, 367, 369, 372, 376; XI II, 163-69. Attitude re surrender of war material in Alex- andretta, IV, 339. Career of, etc., IV, 330-31. in Command of Army of Egypt, IV, 330, 346, 347-48, 349. Commander-in-Chief in Syria. X, 372 ; XV, 150. Desire for war, III, 49. Husein ibn AH, Sherif of Mecca, on, XVII, 3-4. Interview with Sir Louis Mallet, August 20, 1914. Ill, 47 . Persecution of Syrians by, XIX, 203. Portraits, III, 54 ; IV, 333 ; XV, 151. Release of Europeans at Baghdad by order of, February, 1915, III, 120. Train blown up by Colonel Lawrence, XV, 168 ; XVIII, 233. and Young Turks Committee, III, 62. Djeval Pasha, Turkish Chief of Staff, General Wilson received by, at Constantinople, XX, 105. Djevdet Pasha, Governor of Van : Driven out of Salmas, January, 1915, VIII, 376. Invasion of Azerbaijan, December, 1914, VIII, 375. 37°- Massacres bv, VIII, 376-77, 377, 378, 380 ; X, 258. Siege of Van, VIII, 377-78. Djivhovitch, General, III, 399. Djugashvili (Stalin), Commissioner in Bolshevist Government, November, 191 7, XIV, 396. Djukitch, Major, exploit of, during Austrian advance across Tzer, August 16, 1914, II, 303. Dmitri Pavlovitch, Grand Duke : Anglo-Russian hospital in palace of, VIII, 230. ,ind Murder of Rasputin, XI II, 88. Dmitrieff, General Radko, IV, 406 ; VI, 5. Commanding 3rd Russian Army in Galicia, V, 105, 114. Invasion of Galicia, III, 2^2, 266, 344 ; V, 119, 147; VI, 327- Portrait, I, 485. Dmitriukoff, M., member of Executive Committee of the Duma, appointed March 12, 1917, XIII, 101. Dniester River : Austrian offensive north of, VII, 109. Austro-German defences on, IX, 235-36. Austro-German offensive against, V, 326, 330. Bridge destroyed during Austrian retreat, illus- tration, III, 271. Description of district, IV, 428-30 ; V, 334-35. Fighting on,i9i5, V, 142, 148, 155-58, 334-37 ; IX, 238; X, 161, 170-79. Floods and effect on military operations, July, 1916, IX, 237-38. Dniester River: — cant. ' lerman advance on right bank of, IX, 1. Strategic importance of, V, 139, 142 ; IX, 233. Trenches on the banks of, illustration, IV, 431. Dobbie, Brigadier-General W. H., C.B., operations at head of Persian Gulf, November, 1914, III, no. Dobbs, Lieut.-Colonel R. C, D.S.O., in command of 8th Battalion South Wales Borderers, Balkan Front, September, 1918, XX, 26. Dobell: Lieut. -General Sir Charles: VIII, 299, 312. Appointed to command Egyptian Eastern Force, XIV, 290. Commanding Anglo-French force against Cameroon, VIII, 273, 288 ; XVI, 445. Operations : in Cameroon, VIII, 273, 274, 285, 287, 290-97, 301-2, 306, 307-11. in Sinai and Palestine, January-April, 1917. XIV, 289, 293, 295, 297-98, 306. Portraits, VIII, 275, 309. Relieved of command, April 21, 1917, XIV, 289, 306. Report on Gold Coast Regiment, in Togoland, XVI, 148. Clifford, lecturer at Imperial College of Science, work re checking spread of dysentery, XI, 68-69. Doberitz, see under Germany. Doblar, see under Austria-Hungary. Doblen, see under Russia. Dobranovtsi, see under Austria-Hungary. Dobrava River, see under Serbia. Dobritch, see under Rumania. Dobro Polje heights, see under Serbia. Dobronovtse, see under Galicia. Dobropolye, the, see under Greece. Dobrudja, see under Rumania. Dobrzyn, see under Poland. Dobson : Lance-Corporal F. W., V.C.: Award of V.C., X, 38. Portrait, X, 3. George, Times Correspondent in Petrograd, inter- view with the King, October, 1918, XVIII, 116. Dochy Farm, see under Belgium. Dodecanese, Islands of, III, 41 ; XIII, 328. Turkish rights and soverignty over, to be sur- rendered to Italy by provisions of Peace Treaty, XXI, 458, 459-60. Dodici, Cima, see under Italy. Dodoens, botanist, and Louvain, I, 413. Dodoma, see under German East Africa. Doe, Captain, Canadian Medical Staff, portrait, V, 211. Dogger Bank, actions off : January 24, 1915, VII, 126, 137-38; IX, 121, T26, 141. February 10, 1916, X, 52 ; XII, 228. Dohally, Dr., on treatment of wounds, and use of antiseptics, XI, 47-48. Doherty, Mr. (Canadian) : at Peace Conference, XXI, 147. Peace Treaty signed, June 28, 1919, XXI, 169. von und zu Dohna-Schlodien, Captain Count, of the M6we, VII, 447 ; X, 64 ; XIV, 176. Doignies, see under France. Doiran, see under Serbia. Dokzat, sec under Greece. Dolbey, Captain R. V., quoted, XIX, 46. Doldjeli, see under Greece. Dolina, see under Galicia. Doljanka River, see under Galicia. Dolomites, see under Austria-Hungary. Dolphin, H.M.S. (1783), X, 308. Domart, see under France. Dombasle, see under France. Dome of the Rock, see under Palestine and Syria. Dominica Island, see under West Indies. Dominici, Dr. S. A., portrait, XV, 9. Dominion Co., XI, 114. 186 THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. Dominions : Messages from the King, I, 152, 161, 162 ; II, 239- Rally round Great Britain at outbreak of war, I, 151-52, 161-64. Response of, II, 237-76. Unprepared for war, II, 237. Varied military and naval policies of, II, 237- Dommary, see under France. Dommes, General, portrait, XXI, 286. Dommiers, see under France. Dompierre, see under France. Doms Rivet, see under France. Domville, Lieutenant Sir James, Bart., R.N., North Sea action, May 1, 1915, VII, 129. Don, see under France. Donabate, see under Ireland. Donajec River, see Dunajec under Galicia. Donald : Robert : Member of Enemy Propaganda Committee, XXI, 332. Portrait, XXI, 336. First Class Air-Mechanic T. H. : Award of D.C.M., VII, 312. in Fight with German plane, X, 31-33. Donaldson, Sir H. F., loss of, in H.M.S. Hampshire, June 5, 1916, X, 48-50. Donaldson Line, Ltd., fusion of interests with Anchor Line (Henderson Bros., Ltd.), XI, 113-14. Dondrien, see under France. Donegal, see under Ireland Donegal, hospital ship, sunk, April 17, 1917, XIV, 165. Donetz, Russian guardship, sunk by Turkish torpedo boats, October 29, 1914, III, 52. Donetz basin, see under Russia. Dongola, see under Egypt. Dongola, Indian troop service transport work, 1914, XVI, 160. Dinme, Crypto-Jewish Moslem community, XIV, 305- Donnelly, Lieut.: at Gallipoli, November, 1915, and award of M.C., XIV, 189, 190. Killed in France, October 12, 1916, XIV, 198. von Donnersmarck, Prince Henckel, opinion re Frenchmen, 1913, II, 504. Donon, see under Alsace-Lorraine. Donoughmore, the Right Hon. the Earl of, K.P.: Member of Mesopotamian Royal Commission, XII, 415. Portrait, XII, 415. Dontrien, see under France. Doon, H.M.S., fired on, by German ships off Hartle- pool, December 16, 1914, II, 366. Dop, M. H. G. Th. Fiedeldy, on Dutch-Belgian Refugee Commission, IV, 478. Doran, Brigadier-General, C.B., 8th Infantry Brigade, I, 449. Dordrecht, see under Holland. van Doren, Lieutenant, bravery at Zechk, I, 37°- Dorey, General, fighting at capture of Douaumont Fort, October 24, 19 16, X, 466. von Doring, Major : Acting Governor and Commander of troops in Togoland, VIII, 279. Defence of Kamina, VIII, 276, 277. Proposal of neutrality, VIII, 273, 275. Surrender, August 26, 1914, VIII, 276, 279. Doris, H.M.S., work off Alexandretta, IV, 339-42. Dormans, see under France. Dorme, Adjutant, aerial successes of, during battle of Somme, 1916, XI, 120, 131, 146. Dorna Vatra, see under Carpathians. Dornach, see under Alsace-Lorraine. Dorohoi, see under Rumania. Dorr, Mrs. Rheta Childe, on Death Battalion of Women, XIII, 464. Dorrell : Battery-Sergeant Major, V.C., portraits, IV, 152 ; X, 3, 8. Lieutenant (Temporary Captain) G. T., award of V.C.. X, 5-7, 38. Dorstriviermund, see under German East Africa. Doss del Sommo, see under Austria-Hungary. Dosso Alto, see under Italy. Dosson di Genova, see under Italy. Douai, see under France. Douaumont, see under France. Doudney, Rev. C. E., death of, VIII, 326. Dougall, Acting Captain Eric Stuart, V.C., M.C., R.F.A. : Award of V.C., XVII, 398-99, 432 ; XIX, 357. Portrait, XVII, 398. Doughty, Private R. G., gallantry of, near Mametz, December, 1915, VII, 311. Doughty- Wylie : Lieut.-Colonel C. H. M„ V.C., C.B., C.M.G.: Award of V.C., X, 38. Career of, VI, 88. Death, VI, 86. Gallantry, VI, 86. Gallipoli operations under, April 26, 1915, V, 473 ; VI, 85-86. Grave at Sedd-el-Bahr, illustration, VI, 83. Mrs., work of, VI, 88. Doughty- Wylie's Hill, see under Gallipoli. Douglas : General Sir Charles, portrait, I, 137. Miss Margaret, Hon. Secretary, Children's Aid Committee, IV, 505. Major-General Sir William : Appointed to command Eighth Corps at Galli- poli, July, 1915, VII, 164. at Katia, August 4, 1916, X, 394. third battle of Krithia, June 4, 1915, VI, 119. Portrait, VII, 164. Lieut.-Colonel, commanding nth French Regi- ment, battle of Moronvillers, April, 191 7, XIV, 92. Flight-Lieutenant, in the Dardanelles, March, 1915. V, 387. Douglas-Hamilton, Lieut.-Colonel A. F., V.C.: Award of V.C., VI, 393 ; X, 38. Portraits, VI, 398 ; X, 39. Doulieu, see under France. Doullens, see under France. Doumer, M., portrait, X, 346. Doumergue, M., French Minister of Foreign Affairs, 1914, II, 453. in Briand Ministries, XIV, 222, 223, 233. Portrait, XIV, 231. Douro, Portuguese ship, sunk by German sub- marine, 1915, VII, 417. Dousmanis, Admiral, XIII, 334. Greek Chief of the General Staff, XII, 29. Head of Greek Navy, XIII, 317. Objection to co-operation in the Dardanelles, , XIII, 296-97. Doutrien, French airman, success of, VIII, 500. Douve River, see under Belgium. Dover, see under Great Britain. Dover Castle, hospital ship, XXI, 128. Illustrations, XIV, 166, 167. Sinking of, May 26, 1917, XIV, 166. Transport work, 1914, XVI, 162. Dover, Straits of, see under Great Britain. Dow, Captain, I.usitania, VII, 432, 433. Down, Commander R. T., H.M.S. Forester, XXI, 14. Downie, Sergeant R., V.C.: Award of V.C., XII, 175-76, 177, 192 ; XIX, 357. Portrait, XII, 177. Dowson, E. M., Director-General of the Egyptian Survey Department, X, 376. Doyle : Sir Arthur Conan : Air-raid reprisals advocated, VIII, 176. Quoted, XV, 85. THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. 137 Doyle : — cont. Company Sergeant-Maj or Martin, V.C, M.M.: Award of V.C., XIX, 337-38, 354. Portrait, XIX, 339. W. F., assistance in defence of Sir R. Casement, VIII, 466. Dragalina, Generation, Commander of 1st Rumanian Division : Advance against the Cerna Line, September, 1916, XI, 2I 3 . Appointed Commander of first Rumanian Army, October 24, 1916, XI, 233. Death from wounds received at battle of Targul- Jiu, October, 1916, XI, 436, 453. Operations in Jiu Valley, 1916, XI, 450-51. Draghicescu, Senator, Rumanian delegate at Con- gress of Oppressed Nationalities of Austria* Hungary, April, 1918, XIX, 19. Draghiefl, M., agrarian leader in Sobranje, XX, 15. Draghintse, see under Serbia. Draghoumis : Ionnis, XIII, 310, 312. Stephanos, in M. Zaimis's Cabinet, October, 1915, XIII, 307. Dragomiroff, General, XVII, 199. Portrait, I, 492. anti-Prussian influence of, in Army, I, 493-94, 495- Rejects German peace offer, May, 1917, XIII, 448. Dragon's Cave, see under France. Dragutin, Prica, Yugo-Slav Admiral, XXI, 16. Draibank, see under Belgium. Drain, Driver J. H. C, V.C.: Award of V.C., X, 9-10, 38. Portrait, X, 3. Drake : Corporal A. G., V.C.: Award of V.C., X, 36, 38. Portrait, X, 6. V.C. handed to father, Robert Drake, XII, 155. Sir Francis, VII, 448. Drama, see under Greece. ■"Drang nach Osten," XIV, 130. Dranoutre, see under France. Dreadnought, H.M.S., IX, 136. Armament, I, 53 ; VII, 475. Illustrations, I, 43 ; II, 28. Turbines, XII; 209-10. van Drebbele, Cornelius, submarine boat invented by, seventeenth century, IV, 87. Drei Grachten, see under Belgium. Dresden, see under Germany. Dresden, German cruiser, XV, 25 ; XVI, 64. Action off Coronel, III, 129-33. Action off the Falkland Islands, III, 135-43. in the Atlantic, II, 35. Description of, III, 130. Exploits of, I, 188 ; III, 134 ; X, 75-76 ; XVI, 96, 144. Sinking of, X, 76 ; XXI 4. Dresser, Private John, V.C: Award of V.C, XIII, 378, 390, 395 ; XIX, 357. Portrait, XIII, 390. Drewry, Midshipman George Edward, V.C. : Award of V.C: V, 470-71 ; X, 24, 38. Portraits, V, 398 ; X, 34. Dreyer, Captain F. C, C.B. : Appointed Director of Naval Artillery and Torpedoes, Naval Staff, July, 1918, XVIII, 328. Portrait, IX, 132. Dreyfus trial, II, 43. Dreyse, Nicholas, I, 201. Driant, Lieut.-Colonel : Death, VIII, 14. Resistance in Bois des Caures, February, 1916, VIII, 13-14. Drina river, see under Serbia. Drina : Commissioned as hospital ship, XXI, 128. Sinking of, XXI, 128. Driscoll, Lieut.- Colonel D. P., D.S.O., East African Campaign, X, 147-49 ; XII, 104. Drisviaty, see under Russia. Drocourt, see under France. Drohobycz, see under Galicia. Drohojow, see under Galicia. Droogenbroodhoek, see under Belgium. Drosendorf, see under Germany. Druetti, General, Italian Army Corps commander, portrait, V, 33. Drufell, Major, German staff officer, communication to Turkish commanders re Russian withdrawal from Persia, 1918, XX, 84. Drughorn, J. T., charge against of entering into contract to supply iron ore to Germany, IX, 472-73- Druid, H. M.S., in action off Palestine, September 19, 1918, XIX, 188. Drummond : Sir Eric : Appointed Secretary of League of Nations, XXI, 156-57- Portraits, XXI, 156, 420. Lieut.-Commander Geoffrey Heneage, V.C, M.L.254 : Award of V.C, XVII. 416, 432. in Command of motor launch at Ostend, May 9, 1918, XVIII, 350. Portrait, XVII, 419. Hugh W., speech on railway arrangements for Expeditionary Force, 1914, XVI, 154. Mrs., deputation to Lord Rhondda to urge com- pulsory rationing, December, 191 7, XV, 268. Druses, Emir Faisal joined by, XVIII, 248. Druskeniki, see under Poland. Drysdale, Captain, battle of Ypres, IV, 1-2. Dryshchoff, see under Galicia. Drzewiecki, Russian designer of submarines, IV, 102. Du Cane, Miss, on Y.M.C.A. Ladies' Auxiliary Com- mittee, IV, 597. Du Fournet, Admiral d'Artige, French Commander- in-Chief : in Command of the Allied Fleets in the Mediter- ranean, 1915-16, VII, 158 ; X, 64 ; XII, 47, 63. 65 ; XVIII, 437- and Fighting at Athens, December 1, 1916, XIII, 322-23. Franco-British squadron under, off Salamis, September, 1916, XIII, 314. French marines landed at Athens, November, 1916, XIII, 321. Interview with King Constantine, November 29, 1916, XIII, 321. Notes to Greek Government, XIII, 314, 317, 318, 320. Portraits, X, 64 ; XII, 47. Recall, XIII, 329. Salonika expedition, XII, 63-64. Du Guexlin, II, 488. Du Plessis, General, commanding Division before Verdun, 1916, X, 473-74; XX, 211. Du Vernois, Verdy, German "sous-chef" of Staff (1870), I, 202, 204-5, 242, 245. Duala, see under Cameroon. Dubail, General, II, 482 ; III, 406, 408, 413, 425 [ VI, 8, 213, 362 ; XIV, 80. Advance in Alsace, April, 1915, VI, 238-39. Analysis of troops under, III, 403. Biography, VI, 7. Operations in France, 1914-17, VI, 22, 23, 25, 27, 29 ; XVII, 208 ; XX, 190. Portraits, II, 493 ; VI, 8 ; XX, 190. Retreat from Lorraine, 1914, XX, 188-89, 190. Stand at Nancy, III, 402, 410, 423. Dubiecke, see under Galicia. Dubilier, William, microphone method for detect- ing submarines, XVII, 313. Dublin, see under Ireland. Dublin, H.M.S., Dardanelles operations, V, 384, 389, 456. 459 ; VI, 109. Dubno, see under Russia. 188 THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. Dubois : General, 9th French Army Corps, III, 403. Description of Verdun fortress by, X, 458-61. Invested by the King with Grand Cross of the Order of St. Michael and St. George, December, 1914, IV, 213. Second-Lieutenant, attack on Bois des Buttes, April 16-17, 1917, XIV, 55. Dubost, A., portrait, XVII, 183. Duca, Rumanian Minister of Education, XII, 148. Ducat, Major, killed at Saniyeh, November, 1914, III, no. Duchesne, General, in command of French forces in Italy, 1917, XVIII, 28. Duckers, Sergeant H., award of D.C.M., III, 33- Duckworth, Admiral Sir J., British fleet under, in the Dardanelles and off Constantinople, 1807, V, 374-7 6 - Duclos, battle of Moronvillers, April-May, 191 7, XIV, 96, 97. Ducroc, M., Arras, II, 494. Dudgeon, Major-General F. A., C.B., in command of 56th Division in France, March, 1918, XVIII, 105. Dudley, see under Great Britain. Dudley : Sub-Lieutenant A., R.N.V.R., in East Africa, XIII, 401. Lady, work of, IV, 250. Mr., portrait, XV, 279. Dueidar, see under Sinai Peninsula. DuH: Captain Arthur A. M., H.M.S. Birmingham, portrait, I, 45. Vice-Admiral Sir Alexander L., K.C.B.: Director of Anti-Submarine Department, and later Assistant Chief of the Naval Staff, XVII, 307. Portrait, IX, 147. General Sir Beauchamp, Commander-in-Chief in India, G.C.B.: Failure in connection with Mesopotamia cam- paign, XV, 124. Portrait, X, 239. Responsibility in connection with Mesopotamia campaign, reports of Royal Commission, XII, 415, 416. Douglas V., report on sinking of s.s. Thracia, XIII, 58-59. Sir Evelyn Grant, K.C.M.G.: British Minister in Switzerland, XII, 257. Portrait, XIII, 228. Return to England, and work of, XIII, 228-29. Lady Grant : Portrait, XIII, 228. Work in Switzerland, XIII, 229. Hon. H. C, Chief Political Officer, Nyasaland Service, XIII, 412. Captain, Devon Regiment, XII, 162. Dufferin, H.M.S., white flag trick on, at Muweilah, and bombardment of fort, March 21, 1915, IV, 344 Duffy, Private James, V.C.: Award of V.C., XVI, 375, 376, 395 ; XIX, 357. . Portrait, XVI, 377. Duguay- Trouin, transport work, XII, 43. Duguet, Dr., Dixmude, III, 474. Duhan, Major, LA., killed, April 26, 1915, V, 69. Duino, see under Austria-Hungary. Duisburg, see under Germany. Dujaila Redoubt, see under Mesopotamia. Duke, privateer, 1745, II, 26 note. Duke, Sir Henry Edward, Chief Secretary for Ireland, December, 1916, X, 360. Resignation, XIX, 384. Duke of Albany, armed boarding steamer, torpedoed, August 24, 1916, X, 51. Duke of Edinburgh, H.M.S., attack on Sheikh Said, November 10, 1914, III, 318; X, 402. Dukhonin, General : Ignores order to propose armistice, November, 1917, XVI, 6. Murder of, by Bolshevists, December, 191 7, XIV, 366 ; XVI, 1, 6. Dukla, see under Carpathians. Dukobors, in the Dobrudja, XI, 221. Dulcigno, see under Montenegro. Dulwich, see under Great Britain. Dumas : General J. B., battle of Moronvillers, April-May, 1917, XIV, 82, 84, 85, 86, 90-93. Dr., on treatment of wounds, and use of anti- septics, XI, 47-48. Dumayne, Sir Frederick, Secretary of Ports Conges- tion Committee, 1915, XI, 87. Dumba, Dr., Austro-Hungarian Minister at Wash- ington : XI, 372. Appointed to Upper House in Reichsrat, 191 7, XX, 229. Career, V, 259, 262. Plot to foment strikes in America, and consequent dismissal, V, 259, 262 ; XI, 374, 376. Portraits, V, 266 ; XX, 231. Recall requested by President Wilson, V, 259, 262. Dumdum bullets, see Expanding, explosive and dumdum bullets. Dume, see under Cameroon. Dumont, Santos, experiments with flying machines, II, 177. Dun-sur-Meuse, see under France. Dunajec River (Dunaiets), see under Galicia. Duncan, H.M.S. , armament, I, 54 ; VII, 472, 475. Duncan : A. R.: Appointed Joint Secretary to Shipbuilding Council, XI, 102-3 ; XV, 447. Portraits, XV, 440, 445. Major F. J., D.S.O., attack on German trenches in Petit Bois, December 14, 1914, IV, 217. Major-General George B., in command of 77th American Division in France, XX, 63. Portrait, XX, 65. Major-General J., in command of 61st Division on Western Front, October-November, 191 8, XX, 267. Duncombe, Colonel C. W. E., VII, 163. Dundee, see under Great Britain. Dundee, s.s., loss of, XXI, 9. Dundonald, Lord, V, 448. Dunedin, see under New Zealand. Dunera, transport work, 1914, XVI, 161. Dunf ee, Colonel, in command of City Police Reserve, in attendance on King after review of specials, June 14, 1919, XX, 394. Dunkirk, see under France. Dunlop, Second Lieutenant A. A., B.W.I. Regiment, award of M.C., XVI, 89. Dunluce Castle, carrying troops for Europe, August 27, 1914, illustration, XXI, 112. Dunning, Sir Leonard, assistance of Women Police Volunteers, XVII, 455. D inois, French ship, action off Lombartzyde, XII, 69. Dunraven, H.M.S., action with submarine, August 8, 1917, XVIII, 377-79- Dunrabin, Sergeant J., gallantry of, near Mametz, December, 1915, VII, 311. Dunraven, Lord : Air-raid reprisals advocated, VIII, 175. and Suspension of race meetings, V, 311. Dunsire, Private R., V.C.: Award of V.C., VI, 392, 393 ; X, 38. Portrait, X, 39. Dunsley, XI, 359. Dunstan, Corporal William, award of V.C., VII, 1 76 ; X, 18, 38. D.insterville, Lieut. -Colonel (Temporary Major- General) L. C, C.B.: in Command of British mission to Kermanshah, January, 1918, XX, 85, 87-89. THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. 139 Dunsterville. Lieut. -Colonel (Temporary Major- General) L. C, C.B. :—cont. Defence of Baku, August-September, 1918, XX, 89-90. Farewell address to Baku Force, XX, 90. Portrait, XX, 84. Duntroon, see under Australia. Dunville : Lieutenant T. S., V.C: Award of V.C., XIII, 383, 395 ; XIX, 357. Portrait, XIII, 384. Lieutenant, wounded in Irish rebellion, April, imM', VI II, 454. Dupanloup, Bishop of Orleans, XIV, 259. Dupetit-Thouars de Saint-Georges, Lieutenant Aubert, of French submarine Joule, XII, 53. Dupetit-Thouars, French armoured cruiser, in the Channel, August, 1914, XII, 42. Dupleix, French cruiser, III, 124. Bombardment of Budrum, May, 1915, IV, 343. in China seas, XII, 66. Escorts transports, 1914, XVI, 161, 166. Sunk to block mouth of Ruriji River, III, 144-45. Dupont, M., portrait, X, 346. Duport, General : Appointed Chief of French General Staff at Ministry of War, career of, XI, 294-95. Portrait, XI, 294. Dupre, Chevalier, XVII, 195. Durazzo, see under Albania. Durao, Lieutenant, killed by Germans at Cuangar, October, 1914, XVII, 339. Durban, see under South Africa. Diiren, see under Germany. Durham : Lord, V, 309. Major, K.A.R., East African campaign, 1917, XIX, 54. Miss, C.B.E., XVII, 463. Durham Castle, troops on board for expedition against Mozambique and Angola, September 11, 1914. IX, 345. Durico, see under Angola. Duriez, Lieut- Colonel, Foreign Legion, killed in • battle of Moronvillers, April, 1917, XIV, 94. Durston, Engineer Vice-Admiral Sir A. J.: Engineer-in-Chief of the Fleet, 1889-1907, XII, 193. 227- Portrait, XII, 194. Durward, s.s., sunk by UI'J, January 21, 1915, VII, 139. 143- Dury, see under France. Dushak, see under Russia. Dushan, Stephan, founder of Serbian Empire, in the fourteenth century, II, 208-9. Dusia Lake, see under Poland. Diisseldorf, see under Germany. Dutch East Indies, sugar trade, XIII, 210. Duthie, 3. F., portrait, XVIII, 281. Duthie.J.F., and Co., Messrs., U.S.A., XVIII, 283-84. Duthu, Commandant, attack on Chemin-des- Dames, May 5, 1917, XIV, 69—70. Dutukht, see under Turkey-in-Asia, III, 76-77. Duval, M., proprietor of the Bonnet- Rouge, in league with Germany, XXI, 364. Dvina River, see under Russia. Dvinsk, see under Russia. Dvornitsa, see under Serbia. Dwarf, H.M.S.: attempted blowing up of, by German missionary, III, 144. Illustration, VIII, 290. Operations off Cameroon Coast, September, 191 4, VIII, 286-87. Dwyer : Private E. : Award of V.C.. X, 38. Portraits, VI, 301 ; X, 6. Sergeant J. J., V.C. : Award of V.C, XV, 243, 251 ; XIX, 357. Portrait, XV, 244. Dybenkoff, M., Commissioner in Bolshevist Govern- ment, November, 1917, XIV, 396. Dybitcb, Russian General (1813), V, 89. Dybrenko, Russian seaman, appointed Commissary for the Navy, early 1918, XVI, 324. Van Dyck, I, 419, 424, 429. Illustration, I, 425. Dyer, Brigadier-General R. E., in command of British forces in East Persia, XX, 97. Dyett, Lieutenant, Montserrat Defence Force, portrait, XVI, 83. Dyke, Colonel P. H., East African campaign, 1916-17, XIII, 428; XIX, 49. Dynow, see under Galicia. Dyrotz, see under Germany. Dysentery, see under Diseases. Dzevaltovsky, Bolshevist officer, Russian Grenadiers, XIV, 22. Dzikie Lany, see under Galicia. Dzwiniacz, see under Galicia. El, operations in the Baltic, July, 191 5, decoration of commander and crew, XVI, 295, 297. E3, loss of, October 18, 1914, II, 19. E4, in action off Heligoland, II, 13. E'i: Battle of Heligoland, August 28, 1914, IV, 83. Reconnaissance in Heligoland Bight, II, 4-5. E7: Battle of Heligoland, August 28, 1914, IV, 83. Loss of, in Sea of Marmora, VII, 158. E8: Battle of Heligoland, August 28, 1914, IV, 83. Reconnaissance in Heligoland Bight, II, 5. £9: Sinking of Hela, German cruiser by, September 15, 1914, II, 15 ; IV, 116. Sinking of the S126 by, October 6, T914, IV, 116. Illustration, IV, 91. EH: Illustrations, -V, 364, 365, 367 ; VII, 152. in the Sea of Marmora, IV, 83, 84 ; VI, 96. E13: German attack on, in Danish waters, IX, 367, 368. Illustration, VII, 139. Loss of, in the Baltic, August 19, 191 5, XVI, 298. EN: Cruise in the Dardanelles, January 27, 1918, XVIII, 359-60. One of the crew, illustration, V, 366. Operations in Dardanelles and Sea of Marmora. April-May, 1915, IV, 83, 118; VII, 96; X, 24. . Elo, grounding in the Dardanelles, April 17, 1915, and destruction of, V, 400 ; VII, 158. E20, in Sea of Marmora, November, 101 5, ami loss of, VII, 158, 215. E23, torpedoing of Westfalen by, X, 56. Eager, Second Lieutenant George Fraser Fitzgerald, VII, 307. Eagle, H.M.S., attempt against, by submarine 1776, IV, 88. Eagle-Point, sinking of, by German submarine, 1916, XI, 363. Eagles, Major C. E. C, D.S.O., killed April 2?, 1918, XVIII, 348. Earl, Corporal T. G., gallantry at Richebourg l'Avoue, and death. May, 1915, V, 238. Earl of Lathoni, schooner, sunk bv submarine, May 6, 19 15, IV, 85. Earle, G. F., work on Wheat Export Co., Inco., U.S.A., XXI, 76. East, C. E., second engineer of Grimsby fishing • vessel : Award of D.S.M. for heroism in saving life when vessel struck by mine, XI, 187-88. Portrait, XI, 188. East Africa : See also British East Africa and German East Africa. Arabs in, X, 126. 140 THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. East Africa : — cont. Coastal defence works, etc., erected at, by men from Richborough, XXI, 137. Congo Carrier Section placed at disposal of Belgians, XIII, 402. Indian troops sent to, II, 327, 329. Maps, VI, War Atlas, 39 ; XIII, 412, 426 ; XVI, 458. Railways, XIII, 398-99. Tanganyika, Lake : Aerial warfare on, XIII, 40.'). British motor boats and gunboats on, X, 78-79 ; XIII, 399-401. Description, X, 125. Discovery by Europeans and early history, X, 126. Germans lose command of, X, 149 ; XIII, 401. Illustration, X, 152. Operations on, X, 78-79, 122, 132, 149-50 ; XII, 116; XIII, 399-401; illustrations, X, 152, 154 ; XX, 49. Steamers manned by crew of Kenigsberg, X, 145- Train crossing a bridge, illustration, VI, 198. Trained native troops, illustration, XVI, 459. Training scouts for the British forces, illustra- tion, X, 130. Transport : Difficulties, XIII, 398-99, 410-12. Inland water, work of, XXI, 129. Treaty with Germany, 1890, X, 128. Victoria Nyanza, Lake : Description of, X, 125-26. Fighting on, and around, September, 1914, to February, 1915, X, 122, 145-46. Y.M.C.A., work in, IX, 188. East African Expeditionary Force : 1st Arab Rifles, XII, 101. Armoured Motor Battery (A.S.C.), XII, 101. African Medical Corps formed, XIX, 43. Baganda Rifles, XIII, 402. Belfield's Scouts, XII, 88. Bowker's Horse, XII, 101. British South African Police, XIII, 410, 417, 418. Camelry, XII, no. Campaign, XIII, 420-21 ; XIX, 40-72. 17th Cavalry, XII, 92. Contingent for Nyasaland, XIII, 410. 1st Division, XII, 83-84. 2nd Division, XII, 83. 1st East African Brigade, XII, 84, 85, 89. 1st East African Division, XII, 91. 2nd East African Division, XII, 87, 88. Gold Coast Regiment, XIII, 427 ; XIX, 40, 67, 69. 101st Grenadiers, X, 138-41 ; XII, 101. 12th Howitzer Battery, XII, 92. Illustrations, X, 128 ; XII, g~>, 104, 109, in, 112 ; XIII, 422 ; XVI, 441, 449, 452 ; XIX, 47, 63. 98th Infantry, XIII, 402. King's African Rifles, X, 133-54 ; XII, 88, 89, 101 ; XIII, 402, 410, 417, 418 ; XVI, 457 ; XIX, 40, 42, 45-51, 63, 67, 69, 70. Lake Detachment, XIII, 402. Loyal North Lancashire Regiment, X, 138-41 ; XII, 88, 101 ; XIX, 41. Mounted Brigade, XIII, 418. Mounted Rifles, X, 133-59 ; XII, 92. Nandi Scouts, XIII, 402. Nigerian Brigade, XIII, 426, 428, 430. Northern Rhodesia Police, XIII, 410, 416, 417. Northern Rhodesia Rifles, XIII, 410, 418. Position, 191 7, XIX, 37-38. Re-organisation of, XIX, 41. jst Rhodesian Regiment, XIII, 410, 417, 418. and Rhodesian Rifles, XII, 101. Royal Artillery and Engineer Detachments, XII, 101. 25th Royal Fusiliers (Legion of Frontiersmen), X, 147; XII, 92, 101, 104, 430; XIX, 41. Royal Naval Air Service, XII, 101. East African Expeditionary Force : — cont. Royal Naval Armoured Car Section, XII, 101. Royal Flying Corps, XII, 101. South African Brigade, XIII, 428, 430. 4th South African Horse, XIII, 416. South African Infantry, XIII, 415, 420. South African Pioneers, XIII, 425-26. Transport difficulties, XIX, 42. East Anglia, see under Great Britain. East Grinstead, see under Great Britain. East India Company, III, 102 ; XV, no. East India Company v. Sandys, 1684, IX, 446. East Indies, trade with, proclamation, 1916, VII, 428. East Prussia : Allenstein : Abandoned by Russians, III, 234. Belgian refugees sent to work at, XII, 467. Captured by Russians, August, 1914, III, 230. Bischofsburg, Russians at, August, 1914, III, 230. Boyen, capture by Russians, III, 207. Campaign, position at beginning of 191 5, IV, 167-69. Angerburg, Russians at, III, 228. Darkehmen : Russian progress round, IV, 187. Russians at, III, 228. Defeat of General Samsonof's army, I, 516. Description, III, 205. Division into two parts by Treaty of Versailles, XXI, 409-10. First-aid and "refreshment" station, illustra- tion, V, 186. Flight from III, 230-31. Fortified positions in, III, 213-15. Frankenau, battle of, August 23-24, 1914, III, 230. Frontier, proclamations from German aeroplanes, HI, 275. German campaign, winter of 1915, IV, 174-75, 186-95. German refugees from, in Berlin, illustration. III, 208. German reinforcements from Western Front, theory of, III, 233. Goldap, fighting round, August, 1914, III, 226. Gumbinnen : Description and population. III, 226. Germans defeated by Russians at, August, 1914, I, 516 ; II, 44 ; III, 226. Heidekrug district, large Lithuanian population, IV. 438. Heilsburg, French defeat by Russians (Napo- leonic campaign), I, 484. Hohenstein, fighting at, and German capture, August 26-28, 1914, III, 234. Insterburg : Description and population, III, 226. Germans defeated by Russians at, August, 1914, I, 516 ; II, 44. German retirement from, III, 227, 228. Russian evacuation, September 11, 1914, III, 236. Russian occupation, August 23-24, 1914, III, 228. Johannisburg, occupied by Germans, February, 1915, IV, 189. KOnigsberg : Fortifications, III, 213, 224. Illustration, III, 217. Russian threat to, III, 228. Siege of, by Russians, II, 44. Korschan, Russians at, III, 228. Lyck : Cossacks entering, illustration. III, 236. Evacuated, February 14, 1915, IV, 192. Fighting at, III, 236. Illustration, III, 236. Russian attack on, October-November, 19 14, III, 238, 240. Russians at. Ill, 228. THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. 141 East Prussia : — cont. Maps, III, 224; IV, 188; VI, War Atlas, pp. 16-17. Masuria Lake district, III, 205, 214. Illustration, IV, 234. Operations in, III, 228. Russians in, December, 1914, III, 240. Memel : Russian advance to, March, 1915, IV, 438-39; XVI, 292. Russian evacuation, March 22, 1915, IV, 439. Taken from Germany by Treaty of Versailles, XXI, 410. Memel District : German attitude to Treaty terms re, XXI, 317. Large Lithuanian population, IV, 438. Military Conventions with Bavaria, Saxony, and Wurtemberg, 1871, I, 207. Neidenburg, capture by Russians, August, 1914, III, 230. Ortelsburg, German capture of, III, 236. Osterode, inhabitants flight to Berlin on approach of Russian troops, II, 44. Panic in. III, 231. Passenheim, capture by Germans, III, 235. Pilkallen, Russian capture of, loss and recapture, August, 1914, III, 226. Pillau, entrenched camp, III, 214. Rastenburg, Russians at, III, 228. Refugees, illustrations, III, 227, 229. Rothfliess, Russians at, August, 1914, III, 230. Russian fleet off, March, 1915, VII, 150. Russian invasion, I, 478, 516; II, 44-46; III, 165, 205, 207, 218, 222, 223-40 ; IV, 438. Russians in, November, 1914, III, 230-31, 347. Sensburg, Russians at, August, 1914, III, 230. Soldau : Barracks, after bombardment, illustration. III, 227. Fighting at, August, 1914, III, 197, 199, 2.30. Russians driven back from, III, 234. Station, airship raid, April 20, 1915, IV, 437. Stalluponen : Battle of, August 17, 1914, III, 226. Russians at, November 14, 1914, III, 240. Tannenberg : Battles, II, 46 ; III, 197, 199, 203, 204, 205, 207, 218, 222, 233, 235 ; IV, 161. German soldiers in, illustration, III, 225. Tapiau, Russians at, III, 228. Tilsit : Peace of, I, 484 ; XI, 328. Russians at, August 8, 1914, III, 225, 228. Troops sent to meet Russian advance, II, 46. Wartenburg, capture by Germans, III, 235. East and West Prussia, territorial changes, Treaty terms re, XXI, 310. Eastbourne, see under Great Britain. Eastchurch, see under Great Britain. Eastern Archipelago, German schemes in, XXI, 424. Eastern Europe, settlement in, XXI, 397-432. Eastern Front : Autumn and winter of 1915 on, VII, 81-120. Map, V, facing 481. Eaton : Dr. Charles A., head of National Service Section of Shipping Board, U.S.A., XVIII, 260, 262-63. Portrait, XVIII, 263. Sir John, Toronto : Contribution towards organisation and equip- ment of Machine Gun Brigade, V, 222. Portrait, V, 202. Eaucourt l'Abbaye, see under France. Ebal, Mount, see under Palestine and Syria. Eben, see under Belgium. von Eben, General : Commanding German and Austrian troops round Zboroff, September, 1916, X, 165. Operations on Western front, 1918, XX, 341, 346. Operations on Zlota Lipa, August, 1916, X, 170. von Eben, General : — cont. Portraits, X, 167 ; XIX, 111 ; XX, 341. Retreat in France, July and August, 1918, XIX,. 109 ; XX, 347. Ebenvile, see under France. Eberhardt : Admiral A. E., XVI, 310, 314. in Command of Russian fleet in Black Sea XVI, 307. Placed on retired list and appointed member of the Council of Empire, X, 75. Portrait, XVI, 306. Superseded by Admiral Koltchak, XVI, 314. General von : Advance, April, 1918, XVIII, 299, 301, 302, 3<>3, 3°4- Portrait, XVIII, 298. Retreat of army in France, August-October,. 1918, XIX, 166 ; XX, 127, 128, 132. Ebermaier, Herr, German Governor, Cameroon, VIII, 273, 286, 291, 312. Escape to Spanish Guinea, VIII, 310. on Loss of Duala, VIII, 288-89. Portrait, VIII, 299. Ebert : Frau, portrait, XXI, 269. Herr: XV, 310; XXI, 267, 293, 446. Action with regard to riots in Berlin, 1919, XXI, 299. Appointments : Chancellor, November, 1920, XX, 287 ; XXI, 286. Prime Minister of Cabinet in Germany, XXI, 294. on Effect of cooperation of Independent Socialists in Germany, XXI, 304. at Meeting of People's Commissaries at Berlin, 1919, XXI, 299. on Peace proposals, XXI, 287, 311. Portraits, XV, 304 ; XXI, 267, 269. as President of German Republic, opening speech, XXI, 305. Representative of late Government of Germany, XXI, 294. Speech at Social Democratic Committee, XXI, 296. Ultimatum to Prince Max, November 7, 1918, XXI, 285. Ebro, commissioned as armed cruiser, XXI, 128. da E?a, General Pereira, Portuguese Minister for War, XVII, 358. Commanding expedition to Angola. 1915, XVII, 34 2 - in Favour of intervention, XVII, 333. Portraits, XVII, 334, 346. Eceles, see under Great Britain. Eceles, Miss, care of Sir John French and his sisters, IV, 126. Echele, Col d', see under Italy. Eckbatana, Hamburg-Amerika s.s.: Illustration, III, III. Sunk by Turks at Baliyaniyeh, III, 114. ▼on Eckhardt, Herr, German Minister to Mexico, efforts to arrange with Mexico and Japan, for offensive alliance against America, XI, 373. Eclipse, H.M.S. cruiser, escorts transports, 1914, XVI, 164, 166. Ecoust-St. Mein, see under France. Ecouviez, see under France. Ecouvillon, see under France. Ecuador : Bolivian mission to, XV, 30. Breaches of neutrality in favour of Germany, XV, 6. Rupture with Germany, December 7, 1917, XV, 3°- Trade with, proclamation, 1916, VII, 428. Ecurie, see under France. Eddii, Lieutenant, mentioned in despatches, X, 237, Eddy, Mr., portrait, XVHI, 283. Ede, see under Holland. 14-2 THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAB. Edea, see under Cameroon. Edeling, Karl, German submarine commander, XVII, 291. Eden, H.M.S., XII, 209. Sunk, June 16, 1916, X, 55. Edgar, Mrs. Mackay, Hon. Secretary on Y.M.C.A. Munition Workers' Auxiliary Committee, IV, 5°7- Edgar Quinet, French cruiser, armament and speed, 1. 73- Edgcumbe, Lieutenant 0. P., on conduct of German troops, II, 48-49. Edghill, Rev. J. C, D.D., VIII, 315. Edinburgh, see under Great Britain. Edinburgh, H.M.S., operations in the Red Sea, III, Edinburgh Castle, requisitioned as armed cruiser, XXI, 128. Edison, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A., XVIII, 269. Edmonds, Flight -Lieutenant Charles H. K.: Raid on Cuxhaven, III, 153. Turkish transport sunk, VII, 211. Edmonton, see under Great Britain and Canada. Edward I, King, correspondence between courts of Persia and England during reign of, XI, 325. Edward III, King, encouragement given to foreign trade, IX, 462. Edward VII, King : Coronation review, illustration, XVIII, 113. Foreign policy of, XVIII, n 2-1 4. Keel-plate of King Edward VII, laid by, 1902, X. 47- Meeting with Kaiser re Koweit, III, 93. Meeting with the Tsar at Reval, June, 1908, III, 60. • and Navy, XVIII, no. Portrait, XV11I, 114. Signature on vellum roll of H.A.C., XX, 364. Visit to Portugal and reception given to, IX, 323- Edward, H.R.H. Prince of Wales : as Aide-de-camp to Sir John French, IV, 211 ; XVIII, 138. Appeal for relief of distress, August, 1914, XVIII, '39- with Canadians in France, 1918, XVIII, 139. Chairman of Statutory Committee of Royal Patriotic Fund Corporation, November, 1915, X, 348 ; XVIII, 138. Chief Scout for Wales, XVII, 179. Croix de Guerre bestowed on, VII, 283 ; XVIII, 121, 138. at General Headquarters in France, IV, 160. Italian on, VII, 281. in Italy, 1917, XVIII, 138. Joins army, XVIII, 138. Message from King George delivered to Indian Corps, December, 1915, VII, 283. National Relief Fund, XVIII, 115. Participation in Thames pageant, August 4, 1919, XXI, 122. Portraits, I, 62 ; IV, 79, 160 ; X, 385 ; XVIII, 138, 140 ; XXI, 175. at Rosyth, November, 1918, XVIII, 136. Tours at the Front with the King, XVIII, 118, 122, 138. in the Trenches, IV, 160. Visits : to Egypt, March, 1916 X, 379 ; XVIII, 138. to Indian troops, II, 354. to Khartum, April, 1916, X, 400. to London Docks, February, 1918, XVIII, 132- Edwardes : G. S. F., on Shipbuilding Council, XV, 446. Brigadier-General, in command of forces in Palestine, 1918, XIX, 185. Edwards : Sergeant Alex., V.C.: Award of V.C., XV, 226, 251 ; XIX, 357. Portraits, XV, 227, 234. Edwards: — cont. Company Sergeant-Major A. H., gallantry and death, battle of Cambrai, November 30, 1917, XVII, 90. Major-General A. H. M., C.B., M.V.O., command in Rhodesia, X, 155. Major-General Clarence B. : in Command of 26th American Division, XX, 53- Portrait, XX, 52. Private F. J., V.C.: Award of V.C., XII, 176, 192 ; XIX, 357. Portrait, XII, 178. Colonel H. J., C.B., on Cambridge Sp War Committee of Military Board, XIV, 272. Captain J. D., R.N., torpedoed, August 19, 1916, X, 56. Private Wilfrid : Award of V.C., XV, 228, 251 ; XIX, 357. Portraits, XV, 229, 234. Brigadier-General W. F. S., D.S.O.: Inspector-General of Communications, East Africa, XII, 94. Operations in East Africa, XII, 107 ; XIX, 48, 69, 70, 72. Madame, gift sent through, to Queen Mary's Needlework Guild from Chilean Women in London, IV, 268. Eeckeren, see under Belgium. Eemdijk, Dutch s.s., torpedoed by Germans, April 6 1916, XIII, 190-91. Eessen, see under Belgium. Efremoff : Minister of Justice, XIV, 33. Ukrainian General Secretary of International Affairs, XIV, 8. Vice-President of LIkrainian Congress, XIV, 7. Egerton : Corporal E. A., V.C.: Award of V.C., XV, 242, 251 ; XIX, 357. Portrait, XV, 242. Lieut.-General Sir R. G„ K.C.B., K.C.I.E.: Operations : on Baghdad-Mosul Road, XVII, 267 ; XX, 84, 86. at Beil Aiessa, April, 1916, XII, 411. Portrait, XVII, 269. Battle of Ypres, April, 1915, V, 66 note. Commander W. de M., R.N., engagement off Dutch coast, October 17, 1914, II, 17. Lady, on Y.M.C.A. Ladies' Auxiliary Committee, IV, 507- Eghezee, see under Belgium. Egli, Colonel, arrested for communication of Swiss reports to German and Austrian military attache's, XIII, 227-28. Egoroff, E. A., editor of the Novoe Vremya, im- prisoned September, 1917, XIV, 390. Egri Palanka, see under Serbia. Egypt, IV, 357-60. Abu Klea, expedition to and retreat from, 1884, IV, 133- Agagia, fighting at, February, 1916, IX, 308-9. Alexandria : Armoured train at, 1882, XI, 278. British colony, work of IV, 359. Discontent in, at proclamation of British Protectorate, III, 310. French soldiers at, illustration, IV, 342. anti-Government tendencies of certain section of population, IV, 358. as Hospital base, XIII, 175. Mule transport arriving at Zeitoun camp, illustration, IV, 360. New Zealand troops arrive at, December 4, 1914, XIII, 158. Troops transported from, 1914, XVI, 157. Volunteers, IV, 360. Anglo-French agreement, 1904, III, 282 ; XVIII, "3- THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. 143 Egypt: — cont. Armoured cars, passing Camel Corps, illustration, IX, 290. Army : Camel police, illustration, X, 369. Coastguard Camel Corps, desertion of some to Senussi, IX, 298. Troops boarding steamer at Solium, illustra- tion, IX, 305. Work of in Sudan. 1916, X, 399-400. Assuan, illustration, III, 290. Baharia Oasis' : Occupied by British, i<)i6, IX, 315-17. Occupied by Senussi, 1916, IX, 314. Barrani : Occupation of monastery by Senussi, and attacks on barracks, November, 1915, IX, 297- Reoccupied by Allies under General Lukin, February 28, 1916, IX, 310. Beduin raids into : October, 1914, III, 304. November, 1914, III, 318, 319-20. Bilharziosis, nature of, etc., and measures against, VI, 71-77. Bir el Hakim Abbyat, British prisoners taken to, IX, 312. Bir Shola : Action at, illustration, IX, 316. Used by General Wallace as depot for troops during fighting with Senussi, 1915-16, IX, 305. 307. Boy Scouts, XVII, 173. British Garrison, composition, December, 1914, IV, 334 British High Commissioner, appointment of Sir Henry McMahon, III, no. British occupation of, III, 281-84. Effect on Mahomedan feeling in India, XV, British Protectorate : Proclamation, December, 1914, III, 304-5, 308, 310. Reception in country, III, 310. Recognition : by Bulgaria, Treaty terms re, XXI, 430. by Turkey from December 18, 1914, by Peace Treaty, XXI, 458. Cairo : General Allenby in, January, 1918, XVIII, 226. Australian hospitals, VI, 150. Illustration, VI, 159. Australasian riots, VI, 130. British Colony, work of, IV, 359-60. Church parade, illustration, VIII, 333. Departure of Holy Carpet to Mecca, September, iqi6, XVII, 9-10; illustration, XVII, 11. anti-Government tendencies of certain section of population, IV, 358-59. the Hedjaz flag on the Diplomatic Agency at, illustration, XVII, 10. as Hospital base, XIII, 175. Illustrations, II, 342 ; III, 287, 290 ; XI, 49. Mena Camp, parade of Territorial and Colonial troops before General Sir Ian Hamilton, illustration, VI, 133. New Zealanders : in Camp near, illustration, VI, 128. March through, December 23, 1914, XIII, 161. Sidi Mahommed el Idris sent to, to maintain peace between Senussi and Egypt, IX, 294. State entry of the Sultan, illustration, III, 308. as Training centre, drawback to, IV, 335. Turkish air-raid on, November. 1916, X, 397. Turkish prisoners in, illustration, X, 386. M. Venizelos in, enthusiastic reception of, illustration, XIII, 298. Volunteer Corps, " Pharaoh's Foot," IV, 359-<>o Camel train, illustration, X, 378. Egypt : — cont. Camels, fitting water tanks on, illustration, X, 388. Campaign against, begun by Senussi, IX, 21)5-97. Campaigns, 1884-85; IV, 131, 133; 1889, IV, 290. Conquered by Turks, sixteenth century, III, 84. Cotton industry, effect of war on, Commission of Inquiry, and steps taken, III, 287, 296, 298. Dakhia Oasis, occupied by Senussi, 1916, IX, 3M- Dakhia, British air raids on, 1916, IX, 315. Damanhur, placing of garrison at, November, 191 7, IX, 297. Defence of, measures by Council of Ministers on outbreak of war, III, 284-86. Deutsch-Orient Bank, III, 292, 293. Dibis, occupied by Egyptian Army Detachment, October, 1916, X, 399. Dongola, Nile River patrolled in, May, 19 16, X, 400. Eastern : British forces in, composition of, April, 1916, X, 366. Campaign, 1915-16, X, 365-404. Eastern Frontier Force, operations against the Senussi, December, 1916, XIII, 176. Economic conditions : Early, 1915, IV, 359. on Outbreak of war and after, III, 287-88, 296, 298. Enemy subjects and shipping, measures taken against. III, 284-86, 300, 302-3, 304, 306. Farafra Oasis, occupied by Senussi, 1916, IX, 314. Fayum, British troops sent to garrison, IX, 297. Finance, Commission of Enquiry, 191 5, IV, 359. Financial conditions on outbreak of war, III, 287. Foodstuffs, export prohibited, August 2, 1914, III, 284, 296. Gara (Qara), captured by Senussi, 1915, IX, 297. Gebel Medwa, main Senussi force near, and sub- sequent fighting at, December, 1915, IX. 301-2. German attempt to stir up disaffection in, against England, III, 292-93 ; XXI, 327. Gifts sent to Queen Mary's Needlework Guild, IV, 268. Gizeh, pyramid at, illustration, III, 290. Halazin : Fighting at, and defeat of Senussi, January, 1916, and result on Egyptian Bedouins, ix, 305-7- Withdrawal of Senussi to, 1915, IX, 303. Haifa, British frontier posts south of, X, 400. Heliopolis : Abdin Palace, ceremonial entry of the Sultan December 20, 1914, III, 314-16. Australian hospital, XIII, 175. Defeat of Turks at, 1799, IV, 321. Illustrations, III, 286, 315, 317 ; IV, 73; VI, 130 ; XIII, 160. High Commissioner for, December, 1916, see Wingate, Sir Reginald. Hisb el Watani (Patriotic Party), III, 291-92, 293- Hospitals in, large number of, X, 374. Indian troops, probable impersonation of, III, 3°4- attempted Invasion by Senussi, and results, IX, 293-95- previous Invasions, IV, 321. Ismailia : Camp and ferry near, illustration, IV, 322. Enemy air attack on, August 3, 1916, X, 387. Fighting near, February 2, 1915, IV, 349. Headquarters : of Sir Archibald Murray, January 22, 1916, X, 373- of Second Canal Defence Force, X, 370. N.Z.E.F. in camp near, XIII, 163. 144 THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. Egypt : — cont. Ismailia : — cont. Turkish attempt to ..ross Canal near, and failure, IV, 35 1- Turkish force for attack on, composition of, IV, 345- Jebel Miri, capture of, April, 1915, X, 400. Jewish refugees from Palestine, Mule Transport Corps raised for Dardanelles, IV, 360. Kharga (or the Great) Oasis : Concentration of Brit'sh forces at, April 18, 1916, IX, 315. Withdrawal ot civil officials from, February, 1016, IX, 314. Khedive, sec Abbas Hilmi. Lord Kitchener's work in, I, 282, 285, 286-303, 306. Khedivial Agricultural Society, III, 312. Labour party landing stores, illustration, XVI, 160. Locusts, damage bv, 1915, IV, 359. Loyalty of. III, 166. Maintenance of order, measures for, on outbreak of wat, III, 298-99, 304. Majid,' Wadi, fighting at, 1915, and results, IX, 302-3. Maps, III, 301 ; VI, War Atlas, p. 35 ; IX, 302. Martial law proclaimed. III, 298, 300. Text of, III, 304-5. Matruh : Chosen as British base, IX, 298. Fighting at, and near, December, 1915, IX, 299-3°7- Military importance to the British Empire as shown in spring of 1915, IV, 360. Military measures at outbreak of war, III, 299. Ministry, formation of new, December, 1914, III, 313-14- Ministry of the Interior, assistance of militarvbv, IV, 359- Moghara, captured by Senussi, 1915, IX, 297. Moghara Oasis, occupation by British, April 27, 1916, IX, 315. National Bank of, notes declared legal tender, August 2, 1914, III, 284, 296. Natives grinding corn for Australian horses, illustration, IV, 348. Natrun, Wadi occupation by troops of Egyptian Army, November, 191 7, IX, 297. Nile, River : Auckland Mounted Rifles taking their horses for a swim, illustration, IV, 336. Patrolling oi, from Haifa to Kordofan, X, 400. Upper, failure of French attempt to effect lodg- ment on, III, 282. Nuba Mountains, rebellion in, April, 1915, X, 400. " Old Scouts " in, 1915, illustration, XVII, 165. Passports, refusal to women, XII, 451. Pont de Kubbeh, near Cairo, New Zealand hospital, XIII. 175. Port Said : Enemy air-raids on, May and August, 1916, X, 386, 387. Headquarters of Third Canal Defence Force, X, 37°« Illustrations, IV, 324, 329. Ports and Lights Administration, IV, 359. Prize Courts : British Constitution of, September 30, 1914, X, 310. Case of Enteufels of Bremen, January 6, 1915, X, 311. Railway workshops, IV, 360. Railways administration, success of, IV, 359. Ramleh, French camp at, V, 446. Red Sea coast, patrolling of, X, 400. Relations to Turkish Empire, III, 282. Sedition-mongers and suspects, etc., arrest and deportation, III, 304, 306. Egypt : — cont. Senaab, Wadi, fighting at, 1915, and results, IX, 299- 300. Serapeum, enemy air attack on, June 13, 1916, X, 387. Servants of the Kaaba (Secret Society), III, 292. Shaifa, Wadi, fighting at, 1915, and results, IX, 300-1. Sheikh-ul-Islam of, appeal to Moslems not to participate in " Holy War," II, 329. Shipping Losses : Abdul Moneim, gunboat, sunk in Bay ot Solium, 1915, VII, 157. Prince Abbas, gunboat, sunk in Bay of Solium 1915, VII, 157; IX, 295. Shortage of troops in, November, 1915, X, 369. Sidi el Barini, withdrawal of Egyptian garrison from, ordered by General Maxwell, November, 1915, IX, 297. Situation in, improvement during 1916, X, 373-74. 399- Siwa : Establishment of Zawia in oasis by Senussi, IX, 285. Occupied by Senussi, November, 1915, IX, 297. Proportion of Turco- Senussi Army sent to seize, IX, 297. Steps taken on outbreak of war between England and Turkey, November, 1914, III, 304. Suez : Enemy air attack on, August 8, 1916, X, 387. Forts constructed to protect, X, 379. Headquarters of First Canal Defence Force, X, 370. Sultan, see Hussein Kamel Pasha. Tanta, discontent at proclamation of British Protectorate, III, 310. Territorials sent on active service to, 1914, to release regular battalions for service in France, XX, 364-65. Timsah, Lake : Bombs dropped on shipping in, August 3, 1916, X, 387- Warships on, operations, February, 1915, XIII, 166-67. Trading with the enemy, measures re, VII, 428. Transport, Inland Water, work of, XXI, 129. Transportation of troops to, X, 64-65. Turkey to renounce all rights and titles over, by Peace Treaty, XXI, 458. Turkish attacks, IV, 346-55 ; X, 391-95 ; XIII, 163-69. Composition of army for, IV, 345. on Railway, problem, VI, 181-82. Turkish attempt to invade, III, 303-4 ; IV, 321-60. Turkish intrigues, III, 283, 292-95. Turkish " Special Mission " at Cairo, since 1887 III, 282. Turkish suzerainty in, III, 282, 307. Turkish transport, IV, 346. Tussum : Fighting at, February, 1915, XIII, 165, 166, 168. Indian troops repelling a night attack by Tin ks, illustration, IV, 353-54. Ulema, appeal to Moslems not to participate in " Holy War," II, 329. Warlike preparations against, III, 51. Wounded from the Dardanelles and Gallipoli, IV, 360 ; XIII, 174-75- Y.M.C.A., work in, done by, and promotion of National Y.M.C.A. Council, IX, 199-200. Egyptian Expeditionary Force : Anzac Mounted Division, X, 366. Advance of, December, 1916, and January, 1917. x . 397-99- Fighting round Katia, August, 1916, X, 391-95- Good work of, X, 385. THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. 145 Egyptian Expeditionary Force : < out. Armoured cars, work of : in Egypt, 1916, IX, 310, 313. Uphill work with, illustration, XIV, 296. mounted Artillery Brigade, crossing of the J ordan, March, 1918, XVIII, 236. Auckland Infantry, on Suez Canal, February, 1915, XIII, 1(15 Australian Army Medical Corps, VI, 150. Australian Engineers, work of, XV, 15(1. 1st Australian Division, IX, 299, 305. Australian Light Horse: Advance, February-September, 1918, XVIII, 228-29. Arrival of, to reinforce Dueidar, April 24, 1916, X, 385- Beersheba attacked, October, 1917, XV, 152, Bir el Mazar, attack on, September 17, 19 16, X, 396-97- Crossing of the Jordan and attack on Amman, March, 1918, XVIII, 336-40. Destruction of water supply at Er Rigm, June, 1916, X, 379. Fighting on the Jordan, 1918, XVIII, 240, 242, 246. Gaza, battles of, March-April, 1917, XIV, 298, 301, 304. Jifjaffa, attack on, April 13, 1916, X, 376-79. Katia, fighting at, August, 1916, X, 392, 395- Operations in Palestine and Syria : November, 1917, XV, 155, 163, 163 -04, 165, 167, 170, 171, 172 note. September-October, 1918, XVIII, 249 52 ; XIX, 183, 188-94, 199-202, 205-6, 210, 302, 309, 452. Sinai operations-, December, 1916, January- February, 1917, XIV, 291, 292, 293-94, 295- Turkish camp at Hod el Bayud destroyed by. May, 1916, X, 386. 2nd Australian and New Zealand Army Corps, X, 368. Formed March 27, 1916, X, 374. Gaza, battles of, March -April, 19 17, XIV, 298, 299. 300, 301, 304. Health of, IV, 335. Horses' good condition, IV, 335. Illustrations, III, 303, 305, 311, 313 ; IV, 283, 335, 347, 389; VI, 131, 133, 134, 135, 138; IX, 292; X, 377; XIII, 147, 156. Training, VI, 130. Troops landed at, III, 299 ; XVI, 166. Australian troops detained in Egypt, II, 260. Ayrshire Battery, R.H. A., capture of Bir Salmana, May 31, 1916, X, 386. Berkshire Batteiy, R.H.A. (T.), IX. 297. Sent to Aden, July, 1915, X, 403. Berkshire Yeomanry, operations, November, 1917, XV, 164, 165, 166-67. Black Watch : Illustration, XIX, 197. Operations, June 8, 1918, XVIII, 246. 28th Brigade, fighting in Aden Protectorate. X, 4°3-4- Bucks Hussais, IX, 302, 305, 308. Bucks Yeomanry, operations, November, 191 7, XV, 164, 165, 106 67, Camel ambulance, illustrations, X, 395 ; XV, 171. Camel team drawing a cable-laying chariot, illustration, XV, 165. Camel Transport Corps, IV, 360 ; XVIII, J36. Illustrations, IX, 290 ; X, 393. Canterbury (N.Z.) Battalion, on Suez Canal, February, 1915, IV, 349 note, 350, 351 ; XIII, 163-69. Canterbury (N.Z.) Mounted Rifles: Feats of endurance by, X, 386. Fighting near Mageibra, July 27-28, 1916, X, 391- Ind. K Egyptian Expeditionary Force : cont. Cavalry : Advance on Damascus, XVIII, 249-52. on the March in the desert, horses, illustration, IX, 306. nth Cavalry Brigade, operations September, 191 8, XIX, 1 4th and 5th Cavalry Divisions : Advance on Damascus, September, 1918, XIX, 200-2. Operations September-October, 1918, XIX, 189, 192-94, 200-2, 206, 207, 208, 209. 5th Cavalry Division, departure from Beirut, December, 1919, XXI, 446. Ceylon Contingent, in Egypt and Palestine, XVI, 103. Cheshire Yeomanry, operations, November- December, 1917, XV, 171, 174. Composition of, December, 1914, IV, 334. Composition and changes in, IX, 298-99. 307- 2nd County of London Yeomanry, on Suez Canal, February, 1915, IV, 355. Desert Mounted Column : Entry into Damascus, XIX, 202. Operations, September, 1918, XIX, 188-89. Work of, in Syria, XIX, 189, 206. 10th Division, XVIII, 219-224, 225. Advance, March, 1918, XVIII, 231. Operations, September, 1918, XIX, 190, 191, 192. 52nd (Lowland) Division, XVIII, 220. Battles of Gaza, March-April, 1917, XIV, 298, 3°3. 304- Nahr el Auja crossed by, and advance beyond, December, 1917, XVIII, 221-23. Operations, November, 1917, XV, 154, 163, 164. 165, 170, 171. Sent to France, April, 1918, XVIII, 245. 53rd (Welsh) Division: XV. 148, 151; XVI 1 1, 219, 224, 225. Advance, February-March, 1918, XVIII, 228-29, 230-31. Battles of Gaza, March-April, 1917 XIV, 298, 299, 300, 301, 304. Operations : Novembers-December, 1917, XV, 155,156-57, 157. !58, 159, 162, 163, 171, 172, 174. September, 1918, XIX, 188, 190, 191. 54th Division, XV, 148. Battles of Gaza, March-April, 1917, XIV, 298, 299, 300, 303, 304. Operations, September, 1918, XIX, 188. Rantieh captured, December 22, 1917. XVIII, 220. 60th (London) Division, XVIII, 219, 224, 225. Advance, February-March, 1918, XVIII, 228-29, 230. Crossing of the Jordan and attack on Amman, March, 1918 XVIII, 236-38, 239-40. Capture of Shuret Nimrin, April 30, 1918. XVIII, 242. Operations, September 18, 1918, XIX, 188, 189, 191. 74th (Yeomanry) Division: XVIII, 219, 224-25. Advance, March, 1918, XVIII, 231. Sent to France, April, 1918. XVIII, 245. 75th Division, XVIII, 220. Advance, March, 1918. XVIII, 231. Operations, September 18, 191 8, XIX, 188, 189. Dorset Yeomanry, IX, 308, 309. Illustration, IX, 309. Operations, November, 1917, XV, 164, 165, 166-67. Dublin Fusiliers, guard of honour to Duke of Connaught, March, 1918, XVIII. 243-44. Duke of Lancaster's Own Yeomanry, IX, 305. on Suez Canal, February, 1915, IV 354. East Lancashire Regiment (T.F.) : Fighting at Katia, August 4, 1916, X, 394. 146 THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. Egyptian Expeditionary Force: — coat. E ist Lancashire Regiment (T.F.) : — cont. Mortality among horses during voyage, 1914, XVI. 162. Pontoon making, illustration. III, 311 on Suez Canal. February, 1915, IV, 349 note. East Lancashire Territorial Division and Yeo- mauy Brigade, III, 299. Egyptian Labour Corps : illustrations, XIV, 292, 293, 304. Tribute to, XIV, 292. Work of, in Palestine, 19 18, XVIII, 226. French and Italian contingents, XIV, 296. Garments from Devonshire House, IV, 270. Gloucestershire Yeomanry : Advance on Damascus, September, 1918, XVIII, 250. Advance of December, 1916, and January 1917, X, 397-99- Battle oi Gaza, March, 1917 XIV, 298, 300, at Katia : April, 1916, X, 379-86 August, 19 16, X, 394. Operations : October-November. 1917, XV, 151, 156, 161-62, 163. September, 1918, XIX, 195, 201. in Sinai Peninsula, X, 366. Grenadiers : Dahra Bend attacked February, 1917, XIII, 271. Fighting, August 12, 1918, XVIII, 246. Hants in action, September 23-24, 191 8, XIX, 198. Hereford Territorials, battle of Gaza, March 25, 1917, XIV, 300. Herts Yeomanry : Advance, October, 1918, XIX, 205. on Suez Canal, February, 1915, IV, 355. H.A.C. : Advance, February, 1918, XVIII, 229. " A " Battery, IX, 301. " B " Battery, sent to Aden, July, 1915, X, 403. Horse Artillery, IX, 302. Illustrations, miscellaneous, III, 302 ; IV, 303 ; X 375. 389; XV, 152, 167; XVIII, 245; XIX, 193. Imperial Camel Corps, XV, 148, 151. Advance of December, 1916, and January, 1917, X, 397-99. Attack on Bir el Mazar, September 17, 1916, X, 395-97- Crossing of the Jordan, March, 1918, XVIII, 236, 238, 239. Battles of Gaza, March- April, 191 7, XIV, 298, 2 99. 301-2, 304. at Musallabeh, April 11, 1918, XVIII, 240. Patrol work, IX, 317 ; illustration, XIV, 305. Operations : November, 1917, XV, 155, 156-57, 162. with Emir Faisal, XVIII, 243, 247 note. • in Sinai, December,. 1916-January, 191 7, XIV, 291, 292-93. Imperial Mounted Division, battles of Gaza, March-April, 1917, XIV, 298, 299, 300, 303. Indian Expeditionary Force, see that title. Irish, operations, November, 1917, XV, 157-58. Jacob's Horse, in action, September 23-24, 191 8. XIX, 198. Kent Territorials, Battle of Gaza, March, 1917, XIV. 300. Lancashire Battery, R.F.A. (T.F.), on Suez Canal, February, 1915, IV, 349 note, 350, 352 ; XIII, 165. Lancashire Yeomanry, advance, October, 1918 XIX, 205. Lancers, in action, September 23-24, 191 8, XIX 198. Leinster Regiment, fighting, August 12, 1918. XVIII, 246. , Egyptian Expeditionary Force: — cont. Light Armoured Car Brigade, XVIII, 225 note, 236. London Irish, guard of honour to Duke of Connaught, March, 1918, XVIII, 243-44. London Territorials, operations, October-Novem- ber, 1917, XV, 152, 159, 161, 172, 170. London Yeomanry, attack on, October 27, 191 7, XV, 151. Londoners, operations, November-December, 1917, XV, I57~58, 163, 173, 174. gth Manchesters, illustration, III, 306-7. Middlesex Regiment, in action, XVIII, 224, 231. Middlesex Territorials, IX, 299, 302. Battle of Gaza, March 25, 191 7, XIV, 300. Capture of Tell Asur, March, 1918, XVIII, 231. Operations, September, 1918, XIX, 198. New Zealand Infantry Brigade, arrival of, Feb- ruary, 1915, X, 367. New Zealand Mounted Rifles, XVIII, 219. Advance, February, 1918, XVIII, 228-29. Attack on Beersheba, October, 1917, XV, 152, 152-53- Crossing of the Jordan, March, 1918, XVIII, 236-39. at El Arish, XIII, 177-78. Illustration, X, 284. Operations : November, 1917, XV, 155, 156, 166, 167. September-October, 1918, XIX, 183, 107, 199. New Zealand Rifle Brigade : ist Battalion, IX, 301, 302-3, 305. 2nd Battalion, IX, 299, 303. Senussi, campaign against, December, 1916, XIII. 176. New Zealand Troops, XIII, 158-61, 174-75. see also particular regiments, etc. Conduct of, IV, 334, 335. El Arish, action at, XIII, 176-78. Horses, condition after transport, XIII, 158. Hotels placed out of bounds at first, except for officers, XIII, 161. Illustrations, III, 294, 311 ; IV, 346 ; VI, .128, 130, 131, 133, 138 ; X, 366 ; XIII, 156, 159, 160, 161, 166, 167. March through Cairo, December 23, 1914, XIII, 161. Return from Gallipoli, XIII, 175-76. in Senussi campaign, XIII, 176. in Sinai Peninsula, XIII, 176-78. on Suez Canal, XIII, 163-69. Training, VI, 130 ; XIII, 158-61 ; illustration, XIII, 147. Wounded, arrangements for, XIII, 174-75. i/ist North Midland Mounted Brigade, IX, 297. Notts Battery, R.H.A., IX, 299, 302, 305, 308. in Palestine and Svria, December, 1917-October, 1918, XVIII, 217-52; XIX, 181-211. Plan of campaign, February, 1918, XVIII, 228, 230. Position after capture of Jerusalem, XVIII, 220-21. Reinforcements sent to France, April, 1918, XVIII, 245. Reorganisation, XVIII, 245-46. Rifle Battalion, illustration, XV, 156. 56th Rifles, sent to Aden, July, 1915, X, 403. Royal Artillery, work of, September- October, 1918, XIX, 210. Royal Engineers, work of, September-October, 1918, XIX, 210. Royal Flying Corps, IX, 299. Royal Fusiliers, 38th (Jewish) Battalion, in action, September 22, 1918, XIX, 197. Royal Naval Armoured Car Division, IX, 299, 305. i/6th Battalion Royal Scots (T.F.), IX, 299, 300, 308. Royal Scots Fusiliers, at Dueidar, April 23, 1916, X. 384. THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. 147 Egyptian Expeditionary Force : cont. Scots Guards, departure of, for Egypt, illustra- tion, XVI, 148. Scottish Infantry, operations, November, 191 7, XV, 160-61, 163, 164. Seaforths, at Tripoli, October 18, 1918, XIX, 205 note. Shropshire Yeomanry, operations : November, 191 7, XV, 171. Summer, 1918, XVIII, 246. Somerset Regiment, operations November 17, 1917, XV, 170. South Wales Borderers (Brecknockshire Batta- lion, T.F.), at Aden, X, 403. Surrey Territorials, battle of Gaza, March 25, 1917, XIV, 300. Survey of operations, December, i9t7-October, 1918, XVIII, 217-19. Sussex Territorials, battle of Gaza, March 25, 1917, XIV, 300. Tracker attached to forces in Egypt, illustration, IV, 328. Transport, X, 395 ; XV, 149 ; XVI, 167. Trench digging in desert, illustration, X, 390. Warwickshire Yeomanry, XIV, 298. Advance of December, 1916, and January, 191 7, X, 397-99- at Hamisah, April, 1916, X, 380. at Katia, April-August, 1916, X, 380-86, 394- Operations, November, 1917, XV, 156, 161—62. Wellington (N.Z.) Mounted Rifles, ridge called after, near Katia, X, 392. Welsh Territorials, Battle of Gaza, March, 191 7, XIV, 300. Western Frontier Force : Formation and composition, IX, 298-99. Orders issued , November 20,1915, for formation of, IX, 298. on the Western Frontier, illustration, IX, 308. Westminster Dragoons, illustration, III, 312. Wilts Regiment, operations, November 17, 191 7, XV, 170. Worcestershire Yeomanry, XIV, 298. Advance of December, 1916, and January, 191 7. X. 397-99- Fighting near Katia, April, 1916, X, 365-66, 379-80. Operations : November, 1917, XV, 156, 161-62. September, 1918, XIX, 198. Yeomanry, XVIII, 219. Attack on Beersheba, October, 1917, XV, 148, 152- Illustrations, IX, 317 : X\ , 161, Large part sent to France, April, 1918, XVIII, 245- Operations November, 1917, XV, 165, 169, 170, 173, 174. on Suez Canal, June, 1915, IV, 357-58. in Syria, illustration, XVIII, 248. Ehrang, see under Germany. Ehrenbreilstein, see under Germany. Ehrlick, Professor: Manifesto re German atrocities, October, 1914. signed by, V, 168. Medical work of, VI, 54, 56 ; XI, 48-49. Ehrentraut, Otto, Cerman submarine commander, XVII, 291, 309. von Eichhorn, Field-Marshal, I, 217 ; V, 495, 497. Commander of Tenth German Army in Russia, 1915 and 1916, V, 329,329-30; VII, 113; IX, 3. "• Dismissal and flight of, XXI, 301. Financing of Sparticist literature with Russian funds, XXI, 293. German Commander in Chief in Ukraine, XVI, 27 • XXI, 255- Operations in Russia, autumn, 1915, VII, 83. Polish campaign, winter of 1915, IV, 191. Portraits, IV, 167 ; XXI, 254. von Eichhorn, Field-Marshal:— cont. President of Berlin Police, policy during revolu- tion, 1919, XXI, 300. Shot by Russians in Kieff, XXI, 270. Eifel district, see under (iermany. van Eijsden, A., on Dutch Belgian Refugee Com mission, IV, 478. von Einem: General, I, 218; VII, 291, 294. in Champagne, December-January, 1914-15, VI, 16-18. Marne, battle of the, July, 1918, XIX, 84, 92. Operations in France, 1918, XX, 116, 118, 119, 120, 131, 339. Perthes, battle of, February, 1915, VI, 34-36. Portraits, I, 219 ; V, 190 ; XIX, 84. Position, early 1915, VI, 31-33. Retreat of armv in France, August-October, 1918, XIX, 166; XX, 127, 128. round Tahure, October, 1915, VII, 297, 298. Lieut. -Colonel, Austrian Military Attache, Swit- zerland, communications of Swiss officers with, XIII, 227-28. Einsiedeln, see under Austria-Hungary. Einville, see under France. Eisner, Kurt : on Armistice terms, XXI, 257. Portrait, XXI, 287. President of Bavarian republic, XXI, 285. Eitel Friedrich, Prince, XXI, 51. Commander of German troops during battle of Somme, 1916, XI, 121, 128. Eitester, Max, German submarine commander, XVII, 291. Ekaterinburg, see under Russia. Ekaterini, see under Greece. Ekaterinograd, see under Russia. Ekimoviche, see under Russia. Ekron, see under Palestine and Syria. Ekshisu, see under .Greece. El Afule, see under Palestine and Syria. El Aras, sec under Sinai Peninsula. El Arish, see under Sinai Peninsula. El Audja, see Audja under Palestine and Syria. El Buggar, see under Palestine and Syria. El Burj, see under Palestine and Syria. El Fasher, see under Sudan. El Girheir, see under Palestine and Syria. El Hasa, see under Arabia. El Hofuf, see under Arabia. El Kantara, see Kantara under Sinai Peninsula. El Katar, see under Arabia. El KatiJ, see under Arabia. El Kefr, see under Palestine and Syria. El Kerak, see under Palestine and Syria . El Kubri, see under Sinai Peninsula. EI Kuneitra, see under Palestine and Syria. El Kutrani, see under Palestine and Syria. El Mezra, see under Palestine and Syria. El Mirr, see under Palestine and Syria. El Mughar, see under Palestine and Syria. El Munta, see under Palestine and Syria. El Ruman, see Romani under Sinai Peninsula. El Sheluf, see under Palestine and Syria. El Wigh, see under Arabia. Elandslaagte, see under South Africa. Elassona, see under Greece. Elba, Italian ex-light cruiser, employment on ballooning, XII, 312. Elbasan, see under Albania. Elbe, North German Lloyd mailboat, loss of, January 30, 1895, VII, 45&-S7- Elbing, see under Germany. Elbling, German cruiser : Captain of, at Ymuiden, after battle of Jutlana, illustration, XIII, 199. Loss of, in Battle of Jutland, 1916, IX, 132, 152. Survivors of, statement made by, re movements of High Sea Fleet, 1916, IX, 133. Elcho, Lord, reported missing at Katia, April, 1916, X, 384. 146 THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. Elcock, Lance- Corporal, R.E., V.C., M.M., award of V.C.. XIX, 338. 354. Elder, John, inventor of compound or double- expansion engines, 1854, XII, 198-99. Eldridge, Herbert R., on Belgian Relief Commission Executive Committee, IV, 443. Electra. ex-German ship, torpedoed, December 18, 1916, XVII, 356. Elelo, transport work, 1914, XVI, 158. Eleu, see under Turkey-in-Asia. Eleu dit Leauvette, see under France. Tan Elewyck, E., on Executive Committee, Comite National de Secours et d'Alimentation, IV, 443. Elewyt, see under Belgium. Elf King, Humber trawler, VII, 456. Elgee, Captain, Acting-Commissioner, Montserrat, 1915, portrait, XVI, 83. Elgin, Lord, Secretary of State for Colonies, 1907, portrait, XII, 270. Eliza and Katy, Prize Court Case, 1805, X, 309. Elincourt, see under France. Eliot, Dr. Charles W., President Emeritus of Harvard : on Manifesto by German professors, V, 246. Portrait, V, 244. Elizabeth, Queen of the Belgians, I, 375, 376 ; IX, 441, 446; XIV, 181, 255. a German princess, I, 326. Invested with R.R.C., August, 1916, X, 429. Portraits, I, 327; IV, 445; XX, 288; XXI, 223. Re-entry into Antwerp, November, 1918, XXI, 223, 225-26. Visit to Ostend, October, 1918, XX, 255. Elizabeth, Queen of England, XI, 323. National defence and war control under, VIII, 42-45. 49- Elizabeth, Princess of Rumania, portrait, XVII, 68. Elizabeth Feodorovna, Grand Duchess, Red Cross work, VIII, 227. Elizabeth Bay, see under German South-West Africa. Elkes, Lieut.- Commander J. G. M., Shaitan, killed in expedition against Kurna, December, 1914, III, 118. Ellen, merchant ship of Bristol, capture of Spanish sloop in 1780, II, 31. Ellerman, Sir John, Chairman of Ellerman Lines : Acquisition of shares of Messrs. Thos. Wilson, Sons, and Co., XI, 113. on Importance of securing output of tonnage, XV, 453. Loss of tonnage sustained by, during war, XXI, 127-28. Ellerman's Hall line, losses sutained by, during war, and war services of, XXI, 127-28. Ellerman Wilson Line, Ltd., war services of, and losses sustained by, 1914-18, XXI, 127-28. Ellershaw, Brigadier-General W., R.A.: Loss of, in Hampshire, X, 48-50. Mission to America, 1915, XXI, 75. Elles, Brigadier-General Hugh J., C.B., D.S.O.: in Command of Tank Corps at Battle of Cambrai, November, 1917, XVI, 408. Portrait, XVI, 408. Ellesmere, see under Great Britain. Elliot: Ueut.-Colonel B. N., D.S.O., R.M.L.I.: in Command of landing party at Zeebrugge, April 23, 1918, XVIII, 342. Killed, April 23, 1918, XVIII, 347. in Serbia, VII, 383. Work on the Danube, VII, 355, 356. Sir Francis, G.C.M.G. : Negotiations with King of Greece and M. Venizelos, VII, 225. Portraits, VII, 226; XIII, 304 Elliott: Miss Maxine, gift of operating theatre, Netley Field Hospital, IV, 70. -Major, Canadian Medita] Staff, portrait, V, 211. Elliott-Cooper, Lieut.-Colonel, N. B., V.C., M.C., D.S.O.: Award of V.C., XVI, 369-70. 395 ! XIX, 357. Portrait, XVI, 369. Ellis: Miss Christobel, Commandant, Women's Legion Motor section, XVII, 454. Captain S. V„ H.M.S. Defence, Battle of Jutland, IX, 149. W. H., Master Cutler of Sheffield, XIV, 214. Ellison, General, portrait, VI, 89. Elmas, see under Turkey-in-Asia. Elmaz Bay, attempted intrigue in the Sudan, III, 317-18. Elmina, see under Gold Coast. Elnigheid, case of, 1795, IX, 447. Eloise, French armoured cruiser, illustration, XII, 43- Elphinstone Inlet, see under Arabia. von Elsa, General, 12th Army Corps, I, 218. Elsinore, oil tank s.s., sunk by the Leipzig, III, 134. Elsmie, Colonel, A.M.S., I. A., fighting in Aden Protectorate, July, 1915, X, 403-4. Elton, John : Appointed Chief Naval Constructor in Persia, and given title of Jamal Beg, XI, 326-27. Revival of English trade with Persia by way of Russia in seventeenth century, and result, XI, 326. Eltwater, collier, mined off Flamborough Head, II. 37°- Elverdinghe, see under Belgium. Elwell, Lieut.- Commander, killed during attack on wireless station at Herbertshphe, September 11, 1914, II, 268. Embermenie, see under France. Embury, General, C.E.F., XVI, 257. Emden, German cruiser, II, 390 ; III, 165 ; V, 387; XIV, 175; XXI, 6. Action between H.M.A.S. Sydney and, and destruction, II, 35, 270, III, 127 291 XIII, 157; XVI, 159; XXI, 125. Medical work during, IX, 266-69. Alleged to have sailed under British or French colours, II, 32. Attempted attack on Australian transport off Cocos Keeling Islands, II, 261-62. Chased by the Sydney, II, 262. Flying Japanese colours, Russian cruiser and destroyer torpedoed by, in Penang harbour, October, 1914, II, 35. Illustrations, II, 34 ; III, 125, 126 ; VI, 126 ; IX, 256, 258, 383. in Indian Ocean, X, 134. Landing party about to return to, after destroying wireless station at Cocos Keeling Islands, illus- tration, III, 123. Madras shelled by, II, 32. Members of crew of, fighting in Aden Protectorate, March, 1916, X, 404. Operations of, II, 2, 32 ; III, 123-27 ; XVI, 149. at Penang, October 28, 1914, XII, 67 ; XVI, 166. Speed, II, 32. Treatment of crews of ship captured by, VII, 431- Emden, German cruiser, beached at Scapa Flow, June 21, 1919, XXI, 20. Emerigon, on law of nations, IX, 445. Emerson, Temporary Second Lieutenant J. S., V.C.: Award of V.C., XVI, 371, 372, 395 ; XIX, 357. Portrait, XVI, 372. Emily, Dr., I, 302. Emir ibn Rashid, of Hail, XVII, 15. Emir Shekib Arslan, Druse, Holy War preached in Syria, IV, 332. Emmaus, see Amnas under Palestine and Syria. Emmet, Robert, VIII, 422. von Emmich, General, 10th Army Corps, I, 218, 326. Attack on Liege, I, 335, 337, 347. 348-49- Commanding Bavarian troops in Galicia, V, 101, in, 119, 122, 127. THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. 149 von Emmich, General : — cont. Interview with General Leman, I, 355-56. Portraits, I, 208 ; V, 100, 138, 190. rumoured Suicide at Lidge, I, 347. Emmott, Lady : Belgian refugee work, IV, 465-96. Portrait, IV, 499. Emperor of India, H.M.S., XXI, 18. Empress of Aden, war services of, 1914-18, XXI, 125- Empress of Britain, transport work, 1915, XVI, 163. Empress Maria, Russian Dreadnought : in Black Sea, XVI, 306. Destroyed by fire, October, 1916, XVI, 310. Empress of Russia : War services of, 1914-18, XXI, 125. Wounded sent on board after action between H.M.S. Sydney and Emden, IX, 269. Ems, see under Germany. Ena, Danish ship, mined, I, 188. Endell Street, sec under London under Great Britain. Endres, Major, on fighting of July and September, 1918, XIX, 1 13-14, 454. Enfield, see under Great Britain. Engadine, H.M.S. , IX, 136. Crew of H.M.S. Warrior rescued bv, at Battle of Jutland, IX, 156, 275-77. and Battle of Jutland, May, 1916, IX, 140, 148. Engel, see under Belgium. EngleJontaine, see under France. Engelhardt, Colonel Bois : Member of Executive Committee of the Duma, appointed March 12, 1917, and Commander of the Garrison, XIII, 101. Portrait, VIII, 214. England, Mrs., munition work, IV, 482. English Channel: Downs, loss of H.M.S. Niger in, III, 148. German naval raid in, November, 1916, XIV, 150. German submarines in, VII, 439. Loss of H.M.S. Formidable in, III, 151. Transport, German raid on, October 26, 19 16, X, 55 ; XIV, 150. Work of French Navy in, XII, 69-70. Englishman, sinking of, by German submarine, 1916, XI, 363. Enigea, see under Rumania. Ennetieres, see under France. Enniscorthy, see under Ireland. Enos, see under Turkey. Enright, American Private, burial at Bathlemont, November, 1917, XX, 53. Enslin, Brigadier-General B., East African cam- paign, XII, 94, 101, in, 112, 113 ; XIII, 425, 426. Enticott, Lance- Corporal J., award of D.C.M., IV, 17. Enver Pasha (formerly Enver Bey), III, 53, 65, 292-318 ; IV, 322, 331, 346 ; V, 377 ; XIV, 139; XX, 73, 79 note. Activities of, 1905-13, III, 60. Advance of, December, 1915, X, 241. Ambition of, part of cause of entry of Ottoman Empire into war, IX, 281, 288. " Arab Bureau " founded by, III, 294. and Armenian deportations, VIII, 367—68. Armenian massacres ordered, February, 191 8, XX, 79. Attack on Anzac under personal direction of, June 29-30, 1915, VI, 120, 134. Attitude towards Arabs, XVII, 287. and Balkan war, III, 63. Caucasus campaign, III, 70, 71. Commanding troops in Cvrenaica against Italians, IX, 288. Departure from Turkey for Caucasus, November, iqi8, XX, 105. Desire for war, III, 49. Disarmament of the Armenians, VIII, 362-65. False accounts of fighting in Armenia, February, 1916, X, 257, 260. German officers brought in to re-form Army, II, 64. Enver Pasha : Husein ibn Ali, Sherif of Mecca, on, XVII, 3-4. Influence of, in Turkey's declaration of war, II, 21. at Jerusalem and Hebron, November, 1917, XV, 168. Military Attache, Berlin, after Young Turk revo- lution, III, 60, 63. Nazim Pasha shot by, 1913, III, 63. Ordre Pour la Merite bestowed on, September 3, 1915, VII, 211. Portraits, III, 63 ; IV, 349 ; XX, 436. Resistance of Turco-Arabs of Cyrenaica under, III, 294. Scheme for disturbances in Egypt, III, 295. Turkish Minister of War, June, 1913, III, 45, 64; resignation. XX, 102 ; XXI, 435. Unpopularity of. after Turkish defeats in Armenia, X, 261. Visits : to London, 1910, III, 63. to Mecca, January, 1916, XVII, 3. and War with Italy, 191 1, III, 63. and Young Turk Movement and revolution, III, 60, 63. Eon, Battle of Moronvillers, April-May, 1917. XIV, 85, 86, 90, 92-93, 97. Eparges, see under France. Epehy, see under France. Epernay, see under France. Ephraim, Mount, see under Palestine and Syria. Epidemic Jaundice (Weil's Disease), see under Diseases. Epieds, see under France. Epinal, see under France. Epine de Chevregny, see under France. Epine de Verdegrange, see under France. Epinonville, see under France. Epinoy, see under France. Epirus, Northern : Administration by Greece, XIII, 328. Occupation by Greece, 1915, XII, 21. von Epp, General, in Rumania, 1916, XI, 450. Eppegham, see under Belgium. Epsom, see under Great Britain. Equancourt, see under France. Er Ram, see under Palestine and Syria. Er Remte, see under Palestine and Syria. Er Rigm, see under Sinai Peninsula. Era, armed trawler, reported sinking of, July n, 1916, X, 50-51. Erasmus, I, 412, 413, 414. Erbeviller, see under France. Erbignies, see under France. Erches, see under France. Erdelli, General, commanding nth Russian Army, July, 1917, XIV, 15, 17, 25. Erdmann, Captain, of Bliicher, funeral, illustration, HI, 159. Erdody, Count, IV, 412. Erfurt, see under Germany. Ergeri, see Argirokastron under Albania. Ericsson, Captain John, naval engineer, XII, 194. Erie, Lake, see under United States of America. Erin, H.M.S., XXI, 18. Erin, Sir Thomas Lipton's yacht, VII, 354. Erith, see under Great Britain. Eritrea (Italian Red Sea Colony), description of customs, IX, 291. Erivan, See under Caucasus and Trans-Caucasia. Ermenonville, see under France. "Ermine Horses," Blood Indian Chief, gift from tribal funds to Great Britain, II, 247. Ernest Return, French cruiser: in the Black Sea, November, 1918, XXI, 15. Speed, I, 73. Ernie (R. E. Prothero^, Baron, X, 359, 360 ; XVII, 41 s Appointment to Food Supply Committee. X, 331. Portraits, X 350 ; XV, 274. on Submarine menace, December BO, iqt(>, XIV, tj8. 150 THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. Ernst, Herr, Social-Democrat, portrait, XXI, 267. Erquinghem, see under France. Erskine : Sergeant John, V.C.: Award of V.C., XII, 156, 192 ; XIX, 357. Death, XII, 190. Portrait, XII, 155. Thomas, Prize Court Cases, 1 786-1 805, X, 309. Ertoghrul (fourteenth century), III, 84. Ervillers, see under France. Erymanthos, condemned in Malta Prize Court, December 14, 1914, X, 312. Erzberger, Herr, V, 28-172 ; XV, 314 ; XXI, 321. Appointed to German Ministry (without portfolio) , XXI. 304. at Armistice negotiations, November, 1918, XX, 444 ; XXI, 284, 303. Attack on Government, July 6, 1917, XV, 296-97. Influence in signing Peace Treaty, XXI, 320-21. Portraits, XV, 296 ; XX, 444 ; XXI, 319. Signature to Armistice, November 11, 1918, XX, 445 ; XXI, 305. Submarine campaign advocated by, 1917, XXI, 259- Erzerum, see under Turkey in Asia. Erzherzog Franz Ferdinand, Austrian battleship : Armament, etc., I, 80. Bombed by Italian airship at Pola, XII, 321. Taken over by Italians, March 24, 1919, XXI, 16. Erzinjan, see under Turkey-in-Asia. Es Salt, see under Palestine and Syria. Es Sinn, see under Mesopotamia. Escant Canal, see under France. Esch, see under France. Eschweiler, see under Germany. Esdraelon, see under Palestine and Syria. Esdud, see Ashdod under Palestine and Syria. Eseka, see under Cameroon. Esher, Lord, and Women's Hospital Corps, IV, 251. Eshref Bey, in command of troops for attack on Egypt, IV, 346. Esnes, see under France. d'Esperey, General Franchet : VI, 10, 14; XIV, 39; XX, 435. Appointed to command of Allied Armies in Balkans, June, 1918, XX, 21. at Belgrade, XX, 445. Career, XVI, 228-29. in the Champagne district, III, 434. in Command of French Fifth Army, 1914, II, 56 ; XVII, 209, 211 ; XX, 193, 195. Commander-in-Chief of Allied troops in Rumelia XX, 106, XXI, 456. and Battle of Malmaison, October, 1917, XVI, 228-29. general Offensive of Allied Armies in Balkans ordered for September, XX, 21. Order of the day by, published September 9, 1914, after the battle of Montmirail, II, 63. Portraits, II, 45; VI, 225; XVI, 230; XVII, 209, 342 ; XX, 198. Signing of Bulgarian armistice, September, iqi8, XX, 28. on Status of Bulgarians after armistice, XX, 29. Successes in Bulgaria, October, 1918, XX, 109 ; XXI, 13. Espiegle, H.M.S. : Armament and speed. III, 107. Illustration, III, 95. off Mohammerah, III, 107. Operations in the Shatt-el-Arab, November, 1914, III, 108-9, 112, 114, 115, 117, 118. Work of, on Euphrates and Tigris, X, 211, 217-18. Eipinasse, General, 15th French ArmyCorps.III, 404. Eiplen, James, British naval architect, XVIII, 255. Essad Bey : Raid across the Jordan, April 30, May 1, 191 8, XVIII, 242. Turkish commander in Syria, operations, March- April, 1918, XVIII, 240. Essad Pasha, Albanian leader : Alliance with Allies, XII, 22. Directed Albanian Brigade in French interests, from Salonika, XX, 6. Held a prisoner at Durazzo, VII, 365. Portrait, XX, 6. Essarts, see under France. Essen, see under Germany. von Essen, Admiral: XVI, 300; XXI, 10. Biography, XVI, 293. in Command of Russian Navy, XVI, 289, 291. Death, 1915, VII, 150 ; XVI, 293. Portrait, XVI, 291. Report of Russian Fleet's work, XII, 148. Essequibo, commissioned as hospi+al ship, XXI, 128. Essex, see under Great Britain. Essex, Earl of, work in connection with formation of National Volunteer Reserve, XV, 366. Essigny-le-Grand, see under France. Estaires, see under France. Esterhazy : Count Julius, killed in battle of Okna, June, 1916, IX, 33 note. Count Maurice : Entrusted with formation of new Cabinet in Austria-Hungary, 1917, policy of, XX, 230-31. Portrait, XX, 230. Resignation, August. 191 7, XX, 236 Esternay, see under France. Esthonia, see under Russia. Estland, see. under Russia. d'Estournelles de Constant, Baron, portrait, X, 346. Estrees, see under France. Et Maler Hill, see under Sinai Peninsula. Et Tahuneh, see under Palestine and Syria. Et Tineh, see under Palestine and Syria. Et Tireh, see under Palestine and Syria. Eta, British airship, II, 193. Etain, see under France. Etaing, see under France Etalon, see under France. Etaples, see under France. Etchmiadzin, see under Caucasus and Trans- Caucasia. Eterpigny, see under France. Eth, see under France. EthehvulJ, trawler, mined, December, 1918, XXI, 25- Etinehem, see under France. Etienne, M., former French Minister of War, portrait, I, 84. Etoile, see under France. Eton, see under Great Britain. Etreillers, see under France. Etrepilly, see under France. Etterbeek, see under Belgium. von Etzdorff, General : 2nd German Governor of Warsaw, VIII, 158 note. Portrait, VIII, 156. von Etzel, General, in operations round Verdun, 1917, XVI, 185. Eucken, manifesto re Belgian atrocities, October, 1914, signed by, V, 168. Eugene, Archduke, appointed " honorary doctor " of Czernovitz University, IX, 36—37. Eugenie, Empress, II, 117; III, 312. Eugenius III, I, 323. Eumaeus, Prize Court case, IX, 455. Eupatoria, see under Russia. Euphorbien Hill, see under German East Africa. Euphrates River, see under Mespotamia. Euphrates, River, Western, see Kara Su, under Turkey in Asia. Europa, H.M.S., cruiser, transport work, 19J4, XVI, 161. Euryalus, H.M.S.: in Action off Heligoland, II, S. Escorts transports, 1914, XVI, 160, 161. German claim to have set on fire in battle of Jutland, IX, 151. THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. 151 Euryalus, I [.M.S. : — cont. Operations : in Dardanelles, V, 456, 462 in Gulf of Smyrna, March, 191 5, V, 387, 300. Outbreak of typhoid fever in Portsmouth Har- bour, reasons for, and results, IX, 249-50. Euskirchen, see under Germany. Evan-Thomas, Rear-Admiral Hugh, K.C.M.G., K.C.B., M.V.O., XIV, i6f. in Battle of Jutland, 1916, IX, 135, 137, 141, 151. Portrait, IX, 147. Evans : Sir Arthur, at negotiations in London re solution of Italo-Southern Slav question, XXI, 336. Corporal (Lance- Sergeant) Arthur (alias Walter Simpson), award of V.C., XIX, 360. Commander E. R. G. R. : Action in Straits of Dover, April 20, 1917, XIV 155. Portrait, XIV, 157. Promoted and awarded D.S.O., XIV, 155. Major F. S.: British Red Cross Convoy under, IV, 57. Gallantry in Battle of Loos and award oi D.S.O., VI. 386. Major L. P., V.C., D.S.O., award of V.C.XIX, 357. Sir Samuel T., G.C.B., XVIII, 353. Portraits, I, 186, 187; IX, 457: X, 315. President of Prize Court, I, 189 ; IX, 443, 445 ; X,23; decisions by, IX, 4.17, 455 ; X, 304-6, 313-20. Sir L. Worthington : Minister of Pensions, January, 1919, XIX, 396. Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Munitions, December, 1916, X, 360. Major, temporary commander of 15th Sikhs in Egypt, IX, 302 Evelyn, American s.s., mined near Borkum, V, 274. Everett, Rear Admiral A. E., in command of 4th Light Cruiser Squadron, XXI, 18. Evert, General, V, 345, 353 ; VII, 83. Aims of, IX, 391, 394. Commanding in Lithuania XII, 118. Portrait, IX, 9. Operations in Vilna district, V, 505 ; IX. 7. Evillers, see under France. Evstaffi, Russian flagship, action against the Goeben, III, 147-48. Ewald, Captain, President of the Danish Boy Scouts, XVII, 175. Ewart : Brigadier-General R. H., C.B., chief of the Administrative Staff, East Africa, XII, 94. Sir Spencer, resignation from post as Adjutant- General of the Forces after Curragh incident, 1914, V, 281 note. Ewarts, General, III, 246, 248. Operations in Poland and Galicia, III, 267, 271. Ewehl Chini, see under German East Africa. Swing: Chief Engineer J., Violet May, portrait, XVIII, 34°- Sir J. A. (1896), XII, 207. Exeter, see under Great Britain. Exermont, see under France. Ex ford, British ship, captured by the Emden III 124. Expanding, explosive and dum-dum bullets : German use of, I, 435 ; VIII, 279. Illustrations, VIII, 281, 453. Van Eyck, I, 404. Eylau, I, 484. Eyres-Monsell, Commander, R.N., M.P., sea stores brought to Barrini by, 1916, IX, 310. Eysehen, M., Minister of State, Luxemburg : Attempt to resist Germans on Adolf Bridge, I, 312. Portrait, I, 313. von Fabeck, General: in Belgium, October, 1914, IV, 12. Commander of Twelfth Germany Army in Russia, 1916, I, 218; IX, 12. Fabius, on Tank warfare, XIX, 456-57. Fabvier, Colonel, and Greek rebellion, 1821, XIII, 289. Faik, Pasha, wounded, August, 1916, X, 280. Fair, Lieut.-Colonel C. H.. D.S.O., East African campaign, 1916, 1917, XIII, 417, 418-20, 424 ; XIX, 51, 55, 58, 59. Fairbank, Captain H. N., R.F.A., gallantry near Hulluch, October 13, 1915, VI, 423. Fairbrass, Sergeant W., gallantry and death, battle of Cambrai, November 30, 1917, XVII, 90. Fairweather, Lieut.-Colonel, in command of forces in East Africa, XIII, 415. Faisal Sherif and Emir, XVIII, 217, 219; XIX, 207 ; XXI, 439, 443, 445. Advance on Damascus and entry into, October 3, 1918, XVIII, 248-52 ; XIX, 282. at Kasr el Azfak, XIX, 187. Operations against Turks, XVII, 4, 5, 7, 12, 13, 15, 18; XVIII, 240-41. at Peace Conference, XXI, ^68. Portraits, XVII, 13 ; XVIII, 233, 235. Proclaimed as King of Syria, March, 1920, XXI, 446. Raids on Hedjaz railway, April-May, 1918, XVIII, 240, 241, 243, 247 note, 248. in Syria, XVIII, 226 ; XIX, 199, 200. Visit to France and England, XVIII, 252. Work of, XVIII, 233-34. Faith, ferro-concrete ship, built in U.S.A., XVIII, 281. Faiti (Fajti) Hrib, see under Austria-Hungary. Faivre, Abel, and war loan campaign, XIV, 249. Fakhri Pasha, Turkish commandant of Medina : Surrender, January 10, 1919, XIX, 216. at Zeitoun, VIII, 370. Falaba, s.s , XVII, 293. Torpedoed by German submarine, V, 274 ; VII, 140, 417. Illustrations, VII, 418, 419. Justification by Germany, VII, 417-18. Falahiyah, see under Mesopotamia. Falcon, H.M.S., operations on Belgian coast, October, 1914, III, 189, 480. Falfemont Farm, see under France. von Falkenhausen : General : Commanding German Army in Poland, July, 1915, V, 330. Portrait, XII, 478. Herr, and Miss Cavell's case, VI, 435. von Falkenhayn, General, Prussian Minister of War and Chief of General Staff: I, 392 ; III, 453 | X, 163 ; XV, 169. Chief of the General Staff, October, 1914, III, 161-62 ; dismissed, August 30, 1916, XI, 474- Commander of Ninth German Army in Transyl- vania, September, 1916, XI, 226. German military adviser to Turks in Asia, XV, 145 ; XVII, 253. Governor-General of Belgium. April, 1917, XII, 477- in Jerusalem, November, 1917, XV, 169. Portraits, I, 206 ; V, 190 ; XV, 169. Recognition of Germany's defeat, XX, 439. Removal from command in Asia, XVII, 230, 271. Rumanian opeiations, 1916, XI, 447, 474. Strategy of. III, 162. Transylvania, in command of German counter- offensive in, 1916, XI, 434, 435, 437 ; XII, 117-18, 122 Turkish forces in Syria under, 1918, XVIII, 221. Verdun, Battle of, XIV, 71. Visit to Petrosny, November 10, 1916, to watch development of operations, XI, 457. on Western front, 1918, XX, 402. the Yser. battle of. III, 190. and Zabern incident, I, 391-92 ; II, 43. THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE HI/;. Falkenstein, Count: Attampt to seduce Mahommedans in East Africa from allegiance to Allies, X, 130. in Command of German forces in East Africa, 1916. X. 158; XII, 83; XIII, 413, 414; XIX, 49. Falkland Islands: Battle off, December 8, 1914, III, 134-43 ; IX, 125, 141 ; X, 75-76 ; XII, 228 ; XVI, 149 ; XXI, 4. Heroism shown by R.N. at, IX, 253, 265. Illustration. IX, 264. Prize Court Case re, December 22, 1916, X, 310. German raid on, preparations for, III, 135-36. Gift of £3,500 to National Relief Fund, September 9 and October 3, 1914, II, 275. Map, III, 128, 133. Port Stanley : Harbour, Admiral Sturdee's squadron in, plan. III, 135. Illustration, III, 135. Priie Courts, British Constitution of, October 8, 1914- X, 310. Recruits from, XVI, 103. Falkner, Captain Lane, Prize Court Case, 1758, X, 306-8 Falmouth, H.M.S., light cruiser, IX, 136. Armament, I, 54. Torpedoed, August 19, 1916, X, 56. Falmouth, Lady: Work of, IV, 250. on Y.M.C.A. Ladies' Auxiliary Committee, IV, 507. Faltncanu, Mount, see under Rumania. di Falzarego, Cima, see under Austria-Hungary. Falze di Piave, see under Italy. Fampoux, see under France. Fane: Flight Sub-Lieutenant Gerard W. R., award of D.S.C. for destruction of Zeppelin, X, 199-200. Major-General, in command of 7th (Meerut) Division in Palestine, 1918, XIX, 185. Fanning. American destroyer, XVII, 322. Fanning Island: Cable cut by German cruiser, II, 40 ; III, 134. Pacific Cable Board's station, damage by Germans, VI, 121. Fanny's Farm, see under Belgium. Fano, see under Italy. Fanshawe : Lieut.-General Sir E. A., K.C.B.: in Command ot forces in France, early 1918, XVIII 45. Portraits, XI, 421 ; XVIII, 42. General, Cavalry Corps, near St. Pol and Bailleul- les-Pernes, September, 1915, VI, 375. General, Commander of 23rd Brigade, battle of Neuve Chapelle, March, 1915, IV, 387. Fao, see under Mesopotamia. Faraday, French submarine, at the Dardanelles. XII, 57. Farafra Oasis, see under Egypt. de Faramond, M., French Naval Attache at Berlin (1913), III, 166. Farbus, see under France. Farman Farma, Prince of Kajar House, support given to cause of Allies in Persia, and appoint- ment as Prime Minister, XI, 353-54. Farman, Henry : Experiments with flying machines, II, 177. Winner of Grand Prix d'Aviation, 1908, II, 178. Farnborough, see under Great Britain. Farnborouijh, H.M.S., XVIII, 376. Farnham, see under Great Britain. Farquhar : Lieutenant Alastair C. N., R.N., death of, June i>>, 1916, X, 55. Lieut.-Colonel F. D , D.S.O. : Commanding Princess Patricia's Light Infantry killed. V, 206. ' Portraits, IV, 396; V, 213. Miss, and Queen Mary's Needlework Guild IV 267. Farr. M. E., President of the American Shipbuild- ing Company, XVIII, 287-88. Farrar, Sir George, Natal, III, 488 Characteristics of, VIII, 250. Death, VIII, 249-50. Farrell, James, assists Mr. Charles P. M. Jack in scheme of ship fabrication in U.S. A , XVIII, 271. Farrer, G., on Retrenchment Committee, VII, 253- Farringdon, Lord, appointed to Committee to centralise control 0? shipping, XI, 91. Fasana Straits, see under Austria-Hungary. Fasciotti, Baron, Italian Minister in Rumania, IX. 416 note. Fashoda, see under Sudan. Fassa Alps, see under Austria-Hungary. Fateh Jang Bahadur, Subadar, Wilde's Rifles. killed, April 26. 1915, V, 60. von Fath, General : Appointed commander of Third Austro-Hun- garian Army, IX, 240. Commanding Austrian Army Corps in Russia, August, 1916, IX, 209, 220 ; X, 164-65. Fath Ali, Shah of Persia : XI, 324. Agreement with India, 1800, XI, 328. Death, 1834, XI, 331. Fathah, see under Mesopotamia. Faton, Admiral, French organiser of convoys and supplies in Mediterranean, XVIII, 438. Faubourg de Paris, see under France. Faud Effendi Khatib. editor of Al Kibla, XVII, 288 note. Faulds, Private W. F., V.C.: Award of V.C., XII, 161, 163, 192 ; XIX, 357. Portrait, XII, 162. Faulkner, destroyer leader, II, 18. Fauquissart, see under France. Faurei, see under Rumania. , Fausse-Cdte, see under France. Fauvette, H.M.S., Fleet auxiliary, mined, March 12, 1916, X, 48. Favereau, Viee-Admiral C. E., Commanding-in- Chief French Forces in the Channel, I, 69 ; XII, 69. Faverolles, see under France. Faversham, see under Great Britain. Favre, Mile., portrait. IV, 259. Favreuil, see under France. Fawcett, Mrs., N.U.W.S.S., attitude on outbreak of war, IV, 273, 286. Fay, see under France. Fay: Sir Sam : Director-General of Movements and Railways at War Office. XXI, 144. Member of Ports Congestion Committee, 1915, XI, 87. Portraits, VI, 164 ; XXI, 143. Mr., convictions against, in America, XI, 376. Fayet, see under France. Fayolle, General, XIV, 6.6, 95 ; XVII, 215. Combles, advance on, September, 1916, XI, 139, 147-48. Decorated by King of the Belgians, September, 1917, XVI, 212. Grand Army of Reserve under, March, 1918, XVIII, 100. Invested by George V. with G.C.M.G., August, 1916, X, 429. in Italy, 1917, XVIII, 28. art March past of French in Strasbourg, November, 1918, XXI, 229-30. Maurepas attacked, September 3, 1916, and result, XI, 136. in Mayence, December 14, 1918, XXI, 245-46. Moronvillers, battle of. May, 1917, XIV, 98. Portraits, IX, 507, 508 ; XI, 141, 153 ; XVI, 213 ; XVIII, 29 ; XX, 340 ; XXI, 245. Somme, battles of the, 1910. IX, 501 ; X, 112, 114, no; XI, 136, 141, 152, 154. 293., 2 94. 297. 304, 306, 315. 401, 404, 409, 412 ; XX, 211. THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WML 15B Fayolle, General : i ont. Speech in Palace of Duke of Hesse, December 14, 1918, XXI, 246. near Verdun, XVI, 185. on Western Front, 1918, XVIII, 182, 182 note, 188; XX, 339-341. Fayum, see under Egypt. Fearless, H.M.S., light cruiser, IX, 136 in Action off Heligoland, August, 191a, II, 9-1 1 | IX, 255. Featherslon, see under New Zealand. Fecamp, see under France. Fecht Valley, see under Alsace-Lorraine. Feddersen, Adolf, German submarine commander, XVII, 291. Federal Steam Navigation Company, XI, 10 1. War service of, 1914-18, XXI, 126-27, Federated Malay States, gifts to Great Britain, IV, 268 ; XVI, 107. Fehrenbach, Dr. Konstantin : Appointed Vice-President of German National Assembly and subsequent appointment as President, XXI, 303. Portrait, XXI, 305. on Terms of Peace Treaty, XXI, 311. Feilding : Lady Dorothie, of Dr. H. Munro's field hospital, III, 18990, 191. Portrait, III, i 9 y. Major-General G. P. T.. K.C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O.i in Command of Guards Division in France : Advance, August, 1918, XIX, 174. Portraits. XVIII, 82 ; XXI, 176. Retirement, of March, 1918, XVIII, 81 note. Feldmann, General : Advance, Mav 1918, XVIII, 418. Portrait, XVIII, 419. Feldmann, see Tchernoff. Felicilas, British drifter sunk in the Adriatic, May 15, 1917, XII, 336 ; XVIII, 453. Felixstowe, see under Great Britain. Fell, Lieutenant D. M., R.N., portrait, IV, 85. Fellahieh, see Falahiyah under Mesopotamia Feltham, Major-General E., C.B., C.M.G., in com- mand of 39th Division in France, March 1918, XVIII, 64. Feltre, see under Italy. Feltria, sinking of, 1917, XXI, 123. Fenelon, connection with Cambrai, II, 485. Feng Kuo-Chang, General, Chinese Vice-President . Attitude re crisis on question of war with Germany, XIV, 123. Commander-in-Chief, Nanking, XIV, 118. Opposition to restoration of monarchy, XIV 125- Portrait, XIV, 129. as President, July, 1917, XIV, 127, 128. Fenton, Miss Eva, portrait, IV, 264. Feodorovitcb, M., Commissioner for Food Supply in Bolshevist Government, November, 1917, XIV, 396. Fera, Signor : Appointed Italian Minister for Posts and Tele- graphs October, 1917, XIX, 5. Member of new Italian Cabinet, June, 191 6, IX, 120. Ferard, Arthur G., Hon. Secretary Post Office Relief Fund, IV, 508. Ferdinand II, Emperor of Austria, II, 199, 201, 202. Ferdinand, Crown Prince, visit to Tsar and Berlin, 1914, IX, 410. Ferdinand, King of Bulgaria, VII, 11 :• 224. Autograph letter from the Kais< r, December, 1914, VII, 224. Character and history, XX, 32. Expulsion desired bv Foreign Oliice, XXI, 358. Flight to Bad-Nauheim and vi: it by Kaiser, August, 1918, XX, 21 ; XXI, 286. German confidence in, XX, 16. Ferdinand. King of Bulgaria: — cont. Hopes of extension of German frontiers, V, '97- Interview with Times Correspondent, October, Xli. 146. Portraits. VII, 229, 375; XX, 16, 33, 218: XXI, 287. Visit to Sofia, August, 1918, XX, 21, 33-34. Ferdinand, King of Rumania: Abdication, suggestion by Count Czernin, 1917, xvii, 62-63 ; xx, 29. Appeals to, irmy and nation. 1916, IX, 433. Attitude after conclusion of peace, XVII. 61. Bodyguard officers, illustration, XI, 448. Commander-in-Chief : of Rumanian Army, IX, 436. ot Russo-Rumanian forces, 1917, XVII, 24 Council ot War, August. 191(1. IX, 430. Portraits, IX, 405; XI, 217, 440; XII, 1471 XVII, 25, 34, 62, 68, 72. Speeches iroin the Throne : December, 1916, XII, 146, 151-52. June 17, 1918, XVII, 64. Telegram to M. Marghiloman, after signing of Peace Treaty, May I, 1918, XVII, 60- 61. Ferdinand Karl Ludwig, Major-General the Arch- duke, commander of Austrian 12th Armv Corps, II, 223. Fere Forest, see under France. Fere-Champenoise, see under France. Fere-en-Tardenois, see under France. Fergusson : Lieut.-General SirCharles.Bart.K.C.B., K.C.M.G., M.V.O.. D.S.O.. I, 449 ; III, 25; Arras- Vimy, battle of, April, 1917, XIV, 409, Assault on Hill 60, April, 1915, V, 49. Command of forces in France, early, 1918, XVIII, 45 ; XIX, 301. Military Governor of Cologne, XXI, 243. Organisation ,of British Administration in Germany and results, XXI, 252. Portraits, I, 276 ; XVIII. 43. and Retreat from Mons, I, 469-70. Ypres, battle of, May, 1915, V, 74. Rear-Admiral J. A., in Command of 2nd Light Cruiser Squadron, XXI, 18. Mr., murder of, at Magomere, X, 154. Ferme des Loges, see under France. Ferns, see under Ireland. Ferradini, General, battle of Moronvillers, May, 1917, XIV, 98. 101. Ferrand, General, portrait, XXI, 244. Ferrarini, raid on Mugzia, December, 1917, XVIII, 44-- Ferraris, Signor, portrait, XXI, 420. Ferreira, Antonio Vincente, work in Government of Portugal, IX, 337. Ferrero : General : in Command of Italians in Albania, 1918, XVIII, 460 ; XX, 294. . Proclamation issued by, at Argyrocastro, June, 191 7, to people of Albania, XV, 402-3. Italian historian, I, 290, 308. Ferret, H.M.S., in action in Heligoland Bight, March 28, 1918, XVIII, 352. Ferris, Theodore T., associated with Submarine Boat Corporation, XVIII, 270. Ferry, Abel, French Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs, interview with Times correspondent, Jul}- 31, 1914, II, 440. Ferryman's House, see under Belgium. Fescamps, see under France. Fesmy, sea under France. Festubert, see under France. Feteshti, see under Rumania. Fethi Bey, member of Turkish " Peace Ministry," October, 1918, XX, 102. Feuchy, see undei France. Feuillancourt, see under France. Fez, see under Morocco. 154 THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. Evacuation by Italians, November, 1914, IX, 291. Ghat: Capture of town by force under Colonel Giannini, August 12, 1914, and February 18, 1915, IX, 291. Re-entered by Italians, February, 1915, IX, 291. Withdrawal of garrison to Fort Flatters after evacuation by Italians, 1914, and welcome by French, IX, 291. Italian occupation of, IX, 288. Murzuk. capture of town by force under Colonel Miani, March 3, 1914, IX, 291. Fezzani, attacks on Italian garrisons in Africa, and losses inflicted by, September, 1914, IX, 289-91, 291. Fiammes, see under Auztria-Hungary. Fiara, Monte, see under Italy. Fiat San Georgio Companies, IV, 104. Field, Captain, R.A.M.C, work at Wittenberg, camp and death, XII, 230. Fielding, Charles, appointment to Food Supply Committee, June, 1915, X, 331. Fiera di Primiero, see under Austria-Hungary. Fieri, see under Albania. Fife, see under Mozambique and Rhodesia. Fife, captured German steamer Kingani, renamed by British, X, 78-79. Figner, Vera, delegate on peasant congress, XIII, 45i- Fiji Contingent : in Belgium, XVI, 89, 100. First, attached to King's Royal Rifles, XVI, 98. Labour Company, XVI, 98, 99. in the Trenches, illustration, XVI, 100. Fiji Islands : Gifts to Great Britain, II, 276 ; IV, 268. Honolulu, Fijians lined up for review, illustration, XVI, 99 Labour Detachment, ready to proceed to France, illustration, XVI, 97. Policy re enemy trading, IX, 465. Suva : Prevention of Greman raid on wireless station, XVI, 99. Prize Courts, British constitution of, October 8, 1914, X, 310. Three Native Chiefs, illustration, XVI, 98. and the War, XVI, 95-101. Fiki Ali Mek, rebellion, April, 1915, X, 400. Filiasa, see under Rumania. Filipescu, Nicholas: XII, 145, 146, 152. Conservative leader in Rumania, IX, 414, 415, 419, 4«- Portrait, IX, 431. and Rumanian Jewish question, XVII, 69. Speech, at meeting at Braila re Transylvanian question, IX, 418. Speeches on Rumania's intervention, IX, 415, 418, 426. Filipeshti, see under Rumania. Filleul, Stoker P.O. Charles, R.N., award of D.S.M., XII, 184. Fillioux, Major, relief work in Europe after Armis- tice, XXI, 390. Finance : See also under particular countries. Allied Conference at Paris, February, 1915, VII, 242. Anglo-French Commission ,to New York, Septem- ber, 1915, VII, 256. Anglo-French Loan in U.S.A., VII, 256-57. British and Allied War finance, 1916-18, XVIII, 145-80. Collapse and closure of Continental Bourses, I, 178,182. Conditions on outbreak of war, I, 168-83. Effectof Austrian declaration of war, I, 170-71. Exchange rates against Allies, XVIII, 173-74. Prices, rise of, XVIII, 177-79. Finch, Sergeant Norman Augustus, V.C., KM. A.: Award of V.C; XVII, 413, 432. Portrait, XVII, 415. Findlater, Piper, V.C, X, 33. Findlay : Sir George, on railways in time of war, VI, 183. M. de C. British Minister in Norway, portrait, VII, 426. Brigadier-General, C.B., R.A., I, 448. Fink, Captain R. H. L., award of M.C., XVI, 89. Finland, Altantic liner, XVIII, 275. Finland : Abo, naval harbour at, XVI, 311. Army, re-organisation under German instructors, March, 1918, XX, 149. Bolshevist successes in, March, 1918, XX, 149. Distrust of Russian constitutionalists and effect on defeat of General Yudenitch, XXI, 404. German activities in, XX, 147-49. German treaty with, XVI, 21. Hango, landing of German force at, March, 1918, XX, 149. Helsingfors : Battleship base at, XVI, 311, 312, 313, 3M- Capture of, by Germans, from "Reds," March 1918, XX, 149. Illustrations, XVI, 34, 36, 310. M. Kerensky's visit to, XIII, 449. Occupied by Germans, XVI, 33. Pledge of fidelity to Kerensky's Government, XVI, 321, 322. Revolution, XIII, 100 ; XVI, 316-17. Independence from Russia established, December, 1917, XX, 147. Karelia, help given by inhabitants to Allies, 1918, XX, 157, 158. Political and commercial agreement with Ger- many, March 5, 1918, XVI, 21, 33. Republic recognised by Germany, January, 1918, XVI, 21. Russian trade, VIII, 214. Separation from Russia, XIV, 6. Separatist agitation, September, 1917, XVI, 5. State of war with Bolshevists, 1919, XXI, 398. Viborg, naval officers, killed at, XVI, 322. " White " Government, flight of, before Bolshe- vists, March, 1918, XX, 149. Finland, Gulf of, naval defences strengthened, 1915, XVI, 291. Finlay : Lance-Corporal David, V.C: Award of V.C, V, 226-27 ; X, 38. Portrait, X, 39. Baron (Sir Robert), G.C.M.G. : Kim Prize Court case, July-August, 1915, X, 3I5-I7- Lord Chancellor, December, 1916, X, 359. Portrait, X, 314. Finn, Father William: Death at Sedd-ul-Bahr, VIII, 343-44. Portrait, VIII, 342. Finsbury, see under Great Britain. Fior, Monte, see under Italy. von Fircks, Wilhelm Freiherr, German submarine commander, XVII, 291. Firefly, H.M.S.: Abandonment of, on Tigris, December, 1915, X, 77, 237. in Action on the Tigris, February, 1917, XIII, 277. Illustration, XXI, 14. Firman, Lieutenant H. 0. B., V.C, R.N.: Award of V.C, XII, 181-82, 192. Attempt to roach Kut, X, 77 ; XII, 414. Portraits, X, 74 ; XII, 182! Firnnz, see under Turkey in Asia. Firth, Sir Algernon, member of War Risks Advisory Board, I, 187. Fischamend, te» under Austria-Hungary. THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. 1 55 Fischer : Abraham, Prime Minister, Orange Free State, III, 486. Karl-Hanno, German submarine commander, XVII, 291. Fisches, M., member of first Botha Ministry, expelled, III, 488-89, 490. Fisette, Camille, murder of. and son, at Dinant, I, 408. Fishburn, Admiral, XII, 218. Fisher : Right Hon. Andrew, Australian Premier, Septem- ber, 1914, II, 257 ; VI. 157-58 ; XII, 292. Characteristics, VI, 127. High Commissioner for Australia in London, 1915. 1916, II, 160 ; XII, 292. Portraits, II, 259 ; XII, 285. on Position of Australia, I, 161. on Postponement of Imperial Conference, 1915, XII, 282-83, 284. Visit to London, VI, 160. War taxation proposals, VI, 158-59. Lance-Corporal F., award of V.C., X, 27-29, Hayes : on Civil Liabilities Committee, VIII, 147. Parliamentary Secretary to the Local Govern- ment Board, V, 315 ; X, 360. on Pensions Bill, November, 1916, X, 350. Right Hon. Herbert Albert Laurens : Education Bill, 1917, XIV. 262, 265, 266, 280-82, 284-88. Portrait, X, 359. President of the Board of Education, December, 1916, X, 359, 360; XII, 447; XIV, 284; XIX, 388. Captain William W., M.V.O.: Director of Anti-Submarine Division of Admi- ralty War Staff, XIV, 167 ; XVII, 307. Portrait, XIV, 170. Admiral of the Fleet Lord, of Kilverstone, G.C.B., G.C.V.O., O.M. : on Board of Inventions and Research, V, 318 ; XVII, 302. Controversy with Mr. Churchill, VII, 123-24. and Dardanelles Campaign, V, 365 ; VII, 153-54. 155-5°- First Sea Lord, October 29, 1914, III, 109, 121, 159 ; VII, 165 ; X, 61 ; XXI, 10 ; resigna- tion, May, 1915 V, 312, 314; VII, 123; X, 353- on German bombardment of East Coast towns, XIV, 145-46. Policy, VII, 126. Portraits, I, 52 ; V, 311. anti-Submarine policy, XVII, 293, 297 ; XXI, 6. Supports plan of expedition to Prussian coast through Baltic, XIX, 408. Thanks due to, for building of Fleet fit to engage German High Sea Fleet, IX, 125. and Tigris operations, XXI, 13. Work in connection with Naval engineering, XII, 193, 226, 227, 228. Captain, Canadian Medical Staff, portrait, V, 21 1. Fismes, see under France. Fitch, Ralph, visit to Persian Gulf, 1583, III, 102. Fitzclarence Farm, see under Belgium. FitzGerald, Lieut.-Colonel C. A., loss of, in Hamp- shire, X, 48-50. Fitzgerald : Lieut.-Colonel T. O., East African campaign, XII, 102, 103. Captain, heroism and death, V, 206. , Private, bravery of, at Gallipoli. December 1, 1915, XIV, 191-92. Fitzmaurice, Captain Maurice, H.M.S. Triumph in the Dardanelles. VI, 114. Fitzpatrick, Sir Percy, Natal, III, 488. Fitzwilliam, Lady, on Y.M.C.A. Munition Workers' Auxiliary Committee, IV, 507 ; IX, 195. Fitzwygram, Sir Frederick, Battle of Festubert, May, 1915, killed, V, 234. Frame, see under Austria- Hungary. Fives, see under France. Fjeldi, Norwegian s.s., torpedoed by Germans, May 25, 191 7, XIII, 62. Flack : Captain Martin, medical work in Central Laboia- tory at Roval Army Medical College, XI, 5°- Corporal W. A., R.G.A., VII, 306. Flammenwerfer : Description, VI, 209. alleged French use of, VIII, 195 German use of, IX, 60, 165 ; X, 112; XVII, 370. Balkan front, 191 6-1 7, XX, 3. Battles of the Somme, X, 425-26, 434 ; XI, 146, 410, 411, 412, 415, 418, 421. third Battle of Ypres, August, 1917, XV, 383. Illustrations, VI, 73 ; XI, 419 ; XV, 382 ; XVI, -J.52. Flanders, see Belgium. Flaneilly-Selency, see under France. Flaucourt, see under France. Flavia, sinking of, 1918, XXI, 123. Flaville-Martel, see under France. von Fleck, General : Army Order, September 22, 1915, VI, 353. in Champagne, VI, 351, 352. Fleetwood, see under Great Britain. Fleischman, General, commanding Austro-Hun- garian troops in Galicia, V, 103. de Flemalle, Capitaine Gabriel de Libert, " Fighting with King Albert," III, 469 note. Fleming : Atherton, War Correspondent Daily Chronicle, II. 492. C. A., murder of, near Deir-ez-Zor, XXI, 443. Dr., senior physician at Anglo-Russian hospital, VIII, 230. Fleming- Sandes, Temporary Second-Lieutenant A. J. T., V.C.: Award of V.C., VI, 404 ; X, 38. Portraits, VI, 399 ; X, 6. Flensburg, see under Schleswig-Holstein. Flensburg Trench, see under France. Flers, see under France. Flesquieres, see under France. Fletcher : Sir Lionel, appointed to Ministry of Shipping, XV, 437. Sir Walter : Medical Research Committee, XVII, 252. on Trench Fever Committee, XVII, 239. Miss, Matron-in-Chief of British Red Cross Society in France, portrait, IV, 244. Fletre, see under France. Fleurbaix, see under France. Fleurus, see under Belgium. Fleury, see under France. Fleury-devant-Douamont, see under France. Fleville, see under France. Flies: as Disease carriers, XVII, 218. Preventive measures against, XVII, 219. Flintshire, see under Great Britain. Flirt, H.M.S. , British destroyer, sunk October 26, 1916, X, 55. Ftoandi, drifter, in Adriatic, XIV, 179; XVIII, 454- Flora, Dutch ship, survivors from the Cressy, Hogue and Aboukir, rescued by, II, 16 ; XIII, 197. Florence, see under Italy. Florida, U.S.S., XXI, 18. Cooperation with British Navy, XVIII, 329. Fiorina, see under Greece. von Flotow, Herr, German Ambassador in Italy : Interview with Signor Salandra, and Marquis di San Guiliano, July 5, 1914, V, 14. " Sick leave," V, 16. 15G THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. Flowerdew : Lieutenant G. M., V.C.: Award of V.C., XVI, 285, 380-82, 395 ; XIX, 357- Portrait, XVI, 285. Mrs., portrait. XVI, 380. Flushing, see under Holland. Flynn, Captain G., of Tvndareus, XVI, 174. Foca, see under Austria-Hungary. Foca, Italian submarine, illustration, XII, 320. Foch, Field-Marshal Ferdinand, O.M. : I, 69, 96, 270, 479 ; II, 42, 56, 508 ; III, 15, 469, 476 ; IV, 7 ; V, 58 ; VI, 361, 401, 402 ; IX, 478 ; XIV, 66, 226 ; XV, 362 ; XVIII, 181, 183, 188, 294, 309 ; XIX, 83, 100 ; XX, 284, 286, 443: XXI, 53, 56, 68, 114, 284, 320, 357, 301. Advance south of Somme, July 9-10, 1916, X, 84. on Allied advance, September 25, 1918, XX, 109, 433- American troops placed at disposal of, March, 1918, XX, 54. Appeal to miners, XVII, 124. Appointment as Commander-in-Chief of the Allied Armies in France, 1918, XVII, 181, 191, 193, 215 ; XVIII, 96 ; XIX, 376-77 ; XX, 199, 401. 410. 412. Armistice negotiations, and dictation of terms, XX, 444-46; XXI, 285-86. on Art of warfare, XX, 413. Artois, battle of, May, 1915, VI, 213, 227. Attitude re acquisition of Rhine bridgeheads, XXI, 374- Autograph, XXI, 158. Belgian Army placed under orders of, April 17, 191 8, XVIII, 401 note. Biography, II, 500 ; XVII, 195-216. on the British Army, XX, 427. on the British Navy, XVIII, 325. Chairman of Committee for control and distri- bution of Allied reserves, XVII, 186. on Champagne fighting, September, 1918, XX, 132. in the Champagne district, III, 434. Chief of French General Staff, 1917, XIV, 64, 240 ; XVII, 215 ; XX, 215. in Command of 9th Army, August, 1914. II, 500 ; XVII, 209. Commanding French Armies in the North, 1915, XVII, 214. Communications to be placed under authority of, by terms of Armistice, XX, 449. Conference with Allied generals, July 23, 19 18, XIX, 135. at Conference in Italy, October-November, 191 7, XVIII. 18. Co-ordination of movements of Maud'huy's, Sir John French's, and d'Urbal's armies, II, 499-500, 500-1, 505-6. on Defeat of German Army, November, 1918, XX, 272. Difficulties of, July, 1916, X, 92-93. the Gap of Charmes, battle of, 1914, XVII, 208, 212. Mr. Lloyd George on, XVII, 193. Italian mission, October, 1917, XVII, 215. Headquarters at Doullens, October. 1914, II, 500-1. Interviews with Sir John French and General Haig at, October, 1914, II, 503, 505 ; III, 5 ( XVII, 213. Invested with G.C.B., by King George V. in France, November, 1914, XVIII, 119. Kreuznach, arrival at, before Peace signed, XXI, 25^- Limitation of German Army, proposal, XXI, 158. Loos, battle of, September, 1915, VI, 375, 4001 XVII. 214-15. Lorraine Armv Corps under, III, 403. the Marne, battle of, II, 500; XVII, 209-12. < reatcd Marshal of France, August 6, 1918, XVII, 215; XIX, 126; XX, 343. Foch, Field-Marshal Ferdinand : — cont. Meeting with George V, August, 1916, X, 429; XVIII, 122. Offensive on the Somme, 1916, IX, 501, 506, 511. Operations in France and Belgium : 1914-17, XV, 182 ; XX, 181, 189, 190, 195, 211. 1918, XX, in, 112, 117, 131, 135, 326, 332, 336, 337. 34 6 . 3.5-2. 353. 358. 3 6 °- Tactics of, XX, 414-17, 433. at Peace Conference, XXI. 368. in Peace Procession, London, July 19, 1919, XXI, 175. 177- Plan of campaign, XIX, 134-35 ; XX, 60. Portraits, II, 45 ; III, 164 ; IX, 508 ; XVII, 185, 195, 203, 205, 206, 208, 210, 211, 212, 213,214,215; XIX, 127; XX, 327, 442 ; XXI 176, 250, 3k), 372, 389. Preparations on Western Front for great offen- sive, 1918, XX, 337-38, 339, 358-6o. Presented with baton of British Field-Marshal, and made Freeman of the City, XXI, 175. Proclamation to Rhenish people, posting of, in occupied zone. XX, 238. Publications, XVII, 199, 205. • Relations with Lord French, IV, 155. Signature to Armistice, November 11, 1918, XX, 445- Ste. Genevieve, defeat of Germans at, August, 1914, III, 418-19. Souchez and Vimy Heights, assault on, September, 1915, VI, 389, 393. at Strasbourg, November, 1918, XXI, 231, 373-74- Strategical ideas of, III, 16 ; XX, 397, 430. Teaching of, XVII, 196—201. Telegram of congratulation from Field-Marshal Sir D. Haig, XIX, 126. Tour through Alsace-Lorraine, December, iqi8, XXI. 374. at Versailles Council, XVII, 184; XVIII, 51, 323-24 ; XX, 401-2, 443. on Villers Bretonneux battle, April 24, 1918, XX, 423. Vote of thanks to, by House of Commons, August 6, 19-19, XXI, 178. Ypres, battles of, IV, 15 ; V, 63-64, 65, 67, 70 ; XVII, 212-14. on the Yser, 1914, XVII, 214. Focshani, see under Rumania. Fogaras Valley, see under Transylvania. Fokke, Colonel, Russian representative at Peace Conference at Breat Litovsk, December, 1917, XVI, 11. Portrait, XVI, 9. Fol Bazar, see under Turkey in Asia. Folard, policy quoted, XX, 282. Folemhray, see under France. Folia, sinking of, 1917, XXI, 123. Folkestone, see under Great Britain. Fonck, Lieutenant: Aerial fights, XVIII. 428 ; XIX, 463. Portrait, XVIII, 427. de Fonclare, General, French 15th Corps, receives Star of Grand Officer of I.ogion of Honour, August 9, 191 7, XVI, 203. Fonsomme, see under France. Fontaine, see under France. Fontaine-le-Clercs, see under France. Fontaine-les-Cappy, see under France. Fontaine-lez-Croiselles, see under France. Fontaine-en-Dormais, see under France. Fontaine-Madame, see under France. Fontaine-Notre-Dame, see under France. Fontaine-Uterte, see under France. Fontana Secca, see under Italy. Fontenoy, see under France. Foot, Skipper, North Ssa operations, XXI, 30. Foote : Private Qoorge, report 'if treatment at Isegehm hospital, VI. 257. Colonel, T'.S.A..useof oil fuel, XII, 218. THE TIMES HI8T0BY OF THE WAR. lo7 Forbes : Lady Angela, buffet at Boulogne, IV, 502. Sir William, L.B. & S.C Kv„ portrait, VI, 165. Forbes Robertson, Lieut.- Colonel James, V.C, D.S.O., M.C.: Award of D.S.O., XIV, 205, 215. Award of V.C., XVI, 394, 395 ; XIX, 357. Leading counter-attack, illustration, XVI, 393. Portraits, XVI, 393, 394. Forceletta, Monte, see under Italy. Ford, Henry, construction of submarine chasers at Detroit, XVIII, 276. Foresight, H.M.S., XXI, 14. Forest, Harry C, s.s. Palm Branch, heroism of, XIII, 72. Forester, H.M.S., XXI, 14. in Action off Palestine, September ic;, 1918, XIX, 188. Forestier-Walker, General, Royal West Rents, IV, 6 note. Foret, Mont, see under France, Forgach, Count, II, 212 ; V, 259. Influence on war policy of Austrian Government, 1914, II, 220. Sent to Kiev to declare that Austria's promises ceased to be binding, XX, 247. Forges, see under Frame. Formidable, H.M.S., VII, 456 ; XI, 179. Armament, I, 54. Sinking of, by submarine, January 1, 1915, III, 151-53; VII, 439; XVIII, 137- Forno, Monte, see under Italy Forrest, Major W. T., M.C., Battle of Gaza, April, 1917, XIV, 304. Forshaw, Lieutenant W. T., V.C.: Award of V.C. for gallantry in Gallipoli, VII. 173 ; X, 13, 38. Portraits, VII, 177, 179; X, 6. Forster, Right Hon. Henry William, PC., M.P. : Financial Secretary to the War Office, June, 1 9 1 5 -December, 1916, V, 315 ; X, 360. on Honours and awards. November 23, 1916, XII, 154- Letter received from son, relating incident of abuse of signs of surrender by Germans, II, 139. on River transport in Mesopotamia, February, 1917, XIII, 259. von Forster, Baron, return to appointment as Minister of Railways, 1916, XX, 222. von Forstner: Korvetten-Kapitan, U2H, s.s. Falaba and s.s. Aguila sunk by, XVII, 293. Lieutenant : at Badonviller, August, 1914, I, 391-92 ; III, 414- Portrait, I, 394. Forsyth, Sergeant Samuel, award of V.C., XVIII, 362. 363. 394 ; XIX, 357. Fort Flatters (Temassinin), see under North Africa. Fort George, see under Great Britain. Fort Gerache, Bois du, see under France. Fort Ikoma, see under East Atrica. Fort Johnston, see under Nyasaland. . Fort Namema, see under Eatst Africa. Fort Napoleon, see under Bulair Isthmus. Fort Sultan, see under Bulair Isthmus. Fortescue : Granville, on Gallipoli evacuation, VII, 219. Hon. John, quoted, IV, 283. Forth, Firth of, see under Great Britain. Fortification : See also names of places. Theories of, I, 444-45. Fortuin, see under Belgium. Fortune, H.M.S., destroyer, loss of, in Battle of Jutland, May 31, 1916, IX, 129, 151, 158-59. Forward Cymric Suffrage Union, work of, IV, 275. Foss, Brevet-Major C. C, V.C, 1>.S<>: Award of V.C., X, 36, 38. Portrait, X, 6. Fosse, see under France. Fosses Wood, see under France. Fossetta Canal, see under Italy. Fossoy, see under France. Foster : Lieutenant A. C. H., killed, September 19, 1914, X, 137-38. Corporal E., V.C: Award of V.C, XIII, 378, 388, 395 ; XIX, 357. Portrait, XIII, 388. Sir George E.. Canadian Minister of Coinm* Canadian representative at Paris Economic • Conference, June 14-18, 1916, X, 342] XII, 293. at Peace Conference, XXI, 147. Peace Treaty signed by, June 28, 1918, XXI. 169. Portraits, V, 204 ; XII, 294 ; XIII, 22 ; XXI 78. Lieut.-Colonel H. N.: Assistant Director of Mechanical Transport, X, 285. Portrait, X, 285. Foucault, French submarine, work of, in Adriatic, and sinking of, September, 1916, X, 70 ; XII, 47- Foundation Company, U.S.A., XVIII, 286. Fountain, Mrs., awarded Women's Trade Union League gold medal, XVII, 41 Fouquescourt, see under France. Four, Bois du, see under France. Four de Paris, see under France. Foureaux, Bois de (High Wood), see under France. Fourneau, M., Lieut.-Governor of Middle Congo, and operations in Cameroon, VIII, 294, 305. Fournier : Admiral, I, 65. Portrait, XII, 50. Colonel : French Military Attache in Serbia, VII, 383. Portrait, III, 366. Fowke, Brigadier-General, C.B., Chief Engineer, B.E.F., portrait, III, 162. Fowler, Private Edmund, gallantry of, 1879, XII, 170 note. Fownes, Messrs., conviction for trading with the enemy, IX, 473-74. Fox, H.M.S.: Bombardment of Dar-es-Salaam, December, 1914. X, 143-44. at Tanga, November 2, 1914, X, 138-41. Fox : Captain Cecil H., R.N., II, 7. Adventures of, II, 17-18. in Engagement off Dutch coast, October 17, 1914, II, 17. Portrait, I, 45 Lieut.-Colonel C. J., member of Prisoners of Was Help Committee, VI, 279. Lieut. -Commander Charles L., R.N., H.M.S. Mary Rose, action in North Sea, October 17, 1917, XIV, 171-72. Mrs. Dacre, portrait, IV, 488. Edward Lyell, American journalist, German con- nection with, V, 254. Captain R. W., attack on Mora, VIII, 299. Foxhound, H.M.S., Dardanelles operations, V, 474 j VII, 200. Foy, General, quoted, IV, 286-87. Foyet, see under France. Foyle, British ship, sunk by the Emden, III, 124. Foza, see under Italy. Fraicourt, see under France. Framerville, see under France. Framfield, s.s., VII, 441. Framicourt, see under France. Frampol, see under Poland. Frampton, Captain, Galgorm Castle, XIII, 57. Francavilla, see under Italy. France, French Dreadnought, X, 46. France IV, French s.s., transport work, XII, 43. 158 THE TIME* HISTORY OF THE WAR. France: 1914-16, XIV, 217-52. Abbe Wood : Fighting at, September-October, 1916, XI, 149. 4I7- German attacks against, September 24, 1916, XI, 297. Abbeville : Hospital base, IV, .56. Salvation Army rest house, IV, 508. Ablain : Description of country round, VI, 215, 223. Fighting near, March, 1915, VI, 40. French capture of, May 28-29, 1915, VI, 225-26. • German Dombardment, May, 1916, IX, 166. German evacuation. May, 1915, VI, 223, 225. Surrender of a party of Germans, illustration, VI, 11. Ablaincourt : Fighting at, October-November, 1916, and capture by French, XI, 409, 410, 420, 425 ; XX, 214. German raids near, February 28- March 1, 1917. XII, 363-64- Ablainzeville, capture by Germans, March 27, 19 1 8, XVIII, 96. Abruleyard, fighting at, and aerial bombardment by Allies, October, 1918, XX, 123-24. Acluet-le-Grand, fighting at, August 21, 1918, XIX, 170. Achiet-le-Petit : British advance near, March 13-14, 1917, XII, 369- Church demolished by Germans, XII, 361. Fighting at, and capture by British, August 21, 1918, XIX, 169. Acid Drop Copse, captured by Allies, July, 1916, IX, 508. Acy, capture by French, October, 1918, XX, 142, 2.57-58. Aerial Navigation, see that titli. Agricultural labour, women, illustration, XIV, 224. Ailette : Description of country near, XX, 184-85. Fighting near, September, 1918, XX, 350. Ailette River : Bridges across, blown up by Germans, October, 1917, XVI, 246. French advance across, September, 191 8, XIX, 3°7- German retreat from, August, 1918, XIX, 297, 298. Line occupied by French, March, 191 7, XII, 37°. 374- Ailles : Fighting at, and near, July-September, 1917, XV, 205, 206, 394 ; XVI, 222. Reached by French, November 2, 1917, XVI, 248. Ailly Wood : Capture by French, VI. 236, 238. Fighting in, February-- March, 1915, VI, 29. Germans being pushed back from, December, 1914, VI, 22. Illustration, VI, 32. Aire-Bethune Canal, British crossing, October 11, 1914, III, 19, 24. Aire River, German retreat across, September, 1918.XIX.443. Aire Valley : American advance, September, 1018, XXI, 60. Fighting in, September-October, 191R, XX, 119. 121, 354. French air raid on stations in, April 26, 1916, VIII, 499. Reconquest of, by Allies, October, 1918, XX, »5*- France : — cont. Aisne : Allied retirement from, I, 479. Battles of: September 12, 1914, II, 123-24, 125, 120, 127, 133, 142, 149, 150-51, 165-66, 171-72 ; III, 168 ; IV, 45 ; XIX, 404, 406 ; XX, 196-200. Craonne- Reims, April-May, 191 7, XIV, 37-72, 400-1. Moronvil'.ers, April-May, 191 7, XIV, 73-108. Bridges : Illustrations, II, 135, 153. Repair of, by British engineers, II, 131. Crossing of : Description, II, 130. Plan, II, 120. Defeat of French offensive on, spring, 191 7, XXI, 362. Description of district, II, 122. Fighting on : 1915-17, VI, 37; XX, 183, 201. 1918, XX, 119, 120, 121, 267. Flooding of, and French retreat to south bank, January, 1914, IV, 230-31. French advance to : September, 1914, III, 431. September, 1918, XIX, 316, 444. French offensive on, April, 1917, VIII, 402 ; XV, 51 ; XX, 183-84, 186. French offensive from, to Ypres, II, 477-508. German advance across, May 27, 1918, XVIII, 413- German line on, map, XIV, 38. German retreat, September 11-12, 1914, II, 66, 67. Aisne Sector : German and French raids, early 1918, XVII, 380- Illustrations, II, 136 ; XIV, 82, 83, 98. Shells for big guns on, illustration, XIV, 39. Aisne Valley : Description of, and of positions, XIV, 40-46 ; XX, 184-85. Illustration, II, 14c. Aizy, occupied by French, April 10, 191 7, XIV, 61. Alberich line, XIX, 135. Albert : Allied attack north of, August, 1918, XX, 346, Australians in action at, March 27, 1918, XX, 423- British advance near, August, 1918, XIX, 129, 173- , Capture of : by British, August 22. 1918, XIX 17T. by Germans, March 26-27, 1018, XVIII, 96. Fighting near. May 9, 1918 XVIII, 405. Illustrations, III,"i84; VIII, 323. Raiding activity near, July 27, 1918, XIX, 128. Visit of President Poincarc, August 12, 1916, X, 435- Alger, farm of, German attack, March 2. 1915, VI, 37- Alisch Farm, captured by French, August 15, 1918, XIX, 157. Allemant • Abandoned by Germans, September, 1918, XIX, 311. Fighting at, and near, 1917, XIV, 71 ; XV, 393 ; XVI, «35 ; XVII, 108. Mitrailleuses in shell craters near, illustration, XVI, 237. Ruins of, illustration, XV, 394. Allied reply to enemy powers, December 30, 1916, XI, 487-88. Allonge, Bois, fighting in, April, 1917, XIV, 93. Amagne, French air raid, September 26, 1918, XIX, 462. Amance, plateau of. III, 413, 418. German attack on, August-September, 1914, III, 419, 422-23. THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. 159 France: cont. Ambleny, fighting round, June 12, 1918, XVIII, 422. Amerval, captured by Allies, October, 1918, XX, 261. Amiens : as Army Service Corps base, IV, 308. Battle of, August 8-10, 1918, XX, 417, 433 ; XIX, 145-66; XXI, 273. Map, XIX, 146. Blocking of road to, March April, 1918, XVIII, 188, 195 97. Captured by enemy, August, 1914, XX, 192. Cathedral, illustrations, XX, 186. Civilian evacuation, March, 1918, XIX, 157. French resistance at, April, 1918, XX, 330. German air raids, XIX, 157, 257. German attack against British and French in front of, and failure, March and April, 1918, XX, J29-30, 331. German 280 mm. gun for bombardment of, illustration, XIX, 141). Illustrations, XVIII, 183 ; XIX, 148, 158, 159 ; XX, 187. Station, scenes at, during retreat from Mons, IV, 46. Vital importance of position, XVIII, 186 ; xx . 33 2 . 4° 6 . 4° 8 - Amigny, fighting at, April 6, 1918, XVIII, 307. Anchin Farm captured by French, Julv 12, 1918, XIX, 80. Ancre River : Battle of, November, 1916, XI, 421-27. British advance, March 7, 1917, XII, 367 British advance to, and German retreat, August, 1918, XIX, 129-30, 150, 165, 171 ; XXI, 271. Fighting on : 1916, IX, 490, 504 ; X, 84, 92 ; XI, 128, 132, 422-24. February, 1917, XII, 357, 359. German advance across, March, 1918, XVIII, 80. German counter-attacks, September, 1916, and results, XI, 291-92, 293-94, 310. German withdrawal, February, 1917, XII, 359-*" Andcchv, lighting at, March 26-27, 1918, XVIII, 94. Anderlu Wood, fighting at, September, 1916, XI, 136. Andigny, captured bv Americans, October 10, 1918, XX, 128. Andif<iiv-les-Fermes, captured by French, Octo- ber, 1918. XX, 258. Angle Wood, fighting in, August, 1916. X, 436, 437- Angouleme, refugees from Paris in, II, 470. Angre : British raids near, March 2, 1917, XII, 364. Captured by Allies, November 6, 1918, XX, 270. Angreau, captured bv Allies, November, 1918, XX, 270. Angres : Capture by British, April 12, 191 7, XIV, 426. Fighting near, April 7, 1916, VIII, 490. German bombardment, August 22, 1917, XV, 389. Anizy, French air raid, March 22, 1915, VI, 39. Anizy Canal, illustration, XIX, 311. Anneux, fighting at, November 20, 1917, XVI, 413, 414, 417, 421. Antheuil, Germans held at, June 11, 1918, XVIII, 421. Antioche Farm, French resistance at, May 27, 1918, XVIII, 413. Antoval heights, captured bv French, August 13, 1918, XIX, 150. Appilv, French and British withdraw across bridge of, March 25, 1918, XVIII, 88. Apremont, fighting at, XX, 202, 203, 352. France : cont. Apremont Forest : Fighting in : 1915, III, 436; VI, 29, 238. 1918, XVIII, 309. French bombardment, March 31, 1916, VIII, 495- French raids in, February 24-25, 1917, XII, 362- Germans being pushed back from, December, 1914, VI, 22. Arabs' Spur, lower slopes taken by French, May 11, 1915, VI, 219. Arcy, looting by German officer, XIX, 145. Ardennes : Canal reached by French, November, 1918, south-west of Chesne, XX, 269. Railways, map, VI, 170. Ardre River, allied advance, July, 1918, XIX, 102, 115 ; XX, 342-43. Argonne and Argonne forest : Allied attack in, September, 1918, XX, 353. American pressure in, 1918, XX, 417 ; XXI, 62-67. Description of district, VI, 18. Fighting in, III, 430-33, 436-37 ; VI, 18.-23, 3L 33. 233, 346, 347 ; VIII, 493, 494 ; IX, 161, 165 ; XX, 121, 127, 13536. 183. Illustration, III, 424. Front, map, XIX, 440. Illustrations, III, 429, 430, 431, 432, 435 ; VI, 55, 204 ; XX, 69, 119 ; XXI, 56, 63. as Obstacle to German advance, II, 52. Reconquest of forest by Allies, October, 1918, XX, 258. German and French raids, early 191 8, XVII, 389. Argonne Meuse Section : Offensive, September-November, 1918, XXI, 56-72. Map, XXI, 54-55. Road-making, illustration, XXI, 56. Transport difficulties, and construction of light railways by Americans, XXI, 60, 61. Arleux, captured by Candians, October 9, 1918, XX, 129. Arleux-en-Gohelle : Capture of : by British, August 28, 1918, XIX, 297. by Canadians, April 28, 1917, XV, 53. Fighting near, May, 1917, XV, 68. German attack, May 10, 191 7, XV, 66-67. German bombardment and raid near, August 30-31, 191 7, XV, 392. German defences, XV, 53. Armagh Wood, Germans occupy, June 2, 1916, XVI, 265. Armentieres : Artillery work near, March, 1917, XII, 364, 368. British occupation, October, 1914, I\ , 10. British raids near, XII, 369; XV, 210, 326; XIX, 131. Fighting at, and near : October 20, 1914, III, 455-56. 1916-18, X, 112, 435; XI, 400-1 ; XII, 351,358,362-63; XVII, 370; XVIII, 299. German attack on, November 2, 1914, IV, 31. German bombardment, XVII, 371. German evacuation, October 16, 1914, and British occupation, October 17, III, 37, 175. German recapture of, April, 1918, XV, 357-58, 391, and withdrawal, September, 1918, XlX, 446. Illustrations, XVII, 370, 371 ; XX, 113. New Zealanders at, XII, 357-58 ; XIII, 178. Plundered bv Germans and hostages taken, HI. 37- Population, II, 489. Portuguese raids near, June, 1917, XV, 210. Surrounding villages shelled by Germans, .\ugust 3 1016, X, 423. 160 THE TIMES HISTORY OF. THE WAR. France : — < out. Armentieres region : Bombardment, IV, 19. German and British raids, early 191 S, XVII, 389. Army of Occupation in Germany, see that title. Army : 1014-17, XX, 181-216. 1914-18, losses and causes of heavy casualties, XX, 272. 5th, retreat, August 23, 1915, I, 469. 6th, formation of, II, 463. the " Adrian helmet," illustration, VI, 208. Advance : January- April, 1917, XII, 345-80, August-September, 1918, XIX, 289-326. African troops : Chasseurs <l Afrique, I, 90. Illustrations, II, 53, 123 ; III, 406, 467 ; VI, 270 ; XIV, 91. Operations in France and Belgium, III, 441, 442 ; VII, 295. Algerian Sharpshooters, Steenstraate taken, May 15, 1915, V, 79. American volunteers for, II, 447. Ammunition dump on Western Front, illus- tration, XVIII, 200. Ammunition for 75's, illustration, XIV, 92. Annamites, illustration, X, 454. Armoured cars, illustrations, I, 253; XVIII, 90; XIX, 278, 298. Armoured shield; illustration, VI, 238. Armoured trench, illustration, VI, 331. Arms, etc., I, 90. Artillcric d'accompagnement, XIX, 101. Artillery : 105 mm. guns, IV, 378. 75 mm. guns, VII, 467, 4S3. 155 mm. guns, illustrations, I, 257 ; X, 449 ; XIX, 160, 312. " 155 short" gun, illustration, VII, 495. Characteristics, I, 94. Equipment, VII, 486, 494. German officer on, II, 142. Howitzers, VII, 469, 470. sent to Italian front, withdrawal of, reasons for, XV, 432. Illustrations, I, 91, 252, 255, 256, 260, 261, 265, 266, 267 471 ; II, 125, 142 ; III, 415. 4 2 7 435 : IV, 12, 362, 363, 382, 385 ; V, 7Q ; VI, 3, 4, 5, 179, 218, 224, 230, 233 ; VII, 470, 471, 478, 486, 491 ; VIII, 8, 12, 92 ; IX, 43, 68, 70 ; X, 117 ; XI, 133. 143 : XIV, 80 ; XVI, 221 ; XVIII, 309 ; XX, 208, 330. Methods, VII, 494-95. Power of, VI, 211-12, 350-52. Quick firing, VII, 466. Reinforcements sent to Italian Front, September, 1917, XV, 429. Reorganisation by February 1, 1015, VI, 4. Shells, illustrations, V, 378, 425, 426. Superiority of, I, 94, 395-96. Attack, method of, I, 94. a " Bag " of rats from the trenches, illustra- tion, XVII, 228. in Belgium, October, 1914, over-estimation by Germans, III, 12. new Blue uniform, VIII, 37. Bombing, illustrations, IV, 376 ; XIV, 89. Bomb throwing machine, illustrations, IV, 368; IX, 495. Boots, I, 89. British volunteers for, illustration, II, 452. Capacity for leading, as evinced during Battles of the Marne, II, 69. Caterpillar tractors, illustration, XI, 406. Catapult, illustration, IV, 376. Cavalry, I, 94-95. Divisions, I, 90. Illustrations, II, 502; VI, 34; X, 116 • XVIII, 196. France : — cont. Army : — cont. Cavalry : — cont. ( iperations on the Lys and round Yprcs, October, 1914, III, 16-25, 3°. 35. 3". 37. 39, 1 S3. 185. Pqsition in Belgium, October n», 1014, III, 449. Superiority over German, III, 18. Changes in, by February 1, 1915, VI, 3-4. 16th Chasseurs, review of, by King Albert and General Joffre at Furnes. Ill, 190. Chasseurs Alpins, illustrations. III, 413 438 ; IX, 205; X, 150; XX, 204. Chief of the Great General Staff : Functions, XIV, 239-40. Re-establishment of post. April, 191 7, XIV, 64-65. Colonial Division : Battle of the Somme, July, 1916, IX, 501. Battle of Ypres, \nrii, 1915, V, 60, 63, 69, 87. Comparative inaction, May-September, 1915, reasons for VI, joi-02. Conditions and life during winter, VII, 278-86, 289-90; XX, 200-1. Convoys of transport, illustration, VII, 276. Cuirassiers, illustration, II, 474. Cyclists' Company, illustrations, I, 270; III, 100 ; IV, 235. Dragoons, illustration, II, 43, 124. Driving a mine, illustration, X, 438. Dugout in sand-dunes of Flanders, illustration, XII, 71. Engineers, illustrations, III, 187 ; V, 428 ; XVI, 132 ; XIX, 105. Entrv into : Colmar, illustration, XXI, 228. Metz under Marshal Petain, November 19, 1918, XXI, 221-23. Strasbourg, November 25, 1918, XXI, 228-30 ; illustrations, XXI, 228-30. P.quipment, May, 1915, VI, 212. Failure in 1870, causes, I, 81-85. Field Ambulance Corps at work illustration, II, lit- Filtered water for troops, illustration. VIII, 86. Firing aero-torpedo, illustration, VIII, 28. First-aid station, illustra+ion, XX, 369. Flags, March past of, before King of Italy at Verdun, illustration, XVI, 213. Flare rocket in the trenches, illustration, VI, 352. Foreign Legion, VI, 119; XIV, 94-05; XVI, 192-93, 196. Flag of, illustration, XIV, 87. Foreign volunteers, II, 451. Formation, density of, increase under Napoleon, I, 487. normal Formations, I, 90. Gallantry of troops, II, 69-70. Gallipoli Force, V, 391, 392-93. Garibaldian Contingent in the Argonne, III, 433- Gas attacks, French soldier standing by warning bell, illustration, V. 56. Gas masks, illustrations, V, 438 ; VI, 77. Grenade throwers, illustrations, V, 433 ; VI, 352 ; X, 458 ; XV, 192, 395 ; XVI, 242. Grenades, IV, 375, 376. Illustrations, IV, 371, 372. Heliographer at work, illustration, VI, 353. Highet command : Organisation, I, 96-97. Reorganisation, April, IQ17, XIV, 239-41. Illustrations, miscellaneous, I, 264 ; II, 51, 53, 68, 79, 128, 167, 492 ; III, 17, 408, 411, 416 ; IV, 26, 342 ; V, 73 ; VI,- 13, 46, 70, 322, 323, 336, 425 ; VII, 278, 287, 302 ; VIII, 13, 26, 27, 90, no, 116, 481, 496; IX, 46, 47, 60, 69, 79, 494, 502 ; X, 69, 423, 427 ; XI, 124 ; XII, 64; XIV, 43, 49. 67. 103; XV, 206. THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. 1(51 France : — cont. Army : — cont. Illustrations : — cont. 209; XVI, 185, 223, 233, 246, 248, 249; XVIII, 197, 411, 416 ; XIX, 299 ; XX, 178, 183, 203, 204, 329, 358. Infantry : Description and fighting qualities of, XX, 202-3. Illustrations, I, 258, 259; III, 171 ; V, 59; XVIII, 184 ; XX, 184, 185, 187, 209. in Italy : November, 1917, XVIII, 27-28. May, 1918, position of, XIX, 28. " La Gauloise," nickname of General de Passaga's Division, X, 473. Life in the trenches, illustration, III, 409. Literary activity, 1, 96. " Loi de deux ans," 1905, I, 81, 86. Machine guns, IV, 378. Illustrations, III, 170; VIII, 37, 91. Machine gunners, illustrations, X, 458 ; XIV, 459; XX, 64, 331. Marching, illustrations, I, 474 ; II, 44. Mechanical transport, IV, 301 : subsidy scheme, X, 283. Method of employment, secrecy, I, 89-90. Military postman, illustration, II, 150. Mitrailleuse on back of mule, illustration, I, 88. Mobile anti-aircraft motor gun, illustration, XVII, 374- Mobilisation, I, 31 ; II, 441, 441-42, 443. Drawing up orders in railway car, illustration, I, 254. Period two days longer than German, I, 244. Scheme and processes, I, 88-89. Moral crisis in, 1917, XVIII, 33. Moroccans, illustrations, XIV, 86, 94. Mortars, illustrations, IX, 52, 53, 489. Motor ambulance, illustration, I, 273. Mule train, illustration, XVIII, 432. Mutiny : May, 1917, XVIII, 33 ; XXI, 362. in Russia, 1919, XXI, 406. Observation post, illustration, XV, 192. Officers : Illustrations, I, 258 ; II, 50 ; III, 411, 414 ; IV, 364; IX, 78; XVII, 41. Invested with British honours, by George V, August, 1916, X, 429. and Reform of Macedonian gendarmerie, 1903, III, 59. of Verdun Army decorated by King of Belgians, XVI, 212. Open-air entertainment, illustration, VIII, 106. Orders of the Day : General Joffre, to army defending Verdun, VIII, 93- July 15, 1914, to 4th Army, XIX, 89. September 6, 1914, II, 54-55. September 9, 1914, after Battle of Mont- mirail, II, 63. September 23, 1915, VI, 331. October 27, 1915, by King George V, VII, 283. June 23, 1916, General Nivelle to Army of Verdun, IX, 78-79. August 1, 1916, X, 421. October, 1916, to troops near Verdun, X, 466. August, 1917, on fighting in Verdun region, XVI, 200. March 26, 1918, XVIII, 100. April 6, 1918, by General Debeney, XVIII, 196. Outposts, illustration, II, 63. Overestimate of strength of, by British, XIX, 400. Patrols, illustrations, I, 268; VI, 425. Personnel, I, 95-96. Plan of campaign, I, 97-98, 102. Ind. — L France: com. \11ny: — cont. ' Position of : on October 9, 1914, III, 1-2. after Battle of the Aisne, II, 481. November, 1914, IV, 202, 209. May i-June 30, 1916, at end of second Battle of Verdun, XVI, 208. October-December, 1916, at end of third Battle of Verdun, XVI, 208-9. September 9, 1917, at end of fourth Battle of Verdun, XVI, 208. March, 1918, before German attack, XVIII, 49-51- March 28, 1918, XVIII, 181-84. July 15, 1918, XIX, 84-85. July 17, 1918, XII, 92-93, 95-96. August 5, 1918, XIX, 133-38. Protected motor crossing a river, illustration, IV, 19. Punishments, I, 485-86. Rats in the trenches, VII, 285. Recruiting, suppression for twenty-five years, one condition of peace according to Count Bernstorff, III, 16. Reform and development from 1872, I, 85-88. Reforms intended by Napoleon III, I, 84-85. Reinforce British, XVIII, 81, 84-108, 294. Reinforcements, illustrations, VIII, 37, 05 ; IX, 72 ; XIX, 301. Republican Guards in Paris, illustration, I, 98. Reservists, illustrations, II, 443, 445, 470. Respirators inspected, illustration, VII, 294. Rifles, guns, and horses to be transferred to Germany as one condition of peace according to Count Bernstorff, III, 16. Russian Corps fighting with, July, 1916, X, 415. Sappers, illustrations, VI, 183; VIII, 10, 100. School of asphyxiating gases, illustration, VI, 75- Searchlight thrown on attacking Germans, illustration, III, 29. Senegalese : at Dixmude, III, 476. Illustrations, III, 192, 454 ; IV, 9 ; X, 451. On Way to Rhine, and effect on Germans, XXI, 235. Sentries on duty, illustrations, III, 437 ; VII, 310. Shell from French gun in flight, illustration, XX, 202. Sniper, illustration, VII, 279. Spahis, I, 90. Illustrations, il, 494 ; III, 18. Spirit of, VII, 291. Staff officer in Brussels, I, 363. Strategy : Advanced guard, I, 269-74. Change in, April, 1917, XV, 181-82. Development since 1870, I, 263. and Freedom of action, 1, 267-68. Napoleon's influence, I, 263-67. Straw hut in the forest, illustration, IV, 13. Strength at end of 1914, VI, 3. Strength and establishments at outbreak of war, I, 88. Support given to British, March 24, 191S, XVIII, 60-61. in Syria, September-October, 191 8, XIX, 183-89. Tactics, I, 93-94. Telephone station on the Sonime, illustration, XI, 409. Territorial divisions of, map, I, 101-2. Territorials, battle of the Yser, October, 19 14, III, 176, 190. Three-Years' Military Service Bill, 1913, I, 87-88; XIV, 217. " Tirage au sort," I, 84. Tirailleurs, in action in Syria, September 19, 1918, XIX, 188. 162 THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAB. France : — cont. Army : — cont. Training, I, 90, 93-96. Transport of troops from Africa, assistance bv British Navy, XVI, 148. Trench bomb, illustration, XI, 305. Trench digging machine, illustration, XVIII, 409. Trenches, illustrations. III, 418, 426 ; IV, 3, 33; VII, 281. 311; IX. 49; XVIII, 92, 43° Troops marching through Paris, illustration, I, 92. Tunis division : outside Paris, II, 464. Sent up to front in taxicabs, II, 465, Tunisian tirailleurs, illustration, X, 455. a Tunnelled road, illustration, XIV, 75. Turcos : I, 90. Battle of Ypres, April, 1915, V, 61, 65. Bayonet work at Battle of the Ourcq. II, 73. Fighting in Charleroi, I, 463. Illustrations, II, 70, 74, 468. anti-Typhoid vaccination, illustration, VI, 56. 57- Unable to support British, August 23 and 24, 1914. 1. 47 1 . 47*- Underground ammunition store, illustration, VI, 338. Uniform, change, VI, 4. Victory march in Brussels, November, 1918, XXI, 225-26. Violation of German territory, German alle- gations of, I, 388 note. Volunteers and appeles, system after fall of Napoleon, I, 83-84. after Waterloo, I, 81, 83. Waterproof boots, use of, illustration, X, 462. Withdrawal of troops to 10 kilos within fron- tier, I, 31, 388. Wounded soldiers, illustrations, I, 479 ; II, 71, 74, 139 ; III, 437 ; VI, 227, 231 ; XIV, 332 ; XVI, 224. Zouaves : 1st, record of, XIV, 99. • 3rd, decoration by King of Italy, 191 7, XVI, 212. in Action, March, 1918, XVIII, 104, 183. Bayonet work at Battle of the Ourcq, II, 72. Exploit of, II, 147. Capture of Haricot redoubt, June 21, 1915, VI, 119. Illustrations, I, 90, 91, 260, 269 ; II, 59 ; XIV, 90. 2nd Battle of Krithia, May, 1915, VI, 107. Steenstraate and Het Sast captured. May 15, 1915. V, 79. Ypres, battle of, IV, 32. Arnaville, French air raids, 1915-18, VI, 22; VIII, 498, 503 ; XVII, 366. Arnes, fighting in district, and German reverses, October, 1918, XX, 121. Arques, II, 503. Arras : Artillery activity, March 10-11, 1917, XII, 368. Battles of : October, 1914, II, 491-98 ; III, 40, 168. August 26-September 3, 1918, and Allied successes, XX, 417, 433. British attacks on front, April, 1917, XIV, 71 ; XV, 51-54. British raids near, 1917, XII, 350-51, 355, 357, 362, 363, 365,^67, 368. Capture of German guns east of, illustration, XIV, 424. Description and historical associations, II, 484, 400-91. Fighting at, and near, I, 471 ; VIII, 487 ; XI, 417 ; XII, 373-74 ; XV, 209 ; XVII, 363 ; XVIII, 291, 402; XX, 201. French advance near, February 4, 1915, VI, 40. France : — cont. Arras : — cont. German bombardment of, II, 494-95 ; III, 1 ; VI, 40 ; VII, 302 ; IX, 168 ; XIV. 408 ! XX, 199 ; illustration, II, 498. German occupation, September, 1014, II, 490. Hotel de Ville, II, 484, 490. Illustration, II, 498. Migration of inhabitants, October, 1914, II, 492-94. Patrol encounter near, July 29, 1917, XV, 327. Population, II, 490. Raiding activity near, XII, 362, 363, 365, 367, 368; XIX, 128. Ruined houses and apse of cathedral, illustra- tion, XIV, 411. Surrounding villages shelled by Germans, August 3, 1916, X, 423. Zeppelin over, October 19, 191 7, XIX, 257. Arras region : British offensive, April, 1917, XIV, 107. German barbed wire, XIV, 425. German raids, early 1918, XVII, 389. Operations, May 20-June 7, 1917, XV, 68. Arras-Loos, fighting in region, February, 1916, VIII, 487. Arras-Vimy : Battles of, 1917, XIV, 397-432. German lines and fortifications, XIV, 401-6. Arrow Head Copse, fighting near, September, 1916, XI, 135. Ars aerodrome, bombed by British airmen, September 26, 1918, XIX, 462. Ars-sur-Meurthe railroad, French air raid, April 15-16, 1916, VIII, 498. Artemps, captured by French, September 8, 1918, XIX, 311. Artois : Battle of, from Ma}', 1915, VI, 211, 213, 216-27, 327 ; X, 107 ; XVI, 192 ; XX, 183, 205. Map, VI, 220-21. Description of region and subterranean forti- fications, VI, 213-16. Ascension Farm, captured by British, April 13-14, 1917, XIV, 427. Asfeld, French progress north of, October, 191 8, XX, 255. Assainvillers, captured by French, August 9-10, 1918, XIX, 152. Assevillers : Captured by French, July, 1916, IX, 502. Fighting near, October, 191 6, XI, 400. Athies : British in, April, 191 7, XIV, 421. French, air raids on, XI, 131, 141. Attigny : Allied air raids, VII, 294 ; XX, 144. Enemy resistance at, October, 1918, XX, 359. Attilly, destruction of, XV, 40. Attitude of : August, 1914, I, 8 ; comparison with 1870, I. 31. 97- German inquiry, July 31, 1914. I, 25. at Peace Conference : re League of Nations, XXI, 369-70, 373, 375. re Limitation of German armaments, XXI, 375- to Peace proposal by Germany, December, 1910, XI, 480-81. Aubencheul-au-Bac, captured by British, Septem- ber 28, 1918, XIX, 451. Aubencheul-aux-Bois, captured by Allies, October 5, 1918, XX, 118. Aubercourt, fighting at, August 8, 1918, XIX, 140. Aub6rive : Abandoned by Germans, and entered by French, April, 1917, XIV, 94. Artillery activity near, March 17, 1917, XII, 370. Captured German trench near, illustration, XIV, 96. THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. f88 France : — cont. Auberive : — cont. Fighting near, end of 1915, VII, 298, 301. French bombardment, April 10, 1917, XIV, 49. 63. Illustration, XIV, 95, 96. Aubers : Air raids, V, 42. Battle of, -May, 1915, V, 223-40. Map, V, 220-2 r. British advance towards, March 13, 1915, IV, 394-95- Captured by British, III, 26, 442 ; V, 225. Aubigny, captured by Germans, March 23, 1918, XVIII, 67. Aubigny-au-Bac, British air raid, August 22, 1918, XIX, 171. Aubvillers : Captured by French, July 23, 1918. XIX, 127. Fighting at, March 30, 1918, XVIII, 191. Auchonvillers, Germans thrust back at, August, 191S, XIX, 129. Auchy, lighting near, May, 1916, IX, 167. Audignicourt ravine, fighting at, August 18. 1918, XIX, 161. Audun-le-Romans, British and French air raids, VIII, 499, 502 ; XI, 131 ; XIX, 462 ; XX, 277-78. Aulnoye : Allied air raid, October 3, 1918, XX, 143. Railway junction and strategic importance of, XX, 256. Aunclle River, crossed by Allies, November, KiiS, and fighting at, XX, 268-69, 270. Aure, captured by Americans, September 30, 1918, XIX, 444. Australian doctors in, VI, 149. Authuille, fighting at, July 4, 1916, IX, 504. Autreches : Fighting at : September 14-16, 1914, II, 136. August 17, 1918, XIX, i6t. French artillery success near, March 6, 1917, XII, 366. Autreve, captured by Allies, November, 191 8 > XX, 26.8. Autry, fighting near, October, 1918, XX, 121. Aveluy Wood : British raid in, July 20, 1918, XIX, 81. Capture by British, July 25, 1918, XIX, 128. Fighting at and near, 1918, XVIII, 96, 423 ; XIX, 81, 128. Avesnes : Captured by British, November 7, 1918, XX, 271. Germans take and lose, September 8, 1918, XIX, 311. Avesnes-les-Bapanme, reached by New Zealanders, August 24, 1918, XIX, 174. Avion . Fighting at, and near, 1917, XV, 69 ; XVI, 71. German bombardment, August 22, 1917 XV, 389. Germans driven back to, April 15, 1917, XIV, 429. Reached and captured by Canadians, June 29, 1917, XV, 213, 214. Avocourt : Artillery activity near, March, 1917, XII, 368, 37°- Fighting at, VIII, 115 ; XV, 396 ; XX, 354. Retained by French, 1916, XV, 183. Avocourt Redoubt, fighting for, VIII 104, 106 ; XV, 187. Avocourt Wood : Fighting at, and near, 1917, XII, 365, 372; XV, 185, 187, 188, 189 ; XVI, 192, 193. French artillery success near, March 8, 1917. XII, 367. French bombardment, April, 1916, VIII, 495. French offensive, March, 1916, VIII, 104. France : — cont. Avocourt Wood : — cont. German attack and capture, March-May, 1016, VIII, 90, 103, iij ; IX, 47, 63, r6r. German use of liquid fire at, Jnly, 1917, XV, 187. Germans driven out of, August 20, 191 7, XX, 216. Avre River : British retirement across, March, 1918, XVIII, 86. Fighting on, 1018, XVIII, 186, 187, 191, 310, 4«3- French advance to, and German retreat, August, 1918, XIX, 123, 127, 130, 13S, 150. French offensive, April, 191S, XVIII, 193. Avricourt : French air raid, February, 1916, VIII, 498. German advance on, March 26, 1918, XVIII, 102. Ayette, captured by Germans, March 27, 1918, XVIII, 96. Azannes, French air raids near, April, 1916, VIII, 498, 499. Baalon, British air raid, July 25-26. 1918, XIX. 131- Babreuf, retaken by British, .March 25, 1918, XVIII, 88. Bac St. Maur : British at, October 15, 1914, III, 36. British cross Lys at, April 7, 1918, XVIII, 213-14. Germans cross Lys at, XVIII, 29?. Baccarat : Bombardment, August, 1914, III, 414. German atrocities, III, 416-17. German evacuation, September 12, 191), III, 425- Illustrations, III, 404 ; VI, 23. Occupied : by French, September 13, 1914, II, 127. by Germans, August 6, 1914, III, 406. Badonviller : Bombardment and burning, etc., Ill, 414, 416. Fighting at and near, III, 414 ; VI, 28 ; XVII, 37°- French raid near, February 24-25, 1917, XII, 362. German occupation, August, 1914, III, 406, 413. Bagatelle : German attack near, July, 1915, VI, 233. Ineffective German offensive,January 28, 1915, VI, 26. Pavilion of, lighting at, December, 1914, III, 433 ; VI, 18. Bailiff's Wood, fighting at, July, 1916, and capture by British, IX, 506, 510. Baiilescourt, British success near, February 17, 191 7. XII, 355, 357. Baiilescourt Farm, fighting at, August 22-23, 1918, XIX, 171. Bailleul : Artillery activity, Tanuarv 25, 1918, XVII, 374. Illustration, XVIII, 292. ' British capture of, October 14, 1914, III, 35, 174. British occupation, August, 1918, XTX, 290, 300. German atrocities, III, 35. German occupation : October, 1914, III, 2. April, 1918, XVIII, 293, jor. Railway line destroyed near, by German artillery, October 5, 1914, II, 505. War tax imposed by Germans. Ill, 35. Zeppelin over, March 31, 1915, V, 42. Bailleul-sirBerthoult : Captured by British, April 13, 1917, XIV, 426. Fighting near, April 9, 191 7 XIV, 415. Baisieus, captured by Canadians, November 6, 1918, XX, 270. 104 THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. France : — cont. Ban de Sapt : French advance near, February, 1915, VI, 27. French success in, November, 1914, VI, 23. German attack, April 29, 191 6, VIII, 497. German capture and French recapture, June- July, 1915, VI, 238. Bancouit, captured by British, August 30, 1918, XIX, 299. Banque de France : Agreement with Russia, VIII, 214. Fxchanging gold for paper, illustration,VII,253. Issue of 20 and 5 franc notes, II, 445. Refusal to give change for notes, II, 439-40. Banteux, German attack, November 30, 191 7, XVII, 80. Bantheville, Bois de : American advance through, October 15, 1918, XXI, 67. Fighting near, November, 19 iS, XX, 70. Bantigny : Captured by Canadians, October, 1918, XX, 126 Fighting, October, 1918, XIX, 454. Bapaume : Aerial activity in area, 1916, IX, 506 ; XI, 420. Battle of, August 21, 1918, and Allied success, XIX, 166-80, 289-302 ; XX, 417, 433. Map, XIX, 146. British air raids, 1918, XI, 401 ; XVIII, 203, 205, 206, 424, 428, 429. British on heights commanding, August 20, 1916, X, 440. Capture of : by British : March 17, 1917, Xlt, 370. August 29, 1918, XIX, 292, 298 ; XX, 347 ; XXI. 257. by Germans, March, 1918, XVIII, 79. Destruction and looting by Germans, XII, 360-61, 370. Fighting at : 1914," I, 471; II, 483. August 24, 1918, XIX, 173. Illustrations, XII, 375 ; XX, 415. Baralle, captured by British, September 2 191 8, XIX, 307. Barastre : Fighting Hear, March 24, 1918, XVIII, 81. Reached by British, Marcli 19, 1917, XII, 372. Bar-le-Duc : Verdun Railway. VIII, 20-21. Wanton destruction of, I. 405. Zeppelin over, October, 1917, XIX, 255, 257, Barisis, German gun in woods near, and bombard- ment of Paris, March, 191 8, XX, 329. Barleux : Captured by Germans, March 25, 1918, XVIII, 80. Description of country near, and strategic importance during Battle of the Sorome, XI, 155. Fighting near, 1916, IX, 511-12; X, 84-85, 112 ; XI, 293. German aeroplane brought down near, August 3, 1916, X, 423. Wells poisoned by Germans, XII, 375. Baroncourt railway yard, bombed by American airmen, August 11--12, 1918, XIX, 177, 320. Barricade in a village, illustration, XVIII, 64. Barricourt : American air raid, August 31, 1918, XIX, 318 Captured by Americans, November 2, 1918, XX, 70 ; XXI, 69. Basse-Boulogne, captured by British, April, 191 7, XII. 379- Bassens, American docks and warehouses built at, XX; 45. Bathlemont, burial of first American dead, and permanent memorial to be erected, XX, 53, Battlefield scene in early morning, illustration, XX, 117. France : — cont. Bavai : Allied advance on, November, 1918, XX, 270. Captured by British, November 7, 19 18, XX, 271. Sir John French at, I, 469. Bayonville, German line pierced by Americans at, November 2, 1918, XXI, 69. Bayonvillers, captured by Germans, March, 1918, XVIII, 98. Bazancourt : Captured by Allies, October, 1918, XX, 120. French air raid, October 13, 1915, VII, 294. German attacks against, October, 1918, XX, 121. Bazancourt- Apremont railway : French air raids, October 10-13, 1915, VII, 294. French objective, Vll, 291, 294. Bazentin-le-Grand : Captured by British, August 26, 1918, XIX, 291. Fighting round, July, 1916, X, 93, 96, 97, 98. German fortification of, July, 1916, X, 90. Shelled by British, July 10, 1916, X, 81, 96. Ba/.entin-Ie-Petit : Fighting near, 1916, X, 93,' 97-98, 102, 106, in, 419, 420, 422, 435, 436, 440, 443; XI, 128. German artillery attacks against, August, 1916, XI, 119. Bazoches : Americans reach, August 26, 1918, XIX, 289. British air raid, July, 1918, XIX, 106, 107. German fortification of, July, 1916, X, 90. Germans cross Vesle at, XVIII, 413. Beaucamp : Captured by British, April 23, 1917, XV, 50. Fighting at, September 27, 1918, XIX, 449. Beaucourt : British cross Ancre near, March 25, 1910, XVIII, 87. Captured by Canadians, August 9, 1918, XIX, 148. Fighting at, 1918. XVIII, 200 : XIX, 169. Beaucourt ValJey, British advance across, January-February, 1917, XII, 352, 355. Beaucourt-snr-Ancre, occupied by British, August 15, 1918, XIX. 165. Beaufort, captured by Americans, November 4, 191 8, XXI, 69, 70. Beaulencourt, held by French, September, 1915, XIX, 301. B?aumetz-lez-Cambrai : Fighting round, March 21, 1918, XVITI, 58. German attacks on, March 20, 1917, XII, 375. Beaumont : Capture by Germans, February, 1916, VIII, 17. Fighting at, and near, 1916-1918, VIII, 19 ; XVI, 194, 201, 216; XX. 120. French bombardment, August 25-26, 1917, XVI, 200, 201. French reach, August 26, 191 7, XVI, 201. Heights occupied by Allies, November, 1918, XX, 269. Ruins of, illustration, XVI, 207. Beaumont Wood, German bombardment, Febru- ary, 1916, VIII, 17, 79. Beaumont Chaume Wood, artillery activity, January, 1918, XVII, 363. Beaumont Hamel : Abandoned by Germans, August, 1918, XIX, 165. Capture of German posts near, January 5, 1917, XII, 349-50 ; illustration, XII, 347. Descri ption of country and strategic i mportance of, XI, 421-22. Fighting at, 1916-17, IX, 490 ; XI, 423-24 ; XII, 351-52, 352 ; XIV. 194-96. Illustration, XI, 426. Beaumont-sur-Vesle, fighting at, July 16-1". 1918, XIX, 90. THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. 165 France : — cont. Beaurains, capture of : by British, March 18, 1917, XII, 370, 372, 376. by Germans, March 24, 1918, XVIII, 90. Beauregard, captured by Allies, October, 1918, XX, 124. Beauregard Dovecot : Captured by British, February 25, 191 7, XII, 362. Fighting at, August 21, 1918, XIX, 169. Beaurepaire Farm, fighting at, July 18, 1918, XXI, 46. Beaurevoir, fighting at, and capture by Allies, October 5, 1918, XX, 114, 1 18-19. Beaurevoir-Fonsomme line, XIX, 435-36. Beausejour : Fighting round, 1915, III, 434; IV, 240; VI, 33, 230-31. French advance against, December- January, 1914-15, VI, 16-18 ; illustration, VI, 6. French offensive north of, September, 1915, VI, 337-4 2 - Beauvraignes : Captured by French, August, 191 8, XIX, 159, 293- Fighting near, March, 1916, VIII, 491. Becourt : Fighting at, March 1, 1915, VI, 39. Shelled by Germans, August 2-3, 1916, X, 422. Becquincourt, captured by French, July i, 1916, IX, 500. Behagnies : Captured by British, August 25, i9i8,XIX, 291. Fighting at, March 24-25, 1918, XVIII, 86. Belfort, I, 389-90 ; III, 402. Annexation demanded by German industrial and economic organisations, May, 19 15', V, 198. Battle line to Dunkirk, September, 1914, II, 476-77. Fortresses, I, 263, 442 ; II, 52 ; plan, I, 95. Garrison troops. III, 403. " German bombardments, VII, 304 ; VIII, 497. German demonstration against, February, 1915, VII, 304. Illustrations, I, 395, 396, 397 ; III, 402. Belgian expectations of help from, I, 363. Belgian neutrality, pledge given to respect, I, 25. Bellacourt, German attack near, January 28, 1915. VI, 39. Belteau Wood : American counter attacks, June, 1918, XXI, 40, 41 ; illustration, XXI, 42. Capture by Americans, 1918, XIX, 97 ; XX, 56-57 ; XXI, 47. Bellenglise : Achievements of British 55th Division at, XX, 425-26. Attacks at, September 29, 1918, XVIII, 387 ; XIX, 451. Bellevue Farm, capture by Americans, August 1, 1918, XXI, 51. Bellevue Spur, fighting at, October 26, 191 7, XVI, 135. Bellicourt : Captured by Americans, September 28, 1918, XIX, 452. Fighting at, September 29, 1918, XIX, 451. Belloy : Capture of : by French, June, 1918, XVIII, 421. by Germans, June 10, 1918, XVIII, 420. Fighting at, and near, 1916, IX, 506; X, 84-85 ; XI, 139-40, 145, 146, 412. Storming of German trenches by French, September 6, 1916, XI, 140. Belloy-en-Santerre : Fighting at, and near, July, 1916, IX, 419, 436, 504. German bombardment of French works near, October, 19 16, XI, 400. France : — cont. Belnoue Forest, German retreat to, September, IQ14, III, 431. Bolval : Held by French, June oth, 1918, XVIII, 420. Reached by French, August 13, 1018, XIX, 156. Belval, Bois de, American advance through, November 3, 1918, XXI, 69. J Benay, captured by French, September 20, "1918, XIX, 438. Benay Fssigny, British fali back from, March 21, T918, XVIII, 58. Bermericourt : Fighting near. May 21, 1918, XVIII, 408. French advance near, April 19, 1917, XIV. 62. French attack on, capture and loss, April 16, 1917, XIV, 56, 57. attempted German raid near, August, 1917. XV, 394. Bernafay, occupied by British, July 4, 1916, IX, 5°4- Bernafay Wood : Captured by British, July 4, 1916, IX, 490, 504, 506. Fighting in, July, 1916, X, 95. Germans driven from, August 28, 1918, XIX, 296. Berny : Fighting near, and French gains, September 14, 1916, XI, 293. German aeroplane brought down near, August 21, 1916, X, 440. German attacks on, September 10, 1916, and failure, XT, 146. Berny-en-Santerre : German counter-attacks repulsed at, October, 1916, XI, 412, 413, 421. ' Strategic importance to Germans during Battle of Somme, September, 1916, XI, 155-56. • Berry-au-Bac : Allied progress north of, October, 1918, XX, 128. Capture of crossing by Allies, October, 1918, XX, 120. . Fighting at and near : December, 1914, VI, 10. September, 1918, XX, 355. French artillery success near, March 2, 1916, VIII, 491. German bombardment, January 23, 1915, VI, 14. Bertincourt : Abandoned by British, March 24, 1918, XVIII, 81. Fighting at, March 19, 1917, XII, 373. Bertricourt, captured by French, October 11, 191S, XX, 131. Berzy-le-Sec, captured bv French and British, July, 1918, XIX, 96, 116. Besancon : Fortress, I, 263 ; II, 52. Zeppelin over, October 20, 1917, XIX, 257. Besonvaux, fighting near, March 20, 1918, XVIII, Bethencourt : Fighting at, 1918, XVIII, 80, 421. German attacks driven off at, March 23, 1918, XVIII, 67. Betheny : Captured by Germans, May 29, 1918, XVIII, 417. Fighting at, and near, 1917-18, XIV, 50; XVIII, 418. B6thincourt j Evacuated by French, 1916, XV, 183. French reach, August 25, 1917, XVI, 200. German attacks, April, 1916, and evacuation by French, VIII, 107. German bombardment, March 12, 1916, VIII, 87. 160 THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. France : — cont. Bethune : Bombardment, November 3, 1914, IV, 33. British headquarters and advanced base, IV, 237- Fighting near, April 10, 1918, XVIII, 299. French Territorials routed at, I, 471. German attacks near, January, 1915, IV, 233, 237- Mining operations near. May and June, 1916, IX, 168, 177. Bethune area, artillery work, July, 1918, XIX, 128. Bethune-La Bassee Canal : Allied offensive north of, September, 1915, VI, 363. Fighting on, and near, VI, 382-83 ; IX, 165, 168, 175. Bethune-La Bassee road, fighting on, IV, 236 ; VIII, 487, 488. Beugnatre, captured by British, August 28, 1918, XIX, 297. Beugneux : British attacks checked at, July 29, 1918, XIX, 116. Captured by French, August 1, 1918, XIX, 119. Fighting at, July 2S, 1918, XIX, 116. Beugny : German assault at, March 23, 1918, XVIII, 67. Reached by British, August 30, 1918, XIX, 299. Bsugny-Ypres line, trenches entered by British, March 18, 1917, XII, 370. " Bexhill " redoubt, captured by Canadians, May, 1915, VI, 207. Bezonvaux : Fighting near, 191 7, XII, 358, 365, 366, 368; XV, 396; XVI, 215. French attack on, December, 1916, X, 472-74. Re-captured by French, December 15-17, 1916, XV, 183. Biaches : British raid near, March 7, 1917, XII, 367. Capture of : by French, July 18, 1916, IX, 511 ; X, 84-85, 107, in, 112 ; XX, 212. by Germans, March 25, 1918, XVIII, 80. Fighting at, IX, 511 ; X, 84-85, 107, in, 112 ; XX, 120. Biefvillers, captured by Germans, March 25, 1918, XVIII, 8c. Biefvillers-les-Bapaume, captured by British, August 24, 1918, XIX, 174. Biermont, fighting at, March 29, 1918, XVIII, 185. Biez, Bois du : Advance, 1915, IV, 389. Attack on, March, 1915, IV, 390, 392. Bihrecourt, captured by British, April 2, 1917, XII, 377- Bihucourt, capture of : by British, August 23, 1918, XIX, 172. by Germans, March 23, 1918, XVIII, 80, 86. Bilhcra, captured by British, April 24, 1917, XV, so. Billy, British at, September 14, 1914, II, 129. Binarville, fighting near, October, 1918, and American stand, XXI, 63, 65-66. Birch Tree Wood, fighting at, July, 1916, IX, 506. " Black country," II, 489 ; III, 19, 22. Blaise Wood, fighting in, October, 1916, XI, 415. Blamont, German occupation, August, 1914, III, 4»3- Blanc, Mont : Capture of, XXI, 62. Ridge, American attack, October, 1918, XXI, 68-69. Blangyr : Fighting at, December, 1914, VI, 9. German g'.in position near, illustration, XIV, 405. Stormed by British, April 9, 1917, XIV, 417. France : — cont. Blecourt, fighting at, October, 1918, XIX, 454. Blerancourt, captured by French, August, 1918, XIX, 289. Bligny sanatorium, illustrations, XI, 68 ; XX, 334. Blond, Mont : French attack and fighting for, April, 1917, XIV, 87-89. German attack, August n, 191 7, XV, 395. German attacks repulsed, May-June, 1917, XIV, 106. German barrage, June 20, 1917, XV, 192. Germans reconnoitring towards, June n, 1917, and repulse, XV, 189-90. Blonde and Nouvelle Trench, strategic importance of, to Germans, June, 1917, XV, 190. Bluff Redoubt, fighting at, October, 1916, description by an officer, XI, 403-4. des Boches, Bois : Capture by French, April 18, 1917, XIV, 61, 71- Fighting at, April 16, 1917, XIV, 54-55. Bohain : Captured by Allies, October, 1918, XX, 126. French advance east of, October, 1918, XX, 258. Bohery quarry, fighting at, October 23, 1917, XVI, 237. Boiry-Beccjuerelle, captured by British, August 23. 1918, XIX, 172. Boiry-Notre-dame, captured by Canadians, August 28, 1918, XIX, 297. Bois-en-Esealier, fighting in, April 17, 1917, XIV, 90. Boisleux, skirmish at, September 30, 1914, II, 491- Bolante, attempted German attack, September, 1915. VI. 347. Bolonte Wood : Fighting in, March 1916, VIII, 493. Germans in, October, 1914, III, 433. Bonavis, captured by Germans, November 30, 1917, XVII, 80, 81. Bonavis Ridge, weakness of British positions on, November, 1917, XVII, 75, 104. Bonnet-Rouge case, XXI, 364. Bony: Captured by Australians, October 1, 1918, XIX, 454- Fighting at, September 29, 1918, XIX, 452. Bordeaux : American base, XX, 44-45 ; XXI, 37. Description, II, 470-71. Illustrations, II, 465 ; XX, 45. Prize Court, X, 303 note . Removal of French Government to, September 2, 1914, I, 478, 480 ; II, 49, 459-60, 468-72. Return of Government to Paris, II, 467, 472. Shipbuilding yard, I, 71. Borely, Indian camp at, II, 323. Bottom Wood, fighting at, July, 1916, IX, 494. Bouchavesnes : Artillery work at, XII, 357. British success near, March 4, 1917, XII, 364. Capture by French, September 12, 1916, XI, 149. Fighting at, September-October, 1916, XI, 149, 294, 4or, 405, 410 ; XX, 214. Bouchoir : British fall back from, XVIII, 187. Captured by British, August 9, 1918, XIX, 144. Bouchot, Bois, German attacks, March-July, 1917, XII, 367 : XV, i8g. Bouconville, held by Germans, September 30, 1918, XIX, 445. Bouilly, captured by British, July 21, 1918, XIX, 98, 102. Boulay, British air raids, September, 1918, XIX, 320, 459. THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAJl. 167 France : — cont. Bouleaux Wood : Allied successes at, September 15, 1916, XI, 277. Description of country near, and importance of, XI, 277. Fighting in, September 25, 1916, and evacua- tion by Germans, XI, 299-30. Boulevard restaurant, illustration, XIV, 251. Boulogne : as Army Service Corps base, IV, 308. British Expeditionary Force, at, I. 453. Central Station, regulation of trains and steamers from office at, IV, 64-65. Conference, June 22, 1920, XXI, 464. Danger of seizure by Germans, II, 478. Lady Angela Forbes's buffet, IV, 502. Hospitals, description, IV, 56-57, 59, 62-63. Hotel Bristol Hospital, illustration, IV, 246. Indian hospital ships, II, 344-45. Lord Roberts's visit to, November, 1914, II, 338-39. Indian hospitals, IV, 56, 66. King's visit to, II, 353. Salvation Army rest house, IV, 508. Wounded at, illustrations, III, 31 ; IV, 246. Boulogne-la-Grasse : Captured by French, 191 8, XVIII, T83 ; XIX, 152- Chateau, illustration, XIX, 153. Fighting at, March 2S, 1918, XVIII, 104. Bourbonne-les-Bains, Zeppelin brought down near, October 20, 1917, XIX, 257 ; illustration, XIX, 256. de Bouresches, Bois : American attack, July 20, 1918, XXI, 48. Germans held at, June 1, 1918, XVIII, 419. Bouresches village, captured by Americans, June, 1918, XX, 56-57 ; XXI, 40. Bojreuilles-Vauquois, attack against German position, February, 1915, VI, 30. Bourg : Bridge, repair, II. 131. British advance into, and retirement Septem- ber 13, 1914, II, 127-28. German bombardment of, September 13, 1914, II. 127-28. Illustration, II, 169. Bourges State arsenal, VI, 349. de Bourgogne, Bois, American gas attack, November 1, 1918, XXI, 69. Bourlon : Chateau, illustration, XVI, 424. Fighting at and near, 191 7, XVI, 429, 431 ! XVII, 93- Bourlon Ridge, importance of, XVI, 424. Bourlon Wood : Captured bv Canadians, September 27, 1918, XIX, 448'; XX, 422. Fighting at, November, 1917, XIX, 48, 89-90, 421, 427-29, 429-30. German shelling of, November, 1917, XVII, 79, 86, 87. Illustrations, XVI, 428; XVII, 77. Importance of, XVI, 405. Bourru Wood : German attack and bombardment, March, 1916, VIII, 87. Illustration, X, 464. Boursies : Captured by British, April 9, 191 7, XIV, 41 8,421. Fighting near, December 8-9, 191 7, XVII, 95. Boussies Forest, fighting in, October, 191 8, XX, 265. Bouzencourt, fighting at and near, 1918, XVIII 97. 495. Bovent : Captured by French, October, 1916, XI 497-9- German observation post in orchard and French bombardment of, October, 1916, XI, 407. France : — cont. Bovettes quarry, fighting at, October 23, 1917, XVI, 240. Bovis Trench, fighting at, November 20, 191 7, XVI, 418. Box Wood : British patrols held up at, August 14, 1914, XIX, 165. Captured by British and New Zealanders, August 14, 191S, XIX, 165. Boyelles : Captured by British, August 23, 19 18, XIX, 172. German attacks driven back, April 16, 1918, XVIII, 308. Skirmish at, September 30, 1914, II, 491. Boy Scouts, work of, XVII, 178-79. Brabant : Evacuated by French, February 23, 1916, VIII, 16, 19. Fighting at, October, 1918, XX, 120. Meuse crossed by Americans at, October, 1918, XXI, 70. Brabant le Roi : Occupied by French, September 13, 19 14, II, 127. Zeppelin brought down near, early 1915, VIII, 7. Braisne : Allied bridging of the Vesle near, August 4, 1918, XIX, "123. Captured by Germans, May 28, 1918, XVIII, 415- Successful attack under General Allenby, September 12, 1914, II, 125. Brancourt, captured bv Americans, October, 1918, XX, 124. Bray : Bridge blown up by Germans, August 10, 1918, XIX, 153. British retreat from, March 26, 1918, XVIII, 96, 97. Captured by Australians, August 24, 1918, XIX, 173- Fighting near, July, T917, XV, 205, 206. Brave-en -Laonnois : Fighting near, 1917, XIV, 164, 105; XV, 394- French advance towards, 1917, XIV, 53, 60, 71. Brecy, French at, and capture of, July, 1918, XIX, 103, 104. Bregy, fighting at, II, 72. Bremont Fort, occupied by Allies October, 1918, XX, 119. Brenelle, arrival of 3rd British Division at, September 12, 1014, II. 125. Brest : American base, XXI, 37. Dockyard, I, 71. Illustrations, I, 65 ; XXI, 204. Maritime Prefect, use of underwater boat against English frigates prohibited by, about 1800, IV, 86. Briastre, captured by New Zealanders, October, 1918, XX, 130. Bricot Hollow, French offensive, September, 1915, VI, 334-36, 353. Bridge of barrels, illustration, XIX, 300. Brie : Bridging of the Somme at, by British, March, I9r7, XII, 37°-7 r - Destruction of, XV" 40. Fighting at, August 28, 1917, XIX, 297. Brieulles : Fighting at, October, 1918, XX, 119. Meuse crossed at, bv Americans, November, 1918, XX, 70; XXI, 70. Station, French air raids, Match-April, 1916, VIII, 498. Briey, German occupation, August, 1914, III, 406. 168 THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. France : — cont. Briey mine basins, annexation of, demanded by German industrial and economic organisations, May, 1915, V, 198. Brimont, Mont, part of, captured by French and recaptured by Germans, September, 191 4, II. 148. Brioche,captured bv French, September 12, 1916, XI, 149. Brisieux, fighting at, October, 1918, XX, 124. British propaganda in, XXI, 328-29. British naval visit, April, 1919, XXI, 2. British Red Cross nurses in, IV, 248. Brouchy, captured by Germans, March 23, 1918, XVIII, 67. Bruley, fort, III, 425. Brunnhilde line, XIX, 135, 137. Bruyeres, captured by French, July, 1918, XIX, 116. Bry, captured by Allies, November, 1918, XX, 268. Bucquoy : Abandoned by Germans, August, 191 8, XIX, 165. British advance towards, March 13, 1917, XII, 368. British raid near, July 27, 1918, XIX, 127. Fighting at, and near, 191 8, XVIII, 96, 196 ; XIX, 81. Germans hold, August 15, 1918, XIX, 165. Bucy-le-Long, British in, September 14, 1914, 11, 129. Buisson de Cresnes, captured by Americans, July 18, 1918, XIX, 96-97; XXI, 47. Bullecourt : Australians at, XV, 59-66. Battle of, May, 1917, XV, 60-66. British advance on, XV, 59. British raids near, June, 1917, XV, 209, 211. Capture of : by British, 1918, XV, 66; XIX, 298, 299, 301. by Germans, March 21, 1918, XVIII, 54. " Cockchafers " at, XV, 65. Defences of, XV, 60. Fighting at, and near, 1917-18, XIV, 424; XVI, 71, 417-18 ; XVII, 367-68, 375. Illustration, XV, 64. Maps, XV, 56; XVI, 418; XVII, 96. Bullecourt-Queant, German attack, December 12, 1917, XVII, 95. Bulson, captured by Americans, November, 1918, XX, 71. Buquet Mill, captured by British, April 13-14, 191 7, XIV, 427. Bus : Capture bv French, August 10, 1918, XIX, 152. Fighting at, March 28, 1918, XVIII, 104. Occupied by British, March 20, 1917, XII, 373. Reached by Germans.March 24, 19 1 8, XVIII, 8 1 . Buscourt, captured by French, July, 1916, IX, 502. Busigny, British air raid, March, 1918, XVII, 393. " Business as usual " behind the line, illustra- tion, XIV, 239. Bussu, reached by British, March 19, 1917, XII, 372- Bussy, captured by Germans, March 25, 1918, XVIII, 80. Butties, Bois des, fighting in, and capture by French : March-April, 1916, VIII, 491-92. April 16, 1917, XIV, 54-55, 71. Buzancourt station, bombed by French airmen, September 20-21, 1918, XIX, 459. Buzancy : Capture of : by Americans, November 2, 1918, XX, 70 ; XXI, '69. by British, July 28, 1918, XIX, 116. 121, 122 ; XXI, 48. by French, July 30, 1918, XIX, 119. Operations near, September, 1914, II, 125. France : — cont. Caesar's Camp, captured by French, August 16, 1918, XIX, 293. Cagnicourt, captured by British, September 2, 1918, XIX, 306. Caillettes, Bois de, fighting at and round, 1916, VIII, 108, 109 ; IX. 66 ; X, 462-63. Caillettes Spur, captured by Germans, June 1, 1916, IX, 66. Caix, bombed by British, May 2-3, 1918, XVIII, 424. Calais : Allied Conference, XIV, 238. Belgian Hospital at, bombed by Germans, June 15-16, 1918, XVIII, 429. Belgian soldiers, typhoid outbreak, December, 1914, IV, 67. British Red Cross nurses at, IV, 248. Danger of seizure by Germans, II, 479. F.A.N.Y. at, XVII, 454. proposed Fortification after 1870, I, 443. German air raids, March 1915, V, 42. to the Meuse, Map, VI, 2-3 (War Atlas). Scottish Women's Hospitals, IV, 252. Sophie Berthelot Hospital, IV, 67, 72. Torpedo base, I, 71. Zeppelin raids, March, 1915, V, 41-42. California Plateau, fighting. at, 1917, XV, 204-6; XVI, 221-22 ; XX, 215. Calonne : British raids near, March 2, 1917, XII, 364. Fighting in, and near, X, 435 ; XV, 184, 189. Mining near, May, 1916, IX, 167. Calonne sur la Lys, captured by Germans, April 12, 1918, XVIII, 300. Calvary Hill, captured by French, August 18, 1916, X, 437. Camard, Bois, fighting at, August 24, 1917, XVI, 199. Cambrai, II, 485. Attack on, September-October, 191 8, XX, 357. Battle of, November-December, 191 7, XVI, 217, 397-432; XVII, 73-108, 181, 384; XIX, 426-28. British set-back at, XVII, 102-5. Public disappointment, XVII, 104. German Army Order by General von der Marwitz, XVII, 78. German comments, XVI, 420, 426, 432 ; XVII, 97-100. British advance on, XII, 376. British air raids on, XI, 401 ; XVI, 109, 427 ; XVIII, 206, 207; XIX, 176, 178. British prisoners at, and employment behind the lines, XII, 247, 248-49. Capture of : by Allies, October, 1918, XX, 124-25, 357, 433-34 ; XXI, 258, 275. by Germans, 191 4, I, 471. Cathedral, illustration, XX, 128. Church tower in, illustration, XX, 126. Description of district, XVI, 402-5 ; XX, 125. . Fighting near, 1918, XVII, 364, 365 ; XVIII, 52; XIX, 452-54; XX, 115, 123, 417. French airraids, August 17-18, 1917, XV, 378. German devastation in, October, 1918, XX, 125-26. Illustrations, XVII, 88 ; XIX, 460 ; XX, 125, 127. J 35- New military ideas of attack used at, and result, XX, 413. Pickelhauben found in cellar at, illustration, XX, 131. Railway from Liege, cutting of, by Belgians, II, 485. Cambrai District : Artillery activity, January.25, 1918, XVII, 374. Fighting, January 7, 1918, XVII, 367. German raids, early 1918, XVII, 389. Cambronne, captured by French, August 12, 1918, XIX, 156. THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. 1G9 Fiance : — corxt. Camelin, captured by French, August 21, 191 8, XIX, 289. Camouflaged battery, illustration, XIII, 134. Camp des Romains, III, 425, 427-28, 430. Bombardment, September, 1914, III, 426. Fall of, September, 1914, III, 428. Campagne, captured by French, August 31, 1918, XIX, 301. Canadian hospital, II, 242, 271. Canal de l'Escaut, see Escaut Canal. Canal du Nord : Crossed by Allies, September 27, 1918, XX, 417. Defences, XIX, 435, 436. Fighting on, 1910-1S, XVI, 297, 412-13 ; XVII, 89, 90, 365 ; XIX, 301, 309, 446-49. French advance across, August-September, 1918, XIX, 299, 307. Held by British, March, 1018, XVIII, 53. Illustrations, XVI, 412 ; XIX, 308, 446, 449, 452. 459; XX, 116. Cannectancourt, held by French, June 9, 1918, XVIII, 420. Canny-sur-Matz :, French arrive at, August 13, 1918, XIX, 156. French raids near, March 10, 1917, XII, 367-68. Cantaing : Occupied by British, November 20, 1917, XVI, 417, 421. Refugees from, illustration, XVI, 415. Cantigny : Captured by Americans, May, 1018, and fight- ing at, XVIII, 423 ; XX, 55 , : XXI, 37-39. Illustration, XXI, 49. Capinghem, captured by British, October 18, 1914, III, 38, 441. Cappy, captured bv Australians, August 26, 1918, XIX, 291. Captured observation post, illustration, XIV, 85- Carbine trench, fighting at, October 23, 1917, XVI, 238. Carency : Captured by French. May, 1915, VI, 222-23. Description, VI, 215. Fighting at, 1915, V, 77, 228 ; VI, 40, 216, 217. French bombardment, May, 1915, VI, 216. French underground works near, VI, 213. German defences, VI, 215. Carlepont : Captured by Allies, August, 1918, XX, 347. Occupied by French, March 18, 1917, XII, 372. ' Carlepont Wood, Germans thrust from, August 21, 1918, XIX, 289. Carnoy, fighting at, and near, 1914-16, VI, 9, 39 ; VIII, 490, 491. Casemates Plateau, fighting on, 1917, XV, 204-6, 394 ; XVI, 222. Casque, German attacks repulsed, May-June, 1917, XIV, 106. Cassel : Conference at, September 9, 1918, XIX, 445. German Dragoons at, October 8, 1914, II, 505. Castel : Capture of : by French, July 12, 1918, XIX, 80. by Germans, April 4, 1918, XVIII, 195. Fighting at, April 10, 1918, XVIII, 307. Germans beaten back, Aprils, r 9i8, XVIII, 196. Castres, captured by French, September 20, 1918, XIX, 437- Caterpillar Woods, shelled by Germans, August 3, 1916, X, 422. Catigny : Captured by Germans, Mar. 24, 1918, XVIII, 90. Fighting at, March 25, 1918, XVIII, 98. Catillon, captured by Allies, November, 1918, XX, 268. Cattigny Wood, fighting at, October, 1918, XX, 126. Caudry, British near, I, 472. France :- — cont. Caulaincourt : Captured and lost by Germans, March 22, 1918, XVIII, 62-63. Destruction and description of, XV, 39-40. Ruins, illustration, XV, 41. Caures, Bois des, fighting at, February, 1916, VIII, 8, 10, 12-14 I XX, 207. Caurieres Wood : Artillery activity near, March 17, 1917, XII.376. Fighting at and near, 1916-17, X, 474 ; XII. 203, 365, 367 ; XV, 183 ; XVI, 203-4. German raid in, and attack, August, 1917, XV, 396. Germans driven back near, March 20, 1918, XVII, 51. Cauroy, capture of : by Allies, October n, 1918, XX, 131. by Germans, May 28, 1918, XVIII, 415. Cavalry Farm, fighting at, April-May, 1917, XV, 4 8 ~49. 57- Cayeux-en-Santerre : Captured by Germans, March 28, 1918, XVIII, 190. Fighting at, March 28, 1918, XVIII, 190. Celles-sur-Aisnes, fighting at, April 19,1917, XIV, 61. Cemetery Copse, fighting at, August 8, 1918, XIX, 140. Cepy Farm, August 10, 1917, XV, 392. Cerizy : Captured by French, April 3, 1917, XII, 378. Fighting near, June, 191 7, XV, 69. Germans cross Somme at, March 27, 1918, XVIII, 97. Cernay-en-Dormois : Captured by French, September 25, 1918, XIX, 442. German attack near, March 2, 1915, \ I, 37. Cerny : Fighting near, June-August, 1917, XV, 200-1, 202, 205, 393-94. German attacks near, repulsed, April- June, 1917, XIV, 63, 103-4, io 5- Reached by French, November 2, 1917, XVI, 248. Cerny Plateau, fighting at, August 20-21, 1917. XVI, 221. Cerny region, fighting in, October 30, 1917, XVI, 247. Cerny-en-Laonnais, cleared of Germans, October 11, 1918, XX, 13J. Challerange : Captured by Allies, October, 1918, and fighting at, XX, 116, 117, 118. French air raids, VII, 294 ; VIII, 499 ; XV, 396. Reached by French, September, 1918, XX, 354. Chalmont, Butte de, captured by French, July 29, 1918, and fighting at, XIX, 116. Chalons : Captured by enemy, August, 1914, XX, 192. Illustration, XIX, 443. Zeppelin over, October 20, 1917, XIX, 257. Chalons Plain : the Aldershot of France, II, 52. Camp of Attila on, II, 52. German fortifications, XIV, 73-74. Chalons-sur-Marne, French in, September 9, I9 I 4. II, 500. Chamber of Deputies : Closure of, early September, II, 471. Illustration, XIV, 219. Message of sympathy sent to Portugal, March, 1917. XVII, 355- Opening of, December 22, 1914, II, 472-76. Position during Battles of Verdun, and action taken by, IX, 42, 44. Secret Sessions : June, 1916, IX, 44. December, 1916, XIV, 232. Session of August 4, 1914, II, 445~47- 170 THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. France : — cont. Chambitoux Ridge, fighting on, October, 19 16, X. 463. Chambley, French air raids, VIII, 497-98 ; XV, 39°- Champ du Seigneur Wood of, capture by French, April 16, 1917, XIV, 57. Chambrettes Farm : Artillery activity near, March 17, 191 7, XII, 370. Fighting near, March, 1917, XII, 365, 366. French attack on, December, 1916, X, 472-74. Champagne : Aerial bombardment in, October, 1918, XX.I43. Allied advance, September, 1918, XIX, 439-40. Allied attacks in, and results : September, 1915, XX, 204-5. September, 1918, XX, 353. Description of country, III, 434 ; VI, 327. French communication trench in, illustration, XX, 206. French heroism, VI, 356-60. General Army Order, September 23, 1315, VI, 331- French successes in, February, 1915, IV, 240. Gas reservoirs, explosions, August, 1917, XVI, 240-50. German defences, VI, 328-29. German forces in, February 16 and March io, 1915, VI, 34. German and French raids, early, 1918, XVII, 3»9- Maps, III, 420-21 ; VI, 340-41 ; War Atlas, 4-5 ; VII, 291. Operations in : 1914-15, III, 434 ; VI, 16-18, 31-37, 321-400. 1915-17, VIII, 492-93 ; IX, 165; X, 414; XII, 355 ; XIV, 238, 239 ; XV, 51 ; XX, 183, 184. 201, 213. 1918, XVII, 388-89 ; XX, 116, 119, 339-40. German losses, VI, 356. Mapping operations before, VI, 324-25. Telegrams between Allied Chiefs of State, VI, 347- Re-occupation of positions held by French before offensive of July 15, 1918, by General Gouraud, XX, 343-44. Scenes in, illustrations, III, 436 ; VI, 326, 333, 335. 343. 345. 34 8 . 357 ; VII, 292-93, 305, 315 ; XX, 188. Work of General Gouraud's Army in, 1918, XX, 338-39- Champagne Pouilleuse : Battle of, XIV, 39, 74, 75 ; XVI, 192. Fighting in : 1915-16, VII, 291-301. August-October, 1917, XVI, 249-51. Champenoux, Forest, fighting at and near, August and September, 1914, III, 417, 422. Champigneulles : Failure of Americans to take, October 23, 1918, XXI, 67. Reached by Allies, October 16, 1918, XX 136. Champneuville, capture of : by French, August 20, 1917, XVI, 194. by Germans, VIII, 32. Champs, reached by French August 30, 191 7, XIX, 209. Cbangis, crossing of Marne by German column, II, 41. Chapel Hill, retaken by British, March 21, 1918, XVIII, 58. Chapelle Stc. Berthe, fighting at, October 25, 1917, XVI, 245. Chapitre Wood, French advance through, July, 1916, IX, 502. Charbon quarry, fighting at, October 23, 1917. XVI, 245. Chardin Vert, captured by Allies, October, 1918, XX, 118. Charlevaux Mill, captured by Americans, October, 1918, XX, 117. France : — cont. Charleville : Battle of, August 25, 1914, I, 475. French troops at, September 6, 1914, II, 42. Charly : British in possession of, September 8, 1914, II, 78. French advance upon, September9, 1914, II, 63. Charmes, Gap of, battle of, August, 1914, XVII, 208, 212. Charpentry, captured by Americans, September 27, 1918, XIX, 444. Chassins, captured and lost by Germans, July 1918, XIX, in. Chateau-Thierry : Capture of, value of, to French, XIX, 112. Crossing of Marne by German column, II, 41. Fighting at and near : 1914, II, 78. 1918, XVIII, 419; XIX, 88; XX, 63 . XXI, 39-40. French advance upon, Septemberg, 1914, II, 63. German evacuation, July 20, 1918, XIX, 98, 99 ; XXI, 48. German failure to cross river at, May, 1918, XX, 334. Illustrations, XVIII, 427 ; XIX, 98, 100, 102, 112 ; XX, 54, 57, 336 ; XXI, 40, 48. Looting and destruction by Germans, XIX, 99-100. Reoccupied by Germans, July 21, 1918, XX, 34^- Road, operations by American Division, and Germans repulsed, Tune, 1918, XX, 55—56. Chatel-Chehery : Captured by Americans, October, 1918, XX, 69. Fighting near, October, 19 18, XX, 119, 120. Chatillon Hill, fighting on, October, 1918, XX, 69. Chatillon Wood, Americans in, November 4, 191 8, XXI, 71. Chatillon-sur-Bar, French and Americans at, October, 1918, XXI, 70. Chattancourt, reached by Germans after capture of Cumiers, IX, 62. Chaudi.in, captured by French, Tub/ 18, 1918, XIX, 96. Chauffour Wood, fighting at and near, 1916, VIII, 79, 109; X, 468, 472 -74. Chaulnes : Allied advance towards, August, 1918, XX, 344. Attack near, July 20, 1916, X, 116— 17. British air raids, XVIII, 206, 424, 428. Capture of : by British, March 17, 1917, XII, 370. by French, August 28, 1918, XIX, 295. Fighting near : November -December, 1914, VI, 9. July, 1916, IX, 506. German airraid, March, 1918, XVII, 77. German raid near, March 7, 191 7, XII, 367. Illustration, XII, 370. Railway at, attacked by Germans, August 8, 1916, X, 433. Roads near, bombed by British airmen, March, 1918, XVIII. 206. Chaulnes Wood : Fntere.-l by French, September 4, 1916, XI, 139. Fighting at, October, 191(1, XI, 409, 410. 415. a Patrol in, illustration, XI, 142. Chaume Wood, fighting in : 1917, XVI, 195, 205, 207, 211, 215, 397. January 15, 1918, XVII, 370. Chauny : Allied retreat north of, March, 1918, XX, 328. Capture of : by Allies, September, 1918, XX, 348. by Germans, March, 1918, XVIII, 80. Fighting at, April 6, 1918, XVIII, 307. French advance near, March 20, 1917, XII, 374. French air raids, VJ, 39 ; XI, 146, 414. Illustration, XVIII, 306. THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. 171 France : — cont. Chauvoncourt, barracks blown up by Germans, November 18, 1914, VI, 22. Chavignon, fighting at, October 23, 191 7, XVI, 239. Chavigny : Captured by French : August 30, 1917, XIX, 299. July 8, 1918, XIX, 79. Fighting at, August 23, 1918, XIX, 289. Chavigny Farm, German attacks repulsed, July 9, 1918, XIX, 79. Chavonne : Aisne passed by Germans at, .May 27, 1918, XVIII, 413. British crossings of the Aisne at, September, 1914, II, 128, 132. Defences, description, XIV, 50-51 ; map, XIV, 50. Fighting round, April 16, 191 7, XIV, 50. French attack, April 10, 1917, XIV, 51, 53. Illustration, XV, 198. Chelle fort, Germans fired on, II, 464. Chemin-des-Dames, II, 129, 136. Allied successes on, October, 1918, XX, 128. American Division in action at, XX, 53. Description of, and of German positions, April, 191 7, XIV, 40-44, 50. Fighting on, 1916-1S, VIII, 492 ; XIV, 70-71, 103 ; XV, 181, 197-207, 393, 394 ; XVIII, 103 ; XV, 181, 197-207, 393. 394 : XVI, 219, 221; XVIII, 409-13; XX, 119, 184, 215-16. 332-34- French bombardment, XVI, 224-26, 232-34. French on : April 16, 1917, XIV, 53. May 4, 19 r 7, XIV, 68. German defences, XIV, 69. Illustrations, XIV 46, 52, 63; XV, 187, 188, 195, 206 ; XVI, 250, 251 ; XIX, 89. Map, XIV, 42, 68. Operations on, II, 132, 137. Underground passages of, XVI, 223-226. Chene-la-Reine, Germans take and lose, July 16, 1918, XIX, 90. Chenevieres, I.44 shot down, October 20, 1917, XIX, 255. Cheppy : Bridge destroyed by Germans, September 26, 1918, XIX, 443. French raid near, March 17, 1918, XVII, 393. Woods of, French bombardment, March, 1916, VIII, 493. Cherbourg : Dockyard, I, 71. Operations of Inland Waterways and Docks Department at, XXI, 137, 138. Wounded French soldiers conveyed to, on board hospital ship China, IX, 263. Cherisy : British advance near, May 30-31, 191 7, XV, 68. Captured : by Canadians, August 28, 1918, XIX, 297. and Lost by British, May 3, 19 17, XV, 57, 59. Fighting at, September 15-16, 1917, XVI, 71. German raid near, May 27, 1917, XV, 68. High ground west of captured by British, April 23, 1917, XV, 45; withdrawal from, XV, 47- Chevaliers, Bois des : Advance of German detachment to reconnoitre Allied trenches, June 15, 191 7, XV, 184. German counter attacks against, July 22, T917, XV, 189. Chevillon, captured by Americans, July 18, 1918, XXI, 47. Chevilly, captured by French, August 31, 1918, XIX', 301. Chevregny Sour : Fighting at, October 26, 19 17, XVI, 246. German offensive in region, ordered October 23, 1917, XVI, 228. France : — cont. Chevreux : Captured by French, 1917, XIV, 71 ; XVI, 248, Fighting near, May, 19 17, XIV, 104, 105. German attacks repulsed, May 9-10, 1917, XIV, 103. Chien, Bois du, French success of, April 18, 1917, XIV, 92. Chilly, captured by French, September 4, 1916, XI. 139. Chipilly : British advance towards, August 8, 1918, XIX, 140. British attacks checked, August 8, 1918, XIX, 141-42. Captured by British, August 9, 191S, XIX, 144. Illustrations, XIX, 142. Chipotte, Col du, fighting at, III, 413. Chiry-Ourscamp, French reach edge of, August, igr8, XIX, 159, 289. Chivilly, captured by French, August 30, 1918, XIX, 299. Chivre plateau, British position in trenches on southern edge rendered untenable by enemy's fire, September 15, 1914, II, 135. Chivres Brook, British crossing of, September 13-14, 1914, II, 129. Chivy, French attack on, and success, April 16, 191 7, XIV, 53-60. Choisy au Bac, bridge destroyed by French engi- neers, illustration, II, 72. Chouy, captured bv French, July 18, 1918, XIX, 96. Chuignes, captured bv British, August 23, 1918, XIX, 172. Chuignolles, captured by British, August 23, 1918, XIX, 172. Cierges, fighting near, October 3, 1918, XXI, 62. Cignicourt, French air raid, August 31-Septem- ber 1, 1918, XIX t 319. Cirey : Bombardment, August, 1914, III, 414. French near, December 24, 1914, VI, 23. German occupation, August 5, 1914, III, 406. German patrols at, before declaration of war, III, 406. Reoccupiedby Germans, August, 1914, III, 413. Cirzancourt, occupied by French, August 28, 1918, XIX, 295. Cite Emile, German attack, August 17, 191 7, XV, 359- Cite St. Auguste : Fighting at, August 15, 1917, XVI, 277. Recapture by Germans, September 25, 1915, VI, 390. Cite St. Pierre, captured by British, April 14, 1917, XIV, 429. Civilians, behaviour under shell fire, II, 164 note. Clarence River, fighting on, April n, 191S, XVIII, 291. Clastres, Germans pushed back to, March 21, 1917, XII, 375. Clermont en Argonne : Crown Prince at, September 1, 1914, III, 430. Illustration, VI, 237. Clermont-Ferraud, American flving school at, XX, 50. Clery : British raids near, February 28, 191 7. XII, 363. Capture by Allies, September 5, 1916, XII, 346. Fighting at, September 14, 1916, XI, 293. Fighting on light railway to Combles, X, 112, 114. Reached by Germans, March 24, 1918, XVIII, 81. Clery-sur-Somme, fighting at, 1916, X, 435, 439, 441 ; XI, 13G. Coal : Shortage and consequent restrictions, etc. XI, 85-86 ; XIV, 242-43. Supply from Great Britain, XVII, 1x6-17, I i°- 172 THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. France : — cont. Coal districts, annexation, demanded by German industrial and economic organisations, May, 1915. V, 198, 109. Coalfields : German damage, XXI, 381. Indemnity, German proposals, XXI, 317. Reparation provisions of Peace Treaty, XXI, 384- Coast : Annexation of portion demanded by German industrial and economic organisations, May, 1915, V, 198. Protection by British fleet, assurance by Sir E. Grey, August 2, 1914, 1, 31 ; V, 288 ; XII, 42. German hopes of possession, and importance of. III, 167-68. Cceuvres, captured and lost by Germans, June, 1918, XVIII, 422. Coincy, captured by French, July, 1918, XIX, XII. Colincamps, captured and lost by Germans, March 26, 1918, XVIII, 94- Cologne Farm, fighting at, August 26, 191 7, XV, 392. Combles : Allied advance north-east of, and gains, September 18, 19 16, XI, 293. Capture of : by British, August 29, 1918, XIX, 298 ; XX, 347. by Germans, March, 1918, XVIII, 79, 82. Description of country round, X, 416. Entered by French, September, 1916, XX, 214. Fighting at, and near, 1916, X, 112, 114, 434, 436 ; XI, 136, 295-96, 301-2. French advances on, September 24, 1916, XI, 298-99. Illustrations, XI, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, 304. Comines : British air raid, May 3, 1918, XVIII, 424. Captured by Allies, October, 1918, XX, 140, =55- Fires caused by Germans, XV, 211. Operations round, October, 1914, III, 34. Train fired on by German Dragoons, October 4, 1914, II, 505. Commercy, fighting at, 1915, XX, 203. and " Commission of the Straits," XXI, 463, 464. Compiegne, II, 483, 503. British retirement through, I, 479. Captured by enemy, August, 1914, XX, 192. Field hospital : Antiseptic methods at, VI, 56 ; XIV, 330-31. Research work, XI, 46. Illustrations, I, 473 ; II, 123, 138, 504. Saving of guns in action near, I, 479-80. Concert parties, for, IV, 495-96. Conchy-les-Pots, captured by French, August 8, iqi8, XIX, 152. Conde : British at, I, 463-64. Fort: Blown up by German garrison, April 19, 1917, XIV, 61. Captured by Germans, May 28, 1918, XVIII, 415- Occupied by Allies, November, 1918, XX, 271. Cond6-sur-Aisne, II, 143, 160. Cond£-en-Brie, fighting at, July 14, 1918, XIX, 88. Conflans : Allied air raids, VIII, 498, 499 ; XI, 131 ; XVII, 366, 367, 377 ; XIX, 177 179, 318, 320. German occupation, August, 1914, III, 406. Consenvoye, Meuse crossed by Americans at, October, 1918, XXI, 70. Consenvoye Wood, French resistance in, February, 1916, VIII, 12-13. Consuerge, fighting at, October, 1918, XX, 120. France : — cont. Contalmaison : Capture of : by Allies, 1916, IX, 504. by British, August, 1918, XIX, 289. Description of country near, IX, 508. Fighting at, July, 1916, IX, 507-8, 512: X, 82, 85, 93, 102. German fortification of, July, 1916, X, 90. Guns in action against, illustration, X, 84. Contescourt, reached and captured by French, September, 1918, XIX, 311, 437. Contoire, captured by Germans, March 28, 1918, XVIII, 98. Corbeaux Bois, see Crow's Wood below, Corbeny : Fighting near, 1917-18, XV, 201 ; XVII, 364. Reached by French, November 2, 1917, XVI 248. Corey, captured by French, July 10, 1918, XIX, a " Corduroy road," illustrations, IX, 45 ; XII, 379 Cormichy, capture of : by Allies, October, 1918, XX, 116. by Germans, May, 1918, XVlII, 415. Cornav, capture of, by Allies, October, 1918, XX, 69, 120-21 ; XXI, 66. Cornet Malot, captured bv Germans, April 12, 1918, XVIII, 300. Cornillet, Mont : and Mont Blond, operations between, map, XV, 190. Description, XIV, 75. Fighting at and near, 191 7. XV, 192, 194, 395 ; XVI, 250. / French attack, April 17, 1917, XIV, 46, 87-90. French successes near, May, 191 7, XIV, 105. German attacks near, July 22-23, I9!7. XV, 197. German reconnoitring towards, June n, 1917, and repulse, XV, 189-90. Summit captured by French, 191 7, XIV, 46, 96-97, 98-101. Tunnel, XIV, 75, 100-1, 101, 141. Cornv, bridge of, French bombardment, April 14, 1916, VIII, 496. Cote de Chatillon, Allied success at, October 16, 1918, XX, 136 ; XXI, 67. Cote de l'Oie, German bombardment, March 2-6, 1916, VIII, 81. Cote du Poivre, fighting at, March, 1916, XX, 209. Coucy : Bombed by British airmen, July 16-17, I 9 J 8. XIX, 106. Front, map, XVIII, 307. Coucy Forest : French penetrate, Septembers, 1918, XIX, 310. in German hands, April, 1919, XVIII, 308. Coucy-le-Chateau : Captured by French, September 5, 1918, XIX, 310. Destruction by Germans, XII, 360. Fighting at, and French retreat, April 7-8, 1918, XVIII, 307. French air raid, March 22, 1915, VI, 39. Illustration, XII, 360. Coucy-la-Ville, captured by French, September 5, 1918, XIX, 310. Coulommiers : British at, September, 1914, II, 77 ; XX, 195. Fighting at, 1914, II, 69. German troops in neighbourhood of, II, 42. Germans ia retreat from, September 7, 1914 II, 75- Peasantry found robbed and destitute after German retreat, II, 76 Courcelette : Allied successes at, September 15, 1916, XI, 277, 290, 306. THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. 173 France: — cont. Courcelette : — cont. Capture of : by British, August 24, 1918, XIX, 173. by Canadians, September 15, 191 7, XVI, 266-67. by Germans, March 25, 1918, XVIII, 87. Fighting at, 1916, and results, X, 423, 425, 426, 432-33. 443. 444; XI, 290-91, 292, 295, 399. 4°9. 41 »• German ammunition depots exploded near, 1916, X, 417, 422, 426. German attacks against, September 24 and 26, 1916, XI, 297, 303. Map of district, XI, 282. Shelled by British, August, 1916, X, 444. Illustration, X, 418. Sugar Refinery, illustrations, XI, 288 ; XVI, 266. Courcelles : British air raids, XVII, 367 ; XIX, 323. Captured by British, August 21, 1918, XIX, 169. Germans cross Vesle at. May 2 7, 1918, XVIII, 413- Germans held at, June 9, 1918, XVIII, 420. Courchamps, Allied success at, Julv 18, 1918, XIX, 47, 97- Courcy : Fighting near, April, 1917, XIV, 59, 61. French advance and raids near, April, 191 7, XIV, 62, 63. Russian attack on, and capture, April 16, 1917, XIV, 57-58. Cour de l'Avoue farm, fighting at. May, 1915, V, 237, 238. Cour de Sapin farm, French advance towards, April 16, 1917, XIV, 53. Courmas, captured by British, July 20, 1918, XIX, 98. Courmont, reached by Germans, May 29, 1918, XVIII, 417. Courtecon : Cleared of Germans, October 11, 1918, XX, 131. Fighting near, January 1, 1918, XVII, 364. French troops at, September 6, 1914, II, 42. German attack near, repulsed, April 18, 1917, XIV, 60. Reached by French, November 2, 1917, XVI, 248. Courtemanche, French advance on, March 29, 1918, XVIII, 191. Courtes Chaussees : Fighting near, March-May, 1916, VIII, 493, 495 ; IX, 167. Italian and French attack near, January 5, 1915, VI, 19. Courthiezy, fighting at, July 14-15, 1918, XIX, 88. the Courtine : Capture by French, October, 1915, VII, 298. German attacks, October 30-31, 1915, VII, 299. Courton Woods : Fighting at, July 24, 1918, XIX, 104. Germans retire from, July 18, 1918, XIX, 97. Reached by British, July 20, 1918, XIX, 98. Cozeul River, fighting on, April 23, 1917, XV, 48-49. Cramaille, captured bv Allies, August 1, 1918, XIX, 119. Cramoiselle, captured by Allies, August 1, 1918, XIX, n 9 . Craonne : Fighting at and near : December 1, 1914, VI, 14. July, 1917, XV, 202-7 : xx . 2I 5- French on outskirts, April, 1917, and capture of, XIV, 53, 71. German bombardment near, March 17, 191 6, VIII, 492. Illustrations, XIV, 68, 70. Stormed by French, May 4, 1917, XIV, 68. France : — cont. Craonne-Reims, battle of, April-May-Jiine-July, 1917, XIV, 37-72, 400-1 ; XV, 181, 182, 189, 197, J 98.. Craonelle : Fighting at. May, 1918, XX, 333. Illustration, XIV, 69. Crapeau, French raid near, March 9, 1917, XII, 367. Crecy : Battle of, XV, 386. Occupied by Allies, October, 1918, XX, 266. Creil, fighting at, 1914, XII, 72. Crevecceur, fighting at, November 21, 1917, XVI, 4^3- Crevecourt, captured by New Zealanders, XIX, 454- Crevic, fighting at, August 23, 1914, III, 419. Crevigy Spur, fighting on, August 10, 1917, XV, 394- Crise River, fighting on, May 30, 1918, XVIII, 418. Crise Valley, French advance to, July, 1918, XIX, 116, 119. Crisolles, fighting near, March 24, 1918, XVIII, 90. Croisilles : Bombardment, December 12, 191 7, XVII, 96. Captured by British : April 2, 1917, XII, 378. August 28, 191 8, XIX, 297. Fighting at : September 30, 1914, II, 491. 1918, XVIII, 59 ; XIX, 174, 291, 292. Croix de Guerre, VI, 389 ; VII, 283 ; XIV, 215 ; XVII, 455; XVIII, 121, 308. Croix Marechal, fighting near, October 29, 1914, IV, 14. Croix Ricard, retaken by French, June 12, 1918, XVIII, 422. . Croix Rouge Franchise, Comite de Londres, work of, X, 105. Crouy : Fighting near, January, 1915, VI, 12. Occupied : by French : March 18, 1917, XII, 372. August 31, 1918, XIX, 301 by Germans, May, 1918, XX, 334. Reached by French, August 30, 1918, XIX, 299 Crowd reading mobilization orders, illustration, II, 440. Crown Prince Tunnel, XVI, 188, 189. Fighling at, August 20, 1917, XVI, 192. Troops in occupation, illustration, XVI, 188. Crows Wood (Corbeaux) : Fighting for : March, 1916, VIII, 86-87. August 20. 191 7, XVI, 193. German advance from, May 28, 1916, and results, TX, 65-66. German attack, March 10, 1916, VIII, 87. German claim, VIII, 93. German reported successes, VIII, 93. Wire entanglements, illustration, VIII, 94. Crozat Canal : British withdrawal behind, March 1918, and French intervention, XVIII, 59 ; XX, 327- 28. Crossed by Germans, March, 1918. XVIII, 61, 64. Fighting on, March, 1918, XVIII, 79. Cuffies, captured by French, August, 1918, XIX, 120, 299. Cuinchy : Artillery work near, April, 1915, V, 53.- Fighting near, January-February, 1915, IV, 236-37. 2 37- German ammunition store near, exploded, April 9, V, 46. .Mining operations near, V, 46 ; IX, 168. 174 THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. France : — cont. Cuiuchy-Hulluch-Grenay salient, fighting at, Sep- tember-October, 1915, VI, 403, 406, 413, 414. Cumieres : Capture of : by Foreign Legion, August 20, 1917, XVL193, by Germans, May 24, 1916, IX, 62, 66. Fighting for possession of, May 24, 1916, IX, 62-63. Illustrations, IX, 63 ; XVI, 194. Cumieres Wood, German bombardment, March 2-6, 1916, VIII, 81. Cunel Wood, Kriemhilde line pierced by Allies at, October 9, 1918, XX, 126. Curlu : Capture of : by British, August 28, 1918, XIX, 297. by French, July, 1916, and subsequent fighting at, IX, 500-1, 502, 504. Fight in the cemetery at, illustration, XI, 155. Cutry, fighting round, June 12, 1918, XVIII, 422. Cuts, captured by French, August 21, 1918, XIX, 289. Cuvillers, captured bv Canadians, October, 191 8, XX, 126. Cys (la -Commune'!, British crossing of canal at, II, 128. Dagny, German troops in neighbourhood of, II, 42. Dallon, captured by French : April 3, 1917, XII, 378. September 24, 1918, XIX, 438. Damery : Captured bv Canadians, August 15. 1918, XIX, 158. German attacks beaten back, August 16, 191 8, XIX, 165-66. Damloup : Capture by French, November 5, 191 6, X, 471. Fighting at, July 11, 1916, X, 446. Damvillers : Captured by Americans, November 9, 1918, XXI, 71. German occupation, August, 1914, III, 406. Danger zone near battle front, illustration, VIII, in. Dannevaux, captured by Americans, September 25, 1918, XIX, 443. Davenescourt capture of : by British, August 10, 1918, XIX, 152. by Germans, March 27, 1918, XVIII, 98. Defence measures after 1870, I, 37, 442-44. Delville Wood : Capture of : July 28, 1916, X, 414. Defence of, X, 408. Fighting in : 1916, X, 93, 95-96, 106, 112, 114, 116, 117, 406. 415, 422, 437, 438 ; XI, 124-25, 128, 129, 130 1918. XIX, 296, 297. Illustrations, X, 415 ; XI, 130. Map, X, 410. Demicourt : Captured by British, April 9, 1917, XIV, 418, 421. Fighting round, March 21, 1918, XVIII, 58. Demuin, captured by Germans, March, 1918, XVIII, 192. Denain : British air raid, January 4, 1918, XVII, 366 Occupied by Allies, October, 1918, XX, 261. Deniecourt : Fighting at, 1916, X, 422 ; XI, 141, 145, 293, 421. Strategic importance to Germans during Battle of Somme, September, 1916, XI, 155. Dernancourt : Fighting at, April 5, 1918, XVIII, 316. Surrendered by Germans, XIX, 124. Desire Trench, fighting at, October 18, 1916, XVI, 268. France : — cont. Destremont Farm, fighting at, September 28, 1916, XI, 309, 310. Devastation by artillery fire in, illustration, III, 184. Dickebusch : Fighting near, July 20, 1918, XIX, 81-82. Shelling near, April 17, 1916, VIII, 484. Dickebusch Lake, British advance near, July 14, 1918, XIX, 80. Dieulet Forest, passed by Allies, November, 191 8, XX, 269. Dijon : Ring fortress designed to shelter beaten armies, II, 52. Zeppelin over, October 20, 1917, XIX, 257. and Disposal of German colonies, XXI, 151, 153-55- Divette River, positions on, April, 1918, XVIII, 306. Doignies : British at, by April, 1917, XII, 376, 421. British counter-attack at, March 21, 1918, XVIII, 58-59. Capture of : by British, April 1-2, 1917, XII, 377-78. by Germans, March 21, 1918, XVIII, 53, 58. Fighting round, March 21, 1918, XVIII, 58, 76. Domart, fighting at, April 1-2, 1918, XVIII, 193. Dombasle, capture by Germans, August 22, 191 4, and recapture by French, III, 419. Dommary, American airraids, August-September, 1918, XIX, 177, 320. Dommiers, fighting round, June 12, 1918, XVTH, 422. Dompierre : Captured by French, July 1, 1916, IX, 500. Failure of German attempt to advance on, January, 1916, VII, 312. Fighting roar, March, 1916, VIII, 491, Doms River, German retreat, XIX, 150. Don: Canal bridge, air raids on, 1915, IV, 395 ; V, 77, 224. Railway lines seized by Allies, October, 191 8, XX, 141. Dondrien, French air raid, December 25, 1914, XIII, 129. Dontrien, captured by Allies, October, 1918, XX, 118. Dormans : Allied advance near, July, 1918, XIX, 104. Fighting at, July, 1918, XIX, ill. German soldiers' graves outside, illustration, XIX, 115. Douai : Allied capture of, October 1918, XX, 257, 261, 359, 418 : XXI. 258. ' Bible of, II, 491. Birthplace of Giovanni da Bologna, II, 484-85. British air raids, 1915-18, IV. 395 ; XVI, 430 : XVII, 377 ; XVIII, 206, 426, 428 : XIX, 178. Burning of, II, 491-92. Captured by Germans, II, 491, 498. College of English Benedictines, II, 491. Factory burnt by Germans, II, 479. Fighting near, October, 1918, XX, 119, 120, 129. proposed Fortification after 1870 postponed, I. 443- German treatment of prisoners at, VI, 253. Kaiser at Christmas Eve party, 1914, IV, 225. Population, II, 491. Threatened by Germans, September 20, 191 4, H, 479- Douaumont : Artillery work near, March, 191 7, XII, 365, 368. Capture of : by French, 191 6, X, 452-71 ; XV, 183 ; XX, 210. by Germans, 1916, VIII, 115; IX, 52, 56, 57. THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. 175 France: — cont. Douaumont : — oont. Fighting at, 1916, VIII, 77, 79, 83, 108, 109, no ; IX, 54-56 ; X, 448, 471 ; XX, 207. Fire in, October 23, 1916, X, 450. Fortification, VII, 488. French attack on, IX, 51-53. alleged German capture, February 26, 1916, and German rejoicings, VIII, 32-34, 37. German attacks on French positions at, 1916, VIII, 29, 30-31, 87, 108, 112; X, 445. German counter-attack in region, July 19, 1917, XV, 189. Germans driven out of, October and November, 1916, XX, 211. Illustrations, VIII, 33, 108, 115; IX, 78; X, 45*. 456. 462- Line, French retreat to, February, 1916, VIII, 19, 26, 27. Map, VIII, 29. Operations as described by officer who took part, IX, 53. Value as observation post, IX, 51. Doulieu : Capture of : by Allies, September 1, 1918, XIX, 302. by Germans, April n, 1918, XVIII, 300. Fighting at, April 12, 1918, XVIII, 291. Doullens : Conference at, March, 1918, XVII, 190, 193-94. Headquarters of General Foch, October, 1914, II, 500-1. Meeting between Generals Foch, French, and Haig, October 8,1914, II, 503,505; XVII, 213. Dragon's Cave : Fighting at, June, 1917, XVI, 221. French attack and capture, June, 191 7, XV, 199-200. Illustration, XV, 201. Dranoutre, entered by British, August 30, 1918, XIX, 300. Drocourt, Allied attack near, October 14, and result, XX, 128-29. Drocourt-Queant line, XIV, 403, 432 ; XV, 42, 43. 54. 59. 63. Breached, September, 1918, XXI, 257. Plan, XIX, 304. Drocourt-Queant- Wotan line, British attack on, April, 1917, XIV, 38-39. Dun-sur-Meuse : Americans established in front of, XX, 269. Captured by Americans, November 4, 1918, XXI, 71. Crown Prince at, August 28, 1914, III, 430. French air raid, August, 1917, XV, 396. French air raids on camps to east of, April 23- 24, 1916, VIII, 499. Dunkirk : Action off, March 21, 1918, XVIII, 51, 337, 339. Bargeloads of reinforcements at, illustration, XXI, 131. Battle line to Belfort, September, 1914, II, 476-77- British Red Cross nurses at, IV, 248. Proposed fortification after 1870, I, 443. French aviation station, XII, 70. German aeroplane brought down at, Novem- ber 28, 1916, X, 200. German air raid, March 27, 1915, V, 42. German bombardments, VI, 204 ; XIV, 153, 156 ; XX, 141. Illustration, II, 503. Long range gun which shelled, illustration, XX, 140 ; emplacement, illustration, XIX, 448. Naval action off. May 19-20, 191 7, VII, 472 ; XIV, 156. Presentation of colours to Naval Brigade at, January 11, 1915, XII, 74. Taube over, October 16, 1914, III, 183, 185. Wounded French soldiers conveyed from, on board hospital ship China, IX, 263. France : cont. Dury, captured by British, September 2, 1918, XIX, 306. Eastern : Artillery work, III, 435-36. Distribution and analysis of French troops in, III, 403-404 note. Fighting, III, 440. French retreat, August-September, 1914, III, 410-14. Position in, before and after Battle of the Aisne, III, 401. Eaucourt l'Abbaye : Allied gains east of, September 26-27, 1916, XI, 303. Fighting near, and capture by Allies, 1916, 1918, XI, 398-99, 400, 402 ; XIX, 291. Ebenvile, light railway plant erected by Ameri- cans, XX, 46. Economic problems, XIV, 241-52. Ecoust St. Mein, capture of : by British : April 2, 1917, XII, 378, 421. September 1, 1918, XIX, 302. by Germans, March 21, 19 18, XVIII, 54, 58. Ecouviez, British air raid, October 29, 1918, XX, 278. Ecouvillon, reached by French, August 12, 1918, XIX, 156. Ecurie, fighting near, February-March, 1915, VI, 40. Education, XIV, 258-59. d'Einville, German repulse near, I, 480. Einville sector, taken over by Americans, October, 1917, XX, 53. Eleu dit Leauvette, reached by Canadians, June 29, 191 7, XV, 213. Elincourt : Captured by French, August 10, 1918, XIX, J52- Evacuated by Germans, October, 1918, XX, 124. Outskirts reached by Germans, June 10, 1918, XVIII, 420. Einbermenie, artillery work near, March, 1917, XII, 367. Enemy trading, policy re, IX, 450. Englefontaine, captured by Allies, October, 1918, XX, 265. Ennetieres, British attack and capture, October 18, 1914, III, 38-39, 441. Eparges Wood, French artillery work, March, 1917, XII, 367. Epehy : British at, by April, 191 7, XII, 376. British raids near, 1917, XV, 211, 391-92. British retire from, March 22, 1918, XVIII, 62. Capture of, by Allies, September, 1918, XIX, 438; XX, 417, 433. Fighting at, and near, 1917-1918, XV, 391-92 ; XVII, 365, 381, 389 ; XVIII, 54, 75 ; XIX, 309-10. German raids, 1917, XV, 210, 391, 391-92. Epehy Sector, British raids, early 1918, XVII, 389. Epernay : Captured by enemy, August, 1914, XX, 192. Germans withdraw from, July. 1918, XIX, 112. Market place, illustration, XIX, 88. Epieds, capture of : by Americans, July, 1918, XIX, 103, 104. by Germans, July, 1918, XIX, 103, 104. Epinal : III, 402. Ring fortress. I, 263, 389 ; II, 52. Zeppelin over, October 19, 191 7, XIX, 257. Epine de Chevregny, fighting near, June, 1917, XV, 198. Epine de Vedegrange ridge. French offensive, September-October, 1915, VI, 332-54, 342, 345. 347. 353- Epinouville, captured by Americans, Septem- ber 27, 1918 XIX, 444. 170 THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. France:— i oh*. Epinoy : Captured by British, September 27, 1918, XIX, 449- Fighting at, October 1, 1918, XIX, 454. Equancourt, capture by British cavalry, March, , 1917, XII, 375. Erbeviller, fighting at, August, 1914. Ill, 422. Erbignies, captured bv New Zealanders, Novem- ber, 1918, XX, 268. Erches, captured by Germans, March 27, 1918, XVIII, 187. Ermenonville, battle front extending from, to north of Verdun, September 6, 1914, II, 42. Erquinghem : Bridge, not defended or broken. III, 37. Germans cross Lys at, April 10, 1918, XVIIi, 299. Ervillers : Captured by British, August 23, 1918, XIX, 172. Employment of prisoners behind the lines at, xii; 247. Fighting at, March 25, 1918. XVIII, 80. Held by British, March 25, 1918, XVIII. 86. Escau. Canal : Allied advance on, October, 1918, XX, 261. Capture of bridgeheads over, by Canadians, October, 1918, XX, 126. Crossed by British, October 16, 1918, XX, 255. Fighting on, 1917, XVI, 414-15, 417, 418, 422-23 ; XVII, 85. Esch, British raid, September 3-4, 1918, XIX, 320. Esnes, captured by New Zealanders, October, 1918, XX, 123. Essarts, British advance near, March, 1917, XII, 308, 369. Essigny-le-Grand, reached and captured by French, September, 1918, XIX, 311, 437. Estaires : British air raid. May 3, 1918, XVIII, 424. Captured and lost by Germans, April, 1918, XVIII, 214-15, 299. Fighting at, April, 1918, XVIII, 214, 215-16. German air raid, March, 1915, V, 42. Esternay, French at, September, 1914, II, 42, 465. Estrees : Captured by Australian?, October 1, 19 18, XIX, 454- Fighting at, and near : 1916, IX, 504 ; X, 84-85, 112, 116, 119, 413, 419,422, 423, 426, 435, 441; XI, 130. October, 1918, and result, XX, 114. German trenches near, illustration, X, 420. Etain : Fighting near, III, 436. French air raids, VIII, 498.. 503 ; XIX, 459. Kt-aing, fighting at : September 30, 1914, II, 491. September 2, 1918, XIX, 306. Etalon, captured by Germans, March 25, 1918 XVIII, 80. Etaples : British hospitals bombed by Germans, XVIII, 431, 429-30, 431. Hospital base, IV, 56. Eterpigny : Captured by British, 191 8, XIX, 299-300, 306. Skirmish at, September 30, 1914, II, 491. Eth, captured by Allies, November, 1918, XX, 268. Etinehem, borders of, captured by British, August 10, 1918, XIX, 153, 154. Etoile Wood, captured by French, 1916, XI, 14°. 4*5- Etreillers, captured by French, September, 1918, XIX, 311. Etrepilly, captured by Americans, July 21, 1918, XIX, 98. Examining peasant's pass, illustration, XIV, 240. France : — cont. Exermont : Captured by Allies, and fighting at, October, 1918, XX, 117. Fighting near, October 4, 1918, XXI, 62. Expedition to Fashoda, I, 295, 302. Expeditionary Force for Gallipoli, see under Gallipoli. Falfemont Farm : British attack, September 3-4, 1916, XI, 133, 135-30. Capture of, illustration, XI, 137. Fighting at, July and August, 1916, X, 417, 428. Fampoux, British attack, April 10, 1917, XIV, 422. Farbus Wood : Canadian advance through, April 10, 1917, XIV, 415. Fighting at, April 8, 191 7, XVI, 272. Faubourg de Paris, fighting at, October, 1918, XX. 123. Fauquissart : British raids near, October, 1916, XI, 405. Fighting at and near : October 24, 1914, IV, 2. May, 1916, IX, 166. Fausse-C6t6, fighting round, October 24, 1916, X, 462-63. Faverolles, captured by French, August 9-10, ' 1918, XIX, 152. Favreuil, fighting at and near, August, 1918, XIX, 291. Fay, captured by French, July 1, 1916, IX, 500. Fayet : Captured by British, XVII, 374. Fighting near, August, 1917, XV, 392-3. Stormed by British, April 1 3-14, 191 7, XIV, 427. Fecamp, illustration, XI, 83. Fdre Forest : Captured by French, July, 1918, XIX, 115. Fighting in, July, 1918, XIX, 104, III, 112. Fere-Champenoise, battle of (1814), II, 54. Fere-en-Tardenois : British air raid, July, 1918, XIX, 107. Captured by Germans, May 29, 1918, XVIII, 4i7- German abandonment, July, 1918, XIX, in. Illustrations, XVIII, 417; XIX, 117. Occupied by French, July 28, 1918, XIX, 116. Ferme des Loges, captured by French/ July 9, 191 8, XIX, 79. Fescamps, capture of : by French, August 10, 1918, XIX, 152. by Germans, March 28, 1918, XVIII, 104. Fesmy, captured by Allies, November, 191 8, XX, 268. ■ Festubert : Battle of, May, 1915^,230-40. Map, V, 220-21. Fighting at, II, 348, 351-52 ; IV, 14, 210, 233 ; VI, 208, 366 ; XVIII, 289, 295, 296. Illustration. IV, 211. Feuchy : British sentry in, illustration, XIV, 427. Captured by British, April 9, 1917, XIV, 417. Germans retire from, August 19, 1918, XIX, 167. Feuillancourt, captured by Australians, August 31, 1918, XIX, 301. Field hospitals, illustrations, VII, 347 ; XIX, 316. Finance : Agreement with Russia, VIII, 211. Bank rate, increase, July 30, 1914, I, 170. One-franc note for use in army only, illustration, XXI, 248. Gold from New York, I, 189. " The Loan of Victory," old French couple devoting savings to cause, illustration, VII, 265. Loans : from America, XI, 391 ; XVI, 338 ; XVIII, 163 ; XXI, 87, 88. THE TIMES HISTOBY OF THE WAR. 177 France : — cont. Finance : — cont. Loans :• — cont. from Great Britain, XVIII, 167. from Japan, XVIII, 164-65. from Spain, XVIII, 166. Measures on outbreak of war, XIV, 247-48. Mobilization of foreign securities, XVIII, 160. Moratorium, XIV, 247. Money market and condition on outbreak of war, I, 168-69, 180, 182. Paper money issued by the French Communes, illustration, XIII, 244. Position : at Outbreak of war, XIV, 246. M. Viviani on, December 22, 1914, II, 474-75. Rate of exchange, fall in, from July 28, 191 4, I, 170, 172. Revenue and expenditure during war, XIV, 250-5 J • War loans, XIV, 246, 249-52. Issue in Great Britain, XVIII, 167. Posters at Bank of France, illustration, XIV, 248. Queue, illustration, XIV, 249. Fireman in burning village, illustration, XX, 121. Fishing rights dispute with Newfoundland, XIV, 183. Fismes : British air raid, July, 1918, XIX, 107. Capture of : by Americans, August 5, 1918, XIX, 123 ; XX, 63, 343. by Germans, May 28, 1918, XVIII, 415. Germans cross Vesle at, May 27, 1918, XVIII, 413- Ruined street in, illustration, XVIII, 415. Fives : British air raid, August 3-4, 1918, XIX, 133. Fighting at, October, 1914, II, 498. Flaucourt, captured by French, July, 1916, IX, 5°2-3- Flaville-Martel, bombed by French, May 6, 1918, XVIII, 425. Flensburg Trench : Action at, postponement, reasons for, XV, 192. French attack and capture, June, 1917, XV, 190-4. in Possession of Germans, June, 1917, XV, 190. Flers : Allied successes at, September 15, 1916, XI, 277. Captured by British, September 15, 1916, and fighting at, September, 1916, XI, 285-86, 286, 287, 295, 303. Concentration of German artillery at, July 26, 1916, X, 119. Fighting near, August, 1916, XI, 125. Flesquiires : Captured by British, September, 191 8, XVII, 102 ; XIX, 449. Fighting at, and near, XVI, 411-12, 416, 417, 421 ; XVIII, 383-84, 392. Steel network for concrete fort left unfinished by Germans, illustration, XVI, 420. Flesquieres Ridge : • British withdrawal to, December 4-5, 191 7, XVII, 94. Fighting at, November, 191 7, XIX, 428. Flesquieres Salient : Evacuation, March, 19 18, XVIII, 65. German attack, March 21, 1918, XVIII, 54. Fletre, British through, October 12, 1914, III, 33. Fleurbaix : Bombardment, April 5, 1915, V, 46. British hold out at, April 7, 1918, XVIII, 214. British raid near, February, 1918, XVII, 380. Captured by British, September 30, 1918, XIX, 446. Mining operations near, May, 1916, IX, 168. Ind. — M France: <o~nt. Fleury : Attacks on, 1916, and capture by Germans, IX, 73-74. Fighting at, and near, 1916, X, 462-63 ; XX, 206, 210. The Spirit of France at, illustration, IX, 75. Fleury-devant-Douaumont : Fighting at, July and August, 1916, X, 446, 448. Germans at, June 25, 1916, X, 445. Fleville, fighting at, October, 1918, XX, 117. Folembray, captured by French, September 5, 1918, XIX, 310. Fonsomme, passed- by French, October, 1918, XX. 126. Fontaine, fighting at, March 28, 1918, XVIII, 190, 191. Fontaine-le-Clercs : Captured by French, September 19, 1918, XIX 437- Fighting at, March 22, 1918, XVIII, 62. Fontaine-les-Cappy, captured by French, August 28, 1918, XIX, 296. Fontaine-lez-Croisilles : Captured by British, August 28th, 1918, XIX, 297. Fighting at, and near, XV, 49-50, 59, 68, 212 : XVIII, 59. Fontaine-en-Dormais, reached by Allies, Septem- ber 27, 1918, XIX, 444. Fontainc-Madame, fighting at, December, 1914, January, 1915, VI, 18, 19. Fontaine Notre Dame : Capture of : by British : November 27, 1917, XVI, 430-31, September 28, 1918, XIX, 451. by Germans, November 22, 191 7, XVI, 426, "430-31- Fighting at, and near, November-December, 1917, XVI, 421, 427 ; XVII, 93. Illustrations, XVI, 422 ; XVII, 80. Fontaine-Uterte, capture by Allies, October, 1918, XX, 124. Fontenoy : Allied attack north of, August, 1918, XX, 347. Crossing of the Aisne at, by the French, September, 1914, II, 136. Food difficulties and regulations, XIV, 241-42. Foret, Mont, quarries captured by British. April 14, 1917, XIV, 426. Forges : Captured by Germans, March, 1916, XX, 209. Evacuated by French, 1916, XV, 183. Forges, Bois de, capture of : by Americans, September 26, 1918, XXI, 60. by Germans, 1916, XV, 182. Forges Brook, crossing of, by Americans, Septem- ber 26, 1918, XXI, 60. Forges sector : French artillery success, March 11, 1917, XII. 368. German attack, March 6, 19 16, VIII, 81, 83, 86. Fort Gerache, Bois du, American advance through, November 3, 1918, XXI, 63. Fortresses : and Barrier forts, I, 2, 37, 63, 390-91, 442-44. 454- Dismantling of, one condition of peace accord- ing to Count Bernstorff, III, 16. Line of, on German frontier, III, 409-10. Fosse, captured by Americans, November 2, 1918, XXI, 69. Fosses Wood : Fighting in, August, 1917, XVI, 194, 201, 203. French bombardment, August 25-26, 191 7, XVI, 200. German bombardment, February, 1916, VIII, 16, 17, 79. 178 THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. France : — cont. Fossoy : Capture by Germans, July, 1918, XXI, 44. Fighting near, July, 1918, XX, 340. Fouquescourt, fighting at, August 12-13, 1918, XIX, 156. du Four, Bois, American advance through, November 3, 1918, XXI. 69. Four-de-Paris : Fighting at, and near. III, 433 ; IX, 167 ; XII, 367; XVI, 251. French artillery work near, March-April, 1916, VIII, 495. French raid near, January 21, 1918, XVII, 374. French round, November-December, 1914, VI, 18. Foureaux, Bois de (High Wood) : Bringing back captured gun from, illustration, XI, 118. Capture of : by Allies, September, 1916, XI, 141, 289, 292. by British, August 26, 1918, XIX, 292. Fighting in, and near, 1916, X, 98-102, 106, 107, in, 112, 114, 116, 117, 415, 435, 436, 437, 438, 439-4°. 44i : XI, 141, 277, 289, 292. German artillery attacks against, August, 1916, and results, XI, 119, 129. Shelled by British, August 5, 191 6, X, 426. Foyet, German attack near, defeated, April 26-27, 191 7, XV, 51. Fraicourt Hill and Wood, storming of, by Americans, October, 1918, XX, 124. Framerville, capture of : by British, August 9, 1918, XIX, 144. by Germans, March 27, 1918, XVIII, 97. Framicourt, French advance on, March 29, XVIII, 191. Franeilly-Selency, captured by British, April 2, 191 7. XII, 37*7. Fransart, captured by Canadians, August 1 5, 1918, XIX, 158. Frasnoy, captured by Allies, November, 19T8, XX, 268. Fregicourt : German counter-attack north of, October, 1916, XI, 400. Storming of, by French, September i\, 1916, XI, 298-99, 301. Strategic importance of, during Battle of Somme, September, 1916, XI, 154. Frelinghien : Bridge defended bv Germans, October, 1914, HI, 37- Fighting at, April 7, 1918, XVIII, 215. Fremicourt, captured by British, August 30, 1918, XIX, 299. French review of situation on February I, 1915, VI. 3-4- French sector of front, trench warfare in, 1915-16, XX, 183. Kreniches, fighting at, March 25, 1918, XVIII, 80. Frescaty, British and French air raids, VI, 39 ; XIX, 459, 462 ; XX, 143, 277 278, 279-80, 281. Fresnes, capture of village by Allies, October 8, 1918, XX, 124. Fresnieries, captured by French, August 19, 191 8, XIX, 159. Fresnoy : Canadians at, May 3, 1917, XV, 55 ; XVI, 274. Capture of : by Allies, October, 1918, XX, u-o. by French, August, 1918, XIX, 143, 293, 294. Fighting round. May 9, 1917, XV, 66. Loss by British, May 8, 1917, XV, 66. Frcsnoy-Bullecourt, Battle of, May, 191 7, XV, 55- Fresnov-le-Petit, captured by British, April 9, 1917! XIV, 418. France : — cont. Fresnoy-les-Roye : Captured by French, August 26, 1918, XIX, 289. Held by Germans, August 15, 1918, XIX, 158. Material abandoned by the Germans at, illus- tration, XIX, 167. " Fretoy, Germans reach outskirts of, June 9, 191 8, XVIII, 420. Freva Stellung, pierced by Americans, November 2, 1918, XXI, 69. Fricourt : Battered remains of, illustration, X, 424. Fighting at and near, 1916, VIII, 491 ; IX, 490, 494, 495, 502 ; X, 106. German bombardment near, May, 1916, IX, 168. Map, IX, 493. Shelled by Germans, August 2-3, 1916, X, 422. Fricourt Wood : Capture by British, July 2, 1916, IX, 491. Description of country, and strategic import- ance of, IX, 491-93, 495. Frieres Wood : Fighting at, March 23, 1918, XVIII, 84. Germans held by French, March 23, 1 > iS, XVIII, 84. Frise : Captured by French, July 2, 1916, IX, 502. French driven out, January 28, 1916, VII, 312. Froidmont Farm, fighting at, October 27-28, 1017, XVI, 246, 247. Fromelles : British shortage of munitions at, May, 19T5, X, 326. Fighting near, and seizure of village by, May 9, 19x5, V, 225. Fromentieres, ammunition wagons abandoned by Germans at, September 12, 1914, II, 67. Frontier : Description, I, 388-90. Germans across before declaration of war, I, 394- Withdrawal of troops some eight miles from, • I, 31, 388. Fruges, headquaiters of 2nd American Corps, XX, 52. Fruty quarries : Fighting at, October 23, 1917, XVI, 235. French attack, May 5, 1917, XIV, 70. Fueilleres, captured by French, July, 1916, IX, 502. Fumin, Bois de, fighting round, 1916, IX, 66, 60. Gauche Wood, captured by British, 1917, XIV, 425 ; XVII, 83, 92. Gavrelle : British raids near, May-June, 1917, XV, 68, 21c. Canadian raids near, July 29, 1918, XIX. 129. Capture of : by British, August 28, 1918, XIX, 297. by R.N.D., April 23, 191 7, XV, 45-46. Fighting near, 1917, XV, 56, 212-13 ; XVI, 71. German attacks, XV, 46, 53 ; XVIII, 45-46. Gavrelle - Fontaine - lez - Croisilles, battle of, April 23-25, 1917, XV, 41-50.. Gavres, I, 71. Genermont : Captured by French, October, 1916, XI, 410. Fighting round sugar refinery at, October, 1916, XI, 409. Genicourt, fort, III, 425. Genlis wood, captured bv French, June 11, 1918, XVIII, 421. Genvry, capture by French, August-September, 1918, XIX, 299, 307. Geny, 3rd Brigade at, September 13, 1914, II, 128. Gerbeviller : Corner of, after the battle, illustration, III, 404. Damage, incendiarism and murder, III, 414, 416. THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. 179 France : — cont. Gercourt : Captured by Americans, September 25, 1918, XIX, 443. French air raid, December 25, 1914, XIII, 128- 29. Germainc, British and French at, March 20, 1917, XII, 373- Germaine Wood, fighting at, August 1 1, 1918, XIX, 154. German offensive of 1918, German and pro- German comments, XVIII, 73-81 ; map, XVIII, 400. German plan of attack on, I, 392. German Press attacks on, 1913-14, I, 22. German raiding parties sent into, August 2, 1914, XX, 187 ; M. Poincare on, II, 446. Germans in : Abandoned gun, illustration, XX, 423. Atrocities, II, 49 : III, 416-17 ; X, 87 ; XIX, 117. Burning of villages, II, 491-9- ; XII, 375. Construction of " booby traps," XX, 274-76. Deportations, XII, 360. Diaries, II, 495-97. Girls carried off, XII, 375. Ill-treatment of civilians, II, 64. Incendiarism and murder, III, 416, 417. Infantry headquarters in March offensive, 1918, illustration, XX, 409. Letters, II, 486, 495 ; III, 29. Looting and destruction, II, 64, 74, 76, 158, 484-85; 111,28; XII, 360-61, 373 ; XIX, 145-47 ; illustrations, XIV, 237 ; XX, 332. Means used by, to effect break through on front, and results of, XX, 412-13. Raw materials and machinery taken, V, 185. Soldiers advancing disguised as peasants, III, 16 note. Terrorism, policy of, III, 24. Transference of troops from Russia, November, 1917, XX, 405. Wearing French and British uniforms, II, 49 ; V, 237. Wells poisoned, XII, 375. and Germany : Agreements re boundaries in West Africa, VIII, 281-83. Commercial Treaty for 25 years, one condition of peace with, according to Count Bernstorff, III, 16. Conditions on which Germany would grant peace to, Count Bernstorff on, III, 16. Declaration of war, August, 1914, II, 447-48 ; XX, 187. German annexations, petition of German in- dustrial and economic organisations, May, 1915, V, 198-99. German assurances against territorial acquisi- tions in return for British neutrality, otter and refusal, July, 29-30, 1914, I, 24-25. German attitude towards, V, 173. German inquiry as to attitude, July 31, 191 5, I, 25. War indemnity to, Count Bernstorff on, III, 16. <;e?nes, fighting at, October 4, 1918, XX, 117; XXI, 62. Gievres, American depot at, XX, 47. Giffecourt, captured bv French, April 3, 1917, XII, 378. Gifts to, offer of South African Field Ambulance, October 8, 1914, II, 272. Gillemont Farm, fighting at, August, 1917, XV, 39t, 392. Ginchy : Allied advance east of, and gains, September 18, 1916, XI, 293- Captured by British, September, igt6, and subsequently by Germans, XI, 135 ; XII, 346. Collecting wounded after the battle, illustra- tion, XI, 145. France: coni. Ginchy : —cont. Fighting at, and near, 1916, X, 417, 437, 438, 441 ; XI, 125, 129, 135-36, 141-44, 146. Map of operations round, XI, 134. Giraffe trenches, fighting at, October 13, 1917, XVI, 235. Gironville, fort. III, 425. Givart, Pont, German attacks against, October, 1918, XX, 121. Givenchy : British raids near, XI, 405 ; XII, 363. Canadians in, April, 1917, XVI, 273. Defence of, by British 55th Division, XX, 4 2 4~ 2 5- Fighting at, and near, VI, 407 ; XX, 200. Germans penetrate lines at, April 17, 1918, XVIII. 295. Mining operations in, June 22, 1916, IX, 175. Raiding activity near, XII, 357 ; XIX, 128. Givenchy Wood, fighting in, VIII, 487 ; XVIII, 289; XIX, 291.' Givenchy-les-la-Bass»e : British attack near, September 25, igi5,VI, 366. Fighting at, and near, 1914-17, IV, 3-4, 236 ; V, 46 ; VI, 208 ; XV, 357. German attacks, January, 1915, IV, 236. Indian troops attack, December, 1914, IV, 217, 219, 221. Givenchy-en-Gohelle : British at southern outskirts, April 9, 191 7, XIV, 415. Capture by Canadians, April 12, 1917, XIV, 426. French attempt on, September 28, 1915, VI, 404. Mining activity near, April 19, 1916, VIII, 488. Givenchy-en-Gohelle Wood, fighting in, Septem- ber-November, 1915, VI, 400, 411, 413, 414; VII, 301, 302. Givenchy-Radinghem Ridge, British retirement from, III, 459,. 463. Givet, French airraid, October 29, 1918, XX, 278. Givry, captured by Americans, July 18, 1918, XIX, 97 ; XXI, 47. Glancourt, captured by Canadians, September 27, 1918, XIX, 452. Glennes, captured by French, September, 1918, XIX, 312. Gobineaux, Bois des, fighting at, October 23, 1917, XVI, 236. Gommecourt : Bomb attack against German trenches, Novem- ber 25-26, 1915, VII, 311. British advance near, March, 191 7, XIT, 365,368. Capture by British : February 27-28, 1917, XII, 363. August 23, 1918, XIX, 172. lighting near, 1916, VIII, 490 ; IX, 490-91. Illustration, XII, 363. Lost by British, July 1, 1916, XII, 363. Gonnelieu : Capture of : by British, December 1, 1917, XVII, 92. "by Germans, November 30, 1917, XVII, 81. Fighting at, September 25, 1918, XIX, 451. Germans driven out by British, and fighting at, April 20-21, 1917, XV, 39. Germans retire from, September 30, 191 8, XIX, 452. Goose Hill, captured by Foreign Legion, August 21, 1917, XVI, 196, 198. Gouttes d'Or, Bois des : French attack, April 16, 191 7, XIV, 53. He-entered by French, April 17, 191 7, XIV, 59. Gouy, fighting at, October, 1918, XX, 114. Gouzeaucourt : British raids near, August, 191 7, XV, 356, 358, 392. Capture of : bv British, XIV, 425 ; XVII, 82-83 : XIX, 45*. by Germans, November 30, 191 7, XVII, 81. 180 THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. France :—cont. Gouzeaucourt : — cent, Fighting at, September 18, 1918, XIX, 437. Gouzeaucourt Wood, reached by British, April 5, 1917. XII. 379. Government : International Wheat Purchase arrangement with Great Britain and Italy, December, >9i5. X, 332. Protest against Treaty of Bukarest, May, 1918, XVII, 56-57. Removal : to Bordeaux, September, 1914, I, 478, 480 ; II, 459-60, 468-72. to Tours and Bordeaux, 1870, II, 468. Return to Paris, II, 467, 472. Willing to attend Conference in London, July, 1914, I, 23. Goyencourt : Captured by French, August 16, 1918, XIX, 293- Held by Germans, August 15, 1918, XIX, 158. Graincourt : Captured by British, November 20, 1917, XVI, 413. 4*4- Fighting at, and near, XVII, 95 ; XIX, 448. Grand Bellois, Allied gains near, October, 1918, XX, ir8. Grand Bois de Somme Py, American attack, October, 1918, XXI, 68-69. Grand Couronne of Nancy : Defence of, III, 408. Description, III, 413. French retreat to, August, 1914, III, 406 ; XVII, 207-08. French victory at, 1914, XX, 182, 188-89, 190. Grand Ham, captured by Allies, October 9, 191 8 XX, 126. Grand Manoir, woods near, fighting in, August 10, 1918, XIX, 152. Grand Morin River, British advance to, Septem- ber 7, 1914, II, 59, 76 ; XX, 195. Grand Pre, II, 122. Assault on Kriemhilde Line at, October 10 1918, XX, 127. Capture by Allies. October, 1918, XX, 69, 136, 258 ; XXI, 67. French air raids, VIII, 499 ; XV, 396. Strategic importance of. III, 434 ; XX, 127. Grand Priel Farm, captured by British, April 13-14, 1917, XIV, 427. Grand Rozoy, captured by French, July 30, igi8. XIX, 119. Grand Ru, fighting at, March 24, 1918, XVIII, 90. Grandcourt : British success near, February 14, 1917, XII, 355- Evacuated by Germans and entered by British, February 7, igr7, XII, 355, 363. Fighting at, October, 1916, XI, 406. German ammunition dumps destroyed near, August 2, 1916, X, 421-22. Gratreuil. reached by Allies, September 27, 1918 XIX, 444. Gravelines, proposed fortification after 1870, I, 443- Gravelle Mill, hand to hand fighting, illustration, XV, 58. and Great Britain : Agreement, 1904, 1, 12 ; III, 282 ; XVIII, 113. Entente, XVIII, 113. Relations : Correspondence re, 1912, I, 17-19. Sir E. Grey on, August 3, 1914, V, 288. under Queen Victoria and King Edward VII, XVIII, 1 12-13. Supplementary treaty with Great Britain, XXI. 377, 379. Sykes-Picot Agreement, XXI, 438, 445. Treaty Act, 1919, XX, 175. France : — cont. and Greece, policy, XX, 7. Greenland Hill : Captured by British, August 28, 1918, XIX, 297 Fighting on. 1917, XV, 53-54, 69. Western slopes, gained by British, April 23, 1917, XV, 45. Grenier, Bois : British raid near, July 31, 1917, XV, 356. British withdrawal from, April 7, 1918, XVIII, 214. Captured in flank by Germans, April 9, 191 8 XVIII, 298. Fighting near, 1915, V, 238.; VI, 208, 363, 3°4- Gressaire Wood : Captured by British, August, 1918, and lost XIX, 144. Fighting at, August 8, 1918, XIX, 141. Grevillers : Capture of : by British, March, 191 7, XII, 368. by Germans, March, 1918, XVIII, 80. by New Zealanders, August, 1918, XIX, 174. Fighting at, August n, 1918, XIX, 154. Reached by Germans, March 25, 1918, XVIII 86. Gricourt : Capture of, by British : April 14, 1917, XIV, 429. September 20, 1918, XIX, 438. Fighting at, September 18, 1918, XIX, 310. Grinons, the, French attack on, and capture, April 17, 1917, XIV, 58. Grisnez, Cap, Zeppelin over, October 19, 191 7 XIX, 257. Grivesnes : Capture of : by French, May 9, 1918, XVIII, 406. and Loss by Germans, March 31, 191 8 XVIII, 191. Fighting at, April 30, 1918, XVIII, 194, 402. Grugies, captured by French, April 4, 1917, XII, 379- Grurie, Bois de la, fighting in. III, 433 ; VI, 18-19, 31, 233. Guemappe : British withdrawal, April 23, 1917, XV, 47. Canadians advance beyond, August 26, 1918 XIX, 292. h^ Captured by British and advance through April 23, 1917, XV, 45, 48-49. Fighting round, April, 1917, XV, 42. German attacks, April 24, 1917, XV, 49. Guerigny, Government factory for armour plate, I, 71. Gueudecourt : British advance and capture of, September, 1916, XI, 300-03. Fighting at, and near, XI, 399, 405, 406, 411, 416, 419 ; XII, 364. German trenches near, captured by British. February, 1917, XII, 358. Gueux, reached by French, August 2, 1918, XIX, 127. Guignicourt, French air raid, August 13-14, 1918 XIX, 178. Guillaucourt : Captured by Germans, March 28, 1918, XVIII, 190. Illustration, XVIII, 191. Guillemont : Capture of by Allies, September 5, 1916, XI. 134-35 : XII, 346. Description of country near, XI. 133. Enemy stores destroyed at, by British, Mav 1916, IX, r68. Fighting at, and near, July and August, [9x6, X, 95, 112, 115, ri6, ri8-20, 4T7, 419, 428, 433-34. 435, 43^. 437. 438, 439-41. 443 ', XI, 119, 128, 129, 134. THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. 181 France : cont. Guillemont : — cont. German aeroplane brought down near, August 3, 1916, X, 423. Illustration, XI, 135. Shelled by British, August 5, 1916, X, 426. Guillemont Farm, German raid at, June 21-22, 1917, XV, 210. Guiscard : Air raids on, XI, 131, 409 ; XVIII 425. Allied retreat to, March, 1918, XX, 328. Capture of : by Allies, September, 1918, XX, 348. by French, March 18-19, I9'7. XII, 373. by Germans, March 24, 1918, XVIII, 80, 88. French driven from, XVIII, 98. Guise : British air raid, March, 1918, XVII, 393. Fighting near, October, 1918, XX, 359. French advance towards, October, 1918, and capture of, XX, 266, 270. Prussian Guard thrown back at, August 29, 1914, II, 64. Guny : Captured by Germans, May 29, 1918, XVIII, 417- French reach, August 22, 1918, XIX, 289. Gury : Fighting at, August 10, 1918, XIX, 152. Germans destroy ammunition at, illustration, XX, 346. Hache, Bois en : British advance to, 1917, VI, 389 ; XIV, 425. Fighting in, October 10, 1915, VI, 413. French capture of, September, 1915, VI, 393, 404. German attacks, and fighting in, October, 1915, VII, 301, 302. Hadime Ravine, fighting at, September 8, 191 7, XVI, 205. Hagen Line, XIX, 441. Hailles, fighting near, May 14, 1918, XVIII, 407. Haisnes, fighting at, September 25, 1915, VI, 384-85. Halluin, captured by British, October, 1918, XX, ^55- Ham : Aerial activity over, July and August, 1916, IX, 506 ; X, 423 ; XI, 131 ; XIX, 178, 319. British air raid, August 9-10, 1918, XIX, 176. Captured by Germans, March 23, 1918, XVIII, 67. Castle, illustration, XVII, 342. French air raids, 1916-18, XI, 146, 178, 425 ; XVIII, 425 ; XIX, 319. Ham-Nesle railway line, reached by French, March 18-19, 1917, XII, 373. Hamel : British cross Ancre at, August 24, 1918, XIX, !73- Capture of, by Americans, British and Austra- lians, XIX," 76, 124, 128; XX, 423; XXI, 41, 43- Fighting at, and near, VI, 39 ; XIX, 77, 78. Hamelincourt, fighting at, March 27, 1918, XVIII, 96. Hancourt, occupied by British, March 20, 1917, ' XII, 373. Hangard : Captured and lost bv Germans : March 31, 1918, XVIII, 191. April n, 1918, XVIII, 196, 308; XX, 33°-3i- Strategic importance of, to Germans, XX, 331. Hangard Wood : Fighting at, 1918, XVIII, 316; XIX, 140. French withdrawal, April 4, 1918, XVIII, 194. Machine gunners in action at, illustration, XX, 331. France : - cont. Hangest-en-Santerre : Captured by Germans, March 28, 1918, XVIII, 190. French forced back at, March 28, 1918, XVII I, 98. " Hansa Line," fighting on, November, 1916, and results, XI, 422-23. Happlincourt, captured by French, August 29, 1918, XIX, 298. Haraucourt, fighting round, August, 1914, III, 419- Hardaumont, recaptured by French, December 15-17, 1916, XV, 183. Hardaumont redoubt, captured by Germans, March, 1916, VIII, 83, 86. Hardaumont Wood, fighting in, X, 468, 472-74. Hardecourt : Captured by British, August 28, 191 8, XIX, 297- Fighting at, July-August, 1916, IX, 502 ; X, 84, 114, 117, 428, 438. Hargicourt : Canadian raid near, February 12, 1918, XVII, 388. Captured by Germans, March 21, 1918, XVIII, 54. 58, 75- Fighting at and near, 1917, XV, 392 ; XVI, n- Quarries, Germans ejected, April 26-27, 191 7, XV, 51. Harpies River, reconnoitring of, by British, October, 1918, and result, XX, 258-59. Hartennes, captured by French and British, August 1, 1918, XIX, 119. Haspres, captured by Allies, October, 1918, XX, 261. Hattencourt : Fighting at, March 26, 1918, XVIII, 93. Held by Germans, August 17, 1918, XIX, 158. Hattonchatel, German bombardment of, Septem- ber, 1914, II, 149. Haubourdin : Bombed by British airmen, August 16 and 17, 1918, XIX, 180. British near. May 9, 1915, V, 224. Haucourt : Capture of : by Canadians, August 30, 1918, XIX, 299. *by Germans, April 5, 1916, VIII, 107. German bombardment and attack, April, 1916, VIII, 106-07. Haudromont, fighting at, October 24, 1916, X, 449, 4°8. Haudromont, Bois de, German infantry collected east of and bombardment started on French during assault on Douaumont, 1916, IX, 54. Haudromont Farm, German attacks in district south-west of, March, 1916, VIII, 83, 84. Haumont : Evacuated by French, February 22, 1916, VIII, 12, 16, 19. Fighting at, October, 1918, XX, 120. French resistance at, February, 1916, VIII, 9, 11-12. German bombardment, VIII, 12. d'Haumont, Bois : Fighting at, February, 1916, XX, 207. French resistance in, February, 1916, VIII, 8, 9-10, 11-12, 19. Haussy, German counter-attack at, October 16, 1918, XX, 254. Haut, Mont, fighting on, XIV, 90-92, 97, 105, 106 ; XV, 194, 197, 395 ; XVI, 250. Hautebise Farm, Germans repulsed near, May 8-9, 1917, XIV, 103. Hautevesnes, captured by French and Americans, July 18, 1918, XXI, 47. Hautmont, captured by British, November 7, 1918, XX, 271. 182 THE TIMES H1ST0BY OF. THE WAR. France : — cowl. Havre, II, 166, 461-62. Army Service Corps base, IV, 308. Belgian War Office, St. Adresse, near, illustra- tion, III, 3. British Expeditionary Force at, I, 453. Bombardment bv Admiral Rodney, 1759, 111, 154-55- German airraid, July 31, 1918, XIX, 132. Hospital base, IV, 46, 51, 55. Evacuation, IV, 49. King George at, October 22, 1915, VII, 283. Operations of Inland Waterways and Docks Department at, XXI, 138. Salvation Army rest house, IV, 508. Torpedo craft construction works, I, 71. Transfer of Belgian Government to, October 13, 1914. HI, 7, 9. U21 off, November, 1914, VII, 138. Havrincourt : British raid near, August 18-19, 1917, XV, 391. Captured by British, XVII, 102. November 20, 1917, XVI, 411. September 12, 19,18, XIX, 309. Fighting near, XVI, 71 ; XVII, 375. German raid near, February 4, 1918, XVII, 380. Havrincourt Wood : British in, April, 1917, XII, 379; XIV, 418; XV, 50. Fighting near, April 4, 1917, XII, 379. Haynecourt, captured by Canadians, September 27, 1918, XIX, 449. Hazebrouck, II, 503. Bavarian patrol at, October 8, 1914, II, 505. British at, October 11-12, 1914, 111, 32. Fighting near, October, 1914, III, 171. German air raids, IV, 10 ; V, 42. Grande Place, illustration, XVIII, 300. Hebuturne : Battle of, June 7-9, 1915, VI, 227-28. British raid at, July, 1918, XIX, 80. Fighting at and near, 1918, XIX, 80, 128. German raid near, repulsed, August 3, 1918, XIX, 129. Hebuterne area, artillery work, XIX, 128. Height 190, French offensive, September, 1915, VI. 33'J. Height 295, see Le Mort Homme below. Hem : Capture of : by British, August 29, 1918, XIX, 292. by French, July, 1916, and subseq